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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1894)
cm o rut. The Cause Of The Strike. George M Pullman, presiJent of the Pullman pa'atc Car Company, has issued comprehensive statement to the public with regard to the ilTbrts of the company to keep i s works open and give employment to its men. Among other things, he says: "A1 the commencement of the depres sion hut ar we were employing at Pull man 5S 16 men and paiing out in wages there $3"5,ooo a month. Negotiations with intending purchase of railway equip ment that were then pending for new work wtre stopped by them; orders already given by others, cance'ed, and, we were obliged to lay off a l:rge number of men In every de pat tment, so that by November. I893, there was only shout 2ooo men in alt the depart ments, or about one third of the normal number. I realized the necessity for tbe most strenuous exe.tions :o procure work immedlaelv, without which there would be grei-t jmbarrasinKnt. not only to the em ploves and theii families at P lman, but also to those living 111 the immediate vicin ity, including between 700 and Soo employ es who had purchased homes ar.d to whom emt io) ment was actually re-tssary. I dis cussed the matter thoroughly with the manager of the work, sod the result of this discussion was a revision in piece work pilces, which, In the absence of any iofsima lion 10 the contrary,! supposed, to be accept able to the men under the circumstances Under these conditions, and with lower prices on all materials, I personally under took the work of tbe letting of cars, and making lower bids than other manufacturers t secured work enough to gradually iucrease our force from 2 200 to about 4 200, tbe num ber emplojed according to the April pay rool in all capacities at Pullman. This result has not been accomplished merely by a reduction in wages, but the company has born its full share by elimination from its estimates the BSC of capital and machin ery, and in many cases even going below that and taking work at a considerable loss During the night of May 10 a strike was decided on, and accordingly next day about 2500 of the employese quit, leafing about 600 at so l., of whem very few were skilled workmen, As It was tuut.d .impraotlcable to keep the Imps in operation with a force thus diminished and disorganized, the next a these remaining were necessarily let out, and no work has since been done in the shops. The payrolls at 'his time amounted to about S7J00 a day and were reduced tS 500 by the stride, so tha" during the period of little more 'ban six weeks which has elapsed the employes who quit their work hive deprived themselves and tneir com rades of earnings of more than $"2 00, 000 An Improved System Of Voting. In another column appears an acconn of election frauds as practiced under the Australian ballot system. This manner of voting is meeting with severe criticism on every hand, not only because it is ex pensive and does not effectually prevent fraud, but for tbe reason that many votes, because of error, are practically invalid, even tLocgh the voter may have been an intelligent citizen, ordinarily well qualified and entitled to suffrage. A remedy for existing evils seems to be at band in some form of tbe voting machines which are being jut to a practical test in eastern ata'es. The plan upon which they are opeiattd is as follows: A closed booth is provided, having proper entrance and ex't. Ujon tntering the booth the voter con-! fronts a table rf Ihe candidates printed on tablets on the wa'l, at d beside each name is a kty wbich must be pulled cut to reg ister the vote. When tbe proper number of Candida' es have been vo'ed for in any particular office the device is automatically locked t-o that no more votes can be cast for that office. If any one chooses to vote fo c ndidates who are not regular nomi" neei-. fjitab'e blanks are provided under each ollict- voted for and by the manipu lation of be key a space is uncovered upon which to write the candidal' name. The booth cannot be tntr red from the outside until tbe occupant papers cnt, wben tbe ent'ar.ce is automatically thrown open. Tbe principal objection to the rr.acbine is it;- cost, but in large districts that would not be a con sideratkn ss printed ballot would not have to be provided and owings to tbe short 'ime required in voting, fewer polling placjs and a less number of judges would 1 needed. As each vote is auto maticai y registered the labor of counting won d be entirely done away with. The macbi' es are Blmp'e in construction and would liot many years. 11 is to he hoped that improvements may be effee'ed whereby this machine can be el e-a ply produced as it seems lo satiE- fact rily sol ve the objectionable features presented by all other systems of voting bow ii vogue. Record. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly daptinc the world's best products f t!it: nerds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, iSyrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; eHeetually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ami permanently curing constipation. It Itan given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them mid It is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in M cent bottles, but it is man ai ;'rod by the California Fig Syrup Only, whose name iB printed on every li ige, also the mime, Hyrup of Figs, aad hving well informed, you will not ae. - yf tiny substitute if ollered. mmm Caveut tnd Trade-Marks obtain jd, an fall Pat ent l-i.ess conducted lor rvlocaaTt FriS. Ous ornct is CpsosiTt U. 8. Patcnt Orr et and we can aecura MUant iu less Uiue Lltau thoM remote Iro.n Wasliing-.on. :.n.l m H1 flmwii'D rtt nhnro. arit.l itnrhn. Hon. We ad'-ise, if pjten-ab'a or not, free ofi caarr UllI ICO llUt UUO llll if ion ia SCCUBISU. A Fa'iiPHttT, "flow toObt- 1 Patenta," with cost ol si dc in the U. S. ana Aircifa countries sent fr.e. Address, m af A fSM nW Ai .TZail . o iha intheoase h,, ira, rhyradaii and Jorgeon. OFKICB-Coms II taawl matters will receive promp TRIOR BARGAINS lit asiale addreMf on or beioresaiu ITln day Of AUBUSt 1894, I eipenaisa pa"U woeiJi ceiinaneni poi m- i -" iV.i aS-IIll JimUNVC I'll, in the