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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1894)
T!tc motmt Wreklv Democrat, $i 75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end if year. IsLCD IsLTDJlTST Bound for tub Cavx. The Grants Pass Courier says : A party ot nine gen tlemen arrived Friday evening last from San Francisco to explore the Josephine county caves. They were: F B Wil liams, II C Tibbetts, .Tas Dwinerton and E W Jensen of the Examiner; TCQuinn, ex-collector of the port of San Francisco ; S Backus, ex-postmaster of San Fran cisco, L Uittings, Geo a'one and R B Elder. Mayor Fayle and the city council took the afternoon freight and met the party at Go'd Hill. On their arrival here the expe ditlon was taken charge of by Messrs Fry, Jewell, Thomas, Miller, Cass and VanDyke and escorted to the hotel where rooms had been previously engaged. Af ter supper a reception was held, R G Smith delivered the address of welcome. The band serenaded the party and it was nearly eleyen o'clock when they were permitted to retire. Kext morning they all struck out for the caves where they will thoroughly ac quaint themselves with the extent and possibilities and much will depend upon their conditions. Form kr Albany Psopl. The Fort land Welcome says : Alma Lampman, says that her husband Dell Lampman is imbued with some of the spirit of the notorious Dugan that he is untrue to her. She has a sympathetic atorv to tell, and slu sets it forth in a complaint in which she asks Judge Stearns to grant her a divorce from her fickle hus band. According to her version of the matter, they were married in Albany, Linn county, January 2, 1SS9. After wards they removed to this city and he began a systematic course of cruel and inhuman treatment. He also thrust personal indignities upon her, rendering life burdensome. Finally he left her. Ha refuses to provide for ber or their 3-year -old boy, and she baa been forced to care for both, she claims that he is in a position to provide for them, and besides the divorce prayed tor she asks for alimony in snch an amount as will support her and the child. Lampman at one time conducted a cigar store on Washington street. Tub Oregon Baku. D H James, the new assignee of the Oregon Bank filed bis bond of $13,000 and a new inventory Saturday afternoon with the county clerk. The showing made gives $41,000 assets, not including the bank building which is to be sold at sheriff's sale and will probably be bid in at the face of mortgage and expenses. This is made up of $25,000 in notes for unpaid stock, being half of the orig'nal stock, and $10,000 in notes and accounts, other than those in the hands of the First National Bank of Portland. $2,000 has been col lected by Mr Thompson, and Mr James gives as the probable total collection $8,400, which will be distribn'ed among $20,000 in credits. In this the assignee evidently places ths stock notes as of little value. The matter will be settled ae rapidly as possible. Thb Piokr THrsa. Mayor Friendly intends furnishing the delegates to the Cumberland Presbyterian Assembly with samples of Lane county wheat anil hops says the Guard. This ia a sp'.edid idea, as these prodncte of our soil will be a great advertisement for Oregon in the far distant states of our union. In this connection it might be well to state that the wheat raised near Eugene by the late George Belsbaw, took the first premiums at all the world fairs and ex positions held during the past 20 years. Mr Friendly should be commended by all for his action in thus advertising our country. A Qcack Affair. The livest si.ow window ever seen in Albany is that at J A Cnmming's drug store. which baa been attracting general attention and exciting much admiration. It consists of a real duck scene. In the back ground is the mother ben who ha'ched the eggs. In front of 1.113 coop is a grassy lawn with a 1 . nine peooiey orooit, with soft mossy banks, running through it into a pond. Twelve lively Pekin ducks are every where, but principally in the pond and brook, presenting a very animated sight. A disobacefcl affaib occurred yea terday in the Third ward, particulars of which are given by an eye witness. Two boys fifteen or sixteen years of age were staggering around in a beastly state of in toxication, makiue nrofane and insult ing remarks in the presence of ladies and others. They finally lay down near the i approach to tne O P bridge and slept off their debauch. As near as can be learned the liquor wan gotten entirely outside of any of the saloons, just where is not known . A Sabbath school conference will form one of the interesting feature? of the General Assembly's proceedings. Such topics as "Organization and Man agement,'' "Advanced Bible Study,'' "Primary Instruction" including the best system of lessons "Presby terial Institutes," "The Aim ol 8 8 Work" ec, will be opened by Mr E S Morrow, Dr D A McGlenaban, Rev S J Kyle, S I Lind say, editor of the National 8 S Teacher, Dr J R Rankin, and others. Denial. The report circulated in the city that 1 interferre l and prevented the nightwatehman from arresting certain young men last week who were alleged to be drunk and disorderly is a willful and malicious lie, and I challenge any one to furnish the proof. C O Leu. Marshal. Waoonso nvitavio.nh. Wooden, Tin, 8ilyer, Golden Common every day. Hmilet. How Well You Look" Friends Surprised at the : Wonderful Improvement. "CI. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. 1 "Dear Sirs: I take pleasure In writing the good I hav received from taking Hood's Bar sa- parUIa. Evsry spring and summer lor six years or mora, my health has been so poor from heart trouble and general debility that at times Hue was a burden. I would become so Emaciated and Weak and Palo that my friends thought I would not lire long. I could do scarcely any work at all and had to Ue down every few minutes. I began getting worse In January, losing my flesh and feeling so tired. I thought I would try Hood's Sarsapa. rilla and 1 am happy to say I am in better health Hood'sCures hn 1 have been for a number ot years. My friends remark to me 1 Why how well you look.' I tell them It Is Hood's Sarsaparllla that has done the work. I would hare all suffering hu manity give this medicine a trial and be con vinced. This statement Is Tree tm the 11- tmw." Mas. Jawwra Dacaaa, Watseka, IlL .' Hood's Pill cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. Real Estate, Collectio 1 1ns. Act. Albany, Or. County Warrants Bought and Sold. If Owing to hard times and lack of bust-1 ness the steamer Elwood Is led up and will run no mote this