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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
muni. Sitka, the capital of Alsska, is the most northern city in North America. The Merrima- River is said to move more machinery than any other stream In the world. The planet Neplu-ie has the longest tear, consisting of inoic than sixty thousand of our days. For the information of Governor Tennoyer who will issue one more Thanksgiving proclamation we have to say that Novem ber of next year will have re Thursdays. A wac auceests thst the democrats should eat turkey on president Cleveland's Thanksivine day, the populists on Pen- noyet's and the republican" eat crow. Last year New York city paid for Its school till four million dollars, for its amugemont bill seven million dollars and for its drink bill sixty million dollars. There ia one t ru-, and only una th'.ng to be said about Governor Vernoyer'a issuing his Thanksgiving PrcclamttioD, and that ia that he mabe a mesa of it. fie got ahead f Cleveland, it is true, but at the .expanse of subjecting himself to the lidicnlo of tha a hoi country. He named the day first but named the wron3 day. According to the Portland Walcome nearly every body in Portland will observe Thurr day November 30ih (the day diaigoated by President Cleveland) as Thanksgiving day. and not the day i- by G v t .r rer noyer. Gov Pennoyer has again displayed his impudence and his vast and varied ignor ance in a Thanksgiving proclamation call ing upon the people to pray that congress may restore to sliver its "full legal-tender" quality. The standard dollars, of which 419,00 .ooo have been coined, are legal tender for roo cents each, though intrin sically worth 53 eeats. The people of Oregon ought to pray for wisdom to elect a better Governor. New York Wcxld. The Statesman labors very hard to make it appear that Thanksgiving day occurs on the fourth instead of the last Thursday in November. To strengthen this position it says that the New York Wmli almanac for 1893 says: "November 23, 1893 Thanks giving Day is observed in all the states though in some it is not statutory." Now we have the world Almanac for 1893 before us and it says the above except it has No vember 30 instead" of 'November 23.' We leave the Statesman to explain to its readets this mistake. For the information of "Cue Who Wants to Know" we have to say that it is a fact that the universal enstorn with the presi dents of the United States and the govex nors of th.s state to name tie last Thursday in November as the d.ty of Thanksgiving It frequently happens that there are five Thursdays in November in which case Thanksgiving is placed on the fifth Thurs day instead of the fourth. Thanksgiving occurred on the fif- Thursday in tbe following years: 1866, 1871, 1S77, 1882, 18S3. and 1892. A few days ago we published a little clipping purporting to be from the Biker City Democrat in which the editor tells how '"Harvey Scott ia the Evening Tele gram whacks Harvey Scott of the Oregon -ian on the financial question, and tbe next morning Harvey Scott of the Oregonian roasts Harvey Scott of the Evening Tele gram in a most unmerciful manner. The spectacle is that of a man attempting to kick himself." Our attention has been called to the fact that it should have been credited to the Roseburtr Reviow. Tbe Democrat clip ped it from some paper that credited tbe article to tbe Baker City Democrat. We want to do both the Review and tbe Baker City Democrat justice, hence we make this orreclian A DECADE OK PKOGREhS- Despondency 1. apt to f si o a season of business depression. The ciouas of finan cial disturbance obstruct tbe daylight of certain progress. We forget that the pen dulum of time swings to the right as well aa to the left. Tie daily wan' s of nx'- -seven millions of people make an immense busi ness, even when their luxuries are neglect ed. The enforced economies ef 1893 make increased business for IS04. A great na tion like the United States cannot s'and still. Its hUtory. its progress, its menis. are not measured by single years, but by decades, by centuries. The tear 1893 has been a diaprointment to many basinets men, but what 1 the record ot ten years? What ii decade of progress this Re public shows between 1880 snd 1S90I What a foundribn for hope and faith in its future. According to the Cessu liureau, during the 10 years following 1880, the wealth of this country increased at the rate of $100, 150 an hour, or about $2,510,030 for each day of the 10 yeirs Thi Is equal to one third of Ihe daily accumulation of the whole world. It is a rr.arvell u achieve ment for a nation ia the seco 1 J ce itury f Its existenre. With its thousand years of accumula'ion and civilization, Great Brit ain has neither the total wealth nor Ihe annual income of the lfned States. Oji population is ab'ut 67,000,0x1, as against 38.P00 000 in the United Kingdom. Statistics will show thi wonderful prg les . The total wealth of this country in i88 $43,642,000,000; In 1893, $2, 60 ,ooo,ou'; money in circulation in i88j, $073,382,228; In 1893, $1429.251,270. In'.-ros -Irearing debt in 1880, $1,723,993, IX); in 1890 only $725313,110; national bank capita' in 1880, $463, 000,00c; in 1890, $667,250,000; savings bank deposits In l88i, $891,961,141; in 1891, $1,654,826,142; total value of manufactures in l88, $2, 7 1, 579,999; n $4 853,285 837; tots! valu; farm products in i83o, $3,475,000, 000; in 1893, $4,5oo,ooa,ooo; miles of rai' load in 1880, 92.296; in 1890, 166,702 miles. This tr.jpnificent record might lie ex tended throughout Die long line of art and innu. tries Klucational facilities have been Increased, transportation i proved, and wages raised. No other country on tarth supplies the industrious and frugal man of moderate means so many o' the comfort of I'fe St other nation a0oids the sse&JIs of advancement, political, social, educational an I moral, as supplied by tni great Republic. Why then should despon dency prevail at tliis bilef eclipse of glory? The sun of prosperi'y t 111 soon rie again and Illumine this fav3red country, blessed at once with unbounded natural resource, and mei! of enterprise as I pluck and per Kcvtrunce in their development Ckm C'LESUANca 8aLa in ladita tiua shoe Witbiu the next 15 dav we prup ise to li .o-e of 12 d z id airs of French and I .' ! kid, bind turned and aaaak'ua ewed, opera arid c .niniuu reijae laats, f rum 2 to 4 in all wi.iiha I km ,oi, most go 1. . ir l'i si of coat. I ... ; ... woarinx shoes 111 thvae aiaai wili do wall by calling on Klein Bros. Site REVIVAL LOOKED