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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1894)
Site cwocrai. Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per .year n advance. $.t.oo at end oi year. Thk 4lh at Leranun. The celebration at Lebanon promises to be a live event Here is how it will be done. The pro cession will be funned by the Grand Marshal, assisted by bis aids, promptly at 9 o':lock, a m take up the line of march: First division. Tangent band with flax bearer, 44 Indies on horseback in immediate charge of marshal, carriage containing officers of the day, speakers and invited guests, liberty car with Goddess of Liberty and 44 little girla. Grand Army of the Republic, Ladies' Relief Corps and Sons of Veterans. Sec ond division : Lebanon band with flag bearer, A O U W.KOTM, and other societies, Westfall's Chariot with 12 singers, Smiley's Priming Prets, of Al bany, on wheels, Lebanon Paper Mill, Klectric Light Company. Third di vision : Church Societies with Sunday Schools, city officers o! all visiting towns, city officers of Lebanon, citizens in car riages, cit'iens on horseback, citizens on foot. March on Maple street to Second, down Second to Vine, along Vine to Main, alonn Main to Bridge Ave and to ne grand stand, where will be render ed the following program : Music by the Tangent band, music by the Lebanon band, song by Glee club, "The Union We Hail," praver by Rev J H Beanie, music by Lebanon band, reading of the Declaration of Independence by D P Mason, music by Tangent band, song by Glee club, "Freedom 's Sons," Oration by Hon R T Piatt, muiic, Lebanon band, eong Glee club "America." Dinner, grand barbecue. Free meat, under the supervision of Ed Kellenberger. Afternoon exercises : Music by Tan- fent band, music by Lebanon band, eclamatian by A W Wight, solo by C H Hart, speech by D F Sumerville, speech by J R Wyatt, speech by A J Johnson, music. Plug uglies. A match game of base ball will be played on the public square at 1 p m. Cue prize, $10. Races will take p'ace on Main street at 4 p m under the supervision of the Grand Marshal his aids, in this order: Hose race, hose race, bicycle race, foot race, foot race, ladies race, fat men's race, sack race, potato race. In the Inkrkst of Sciexcs Mr Frank Kramer and Otaki, representing the sci entific depattment of the tish com mission, of Palo Alto, have been in the city seining the rivr to ascertain what fish we have here. Mr Kramer is assist ant commissioner and O'.asi. a bright onng Japanese, is a recent graduate of tanford Iwino in ih. nl... .lit, P, ! Stanford, being in the class w ith Percv Young and Carlton Sox. Tney found twelve species of fish here, among the number being, the chiselinooth, Iresh water herring or Reeky mountain white fish, the Columbia sucker, two varieties sculpin. or mud cat, the Colombia Trans montana.a species of fish only known for two years, a cross between the salmon and perch, and several kind of mimows.e They ran across no trout. From her Mr R ranter and Otaki went to Oregon City Tub sew county officers have taken their seats, and the old officers will gradually retire after the usual initiation. Sheriff McFeron is the tallest and heav iest, being 'fleet 4 and weighing about 215 pounds. His deputy, Mr Quincv Propst, a gradu&te of the Albany college, is the shortest. The County Treasurer is probably the lightest. Superintendent Rutherford is the beat looking, and is also a voting man of excellent attain ments. Mr Needham, the clerk, is per haps the oldest, excepting bis deputy, Mr Redfield, who is not a new man, HrHardman is neither tall, abort, broad nor thin. The Man about Town has paid his respects to the men, and though he did not help elect then , expects to bore them for news for a couple years, and i iias no uonrjt ne will nnd them agreeable men in this respect. Rev F W D Mays, editor of th Pomeroy Independent use thes following choice and characteristic language in getting even with a burglar: "We desire to invite that low, dirty brute who entet?d our honse on Sunday night to repeat hisj visit and our firearms will be handy enough to make holes for the maggots to eras! out of his carcass. We adviee the citizens to keep a gun in place for the low scrub and kill him so dead when he pro vis around that his hearing will be improved by his transfer to the cauldron of bell whore his dirty soul will be clothed in the purple and excruciat ing fires of damnation instead of bard labor n the penitentiary where the abortion should be doing time." Moire silk f r trimniDir, io the staid and new shades, jast received at S E Young's. Y OOD'S nSarsaparilla is carefully prepared by experienced pharmacists from Sana pari Ua, Dandelion, Man drake, Dcck,Pipssisewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative j an power Peculiar to Itself, not pes m sessed by other medicines. Hood's arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, Bolls, Pimples and all other affections caused bj 1 impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com tfkfeA plaints. ItlsXotWhal we Say, hut what Hood'i Mm Sarsaparilla Does, that fl Tells the Story Hood'i Sarsaparilla URES 1 Hood's PHI ara genUe, mild and effective IT WILL drive the hnmor from vour system, and make your skin clean anu siiiuuiu. nwwi tu,1Htou. Blotches which mar your neauty are caused by IWIfUKt dluuu, They can be removed in a short time, If you are wise and nse the great blood puriner, puipnur swi TRY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. Why stiffer with Boils ? Why r?,e with that terrible Headache r W ny lay and toss on that Ded or yarn with RHEUMATI8M7 Use Sul phur Bitters. They will cu'e you where all others fall. The dose is canal 1 only a teaspoonfu!. THY IT and you will be satisfied. The young, the aged and tottering are soon rv.ade veH Dy Its use. Remember what you read here, it may save your life, It. has RAVED HUNDREDS. If you are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old age, use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail to cure. Get It of your Druggist. DON'T WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CURS YOU. Bend 3 2-cent tarap to A. P. Ordwny & Co., Bostou, Mau., tor best medical work published Dr H E Bevers. Dr O K Beers Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women. Uou's io to