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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1894)
Ik gctttoctat. The friends o W L Potter, those who know htm best, recommend him as an emi nently fit man for the office of county com missioner See that you vste for him. Beir in mind that Hon J J Daly is the democ-atic candidate for judge and Hon L Ii MonUnye for district attorney in this judical district. Prof FM Mitchell is making friends dally. His long t xperlenco as a teacher fits him for the office of school sup;rin'endent to which fit will be elected in lune. Ttitr do:s not seem to be any douht ahout the election of Mr E L Brysn for county treasurer. Mr Bryan is a most worthy man, careful, and of the strictest in tegrity he at once b:eomes the fitting man for the office. S O Wallace is a stead, straight forward citizen, a man of sound judgment discrimin ating intellect' qualliie that are necessary to make a gcol assessor. When you vote see that the name of S O Wallace is on your ticket. The last census of India v,as taken v ith marvellous celerity and thoroughness. One million people were employed as census takers, and the huge task was done chiefly on one day, the twenty-$ixth of February. 1891. Mr C K Star.ard is of those pleasent man nered gentleman whom It is always a pleas ure to meet. In addition to this his quali fications for the o.fice are most excellent, Kvery man who oils at the clerk's office during Mr S'anards incumbency will find him pjlite and obliging to every one. The same Is cquvlly true of Riley Shelton, the democratic candidate for recorder. These get Mercian will both receive a large vote. Piof Reld'sMedford speech wag of the fiuest, from an educational standpoint, ever heard in this section. His position In regard ( the office to which he aspires is that of j the trained teacher who has profession and the well-being to the people at heart. His j ability to fill the office is unquestioned, and j his whole heart and soul is devoted to his profession and the progress of the public school system of the state Jacksonville Timrs. A woman in Oaio utlized lite high temper ature of her phthisic si husband for eignt we;kg be'ore hit death, by using him as an incubator for hen's eggs. She took a num ler of egs anl, werpping each one in ton bitting, laiJ them almgMle the body of her husban I in the bed, he bei 'g unable to resist or move a limb, Fifty was the num ber of egg; first use I as an experiment, and aft:r throe weeks she was rewarded with forty six living young chickjns. Neleon frume, J M rhil(X)t,and J J Whit ney are all watchful and frugal men and may he depen ted upon to vote against such ex'ravagint and v'.cious legislation as passed two ycara ago. On the mortgage tax law question tt.ey are heart anl soul wi h the people of Linn county and there need be no fear tnatjoe Simon or anv other Portland boss can bi'd them by any caucna pledges. Vote for thee men and you wil! I.ave done firhfu' duty. Char les Xicke'.l. the democratic candi date for secretary of state, has many frienJ in Benton and Lincoln counties who will stand by him on election day. He is a man of tbe people, he is an able champion of their righU, bis record in the legislature in opposing bitterly the repeal of the mortgage tax law and the law per mitting deductions of indebtedness and resisting extravagant appropriaffons, ia one that tbe people; by their suffrages should hold up as worthy of emulation. Corvallis Times. Jimmy Weatfcerford ha a firm hold on Ibe frii-cdship of many a Benton county citizen, and many a good republican wi:l vote fur him, from motives of patriotism. and a decire to boost our own Oregon boys to the front. ! v. . born in Missouri but came to Oregon in childhood, and while yet a stripling to Corval ii anl grad uated from 'be Dragon Agricultural Col lege Thus, he is one of as, our neighbor and onr friend, and guided by a record in the state legislature that is apotle-s, we know that if we call hm up higber, our interest will be guarded as no other rep resentative w'll guar I them He baa ability, he has address, he is honest, be is pre em inently qualified to be our congressman, and Ben'on county owes it to hereelf and her gre-it educational institution to lay aside 1 debound partisanship, and give him a lousing boost on his way to Wash ington Corval III Times. There are many reasons wny the people of Oregon should elect Hon A S Bennett asf-ocia'e justice. Tbe supreme court should be composed of th; ablest lawyers of the state, and Judge Bennett is recognized as one cf the brainiest mn in tbe legal fra ternity in Oregon. We shocld bave on tbe Bu-reme bench men whoae in'egrity and honi'sty cannot be questioned. Judge Bennett's repu'ation can be picked thread bare, and pot a dishonest act can be found Our court should be composed of men who are not tools of corporations and rai:road companies, urn who bave stood up for the righ's of tbe people against tbe gHndfrg oppression of r ilrwd companies as Las .lodge Bennett. Besides, Kastern Oregon should have a representative on the su preme tench n estern Oregon ba always had the judg"s; now let Eastern Oregon have a repre entative on tb. bench. Salem Dime era' . What wonder that with all tbe traditions and superstitions connected witn the egg. that this cuslo'n ws e ntinted. even had it not been an appropriate emblem of the Resurrection. The early CtfiiaVM con tir.ued 'his practice, and colored the eggs red to syn.boljzf! the blood of their re demption. Ht Augustine recogr.iz.-d tbe egg as a t.. pe of hope. Marble eg have been four d in the tombs of saints and martyrs. The contrast between the cold, lifeless etg and the warm, downy chicken, full of li'e and -i;otion. n.ay well have ninle the former an etnb'em of live endless life of ibe soul I'll . 1 M t 1 .., republican sta'e treasurer, and can;iilate fur reelection, had a '.arge am ion "f aaooer la ne of 1 lie i'oriland banks th t failed Ins )?ar. Stale warrants hau to be iuduiceit 'not paid fr wtnl of funds.'' N iw, why is not the Herald In M. -. Median firle'ng in wi Ii Wat rrpubfieaa hank ringm Port laud. That Ii.ip-;r Is no' now da'noting in tic olbe of state tr usur-r liaeit i for the office at lnriff I" I-"in coJn y, notwithstanding the Case Is naucb stioncirr against Meti ban than against Mr Jaclcscn foi the reason that at the ' ime of the suspension of the Portland bank Metc'jan had inoniy depo-dted therein, bi't at the limn of .he BUspnlon of the Lnin (0n'y bank J.rkuj-i had n it a d'i!jr de ptnt'ed there 1 hf is why. e ask agalr, il lea tl e nut Herald demand a change in Ihe office of the state treasurer, we pause for the Heiald lo rply. Aiding Mr Jackson. Linn county warrants are still htamped "not paid for want of funds," nnd the county is still paying interest on these warrants. This happens simply because tho sheriff and treasurer, who handled the county's money, stood in with the ring that has run tho democratic offices in Linn county so long. The people will demand a change ia June next. Herald Let facts be submitted to people who pre fer the truth to falsehood. Prior to tho suspension of the Linn county bank, M Jackson had been depositing taxes collected in that and the First National bank. Many of the b:st business men of the town and farmers and others were depositing in the Linn county bank. All did so because it was