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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1894)
tiflhts VOL XXIX. Entered at llir Post dire at Albany. Or., a Srruiul-l ln Mall Mallei t ALBANY,!) REGON, FR1DA1, MAY -i n . M I rise. PabiNbrri an.I PraBrletarc. Ml 43 1 a for Infants " Caatorla is so well adapted to chiMran that '. recomniund it as superior to any prescription "TWwn t no. ' It a. Archet, M. IX, lit So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, X. Y. "The too of 'Castcria U so universal and US merits so well known v bat It seems a work if supererogation to endorse it. Fw are the iitrjllgent families who do not keep Castoria sritbia easy reach." Cuuxa JUarTK, D. D Kew York City. Taa Cornea The Urst Shoe for the 'Least i&noey. 36, iTHE to DCUcLAS Shoes are st oouiui.uui me prices advertised than any other rnnVr. Trr one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars ani.r...Ily to those who vrar them, pea. rrs who push tha Hie of W. 1 Dougia. Shoes gain customers, which helps tc Increase the sales on the.r full !me of goo bt -.v , to .' and we believe yon can save money ISv h- i r -,.-T T ,- , ,7 "j" 5 ttso below. atal.. ireo upo. si. VT. Xl UScZaIs, SLw sSbbTmbbS? FOR SALE BY THE L E BLAIN CLOTHING CO j-. - , - -i , , . , - PA R3MIZ: HOM m FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO -Albany, rtK.A), rVesidsBt. i 1- COWAN. Treasurer. I Van. 4eo F Simpson, r Kal, B MoutsiiM.M v.imwi!-! W-Cur J K Weaihertord. O J Stuait I 0 vTriUman. 1 ALSO DISTRICT A.JSXTS FOB -J. several Solid Eastern and Foreign Coipaiiiet FOBTHILLEB Undertakers and WE KEEP constantly on lard a full lire ol mrlalic, rUlh sr d v. c r d cask t is. at ccffins. Also buiial totes urid suits, in biordcloih. ilr,cil ir.tM which wil be old at Tfao Lowest I.. ioK P rolls. EMBALMING nd the proper care of the dead a specialty- KO EXTRA, Cr? ARC. FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon Vi:n its home SALEM - - me Gray isicL, comer Liberty and MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract r.ear Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lopg timo on balance or particulas. NEW Y SrOBE tS NOW FULL OF HIIST si bed room 'sets, ehaiir, Iruncs, etc., BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .. JOSUPII. SfJ ... OBtSBBBBOBBSSSi 411 E I.V. . IHH6 PHOTOGRAPH US l.i.. - Vit luaraitto t ear ar rulwae ti 1 money, boio dt i,.i7.iwrniT. Addniu TrsalomAlbanT, J. A. C0MX1MU If your bones ache use and Children. Castoria euresOoUo, Constipation SouT Stomach, Diarrhoea, r.nictatioa. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d! gestion. Without Injurious mediccrion. "For caiand years I have recommend,.: your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue u do so as it has Invariably rrodaeed bencucia lesults." Eoww F. Pardee, M. IX, 155th Street and 7th Ave., Saw York City Coiipaxy, 7T Mt-ajUT Sthxkt, New Yore Crrr. OOUGLAi euAe for WMVfc GENTLEHfiM. $4 ana S3.50 Dress Shoe. S3.SO Police Shoe, 3 Solo, S2.60, S2 for Workingmel 2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 33, 92,50 82, $1.71 CACTIOS.-M any dea.l oners you W. E Dom UCt) a noes at a reduced price. or says he baa them with- ont tn Bane stamper .os ue douob, put nim son as a I ra aa. 10! vf tch. ici rittinf r,i ..t . -o- uwasaKf csiivj kn, tA. a INSTITUT.0K2. Orffos, J O WRrisalAJV. SocieUr Geo F SIMPSON, Vios Pred iaub tukkcttobb & MING Embalmers. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOl JLand Co office at - OEEQ-OJT State street, branch effice In Portlanu: P fJPNITURE, - CLASS FUHNITUHK," CONSISTING which I will sell at PRICES. Titos. Brink. Froprletor, ablnet ph.tos from $1.50104.00 per do dozen. Enlaiging pictures a lly. 10x20 crayon: framed 0.00. We tarv a large stock ., ,w of 5x8 and sterescop'c views ol Or RRM, egon. MANHOOD RESTORED! :;t,??uZ&?J?Z Srsi: -7d" rurTu.TneSditesseT.ucl. WbsIi Memory. I.. of Ufln fSBlia7wBB in acas v m suvw.. ' ,. ..,.1... and bj U(JlKia.o JO llruwW1' I " 1 I Thk Cttors . Folton ing is tlu crop bulletin of the Oregon slate Weather service for the week ending Tuesday, May 1", 1SH. S M Blainlfor.l. observer, weather bureau. The reports which have heen received this week present many complaints. Fruit growers in the vVillamette Valley and coast counties note the past week as the most unfavor able of the season. The fros' which occurred on th morning of the ninth is commented upon as one which seriously injured some f suits in each section. Cherries, plums, peaches and strawber ries have evidently been injured. To what extent is difficult to determine. Some hops are also hurl by the frost, as were early potatoes and tender garden plants. In llenton county tender foliage on forest trees was damaged. The pre ponderance of opinion is that the fruit crop has been injured to an unknown extent, come cheniea had received half their growth ; it is believed that they escaped injury. Late blooming fruit trees, such a? apples, quinces, etc. also escaped the evil influencts of the frost. Fall sown wheat is making a rapid growth. Spring sown grain looks sickly; without warmer weather it will mature a light crop. The hay crop wilt be large. Orsoon Mibaues. Writing from Buttoville under date of May I5th, Hon Joel 1 Geer gives the loliowing which is of great interest insomuch as it had not beer, generally supposed there were any mirages in this vicinage : "1 was very much interested la read ing the article in Sunday's Statesman, about the mirage in Colorado. 1 have seen these delusive lakes in the harvest fields of California, but I think there are very few who know tha such things are sometimes seen in the Willamette valley. I have seen it several times in going out from Albany, going eanfrotu the north ern part of tow n. Also a week ago I saw one that was beautiful on Howell prairie, though on a limited scale. 