is A M, a to 4 and 7 to 8 P M Offices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth. tJEO E FIH I THE PLUMBER. Tin r ) i njj ul j ;. I.lkcd Albany. A correspondent of a United Presby terian paper in the east writes about Al bany as follows: The Assembly is over. Albany seems deserted. A special of eight Pullman coaches started awny loaded with delegates and visitors Wed nesday night. San Francisco is the next objective point of the excursionists. All were loathe to leave this pleasant, hos pitable city of Albany. And the people of Albany seemed sorry to see their vis itors depart. One would think that with the burden of entertainment that has been on them for a week it would be a great relief when this hungry, chicken devouring multitude had gone. One little girl, at least, had begun to feel the burden of so many visitors. With so many strangers in the home she probably thought she was not getting from papa and mamma the attention that was her due, and she said one day, "Mamma bow long is these mens going to etav here'."' Her mamma replied that they would j likelv be here for two or three days yet. "Well mamma," said the little one, "I ! tant wait." With so many people de- j pendent upon their hospitality on woa ders how these older people were able to wait with such patience till these"mens" were all gone. But generous hospitality seems to be one of the Lest cultivated virtues of these western people.aud they j have certainly taken great pleasure in preparing and entertaining the A.ssemby j and visitors. It is needless to say that the delegates and visitors have greatly en -joyed the stay among these good people. They will all look back upon the week spent in Albany as one of the most pleas ant experiences of lite. There will al ways be warm and loving memories of this place and these people. Nature and man seems to vie with each other in making our stay here pleasant. Bright sunshiny days, trees and shrubs and flowers luxuriant with bloom, cool, rest fa', nights, delightful homes, tables fairly i groaning under their load of "good : things"-what could have been added to ' make the visit to Albanv more pleasant? And this meeting of the Assembly will. I think, go npon the record as one of the j most pleasant held in late years. Har-! mony prevailed through 'all the doliber-, ation. it costsa good deal in traveling ex-: penees for the Assemby to come out here, j Will the return justify the expenditure? i Why ask the question ? D has justified it already in the blessing brought to these in the west and those from the j east. And even from a financial stand- , point, it is safe to sav the retrrn will , soon more than justify the expenditure tlirough increase of contributions to the general work of the church both from 1 east and west. Let the Assembly come me 1 aciuc coast again in three or tour years- year will hardly be able to wait longer : thn tl,.i f n,; .i, i 1 ... nose who aia not get to go mis u.u iu.uur .ueir murn urn uiey nrar Kansas City. July 2, 1894. Mr G M G Glais and Mr Busweil attend ed camp meeting at Turner Sunday. Quite a number of young people of Kansas City attended the social at Knox Butte Wednesday evening. A number of voune ladies visited at Mr Mr JR Dong bus. Tilden Irwin is intending to take a trip np the North Santiam iu a few days. A gentleman representing the Oregon City paper mi'ls, waa in oar precinct last week on legal Business. Kdwin Landis of our precinct has moved to his farm in Canada. Lost, oa First street in Albany one black derby bat almost new lost while j receiving the contents of hydraant, from , the hands of a lady party, resuming the same from a First street boarding ! house will receive my sincere thanks and a liberal reward. Shorty. Thx Official Votk The official count of the vote for the state offkera has been made, resulting as follows: Secretary of State Kincaid. 41,125, McKercber, 2108; Nickel, 13.'X)1 ; Wake field, 25.3CS Treasurer Caldwell.23.680; Davidson, 18.124; Metschan, 41,009; Rirbaidson, 2355. School Superintendent Harford.277C; Irwin, 3j,608; Jory, 22,345; Reid. 24.C16 State printer Leeds. 40,957 ; McKib ben, 2:3S; O'Brien, 19,991 : Orton, 23, 211. Attorney General rtrigiit, 2289; Holmes, 19,490; IdL iman, 38;449; Olm stead, 24.191. Supreme Judge Bennett, 20,847 ; Boise, 23,492; Hackleman. 2312; Wolverton, 39,875. In The Lead. The Oregon Pacific is two laps in the lead. The Pullman I strme nas made no interference with its train service. The O f will be all right I moie and more as its line is pushed over the mountains into tavern Oregon and to '-ranscontinenta: connection. Then it ! will own its own rolling stock and i this neck of the woods will be on the hieti road to more complete development. Statesman. A Great Record. Especial attention is called to the announcement of the Price Baking Powder Company on another page of this issue. There can be no question of the high standard of their goods, as thetr purity and intriusic merit have been estab- lshed bevond a shadow of doubt. The World's Fair record is one of which any company might be proud. A First STBkEr Scknk. Talk abcut Chicago; Albanv had some of her fun today. Mr vra ance is putting a new sidewalk down in front of hisrirst etreet property, nearly a foot above grade. The committee on streets ordered it down to grade. This caused a live time, and Mr Vance declares he will put it down if it costs $500. New Law Firm. Judge D R N BlacW bum of this city, and John M Somere of Lebanon, have entered into partner ship to carry on the busineess ot attor neys in this city. These gentlemen are well known as able caretul attorney!, and now ask a fair Bhare of the busi ness in their line. See card in another column. Died. Monday morning, July 2, in Albany, Prince Morgan, aged 17 years 3 moe and nine days. Another invoice of Gilberts fist black salteen in plain and brocaded. AIo per calinei In lart black rnd colors and fast black orgrandles just rectived at Samuel Young's . When my little prlrl waa one month old,Ue had a sirab form on hi faeo. It kejit spreading until she wa rumple rlv covered from head u foot. Then she had Ik., Is. She hail forty on her head at one time, a;il more on her body. When six months old sli? did not weiph seven) ounds, a iound and a half less than at birth. Then her skin started to dry up and got ao bail