deemed safe. About two weeks prior lo the suspension Sheriff Jackson drew all the county money he had deposited in both banks, in the Linn county bank about $8000 and the First National bank about (C.OOO, and turned it over to the county treasurer. All the county's money in the Linn county bank at the time of the sus pension was in the custody of the county treasurer, who, like all others who did business at that bank, believed it safe there. Does not the Herald know that Mr Jackson and nu bondsmen were respon sible for every dollar of county money d9 posited there? The county has never lost a cent by Jackson depositing taxes there for he took it all out before the crash came. Neither does the county pay a cent of in terest on account of anything he sheriff has done. These are the plain, uAvarcUhed facts and no one can deny ttietn. This kind of warfare upon Mr Jackson only shows the desperate straits to which the Herald is reduced in its attempt to prevent the election of Mr Jackson. Such a course will only rebound and injure Mr McFeron, the man in whose interest these attacks are made. The Herald may not know it but this contemptible, petty warfare upou Mr Jackson simply disgusts the better class of republicans and many a one is hoard de nouncing that paper for its unmanly course. Its unjust attacks only makes th election of Mr Jackson more certain. It did him a great service two years ago and is repeating its efforts again- That Paper Mill. EJiion Democrat : The Hon R Q Horr who addressed the citizens of Albany at the opera bouse on the night of the 16th inst knows well bow to please an audience. The republicans were, of course, delight ed to listen to so distinguished a champion of the cause of protection, and heartily ap proved of all he said and applauied iris speech from beginning to end. The dem ocrats had to laugh at bis jokes and even the populists couldnot refrain from audible I smiles. Now, we know to our republican friends it seems like a great piece of pre sumption to attempt to criticise so eminent an authority on the tariff. "He makes every thing so p'ain his arguments ar unanswerable," they say. We wish to call attention to what seems like, rather a grave inconsistency or defect n bis unanswerable argument. We refer to 'he big paper mil! in New Jersey. He uses it to illustrate tbe great benefits iba arise from protection. Now this paper mill b a grand enteriise. I gives employment to seven hundred people, and it actually in ikes paper and se' Is it in New York city cheaper than it can be Fold in Great Britain. It would seem that tLis factory needed no protection, yet there is a high tariff on paper. Now there are many just such factories in the t'ni'ed States making not only paper but other thing,. But he selected this one as a fair sample of our protected industries. Now hat we want to know is; would if make any difference to those operating this mill if the tariff was increased or lowered on paper? They are already selling i( cheaper than it can be so'd anywhere else in tbe world. Mr Horr did not ay whether or not thi particular factory shut down when the democrats in congress commenced to tinker with tbe tariff. We are to infer though that it did. that teven hundred ''dinner pails were hung up on the wa'l. " He ci'ed this industry as a fair samp'e of those that are p-otected by a tariff. We would like to have !'. explained why threatened ta'iff legis'ation would stop the wheels of such an industry as this The democrats In congress might tinker and tinker with tbe tariff till 'be crack of doom and it would n 't affect the price of paper made by this mill. We think the illustration is an unfortunate one. a veri table boomerang, and dingerou? yocates of high protection to use for ad- M. Disavow It. The Pendlr:on Tribune, in an editorial concerning the order o( Od 1 Fe'low whuh recently he'd its grand lodge session In that city, said: It is s.11'. ih'tln the American States Odd Fellowship exe-c!,es considerate in fluence.'' Tnis it as unjust as it ' untiu;. Odd Fellowship, as an orde'. has no afliiiation whatever with ihe classifications or divisions of human society whether poliiical or re ligious, This is the cardinal tenet upon which the whole s irperdructure uf Odd Fellowship rests, Pditical, religious ur Other Isaproperdcb t: is strictly prohibited. Republicans, demnra's, prohlhi ionitts, and those of a.l porjrtcJ creeds.whet worthy, may gain r-r; n -.i,. in t e order. No -a:r -. or c impromise of one' , . It;c-1 Or religious belief is r quired atacondilitn of membership. No change of jie, tion to the state is dtmanded. On the con trary, no man can become an Od Fcl ow in spirit ana ia tiuth unless he Is gratfilto lits Cieator, faithful to I U country and fraternal to his fellow man. Nothing in hbtory, standard encyclopedias, or in the daily coDdu.t of the order or its members, can jusiify t'i: unca'le I for atticn of the Tribune, and to be fair towards a large and influential da .s of citizens of the country it can pursue but one course and that would be to as openly disa - ow Its statement abave a it made it. lis attack was without ex cuse or lesson, f.-:! it make the amende honorable. Am! stiil n ) NMlHat have the c jurage to rise up and deny that the n-jjiulist 'tale con vention throug'i Its coumi tee on platform rejected a tarirl reform plank thus refusing t3 even recognize the la :t,inat tinge who organized the party In ilns.s'.ate secured most of the new member of ihe party through pledg-.'K o! r.cver ding opposition to tin doctrine of u tiili UrilT. Th.'trutM Ii th- ea l rs ol party have proven f.i Ire to he run'i and file on that euhject. Canada ha- one million miles of unex plored territory. Hie re aie 178o seprrate railroad compa nies In the Uni'ed Stales. I-i,ii,1. Farrcll is a buny oa.l He says h will have a big job "sitting" on the coils- es of defeated candidates in June Young Americans love independence hence let lliein sleep nilpeiideHllv in one of 'hose woven wire critl for sale ly the Albany Furniture Co. Ur. Price's Cream BnKtng; Powder Party Years tlte UmaOntt, Washington Letter. From cur r'itular Corresponilsiit. Washlaglon, May 11, iSo4 Is half a loaf belter than no bread? That is the question that confronts the demo crats who do not liks many Ol the numerous amendments to the Wilson tarltl 1)111 which have been submitted to the eena'e. It is not whst tort of a bill that you, or L, or any other Individual democrat wants, but what sort of a bill can et 43 votes in tne senate. Senator Mills hid the right idea when he said that he should vote ag..inst such of these amendments as he was on principle opposed to. but that he would, whether they wivo adopted or not, vote (or the bill as whole, because It will be an Improvement on the McKinley law. It will be a very decided Improvement on the McKinley law. Even If every amendment proposed by the democratic members of Ihe Finance committee shcul I be adopted with out modification the average reduction in tariff dutirs wou'd exceed at percent, and there are good reasons for i he belief that modification of these amendments will in - crease th.