season. The Portland Sunday papers do ft good uuMiicg now suppurong iiiucpcnuentiy different candidates regardless of politics. Rev E B Sutton state lectuier for the prohibitionists, will lecture at the court house Wednesday evening at S o'clock p m . Dave McCarty, of Umatilla county, champion sheap shearer, has sheared 3000 head of sheep since April 5, and In one day sheared 170. Senator Dolph's last tariff speoch cov ered thirty-five pages of the congressional record. It was a very windy, yet dry affair, sort of a symoon. Charles Metzgar and Peter Glover are pitted against each other for constable for Albany and Price precincts. Tl e contest projnlses to be a live one. Frank Motz, who played first base for the Portland baseball club two yeais ago, Is now filling a similar position with the Cincinnati. Tom Parrott Is pitching for the same c ub. Feople expecting economy under nnv kind of republican administration need only to be referred to the last republican slate legislature, jvhich doub'cd the ex penses of the state. If a ceitain rumor published in a valiev paper is 11 ue, a portion of the people of .he state will wish there were no such hlngs as politics or elections. The rumor s that "Foghorn" Watts is going to make speeches. Welcome. Alexander Marshall Adams, committed suicide In Tacoma Friday by shooting himself In the head lie a as in good circumstances, being worth about $20,000 and no reason was atcribed tor the deed. He leaves a wife and two children Mrs Adams is a neice of JWilllam Ralston of this city. They were married in 1S7S. The last issue of the United Presbyter ian contains a page article written bv" Rev S G Irvine D D, on the history of the church in Linn county, with pictures ot Dr Irvine and the Albany church, Also a page article by Rev G E Hawes, of Portland, on the UP churches of ihe Noith West generally with plcturersof Rev Hawes and the Portland church. Lijtoi Patents granted to Pacific states inventors this week. Reported by A snow Co, solicitors of American and foreign patent, opp U S Patent Of lice. Washington, I) C. G K Belmor, San Francisco, gas burn ing furnace for ateam boilers ; B Hon nana. North Temeacal, Cal, Car coupling ; W S Cranner. Suioun City, Cal, chart hanger; w M Cutter. Marvsville, Cal. voting machine; W O Kllis, Tekoa, Wash, fire escape ladder ; C McNeil. San t rancirco, necktie fastener ; W J Os wald, San Jose, Cal, faucet: H L Key nolds and H W Keichnm, Seattle. Wash, winding engine; A H and T A Schlueter, Oakland. Cal, liquid containing and dis charging dehice ; B A Wright, San Ja cinto, Cal, fruit Picker. The MissTBaLs. The New Memphis theatre was very well filled last night for the opening performance for Rich ard's & Pringle's Georgia Minstrels, and the entertainmant was pleasing in every respect. The company ia a colored one throughout, and the individuals display ed talent of a high order. The special ties were unusually good, as for instance Gauze in bis female impersonation. Brown in dialect work, i.nd Billy Ker sands, who loses noe of h;s powers with advancing years. The minatrels'will hold the boards to night and tomorrow night, with a Sat urday matinee The Appeal Avalanche. At the opera house Thursday evening. Judge R S Strahan came up from Port land this noon. Mr Ed Warrtn and family have moved to Brownsville to reside. Mr Phil Goodwin returned Saturday night from Lis trip to Illinois. Geo G Bingham, of Sale-n, was in the city today. Collector T J 3lack was in the city this noon on his way to Portland from a trip to Halsey. Hon J K Weatberford and other state candidates will spea; at Jefferson on Wednesday. Prof G A Waiker. now a resident of Bey City, has sold his Albanv property to W T Porter. Hon W V renton will address the cit izens of Linn county in this city nxt aaiurnay evening. Miss Olga Hewitt has Wen visiting Salem relatives, being the guest of her uncle Superintended Rowland. Judge Duncan and son Loyd, went to Turner Saturday to spend Sunday with the formers parents, who reside there. Miss Abbie Wright, a former Aibanv teacher, who baa been teaching in Cal ifornia, the past year, is now in Corvallis on Mr Frank Hackleman left on Saturday for Crook county, with two stallions and a jack, going to Portland by way of the Willamette river. Mrs Knox Haight baa been in Drain visiting ber husband, previous to hia departure for Colorado. Mr Haight is now coast superintendent of agents for one of the leading wagons of the U S. Prof E C Neal, of the Upper Santiam, took Senator Stewart's place this after noon at the Conrt Hooseand talked populism for a couple hoars. Mr Neal is aaid to rip thing np in a very lively manner. Dr Maaton was called yesterday to Shedd station to operate for sirangu lated hernia on the . person of Mr F L Jones, an old gentleman 75 years of age, Dr Jayne, of Shedd, assisting. Mr Jones was resting easy late la't night with some hopes of bis recovery. Mrs Tatham. who haa served the kin dergarten so faithfully and well for sev eral years, will go east about June 1st to reside for at least a year or two. The kindergarten school will be reopened in the fall with a new teacher. Hans Kock, a young German farm err, Hying near Peoria in this county, is recovering from an operation performed on him for appendicitis by Drs Mastnn, Geary and Jayne. The operation was performed May 13th and for a time the life of Mr Kock was despaired of. Mrs H A Hogu and Mt Chester Hogue returned yesterday from a six months' sojourn in Southern California. Mrs Hogue, who had been an invalid for years, is entirely restored to health. Oregonian. Mr Hogue was in Albany several days the guest of J M Irving, and UlCh iiicui si nun liiv. Mrs F LDumont and two children left T this noon for brants Pass where she will hereafter, the Dbjiocbat hopes, per manently, reside with her husbund,frnii whom she separated some time aKo. .Mr Dumont wrote to the pastor of the tier man church that be would promise to treat her well hereafter. Al Boenicke, C W Watts and S (1 I)or ria left th:s noon for Harris, ISenton county, near which place they will fish for the festive trou', the speckled beauty filling Mary's river there in large numbers. Mr Boenicke' iniormed the Man about Town that I hey were going fishing on top of Marys Peak. A glance at the Immense pile of snow on the mountain suggests that Mr B appreciates a joke. Mr Geo H Hyland and Miss Clara Kil patrick were united in marriage at the spacious borne of the bride's parents in this city, Thursday, May 17, 1894. Mr Hyland has been prominent in the busi ness circles of Portland for a number of years past, and the bride is one of Dallas' i : . a v. . ti . i i 1 luireHS unugiiscrs. i ue nappy cuupie left immediately for Newport, where they will probably make their home for the summer. Da '.las Observer Beware of Oiniments .or Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury will mrcly destroy the cense cf amell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surface!.. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physician, as th damage they will do is ten fold to the good yoat can possibly derive from them. Ilal.'s Catarra Care, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot t he syHtein. In hnvlna'Halra Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and is miule in Toledo, rinlo. bv F. J. Cheney a Co. ar bsla by Prut;triiu prlcn 75c, per bottle. MARRIED. HODliES LAYTON. On Saturday May 19. 1804, at the Rase House, in As - Justice L M Curl Mr J A Ilcxkwa . s ' o ' - n T . , . . . i- anu miss ouiie n i&ywu doui ot eounty. OP DBLIC SPEAKING. HON W 1) MM OX. OF PORTLAND. will address the people of Linn County at the Opera House in Albany on Saturday, May 26th, at 7:;!0 p 111. On the- political issues lefore the Everybody is invited to attend, especially iue invited. 1KHU) ' Ladte K E 0a is. Chairman democratic county central com. A Baptism Incidknt. Bather an amusing accident occurred at the baptising last Sunday. Mrs Read and Mrs Gsner were seated on some loose boards over the mill race, whore the baptising took place, and the boards giving; away, landed Mrs Read and two little girls ono of hers and one of Mrs Gesn.Vs in fie water. The children were rescued before they were thoroughly immersed, but Mrs Read was fully baptised, less tho devotional exercises. Taylor Hill and Frank l'oindexter were prompt in their efforts 'to rescue the un fortunate ladv and children, and incited what might have lxon a serious accident Ochoco Review . Tin; Piosekks. TI.e annual meeting of the Linn County Pioneers, will be held in Brownsville, on June C. 7 and S. Pioneer of other OC unties, as well as everybody else, are invited to bt present. Mrs E Warren who as taken a prisoner by the Ind ians at the Whitman massacre in '47. will lie present and address the meeting, giving a history of the massacre. Plenty of good speakers will be present and entertain the people. The young people will utilize the last day of the session. OPCosnow. Secretary. RrsTi.ixc. Womkx. We always like to j publish anything lhat shows what women can do. Ihe .following is from the Salem Independent : Miss Abbie Sinclair, daugh ter of J W Sinclair, is demonstrating what enterprise will accomplish, in partner - ship wita her uncle B I Arnett .-he has 1 leased the old Fisher farm Mot a mile north of town and with the aid of her two sisters and Robert Sinclair, her hrother.has planted four acres of onions, five of . a:;. and live Of potatoes. Waueaamre not G nontax kmmaux. after the opening exercises of the Assembly tomorrow evening s.Tae time will be spent socially. The assembly will be welcomed by out city council and people. An address of welcome will be delivered by his honor Judge Flinn. mayor of the city, on behalf of our city government and by Rev Riley Little on behalf of the church. Reiponses to these addresses will be delivered by some of the officers of the assembly. A Good Minstrel Show. Richard A Pringle's Georgia Minstrels which began 1 an engagement at the opera house last ' night, is a model minstrel show, and deni able of giving as an attractive as well a. J more faithful personation of the southern ; negro. lVnver Daily News. At the J opera house Thursday evening. The followsngfrom the Salem Statesman 1 indicates that the sack has not yet reached i thatciiy: A person does not have to go j very far nowadays to hear one loud, tang . objection to the manner in which the state . republican committee is conducting the j campaign. They are making of it a Port- ) land camnaiirn strictly. Tne manam-rs I don't seem to care a whit about anything or anybody outside of Portland, excepting alone the United States senatorial fight. The Foster boys, formerly of CorvallU won M the recent race in which 1 l'r Rice came in ahead. The Man a"ut j Town remembers seeing one of the Foster boys win a foot race against Bob Johnson, out near Roberts bridge, aWit ten years ago, Foster pacing hinueif of for a country , jake: but very lew were deceived. Seattle real noon on his Rev W vY ik. formerly a estate man. was in the city this way home from the general assembly of the C P church at Kugene. Mr Beck savs Seattle is holding her om better than any city on the coast, and a good many make this report . Mrs Aahby. of Albany. a.-compunied bv her son. Clvde. an 1 da i,rnt-r. Mr- li. b- rt Fowler, passed down to Nswport on day. -Toledo Post. M Mrs V Mrs C E B Barr of Albany, and Mr and jp; ni'.ts ol Jr an.l Mrs W E McAfee man. on Lilwty street.-tates- WM reportl that Mr Merger had an op 1 ponent for tlie onW : but the official trti - Idillard Beach, died Saturday n,.irr.;sff' at 6 o'clock at his horue i;ii'. .-. . . - after a lingering illness. -The flower that bio in ia the Sarine" i. i i m 1 are not more vigorous than are those per sons who purify their b'ood with Avers Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixir Vitac could scarcely impait greater vivacity lo the countenance than this wonderfjl medi cine. If ever a man feels flse a poor woim of the dust," ii i when he suffers from tired Ayer's Sarsaparilla re -mows this discouraging physical condition and imparts the thrill of new life and ens ergy to every nerve, tissue, muscle and fiYt nf thi whol : bodv. The blood is the sourer of health. Keap It pure by taking Hood's Sartapa illa, which is peculiar to Its self, and su perior in strength, economy, an J medical merit. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care fully ,repar;d from ihe best, ingredients. 25 cents. Sweeping Reduction. in Millinery Owing to the hard timea all millinery j at the Ladies' Hazaar wilt be greatly ! reduced for the next thirty days. Xo 1 extra charges will be made trimming. I This will be an excellent opportunity to secure bats for yourself and cbidren,caU and get our prices. Mnirn ailk f r trimilinir, ia the staple n I k w sharler, j ia NSMitad at S B Y ook a. t lean towel tu ihvviog Mrlors. jvei v cawnerjtjVicreck U S Bakery bread is Ural .'.lam. Ca at Second and between KI!s.wortlia.-id Lyon streets. Cabbage, Green Pea, Celery, Sweet Potafoe. New Potatoes, fc Cherile At B RrowneM. ietter )ai. Fo3owing isthe'.istof letters remain Hns in tb pout oHioe at Albany, lann eoun ly Orogoji, May 22. 