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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
Stab Highits Beroocrat. VOL XXIX. Entered at Ike Post Offlre at Albany. Or., as Secantl-tlaa Mall Mallen ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAl, MAY 11, 181)4. -i n . 4 UTTIVU.ra. Ushers' ana Praarletara: N 41 k-VWVi.t . at Mam. , W I a. B-jWg. for Infants Caatorla la to well adapted to children that 'recommend it oamjioriartoaiv prescription 3wwn to mo.'' II. X ,Ucnr4 SL IX, 1U tVx Oxford Gfc, Brooklyn, M. Y. Ths was of 'Castoria ll so universal and .ts merits ao well known i bat it seems a work af supererogation to endorse it. Few aro the intelligent families who de not koep Castoria althla cu-jr reach." Carlos aTia i n n Star York City. I Ths Csxtto HAVE i TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to fint a cms fob RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDIZEY, LIVER and 3 LADDER COMPLABe.Te, DYSPEPSIA, ':WE-3ACK,lc t - jz& .CA SW'iit -ra- ji" I-BN .ifiB-Jtf t, . B .eV;m OUO fl tlOUl-iO. -1 UO1 WOO jm&3tiB'?1 ; V f f&W trt.a S,rw.u ivbility. EasVaFESlK - ' laV.'L'-c:'' or U. r:i .11, tl. Female Cam. mwi35r& -3Fli't- i-l . .-. . :e cm'. II! heal a, vmmW mf ' .jr." it e' set, of a vnsos. i'iws. w.irr? 0T Q09 pas br-ok Tblll CT. ESOH TviEX,' boaii .-read y arery yaasc. nldfilrmatred -nc at mau, aen aonled, 1 .e. Tr. Sancr3 BtercHc Belt is r- expeii-am uwr Hrt i re:nnd thoc-cds ic rorr ; h ; in ord -st-r. after ril i:t r trtire afjulet. aa caabt mown i.7 ;.nnorp:! ir ataaaa t -sr ;clH ox wut- iu .vc yetrcLa; Mttera tm lhur .njj:j-1 OaCMt . Mlil1! I I ana- I MIC 4 1r9 ( T .JpM, l-ar i ii-.- 8 uw MdOiiLkM J Tfca! tf,-.til U .:.': : Oa VktsaJ alOkOaU a :- l-tl 09ftiyt l-JK-r. 1 a -ry tuvd I s-li r.u. a aa t TOjr b.; ih i.avJ ww la o- ' 11. j V , - i lila bat vtb a i far taw . w" . I h ve ' nr -ftSSSiS ' ata.nt o ,rudi:ic.- .?! rcur tr.-.i at. a sua .- uab Ui-. ttataarcnl. aiM rar rr .cor aall 01 M Tuir Touw, 11. A. Iki 'i.S aJTmik Si. Rl!E'JntAT!SM AND JMSKr.S CURFO. Dr. a. T. SanflTi.. lr S-irr : iv 9 f yonr bttita two wvkIu atfO fo: rb - tc-i-.n. Iron. a I eafferad foraeTajrai --nr. yr i Uc pas sis -if tfea I had rot laanahUto rt, V ui lia-i J. in almoat pan v waim :n a o we s i r. .tp u t t cac aw II er e. ortam .mj li.c i.-. maa rally. Hotel. NERVOUS 0PJUT-VOSS OF VIGOR. Dr. A. T fanden. Dear bir : I ha b yd naioa roar Aaetris bait for xenaral Dervoo aoiiity. and to-d faal bet. w tha 1 hafor Cwayaara. XrawasaiHad in vicox daUy, acti . tronjr m awaryjn. Y j-n grata foil i, ClIAC LUETKA. lavoina v. .isn., o.iooar zt, aacL THIS DR. SANDER ELECTRIC BELT a a eompta saivanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn darts w r" or atrC "i a4 m ain. .oothlns. pr locked c j -rents which are Instant y tell tbroocboat ai re.t parts, ar w. forfeit w8,M. It has an lmaroved Klectric taa aiualual bona aver ft vea weak men. and e warrant it v. core any of the abov weaknesses, anf. to enlaora Virontea ambsLOt aaray or Inn Kefanded. They are graded tn atrengta to jena all stssms of weakness In rutin . 7i..10K-av irctx nA wiii enra Kan aasial anasaaj i sjaafcjggjj Aodrasa tar tail tafunzjaLsuav 8 AN DEN ELECTRIC CO 3RD AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND OR Toe Best Shoes "iia. a for the Lcait l.oney. gsan Hf Ti iiiMiiiiiafafr s Li 53 S5, L. DCUCLaS Shoes are sssw '' Law-9.mW.w.w.wHVaa-aawaaJm7 k. U "a- .w&W !BB1 awaaamaawa--awaLs-H.awpasas - ink BaniaTI J. sWssaw W SatUfactlon at the prices advertised than toy other ma!.;. Try one pair anJ be con vinced. The stamping ol W. L. Dcuf:!as' name and price on the bottom, which guarantee their value, saves thousands of dollars ani.i:ri!y to those who wear them. Peak rrs who push the sale of W. L. Pwiaa Shoes gain customers, which helps tc Increase the sales on their fulj line cf , . , ,,, ,-ra to ee:i at a Ir... nf and we bellev. yon can ratv. xnai.ry t -r b"- Sj, BN r r-a of t!i dear ai-...' LEB PA-R0NI7" HOM ' TH FARMERS & MFRCHAKTS IKSURANCE CO'' llhanj, CKa Trealdtnu L COWAN, rresuMirer. Oeo I Cowan. Geo F Simpson, -V F K-vl, U J K WeathertO' I. 0J Mtu ALHO DlbTMCT several Solid Eastern UaNUrtrtii Bam nraniaaa. aMiara,uwnoaiair. w rue rr rri i iw.a nont . e iipiuin wraptx r. Address Alany.Ore.,by J. A. CI M.ViN'i FORTMILLER Undertakers ro nl'i and WE KfcEP ccnstantlv on 1 ard full line of trelailc, rlolh rti v.i.rd casktts at tcoffins. Abo burial lot es and mils, In 1 irsrlrloth, alrrt,rl n if ,tt which will be old at Tho Lowe.t, Li'slag Proflts. EMBALMING nd the proper care of the dead a specialty. K0 EXTRAS CFARCc FQR ALBANY, - - MASONIC HKI,K IHNG PHOTOORAPHRRN V ..' aMtwi y . a.. V'l'V VI 1IIH1 a' X X X X A V -r 7 and Children. Caatorla curti Colic, Constipation Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Kructatioa, Kills Worms, gives sloejs and promote di fostion. Without injurious mcdicctiox "For reveral years I kavo rwommendec your 1 OsKturia,' and shall niwayc coutuuie V do so as it has invariably produced boneflcla lesulta." Edwix F. V uu v. M. !., lC5th Street and rth ata, New York City Coup ant, TT Mcbjuv S New York Citt. DIC -.,.MF 'S T3.r..:TR;C BELT Vmr.. Mr.icri'r'iaiirii WM thoat ntdi iae ?u:e Wa,ititMTiief and prompt h afe roq lattwaj tMit a irtal to on Tine it.- aitist hatsaavMaal, In Uruorpe of-. :'ecta yi.a may hme nn-uir dratr-4 uarrTeti oliwTfreand viit-.tti -t:,, i. is elec'rlcif j and ttfS rrn- 1 jmri-iim 1 lac- of fore. If v i reptar into your nrstem ld . -v.i : ,..u;:u drwned, which are re qu:itr 1 tor TiorOmWftrenetb, yon wilj mm v. leu .at 7i. hlth tlraM h and vtgtr wi I fo 'o at once, fm f oar i ...n and reatnenu and wt . nittn & f!irfl .r refund bomt .- t;tateit,wh' vop jr i : ia.ilv ts !j. and m. J3 ratutwvgM ?fu llaMt 1 1 bw all MEiAO A.,D RHEUMATISM. a. . m . - - of oxrKMar j 3-irri wcrk. corafcu. i ni thn tnin cociu from Ut kcr ofa os-pjf . naMtmcaMcliiMmMt, hWa wLfiaail -m!fi , fr ----. tmk I La o baur - baa Ic. .J .;oo i m jaci uUl da-ilad c( in-:deof tw daj:, to ontia 4 to ar .ifor '.-at uOutitf. belt. :f per- T . -red. That w two ran a o. uil I aJC a.- wo. o -da, aa 1 war waa ib my Ufa. I know jour be1. waJi. I aa w lotacf p-pwlc hara oeei. -uea bj i', M nr othe naad R, nd it likar woo d t- it ther woolt. . nd it tha. .araa aa ' Id iiaa bt-. reaecvin tha o-M. 1 to orated h -y BOBUy.aacwi i rgTin in tall aidi laaa w la1 tO leOI-Tnltk, t IV BO CUT Iit'KJL.EnsiaearHUlP:r:Uaa LOST VITALITY AMD STRENGTH. , V, . m t.rwtt, Wah, Jatve 3S, flat D-. A. T.Saada-. Toar Fsr---inra wmkm awal DKi nawaoawn area y ueiaar.ic-i. i ieet wai aia ray ft rat oral Da"; and aftra mo.