- average r due! ion to somewhere in the neighborhood of Jo per cent. Then, when the bill goes to a conference com mittee after i.s passage by the senate, further reductions are certain to be made. Thus it will be seen tint tne bill will be a very practical reform of the tariff, and, a such, It deserves and shou d receive the vote of every democratic senator, regardless of whether ll meets his Individual idea of what it ought to be or not, and after mk tng a careful canva-.s of them I predict that U will, when put upon its final passage, re- ceive the vote of every democratic enator. ! Senator Hill will vote against the income tax and some of the proposed amendments, but I a-o sati.-tied that lie will af erwards vote for the entire bill, although I am, at ! presto', in the minority by ttius ihinkiog. The house Judiciary c .tnmittee ha favorably reported Representative. 1 Ar-! mond'sbill providing that no judge of a U S court hall punish any cltiz-n or ctficer for being in contempt for refusal to levy tax or collect a tax for the payment of j any bond issue by t.e municipality.; county, or s-te, where the levying of j such tax or collection is contrary to the laws of the state. The derr.oc iat on the , committee saw nol'.d?g in the bill heond a wise prevention of the punihment ol citizens for obeying the laws of their own 1 States, but the republicans prompllv tro'ted 1 out from the darkest cav-rn of .Iheir: imagination the s'ate rights twglc j and pro;eeleJ to give tneais:'.ve a s-are The Houte committee on Lab"r has made j ' tu"ul" , 'passed: 'Vie, aleo, reccon.nend ll.a' a favorable report 00 ch.irman MtOam , l(ie councii a reeolution uaanimous resolu'ion for the appointment of a select : y agreeing to use their influence in se remittee to be composed ol four Kcpresen latives and tbrce Senators, to investigate the industiial depression an 1 ni'ke a report to Congress within 30 days, if possible giving thi ca-se and suggesting a legislative rem edy. Csxey ' loaf, r, of Washington by much agains' th: Bladensurg Md, have driven out the health otScers mi wishes of the pe . pie of tile miles from th re. they have encaaijeJ in 'he village.and say Ihey iaterd Lfaaj 1 of trial 11. jimng there until their r. amber h-s ir.c-ea-el sufficient. Iy to enib'e them to come ir t Washington and again try to bull doze Congress. Hut 'here aie several excellent reasons w by they will find ii d.tfkuii t rema n mere. 1 lieir rations have been ant f r SO tne days and the Maryland people say Ihey will not give ihem anything, and iome jf ihcm even re fuse to sell them anything. Additional evi dencJ given ot fie ct aracte- of thase men when the agen. cf a railroad went to the camp and efferru to cive regular em- , p'ojmerl to joo ol them Not a single one of them a-xepted work Tno argument for a new trial lor Covey and has two .-- -,-. who wert recenfy convicted for breaking the !iw will be heard 'cnicircw. There Is very Ir.Ce pn liability , f I ir gtttir.r, a new trial, ani no more cf :he;r te:ng a. lowed to pose i mart! r. The law unJer which they weir ctr vie'ed , iovides for fine or im prisonment erbolh in the oiscrtCon of the judge. Tte espectaton ol tliose who are in poeiticn to giiet m .cm? idea of what wid te done is tha' tte judge will ten them io nctor.'ani e w ith the law, giv ingthem ihelull penalty, ar. . tin suspend the execution of the "tt-'ence curintbrir good behavior. Washington is g irg Umsajn an o d lash iacel -::..i..: , care. It has been on for neatly a week and tbe arrival of a negro ' from Cnicago, on Sa'uiday, with the disease ful'.y developed, tas agur-vatrd It, and the docto-s are reaning a harvest. No appointments, cxce; t t os. of fjit- manships, are to be made b. f'uo.'c Printer Bened.ct unfl he has reduced the force which he f jund ne-S'ly twice as arge a it ought to be, l'ri.-i lent Cievclan J baaajeM iun the Potomac lor a few cays sal water ftshttg and receaion. A cone -pendent asks who the editor of tbe Popu it it. l)j n - that it hat any coi'or.; No steru willing to fathe the matter in i s column-. Some weeks ago when that paj-ei was making its dirty at tack upan the senior -ditor of the Demo crat . ,f fiis city, and a thoioujh gen'Uman, aaaurtd Ihe editor of the Demo crat, tl..-' rotwitl staling he had written some art e tn the I opuiist. he was not the aa ho,- of their a. tack anl would wiite no more f r tne pap'-r un d is tne nag-is decide 1 t-j puisuea mere icc-nt course. Since tli'ii we have not ten infotmci as to who the editor i. We believe no name appears in it columns a to ill owner or eddor. rbe beast facia ries ol piotectioi. have a keen peiceptlon of '.be vulue of pio ectior- ism lo tbem The! hav- been tryirigto bribe Sinator Haulm an.1 Smator Kyle. The former is a minicratic enator from Virginia and the latter a populist from South Dakota. The ag- it selecle I by these protected pets ol the evernuaent to nego tiate th-; trade wi h ilunt 'nani Kyle was C W Uutts a carpetbag nv-m er of congress from South Caiolina in recoustrint'on tim---. Keloid Kjle he would give him 825,000 to v nc against Ihe VVilaon bill and that if that were not noJgn he C0"IJ have almost aiy sum lie would njir.e up 'o $75 - 000. Mercenary wurk I the only mean to stay t' tied against pio'ectionism . What do teputilicmi rt crank and lib hink 1 f this rchc ne. r"i om nearly all par f in- .ountv come the chening news t lis' the democratic pre cinct Comssiltie are -v de a aUc- aiul up anil doing. The lliSKMU'l S 1 driirnuntd to make the figb of Iheil lit , il nee. siry to win. Lettfvesy dctsocrat liomtue in, e until the eveaing nl Moadav .lune 40 I llmr with that ze!, energy, u-nl e irnestness orthv of (In; cause wlilc'i Ihey bo much desire lo see bik cc- d. I'ne di ni'icrutic county eossmlttee expects every injn to do his duty, If ihev do v i.lo-y will crown tlieir effoit-. vVooi) Sawinii. The undcrsigni d I prepared l do wood eawing, hud split ting and piling if desired, on terms to suit tbe times. I-euve orders at tbe feed store of K M Kobertson one door east of the Democrat office . (I B Acheion. MISFITS. We're reminded of old top And his fable of the bat, By "Pennoyer, the top sawyer With the sawdust on his hat Fx. Wallu Walla is scandalized by what tin official inspection of the Chinese quarters shows in the way of lilth and .iialoi. Some energetic cleaning will likely speedily ensue. In one of the worst places, infested with vermin, decaying animal and vegeta ble matter, sat a rnite woman, at home and contented, with her opium pipe and de praved companions. People and politicians may well read an article in the Chautuiiquan by Lawrence Irwcll on " what causes the depression of trade. He says, "it is not 'over produc tion' but over consumption, which has caused tho financial stringency- That is to say, the consumption has bean beyond the power of tho peoplo to pay f r. and as a consequence thore are huge burdens of debt all catling for the payment of heavy interest from which nothing conies l a. k to the person paying. Then hare been also large amounts expended in luxuries by persons who produce nothing, consequently nothing left behind. there t- These are great days. A Portland paper opposes one man because lie wears creased troweere, and dec ares it will not in-erease his chances for election. A fnion SOanty man started for the midwinter fair; but only got as far as Portland, where he invested all bis money in a different kind of sight seeing. Moral. Never go the midwinter fair via Portland A big republican sack has been re ceived in Portland from Washington in order to prove to the wi rid