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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1894)
State tights IcMcrat. VOL XXIX. Entered at (be Post oilier at Albany. Or., a ttreenil- Ia Hall Mallei i ALBANY.ORfcGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1894. I ii .- A N. I IIM., PuiWI.hrr, and Proprietors: IS I 4- for Infants " Castoria is SB well adapted to children that ' recommend it aa superior to any proscription nowa t ass." ix. a. Akchkt, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, It Y. eTha nsn of ' Oasteria la so universal and (ts merits so well known , hat it wins a work if supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Jitfflllgent families who do not keep Castoria sltlda tsisjr reach." Camms ILurrvx, P. I, Xew York City. Tax CsxTara aYtnw71iH9JH 53 L. DUUCLAS V. iocs are HaWassA for the Ish itootj. jaffj KHnriR5'as& Y UaSSataMa . IM Vis, la.aHUL-, ftl l '--'taB. W. r.ul.uu P"?s auvcnisea man any other ma!.;. Trr one pair an J be con vinced. The of L. Doughs- .TO and price on the bottom, which Krtees i their value, saves thousjnus e l" .'n'ls ani.,:;! to those who wear tixm. LVai.-rs who push the sale of V. L. Don. I-,. ck : . . . . . , . - , .. , . , - increase the sales on their full line of ; c ' and we bellerw yon eall Mve mor.,, 1--. Used below. tj-it-iloaraa Sroo -.po.. ap;ill. - m PA-ROMiZc HOM - THl FARMERS & MfflCM IKSURANCE CO' , K ), "rtidat. J 1- COWAN, rreaaarer. - Geo MRKCTOK Owan K vieaihs.tra. CJ Sta -ALSO DISTRICT seYeral Solid Eastern and Foreign Gompaiei FORTMILLER Undertakers -;- and -:- V. Ill tin 1 111 a rai. w E KfcEP conttantlt on tat a fiilMi. coffin. Alto M - . . : buiial ubf s srd ndtt. which will be old at The Lowest L.elait Profits. EMBALMING nd lre proper care of the dead a specialty. KO EXTRA, ALBANY, - CKARCL FOR - MASONIC NEW : FURNITURE, MY SrOBEiSNOWFULI. OF FIRST-CLASS CEXITUREJCONSISTINOi cf bed room.sttB. chairr, iconges, etc., which. I'w ,l sell at BOTTOM The Oregon vVPn its home B-AJIfVt - X ne Gray Block, corner Liberty and MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract r.f ar Salfetui Will soli 5, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 bo fc6Q er ere small cash payment long timo on or particulas. . ALBANY CIGAR FACTOFJY .1. JOSEPH, t'ronrlietor. sTs Cr SI illELtlMXNG PHOTOGKAPHKItS, ROn' MANHOOD auruuld to cure U i nerv.ius disease, sucli uWaak Met Power Headache, Wakaralnoaa, Loat Manhood. Mch tlr K ne,all drain and lo of power: 1 Generauve Uriiai a of lij nlanu, which Ww renpociM. ! per buz. ..aft. ZJ? 1 'l: Sajrfafw.aAr'7 1 BdruMiata.. Ask for It. take a-i In Ih.n, f. kw 1 I ' I , I , . , vumAmu Itlr a wrlttei npatMta . . L .., - . If your bones ache use and Children. Caatoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Biarrhcva, ICructatiaa, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di sassse Without Injurious iiBslBllfkn "For jereral years I hare reoommendec your 'Cestoria,' and shall alwajT eontinna t do so as it has invariably rroiiueed benelicia lesults." Edwis F. FAimrs, at !., 125th Street and Tth A vs., New York City Comtaxv, 77 McaBav Strzst, Sct York Ottt. SHOE 6EnLfl.II. S6, 34 ana S3. 50 Dress Shoe. S3.5C Police Shoe, 3 Solei S2.EO, S2 for Workingmei 2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADiES AND MISSES S3, 92. SO 82, $1.71 CAUTION. If any deal TOU W. I., anuria. hoes at at reduced price. r aaya he baa l bem with- out th. name tlamvc on the bottom, put him uowu m a irauu- crviich ...... I i .. ...wa tJii. .t.-,v'i.ii.-i WHICH I - . . " . - r . , - cf BLAIN CLOTHING CO IMSTITUTiOJI3. - - Oregon. JO WRl'inHn. SecaetaiT F SIMPSON. Vioe Tn ddeub - ut . O WriUmac. fw- Wriumac. AOKKTB rO J & IRVING . f j , . . , wviwjc , ma iro lora nut n Irrsoclnth, attn.ri al tarn HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOl PRICES. Tbos. Brink. Jand Co office at - OIRlUGrO State street, branch office tn .Portla-io' Cabinet psaSSBS from $ i .50 to 4-oe tier dozen. "Enlaiidnir nfctureu m ffjf73l3fj)9i r,Pec'a'ty- rtlM cravon: tramttl BBBBZL "Jor $10.00, We c.ary'a large stock mt""' 0f jx8 antl tterescopt': views of Or- RESTOtVED.' isvk mill. Till wonderful remei'v Memory, lx or W' T Kmiiilon. Ne- Ornai of either sezcaSjt.. i irrora, eioes.iru ae of tobacco, oulu tobacco, opium orstlm ui:u ieaai.iiiiiirmity. 'insuuiptloD or Intaititj. ( an be carried in u ' prepaid, v s for MS. be mail nmimin. Win, 001 m no othei Write tor fn e ileal IKHik aentqea j . . . . ... , . ...... r. - .... UU liy UVUU&B S nJ Aitl JSU.IJr THUESDA'y DEMOCRATIC TICK Senators. W R Bilyeu. Albany. Jefferson Meyers, 1 rar.klin Butte. Representatives. J M rhilpot Harris burg. 1 I Whitney, Albany N P Cm me, Shedd. Commissioner W K Potter, Fox Yal ley. Clerk C K stanard, of Brownsville. Recorder Riley Shelton, Scio. Sheriff 0 C Jackson. Halsey. Treasurer K I. Bryan, Tangent. Assessor S O Wallace, Lebanon. School Superintendent V M Mitchell, Albany. Coroner --Frank Farrell, Albany. DaVOOBATlo "ill nip T oet evening the deuio-'rats opened the campaign in this city with a large audience at ti.e opera hause.ilon M A Miller o( Lebanon, member of the state central cooamitta called the nieetinj; to order and intro duced Hon T L Davidson of .Marion county, candidate for state treasurer. Mr Davidson spoke very briefly Baying that he was a farmer, a pioneer ol this country, that his nomination ouie un solicited, that he was in favor of free silver and if elected won Id perform the duties of his office faitnf utly and conscien tiously. Mr Weatherford was then in troduced and spoke at length upon the legislation, which, if elected to congress, he would labor to secure. He treated at length and with great rlearn-fis of the necessity of ample appropriations to open up the Willamette river so as t make it navigable for boats as it was years ago. He showed