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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
nuorrat. P09UO Examination. The following teachers ri-o attending public examination this .veek: Chas H Hart, of Albany. W M Brown, of Lebanon. L .V v iley, of Lebanon, K K Munsey. of Lebanon, Lois Courtney, of Lebanon . R V Jackson, of Lebanon. F II Wiencken, of Lebanon . C WMullin. of Jordan. W 0 Lane, of Corral lis. J II Hardin, of Lncomh. Effie Downing, of Laoomb . W S Sanford. of Tangent. Cora Vann, of Tangent. H C Hunter, of Fox Valley. Margie Dunham, of Kno Butte. Came Van Winkle, of Halsey. Ollie Cummings. of Haiaey. Laura Mvers, of Scio. Thos H fiames, of Crab! roe. t lora Overholts, of Shelburn. A Set ti.kmext. The creditors of Wilson & Chase, contractors of the new buildings nt the Agricultural College, met on Friday afternoon at the office of Mr Wallis Nash, secretary of the board of regents. The amount of the two tinal payments on the buildings, with a mall amount of extras, was $3,525; total amount of debts, So,$50, showing a small deficiency amouting to about six per cent. After full discussion of the matters, the creditors came to a resolu tion to ask the board, through the building committee, to make immediate payment of the $3,525 for distribution among the credi tors, as the buildings had lieen completed and accepted by the architect. The credi tors further demanded of the debtors that they should give a note at twelve months date for the six per tent deficiency. Thi9 the debtors did and the Si. 525 was then distributed pro rata among the creditors, who released the buildings from all leins and claims and the contractors and the creditors released the board from ail further liabilities. Corvnllis News. Scnooi. Trocblk.- -There is trouble in te school at i.vons. Recently Trof Boa the teacher, who had been engugeil another I term made some remarks at a temperance meeting which angered two of the directors. They tried to put hira ont, but he insisted on following the contract . Superintendent Russell decided the case in his favor; but the directors put in other teachers who only taught a few days. Then the residents of the district at a meeting declared the offices of the directors vacant and elected new members. 0 N lVwnie and C II Doty, re taining S M McLane: but the two old dir ectors continued to try and run matters. Prof Roe was threatened if he did not leave the city. The new board were in the city last evening and returned home this morn ing with instructions from the deputy prosecuting attorney to run matters, which they will do. There is li&bl to be serious trouble before the matter terminates. Selected Oreoow James Harrington, wife and familv.arrived in Salem last week from Johnstown. Ta. After having travel -J n.tu : t t-.u:a .1 eti u, v Batazsjaaaaai aim .iiiii 't: i- .1 ttie. i f..n : i sai , .l I .Uf lUiii ' i.i ... I litat srmSKvu k'vu r enongh for them. Mr and Mrs ILorrinton went to the World's fair with the expecta tion of selecting while there a new home, and with this object in view they made a careful msmection of the exhibits made by the several states and nations the result of their examination is read in their selection I of Salem as their future home. They say Oregon is the only state that made an hon- est exhibit, according to her resources, at the World-sfair. It was not so much for j a.. , - aa I snow, out would bear inspection, sirs . Harrington was- born in the same city as Dr Anniee T Jeffreys of this city and they had not met for twenty-five years until by ..accident in Salem the other day. States man. Lassoed a Cougar. Frank Poiudexter. who returned last Sunday from Silver Lake, reports quite an interesting feat being per formed by a buecaro near Bly recently. While riding on the range he found a cou gar and gave it chase. Being mounted on a fleet footed horse he forced the cougar up a tree, and as be ascended, buecaro threw his rope catching the animal around the coupling-. He then started his horse at full speed and soon dragged the cougar to death. It was a full grown animal and weighed several hundred pounds. Ochoco Review. waalwasaBaaaBatssatTsBaaaaaaa The London MM and 719 n MIKVV STREET San Francisco, Gil. IS A MEDICAL AND SURGICAL Institute, ioca'.ed peimanently at "nj Mar ket Street, San Francisco,Cal,for the cure of all Diseases, Afflictions and Deformities. A staff of Physicians aSd Surgeonu,having diplomas and 'he endorsement of the bes' colleges of America and Europe, skilled specialists who have had long experience In treating special and chronic diseases are in constant attendance. A Pharmacy is attached, and all prescriptions filled free of charge, $1.00 Trial Bcltle $5.00 FuH Ccurse Sufferers from Asthma, Rheumatism Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia fndlges tion, Scrofula,Epiiepsy, Female V cakness Cancer, Heart DUease, Bronchitis, Erup tions, Salt Rheum, Baldneis, Tapeworm, Deafness, any Sexual Disease, I .oat Man -hood. Malaria, Urinary, Pile, Bowel Troubles, should consul' a, once. Low charges, witb'n the reach of bined with the best medical and surgical kill. d: YooDg, Middle Aged and Old Men Who may be suffering from YOUTHFCI FOLCIES.or the excesses of matured life 1 shoulo consult at once, before it is too i late; these veteran practionen , who have no tvpial in the United States, as they can and will restore to you perfect health when all others have failed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvinated and manly vigor restored by their new and wonderful methods of treatment. No injurious drugs used. Worn out bush.ess men, call for advice, especially if vou are suffering from NER VOUS DEBILITY or failing pow-r, of any disease hi ihe EYE, EAR. THROAT, LUNG?. IIEART, .STOMACH, .SKIN, KIDNEYS, or BLADDER. Moid Diseases Cared In U.- sliorleat lime by t ra elastic remedies. ARE YOU as strong, healthv and vig orous s you should be? Are you free lrom everv trace of disease or sickness? Do jou look' well? Do ycu feel well? oris there some Chronic Trouble; which, like a can kerworm in the budding flower, is rapidly destroying your very vitals. LtDlliS Who suffer from Nervous PiosMation, Sletp'.eesness, Despondency, Indigestion, Constipation, Lassitude, Pains in the Back or Side, and diseases peculiar to theijr sex, consult these physicians with the utmost confidence. 