FOB. Senator Yoorhjes who led the fight in the 'aate for repial of the Sherman law on eing interviewed since the passage of the repeal bill said: "We met amidst the crash of business disasters, bank failures nnd all the distress ful incidents of one o' the worst financla panics ever known in this or any other eiuntrv. We adnata with qute: Dttainea circles and a fair degree of restored confi dence prevailing in all parts of the country It will, of count, take time for the various business pursuits to fully recover from the overwhelming financial shock and the de pression which has atllicted the country for the last six months, but signs of healthy improvement are now visible on every hand, and good omens for the employment of labor come from all quarters." "The darkest hour for the bill was after Senator Sherrran's famous Interview a month ago, in which he encouraged its enemies andj discouraged its fiienJs by de claring in the strongest terms that uncon ditional repeal could never pass the seuate. I felt that blow more than atiy other In the long contest, and, In my judgment, it pro lonced the fieht at least two weeks. Mr Sherman was very anxious for a co.npro mise embracing an issue of bonds. That was the meaning and purport of Ida strong speech in the senate, when he arraigned the democratic side of the chamber for having so long delayed an effort to compromise. All these utterances and predictions on the part of an acknowledged leader of the re publican party could have but one effect . They encouraged Mr Teller, Mr Jonts and their allies to figh. on, and they chilled and dampened the hopes and zeal of many staunch supporters of the bill. 1 have very great respect for Mr Sherman's high ability and for him personally, but I have never beliexed, and do not now, that be had any real liking for the bill, or that he keenly desired its enactment into a '.aw,, uric-, il carried an amendment providing for the issuance of a goodly supply of government bonds. I do not, however, desire to indulge j in a word of unkind cuslclgm of any one and I gladly bear testimony of the kind, untiring, faithful support which the lull re ceived from tte large body of republican senators, who finally gave it their votes." W hen requested to state his views about future legislation, the senator only consent ed to say : "A revision of tariff taxation ought no to follow, foi the regular session is only 30 days dutant. I predict we will enter upon a solid and lasting career of prosperity f jr the laboring and producing masses in every section of our teloved union." Said Voorhees, in reply to a question: "On the democratic side of the chamber while there were very strong differences of opinion, I do not know of a single unfriend ly feeling left by the pro'.rac.ed discussio.i. .Neither party organizations r.or persona relations have been disturbed. ..1 Me tatte up our w.,ra or. the larltl an aid nHyrtf great questions, when we meet here in De cember, as If no. hing had happened to mar our peace with one another, or to impair our strength for the public good. Our faith in the presentable and thoroughly oatriotic administration has never been greater than now, and to my mia.l, the future wears a bright and promising aspect." W HAT HAY IS THANKSlilVIXK.? Thanksgiving day is peculiarly an American institution. After harvest in -he New England colonies in 1621 Gowenot Bradford appointed a day on which the people should meet and rej tce together in prayer and praise to Cod. This wai Insti gated, not by legislative enactment, but sprang from the z:i of puritatism which had Uken such deep root in the New Eng land mind. This was the beginning Thanksgiving. It is said that a day of fasting and prayer held on account of a great drought in 1623 wa changed into a day of thanksgiving by .the coming of rain " " during the prayers. In those days it be- came a cigtcm to appoint a day cf thanks, giving after harvest. The day was earned by the gove.-nors cf the New England states in a public proclamation. Daring the rev olutionary w.r, Jaya of thanksgiving were t .1 1 J 1 a a. . i .e.. ) icccnauienucu y ngic. Ai.rr tbe adoption of the constitution Washington recommended such a day and the example "U,t,,ut" " wt - cca.ionally followetl by other presi- r. a .. . . . sat dents. President Linroln frequently fee ommended the observance nf such a day after national vic'ories. lie issued a reclamation fm the observance of such a day in 1863. Since bit lime such procla mations have been issued annually by the successive president. Custom has tied upon the krst Ttiursdn.' of November in stead of the fouT'k Thursday as stated by the Oregontin. S a'mnn and oilier papers. Usually N'oveu.' er baa r ut four Thursdays and he-ce Tnanksgiving usually his been on the fourth Tnuraday. In l8S2 and IS83 it occurred on t'e fifth Thursday. I.Kl. AI, HOI.IIMY. No business inttrument can be executed on either day with the exoectaMon that i validity will be afTir.ned by t'ue courts. Evening Teegram. The TtUgram may teach all the plain doctrines it chooses in politlca, it may misrepreient and defame democrats with oat, snd without ptotest from the democratic press, but it should not be permitted to misle d Ihe people by saying no basinets instrument can be executed on either Thanksgiving day this year in this state because under the statute of the state both are legal holidays. Such it r 0t the law. Hence any n'rte, m ir gage or deed executed on a Irgil holiday is a binding on the parties a if execute I on aiy other day. A very disgraceful sc.-ue .-ired at the meeting of the city coudciI of tho Btt) of Chicago nil for tbe ptirpoee of ele:tiogs maor in place of AarrUoo. A general f..b' wash'.d iu which fists were freely used. A V-t was tske-n vbich reultfl fo Swi't rt pul liuan nc-iving 34 and M i Qillaa sliaitl erst 33 voesaoiloue b'ank. Mcf 11. n ). wa en ii msn diclai t rl 1 hi re va. uo .It ctioo when another ae eeuiuel. Tn cnuoil finally adjourned withnu'. aa election. Kkkp C'i.kan. A good way is to have your clothes washed clean, not so that they smell of Chinese expectoration; but are odorless, anil the dirt is washer! out and not pounded in. Ritbar.'n & Phillips, at. the Albany Steam Liundry, do the bet work at low prices, hire only white labor, citizens of Albany, anil are entitled to the patronage of our people. i.eiter but. Following is the list of letters remaining in the post orlioa a', Albany, l.inn county, Oregon, Nov Oth. 1893. Persons calli nil foi these letters mutt give tho data o-i whioh they were advertised. Raker M A A Crlss, L II Custer, R Euclsley, Charles Hutchens, Tom 2 Iianiger, Harry May, Mrs John B Parker, Chas Sponcer, G W Townaend, John Btnl.Joba rockett, Mis Kora lleming, Chas L, W J Lamps, Mrs Hattie McGee, W D Nash, Miss S A Schaliey.Mr William Taylor, Mrs M F Wheeler, Mra Mary Titos. MoifTEirH, P. M. . 