-.iL' wayj &f oi- i ana atywaiz tr.. aa w crwa aa oaa roemorf wow neart? ni fecv and aac. da al fo- tha beter. ! f I n.: in at-maavr t'. Mcr oainatha selu ooril:u LE.NKi" bCHCLXa. DOUGLAS SHOE S4 ana S3.50 Dress Shoe. S3.5C Police Shoe, 3 8ole. S2.E0, 32 for Workingmei o2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSK S3, 82.50 82, $1.7, i ALT in-. ir any deals offers yon W. L. Dourla. boes at a reduced price, or says he has them with Una bottom, pot him uuwu am m i riorj. stvlish. casr tittin?. .and rive: hr'ter LAIN CLOTHING C INSTITUTIONS.- OrtHTwsl. J O WKl'i.iMAlf. Soctetati F SIMPSON. Vkm Preaidoub B Mon'ett' MternDara, J W (lu.pi tit O Wrltaman- AOBirrs SOR- and Foreign Compaq Err.CTftcrT..vK ekd. ThiN ayr.nriarf Mmat rowsr, ileaaache. Wakeful iierin;j,ust MauhofKi. NUthtly KinlKnionit Nerwoua iifetA.all drains and loaa of power'-iGenerativeOrKanx of either aexcaofied by orw exertion, vouthfnl -rrora, excesM wo ok of t- bacc opium or stlm ulanw. which lead U Inllrmlty. ( ontumptlon or Irianliy. can li carr; 'd lu vest pocket. SI per box. for SA. by mall prepaid. Wltn ; order w I It a wrlUtii taaraitee ta core ar rvfonr' n wmb9 Hold by ' i JEJKVK iiJEEl . , nmuim C HQIKSK8 A. ' ' "-vjfV & IRVING Embal niers. KEAFbE OR SERVICE: , TEMPLE, - - OREGOf Cabinet photos from $i.soio4.o per dozen. Enlaiglng pictures a specialty. 16x20 crayon: framed tor $10.00. we arrv a large stock 01 5x8 ana sterescop'r views of Oregon. THURSDAY That i'ivi, Anything n'.iout the wonderful cave in Josephine county is of general interest . The following from the (irants I'asa Courier is fresh : (ieorge Thornton came in from the Cave Pevoji'tient Co'a works last Thursday af ter an ahrtence from the city of six weeks. He says a number of very comfortable Okbini have been built along tho line of the proposed stage road and these wilt he used as camps and stopping places for the construction forces and trawele'g. The mouth of the cave has been housed in with a neat building twelve feet high. I'apt Smith, who is an expert with the artist's brush, was at work on the build ing recently painting the letters "The C5reat Oregon Caves" when he raw a wild-cat looking at him through the brush. The captain immediately dropped from his exalted position and rushed for camp minus hat an.l coat and declared that a huge panther had been fixing for a murderous spring on him. The crew went out "loaded for bear" o' panthers, but the tracks plainly showed that only a wild-cat had been the cause of the captains 'a nervousness - George has every eonfule.i.-e in tho company n ability and deter initiation to dfteVp tbese makefile-cent rnves,"wh!cb have already been explored to the depth of 22 miles. When the Examiner patty arrives they are going in to stay till th i ends have been reached or a decision made that there i3 no end. The Exam iner ciaiaaa that the caves are 70 miles deep: the Kentucky caves end in seven miles, (ieorge himself has been in the Josephine caves a distance of three miles with a lantern. When the liatht goes cut the darkness is so intense as to be come as painful to the eyes as the most glaring sunlight. The buildings have been n ostly con structed of cetlar which spWts readily in to straight boards, and George has been shoving his j.tck-plane for weeks putting a dressed surface on the split lumber. Bask Ball The college boys will trake a desperate effort next Saturday, to redeem themselves in their second game with the O A C The game will be played on the league grounds, and will begin at 2 :3'J o'clock, admission and carfare 2Tc Following are the nines. Albast. Fuller Washburn Turner Thompson F.mmett Willis McFarland Altermatt Bowen Cost Axus. 2nd b. Ienn:s p. Ray c. Hennie If. 1 NMh 1st b. lNash 3rd b. Terrill c f. Kellev r f. B Kay e. s. Mocine Old Law Books. The Democrat haa heretofore mentioned, several old books, leligious and literary. Mr J P tialbraith. of this city, is the ownr of several old law 1 ooks of great interest particularly to the legal fraternity. He run Impy's pra-tice. in two volume printed in 173: Uilbari on Kvidence. printed in 171Vi. English Bjcity. in 2 volumes, printed in 1 ?.-. and several book printed in the early part of this cen turv. Public Spc;tkinjj. The demo. ratio tundiilate of Linn com fy will .peak on the pohti-al issues of the day at the following times and places yracus Tangent Shedd Harrisburg Halsey Brownsville Crawfordsville. . . Sweet Home .... Waterloo odaville. . ...... LelKiiion Rock Creek. . . . Lyons . Jordan Sbelburn Scio Santiam Albany ...Mav 1. at 10 am . . "' is. at 2pm .. " !., at .. " 21. at . " 22. at . ' 23. at lpm 1 p m lpm lpm . " 24. at 10 a in . ' 24. at 2 pm . 25. at 10 am . ' 2S. at Spm . " 2fi. at lpm . ' '. at lpm . . " .tl lpm .. " .. at 10 am . It, at 3pm 31, at lpm June 1. at 2 pm . June 2. at lam "pposinjf aWalsaaM .hi- respectfully re meted to l present and particia!e in the'discussion. K K Davis. Chairman County Central I 'iutiiitte-. Cr.o W WRiiiiiT. Secretary. Public Kxaininatiou. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who iftr themselves a Can dida es for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination in the court noose at Albany. Oregon, commencing at I o'clock p m, Wednesday. May Bth, 1'.4, and to con tinue two days. All applicants for state certificates, sta'.e dip. onus and Mate life diplomas, will present themselves and file recommendations. No applicant will lie permitted to enter tlx examina tion who is not present at its opening. Dated this 26th day of April, lft'.4. G H Wir-KEs. County School Sup't, Linn Co, Ore. Am Albax Jeweliiv Stork Worth pativnlzlng is that if Will A Stark. '1 hey cairv the finest Mnenf f liveware, watches, c ocks and jewelry generally In the valley, atad sat isfsctoiy prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they ketp in stock. Never buy without catling cn thern. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Kichakd Btbko, the well-known DrugKiBt,207 McGill t., Montreal, P. Qi, says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines, for 40 years, and bare heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, on in particular bc-iug that of a littlo daughter of a Church of England minis ter. Tho child was literally covered from bead to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Hor father was in great distress about tho case, and, at iny recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father') delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in tho strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, mass. C-tres others, will cure you Industrials at Roseburg. Considerable excitement occurred at Roseburg this forenooon, when forty or more "industrials" organized for the oc casion, took possession of the freight train, and refused to get off. The officials at Portland ordered the train men not to carry the men. SherifTMille:- forced the men off the cars, when the train backed up to the other side of Ihe city, and came past the city at too rapid a rate for the men to get on. The captain ol the company declaretl that Roseburg would have to support them until the railroad would take them out, and the result is hat Roseburg Is in a piedicament. The State Sunday Schoo'. Association Is In session In Sale in. saloons have taken out license in Portland for the coming quarter. Considerable ccmpetion Is existing in Albany in the dog collar burinesj. James W Ball hat been appointed col lector of customs atYxqulna. This 'n the position for which Mr W ll Parker of this city has been rustling Mr H F Merrill has rented the center office in the Cusick bUc on Bruadalbin 1 stret, aria will run a real estate, broker- j age and insurance ouicc. George B Ballsy, a wed known bust ness man of Sanfrancisco who was ac cidentally crushed to death Monday bv a descending elevator, was insured for f 165,003. A lightning crjyon aitUt a, doing Albany today For 25 cent he sketched a good sized side view of a man In ar, ar tistic manner, sometimes recognizable and sometimes not ; but he Is onto his job. The Salem Independent says: The frost of Tuesday night was disasttous to strawberries and cherries iround Chem awa. Here very little if any damage was done. Remember to go to the opera house to night and hear Miss Bina West, su prcme commander of the Ladies of the Maccabees. Lec'ure begins at 7 :3j . At Lebanon Miss West organized a tent with jj members. The rKvoCR.T Is Informed t.iat there is a Socialist club with fifty members. In Albanr. They are a branch ol a general organization that will occupy 30.000 acres of land in Mexico, when the necessary number is secured to start the co!ony. W A bhultz was arrested at Italsev for stealir.g wheat f rem he warehouse. He was allowed 10 visit his bouse, tut skipped cut of the back door and escaped, an J has not yet been captured. Deputy attorney Kelly went to that place to prosecute him; but returned. A valuable yearling coll belonging to Capt E ! 1 -anning was shot on the even ing of japril ?Sth, near thi. city and on the same CSCafag a rifle was fired verv close to a man passing along the O 1 track. MrLanning offers a rewatd of $Joo for intorma'ion le.Jing to the arrest cf the man who shot the colt. The columns of our Oregon exchanges all contain accounts of an increasing Im mlgraticn, even In the midst of the hard time;.. Here is a sample from the Flor snc West: Three families came in on the tog from Yaqaina last Satartlsy, and one of the gentlemee, has already purcha sed a farm and the others will soon locate, as they are well pleased with the cour4ry. We are having a larger t'de of Immigra tion this spring "han at any former period. Rev H V Qflt, of Hi River.has been engaged as pastor of the Congregational church in Kugene. Jndge Boise was in the city today on his way to the country. He if !o orate pop ulislicly tonight. Capt Bicker took np the hale which was was washed ashore at Yaqaina liay. and is cutting it op. E C Stanard. Mr N P Payne's suc cessor as county clerk, watt in the city today. Ths right man for the place Mr Geo F Jones, the live "regonian man. who has been rusthrg for that paper a good many years, has been doing Albany today - Mrs H F Ilo'lenbeck willgradnate from the conservatory of music at St lxmis. M., the last ot this month, and will then return to her home here. Kugene iuard. A pleasant birthday partv nas ten dered M is Rose Train at the home s( her brother, Kdilor Train, on Tuesday even ing, by the Ladies Birth lay club. A de liciotrts lunch was served, toasts were responded to, a short program was ren dered, and each guest was presented with a May baske1, made by Miss Train. Miss Train was remeji tiereil with a China lunch set and many choice flowers. Last evening the home of Hon and Mr II H Hewitt was the scene of another ol those pleasant social surpris es which have been going the rounds of Albany's society circles lately. Miss Olga Hewett Iwing the recipient of the surprise, which was well planned and executed by Misses Anna Flinn and Kdna Luper. After a novel and unus ual mcde of displaying the liashtulness of the gentlemen in choosing partners, whist was enjoyed for several hoars, when a delightful lunch was served ; I after'whicii the large and spacious rooms were cleared and lovers of Terpsichore nioved themselves until a late hour. It was one of the pleasantest social events ol the season, and the guests departed in a merry mood, after wishing the young hostess a long and merry life. Those present were: Misses Hattie (jalbrai'h. Nina Parker, r'or Mason, esta .Mason, Kdna Luper, Mollie Luper. Ora Flinn, Anna I mm, Anna Houck, Helen Craw ford, Maud Crosbv, Marguerita Hopkins, ra Spangler. of Corvallis, Minnie Mc Farland. Amelia Senders, Stella Porter, Bertha Ellis, Giace Piper, Iora Yance, Miss Fur miller. Maud Yan Horn, Olga Hewitt, Velle Irving, Mrs Thos Mon teith, Mrs Pr E L Irvine. Messrs Wilson, Winn, Cusick, Orteil, Leimert, Kudd, rowers, l'r fcllis, tiulr.n, l;r Irvine, Wal don, W Gilford Nash, of Corvallis, Lyons Bloom, Camming, Cannon, Yunk and Yeal. I'ii at Whale. The Gazette tells about it as follows: A large sperm whaic one hundred feet in length was washed ashore two and one-half miles almve Newport last Sunday evening, and on Monday morning the lieacli was alive with spectators who ame to iraze at the monster, t ireat armies of men were soon engaged in cutting it u and saving the oil. Three or four hundrei gallons have lieen saved so far. and about pounds of whalebone have lieen secured Uns nail ot Lne i:iw none measures y. feet in length and aliout one and one-half feet in diameter. George E Waggoner, from whom the above information was re ceived says that "to a casual observer it would appear that its soul had winged its pathless flight many moons ago, and 11 wsemed a pity that such a large nearteu thing should die. 1 he hotly of the whale is covered over with barnacles, and as it lies upon the sands it has theapptarance of a wrecaea ircigui tram. A New Idea. L II McMahan s new paper the "McMahan's Wasp," has made its appearance. The editor says: "TIiIr paper is not published for tho purpose of making money. 