case. Where life 1 .. " I L- a.r.i . - K... A I It '. Ul - ,77 WllUn-D-rra utr I ln lion RUOWN RKOS Til. Nnraovma., . I Worried, Too. Tbe Mountaineer is worried loo. Hear it: The Democratic papers that are sup port ins the administration are attempting to combat the argument that the iccome tax is a paternalism of government, and to this theory the party has always been strongly antagonistic. Of coure an in come tax is only a sVp in that direction; but after it is in operation, the next move will be for the control of the railways and telegraphs (0 be transferred to the author ities at W ashington city, ana then it win not be long before citizenship in this re public will be simply a wheel in the great machine and individuality will be obliter ated. If Democracy means the rule of the people, it cannot be consistent and en dorse a strong centralization of power. With many is a well grounded complaint that the government is too far removed from the people, and they should be jeal ous of any movement that would deprive them of their liberties. The teudercare of a father and mother is very necessary for the infant, but In political affairs the citizen desires to think and act for himself, and not to occupy the unenviable position of being an inanimate portion of machinery that only moves when acted upon and pos sessed ot no power of viol it ion of itself. Now, we ask the Mountaineer earnestly to tell us upon what hypothesis, me hod of reasoning, or analogy, its editor arrives at the conclusion that the adoption of the income tax bill is a step in the direction of paternalism . When the United States government uses its clearly delegated tax ing power in laying a tax upon the income of its wealthy citizens, can this act be re garded as the assumption by the govern ment of a kind of fatherly relation to the people, involving strict and close supervis ion of their business and social inteiests. upon the theory that they are incapable of managing their own affairs? If not, (a-d no man of reason can regard it,) then ' it must be clear to every one that there is no paternalism in' the act- In searching into a man's business under the income tax law, there is no purpose on the part of n,e .,-o,,ot .r,; ih mana- i J 1 1 1 " . .. . ,. ment of his business in order to make It a , paying one, but, on the contrary, to de- j mand from the tax payer a part cf his in come to support the government. This is tbe very opposite of paternalism, us any one who comprehends the import of gov- j ernmental paternalism must know. Will the Mountaineer explain apon what by- . pothesis it predicates the statement that ! the next move after the adoption of tbe j income tax will be for tbe control of the j railways and telegraphs to e transferred . to the authorities at Washington (Sty? There is co such correlation between these two subjects. The Mountaineer further , ays: "If democracy means the rule of the people, it cannot be consistent and ec dors a.strong centralization of power." To this we reply that democracy means the rule of the; people, and the democrats, in endorsing tbe . income tax proposition, do not endorse a strong centralization ot power. The party is as much opposed to centralization of .power as ever. The tax ing power of congress is a strong one. bsM it has always belorged to that body, and its delegation to congress by tbe states in j framing tbe constitution has never been , , c as. 1 . . ! questioned. So, there is no encrcachment ; upor the rights of tbe people when con-; grefs exercises this power. In fat be the ing power is ablote.y nectary totexu.enceandr.rpe.u.ty of-hegov- ernment. Money to run the gov rnment eonld not be raised, except tbrough tbe . . taxing power, and without revenues the wheels of tbe government would soon cease to move. Our colemporary further says: ' V itu many it is a well grounded J complaint that the government h foo far removed trom tbe people, Indeed: 1 his is a significant conf;s-:on new sparer. lo be made by a republican One of tbe cardinal : UrVs in the democratic ( platform offai'his rppotiticn to the cer traltzstion of power in the federal govern meet. For that rearon the democrat! have ' always ccn'ended for a strict construction of the constitu ion of the Unittd States, wbile republicans have held to a liberal construction of that instrument, t'nder a strict construction it wcold a, pear that the n, taatfc-mit-si 1 ..i.. powers not del. gtaed.o the LniUd Sates b the cons'itution, nor prohibited by it to tbe, are referred to the states respect- fvelv or to the neoo'e 3 y v " The powers o geverr inert exercised by the states are always close 10 and exercised under the imtneciate supervision of the pe0- . , ., ,. . . . .. . pie. while those exercised by ihe general govenment are far removed from the pec pie. The demtcrafs wouM retbict the : powers of the general gvommtnt to those 1 alone delegated toil by the constitution I under a stiict co.isli uctior. of that ir.ttru-1 ment. The Moui.taineer is getting on th democratic p'a'-lorm on that point, and we rejoice much 'hertat. Xo mote pro-! nounccd example of govemmental paternal - ' ism could be found than that of a protective tariff. Meie the government as sumes that a matnufactunr is Incapable of making his business a success, 2nd hence throws around himthe pro ectire tariff by which it assume a xind 01 fatherly rela tion to the manufacurer, entering io'o part oershlp with him in his business because be was incapable of making a aucee-s uf li himself. The sub:reasury scheme of the populists is anitner impor.ant example of patemalitm. All uh aibemes should meet the earnest pr-'t-t of every American citizen who believes in the inestimable priv ileges and benefits of an individuality in in dependent ci'izenthip. Wholesale Illegal Voting. The Democrats today li ed a con-1 li st concerning ihe election of mayor, dis trict attorney, city attorney, circuit )i"lg', police judge, and city auditor. Tbe Sun day Mercury has no confidence in these contests. We believe R D Inman was elected. There ran scarcely be a doubt of that, but George P Prank has his ceri ifi cate and a'l tbe powers that be cannot dis place him. And no man can read a clear er title to hi office than W T Ilu t.e A recount of