1 was sur prised, too, as the day was not hot, and I had supposed that such phenomena was only to be t-een in the hottest weather. The one I saw then was very plain, and very deceptive shadows of cows being seen plain! in it. Had I not known the place well, I should have had no doubt but it was water pure and simple. but as I have drove right through the lake, and there was no water I was sure of what I saw or what 1 did not see." Once from an upper story in Powers Block, Rochesrer, N Y, the Man about Town saw the Canadian shore, thoush far out of sight, outlined in indescribable splendor hy the power of the mirage. l ndir 1 bus 1 RKTXNsrs. me man who obtains money under false preten ses is no more dishones' than the man who seeks to obtain votes by false pre- terses and statements. Mr lioir, of New torkis doing this, last night at the opera house 111 this city, before a very big audience. A witty, sarcastic speaker, be takes advantage of the times to make political capital, a dishonesty that will be appreciated mote in the future when men view candidly from an impassioned standpoint the era of 13-4, than now, w hen men are alter votes regardless of facts; but even now the etcdents of po litical economy ascribe an intelligent cause to the present depression. It is the political demagogue not the political student, who lays it to an particular party. In this respect Horr is one of the wore, demagogues who travels. At the same time he is an entertaining talker, and enthuses his audiences, sometimes in the dishonest spirit of his vote seeking harangues. The Mechanics band in full uniform famish ed music for the occasion. As an intro duction Prof Charles Hart rang in his inimitable style, and Mr Wyatt intro duced the speaker. A Bor Siior.-.Lane county continues to have more shooting accidents than any other conntv in Oregou. Yesterdav morning at Eugene Clarence, the 11 vear old son of Joseph Lins was han ll.n a or four years older had procured lrom some boys on'.? a day or two ago, says the Gna'd. placing the mnzzle of the piece in his mouth he was going to show bow "that man Mots shot him?elf in the mouth." He pulled the trigger bat the gun had in it a cartridge shell loaded with a BB shot. The shot passed through his tongue lengthwise and lodged in the back of his neck. The bo 7 bled profuse ly but I'r Paine, the attending surgeon thinks there is no seriens danger. Prob ing has not located the ball but the chances are that leaving it alone would prove less dat gerous than persistent probing. A Narrow EaCaM Marshal Eastland, last evening, arrested one Miller an the charge of drunk and disorderly. The man resisted and it took several men to convey hni to the ctty jail. About 10 o'c'ock Marshal KasMand and Policeman Mathews bad occas:on to look into tbe jail, and was surprised to see the same lull of smoke. After hard work the bed ding, which the drunken man had set on fire, was hauled oat of jail. Tnen they got bold of the man and dragged him out to the fresh air. He was unconscious. and it took fully ten minutes to bring iitn to. It was certainly a narrow es cape for the individual, as it was purely accidental that the officers went to tbe jail at that time of night. Miller was fined $33 this morning by Recorder Dorris. He paid 20 of the amount, and will prob ably serve out the other $13. Guard. AxorntB Flyer. 'Jeo M Miller, who recently invented a living machine of which considerable has been said, is now working on another design. His first invention was designed wit'i feather like contrivances made of aluminum, there being two sets, one to give an upward tendency to the machine, and the other to act as propeller. It was to be worked with a kind of bicycle arrangement. 1 1 is latest design is a screw shaped balloon From this balloon will be suspended ma chinery by which a man can operate the balloon, the scr?w shape propelling it through the air. The balloon isTto lie loaded with hydrogen gas and it is ex peeled the height to which the balloon will ascend can be regulated very easily Kegieter. Bask Ball. Next Satuiday the In dependence juniors and Albany pi mors will lay base ball on the college campus, beginning at 1:30 oclock. following are the nines : Young Albar.les Frank (Jalbraith c. Erank Lav ton p, Wade llavis 1st h, Harry Crawford 2nd I.. Fred Weatherfo'd 3rd b, Hsrrv Custck s s, Clyde Danna's I f, Ver non Ramp c f, Charlie Chamberlain r f. Independence George Murphy c, Ellis Burck p. Clarence Wagoner ist b, Ray mondtluckle 2nd b. Oris Robertson 3rd b Herold Belt s s, Clvde Hill I f, Jessie Shelby c f, Willie Estes r t. Before JfnoR Uellinokr. Edward Z Landers, of Albany. was arraigned before Judge Bel'inger at Portland yesterday on a charge of sending obscene letters through the raails.and on entering a plea oliruiltv as lined $25. wiucli lie paid The letter was written to A W Bond, of Irving, who was a rival of Landers in the allections of a young lady . The letter is said not to have been very bad ; but was unsuitable for the mails. A New Railroad. A San Francisco dispatch reads as follow : Barclay Hen ley and J T Johnson.of this city. together with Calvin Stewart, of Fort Bragg, G W Hunt of Walla Walla.andRP Strahan, of Portland, have filed articles of incor poration lor a rsl road line in Mendocino countv. Capital stock is placed at (2,- 510,000. K Bicycle Titu. Geo Wilcox and wife las' Saturday rode from Jefferson to Eu gene on their bicycles. The trip covered a distance of sixty-five mi'.es and is a pretty long trip for one day over the roads in their present condition, it is doubted if any lady in Oregon ever made a longer journey on a wheel In one day. 27t receipts were written in the sheriff office the lirut of the week, 10,132.7! be ing the amount of the receipts. Those paying $100 or more were: W R Kirk S 157.09 Foshay k Mason 208 7 Blain Clothing Co. 4 1 J ." L E Blain 2i4 S3 Lavonia Witael 10:1 00 MrsTOhlmg . 