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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1894)
WKtThEKFORD A ('BAN t r.ui. i , Attorney! at Law. Will practice In all court! o( th! state. Special attention (riven to matter! la prob".te and to eo. lectlom. OFFICE In the Filnn block K BIILYEU Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor in Chancery. Coll '.ion made on all point. Loaaa negotiated on rable term. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. HKKillT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public Will practiceln all the courta nf this state Special attention riven to collections and matter! in prebate Once: Next doer Is PovtniTles, Albany. Ojrn . P. I: t 11 i I 1 1 to f inn, literal m-ittors will receive pro rap fflce r. O.U Fellow's Temple, Albany, O attention. I J- WII1TNE1 , I i Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M UNI 4N1K HACKLEH&N, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. D R. J. 1.. Ill Phydcian an.l durreon. OFFICB Cornr Far? itroeU, Albany, Oreron.; D FkjaWans an Sar -oona. OFCIOK -Corner econd and Btoailalhin strtMts. Albanr, Or, Call projipt.y attacdod I cm ani reantrr; C. II At KKV, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Office UpsUIr over tli Bank ot Oregon. Residence, comer 10th and Calapooia it. DrHE Beers. DrOK Bee Physicians and Surgeon s Special attention given to diseases o women. Hoies to to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to S P M Offices and reaiuence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth. M r. Dr. l-ittler .ou ",Vllre The Noted Ctairroraut a-d Lite Under, I now here, and can be found at her residence, next doo t J B CougiU's. She tell! aanat all rablect. pa present and future; lone troubles, absent friend and bnaine. You can bear from vonr dead J W ( il( K at CI1..B vKF.Rl Or A I. RANT. OR;00. TRANSACT a general Banximr mints. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New Tork, San Fr sco and Portland, Oregan. LOAN MONET on approved wenrity . RECEIVE derMiU subject to check. COLLECTIONS made 00 larorable terms. INTEREST oaid on Urns deoosdt B ANH OP M IO. SOTO, OBKOON. J Hl-!ta ...A J Joa SAI T LAKE. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS. AID ALL EASTERN CITIES. D41d TO CHICAGO f2 HOURS '"OTiPrSsT" U11IIDQ QUICKER TO OMAHA nUUPO AKD KANSAS CITY POLLMAN AND T0UH13T SLEEPERS, FREE fECLIMINC CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. S H H Clark. Oliver V Mi.ik, E Eller Anderson, Receivers. Kor 'a esa.ij general infoi malion call On or address Curran Montelth, Albany, Oregon, or W K HURLBURT.Asac.Genl. Pass. Agt, JS Washington St., Portlavo. Oregon o jfL HcFarlaiid. -:- m Harness -and -Saddlery, Display $51 in the flooi tf A I HP tt ,WBl to n wriiingal TT hrvne. I'y $15.00 to $2 i.lMl p. r w ek e:nl k If :i itampod .-i v. lop for recvi- Vt 1 K K FON I A INK. g-enorl msii'r, 1 A lasarlanrn St. ClrJas)0. Ill $6.00 lfJ8'5 "AY at home selling Lightning Pl.t cr and plating jew elry, wa che, ta.i'ettare, etc. Every hous liaa jj.ioil iifedlng plating. No ex perience; nn capita' no talking. Sme agents ar.: n-.ak'n (25 Cay. Permanent position Addre-s H K De'lno & Co., Co-lu.-nbu-. Onjo. TP.-'. "-vv-r..e3-ts :-tlor;H bMttbt-, and Tlowtn. : gill 1-- liirht s. wit. 1 ditrrlp- '-, not ; ml : illurtlratloKH Ti" 1, not f'sa'f rle. -at I rinng in linrniontoan blendlnff of I In Mffl) tnd wlilte, with a gold back- , m m tj'nity. n r of NoTeHiM tit crilom. All the I fading noveltltra l M I) oM vitrlfllrn. Ibcne hard tlm yoa . 1 1 ay rt It. Buy hokebt oooca I vf rur.L irt AfHBE H ia not w -a. VI' K'aiMli grow, thla Is known t - : nl- . llmttliclmrvr-t pay. A very II 1 r ani will n :ve j-rorer'i and dc to ete Vll;'s Moral Oulde the hand- ao; ' WBC If jrat patra o flue ffardra. cim ! LsriiM, w'llt-S tuny 1 deducte fro. U. t t'OP- uti Ttas fr.r VntavtaMB. " I . ..v. JAMES VICK'S SONS, Iftf Tortures or Eczema And yet lives in ignorance of the fact that a single applica tion of the CUTICURA REME DIES, will, in the majority of cases, afford instant relief, per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure, when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders, and its cures of tor turing, disfiguring, and humil iating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. 6o'.J throughout the world. IVmin Ditro and cats, four., w prop., Bosao. -'. wi About the Blood and Skin," mailed free. a. Facial Blemish, falling hair and i:u pie baby raahea prercnied by CuUcura aoap. Nervous Muscular Instantly relieved by a f tat i cara l'laatar, because It n tallaes the nerve forces and Weakness hence cures pervous pains. aud FromTarminal or Intarior Poii;ts h Nortnern Pad Railroad In He line to lake To all Points EAST nil SOUTH It Is the DINING CAR ROI TE. It ruu Through VMliai f KTKAIW EVERI Dil ls the Year to ST.PADL and CHICAGO NO CHANGED F CARS.) Composed of Diaini Cars lasorpassfd Pull nan Drawing Ucob Sleepers Of Latest Equinment TOURIST SLEEPING EMS. Bit: ttf. 011 bi ;:r ; . 1 ant ia w 1 i i i s nil aUooa jm b :h frne i I far nsb 1 1 fir hol lers of Firs! or it)i I sss ti :. aittl ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Jiiiiuii: Vai jo.ii3Ct.iiia: Uli al linis. affording Direct an i Uninterrupted Servics. Pallmai slwper reservations cat. b ecurbd lu advance through any agent of the road. I H ROUGH TICKETS to and from bB points in Amorioa England and Europe can 1 purchased at r.r y ticket office of this cotr pQT. Full lefjrmati on conoern'.nn ralus.time jf trains, routes and other ietuls faro tsbed on application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON, .srisunt ;---rl Paasenger Agent, No !2l Frst St, cor. Washington, Portland. Chegon. C a oirkhsrt. I031I agent. EAST AMD-SOUTH. VIA THE SHASTA KOUTc I OF THE Southern Pacific Co. (pre Train laa. Portland Oail; Sooth I Taos ISStV 1. 1SK., ; North : C:l!ir. s. I Lr P inland Ar I 8:39 a lOiSrs'Li Vlhsny Lr I r3 a a ; 19:i5a a 1 Ar Sau Francia. j Lt 7,00 r a nr trsias all statio sa from n Iti lbtor n :!uaive. alsoTan htd 1, Hlsy. H irribi-i, Jnnetion Irving. K iKni' nil all stations ijO'irjto isalao-J ioj!i)sie aosasras sin., saar Portland Alton r aoabn-r Ar1 410 r Lt 1 130 L.i UK IfAt r a I Lr JOru I Ar laajl ) a , lha-y l.Sanoa lhanj Lebanon AT I It' 111 Lt I 30 a Ar I :r Lt I tr 9:00 as"? Ar ! 1 :-"r a I Lt iHk I Ar PULLMA" BUFFFT SLEEPERS -AVD- Dinine Cars on Ogd'n Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Allasheal la all Thraaeh Tralaa STeal !4r Ms l.lnn. UTflKM rsSstTLASss ANa m ailia Mail :BaiSDitT (Except Sanoay, T:l a I Lt 12:15 r a Ar Port'antl Or;allia 10 ra ssraassraat ssitt 'ExcptSm.