18C4. Peraons calling f these luttera mur t irive the date on whit b a. . . . iney were aaver ,ieJ. Bates, Esq Cb aster B Hurt, Mrs En ,ma Hall, Bert Keen, Kdwr-ud Turijiclwit'.i, V Tiion. Burrows. T i Crain, Mrs Jane Kelley, Fred W Ieo, (Jhaif Turnlow, Clyora Mo-NTErTH, P. M. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder ' rld's Pal Highest Medai and Plylom Albany Market. "V noB...40c. Or u,, ,J9o. V our, I8.0U. F utter, l3o. ' Kggs 10c. lard, ia to I5e. Pork ham.12to J5c; shoulders, ;t.) 10c; l civ. 11 to 13c. Hay, haled, 17 o atoes, 40". Apple , 4 Hops. ltto. Dried fruit -plums, 9ot apples, 9o.Q, Chickens, 91 00 per dosan, ; Boef, onftot, 1M Hogs, dreased. BXo. 1 ' The Albany juniors and Indep nil c' juniors will play base ball at Albany next Saturday. Rain prevented last Saturday. Among those who have made a general Improvement of their property is Mr Peter Schlosscr. MM surrounding! have been made very attractive. The sessions of the IT P assembly will be open and public. The gallery of the church has recently teen seated and will be thrown open for visitors at all limes. Trout fishing Is the craze nowadays. Having hrcrd that a man caught 120 trout In three hours in Soap Creek, O C and O M McFarland left this morning for that stream. An Italian band wis in Ihe city today. It consisted of one man who played an' accordcon, ha' e and snare drums, cymbals, triangle and bells at one time. It took,! and the man gathered !r 1 good many j nickels ; sometimes a ten cent piece. News has been leceived that Hon C K Wilkinson and Attorney A K Reames, of Portland, will do sorr.e cam palgn work for the democratic party. They will speak t Salem and Alba, ,y by ICSjUCS. I lit BlttlC v r nil tlluinuuV and also In Eugene. Ejgene Guard. Nearly u year has passed since the cy clone of depression struck the world, and yet tho appearnnce ot Albany has changed more In tiiat time than during any other year in Its history, at least so lar as the business part of the city is concerned. Chris Houck fell eff the steamer Altona naiuruay evening ai.u was u.-owneu. im. occurred two miles below Salem. The man was le.nirg against the starboard 1 life guard when he tell overboard. D U not necessary to say that this was not , Albany's citizen of the same name. Mr John Wren came over from Alsea last evening with a good load of furs, ' which he has captured this spring. . Among other things hchadthiitv martins. a bear , fisher, and several skunks and coon -Bossv" Scnd.,s Sought the lot, and Mr Wren will retutn home about $60 , hotter off. The Oregon Painting .V Pablishlng Company was locorporaled yeslcruay bv CL. Suksdorff, FR Blackbereer, FA Meier and C V I omler The capital j stock U .$25,000. The company will pub lish the Oregon Staais Anclger, and wi'l do a general ; tinting busi.iese. Light shoes glimmer conspicuously on every siJe. Iok well In the summer; hut much bette' after Henry burton, op posite the Democrat ollice, has put a pol ish on them ith an oil that preserve' and adds a refined appeara-.ce to the shoe. Burton is -'onto" his jjb when it come to hlnev The Bnteaa Independent, which by the ! way. Is supporting Judge W P Lord for governor, has the following to say on the j congressional subject : J K W'eathertbrd I il! receive the support ol every iiver man on the I'ppcr Willamette far the reason j that they know if circled he will use his utmost Influence for the improvement of that stream . Ulnger Hermann, accoid ing to the associated press dupatches, i, just about to do something for the im provement of the Willamette. It has been the same old story eer ftincc he wai first elected, but the Impicvements don't materiilize. The people are beginning to think just now that Binger Hermann has outlived hi usefulness especia'ly in con-gtet- and the result will be that hei, Hermann heari from Oregon in June the I subsequent proceedings In congress mill inicrrtt him no more. Mr C C Hogue has purchased the property 1 on treet formerly own-1 ! Mr linns, and his family will snxau move to Aitiany to re-ide. Revan.DMrs pvr Bmvi in Albany this noon from the Warm Springs and will remain during the meeting of the Presby tery. BflMatol JK-fT Myers came in Suniay fnm Lino ixnaity democratic ainvas. He any the demoenMi; arc sure to carry that county, t . 1 1 . ... tne:u!r use sc iai ! i" g:enimsi evening by the Iadiea of Honor of the A O I at the rKlenee of tr Hill, tvery body invited.' Refreshment serrerl. io ceetfs to purt bare an organ for the .-'; . Rev Little and E V Sol went to Port land thisfjoon tomatt the delegates to'tbe D P assembly, who will ikrrive in Albany, about strong, tousorr.w at .' o'clock P ...... . . .. . . j divorce agaiiurt her h.islajd 8 It The defendant, who is well of. will I AvarilU K Warner ha lvught suit for H arner. 1 .u keel til r.r..i i.laa,llc- f.r rJalntlA7 ilnrtn.s f Kjs 1 ! suit. A brother of Mr Casper Hobarg arrived j in Albanj this noon from McMinnville. and ; count oiwincn ugneneisewaere. Mere- f r '''L"-? l"u i account ot cue ... & . . m : Mr Cbarlos Metzgar and Pat rVraw.! i a4 in a l.itmrv (hu nwirriirti' i, IT I'riiif pnct on a1;vj t it, Mr Met , candidate for const!4e. It ticate of Count v Clerk Pavne fail- tore- , veil I on". The J A Hodges married n the :9th mention of whKli wa ma.le yealeniay. is not the trood looking drujjgi-t. who has been a married man until the hair is nearly all off the-top of his bead. We mention this to prevent unntvessary congratulation and attending T.ibarrajnient . Mr John Anslyn returnod home esfer day from Southern trejron srlierr- he has been with bis father. Knox Haight and E Thrall, selling wagons. The company will leave in a few days for Texas, instead of Colorado as herettfore stated, where they will introduce the Uwynelle w.i-.n. C W" Watta took the P train TCMnny for a fishing oating in Sulphur Cn-ek just bSHM Phil4nath. 1 hinng the alternonn and the time before the arnvai Of th in- ! coming train this morning he hooked be-1 tweer. ISO and 190 fine trout. Charley is ' the Isoss fisherman. K S Pairus1. in t ranciaco, will som In rein-red by W Ii Hammond, who has for the lat siv yeai been at the hoadof the woather t.uretm office, in :St l)uis. Mr I I'ague will return to Portland. re. Since Mr Patrno went to San FraneiaoO the j weatlierhas not l.en up to stanard Oregon '. wretbr. We now look for an iiuprovment ' though it ii prolaible Mr Pague will have nothing to do withthe weather service. Paying Taxes. 12! bix reoeipU were written in the slMa-iff's! otlice lat week. The mounts tot the wk -ro 915.153.38. The total re ecinb an-193,696.48. rbe cash iwipu for Aibanv hav.' ljwn $'Xr70 :tl. Those paying $100 or more the last half of the week were: .1 II Morgan Power A; KoonL: Harriiiburg Mercantile Co L Flinn Heirs FM MaJone s J Archibald Mary Craft The average receipts were a liooo. ..