10ti MS (' Merer 88 David Smith 241 23 Knapp Burrell A Co I7ti .Vi .1 H Washburn 308 07 Ceo Knox 114 80 R L Burkhart 188 31 John Penney 1JI7 39 J R Froman 138 68 Adam Hettumiee 2o.' 70 Albany Iron Works 177 80 Migar Pine 0 & L Co 214 88 i F Simpson 192 80 E F Wyatt 154 81 Mrs K J Moist ICS 45 C P Knighten 14!) !Hi I D Miller 107 30 Estate J BJenks 160 21 E T Fisher 109 08 Moses Parker 163 84 .1 McKnight 125 18 There are five candidates lor sheriff JaJ lacKton county. The National Bank of Pendleton has closed Its door. It was execled for some lime. The depoiits are small. The Kindcigarlen entertalnmrnt to morrow at the room on c,:h street will be from 3 to 5 o'clock . Eteibodr should attend. A son of Mr Miller, rotiotosg at the corner of 5th and Washington street. Is reported to have been accidentally killed at Baser City yesterday. Char:es Hanshaw and George Gearhart tried vet le Jus'.ice Newport yesterdiy afternoon were discharged. It was a light ma'.tei.and no evidence to hold tricai on. The killing frost predicted by the weather service to occur this morning did not, very fortunately put li, an ar pesrance. M r Webb has opened her art studio opposite the 1kmcr t office with a fire collection of rtalnllngs on exhibillm, dls pla)it.g a superior talent in this 'inc. The worn case of heartlessness report ed it that of a young man wh deserted a mllllo-.r In Indiana the O'her day alter having been rngigcd for rvtr twenty years. The Kindergarten tchocl uncle." Mr, Talham closes to-mtrrow Its work for the ?eaon. It will be reopened after the summer months It hat been a ereai success and ha cat an Influence that will be felt a long time. The social announced to be givea to morrow i.lghl the lVg'ee of Honor at the residence of Df J L H . . has been postponed until Tuesday night of r.ext week, when it will be carried out as at first announced . I At the ball game In Corsall:s Saturday Shattuck. of the Eugenes, wa struck on the nose with the ball while at bat and knocked down. Df Pcrno: was called and dressed the wound, which was an ug'y one, though not necesariiy a serious one. Realto Weatherford is spending the summer in San Jose. W W Rowell.C W Watte. James Mar ry and Sid Dorrtt left this noon on a fishing tiip on Marys river. Mr Martin fayne and family returned to Albany on this mornings oter'and from San Jose, where they went several months Sago to reside, and will mase Albany their home, clad to be back to the Webfoot land. Mr Percy R Kellev. of this citv. rat leen appointed to take the testim'jny in the case oi the Bank of California agt J. L Cowan. The Indies Aun'iarv gave a banouet at the Y M C A Hal! yesterday afternoon and evening. The program as published wa carried out substantially. A repast was served and eonvenis in the shae of napkin rings, hand pa n ted. were presented the guests. The Ito cr m is informed that it waa very pleasant an.I successful affair. Tuesday night at Indianapolis, Ind . the annual inter state oratorical contest occurred between the students of the colleges of ten states, who had previously won the rtate contest. The prize was won by Mr Charles W ishan, a senior in the I'nited Presbyterian college at Monm juth, and a fellow student for a couple years of four Albany young men. Mr Vtisnart is a nephew of Ir Irvine Of this city, and his father and brother, will be in Aibanv next week at the meeting of tbe general assembly. The honor is a g-eat one bnn for yoing Wishart and the college he represents. TuEGioB'iit MiNf-TREis. Richards A rringle s .ninslreie opened at .Mciu:re last night to an immense house. The performance was well worthy of the patronage bestowed upon i. Ttie first part mas one of the best teen here for many a day. The singing, both solo and concert pieces, obtained great ap plause. and repeated encores availed each performer. Th? Georgia, can boast of ttie best dancers that have appeared heae di'ring tbe past two seasons. Ker- ands was, of course of much laughter, particularly in his make-up for the par ody on "Marguerite.'' The quartette singing was particularly good, and the (male ol the ' Pullman Porters drill brought to a close one of the most enjoy able performances of minstrelsy that has been seen in this citv. ---Butte Montana I Daily Miner. At the Opera House, Thursday, May 24. tjLEsTioss for Pfssc er. The follow ing are some of a list of questions a Marion county farmer wants Governor Pennoyer to answer : 10a claim to be the friend of the poor man. W hy was it that you joined a lumber trust at Portland two years ago and raised the price of lumber $2 0o a thousand and shingles 5 cts a thousand? lou claim to be the friend ot the poor taxpayer. Why is it that you draw- nearly four thousand dollars a year as governor wnen the constitution allows you but $1509 a year? When plenty ol towns in Eastern Ore gon offered an asvlum site free ol cost the state, why did the governor favor paving one of his political friends $25C00 for a site I Simon and his followers must have felt eery when they induced uoiph to senu ttoswell i Horr, the wall street e'lilor and gold hug champion to regon to talk politics to mOMbackl. The outfit imagines we webfooters have not sense enough to know what we want and Horr must tell us. Oregonians will resent the insult on the fourth, of June -Mercury. U S Bakei y bread is Orst class. Cal t Second z.nd between Ellswortliand Lyon .tree.ts. Poor Ball. Harry Cox, manager of the Stanford foot ball team, will be here in a tew davs to arrange for a game with the foot '.will team of our university. The Stanford team expects to leave about June 1st on an extended tour, to play at Portland, lacoma. Seattle, and other coast points, and will then sail for Hono lulu. MrLox, the manager, desires to arrange a game and stop off here. The Stanlord team is a strong one, and our Doys would need to do some lively work o compete with them.