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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
Eights morra VOL XXIX. ALBANY,ORLGON, FRIDA, NOVEMBER 10. fB93. Enltrril nl tlie Oiler nl lltufi Or., M WM4HI Mall HaSHi: TIT EH SlTTI,rabllher:.a1 rr.rlelrsi SO 14 Book itnil Job GAL BLANKS, BRIEFS. Commercial Stationery . i its tic Wedding Cards, &c IN THE LATEST uORRBOT STYLES : rythingj First-class and Da livered on Short Notice. SMI HI. THt FARMERS k KiliS INSURftNCE CIH AlttMjr, .;' . President. J L CXiWAS, Treasurer. -xtiubototm- Cowan. Uoo F Shnpnoo, J K We;U F Raid, r I.- I. U J Sin ft. I (vlMMMaV -AL-H. DIJTniCT A.i :-.- SOS J" seYeral Solid Eastern The Oregon vVItn its home RA1 YH-M" - - r. ftlocl., corner Liberty n j MA.KES a specialty of Sur.nyside fruit tractt near Salem; Will sell o: 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pfr ere small cash jnyment ovi time on balance or particular?. .NEW : FURNITURE, MW SrOHE IS NOW FULL OF FIBsT-CLASS FUIINITUEE, CfNSISUNC . ,c bed room wit, chairs, lcnoea, t-;r., which I w:l aell at BOTTOM I MEAi BUSINESS. Will sell all cn-(:Aerv are ancl holiday gcodfi a COST Here are 69me prices: Lamps, wortl. 50c for 25 cents; Jamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers V't to 40ce. lts a set' Pa'eF' cents pei set. Everything phe in prop Gall on roe and you will nc je deceived. J. Gfadwohl, nving WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employe PoKTLaao, OaaooK. A. P. Armsthoko, Prikcii-al. v Opea all the year. 8tudentyinay enter at any time. Catal ajjue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PA YS. si? '"aWaWBSanaa SHI !.V AfstXtJ PHOTOGRAPH a Iban y mregea MANHOOD RESTORED! j fuarauUied to care ail nervous disease. uc 1 1 us Weak ower, Ileadacli, Watteluliiesi. LostManbood.Nlvb' net., all drains and 1oph of power In Generative Orcai hj overexertion, yuaihfnl errors, excessive use of ulants, wtalcb lad to Intlrmltv, Consnmutlon or Jneai est pocket, ml per box, for US, by mall prepaid fflve m wrtttii (usrsntce to cure or rufund fh druifiilBts. Ask for It, take no other. Writ for free s Hsroaaun snauisisu. In plain wrapper. Address For sale in Albany (ore. , by J. A. CLMM1NU PriRtno LEV, ,0R. Ort - froa. - J O W Rl'i.til AW. SocttjUrj Geo F SIMPSON. Via Prefdd,nb D B Mo.Viti, H stera:r .j ) and Foreign Companieb Land uo ...Tee e. - OJrtli'.Q-O r- :Ute Ureet, branch office n Pnrtla-.u PRICES. Thos. Brick F VOTORY it'rop rletor, RETAIL Jabinct photo fr. 11 1. 5 f. : 1.. ragmg pictures a crayon; framed arry a large stock Jpf. views of Or- dozen. Knl Ity. 16x20 1.00. Wee , of 5x8 and steresc KKN, egon l'DKVE BEEnS." tn wonderful remesr tf mory, Lusatif Hraln Kmlsslons. Nervous of elttier eeicatisea i ..baeoo.oi.lum or atliii Uy. Can ho oarrt.-.! In . With a S ordf r wo c ......) . Bold br all .ilical Bot.k nentseitl- tl iuicreDipiu,cuiCAUo. fi.AS I). Urugglsts. MUV Sit" CO., Mi and by & Mt-l- Ai Tub PouTLANn HoitnoR. Tho report in reference to tho Portland a:ei.leiit is that it was caused by the fug and Hie frosty condition of the rails, the maohia ery refusing to work properly. The lights were up and the chains In "position. The accounts of tho accident txcfte one's deepest feelings for the unfortunate peo p!e wlo Weill down with the car. A complete list of tho drowned is as fol lows: Charles