-lsy. l:(i r 11 j Tram I Por land McMlnnrll .. Arl Lv as s.'O a a Ar Ttronpfb Ticketos to all point In lh Eutern suw, IXaaeS a.i l Euroae can be ob'ainad at owest .-t-.-. Irom C V Fronb, Arcnt Albany. K. K0CHLEI E P. RoOEtn Wanarar V't 0 P. nJ rortlacd Oretcoi CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etcJ War Information ai4 free Handbook write to afCNN a CO.. i BuoaowAT. New York. Oldest bureau for securing- patents in Amerind Krery patent taken out by us is brought before toe public by a notice given fres of charge In tlis Larreat circulation of cny icientlflc paper tn the world. ( plan lit! I llluitmed. No tntellli-eD snan (taould be without It. Weekly. a.'I.OO a Bit: iuim m(mth Address BTJPM A 'X. UJ.JS-il.Urt. JO I Uj-now-- t,itf. 'I II NT NATIONAL BANK, OP AT. BANT, OBEOON resident . Vice Preddent . Cashier LFLINr. .... 8. E.YOUNt .E. W. LANOIXIN TRAHBACTB A OENKRALbanklng1,ulne ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to hck. 8I0HT EICHANOE and Ul -rsphio Iran! r, sold New Tork, San Pranctsoo, Chlcaco and P 1 tlin.i vasal 00 JuXUTloM SAUKun Uvurable ru MMttaa i. E. Yocaa E ,w , Liaaso L" E Bbais. L. Fuss Eowaa f . Soi. FOSHAY a MASON asjtaasafal aas aavait- Druggists and Booksellers Agetita for John B, Alden'a pabllri.'loiM auloh we wll at pobliaher'a prloaa w'rk 1 mlamsadilsul. wrd American I v eav v J mmw 1 B mmmm j LBANT. OKBsaOD 1 . m I Ttaarnm - A l ew Fact. As tLc election annrorches it behooves the voters In I. inn county as well a voters in every other county in the state ta con I sid:r the character, ability, honesty of purpose and Integrity of those wlio are now befoie the people asking the suffrage of the ; elector to place wh hi the hsnds of the ' candidate the law making power of the state ! Among the foremost of such men are W R ! ltilycu, present candidate for tenalor from I. inn county, and .J J Whitney candidate for representative on the democratic ticket. What the people at the present time most desire, Is to elect men who are capable of looking beyond mists that seeminftly be fog them, men who have been tiied and found to be made of the stuff that goes to make a gocJ senator or representative, men whose official record will stand investiga tion. Now, let us examine, for short time the acts of some of the men who are before the people of this coanty for public office . In iSSo Hon W R Bilyeu was a member of the senate of this state, and, inspired by god motives and with an honest Intention to do gcod service for these who had honor eu him by placing mm la xan ext'icu i j position, and being ,osscssoJ ot a mignt , intellect wmcn ::iciateu me prupe. t...nB .o ! ac, ne introduced wnai is sanwi as mc i "mortgage tax law.". Tortland was I on the aleit. and did every thing In their power to defeat this measure introduced by Mr Bilyeu, but Mr Bilyeu, by his persistent , . . i effort, elowing with the oratory, (he beine sh ed the '-S ver toncueti o-ator 01 mat ' - ; - 1 session of tho legislature) assisted 1 bis sound reason an I logic, succeeded in getting the bill to pass the senate, w hen, without delay It was communicated to the house. This bill was hated by Portland who had ' the chairman ol the com mines to winch it was releneo, ana wn.., annoai suggesting 1 any objections tothe stmt, reponel adver sely upon ir. and following it into the house et'ed in pulling it lo s.eep where , thev succeet during that sen'or. its slamber. were un. disturbed. And now, please, kind voter to be at- j tentive enough to listen . little wh.le longer ) and !ook a R.U. fur.her into this matter H OU aic ailKltu l ' rcav u tne 'I ut'i auu i at., to recogniis merit in the man who deserves t. and permit us lo siy that during ail ;atc .-"jnai t... t-cittutj im rvc on the ' publiciin ticke', was a representative from this county on that ticket and tv:upied a i scat in the House (wacf) he was not altstnt) ' but whit are the lacts in the cause as to him what was he doing there to coatiibute any tow.rd the passage d H is important ' to r i mesaure? The House Journal t-. s how he was con- 'ucl.og ilnr.elf. The leccrd Is against hiss. ; , . Z ..i o nm llje P'in lruth is that .oxeyim is rromthe time this Senate Hill was com- , ,. , . i simplv McKtnlevism reduced to an absurd niuraca'.eo to the House. Paw sn wat absent .. , . . , .. , . , from ro'l call 1 3 times as shown ty House Journal. Now let us go a little further acd see hat followed. In iSS'l Mr Bilcn was again elected sena'or and ajair. diJ he in troduce the Dili which, by the neglect and indispoil.hjn if the House to take bold of the measure failed to become a law. Again did Vimon and bis following warmly wage war against Mr liilyeu's Dil . tu'. despite their effots. Mr lii n'i 'gain succeeatd in passing it in the Se.".ie ani again was it comiTiGniciteit to the Hcue; and again wis it strenuously ft.ugM In thit bjy. but alas; One Dasjaaa was not in 'be House at that time, he had been succeeded by an honest. readv and wiilino to laartaaaA. , rt.Sl. irau?;iixorwara urpim n..,' mip a l'l was . of foreseeing the kind of legislation that would be beneficial to his c?ntl -eet a ih people had 10 send Hon J J Whit- mmT pisissiisssBBi ihm )er, ana wnea Mr Bilyeu Bill House, Whiiaev ... . ,. . as commaniratec to the as ai I. ros, ol cat, a. th:recorishoni succetded in secuiin.. . , . , . , - ! tne P" ol He B.. the House, : -o .1 occat.e a .w. .,o wr.icn i.rae ,1 I remunec upon oji statutes un'il tue Seasion BE thq Irgitlalure in l?o;t, Se.i Porllaad 1 gain tcok 1 band in U.c matter an.l repeal ed the law, andtsa conscjaeoce I be err goes up all over tbe land ex;rp! . - ic demir.ding ihe reenacimenl tf tne mortgajre tax law. In May iSSj ibe Herald raade a very malicious atiaca ut on the character of M- .' . y . . cjreerning nia irrorj with reference to this mortgajre t ix law, stating that he had btlrared his pledges tif the peo ple, neglected 'he iov-est of Ms cons'itceols and forfeited hi honor on acco-jat of un answerable argument of ki:lful ani cun ning lobyis'a etcetera; bat the rrcird ia tne record is tht bet evidence a to Ihisjet us introluct the record right here. Mr Dawson was a member of the House in 1SS0 anJ during that session h; Introduced one Kill that war lo raise the salary of t!;e coun ty treasurer of I.lnn county from$93- to $1200 per anoam, that Iiill the only treisure of hU hear: passed the secaoil rezding and Oura went to sleep. Il is slso ssl 1 thai Il.iwson snored to atlj urn a' one tlm- that ',100. Mr