--hugeue Register RiciiAnnft Pkinolk'n Georgia Min xtrels played last night to a full house and crowded gallery, and if-there is anything in a good beginning the SCO son should lie both pleasant and profitable. The isirfor- mance was a great hit from the start to finis'j, as th! repeated Knouts of laughter and bursts ot applauic denionHtruted Many of the actors are old favorites here and were welcomed wit h much III Mill tfi ;The Hinginar was exceptionally Brood ami j the dancing up to the most exacting.tasto. j Vicksburg Herald. At the opera house May zi. v((m Con,tIpuon aad aa daobe. Small Win Betxm. CTJRE - AKE made THE fJKNERAL ASSEMBLY. Following is m list of delegates who win attend tne united Persbvtcrian General Assembly with the names of thus- who will entertain them : liev Tli h C Ache son and wife, Car- negte. Pens. Etertained by &ev T J Wilton rooms at Iluiglit. Mr .1 C Allen, fj Iowa. TJ Wilson's. Y, Entertained Rev J M Adair, Entertained b' ULud. Rev A E Brow ins r erry, I. Entertained at L II Montative. oungs; rooms at Rev J N Buchanan Entertained by Rev J W Biiltcnty, Entertained by Qli' v J C Boyd and Entertained by Mr Wui M Brown Entertained U Mr Stott Brow Jeb. Entertained by ine; ro.iin at L II M.iufiinve'a - Kev W W Biff.DftfW sTeig-!! Mi- sion Hoard. Philadelphia. Pa Ent by Rev S G -Irvine, D D. Rev I) Hitrclny, Rodi, Penn. Ent by T J Overman. Rev Jno K Bradford, Tranquility. hio. Ent by F E Allen at S W Boss's. Koonx at Mrs Montgomery 's. Mr S W Berrv, Hoiistonvi'le, Pa. Knt by S V Rosa. Rev S P Bamu knian, Salineville. Ohio. Ent by Jno Millard. Rev J E Black and w if Lenox. Iowa. Ent by Leon Power, rooms Mr? r- rille. Rev W B Barr. Lo Angeles. Calif. hut by Mrs SLirtraret nlonteith. Mg J Beveridcc. Cossajsona. N V. Ent by Mr M.Cheney. Mr J M Brown and wife, Wheeling. W ... Ent at R.-vere Hotiie. Rev Thus ISaibh and wife. Sin. ,i;rei!le Ohio. Eot bv B W t undiff Rev W R BoU&idm, BrooklTi. Iowa. Ent by Ishh Eldr. Rv J Hay Brownlee, Indiana. Pa. Ent by Duncan Monteith. Wr Wm B Crawford, Augusta, Ohio. Ent by S W R,..,;. R-v Win I Cooper. Butler, Pa. Ent by Jno Millard. Rev InoTChalmers. Philadelphia. IVnn Ent by Mr P J Smiley. Rev ! Cuihoon. Indianolla, Iowa. YmI bv Mr Beatty. Rev R TCampheli". Hannover, III. Knt bv Mr BMMMt. Rev C W Comin. WbecUng, W Va. Ent by A I Savior. Rev W R Cox. Soslnille, Neb. Ent by R B Yunk. Mr Henry CUrk. Walton. N V. Ent Of Mr Hvman. Mr GoM ClArk. Perth. N Y. Knt by Mr II y man. Mr PebT Di'.k. PitLburg, Penn Ent by S E Young Mr Ja. Duncan and wife. Liberty Neb. Room- at J W Bentl - Y Rev J M Dick. Engvoe.'i r. Ent bv R M R.Jrt.on. R v W E Danlap. lioyden. Iowa. Fnt by Jno Miilanll Mr James B Ijrine. Swanwick, III. Ent bv Mr. B.-iin Rev W H Fr& h. D D. Ktuhvil!- In.1 Ent bv H F Merriil. Mr W B Frew. Aledo. ill. lait bv Mr Breekenridgov Rev F B Foster. MansnVd, ,hio Kit ty PJ rimi'ey. Rev J R Frazier. Davenpnrt. X Y. Ijt by Bev E R Pritchard. Rev Alex Gitrfcrirt. Ri iim d Ind Ent by X J Hen tcm. Rev X M Gilcbriss. Iretoa. l-iwa. Ent by X J Hentuo. Rav W R Grav. C.iin. lwa. Ent by Mi Bitim. Iter Edwin B Graham and wife, miha. Xe!caka. Ent by F P Xuttmg. Rev J a Gsjrria. Wet Xcwtor.. Pa. Eat by X P Pavoe. Rev A A And.! West Fairbeld. Pa. R - it ! M U.-I-- 1 Rev J P Gibson, Tingiey. Iowa Ent by Mr Brekinri'gv. Rev M M QtbsOSl, D D. and wife. San Francisco. Eot hy S E Young Mr W H iu.-t. !i ...nd wife. Taooma. Washington Ent bv Dr 5 G lntn. Kev J A Oner, Columbus Citv. Iowa. Ent bv Isaa- Eider. Rev H D Gordon, Edges tosu Kan. Ent by Isaai Elder. Mr S C Hogue and wife. Monmoath. III. Ent bv J M Imng. Mr w g Head. Csvmbri ;. Knt bv C H Stewart. Rev H H Heriev. H.irt-b.wn. Pa Ent by Mrs Beattv Rev T M HanussV D D. Monmouth. HI. Knt bv 8 E Yoting. Mr "hatle- H Hanna. Monmouth. III. Ent by S K Yountf. Kev J M H. limit, n, l;inl.k. Iowa Knt by Ar:bic Hammer. Rev T Avlloaston. Newci-tie. Pa. Knt bv R B Yunk. Rev G I. Henderson. GieneMer. Ent bv la Nanny. Rev W G M Hayes. D D and rife Waitsburg. Wn. Knt by Dr G W Ma-ton. Kev R H Hood, Pittsburg. Pa. Knt by Mr Powell. Rev Hanv Hood. Halsey Or. Ha bv Mr Powell. Rev Tlios Hart. Clarksburg. Pa. Ent by t ha- Hart, rooms at D It X Blackburn''. Rev S G Hoar. Rock Prairie. Wis. Knt tv F K Alien at S W Boss's. Mr .1 M Hamilton. Pittsburg. Pa. Knt by Arch Hammer. Rev J A Henderson, Omaha. Nth. Knt by G F Simpson. Kev Jno Jameison. Lturel, Pa. Knt by J B Congill. Rev J F Jamisom. Castorville, Calif. Knt by J H Cougill. Key A W Jameison, Wildomar. Calif. Knt bv Mrs Lizzie Wallace. Rev W I) Irons, Macdonald, Pa. Knt by J K Weatherford. Rev I F Imbrie, Harrisville. Pa. Knt bv C H Hart, room at Judg. Blackburn. Rev J W Johnson and wife, Ainswnrth Iowa. Knt bv It M Robertson. Rev S I WI Johnston. Seattle, Wash. Knt by Mr lilodgett. Rev S J Kyle and wife,('ambridge,N Y Entertained by F M French. Ber J Clinton Kristler. Iliienatista. Pa Kntertained by Mrs Lizzie Wallace. Bev CC Kyle, Majors. Neb. Eiib rtained bv Mr Nar.ny. R;v A G King, Gault Ontario. Canada Rooms at O Wondwnrth's. Kev MG Kyle. Phila.lelpliia, Pa. Knt by E F Sox. Mr James Kerr. Martin's Ftrry, hi Roorfls at Woral worth's. Key W H Lvtle, Uhbobm. Kan. Knt by 0 H Stewart, rooms at