bv the coin- 8on,ible or ,)ar(1 tiln tha, the Deop! are afraid 0 the Wilson bill. etc. Verily politics are rotten,! While at Stanford I ntveraity, some students stole about .K) wortli of r. president Harrison's wine and cigars. It paused a tremendous row Instead of standing the cost-they cost him nothing) like a man, he accepted pay for the things, so warm did the Professor make it for the students. Th i a Is a fact anl not politics. Senator Wui Stewart w as to be in Al- bany tonight; hut, alas, tie will not be in Oregon at all. An exchange intimates that the reason is probably a lack of 1 silver and gold tor the occasion. Hv the way what has become of Ignatins lon ; nelley, McKinley and several other bl: bug mtn who were to awaken the Ore gon welkin with their eloquence Only one poor old ches'nu' has appeared, a tiorr-ible nightmare Salem is gradually being plastered with debts teeide which Albany's la en tirely in the shad. At the last meet- curing the paseage of a bill through our next legislature to amend our city char ter, giving the city council power to bond the cilv for the nteessary amount to complete the city ball." The sieamer Kugene which left llar risburg for Kugene had a bard trip up A Kugene paper says: "She is heavily loaded. The business men of Kugene and the board of trade should meet at once and demand the build. ng of wing dams by the govern ment. With this improvement the boat could run heie until late in in the summer. Now is tbe time 10 act in Ibe ma'tr. The river is 3 feet and 7 inches above low water me; a What about Hermann's rier appro priation now ? bat has that old barn- 1 lDg olBI, io congreae for the last lew years. It appears that the time hat come for a change. Salem Independent. I'uWic Spciikmg. Tl.e detDorralic candidates of Linn coun ty will speak on the political issue of the dav at the following time- and plane-: Svracu .Mav 1. al l'Ja m . " Is. at 2pm . " 1. at 1pm " &, at 1pm ' '2. al 1 p m " A at 1 p m " '.M. at 10 a in ' it. at 2 p m ' 2-". at 10 a 111 ii. at '.' p m '.V. at 1pm '' i". at :' p m -"J. a 1 pn, " :. at 10 a in 1 angwnt . . . . . SheeVd Harri.-burg . . . Halsey Brownsville . . I'rawfonlsville Sweet Home . Waterloo Soilaville LenaaMal . ... Rock Creek. Lyons Jordan Shelburn .Scio. Sant iam AHwuiy ti. al J p in Jnne I, at Junr 2. at I p m t p m 1 .1 m tponng candidates i - iue-teil to be pre-enl ui . tl:ediscusion. E K DATs. CTiainnan County Central Comtiiitt e. IIX) W WalMlasl, Secre'ary. Tired, Weak. Ncrvni. Mean impure blood, and overwork or tco ; much (train on brain and body. The only way to cure is to fred t.i feed Ihe : nerves on pore Mood. Thousands cf ' peop'.e rt it v l hat the hest blood purifier, , the best nerve ton:c and s-reng'b builder Is Hood Sarsanaril a Waat R ha done ! for others Ii will al-o do for you . Ilood'i Cures. Nervousne, loss of sltep. loss of ap ; petite and general deb'llty all ditappeai when Hood's SarsapariMa is persistently I 'aket-, and strong nerve, sweet sleep, strong body, sharp appetite, and In a word. i j health and follow trwj use of ; r Hood's Sarsapaitila ' 1 tie strong point about Mood s Sarsa- , r, . fiwTsaww.nBwiieiH in the Dssrnyi ir.ey nan irom tne oua lounaation 01 , 1 aix:u anu uiihju When JU.hy waa sick, we wve her Caatorla. When she waa a Child, she cried for Cvtorta. When she !---an.-- Mim, slie clung to t'ainorl . When abe liad Children, 'ie gave them CaMCorta. Both ilie method and resulta Syrup of Figg ia taken; It is plcj and refrcsliing to tbe tate, and fenily yet promptly on tbo Kid aver and Bowels, clcavses the tem effectually, dispels colds, lit aches and fevers and cures habitual c instillation. Syrup of Fifjs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable Bubetaaccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it tho mofit pi pular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c a id 81 bottles by all leadisg drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FRANOI800, CAL lownviiu. nr. new rtM. n r. II II Breckinridge. NAsnvn.i.K, Tenn, May 22. The reso lution bearing on the Breckinridge case was reported back to the Presbyterian general assembly today by tho committee on bills ar.d overtures, to which it was re ferred yesterday, and after a brief discus sion pasted without opposition. The reao lution nukes no direct reference to Colonel Breckinridge, but Is a pronounced declara tion for tturity in the lives of church mem bers, and expresses com'emnation of those who do violence to the seventh command- merit. a Hon ol lev I U Driver S. uamknto, May 22. The Hee rays the sudden departure of a popular min ister with about $1000 of borrowed money in his pockets, the desertion of hi wife and several children and the simultaneous disappearance of an attractive widow, form the scandal which is raging in the foothill town of Placerville. About eight months ago Her a M Driver arrived ami took the pastorate of the Methodist KpU copal church there. A Live ..nil -I Loi BLOCKS, Nev, May 22. Two hun dred industrials, aceomiianied l.v a brass band, missed here toduv bound lor Wash ington, doe uundred tramps were on the train with tbem. At Desert station the tramps demanded rations from the to-r.-uiissary department of the army, and a pitched battle ensued, with c'ubs and rocks as weapons. Before any serious harm was done, the trainmen paciued the factions Big Lasses. Willi AusroBT, Pa, May 22. The total losses here, as estimated by conservative men, are eou00,000. This includes $1, 500,000 on logs, $250,000 on sawed lumber, and the balance on property throughout the city. Mayor KHiott has called a public meeting ir tomorrow to tae action look tng to the ctre of the homeless, l'robably uuouse along tue river iront wen; render- ed uninhabitable A mcaio Biol Ciiicauo. May '-.'. Three hundred men, armed with coupling plus and revolvers. ; marched upon the dock of the Western 1 Transit Company tonight, where a gang was at work, employed by O'Connor & Co. ! of Buffalo, N Y. Joe Widiams, one ot I O'Connor's men, was ibot through the ear. and a number of others were badly beaten. Tbe police stopped the riot just in time 'o save samebody from being killed. OarMaV 'llf Elreli.a. ColivAi.i.1-. Or, Mav 'Jl . -State politic have o overshadowed everything that the c:ty election passed c-ff bee today with 1 Utile or no excitement. A councilman was elected in each war.l. They were Thomas Samuel-. Jame It Smilh and W T I'eet. llsarac, far sinewy Si-GkANU, May '21 One hundred and twen'y Unite! l'resbyteriaa ministers, en route to the general conference, at Albany. Or. stopped off in Spokane today, and were shown be sights of the city. The spet lal train left at J o'clock for Seattle A side trip will be made to Olympia on the wav to 1'ortlan J. -Irlrkrw will, ipawlrxy. OotTAM Oltova. Or. May '21. Mr 0 P Adams a found Wing on the Boor in her millinery ore today unconscious A doctor was immediately summoned, and said he was suffering from a n-rious stroke of ajoplexy. mbm keaa Mairli MmrnuUL, vje. May -Jl Theadjourn - eu championship cbe-s match between ijjdier and Steini'i was resumed this after MOB. Steinitz' 51st move, which was anale4 Saturday night, was Kilt. Iak.