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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
tMte twcxal VOL XXIX. ALB AN Y.OREGON, FRIDA1, JULY 13. 1894. Entered at the rail Office at Albany. Or., as Second-Class Mall Kntteti ITITIW 4t f TTIsU.l'd'jtMBer.'aad lreprleler: -5 IS ( oO THURSDAY WIMIWMIIIIIIHIiyillllllllllHI illWIHMlllHliliHIH II III I'llnlllh II I for Infants and Children. Castoria is so well adapted to children that '.reoommwnd it so superior tc-any prescription sown to tie." H. A. Aac-nxr, JL D., Ill So. Oxford Gfc, 3rooklyn, IT. T. "The too of 'Castcria I; so universal and s merits so well known hex it seems a work .tf supererogation to endorse it. Ptw are the Jitelligent families who do not keep Castoria itila easy reach." Cantos lUcvv, D. Zk, Sew York City. Castoria croc:; Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Iiiarrhcea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and jromntea dl gestion. Without injurious tnedicctioa. "For rewal years I have rceomraendes your ' Cestoria,' and shall always continue tc do so as It has invariably rrocdced hcncilcia lesults." Eswin F. Phases, 11. !.. ISSth Street and Tth ive.. New York City Ths CSKTsra CowiXT, 77 Unuuv STamrr, X - WRONIZ: HOMs'lNSTiTUTIONS. TM FARMERS & fiKRCHMTS IKSURMCE If -Albany, Oregeui riKA-), rresidaet. 1 I. COWAN, iroasnrer. J O WRrtaMA.1T. Socjetur Goo F 8IMPSON. Vios Proslloub Weo K Shnpson, V W Raaet, DBMomi!'i.HM''rni.,' J K -v.. u in, t r i. CJ St u ait I O Wrltsraan. -ALSO DISTRICT aQSUTS SOE- several Sol Eastern and Foreign GompaAieb HAVE U TRiEO DRUGS AND FAILED TO FXSD A CCBK FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, && Dll. SANDINS ELECTKIC BELT -with Elect r tiMM tsaspea, story v.U cure wit feast asedtclaa allt..'theabovetroaMe. Those who ruftcr mm .Nrrvus. DrbilltT. Lhhi, Drains. Iamm MariBaea. :.N ervu snese. Tsleepleaeei-ea, 'I'oer Htasr;, all KemaleCewi- ; I J " ills, ana te-erai Jil wvwa. ybetSe-t.of ibaio, I mini, worry ore-p, -sore, will nod reUefasd pro-apl care in oar murdow inventtoa, vb rh rcqnmvbatatrtaltoeoBTtaea t!.e Inis-oacaneeofaf, leeta jon may ha-e anoBty draBMS j'.crsTMcr- cl nerve ftveeaodviuilkj wfcirL is elecrrielty and thti eaas4i TrorweaKneasGriaesoi loree. If ro j rep ace into toot system tat elements loss drained, which are re quired for -itfororastreeytA. you will remove I he rae sod beatta. suaawth and vlj. r wi 1 follow at once. Tm .r our pum and treatment, and wa .-naraatee a cur or refund B8mer. ' Oar 300 pare beak "THHES CI,?!iJS OP II EX," should he read by every "., iddle-ared ;n old I man. sent sealed, free. Dr. SaadeB-a Kleerrie Belt hi xina.en aa wo have restored thounndsto robust health an I V.rov. after !! other treatrients failed, as csabe shown by hundreds of cases Umulnn isiMoawsm,wii" wuura swuir of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our ueiC WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOUI GENERAL DE3JLITV CURED. LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. 11 r 1 u'ti.,v4,i ou, a-. t aerx-.Kna U'axm. sptnDc . m Dr. T. fUndU Mr I or?lnJytn.rtjH TV A T &u.aa. Dmt Sir-Y. IintnwblHi with MM Twor. ntaj t,,i Wd ark. eombjaK? with th atrain conitis fr I would csi with wtc : vince Qms a comnleto low of power. a. n fJrawl faaaJinar. (wn., r hi r anaw haall I h .Wri htvf B na Ifll Off llf . 1 DO Eft tMttarUtam i hava f o. t"u 7- ar paC Z havetba Ml aimt oonfideaoa in roar treat u tut. Too can ch.c Jtaix this atateznant. aio hare o;het wni- or call oa ma, Traly jours, IL A. iiOr7t.N. 26 oad 28 Turk. St. RHEUMATISM DMENESS CU Dr. A, T. iMMML hr Sir. I cot one if r your taalta law i fcai ain fnr i Ti nn m art i nn frnlaiwhf-hl aflVrwd for awrara.1 ywsnL For i he pas: six months I had rot Lean ah U tow rk. Yoor halt haap'.aetwd me in ajmoat periWt health in tho two wka I haTe oW It. leu jillr ccm ortably, and feel like n?w man renersJl. M. E. HUOHS. PrpriwKor Intemattonai Houd. aERvous DawLrrorjRjpt Dr. A-T Pan den. Deer tir:-l hafe ben aain your Klectnc oeit lor jrneraj Berrona ceouur. ana to-a faatl tMtfnr than I hare for fire rears. I hare sained Ha. tB0t dailx, and am at rang inererrpart- back. I -M ta bavd Mas all do-Jla-l u jar of an enfiatt, pravwrnea from vhhrh i awJHMr for a iKtt T mi lei sn! h.rfl t Kavs-y wuii it. 1 .'j:u. oitB or jo'T mr.a. it taaca saw in ideoft ds.ys.ajd Ioontiaac.- iowarttforfDfs mouth, heme petlect'.r cared. That was two F-r at n atasA 1 Ub aV. mf, tArflmV a I sartwe M 1 WAV life. 1 know jour br't arali. sad I knew lata of people wfcf have beet, corea 07 It- smsx tBMvaDirl In it thaw TWjwJtv ' ine Dew: rwsawT in too worn . ss toewwa u -rw petmwaaptlr.and wt!l sssjaj totsikwttfcsaSjOMtrhw to inqn re arxA- r. BOBKKT BL HP. EL. Engineer Hotel Portland. lost viTALrrANo ngSSSSfh m D-. A. T. Ksnde , Deer Ptr -Miic weerlnc rosl b It I hare been rra '7 benected. 1 feel mf old en. rro faC retuTuing; end afur a month's use of the belt I find myself tw..e as r soroos sa befotn. Ill messory is low nearly -.rfect, and eec. day jheen for the better. I t nnch stroncwr thnt before oainc ths heU. Vdors truly, HKT bCHrLTZ THE DR. SANDEKC ELECTRIC BELT KsJraii.c battery, made into a belt so u to be easily worn duHta w rfc or atrct. and H pr 'lonawa enrrwnss wssssn are wwaawi iwt uirvuRuvut wm. rt, wr wv lunra lew i j J ass Bsessawee wu ni hi wu eeai uiru. di aotfl tenJarsw3ihrankt?Q I;mbs. or parts, or Money or weakness n y":-i ii:iiaioaife.vcM. COTDpat3in u,wwTTthas an I sap rowed Electric bsensarT. (m rreatet boon erer r-'en weak L-n.ard we warrasTit t t care bmj ot ineaoovj weaanesass s Tn a 4 at . rttPT nro twruiejd In atreriarth to ssnss. tnfTT sna lie Wt3 lUH wum 1 111 twuvi uung auvsaaiasav- auuicbd u suit -u- SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 3PD AND. WAS KINGTON The Best Shoes DOUGLAS 0E lor the jjnULooej. 4 p STi J X W. . SBl HIS IS IHh mcrAn'-?a L-lSV FOR GEWTLEMa Su. S4 ana S3.50 Dress Shoe. S3.5C Police Shoo, 3 Solei S2.50, S2 for Work! ngmei $2 and C..75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSK S3, &2.50 82, $1.71 CCTIOrf -If so? deale oCT. rs you W. L. Douclu. shoes at a reduced price, 01 says urn nas I hem wiim oul uta name stamper the Dottoaa, put ntna down aa a r ra no- W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are rtviish, eas fitting, and give beMc aatisfactlon at the prices advertised '.nan anv other ma! ;. Try one pair anj be ccn -iaced. The stamping of W. L. D"ti:-!'.