she could not shut her i-yi-s Io sleep, but lay with them half ojien. About this time, 1 started using tho CUTSCCKA KKMi'.i'ii'", snills one mmlh he trut completely cured. The doctor and drug bills were over one itundret dollar, tho Ctrxiotraa bill was not more than fift dollar: My child la now strong, healthy, and large as any child of her age (ce photo.), and It i all owing toCuTicLKA. Yours with a Mother's Blessing, Mo. IKO. H. TUCKKK, .lit., 31 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bold throughout the world. Pottib Daeo n Cubk Corp., Bole I'rops., Boaton. "All about the Blood, 9kln, Scalp, aod Hair," mailed free. Itaby memUhes, falling hair, aod red, rough hands prevented and cured by Cutlcnra Soap. WOMEN FULL OF PAINS V Find to Cutlcnra Ant 1-Pain Plas ter instant aod grateful relief. It I Regular meetl.ig of the W 0 T U ti-morrow nftrr noon. The next grand lodge of Good Templars will be held a, Lebanon, next year. A Lane county man It shipping 35 tons of chlttltn bark to New York. All fees for recording will have to be paid In advance now as no recording. S N Steele & Co have a fine exhibition cf trulls In a conspicuous place al fe de pot. The city Bottling Co Is doing a big business. Their bottled goods are so superior ns to cause a big and increasing htisineta f.-.r thorn A'hat Congress has done" is the name of a new book just published. On opening I nothing is found but blank pages. It is said that Lou'.e Hawkins, the Sweet ; Home woman'' who had lived as a man, ' was -dtnpiy a hermaphrodite. Wells Fargo's express yesterday brought j a shipment oi goods to Albany by way of Pcrtland and the steamer line. Clatsop county has had the rot" tint! lot of officials of any County In Oregon. 1 Whoever has any thing to do with some ot them as a rule get led. Fred H Allen has opened a billiard j and pool loom in the place formerly occu pied oy Boenlcke Bros. He will keep cigars, c infectlonary am! temperance drinks. The funeral servlctscf Pri.iceA Morgan who died 1 his morning, will be held at the Baptist cu-cb to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock am. The interment will be in the famiiv grave vaid near Shedds. This noon the fireman on the south bound loca' struch and refused to coo-j tinue the trip; but was finally persuaded i to remain with the engine. It is reported that both Irca's will be iled up to-morrow ; An attempt was made to makeup a train at Ashland for the north; but striking e"VPye.,are w coupling pins m poured ., "V , ihroaSh ,f P- Wen Vance is greatly improving his property. Whiiethe side waik was be-j in8 'orn up quite a fishing paity was form-! ed "d 95 csn,s in Hver was found where , 'he wa'k t,cd been. We are informed that L W Deyoe has ' the lumer on the ground to erect a new I store bal ding at E.k Ciiv, and as soon as ! the building is completed be will pu' In a stock of genera! merchandise. Since Judge Burt his stopped bu.inesg al that riace it lea-es a good opening for a store, Lincoln Coumv Leader, The A,b IVrnocrl, hl, an in,cre.t. j ; i-..-, ..... . . d-.. . m Hi,l. who reol to China as a mission.rv. It is da-e 1 at Stu Fo , China. andmailedo-i Mav 1 and hence was n-nr! eight weeks on the way Rev Hill and wri'e "fished toae-he ron the rVrfs . ew ,l e ns"etl loie'"' on the reef, at New- pot lt year. -Junction CUy Time. College.that he was riding to the junction with tt.eO P on ihe S P whe he Intend ed to get off, as the train stopped near his home, when he becan-e absorbed Ir. a book and rode past. Tie conductor re fused to slo? the train at firs', but finally did so near the Jewish cemeterv. W R Bilyen went to Salem this noon. : Miss Kore Sheeland, of Portland Is . visiting at the residence of C Hodes. , Kugene Guard. Mr and Mrs Sacrey anl daughter left at 4 o'clock a m on their bicy.e trip to . Roseburg. F H Bryant, recently assistant tuper inter.dent of the reform school, was in the city today and will go to San Kran cis.'o by the n xt O P steamer. Mrs Hand, of Albany, is here visiting : ! with ber daughter, Mrs L W Hevoe, and 1 enjoying the bletsires of our delightful j j climate -.Klk City Cor. Corvallis T: jjee. ' Miss Mand Bethune's eleventh birth I day was made a pleasant affair Saturday af'ernoon by a party of young friends. 1 The region around the Red Crown mi.U 1 as alive for several hoars with their 1 , frolics. i Mr August Stark recently graduated ; ' from the onica! school in Chicago, end j received his diploma. Mrand Mrs Stark will return to Albany next week. Will A Stark will after then make a specialty ' j of fine optical goods, with, the advantage 01 rr Marx ? su'ierior Knowledge ot the business. CIRCUIT COURT. Milton Ibile .lift J A T.ienvn.! M al Fore of Mort. Nonsuit on motion of nlff. , D H Peteon 1 1 II Wilk Sn. e, ! al. w rit ot review. l aken under visement for decision in vacation. In estate of Martha Hunter. Appeal. Taken under advisement for decision in vacation. Guaeppe i Mattuoe agt Kate . . . Jiaiasce. ; 'iorce. ,-aine. Linn County National Bank agt Hank of Oregon et al." To set aside assignment. Heard on pleadings and hetiiiwaij I';irties to serve briefs on each other bv "Julv 9th . i sv ... - , . . - . t- , and hie with judge at ebsaWMH at Salem 1 briefs and counter briefs with papers and extension of testimony by Julv 10. ! ... .. wiAt OnaM flans livetnergetic 6 . men: men wr.o win preiuie .-rmiettiing and n? and those who will add intrinsic value to the . . . , . .... i iana uy cuiti rating ana improving it; men who wnl get npaarly in the morning and work six days in the week; men who will not be contented merely to scratch the ground and make a bar.' Kma but men , !I i ,.,.,,.,-,. . and keep the top soil mixed with the sub-soil ! and keep gathered up all the loose capital ' lying around the barn yard and cut it to j the field, spreading it broadcast on the j land. In a few years he will have a soil a foot deep, that will produce bountiful crops, j which will make everything comfoMable and happy around him," and had limes will vanish- Good homes and good lands and respectful treatment are guu-ante?d to II who will come to Oregon and carry out the above Use cultivation. Ex. r. upr,u,u,u., u,.v,u..,, i Too Ark A IX Riuiit If you take your washing to the Albany Steam Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something ia the matter of vou. Hon