$l2fi.01 ... 334.H.r . . . I09.:t ... :9.05 . .. l'-f'.-lO . .. 70H.20 . . 202 72 little oyer ann asar Pat ker Bros, grocers. New cream cheese just received at Conra t Meyers. P J Smile.- job printer, Flion Block, does :irat class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 6 cent cigar at Julias Joseph's. Dr M H Kills, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon . llsHs ma Is la oity'tr soontry . . flitha at Vierecka shavina and hair oattiutf parlors. I A.ronizn homo industry by smoking the teMwated white labor cigars, manufactured by ajas Joecph. Kio tiuiVKH. I have just received the new spring shades of the celebrated i ntexneri kid gloves and also those v, itlt the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the HU Hingp. I rarry also lines of the Foster he . Uiarrilz, chamois and gauntlet glo Tee S E Youno. H trti WOOL and GltAiN. Mr A Senders iinm sanees to the public that he is in the laid lo buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his headquarters at thus tore af M Sternlmrg, corner First and Krou ialbin afreets, Albany. H( lo-e, tfyes Si MoKanand, Albany, Ot . the lnadiug Ka Corset. A nerfect dress form. Dres sos 'fit perfectly over t nem. Appro ved 1 rjv all dressmakers. S E Youno Dr. tl Price's cream Baking Powder World's Fair Might st Award. WE ID 1ST El S 13 AY HOW TO VOTE. The following is substantially the form in which ttui tickets will I printed at the coming election except that the ballot will lie printed in double column instead of single as this. It will be teen that the names of all candidates of all parties are printed on tho ticket nrrungod alphabeti cally. Opposite the namo OX each candi date is the name of his party. The voter in preparing his ticket will cancel, cross, or ! mark out all tho names of candidates for whom he does not wish to vote. For ex ! ample: A voter who wishes to vote for i Mr Galloway for governor wilK.imvl.i areas, j or mark out the names ot James Kennedy, I Wm l Lord and Nathan Pierce. The voter i who wishes to voto for Mr Jackson 1st sheritt will cancel, cross, or mark out the names of James If Cochran, Jaa A Mc- ', Feron, and A J Shelton. Under the names I of the candidate for each office is left a ft.i-.fc. r . t oter hi baser! printed for the KttSalE. any of 1 Bee : Ballot For County, June 4, Precinct, 1894. Linn Corn .Caoaa. m Majnt 01 t thk Naaaa not Voted Fun. STATE. Fob QoTBaxxoiL Vote kok One. 12 Wm QJJoi- of YamhiB Co, Dem. j JvaM Kennedy, Multnomah Co, Probi. u Wm j. iirion Co, Republican LQ Nathan Pierce, fmatHIa Co. Peoplea. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmm Foil Sl'PHEMK Jl DCE. VOTE roll Us F. j ; " A S Bennett. Wasco Co, Democratic, J" R "'". M;irion Co, People's, ls 1 P Hai-k'euuin. Linn Co. Prollibitioa 9 Ch;is K Walverton. Linn Co, Repub. ttm Sf.ciietaut of State. Votf. rox 1 'm: 20 Harmon H Kincaid, Line Co, Repub. M V U..k'..r..),..r XI, ,11 ,1. I '., l'r , , ( W Ni, k,.; Taiiianfn. Democratic 23 Ira Wakefield. Jackson Co; People's 1 Fou Statf. TnEAsrn&B. Vote run One MSP Caldwell, of Lane Co, People's 2-" T L Davidson, Marion V, Democratic JO Phil Met- han, of lirant Co, Repub 27 Isaac N Itichardson, Umatilla In, Pro, Foil Atti:ni:v Gf.nkkai.. Vote roll nk 2S C J Bright. Sherman Oo, Prv.hibili..n 251 W II llolmea, Mari m 1 ... Dtinoeratit 30 Gkato M Idteman.Multnoniali C Rp ;i 1, ( tlu,Me; d. Baker Co. People's BMMMiHBHaaaiBMHaHBB Scit Pi I -i 1:1 1 1 I IS ts 32 flnlan D HarforJ. Yamhill O. Prohi. , .'tl i M Irwin, l'nion Co. Kejuubliran A T C .lory, of Marion C. I'p'.e -St D V B ReiJ, of Lano Co. IVmocratic I'oit Stat:: PnixTua Votk V"U "m: 56 W II IjisjsJ. Jartsin Co, Ilepublican 37 Ja.s H HcKibbea, M iltnomai Co. 1'ro. 88 John I 'Hrien. Multnomah Co lem. M tJeo M Orton. Mttttnonuh C. I'.- i - - DISTRICT. Fon Coxobk' fan Dtnr. Votk s E 40 ItinnsT I'.-uda,' ''o. K : .' 41 J jhn H Hnnt Marian Co, linhibtti 4i Chan Miller. Marion Co. feoy!. ". V.-J K We.i';..-rf iri. I.i: :i C . . ClWCR Jl IS..E. la I1T. V..Tt f.iH 1 'M U Jno J IHlv. ot r !k C Deanotrntk 45 II II Hewitt. f Linn Co. Republican 4C Sam R St.Mt. Yamhill Co. People's Dit Attorni.v. 3rd I.'l on r.R x: 47 C H I'airynipi. 4 Jauje McCain 4j L H Mrrttrrt . Linn Co. People's Yamhiil Co. Ue;. i Linn Co. Democrat Mr.tiuta Bran Bnu BtjrattaJUOS. 50 8 D :ibs,n. Polk Co RernUicaa 51 Wm F Uilkev. Yan-diilt t'o. la-racvratic 2 J P RcJjertso'n. cf Marion Co, Pe..!' 001 'STY. For Stats Bnawn Von: rat Two lietnocraUc Republican Prohibition Itt W 1 miyeo. J Ukm Ci ; i 1 ,ohtt " Republican rwpie s IVrtnocratk People's 1 rvhii.itkn ,s J.-ff.T-T. M..-r-. " ' 59 C ! Mtva tkj C H Walker Fon RaxrcBaxxTaTiTBa. Vote Tana g 1 M Althlballl. of linn Co. Jcaeph 0 Brown " 03 I no I hance. ; s I ' Jes.i. rV. SIM'n rurae. I Viu'-tatic f M Kir-r J M Ptilpott W M Ii , J H S -oft. T t Smith. W A Teni4rt. J J Vlutstey, f7 1 68 ,69 70 71 7' IvepuLllcan Kei.;ib! Republican Democratic Corarr Coantms maaa. Vata 7d A I. Hridfjrn.r. 74 1 I Coyle. 75 W E Potter 76 .1 M Wafers, f Linn Co Probi km Rev. Fon C ntt Otaaa. Vt KUK n W K Hammer, cf Linn C". f'.-opl.- 78 Nathan Nce.lh.mi " Bep. 7'J C K Stananl Dem. M l. VOTK VOR N I : .so Jno ( artwriirht lann Co. People' BnpabUcan Deaaocratic Prolubititoii l 1 r Hartlman. , . " h-i R Shelton Taylor For Siierikk. Votk kor i nb fl James R Cothnui, lann Co. 86 C C Ja:kson. " Ja A McFeron. s7 A J Shelton, Pronibttioa Daaaaalic Republican People's For faaaaoaia. YoT fob Oai K L llnan, WPO Mania, 1 '.w lod.' Pearl. f Linn Co, IVinoi-ratic RepnL Poopb K'iin l- )K KsEsson VOTS KOR 0X1 91 W F Deakins. ! .1 Ii Qibheard H S 1 1 Wallace. of Linn Co, liepublican rrtAiibition I K'lnocratic School Si rrnixTgnnFNT. Von kor Ox a M 1 R I ;eld, of Linn Co, People's BS V M Mitchell, lemocratic n a B Rutherford, " Bepobikaa For SfRVEYon. Votk for Oxk 97 Wm F Chase, of Linn Co, J8 K T T Fisher, People's Ropuldican For Coroner. Vote for i ra e S9 Frank Farrsll, of Linn Co 100 It A Jayne 101 A (i Prili, Hemocratic Republican People's Resignation. Albany, &ay 21, 1884. To B F Ramp, Chairman of the peoples party of Linn county, Oregon : 1 hereby tender my resignation as can didate for county assessor on the pan pits party ticket in said county ll B Haxwbi I . Wiiii. a You Are At It you had belter quit being a clam and take your lanndry lo the Albany Steam Laundry. Only white labor is employed, ihe clothes are done up neat and clean, there Is no lurk ing Chinese discas- leftln the goods, a fine looking