-' name and price on the bottom, w!.;. guartntee their value, aavea thousands f ani.t:f!iy to those who wear '.hem. Deal t who push the sale of W. i, Z-' ! l.oeg ga'.n customers, which helns U Increase the aalea on their fuU line of pt .. - . i a i to r-". at n. 1 s r-"" we believe- yos eatt save laoter f - - - - ..-. T 0f f,. r . Ked beloV. ftatnlagu. fro upo iyt.:. SW LAB. Brockton. Ua. FOR SALE BY THE I E BLAIM CLOTHING CO Who Was to Blauc Much iutliKiia lion was expressed yesterday among the A O U W excursionists at the frout when they were made to pay 50 cents a meal at the Cascade House at Detroit when it had been advertised beforehand that the proprietor would furnish meals to all at 2,' cents a meal. Borne lew thoughtless persons were disposed to rmicise the Democrat for publishing lite notice but when the facta are stated all WiU know where to place th blame. The excursion was under the auspices of the A O U VV and on Monday Mr Barker, one ot the committee having the ex cursion in charge, called at this office and informed us that the Cascade House at Detroit would furnish meals at 25 cents and that he had been authorised to have it so advertised. This the Dem ocrat did. A great many of the ex cursionists, seeing this v notice, decided not to take refreshments with them preferring to pay 25 cents a neal. What was their surprise w hen the landlord exacted 50 cenU a meal, l i e landlord says he never agreed to furnish meals at 25 cents, though he admitted that waa his regular price. There seems to be no doabt from what Mr Barker guys that he reed o- at least gava tha committee oriuireu wie u.nou. ,.,. to underslaherTrTaTT awaaBBsaaBBwai. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. AT 1.KBAN0N. The b'ggest crowd ever in Lebanon gathered at that city yesterday. Cor vallis sent a good crowd and Albany did he:- chare, several hundred people at tending, the tiremen in full force. Leb anon was gavly decorated for th e event. The committees did themselves credit in the excellent management of the affair, as well as the live president of the day. Milton Miller and Marshal .Montague The procession was ati attractive one with its ladles on horse back, liberty car, industries, etc, not the least feature, bat a prominent one being Smiley'l printing press. Paper money was printed anl distributed gratis. The morning mm at the grounds was carried out in the proper manner. Excellent musks was furnished then and during ths div by the Lebanon and Tangent bands. Vocal music was furnished by glee club. P Mason read the declaration in a manner that bad made his declaration reading popular, lion John Burnett, of Corvallie delivered the oration, a patriotic effort Citors. Following utlie report of the 1 S Department of Agriculture, Weather Bu reau, of the irepon Mate v eatHer ervico for the week ending Monday, July 2, 1H!M. lue weather has been exceedingly favor able to the growth of ail vegetation. Hav mg i: in progrest end ome that was cut was damaged by tli showers. The hay- crop is reiKirtetl o 'is unusuullv heavv rail sown wheat ia doMjjh. Spring wheat is heading. Oais, budcy and ive are coloring. The bops hate a most prolific growth. The hop laife has made its U!JitviLraiice: hut ihi to ihi pxtcnsivn svtfm of spraying there will, he little ilutnajre from then i. A larger aire age of potatoes man usual were planus aul thee have excellent growth. Great interest is manifested on port of the fanners, implemenffdcalens and buyers concerning tie pro habit effect of the wheat aphis, which is so plentiful on the whe unu is now going On far no observable d ii i their presence. A . .... r 1 1 t ii v its jut aa l otio vrB wheat aphis appears ana a gaaerw neaus of the was with w as t2S0 Ho..-' " MANHOOD RESTORED! Kuarant-ed tocurw a.l nervnua diaeaaea.sucii ua V ssjfc Power. Headacue. Wakefulness. Ixnt Mam i K'.z nesK. all dralna and loaa of power: i Generative t u u, br orerexertlon. wwwthfttlerrers, eiceiMve i u ..mi. which Ir-ud lo Infirmity. ConsnmptUm t i . trppt p)cket. SJ1 per bo. 3 for M by mnll jj ytlTC written ffnaruntee la eure arrcftn iiutfL'M.a. Ak for It. take no oiber. Write fur t . U h. L..utu wraptK r. Audre-s Ik U Vt JK t t - r.r ..y4. a. ri'v .vj and by ilODGate ft . t.TE lEIDS." . -xondeifal remMt i. ory.Iyisnof Hr' I dons. Mr Iter ccx ra: , (id. m orstlm Htt ho r rirr, In . order w rhiid bf rf" , : nen ju saptw d-SA .' FORTMILLER & IRVING and Euibal liters. Undertakers - WE KtEP constantly on hard s full line of metallc, rlotn and wood caskets ai coffins. Also buiial lobes and suits, In ttcsdcloth, Wtl,CSl n which will be old at The Lowest Living ProSM. EMBALMING nd lhe Proper care of the dead a .jwdalty. some of its members' ne wouid lurnisn mea's at that price. One thing is certain Mr Danforlh has injured his business very much by his course about the matter go far as Alhauy people are concerned. Is Jail. Duron Boggs, who arrested some days ago charged stealing sheep at Sweet Home arrested and bound in the sum of to await the action of the grand jury. In default of bail he was pieced in 'jail. Hoggs statement of the case is to the effect that he went out into the brush to kill birds and in shooting at one he accidently wounded a sheep belonging to Mr Wiley. He killed the sheep and proceeuea to sain ana appropriate a ham. In doing so some children came near him when he rau awav and hid. The children disappeared when he re turned and secured his ham and started home with it, but wa. met bv Mr Wiley who informed him that hiV Wile7's. children had informed him that Boggs was killing one of his sheep. He says he told A ilev how it happened and Wiley appeared satisned and said all he wanted was nay for his sheep. Boggs says he told Wiley he would pay for the sheep but not then as he had not the money. He says this satisfied Wiiev until some one persuaded him to cause the arrest to be made. We have not heard Mr Wiley's story yet. A Pecvuab Case William Pels owns a farm over In Sho-pjnch.and up Mnlcey creea ; rojoimng ins place Henry Hein richs onus another. The latter, last winter, wfirn the water was high in Mulkey creek, attempted to float sixty thousaml feet of logs down it through rels place, and that got him into trouble. Pels, with Judge Hufford as his attot ney, has gone to court and says that seven of Heinrich's men with cant hooks, for at least ten davs worked with the logs, caused Mulkey creek to over now and wash gravel out on the latter s land, damaging said land $100, damag ing his fences $25 and his bridce 13. He also alleges that Heinrichs is preparing to try the thing over again with another sixty thousand or more feet of logs, and to save bis farm from further damage he begs the court to stop his neighbor from floating any more loirs down Muisev creek, which he alleges can never be come important as a channel of com merce. Ilius, log-rolling In Jie Oregon legislature may be practiced with impu nity, but it can't be done out in Shot pouch without some risk Times. lirEssisc There were 54 - tajaa in the jar at M SternburgatCof .Mr J P John son guessed and u the owwr of a fine safety bicvcle. Ed Cudck. N M Newport and A 8 Hart were the committee who counted the beans. W fl Klum.Kred Twav. Mrs A McKeclinie. Conrad Mever. L Jacobs, H B StJohn. 