1 Snag Proof Rubber Boots and Klein 1 Bros, HARMONY AFTER AIL. A Washington correspondent writing tlio day before the voie in the senate on the repeal bill said: The protracted debate in tho senate, which will cotuo to a close tomorrow, will not leave behind the bitternos in thut body that at onetime seemed uluiost certain. Neither w ill it occasion the serious divis ions with regard to other legislation that have been repeatedly predicted. Now that tho end is at hand and the excitement is subsiding it is apparent that democrats will remaiu democrats and republicans republicans throughout the whole life of the present congress. This is not tantamount to saying that the battle over silver was not an earnest one. No more stubbornly contested fight was ever seen in congress. Both sides have done their best, thou?h there have been times when the cause of repeal seemed to be very badly championed The silver men had the best of it in point of strategy and parliamentary manoeuvring and responded with more est to Mr Tiller's leadership than the repeal men did to the leadership of Mr Voorhees. But as the lines were drawn closer and closer, and the exigencies ef tbe case became plainer and plainer. grim grit was displayed in both camps, and the contest sustained its interest to tbe last. Politicians adjust their differences quite as readily, and as easily as lawyers do, and the leaders of the two great parties in the senate are already busy bringing factions together. Mr Sherman and Mr Aldrich are "making up" to the silver senators from the west, and the most cordial feeling is already restored between Mr Voorhees and Mr Mills on the one haud and those southern senators on the other, with whom they had. in all previous contests about silver, heartily co operated. This re es tablished good feeling will, it is predicted, rapidly increase, until by the time tbe great sul jects of tariff and election laws are presented to tbe senate, there will again be a reunited democracy and a reunited repub- icanbm in that body, prepared to adhere to meir party tenets anu piairorm promises. Mr Wo'cott, in his speech yesterday de- clared that the silver senators from the west . ,, could not be driven out of tbe republican . ., party, and the silver senators from the rrom tne south, while making no public proclama lion tf their continued devotion to democ racy, are as earnestly in favor of tariff reform as ever they were and as firmly Mired as ever to rid the statute books of ,..,, , . , , , all objocuonable laws relating to federal MMM of elections. T, . ,., But win.' there are no rioua nartv losses to e recorded, iheru are some ma- , . terial changes 'o be noted in the persona baths were taken by members than in fortunes of senators growing cut of the j to'1" la conics. No man on the democratic side ' has fare,! so well as Mr Hill Erervtbins: has ieured to his beneCt. I1U speech in j , f t : - ...1 - 1 1 lw. . i . . ) r.... r diction uttered early in tt.e eng-iemenf that unconditional repeal would . .1 pass is about to be verified His closure resolution 1 0f uiachinerj- for farm u. tateaman. wis exefetiing'y well bandlol. and his ' Certainly Linn is aa well situated tinanrial participation in tbe running debates on ly a M:m.m. are all in thesamh boat. tfcat proposition and on the old vnagesof the senate was characterired by ur.i-ual:, J "m V'xt hsooe,' .... ,,. ' ibots. It wa started a short lUM aaro. A skill and force. He found lnmlf confront- j ,j.f,ndid townite was laid oat. electric ing the aides'- men in Use chamber, but be j lights were put in street. ini pro vetnent were carried himself with so ma-b confidence I Put aewers and water works were pro- 1 1 . 1 . . .1 C . I 1 I I and adroitness tbat the galieiies applauded .. . . . , , , . bim to the echc, in vuhttM of :he roles of me senate, it is eooccded ... ... ..... here that Mr Hill has an exceptional! 1 pxxi opportunity to become the demotic leader of the senate. Mr oorbees does not aspire to the place, and Mr Gorman's signal reverses have put bim out of tbt question- Mr Hill bas shown dash and ptatk and per- rcuDlfd with ironir debating of 1 power, and these are the .al.tie needed for leadership in the new era op?nmg in j the senate. On tbe republican side tbe honor of the j contest are universally accorded to Mr Tel I " " j ler. Tbe Colorado senator bas always been regarded as a strong man in tbe senate. But as the leader of the minority in this fight his spirit bas served to arouse his followers to their best exertions, and first and last the Colorado senator has been the 1 tiAar anA btflk. Aff 1 1 .t.L .;irA. m.II.. , - - .-mo v mc -uun gent- He planned the battle, looked after thf ilptail. i,f A.r-i il ,.-.n lliM Itimu t intn i , . 1. I tbe breach whenever occasion presented l.Aif n.. J L. . I I .. .1 1 'wn auu iuuui u.ti u aiiu xaurrii lurvulsu out. He was controlled, of course. Iv local considerations. Colorado m a llver producing state, his object was to serve (he interest tf bis own people But this in sured bim sympathy in tbe senate, and as be proceeded to develop daily some effective 'juality of leadership, even tbe men ho were opp.3sing bim felt obliged to extend to bim the nieed of their admiration. Mr Sherman, however, will still remain the republican leader in the senate. The ' place is secured to him no les by hi abil ; ity and experience than by the fact that 3n ! the ground of general republican policy, . tariff, finance, federal election laws and ! other things be N hm party's Wst repre sentative in that body. is ' HKI -tliMTV bOatXi OSOUNDt DrC A Brigg. I'rof Felix Adler. and Dr Paul Cams, of Chicago, contribute lo a religious symposium In the Noverrber Foium. Dr UrigEi, who wr-te of "The Alienition of Church an I Iop;.' declare that the church bas lost the confidence of the peo,!e In lu ability to teach them the truth. In i a sane ity, an.! in ts authority a a Divine institution. Professor Adler thinks hat scep'icittn ia UcreaalBg among people unable 'o ccp' the cuiient creed; anil In Carus b lie US tbil ihe Pari anient cf Religion at Chicagu celebrated the dawn of a new religious era. All agree hat there may be true re ibion outs'de 'he chcrche. Elections take p. ace t-mo"ow in a number of states. In Ol.iu governor state officers and a legislature are to B elected. The republicans have marie a hare fij;lit anJ are thoiotighly united . The democrat!: cam paign has been cl.aracterUe.' by inromj ct ency and indiflerence. The icpublicans will win by a large majority. In New Vork, slate ofli.ers (except governor) mem bers of the legislature and minty ofbeers are to le eleced If the upubllcan had s strong I onest orgarii. it ion in tint state they would win, as h.