that if this could le ac complished the freight on wheat and other farm products, as well as the stock of goods of merchants and other dealers would be much less than under the con dition 5f things that now exist under which the railroad has a monopoly of carrying trade and espcts such tribute from farmers and merchants as its desire may dictate. Mr Weatherford also treated of the tariff .jtiestion and partic ularly the views ol Mr Hermann from wboseepeech Mr Weatherford read. He literally tore Hermann" speech into shreds and disclosed lbs many fallacies which that gnt!euitn resorts to to main tain his position in favor ot protection ism. t!r Gallowav the candidate for governor, was then introduced and made a speech, which, although not political, yet was of much interest to every one present. He showed that the appropri ations made by the legislature had in creased from i8oi,000 in Ins, ithe last year the democrats had control of the legislature to UI5.809 in If'.'.". All this inctease was due to the extrava gance of republican legislatures. He an nounced that he was not talking politics to the people, bnt as a citizen interested in the weal of the commonwealth, was showing them how the business had been conducted, and pledged them in tne most emphatic way if elected gover nor he would use all his power to correct these abuses. He said he was in favor of the reenactment of the mortgage tax law, and opposed to a repeal of the Aps tralian ballot law. Mr Galloway made an excellent impression on the minds of all present whether democrats, repub licans or populis's- In fact all the can didates made very favorable impressions They speak today a'. Lebanon and go to Brownsville tomorrow. As Albany Mas BcPsaraTtotDKarr. Tne Rosebarg Review says : A lond for a deed was filed tnis week in the clerk'a office from J T Cooper to the Cxi per 'tads'ne Co. Its provisions calls for the construction of a railroad from tne quarry to the Southern racihe s main line, and also requires the company to furnish all the funds, material and tools necessary for the construction of the same, and to build a plant equipped with all modern machinery for operating the quarry. All of this must be aeconi p'ished on or before one vear from April 30, 1804. At a of the directors of the company held in this city, Tues day, the following gentlemen were chosen officers of the company for the ensuing year: Jos G Kellev, president: J T Cooper, treasurer : I" G Hayne, secretary and superintendent A Delayed Steamer. Mr and Mi Frank Wood, son anil doe Ia-h returned this noon from their trip to San Francisco coming by way of i aquina. after an ocean trip of mx days, the Homer lo-Lng four days on account of a damaged wheel. which it was thought Wii lost, for several days. World (olaasbUa F.iBll(oa. Will be of value to the world by illustrat ing tne impiov emcntt in the mechanical arts and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medicinal agent, hat been of equal, and a a strengthening laxative that Svrup of Figs is far in advance ol all others! wot: in :it I Bis i, Will & Stalk, jeweler If yon want a tine sinokr call for Joaeprrs white labor cigar. The bestjroaat y,tfee in the city i Cm ad of oyer a. U S Bakeiy b.ead is Hrst class. Cal at Second End between Klisworlhand Lyon streets. Young Americanslove indepen denes hence let them sleep independently in one of those woven wire cri I s for sale by the Albany Furniture Co. The Best Medicine. J. 0. Wilson, Contractor and Juildi-r, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer's Pills: " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I ever tried ; and, In my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them In my family and recommended them to my friends and wnployes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been eompletely and Permanently Cured by ths use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate uso of Ayer's Hlls, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature ot the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for tho ttscrders I have named above. "j "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's I'ills give better satisfaction than any other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. II., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Every Dose Effective Industrials at Roseburg. The State Christian Endeavor Associat ion convenes in corvalili thU evening. The Corvallis caniage factory has just received an order from a California Brm for ten carriage. Another invoice of Gilberts fast black satteens in pi tin and brocaded. Al0 percalines in fast black and coloi s and fait bla:k organdies just received at Samuel V ojngV . The fndoatral stmf which has been tru'iigto ride out of Cottage fyrove only number ahout 3 Instead cf 100 a here tolote reported. Tiey carry twi Amer ican llajs and are oryaniz:d. A' present they are walking. The building committee of ibe A F & A M, have about determined to recommend the construction of a masonic temple o:-. the frnternity's property this summer. If built it will be a two slorv brick, with a store room below, a tenant for which is in wating 10 take a five yeai's lease at a good rental. Corvallis Times. It may hav: beti a democratic '.i;er in'.er.dent who embezzled county fund; but it was a democratic sheriff who fol lowed him up regardless of politics or any thing else except justice, and bioughe him back, receiving onlv bis actual costt for the trouble. A letter addressed to '-Edhor of Albmv Democrat, Salem, Oregon' reached the Dkmockat office this morning. It had gone to Salem and been ope.icd bv the Salem Democrat man, who with true .lackkonlan Spirit, refused to take ad van ageof the golden opportunity otf -red In side and forwarded it to Albert A Helena, Mon. man wanted a aarcple copy. Mr Casper Vandran returned last night