IWrkmati. hookkeeper.of Seliwood; .Tohn P Anderson, cabinet maker, of Milwaukee; Joseph Stadler, laborer, of Oak Grove; Alexander Camp hell, saloon keeper, of Milwaukio; Theo dore Benniek, cabinet maker, of Milwau kio Paul Oder, foreman of the b.ittlinz department of tho Gambrinus brewery, nd Cnarles S Albee. a 14 vear old lad, employed by Henry Kcrger, paper hang er, are missing. Not Mysterious. "Th" whereabouts of the Walker Brothers is a m sterr, nor is it iikely that ihev 1 I volunteer to re vcal it as the disposal of anortgOced pro perty is a rither serious offense" is the closing sensenc in an article in last Thurnlay's, which i elates how the brother met yHged t'e mam motb steers on exhibition at !e rxtMi.U'on to a man named Hiberle- oi tiraoi's Pas, for 5.500, and sulst quenliv disposed of the mortgaged animals to the manaseis of the Portland lr.tlustria! exposition. Our E.k City coiTCSjSondent solves the myslerv in ano' column by writing that tho brothers i.pont several dtis a'. Elk "enjo inn the blessing; of our fine climat:," and also that "one of the brolh ers thinks of locating here fcr the bene fit cf his health.'' Times. Aocmora at Oaxthub. Onr cones pendent gives the following account of a serious accident : Friday afternoon .lames Morgan and Andrew Shearer were out hunting. In I Hing slog to slip up on some ducks Shearer's gun was disrharuod. tearing away a portion of bis leal bond , Dr Farr.i. of Corvallis. was sent for. and the unfortunate voting man w;ts taken t tlie home of DEJinuda. The tioctor ampu tated the two front ting-rs.l-aviri him two fingers and a thumb on his left hand. He is theoidest uni of DlMid Shearer, the mail contractor, was lrn in Ireland ami came to America when quite young and is now pa.-t seveuteen. When WOMX BtaKTWD We have re ceived from 11 D Hustle, the Gold Baaeh Ml man. a BMinhM enlitJeil "Salmon of the Pacific Coast." He says the business was first stivrtihl at Sacramento, Cal., in 1SC6 by Humes, be teing a junior memlr or rather employe of the firm. It took them several ye;irs to introduce th' canned salmon into the markets of San Francisco. The next market was found in England and Australia. After these markets had lnvn supplied the l'nite.1 St.f.'s was turned to for a market through a Chicago house.until now the bu-iness aanunts to millions each rear. Mr Hume lelieves th-' salmon will bjcome entirely extinct if MMHi are not taken to protoct them. Lors or Cas: Tae rtcent stock ra"v:m?nt thr.aghrjttbcio'.ar,; and tho f nrclitte mide bj eastern and west?. n l over l a put ia cir calti 0 many thcataod of dol.'a's and aa improvement in baiincs ufelt whenever the monefi 1 at into cireaUtion. Yet,r!ay Ch. Eliia. Iimc Orel;. 0 W C.rcle, V Ob-ofay A Ueitler. F L Smith, A J Soble aod G W Noble, all Piioetrille. Waf co coanty tcckmen. whs mU their cattle to liU f:land of Salt Like City, and presen'ed th'ir check at th. Fuat Nttiooul Bank aa.l rreiir d cash thertf in the a:n of $C1.U0). OMkfar Parker htcded oat the c:ia a an tjtrf day cccurrccce and hai jJoa: v more left. Strcck Good DlOttUU prtW letter from F M Pa'-tenon, who with a nu.ntxr of Ccrraliisite left several week ago for the southern O.