- deavtcrats are fig'.t ing like dug and cat. in a nasabat of local ites in th-; stare Kepuoiican will like l carry '.he Ir ral elections in Brooklyn and HiifTalo sud elect the Supreme Judge. Maasacltt'SiSfttS will goiepublican as usual, loss ftill go repul llcan except on govern or which ia somewhat doubtful. Boies may be elected again il f 1 t- populiet vote It not large. If I is the repub Iran will be elected. wilt iv aeaau C'HicAiio, Sov 7 A Hacll Irom VVasli. jngton avB the next steamer from Hawivl for San Francisco will pmbibly bring newt of the action of Minister Willis under his Instructions from the state department to tne provisional government. It declare I.e is Instructed to lalonn the provisional Kiivernment that the United State regard li e dethronement of the ni.een a due en tirety 10 Minister Kite van and the landing of 1 10 iris from the United Slates steamer Boston; that but for tliern the ipicin would not have been dethroned, and as a mere matter of abstract justice, the wrong should be righted . One of the most puzzling questions that have been presented to the American peoplo in recent years is what to do with the crauk who carries x revolver. So frequency are groat cri-r.ea repeated and the horrible deeds of one crank emulated by another that many people have come to regard it as a rule that "murders go in groups." Investigation into the conduct of the villainous slayer of Mayor Harrison dis closes the startling fact that ho bad been debating the matter of assassinating Pres ident Cleveland and at least one I'nited States senator. Fjllowing upon the report of Prendergast's pistol came the visit of a crank to young Guild of New York with a demaud for money nnd presumably, pie pared to enforce his demand. There Is no safety, no place to draw the line upon this class of murderous spirits. Men in all wa.lks of life, statesmen, min ¬ isters, educators, capitalists and public officials, havt come within the scope of the crank's hatred and the reach of his aim. There is in this country though in no wise the outgrowth of tbe spirit of our institu tions, a spirit of emulation of violent deeds. a distorted vision that clothes . ith a mock heroism the perpetrators of atrocious crimes. The great ambition of tbe crank is to be a martyr. He reposes in the felon's cell aa in tbe arms of faun , bene ordinary punishments meted out to felon have, no terrors fuffieieut to deter him from the commission of horrible deeds. His life is a menace to society itself, for in the pursuit of vengeance for an imagi nary wrong he is willing to endanger any number of innocent lives. The public ball, tbe private office, the sacred circle of th home are to bim as the Geld to the hunts man. He pursues his victim with ever increasing ha'red, and ever expanding ideas of his own importance Tbe solution of this problem seems almost hopeless at first glance, yet tbe American reop'e wil be compelled to find some means of scour ing greater safety. There should be little delay in getting such character speedily j and periuanently out of reach of the public. I, , , . , . , . , a craua w onting tor me state is ueuer man a crank pursuing a citizen with murderous intent. Tba utmost caution should he used in the admission of such fellow, to home. ... .. ; or even to public olfices or even to public orace. An-1 above all. 1 there should be a united effort upon the ! Arst manifestation of this mansa j to get the maniac put out of way of doing harm I ....... utn. . .. . .. . . 4- person visited the rooms of the la 1 v" . 1 - .... . 1 ,.n 1 .if 1 iiitrini' i i. i....r .. . r j gratifying item is the fact that iM more Ot- nn machinery agent. a.vs ,t - .iniaiaj . .-jr .Krr, ..,uu for eay eWlecUon. He hastrave e.1 over 1 : r , 1 1 I P-y '7 ' '"'P'n sr.. noxr na, so prompt in their t l m ngm nere in our own right here in "our" own JIul,ljiarJ dirn5p.l ttt a iMnsiiiir-ililr ammint 1 tmniiarifs. liunm !!. .1-.! l r .umiljniH ;mR 1 1... 1 j r ' aa anu r manufjeturing plants on the coast wa! 1 uj. I r.. , niendidlv e-minned. i . ... . . : :i 1 v - x ww. .. . ..'it int. tho timber for Uvifintr p irpos- This it was iiven out was to be 6353 . ,, i.i not pay 10 ceot on ihe dollar to creditors. j : Mr James Harrington, of Johnstown. nn " convemuon with a alem Imfc- i " 'Vl The town has now fullv recovered from the euV-t of the flood, tbe old buildings being replaced by new and sntt:uitial n-. As rn a it ,7", "tV Lambna Iron j . ii via,, mouni rrnuiHi. efniw common..! rejatnn. pfov upw the ilamage. Tlier works em- p:.,iy upwaras ot .. uten.and 1 toe main - stay ot the town. 1 be .lam which eatist-l the damage, will never be rebuilt, fur in the event H an attempt to do so tbe ptBB ace would riae en mafw and destrov it. Th l.nH..'it tir..ini-ial .lnm..i.-,n ra. ......c ! . - , -. . . -., ; isme in cuiing, an.i will not tvaae witli a : leep; but only gradually ResrardleM of me non.s 01 some to create an impr.i'3n !,, .aij-,. : K,irfl bnl rsb : c(eTS fy V '"? , - . . J . . ' " clask of pan 3ple who have always len finan- , riallv Filiated " will U f vin.l .n- ais 1 in.. IiimI 1 i ...... If 1 I i i .. i. . uui' nixi f-sf-rs ijiy .notit'i ru.ti( to grt ml of them. ! i- a gr'at thintf to have a country on- ! can love e of the I . ar tortu ularlv ; fortunate in this nspeci. The man who ' jnr)" i"ve this 1,,-jntrv 1. lmapable of na- ; tionai love. 11 is easy to raw how one could . : not lose nu.-.'.a. witn ner iiestrntic laws, at , I urkey with her heathenism: but the U. 1.'U" i.iw-. .'i Ijnt tbe 0 - ing. Yet' tbe faults, of her - , , I well, that i a ditTerent thil I nitis) Slut... lh.nL- ,.f I .f.rnil.t. selti.h men. of her in.v.ntnios make up. ot uet internal enemies, of her pessimistic element-. After all. gnvern- menis are like taoopie. We love our hu - Inds and wives with all their fault. In the hant.v hruiwholil there ia il.