1.00 TRIAL BOTTLE S5.00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON MEDICAL and SUHGOL INS III lilt Jlt Market Hlreel Sao tranclseo, lal. luslnnle Gp.ttino Imi-atiknt. A corespondent in the Herald attacks Receiver Beall, of the Lino County National Bank, for not making a payment its promised some time ago. Depositors cannot be blamed 1 for being impatient. They want their money. Hie truth is, though, that Mr Beall is not to blame in the least. He is I powerless to act except according to in structions from the V. 8. treasury. Ho made his report some time ago and . should have heard from Comptroller! Eckles before this. Even the checks for j the dividends are made out at Washing ton and will have to be received by the Receiver before payment can be made. 1 There is about $76,000 for distribution, and it 's probable a 50 per cent dividend will be declared, at least -10 per cent. This will be a splendid thing or Albany j when placed in circulation, as it un doubtedly will be in a few days. Mr; Beall is as anxious as the depositors for them to get their money; but as he ia I merely a machine in the matter cannot 1 hurry it up. No Profit in Whut, A few davs ago j a Mump received lrom tna statisti.-i.m nlil, 1T.,..I i..o. . ...t P,,tt..r li.t f. i.i ;.... V. 1.. " IT," "T" a. T . , .i . ST. V. . Y'"" , .,. mhvi Kiwtimi u no ttat-tt STB uie kho i -- :.. ,.. rr j. a , . ! ndustrv in the Cnited Statea. Mr Stump brought the matter up yesterday before the grantee and after a spirited d;scussion of the subject succeeded in securing replies as follows ; Rent of land per acre $3, preparing laud $3, seed 90c, sowing 50e, harvesting $1-25, threshing $1 25. housing 3c, marketing 2l4c; total $S95ls'; amount gown peracre bush els, yield 17S bushels, price per bushel 4t5lgc. From this i'- will bs seen that it costs $8.!ol2 to raise a 1 acre of wheat and get i', ready for market, while the product of that acre at present prices would bring but $S 13 or the the cost of production of a busl-el of wheat for which the farmer wou'tl receive at pres- ! ent prices 46,..e. would bo 5U Stateg , man. A it--;: Wi uueno, It rarely hap- pens that maniages resulting from mat rimonial advertisements prove other than failures. John Donjjbert' ,a farmer, aged sixty, living near Watervillp.Wash, chopped hia wife to death wiih a butcher knile, draped her body to a wheat stack and partly concealed" it with straw I -iter tie was found in a vacant house dying from exposure and hunger. He said bis wife poisoned his tea and threat ened to dance over his grave. The wo man was from Cedar Kapids, Iowa, and went to YVatervi'.le in answer to a matri monial advertisement. Since their mar riage they have led a cat-and-dog life. Was a Money'Lexuku. In an article beaded. "Here from Allmny." the Haker City IVmocrat says: JMr YV S Atkinson has arrived from Ailmny. Linn county. Mr Atkinson is a nephew of the late "Uncle" t W Atkinson who died at Albany, of old age. on the '26th day of last month. "Uncle" ' . I iwewaawa . tr, 1 1 n- m. mi.;.i.i :n . . I " ,vll "" .'tia .ilii-' it-r-oir-tt in I Hitker countv anil was an Auburn ninwiini T of 16:?. Ilurinsr his entire resi.lentv here ha M nn, Ml iltkwnvmol . Ihm ; - -"i------ hwn - j hianintr an, it ia r,,.n,B,l iael ttt ,h ii.,,.. . 1 v t a. a, .a . s. uiut six or seven ve:irs ago I was 'eitrange,! ' 50-00 ar,J te-rntigcs his wife a 5J from his relatives and only by chance .lid cen,s a -vard dle4S- they learn of his whereabouts, sim-e which The Albany Social Chib baa been or time one or more of his nephews have been fcanized with the following officers: B V ' constantly with him. Mr V S was with his uncle at the time of his death. Oregon- v In i srrnzai 1 . n , , Vn ; 'ettP r JT 'ay .uvIwh writes as follows m.C.hlP1: "W will leave on aWut the Uh ln.t with onr Vl.-turioi-s inmnnr. w-- , . : in etluoation. six in tisherv.two in woman's ' worit and too m herbarium, outstandinsr all i thaa Piieifie tuf.r u,inil ni 1 1- t.-, Ttv 1 York and Illinois. A fine nietuiv o A tine picture of the Oregon exhibit in j fruit appears in Harpers v eekly just re- : ceived. Axotueb Large Ti Jioa Removed Dr Maston, assisted by Dr Bevan.of Port land, removed a large Ovarian tumor from the person of Mrs E R Ramsav. 1 f Kootenia, Idaho. The operation wa 1 . . , e -. r Ifcuuruim nt tiooo .-?auiaritan ilia- pital in Portland. 11 o'clock, and today the lady i. reported aa getting j along nicely with good prospec'sof re- I coverv Worth Thlskixg ABovr. -Ir J L Hill, of this ciy,has a long ai tide in the Ore gonian, in which be advocate thai insan ity shall be no defense for a crime. The idea is one worth digesting. Public safety demands such a law, though theoretically rt is difficult to eustain. It is nevertheless the business, for so long as insanity is a defense the woods; will ne full of insane murderers. Pateosize list Centra! Kiah' aui Fco'try Marker, oc E Uwnr h street, betsreca Sec ond ar-i Thire, fcr year oressed po.iltrr, game and Hah of ail kinds iu teastn,ostt.rr, claroa and crate. . Everything flesh in nur line may be ha 1 at reaaonsbln hanres Call and ate as. Sekukks Si Co. Mv U l line of aVlACLMOSHE-i nn - GUS HMER, lnc'ding many nuvcllie for ladina, tnises d c.-iihlren. ii now tie . K i !. . . Pa.ronir. borne industry by soioLinft tbe .elebrated white V-.r cigars, manufactured by Ja'ias Joreiih. Rubber goods at Klein Bro of all dtscripi'.ons at th. V.wr Imnrntrerl Si r,-r sasaBSwaa ma. ' " r a . t ehine. The h. t is alwst the cheapest. I, VV Sowden, agent. Office at F M Fr nub V .ewelry store I j II lei it M ;1 anaod, the stie drafc sts, Albwy, C . Bsth. at Viereck shsvi catting parlor. nl hair Vierck.s shring and hair cattirgpa Thev increase apprtu,,, pomy t'.j y- s-vstemaad act -n ibelivt-r Uil- licit Hi S- A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Kiciiaiid Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 yearn, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderfu. Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsajiiirilla, ono in particular being that of a lit t lo daughter of a Church of England minia Tho child was literally covered te r from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in pite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about tho case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared byDr.J.C. Ayer 81 Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you nous: Asn t )W"0- rho I.ab. ulnar World is the name of a new Asloiia paper, Tho () 1 office has bom wiari at Lyons willi of Mr I'canett, the- f.rn-er a nt, as agent. Mrs lohn I) Boyd, of Fern Ridge, died suddenly from heart disease while attend ing a revival nt t,.e church at that place last Thursday evening, I'ennoyer is getting n'.l the notoriety the most ambitious could wish for. An Astoita paper calls his aliment a combina tion of insanity nod cunning. Liccnsta have been issued for ihe marriage of lames Wooldrhlge ki ,1 Oma C Ueverick, and Murrv BWrett and Nancy A Put. J W drown, of Mill City, has had pat ented a car coupler which he believe possessesthe necessary qualifications for meeting public favor. s-poKano otv,o- 10 i o, n nan tt i''n'eoy,vsh, who this year atada a n-t ! llro!" "f?