D I Ma-ill'-. Rev Jno Lackey, Guernsey, Iowa. Knt by Fre.l Moist, rooms at C K Wo vert on s. Kev J W ,.ong, Iwiiilah, him. Knt by Fred Moist; loom at C E Wol vertoni . Mr Jno L McKinney and wife, Pirn Brush, N Y. Ent by K V Sox. Mr J P McKinney, wife and daughtc Allegheny, Pa. Revere House Rev D A M cClennaban uml wife, Al legheny. Pa. Ent bv Mrs I ate. Rev 1 F McUill. wife and son, Alle gheny, Pa. Ent by Phil (lomlwin. Mr A T Morehea.1, Indiana, Pa. Knt by W R Bilyeu, room nt Mrs Ball's Rev S B McBride, Sewiekely. Pa. Ent by T J Wilson, room at J P Gal braith's. Rev I) R tiler, Kast Palestin.', Ohio. Knt by Mrs Margaret Monteitii. Kev W II McFarlund, Cambridge, Ohio Ent by Rev S Q Irvine s. m at Kev Perth, f .1 n o pa nlee. Mart Brtoon, Ind. 1. IB tain. nclpWiiht'l'J. Iowa. lafsae Kl.U-r m Sal Lebanon, Pa. T Militiimn. miVWCUlV' nlee. Wsaton. F Mr A B M.Gill, Barlow, Ohio. Knt by C H Stewart. Ilev S 11 McMillian, Oquaka, III. Room at F M Itcdtield. Mr .lame- Milne, Scotdl Grove, Iowa. Ent by Mrs Beatty, rooms at Mrs S H Althouse. Rev G It Murray, Thomas, Penn. Knt by Bev T J Wilsen, rooms at J P Galbraiths. l!ev S A Mxm. Bhinpinrrport, Pa. i'.'nt by A I Say lor Mr Win B McGUI, Veto, Ohio. Knt by w It Bilyeu, rooms at Mrs BoJPs. Mr w J McKean, Mercer.! Knt by Mrs K J Tate. Bev VV T Meloy, I) D and wile, Chic D and Revere House. Kev J S McCuiloug'.i. D Knoxvine, lenn. Knt by B Johnston. Mr D T Martin, Nortonviile. Kan. Ent uy Mr Brcckenridge, rooms at S M Pennington's. Mr H A Martin. Harrisburtf. Pa. Ent by Mr Breckenridge, rooms at S M Pennington's Bev T H McKenzie, Pine Brusli. N Y- Knt by Mrs Margaret Monteith. Kev K J MCready anil wife, Pawnee (Sty, X eb. aSBBBBBB1 Ent bv F P Xuttimr . j Mr W SMcCnlloiigh. Eden, Ills. ". . t. I.. 11 -. - . i.ui uy u r. urownen, rooms at las 1 1 lies. liev M S McCord. D D. Providence. K L Knt bv Geo llm hstedler I Mr JnoB McMc han, w.fe and noa, Sin I clarj, ihio. St Cnarlea Hotel . Bar D McDill D D and wife, Davenpnt. Knt by L E Blain. Mr S S McHetrv, Pituburg. Pa. Ent iy Mrs K J Tate. Mr W P Morrison, College Springe. Iowa. Knt by Mr Breckenri.lge. rooms at Jno Ralston s Kev I! W Nairn and wife. Foiville. Ill Knt by Mrs Kate McBrislfl Bat J H Xiblc-k, CVjIfax. Nash. Knt by Mrs Sarah Baltimore. Rev W S owm. D D. Set Home Mis--iou board. wif and daughters. Indiana, Penn. Revere BoQBB. IVv A H ' rr. Birmingham. Mich. Ent by Mrs K J T.te. roosM at Km erick's. Mr W i' Patterson. Md.'.jnntlUIurg. Pa. Knt by Mr Breckenridge. rooms at jno Kai.ton -. Mr Robt Porter and twite. LiUle York. IIU. Knt by Rev S G Irvine. Rev Jno M Ross and wife, Pittsburg, Pa. Knt by Mrs Margargrt Monteith. Rev W J Rofd. D D chief lerk. wife and son, PirUburg. Pa. t Charles Hotel. Mr II Rolrtin. Pa Knt by R at Robertson. Rev ' M Ri. hi-. oak.UIe. IU. EM by C H St-orart. Rev J.i ! Rankin D D. atd wife. Iec Ter. Col Keter- Ii b Kev Ja. Util. New York Citv Ent by H F Merrill. Rev W A Bob D D. Jamnstowr.. Ohio Ent bv S V. Yo-jbj;. r ra .. H H Hewitt's. Rev Jno p Bobb D D, Sidney. Ohio. Knt by a K Young. iriu at II H Hewitt'. Kev J C S holier. Greenville. IV Ent bv Frank Miller. Kev D M Sleetb.ZanesTiile, Ohio. Ect by Mrs E J Tate, rooms at Em-eri- k'-. Kev J P Sankey D D. wile ami son, Rochester X Y. St Chirtes Hotel. Kev t M Speoorr D D. Sterling. Kan. Ent bv J K Wcatberford. Rev W B SmiW. Cannc.nlrg. Pa hot iv law HocUtteuier. Mr G M Simpson. Coorordia Kan. Ent bv Mrs Beattv. rooms alC O Lsr s Rev Pan! Stewart. Washl-crn. lib. Knt bv L E Hamilton. Rv A M Asitt. wife and nutbeT. Pit's burg. Pa. Boim H mm. Rev James Sawhill. Pitur, Iowa. Rorj at Sherman Thompson's. Rev D 0 Stewart. Btfakom, X J. Ent by Mrs Margaret Monteith. Rev W A Spaulding. Sis-kane. oTosk. Room at Mr C Mer P:."silnt J A TlaaBmpacoo, Tarki '. Mo Knt br W H Lee. Rv J H' Turabull. Argy ie. X Y. Ent by C H Stewart. Rtfv J S Turnlmll. PesTtone. Kir. Knt by I M Pollntk Rev J 1 Truevlale. Stanwood. lc.wa. Ent by Dr S t; Irvine, nx-m at I. II Montanye . Mr J.U"!. P Tavlor and wife. irw;n. Pa. Knt bv Mr Asa Hart. Rev J H Yeaev. New WiiJmingt, n. Pa. Knt by L E lllain. Mr D P Yincent. il Citv. Ent bv L E Blain. Key Wm Wishart D D. Monmouth. HIV. Fait bv Dr S G Irvine. Rev 'I WUhart. Alleghenv. Pa Ent bv Dr S G Irvine. Rev Jn V V Wilson. D I and wife. Alleg henv. I a. Ent by Pn.f Condit. Rev Albert Warehain. West 'liar!-ton. N Y Ent bv 1. E Blain. rooms at Dr Wal lace's. Mr J H Wiierry. Guernsey. Iowa. Knt by Judge Flinn. Rev J B Work. Norfolk. Ya. Ent by Judge Flinn. Rev J VV v itherspoon D D, Sec. FrOBol- lan mission Inanl. Allegheny. Pa. Ki.t by Kev Wilson. Mr D A White. T:j-kio. Mo. Knt iv W C Iavis. Mr Wm G Whitelv. Mc Murrav. Pa. Knt bv W 0 I 'avis. Kev Wf White. Little York, Ill s. Knt bvC II Steart.rsn DP Massm's, Rev A G Wallace. D D. Soc. Chun h Kx tension, wifeand daughters. Sewickelv. l a. Revere Hotel. Prof W T Wilev and wife, Monmouth lis. Ent by lon Power. W 1 Wallace, M D tad wife. Inghram. Pa. Ent bv Wm Vance. Kev Wui G Waddle. 