--. f.,. l-ar.ini In tlie haptiv nation theie must be forbearance. If the htisliand has only regard for his own selfish notion and no respect for hi wife's or vice versa, there will lie trouble. So in the nation men must liave respect for each other's views or there will tie an eruption. The so railed cranks of the day who' bunt their heads against every train of cars like an angry buck are like had husbands with mind as narrow as a worms path. The J'ennoyerx of the world are causing family troubles in national matters; tbe'e are two many pig headed Senates at the head of the worlds affairs. Yet we love our country with a depth that has nu liottom if we are truly patriotic A art of the child education should lie a love of eouutry no thoroughly instilled into his mind that he will alwavs overlook its faults and eek to uphold it for the good there is in it. With a greater eulture in this line there would be no an archism, no socialiKin. no strikes, no mob law; labor and capital would combine and agree on termx.monopoliex ami trusts would lie dissolved or exist only for the good of all and men would have higher objects in life then merely to secure spoil. It us have peace in all thing private and public, every man working for the good of the greatest number. vrutiiii toviiBuuii Pay Perry Conn. Term, cash at K tore L K cnton a grocery Please pay Perry Conn what jou owe him. If you want a fiic imi.ti nail for Jo ph 1 hite labor aigafa, Tn liist; i:nHee in the city at C niad aatiyt r a. The bet watch In ihe world for the money at F'rench's jewelry store. Fine Southern Oregon pcanhe r f , Kento:). Now ia the time to otn them Motor niakea five trips daily to Vieicck'a addition. Iatr tin re on iutillmenta of $1 per week. At M t- '. Times do vou ever consida the quality of the food you are eating? It I ,nay "e ooj. it might be b.ller. purer, j fresher and more wholesome. Is It not I worth whl a 10 make sure that you tea, i -offee, jugar, baked Boods and Innumera ble other groceries aie of Ihe best quality? there is such a trifling diffirence In the price of the best and Ihe worst thai It tl es not pay lo buy ihe worst,even on ihe f.ilse grouno of supt oed economy. The best Is always the cheapest , because the most satisfactory and durable, and the very best of every thliiu In the grocery line. Is kept at Parker Bros Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Tin-l l. nl, mi New York, Nov 7. One of the most peculiar campaign in the bistery of this state closed t sundown this evonlng. Isaac II Maynard, candidate on the democratic ticket for judge of the court of appeals, against whom the independent democrats wisvjea war, Was overwhelmingly detested. Practically complete returns indicate thai the republicans elecletl their entire state ticket. KlciixtoNii, Va, Nov 7. Returns have been received from about ore-half of the state, but the figures are of such a churactcr that it it Impossible to give them with ac curacy. If the same ratio of gains for the democrats rontinue to prevail in ti e re mainder of the s-ate, O'Fairell'11 majority will reach 40,000. Chicago. Nov 7 The elections today were hotly contested, and the lepublicans c-vilicu lu u.ll 1 Hi u MIC IIULlt IUllllll IIIC I best of it. The Times, the senior demo- i cratlc piper, concedes the election of the entire republican judicial ticlsct, with one possible exception. DaU Moines, Ia, Nov 7. The story of ibc election today can 1- told in a few woida It was a sweeping republican vic tory, giving to that party the governor, ssa'eofiiccrs and the general a.irnaly Colimbus, O, Nov 7. With a plu a'ity of 50,000 and two-thirds of bo h branches of the legislature, McKinley lias won the most decisive victory recorded in Ohio. Boston-, Nov 7. The result of the elec tion in Massachusetts today can only be dercribed at a huge political landslide. For the first time In ihie: j ears the state will have a republican governor, and bis plurality is 30,000 at least. The whole ticket is tlrc ed. l'lllLAnKLPHIA, Nov 7 Re'uina front! 49 ot the 67 counties. Including Phiiadei pma ana t.iegneny. 01 me vote lor .rate treasurer, shoar a net republican gain of : 46,553, indicating a niajonty in th; state of contidciably over 100,000. A rertlaatl TiaTrd Poktlasd, Nov ". After shooting and seriously wounding Theodore H Liebe yes terday morning, Chris'ian Hess sent a bul let crashing through his own brain. Liebe is president of the Oregon German Bakery Company, and bad accused Hess of stealing money with which be bad baon entrusted by that corporation. Strong hope of tbe wounded man's recovery are crtatned by ,uv rui KUU" mkuu1Ui ....... . tt.A u;m 'i'i a ball 1 en'ered the back of bis neck, emerging under tbe outer corner of tbe right eye. It ' diJ n0 trike the brain. Hess must have E&SErSZl TZVSTS. T f I for the bullet plowed a bole through bis D brain from ricbt t left and Iodized among j the fragments of tbe cranium, wbvh it n"crrd- CM' E,rc"" -, j GatBvam. Or. Oct 6 Tbe Oervwi city election took place today Tiiere was bu tne ticket m tbe he d and verv littie m'cr-1 j f f . . A ,.gbt vj.' wM j Although there was no politic in tbe con- ' ,i m .;V ,,n;M. TV; test, the council is roiid republican. 1 be ... - . following are the officers elected: Council T..n. f '..' t i;i.l.!l I ftincrman f i I r-l t- i-Ja! l' v f-i-,.. marshal!, 11 Kcester, and M urer. !culet. trras sariiai rntssa NewYobk. Nov C The Herald 1 , -, , S3iJ Unn ;,), ,. tbf American flag thi mornintr. Ilv th ailetmf orders ot l'resi t Y . , command . .. ' - . ' . . . of the cou:mi'iener of the port of Amapala several snot were tired alter tbe t'aciac ; Mail steamsh'p Costa Uica. flying the! star and :iirr. a she stearated awar. ! because she refusal to turender one of her j pMaeogers to tbe Honduras government. i hlK U-1 I tbe tota Rica at the tiiae. Tbe paM-ngr abotit wJom tbe trouble arose is P Boniil. i who recently led tbe revolution in H nduras ' but wa defeated by i.eneral Vatuex. t BiaaLlrr Tkaa Csrr. S At jus. th-. Nov G tforenaor I'ennoer. referring to the Tlaanktg: ting complication, said today 1 "Ot course I expect tbat reii(riou4 serr- j ice will be held tbe day appointed by tbe president, and that what few can afford it will then eat turkey. 1 sbali be content if tbe dav fixed by me will be observed a lav of nieditaition unoa the unforunaW financial condition of the coun'rr, and if it ' arill ) . ifli'mnuwitl! in I n H r'l.i i ,. tti ! next lejti.latnre to designa! Thankgiving , j ,jty f 3nT prUimatien. aav ty statute. 