B.lyeua te-ord. As stated above Bilyeu was a mtvnli-r of Senate in 1880 during which stgsioo he introiuoe.i and pasted the Sena'e Bill no 12 which fixe! tbe salarv of county clerk of Most OtMSOty at fiSoo per annum and sherirT at $2000. lie also intro duced and secured the passage of Stnate Bill no 35 in relation to chattel mortgage making them more reliable and certain as uecurties and simplifying the manner of fo'cclosirjf them, as well as cutting costs and expo se io rase of foreclosure. This Bill was t.eilec'ed in the House and did not come up (or final action in that body. Bii jen int.oliicei, and secured the passage throuijh the Senate, Senate Bill no 53 an act in lel-tlion to appeal in ihp matter of taxing coals by county clerk. The intent of this hill was to simplify the practice (and reduce cox'.h in such case. This Bill like many oilieis went lo sleep in ihe House. Thee are some ol the many measures introduced by Mr BiWeu, and a comparison of the record will show w bo neglected the interest of his constituents, who was at his post of duty ard who was absent when import hi- measures wire up for consMeia tion. And let us now mv that the Herald which made i I unwarutnle l ot ck upon Mr Bilyeu now favors th? reenac' tm-nt of Mt Biljej's mJitgagetax law, thus admitting that 1 lie meaiu.e Imlrocuced hy Mr B.lyes anil finn! ly passed by theofiTirtsof nimdclf and Jurlie Whitney as a imrl'orious one and H at ad muting the stupidity or unfiitlifu'.nes ol hem who hau lUt opportunity hut fail, d nJ re'utc! 10 assist in passing ihis nd Otlier in; : lit measures. This Is h in the history of our conn t. I when we feel the "ewssity of sending mon 0 tle Irjrrs'atsrr, m-.n who afe ahle lo anil wtiO wi'l do the work demsndad by the m tsaex, ar.d us the Orr goalan lis hereto fore, April 19, last, come cir l-uldly and as-aorie-1 that it is not in favor uf tlie reenact iimnt nf 1 he morlfcitift- ta-r hi, r.ntl an Port ia 1 1 lias r-'iio.iiiu.i ed fan Slsaon for the Su-njte, we feel gure that if the people of tins ci.on y want men who can cope with I'oitUn.f uit'l sc.uie Its 1 ernacimeni of that law a lb. wing deduct 1 111 ot lirtebtedlicHS.thev ill s'and by 1; )t 11 and Whitney as they too 1 hy tin. people. Hon I, II Mon'unyo is I l.e detnocraltt candidate for district uttonii-y. If elee'ed lie will carefully perform tlm duties of that office. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Coxcyism and M'Kinlcylsni. The Secretary of the A merican Protective Tariff Uague writes to The World pro testing ajrainst the league's being bold responsible In any wise for tho Ooxeyite "armies." It is probable that we are mistaken in naming the League as the specific source from which the Coxeyites j were receiving aid. Nevertheless, u week. agj there were umistakable turn that the ; protectionists were lending the movement j aid and encouragement of a substantial . h i T-i.t ..f . a.iat aasa SBttask mZmm.m ' f i . J 1 1 i' aigiin iiuw iul , mey dropped u wlien public attention was culled to the'ourmurks of partisan manipu lation. And In spite of protests and disclaimers nothing is more obvious than that Mc Kinleyism and Coxcyism stand In the re lation of cause and effect. Kor twenty years the protectionists have taught by speeches in congress and on the stump and through their party press that when anything goes wrong with business, r even with any particular Industry, con gress should be called upon to set things right Th?ir doctrine, put forward on al rw-Casiortia hits boon nn.l iu tit it liwi mill' prosperity or bring disaster, and that th prosperity or bring disaster, anJ tUat leuieuy lor industrial .usasiera is more taws . h " J t I la a 1 Qf changed aw. la what does this differ from CoxeyismV i The Coxeyites are in distress. They claim ' ' to be willing to work hut unable lo obtain i . . " tmm. .... . ' I - - " snfferino1 lirivalinn bv reason of Ibid eeaa ! - L: " tL' tx7C'"Z uiiuu ui uiiuus. . uri ijimn i .1 iinrii- . .. . ni.'- tbev BUi honr.l far vear nn.l turn in I j -- j- 1 Washington for help. They ask congresi : i to pass laws which they eim will bring ; rel'ef.,nlan of nrmin, fcven tbeir plan of presenting a petition in boots is borrowed from the McKinley- lies. How many limes during the last ,.,,. ,l ., V:ihintrton fiwnrflltl with t.(.iln'.i who laws m o or ,Q qj, u ,,ow g :, slnce Ue protct.tionilt 8pe)1. binders and newspapers were shrieking in chgmi JemxraU of howe anJ 5enate fe ..bearin(fs- to j. of ffow ) q or to levv laxea ior tncir intii.' insuteU upon telling congress what kind a of law and taxes they wanted for their own benefit P Is it a ui3nth fince Mn J ' Kllen Foster carrietl a throug tf liluxl i Inland factory girls to Washington and . . it 1 canalma ir .ir..i I i . 1 1 ' ' -a. . I uuc va iT.uau" a tu vuuvi 10 ivuuui'im rooms with her "petilion in boots?" Ioes ih's fact that the McKinlevite had 1 ., . . . . I ... T . . r , ' I to A. hi .Ml in Tttsutmnar .stfl. Iiaj mr 7 . .---. an.. al.Kta wSi i.i.aAci 1 Kaa.f i them r-" j Voxeyites. who for lack of ruoner ho for lack of money asmsti . .r t.. , ' ri.i.. .Mi frri -i 1 1 K . : . - , i'j t.y ueicg cameo to us logical com m sion. And though a burleue in its present phase it will have one good effect. We shall hesr less hereafter of congress an.I i congress made taws as the remedy for in -' dustrial tioubles snd trade depression. Me shall see an end made of those "petitiocs in boot-' which the palace car Coxeyites nave been thrusting upon congress year in nd year out. We shall see tns honest American doe'rineof elf help put in prac tice more and more. Blindly and unc-jn;iouly. with but a j nebu'ous i lea of what he i doing, the 1 absurd army wiU be tuned into a etrra : side show at i cents admission and then ! ,w,r into tb P-3''0 ttion alms- houses and casus! freight trains . But he -. . , -ss 1 .1. at .1 aas Uugbt.a lesson that will not hi for- V1' He fd our tma to tht " 1 . . ter.i to wnica our sxiai ini tun na oteai uooer mined. Me has ie! men to luinliintr. , ,nd ,be H ." .."f"'1 " lmmmt WF w" ft UP 1 rorra 01 Mate or-ilim known as MC j Kinleyism New York Wor'd. ; j 2 Mich Men AnJ Oixcv i-m . Tho sre goo ', strong, brave tvjids that I SaCNaarj Merber has spoken oa the mbject lofCoaejism, ml they 'e cry -trne y one. I: s-'tnaal ui.for uniV. at this :ime ,-s:eci- allv. that Ihe rich men of the . unfy are ' manJesitng.n tedtsfosition to best their . iiii iitrtt fair hsre of the pablic burdens Now onlv are thev snuggling to peipctu- aea.y.emol la.atloo which wake, ol them a favored class, enriching them at ihe expense of tbe people's prosperity, but they . . .. .. are ..itermlaedly opposing He Imposition ol a very small tax upon their saperf-ous income at a time w hen there are nHUurli of tazpayrrs onanle lo get any Inccmes at all. Tne rich m;n of ihr countiy are losing a great oppoitanity and talking a wholly oe-d- less lUk They ae left sing She cbsncc 10 disarm the fotces o! di.conten' They sre deliberately sffroeling ptvettv ty objecting to pay their part cf taxes that bear heavily upon the'people, though the pait tney are asked to besr Is one so easy ihst the bur- dens aoull scarcely befell at all. They are creating In men's mind a rankling sense ol injustice. They are playing into the banc's of th-: vicious theorist who preach Social- Ism nnd worse. Tr.ey are commlltiog a stir- pendout blunder. Tansy for Moths. 