1) D. New Atlien". Ohio. Ent by X P Payne Rv A M Black. D I), and wife. Enter tained bv Mrs Dickinson. Rev J A Spenr.missi.inarv at Sineinasha. Warm Springs Indian Agency, rooms at Mr t root B I. Miss Bryant and Miss Cribbagv Pitts burg. Pa. Entertained by Mrs Elu-lbeth ISIam. An Impartial Ykkdht. Coming from a populist paper, the Lebanon Ad vanee. the lollowing is pretty good : Hon wm iaiiowav, Hon I K wnatnenora and Hon TL Davidson, candidates re spectively for governor, congress and state treasurer, spoae here ihursday, and each made a very good impression. These are all gentlemen of integrity and ability. .Mr vveatherlord is the peer o' any man in the state and is well and favorably known to our people, tit course tne Advance will steadfastly support its own candidates, but we freely acknowl edge Mr Wvntherford's peculiar fitness for a seat in congress. ThkOhkuon Pacific Is doing an in creasing business; in fact is veiy busy, ft is probable that a. least a worn train will be added the first of next month. The sale occura on the 2nd of June. The fact that arrangements are being made loi n further date it a good indication that it is pretty well known w hat the result of the sale will be. A few nights ago a large piano box disappeared frim In fiont ol E l? Wills. It was tiaceu to tne oacK yarn 01 a prom inent fireman, and wel there will be no arrest made, and the box has not been re lumed. Three or four young men last evening en tered the warehouse of W O Davis, where they destroyed about fifty pounds of dried Irull and several do.ll buggies. They wcie I caught in the act. Upon settling for the , -.ante no arrests were made. It seemed to be a case of "pure cussednets.'' only by Fred Dawson, Chemist, Several Michigan limber men are doing mc i.asi.aue siouri'.im. up trie Mantlatn. Mrs W ebb will Illuminate her Studio each r rlday ami Saturday night until far ther notice. Mr John Mc lJanirl a bridge carpenter on iric ., 1- cut b,. toot s-rlouOy ith an adz on Wednesday. lr Maston ibessrd the wound. I he bill of Stranas, whaJIey It Pipes ior services its ttie water works suit, wis cut down by tha city council ol Corvallit from (::, to $300. Mr Riley She! ton Is peculiarly well fit- t:d lor the office of Recorder. He I not only an expert and neat penman; but he Is a man of reliability at.d promptness whh a clean record. The statement of the First National Bank pnnlished in tbe Democrat yester day shows it to be one cf the most lolld and icll.ble institutions in Oregon. The figures speak lor themselves. J he Midwinter fair will close promptly on Juie 30 as a!n) advertised, ar.d will not be extended. Exhibitors are there at their own expense and losing money, and mew win not continue to snow for any ojiiy. The Scot is, a large Yaquina and San Frandsc-, owing to tbe business being so large the jjomer could nni r.araie 11 alone. 4.X) tons of pioneer alone will be part of the cargo Mrs TJ Black returned to her home in rortland this noon. Kev Ktiey Little went to Portland to day on assembly business. Ir J W Watts went l.j Polk eounty ye, tenlay no..n. rhe !.'octor will make Al- lnv his home. Geo M Hyland. well known in Aibanv. is lerturinr; through the valley on "tl Ethics ot M-slern Sjurifialism." u v atta n turneil tins noon lrom a trip inio ijer.i..n county, where in .-. th .n three hours be caught V7 trout. J C Applewhite, a son of the late Dr Applewhite, who ie.-n attending Le land Stanford Junkr I niversitv. was in Ailsiny yestenlay on his way home. MrJ M Philuo:. at "' was among the .-all.t-s today. Mr Philpot is one of tlie candidal", for rei.retentaUve on the democratic ticket, and is a rran of sound ju Igment and nrliabilitv. Mrs Minnie Cornelius, wife of Dr C W t ornehus. ian l would be coroner ot Mult nouiau oasnsty and siter of Mrs Ir Mas ton. accompanied the latter home from Wjit.-barg. Wusii. wiierr- Mrs ornelius has boen tiring with ber mother. Mrs Careen, for the paxt eighteen moT.tte-. Mr Cornelius will probobfy make her home in tbe f iture with Dr lad Mr- Maston in Albany. N L Ralr and .'apt lohnsosr will leave for the great Mammoth mine in Arizona tonight, where ten of the Ruber mining machines have shipped and will be pot to work at once. Tbe mot Uttering result are esyaetafL Mr Johnson was formerly superintendent -A this mine, and in company with Mr R.ber arrive.1 here from Portland. -Conailil News. SATUEDAT HOME AMI ABROAD 'lulius Grsdsot' means business. See his new advertisement. The annual co' ver.tion of the state W C T V, convened in Sale.n this afternoon, flh Mrs Ar.e.a R Rig in the chair. At the Burdii.g Jc Loan Association mieMng last evening the snonev loaned if bsd in bv Mrs M E rami! ax r months interest in The Salem aou'en mill pi about $iSoo taxes this ear. l--w on manu facturers be established on ach outrag eously hih live a that '- Journal. A Sa'em corresponded in the Oregon- Ian to day goes f r the UwS'res and officer of the new so'Jirrs home In a i;ve man ner, -r.akl'-tf sorr.e rather se.i.cs charges. Deiegi e 'o tbe grand lodge of 1 iJd Fellows iCCeBtlj in tessioi in Perdleton eturned hon-.e to day, severa' airivins at and parsing through Albacy. In retpocse to the ringing ol a beli.Hon has Miller, populitr candidate ior con gress, spoke in the court house this tlier noon. The pop'-Iists don't believe in bands. Word received to dav in the city la to the itT-ct that U S Ser.atcr W M c;,erart ha cancelled all oi his di'.e in tegon, and hence will rot b i-i Albany Monday as ad.-ertlsed. Regard!; c.l politics a great rr.any dcsie:l to see and Lear the celebrated i er senator. Mr Mohr who wis recenJ'.v it tared al Cnrvallts. ar.d wtcs Hoi ses were drown ed In the Wilian-.t pe. rrention of which was in the lVrr.oc; a', was acc-uipanied by hert Van Cieve sod E D Herner. at tetime. Thev wav to Sir Mohr's louse to do I .-ne painting. Bert cimt near being run over bv the horses at well a Mr Mohr P L Wallace. Gtorre Rcs ar.d lllatt k Simond sold the ba'ance of thtlr hop this k i eni ox Qo, oi Mi Franctsco, (or uc per pound. Dr Lamberon offer ed these men l cents lor their hops last fall and tkev are Oct about St 100 bv not seliiog. Lebanon Expres. Another admotlon to scH on the first high market in hops. Hon T T f!ier, ex-speaker ol the house, spoke at the opera house Tuesday altet noon to an audience 01 iJj retp!e, one third ladies, Turn the republican stand point, it as announced This must have been a mistake, as he did nothing but pelt Gov Pennoyer and the populists with the coilectiee ot second hard tikes of demo cratic Banker Bu.h of Sa'em. who his a mortgage plisteron Geer's life. Ash. and Record. Mr Oeer will be in Albany to night . l'llE Nkw School BOXM iTi' signed! yesterday by A F. Bloom, chairman of the lail aii't r E Allen, clerk. Ihev injw I verv pretty piexv of work. The main 1hm.I- ing in artistic and elaborate figures is "U S of America. Mate ot Oregon, .vli.xil District (V. l.inn Countv. 