ran you go to a Chinese establishment with a tirst-class 'eam laundry in the city. Uon't do it. He all right by quitting it. Snpjiose you do make a few cents; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany Steam Laundrv. Wood Sawino. The undersigned prepared to do wood sawing, and splitting and piling if desireJ, on terms to suit ths times. Leave orders at the faed storo ot l M Robertson one door east of the Dem ocrat office. G S Achsson. Wild Black Bkbbiem. liurinir the present season I will admit isnrsons to mv wild blacklierry fields at 50 centa per day . will admit no one before July :th. Kernes not very plentiful. K Wnxs. a 11 'w Ha'r Ken :wer cures dandruff and c p affection ; also all cases of baldne&s wheic the glands which feed the root ot the hair are not closed up. Buys Wool and Giiain Mr A Henders announces to the public that he is in the fiId to buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his headquarters at the store of M Kternburg, corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany. C'ean towel toeverv cuiomer at Vioreck duving parlors. The bestjrnaat notice in tbe mty at Cnniad (djyer If you waot a Hue amo's' call for Joaeph, white labor cigara, Bath at Viereok ahavini and hair satting parlors. I have just received another Invoice of those popular priced sun umbrellas. Samuel E Young. Did you know that Tinkle made the finest photo, see the new sample snd get his prices. Remember Tinkle positively guarn'ee his photcs, us yr-u will be sure to be pleat ed with your picture if he makes them. Try him once. A Free Picture! Bee Tinkle about get ting a life lze crayon fiee. U S Bakery bread I first elas. Ca at Second and bitween El sworthand Lyon streets. jr. Price's Creun Baking Powder TXJIl, JD ATZ HOME AND ABROAD The telephone business. line Is doing a rattling People going to Lebanon to celebrate will find a good walk all (he way to the grounds. There are just as inaiiv 4th of Julv celebrations and just about as much money s;ent us usual, a significant fact. We are having pretty c'oudy weather financially in Hie U S but mark Ihe fact I lh,t 11 wi5' be followed by gjnshlne An Independence boy, K.irl It'issel, was lined for stealing chtrries. It took a jury to decide the matter. The Canadian Pacafic is not affected by the boycott; tut how can you reach the C P. A Magnolia ii'ooin at Hodges and Mc Farlands, has attracted attention today. It s from the yard of Martin Payne. Twenty one people arrived at the Bsv yesterday on the Homer Iro-n SanKran Cisco. The traffic of the line it is thought wUI be 8retllJ Increased. No 1 of the Corvallk Informer, with Bert Van Cleve and Gene Simpson at the helm comes to time. It is full of snap and deserves to make the riffle. The Polk county observer says: Associ ate Circuit Judge-Elect H H Hewitt will change his residence from Albany to Mc Minnvllle this week. As tomorrow is the glvrious 4th the Democrat will follow the time honored custom and celebrate with the crowd, hence no paper In the e veiling . Junction Citv is to have to celebrations to-morrow. Two crowds are trainar to run things, ar.d the result ought to be a celebration worth seeing. Klamath, ;;t.V4) is gradually working his way eastward. Two weeks ago he! i turned up at Trinidad, Col, where he won ; the free for all, defeating Rose and Rac at. The firm of Maston St Davis have dis solved partnership. Dr Msston will re main in his office opposite the Democrat office, while Dr Davis wi)! locate in the Foshty Mason Blo:k. The Eagle screams tomorrow . Albanv people will go awa) from home, as a rule, to listen 10 Its clarion notct.gcnerallv very disc3rdant ones. The front ar.d Lebanon will divide the crowd. One druggist in Colfax sold $100 worth , of strychnine inside of 24 houis, acd a : 600-acre wheat farmer tell that his boys j shot .vJO or 400 squirrels a day and at the , time h told it he was buying poison to i help the work along. Instead of going 10 Liquor Cures ac cording to a new idea oranges will do the business. All salted and heavy stuSs shou.d be avoided ar.d oranges used. They should be taken, one at a ti i e, be fote breakfast, at 1 1 a m. at 1 p m, at 3 p in, at 6 p in. and tha last thing on retiring. I Apples and lemon juice are also excellent. ; A bill was introduced some time ago in 1 i congress to abolish the Yaqulna custom ' house, a!ong with many oiheit of Us class. ! I The reason assigned fortheproposi'.ljn rvas ' that the expenses of these customs houses 1 , exceeded tni revenue collected. The ways , and means committee has made a report hostile t o the bill's adoption, and Yaqulna 1 ' will continue to have a cu tom house and officer. SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL. Mo- . . . , this noon " ' ; Mr and Mr H G Coltoo and Mia Addie George went to Portland thi noon. Mrasd Mrs iliie Wrieht, of Con alii came from that ci".y this noon and will go on the excursion to the front tomorrow. Mr Jos Cox has returned from Crook county, by way of the Ihanon road. He reports four miles of snjw, five feet dep in places, on the l aacade. E J McCaustland. fomierlr f thi city. will be professor of history at the Mon-; mouth school and not of mathematic . ai I heretofore stated. Mr C H Stewart. Stanley. Murv. Ri-h ami Kate Stewart and Mr- Henrietta Hnwn went to Va iuina Bav this noon for their summer oating. John Templeton and Harry Miliiorn ar j arriveI in Albany yesterday from Prineville. They report the snow nearly all irone. Mrs l'opham left a few day ago for Cal ifornia. where she will reside. She i now tied UP in tbe trik at j i - - - auBsa au'i i.uiuu :itj--: aw wasas l : . . 1 1 . 