tbe votes will simply rnlame his right to that position. He ran bavK no reason to fear the fight. Mercury. A gentlemen from Portland wh has an inside view of the investigations llmt have been quietly going on since the election. says 1 bat the facts win jujtif v the sUtc- ment that who esate illegal voiinir was ! carried on that day. The number of men who voted from steamboat ami lodging bouses was far in excels of the actual mini ber employed at the former and lodging at the tatter. And while it m.ty be tru as the Mer-ury, which is a republican paper, says, 'bat no confilence is to be placed in the conte', yet tin OTpor tini!y will be afforded the demovrdtn In h1i jv that while over 40 persons who chiimed to have residences at a certain lodviag voted at the polls under the guidance of Wll1tl nil " 11 'l hrn'"r.' nl aiertrei the facts are that scarcely half, that number were hoarding at such bouse. It will likewiee be shown that la many case twice as many voted from steamb ats as were employed on such vessels. It is safe to say that not Steca ihe pJn.y dat s id lien Iloiliday has f lie femii e rrjie.iier had such a lich har'rsl tit 1,1 as he hit tils yea, in Portland, A physic m 111 Martloiqre, who.has spent manyiears in studying the xabject, be lieves that he I at discovered a specific for snake bites. It consi.ts in the inject on of blcartionate of soda. Kxpeiimentt made at in the cases wh The eyes of deep sea fish are very varied ; so ne have neither eves nor sight ; others have greatly enlarged eyeballs, so as to catch the least glimpse of light. Their eyes tend either ti disappear or to be unus ually efficient; but since no trace of sunlight can penetrate to any great depth and it If probably quiet dark hoord a depth of fOtiie 200 fathoms, of what use can ejes be? Recent experiments by Mr Kulz prove that the diamond emits light wben rubbed on wood, cloth or me a'. The fact that it becomes luminous by rubbing on metal stows that the phenomenon is not electric. As imitation diamonds and othe" hard stones do not exhibit this phenomenon, the property will be valuable a- an easy test o( the genuineness ot diamonds. i MISFITS. An Oregon man writing from San Fran cisco, says: The train ride from Oregon to California is rather tiresome, and es pecially so after one leaves the greens hills and valleys of the Willi iiftta and com pares them with the sun-dried fie.ds of the Sacramento valley, she crops' through a portion of California are a total loss. The harvest is about finished in this country. The big logs that drifted into the streets during the flood are being cut for ti re wood. No doubt some of them came through from British Columbia without Saying the huiff. However, our people on't care a cent, and can burn firewood imported from British Columbia, or any where else, withott thinking it at all to lich for tneir blcod. We are patricians in some things. -The Dalles Chronicle. We see it stated that Rev Myron Reed, of Denver, was forced to leave bis pulpit because he intimated pretty forcibly that the mine owners as well as the miners were to blame for the strike at Ciipple Creek. Mr Reed was one of the most brilliant preachers in the I nited States, and was greatly beloved in Colo rado bv the laboring people, wbose (riend w.g There araeople always crvina out because the clergy do not speak out on the social and economic questions of the day. Such people are a little unreasonable Mr Reed tried it, and paid the penalo. Susan B Anthonr challenged the en- I tire New York constitutional convention -a j.l i -. an . ii... crow oi uritrgaieB nt .vtosuy j ucivk j a-, .m.ii c n iXra ira .n.l not a man ran.ini - I . , , ' T i - . , . , a.i i, . i.i. r.a.- lliiua, ui wc uijuuBiiru uiai was saved by the discretion of those del- j .gates. A Boston dispatch says: Five thoneand spectators witnessed one of the prettiest I " - I u I l:. - - a .i uaiits ever uciu in una vuv. as sue t Lino, la.t evening, lietweea ltixon u4 tirifTo. Prettrisa new word for the tierce contest that tooV. place. i which blood was oec.tsion.lle drawn. , I The Eugene Guard atand in with I home institutions aa follows: A travel- success. At a number of vantage point ing shirt and clothing man was lo town ! throughout the city efforts were made to today soliciting orders. People should i move freight trains, whit-h were pnu pi le t this c'.a's alone. Their goods are ly frustrated by the strikers and their seldom satisitctory, besides the Eugene ?yiupatliUers, who pounced upon the merchants, who deal in co:hing and furnishing goods, are reliable and can snpply customers cheaper than Portland or t8n Francisco houses mat pay big rents and are under heave expense k . Qn .he road;.. .."coming .ben criminals will be. sentenced 3 , lor specified periods but in mch a " J" . -la , for the lenKtb of their incarceration, leavinj thrir di?charge the first time J discretionary with tLe prison authorities . and the state executive, then if com- ral".? 1 e nv'f8 lT S ' iiMnikhinAni la-si l-s!aH a t f il a Ihtr.l 1 1 ma j m.King the punishment for liie. or in- definite. The most advanced thinkers ion prison discipline are discussing these 'questions thoroughly with a view of maki ng prison life a much reformatory aa possible and as little revengeful as , situation in California. The Onvn ex may be. -Ex. press, which left Oakland last evening j unmolested by strikers, is now effectu- Macanlav. the great historian, proph- ; ecied as folio lows: The dav will come , when, in the elate of New York I titude of people, none of whom mnl. as had I more than half a breakfast, or ex pect to have more than half a dinner, ; ' choose a legislature, la it possible to doubt what sort of a legislature will be CD0Mn-, 0 ,he or)c ,nd to . Statesman preaching patience, respect for vested rights, stiirt observance of prblic faith. On tbe other hand is a 1 demagogue.ranting about the tyranny of capitalists ant' usurers, and asking hy anybody should be permitted to dine eumptuoasly and ride in his carriage while thonsands of honest people are in ' want ((f tlie neceMarieg. Which one will prera'l?. Albany Market. V bora' ,40.-. Oats 30e f lour, tS.1t. Hotter, 19 Katfts 10c. Laid, 12 to 15c. Pork - hams. 12 to 15c, shou Men,fl;to lOet; in -. 