-r. rea-iung that his position wnon untenable, t once returned The sct-re now rtan-j.. Loaker, 9 Stemitx. j: draw. .:. A Talal rirr. 2 M Mixtivn i.e. May '-2. lie residencf of M ."hatiden. one of the oldest and rr.ol re,c'ed citizena in the community, was burned at midnight- Mrs Shadden's 10 jear-oid daughter rrisLed in the tiames. and Mr Snacden's youngest on. a boy of S. received latal injuries. Mrs Martha Shadden. ? year of age. and a pioneer of 1st.', and her b-'ind son Riley were taken from l tie horning bui ding naked. It is feared tlie aged woman will not survive tbe shock. Mr and Mrs Shadden Uareiy escaped with their lira. It was tbe most born be holocaust ever known in this see -Coo of the state, and the town is almost in a frenzy of excitement The burned buji.l ing was a large frame structure, sitaated near Ibe center of the cry. and was said to U tbe first residence erected in McMmn rille SSreiarw I eialatlwwarj PUntVOa Col, May 21. tioverncr Wite. m an address tonight, classed representative island, whom be c airr sold out silver in l!7'. with VoorCees and Carlisle in their surrender 10 the fuet of si.ver. He advocated coining Mexican dollars, to be used a legal tender in Colo rado. He expressed the .. 'pe tnat tbe ballot would soon e ertfc.-- w .the doniiaa Hon of Wa'l street, but if the ballot were not successful, the man wuo would no', bare his breast to bullets was no, a man. Adjutant tieneral Ta'sney made a few re marks, and said that un ess souethtrg was done, the blood spilled when Coxey I aaesi w.-re clubbed at asmngton would be the nt in a new revolution. It I weds. WiMjAMsroRT. l'a. May :'-). 'Vith the , borro't of Ibe disas-rcus Hood of '., which spread death and destruction throughout , thi valley, brought back to memory by , the threateneil danger cf a swoop of water that promise lo be as gat a that of five years ago, the people oi this nty and throughout tbe west branch of the valley ) are in a state of panic that has turned tbe j usually 'uiet Sunday into one of n-i uik 1 able excitement. Since Kriday Bight a ' steady and almost continuous lownptwi of I rain has been swelling all ihe stream-. a Ills Trnrklsti I Ei.i.wooD, Ind, May 20 During the i heavy cycione ib" nlber dav two hogs and a fal gouse, belonging to Sam W wore b0WU ronl nU unvard. in ainscott, j were blown rroui bis uarnvar.i. 111 1 eona. 1 II- Thee very pig and the co mpanion tbe barn i ard M 1 J Hanoock. nrar thi city, where they re they were orappcabj the cyclone whici swept over this city at tbat lime. And the next morn ing Ihey w.-re a lively as uual, having uttered little during their - erilous trip of VXiT mika through the air. Mr Hancock wro'e to Mr vt uinsc-ott, asking for a de- scriotinn of tbe missino- i-ias and arouse. ! an.1 it la He exactly with 'hat ot the ani 1 . in i ,i ,iT f ,1 : I mals in Mr Hancock's possessun rise rrxsoerls. SroKANK, May lW. The Iteview lias p-ctal ci op reports from "20 correspond ents. l'tec cover ibe Paaoaea, ltig Baa . I'otiacb, ColviHe. Walla Walla and Yakima sections, and forursl the greatest crop ever harvested There is not an nfaejrabte report in tbe lot. (Irani icreaitc Is fully up to previous years, and ihe prospects were never better for an abuudnnt yield. The acreage of orchards and bops has been grt ally increased. Plowing is pructically tinMied, nnd seeding is ni"e tentln com pleted. The fruit crop will be eirrmous. f eversl CsoteyMea. IIki.ena, May 'JO. All ibe Coxey lies cap lured at I'orsytbc by tbe military have ap peared before Federal Judge Knowk 1, as previously sta'ed. Korty three, including ibe leaders, were sent to the county jail for from ill) days to six months, and the others will be liberated on their promise not to interfere with Northern Pkeitc trains, rhoce liberated number about IM0. rermaarnt Oraanlmllun, - 1eh Moinks, May 20 A scheme i. on foot to perpetuate Ibe commonweal move tnent. 4 meeting of the leiuftn wi I Im held in Dch Moines 10 formulati; an asio ciation. Tbe Kelly army met in the Trades Assembly hall thin evening, and many la boring men signed an agreement to j -i" tho contemplated association. Within two or three days a call will be issued for a national convention. It is said General W cater will be connected with the move ment. A New I'rlnrlpal. K1XKH8BUROH, May 20. Tbe normal trustees have employed P A Get I priii cipiil of ihe state normal school lino for the ensuing yer. lie is ut present pro fessor of theory and practice Of teaching at ibe normal stthool, at Monmonth, r. Sen tho Mi Imjirovel Singer s-wmg m en na. Tin N t ia alway the uhesiiest. VV S iw Ion, aont. O.liie a: K M trench ewelry store hl.iloh'a Cure, tn "real cough and uroup ury, ia for aaie by ua, Pooket aie onoUina eaty-tive doses,oaly 25e. Children lave it othty & Maanu. ! vTOatHl UNMDEBINU Will & Stalk, 1' uwelers If you want a Hne'amoV.r call for Josephj white labor cigar. The hesi'rnaat nnffee in the -ity at Coniad rdoyrr t. DON'T LISTEN to the dealer who is bent on bigger profits. The thing that ha want you to buy, when you ak for Doctor Pieroe'a Favorito l'reucr i ption, isttt " just as goo-1." l'roof of this is easy. The only guaranteed remedy for the ailments of wo manhood is the " Favorite Prescrip tion." If it ever fails to benefit or cure, in making weak women strong or Buffering women well, you have your money back. Anything "just u good," or as sure to bring hPlp, could be, and would be, sold in just that way. Thia guaranteed medicine is an I invigorating, restorative tonic, es pecially adapted to woman needs and perfectly harmless in any con dition of her sy st em it builds up, strengthens), regu lates, and cures, i For periodical pains, bearing-down sensations, ulceration, inflammation ' everything that's known as a "female complaint, it s a remedy that's safe, certain, and proved. Everything catarrhal in its nature, Catarrh itself, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh, are per fectly aiul permanently cured by Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy. 2s o matter how bad your ease or of how lonr Handing, you can be cured. SHERIFFS SAL?. Milton Hale, v TLe IWn'i of OreijoD, J V Thompson a assizors cf the gon. lla ntiff. Rial 1 sod W 8 Bank ol O.-e-I Irft t danta . N-tice ia hereby givn that by virtue o. an execution and order nfaaleduty maus out of the above named court in the ah -. - nut ltd suit to me directed and . . r. I will on Saturday tie 1- th day of -lone, l"'.i4. at Ihe frout door of Ihe Court ffssas in the city ot Albany, I j-n Coooty. C).-egoo, at the h ur of I 'sack pmol a-. ' day, sell at public .uctuo for c,h in hand t: tbe blgheol bidder lie rea prof erty deecribnl in said execution and Order .. sale a fol io, towil: Braioning at a p"int on tb north besnaWy line f lot Ihrfe (3 in Murk 010 I'.' in the city of , . .: I. ion I'oanty, Oregun, sit fct weaterly fron tbe lotth -aat corner cf said 1 ,1 three 3) and runnma theoce westerly "n the notlh tine of sa.d ' lot twenty-foor '24 (t and tn inceea hence southerly and paraJlti with tbe rut- 1 era h.-undary o sail lot oc hurdre-i feet ! more to Ihe north hr.e c f the alley 10 said I.SoeS;lhenc rwit-rly on -aid lice 24 fee; and ten r.che. then u--th'riv to th place o' begmnina,- The prrcteda ariuog from said sale to be aprdicl a in aaid ne co:i 11 direeti wa fell: First lo the pay meat si !he cost ot a ,d cp o aa d ex: lu.iis sod expeotea of Bale and the ragfaasj esata ef snit taz4 at CSS.M , and the for- th.r turn of 31 55, the cca: a and - 1 ; eose u; on the former extcut - and 'o - pj -n-eot of Ihe attrrt..;. f,in lie sum e.f S2jO: seoood, othe pavmest Ihe iroort due to ihe plain-iff heirir, from t.