-J,l-.'.' -JO per acre "11 pp c:$!.S75 tl per a. -re . n pears: an., 1.07'! 5l na pears : 1 per acre I ppj.) lies. The 1v.11.1ste S 1! have been doinff soma Mod work in tho MnianlUrv. -s - - I Th(W.,n .1. ..... o-.. ccnvettn:) on it roll, - w n ... tUllil,,, M,,V (I-, OJvl A Salem and iddres voung man picked his name on a that was shipped east and now a Chuagu girl ln tiootfht th? peai is writin )cie to I, tin. Hanger- uu ous'.ness. Jos Canr.on, a tramp, was kl:!ed by the cars at Junction Kini.1v night He wa.ked upon the tiack direct'! v in front of the train. Other tramps claim ll wasdonein' a d.-red condition, lie died Saturday j ir.oralng. Kdwin Co:'e Patton, of Salem, and ; aiiss Leatb Oratdts Qniaa, of Woodbarn, formerly of Albany, were united in mar- riage a' 'oodburn Sauird.iv evenmi. ; Mr and Mrs Patton passed through At-j bany on the overland on a bridal tour I through California BaXhianJ wtU mor; ijulcklv Insure success put her rare talent, placing her among the The racing stallien.ltosen.oo.uith a rrco- d j ,,'"n true merit. For lift- sears, Ayn's valley's best elixuti.iiii.ts p.irtieul.irly in the of ?:1,J io waa sold notion? aeo bv Cax ' Sarsapsrilla has maintained is popuiarl-y : line of pieeM jiortraying cbildn-n's charao k Bkinkt. of Salaaa, 'c less Vni.ins,ef Cor-' a ,he superior blood-purlfirr. It stands ; tern. A live question box followed on the vabia, is ngsin in th s c:ty, hsviog teu tsken ' uPn its own merits at.d never fai's to give revolutionarr ?riod. and iUTaiijrement posspsiou cf Ly the former owuera, 0OK ll I 'atlafar.liOsl, j were made for I lie next meeting in two Bril!jht,uoder a chattel mortag '. The hmse There is contlderable dihsatlsfjction wwlt!' jlt Mr C K Wolverton's, when the will prohsbly l sold bcfj'e loc at public with the manner in which trains run on 9no,ation will Ije from Pacific ioet. sl. alem Indrix-udent. I the tiastai n ,,f i i i n,t, - el. KsrsiJ: Co hivo lasaassnsl thir i v.iiti tr.e s I' l on most auvsnUgt- ssa mtsbs to Use rMlreastonaapaar . Tne con- j tract i!! run 21 tar and lu addition to j . v tne piii-. c imp.ny. i insaaw w iou,uyai 01 e is. rsrgo & to. stock, the railroad 1; to get 40 per j cent, of tht- gioss eaiincstf tr-.e eiuresa 1 enraaaav timing laa III i ot th? contract. The Salem Iiu'ept ndent pictuies a farmer walking aiorg in a very ragged suit, practically m Uireada, and gives it as .,. f,,i . ,, . r " f.enl "heat .wl.U b"n T ' u,c ' "r attWHt . . ...... a. - un taf. and he woui. : f t. . , , i . Ketchum, presiJeni ; Frank Welch, vice President; Alber: eal.secretary ; r rank ;vu.on- measurer ; Kert estbrck. mas-! ter of ceremonies; W ren Ross, jamtor. The club have rented the front to. m in the third story of the Oregon Be. km . irn, ',:..l. 1... 1 . 7 TT" m...) - wwa .ne mrri.uK- ot me ciuu. 1 J The taking ot evidence in the c lse ' Q j 'iffFr,!,. .J.I.... u...: . T fi,n- r,-,.. lL ... t. ,,i ,r ,he riirr- . -,... . . 1 . . . . ... t I . . - - I hons.-sniKriv. -r, ..!. " . . i trare- 17 . 7s v- v. a : Cauthorn, defendan:. before Rttcree ' llefXarrl . ' - . . r. . . . . . ' J sa cate ii ln .,, ntrhllft-hTa!!-.! . .? coming term of ihe circuit court fo' Ben-, '""CO""1.'- C K Wefcetton. an aftrney of Albanv. appeared for the n'.!.ir .. ... , .a i- , , , . wawa " Met adder, for the defei,j1Dt. Cor-' News. 1 . ti , . ... i s'i j v .-ponogie trider indictment for rape on Mrs Pearl W'yatt.of BrownaviJle rn Oei -i I ... 1 a.. - . ' io cloca', appearing ith bis sit,,rn. w w , noa trtouglll into COUrt at 1 "O" K 3ilyen and Blackburn &. Wat- SOD He nlpdil nr. enille . 1 t.: , - . - ej etiita 11 ta caee was conunaetx io tlie March term H;s bonds placed at $1000, h attorney's j stated would probably be furnished iu a I lew days. Dr Sponoule is a aolidlv built j man of about 50. with short Iseard and mustache, looking as if of two or three weeks growlti. I TIF.MUV, Three inch's of snow fe.l at Tekoo.Wssh j a few days .tgo A very ,'ive wicd ftr Oregon pre.ajltd , ini more n.- ! ; 9- r., . -- a , . . - . , - ' herVei;;;; :rv th ftsniiilT il l i am ' 1 - 'smn Oce r-aper jgtu that we hare , , n ticual I :i.lii;ivin fioi.. the "n.A .1.. SOtfc, wcioaire. R4 this ear, t u some : Other saar. I One of the cars on the Roseburjr local tht innn i 1 -. " iim.iu like a ntirserr. A I , Democrat man 1 small children in coun".e-l twentv-iwo j Rev S A D.tu Hi-niuon, haa wr'lten i from the Forks to an Albany friend ex ! pressing his desire to preach L an Aib j any audience on Nov rS, if a p ace cari be J secured for Ihe p irpoae. At a meeting ol Atbaov Engine Co No i nru iat evening Mr J G Crawford presented the co-npanv with a fine crav- fin nl LWlaa , a -"- s ...... . ,. urn, WHO wat a member ot the compam r'v. An Albany man wh) kills one bear ihink he ha accompliihed wondet G w' Ober.chaln, of .Sprague river it the souinern pan ot th- sia e. killed over 3oo, mcs:!y grizz ies, in Kiamath county. Mis Fannie McCrea, of Ashland was recently fined $50 lV.r striking General Lish Appleea'e. Ihe we'll Unim Baalaaa- man and philosopher, with a roller. The General was laid up c-arfii n for re (tairs ior several t:ajs. The Ministerial Association of Albany yesterday afternoon by M r are pleaaed to learn tha; Attarney J t Moure, ho went to rortlantl from Prlnevlile to make explanation 10 the U S circuit court regarding (cei cliarged In pension cases, was aide to explain ever y -thing satisfactorily to the court on the .lay of his arrival in i'orlland, and the charge-., against him wre Jismlssed The Dalits T M. flection rcciir at leart in 17 states la four of these-Ohi'i, Iowa, M tsaachusetts and Virginia-'nil Matt tickets are tn be chesen, wn !e in N,,w Vntk, South Il.kots, Nebrasts, Hiiinsyikania and Maryland one or mure state oilicera are to be elee'ed. Ia ihe ether ute, with DM rxctption, the tickets to b j vots upon are In county, locil it It-guilt vj i . All interested in and loving children are to the Congregational church Wednesday evening at half past seve s..u. aucic win p; a short pro gram witu rniislr. The aim ia that all may study v ays of brinKing up and ed ucating our children, which shall make of tnem the noblest men and womin physically, mentally ami morally. The B'atement made by several papers that the custom had been to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of Novambcr is a mistake. The last Thurs day of the month has been the rule as one can easily learn byjlooklng back a fe years. In 1883 it occurred