wagon driven by a gentleman and not a Mongolian, del'vers and collects goods, you help support an Albany In stitution that spends all Its money at nome besides getting cheap rates and first class work. Perhaps you area clam; then quit It. You cant offord to be one Ui few ctnts. drufc Oo to Parker Hros for your groceries. Higher of ail jn Levening Power Latest tl. S. Gov't Report RoYal ABSOLUTE! PURE FROM COLORADO TO OREGON. Under 11 four header, 1-giniiing. "R1111 iiing for Sheriff, George Smith a Pfcsblo character has aspirations. He is out in Ire gon," the following apiiears in the Pueblo, Colorado Evening Star, f May 11, 1894 I and we republish it for the baaatt of our Benton county subscriUTS and liecauv it its political intep'st to them at this time, i as well as u.'ing an item of general interest 1 to our readers: I A reort oomre fr.m Oregon, to the effect , that a former Put bio man ia running for i sheriff nf Benton eounty. This man is (ievre" W Smith, a well I known character, to Pueblo at onetime. ; He came to this city from f pads' ilia in IfjSZ, 1 ami in company with Isaac Kemp opened a I variety theatre just south of where tin I armory now stands, which was calleil the "tonii"iiie. " It is learcisl from old settlers thut Smith ! and Kemp disaolred paillMII alip a few . months lat-r and Kemp went just aenaa the ! river ou L'nion avenue where the Star lo-lg-' ing house now stands and started another variety theatre known as the "Tivoli." On the night that Kemp opened the j "Tivoli" the "Comique" caught fire and , was burned to the ground. The theatre : stood Ijack some distanco from tho street i and just in front of it stood the frame build ing now occupied by Flynn's raddlery, in , which was a saloon at that time. The main ; entrance to Uie theatre was through thi ' bar r-"im. anl the rear of the building ran . bu k to the theatre building. When the fin' m- diseovered it was burning next to j the frame w.dl. but by strange fate the lire as ecuipleteiy mined, while tin- irame building was -areely damaged. . . After WM Smith again went in with . Kemp, but a few months later went back to ! the south side and ow-ne.1 a theatre where ' the Stanard" i- now. On the night that ! Smith opened this ptonlbj "Tivoli" wa burned. It is said that two nanOM were ,l.-,h in tl, l.,,,l.l,n,s Tl. house was rebuilt and mmS. ltM.rin fc'milh afterwar.1 went fr,.m her,. to lTv;!!e :iim4 f.n:.llv " i a.eording to reisorts. he is now a candidate for .-.wntv slieriff Smith had 3 brother in this . itv who is i well known. It was Kmnk L Smith who established the Turf Kxchangv Frank miih w-.y also the originator of iuii Wa' ; cbtoani to l' a Chinese medical sjtialist. Thk Ctoon, Following is reported by Use I" ! I learti!ient of Agriculture, weath- jer bureau. Crop-eaiher Bulletin. Xo. B f '.he ' 're n SLAte Pei-. 1 :-. I t the week ending Tuesday. May 122. l-'.M. S M !'Unlford. 'iener. Weather Bureau : Tr. reports received tbU week emptai ; : - - .. . ami irr.i tf .. !.-.. rs uunng Hie :,rf'. j-r- tion of the weak, the apparent breaking ap c f tlu- oool RSaaOn ana the warm sunny ; .Lj s of the latter portion have thrown a chwrful light on the crop situation. The ; much desired, rain in the southern counties :n sM:.r.. The opinion i- ex- pmtd repeatecily Uiat the grain crop is j a.s-ure.1. r all sown wheat is jointing; it is r from I- to 24 inces high. S.seding of grain ! is completed. The ai-rage crp was sown la the HCKithern counties and leas than the I : average m tne W i!.ai-atte vaiirr. tin's i making a rapid growth. An af anlant hav u-pii; i exj.teL Though it cannot be; denied tha'. the fnjit crp ha suffered n-1 iiii injury M the tioats tne etiraitel damage t far less than the figures of the I previous wees. The mjary to fruit u es- . Umated It man? at So per rent "hi. a is l ! exhort itant in sonio sections and .leScicnt ! , in other. Plums, prunes, peaches acl ( jCiw-nie?. srs-iu ic nasp siuiesrsj ioe taumi i Mrawlrne- were e-Urely killed n some sections, wane in c-tnera tiie injury is , scarce! r noticeable. rwingto cool weather i ganlen Tesvtai ie Lave made slow . The Citv Coincil met last evpninfr with all present tMJnA Ccun- ilrnan Whit - i ney r urtner time granted tne com ' mittee on streets and public property on I street improvements. The health anl p j lice committee recommenled an ordinancs- arransring salary of assistant engineer s-o that his warrant. wiii tervive t.referencp Probibition 1 ",n those of policemen. The m.-order re Prohibition 1 parted that the interest ad lvn paid in Prohibition 1 'u'' up to April I, K4. "n motion the people's j City Marshal was instnuted to receive pay Vmortatic ; 'T - s -l" 1 ber daugkt-r. Mrs- C K Fronk home' to AJ People' l;nse tost-II hqK wa snnte-1 H L ; lwy wwk fw , M there.A,hlan! RlsaailSiil ', 1 ranor. The f..!lowmr bills wore ordered T.aimrs Pe..r.:e's ! tai 1 Alhanv Canal Co.. $25: C Ie. j , !ienubUcan!: ' Ihckov. JSO; Stewart A" fox.i.7."; i , J Cfcariton has tnove-l frcmi i ,or f ax tn work on public squares Santura Luroler C . $3.V; Matthews- ic . Wahburn. I&.W: J X Hofftnan. ft: P J ; Srailev. flOi); X I Hasten. .: Bill . of Ho.ij.-s-. A M Farhind f r i..0O was dis allowed on tho BSjasM tliat it should be j paid ly the H A L Co batving lvn con tr.ii tori Iwfiire the new arr.injrotr.ent RcaOOL M TTKR. County Supt 11 Wilkes and Press E X Cosatlt, went to Har lasbmg this .ifterrn-sin. The occasiai U'inir HaS anwluation evercises of the Harrisburt: PuWic Schools. We are infonnoi then are 'J graduate, and Harrisburg is gaining a worthy sUnding a un educational CK. Th.' cla eays wore to bo deliv.Tesl at tho .ity hall, this afternoon, and K.v t'ondit wiil addreas the clas." and citizen in the evening. The esorvises will close with the presvetatton of diplomas by Supt Wilkes. Thursday tho Supt will ! in l eoiia. and Friday will attond tho cloing of the Xorth Hrownsrille Public whools. Tho browns villo chixls have a tine class of 13 cradu atos. S :pt Wilke- n vory i-tisy with the intorosts of our school and it is a known fact t' he takoss now life and energy ever-wh-rv ho g.'-. I 1 St R v The ( rgon rt;ito grai (." is :n s. si,.n m r.ngone tins with Cir.uid Master Roise in tho chair. Forty two delegates woro present at tho iij-Miing yeU.rday moniing. '"ho taantaiTs reirt wa road and showtnl that the order wa-s iu a prosperous condition, .