0. W Richardson. Ed Hamilton and J P Fenton guessed 5500 beans. The lowest was 37. the highest 'O.'jOO and there were 22 guessed between 8.500 andCl.ill. The Stbiki The outlook through the east has improved in a remarkable manner. Uncle Sam is proving himself equal to the accasion.and at this writing it looks a- it the strike wouid oe mastered. On the Southern Pacific the local left Portland on time this morning and will return to morrow. It is probable thev will run regularly hereafter, and it is also reported the overland will be sent out from Portland. ?,oji bushels of v i-.i-. will be hauied from Hilsey to the ited Oown mills by wagon. The O P stancs alone in the U 8 almoit, its trains have been on time since the strike without a ilpple. Th; tariff bill after much revision pass ed the s?nate by a party vote, Hill only vo'lng against it among the democrats. The Oregonian arrived a'- Albiny last nigh', at 5 o'c'ock, having been brought ny a young mn on a Victor bicycle. Two young meo Uft for the valley towns reavilv loaded. The man went on to Eugene. F H Bryaht has consen'ed to resume his place at the relorm school, and the Independent heads an announcement ot the fact: The tyrant restored, Bryant has another opportunity tob eat the H vs. Oregon's demagogic governor tefutes to accent the brutes resignation. Teams ire doing everything possible to help the newspapers out these dull davs. One belonging to .1 W Wright of Linn countyjkindly furnishes lhi Item. Wright was unloading flour at on. of the depots Friday, and Ids team took a spin dropping the Araeon near the crossing of the 0 P and 8 P tracks, and continued their flight until captured at tne frry. The wagon h.irness and hides of the horses all suffered slight damage. Corvallis Times. Postmaster Thomas, of Turner, went to Salem this morning and got the Port lend mail taking it to that place and also sending packages to Stayton. In this way the balem Statesman reached the kmo- crat office by war of the O. P. Caleb Davis arrived Wednesday from at'endance on the general assembly of the Presbyterian church at Jamestown, . . He was absent six weeks and sited in New York. Missouri, Iowa and California. In each state he found plen ty of monev in the banks ready to loan but only bang up Eecunty could net it, and in consequence times were almost as stringent as here in Oregon. The ex-s posures of the doings of Tammany hall reached his ears wh:le east and he did not venture into New Yora City. He got out of California by the skin of his teeth, escaping on the last train to leave nan t rancisco before the tie up. Cor vallis Times. Old Style. Chief Justice B S Bean and Associate Judge F A Moore are home from fendleton where they held sn ad- lourned term of lhe hastern Oregon su preme court last week . They experienced considerable trouble in reaching I'ortland rldine In lumber wauons, on top of box cars, tramping it a few miles and finally getting to Btnneville hy boat. There ihey boarded a work train, reaching l'ort. land Monday evening; they left Pendleton at lo a in Thursday, upon ascertaining that there were no trains to Salem they came to Oregon City on the electric cars Tuesdav end wete conveyed the remain der of the distance In a carriage, reaching here in a tired and dusty condition. Statesman. 'ifO EXTRA, CHARCl FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE rALBAMY, - - MA80NIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf si wheat oats. So i has resuiied from county carrr spond- le effect of the failing color vigor in the W Inch may 1 believe The railroads are being appreciated now. The races at the fair ground began this afternoon at about 3 o'clock, too late for to-days paper. Kin Francisco Kxaniinrrs of the 3rd ar rived in Albany to day by Paoiflc ster.mer and I'ortland. An exchange wan s the law amended IS lhal deputy eamHj officers will be e ect ed by lhe f eople The safe of J W Inais A Oo. was blown open Monday night and $J. so was all the lie morey secuied at Philomath. I here arc to c. asses of people am jt.g us, ne who look, for the worn and one for the I ct. To which do sou belone? The h t wetther !s driving the wheat aphis eft it e wheat at a ripld iale. Lit tle danure has been dour, and a hi cma Is assured A lior.e of Mr Rlchanior. of Sclo en tered in tic races at Lebanon for the :h died on the morning of that day undoubt edly from poison. The steamer Eugene has now adonled a rew time tb!e. iter schi-dule is no Sundavs and s edif-sdas s djwn Tms. days and Saturdays. The Vbrilant was defeated off Scot'and yesteidsy by the BrittannU,Oiough during tllng and Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report much the better sa success The afternoon exercises at the ground were of a patriotic and interesting na ture. Besides the inspiring band music ( Hart rendered one ot his popiiiar solos. A W Wright was heard in a declamation, and short speeches were made hy Kev Summerville and Senator elect A J Johnson. The plug ugglies giraled. Then came the interesting features of the day for the masses, the contests on the streets. lhe hose race, wet test, was hotly con tested between tour teams. The Albany team, composed ot Louis Dyer, Fred Westbrook, Roy Peat ley, Robert Cham bers, Chaa Medio, Jas Shields. Marvin Turner, Kock"y Willis, Tom Riley, and w m Hubble, was one of the best amateur teams Albany ever furnished. They made the run and got water in 37 seconds. The nozzle failed to hold, though. It it claimed that it was too large for the butt, and that the Allany boys were told it would be all right any way ; but as near as the Demo crat can find out not from any one hav ing any authority. Corvallis No 1 made the run in 38' a seconds, Corvallis No 2's in vj'-., seconds, and Lebanon in 38 seconds. It is claimed that Lebanon gained a few seconds by a man keeping his foot on the target rope; but