11 to 13c. bay. ba ed. ". "oatoes, 4f.; Apple , 4' Hops Ittt. 1 Tiaal r.uii pi mo, 9c, ap t lea, 9c 'j ' hickena. i 09 rer dossn. Beef, on f. ot, 1 tu Hoira. dreaaayj. h'ic 0" HELP IS WANTED women who are ailintr and by tho suffering, or weak and exhausted, woman, help is And, to every such atinrantpetl lv I)r P!or'a Pimnia . ' J -' - . v, m. n,v,i, Prescription. Tor young girls just entering womanhood ; women at the critical " change of life " ; wo men approaching confinement; nurs- 1 mg mothers ; and every woman who is "run-down" or overworked, it is a medicine that builds up, strength ens, anil regulates, no matter what tho condition of the system. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nerv ine, and the only guaranteed rem edy for "female complaints" and weaknesses. In bearing-down sen sations, periodical pains, ulceration, inflammation, and every kindred ailment, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your nuxMy back. Dr. Sage's Remedy promises to cure your Catarrh permanently. l . Attorney at Law, Albsny tr ONUIHfK st HACKLKffAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. J. Ia. II I Ma. Phycieian and Jurgeon II I tic. Work ul 11 11 Anarrhlnl.. Leghorn-, July, L A crime somewhat resembling the murdering of President Carnot wns commited in this city today. As Signor Bandi, director of the" Uazcttu Livornoaac, was entering hia carriage H o'clock he wan set upon by a man who, it was subsequently learned, is an anar chist, lie drew u knife mul stubbed Randi in the abdomen. Signor Bandi was at once attended by physicians, who decided the only hope of saving his life was to perform 'the operation of laparot omy. This was done, but Signor Bandi died soon afterwards. Prime Minister Crtspi was questioned in the chamber of deputies in regtud to the murder. He stated that Signor Bandi had leen stab- hed and killed Viy an anarchist, owing to tho articles that had appeared in his pa- Foolish Waawa, Porti.-vsii, July, 2 .Sixteen women and a couple of young men played some thing that had been advertised in ad vance as a baseball game yesterda a after noon at Irvington Park. A big crowd of spectators tried to identiliv the proceed ings as an exhibition of the national sport, but the oldest "fan" among them soon gave up the task as hopeless. The players were attired in conventional base ball costume, but that nas about as near to the game proper as they could get. the sphere coula not have been handled more gingerly if it had been an ancient egg, and the way in whiah the bat was swung suggested hard labor. Before one-thjrd of the regulation number of in nings were disposed of, the spectators be gan to file sadly away. atwalsessla i'oiuand Portland July 2. The volume of wholesale business lias not been large, 1 owing to the inability oj the railrogda to j handle freight" This suiting off of ship- ; ments is already seriously affecting the jobbing trade, and if the" railroad boy cott continues for another week, it will i bring certain lines of business to a stand still, the jruit and vegetable markets WOW glutted Saturday, and prices were very weak. Country produce is scarce, eggs e.neciallv, and " this article lias an upward tendency. In groceries and merchandise the former prices are main tained, j The Matltrl (.Imllrtl. Sas Francisco, July 2. Notwithstand ing the railroad blockade, the local fruit market were so badly glutted that tlu-rv "'?rAunible rice All the river and bav steumlxiatii came in witl heavy loads. Fniit prowtTS ami VeiB- men who could rva-h tidewater 'hope hoped to takt- dvantage of the sumiosol , , ,, , f .. .1. ..I . l. f . I. .. , J lflvi,! Illlth'r 11 hot sun tiiol v.rv .fl A Murr War. Chic aoo, July L In Chicago and vi . , SLtSL i" n"J,'1 ,n 1 : great nalway stnk. 'tJSE. JBFSL?LZ2? TIZ Jj Tr ".t g ,heo,,hor tom0Te- Railway otticials MM to le sanguine of the ultimate a: of the striken. and the latter are equally certain ot final trains, carried on tbe links and pins, set am tlse : the brakes, and chased away thus engaged, retiring whenever a sui ' nor force of police appeared on the scene. , m,. ianptnain. Holdrbue, Neb., July 1. Last nbht 5ZttSSj5 TjfilSirttffi wae caught 'first and searched. He ha-I only 15 cents in monev. Len Armstrong and Elmer Drummond, the latter an Adams Express messenger, were riding by on bicvcles when they were ordered to halt and hold op their ltands. Ann- . strong complied, but Drummond did n-.t stop and was shot. He fell from his j wheel and died. Ttetf I 1. San Francisco, Julv 1. Tlicre seems I to be no improvement tiabir in the strike i , a Keu liiutt. and. to make u" """"n worse, over .-w leet 01 their raiiruau trestle a lew miles north i.t :- tunsniuir was burned last night. I drr A Umrw. T ...... t..l 1 TI.- I" T IM . j ,. ... ! rted a twin for Kansas Cityat8:20 oVlock tonight with a i.-n-urn'on crew. ITh tniin was gtianl.-.! with deputies all j heavily armed. Four deputies were on "if platform when the tram pulled out- They have strict orders to tire up-. ! "n anyone who attempts to interfere 1 11,1 ,ne trains, iract or eiupment. At Aahlaad Ashland, Or., July 1. Tin overland i train that arriveal here from Portland rndav nionnns is still in the vards. and ail enorts made to move it have len futile. About 40 southliound passengers are masting me ii iney can oj me sit uation. About 60 section and other workmen on the Siskiyou mountain, just south of here, went out with the union. I wrat) a a) a I Head LfMftBM, July 1. Since Carnot's death ' all members of tbe royal family of Kng land are protected by detectives. A very close watch is kept to prevent any attempt on the life ot the czarowiteb, ; who is at present in Kngland, visitintr the Princess Alix of Hesse. Rev FORD, txmsM, Of !) Moinea, Iowa, wntmi under'date 1 f ;lsr. h 33. 1893: Med. Mrc. Co., Dofnr, Oregon. UenUrmen . (D arriving home Uat week, liionri al aeli and auxioosly a vaittnu. Our little a-iil. e a hi and one-hi If jeara old, w ho had ws ted sway to 38 pounds, ia now well, atruug and vigornu, and well Untied up. t. B. Cough Cure baa dne ita Wwrk well. Both of the children like it. Yodr S II. Cout;i Cure baa cured and kept sway ah hoatseuraa from me. Sn ifive it tn every ne, nh Kre-Mna;s for ill Wishing yoo prnatfon , we are Yonrs, Mr & Mm J F Forp. If you wiati ftel ncso anil cheerfu and '! j lor the Mpririj'a work, clearise yoursystjia with the llosdsbhr: snu hivar Cur-, lay taking tarn or Mire loses Mmh ..,-,-k. SO .