from a trip to 1'ortland. Mr . H Rjdd. ol 'he county recorders office, has been at lVoria seeking re creation. W H I'.los. of CotTSllis, the new com mander of the Sons of Veterans, of Ore gon, returned home today. The Misses CUism, of lbia. Iowa, are in the city the quests of Mr Elder, of South Albany. They are making a lour of the coast. ?drs Julius tiradwoh! will leave tomor row night for San Francisco on a visit with relatives, among others her brother the well known owner of Sutro heiehts. tiuite a number of Mr Caleb Daris' friends called upon him last evening and very pleasantly surprised him with a beautiful gold headed cane as a slight token of the great esteem in which be is held by the church and congregation be has so long and so faithfully served. W E Yates, Esq., in behalf of" the f'iends. presented the cane in very kind words, which were followed by a' short speech from Dr Thompson. Mr Iavi led todav lor the General Assembly of the Presby terian church, which meets in Saratoga, N. Y. He is one of the eight commis sioners from Oregon. Co real lis Kent. The cane was purchased in thiser.v of French and several Albany friends i- interested in the presentation COI XTY COURT. (J. S. TDAmcan. ooant jwlsr: Wni. sat J. W. Pujcb, L'taaunaaaoocrt.) f.-' . . .-;, Continuesi, bill of Dr Artman for f I! .93. acco-int poor. Carer iv-iigned as supervisor of Dial Ko 40 and K L Hamilton was arpointe!. Petition of Thomas Malon at al to ( hange location of count v road, granted and tieo .sp!awn. I J Plulpot and Ja 'irwen appointes.) viewers. On petition of J F MesBBSt al f county rjal surveyor rrdered to surrey road. Petition lf ies Kinles- -t a! for c-Mintv road granted. Application Of t red N:hroei-r for srholar hip is AsrkaltanU i-olleiw was placed oc file until vacancv ocean. Allowed: px).', ai-i. Hails. M.s Oark, Cox familv. Mrs Roberts, Mrs PercifuH. Mrs Kenworthv. R C Kemf. Elutabe'h i IsIk rn Sarah limes. Henderson familv. Lewis Hawkins. MtsJankev.J K Morn. Robert liillock. Mrs Tavlor, Mrs Streil hoff, J H Allien, Carminiirsv.and other bills account poor unnamed, iV.; 25. John I'sher. janitor S 10 08 G H Wilkes. Supt F Rucker acct roads Geo D Barnard ft Co, stationary.. T V Dillv. bounty oo 1 4S II CO - fi 18 00 1 00 37 i:: 31 50 22 50 2 50 13 50 Is 0-) K M Wait, state agt Liun Co F Holfus, tiountv Foshav a Maon,stationary Albany iron Works, acct roads J C Morgan, acct roads hlectnc lights w M Berry Wm l-:.e P W Spinks Oregon agt W'm Jones . . 06 00 00 50 so 50 oo 10 5fJ Mites ot .Nutting, rrlnting T rites A Miller.accl roads A H Martin, acct roads Stewart A Sox, acct C H W A iilderman, b juntv o ieo Hawea, bounty. S a'e agt Frank P.obson, pre. ex - 11 'regan agt t .MOlrard I S Van Winkle, miscellaneous Train A Whitney, printing Or. agt "A in Nolan W V M:ller & Son, acct roads . . . Lydia L lewett, acct poor (i H 'Viikes, saiaiy Henry Met, rimes, roaits Ladies Aid Societv S J T Hoik-, -heriff fe"s Sponogle.. . H A Hecker. roads State agt Iewis Messenger Mate agt Lewis Connett M Heilfield. acct roads Merer, acct isxir M Paulsen, jimitor X P Payne, clerks fees K T Fisher, surveyor fees E T Fisher aid pOOt W F I 'eak ins. assessor's fees i W Young A' Co.. roads St John A- Shine bricc Wallace. a:tTreaB J N I hincan. judges salary .y. J E Hamilton, rebate tax . 142 00 . t,l 35 . 100 00 5 00 . a ') II Hrvant. acct roads J W I'ugh, acct roads H K Young, acct poor . 2) 4." . io oo . io oo .$ 5.ce s h i oung. acct U 11 Aid rbebe Haniam Oiegon agt F M (iirard . I !:;.: W in Kumbaugh, com. fees . . . I W Pugh, com. fees N .1 Henton, acct poor ;i SO 12 00 s oo 4 00 00 6 00 -r 00 E Kodifers, acct pjor Wm Maker, acct roads P M Smith, accctpoor 1) M Large, acctroad Petition of Samuel King et al for bridge dismissed. Clerk was directed to advertise for bids for HO cords oak wood for C H, hi ds to lxj opened June ts. Application of Foster Mill Co for de duction of assessment dismissed. Court ndjonrned Friday evening after transacting the following additions,! lmsi- nees: Contract for building bridgu across Horner creek was let to ( ieo Riduigt-r for o7. Contract lor building bridge across Hlougli between W J DrinJtard ami Mary niack wiw let to Wm ISurgott for 91 -i foot. contract lor building a bridge across Muddy was lot to Wm Jlurgett at $1.14. per toot. Allowed: Fresh CabDage. Cauliflower. Celery. Onions. A Turnips. AtC E lirowriilla Shiloh's Yitahzer :s what jo.t used tor dyspepsia, torpid liver, yelloa akin or kid ney trouble. It ta guarantnsrl tof give yov satitfaetioD. Price 75c. Sildby Koahay & Masoc. By using Hall's Hair Renewer, giay, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of youth, and glows luxuriant and strong, pleating everybody. CURE - AKE made FEIDAT City Council. Thursday evening, Muy 10. Present Mayor, recorder, niarsluil. and eouncilmen Whitney, Mtsii, 1'fcilTer llurklmrt, Marshall stsd Wa'teis. Th following bills wi re ordered paid: Frank Turdum, 4.ST : Stites k Nutting, i.ti5: W V Bowell, 94.5f; H-pkins liros, 18,25; John BcJuneer, c'-.OO; Santiam berCo, 2. M; Hanrv Itoggs. 810.00; John HosTaun, 113.00; c t Los, ?7o.oO; w a M. t'lain. $.'K): 0 i Hale, 9U); John Jones, S-'o.oti; Beetne Light Co, HS9.00. Ibe committee on sjBWtl and public proiierty rejiorled several cross wnlks. side walks and drains rpjiaireil; also that citi zens objected to bridge acrosi cana I on Third and Thurston '".-cause it would in terfera with ierd. Coinmittee on ItOSSSOl reported against granting th petition of F I. R'is and ask ing that UcewM be issued for three months on the grounds that it would be contrary to city cbartcv. The comuiitteo on health imd iwlitx- re ported against granting the petition of T C Mackey and others asking for the ap pointiuent of an extra policeman on the p WW i j,e utys iinr'n. t wouiu nol4 Tftni H The city leeorder n-uorUl another 81000 aid on interest on londs, leaving $1000 due. Tlie n-signation of John Jones as assist att engineer was i . I. and on motion ac cepted. Application of John Jone ns pnlieeniiin, with dtit.M of assistant M(t was read. On motion, oft..