1 have learned that the neODM take newsparors for news and io liticat pajx;rs for politics. I have also leurnodlatan expense of 80OOO) that no paper in I Iregon can successfully couitieh with the Orcgonum in the matter of fur nishing current news to tho people. There fore, 1 shall never again publish a news paper in this state, but will conhne my worK in tins direction to editorial diseu sinn of political anil social affairs. That Flvino Macii ink. Fred Merrill says his "skycycle is bound to lie a success. Several good working models have been constructed and they prove more and more the feasibility of navigating tho air by means of velocipede power. The patents are owned by Joaquin Miller and myself. You have but to wait a short time to be able to purchase a 'Cloud Rambler' which will enable you to explore the mysteries of the world above." This is the G M Miller Hy ing machine referred to. Or. Price's cream Bching Powder World's Fair Highest Award. FRIDAT Tun Wiikat Ti'adk. Tlw commercial Review of Portland, of today says: The market for futures has been very llugguh and fi'iturcleHs- with narrow fluctuations much of the time during the jieriod andst review. Trading has Wn mainly of a local sralping or swih liing chanu ler and hence the variations Irive been slow and eirciimscrilicd. In the absence of rigor or good tnppcrt, prii have slowly aggvd downward. Selling I1.1 . been accelerated somewhat by fairly good weather condi tions throughout UM chief winter wheat states. Buyers as a rule, have moved in a slow, indifferent manner as far as grades are concerned. There has lieen practically no alteration in quotations, values in most instances remaining as uncertain as they have beta for several weeks, he majority of buyers have continued to bold alKf. maintaining that current prices are fully as high as warrant by existing circumstances, lielieving that there is nothing in the sit nation to justify Uis noteworthy change between now and harvest. The claim that there can be no reason to expect a de cided or Tmanent improvement as long us the quantity of wheat in sight remains so far above a normal level. A l.i. 1. liKA arolrw.-Ttw- Toledo tells the following l.-ar story: C M brown, of Prif creek, bail an experience with a ia-t Tuesday which be will treasure in his memory for a while. He had set a bear trap fastened to a heavy pole. While cut hunting his cows he passed by his trap and uisccven'd an im mense bear in it with the pole and chain fastened in tscme bush.-. Mr Brown did not have his gun with him SO he tackled him with a club. After the tirst beat the bear got his chain pole loose and took a hand in the battle himself, and Mr Brown retreated in disorder at aliout as rapid rate aa his legs could carrv him. 'I be bear. trap and all. was crowding the rear guard in good iiape when Mr ISrown readiest a leaning tree and lost no time in getting up the same. The pole got in MM vine maples and prevented the fiom pur suing further, so bruin turned the attack into a blockade, after! Maker cam" to his rescue and shot tlie boat dead. He weigiied 700 pounds. It resembles a gri. zley in some respects. K.NTIIl MASTIC P0LITI1 At. MeETISO. The democrats of Leloni n and vicinity hetil an enthusiastic meeting last night. Mr Bilyeu and Whitney made speetnes. each aliout an hour in length. The speeches were right to the point and had a telling effect. Our imformant says much enthu siasm prevailed, there leing near -!00 IT sons present. lemocrali ail over Ihe coun try are failing into line and doing givsl work. Let every democrat do his whole doty ad thi' ticket will be elected. State S. S. The report of the secretary of the State Sunday School i-onvnti..n sltoars .i schools in the state with "4.0 teacliers and officers. Mr.tiii wbolar. a total of C7.-VI7. and an average atterilam of 4S,la3. in Linn county ther arv 4. with 430 officer and tcacliers.Ml wrh-Jars. a total ol 304,, and an average atten.lare-e of zm. I'ncle Bilhry Wright iniornu us he has ibsposed of two tons of horse rad ish this season. If men generally would bow the same industrious disposition an army ol beggars would not now be marching to Washington demanding food and greenbacks -Corvallis Ua xette. The Mascot was recently sunk in 'he Pacific ocean. Capt. Chas Hegman. a pioneer of Yaquina Bay was commander of the boat. The collector of customs st Yaqaina collected 25 cent, last year, and the ex pense of running the office was 11025 at the tateof 5-4100 per i. From the day of his nomination J K W'eatherford has been stead Iv gaining strength through the district. He is pressing Hermann hard in the ra'.Iey OEMGCRA r IC PLATFORM. The democrat of Linn ooottv. t regon. in convention assrmhled. adopt the follow ing d-vlaration of principle and measure as their platform in the coming campaign r 1. We reaffirm and again declare oor faith and advocacy of the imperishable pfinciples and doctrines of the democratic 1-arty as promulgate.1 by its early founders and as state,! at t hiogo by the last nation al i-or.vention. 2. We rhargr upon the republican partv ,uil it reckless and itladvuvd l-gisati n ali the evils and troubles from which the people are now. and have heeu. suffering for a long time. The low prioes of farm pro ducts, the n-Mi-eroploynient of lalr. the general and wiiie spread depression in bts iness and the almost universal stagnation of all our iadustri--. are. without d.-mlit tho results of the unjust and burdensome of their high anil nverpmtecti-? tariff -v.- eiu. ani other class l.s-u!ation. I. We Wliev that x'l taxes s equal and just, and that the wealth nation snould bear its just pniportionof , nuniens 01 ine government. To tin en d we most earnestly favor the taxation of ths incomes of the nrh. 4. W'e claim that a fixed svstem of sal- arie, for all public officers should take the place of the fee system. Wo arraiirn the lat!ature of this state for its reckle wpi.tnitorine of the lopie s money, by extravagant and unnei awary appropriations, and hold the rsoob- ncan tiny ot the state reSPOPaabte t-r the uri'i --ii -',. -,i iiiiii lgislation of body. in onter that the evils and burdens now so heavily reatinc upon the people of this state may be removed by lSin!ation. we call upon the honest voter: of I.inn county and the state, irresiiective of partv. to join us in the overthrow of the republican party through out Oregon, at th- approaching election. 