this is probably not so. Every run was pro tested. The judges C H Stewart, of Al bany, O W Cruson, of Lebanon, and Mr Hayes ot corvallis, after a long consult ation, decided the race by telephone this morning in favor of Lebanon first, and Corvallis No l's seconJ. Albany was given her time. A base ball game was played between Leoanon and Oak tirove, duri.ig the af ternon, and was won by the former 17 to S. A bicycle race for a coople blocks was a hot contest. It was won by Brady Burnett, of Corvallis. Ray of Corvallis won the 150 yard foot race, without much of an effort. He is probably the fastest amateur sprinter in Oregon. The fat mens race, sack races, etc. came off aid caused considerable amuse ment. The Albany train left at 7:30. I'P His SAXTIAX. Theie are different ways of spending the lib of July. You may jri w hem all ia boom and bustle, you may let it slide bv at home, alone or with yonr lamily or girl or yon may take an excursion. V ith Albany people there were just about Hires things to do, stay at home. go to Lebanon, or Brownsville or ride up the O I to letroit. the Man about Town did the latter simply because he bad never made the trip and he desired to know of its nps and down and advan tages and disadvantages for himself. Rt people boarded lhe train at Albanv.eig'it cars be more than conforlably filej. U was the biggest excursion partv ever easing Albany. Though under the aus- pieces of the A O U W all kinds of po pie were present except hoodlums. There ere no hoodlums around. On the wav np ths trip was uneventful. Ten stop, were made, and as the start was an hour slow it was nearly noon before the destin ation was reached ; but there is scenery along the route that pays the tedionsness of the slowness of the ride, particularly along the Santiam. Clear and sparkling t rushes madly, somewhat gladiv. through narrow defiles and broader reaches, in places the mountains using abruptly, capped by towering pines, some times w ith ceder. Knox isutte. Munkers, Shelourn. Kings. Lyons, Mill City, Gates, Niagara, tox s alley, Ctreen liasin were passed. The Man about Town was shotvn Comely's and John Schlossers' ranches, standing sideways, but covered with magnificent timber, where Char e? Cusick and Curt W inn rusticate, Jo Whitney's cottage and gardeu. Miss Hall's commodious cottage with its rustic porch facing the rushing waters of the SanCam. Jokes, music by the Mechanics Band of a high order, and off hand con sation exhausted the time. letroit reached, a few took their dinners at the Cascade House, including the Man about Town, n good meal, causing complaint only at the price, 50 reMs, after it had been advertised lor i cents; but nearly all had their lunches and rushed for Cascade Parky a delightful p'ace among iiisrti firr, at the far end of which is the never failing"crystal spring,'' very good, at the riicht is horse shoe park, higher up on lhe mountain. Around these places lunch was taken in groups. Chicken prevailed. The Degree ol Honor had a well conducted stand, where pala table refreshments were served at a rea sonable compensation. At 2 o clock a program was presented from a platform on he side of the mountain. Rev Abbett presided, the Mechanics band was heard several times in popular selec tions, Rev Prichard offered prayer. Mr Lewis of Detroit, delivered a hearty we! come, short and to the point, lie ws esponded to by kev Abbett. Mr (i W Wright delivered a short and patriotic addiess. The remainder of the day wa spent in rambling, fishing, etc and when the time came to depart lor Home, not withstanding the pleasant surroundings. nearly all were glad to depart. Detroit was left at 6:40 p .n and Albany reached at 8:40. The A O U W is entitled to credit for the great success ot the excar- B130 The Man about Town is under ob ligations to the Albany Social club for courtesies, lhe young men managed their car In a nice manner, treating their members and guests with kindness and consideration. The club is a thrifty or ganization of stady young men, steadily increasing in memoersinp. iney are now introducing baths and a gymnasium into their rooms in the Baltimore Block, making It an additional object for young men to join. AT BROWN8VILLR. The celebration at Brownsville was pleasant affair. The contests went off in good shape, and the platform program wss well carried out. Parties from there unable to give the particulars report the celebration a success. Jablnel photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen, cniaiging pictures a peclalty. 10x10 crayons framed for Si 0.00. sVe carv a large stock of 5x8 and steiescoplc views of Or is. NU PHOTOGatAPeBBS,-011 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. W'uen she had Children, she gave them Castoria, or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Potty Years the &taodars1. extent as gets to the hea 1 and then a greater portion must pass to tha grain. Thi full effect of the aphu will be shown witain a wcvk " A Ssriocs Accidrxt. Last evening between 4 and S o'clock, Baynard Mon tanje, son of Hon L H Montanye, was riding on the rear of a hoi car beiu'g haul ed by the Lebanon engine on the -wit h that runs to the Red Crown mills, when he met with an accident thai may cost him his life, though probably 10L He had his left arm through the ailing and was reaching out .halting ha band toward some one in the woolen nail whn he struck with a hard blow the correr of the Farm er's ware house :jid was masliAd between the bail linir and the car in well aa wrench - ed in a violent manner. He was taken home in a hack, and Dr II Kin- called. An examination 'erealed the fact that at least seven tones were bnken, beimr the scapula of the right sbouuer. three bones in the right band, both lr-is cf the left forearm and the left humtrus. which (was crushed into the jV-int. Ihiee were com pound cotnuiinnuted breaks. He was also uadly bruised and it wai feared injured internal's' lint nrnliahlv sot Hi. sminili and breaks were dressed tnd he i resting in an easy manner thii afternoon. The young man is in a sen out ronoition with chances in favor of hi rewvery. Tut Stats Springs. Mr Chehire. of Sodaville. informs us that the state im provements ot the public mineral spring's at Sodarille are now in cmits of constni. t ion having recently been eommenceil. The state owns an acre of land surrounding and including the mineral springs and the : it legislature appropriated 500 to improve this ground. Thoas who save charge cf the work have planned a grvst deal mote than