on the fifth Th.irs laj as it has on seveial other occasions. The Democrat hat the file of its Issues to show for it. Rev II C Mable D D. Sec of the Amcri- jfan BaPtl"t missionary unlor,,accompatiled ,anv 01 outgoing missionaries ior western China Including Re V il-n W 11 late pastor of the Baptist church of this city will arrive In Albany on Thursday noon. Meetings will be held at 2:30 p m and in the evening when Dr Manie will be tin chief speaker. Mr Geo-W Harris, proprietor of tlie new marble works of this city, lias just com pleted and set up in the city cemetery two fir.e barred (Jranite monuments.c ne for the late Geo 11 Hughes and one for the child ren of Geo II and Sarih A Hughes. These monuments are made of first class material mid are without spot or blemish, and the v.orkmanshlp is second to none. All I --rsoni, wishing to get cemetery work are requested to examine these monuments, and call and get prices on better Granite and marble work before ordering else I where. Will cut prices to suit the times. dav a7t bv rVve.aa l " "," , tuck-v and haamany pleitsiuit afion I r. F untnp s 1' n Si V1', U Jri" r"iat" "f bi "Mriemv with tho "he ".me Z Z ?, Vn m"V m' "f th" -t,t,-. He says they don" in !sw- J," i r, I,robab,e " wiJ bc an- (rr-at ,.s,,.l,- to Uut of their uone in tvery citv in Oregon. . Pl3 as. .. ' , .a" ,., ., . J u. , . ......... , ...... 1.- 111,- i-,,-i -11 111 111, -r in r,-ll- The News places the age of the oldett man in Crook County at Si yea's. Remember the missionary tea nt Mrs V II Roscoe's to-nlilit. Supper i$cents. Hoy d Bros of Junction City hare made ! nn assignment. Assets, $1900, liabilities j $2000. ' Roy Ueatty, a twelve year old Salem I bov, accldcntly shot bknaell with a re ; volver, being dead when found. A Salem elito? referred to the Coventor as crauky. Tho compositor set it up erT.t. , Malio your oh 11 comment. A live wind stonn prevailed at Yaqiuua i Buy for several days Two or three houros wtro blow into the Bay as a result . Olives In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed picuies, enow enow, cranberries, lemons, tlaked l.oml'iy, and n.-w raisins at C E Biownel's. M ra Trow mU rid a OSIMr civine the ; aimaud purpo.u of Kindergarten woik,at the Oooawmatitsaal ehatohthii evening. Ad mission fiee. "We are still selling Dress goods and Capes and Jackets at greatly reduced prices for cash. We Invite you to examine the Read, Peacock &Co goods and price. II .S I'ague, the Portland weather man, has been transferrd to San Francisco. He left our w eather behind, tnough California might well ih to secure some of It. Mr John Bovd. a bridge carpenter on th Dn'i-nn I. .- lali I $!a.ihi liv IV ,l,.nh i v.,i, . Carolina. ' ' . " " "'. v..v. -.. I 1 . ; Johnum yratetday fowarsd iho w.ld's llyiog stare m'.le hicvele record lie aOTfd laa distance in l:5t3 5. beatiog Wiadte, Ba alao kssal his standing strt reooi.1 by goiug a mill iu 2.05 1 5. At the McMinvide election held Monday Win Ram-ey was elected ryavor, E C Walker, Wm Chii.t.nan, S Wilson, coun cllmen: W T Vinton, recorder, C N Neal maisha'. "A cketnleal ncetu and medical tri umph, " so apaakl an eminent physician In relerciu-e to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral: and the en'.ogv was none too s'rong. No other medicine is so safe and efF.caelutis fn all dise?sei of the throat and lungs. nothing succeeds like and 'e p:-esent arrangement njor'e frotn ua sne roaj arriving loo late lor banking ouvr.?s and the train leaving too earlv Id the morning. j i ne newsr-ipc- f ,r hlch .nteihgent mea are crvni- out will nii bs lilas'.raled. ex j-pt for. a few cuts cr digrams, sketch mapa and thr r.....r. ... ,k. Tk. rxprrni.i-nt ot making daily future pipers na lf n fair!)- tried, and it baa proved a i failure. ir'orum Wr.ile io Albany the residence tf A L Morris, near Hs-risbar,'. iurk-laii. -d of ali i's crocsnea, soma ilht.l Iru.t. knives, foiks, bel c'nthos. ete. in fact cc-ariv all the wear another every day orjiuiici of life, 'f ne io-lica-robah'.v north lions mere that one nr tsro snj.e.i were ia. ter.sttsl ic :h bura.'arv. Testerda.- the little tao year oM satB of one it the Merry-go-rennd people, jaat o'tt . en.3f.h t.i araik srel!, strayed aaay fn m Ihe I Bagara U.irdiog h, use. and It waa atreral i heirs he'ore he was discovert.!. He was tt and sitting on tie batva el the rim near the ,ln mil!,. ..! i: ,. , Ul.r..$erhaJ net tnmr.-e.l ii.t., the t tr. hr not make ih.u.,. U iea . . . . - sw ia a prr,;-o.n metal i; ht been rtja.e.1 iRat a ton oi g-r: i i only wolth SjOi799.21. whiie a lou efeta I made ug into bur aa, a--. rw. anil h.lf aauaalu . .1 .a - . . tsren.w dr.!!., -..u ti-JTr Tlu ' i - i. ' 7 7. 11 "aaja. . '' saoan'- rl " esin'.d carry $250 Vther. he r,..f.- ... . - The .1 u . .. Voan Men s ChilsiUn Astoria. ion. tnroughout ihe Cni'ed Stales ard Canada orcurinn'sirL 1 a 1.... -.-. , ..-l i anuia I preach on Sabbeth morning li. Ihe ' interests cf young; men and durltg Ihe - it, ... SJ . 1 , ' ' -i'vrate sskii me association i ... -.iiiuj(i. 11 is nopeu "iaac in tie meetings very Interesting and P"561 prontab.e. The comtniitee in charge : have a program ready. liae man nat been heard of who tail: cele'tra-e Thanksgiving on the jx. He is a Yamhiil P M ai.d has written ihe gor crnor as follows: Dear Sir: I have a post, j otXce and one turkey ar.d can'i afford l. ' and if I kiil the turkey on the ijJ, I wij : pro'jably lose ihe po'slorBce hut as the tuikey has a few scatter'-ng silver piin- . ciple, i ihi.ik he should not survive un til the Wk, lam wihing to close the postOfTie both days and Jet the turkev hv- another year." but the stringencr of the time demands a mcrifice, tn 'doe cratins of hunger and Ihe desire for ofTi.