-onsidoring the extreme hanl tini.'s. Thero had bei'n SMen nw granges oig-.inirel .iiiring the post year, and many accessions to the ones already in existence. Pi iu.i. Si'bakin... Hon C hi Wilkin son and A K Reames of Portland will address the citizens of Linn county at the court house in this city on Friday evening June 2nd, IStM at 7 :StX o'clock. Everybody, and especially ladies invited The I'rineville Review says: If preach er Irwin was not lit to teach the Indians at I'liemawa. is he just the kind of a man to put at the hea.i of the public school system of the great state of Ore gon ? An audacious attempt has been made to bribe Senator Kyle to vote against the Wilson bill. The briber was a lobbyist by the name of C W Hut!. He offered the senator $14,000 for his vote. Senator Kyle is said to be incorruptible. tlr.itMAN Lf.skoss. Those wishing to to German should call on Mrs C Coh en at the corner or I iiim iuui i alapooia I . . ... i-:u i i. i siroei.s aiuany. ui sdwod wiuabk aim speaking German Please call before April 1st. Mu GQOBEII. )r. Price's Cream Oaklng Powder A Fure arena Cream of Tartar Powder. Highest Honors atjWorld's Fair QPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Baking Powder HOME AND ABROAD Ijite silver swore' corsage ptna at WM1 Sc Ktarks. In new s'ylrs, low prices, and fine work 1 1 pho'os Tinkle leads. There is nothing new in the pho'oline that you cannot rind at Tinkles . The very latest s'slti silver swerd 1 corsage pins at Will A: .Siarks. When it ccmci to line wor'x and low prices In photo Tinkle is awav ahead, cor :nd aad Kerry. Pcstage stamps at com ether things in proportion at Fre.l Daw son little drug a'.ore on the coiner Prof Lee has Just received a b'cyclt from his brother of Pueblo.. Colorado, a possession long desired. Will V S'ark kep ap ssith the times In ihe latest a les of jevvelrv. Von will not miss it If y ou call On tbem for anv thing in the jclrv line . A big picnic is he'd at OakiMe yes terday, about five hundred being present. Speeches were made by E C Neal, B F Ramp T P Hackieman and T II Tongue. E B Sutton, f l Washingtuu wiil speak tonight at the coort house at 8 o'clock, lie is one oi the besit Prohibit icn speakers in the country. All imbed. The Wasp of Salem claims that a man tunning for office on the republican state ticket oSers a parallel cost to Senator Biecker.ridge. The members of the U P aaaesnbfy and t Ui'on, are expected at Al'any at e o' clock to night. At ! o'clock they ilibe '.-.. Trv0i s ll. t' IS .U....L A ,r,,. ,,, ...... ,. . ... ,. canacltv of the hotsls beid in-'loral ciertlment isould bj need'd 01 . . j , . w.Rich.rd'1 'V "ntfe Famous Georgia ZJU ha' ,ni'' ct. names a. J,"Jf Ktf f nd., roas Brown. Hislman ic letmoa' Ja,Rrt s',Tt W P Terry, the tJauz- and the runout C.reKrt titr i Quanettr., composed of Howard, Walker, W w ooten. wi o were one of th features ol A M Palmer's Alaoama cow ''"" "e'v Pctd ,ha! ,hT do "he banner business ol the season . " lhe Pr houe Thursday . Get Tinkle to make your photo. i4 citv aarranls ar.;eJ bv H r Mcrr:.i Drop ir. ar.d sec the fite yhoto Tinkle making, cor ;r.d and Ferry. All the rage-'hosc fine cabinet photos at Tinkles, cor 2nd and Ferry streets. The la'est fac,"far.cdcck for drftses ;ust arrived it Reid Peacock Js Co's See the new pt.oto. a. Tinkles. Get a uKen now uile ,,,ev are c ' ' ' Tr a psirof Rea.!, Peacock Jt Co's fiftv cent !acc . citaics . The ;re splen did. Ano'her i n oice of Gilberts fast black satteens in p'lr. anJ breaded. Also ,er caline in fi t L'ack 7nd colors and last black orgri-1 . received at Samuel Young's . , , .. ... n. w , ra:ron:7- br .::avy .-earr. uur.rr. Albany mhile pecple run it, work for it ; ad parrcniio it. Are ou one of Albanvi j hite people -i A;.rrnrR '.arjft Si n.:.t ci ihuse five cent challie in dark ar..l HjgiM coion jus: teceiv . cd a'.Read.Peacocr .V Co'; call and make four seltctUn wtiile the is ftrge SfKlAl. AND PERSONAL. Mrs M S Skiff, the Salam milliner. made a general assignment. Miss K'f.-!.a Hail airiv.s,! in Albany ' . this noon from tb? Warm Sj.rinc-. Mr Wren lit,' rv-t-jrx-i ' jest.-rday from ! a week's hscyi .e nnM to the Waldo 1 Hills, in Mahon cc-ir.ty. fhe social iriven last evenins at Ir 1 Hill's bv the lucres? 4 Honor, wa.- on cf I the most enjoyajae affairs of the season. Mrs Cham'r'ain. of Kast Palestine. I 'hio arrive. I in A.lsany thi noon, and is ' the guest of her daughter Mrs Rev Little. Miss Black, .laughter of Hon T J Black. IcolWtor of nataM of Portland, is at Ash land, and wili remain there some lime for ' I the benefit of k 1 health. Times. Mrs IfaRiinnn. of Mesiforl. accc-mronied Phoenix. Artaooa IV-n.T. Colorado. where he will loratu ith his health, and trra of that citv. if the climate aiires enter R larp leral A y llearxi. Uta populist candidate for 'lienff in Marion c.iunty has resigned. This the contest between A B HJJrfm i of Jefferson, and John Knight. Mr Hud dieson is peculiarly well titteil f-M- tlx office and will reoeive a big voto. ITEKAEV SOCIKTT. Taa literary so-; ciety of the public school held its closing session Ktst evening in the central school building. A programme bad beta ar range.1 and th. re was gl attendance. The question for debate was. " Resolve! that the, Coxeyites should ! coaaaasaaed to hrd btbor for tbn st-ite." The question was welt handle!, and the de.ision was for affirmative. The pupils have K-n dilig ent in their work for tho society, and hae pr.irited by its wes'kly meeting. BaCB Actini;. The editorial in the Herald this morning about Sheriff Jack son was so thin and puerile that a re publican after readint it faid that was enough for bim, he would vote for Mr Jackson, anj so will manv others like him wanting a faithful, energetic, reli able sheriff who can ne depended upon. : The article baatdaa Winu fall of mis-. statements i? very hark acting Intelli gent people see through such things. iTSiiorun Hcvn. A asateam from the article in the Harrisburg Courier published" l:it Saturday, and which reads: "We do I not support Jackson because we have more faith in Jackson." The copy from the Courier read and the item should read as follows: "Vfe do not support Jackson be cause we have less faith in McFeron but because we have more faith in Jackson." The Ashland Tuling9 publishes T T tieer's speech in full. The Record gaye Pennoyers. Ashland people have the sympathy of the entire state. Parker Bros load In baked goods, as wcil as in groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. When trading with them, you get wtiat you call for. Ik not lusitate to Place your cash with them It buys guantity, qualilv and first class treatment every vlay in the week C E Bioanells grocery siort isj increas n in popularity. He carries a fine In a ilght room, easilv accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O lUBaking Powder New Advertisements. I LVtL'NP., Near the Jewish ternetary. (a apalrofahoea. Call on J R I onglaa the Bantlsrn gardner, or leave Word at Pi! kef Bros. Enoa, Lac KOCIB, E,JiS Pare bred Silver -seed Wvaodotta. Etrirs for the All any Poultry Yard. From pen No 1 and 2, $1.25 par i3; pea No. 3 f I per 13 B Hymouth Eosks. 