6. The Democracy of Linn County favor sound money,' the money of the constitution, ever dollar of which shall be of equal intrinsic value and purchas ing power and readily exchangeable at the with of the holder and to that end favor rsuch legislation bv Congress as will br'ng about the free coinage of arret at the ratio of sixteen to one. 7. ve believe that the Act ot the legislature providing for the election of an additional Judge for the third judical district of this State was wholly unnec essary, for the rerson that one Circuit Judge can easily perform all the .Indicia! lanors required in eaiil district without inconvenience or being overworked ; therefore, in order to avoid the unnec essary expense of such officer, we de mand the repeal of said aw by the next Legislature. H. We denounce in tinnualified terms the act of the last Legislature of this State whereby it repealed what is known as the "Mortgage tax law" and we de mand its reenactmentat the next see s ion . 9. We Is'lieve that the law allowintr ed uction of indebtedness from assessments was founded upon principles of justica and equity, and (hat its repeal works a great hardship and injustice upon the debtor classes who are unable to withstand such burdens, therefore, wo demand the roeiiaet- ment of smd law by thr next legislature. 10. There being no adequate, law on our statute books providing for tho safetv and security of persons who deposit money in t ut ti k s in tlregon, we theretore tleman that the legislature of this state, at its next session, shall pass such laws in the premises n will be just and proper and calculated to tut tire the general safety. II. s7 e hold that the. people aro the source of all civil and political power; we therefore favor amending the conttitiition of tho (Jailed States so as to require all the United States senators to Is- elected by a direct vote of the people. 12. We demand the abolishing of the railroad commission and the specific con tract law. A Uoon CiianoK. A big improve inent in tho mail eervkre with Scio has lieen made. Hereafter it will receive mail daily over the Oregon Pacific, connection being ...,.c. .,1 from which imint n uiii.e- ai nuciuuiMi . ; I " messenger will convey the mail to and from. A change runt win suit, tuo puuuc. DBMOC TXO Senator. W R Bilyeu. Albany. Jefferson Meyers, Franklin Butte. Representative. J M fhilpot Harris burg. J J Whitney, Albany N P Grume. Shedd. Commissioner W F Potter, Fox Yal ley. Clerk-C K Slanard, of Brownsville Recorder -Riley Shelton, Scio. Sheriff C C Jackson, Halgey. Treasurer K L Bryan, Tangent. Assessor S O Wallace, Lebanon. School Superintendent F M Mitchell, A Ibany. Coroner Fftak Parrel), Albany. State Democratic Ticket. Wtlhom GaliMay Yot Governor -hill county -Win Galiowav. of Yam- Congressman, from the 1st district -Hon J h eatxerford. of Albany. Congressman from 2nd district Hon Jas H Rah-y. of Pendleton. Supreme Judge A S Bennett, of The Dalles. Secretary of State -Charles Nukell, of Jacksonville. S.ho.)l Superintendent D Y S Reid. of Kugene. Treasurer Thomas 1. PaviJson. ot Salem- Attorney General W H Holmes, of Salem. State Printer John O'Brien.of Portlaml. Circuit Judge J J Daly Protecuting jAttornev-L H Moo tae. Tee BeJ Crown Mill continue about the busiest place in Albany. The weekly outpn; is about i.loo barrel. Orders are ahead In asraCtasM numbers t-i keep the mi I rus.dngto meet them. On and after Mar :oth the tickets to the MMain'.er fair mill be Issued without the coupons, at the same rate a st pres ent f Jfc.yo. An Albany man wi..i ha be:n through the country says the fields are full of farmers frorr. ejtlv morning till late at night, putting In and it U eat to see why no -.more are ir. the city. 1$ cent covers 9 admission to the grounds and itrtet car fare to the base Ball game tomorrow altcrnoon, beta ten the Albany Colirge rine and the O A -. Here Is another old book of interest to lovers of old relics. MrThomis Brink is tbe owner of a volume of Wall's Ser tnotis printed In 1740. rr.usty with i5o years of age Mr Chas T Craft publishes an open letter in the Scio Picas accusing , ihe pre - ent assessor of having discharged him last year from a deputy-ship because he was a populist. The Satern Statosr-an ay that repub licans ni l have to look out for Wtathet- ford. John P Robertson, Sylvester Penn oyer, RriJ. Holmes aad Bennett. A very candid paper. The steamer Lillian of I ho Cmpqaa, will be taken to Yaquina bay next week, where she wl I be p'aced 00 the route between N'wpcr-. Vaeuina and Toledo. She it a fleet boat and will be quite an advantage to the fsveliag pus'ic a, these points. Miss Bin West lectured at the opera home last evening tn tr'e lntrrot of the I-adi s of tl e Maccabees to a htK housr. It wat a talented discourse. This after noon at the A O C W Hal! a lodge was bring organ'red with a good membership. A man residing across the river, a ptcity square kind of a man, a couple weeks ago received an a.tonyrnous letter acct'sing him of stealing a black hog and other article, which warned him to leave by April :oih, or he will be lead by a rope to a tree and be strung up lie didn't lease. Lelanon has a Good Templars lodge, with he folio aing officer Chief te-np-iar, J B Marks ; vice templar, MissCallle Warner ; secretary. Kdaa'd Aldrich; fi nancial secret". J MSo.ner: treasurer. Mist Blanch Warner: chaplain. Mits Mattie Nixon : guard. Miss Lulu Ctao dali, sentinel, UcO Randie: marshal, Willie Donaca . People who have promised to farnish entertainment for dtlegate to thegtn erslasemb:r of the C P Church, who wish to entertain any particular delegates, on account cf former acquaintance, or be cause cf residence In their former home, or for any reason, may do so by leaving request with any member ol the com.nll- tee. Rev Little, Mrs T .1 Wilson snd Mrs C H Sieoart. According to the Eugene Guard a nsw game lias been invented b.