-e. and as I a liable to las the posl orlicc anyhow and vou have an artxinl m i- cwy em will 7 ". '' ilf 'Uli ' ,H Itf, according io the irvl pub islitd srhedule.' -ax 1 it tin ri stM 11 BtOSfzsAT. Mrs E L Power and on went to Port : this noon. Mis Nona Irvine returned thi noon from a several weeks vit in Portland. R B Veal I as gone Io Wa Wall. ' VitL. r.t-u .... ...e n.on Mack Monteiib. now traveling for aaanamaker o: lirown, clolhiDR and) irts, was in the city today. : Miss Mvrtle .Miller, of Alhanr arriv.rt i in the city totlay and will visit with the Misses Markay for a few davs News. -Cona'Hs 1 Mr Henrv J f lark, hrickmaaon, of Roseburg, fo'Mli of this city, ia now moving back to Alltany, thinking in the near future it w 11 be tbe best place for orica masons. James Elkins arrived lwre Wc-bwl iv front ; Albany, fill I llleiill the C'ascailei- by the Santiam route, ami rep.irt. tbe roatl in good condition for this ..a.on of the .ear. hiskev. -, .inil their fine horat-. iuiii third the l.Miitv of their women. The latter pro- unci, .ur r.iKin savs, Orejron's pretty girls. j a ,1 .., is onlv I h-llM-o exct-etletl iy Review. ... TtTNDAT Mr 1 red Senthrs is home from 11 several nionthn sojourn in Crook county. Mr Tony Noltner, ihe veteran .tlitor, of Portland, w.w In the city totlay. Deputy I' B Murshal tJeortrt? Hiimphrey i in the ity. I J- ha-just rr;turne'l from a trip through Kiintern Oregon, where he fjsjnt nearly lifb?en days hardly string a ltl. Mr Win Ruiiiliiiiich returned this noon from ii visit to the World's: fiiir.und lulmita thiit he did not see evervthinir It is safo ! to predict, though, that not many saw more I of the wonderful right of tlw world as ex hibited in the big white city. Mrs ft Windham, of Halsey. is now in Costa Kica. She writes an interesting letter which in published in this weeks New. Mrs Windham is in the midst of bananas, collet:, chocolab; and rubber trees. A letter from Mr B A SchifHer. who bus Ixten titkinir a trip through California re ltorts thai he is enjoying himself ut KI 1'iiso, Texas, but ha visited no place etpxal to Oregon. He expects to lie home in a few weeks. Mr Nad Mrs L Senders returned last araning from their trip b Hot Springs of Ark. The former is grenWy benefitted in health. They were accompanied from EUenaboTK by their daugliU'r, Mrs rhil Lewis, and Miss Pauline May, from I'ort iiud. II II Hewitt ami family left this noun on j a several days visit at Mc.Minnville. i Miss Stella Porter arrived in Albnny yes l terdiiy from Chicago, where she has Ish.'ii I residing several years. L II McMitliiin, the live editor of the Salem lndeiamdent left this noon for Toledo, he will orate tonight iiopiilib-tieitlly, as well as independently. Miss Dannals, who has boon residing with her brother James Dannals for several years, left this noon for Yakkton, South Dakota, where slio will reside with a niece. VV K QUlet, of Albany, came over to Cor vallis yesterday to visit with Kditor Kitson, of the Gazette. The two gentlemen ore old friends, having known each other in Indi ana. Corvallis News. 1 I Mrs Henrietta Brown, of this citv, left Ban Rafael, Calif., yesterday fur homo, wiiiio 011 hit way minting snort, visits, in company with Mrs ffarciiaa White Kinney, of Astoria, at Palo Alta, San Jose and Oak land. Herry Lyons and J L Berry, of Lyons, came to Albany hist evening to get Krvica in reference to the school nt that city, they being the ousted direcbirs referred to. Tho new direeton had taken charge of the ft'honl house nnd pliu-ed Prof l!,s- in con trol of the school. Such matters should be asttled amicably if jKissible. Mrs A It Slauson, of Portland, is in the ily previous to her departure for Washing ton, where she will go with her hnaband, Mr Shiuson, next week, to reside. Mr Slauson will act as stiocial correspondent of the Seattle Pout-Intelligencer, ami they :m tkeipate making that city their home. Mr John tliblin, of tin; St Charles, left tWe noon for Spokane. Several wn-ks ago a neiihew. reeeiitlv from the east iliwl neap j that city sunildenly.his body being found in afield. Mr tiibliu did not know of tin- fact until 11 few days ago and gx-s to see that his hist resting pl.ue is s'litably pro tected and niiirked. On last Satanlav night WT Pent. 7. II Davis M M I lay is. (Mi Hopkins, Sol M Btoefc and Geo Smith, of this city, attended a meeting of the Mawnic lodge at Allwny. 1 ! rand Master Moreland was also there. After a very instructive and intenlinu miviing a h.mouot was nartaken of and f f gnMtly enjoyivl. ThOM from here, who were in atti'itdam-e, siak in highe-t laraM of the sociability and I'ldertainiin'nt afford ed them by their All any brethren.- Cor vullis News. The meeting of the C. L S. C. w.u held hut evening ;it the residence of C H Sh-wart. about twenty-live lieing prettent. Tho pro gram was of more than onlinary intert and merit. The roll nail was answered bv ; quotations from Mrs Ilemuns. Miss Clara iard re:id .1 well preuvred tvirs-T n Mrs llemeiis life: Mil Itialna KKia waa heard in a song, pleasing all; a paper by lr M H Kllis on Modern American latpratiire di playe.1 a marked f.imiliarity with tlie worS of American authors, an effort of ranch literary merit: Mtss 'tedeker n-ited "The Cliristniiis C;irols" in a manner to brinir ruoutTt: KMttint ilond. $!. of guardian Mark, incompetent, apprt-yol f N.i 1 In estate of ffla Srtline. tr Real property. 1800. Final atx-onnt iu iraartlians Beard approve-1 M K Roma ajipointed fBar-liari of Kra i Roscoe. Itotail, Final hearing in es 'Nor Cth. In cute rawf-.rd j -, Ive-ter ' I Isec 4th. Inventory tiled iu .MbiU- of Harvey Shel- ton; real irojerty. fl'UUT '.: raunal. I vj.(.sj, : ; I'rTwooal propertv orthWl -cM il. In .-...!.. .. l ,ril,:. M,- 17. . - v.. . - . I nt f.rtviaf.. an., llra. r... ,...,rli Aliaal I n ,. ..' Samuel McArevVrt-ai propertv. fTO-V.. . . , , Floyd and Susie Uuncan. Itond. f-'-O. -"T" ' r. . "T "i y Alice Ihjan apnointol c-iartlian of Iter-! ! narvl and Mary t tnegan. Rond. 9600. Final account "in ,--!.,v f II K -' - i. . 'iniri et for IVv 4. 1 lv 4. In etati state of A V i.rubb.for f ' ae Dsa 4 Personal propert f Carter A' Hud. a r..Lamaii er-i I in e..a-.-! V 1. Itivr.e tans ar.itoinl.1 a-iri'r : 1 1, i - . . ... . VT. r inal aoroont in estate ol i baa la. rt for Iv. 4 OuariieUi dilorgd in estate K S10- iasu ' F'iy t asid- Henry S 11 irons, and ordered in etai-- of li . Jnn llattexwortis appointed gu seOTge Ityer. . . ... J A Mnitn appoisted snartuaa .mim. tuoxyu. c.s Ell ts-TATat t.tja to Jacob ftiitnidt. acre'. 8 El Mover to Brownvil 2 lot Jasper Poundtrw j MiC-aw. ' acre 9 w 1 I" S Io Harvey Robin. 109 acres la w 4 Unrwcrrilre B A L A to Henry Mey er. 1 lot " K I lay to Clement Stewart.i.laacow. lw arrest 15 w 1 Robert Harrison to Tnoma Harrison. 50 acre 13:i W J Henlern to Jay W i!!.isn. ! . intermst in 25.04 svTe II rz... Everett Knox toMoilie H Knos. ' acres 10 w :'. J V Blain to Daniel Simons. 88.04 acres 1 1 w J ... Everett Knu to M ollie H Knox. 4 i asves 10w;t.. H H Oele In H V Koremjn. 4'iT SB atTes 91 A I. Arnold to Phele M Arnold. 4-' aerea 10 w I . A L Arnold to A S Arnold. t3 ap--. 10 w I A L Arnold to Pereelia Arnold. -M acres 10 w 1 I" S. to Martii.s Morgnn. 14 ' r- 1 1 w 3 Vt III . 1 1900 , J(1, KIkjl-, , Maria K Nil--, 'a 1 F.'s A j Q E HolliiiiP-r t - F A Wuitnev lot. Ibanon M VIi!r...!, t-. V. si- Wi lot. AU.-v . A. Albiinv ! H Bry iml to Vv f Davis. 1'. ss) 400 i' 1VW V.i Unci tuttr by sbaTiff to A 11 M- '! wain. 8 lots, bl 18. H' A. an i lol.ll aTes iKrar Allaanv K A Swan to Martrant i Miller. S lot. IieUinon H.i.Tiet Tillotaon to It C Miller. 