-1-1. la . r tx.ltl.. by all -trtlllKlala. Uo t miter. a (Misllive iruarautee l.v J A CUM MING, w t: 1. i.'t KUti) BfiBI (sIRI A 1 11 tn sya a. Us Will iirai'Uuu In sll rnurts nl tna Mat. Special attention given to matters In prob-.le snd to 1 o locUons. OFKICE - In the FUnn block K BCII.VKII Attorney at haw and Solicluir In Chancery, 'inns mads on all po'.aU. Lr.ns nenotiati'd rsble tonus. Albany, Orogon Oo'l QEO. H. WKH.IIT, Attorney at law, and V itary Public Will practice In til the court of this tat Seclal attentlnu elren to ssBssMSiM and matters In prebste UHIce: Next doer lo Postoflca, Albany. Osn . r. a. 11 a Villi of l If te f u' 1 11 ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . . . DhAiitYi'vi lm TERMANENTLY FORTMILLER Undertakers w E Kr.EPconstsnlly t n l ard a full coffins. Also builal lobes and which will be old at The Lowest Living lrofit. EMBALMING and ,,,e proper care of the dead a specialty. KO EXTRA, CHARCt FOR ALB A MY, - - MASONIC rhe Oregon A'I'.n its homi office at S-A.T.JtDM: - - .ne Gray BkcL. miner Libert) aiJ A K KS a specialty of Stmnyside fruit tract; rear Salorn;! win soil 5, 10 or 20 i p t ynif jit I or jKirticula. nr. i v ihotoi;k.imi ST 4 LB ANY CIGAR FACTORY J. .loxij ii. Proprietor, NEW P fUUK iS MOW tVLL Ot riftST-CLAS Kfi:XITURK.Ift-NvisTlKG brai tuom eta. chairr, icuofra, BOTTOM Ft a few tlav READ. PEACOCK & C0 Will give splendid value sizes 2 L2 t 7 lm2, Kegnlar price, V 00, now 4 Ml 4 00 "2 ;i " 3 00 " t JO in 'jet a pair before the s'saa NOTICE OF APPOIHTMENT. Notice is hereby e'ven that the der- signed has been d'u'i appointed executrix ol the laat will and A Wl; lerr , H Henderson . county 'Jreg-n ntrc ass n ate of Ln l par.ies having claims against said esta'c are notified to present them duly verified to the 'aid evecutiix at her residence two miles south eat of Holley, Linn county Oregon whhln ilx months from the date hereof. June I5. 1S94. PmoebAxn IIkMixb-sv Et :ot r Noiije for Publication V S I AMiOrrica, Oat City, O.- ISM. c mp lance f C mi . r aa Notice ia hereby ifiventhat with th p '.vniou- of the ' of June 'A IS78. el I'toil "An r the sal i.f tun wr lands la th - : fnrnia, U - 4n, Srvade, Mid rt," aa extend"! 10 all a id t'sil Va, h th- pub.ic Ian st e. b,' act of Auirti It Ith l" A 1 nie Whr nok of ') ezoo City, count) of ( lack n. ia, tut tf Oregon, haa '.his .lay ti.ed 10 tn a uffias htir sworn statemtnt No, 2J."4, list the purcnase of Ihe N K '4 "f ace tic n No 9, in toanshipX 10 aoatn rani,a No 4 st. and will i ffer prot-f to aho . that the Utvta nth u m r va'utb'.e for las lasw lar os DM than for aiiticaliara! pnr o.. and to eatal hah her claim 10 said lacd fore tbe reaiinUr and rcce ret ol thia U , at Or.'gon Citv.Ore.-on ou Frid n , tb I , 1 'a , of Angus', lS'.'l. St.-or. rue aa nesaia: Ho'-t Caire l, J . K. Morrow, J. I., Berry, W. T. WhitUivk sit of Berry, Or, gon. Any and all pats I claimii g ! veisely Ihe above ibscrihed latids are re quested lo file thtir ulainis ia thi oti'i on or heforeatid 17th day of An aai s;i BO BERT a. MIUbEB. Ucglater, Notice for Publication .. I' S I.anii Offick Oiiki.on Citv, tin. Man li 27th 1891. Notice in bewby BtVM that in OOBpIi unco with the provisions oi the net of congress of June H, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the abates oi OtvHiornia, Ongon, Nevarla, anil WaHhiiiffton territory," n extended to all the imblic land ftnles by :i. t ol AugtiHt 4, 1892, Thomas Monteith, ol Al bany, county of Linn, state oi Oregon, has this dav filinl in this ollice his sworn statement No 2tW, for the purchase ut the S E of N K '4 Section 14, s 's of X V W and N E U of N W .'4 of section No IS, in township No 10 SOQth range No 4 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the registsr and receiver oi this office ut Oregon City, Oregon on Friday, the 17th day of August, 1891. He names us witnesses : J. B. Oomley, Henry' Stiesens, of Albany, Oregon, John llailey of Lyons, Oregon, John Bchloaser of Albany, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands aru requested to file their claims in this olfice 011 or before said 17th day of August 1894. ROBERTA. MILLER. Register. K. O. T. M A'bany ('IV nt No 6 meet everv Saturday even ng In K. O T. M Hail. V.sitnR Knight, invited to attend. A h Ian.b, Com. 1 OU Mb Id III. & IRVING and - 1:111 balniers. lir.c of mttalic. clctti end wood rackets at suits, in I iradrlolh, satin, rssl rr ir,(l HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOI Land Co - OjH3iCvO State meet, hr.-nch cflfiee !n ftgtthMM acn- lots ore t i n i at $50 to $60 tii balance per Cabinet photos from $l.eotofa.oo per doien. Enlaiglng pictures a pectaltv 1'ixij craton? framed for $ioxx. tVe 'inv a large slock oi $5 and ,ereccri'- view of Or egon - .r UPN1TURE, le., bieh I will aall at PRICES. Tbos. Brink. plaifi to? 1 ladie shoes. price f5 00. u I 50 2 ) S3 fax) 2 50 f are broken. - Notice for Publication t". S UvDOril- t, Oxtnos ("itt. O Jaly 11, 1S33 Notici ta herl y sivjn that 10 corap ianc with to pr. risaoos of th act of j of Jui.e 3. l,t. rotallcd "An BCS h rlrie a .1 , 1 f tunlTT Lao. is 10 the slate ( ' tlft- f . ' j- :;. Nrvwda tnd Wabingtoe tetr.tiiry," as estidal a,, the 1 ut.'.io a tut tin M. Herta,r", of l.reen I aaio. c only of Mari i-, ataie l Oregon, has h.s day fled in this Dae bit i m a atement No -2S73 for the purr ha- .f Ihe S I J X W j a.e- tr ao 27. B E , d N sol N I t4 i f S K No H in towoaMo NolO 'S i t MCtlllO south rsege N 5east. a;d wl.l offer proif I i .hoar that the land sought M more v kw atile 1 r ita timber or atone lhan agricul tara rarposea, and to t-tiabloh his c'stoi lo as d !a"d K f -re the r ar.d teceiver M this - f)-r;oii I iti. Orrgoii id FiiJay, the I7tb day .f Aaawst, lS'.U. He nain as witaeaseat OeoH. lyteibcr. H Suarua rf Albany, Oregon. I, L Brrry ot lUrry, -atoo. A. S. C.illver. of tireen Ba-ii . Any ami all peraooa olsiming ad veraely the abtire dror.Hed lamis are rr- quested to tile ibeir claims in this office on or before assial lrth .1 .v of An iiu BOBEUT A. IIILLKR, 1! gia-. r Notice for Publication. V S l,AMOFH K AT "ItEuON ClTV. Og. July Uin, 1MI3 V..8e- ta.r.hv aiven thai ma. le.nll.tiee .th the na of tn- act of t-oc areas . f .luue 3 IS78- enti led "An act for the le of nn.ier I anil in States of Ualtlasl aa, O.