6 rs'r i-ent gold lonJs." They are dividivl into fortv boBBol of 5l Oeach with forty .inipins of $15 each to each part, the coupons rerresxmting I the interest, payable semi-annually. an.I to learer. Mr Blxni imd Mr A Ilea signed their iiain.s iii.t tunes, a littu over tialt a davs work, and Countv Treasurer Bri.v Wallace fortv times. The londs will be exnressexl to the National Hank of the Re public ot iviston at an expense 01 M.. the value of the binds i.xnlating the price. tiav A stiUiw.KKt an- the an-nts. ami no I doubt make their taonov bv selling tin Iwinls at a premium. A Bn Pansy. Some time ago the Dkm ockat inentioneil the fact that a Portland imtxT was Isiasting of a Portland DtUtsj measuring S'4 inches in oiameter. The senior editor of ibis psjaSC while in Fen- dleton this wivk was shown i' nansv bv Mrs Doviu-s Turner, formerly of this citv. which measured fullv six inches in diam- ter. Portland m.l Aibanv are challengeu to come to the f rent . Religious Services. Rev DO De Witt of Guthrie Preabyterv Texas, member of the General Astenibly now 111 session at Eugene will m the Cumberland Presbvterirn church of this city inorn'.ng and evening at the regular hour. Come and hear him. All are cordially invited. At the I'nited Presbyterian church Rev W P W bite, a talented young Illi nois minister will occupy tbe pulpit morning and evening. It will pay to hear him, other services as usual. Kev U t I'c v ut, ot iK'tuen, lexas. n member of the National Cumlierland Presbyterian Assembly, now in Session at Eugene, will ss the men of Albany tomorrow afternoon at the Y M C A looms at 4 p 111. All men should 1 present am will be made welcome to this service. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pale Highest Medal and Olplom SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. " J S Morris day. of Scio, was in the city to- W II noon. I'arker went to Yaquina Bay this Mrs Murry Yaughn, of Coburg, the city vbiting friends. 1-icensf; was lSfrued blav for the mar riage of Eloyd IindaU and Hettie Hull. .- . retary of the Navy Hilary A Hubert passe.1 throtitfh Aibanv on this inorninim overland. Hon Geo E Chamberlain and C E Wol- verton have Ijcen attendi.itr circuit court at Dallas this week. Mr S A Newberrv. of Pendleton, n fonner Linn county bcbool teacher, was adiiiitterl to the bar in Pendleton W E Ortell has accented a K SI Wade's hardware store of McMicn- viile. and will go to that city in about a week-. Mr Floyd Dorris and Miss Ina Robert son arrived in Albany- this noon from Waitaburg: Mr Dorns will go to Los -Angjies m a snort time. Dr W Boyd credit, froortbe Jefferson Medical college. Mr WHIbFC Thmiway, of Portland. an old resident of Allany, was united in marriage to Minnie Barck. a popnlar young rortland lady, on 1 nurs'lay evening Sir 1 rank Sjfipworth, who is studying aw at r.ugene. was in tne city a tew lays this week visiting relatives "and friends. i ran is a smart young man and will do justice to the profession he has chosen. i-'suion Express. W W Rowell. James Murray and S G Horns returned this noon from their trout unt on Mary s river, brio back 304 trout, showing the trout as evidence. Mr Rowell : said to have caught he largest otnng. lheir su-xess is giving others a de-ire to try their lock. Mir? Maggie McFarland. of this citv and Mis Withers of Lebanon, left this noon for San Francisoo. by way of Ya quina. After seeing the fair Miss Mc Farland will go to San Jose where be will fnd the summer the guest of ber uncle. ion lyrns Mestiak. Prof W J Crawford and wife entertain i the graduating class of the public school at their home on Friday evening. It was the annual class social and every thing wr done to make the graduates happy. Games and amusement., beguiled the hours. Ice cream and cake served to relieve the monc-tonv of the last half hour and the class returned home jiroad of their opportunities and pleased with the host and hostess. "TV :irwl i r -. -r. : 'i l a .nrritf nartv vu tendered Dr Littier in honor of his birth dry. It proved one of the livest and p'-asantest events in the history of Al yany. Old fashioned games. like blind man's buff, ware played, and a delicious lunch of ice cream, cake. etc. was served. Those present were : Mr and Mrs A B t'ax'.on Mr .ind Mrs r E A.len. Mr and Mrs C E Brown. Mr and Mrs T Wandell. Mr and Mrs A J Hedges. Mr and Mr- Dr Littler. Mr and Mrs II F Hnlwirt. Mr and Mrs A M licit. Mr G ff and Misse- Etta Cooled ge and Georgia Stamp. A Fmuc Reception Propek. The DemocsaT has been shown the frojrram of a reception given tbe board of home mis sions of tae l nited Irest-yterian church on their arrival at Tarotna, It shows the spirit in which they have been received everywbe.e. Mayor Orr delivered the ad dreas of wetcoose. for tbe city. Rev Hal lock f"-r tbe churches, and Prof James for the city sraooU- They were responded to bv Dr Osrens. Ft Hanna and Dr McGili. A big banduet was then giveo them from 1 to 2;Wrm and toasts were res-pan led to by Dr Barclay on "Tbe Home Mission Board." Kev T C Aebeson on. The Church Exten sion Board." Rev A X Tnompson on Christian Unity." Dr McCord 00 "From K-: VV. - !: , K:r.- r. "' .r Cajo-i-ian OosbUb, we Beiieve in Annexation," Or Hervey on "From Lake to Sound." I ... : - w:.. :jr-.:-:a A.'