the $500 will do and the probabilities are that the next legislature will be asked to apppropnate more money- The work al ready begun consists of a lare summer house covering the springs. It is to have cvtuent floors on the lower story and is to be a handsome structure when competed Mr Cheshire speaks in highest terms of the medical properties of the springs and tat s that though horned out he will rebuild and live at Sodaville permanently. Eugene Journal. A Narrow Escape. Cottage Grove Leader: O W White, on his farm a few miles from town, while catting hay with a machine Saturday, came near being killed. Che horse oral was wild, ,-orrmered run ning around the other, a irentle one. until the machine, turning over, frightened it too. Both started to run and Mr V hi:. was thrown under the machine in nxb a manner that he was caught wider it ami dragged until bis clothing was torn off and there was scarcely a place the size of a man's hand that was not cot or braised. He at last succeeded in getting loose and went to the house. A physician was called, who sewed up some of the ruts and in a few days be experts to be all right again. Tiik iTVATto. So far as Oregon i concerned the strike is practically ai an end. the S P men having generally returned to work. These days, though, there is no tell ing how soon a name may te fanned into a conflagration. The overland reached Ashland thi morn ing. The Ieputy Marshals re mained at that city to make arrests for depredation to railroad property. 'Ine West Side trains are again running. The locals wire both on time today. The great danger at the present time is of other organizations going out thiough sympathy, thus tieing everything up. even the telegraphy; but this is not probable. After all American manhood will be seen to rise above the difficulty and law and order will triumph. SoLiAvrLl.E. The new hotel is rapidly nearing completion All of the frame work is completed and with the f wet that is now employes! on it it will soon be ready for us. The excavation for the spring building will probably be completed Wore this pa Cer reaches our readers Work on the uiiding will be commenced at once, part of the material being already on the ground In excavating the dirt for the sprine building a new spring wa found just north of the one now used, lhis mascs three good springs within an area of ten feet and TV S . m ,- . 1 - I UK-re is no icar 01 ever wing out soua 01 water. We are informed by good authority that the seminary will start as soon as the sea son tor whool arrives. C, w lonts. a nephew of Dr Jones of this place and a graduate from the State U niversity at l.u gene will have charge of it. Review. Wast Their Mosey. Mr Edson.of (se- troit, was in the ritv hist night .on h;s way to Corvallis, in the interest of old creditors of the 0 P. A meeting was held at Detroit Monday, and other creesitors were inter- viewd on his wav down.' As the recaiver is doing his level best to make the voad nav runninc expenses tVr.' n'rt linly can oe nothing else done, until a sale is effect ed. fne road will rrobably be ordered soid without reserve at what it will bring and if creditors get very much they will be tick l l.eV I unlit isr s--mauna count v iiuiiufs". ii.m ot establishing populist stores at different pans of the cout tv, a percentage of the profits lo be used diascminat'.ng reform" legislature. Of course there Is no provis ions for tosses. The Stale shoot is occurring in Portland, though the Oregon ian does not seem to be aware of the fact. The Democrat is in formed that Bogardus, of this city, is earn ing off the inner, in fact is sweeping the field. The ove.-Iand passed through Albany last night for San Francisco, with Puiman cars afachcii. deputy (J S Marshall Humphrey was on lh- train with twenty. one deputies, lie Southern Psclf.c means business. The sh, riffs of all lhe co n. ties a'oog the SP have been requested lo protect lhe property of the road in ihel. respective cwmle.. The large amount of taxes paid by the read entities it to the best protec tion to be secured In a lime like lids. The Count r Court of Clatsop county have provided for the following salaries for deputies, much higher than in most counties: H J Wherrty. dep uty clerk. $110 ; T G Boelling. deputy clerk. 7?: K G Prael, dpu!v sheriff,!! 10: II P Drcnnan, depu'y sheriff. $71. About three hundied men are now stop ping at Arington . quite a lot of teims, also a work ttain, says the Record. Ar lington cjs more the apporance ol a min ing ramp than 1 he quiet city It was two week. ago. Tne empty houses are being used for e-pl"-jj quarters. Theho!e.sre doti.g a ruhlns business. The u'Oort of an evening rt m ..d ore of the day of '49 A special frjm Klama'h pal's says near ,y toe balance c f the town was des troved bv fire Mondar. Te barracks. with all the uniforms, etc, wai oes'.royea. Loss $2,000. The counts treasurer loSr! fi aife, ard about $$,000 was contained In ii, consisting oi currency and coin. The currency was destroyed and the gold and silver Is melted to gether. The money was to be turned over to '.be newly elected treasurer today. A hardware store, a dr g sod. store, the Kiaroath Palls Express Ol3:c and sevca) smaller buildings w,-re destrovvd. Th? entire iois will probzblv amoun' lo S50. 000, with very little insurance. Dt Jones, cf Sodaville, was doing Al bany today. W K Chasiler has moved from Corvallis to L ' r -n M iss Eila McAllister, of Euc-rie. has been in Albany, visiting friends. Mr Sam May. of Harrisburg. came un on the Modoc List evening, and took the noon train for his borne. Mr J M Waters, at-tvars this week as County Commissioner, and seecis to fit into the office in good shape Mr John liriggt has placed on our table a sample of the finest jgooseberries we have r sw-n. Thev are of tt:e arwick sanetv and very juicy, sweet and palatable. A former Albany minister rv-enlJv married a couple down the Columbia: but the grown did not have a cent with which to tar htm. and be lost his fee. A hard times inci-lecL Mr Barris. brother of Mrs "Edward Murry. and tw.y sisters-in-law. who have !een visiting bere several weeks, left today for Ihiluth. .Minn, accompanied by two of Albany's popular young ladies. Misses Magi ie Murray and Mary Spreturer. who go to make that city their home. They will reside with their uncle. Mr Burris. Mary's Peak is the rendezvous of a rortv of pleasure-seekers todav. The party in cludes Prof and Mrs Ted Pcrnot. Misses Pranc t'iirsons, Maliel Johnson and Lettie Wi ks, and Messrs Eberbard. Marion :. M Wi.itt ar. i .1 Tevw. the Litter of Albany, 'irev left vestertav mcrning with eight horses as a part cf their equip ment, and if they are not safely on the summit, they ought to be. They expect to remain four or five clays Corvallis I : me- Late .Dispatches. RoYal 1 S) Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE SATTJEDAY HOME AND ABROAD declared a dividend and Tee Sc!