75 cU per 13. Jon Brush, Albscy, Or. C01 4ih an 6 (i FIHH THK PLUMBER. opposite th. Tin mrfiajr and pbbing. (I,.- r lluuae. I "" )K bahiiAlNS in real aafate addresi ; I ore ill ou Xamea W Cardwell dc Co., Jefferson. I"URE BRED Silver Lare.i Wyandotte eggs for sale bv 0 Woolworth. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice i bertby given that the under-j slunrd administratrix of the estate of Al- I fred Reel, deceased, ha filed her ac- ' count as sech the coun ts court of Linn county .Oregon, and said court has fixed, 'J ueaday, the third day cf July, 1894, at 10 o'clock a m as the time, . and the county court room. In Albany, j Oregon, a the place, for the hearing of said accounts, and the settlement of ob- ' j ect Ion thereto if any. Dated this May 2;rd, 1894. Mas Sarah Mills. Geo W Wright, Administratrix. Attorney for Admrx. ASSIGNEE'S FINAL NO (ICE Notice la hereby given that the un r aigned as ig'-e of ibe estate of L T H-n 1 neaa an ii solvent deb'.or na fi'ea hia final account aa sneb assignee with X P j Payne. Counts Clerk, Linn County. Ore gon. AH 1 sons having objection to aoeb final account will sjhw Ifaaaa on or before the firat day of the next regu lar June termor the eirenit court of Linn 'oort v. tne aaase being Monday, June -. ti McCt-art. A aigr es j, ijaiiS'TOT. INSURANCE AND MONE BROKER Cointr Waniito Boiskt an(j Sold. Ofikf, Nastfjo Blofk, lib1 Orfgoo. US BAKERY. Fresh Br ad ETery D y. Pies, Cakes, etc Special orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor. ; tail etreet. between Eaworth a; Lyon AlbanylDsaraEce Agency We have had over seven yean ience in the Home otDct and loci a nee business, and can guarantee It . written by us to be properly lookec The following is a partial list of comptnie. represented by u : Foreign So-'.h ' British Jl Mercantile, orwich L'nion, Phoenix, London, Man - ster. Guardian, Sen, Caledonian, Lcn - A La-cash'.re. American Con'.icentai ot New Y'ork Westchester cf New Youk. Tte Con rental of New York and Mam lira lar England, write farm busicesa, taking tct I for the premium, wi h ample time f payment. We respectfully solicit an good business. Office eppstte old c M SENDERS Oiepn Pacific Railroad.1 fBllS (I (S, If.tlK! Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. tet t OlWM 'ill. n ftrsfctr en:n ut Saa FTsxirre. Eca ii. u raaacaaas! sal FtbT SO, iUrA i. 11 n. sni SIM, fkom yeca- H cxr j F.b iHk, aUrrta ' , aid fTik. The Oompavnj rwnrree th ngnt hangs sailing date without notion. For freight ard paecr r tet app o any agent. IhiraJ UitJnS.tii V - : s nvkcr Si vr r.ceifcv Olif. C is I . . FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST ITT THE WOL? Sri . .j.v.'.wi.f jar.-;.5? '- : . . , , r.f " sOk . ...LtrtiiiTHnaiiiMi jr. P- ice's Creaun Raking Powder Moat Perfect Made lIKMT NATItMAL BIKK, P or ai.bamt. oano! - - : mm We PreaMeaa . .-h.r L F LIN'S s. m,Torso B, W. LAKODON' rRASSACTS A OEN'KRALbntaT)oelaeei ACVOl'STS KKFT subject to sheci. SIGHT KXCHANUK mad tel rmphic trrsf r, oM NswTorfc, 9u maeiaco, Chieeicv and rsnhusd CXi-iacTiONS aA0K.n awssans a. a w Laaesea If I Bum. ru Ksvaks I . Sox. Haiti Caveats, and Trde-M rk obtained . and alt Pat-1 .ui . aenii 1 1 1 i i i mi i w ii 1 1 in i Ooe ernct is eearrc u. . PrtiTOrwet n.t we can jecure pitent ia less Uate taau those remote trou Wssaiaftoa. . I Send model, drawmc or roto., wtta desertp. rjon. We sdvise, U patentable or not, tree ol ,i.n. "l.,r Ire nr due til! nf lent is secured. j I I a rr. -flowtoObte i tsstenu," witk cost of suie in the U. S. and jeresxacoaatnea seat Uee, Address, i C.A.SNOW&CO. i ors. ssavTirT Omet. wshigti. ft. C mar ANTKU - Pushina Canvasser of ft good address. Liberal salary and expenses pa'd weekly: Permanent poei Hon. BROWN BROS Co, Xurserynio t, Fortland, Oregon. An ameabto laxative- and Nrava Tonto. Boki ty Druggists or sent Dy nuui. and H-00 per package. Samples free. KOHO The Favorite TOOtB fOWBlt for the Teeth and Breath,ae. Caj tatn Sweeney, r J.A San Ilego,Cat, Stys: "iilloh's Catarrh Bemedy ta the first medicine I have ever found that wouH do ma any good." frioe.aocts. SoMbylteuwaa- shiloh's cure: " This fim at Covoh Crrta rourptr-ss i 5 here all others faiL For C onaurnptloa tt hea rival; haa cored thousands, and wtU ecu taUenintlme. ffnwttcta. BOrtfcs atOB. I Walloper, JriitzM, I'aints. Ol U li t a h , Etc .J. A. CVMifg ALBANY, 0REC0 GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS MADE BY SOOTHffl PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albanv to San Frsotlsto I1CUB3I0S TBITS. From San Francisco to other point, in 1 California w5',; be allowed purchasers of special Mid inter Fair tickets r the fol- HfL i co tciles from San Francisco, ore and one-third oce way iare. To s-fctioni 150 miles or rr.o-e from San Francisco, one and or.e-fifth ere way ! fare. For exact dates and full particulars, in 1 quire of C K Fror.k. agent at Albanv, Or, or address the ur.dei signed. ;Rich'dGrav, T H Goodhax. Gen Traffic Mar.. Gea Passenger Agt. San Frarcisco, Cal. E P Rogers, Ass! GFiP agen:, ott ; land O. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley , points via the Oregon and Southern Pacific railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about tne fol lowing dates: From San Francis-o on Wednesday April 4. at 6 p m. From Yaquina: on ,next Tuesday. April 11 Fare from Alban- and , Corvallis to San Franc:-.": Cab n, TJ; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good for 30 da s. 18. Cna 1 ITSitai. Son A Co, Areata. No 2 to'S Marktt .:', San Frarefc. ; Star Baker) (srFr4albls and Flrsil ! CGNRAD Vim, FFtiJ 1EHP, ward rails, t'si.sarf. Drfeet rrsiltx. Tabitceo. Nattmr, i oftee. Et taanrii tl qnersswar. itlaiale. Cleat Jipfee. Tea. Cie.. lac enms.4 ;ksl is kefA in eer .-. sad esue7 sksre. Higliiet sasrket rrx pid for al.L KINDS OF PRODUCE. H. U. IITPK. W. H. PISPISGEK. p. it JAMES ALBANY FORillE CO.. zarco Baltimore lllk. Alkaii, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of VNIERTAKI$6 in all its branches. EMBALMING u-rcialh. Residence tr or i undjVal.ipoeia DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Mu Instruments, Etc Hodps & McFarland, The Cornel Drug Store,". A.bany.Qt fled CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PRjPRIETOR. w raooasa rLoca acraaioa son aaaau airo BAatas rsa EST STORAGE WGILl flKS i :ta