- sharpers to rob ihe farmer aud here f. is. A smoDth ongued fellow a farmer claiming to have a new sickle-grinder and secures hl.n as agent in that neigh borhood. He is persuaded into signing a contract for one half gross of the! ma chines for trial. Ths wording of the contract Is changed and some figures add ed which makes the order call for $2200 worth of malhines. A L'w diys alter- ward another fellow appears and claims that the machines have arrtved, presents his bill. The farmer is paralyzed and denies tie accou,.t. Of course he l then shown bis signature and tees that thev have ihe best of 'him. A compromise is offered thst he pay a few hundred dollars. and he finally accepts. Mrs Prof Cnteell, of BsJeey, is in the raw. Marshal Reese, of Corvallis, was ia the city today. Mrs Charles Bowles and two children, of Vancouver, are in the city on a visit. E M Horton and Postmaster Monteith will leave by the next trip of the Homer for Sim Francisco. Mr U 0 Havne returned this noon from Oakland, where he has completed his con tract on the city cisteem. Hon Jeff Mvers has lieen at home this week attending at tho bedside of his brother Clay, whose condition is regarded as criti cal. Scio Press. Prank Zirkel, for more than two years Corvallis' onlv tailor, has sold out his business, and Monday ho leaves for Sara Francisco to reside hereafter. Times. J A Archibald, the tewing machine agent, has returned trout California and is now living in Albany. He spent Wednes day night in liobnnoii. LebnAB Advance. K A MflCally will work for John Bry ant, in .Ionian valley, this summer. He expect to re-enter the Albany College in September and finish the Normal course. Ix'oanon Advance. C K StanorJ, of Brownsville, the demo cratie nominee for clerk, was 111 the city Tuesday and paid this office a pleasant call. Mr Stanard is a business man well known throughout linn county and if elected will make its good an officer as this county ever bad. llarrisburg Courier. Rev .1 S Smith, manager of Southern Oregon Chautauqua assembly, to be held in Ashland, July 11 to 21, has been in the valley. This is the second annual assembly and will have the finest c?rps of lecturers ever brought together upon one platform on the Pacific l oast. Stxrcial rates will bo I ,, 7l , . . mnda from all parts of Oregon 11ml Califor niu tor utw laaasaium. SATURDAY A Hive. A Ledies a 0M Maccabees Lodge was organized in the A O D W bail last evening with thirty-six nariii-s on the list, by Miss Bina We-t. the National Com mander . an aicoiupiishei! young woman, who docs tilings in a btwbjtmt way. This branch of Ihe order has Issrn in existence Mteu year. The radint of the M an al s have enb-red ths field with other frab-rnal licneficial societies, and offers to women the same social, educational and lx;neficial advantage that similar societies offer to men. It is a representative organization, composed wholly of women making it- own laws and prosecuting its own business, having control of its own endowment and other funds, entirely independent of the Knights of the Mncela Members may have the endowment privilege or not, as they pit as.-. The foilowirg ilfi were eloeted: M:- Dr Hill, iast lady commander; Mrs Nettie !l L'unbsou, lady eotwasMtwJer; Mrs K U Will, nontenant i-titiirn.'iniier' ML. Zula Wiun. record keeper; Miss Helen Crawford, iinarue keei.-r: Mr, I H flliiiansii Hierithl; Mrs Com Coffman, sergeant: Mits BiTtha l.iiis. mi-tn-s at :Lrm-r Mm J S Van Winkle, sentinel; Mrs A L Lamb, picket. A meeting will be held in the W C 1 B hall tomghr tr crmplote theorgnni- zation. to which all interested iu b-coming members of ilie hiTo are invited. A Xcnvr Pn.iPiriTiox. Sheriff Knight is tn receipt of a letter from R Koehler, manager of the Southern Pacific, asking for protecti-in fniiu the annv of unemnlov- esl and other- who ar.' irntsr-n-' tipm that annotation in Marion county. In the lelt-r tbe manager state 1 that the holxs and others were bfjominsr so nuaieTCiu that it wa- nearly intpetsible to do snything with tliem and he appealed for protection. It the sheriff attemptel to fulfill the request it would Keep ai!o-on ,r otr.oers on the keen jump (.did morning t'.U night- This would ntdeed beneSt the railroad oatnnenr. but it would ! hard on tbe tiipaver. If Mr Koehler dosirest to have hi-Jroad proper ly cared for it would be advisable for him to pay the esntsSes ntsrasetf. Saleui Inde pendent. And yet Mr Koehkrs road, the S P. pays the county of Marion -ix seven th'm-ind dolkus a year, which cntitio it to protec tion as much a any othor tax paver. The prejudice- against railroads should not be so great as to forind them a reasonable pro tection, which they pay for. Api' iiixo Ai.dvnv. Thirij-tliree genuine tamps arrivo'l bore on this morn ing's north bound oTerlaml train. Police man Mathews pretested against the South ern Pacific railroad unloading tLem hero, but without avail. Marshal Eastland, at daylight, informed Lie knifrht of the roa1 that they must get out of the city at once or be would arrest them and place them to work on the street. They then isaaBedxate ly left for the north in a Ixsly. walking The train men on this matniig's local train inforurrsd us that the tramps that arrived bore on tbe overland was not tbe Roseburg contingent. i the were still in cramp in that city at 7 odirrk thi morning. Thoy are regalarly organized, having a captain and lieutenants. Kugene 1 iuard. IsTaTtWtf It wa reported that on Tues day last while in this city, sart the Roao bnry Plain-ioj!er. ' " v.rnor P"nnoy?r. out of his gnea! a!n ianoi of thi world's goods, gave tbe forty -id industrial anti woraers. assembled at ttae depot enroote to join the OeBJ army in Washington, the magmaoent sum cf t': with which to pur chase food. etc. It is ueies for the gov ernor to Beach agaira-t the sinful oxtrava gance of the Late lepublican legislature while indulging in such revklosss ornrava iranoe him-if. Jnst think of it' Five dollars for f -rty hungry men more than a Tt tit Fsost.-Tt:e"'frcBt TVsdiy night did littlo if anv ilamage in Linn coantv. Some .tbor sfsti r.r-. in -020. told not so fortnnato. Tho Jackwrnville Times no: the most general is wot! as ate sovorest frost Southern OaajWi lia etpor-ietv-esi in several year nccttrred on Tae-slay night. It killed nearly all the fruit in Jowphino county ami did a creat .leal of damage in thi ovunty. The prispect for a bountiful crop are dissipated and the lots will be many thousand dollars. In a few set limit there will ie more or less fruit, however A BsURtaVm KrJtKV . Ir T L GeUai hr just cciupleted the ferry cn his place on tho Saiitiara. Sbo is a o!id n?w Ljat.with a steel wireca'-.e. and w... lauccaed rx't week. It is U-al l on the Salem and Scio road, across ths- north fork af the Santiam. ami will prove a great convenience to ail travelers. I his is said to ha rate of the tcsl ferries In Marion county, and has excellent apprvsuhes. J.nirnal . Jcancae Ceanfraaxatv. Taera promises to We an interesting cintet in Ailmny over the offi vs ot Jktmiui and con stable. In west Al;any the tight