- much lalk. tin was ref.rrel to the eommitte.; on p as) engi- beaith and police to orepitre resolution at the l.cxt meeting. The committee on fire and water was issteaeted to provide enginsr fur No. ' until next meeting of the council. Sidewalk on 5th -trret adjoining bl 2, lot 3! was n-portvl in bad condition. Councilman Marshal reportexl a bad road OS tb- Bates Pud Uwt. One woman had SSBS thrown out of a wagon and injured and several wagons broken. Considerable discussion followed en the asawssry l-ro-ceeslings in such -.u . The committee on str. ets and public property wen- autiiorizexl to examine the streets of Aftssty, learn what streets nstl repairs, and to employ r.n attorney to draw tip resoiuUon for tb same, and that a full report be made at the m-xt minting. The mr.tter of onings frcm ditch into aSWSn fee slushing n nunuroutly di cussed. and resulted in s reference to the committee on street and public property to look after alushsug sowers generally. The nvorder report'-d that t'-.e city aoept wrjran: of fl ". fir quarter -alary ir.-t. .i 1 ..f ... j-r bill presentesl. Hills el John Hanimi'l 83 ?i0f'r building dog saaaeTaad D U Monteith. 2.i for rnt of ground one ytiir fsr dog possst, allowed. A Divoitt E SalT. lias'seppe Ma!.sii again-'. K..te Mata- U the name of a di vorce ;nt jtit legun in the Circuit Court, Tne plaintiff it an indutii"Kis farmer, who by hrrd work had accumulated a pretiy good fortune when On Jan "Ath. lesn than four months agu. he c married in thi city to his i.reent wife, a widow, ibe corapUint is somewhat sensatiooal. harg ing cruel, inhuman and abusive treatment, mating life bardeneoine. an-i that the de feodant called the pUistif? s"jch pet name as bos;, liar and fool, both to hit fare ami to neighlir: tiiat in March defenLtct went to Portland, bringing hotue s w.vatazt f uncertain character, the plaintiff barge as a partner to conpitacy against him; that the plaintiff had mean when he married, but that defendant had wassi all of his nwans or gotten sue-;, n of it L,r i..-r-self. They separatevl en April 24. .t.l.Mlul.- ii iMirymp,. ot Albany, pcnalisi candhlate for district at- t.wwet;. for tbe thirl district. I-r.h,sl ulist doctrine for one and one-half hours at i ti - - !, ! hou-e -. T ;: -!.:v evniug. !! y evening. He ,, be ever new to the pot nlist about govern- roent e m l-, nati.-nal lunk. sultsnfucl ires, eve. eu . mil i,e iiuai seunti up , . .... ... - y saving, in sub-tance. - the thing for the people of I'regvin to do now. and tii? most important thing in the present campaign in i'p'gi,i i-. -n i iov i ennover to tue l,il,.. R. P... noyer mui i-.-n irieii lor eigui yesirs now. . t 1 , . . E t . , and wa.- "th- neOBte fneml. but I i - friend. t at re-ver told ,- . in vnr iuuihiiis ui in isi'.ii. i w 'ir .netwnghe everdidf .r thepeopie..! . in t,t compla.nesl that .,.arvon rompoent .-aiem aourn... A CuAi.LKSsiK. The following live i-hall.ige appears in the Le'oanon Advance; i opuiin who na? never m:tie a evii in public since hi Vovhood dav. when he recited "Tlie l,ov rf'X! on the Irtiming deck." will nes t any ts-presentative repub lican in Linn county, in open debate. in tlie town of U-lianon at s slate to be aj-m-l upon. Her i a challenge to admini-ter in anodyne to your dying isse. prote. ti .n. ou can devote two-thirds of tots time in explaining the cause of the prenent psaic the tariff luimhug and waving the hloody hirt. ihie-thipl of vour tim. must l de- vot,l to the discussion of the man an I wily issue the financial 'uestion. AddieSi K. AaTsaee office. Goon telephone we learn that Mesn Weatherf.ird. Cill iwav and Davidson had largo aadienee. at Ia-banon tanerday imd at Rrownsvi'.le !a-t night. Democrats arc waking up and mnch en tut-iasm is ling nuuiifesteil. Mr Weath ertord is said to have made the U-st siiee-h f hi life at Lelumon. The-e candidat.'s are strengtlie..ins? the democrats very much. I-t everv demi rat in tin- nmntv do Ins wboii duty tad we witewm. r5i.aMr.R SfiT. There was an inter est ins; law suit at Independence yesterday wliereiii Mrs Baiter VSS nasi by Mrs Esteb fcr $200 damages for slander, and the case wa trie-1 W-forc .luitice Lvons. Iho ver dict of the jury was that the plaintiff have 51 damages and the costs Of the -uit which amounted to about $1''. i'lien were about sixty witnesses exumineil. It was alleged by Mrs ijiteb that Mrs R iter pub licly accused her of the theft of B jiair of scissor. Statesman . Not Piiokaxe. Thv DucocaAT is re ablv informed that in the affair across the river, resulting in the arrest of Ed Zej Jr.. no jirofane remarks were made by the Shannon girl, that what was said was by another voung huly. also present, and that h,r words were not nearly as bad as report ed. Jr. Price's Cream Qsking Powder A Pure Qrcpo Cream of t artar Powowr. i ax Notice. Tax payers will bear in mind that the couof :ourt has fixed May 14th as the tinKV len taxes will become deipuent. All should pay before that date so as to avoidjadditional cost. C C Jackson sheriff. A lean Hem. Who 'iocs nearly all U.o washing in Al- linliyy Why, tlie Albany Steam haundry Why, liecause they do first-class work at low k pr rices. io patronixes the Chinamen t On'y a very few. Don't mention it. Have yon seen the new wagon. It's nioilern and holds a stack of clothes. Their big business demands it- Richards & Phillips made it . They know how, iu well an how to do superior washing. The Steam laundry washes for rich and poor imd does good work for all alike. ..Try it, try it. Or. Price's Creaui BsKtng Powder Forty Years the SUnaard- VDUNa NVITAVION8. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. fgssy Smilkv. Tho drummer travel is large. Most of the fruit has been killed In the Rogue liver valley . TheOACand Stale L'nivenRv nines will play In Corvalii to morrow. A special train will leave Albany to motrow at I :Jo for Corvallii and return after the Eugene Corvallis ball game. The drought in parts of California, Cal ifornla, added to the previiling hard limes makei things look dubious hi some pir! of that state. Linncvjnty l as eleven paper Democrat, licrud. Popwiisf, Telescope, Flying Wedge, Advance, Hx, ic.s.Couilcr, News, Times and Press. The Cmtey men have bean stca'ing trains all nver the D H, but without being punished, even fined; but when they get on the gran at Wahin''oi, Itok out. This saaede funny ; but there isa deal more than getting ea the gras good The General Assembly of H.e Comber- land Pr-sbiterian Church will anive in Eugene Ma'v i jth ( Tuetday p m); wi'l Last night a lerri!,!- trag-ly WW enact convene in VllUrd Hall May Bxh IPS sa -iesaM of the affair. Mr Kenyon A cordial invitation It extended to ail lo Bae the following version of it. ' Having attend the sessions c( the Assembly, fi A Blair. (Pastor &l Eugene Oregon.) The L'bonon merchants now have moil of their freight brought by steainhoal from Portland to Albany, then brought over to Lebanon t,v ta ims. rretgni cytnit isute It cheaper than bytiie railroad. Advanc 1 he names of G W Cruson and John (irithan appear in the li.t of trial juries drawn for the C S circuit court which rneeitln Portland on June uth . Mr Grit ham died nearly twoyeart ago - L.-bsnon Adiance. G W Tzylor secured the cor.traci f.jr moving a building InAloanv ihltweelt for I W Cnsicfc. who It removed prepara tory to rrcc-lng a new biick bank building. Sc'o Press. Mr Taylor seems lobe an expert mover. A Mi WaPace, cm South Uend. Weak, hat been in the city attempting to 'art a populist newspaper The field it rather mall, there bring S papers "n the county but lo.x. Inhabitants Telephone Regis ter Return, ir-tile to Co'decti r of Internal Revenue Il.acLtnan thows the actual num ber of Chlresc registered in the diIrlct c-f Orrgcn, which included Orrgon, Wathii.g ton and Alaska, to be lojffta. Fintl reports have not el been received from al! points It is es-ima ed that they will ( ring the mral uptoscmelhlngovcr eleven thousand. In thrdistr'it tnerc ate a'xiut u.-rjo Chinee. Tlie pioperty known as Rhinehar-.'t corner wa rccentlr dis;od of by J Rhinehart to Wild am Halliday.of Oikland. Califoir.ia. It consists of the block of land on Hie r.orlhweel corner of JJin-h and t 'ak tteri and the two- s-ory build ing, the firt of which conit of three tloie r,.sm and -.he opera house. Eugene Otl'.' Dr .' :. f .- iaiilie. na L-eu in the ci!v. Mr H C II , el Lekuicn prexin-t was in tie titv tousv. Hon t "na Nickel. daasXfSfOC candidate for Sev-retarv of State, is in the litv. Ikm't forget to vote f--iT him next month. Rev F B G Wynne left be Sarat'-ga. New York, via the Canadian Pacific route, v es ter-lay. He goes to attend tho great edu cational conference. KM lilc-igett and Tom iaham and Collins Kikins went to CV-rvallis last evening on bicvcles. hranl Mr Bssr, National Seaetarv of the Y P B C B and returnesl the rarae evening. I li Len j, the wiirid cinder lyciit. fJT hiting and the Victor bicvtle. wbo I -! through Albany in November 1-TC, ha just passed out of Asia into Europe after erae wonderful etperiencw. He i now riettr OewaaSBDSkSxaS. He i pn ing him.f t voungmsn of great nerve. His acix-unts ef b travels are ery readable. Prof M Mibhe!!. demorratic cm-iidate for county superintendent, spent last Sat urdav sad Stinilav io our city, fhe lrxf bss ta:ufht several scaoelt n-5ir la-lar- n i w - . t l. ii.. :. i,;.a.i .,...,. .verv where he ha, taushl loth i m,n and tMr-ber Leiannn k'ninxi I Vx'vM. ur-witendent of one 1 of the Indian achoois c.f Colorado, has lost , , i u - i iv-.i i,,iinii-i i.' iiuiiauii iumiiuic , Chemawa Mr Cleveland mad,- no mistake i . j : li . - - as. i,.i , i: i . n tui.j. in j din I an alio imiii.dir inro u iirt- ' ... . . si . i i: i I i : .: . - t ta I . 1 Mo N-iustk- Some time agj a Pepnt o, . " . , , ! n,,eJ States Marshal was sent up Cntted States Marshal was sent up lo nn count v to look sn some "moon- i shiners." w ho a ere said to be at work , ,, tuajrUiy, wire being furnished with ' some kjwd of stuff which snswered in the piare of something better, to "rcase drunk come." IVputy Humphrey ar- I reale.1 ll.e osrlie nfieelsl but fhev ------ - r - - - - , j succeeiivd in getting clear on some tech- nicality. Il is doubtful whether ihe parties were distilling any kindof licjoor. but they were distributing some kind of vile stuff. Oregonian. State Democratic Ticket. Whom Oalonoy For (lorernor hill county. Wm Ualioway. of Yam- ClStSII) WIIHIS. from the 1st district Hon I K Weatherford. of Alutnv. I ongres-uian Inim -;nl district tl n jas II Ralev. of Pendleton. Supreme Judge A S Bennett, of The Dalles. Secretary of state -Charles Nkkeil, of Jacksonville. Sc hool Superintendent-D V S Reid, of En irone. Treasurer Thomas I. Davidson, of Ssleta. Attorney tleneral W H Holmes, of Salem. State Printer- Jchn O'Brien, of Portland Circuit Judge J J Daly. Prosecuting Attorney- L H Mon tae. Public Spcakin. The democratic candidates of Linn coun- i ty will speak on the political issues of the day at the following tunes and places: Syracuse May IS. at 10 a m langent IS. ut z p m 1 p m 1 p m 1 p ui 1 p m Bbedd 19, at 21, at 22, at 23, at llarrisburg Halsey.. Brownsville Cniwfcrdsville Sweet Home Waterloo Sodaville Lebanon Rock Creek Lyons 24. at 10 a in -'4. at - p m 25, at 10 a in 25, at 2 p m 36, at 1 p m va, at 1 p ill Tat, at l d m Ionian 110, ut 10 a m Shellmrn " 31,' at 3pm N io " HI, at 1 p m Santiam Juno 1, at 2 pm Albany June 2, at lam Opposing candidates are respectfully re- niiesteil to be present