1 i i, ; - eoum lert this n on I r r ). - - r i . . .. . . ; man was anticipates! on accoan of the I uncertainty as transportation. T I' Irew of Hnimerlv ntiiv fame was in the vallev last week and registered at the , a, Ashland. Tiroes. Now inter - ested in the Santiam mines. Mis Nettie Whitney, who is teaching school at Cloverdale. fell from her horse this morning at that place, and received I " I , . t r - eerc iTui-a-a ainui me iaiT. r-ne was uu- . ,: , ' "7 ' MlS8 OraceTryon. of Albany, is spend ing her vacation holidays with Miss Nellie Lattv, who is housekeeping for her uncle. W T" Burrus. Indepennem-e Enterprise. ... - ilja. Grant and I'a-.v Iroman. I B Monteith. ir l w.i . ' i-... . , i - t I . i I.i i .u:. a. .. : state sbo.t. Mr Monteith will go on f A(rtoria while al)3ent , . . , , . ; , Mr KfT an;' ffra,nd 'lauSl'tCT !ef j for 3 T,,,t ' relatives. I hiring Mr Parkers absence; went w i ui Liiiiiu ,111- tiiiii i" .hi :. i me :- ... .. ., , , , , ., , u . ill attend the business of ritv treasurer. A party of Eastern Ster people of Cor vallis came to Albany hist night on a spec ial train ami weie entertained at the temple by the Eastern Star ladies of Albany. After initiation a banquet was given. J Fred Yates, the popular young attor ney of thi city, has removed his office to rooms 25 and SB Strahan block. Albany. Or where he will continue the practice of ; law. Fred has many friends in thi city' who wish him unlounded success in his new field of work. Corvallis Informer, j The following personals are taken from the Corvallis Informer: lr T C Mackey. of Albany, was in the cit7 Saturday. Miss Bertha Ellis returned to her home in Albany today after spend ing several days in this city, the guest of Miss Louise Weber John Crawford, an Albany capitalist, waa in the city few hours yesterday. Miss Bessie Dorris, of Albany, is visiting; friends in this city, accompanied by Miss Emma Young. Ed Will, wife and daughter Ijvcrne, of Al bany, WH1 in this city yesterday. "10VTS Tills We offer One II any case of Catarrh til it Dollars Iteward for t rannot be cured by Uall's Catarrh Core. P. J. CHKNKY StCO.i I'rops., Toledo, O. Wo tho BleJersignvd, bars known P. J, Cheney for the last v )i..r-, and. believe hint perfectly howorabls in nit liiiiineaatraasactloaa end Br.anclally able to cirry out any obligation made by their Ann. Wwn ATatrax. Wljotevale Druggists.Toledo.O. Waldino, Kinnav A- MabVISt, Wholesrlo Drug- fista, Toledo, O. 'a Catarrh Cora I taken Internally, act fngdireclly up -u the bl tod and mucnua ur faces of the svti ri. Price 75c. per hottSSi bold by all Driii:ki-' awniala free. Julius Gradwohl informs us that hi branch store ot, Secons street will be open from this day on in regular form of business. The same will be a cah store. Come and try and satisfy yourtelvc that the cash ytem I the only true one In business. It you take hi advice you will never have any hard times. J Uradwoiil. The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla, once lalrlv tried, becomes the latuliy medicine speaks volume for its excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sarsapaiilla is Nature's oo worker. Hoiid's Pills become the favorite cathartic wlih every one who tries them JSC- Cabkage, Green P as, Celery, Sweet Pot toe, N w PoLatoe, & Oil l lies At C E Brownell. C E Biownells grocery store isl increas in popularity. He carries a fine stock In a ilght room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O, To make ths hair grow a natural color, prevent baldDas,and keep the scalp healhty Hall's Hair Renewer wa invented, and has proved Itself successful. THK NATIONAL STRIKi: SpaK-lal to the ').., ku 1 CltlCAOO, July 3. Todays developments in the great Pullman American Railway Union strike has len prolific in sentation 11 ism. Rumors of war like nadir.' went float nil day yesteiday but proved later to lie untrue. With the exception of one deputy U S marshal being used rather rough'y at Blue Island the whole thing proved to M wind. Judges QfOMGBO Mid Woods have lioth granted injunctions restraining strikers, naming twenty-three railroad-. The in junctions are based both on municipal and interstate commerce law and are sweeping in their nature applying to "all persons whatever, ". A punt Trains. The strike that start--1 at Chicago has be come a local matter, ''very part of the C t is atTected by it nnd we are able to give a strike column almost. Little items in cident to the strike are occurring. The West side trains are all t:ed up. The Lebanon train will continue to run. The Albany Hicery has two car leads of beer on hand which cdnnotbe shipped. A ton of fruit for Kugene by way of Yi -quina is at Albany tied up and perishing. The Portland local failed to start oat this morning for the south . No freights are running on the S P. The Albanv street car, though a Pullman, at least made by Pullman, keeps up its regular trips. Mr Judd Ross is acting as engineer while .Mr Moon? takes a 4th of July vacation. The O P ia all riht. Ik ha. m Pull mans. The Southern Pacific should make a greater effort to run its local trains. Debs, ths piesidentof the Railway Union has only been a resident of the C S two or three yean. Pullman took a big contract in order to give his men employment, and yst they struck. There seems to be an in .tp.i. ir , to 1 appreciate the eternal fitness of things The Lebanon tr.iin will run to-morrow 1 notwithstanding contrary reports. The first train will leave Albany at 8:10. The last train will return after the celebration. Hie Roseburg train arrived on time, and the engineer and tireman said they would be ready to bring it back- The trouble will I be, though, in making up ibe train in j I'ortland. It was the impossibility of making it up that ; est the local j from moving to-day. This morning in Portlam", la the S P I yardj. air brakes were cot. b np -s taken ; out, pins stclen. and cars madi imm jveable generally. j It is prtba'oie there will le no S T trains I for several days, how long i mere specula ! Uon. Huntington telegraphed Pullman this morning that if be di l not raise the b'.ock- ; ade he would sidetrack !' an oars on i the Southern Pacific and run without I them. 1 anient. lulv 'lad. Rev T Thomas of HarrUburg pre.,. I.e-i ; to a large audience at the M K Church South on last Sabhath. Mr Anna V William of Albany. . daughter of Mr Krsnk Parrell. has len nfsslng a ter iiays in Tangent, the g-jet of Mrs S K Mill. Her wmB friend were Kaii io w dct . ne tauffht a very- uo. .