2 lot. Idunon I J Wvatt to A H Wvatt. loo a n-. Ivl "- ' E Hawkin to J E Miller. 2 lot. A A H 'siid alrtu Mm: S.tLau, Nov. 6tb. Sunday night an 1 effort was made to let prisoners out of the pen, by breaking a bo'e through the brick wall at the railroad gate and put ting up ladders and rope to allow those Inaids to climb oat. None escaped . Hazel Keyeo, aerialis', was held tip last night at 6:30 by footpads and re lieved of her purse, containing $-10.75. The Sal,-in ministers met totlay ami det.ided to obser.-eThanksgivitig.Novem-ber .'iOtli. Thomas Simt.of Salem, has been elected manager of the .Santiam Lumbering Co's mill at Mill City. Skwimi M :i:-.t ; nestl repaired an warranted bv a th woaphly comprt . nl work man, at K Ni French' jswe'ry.itore, Albanv Oregon. Will & Stark, tk' jeweler. Try a pair of Klein llros Rubber two Boot. died. DYER. In Albany, on Saturtlay. No vember 4th. Hazel. iliiiiKhtnr of Mr ami Mrs Iiui Dyer, agetl 'J1 months. BHERFY tEEDY. On Nov 1st 180.I, at the residence of C R Tanner, Mr no Sherfy and Mite Anna Leeiy, both . Linn count CAPRICE'S HaalHiBaking USPowder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in MillionsToft Homes 40 Ycrs the Standard. Highest if all io Lcveaiag power ASQWTEiy PURE At if iss thi: (H I Ni:w VoitK, Oct 28th, 1S:S. Editors Democrat : Thus far I have arrived safely. I will give you a few impression, received up on Bjr trip across the American contin ent and perhaps they nutybo interesting to some of you. My first impression upon starting from Portland upon the Union Pacific B K was the extreme confort and elegance of the cars, coupfed with the obliging courtesy of all its officials frnu the con ductor down to all passengers. I can say that at no place have I seen cars anything like so dean and well fitted out as at Portland, after you get towards Chicago they use coal in their engines, which makes everything more or leu black. I will not attempt to describe the scenery passed through upon this route, j re mained all day on Sunday at Ogden, where I had an opportunity of visiting a Mormon Temple, which was crowed to overflowing with Lat'cr Iay Saints, aooelies. etc., who were very earnest in their religious eervice.andgave evidences of being very devotd to their religion. It was not until I reacbetl the teeming Chicago that I begar to realise nhat America really is. there the crowded tiain passing through mountains of corn stretching lai as ibe eye could reach, with all other land under high cultiva- tion gave very saliefactorv evidence that i somebody lives there. We passed the ! largest came letoing oarn in me worm ; m I had a very inheres'.: conversa tion wiih a Mr Love, an independent millionaire who had made his money by fattening stock and shipping them from Omaha to Liverpool and now employed his time by traveling. Our train became very crowded as we beared Chicago. We had to leave some cara with another locomotive to bring on more care, while we sped on with all etan.titta rno, ftllt nr. .....inn .,.,inn. with platforms thronged with people ; waiting to go to the Fair. The city of Chicago i crowded. K'e- in and street cars :n ,.' from two In BtW rarriamti iMaaini, through nearly every street cannot at tunes convey the waiting pa'sengers to the grounds for some lime Over 700,000 l-ersons paid gate money on Chicago day and i: is estimated that 1 ,000.000 ere on the grounds as many entered free having exhibits in the fair. It is nseleee for me ' "fP aesz-iiw. one part o, tr,e tremendous fair. I waa fortunate tn be- .11 -- j: i . a... t"w ij ere aaianu iwai ui aite- ork . ' MI of which I have never seen tor expect to see airain. iher i disp aved upon tlie take io:n- .i.i '.: v i...r gr-a ere- - ent f ai.icl. wa ia eticirc t-d I - :.:e -: var:oi coiofs I nd seemel at time converted into one boiling cAldroii ol fire with geyser of j various colored fire emitting from it in - all directions, thie, with the mvriaJs of ffertHrcent s t ra, etc . . lin? tboaered d.-wn over al. ty the rocket sent up irotu t:.t- steamer ail around make maatniureot s;claveie. Itut this was as nothing compared to tbe magnificient heels, moitos. ligurre. ship and eceue portrayed in nre. it i entirely beyond me ho be able to describe tbem, bat jsdg ing 'rem the shriek and bei ' of ' ,l" ,eil,nr bi!le and the (boat tbid greeted thee? display the whole was j considered well worthy of the great Ajr-rican V,'t,r; jj ( ,'u::.! Ian Kii.:tion ' Alter leaving Ibe World' Fair ste visited j the Niagara Fal!s. spending aboat rive I hour there. This a as a grand sight to 1 me, and i considered br some the grandest sight on earth. Bat 1 do not 1 think that one has a correct idea of America's creatress un'il thev see New ( ' York. There a one view the magnif- cent building around 5:h Avenue or i Broadway, and come in contact with : America's highest citizen, or walk the . wooderial structure. the urooklvn bridge and Yiests tbe vast metropolis around ; him with the commerce of all nations crowding it extensive docks, one can i ! form some idee of the magnitude of thi i voung A user. can republic and can ap ) prebend something of the possibilities of : it luture It is with tme feeiines of regret that I tnrn from America ? renew tny career , in my native land. For. the home is tbe I dearet to all. I regret to leave my good friends in Alhany and regret that ! can i not become ! at once a millionaire and citizen -f ibis vat America. Vour Trnly, Gao Si.sroiirE. lire a- Isjtsr Be th. The Eocene Flour inp MiUs mcd last night, the fire being discovered at 11:15 (int. in the top story. It l i-npjipsed that tbe hre sras catiisetl by an exjdosion of the tine flour dust. The property wa osrned by M-'ssTs K-iri A' .""t-n of this citv. The mil! and machiner-. was reined at c"iV0lV'. insurance 10.000. AU-Hit 15.iTlX bushel of whe .t .wnetl bv fiimiers.wxs on storage. Several thousand bushel of wln'at laadlv scorched will lv isiivt's;!. N.4hinaT w;us carried out M MM looks. Tlie capacity of the mill was o .irrv.s per dav. 'me man ltreiv s.i.i his iife by slidiug down a boartl from -i -si i st-.ry. lO.i.k.M insurance was -arritt!. l 't.isiw u.heis of wheat and some Hur were burned. Part of tin' la? longed to farmers. Cai si.ii Woiik to Bror. Tlie work of repairing the MraM.ui tranie recently oe- cupietl by the IVIimonico restaurant and i- iniri a month .i"'1 had invn Itegnn. when th ' iiief Kngintvr crilentl the oration of .