-iry a'-vr: Wednesday at 3 p m. The occasion is a great one in the history of Albany. The example of Tacoma and other cities, as well as tbe action of Eugene City in the case of the C P a.sembly. suggests that a public reception Weilnesday evening would be pr it and in keeping with the importance of the event. Tnr. C. P. AsEMBt.T. In the general - : ti e c P bur h at Eugene Dr F R Earl, of Arkansas, was elected Moderator. receiving 9r- votes. Dr Fullerton received 67 vttes. making 165 voting members in tne asssemWy. There are alsrai 06O people in attendance though, many visitors ac companying them. A man from Eugene says the entire city is entertaining them regardless of church affiliations, some entertaining as many as atteen i-spl-f . The delegates in their speeches ox-id not say enough of Oregon and 'be hospitality of her people. A Mississippi man said that Hereafter he would not advise his boys to go back to Tennessee or Kentucky for the most beautiful and amiable ladies as be vr&a heretofore wont to do, but be could bow tell them of Oregon, with an enthusiasm born of experience; Oregon with the brightest, noblest and truest of women and men." I)j r.oi fcrget the fact tha Fieccb keeps the largest stock ol optical gocd in Linn countv. If vcu wart a reliabte eve that will color an even brown or Eiacs, ana, wt 1 please and -a tsly you every time, u Buckinghax. . uye lor tr.e wnissers. "Only the Scars Remain," Savs Henry IlrDSOX, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as followo; " Among tbe many testimoni als which I see iu reinird t. cer- taiu medicines performing cures, cleausiug the blovid, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the ago ol IS years, I had swellings corns on my legs, which broke ami became run ning sores . I Our family phy sician could do ino no good, and it was Icared that the hones w ould be affected. At last, my gsKHl Old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, audi have not oecu troubled muss. Only the scars remain, and the memory of. the pust, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I row weigh two huudred aud twenty pounds, and am iu the best of health. I have been on the road for the past krtva years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts at the ijnited States, and always take pleas ure, in tolling what good it did lor me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by lr. J. C. Ayr 3s Co.. Lowell, Haas. Cures others, will cure you A. HI ho I Icnl B "A3 old (A thob.iIla"an'd .'or excei. 1 nrovon" the veruirt millioii . rn in o ii s r r Jicgi:- Better :i l riyi:v vhick yot (An pin you? iaith for a car.. A mild laxa tive, and its A S5j i rr p Lv tul t Powde' iii ton tv. lad" .r H..t r'ev. rum Liver Cen m - wr tr i tli . ..i.j.r 11 a - V'. J AC- 1 1 :.x tr IB 1 j n fCRD, Evaijelisl, Ol fiea M- oes. lows, srnles BaraW'ssSssJ -vf liar- h 23. 19T,: i. b Vr . Itrr. CtL, Da far. Ore On arriwoK b'-sne it week, 1 f.-crria I wed and aoxi-usly a-raitiog. Oar little irl. e.iiht and one-btif ttara old, who had wa ted away to s tnod. u r w ,t;: otrocg sid vigcr&os, and well tlhl 5 -'ere Las d-voe its wora well. 60th of the children lilt, it V.,. c u Coogb Core faaa cured and kent awav all coarseness from nie. So eive it to 2ves-r one. witii gre4inc f,-,r -;. W Using j o froassei 1 j. T 1 onrr. Hi A Mat J F FofcD. fffsWB .rite ' .... r , . SbbS Urn Can, b. lUsi to three HatBSaBWBgstlfth sitdrncK.. 1 '!,, BBBtBt rnrxitoe h J A Ct'itMiNG. VIGOR f MEN law. Eesfs.-ei WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, BBd all raw trasi et erCs tfrwcfk, siekaess. Ijullin at tkt tt-Mf. Ebspie. Bsora i 4s. B z . i pec-' - ERIE BCDICAL Burr: n. i Gladstone has A clear Head "ATTY ? Because be fcSosrs tlkae rules: "Keep the bead cocL tbe leet earn. ad tie bore-Is crwa." Yoc can have a clear bead and live to to rucery if yea Jo the same il :.rg. XV"ben the bowrL, fail to nvve dot mg tbe day take on irtiricg two Smith's Ssarff Bile Eeass. TVar sction is so miltl that vea ire set aware of i:. A3 clay yocr mi 3d srd be ciev ail --ocL "Not a cripeic S barrel of them. .Ask for ;aaasi-e, Taloe substiuita lor S.HiTri'S Bile Beans! Set. .v-tsarsi l.C0per Bottle; One cent a Trrrs GsasT CorcH where ail ethers fail. C oaths, Cro j- Throat, Hoaraeaesa. v, .c,-; kcuia ana C : : ami aouoa is MS no nvuq U DBS co niss has cured thousands, si d will cvre Tcu II taken tn time. Sold by Utuagh's oo a tuar- antee. l or a Lame nae or urns, w SHILOH S BELLADONNA rLAo . aKV. 5: CATARRH REMEDY. ave yvu Catarrh ? Thtsrtncsjyisruaraa- teedtocureyou. irice.K.'cta. I:cKcturfree. DR. SAKDEN'8 LECTRIG BELT lATtST PATtHTS BEST ' NACNEHj Sl'SPCNSORi laFKurtsitnia. , an:t r wuset M.t cyr ;iaiWn tt bttvlk. Ber frt-.-o,es or i.'lscrttteo. as viaa rtkavtMtiB. 4rmis. !. ?roM da i Itj. iof iMHIMa, lufttiir. rhaamalv-, kiJt, liar u4 bu41r v-mrialu.liibeB. Ivtmbajv. aeiiftifa. tanara: i: t T' U-eirt bait evaiia, Warafcl mpn,rammmt or kit iihr. aad tTM a furreet liiat i Iftstao : fell br ihs. wearer ar forfll i, . an 1 -ill ra k ct fcVat iisvassM or ss tsavy. rkouaaala tar bca farrd t .Ma ax oat t-uUsn after alt tir rB.-ita rUsl, a .4 we iia acudrasiw taattaavaiala ta tfn aa-1 aserv wihar Eat Oaria.rral IMI'ttUVaO HulKII P5E1 raaleilWoB PM if ft.f KKK WIT iU-etKi-TH HrartS atnl"tr-ja trvoi-l-'l ltTUOiuWWW Sand tot iltiuuaUsl lainilat, mailasi. aaitrl, tr-e. A Jiraaa aiUVDBIV llIiECTltlC OO-, ty- V.PORTLAND. 00E. Irtliui, ircoa. A. R Araslrorig. Vritu 3ruich School: CsU-ITAL BVS. 0M&M Saln. Orfrra cru course of KUdy, aiuc .iaet of luiUot Business, Shorihand. "flDMCtUm throuijt'iout t:u SI . tirtivt Albany 2 ban I . iru orotcpUT HIL0HSV haKfi all