- ful term of school here at one time Hay harvest will soon be in foil blast in ' this vicinity and it wilt n t be long until vou can hear the clicking of the mower, if the weather will permit. Mr Ambros-2 Meant of i'oarit. rej,-""- j was here for a shirt time. He brought with him several head of horse, and ha j gone bock to hi borne in Gilliam county, j The picnic whVch wa held on June iid ' by the grangers wa a grand ucces. A i large crow.i wa prent . Mnieorgo GaeaanseaaL who h been "orting in M L Korsters nurserj-, left - yesterday for Washington. Mr John Richard, of Itent -n ccuntv. son-in-law to Mr J H Jenks. who vjk "a trip east of the mountain- in a wagvn two ; or three week ago, return e,i to his home . on 1 Lrt Saturday. ! We presume "that most all of the-TaagTit people will celebrate the fourth at Lelun-m. We are informed that Prof 11 H hite ! has been employed to teach the fall term of school at Tangent and Mi Cora Hudson the primary department. i C I'term and family of Ie'anon were seen in Tangent on Sunday. mmrua" s.TTr. antiata -imiu. Summary. Station, Albai; , Or. Month Jane. KS94. Klaratioo above sea level, 21T.T f.c". Mian temperature, 59. Departure from i ormal, 2 6 Maximum temperatare, S2; data, 2, IT-. Mioiuium.temperstore, 42; .i.t-. 10. Mean of maximum temteratarr, fis t Mean of nun m-: n temperature, 4'.' 7 No. times irasi asm tempsratore 90 or ab-ve, 0. No. time minimum temperature .12 or minimum temperature '0 or be ow, 0. times b!ow, 0 Total precipitation 2 61 inche. Departure irora normal. 1.07 inch teti.-t precipitation in 24 c mecut i va ; bora, aaddatr, 0 S3 31. Total depth of nomelted (now fall, 0i inche. Prevailing direction f the wind. N, S I No, of c'ear days. ." No. of pa.tiy clody days, 5. No. of cloudy day. 20. an oi .lays on wnico .Ul or mur,. precipitatun fell, 10. Noofdavsna which 04 or more pie, tat ion fa 1, 10. pi- Dates on h ch hail fell, 0. Mate on which asow fell. 0. Data of thunder storm. 2, IS, 111 Date or light frot, 0. Date of killing or injurious frot, 0 Date of aolar haloa,. 8, 12. Date of lunar halos. 12. Rcmuk. Tbe month ha been coot, ooly on two occasions hs tho mean been so low vbs io ISSOand 1891 with the same figure 59 The precipitation is io excs of average, bat we have hd wetter fane than thi; in 1884 we had 3 33 io. and io iSSi we had .".:: i in. Jobs Bbici.s, 'ilunteer Otserver. That tired feeling which I so com.-non and so overpowering, I entirely driven off by Hood' Sarsapari la, the "bet blood purifier. Hood, Satsaparlpa overcomes weakness Hood's P!l! are the best afier-dl nnor pill, assist digestion, cure headache. 2C.C a box. Ho.Iges & McKanaod. the leading drus. tore, Albany, Cl . ON THE TOP SHELF of public estimation you will f.nd Parker Bro. It has taken yran of hon est dealing, a store full of the best good-, a continuous round of truth telling and, above all, the right prices for the right goods to lead Parker Bro to their present proud position. Their groceries arc stand ard, their produce fresh, and their naked goods the best In the market, and oi a plendid variety. To Tim PfiiLlc The Ladies of th Degree of Honor would announce to h public that refreshments of all kinds wil be furnished on tbe picnic grounds on th occasion of the A O U W excursion to 111 front- Come one, come all, and wo will give you plenty to refresh the inner man. Mas F S Chaw. Chairman of Comaittee. Highest Honors at World's Fair DPRICE'S The , aanawsaaaajaaaaaagjjj IfltaaaaaT1 Y T 3 mM ML. r t. Oa.. : Saturday's Races. Saturday after noon begining at 2 o'clock the best local races ever held at Albany will take place. It will be a contest simply to bring out the Superiority of Albany i;i'r!H, and in sport ing language, will be lor blood, that is. entirely on the square. There will be two races, spliced in. The Brat, beet i in 3, will Ih( the faster one. The entries are: FI.-.-U, by William Simpson, MoKie Wilke-, by Charles LaFollett; bay mare, by Charles Borkhart; Black Jack, by J A '"mining. The second rue hits the fol lowing entries: Buckskin Bill, by Hermann BneJoWj Heidy, by John Howard; bay mare, ny ueOTge KKlinger; gray male, by Cril Burkhurt: bay horse, by Otto liatnn- 166! bay horse, bv Peter Anderson. A big audience n predicted. tmu Aiivk k. I'on't belitve all . Don't hear all that is told you. Think well ot a penoa just as long ftm can . He for peace and not for war in so matters. Declare foe parity at all times. Vulgarity leaver a scar, doesn't it. I'on't I'Kik blue, but smile if you arc to be hangei'. 'live every tody a chance. I'on't talk hard limes any n.ore than poasihts. Talk good limes for a change That fun; Walk. Mr William Vance cuniiileted his new side walk last evening in front of his First street proirty. It was built regardless of grade and regard- less of the instructions of the committee on streets ana paouc oroperty. it is an up and down affair, and a little imagination will picture what an entire street of such w allts would look like. The city council de clare that thty will have it put on grade, and the result will be watched .with much interest. P. S. This afternoon Mr Vane was very sensibly taking up the walk, pre paratory to putting it down substantially as requested by the city council. A SfciEis. As'iessor-elect i'el Parker was over to-lay from Lincoln. He confirms the report that the Isaac Hanty jrold ma chine, which is an rdinary sluice lox in wnirh chemicals are usel to assist in sep arating the mold from the black sand. is be ing used ilh c-onsiderahle.success in I reach tnimrur- Five of the sluices are. in opera tion at Collins' place just south of Seal Rocks, and are ling made ready to go to work. Ted denies the report that Lincoln county i b be divided. Time. A Sri:, iai. Cut. 100 or 500 people go to the fror.t tomorrow on the A V W emirsion. ne of the feature of the train v .,i ri. v uic irauitr- m utr UJSUJ rill be a special car by the Allny focjal t liio. with uecorali ioi and tanners on each ie. Larh member wilt wear a bailee. The Club is in enterprising institution, a live body of voung people, who are e-iual to an occasion. Hie tariff biil after much revu'on past ed the snate by a .rty vote. Hilt only vo'ing agstnst it among the democrats. ITie 4th of Ju'y was celebrated In a glorious manner at Lebanon, up the Santiam and at other placet. Pattteilai next week Around independence are abut rto ' acres of old and 33" acre of new hops. The I artwn The pleas art efGcct and perfect safety . with which ladie may use the California liquid laxative. Struct uf Pigs, under al conditions, make it their favorite remedy. To get the trne and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printeJ n-tr the bottom of the pack-, age. Cure for Crippled Children. The National Surgical Institute. No V Bush St, San Francisco, successfully eats aH case of orthopaedic surgery . One or more I urgeona of this Institute will be at the Revere House, Albany. Thursday Julv 5th, one day only to rximiae cases. The saceese of the Institute in treating a'! cases of curia tore of the rpine. diseases of the hip and knee joints, clob fee:, crooked limbs aod bodily deformities as well as pile, fistula nasal catarrh and all chronic diseases has made for the Institute a national reputation. Write for circular. Keferences mav be had to : Rev K N t'or.dit. Alnany.)no A Shaw. Mil! Cd y. Judge The 1. l'avidton, Salem. W A t'ox, Albanv. and hundreds of others. rr sisr t'at ker Itros, groccra. Mai cream cheeee ;at I eceirad at Cosrad W-ve- , P J Smiley j.