-rk the irround that it was contrarv t onlinance more than half of the building it 1- . being luirnt-d. I lie matter will U- considered by the City CouiK'il at it next meeting. why i'."N r 1 hey. A lortland paper ia criticising Mrs Geo H Williams for not announcing the Madison street dis aster before it occurred. Some of theee people who claim to I t- able to penetrate the future could do a great thing for tbe world Dy stepping in and giving a warn inir itelore hand. them do it once. atnl their ccffers will till up with tattling rapidity Hut they can't. They are fakes. Tearhns laslllalr- Notice is hereby aiven that there will be a tea chert' meeting at Harrisburg Nov. 10th and litis. The teachers of junction, Inie county, will join with the teachers 111 and around Harrisburg 111 tins meeting and a good time is promised l.eciure l riilav evening-, the tilth, hv Prof 1 M Bio. All teachers and friends of education ar cordially invited tocome G- V. Rt ssi i 1 , County School Superintendent 'if religious beliefs perplex vou. and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal reilgjcns reading to postolhce mission, 340 a hill street, Portland, Or. t lean towels tn every customer at Vioroek avirig parlor. Or. Price's 'Smm Baking Powder forty Year Un 3tn;lartl. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Baking Powder Mil I IHi-NFM I'M MIL November 4thf 1893. j As it was retains and the roads were muddy, the gooi grangers were alow in getting to Tangent, the place of mee ing. However indue time the bouse waa called to order by the worthy president, J 11 Scott. The grange choir furnished some stirring piocoi of music at the open- , ing of the council. The minutes ot the laat regular meeting of lb conncil was read by the worthy secretary and stood approved as read. The agent stated that as the business transactions of the year are over he bad no repot t to mate. Under the bead special committee, Bro CleflB offered n written report in Ihe shape of a resolution in regard to the di VCt legislation of the initiative and re- j ferendum, and supported the came with ipiitea lengthy speech. Bro J Wigle, of Charity grange, told the council tome of the actions of Chanty grange in regard to the above subject, bat bad arrival at no definite conclusion yet- The above ubjectwas talkdon by several mem bers of the connc'I. Dincer jeing announced the president declared a recess for the same, when all . repaired to the dining hall and did ample justice to the good tilings prepared by the good sisters of Tangent grange, The wortbr president recalled the council to order and the same subject under consideration in the forenoon waa taken nn and a-ill sranni and r.n mr.tion the question waa laid on the table and referred to the eubordinate granges and be reported by the delegates to the next council. The next meeting of tlie council a ill be held with Riverside grange the first Sat urday in December, 18W3. A vote of thanks was tendered to the members of Tangent grange for theuse of their liai', and the sisters for the re paat furnished for the day. L'nder bead of good of the order several suggestion were made by mem bets present. It waa sogltested that the matter ol starting a grange beef market in the city of Portland. Oregon, by the member, of the satordinate granees be retv.rted tc the Linn County Business Council There was several good tiling talked on py macr ot the members which wa of interest to patrons, and so maty of the grangers missed. Seal nr.. flats I IT stT: 'fiw court adionrne.1 bast eveninc until 1 March. Tbe dock': waa (leaned up as follows: L Artbie Gardner vs Wm Logns at arner, 1 uaruian of rn Lotru To 'iuiet uue. jodarxttent tor plaintiff. Lane Lumber League v F A Burkbart A V H ioltra; f'-rerlos-tirr; of lien. Motion to confirm n-i-rt of refetsv argned and sub mitted. 1 LebaiKrc and Santiam Canal v. S-.srthern i PaciSc Co. Continued. A Havckleinan vt city of Albanv: injunc- tion. Ars-.;! an 1 sabmiUed. J II MusU-n v city of Allsany; injuxv-tioa .Vrgned and --j'-mitLed. J A Tfcoratsin v. dty of Albany; injunc- tion. Argued and sabcutted. A'la L Anderv-sn rs V E Arnlerson: ap-! plication to nvadify decree. Costody of ; minor child Vi-la I. asrarde-l to maXernaJ grandnorenU. Mr and Mr S W Crowder, j until farther order el court. R N Morris r eo W Kodtnr : re taxa tion of costs. Argued and rabniiUed. WC Myers r Emil Milbredt: re taxa tion of costs. Argued and submitted. Tun Ex.xx-nox.. A dispatch received a 2:15 p. j:-.. today irive the tollowinc result: Jackson carries Iowa by thirty th-:m.and: lepisiatur" republican. New 1 ork.repuUi can throophoot. irrrlmling delegi'es to tonstituli-ina; convention. Judge Gary leaaL in Chicago: entire republican ticket . elected. Kansa. Populist. Sustain over whelming republican defeat. New Jersey legislature republican. Colorado, almost entirely republican . I W ka. tsw Tar Xakr. Medicine for : Because you are sick and want to get ac'.l, or because you wish to , prevent titneas. Then remember that I Hood s Ssrsaparii.a c-res tm diseases caug-' ed by impure blood. Purely vegetable HcoJ'sPil -J5C. Patt-c Rrt-r. KP. Tbe aaderaigaed pro pneter of the Putter House desire to lo'orm tbe pabiic that he ka reduced the price of botrd to S3 per week, wi.h It-da lag $-1 ter wk. Single mjstli 25 ocot. ibe public 1 tavtd to call t I keep geod ': at. ret a g- table. Have tir word for sale. C .truer of BroadalUi- nd Water Utets J II M Lit an pa. BARGAINS, Bargains, : : Baga;.ns, T-i ml iu v tck preparatory to moving ; into the new Post Office Brick we offer for c.v-h the list of gocls Ivlow mentioned at prittv named. Come earlv as ut these figures they will htt but a short time: :X His small white beans fer 4 lbs roasted coffee, in bulk B Kins '2 lias oysters 10 cans 1 lb oysters 4 cans 16 oz baking powtler ." cans choice tablt? peaicbcs ". 11 Vans gallon pie (teaches ;l His regular 40e tea Regular ".V Knglish bnakfa! tea. Regular Wc .bijvin tea Tea in lunch Itaskcts A few tins. 7.V tea 10O lbs dairy chee, until stne . . Mexican Sifter stove jwlish 1892 pop corn Horstman's 1 lb packages sotbi . . . Knglish stnlu in Imlk ,V liars 10c loilet soap 9 SoaVM cigitrs o0 ill ttox ' Ilis "J.V tea sittings . l'l-Spet-tfuliv, ?! 00 0 00 00 00 01 00 IV) C. K. l.ROWNKI.l. M rn. Dr. ltleraon-Uttllr The Nou-,1 Clairvoyant at-,1 Ural Hm.Ut. Is now hcrr, arul can V- f.iun.l at ht-r rrHnlonc, nest tltstr J B IVuiriH's. She la almul all mhn-ls. nasi IfTscnt anil lurt.iv lv trttublrs. sbarnt IrirnJs ainJ husin-ias. You tatu Itrar fnun ttur ttt-ail rila.l.. T. PhytUdiin and BwUftCM. Ofllw I'psu'ra over th Bank ut OrfJO. Kenidviuv, corner 10th and t'ltJaiHXsU tt. raAf lKU. louniv ami city war T T 1 ranta bought and so'd by H F Mer rill. a a A is WANTED.! he underaiened VF wants to buy 50 bushela of while oata dtllrered at ivy residence one mile north of Albany. uimket price In cash on delivery W H Wasjskb. iVlt tiAnt..-i".a luiamu.uitllK od at a T XT' t3 1 . . 