-e Datl cf Oregon and J W B'.m t.w t: 'he' rum af f!9SS.ff aed interest tWrxit flea tbe 2iddv af Novir bar. at Ihe rate of 10 r ceot ,r annum. ar,d to tne pas men' n in an-oant due to the sasd p.aawtitT 'rcrr the Rank c.f Orestco alone, tow;t: tte turn of $f.25u.S.1 with inter; therein from the 2id day of Novemtev , Kd, at the rsle ot 10 rer ei t ter ancum and tbe. inlaw H acr,wi:i be over to the dtfecdant.the r.iDieturenrin :. -.-.:. Ietaw thia 9tB day ef Mav. UN, C C fa, ksou, Shetiff. f Ijno iVuBtj O-tg ic Ky I) 5 Smith Deputy. SHERIFFS SALE: tie CaVratal tor fi for tit rswnaty af.i. S.'ttr ol Orrge fc E I'pni'Ter. L H Iwsell ar.. .1 it Iltitkmsn cr art ner d- ing t-jlnea under Ibe firm awySM and .tyt f tho liarriebjrg I. winter Company. 1'aiitiff vs Kuger.e Bashtw If ndtut. Nolle-ei eretiv g rn that nv virtu of an ex-til"nfi and crder of wa'e dutr iued out cf .heal) iv court in the aU.veenti t ei arti -n to me d rerted and do ivere 1, I w;ll on Ss:urdt th lh dav ol June. Is VI a: the front dsnr of the I'niitt House 10 the c ty of Albsnr, Linn Count, lire con .at tha hour of f o tock p an of asid dav se i at public atlc:i..n, for cash in hand u the highest bidder, alt the lijht. title and jn-ersi of the defendant to the real pr.-perty !ecri e I in aaid exe"ntion and or-ler of ssjaj ax fo'-lcww. to It: I.l No 4 ofllie llsrnsburg l,tn I C impt-iy land Mirvevtd snd platleit from their Fuller tract in Linn C mntv, Oregvn. Ire same h vi-'gleen dulv altaohed bv me in ea.d tstl n on the 2nd dsv t f February . 9ll. The prooe .Is arislnc from aaid aa e s bs) nasp'asd to Ite satisfaction ol said execution and ths c-c sts and of raid sale. I'aied tlii 3tk day of May, !Sf 0 C JarKsox. S!ie:iiT of I.ian Counir, Ore. Notice U. -4. Li for l .. Or e Purtication , tlKS.; OB Ctrv, Ma, Tih. 181. Timber l-end, Ao for pat licit. cm J UM 3. IS7S. Xctic- Notice i ssysba mven that ISH.Ihll.KAl ..Ik :), ,i.m. ,,( tl. ,-i ,,f 1 yaBatrsss f Jam- i. 1-;-. entitied "An art f.-r theisi,. ,.f 1111 lli- latrs of 1 taliftamaa (lr.w. V... ...u 'd.Whirwi..riT..rrit..r3r.-' as. iifaaJii t all site a-sDiie ayaoa rrtnna a sol t Auc-ivt a. i! t ar.. - It Hairy Btps, t Ailiany. ottstv of l.inn. State d ISrosnn. has this nay sasa in tin- ufflrc his "worn stslement N-. dew, for the narchsse of the 8 K l .f No X. in T"mhi N.. I S. Ihinir'fi Hast, nnd will offer rof ttt snow that the land Mmjrht is morn vnluahlc for ila timber or M,,nt- liian for Aarrictillural pitrtMe, nnd ks establish hi rlnim to mid hind before ihe lltvi-t.-r niul Bsesivet of this oth,-.. nt tlnvn t'liy, Oregon, on Fn.Ujr. I tin- Iwh .Isv of Vu awst, MM. Be aaaaea t. w -,t:i. K I, Ihdme.". R W llrt-maii, A Wmk, A I II - all of Albany. Osn. Any and nil m rois , Inimiittf ,lv,-rs,-iy Has nlv, disr:l,-,l taawa nn- rsjmf.t,-,l Is tile their claims in tadaeSos 00 or bseere ,t imh day of .u irni.t. Is-'l. IhiHKHr A. Mi Llita, lt icister. SUMMONS. fn the CirtHil Court or Linn County, Stttte tf Oregon: O W Cunhlng. Plaintiff W S Pol.lpa, Dcfendsnt. To W s philips, the defbodanl alove named IN THE NWtKOK TH8 STATE OP CREQON: You are beroby rwiuiri'il to apiiear aim stiM-ver tha complaint ll'ed BgaliiHt you in tho almvo entitled action, now on ll n with tho cleric of tho ab; v entitled court, tiy the rmtdav ol the m xt regular term ot the above entitled court, next follow ng the expiration ot the set vice 1 f this n-i Illinois, iy puti'li-atinii towit: hy tho fourth Mondsy ir. June, Imh, the Mttun twinat 'ht iU'i day of June, lS'.H, Mint If .you fail s.) to ansWjr, ror want thereof tbe plaintiff v lll laae dg mtnl aialnst von fur the am -in. 1 demanded In the said complaint f. for tne sum nf two hunt rid ded Utrs with iiituiest ilinreon from Mi l, 1893, at th, r ite nf elaht per oent per an nam until pahl. t -Rither with til c ists and dlsbtl res meat .l this action to te tax tl, and for an order of oourl for the mile of S W '4 of Soo 8, Tp 12 8 of R 2 E vv M. In Linn County, Oregon, cootalu InK I do acre, the hinn laving beeu here tofoie duly etttotr-1 by the aheritT ol Linn County Ic this aeitou Thia p:.btioatlo.i u ma-le bv order of Hon (leo II Hurnelt, judga of i he above entitled court. dily made in ehambers In the cttv of Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, on the 8th tsy of May, 1894, and now on fllo with the clerk 01 the above entitled onurt. W W Mt-Ciellr, Wright ft Turning. Attorney 1 for plaintiff , :? C I. ST. JACOBS OIL "PERMANENTLY RflftUfflutirSffl. Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. AND See Their NiceJDress Pattern and Trimmings. Also Their La dies Fine Shoes. As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every tiling else as cheap, as at any store ; in Albany, at Julius Gradwobls at the corner of Second and Ferry sti 3et?. vour groceries and crockery ware. G.C MOON. Su:ctio' Flour and Uaa 1 n hand a foil sto (iraham, Ba?k wheat, K, SHERIFF'S SALE. Ih fir Ciri-H,t Comtt c.t ttr Stau nj QttfM for .inn omnly. Paiuliff. Stafford Wci .". H E Y'oung. Ki,fc'll ,t to, r cutr-orauirin; and Harry Hail Iw-fendant. Hatiea I hereby ativen that I y virtae of ao execution and trder of je duly- iued out of ih above named coort in j the abovA er title! null lo me directed and Jalliaswl, I will on alurdav the lh j -lav May.f 4. aa tbe Iron' door of the 1 Oiort H itise in the city of A bany laon County Oregim -.t :h hour of 1 -'clock p tit of aid day se . at utie aoeiion f r Coah in tiani 10 the l-ichewt bidder tbe ml pmparty de-crirxsd in wmi-lsxira I on ai d or, : : sale aa follow. iowi: Be,bni3g al a po'nt north 69 deareen -J minute emit and 14 M l 00 chain 01 taoifron ite e rner rf the Uocalion Land C'.aim of Jame S flick son ard wif. Solinewlion No. 1179, claim No 4ft, township IX Sooth Range . - of the Wn'amette rreridian In Liun County. Orefrc-n, on tbe nortli line of said claim and running tbe-be North 89 decreet 2 to ' n u lee KaM Mufl chains, Ibencs- South 9 42 el aina. North -V dereew and 11. 1, West 34 79 cba.ns tlenee N vnh '. 4 rhttna lo the p'ace of beginning, -ntatniag 10C..C6 acres. 1 he proceed ari-inr from such sale to .1; ; .-!. Kim. to me payment of the eostsand dirburse t.euts nl'suit taxed at , JJS tS7 20 and Ihe exiwr ses cf snd Dpoal savid execution, tsecind. to the pay:n -u: of the plamtiff-. elim atnouling to tne sum of f UUw and th tuither -um .f f IS 00 attorney f-es a 1 1 a--ra ng interest on each of sail sriibs al the rate of lo per Je:t r annein Third, To the payment rt Ihe dviiKUl of the Cefendavnt Rue!l A I'o, amounting to Ihe sum of f-v' 34 and the further um of f.xl aticrneya f s and atT-ruuu inieret t hereon ei the rate t lo per cer.t t c-r r.nnum, Fouitb. To ihe pay as set of tt demand cf 'he def nda:.t J K Younr, siiicuuttne to the sum f f4'-4-i. and tne f urine- sum nl jo attor neys fee and eecruSc.