-e goi.. ..I . and V.ihim".oo tc rimry,- ,!,!' i.d-d 10 ait the lar d .t:e hy .., A.i. nit 4 l'.l' Aui'ti la llentiea.--. ol OtCajS Ores.- 1 i y, countv ol Cacksmas stall of 1. ...a ttis dav filed in this itBce her sworn .tatemen' N -S."i7,for the purchavs of the S 1 a of N W J.N E 1 of S W 4 and S AT j of r h. i ot oeeiinn ISo 10 ti wnshlp .No 10 toutli rangii No 5 cait.snd will offer proof to ahow that the land aonth is more valu able for its timber or atone than foragricu! tniil purposes, and to establish her claim tn Said lanil ntfjro tha r.-giatcr and receiver of this cffioaJai .'n';o.i C:.ty, Oregon, ou Kulay the t7thday ot Augurt IS94. She namrs aa witne set: J. L. Retry, W. T. Whitlook, ). Peterson, J. S. Sn.ith all of Berry, Oreiion . Any and all persona claim ing adversely above deacribtd landa aic ic rju rted to tile their claims in this rffios on or be'ore raid 17th day i f Auatust 1S9( ROBKRT A. MILLEli. Hea'fter. Notice for Fablication. V. Lajnt OrilCI AT OliKOON CiTV.OR March 29:h, 1893. Notice is i.e'eby given that in co 1 pliance with Ihe peavi lona ol the act of OOegrssa of June 3 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands 111 h- atatcs of California, Oteitoi-, N' an 1 Washiaatoa territory" aa extended to all I he public land states bv act of Au u t 4 1892, William 1' tt hitluok of Hir v, cixinty of Laiaa, atave of Oregon, haa tbia day filed in thia office hia sworn state ment No 2963. f 1. the purchase of the S .4 of N K ' 1 and Iota 1 aud 2 of aection No 4 in tow n-ini No 10 anuth ranae No 4 east, aud will offer proof to show that the land nought Is more valuable tut its tlm berorstoite than for agricultural pur poses, and 1 1 ea'abllsh his cla! 11 to aa,1 land bet' rn the regiater and receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Oregon on Prl day tbe 17th day of August 1894. Ha names as wit uesaeai: J L Berry, Robert Catrell, W S Smith, J Peterson a 1 of Ber ry, Oregon. All persona claiming ad verse'y the above described lands are re queeUid to tile their claims In this office on or before said 17th day of August 1894. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Ku lira Imtrumen3, Etc. 'J1'1 The Cornel Diug Store,". Albany NOTICE Official notice from Robert A Miller, Register, and Peter Paquet, Receiver, at Oregon City dated June 9, Is that the land in tp 9 S, R 7 West, will be subject 1 loentrv on and after fiile IT at e a m ! land in tp 5 i, R 5 East on and after July 19, at o til, tp 8 S. R 2 East, on ai.d after July 23; tp 8 S, R 3 East on and after fuly 25, 1804, at if a m NOTICE. U S I.AND OrrRE at Ockuo.v City. Ok 1 May 9:b, iS94, Notice Is hereby giver, that the approv ed plat of survey of Township g South, j Rsnge 4 East has Deen received from the ' surveyor general of Oregon and on June t 2iat. 18O4, at 9 o'clock a m of said day! sid plat will be filed In this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to, entry on ar.d after said dace. Robert A Miller, regUter. Petek Pahvit, receiver. ASSIGNEE'S FINAL NO MCE Notice is hereby given that the unler signed assigres of tbe estate of I. T Hen ' newt an icaoivent debtor tax filer his final account as such auMlsJbee with P P. ne. Counts Clerk, Linn County. Ore ' gon. All petsonv having objections to , urh final account will present them on or lfore the first day of the next regu 1st June term of the elrvuit court of Linn fount v. the sarce being' Monday. H.10M. TJ McO-eaEi ArSIOSEB NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have the fuTidt on hand and will pay a.l county warrants stamped pr-K:uMo May 1st, t94, Interest on the fame clot r.g at this date, the 15th of June 1S94. Ba ice Waixack, County T-easurer. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given 10 all whom it rr.ay concern that I hav; been du!v ap pointed executrix af the last will and es tate of alichac! Croisant, dcoased. by the Cocnty Court of Linn cjuntr. Oregon, therefore .!! persons having claims against sail estate are hereby noticed and re quited to present the same to me at the office uf W R Biiyeu In tie dlT of Albany, 'Jregon, with the vouchers wi '.iin six months from the date '.hereof. Dated June I5, 1894. Eli t CCss. W R. BiLYEt . Executrix, Attornev fr Executrix. SHERIFFS SALE rial Coamtr Cyvt ot Jr Sl-tit OJ Ofwy fjr 4ecarr of Poik. Nsx Uo'rutn. Hi!- Backsnsic, I'laic:.. fVfndant. Notice fa hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order or Is duly i.ud out of the above named court in tbe above entice' acti-u to me directed and dedvtred. Commanding me to levy upon and aetl the real froneny beretof. re attached ha sit t sclsoc and dewenhed in asxid execu tion, I hat e du'y leriea upon aJS tbe igbl till wnd if I be above named dfndn . Hale B-S lasto, jn and 10 tbe am I r l estate property, dewcribed as k i-n to wi: : the Soot! one ta.i c.i o:oca ,w :n in- e ly c Altaxny. coumy ..f 1. no, Sia e Of Onwgy avnd w, . n a'-ir.lav :h is:b dav of v 1 Ilia f out rlH of the ennrt uw in theer.v ..r a tanr. l-inB county -egin. at tbe D"ur of I o cioea p m of taaid dv 'I l pa I!c anrt.i-.xi r easa ha-d 1 1 tbe b shc-l hKider.a'i ihe right tills and iuierts'. of aiJ iiasfeadaot to and 10 real CO petty, te pv and saiisfy aaud execution as (oiiow -: First the coals and expenses of snd up n tw'U execution and tne origins' f suit isxed st -. SS. Socd to ibe payment of the p aintitTs claim amount us to the sum of flM.35 with interest lb arson at tbe rate of 10 pel ceui p:-r ai nuui from tbe 5tb day t-f rshruary. let's, and the further sun? of 25 attornevsfees. l aud this JTth, day or June, I8M. C C JacKsoit. 1 9 e-.rTa.f I.ion Coantv, Ore, By 1'SSn.iih. Deputy EXECUTOR'S KPT ICE Notice is hereby Kicn that ti e undcr l(rntd on the 3Vd day af March. 'St. duly aeapoinied Executor of the ,asl 1 will and statetr.ent of E L Knox, deceas , ed, by the County Court cd Linn County. 1 his is theretore to nctily a!, persons iiav-.n,- claims against sai-t de- ceaseat to present the same to meat te Court-hotue in t.lnn County, Oregon 'with the proper vouchers within s!x j months from the date thereot Dated thi. dav sf April. 