'Ca obruung t!.e neort avl J ttae Caatlre tmmUj: KaLsnoaiA Citt. Nov 6. A negro named Clark, his wife and daughter, were ' f.,,t : ,iv .ith ibroat cut and skull crushed in. Mr Clark is dead and tbe others cannot live. Tbe deed was done bv Jobn Milligan, a , negro who lived with them, for robbery. ratal rsvatlssii amr. TOCETox. Cat). Nov 6. Charles H Whiting, a high school student, 17 vears of age. died last evening from toe effects of ,DJurr receiveu in playing 100 ' week. ago. The injury brought tnwili! injury received in plaving !.xilball two en towel trouble. Thrvr ippaialaaeal: WASHijtTo.v. Nov 6 The president ha appointed 0 M Me'-burn collertor of 1 internal revenue for tfe first district of r aitfornia: John II Ki ev, of New York. n,nul general of tbe I'nited Stales at Ottawa, and Newt .n B Ash by. of Iowa, consul at IhjbHn. l:- and. Tea IriDrtutfil .... - - , mm u . . Nkw iokk. Nov 4 Ten lives were lest I h? ,TtS?aA 2 ,b,?wor b abS , 1 .c,0,hI, "CTn"on- J-1 same leaving Ihe s men struggling In the : mD leaving tne men strtigir. ng ' . ' ."".r J De,, .ant,1 wnt ou' "TST1 ,he coul1 1 rcch P whot ro?n T t',nJf he water, lo had gone down (or the lat time. i; rr I alaa.r RtXOTOK, ov 4. In replv to in- ini'ie it a s'ate.1 at the trexsurv depart ment that tbe ar'ual resumption of the. coinatre of ilver dollar has not as set been , ordered, but the mints a e directed to manufacture ingots and blanks so as to be., prepairi t resume coinage at short notice. m cae it should be decided to 1 o so. 4 Desperate I LI 1 ItATivtM.E, Ark. Nov S. -This town bas lieen in the midst of the most intense excitement all day . Two of the Oliphant frain robbers raptured ytRterdsy re in jail here ami a posse in pursuit of the four men s'ill ut large came upon them at an early hour ibis morning iwo niih form Jamestown and a lively running light en sued. Tbe bandits were forced to abandon six of their horse and take to theii heels. They also abandoned several overcoatf. pistols and jewelry. Toward noon a tele phone was received from Jametown stating thiit the bloodhounds were within r'tle shot of the robbers, but they have not jet been captured. aaalnrr Wrrrk Hkno, Nev, Nov .r. Ono of the worst railroad wreck that ever happened on t Li division of the Central Paenw occurred at X:1I0 thi morning between u freight train west Liund and ono east bound at about a mile west of Salvia, a small station IS mile east of Reno, resulting in the death of Fred Leach, a bruksman on the west bound, and Charlie (liven, the fireman of the same train, and four tramp not yet identified, and injuring three others. A Bis Fee ni l Tacom a, Wash, Nov 5. Tucotna watet question is bringing out gossip of a large fee bill mild fo bo presented by Judge Par sons for carrying through the ileal The rumor is that :t bill for S50.000 baa lieen presented to C B v right for legal ami oilier services connected with tho earn ing Ml of the deal whereby the city paid vVrivrlit 1 ,750,000 lor bis plant, and that Wriirbt refuses to pay it on the ground thut it 1 exorbitant. Several prominent lawyers, however. ay it in none to high for the services rendered, as Wright cleared a large pile on the sale. Itletl or Hydrophobia San Fhancisco, Nov 5. James Bald merchant of Seattle, died at the Wnldeck hospital. 404 Eddy street, Inst ThnradajT, uml it is stated he was a victim of hydrophobia. Mr McDonald arrived In the city October 20, ami applied to lr W S Taylor for treatment, saying he wn suffering from extreme nervousness but it proved to bo hydrophobia Genuine part for all sev lng machines, also the best oils, needles, etc,, for ail sewing .mschlnes, bicycles, et:., at E U Will' music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mall 40c a dozen. n EVEN WITHOUT BONDS. Clevcland's first administration bad Then f.fty- more money than it could spend. came the appropriation orgy of the first conercss. Cleveland s second admin istration Is pushed f jr money to meet ob ligations. Shall the Government turn to that last retort cf unsuccesful operators the money Icnderi? Not il the knif; of democratic economy can ty energetic txercine cut ip'nsct down to receipts. Those who love the gurgle cf flowing appropriations say that this Is a great gov ernment which cannot afford to be mean. Those who know what Is right reply that this is a great government wnich cannot afford to set a bad example to its people. Ominous whbpeiing of deficiencies f . , T" "um ",c "epartmeni. an., ppro- piiations committees, teilora as lo the Issue of bonds are put out, chiefly Irom republican source as ye'. Government credit must be guarded ism wlucli litve been contracted must be paid. If we cannot protect credit snd j ay debts without boiruwing moiey we may be rompellad. to iasue bonds. tut n.ere Is an Income tax. by which $100,000,000 a year can be levied. Tnere is the doctrine ot democratic econom) , whose application ought to be Cut off a good many m'lllon. Never issue a lord while money for nec essary expenses can ov rai el without op pressing the people. It it a bad precedent, because when borrowing i easy a govern ment Is always tempted to put cut new W, ,nMc4j o( ai1nW, r,n,. r , . sue senate i-ee. an e;ecial caution Heretofore 1: has always added lc house appropriations. Its ideal of eapen-liturea are liberal. Since it ha not been win nlng public approval very fa-t this fa'l it ought to become mo'est and frugal for the re.t of the session. The deajo:ra.l; party i capa'.le of per forming the business fear of getting throegh with the payment of republican mortgages without borrowing s cent. Nothing would give It mare prestige among the people than iucb n evidence of its capacity to reorganize a bad system j snd to handle great affairs with greit abil ity. There is na'-hing uiscredi able about borrowing money in plain emergencies. The discredit came in borrowing when t'.iict management wool i even up obliga tion and rcvenae. In a time of pece. ot vast revenue and large private Incomes, n- t'.ooal tor row ing would not look welL Try everything ele first Coin the seigniorsge silver, pot n the income tax and '.lias on the excrescence. I. A. Vu orris & o, FlDor and Feed Store. ! ilavc removed their toe lo Ihe Strahai Vy Iee t a full stock o tov", former'y occvird Robor., and bare on t 1 j CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping don. OCR V ALL S FiriH, B1AN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE aOUB, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND : PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for In both ridine and ( waikttig plow, disc harrows.iron harrows, etc. I'rlces tn proportion to 50 cent w heat. I: wtit par sou to ca 1 and see us SlTWARTa SOX FARMERS LISTEN. We hae a rir.e lot of fresh grass seed, of tlmot. ever kind, including chca', and we want lose!) it. Come ar.d see aa. STEWART SOI FOB SALE. 'raili liadw f..