- Bank has of 10 per cent. A circus is doine, Ei.t-m Oreg win ot up me va'ley in August. There sre 31 cJJ so dlera at lbs soldiers home at Rostburs,. It will accommodate about 50. One of Use l-orse? cf foe Meier ran lJcway 10 uay near the Alianr llrewerv. About J 000 cars were burned in Chicago early this morning. Several nYes oc curred st the same time the work of strik ers. Will the person who took '.he folding chilr from the eicursion train of the O P R R on Jo'y 4lh pleaae return the same m A Ii liars er? The grar.d lodge ol lhe Mavcnic ord.-r, which was ostr-oned on account of the flood In Portland, has beeo called to con ve le in lhe rr.etro;iclis on Ju!y nth. W Varnum walked from Dunsmuir to Ashland 'he firs', of the week, making the 140 miles in 50 hours, snJ organized over 13? raU'oad men along the route into the A R C. On the Sothern Pacafic passenger conductors received S1J5 a month; braae man. $60; engineers about f . 51 per day; fireman $l.o; freight brakeman, $So per month, freight cocductcrs Sloo per month. An advert!.-men: in the Oregoniaa is or the sale of 'he oldest -tablt-.'.ed news paper and job office !n the valley. Ad dress Box 444, Adav. O'. It is thought this refers to Mr Kineaids paper, of Eugene, bu'. whs the answtrs should ie sent 10 A-bany is not known. Rosebarg Piair.dea:er: The regon Triatrre of Roseburg and thj Broad Axe ! it wo t'n onnlt fT,.rr of hi. wa t-jwvi.e. bbssb pop-;x.i raer, aie j ilia KAcas Ine gentlemen's driving: races yesterday afternoon were an interest ing event, witnessed by several hundred people. Gotten np to test the speed of iocai horses only good feeling prevailed, and there was harmony in every particular. J M Ralston, I F Conn and w C Davis acted as judges, and F M French as time keeper. Three hor-es entered the fin ra. those of John Howard, Pete Ander son and Hrman Huelow. The two heats were duplicates, each being made in 3:42, with Howard's horse in the lead, Ander son s a good second atd Boelows third. The loss of a shoe in the first heat nractie- ' - a.i 1 ... E . . -oiv -mTw iBWT maisnaa Minr kiuja. ftorkhaji1? "As oH u the hula" and never exceLV ed. "Triad and proven" is the verdict o f mUlion" Simmons Lircr Regn- I .'raw 1 as s , m g A -a sj paBSi rf- - . ... - -Dcdicine to which you can p:n yonr faith for a cur':. A mild laxa- 7 ban n Ws live, purely fctable, cn horw startee!, (Jharies vJutanaH s7J X Cumming's Black Jack, and G W gimp-1 son s r leeta. Korxhart s mare took the lead in both heats winning, with Cum ming's, driven by Dr E L Irvine second. : 'mipson's third. Both heats were interest ing contests and showed good speed for amateur driving horses. Time, 2SA'i: The races will no doubt be followed by other local events. The track is in ex cellent condition and conducive to arrange ments for contests. A bicycle race spliced n would add to the spirit of the races. -rt - n rl snWas Sol. and veg-act- airccny tl'.e Liver Ki.l- -1 y all -. 1 cons' ! r it a ' A. V. . jACt- The conduct of the N G at Sacramento Indicates that N G are good for at least those ol that city. An uncle of B W Achlson recently In Albany, Is rusticating nt Dunsmuir, In the tie up. Ackowledoed by all that M Senders while defeated for the office of J P is still in the lead in the fire Insurance business representing the leading companies writ ing city business and the old CONTI NENTAL of New York, the ONLY first class company writing farm business in the state. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Madal aad Olplome The Portland Racks. Del N rt owned by Barrows Bros, of this city, paced a mile in 2:I.,, in Portland, at the races; but lost the race. Yesterday Kittita's Hang er won the 2:'J4 eoElest, best time -:Jii'j Altao won the 2:18 trot, best time Analene won the three year old trot. Red Nutting, who wa distanced does not be long to tha Man about Town's family. Died. At Tangent, on July 5, lS'.M Mrs Elisabeth Bryan, nt the ngo of nlwut 75 ears. Mrs Bryan was the mother Mr E L Brvan, and aunt of Mrs J L Cowan, of this city. She was a member of the M E Church South, and was a woman ls?!oved iv all, an example in the way of pure living. 1 ho funeral occurred to-dav. the remains being buried :it Albany. Land Cask. There is "another case near Plainview which promises to he hotly contested, It appears that many years ago John Morgan purchased a tract ol land Irom the state ol Oregon, and it now transpires that the state of Oregon did not own 40 acres of said land, and a man who was looking for a snap, detected the fact and bus built a cabin and is now living thereon. According to Mr Morgan's deed the state of Oregon promised to defend the land ngamst all 'awlui claims lirownsviue nmea. While You Abe At It you had belter qui', being a clam and lake your lanndry 10 the A'oany oicani i.nunury. uniy white labor is employed, tne clothes are done up neat and clean, there Is no lurk ing Chinese diseag-s left In the goods, a fine looking wagon driven by a gentleman snd not a Mongolian, delivers and collects goods, you help support an Albany In Dispatches nveived this aftemom show the following: Rioting continue in Chicago. Everything quiet at Sacramento. Stukers are in possession of San lese de pot, tieneral SVhofieM has ordered regular army from St Paul to Yancouvet to open through c ymmunication over Northern Pacibc and I nion Pacific. Mobs are attacking Wabash and Reek Island at vurious points in Illinois and Missouri. Washington state militia refuse to go home from state encampment unless trains arc manned by Union Crews. Dynamite bomb found on Northern Pa cific at Spokane Uiis morning at drawbridge entering city. Spokane all quiet today, law and order committee was tormed this morning Troops from Fort Sherman expected to- nigut. At t nicago to day the troops tired on a crowd of strikers, wounding several ard killing one. lhe tire was returned and again t he troops tired. Number of killed not now known. PO ing arrangement to c m;. 3.1 'ate. If sat Isctory arrangements are made the Tribune plant will probtbly br removed to Eugene, and lhe!idated paper wi.l be published there. The Peopes party a: Ashland have just oassed tie fo io i-.e resolution: Re- j solved. That we deciarc Inst ibroaly fo'u i llan ol the ra;:aay prob'e-n is through the fcovern-ner.