1S04 W R Bilvcu. Nimrod 1'atne. Attcrrev for Executor. Executor. Notice for Publication I" S Land ttr-rtcr. Oekn City. Or. July ;ird, ISS.i. Notice is hereby j;ivon that in com J pliancc with the provisions of the act of i Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An j act for the sale uf timluT lands in the i States of California, (.invon, Nevada. an'' " aslniia-ton Icrntory-. as extended to all the Public Ijllld States bv act of 1 Atagtny) 4. 1S2. Allen Smith, of Niagara, county et .ianon. Mate oi wpim, nas tins itav nieit ia tut.-' othce ins sworn statement No 2310. fur the purchase of the W i.f S V i4 (if see 10 and W i of N W 1 . of Section No 1" in Township'No 10 s. Range Ko 4 and will offer proof t MH'W I uat Hie lailil MHIglll IS more ' 'e '" " """" i" " ir . ffriotiltiirsil piiruOHL Ud to establish . 1 ,:,,m " paul ,i,,m "tiore tne negisier Rtwiver of tin otli.v at Orvyon City. O1? ' vmOMJ, tho2Sth day oi August. aiv ,i..ii.vo ..-- ., 11 .11 .-a.-. 1M!M. lie names as ! -,' -. " wwp, i . laawsu auaia vy .1 Htnkel. all of NMMim, Marinti Co. On- gon. Any mid till penoaa claiming ad vemdy the alaovc-alescrilicil lands an1 re quested lo file their claims in this office 0B Or before smid 28th dav of August, 18M. ROBERT A MILLER. Register. NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ! Notice Is bereby'glven that the under-j signed administratrix of the estate of Al fred Reel, deceased, has filed her ae count as such Administratrix, in lhecoun- ty court of Linn county .Oregon, and said ! .i.l I. .. . t I 'lauaJaa . I. .. ,., l I t ' wi,(i ti.- iiiim, a narnim , , ma; iiinu usv S'l July, IS..M, st 10 o'clock a m as the time, and the county court room, in Albany, Oregon, as tbe place, for the hearing of sahl accounts, and the settlement of ob jections thereto if any. Dsted this May j;rd, 1S94. ! rs S.Riii Mills, (iko W Wrioiit, Administratrix Attorne- for Admix. EXE0U1RIX NOTICE. Notice ia heiehy given tint the under signed haa this day been duly appo:nted atwietrix of the last will and testament of Siiphia Van Wlr.dle Bruger, deceaaed, b. Ibe Conutv Court of Linn ooutv, Ot-egin. All persons having olaixs ayaintt Slid dtoeaaed are raquired to preeeut them to the undorsigned at Portland, Oregon, or to Weatherforti & Wvatt attorneys at Albany within six months from thia date. Thia 21st day of June, 894. M.'N.MK Rbucoer, Execntrlx of the last will of Sophia Vau Windle Hruggjr, decesseii. 1 f AN ril - f'uthlntr Canvasser o if good address Llbsrai aalarv anil expena-as pa'd weekly; Permanent posi lion, BKUWiN Htwato, jureerymea. H. It. HYliK, W. iT.DINDIMJr.R. D. H. JAMS ALBANY FOBNITDBB CO., CO! flail .more Block - Albanr, Ore. Furniture complete line of lADERTAKIXCi in all its branches. EMBALMING aerially. .. iiesldn ce 1 1 1 er 3rd and Cal.-.oooia Star Baker ri:r .lM'bin and Virni Hf CGKRAO IWIR, FROPRIE.BR. OSALKB or aaatral rrsttla, Oaaaes Met ('JsMttsre, Qieeuaan rJed FrcliM. Vegetables. Tsbaree, igais Wngar, ftplcea. ', Test. Et tie.. at eterlb.jc thai ta kept in Bsfasj sad aaotjtra store. Highest Baarftef pvsespaM for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Albanylnsarance Agency We have had over seven years exper ience in the Home ofllce andlocsl insur ance butine,and can g us rantee Ir u ranee wri'ten by us to be properly looked after. The following is a partial list of represented by ut: Foreign So-th Britii Si Mercantile, Norwich Cnlon, Fhatnis, London, Ma:., j cheater. Gusrdan, San, Caledonian, I. .r - 1 aar. A I American Continental of New York, esichesier of New Yojk. The Cor.U F?1 UriT, ZZ "LU for the premium, with ample time tor na mnt Mnanln!!. alt4r w good nusiness. Ultut opposite o d tott- effice. I M SENDERS ALBANY COLLEGE Send for Catalogue Addrew, REV. E. ::. CONDIT, Albany, Oregon U S BAKERY, Fresh Br al Erery D j. Pis, Gakes. etc Special orders solicited. C D AN D K E. Proorietor , r Cnd s'reet. between E.lsworth i L- on KOTICE OF FINAL SETTLFM Notice i hereby given t'aat tbe nnder tinned, executors' of :be last will and tea ot rerrt,e te jacors aeceasa-d. base fl ei their final account wtm ihi 1- nt-.v c'.erk . f l.;rn ' uctv Orr-con. and thai the eountv court l said LiWicoan iv bstxet Mccdav. juiv :cd. is4. at 1JTSTJ?& sid anal tsceouct, and ihe settlement of aia eKwte. ! I ated Ibis Mv 21st. W sV ion G A Tajlui, I Notice for Publication l". S. 1. 1 n .. OrricE T Crrv.Oa. Jaly 3 d, 1S93 N.tije ia hereby given that in ccoipliune with the tvioviaioaa of ire act of Cong its if Jure 3. 1S7S, eotitlsd "An act fortnessleof umber laada in the s'atea of California. Ore go s. Nevada, nl a al awaxtaa Territory, ' aa exteodcii laj si ( bbhc laed states J act if Aa.utt 4. 18K2, tsilliain J Smith, of N.ig-rs, county of Mar .on, state of Oregon, baa thi day tiled ' in this i lBce his sworn statement Xo2S3tv for the purchase of tee K I and tie X V i . t ihe S R , and the N E 1 . of the S W j f Sx-tioo No 9, in township So 10 S.-nth . Uange Xo 4 Ksst, snd will offer proof to! : -how that tbe land 'ought is more valuable for i s :i nber or s'one lhan for agriTttltaral purposes, at d to establish his claim to said bawd before tbe Regiater and Reset ver of this at Onaw Citv, Ongon.on Wed- nraday, tne lfth day i names an witnesses of Joly. 1$94. He B TGeorrre. J S M-yer, C I Hmk'e. Alien Smith, 11 of X . Van. n Co, O n. Acv and all and aV ovewwist pe sons ciaminaa,iveiseiy the ahovewvcas j ttriaad latids we requested to tile their c'aimsin ihia ofheern st before aid 1 1th da of Ja'y. 1;M Robkkt A Miutut. Regiater. NOTICE Of FiNAL SETTLEMENT. ..... . i . ... . Notice is hreby a vera ibat the nnder ajgwwatlejbreofsbe will and tej tanentofJeriaie Barr deceased have filed their fiual account wilh ti.e countv eterk of Linn county. Oregon, and that tbe county court has apiminaed Monday, tbe second day of Jmy, 1S!N at 10 o'clock a m of said day, far bearing said account and settling said estate. Any persons hav inir anv obictions 10 the selllinir of saia estate are notified to be present at the above time aud present the smut . May 15. 