-b j rioter, Flian Block, doe 5rt clu aork. S. k the celebrate,! HaTana filled 5 cent Ctyar at Julio Joseph. Dr vf II EStta, phystciaa aad asrgeoa Albiiy, '!-. -i t'slts male fi eit:or vountrj . Is.rnr.iia haunt industry by smoking the selehrate.1 white labr t.iri, manufactured by lu'iafc Joeevr;. 'arker Urns for your giocrrie- Maria ratambiaa .CistaslUaa. Wi'lbenf value to the world by . -i' -Ing tne i-nprua etnent In the mechanical arts and e.ninent physician will tell you that the progress in medicinal agents, has been of equal Importance, and ate a lengthening laxative that Sruf of Flgi I. far in advance of all others. WTien HabT was sick, are care her Castoria. When alio was a Child, abe criol for Castoria, irhon she became Miss, she ehing to Castoria. W li -u sho LaJ (."aiUreti, she gave them Castoria, Mr Harriet A Mtible, of Poughkeep' N Y was for year a manyr to headache, nnd never found anything to give her more than temporary relief until he be gan to take Aver' pill, since which she ha i been in the enjoyment of perfect health. I tt.ia hot cno igu for you?''l a silly question; but if you mee' n man who complains of suffering from the heat, ten to one you will find, on Inquiry, I hat he does not use Ayer' Sarsaparilla totonc up his system and free bis blood from Ir ritating humors. )r. Prlce'r. Cream Oaklng Powder A Pure arena Cream of Tartar Powttar. Shiloh' Vitahzer :s what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellov akin or kid ney trottble. It iafeuaranteed tojgivr- you sati!action. Price 75c. s ildjby Foshay & Mason. Buy your ticket ior the excursion on Ihe 4th of Julv to tbe front on the O PR K. Round trip ticket only one dolhtr. The fines', cheapet and most pleasant outing trip of the season. Ticket can be bad at this olllce or wherever posted bills indicate. HELP TsoaK Xkkdinu It. Any of our itizens havicg clothing that has liecn eat off can render a good service by leaving the same at tho storo of Klein A DttbriUea for a deserving widow, residing in BUr tiani precinct, who luts the supjiort of eight or nine children, Imys nnd girls. Anything suitable for either the mother or children will lie acceptable. -No Ammonia; No Alum. A Fa.t Tpam. A Corrallis ho e team is practicing every evening and will go to Lebanon to comete in the hose contest. Following is the pi-nond of the team: Charles Voting, VYiiey Youm;. Charles Beach, Clyde Beach, Pred Oberer. Miles Phillips. Harry Roger, Chester Davidson, Pearl Mutton, Will II Bios and Brady Burnett . Ti met . To-Dav. The tariff hill h 11 it yet 1 had ! con- : come to a vote. In fact today ioiigre practically dropMil lirilf and w.i!- siderin' measure for nettling tin pres.-nt i enormous striae that lias spread all over the D S. The military were called out in ; several pi,i-e; imt the strike remain substantially the mm J Coi use Or LactBMM. Arraug ments have been made by the free think ers of Albany to secure a course of lect ures by Prof 0 A I helps, of Colorado, who is endorsed by the American .Secu lar Union as one ot their ablest and most distinguished spea ers. As a ! platform speaker Mr 1'nelpn stands close to Col Ingersoll's rank. Come out Mon day evening July 9th to the L'niveraaleet church and hear him. All are invited. New gcx Hoffman's, pay elscwn just received at Mrs John N Hats sold for half what o-j re. call and le convinced. The handiest place In town Fred Law son's iitrle drui; ttore on the corner, for i pi. Is I KfB Gbovajaj. I have just received the new soring shades of the celebrated Cenlemeri kid gluves and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I rarry aleo lines of the Foster book, Biarritz, chamois ani gauntlet' gloves. S E Yot so. All Havim. chances on our lii ithi should bring them in before July 5th . With even- $1 purchase you are entitle i to a guess on bean. i inta:n-. in jar. M HnatxMjn A Co. Clother. Hatters. IXrU. .hx- r.nd Funii-hers. 1 hate just received another ir.vaice of Ladle. Misses and rhildfer.s tan Oxford Ties in a l si.e and width. Saanm, B Vovng. Kabo Corset. A nencct cress form Orestes fit perfectly oirr tmm. Appro c i ov an cirtiir.ikrrt. sr. ICING Laces. - i I i ; Laces. -Toe butter l'aar lolrt lit V.'uise r. just received at in the Ladie Get jour fruit jar at tra top and rab'jerv Patker Uros. Ex Round trip t;cktts :o Lebanon and return on theg'oriout Fourth tor :o cents' Late silver tmori & Stark. Corssge pii at Will Will A Stark keep up with the time sin j the latest it le of jtwcirv, you w:.. -.o; I mix it if you call on tbe.x. for anything In the iewclrv Use. Or. Price s C.-esin Baucni; Hcwder Forts Years i-m I "Only the Scars Remain," Says HKXKX Hnsos, of the James i Woolen Machinery Ca. I'hiladelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: "Amen the many tesiuaoni als which I se ia regard to cer tain molicioes pc r to r mi ng I ..-.. c..--.- - the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own ease. Twtnty years a0. at the ajre of lSyear. I bad swelling ccm on my leg, which lrke acd became run nine; sores. I Our family phy sician could do me no good, and it was feared that the opera would be tjfl'lf till At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer' Sarsapar: la. I took three bottles, the seres healed, and I have not been troubled s.nce. Only the scars remain, aad the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Arer's Sarsaparilla has alone me. I row weigh two hundred at:d twenty pounds, and am iu the best cf health. I have been on tba road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts of the Vnited States, ar.d always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J - C. Aytr & Co., Lcarell. iiaas. Cures others, will cure you New Advertisomems. BLACKBURN & S0MERS ATTORNEYS -A.T H.AW, I All legal matters will re-eivo prompt at-; tention. ( rruv. l'irst Bank building, up tair$- IOST.