- oanershlp of rai'rc-adg to be operated in the interest of the whole ps-opie. Cnion pjcinc stock Is down to 13. Thir teen rears rgo it sold at 131. The cam pany's stttemrn. fjr Aptf. given to the slice', last week, shows a decrease of net earning S758..110. By reducing expenses however, the net loss was cut down to SjyoS. The O R i N iii'tm fell $71, 234 short of carrying ex senses. Thefo'.lowing warning published in the Brawnsvti'c Ti nea will no doubt rid that city of burglars: ' Marshal Powell re quests us 'o state that if people da not quit breaking into stores and robbing the money tills, he Brill be compelled lo make eome'a-restv" The county eouit yesterday ordered Sheriff Ostn-n to remove the extra guard from around hr;iil. an J Miliard Ha'-s. Iw So has been filling lb: position, was relies ed and nSS plate is to be filled by ' a bah and cha'n attachment on the of j Scott and 12a 1. 1! thev get o-.'t again their I speed wnll r.oX be q ii!c so rapid at any rate CorvaL's lr.Jormer S Friendly, in a few days, will ship 5 tons of chittlm bark lo New York manufac'ur'ng druggists. Tlis industry scatters considerable money through Lane county annually . Eagene Guard. Leb anon leads In This industry. Ir;ng the past five years 44 ) tons of chittira bark have been shipped from here, lor which was paid an average price of per ton, airounting 10 $16,490. Seventy five toes will be lhlpped this year Advance. SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL W C Tweedale and family are taking their vacation at the Bay. MrsTJ Wilson, cf Engene. came to Alliany this noon to sjwnd Sunday. Mr A Hackleraan will leave on Monday for Crook county with KM bead of cott'e Mrs Topham whe ; -ft for CtftionM re cently returned this morning from Ashland, where she aas blox-kadcsl several day-. W E Atchis vn. a leading AUsany dealer in mat bio monuments, was visiting ever Sunday with his brother. A J Atchiscn. of his city. Independence Enterprise. N C Mvors. asvompanietl bv his father. David Mvors started monntiinsranl. Mon- lav. Thev went up the .' P. ad wi'l stop for a few days at Mehama. Salem's health resort. The trip is ma-.le with tne hope it will ! bf rlrisl to Clav's health. Scio Press. It Uk W b Donac.t two days to get home from Portland this week. Ke came to Oregon City by the motor lino, then took t afoot awhile, riding when he get a banco, and hire,! a rig part of the way. until ho reached Salem. From there lie camo to to Albany-bv sto..nilxTat. then home on the Lebano.. train. riMching here oa the evening of the Fourth Mr LUSsMS was a lUTOr in the I a district c iirt. DM cot ex- cusel for the term. Ibnon Advance. Religious Scrvicsss. Faited Presbyterian: Hov W A Trow will occupy the pulpit 111 the morning. Evening sermon hy the pastor. B 8 8:80, 1 r S V E 6:40. 1 ou are welcome. 'The Bible and the Laugh'" is the sub joct of the mens meeting tomorroyv at 4 1 in. Come out lie entertained and instruct ed, Dr! W Watts will speak. Benecsbw the place 1 MCA at 4 p m. What thky AYos. D B Monteith Dave and (inint Froiiuin and W K Baker returnesl this noon from Portland, whore they attended the state shoot. There were twelve contests, most of the Albany men only entered a few of the contests. D B Monteith did much the best shooting of the Albany men. Ho won tne doubles, mak ing 14 out. of Id. the prize being a gob ring, also a half interest in a 935 gun, a $6 pair ot shoes, a 111 hslnhg polo and a plug hat, besides some entrance monev. Grant Fioinan secured a cans cf wino. a tish poie a hand painted picture and n penc sharpener; Dave Froman $'J in monev and tin interest 111 a Ikix ot cmck-rs; Mr hak a cane and other small articles. Longfellow or Piogardus. a gallon ot whiskey ,two cases pf wine, and a loiking glass. Freddie Ileal!, a 20 year old boy. won the highest u vertigo with some to spare. Th The Ladies. pleasant etli.-c. and perfec Tue 4th at Browsjvii.i.f.. The Times in its account of the 4th of July celebration at trial city says : The Declaration ot Inde pendence was then ably read bv Eider L C Haulman. after which Hon ) K Weather ford was introduced by the good looking and efficient president. C E Stanard. Mr WeatAurford had addressed the people ot this place and vicinity so often and with such pleasing results that all were eager to hear him. For over an hour he held the strict attention of vast assemblage, while he delivered an eloquent oiabon, full from bezinning to end. of American patriotism 1 which kindled enew in the breast of every one present the flame which burns with lene for America. Everyone who heard it says life. I be races were won as follows: fcgg race, t ay Cooler; lean man's race. Chas Banta; fat man's race, Wesley Swearengen; boy's race, Hugh Rlakeiy: three legged race. Lank Gay and Willis Lerwill: fifty yard race, James Coolry: climbing the greased pole. Link Gay. The Ncrowd then repaired to Mill street where the bicycle races took place, ioe boys' race was won by Cart Tucker and the men's race by A BCa vender. The plug ugly parade was Lhe best ever wit nessed in the city and was doe to the in genuity of Jode Pearl. The day passed off without a single event to mar its pleasure. Uopt.PAT. -JP Stewart, of Puyailnp. Wish , iives his experience in hop raiaz.g as follows: In 1871 I planted some hope. The result as shown in journal of Oct . , lyW). of my experierce in the hop business for nineteen rears, from 1871 to 1$90. is at follows : Oct 22. 190. had this year 32,941 pounds of hops on 13' t acres of old yard and 3 of new yard. Toe new yielded 1000 pounds per acre and the old 2254 pounds. Sold 6.000 pounds for 15 cents a pound lolanre for 32 cents; total receipts for the crop.t9,52L12: average pricae. 