- interest tbeieon I aa das) ravel efJOper e nt r annum, ifih. to tbe ps : Batl f Ihe ,'emsnd of i-:endsiit Harry Hall amounung to in sum of ilrN.O and hast ret 1 hereon from t ibe lJib day of Aasnaat, 1MO at ibe rate - of S r oeot per aonuin. an 1 ins further timcfi2.Si cost ard distiursemeDis and ine overplus if any to be paid over . lo said defendrit SiaOoro Dickeon. I lsted th s I5:b day t April. l!s4. C C J ck son stieri.T.if i Inn Couaiy, ore. EXECUTCR S rTTICE Notice is hereby given that tr-e under s'rncdwason Ihe ;rd day f March. Ni4, duly appointed Evecutor of Ihe last wi 1 and statement of E L bet, deceas ed, by the County Court ol Linn County. Oregon. This is therefore 'o notify al. persons having claims against said de ceased to present the same to meat te Court-bcusc in Linn County, Oregon with the proper voucher within aia months from the date theteot Dated this dav of April, 1S94 W K Bllyeu, " Nimrcd Payne, Atterrcy foi Executor. Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nolle? is hereby given t'jat the under aianod. executors uf the last will atnl tee isinei I of Patriae ie Jacobs deceased, Hsu ti e 1 their tinal acv-.unl Willi tbe enuntv clerk f Linn (.' unty Oregiin, snd that the eounlt esvir! ol said I, inn rsiun ty haw fiaed Menday. July Jnd. lSt4, at 1 oVlocb 1st lbs sfiernoon f sid day. for the bssrtajt of ol jnctions If sny to -said 8nai aceount, and 1 he settlement of said o ut - Dste.1 this Mss its. 8f4. vv ,v s alkgas, Q v lavlor. kxiva'oni. BD3F0.1WD00 Notice is ne'eby Ksyten that bits will be received by t"ie County clerk ot I.inr. oun,v, l).ei;on, up to 6 oclock p m of June 6 iS'(. for J records of oak wood, either gin 1- or -p it, to be not less than four Inches in diameter at small end of wood, nnd to be delivered on ground at the l.inn Co -inly Court House. N P May 16 1S94 N P Paynk. Coun'y C.erk. PIANOFORTE LESSONS. W (ifToid Nash is now po-isuisl to reoaive a limited num U'r of pupils. He will K at the residence ol Mrs Cbristine Mouteith. corner ef 9th uiul PerT; streets, on Wcslnesduy after noons ittiil Thnrs.l.iy mornings in each week, coanaaenctBs; on Wedawadns noxt tb.ii in-'. NOTICE. U s i.Asn Own k at Ounox City, Or. .May 9;h, tSOt, Notice Is hereby giver, that the approv ed plat i f survey of Township 5 Sou h. Range 4 East has oeen received irom the surveyor general ol Oregon and on June Jia', tStty, at i) o'clock a tr of said day said plat will be tiled in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entiy on a..d alter said date. RonttRT A Mitt i t;. regLter. I'ktkr PAyl KT, receiver. K. 1). Tn M A'bauw Tent Iv'o 5 meets everv Saturday even ng In K. O T.' M Hall. V.siting Knights invited to attend. A L Lamb, Com. NewStore. to I A Morr'. Peed Store Opposite Run House. Chcp.pd Fed , Corva-lia Ficur, Bran.j Shorta loar, H, Oat?, S.raw, Potato, App'.ei. Grim Mea NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICK IS HEREBY C TVEN TH AT ibe onderaignedVxecntorw of the last will and lestaavenl of Jessie Barr, decesei. have filed their fir ai account with the connty c.erk of Lien County. Oregon, and that the ejuoy eon rt has appointed Monday, Ihe second day of July, 164, at I the 1 1 ur of ten n'clock, a m. of a id day. ' for hearing said account and aettlirg said state. Aov perwons bavin any olji-1 lions to the aettiing cf saul estate are i notified to be present a', the bore time and pi asset same. Dated this 15th d - v of Mav IS94. Weai.Vrord 4 Wystt, S V Barr Atly'a for Fx. J r Barr. Exccntorr. SHERIFFS SALE nlAe CrrowY Cowry oj tie s . or tie County or Linn. Tl e Linn Coonty National Bank. M A Keilef and '.V E Ke'- ley. Sotj Oefeadicf. j hereby siren that bv virtue of an xe otioo and rrder of sale duly irsued out of the above named r.mrt in the above entitled aif, tiW d.recW and delivered I vni! on Saturday the 19 h day of May, l-JM, at the front door o the Cccrt House, 10 the Cityr of Alhasv. Lion Ccusty . Ore gow, at th 1 hour of 1 'clock p a of aaid day aeli at pab'ie aactioo. for cash in hand to the hieaewt hi 'dee. the real properta dea cr.bel in aaid exe-.-stioo and order of sale, towit: fe North wt quarter of block No. - 3 ia Hack'esaan's Snd addition to the city Albany, sitaated id Lieu Coaoty. Ore co. together with the tenements aasd ppErieuasoea ioernL:o. awaawafastsr cr is ) - " PPrtajniBS. The proceeds aria ine. iroaa sach aaie to be applied, fi-st to Ihe payment of the oosU and exner.sof and span said execution and tbe 00- and dUbareemeo s of this sait taxed at SC6.4'" and 1 100 sttsesey fee,, second: To the nay merit uf raiatilTj clsim smosntii-g lo tl072.'Xm D S cold roio with islerest Ihrreoo from the tSta. day of March, IS&4. sod the cverpins if any lo be paid to the defendants. C CJn-xios, t-hetsrTof Linn Cnan'.y Oregon SHERIFFS SALE ., -i. aw , - -ww,. ..-.- iiivn, .- Limn eevarr. M Sternberg Plaintiff. K a Seal. I u Seal, his wile CoE Chamberlain and S W Chamberlain, his wile. I W Cntick, E Ii Cusick and Chas II Cusick, partners do ing business under the firm name and style of J W Cu ick .V Co and Charles ml' h a a-lmtntslraioi cf J-bC Smith deceased. Defendant. Notice whereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale dulv is sued out of the above named court iri the above entitled action to me directed and delivered,! will on Saturday, the 19th day of May, 1S94, at the front door of the Court Hruse in the city oi Albany, Linn County, Or-gon, at the hour cf 1 o'clock p m'ol : aid lav, sell at public auction, for .-&!, In - nd SfS , 1, hlak S.l.-t.l. w real prop, rty desenbed in said execution and order, fa.leas follow, .owl.- tc. uthwest qurter of block No. one - - - hundred ardtwelve (lla)b Hacklemar.'s addition to the city cf Countv. Or. Albany, Linn Ti e proceed arising fiom aaid aaie ail he applied hrt to the ravmeot of tbe cost! of and upon aaid execatioa aad tbe originae euta ol suit taxed at S5T tk) and tne farther um of $50 Ot) as Attorney fse, 2od to the payment to the plaintiff of the sum of i 9474. iM aod accruing interest thernr, 3rd to i the payment to aaid Geo K Chambe io of the mm, f $8tl.30 aod interest thereon at I the ra'e ef 10 per cent per sanem from the I2'h day of July, ISil-.' 4 h, to the payment CO tl edefei dants .1 V Cusick. K D Cusick ! and Cha H Curiok the sum of $21t 20 and he accrued and accruing Interest the I eon. I Dated this IS.h day of April. 1S94. V V 1 At'KSOX, Sncr;9 if Linn County, Oregon. STOCKHOLDERS MfETIKO Notice Is hereby given that tht annual meeting of ihe stcckholdtrs. of the Al bany Farmers Co., will beheld in the office of aasd oosaoany in IL city of Al bany tn the 15th ctav of Mav! 1S04, at 1 o'clock, p in. Said meeting will be helu for ihe purpose ef electing seven (7) dlicctois to serve lor the ensuing year, and for the transaction cf such business as may regularly ccmc befoic such meet ing. Dated Albany, Oicgc.n, Apiil !7th. :S4, Attesr. M H (Vilds, d'RKg B Marshall, President. Secretary Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of First and Washington stieets at follows: 7:40 am for Lebanon train. S:l5 " " Orohan's Home. 11:50 " " Nooj train going north. 13:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphans Home. . i 0 i 9.-55 " " Overland train going sou For Orphan's Home on Sunday car leave at 2 30, 3 ;!o and 4.30 p m The car will also meet all Inc trains on the Oregon Pacific rallroa C G BfRK HART , Notice for Publication ! U.S La No Orrn.a at Oregon- Citv.Or. July 3rd, 18M Notice is here! y given that in c rnpiiance with the provision of the met of Congrtss cf Jnce 3. 1 878, entitled "Ad set for the sale of timber lands in the state of California. Ore goo, Nevada, and Waal.lngton Territory,'' ' a eitended to all public iar.d states by act of Aa.a.t 4. 