'There Is one sure preventive of moths. It is tany," sis a correspondent. "Sprink- ie the leasts freely about your woolens' and furs and the moth wiil never get Into them . When I was a child my grao-mo'her used to send me to Ibe tansy patch on tbe hill with a basket, In which to bring home plenty oftaniy leives. Ir. the garret were five j hair covered trunks, studded with brass nslls. filled i:h her best blanket, flannels.shrets, etc. I lemeujbsr how grandmother loik the extra iupp! out of those trunk In the gar- ret once a yesr, hutg the articles 0t a clothesline down in the orchard, beat them and put away again to lie amid the tansy leaves until another veir. The four.h gen- era. lot, of h-.r posterlly are steepinf und.'r the aiine hlankets and coverlets now, which proves the efficacy o' that temcly ol the old en time." Senator fleorgo K iloa'. who as)l devoted his life to the suppoitof ineikiires taxing the m'ny for 'nr enrichment of llic fcw.has had a ebaBgeal bVta Having favored Coxeyite ldea when they w:re brought t Wahington by innufactureis in palace car ne declrs himsrlf oppose! 10 Coxryiam t come on foot in the persona of 1 lie poor. A letter from Morrison J Swift, who brads the Hay Stall branch of the com nonwiu', awskeu him lo the fact that, the Govern ment has no power to tax one person for the benefit ol anothir. He was willing to give other peoplt'n money to I hose who hive, hut he has conscientious, even lei nl scruples against transfei ring the loot 10 those who have not. Hy i Coxeyite oniy ' for the manufactures. It he has truly re pnnted, hi repentance is late, but let as trus that it will bring forth wcrks that are meet We shall sei when a vote i nken -mi th Ta. iff hill. The strongest timber known is tbe "Hil lan," or Borneo iron wood, whose break ing strain is 1 52 times greater than that of Knglisb oak. Hy long exposure it be comes of ebony blackness and immensely hard. Against Irwin. The following is a strong document which show- the direction public sentiment is drifting in the matter of the election of a Btate superintendent of public instruction. Tho signatures of seventeen prominent ' school princiivi's of republican nroclivities wm Kive it peculiar weirat. The politics of each signer Is indicated jn eacn case: To t,e voterili fchool 0Kciau, and friends 0f education in the Stateof Oregon, gsntle- imll' The un Vi signed desire to submit for your consideration the following propo sitions: . 1. The olhV; ot superintendent of public instruction is non-political and ought to be removed as far as possible from Ihe arena of partisan politic! It will make very lit' le difference in the schools of the state whether the person elee'ed to this office believes in high protection, incident- : al protection, tariff for revenue, or free i trade: but it will make a vast deal of differ j ence whether he is familiar with schools and school systems; whether he can com mand the respect and confidence of school teachers and school officials. o i.rnf i, v S It.i.l ritv ...nerinl.ndnf of (he schools of Eugene, is known to us snd to teachers generally to be a proper nerson for flirt nokilion He bits Iteen ll . i -.-. . . s. ate or ne.r.y twenty jeor. nm! ima I. .. , timtnrm v m. . ....t i Ha . . . . . i w" .uperwitrnoent 01 una county tor two . . 1 ; l : . , : 11:.. w. .p-- . . ...... . ., views on eoueattonai m nw h. so invmeni v expressed at institutes throughout the state ! a-, t.... ta t, i. nromwHiivp . , - , j !i m ,. .1 1 Hu election would mean that the i improvement made in the schools of the j g(ate during the nat twelve yeara i to be .,;:-.; .i :, n.a - ,i.....i uiututMiut.) ta a -a tu as tin. itu 1 t s tsuvu till farther. rememljer what they see tner.-. There is 3. Rev ti M Irwin, tbouga he has re- t no such road to notoriety as tl.e columns l.ii,i.,,uilM..m r,,.iofa r.fwsnaner NVw ork Trilmne. never, so far as a e are aware, been con- netted with our public school system. We do not know that he hai ever participated is the unbiased opinion of the HarrUburg "paaeca. General Antonio Ilzeta has re in any educa'ionat gatbeHogs. and hi. j Courier, an independent paper: The office "v-f '2!! the mrrder of a view on educmional subject are therefore ! c ,henff ls certainly the most important in ' e unkaown. His relation, to the Cbesnawa ! 1..1:. 1 . .... were to unfortunate that I ssaasj -v a- v . ,b(v eave him with ao uneovillbiie cord they leave him with an unenviable record a. :hoo! manager. Wc rcpeclful!y ask ; you to consider whether his record shows him to be a suitable man for Ihe position to which he anpiies We, therefore, ask ; . .-1,.1 ..... i- i ..,1, that you ue your influence, be it great " , sman. 10 or:ng aoout m- eieruon 01 iir . rVld. ...... . . . . rra!. cit v upenutend.-n- Fortand . setoo .: ren T II I r.iwlord. o in Park .., , . - t .".'i-- - land high scboo' : rep. I iiurnham. rnn- cipal Couch cuol : lep I' S Ro-iter. . t- -i- 1 , . ,, ,- ,, , principal lailiog hool. rep. K h bounds, pnniipai Aiainaon cn-i, no. it r iwu- imon. principal Central school; rep. I A Grout, principal North Central school, rep. M I. I'ralt, principal William. Av.'nue school; rep 0 A Adarcs. prin-rinal -Stephens school: deal. W A Welie'l, principal Champion scboo'; rep. C L Hoover, .nr. cipal Sou'h Mt Tabor school; pop. I M Hjonough. principal Sell wood school: deal. C J Iyx-kood, principal Multnomah rchool . rep. T T Dkwia, high school ; rep. C V A It man. Sbattuck school: ep. W II Adams, principal lirant Pass sch-ol; rep. H T Narragan principal Mel!..rJ school' rep. ( m. T A Haye. wperin!er.dent Ashlard school, rrn. Miles Can'raJI. i.nrxiual Ah - Kj,ool. D W Jarvis. de-n. ar d ' mtBX . 1 . Vita ll..s, i-., . ..f iK ; ' waking of the state canaidates there: tHZZZ ih-ie i;m;. ,im. U, U',K. T 7T. '.. . - . . 