22 -S cents. Total receipts on bops to date from 1971 is $61,981.45: total pounds of nop raised and sold to date. 307,o29 pounds; average price to date, 20 1-7 cents. The average cost for putting hops cn the market has been 9 cents per pound: average amount of money re ceived yearly. ;5.2J2.;S: average ret an nual proSt. $; average number of acre-. S.OC: average proat per annum per acre. S223.23; average number pounds per acre. 201S. A K sox Bitte Picxtc. On Friday of next week a basket picnic will be held at Marshall's grove. Knox Butte, under the auspices ot the Knox Butte Social Club. The following contests will be had : Fre? for all foot race, men, 100 yds. Sack race. 40 yds. Ladies' race. 40 yds. Cracker eating race. Sledge hammer throwing. Hurdle race. 20C vds. Egg race. Standing single jump. Running high jump. Three legged race Wheelbarrow race. There will be a platform dance in the afternoon and evening with MM by Prof Sharp's orchestra. On Pr'Jspesoi-s IrlftlUMi One of the busiest placps in Oregon is the Pioneer stone quarry at Yaquina Bav. Work is pro gressing day and night. Iwenty-eigat men are now employed. The quarry is lo- ated U0SB MM feet north ot tiirnev Mor rison's place on the Yaquina river. The Oregon PaeiSc has constructed a siding and the blocks ot stone are conveyed directly from the quarry to the cars by means of a large steam derrick, lhe land is owned by J M Howell and the company operating the business h is secured a nine year lease on the ground. This company is composed Of H G Luker I i W IH' i aid W H Alex ander, alt residents of Salem. Mr Davis went to the Bay yesterday in the interest of the business. Perfect Bab Otigllt to r.:can glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the years to corr.e. When we tendencies to we they are mining taken. This loss toe life it j is overcorrse Stuffs Emoisii v.-ith Hvp: of Z A LiTtrrOn pnites. a t2t-lood that bund appettttt and produces fiesa rate that appears mjgicaL Alm&U as palcir.ble as HeTii.RD, ImfiA, Cf Des '!-. --. Iowa, vrt-i cr IMarch 23. ISS3: S B Msi. Mtc Co.. Da far, Oregon. Oratsww t Ob arriving h -rne :aa4 week. 1 faced a! well and aoilcasly a-vaiLcg. Oar little girl, as-fct acd ore-blf year old. who had waled away to 35lcedj, ia ssw well, euc-cg asd vtgroa. and well desked ap S. B. Coch Tare has done its work well. 80th of the children like it. Yocr S B. Coogh Cora baa and kept away a'. Boarseoeas troea me. So give it to every owe. with gre-:iogf or all WaSaBRf jcb froseeri y. we are Yocre, V .. A Mr. J F Fopd. !f.' wias fcd uwss snd caaerf a sod -eadj hriasSuf.Vivxs. ciaie -. v::itlir SO tts pw BSBBB fcj all 8a i anr;s positive rsanarat bv J ACCYMING. The Trains. The overland arrived from Portland last night on time. It had some dithctiltv in leaving the city, some strikers stoninir it atvl stealing S coupling ins ; but bv the a-sistanoe til the lvlice tinallv succeeded, lhe north Unind over land passed Albany this morning Ashland will Is- the ternnnoiis at presvnt. Both locals wore on time today, and the freight trains are numiBS The trainmen were advised not to take the trains out of Portland todav: bai the presence ot some soldiers made every thing peaceable. A l!ooi Prospect. The prospxt of good summer at the Bay is very bright. Newport is rapidly coming to the front as the leading seysido resort of the Pacific north west. Mrs Abbev. ot the bay lew Hanse at Newivrt. stab s that sue has more rooms engaged now than s'no etw has bad In-fore at this time of tl'o year. Leader. BsaPn. at r.w. M MillfsllilO '411:138 Sets, ::vtaarsi Jl AOper Bottle? One cent a dose. TBTS Gszat Cortret Ct ke promptly rsras where all others faiL Coogha, Croc;. Sere Throat, Hcarseaesa, W'hcofiog Ccujh and Asthma. For Cocanertien ft baa no rivas; has cured thocsaada. slid will cna TOO if taxea in time. Sca.1 by liruggiss on a guar antee. Tor a Tat ye Bark or Chest, use SHILOH'S BELLADON-1A PLASTERSc -Tk a-VJV- n v t- s dtauu: uvtvouo teed to ourg you. CATARRH REMEDY. h? This remcdvf. ruaran- ITiee. .V'eta. Inks'. FOSHAY A MAS wBStBtAia saa aarau - ifraggtsisaml Bmik '!! Sfei.tafor John B. Alder's . sairh ws nell at ophiit,-r-i . atacsvddar' LB4ST. BsateiMi Cure for Crippled Children. Th National Bnmieal lastitnte, No ! Bush St. San Franeisco. successfully eals ail cases of ortbopmdie sureery. One or more 1 urgeotis of this Institute will health) Revere House, Albany, Thursday Jtilv 5lb, one day only to examine cases. The success of the Institute in treaiing all cases of curva ture of the spine, diseases of the hip and knee ;'oints, club feet, crooked limbs and bodily deformities as Well as piles, fistula, nasal catarrh and nil chroaic diseases has made for the Institute a national reputation. Write for circular. References may be had to : Rev K N Condit, Albany. Jno A Shaw, Mill 01 y. Judge Thus L Davidson, Salem, W A Cox, Albany, and hundreds of others. t ssfety with which ladles may use the California iinoid Invatlve Svrun of Kiiri. under al stttution that spends all Its money at noine (conditions, make It their favorite remedy. l o get the tnie and genuine article, look besides gntlng cheap rates and first class work. Perhaps you area clam; then quit It. You cant offord to be one fjr a j few cents. lor the name of the California Co, printed nest the bottom age. Fig Syrup ot the pack- Buys Wool, and Grain Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the ni to buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him :'.t his headquarters at the store of M Sternburg, corner First and Brondalbin streets, Albany. VC y Mrs. J. H. Horsxyder, 152 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, Cal., writee: When a girl nt school, in Beading. Ohio, I had a severe attack ot brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, tor a long time, I seared I should be permanently so. Krieuda urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, ou doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and now have as flue a head ot hair as one could wish for, being changed, aow ever, from blonde to dark brown." After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfuUs. I used two bottles ot Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have reossa anended this preparation to others with tike good effect." Mrs. Sidney Cair, k Kegina St., Harrisburg, Pa. "I hare usee! Hyer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for ths hair that is made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. VI60R MEN Easily. QateklY. Ptrtumttj Ststoftd WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY. r.tvi all the trat&of 1 m ortjT ertwrw or laser excesses, tfee rvsulis of verwork. tU knett, wtMrry.eic. FuUMrfsotph, ( t'Tftl 'out aad ton t Itth ' v7 rs aai MrtkM ot tt bHty. sSlmpJ. natural nvethvHlsV lmn:Mitiaip4-vwntat wn MbMMHM i.O r.'f. t i. -t plAtia:ioi au i jit maiiosi i.9etkti) Twe. tSiE K-BifAL Q BUFF. N. " ihmi COLLEBUTS ISSTITOTS ALBANY, OREGON 131, 1892 as Tersw Waeaed Septeaaber stt A f L 1 corps of instructcm. . JUSICAl, SCIEKTIFIC, LITER GOMMtRCIAL AND NORMA. CLASSES. Course ol study arranged Im u - all grcdes of students SftCMU tuauctmenti tftrtd to tiud from abroad. II.K. BT B CSSBOST.