1802, William J Smith, of Niagara, county of Marlon, atate of Oregon, haa thia day filed in tbia office hia sworn statement No 2X36. ! for the pnrchaae of the F. end the N W J i of the 8 E L and the N B i of the S W '4 Hectioa No 9, in township No 10 S-joth ! Range No4Kat, and will offer proof to 1 ahow that the land fought ia tr ore valuable i for its timber or atone than for agricaltaral purpose, and to establish hia claim to said laod before the Kegiater and Reeelyer of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 11th day of Jnly. 1894. He name ae witneasea: B T George, j 8 Meyera, C I Hinkle, Allen Smith, 1 11 of Niagara. Markn Co, Om. Any and all pereon claimingadveriery th. above dat- cribed land are requested to file their claim in thia office on or before aaid 1 1 th day of Jnly. 1S4. RoBEkT A MlLlER. Kegiatar. SHERIFF SALE In llu Cinru't Court of Ik Stale Ijrrgno for Lh.v Count j. A A 1 ellr, Plaintff. 1 T II C Klepraid E V Klep- per his wife, 0 Walton ard H J Walton hi w.'fe.C H Sic wait trustee, A P Blackburn as ad ministrator 01 vne estate 01 Owen Kees, deceased, and Ceo C Cooiey and; J H Washburn partner under the firm name of Cooiey A Washburn. Defendants. Notice i herebv g'ven that by virtue o j an execution to. order of sale duty issu r'all th ere for 1 e! out thc bov ""ued court tin the I above entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 26th day . of liar, 1894, at the front door o- the i court house is the city of Albany, Linn ! County, Oregon, at the hour of i o'clock p m of said day eel) at public auction, far cash in hand to tbe highest bidder, the real property described in aaid xajat.oo and order of sate aa fol low toi.t: Lota Xo seven and eight, ia block So twenty five in J M Italatoa'a ad dition to the town of Lebanon, Lion county, Oregon, aa ahown by the map and plat cf aaid town, now on file in tne effi'-e of the Recorder cf Linn county. Oregon. The proceeds anaing from aasd sale to be applied tint to tit payment of the cost and dia hureefnenta of aaid snit taxed at $31.45 and the cat and acc-cing onwta cf sail sale and -jo the payment f 23 attorney tee and the payment of plaintiff' claim amuactinaT to the sum of $24.7 50 together with ir.tereat then on at the rate of tan ter eest per atrarr. from the 10th day of Jatuary. li'M. and the over pins of the procejde of aaid sale if any there be after the payment ef the above soma to be applied aa in said (-xecatioa asd order of sale directed . Dated this 25 h day cf April, 1894. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn County Ore. CITATION a tit Owjy Court oftkf StaU tor tie Contv of Limn : Oregon Is the ma. ter of th estate of Clara Dirringer, deceased. Citation. Tc Laurence Erfaart DernngT nd Niola D -rringer, greeting. IS BE NAME OF TfJE -r.VTE OF I OREGON; Yen are hereby ei'ed and re nt: Oregon ! qaieed to appear la the eoeety cosrt of the State of O.-eg jo. fer the Coaoty of Linn at . the court room thereof, at AlUacv, in the sjoan'.y of Liaa, os Sw ter dav the 9th day of PtaintifT. : Jose, IS94, at 10 o'clock in the : rencoo of ' that dsy, thee and tbe e to shew 004 if anv vou have way an o der ihculj rot ' issue oat of the above ssalMkilefat direct- I in Bnd Jnkn th(tlv j appointed adraisutratcr of the estate o'f (.lira Urnagar. decasi to e i the real 'property helosgieg to the estate cf 'he eai-i above named deccas a. desea ibed aa iol'.owa. towit. The nrdivid-e ace alf interest ia and to lot No 4 in block Ko ' o.e buodnol and three , 10j ia Hacklemaa'a I addition to the city of Albany, Una Coes ty, Oregon, aa tbe the saaae denzested and deacribtd cn the pisrs ard sarreta of ; said city, now on Hie is the thee of" the , coonty recorder of Lien Cannty, f retoe. Done by order of tbe Hoe, J N Daocan. j judge cf tbe Countv court f tbe State ef ' Orejcn. f.w the Coantv of Linn with tbe teal cf satd :oort sthxed, this IT h day of Apu?, 1S94. Attest. N PpArsaelsrt. N'otice for Publication CS Land rra 1 r Or I'M ' Notice is kereby given that ii compli ance with tbe pi o visions of tbe act of Congress of June 3. 1S7S em tied -An act 1 for tbe sate of timber lands io tne state? of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash ington Territory"' aa extended to ail tbe ! public land states by act of August 4 l lsJ. Collins W Eikins, cf a ban v. countv of Linn state of O.-agon.has this 'dsy filed IS""" -TTr. "2- foaw i or 1 ne imreh.inr in .,nh section Jio. Ii in township no. 10 S ranee : -o 4 r-ast. ana win oner proof to show that the land sought Is more s a tiable for i its timber or store ' -n fcr sericulttral i purposes.and to r. abiish his c-aim to said j land before the RegNter snd Receiver of ' thi office at Oregon Citv, Or.on Tuv-sdav t the i9th day of June, "1S94. Be name i as witnesses : Jos WrtTev and C j Winn, ot Albany. L W Laughead, of Ha stead, C H Laugbead. of Yaquiaa CU wieon. Anr ana Bl persons c'aimin adversely the above described lands a requested to file their claims in this off on or before said 19th dav of Jun 59. Robert A Miller. Regis: e . Notice for Publication l S. Land Office. Otticox frrr, Or. Febrraary 13, 1S4. Notice is hereby given tbat in cotupli ance with the provisions of the net of Congress of Jun j S, 1S7S, en-Ued-- An act ' fr 'ne"le of aimber lands in the states ; li'lwrBii, Urw-in. Mvidi and Wh infflnn 1 r melon Territory." as extended toall the public land stales bv act of August 4 1.,.-.. 0 V t r . . Marion state of Ore-ton, has this dsr riled in thi office bis sworn statenieut Ni aSU tor the purchase ot tbe S of S K t. SE ofXESee 1. T 10 S R 5 E and Lot 6 Sec 6, T 10 , R 6 E and will offer proof to show thtt Ibe land aoj.ght is more valuabte for its limber or stone tbsn for sgrtcultnrsl purposes, and to ertaMish his claim to said land be tore the Register and Reevive cf this office at Oregon City; On nn Tues day: the 1Mb day of May. ItSH. H names as witnesses.; L C Ives, Alber Ives R M Pae; Isaac Rootk. All o Detroit, Oregon Any and ail persons Cain ing adversely the above .'escribed lands are requested to fi'.e their claims tn this office on or before said lath dav of May. 1SSM Robkkt A Millks: Register SHERIFFS SALE In tht Circn t Cmrtef the St,ite y Oreyem rer tit count r of Linn. JBCjmley, Plaintiff, ys James H Shahai, Defendan'. Notice Is hereby given that bv virtue fan execution and order or s-ie dtilv saued out of the above named court io Ihe abeve entitle-1 action to me direoted and delivered. I will on Saturday the. l.h dav of June, ltSJsi. at the front door of tbe Court In the city of Albany, Linn County, Oreapm, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said execu'i n snd order of sa'e as follows, towit: The Southwest quarter rf Section No. 18 in Township No. 10 South of Rne S East of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County. Oregon. containing ISOasres The proceeds arising from aaid sale to be ap plied tt rat to the payment of the cost and disbursements of said ault taxed at fl&80 and the costs of aad upon said ex edition. Second to tte payment of tbe sum of $25.00 aa a reasonable attornevs fee. Third to the payment to the plain tiff herein oi the sum of$2S6 in Cm ted State gold coin with aecruln t interest thereon a', the sa'e of ten per cent per annum. Fourth, the surplus if any theie be be paid over to the aaid defendant hi heirs or assigns or legal repreaenlattves. Dated thia 1Mb day of May, 1894. C C Jackioic. sheriff of JJnn County Ore