1SH. s v Barr Weatherford Jk W vatt J F Barr A til s fol Ex. Executors Notice for Publication U S I.xnd Office Oregon Citv Or March 17, ISM Notice is t.ereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June S, 187S entitled An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the atate--of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash ihgton Territory" aa extended to ail the public land states bv act of August 4. 1S9S, Collins W Klkitia, of Albany, county of Linu state of Oregon. has lhta 'day filed in this offiie his sworn statement Ko29tk for the purchase of the Northwest I, of section No. 12 iu towushlp no. 10 8 range No 4 East, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuabtefor Ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol I '.his office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuo sday the tilth day of June, 1S94. He name 'as witnesses: Jos Whitney tnd C B Winn, ot Albany. L W Laughead of Hal stead, C H Laughead, of Yaqulna City I Oregon. Any and all persons claiming 1 adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in his office on or before said 19th day of June 1S94. Robert A Mtu.R, . Register H" AY 81OBAGE. ,1 will be prepared to store thia season bailei bay at reasonable rates of M Senders. For panic 11 iasa enquire Oregon Pacific Railroad. mi hark, sjaissmr Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Connecting with steamer qnina and San Framieco. Homer tela t o Ys- Hmnei sails Ftbj 3Xe, March 1, It tS, and Slat, raos Tta'iaa. Homer sails fib tub, March 7, ".7, ai d ZHfc, The Company rewires tbe ngot hange sailing dau s wUboot notice. For freight and passenger rte app'y to any agent. Charlea J Ut tuna, hit Co. St, 2 to 8 Xarktt St tan FrncUt Call ( lilt Tboa F ' ,. H C Pa; ae, 11 C K ,a , Beeeirera. N ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. Pullman Sleeping (Jars. Elegant Dinvg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars' St Pan! Minneapolis Poloth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookcton Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS.... TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston acd all Points East and Sooth information, time cards, maps and . n ' . - J ' Or A D Cnarlten . Ast Gen rail Agt, Portland, Oregon, Street Railway Time Card The car will leave ecreer of First aad Washington streets at follows: 740 a m for Lebanon train. b:ls " " Orohan't Rontt. 11:50 " ' Ncc: tratn go'.r.j north. 12:15 p m for noon train going south. t '' " Lebanon train . 1 .30 " " Orphans Home. tf a it 9:55 " OverlSaad train seine b. For Orphan's Heme en iure;i cat leave at 2 :jO, 3 So acd 4.30pm The car will also meet sir ice . trains on the Oregon Pacific railroa C G BfKKEABT FOR SAN FRANCISCO I The Steamsh-p HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valle ' points via the Oregon and ?onthern Pacir c railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about the fol lowing dates: From San Fran- cisoo on Wednesday April 1. , t- .- at Opm. Prom laqUina.On net TtlfsiIaV All"' 11 '.'it rare from Albany and to San Francis: Cabin aM' SteerSfZe 9 Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good I for 30 days, $18. Chas 1 BaasBtrr, Sox ft Co, Agents. No 2 toJS M-a-se: ttree', Sao Fraecttca I' SHERIFF SALE y virtare of an n ullefc and order of sarin duiy issued b tbe e erk of tbe cir cuit court of the county nf Lino, state of Or gon. dated tbe .4tb day of Ms v 194, in a certain suit in the i ircuit court for sail county ant a' ate wherein Cba' leas Henry ac p aintiff recovered jurrmeni. . auisi m. vauaistem. Annie L. Vans' stein H. F. Pound and Martha Xt Pound, on the 13ih dav of Marco 18f, the sum of $2718 and interests ot, $90 at IC per cent per annum interest oh ISO0 at 8 per rt per annum, alt from March ISth, 1894, ani rents and disburse oimts taxed at I33.C0, aid ft"0 as at torney's lee. And whereas by said judg tos' t order and decree, it ess ordered, a judged and decreed that tbe real top erty described in p aiutf' mortgage and complaint, tow it: The Donation laand Claim of K. A. Irvine, lot No. 5SG6, Cialm No, 60, in sections to and 31, tewn ship 9 south range 1 east of the Wi lam ette meridian: Also tbe Lorih halt ot northeast JUarte- of north aaaart ! quarter of section 96, the rouib Iwestqunrterof northeast quarter of sec t on 36, the northw e t qu.ner ef n rlh esist quarter of section 36 fn township 9, range 1 weal cf lb Wi lameite . meridian, all in ooanty of Ia:nn, state or Oregon and containing 424 .teres more or j lee, be sold to satiety said judgment tnd ttecre- sou an costs; Kouce u htrebv given that I will on Saturday the 30th ! 3.y of June 1H. et the court hcua oor in Albwnv. in a.i.i aa sZI iu the afternoon of said day sell at public sui-uuu in lue uigces. o aoer 1 jr eao, ail of the right, titfeand interest which the said defendants or ei, her of tbeu or the telendant Berjamin H. Irvine assigns of H F. Pound, an insolvent debtor; had in said real property on said 13xh day of M arch; 18tt tosatisiv the said judgment an d decree together with all costs and) disbutsements Uat have or may accrue. C. O. JACKSON. Sheriti of Linn countv , ated e his the 30 day of May letH. Notice for Publication U. S. Lt.s'D Orrici, Orioox City, (r. Mav 7tb. 1S4. Tlaiber Land, Aot Jaoe 3, 1S7S, Nttio tor pubhettion. Notice ia hereby triven that in compliance with the nniTisious of the act of Congress of June i ISIS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and VaastmigUra territory, as extended to all the Public Liaud States by act of August 4, 1SX! Catena H. Dalrymple, of Albam-, t'ounty of Linn State of Oreson. has this Hay tUed iu this office his sworn statement No. W, for the purchase ol the 8 1 of Sectiou So 33 in Township No 10 8. Kange No 8 Kaat, and will offer proof to snow thai the land sought ia mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose and to establish hi claim to said land before thi Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 10th day of Au gust, ISM. Be names as witnesses: F L Holmes, E W Ikvmsn, A Wink, A EHoures. all ot Albany, On. Any and all perrons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of Au gust, L--'l. liOBXXT A. MllXItt, . Register. IBIHS. Cusick Block Albany, Or. IV JJH ! as iu . l sm n mm me t aa au Filling and extracting of teeth without