ami parucip ate tin- discussion. E E Davis. Chairman County Central Committee Cko v whhiht. Secretary, only by Fred Dawson, Chemist, SATURDAY A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. Dr .Appicvvnitc snoota i diaries hen- you, Murders Mrs Kcnyon and cuts his ou n throat. Several in m'hs ago the Di:viK-f"AT was the first p-iper to publUh the itrticulara ia sb estwpaaawsi oy ur anwswnne, trean un-r of the Agricultural t.'olleg', of (or Tailis, imd Mrs aeayoa, wife of a farmer residing near that cuy. It was roundly abused for it by one of the Corvallis papers aim ujenui or foe uoctoc prosatssd a hiiei suit on his return: hut nothing r-stiltel. Apptesibite on nis return was Bliesttd on couipLtint of Mr Reavoa. hut his ease was dismissed on a ie hniirality, the prosecu tion tppir.ilir to the supreme court. Op-at teelmg in and around i orv.tHis jirevailed Over the matter. reci-ived threatening letters from Apple white, I caiin- to town today and bought a revolver, leaving my wife at Locke's, and stopping for her on her return home. Just as we were turning into our g:ite, Ap plewhite, who was in ambosh behind an oak tree, stepped out, saying. ' I've got ycu now,' and commenced firing. Several shots were exchang-d. but my re volver refused to go eff several time-. My wife jiinid out of the wagon, and scream ed. 'I'm shot in the hip.' wlien Apglewhite grabbed her. holding her between him and myself, and locked off up the lane, still firing. After receiving a wound in the leg. I drove on to the Locke, and 1-ing very taint from lo of Uood. -ent Lock t town 'or help.'' Dr Applewhite and Mr Kenyon then fled and were seen going up a wnyon on Sol King's place, and they could not be traced during the night. This morning aliou 0 o'clock Brady Bur DBtt, one of a ear. inng party. wi- terrified to find them in a bnn. h of oak gmt lying in their own blood. Mrs Kenyon was cold . in death. Dr Applewhite", thrxtt v as cut in a terri ble manner, am! it ass doubted if he lived more than a few hours, though some thought be might irrplSf Alt he -aid was "12 o'clock."' which he muttered several times. About that time of night om one in tlie neighborhood h-or.l a woman scream in a terrible manner. Or .-ipp;-wii,:e w..- tak-:i to i.orvaiiis. a coroner I jorv w i- to investigate Bse mat ter. Or Applewhite i- "-! years of age. an old and prominent resident . with a :ean re? ord until the rn :-nt affair. Some think he was crazv. but pfXtbsbii sot. Mrs Ken- y-m was about thirty vears of age. Mr an-1 Mr- K- nyon f -rtuiiately hd no chil dr-n MOTil fp-ni ' ortsasa ibis afternoon to the efft that lr Aj uteahite was rapidiy n- .v-rir.gan-t w, r i 3 s t.-.-- :gt.t rie saasi a statement ttut be gave .,irs Kenyon 2t' grains of morphine, from the effei:U of whi- h she dieJ. though she was alio shot in the hit's in th; melee with henyon. He also t ok 10 grain of m?r nine and rut his wrist and throat, neitcer bet ng eff-.- ;-.-. He Wi- ;-.rr:e.i f t tiie m artier -t 'r r.'. At press time the coroner, jcrv had not rendered the;r ver-lkt. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. oi.m n i:nin-!.-. Tne (ieneral Asaemblt- which me-ta in Albany at B j- May will be opened with a sermon by Rev James Bruce of Aades. N- Y. There is no fixed program for the meet.ngs of the BSSSBsMy not the nrler of r'e-. i us-aadfy as folows: Af ter the opening seruem the roll will be called by the principal clerk and the assem bly constituted with prayer. After which an adjournment will be taken to 9 a m the next day when a new moderas x and officers will be elected and the regular business of the assembly will begin. After the appointment of 'tan.iing com mittees reports will be made by tne secre taries of the different loard. Tae day sessions are devoted mainlv to lj:ne-- The evening sessions are usually deT.;-;; sssl and dmvte-i to some otv? particular 'ubievt . There are no d..ctnnal .iiscjssi-.w or troubleeome heresy trial- likelv to cor..-' le- fete the assem1 ne evening session will la? given to a conference on the subject of Foreign Missions. one to Hoc:e Mission?. vne to IreevlRien- 3si--:or.- and one to Sal-lath hhocJs. The evening given to Foreign missions will be of very special and general interest. The c.vtTes pending secre tary of the board. I r W W Barr of Phila delphia will have control of the ev-nferen-e and several hawWea4ina sssaeSBM will bp delivered bv rtarned K.-reign missionaries and others. The Cnite.1 lYesbytenan church has in the foreign field SSI BUSsioa-arie-. .V? native preachers. V0 native heljvrs and 10.041 ommunicint.-. There are a snmler of schools iml b-.ispitals ucler the control of these mtssiosa and the conference may be WUBttell to l of general interest. Tho BsaswkHS usually remains in session one week and will adjoorn on We-inesday. May :Cth. The delegates come a sreat dis tance from all parts of our country and even from the fon-ign field and no such repre sentative body of Christian tabus SIS is lige ly to le een in Allstnv for many years la come. Much attention is ting jaid to them on their way coming in different cities in the way of II II Sal Baa and dinners and we BOPS the cititens of Albany will keep up their already well established rep utation for hospitality. Tlie eommitte has Un-adv met wuh eiveuraging success in nding places of entertainment for our guests. But there axe yet some unprovided for and we hope our liberal minded citizens will do their very test and that the dele gates will return to their homos in the east to give their neighlors glowing accounts of he lautv .inn terliiitv tt the iliamrtte tllovantl the culture hospitality and intel- ligenoe of its inhabitar.ts. SOCIAL AND Pr.RSOX.ll. Mr- Crov'on and - i Freddie went to ortland this noon to visit Mrs C'rox- ton's sister Mrs R M Wade. One of the social events of the wrek. which the Dkmoc kvt omitted to mention at the time was the picnic party given by the Railroad commissioners up to the front op the OieaOa Pacific. Ceietsl Albany onnLr narsnla wen- in tue party. 