- woo.), gray mare. een yt a's n:l peifectlv a-nil for womn : rhhdren to drite Gall on K W At-bia Marb e wa ka The -1 - JSi!fiPlCESLL- WE HAVE THEM YOU CAN AT CAN'T The L, E. A as much TIRED WOMAN, as a sick and ailicg just one, needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription That builds up, the strengthens, and invigorates entire female system. It regulates and promotes all tho proper tunc tions of womanhood, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful restorative tonic and soothing nervine, marie espe cially for woman's needs, and the only guaranteed remedy for wo man's weaknesses and ailments. In all "female complaints" and irregu larities, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. A great many medicines 'relieve' Catarrh in the' Head. That means that it's driven from the head into tbe throat and lungs. But, by ita mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ilem edy perfectly and permanently cure. Wall Paper I rragtg Paintx. :i J. A. CDnimiDK ALBANY. -:- GRECO WANTED At the "Ore Allen Bros , formerly owned bf BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, iin.l CHOICE APPLES, best cisi price for which pob!e . I will ay the 6 F RAWP ALBANY COLLEGE Send for Catalogue. Addreee, RKV E H. OOXWT, Albstny, negon DRU3S. Stationery. Toilet Anij'es. Mi siea Instrumen 3, Etc- lodge & McFarlaii, th A ha! WHERE? above cut will tell and : if : yoa : have : the : cash P-R-I-C-E-S GET BLAIN Clothing Co J F. FORD, feBi .1' j Of Dea' Maine, Iowa, writs understate of March 23. 1893: 3. B, Mao. Mrt; Co.. Do fur, Oregon. Otnllemrn : Of arriving home last week, I found sll well and anxiously avaitinir. Our little ifirl, Klu and ooc-hslf year Id, w , ho had wa ted away to 38 pound, is r.ow well, umiK j,d vigorous, et4 well fleshed op. s B. Cough Care hstrne its wnr well, (iothofthe children bite it. Your S B. Cowgh Care ha en:ed and kept it ijr ill nrn-s irm nr. rso give it to every on-, with t- nuns for all. Wishing yon prroen y. we are Yorir, SI K ft Maw J F POBD. If yon aiah to IVI uon ami cheerfn! and r. ..: or me Bonnie's work .-.Mv: yoursia.cia w.'fi tbe ncwiatne an.i USSfCan, by taking two three 'ni-ai-aiti rftek. SO cent rr-r fcsM by all i!ru?s"iU. hM 1 urulcr a poaitire ( Jtee by J ACUMMIXG. Notice for Publication. Ux C n u t ATCuOCtt f ity. Ok., Oc'.. 28 .h. U93. Noti'-o ia hereby given that tba fal'ow ing named aattl- r fi 1 no fi of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, an ' that said pro if will be made befor ihe f .'oonty Clrk of Lino Co, st Alb ny. ' r on 1? 19tb, 1893 viz: UwiH v fcT-tan, Pre D - No 7845, for tbe h H of N K '4 . mc IZ, tp l'l S It 5 K He rut re the .olio wing witness J to prove hi roitlnuouM residenoa upon and u tiyaiii.n or 11 lana vlat: K It tJUSjast, Hall McResi. J L lierry A Jone. all of Berrv H O, Linn Co. O'egon. RoBEKT A Miller. Retuur. Notice for Publication. I i5t Orn e at OfcEM City, Ok. Oct. 28th, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the follow iog natoal settler has fi ed notion of Lis latention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before t he Connty Clark of Linn ii. at A bs-j, Ore. on Dee 19th. ISSI.viz, Net. Moftee "freD No 7S7i. far tbe fc H of N K aee 20, and W W of N W xec 21 , tp 10, S R 5 K. He names the following witnesses to prove h:t continuooaresideneeapoa acd cuitivaUon of said land, vis: E V scnlan, Robert . Correli, John Daiey. J L Berry, alt of Berry P , linn Co. reroc. EoetftT A Millme, Reguter- Notice for PabJication Lax tTFn f. at Omos Crrr. vt. 27th, m. Kotke U hereby pTen that the fttUowing Range Ko 4 Es', van i:l offer proof to named settler bas filed notice of his inten- j show that tbe latwi r cogbt is a ore valuable tion to make final proof in rapport of his j for i'a tisifjav or atstsaa than fo- eri-!tr . iaim. and that said proof will be mavle be- porpoe. ard to '.-.. - fcr cUim to said fore the County i Ierkof Albany. , land b fme tie Krister rd K.e :er of Ore . e.n 19th "of Iec. I-'.. vix: Tnoma P ! this ofic, at Ore;;, n C.ty, Or g Taea Madill. I'rels.'1 N. 72. for tbe S W X S ; day. tne 2c J day of Jataar;. Isi. -t V : . . 7 1 rrf F V. and S W K N ' names aa witensrs: UeWttt T' cft'th. of I - -, 1- tr 10 R 5 Y He names the fwitniMg iiiani 111 liiirr nin naiiiini 1 ....... ifi i Mid ;.-.r.t vu Nie! SlrRea. John talev, John Haley, BWI 'onrfsKO. ail of vireen" Baan. Linn t o., Oretr" Hobekt A Miixee. Rjjier. Notice for r-..t,i; ruui'.uduiuu. Lxicti Ownca ar OariiOJi CtTT.Oa , O.-t 2:b, 1-93 Notice ia beivtjsf j.vsi tbat the follow ing named M t er Uaa fi ed notice f bis , in ent'ou tu awaaa mmma yamji .mj-iwi. I of his c:aim. and th- aid proof will be made before the C .tintv Clra or t-tcn Co . a. Aioanv Utsc I9:h. .JSJ.v e Fobrt L Correli. Pre 0 S No 7S61. for tbe S W j cf N K ,. S K jtf S W N K ' S W jMVHSIi, ae 14. tp 10, S R 5 K He names tba following : witi - to prove his eontinaons ) restderee ap-3n and ettiuvtli n of said ' land, tr t W Peaoian. Nei! McRss. J IL Beny. A Jones, all of Berry P O. atarioo C..,.re. Rckest A Register. Notice. A LI. person indebted to I B Beatn by t a te or recnort w!il p'ease par tbe ot ttiri ae-viuntt roust he cine-- bv n ite if oasl pail- Ttnea are hart and i: ia t . your interest to e to ibis at od. I am in room So II, Mrahia B-'v-k : Altaastr. Or. tpt I UJUM. R FCAHTK BURT. As.tgn4 of . B tieetix. 1 Al IK- who wi"! do wrilioa for meat Ii bom wi'.i rx?eivegocd wagss. Keplv with rlfddree 1 stamped eo -ve,.."e. MIS MtLI .:ri MILLER, isoJtb Hnd, In.?. Gentlemen! L-o-w P-r-i-c-e-s STOP PENDULUM. you.. THEM 1 BE HAT BEAT. Notice fur Publication, U. b. Land Office Orkgon City, fuly 3rd, 1893. Not'ce Is hereby given that In compli ance with ihe provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3. 1S78, entitled "An act far the sale of limber lai.ds in the states of California, Oregon, Nevrda,ar.d Washing ton 'territory, "at extended to all the Pub lic Land Slates by act of August 4, 1S92, Daniel M Large, of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon, ras this day "filed In this OiKc! his iworn statement No 1837, for the purchase of the N W H xJk section v- r. ; . , v. . a'. ! ..V 14, JII 1 tj 1 1 I . 1 i 1 1 CVUlll, Id'lC ' No 4 East, and will offer proof to show ' that the land s ught i more rateable for I its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anu to estaD'.isn nts ciatm to said land before the Register and Receiver of this, office at Oregon City, Oregon, cm Tuesday, the v.h day ef January,i8o4. He name as witnesses: L W Lauebead. 