1 poajiinviy ami 'tnnr iieuj. mi be made th- only speech of ruent that ha been ma.le here (bis rear. tk-lirr-i hi- view retjarding various matters. He fa- vors tbe improving of our riven and harliors and tbe building of tbe Xkarartia canal by the government. He did n"t state that a protective tariff was n " T. - ;.i I to any part of th; country, but be a'gued with ronidenbla forcr and to the entire ! aati.faction of at least all demccraU p ewlit . .a ... . - . tout tin- laxiu was Laja.iii, lyiutneat to . . , ,r. ',. , the prosperity of tbe Pacinc coast, m hethe' trial the tariff was positively lnjinous lo the prosperity of tbe Pacific coast. Vhetber or njt tbe principle advocat,-d bv Mr Wealoerionl are r-trrect is n for u. lo say. but it is a pleasure to slate lhat he c;n t life for a f?w tnomen'a wilbou'. cbusing , . . , his r pp-.nents or ober, who may differ with hlni. , , , "Of Couise Judg: Ir. as governor, couiti o; orptnaeu upon to rs o rsco meas ure as the initla'ive scheme ani the :nor". gajetax hlmsrl'." Correspondent Oiefonlan. . Here is 'he p'alo Usee! Thr entire ros- i chmerv of the ktpub'Ksr, (-aitj; will lex- j . eicited to prevent 'he reeatctmen: c I the I ' mot ejf the motgagetat ,w Mow CaSl j the k-.rullicaa candidste f jr the leislat- ' . ore , -hi, county pre'.eai to favor tr.e re- . eoactm. t,t cf thi law and s' ill i-ppo! a j ! candidate for governor abi can be tiepend-1 eJupmto vef) it. It the gen'le men explain. In tbe meantime li e uwertaaed I ( volrr hou' 1 cast bia ballot for Glkrsry I 1 for govern r aod Bilyeu, Mfeit anttheeo- 1 t;rt DMsrJei i'Ic ticket. The SjI m Sta'esmon on N'jv, 3, l)-. j said: There should be a change in tbe manage- tnent of the CnemaT Indian mining school atonce It is understood that the depart ment ta iommcnded the removal of Re Irwin, the pievent upeiinien lent, and ISM appointment of a Cal fornia mar, and that some member of the Oregon CoagHllli 1 delegation objects to tho appointment f 1 any man who it no, an Oregonitn. Then a i Ore,tonian should be deciled up- j " st once snl the ehsnge nude without de-: 1 '' That scbiol ha been mismanaged j and in a perennial roar and stew long I enough. While the present uunagement ho'd forth theirjl likely 10 lie no l.npiove- I men': I This I the man the reuublieani have put j upf r state chiol superintend -n-. A vote for Galloway, Uilyeu, Keyers, I'hilpot. Whitney ond Crun-.e is a vole for Ibe 'eenait nen". of the inoitgagc lax law, A vote.for th: Krpuh lean nominees nr gov ernor ami the legislature Is a vote lo send men to a caucus presided overjby Joe Simon who is bring arged f r the B llt; Sv '' by ihe f).'egnnl in lo pr:vent the reena Imsn I of this law, and finally to prevent Ihe niets- ure if cirried '. a governor (Lord) wniM, ,s Albanv. Will tea. h sr.itinf and! cou'tl be depended uon to veto It. o t-,r your .i should beopn toyouroWn in terests Din't trut the Portland ring. Intelligent people are not going o he j misijiiideit hy fa'se pretenses. They don't j god iwn, Any one with the sense of even a I 1 populist , to iisejiidjc llirrs expression, : knows Hint the present sheriff is not H'spon ' sible for county wanant being marked "not J palj for want of fund.". In fact Ihe pres ent sheriff Is as good 11 tax collector as tbe j slate cf Oregon has ever had. In strong con j trsst lo the capaci'yof ono of his opponents ai shown hy the collection of last years city ' taxes. The way to secure the mortgage lax law s to vote Iht Democtntlc tlrlti t. MISFITS. The Waterloo eorrenpondent of tlia Leb anon KxpregH evidently knows a couple of l'lmiion men. lie says: Komers and Htowe were here as announced last Satur day. The audience was a mixed one and went away in a worse condition. Homers furnished the figures and Htowe the wind. They are able men, but misguided. At .ached to the prohi ..elation they would shilling lights. The Man about Town i3 nnti-i 'am. so ; farasCoxcyis concerned. At the same i aue- unu un.M ,,,e 'm'!nt when the black i aj,,, lt u thought Mr Moore ia not time, one cannot hMp swing that this i ?ap was pulled over his head, he showed no j fatally injured. The horses were a val Coxey movement has ojiened peoples eves j ln"icalion ot weakness. naMe sjian of bays, to the fact that the laborer has rignts win He Meaiearrtl. which the government must respect, ami V.'ahhikoton, May 18 -Judge liradiey Tired, Weak, Nervoiw. net only resist, but legislate in the in - I of tle dl-rifJ m' Je c Jfe b rest of. I his i.i true though it is possi- nnr. rfuH i : 1 ble there is hardly a genuine laW.rer in the I ""! ' ' 5""li V ! "l "i Mtf" ,7P?W bluod. "d overwork or loo Coxev movement The government has i 1-H-n workin,, for ll.e rI,rne,ri.. now let i liM lYiiiiiiion Mtm i tret n ,Knfir i 1 e " Phil Metchan. republican candidate foi stab; treasurer, has $r.i,O0O of state money I locked up in the Cortland banks, and yet i then is a republican paier with N little ! dicernment nl to try to make capita! against tlie democratu in lann cjunty, bf cause fhe county treasurer had some mom-tin a bank, with several prominent republi cans as h-ading directors, ami manv f the liest patrons republicans, over half of the money having been already paid back. It U well to look around Isjfore doing sacb ; 'I ick talk. ior ii i -i iiinu-i liniviTaiiiitv ting. "fad- A curious '.tutain e i the value vertising is reiRirtel from New J ork. Thorp w it i,bvticin lliAm wl.n iutsMtiBM - rr r7 ZrTii 1 r. j , n t - --- - -. in 1 ne stupers with the a'lvfrtiseiiiont. A few tliys atjo he WMitwi a letter from the west, on the enyilni, of which there waa not a w"rt "f ailJra.--. nothing but the lrtrait of the man, which had liwn clip- from an(, teil on tlie j velop. Kverj- den an.l pitman who i hand!eii;the letter knew the face, and it ' was forwartletl without a moment's delav. W I -a , 1 A Iaithki i. OmOCM, The following 111' lUUIll . JW-iplJtiiii nit latJI'U.'iM Ilmi- " IV ft ? a. "' " r rj .tin t .iv a ti i iur jvf j turn . i , 1 tiir 1 . i we Wlievc would make a faithful otber but every voter in the countv KXOWS that .lacKson will. Wedtnot snuport Jackson Ijrcause we bat.- caore faith in Jackson. Th worst thing any republican can say of Jackson is that he does not agree with lltn. ilKllfWa lla Vi , . lw.r. Iri.l nn.l t-.tvr ili f.,un.l wtntitlit 111. tlittv lt:tft more severe than that of his DrIe.,-- , .--r but imparually has it been j?rtirowl. 11. t. 1 1 . . 