will be between M Senders, democrat, and Juilge Powell, republican, fcr justice, and George Hughes, d-r.i-.vnit. and ' W Watt-, repub lican, for constable. In the second district. C G Barahart. '. ::: . rat. and Aifreil Freerksen, republican, are the nomine- for just ice. and Charles MeLrger. democrat, for constable. Two to On. The Brownsville Tiaies ftirnishtv a good inanv live items like the following: In these stall times when poli tics are about tbe only thing abroad in tie land, a small Sight t almost pe.niissible. ne day this week Mr Lerwill'seow betook herself to tiesru Montgomery's field ttaerernot he Stat,-.! la the owners el this unmlv bowiae that she must K removed and also ls kept off. loiter on t larenceand Wills Lerwiil me; Getan in the road and invitevl him down frmt his horse to take a whipping. Down ha came and the lattle liegan. One of the be ivuldn t finish him ami n CtVilexl his arocnet. Hie result wiis that Georg recetvod the worst ol it. Rich Is Goi.n. IW Brasfield. of the fatuous Seal Rock summer resort, near Yaquina, has discovered a large deposit of black sand rich in gold in front of bis property, also a well defined silver ledge. tie is about to commence extensive mm ing operations and is making the neces sary arrangement at he present time. He is father of Arthur Brasitek), of Salem, one of the leading business men. Salem Statesman. Taxes have lieen loniinginto the sheriff office rather slowly recently; but steadilv The total receipts now amount to about $."i7,000. Those paying $100 or more this week were: A II Marshall, fl iSXi; Linn countv Bank. fl6y.S0; M Bets, T1450: A B Mcllwain. 1430.20; W A Peterson S125.25; hstate A lVnlge. W H Giillifonl. 166.15: 11 B Mover. 1135.81; 1. Maxwell, $11S.S7; D Kroman. 1349.71: Stafforil tt Garrett. $238.28; Stafford, G.vrrett Co, 120.. RttUOIOVI Sekvu ks At tho Kvangeii cal church W R Ulain will couduct the services at 11 a m and 7 :30 r m . Y S P meets i:i r M Sunday school at 0 M tt. All are cordially invited. There will be communion with offering for Home Missiousat the Congregational church to-morrow morning. The even ing serviehes will be the third in the series with Kni'.is'.i hymns writers. Young men ; you are cordially invited to attend the services tomorrow at 4 i- m in the association rooms conducted by Prof W II Lee. There was a large at tendance last Sabbath. Increase it. IhtANK PuisnN. About noon today the eighteen months old son of A I, Lamb got hold of n bottle partly toll Ol witioot 001 chacuni and drunk the poisonous coutents. lie was thrown into convulsions and canx (teal dying. Dr Kllis was called in and brought tht little fellow out, and the pros poets, tire good for his entire recovery. A PoiXTKii.This wtvk a fanner brought 1HX) pounds of dritnl apples to Albany for which ho received the handsome price of cents a pctind, $SS for the lot, a fact th-it Itehoovert farmers to dry their fruit. Mori! and more the mot is impressed on the minds of farmers that if thoy prosper they must raise u diversified lot of products. '1 tte.OM product ertl is p;ist. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s Fab-Highest Medal and Dlplom- In Clacka-rsa county Gordon E Ha yt 1 riinniag on the Republican ticket and Ms lather. If K Hayes, on the Populist ticket. Boy get in drill for the field dav. This will tie a re.l letter day. New members are coming in, everything points to a tug success. J?mes W Ba'l, who has been appoint ed collector of customs at Yaquina, was t one time In the saloon business at Junction -Eugene (iuard. The "New South" Tuesday nij,ht prom ises to be given tht popular reception of the season. TheCrhmer .)avir troup have always ben favorite in Albany. Mr Arch Hammer has purchased the residence property of Mr J Blaln, on Washington street This Is one of the prettiest place in Albany. Considera tion ?bout $3,200. This morning a fire wa dicovered in the room of Mr John Dumond, In the third ward, having caught from a terra cotta flue. Peter Riley and teveral other, formed a bucket brigade, and by prompt action extinguished the flames. Yesterday the contract for printing the tickets for the June election was let l-j the lowest bidder. Mr P J Smiley for $100. It will r. quire from" to 60.000 tickets , which will be of pretty good size. C H Dalrvmple Is making the liveliest canvass of any caudldate for the office of prosecuting attorney The Man about Town predicts that he wi:l receive the smallest vote of the three leading can di dates. Tre Albany Social Club have rented rooms in ihe Baltimore block, where they wili be located hereafter. Their club rocms will be In ;he second story, where they will have a gymnasium with as much apparatus as the times will permit, on the third floor. Free lec'ures in W CT I' ball on Mon day evening. A Knights of Pythias lodge is goon to be organized at Harritbarg. Tbe work of Moving tbe Cusick frame to Ssecond street, waa begun today Dr J L Hill, of this city, wili soeak at a populist picnic next Saturday at Holly. The game of ball was in progress this afternoon betwen tbe O A C and Albany college boy's. ihe Oregon Pacific is exiending its switch to the Red Crown Mills in order to carry away toe products of that mill A practical talk to tbe ladies at the W 1 a 11 Mall at 4 p ji tomorrow. Scb- ject, Moral soaeon and .Medicine in Temperance Work. An Anti Cigarette League baa been lormea in r.rosnsvilie with two com joirs. rii-.y member constitute a company. A splendid thing. In Roseburg the city council and cit izens refused to feed the Coxey army, w hen the captain of the gang produced the cash and purchased 'be necessary groceries to keep the men from starring. About one hundred original pension ana increases have feen granted in Ore Con this year under a democratic admin istration. Ho occasion for a growl on that score. ETerybcsiy in thi section of the state snows Hon J K eatberford. tbe dem ocratic nominee for congress of this dis trict, ue is a inend to everybody and aonid lay Herman in tbe shade' as a congressman. Corral 1 1 New. W Gilford Nash hopes to meet any prons desiring lesson from him on the pianoforte on Wednesday next at Mr Cnrietine Monteith comer 9:h and Ferry street. Mr Naeh is the only teacher of tbe Kracse method lestdins West of Chicago. Complaint is being made to theDemo crat tha: flower have be n stolen from the graves in both the cemeteries. This is the meanest of all vaanialiem. and it is hoped that people in the habit of doing :t will step it without any arrests being made as an example. To show that times are not so hard in Lake ccunty as some might think, we saw several sheep men around town several day before they got enough shearers to do their work. Sbearine ha not gone down a cent, and the price. 