3 L Berry, J R Whitney, C B Winn, all of Green Bxain. Oregon. An and all per sons claiming adtenelr the shove de- crit.-J lands are requested to file their claims !n this effice ot. or before said 9th day of January, 1891- RrEEST A M.'Lt-EB, RegiMc. Notice tor Publication. Laxo Ornct OatGos Cry. Ok., Oct 2nd. 1&93 No': e it hereby given thai in compli ance ih the provirfn of the act of Cor. greas f June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for in-: s.e cf timber land m the states of Ca!ion.ia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton territory, Mr Luiu Laugbead. of Albany, county of Linn, rate of Oregon, ha tht day filed in this office her sworn statement No 2950, tor the purchase of th S 'A of N W S K of N W and S W of S E t of section No 1 1 .in township No 10 South Range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show that tne Und serogbt is more viiua"!e lor its timber or I or.e than for ; agricultural purposes, and 10 establish her claim to said land before tbe Keisier tnd Receiver of this office at Oregon City.Ogn, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1894, he name as wi'ntsse IteVAitt Dan ('.: . of PaUojt, Marion Co, Oregon, O Fox.o Detroi'.M'rion Co.Oregon. William L Laughead, ot Green Uai 1, Maron Co, ' Oregon, Carliie H Laughea i. of Albany, L'nn count v, Oregon. At. v and ali per -' son claiming adversely the abore de j scribec' land are requested o Sle their j claims in this office on or before said -nd : day of January, 1S94. Robert A M illur, Regitter Notice for Publication . S. Lasu Ornci at 0JMiot Crnr.Chr, Oct 2.i, 1893 K.t.j is nere-.y gives that iri c-vnap'.ia ; wi:n the naorUaoa of tbe act of Coagnea c f Jace X IS75. entitled "An c'. f artheasJeof ! umber tavodi in tb fates of Ca if .rnn.Ore jgai. Xivad. and WuMaton Territory,"' air M I i.e Caip'ntn. ot Y sonic, CMnty of I Lin a, tate of Oregon, has 1 bis dy filed , is this office her ,m ttateoseot So 2951. I o r be par chase of tne K j of S r ant S K 3.4 3 Y. t ot e 1 1 and AtrV - , w of --.... Hall ia :onhip Ha 10 Sjuth Detroit, Mar on fo. Oregon, O Fox. cf De ' "ln. a Uaread. -f t C-, Ore- goaa. Cariiie H Lwhead, of A'.taaay. Una ! Onpw. Acy and ail p i eiaiaaiBg i adversely the above djsenbed Uads a e re- : snefUd to fm tteir claims in thurtEceon ' or before said 2id 1t of Jartaa--. . IS!H. ttoaatatxa j iliee. !leg ti er. Notice for Pablication. c LamdCttilx at Ouaora CrrT.Oa. -'eis T9 6,1533. Notice is hereby given that in eonapiiaBce with the fcrisicr s of the act of Coacrca of June 1 181 entitled "Aa tut iw tbe sale ef Uanoer taada in the taia f Calif orttia. Oregor.,Nrriaaaai WawniBetoolevTltory,'' as extended to ail the pat-iic Ucd ttawaa bv act cf Aaatnat 4 r . IS93. TVtatss a Roe, of Berrv. coaoty of aisrios. ssste of Oretocdsaa this dav nied ia tkta cthce bis swera statw atect NoS9t9. for tbe tmrchsae of tbe W K S W S e and S i, N K i ef sectaea So 29. ia tjwoshi? Ss Its 5 Raaar No 5 E, and w:ll offer proof to show that tne !acd soccht mare valuable forita timber or stone than fiM a.ricat!BraJ parpoeea, aad to establish fa s clam to said Uod bef are the Register and Recett-.r of this office at Oregon 's- , ,rrcn- ,he d? cf J7""-v' He Jf" MWrt- aes: w auace W Caakv, ot Berry Ore, j loha f Rie.c-f Berry.Ore, T E Roe.o' Berry, O.e, E V ismUh, oi Berry, Ore. Abt aad . ail per son claiming adversely the above deseiitwd lands ax reiaes'ec to rate tkei- claims ia this office ca or btfore said 2nd 1 dav of J an a try . Robert A Miujeb. Register. Notice for Publication. Land i Vfice at Oregon Cnr.0efc Oct 13th. Ii98, j Notice is hereby r n that the folkwing named settler ha? '..-d notice of his inten i tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof wilt be made be fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon Oitv. (.sgn.. on Dec- l Jth, ltfiOL vix: Loren W "Uijibead. Pre. D. S. No. TS&t for lots. Seven. Eight Nine and Ten. Sec. 1 T. 10 S. R. 4 E. He names the foi lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence apon and cultivation of said land, viz : JR hitoey, 0 B inn. Geo Whitman. Henry Susens. all of Green Bain. Oregon. Robert A Miller. Register. Notice for Publication Lvd Omcs ar Orsuos City. (r.. Oober izt. ls& Notice is hereby given tbat the f iiowiag ' oametl settler ha riled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in snf pot t of bis. 1 oleics, and that said proof will be made be I fore the coaotv clerk of Linn Co, at Atba-y j oa Dee 1st, 1S93. via, Laroy Cosrdrav, H E No tSWT for aaNUsfSILBWi of SE J, SB lofSW j, sec4T)3 S R 1 E. Ha names the following witoaases to prove hi eoDtarueus residence opoo and caltivatioa o aaid land, vix: Milton A Pitagerald, Gay Gaiiord, Martin Gay lord, Eaoch of Lebanon, Linn Co, Qragoo. R A Miller, Register NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE OH .U rssul executor t4 th taataillaiKi teatatuea : i Johu biivcu. deoNl, has tUed hi final aaastaa with the county clerk of Linn county, Orey n and that tne cvuntv court ot said linn cottntr, h taxed fridav, the :h day ot Septatntw, tssns. t th e hour ot 1 o'cicaJk la the afternoon of said dav, lor the bearing- ot objections il any so said final ac count and the settlement of said eataie. taied August 11th, HMOXSHELTON-. H II HKaiTT, Executor Attj for lixe.-ut r. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IS deraurued adnuutasratoc of the estate of Chart Raddatx. deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Count v Court for Linn count;, Oragvi, hi final account in said estate, aud the County Court has fixed the 4th dav of De-ember, th hour ot 1 o'clock p m of aakl day, to' the hvariuff of ehjectlaus if any to said account and for settlement of said eatate. Any persons havitur objection to the ettlemeut of said estate are hereby notifkd to le present and make the same. Dated Oct 19th, 1S9S. D W RIMBAIGH. J R WYATT, Aduuuistrator Atty for Adm NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN RH AT THE CN- icrswned adiuiniatratris. aad aduisn-jitrator of the estate of F M ataione, deceased, have filed in the office ot the clerk ot the County Court of Unn county, their Anal account and that said court ha appointed tbe 4th day of December, tsas, at she hour of I o'clock p m of (aid day. a the sitae fox bearing all objection. U any, le said final account, and tor the settlement of (aid ea at. Dated thi lsth day of October. J3. ELLKN JI ALONE, K at axALOKE, Adminiatratrai and Admtniatrator FOR REN t -Th opera bouse store, splendid location. Ca 1 on tba secretary at the Dkmocbat offloe tor par ticulara.