1 he state foot the bill. It is probable the next logis- latun- will aliolish the fake. PaoaaTB RboOSO. In estate of V. L Knox tic'tition to sob petsoasJ ptopctti Ulowecl. lu e.-tato cf f?eorg. Dickinson. Mrs IVIa KcuBson appoiafst executrix. Boada $ti ih) In estate of Maty A Cramer et al third mnual account tiled. In estate of lienrv A Hirons. Petition to sell real property filed. Hearing June ter report ot --l. 1'inal BSM BC of personal property npprov counting set br June o. In estate of E L Knox inventory tiled. real property 130,950; personal property 16,584.80. Will of Michael Croisant ;diuittel to probate. In estate of i'n-tlerick Sutlanluiarg Fred Sudanbuarg uiuioiiitetl admr. Bond Stow. KELTOIOl'8 MiRVICKS. Kev 1. S f- lalivr i will conduct the services at tho Evan gelical church for the last time before moving to Monmouth, notn morning ard evening to-morrow. This will close his three years paatoiate. Ail are in vi ted. Preaching at the Baptist church Sab bath morniug at 10:30 by Rev David Tat uni the Quaker Evangelist. Other services as usual. The regular gospel meeting will be held in the YMCA rooms to-morrow at 4 o'clock. A good speaker is expected. Young men yon are especially urged to drop in. Jt. Pr Ice's Cresm Baking; Powder Moat Perfect Aired. 'WOMEN BACHELORS.' Some Palatable Saturday Evening, Thought. Aljiast, May 12, 1894. What in the world is a woman bachelor lerhajM some one asks . Well, I will first answer any inquiries negatively. They are not girls for women of any age), who have B dread of having Miss, instead of Mrs, on their tombstones. They are not women whose "chief end it to marry." whether they Bet a husband or "a stick" that wears trousers. They are not the ''left-overs," liecaiise they are not the daughters of mil lionaires and have none of the qualifica tion needful in a good wife. They are not the giddy, giggling, nam by pamby, novel reading, empty headed girls, who "see na use in going to college and studying Latin, Greek. Algebra, and such, which will he of no earthly use" to them, when they "get married." They are not those who are utterly ignorant of the culinary art and boast of such ignorance in the pretence of their mothers, who smile and think their daughters smart. They are not those who think and talk of nothing except beam, parties, new dresses, "just lovely ' bonnet, and other devices used in husband-catch ing. So much for the negative character istic of women bacheters I now mention some of their positive inalities. And first, they have good, sotiJ common sense, and take common sen- views of life in all its relations. They are close observer of men. married and un married, and by intuitive tart or otherwise. ffaaWy from a correct estimate of their worth, i hey admire loose wbo are real men and have high aims in life, and enjoy their societv. And when sucdi win their affections and propose, they are not so cruel as to say no. and thus cause sadness and insomnia. They are willing to be courted and caught, but they are net in the catch ing bu-inet-; or if they are. they are mighty dy aljout it and shrewd in concealing the trap, 'me thing is certain. Their chief aim in life is not matrimony. They do not accept an offer of marriage simply for the ,ake of getting a husband. They do it onlv when they think uV-v will better their condition in life. Thev are not. therefore. ver.' but "hold-overs" from choice until "something better turns up." If they see mere happiness in paddling their own canoe than tnat of a worthies. has- land, they prefer to take the voyage of life alone, until they find a man who can do at least one half the fnddling. In tnis they show their good sense; and if I was young and a candiiate for matrimony. I am inclined to the belief that they are Ibe very ones wbo would make an impression upon me. 1 have great admiration fcr the piddling their own-canoe girls. I am pretty sure they would mate good "help -meets," and do their best to make tbeir husband happy ail the tiavs of their liv. 1 Dj toecr scu-iiousiie. anu caamnii uxscnarge of all tbeir duties, while they are in school, they afford the'r teachers very great pleas ure. When they are graduated and enter upon life' work in the school room or otae position of usefulness, they exhibit the same habits of character that they did in t-bool. Their employers find them effi cient, fairbfol and trustworthy in the dis- Jiarge of their duties: and the result it. Uiat tbeir services are at a premium- They are preferred to their nale cemtemporariei and get gci salaries. Is it any wonder then, that the number of women bachelors is on the isensat I Why should they give up gvj salaries and rising prospects, to became the wives of men who cannot sup port them or earn as much as they do themselves.' A life of in.ieriideEoe" and sell support is paradise compared with one of drudgery and de- endence upon a hus band, who i a stick dressed in a man's i-Nothing, and these women bachelors de set ve credit for declizuna Lo torot matrt mociai alliances with such candidates for marriage. How manv there are in ABamtw College who are preparing to take the voyage of life a'one. I am unable to say. The prvianostications are ominous of a gi ily numlr. If 1 am correctly inform ed, ten young ladies will be graduated next June, more than one half of them from the normal department. This Looks like boa ts, i ii 1 1 1 ni i in 1 1 f 1 1 1 bsi latsi shadows ttefore them. Judging from the projected shadows, there is good reason to thins that a majority of the present senior .i.