1. 1 . . . r...t. roinlaseedoava. M SxilNliKRS. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIXD A CURE FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA. LAME-BACK, 1ft A Our 300 page salairuMraai beak "TnHEECI-lnr 7-IF.K." sfcojld r.-rsd mmMO& mnn rttd man. unt imIM ' -. as has raatorad taonaandato rofcurt ,-Bh a shown bj hnadrads of cases Ihroucb'-st t tin arid otfaf til wnom we nave strong letter bearing ttetiiaoo j t We HAVE CURED THESE -WE CAN CURE YCU! GENERAL uhBlulTr wURLD. toan rr--tclco. Cal. A-,rstU.r3a. Dr. A, T. "an-jen, Ijt sir ?- tin orm 1 am4 jo ,r b,i I ni trouhl-d with lost rfnor. Titl vrt.sra, ai-i alssowX a sasaplata loss of sowr. I voold at no with a ssrz tirad fasJiac. 'uaa aehtrc, ew.ssiB-r sir. roir bait I h - bad a arw lmm oi ill . 1 now aaaaf lia bausrtbsal has lorUa f'arsaaat. I ui Erzi' c .efi49CA In J' jr treats -.ett. Von caa tub ih Una asaSasassuUalao bv others sntfs or call or. me. iralriMfi, it. a. BiJ Wfcjl, 2S iiuJ as T RHEUMATISM I AMD iEMEbfi CUBED. TroTI. Dr. a. T. Ben-lea. laaar Bin I wot on, f on - t-u two speekaswo forrheoraatiam, tim "tii-hl ,r.?ro lorwmaLTwa r-irioei-a ,u m-i-.uu j na r.w beasB able to w rs Y or bail haaplacad main aimoat lasrfac-t health In the t o we. ka I Lara aaed it. 1 ran M. t KCOIifci. Pr i-Timor Ictematjina uUX NERVOUS OE.C.Ty-LOJS VICOR Dr. A-T Fan -ten, Laaaf tir : hare b-ea aaina joor Elrtrie belt for nerron. -tetoiUtr and to-dr fee: bef.'-r thaa X hara lor hrc rears. I baaa rairaa la siaor calir, and am nrost is swrrsart. Y juts craw!, CHA3. LL'l'IIA. THE OR. SANDER is a ftomt'ata rairanic hatterr. made Into a belt ao aa CI1! 'i'hinar. pr locj-ed eti-rents which ar inatacl.j- uit tairmsboat rati w-sti txirta, or wafor SS.eeO. It baa an Iasaraved Hertric !aapeneorr. laearsatteatb-ran e--.-r rireaea men.. wa warrant taaocarw asr oi in aore aaa t-ieolarwe wJrerTObrabor parta.or -XoBe7 Refaadrd. Ther ars rraded In sweticth to roaet all ataaiea 't srestzseas io T'lrnr niil'Mi assal . aj.11 w.ii enra uas wrxt eaaes in two or tivraa SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. Dress Goods, Capes -at greatly : reduced : prices, -AT- READ, PEACOCK & CO., ALBANY AND rake your selections large BUY HEATING STOVES Matthews FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers 'E KEEP ccpstantlvcn lard a full coffins. Also tuiial icbes ar.d which will be sold at The Lowest EMBALMING iie proper K0 EXTRA C HA RCL FOR ALB A.M Y, - - MASONIC This Tiiue Ite Al)01lt Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best grades, as cheap as they can Je bought in Albany. Try me. While vou are at it I can furnish vou the host GROCERIES and lreshest produce at bot tom prices. DO , P. Mi : 15 15 I MEAN W ill sell all crex kerv CO 00 COSX- He re 50c for 2.ri cents; cups and saucers 25 to 40 cents a set: pla'es. 40 cents pel set. Everything else in proportion. Call on n.e and vou will not be deceived. J. An kxts W.vntkd on Salary- and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BiGnraphy of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hauilton, hi literary executor, with the co-uperatinn of hi family, and for Mr. Blaine'a Complete Workr, '-Tvvexxt j Ykaks or Cosurrss," and his later booa, I "toUTii'Ai. XJisftjs.sxo.vs. Une p !' for thee 3 hkst,; book. in i ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 1 ; from first 1 10 calls: agent' profit .m rs Haitard otu. took 15 order. 13 Seal Russia, in I day; profit $26.25. E N Rioe of Maaa. took 27 order in 2 davs; profit $47-25 J Patridge of Me. took 43 order from 30 call; nrotit $75.25. A Palmer i of N. Uak. took 53 orders in 3 day; proril w.o. xnKRiToav given. U you wish to make LARGE MOa?V writr immediately for term to m, . , nMl Ba a n . , 1 IU' Ullif hull UD. Iv.ailOrn'KO.lQBl rMNDETS KLECTRfC BELT with Klectre jllntitnic sSMssss ery will care wiifceat sseaiiciM ail of tb alcjrstronblM. Thra-i wSr, Mir lrom Kt-TTaas Oratlllr. I.O'trn, Drains, Imi Jlacbcaa, fteesileaaaeaa. If Feajsife Cs. rat III health. ra oar llesisrr, ol ' u u c s. nrrj Hii, UKiiners or aoti ass. aiisassas trorr. or ex vq. STB1 tr,-: rlirfaod DrrimM cure In oar marreious msestlon, wbxii reqairva tytttatrlal to o-.oTinfn ti, ir.ost afcju-a. In tanoraaes of ex Xe'tm yon rsaT have vnavlf drafrfti y nr satasa afajarM f .roeacd TitaiL's -wlleh la eleetrlrlir sua thai tr.i ri j,mr weiti.eti - r lack r,I forrsy I rem rcp'aca Into roar sjstemth tltrai-nu Ossa draice-l, whieb ar m. oojr-! f,r Tijforoosstrerirta. jon will r et.o re t te racae ana riaattti. stMsssB :-.z.! via-r si I follow t t,Tti- nrs. ia onr aian and treatasent, and rrt smaisntee a ear or rsfc r. 1 n-.-jrer. br ererr yaa and rkror. after all other traatsesta failed. a e 11 1. sariits's Kiscme aseis is do ez ia do ezscn - r htates. rke siadlr teatifr. a tbeir recosirrr &l Jtt cstng onx iiel t. . aaauea tassri LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM .Dr. t.T fiu.R, Daa Kir faara ; aasawaaswasji n.-.r'l worv. cuhiaad with tba strain con. tfr.m tna ;ar or ar. ennne. pa -Ml Beeara SBBBSSSJ I .me ba, th at I cooid not Oen-1 mi back. aa all Asablad ' ir j:c wmcn x saaerwa sar sw serin rasura. I waa with it X bonabt u .- o! t-.-.r baita. Is l.- t. I bcuht o -.e of -ir be. la. It fc!: f 4 mm la ii. oi ia . cajt ai.i i eotuaass u strr itforlova a o, and I ana Sawei to-!? as I -r waa ia or ilfe. 1 Mi , oeir.e ir.-tiT crad. TlUt waa two icwiQ-jr oe-t weif. ati a ail w tosassi asssasas bavo been enrtd fc7 It- Maar others seed tCas C the woo dtr u bxj wwud .lad it tha same) as I did ( tfca boat rme.!r ia tna worM. X am iaestaa) hftt pemtanei.t.7. ano wt i je ataai wtaia WSta aViSasawaaV wants to Icon re ahoovi'. I BOBEKT BCKEKL, Ecsisece Hots! PorCaad. ia- ratornlpi. sod after a Kantn'it oa ot am bait I find wraeif twice as r wrons aa hwjota. Ut msswOT ,s leow near. -'r.-fect. and sic. iw akowa : - '.r.e bsS BSC, I f ! maea stronaTer t"a Mies tba act. Vjbts tn.7, . ...,ul bcauzxav ELECTRIC BELT to be euil. worn o-enr s-n oe e moaths. ACinete tor fail ttiotsnnva. 172 RrstSt, PHHTLAKD. 0BE: and Jackets, LEBANON. early while thfy Lave assortment, & Washburn. and Embalnier$. Ihe cf rrttalic. clcth ard need caskets ai suits, in tirre'e'eth. t:r ,tsl n I.iylng Proflls. care of the dead a specialty. HEARSE OR SERVICE . . TEMPLE, - - OREGOf CONN BUSINESS. ware and holidav goods ai are some prices: Lamps, worth lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 GradwohL U.K. nTDE. W. raWaKaTDOraaam, l. II. JAMES ALBANY Wm CO, Miruore liltifk. Albanv, Ore. later book, w "a, w. isFUBNITURE A complete line of lERT4KI in all ita branches. EMBALMING aialty. Residence comer 3rd and Calapooia Street.