8 cents, is the same it baa been for vea-s But the price of wool is still down, and tbe sheep men can't come oat even at t.e prices thev are paying aow. Br.t everybody is buiev in Lake countv. Lake Countv Examiner. SOC.IAL AMD PERSONAL. Mr Ed Port has lessed the Holton House. f Portland. Mrs A K Martin returned home this cvn from a visit with Salem friends. Prank Campbell will eo to K-. -eocre to night, where he has carpec;er w.-k ahead a attend to. IVf Tuelove. of P irtland. a I inner Linn county teacher, came up from : bat city this noon on a vtsit. Mrs Judge Flinn returned this morning from a several weeks trip to San Francisco aud Yreka. Mr and Mrs W C Tweed ale and son re turned this noon from a s-?veral weeks so- ourn at N . . , Bay- Mr an5 Mrs Woolsen. of Bellings. Mon tana an1 in tbe citv. the guests cf their niece. Mrs D P Mason. tiovernor Pennover arrived in this city tiiis noon, and spoke this afternoon to a good site! audience on populism. Miss Hela Gilbert returned on the over land this m iming from a trip to Fresno. Calif. She reports everything nearly burnevl up tor want ot nun. Mr W A Trow leaves Monday for The UtVltet to M absent a month. Kev t t'urtis Of that citv will supply Mr trow t pulpit during hi absence. Col B Allev. the accomplished senator from lne countv. has been in the city Col Allev is editor of the Florence West. md a verv reasonable kind of a repnblican. though a pxr prophet on the recent election in the third judicial distcict or Omo. Mr and Mrs J K Miller arrived here from Albany last week, ami have rented a house with a view of locating. We hope they will lie pleased wi'h our beautiful country and tecome happy and prosperous citizen in our midst. Cottage Grove Echo-Leader PROitvm.Y Hvxc.rv. Some one. prob ably when hungry, or abot to be hungry entered the slaughter house of O B Haiirbt tumr thi citv. htst night. and stole the hind half ofa mutton, a tongue, heart, and suet A mean thing itiose quiet nays. Pcbi.ic Si-KVKtsii. The democratic candidates for state officer will speak at the following time and places : Salem, luesday. May Mb, at . :S0 p m. Albanv. Wednesday. Mav '.1:11,7.30 pni. Lebsnoti Thursdy', May 10th, at 1 p m. Brownsville, Thursday, May 10th. S p m. lUlsey, Friday, May llth, at 1 p m. Ilarrieburg, May 11, at 7 :30 p ni. Corvallis, Thursday Mav 17th, 7:30 p m. A Powerful Flesh Maker. A process that kills tho taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. Scott's Emuisio stands alone in the field of fat foods. It is easy of X assimilation because part-1 S. if s Emulsion cnrk-s Ccti . . . ii . r sumKion ana a;: outer wasting diseases. l'--;4.rvJ l Si-ott X Bownc,Ohmiwt Kew VufkL. Suit! Igr lruaa"tiCa avaryaUate w 1 "As oU u tiv.iiil.H 'an'i ran ex excei- 1. " Tries proven j verdict B O f; go. Better tlor is the nly Isirer 11 1 Ki'llat'V jMrJtfctoe tc wiii -li y o a -:an pu vour f;it!i for a Than c c m A h.xn a d 1 u purely eiavbie, vog nct Pills icg din 7 oa the Liver n d Kid ney-. Try it Soid hr all gffw a i iia,oTia rowle taitaja dry orraade intoa tcrA, Tlie Kintrof Llror Mi Jie jf!. I lui e ii-. la'.o- aiM u kmc of a.l . . 1 uar. 1 ! roc-Simmons Liver Rca - ' : ti'itwly say it is tke t imsllnima I ootsUler it a J ' -if. tint. W. Jct w i-.ti,rittt. Sjr i:VE7'. ?ACKAOf-".l tl e r. Stan,; ta reS n Ml iFaiielist, ff ((fsLYlo do. fowa, write urd-r'date of March 23. ISK1: 3 B Med. Msg Co., Oafor, Oregon. Oe arnvisg k me !aat week, 1 fuardall a ell and anxiously awaiting. Oar IcttS zul. etht and twe-half years old, who bad wa ted away to 3S pounds, is n: w well, strong aad vigcroos, and wtil flesheO op. S. B. Cough Care ha dice its wo.- wc.i. Both of the children like it. Ycir S B. Coogh Core has cared and kept awiy all noaraeoeaa from me. So give it to every ace, with greeting f- all. Witktiig jew peosai; y. we are Yocra, M B 4 Mas J P Fosn. !f joa aiak to ted ucaa aa cicrf a UKt "eaSj m uw sprta-s wort, cfaaia jamr r.M sr. tae Mb aawvasr, . irxr w cr um SS eras pr kRi fcj an arcezwu. te.irtaiawltivfWnatee fey I ACL V.MING. r Hssxssf V wCTTlf 1 pQLuJHpH aaaa - c 15.. ar-1 J. 08 per BottlrC tme cent a dose. where all others taJ. CeucS. Cros;. Sore Throat, Hcarseaesnrwbsojjig Cccffa and Aatt. For Ccnsscptca st his no n'vaft has cred tfcoosar Js. as-i will cxm: TOC if taken in t tae. tsots by Dt uaamt on a gnatr antee. Tor a Lame Ba k cr CVs:. use SHiLOK S BELLADONNA FL-ASTEiTjC CATARRH REMEDY. ave wu c atarrr. Ta:s morsir : teedtsi cure you. i"r.ce- i.' wta. Ldxv.; nlaavm. Orefwa. A- y ArxjKwz Pna. SferOti LaJFTTaL Brs. CLslXI . .. Ugr3. Nana, coorara f ttiMr OLt- r nJ U; um Business ShorahsmL frwimf. 'rwaj ajt? . f ' V J ?ae;.' fef rwataac ta-vaefaoa: tar rwas 81 al aj" aim -laVwa nta Ht rr Wv. Dsaoa r FromTerm nal or I::r;-r Puitts th ll 111 Is the line to take Ts all Points EAST ad SOUTH It la she DISIXCi CAR ROI'TB. It runs Throagh VEST1BI i -ED TRAINS IM Kl D.tvV iu tare Year ta ST. PAUL anti CHICAGO NO CHANGEiOF CARS. f omposrw of Diains Cars I'Dsarpass taliraan "rawins Kcom TOURIST SLEEPIN6 CARS. Bn'.tts" ettbj oi:riic-.e 1 and in wan i i n ni I tvioa- tr D vth ft.e antft- hd fir hllrsif Kim -r 33 I i Uciet. sod ELEGANT DAY COACHES. al liiws, affording Direct an d Uninterrupteii Sarvica. Pullman sleeper reservations ca. i secured lu advance through any agent of tbe road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from 8 Elnts in America Kngland and urope can t purcbaa.vl at uiy ticket etnee of ibis couf pany; Full information concerning rats,tim of trains, routes aud other ie: sits turn iahad ou application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent. No 121 frst St, cor. Washington, Portlaud. tte;on. C G Bu.-kitri. loeal agant. CAVEATS. TDADK MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, I COYHrCHTS. etcJ or tnformattan aed free Handriook write to MI NN CO- SiTBanAUWAW Nsw York. Old bureau for secuniiit pat tits tn America, Bverr patent taken out bj ua is tirmignt Iwtora Uie pu&iio lj a notion given free of cHarge in toe Scientific wnicati aaa1 emmlatlon ef fit scientific paper in tha world. Splaniidlv iUtastrated. No inialliiant man snoiiM be wiiUeus It. WeetiT. S3.( a vaart SU six months. A L.trts. Ml s a CO. tSiaua-uEiu. Ml uxoauw - It cur. aaUl) MU ta& initw n 9 m i! 4 Scientific American I Apeaey tora .'I