- win set out on the vovage ot ftfe alone, after commencemsnt. Then the work of preparation for this voyage will be completed, and 1 see on reason why the voyage should not be successful. If we adopt Patrick Henrv's rule ant judge of the future by the past, the prospects are very favorable. Success will follow dili genoe and the faithful discharge of duty in whatever sphere of life they may be called to act. Such is 'be opinion of ff'T HOME AND ABROAD Cap". John FlraraLiick, of the Hotel Monterey, Newport, died in IVniand on Wednesday D 5 Sena-or Wm M Stewart will can vas cregor. on the sliver question lor the populists. Committees of all organizations are re quested to meet to night at $ o'clock to make arangeoieas for the decoration day exercise Bingr Hermann is now sending dis patches to Oregon papers about the wonder ful appropriations be is going to secure for the Willamette valley. Cute Binger. Ar.o'her invoice of Gilberts fast black satteens in p'ain and brocaded. Also per caiinc in test black rnd colors and fast black orgranc'ies just received at Samuel Young's . The commencement of Willamette Cn tversjly ill begin on Sunday lune loth. The baccalaureate sermon wi,l be deliv ered bv Willis C Hawley, acting president and Key John 1'arsons the I niversily sermon. Fl'sewheie ia hard hit a: Judge Horr. It is from a Populist paper. Tne fallow ing from the Astorian indicates that Horr is after I be pops: WM a fewSpeech rs like list of Judge H . last evening, there will not be a PopuMt left in Claisop county" David Tatum, the Quaker Evamjelist from Denver Colotad.v, wi 1 deliver a stirirg address In the I'n-ted Presbyterian church, Sunday evening tbe ljlh at p m instead of tor.ight as wa adverilsed. Subject.Intempertnce, Our Conditi in and danger, and the Naiicns Peril.The Home and Saloon, and How to save th; Boys The rpeaker comes highlv recommended by the Quaker cliurch. Miss Willard and others, forcible and instructive speaker of more than twenty vears lecturing through this country and Europe. The people are cordially invited to attend and hear this teteran cause. Easily Taken Op Cod Liver Oil as it appears in Scott's Emulsion is easily taken up by the system. In no other form can so much fat-food be assimilated with out injury to the organs of digestion. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos phites has come to be an article of every day use, a prompt and infallible cure for Colds, Coughs, Throat troubles, and a positive builder of flesh. Prep-,! bf Scott a Bewne. S V All Jrntvist. TO KKNT. Two looms, newly An isbed one suitable for smsll store or for store, 20x60 feet, Will be ready by March 8 Call on Dr G W Mas. on for particulars. "As cM u the hi Is" and nfrver erceK e.J. "Trlfv aril proven" ia the vertlic. 0 f millioK . .Simmon? Liver Jlegn- 1 itor ia th,; o a I y Xat0i ul Ki'lLeV jlicini: t c whi' h y o a can pia your faith fr a cure. A ra i 1 d laxa tive, and purely vecr etahle, act ing diric-iiy . :Le Liver and Ki1 ueya. Try it. Sola bv aa ,or i i i "x-Ut Better Pills rr J . 111". :. vi 'Resr?- . i; is Mi I twassfaVr Ii a t w . Jar-s- FORD, EfuSiellsl, Of De Mo.aee, Iowa, w-i'.ea under dat of .March 23. 1W3: S B Men. Mk-. Co.. Dafar, Okssaa treaOavT, Oo arriving :at week, 1 t.oi i all aeil and n i .- . awastasp. Oar bttss fill, e hi and one- ,; If years old, who had wa ted away to S f enda, la arw well, ttzocg and vtgeroa, and well Jcshtu op. S. B. Coogb Tare ta dine it wr a well. Both of the children like it. Year S B. Congo Cere has cared and kept away all boaraene from ice- So give it to e.ery one, with gre-iinga for all. Wishitg tea .roet-eij j. we are oars, Mb A Mas 1 F Fcbb. U coa waas lui una arai caeerfa ar i -xdj g aarsart ware, rlnaai yew syaaa -i taw Hewtwli i. urn car., br (aaiar to tr thns Baaaaaaaa -M. eu,ts ' U aS Srwfrata. S i -:--. j . ii J ACt iTMlNG. -Xpe r Osa cent a dose. This Gfiat Coctih where ail others fail, Cosha. Cro; . Sere i Lrai- ocarsresa, e. -ct-.z? ecsija saa Aatiasa. For Ccasiic-uoa it has no rival: hue-red taoBaasda. 1 wid crr-E y r taken in t-jac. S Ji by lTax-i--s on a gviar a::ee. Toe - Lame Pcfc or Chest, use SHILOK 3 BELLADONNA PLASTESc CATARRH REMEDY. its v ' h .- i a I If acsiy is 8" ia .-3-Price.adca. ije.t-r Ire. teed w euro you. rvrtUnd. iTev-w. A P AnrstTTSaf. I ---. ssaasa Sessjot: Gattsaa Bra. coiarc . Saies: rr Sma ooirsca of riy as .xie jfui a Business. Shor.hand, i ! Vet .;-: nc r C3ta:a5 V.i J I I-f IsrCffrr. Wttb irVPfw IfasMtW -rrJw, sot BwKlJ; i!! wtrat'r liat istrfrrt. tt rxrrr-it. TV MPflf fc oJsTw"isr in hxrTT---aiH3t Merpdistf eff sjrai.Trsv r pt.t.t5U; jtTCTtefUi vhiu-. ttl- at toa."f fTAVIt. X cPtlM ef bw-Attty. S3 pAra Of N TrI'.- r tlfAil '.-'si-TMst Caaffww A -I ill c v!:irt ssatHI t!wrK : il :W TWtiw. Thea har4 S Tar-- . I U r inr nfc Bar KCTirT t s.r rr VTnk"flrt ir-vw. thb bfcwvs fkm -.5.,; h thsiirAtxaT. A TTTT i .' ' t -a; vr rwJ rM stATT prwrr' s fUfrsl fx tor"- SIR. V .-:crlsVkt' F!ra! G i-vtetr; hitru Mfsj. . si INr isH. If v 1t s ne pc r ; .-. ' : v ? BwasV.Ml I 'or:. w-Vvh ttMuctfff Caui Mh far ltatssw. s. y. JAMES VIGK S SONS, f MEN Easily. Quictty. PereaataU; Ststere. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, fjked all Ur- tria cf Tiis rrvrxicsvrlj ertr5 .- later exctYjm. to result of ork, !i'kn's, worrv , etc. Full uvugt h tieTlpi:ifa: tuM i& FtvMi "o every organ sloC rxMrt i on of the iY. Simple, natural mechotis. Imniell:!niprnra. garea. Failure iaui-oes!Ma i.0BO refetxT. cx expIsvaaUo'i an i p: ERIE MEDICAL 86 BUFFK N. - 0. Ms Mr Parland, - I- DKALEJt IS Harness - and - Saddlery. Display in the Qqqi F08HAY a MASON awssaaaaS aaa aaran- Draggistsand Bookseller Agents for John B. Aldec's pnolle Uoca aloh we sell at pcbUsber's price its araa-ssrldx LB"T. OKRHO" When Baby was sick, we ve her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castcxi. When she became Misa, she clung to CastcrL When she 'oad Children, ihe kt-o them c-toria Alban V ban Seta, jail Crxa t-r:- - . Hare y . i. atsn VIBOR B SfSBBB