1 I . t f 1.11 . I " ,-' era uijumu ti uoiiara 01 1 .i..'ic. i.ti lit and n. . mrfii iff TaV A I --- , r." X' I snown in uie work; ne went anj-r ine moat .iang-r'as or . rinaiiaj'. r .i-ae-i titviii wn into the mountains and bn.ught litem Wk i win prisoner cut iron bar and d-inolisbevl brick walls to e-ai'. wa at th U) fWma hmw4f to t an honest an i caiabl- orh:vr and the Courier has verT reaon to believe that the l ple will ee to it that If remains in the office, tbe ttaties of which be has so faith fully performed. The Causes or x Liik Tims- Th' editcr of the Newyort Nwti (fs- eloquent a .: :- ciett.t ti-tt tr.e tieivra Aaraiuii 01 tie 1 nni 1 m-Jiienaa church that i- to meet in Albany on the . 1 I . 1 1 - : . . r, L . - iini. win iil in a tiy .ewrport. toe rs; : ..itvin the l m-'n. lnere ar- j most of" them tre from the middle and .!. .r 1 ltaaa , immtiirinrt,-rw art.i -1 1 trn states, it is not likely thev will miss ,ch I, Zmm in its ;acid waters; , capture the iramev ".rjut. keln or the rr"clt to beheld tbe sportive more- "tti mightr whale mijwte.y ex- amine the monster ot more than W0 feet in uk .hul . li- nr the larh V. 1 understand that a round trip rate of (LSO ir . a. ant t .w;. rt i.a- '--r. c3r : W-l. ml k. , ,. -- j , . "ako I ,! 00 jr daj -rate o the com ' ,ar. -.. to stay. I city w,ll delight to honor si n dia- tir.v-.itsbi irJ-.t. 1 . lb w ailing, of Portland, grand waMa: Bi KSssUOss. sl P'ndetrn. grand secre 1iiin't Kxow Wht l"he " erj T T8 iTirt. liITTslw. treas- Sew say that John KivJf-ick. . :' Baod orer. A N tsatniXI. of Potfard. grand getts is in the city, having come in to o- ( rep'esien'atise. (ure th iscessary psspsasl f-r the arrest t? Saleni was choM as die placr '( oieet Wui Kes-hn on a tharjrv of assault with a . ing ol the next Ttnd lo-lge ssaMSDn w-.ts..n. Froea Mr Fwrlersrli re alsissa hs,; sr.- learn that hi antagonist laid in wa,t I for him in the brush, and when ! , ,;":tM'?tT'- ay.1' dre ary iler- ai,ins Kohn bbsssbssI BsaLssad aftor a thrmi -S him with a doubv-larrele-l sh Aerm. .1 u: - r.t . 1 1 ,L. : . 1! '! 1 - k ' ' . .HI.' . 1I1T1' Hi.'. 11, . .r1 ST.. , . . . and eloow of the b-ft arm. 1 nan k aid 1h; ai1 kDOW of thl. vt , ,. - f , , f ,. . , . ,i know the cau of tin- art. MiSstrv. -Fully as large an audienoe a the on-' of the night previous witnessed ; ''rforTnanc,. of th- ieorgia Mir.stp-I. a the New Memphis Iheatre l4tt niebt nw performers were better hp m their parts, and seterue-l to enter fuilr inUv the spirit of the entertainmmt and aniou to pUxiss". The manager of tne Ne , . T , , , . phi i to l . .ngratu Uted on h. Mem- atiiii; at present tlie last show so far brought to the . ity this sea-n.--The Iaily Commercial. At th opera houv on Thurstlay. May SS wrists Calasakiiaa Wlilbeof value lolihe I.XBwaltlaa. torld bv illuttrat- ing tne improtement In the mechanical art and e:ninent physiciar. will tell you Pud the progre In mellrlns agents, has been of equal impona-irr, and a a tt engihening laxative lhat Sirup of Figs Is far in advance of all other. Will at Mat.. Ktsrs If vK want a call for J .Lhj white labor cigar. at t Vmad The beatjmaat ot.tless ia the mty irts.yr r. Si v -Mi HaCBOlM nettly irj-aird ri rran' e 1 1 v a thorrnuhlv c-mi eler trk - s-afir a it.. n. at ! wt - Orsgoo. )r. Price's Cream Oakinc; Powder A Fure Oraaa Crm ol Tartar Powdar. Shiloh's Vitaitser ! what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellov istn or kld nov trouble. It is irnrntel tt.'give y on atisiactiitp. I'riee 75o. Sildjhy Frrahay & Maane jr. P ke a Creun ttaliing Powder Moat Perfect M.ide I 'ure. tne great orsagh nd croup li by us. ltokt atai crntain rs doses. oaly 2.c. Oliililren lire it Mason. ur, 1 ! . wenty -ti nhav v TVtien IUhy was sick, urn -ave bor Cuunia. Wnea kIw was n nuid, he critd for Castoraa. WTien b1i. btsrame Mist. iJie cIuiik to; j. When slir bad lliil.lren, she gavtUipni CsCoiia Ckumin LKawona. Thoae wuhing to to stady Qertnan should oail on Mrs f Coh- m lit tin . iii-tii. r of Thinl tstiil lalwjafwua apeak ing tterm an s lease call before April 1st. Mil-( '.Con us. To retain an abundant heudo f htl 10 natural color to a gcod old age, the hy gicno of the scalp must be observed. A plv llall'a Hair Uencwer. A I Iran In 111 V he 'iiH'f nearly nil the washing in Al bany'!' Why, the Albany Steam fsvtndlj Why, liecause they do first-class work at low prices. Who patronizes the C'liiniimeii!' Oii'y a verv fe-v. lkm't mention it. lluve you seen the new wagon. It's modern mid holds a stuck of clothes. Their big Inisiness demands it. lis. hauls & Phillips lnnde it. They know bow, as well us how to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rich and poor and does good work for idl alike. jTry it, try it. XO. flauaea Hanged. Astoum, Or, May 18.- John Hansen, the wife murderer, suffered the death pen ally today, and marched to his fate with : out any visible signs of emotion. He ' slept well, and arow about C this morning, aud shortly afterward a'e a meal, which I consi- ted of at ea, five eggs, coffee and . tuu--. niter wim-ii in. kmniM titu ninA tinrii .he arrival of Itev W S ShcofKrTis- i I t l 1 t ' . ! cop. ..nurcu, w o n , caiieu upon the condemned daily for some time past, i ' anlMln " "uiV: " ""ewwn was remark- ' 771 L '?" il""". ".T""' TV lloer, : a 1 . . n .. ites of bringing up for review the proceed ig in tne ponce court wbicn ended in their conviction. Tomorrow morning at 10 o clock tne convicted Coxeyites will lie brougt up before Judge Miller for sen- i tenee, the judge having now received his ; Nervousnes. low of ileep, loss of ap- recoiniuusion. ptte ,nd general delrllty alt disappear SjanMsg Kaiand. ' when Hood's Saraaparllla is persistently WAM.AfK. Idaho kf. M-TU. ,o'1,ake"' nd lronf? r-ve. eet sleep, now about 75 'wealers in town, and o'-bers are straggling in from the West They are ; v I r . - . i 7 ,bellavl?r- '' rffr.,e , Jeffries; " "Z , . f '", "T" , . ; ' : a.-,- i men uave tecureu all the old clothes in town, but very little money. At noon I about a dozen boarded the Musoula freight : as it started out. The train v.-..- a'elv rltif n.wl tn II. t. i-,nl, I'll" aflO, May 1" The worst slorra of Bn seison has raged all day on I.ake Micb- igan. and grave fears are entertained fori the (safety of such craft as put out from port last night on a smooth sea. The wind ITfrom the north northeast, blowing W miles an hour, an J extends generally over the entiie region. II df a dozen schooners and smaller crafts have founder- 1 .11 - lMU,rlrf - - . mnma Nf.w loitk. May IS The World s San Salvador dispatch says: liver 600 rebel have snrrvntlf rvtl tn I .n-r:,! .loantnn Hiay ending the revolution in the atc'ion of r mini risjrurr ! ABXBOABE, wsdtav alt 1" I'unng a Ktu,tr tumcti u -re 'asi nisrui. one c-i tne 1 contestants, Kes, was knocked over the rop- and killed His skull was fractured. All present were arre-ted. in. lai lbi. AsTOiiiA. Mav IT. - John Haneo, the wile murderer, is spending his,' last night on earth, and bears up with remarkable fortitude, a'though showing in a marked 'l-gree toe ffects of hU incarcera'ion . t... . 