-A pair of BMCaasa shin boot. calf diin, hluo eiastit.', whes between A banv aod the fair t,r rand . Please leave at toe DutOCatAT affiaa 17 OOP far sale at bard ti ak, ash, tutph , p:r.e. times price, tir. Cf! HOa.VE. ToKxcn vxi-k. . WiB oxrliang-' valuable city property for agoodfaim. Inquire of J 11 Cpliam ATbaciy CWegon. Pw 0 I-OAN.-We I iy a few hundred I. doliara to loan uu good real estate S N StTKKt.K as Co. Albany Ore. W ANTEl.-1000 people to Ca to Leban. n on July 4'.h at 5t) cents apiece. Tralos will rua all dv. trom , a in until late at night. 1 V l(KlitiTItIi RealS,Co!li;!o2 lit. Albany. Or. Ptuntj Warrants Bought nid Sold. INSURANCE AND M0NE BROKER. Countv Warraiits Ronskt and Klork, Alb Sold. Office, Masloii Oregon. IIKMT NATIONAL B.tXK, P OP ALBAIS Y, OBStlON ruiJsnt hWw trice Praddant , Catler LFL1KN . 8, K.VOUNG W. LANOIH'N K fRANSACTS A OKSKRALhnMnsusiota ACCOUNTS KEPT sttbjeit to shock. BIQUT KXCHAKOK and tei -raphic trass! r, told New Turk, San Francisco, Chicago aad PmUnil aajon CO. JdtCTIONi HADKoa Uvorabl B. TOOM B.w .tasasea T. Vl.IMM S&VAM I , Sox. P 1 for Infants ' ostorla U so wr-it adaptfxl to children t hit '. ronAunwoA R aa superior tn any presprtptkjn CmHm-n It A. Aamzr,JL I)., HI So. Oxford tt, 3twjktn, r;. Y. c'ltxa ase of ' fa so u.iiTarsol cad m.-riU ao ireli kao-n . teX It mnns a work t auirerotuion to endorse it. Feir arv the ntelllfreot fatolllea who do cot keep Czzu,ria i.'J.lu7r i h." 5rw York Cuy. Tux Carrara 'i ne K-st ,Ytt W. L. DCUCLAS Shoes are twrHlim at the prices advertised than an ,jn(.e.' The stamping of ll. L. Dottsia' fuanntnea their value, saves thousand -. of Uea. rs'whopush the sale cf W. L i increare the sale on their fulj line of r q! wr belie ywo ema r nwie, FOR SAUE IBY THE I E jT lor rjae i..-.i . inn. Vm SfWpT S5 S4 ana 83.50 Dreos H i 3.5C Police Shoe, 3 K"f: TllJ U I HE SjpCT ex 'r t- ! them with As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every in Albanv. at thing Julius Gradwohls New Store, at the cordtr of cecond and Ferry sb set vour groceries and crockerv ware. O. C- MOON. Sauonsaaat to Flour and Opposite Ri Caspp.-d Fa -1 v' pI .1-, Hay. O t . sa band a fall t sm, Brxr aa. at MANHOOD at.' ea loCfifw 1 (Itc m. written waraa'.ce lt eurr- -r r-; A 1 1 Miu . a Wall Paper, I i uSi, iaillte. il OlSUsta, Etc J. A. ALBANY, flu r. IT GREGG PIANOFORTE LESSONS. W Gifford Nosh is now prepared to receive a limited ncni- bs of ptipiis. He will le 3t the residence Mrs Christine Monteith. corner cf 5Uh anil Ferry streets, on Wednesday after i noams and Tharsxlay morning in each week. Cvmtnoacing on Wednesday next 3th inat. Good -t Is Essential: TO HEALTH Blood If yon are troubled witkS ' an BOILS, ULCERS or PIMPLES, SORES u. U UA KU nf S. S. S. Will' 'thorouahlv cteanse the system, remove iui .n VII manner of btesa-S S are .... .purines ana own you u,)- bv its use. It is the best blood remedy oa en'-h J Thousaeds who have used it say so. X t-K.-d lisJIy jvkvoI Uot eir. ,skS c- ct1 A K :r ,ttm cl el of .1.-.. 41 naaaaaaaaw 01 ,i-e no anetiw. a SSHI as an ? ee.-stt n n-t t-aav.-aaa.-aV . ) . s k..' tj Taen ta no -a l rvatise on blood and skin diseases maile ;e-J. SWIFT SPECIFIC tX Atlanta. oa. DR. 'sANDEN'B iLEGTRIG BELT LfCtST PATENTS WITH ElECTnO- BEST IMPROVEMENTS, MACNE1IC SUSPENSORY nanir fttlvit McUnt ll Wkre rtUeff . al .U ( t f -ii . ttt't fcr,.f r 10 -' 1 .-rrt ion. u mmMkl fcwlicB. atrvisa. I. rtrvMu debiliiv. ttrwp .,.it.t. Iaafr. TMaMtl'a, lMr. Ur aJ b.tdJrr rannr aititi, lij tMaei. lwbjo, teiatya, (Mtl .Ii iaUh c It l ' e-rte bll eooUiu I?tlbfrifc1 lapnueMalioTtr l: . a, aJ firwm trrDI thai U iMUatlw UU t f . wrarrr or Krlf it M,tM, mn.i UI fire mi', of tie- mVa Jls-raV-aat r M J . TtWtt4a tTt t firil It tkU e'oua ir -v jtlB iMc tvU otoer ;&' !i r ' ita hmntraf-Att r ttiwii to tltia audi olar uie Oar r.rrf.) ll'Hltl r-tU IKIt' StSI'aASHI. , th -tiu-tbooa t-troSt- V wrainiu iKKt HUM ILL hat is tlM audi ti jrua atrrnth M tl t Ikal iuU tav Hvi SaL tar lituatrmtrv! lamt.awta, BnvileJ, aaalrd, traaa AJraaa MaVaBTX aaPB" BlaECTRIC CO., v- V.poRTlJaND. 012. Red CrownMill!: J-3KN ISSM, P8jWIT(R w Mtocatts rLona seraaioR roa awii ako aAKttaa eaa SEST STORAGE FAOILirU PURE BRED Silver Laced Wyandotte e'tgs for sale bv D O Wood worth. Yon cannot S Bocetobee'! if your K. blood y IS IMPU RE. A y s?g. sri1 and Children. Caatorta ,-nTr;Cojr, ConsUparavs, fioor HWmacfc, 7iarrhtta, IlrjctoUuc, Kills WortM, gir- sleer, ard rromova caaion, VTltho-at iairioua TKn'JcUi'm. " For reverii jiori I bar"! r .enmeudoi your Ctoria," shall aiwa;. : .ntinu u do CO M It baa invariably ;rocr-. VaietVria aasfai " Eowra 7. 1'mnrr. M. Htnest 7th Ava., New York City C'carr - aTT, 77 Kcc&av Steeft, Xew 1'E Citt. 0UGLA3 Shoe. Sole Work; t: .-h, easy fitting, and pive fcetfet v ot ..- ma'-:. Try one pa'r anj be cor.- i -r.c and orice on the betters, w':. . . i -t ante- V,r to those who wear their. gZ:n customers, wr 'ch h-!-. ic . : . . . . ,-rrf tmn , - - - r . T r-f ) - - r h BLAfN CLOTHING CO else- cheap. as at anv store Cali re for I A 1'crrs Feed Store House, rail FiO- Br.r.J s. tas& was M? RESTORED! - w - - .H CM I S3ISB . Harness and Sad dies at cost for easli at McFar land's old stand for 60 cays. et door to A I 3!c II wain's PiCT CrX SM T LUKE, OEI OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS, EASUl CUES. I D A.YS TO i CHICAGO HOURS quWecAG0 nnilDO QUICKER TO OMAHA nuupo a NO KANSAS CITY- PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE PECLINIHC CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. SHIl Clark, Oliver W MbiW, E Elk. Anderson, Recxivers. For rates aod general information call on or address Curran ft M&.teitb,.V.c Oregon, or V H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen l. Pass. Agt, 354 Washington St., Portland. Oregon WALLIS NASH, JT LAW. the court-i of the Will prautiee ia all state. Ottico First Xat'l l".uik buiKUn. Allianj Oregon. D KS. KASTO" UAV1S, Ptn-sidan an Suiveons. OFFK'B-Coeosr ecmia and Brcvdslbin street J. Aloann, Or, Calls pro-apt. J sttaindml i city acl caantr; ! T. C.H.UKEV, n.i- Physktaa and Sorgaan, 08A llpsUirs ntcr b flank ot Oregon. KnakU-oce. corner 10th and CaliponSa at. f vo cujc for