1 . . . . 1 I ! 11 , inasj ur pa,t iwo momus ue na laiien atll ? ,la."- KI t tat naaaxk -an.l i u Iia i - C" . . . Paie ana wan. a tam Jays nnoe he be- gan i. wn-e a b:orv ot cis at, tut ve tertjay arauuonevl ine attempt, alter com ing to the conclusion that hi telors could accomplish no beneticial result. Still S..i Baa. WAnt..,roN. May 17. WitUasa J Iiryaij. of the First Nebraska district, has rent a leMer to tbe chairman of his con gretsiona: committee. Judge J H Froady. of Lincoln, declining to be a candidate for re-electioo. His reasons for retiring' from congressional life arc that be is unwilling . to enter a contest, which, to be waged suc cessfully, would conSne ram tc hi dutric: . 1 . . , ot ...... uunng me campa'gn. iceuistnctis re I publican by 700J. and in tie iart election Mr llrjan ron by tho raijonty of 140. I S iatal frtMc. I Kt NKix, 0, May IT. A cyrlone pasjed one-fourth of a mile west of here ai ASH o'clock this afternoon, killing five persons, fa'ai y iojuriog two ethers and s'ightiy wounded several more. The killed and injured are: lasad laniel Barrett. Mr- ianiel Bar rett. Martha I'abo. Mtita Dasbo and 'i"v'rge Uxiwrer. , .fatallv injured c nr:r t : .e. .Mrs tares Cole. and Jen.iie Oeek. Bans t SSrrrr. rEsni.ETox. May 17 - Ihe grand lodge elerted ofBoer thi evening, as fo.!osrs: L C Parker, of Ij"a. grand master: T J S'ites. ol Albert . deputy grand mattrT: '. .Vlis llertert. Jl:s .loell. Mr Nicou TITa V j ninr nam Mare I - i j r. . 1 .irt.i 1 -si I c.i " - I visiting points of interest here Tbcv ' ,or to ortb by way of Portland, and will rrturn rUst by tbe Northern PaciSc JJJJJ jJj" SSjT f fataSfe. or California aIUI iw1. t Pan. .May It, Half a million dol !ars will trarcely cover tbe damage done hj the great storm of ves'erday and la.-t I n'gnt m Minnesota ami estern t icoti- m. 1 ne aownrsour 01 ram was ine great - est ever known in this section of the North west, and in many places was a destruc tive as a watt rs pout. Tbe damage il grea'e along the St (. roll. Koga lee and Chippewa rivers, where the rise in tbe waters was so rapid that bridges could not resist it. snd dozens of them were washed away. In several places also dams were; washed out, and the Hood did much d ial. i:s. age to business property. The death so far includes five. .-per, j Aetlaa tlriuaaded. Waskixgtox, May It'.. Allison presid- 'ed a conference of republican senators ' at the capitol toslay. About two thirds of . the membership were present, lt was a continuation ol tbe discussion which oc- curretl at Sherman's Mondav night- L'u- 1 I . ; 1 ; - - l.;.o i 1''t'aj''n8 'n favor of speedy action, and .'1 duiivuiitrj ui.. 111 1 u.i.'n s-t .i.-.i. when several senators took issue with him i he said his judgment relative to the effect ot stiver repeal was its good as theirs last I fall, and he intended to follow it. The I ' - - - - --- 1 (...., ( .... iti..,.., ..;, I "!"a' "K " " 1 tir.c act- 1 "pon, but toe aerators wno, i leve in earlv action seemed to lie in a large majority. After Teaawy rr. liitAST s Pass, Or, May 16.- Uon T T ' tltvr addrv'ssevl a large audience in tbe opera house here tonight, on the issues of tbe day. He dwelt on 1'ennoyerlsm in a most logical wav, and showed cp tbe errors of the populists"' doctrines to perfection. Mr !'er is a verv plr.isant speaker, a deep : reasoner, and keeps his audience in ihe i.- : of humor. A Maesaa' llasbaad Oiawartl. Tout T.nvNsi;sn. May 1C. Kdward , j Heaae, tbe younar bricklayer who eloped froin this city last year with rrineess I Louise, the tlaughter of the king of Tahiti, j ami abamloiiiti her in Whatcom, was drowned Mooday evening, near Admiralty j 1'oint. by the 1 -apsizing of a skiff. He is! Ihe fifth person drowned in that locality j this wok. An Arirslaa Well. MkdVORD, Or, M.iv 10. The c'ty oobsv oil has let a contract to L 1 H.mny, of ilridley, Cal, to bore a well 50ii feet dean for f SOiK). and tT.oO per foot beyond 500 feet. It is expectel that artesian water will bo obtained at ."0& feet. The V10 appropriated by the legisla- j tur for the improvement of the niiu : eral spring at Sodaviile, has been re ceived by the trustees. The work ol I improvement will eotui begin. -I.eo1v.10t1 i Advance. li Price's Cream Itaaaag Powder Forty Years f it ScanOarV. U'ki.IIINU NVITAVIOS8. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Uolden t'ommon every day. a .'-MII.BV. . a ax Notice. , Tax payers will bear in mind that the counf- ;ourt has fixed May 14th as the tiimf ten taxes will become deliquent. All should pay before that date so as to avoid additional cost. C CJaek8on sheriff, Accident at Curvallis. Corvalmj), Mat 17. This morning while Mr Moore, of the firm of Moore tc Wheeler, grocery men, of this place, wai waiting for the ferry on the other aide of the river he thought he would chnnge bridle on his horses, when be hal removed toth bridles the horses be- t l , .1 ; l;.. j mJTSSLSZh hig riw otherwise injuring him. fhe horm an1 wafon vhlnei int rivOT.. wsvim " a '.larwiaK bjcicibi jl linking immediately, and did not rise mucn atrain on Drain and body. Th- only way to cure la to feed to feed O.r nerves on pure blood. Thousands of; peop'.e certify lhat th best blood purifier, j the best nerve tonic and strength builder is Hood Sarsaparllla. Wriat It ha done) tor others it will also do for you Hood's ttrong body, ftharp appetite, and In a word itj,,. c.r.U health and happir.e follow the use of II I . C 1 l Thf .troitg poi rafUNj b -iKJiianna The strong point about Hood'g Saraa- Pri'la is that they a e permanent, because they ttart from the solid foundation of purified, rhairxed and enriched Hood. State Democratic Ticket. For Governor hill county. of Yam- i.V-ngT-man. from the 1st district Hon J K Weatherfotd. of Aluany '-.ngretsman from 2nd district Ron las H Raley. of Pendleton. Supreme Judge A S Bennett, of The Dalles. Secretary of" State -Charles Nickel!, of Jacksonville. School Superintendent 1 V S Beid, of Kugene. Irea-sarer rhomas L Iavidon. ol Salem. Attorney lieneral-W H Holmes, of Salem. State Printer JchnO'Brien.M Portland. Circuit Judge J i Daly. Prosecuting Attorney- L H Moo ts; e. Senator' Bilyeu. Albany. Jefferson Meyers, Franklin Butte. liepreeentative. J M Philpot Harrii- burg. I J Whitney, Albany! N PCrume. Sbeld. Commissioner W E Potter, Fox Vl- lay. Clerk C E Stanard. of Brownsville. ! Recorder Bilev Shelton, Scio. Sheriff C C Jackson. Halsey. Tresururer E L Br van. Tangent. Asseseor S O Waoare. Lebanon. School Superintendent F M Mitchell, A loanr. Con.ner -frank Farrell. Albany. Public Speaking,. Tbe iWmot ratio candidates of Linn coun ty will speak on the political issues of tbe day at the following times and places: Svraeuse May 1. at 10 a m Tangent " ' IS. at 2pm Shedd " 19. at 1pm Harrisbm-g " 21. at 1pm HaUey " 22. at 1 p m Brownsville -3. at 1pm t rawfortlsvilie .... Sweet Home Waterloo Sotianlle.... I .ti, Rock Creek Lyons Jordan She! born Scio' Santiaxu Allatny 24. at 10 a m 24. at 2pm ' 25. at 10 am " -S. at 2 pm, SH. at lpm' 2. at lpm; ' Jy. at lpm) :. at 10 a m ; 31. at 3 p m " 31. at 1 p m i June I. at 2pm! June 2. at lam 1 rppnsing candidates i - - "1 . quested to be present 1 '. the discussion. t K Oavts. Chairman County Central ..'ommittee. Jto Wright. Secretarv. All Go It Alone. Tbe democrat, relists and repulican. have taken a new departure and .have different days for making the county can- ! vass. The detcocrats begin at Svraeuse on f 1 - .1 li: s rs .1 . .was ir. lire reou oilcans at rtssiers on uie ISth and the populists t-ree dats earlier .at Rock Creek. Thev all end at" Albanv on 1 ! June 2. Helow we give the days, without the hour, the months being Mav until 1 and 2 at the last, held in June, tbe letters indi cating the paitie: ' ( Svraoise 15C Wham Oaiimay Wm Galioway. D R P 1 23 21 1 23 22 19 24 23 21 26 25 SO 05 5 28 26 24 29 3S 24 IS 29 25 19 30 25 31 26 30 31 28 21 lo 29 21 16 30 22 16 31 22 17 31 1 1 1 SI 19 2 2 2 19 29 ol i langl ut . . Shedd Harrisburg-. Haisey Brownsville j Crawfordsvilte 1 vtaniv ius. lilt :o t, -;-eet riorae . . Waterloo Sodaviile--. Lebanon . I not: tree.. Lvons V s 1 Jordan SheJburn . . . Scio Santiam Albany liberty Holly Lacomb Tvo Stepping Stones to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a cold and a tough. Consumption tliusac quireil is rightly termed " Con sumption from neglect." Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. Scoti's Emulsion is the richest of fat-fimis yet the easiest fat-fiXhi to take. It arrests waste .rni builds up healthy ltesJk. t- I'lrpjirvtl by Hoott Btvwna, N. Y- AdnifiU. BIDS FOR WOOD . . Notice is hereby elven that bids will be : received by the" County clerk of Linn I county, Oregon, up to 6 oclock p m of , June 6 1894, for 30 recordsof oak wood. I either grubbs or split, to be not less than fOUr Inches in diameter at small end of j w0fXi ,nd to be delivered on ground at the IJnn County Court House N P 1 May 16 1894 N P Payn. j County Clerk, I The QuestionS sfr is a simple one easily t decided by reason and common sense. jMl COTTOLENE t the new scientifically prepared shortening is made from pore beef met, and highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lord is made, in the tnajority of cases, in the packing-bouse, and not as of old, from the pore leaf of the hog. Which is likely to be the most healthful? Decide for yourself. It mast be s COTTOLENE Wk Sad three cent la stamp ta N. Wf Z K. Furfaaslc & Co., Chicago, far b Wk baaeaoax CoOoUm Cook book. MM eassaaasss iz aM mtff. t. casfsred &y a to csumt aatbo- Jff rkicsoaooosia jMl Cssssssas laaoldbralgoccrr, mW Tilsn - nk only try K. FAIRBANK & CO er t a. .10 - Bl. wviaan V CHICAGO. NM "ORK, W jA oaToat. sjk ws W aj sj a ai ! 238 REPORT OP THE COHDITIOX or TBI FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT A LEAST, IS THE STATE OP CP.Er.ON at the dose A btaaaeM, M,r t;h, lt. rS7.tlft ' Brkii.j I, fumitnie. and Sxtam . lS.SSa.OU 'Jtbcr real eatate ani BMrt(acea owu t U t Doe from National Baakafm reaerr. n--: 5 JM.t ; laacfrsaiaaaBra! mrm tat 111 M'jaa'x aal cither ea Sotas ot other Naiiwai H LaarvL Msjrrr RasaaTi a Bin. rzz: Specie mjm 1 . ftid ari'Ji I". 1 Trsa-:.-er . pee oe&t 4 nrmiXjn j T.i an 11 CafAtal Mock paad ia. : c . ill- Satkcal Back aotes nr-tamtir- Do to ether Nauooai Baak Do to stale Bank and asasssas.. baiiridBal oepoaiu anhject ta check- sasnssai arassasssssl i-x.: rae teru&cares of aepaast tSlVB amis . iTj.r aoro m aMas.t Isasl Stars or Oaasoa. Cornr or Lot. a : I, E W Lasseos. Caefcer ta! the a2re td baak 6a sntessalT mar thw: the ahore sate t true Is the best al m tai alele ui befieL E T L-S-NO-S, Saiacnbed sad swora to besore e;thi 14th dai A Mav, lisx. A LFEED H FK E EE KSES (u a) Notary Poh&e for Oreeoa. Coazaor- attest t L FLIXN. S E fO CSS LE ... - Bssasl -. f Your V J Heart's Blood J " Is the moat irnportaot part of s W yoaror-aaian. Three-fourths of W IL the complaints to which the sys- W tern is subject are doe to .uesiaice usooc. 1 ou can. tnere- I fore, realize how vital it is to FV Keep It Pure V " For whkh pnrpoae nothing can f equal MM It eectuaDy re- am iffiiiurinaL. ' cleanses tbe blood thorooghh- and htrikisim the ravnl health w c SWT SfEBRC C&, Aawata, Ga. V 9 saars V asted on Saiarr and Commission vTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED of JAME G. BLAHI, By Gail HaaiLTO. bis literary execator. with the co-op -ratiofi n- His family, sad tor sf.r. Blaine's Cornr' Works, TVim Yi-.aF..- or Coi.-.iS." and hU later booa. "POutical Di css:oys. " One proapectas for these 3 bkt selli; books in the saajr- j ket. AKP Jorrlaa of Me.. took 112 order j fcws ! Rassia, in 1 dav:- pro hi S2U.25. K X Rice of Maes, took 27 order in 2 days: profit sMT-25. J Patndge of Me. took 3 criers . t ! ! . - - - c-k or r . n 1 , s ts.u, isuui s?i...i. r. a r a mer N. Dak. toot. 53 orders in 3 davs: profit li.25. ExcLrsTx-B Tkmitort sriveo. If a wish to make LARGE MOV. V write : nesliately for terms to 1 tar Bill rib. Co. .orwiffa.CrjiB Send for Catalogue Address, REV. K, Jf, CO.ND1T, Albany. Oregon aaowiwaa of iailia tn - srma war of nnMsi, t-. . JJ: ",T, ra the cent l?juro staiED 1 sfT n-TS.?1 F irara tor iSowaKiaStrysirl StvHSHs ayrelopa tot tats in reun-auiui u fcZTi hr"nwliHjUear rassi wa neat the stauw IVUk Iba sgJgi'l'w'uus mr. The an4 Jfava 10, Blatter ot I Sa fraa irai """"T atntttM - .Mw awiiiih a Slavs Poaalbla. itrx ftwooatlta; trilCrtarwa B-iS 2 irrn T. i ZitOJ-u as FRA2ER AJCcLri . KST IS TBS Woi. aa-warla, Qulhl-. utjur, UawUnc two rwof mnTZthZ t 1 . ';Z r'TC. "TH"" a wav Beaasarec . . Um apasas to eeare ei.taiaxim Ujmtjm Prrtnliuu oa C 8 bo. 1,'fM.m ' Stork, itrjnli, nr C1.XS nam . aii hin 1 eewt w w mi 9 mmm f-RSa. urea and I