-egan digginc. hat acheery ting. It is dated at Watkln Jackson ceuniy and re'a'e how '' Pat terson, ia an hour one Sunday inoininr panned out $1 75: thai ia t'irceday they would have c ompieted a ditch with a good water supply, after which they ex pec ''.1 to clean up nvt A Miar and up war.', per day to ttie mat. Timet. Prises. Ti.e C)rvlli The Excelsior Fruit Co i S;f a. putting out I more f rune trees this Mi, bung ing the number of trees planted up 10 2 , 000. Th; orchard it sjtuited near Mon roe and the co:npf.y adding tO)j acres tc it vearjjr u 11 it 500 icres nave been p anted in fruit tree. Tfier QI be Joo acres when tbe work of this fail I com pleted. Ix Hextos Coi'xtv. Tlie heaviest in dividual taxiavers tfflBnoa an John an 1 Mary Smith, who pay on 150,504, HF Fisher is neit. jiaying on tHjHO. Tfie heavy taxpay r- S ip i'rk precinct, a I joining Alixinv, are: It C.illoxav. 812. 108; Tolbert Carter. f '.!tl": II lK-.-u. 7.t-': K 1' (iilc. e'l.'iVi; WT Norton. $ll.J2; heirs of T M Head7. 922: ihartes Uead. 85.002; Colamtia Kead,$.60:t; W ni Ryals. $:,.:m: C M Vand-nv.I. fcMM4: J 0 and .J W WriUman,$I3,lft; John Wiles. The Latit railroad news is that the 1'nk.n P..i i-i will i,- .uHive bidder f"r there(on Pacific on iJec 14th. Some of its leases are alout to runout so that it needs a line to the const. Should thi prove true and the 1". P wvre to sorore the rad it would mean the extension of the . P. to Huntington at once. It is doubted if any road would do mere for th; valley by the purchase of this valuable property than the I'nion Pacific. A Laiice Hoe v.-E.-One of the largest purchase, of hops made in Oregon this season was cons-.imated at Harrisburg Thursday, when K C Smith, of Eugene, punhasetl the entire crop of hops raised by lir Oavis. at that jla . n-i-ting ot 41" liales, between ':..) and eXI.OOO potUtdl The price paid was I t1 .. i rnts jkt pound. Th" hops will be shipped to New York. Vandalism For several weeks on Sun day nights raids have len nuvle on the umbrellits standing; in church corridors. Eight were taken from one church: in one instance seven or eight handles wen." cut off and the umbrellas left. In some eases the thiefs have brazenly attempted to steal .hem in the presence of peopli-. I mlin-llas cost money, and regardless of the light manner in which such pMMtfy is lofiked uKn it Is a criminal offence to steal an urn- jrtthv. Armed Graios. k u r;ijim 00 tbe Southern rlMll aHmJjil known by n.anv u thtaii of Piokerton'a detcctivt s are mw employed on the night run o? t'10 ovtr'und triin. W II..Karu.- & Co. hvo lo placed trmcd tnarila in their c ira on the overland ;rirj. Thi pr-ctution it Ukcn. it is nndcr too, to prevent the fosaitiily of any trtin robberies and train wrtokin;;. Wells, Kargo Co.'h'.tuii intf;ogr lun betweeu Al bany and A dil ind, Guard . 7 .aK II lt' "J 111 r . 11 j iystcro. i i no Mfta j! Mesas. ffiKf nucli fat-food be t'Vi v irr.ilated with- Wjn iiit injury to the irganfi 01 digestion. fa 3 ? P3 mm s raiSfon of Cod I.tver Oil w ith Hypophos pliile..: lias come to bi an articl of e very -day ussj, a prompt and infalJibh? cure for oMs. Coughs, Throat ionubles, and a positive builder Ct iiesh. 1 ,., cut .eft. iwetj V"-.. 1U IjK'I'.--Tbree (8) work horses snd 1 j saddle horso for sale, or will trade foi wood, oats, wnest or haykENj)ERSi TiiAXKsdiviNt;. -In marked to tlieiroclamution ofOregon's cranky govern or is the following iieautitully wonusi pro clamation of President Clevehuid, which it is Hit lb predict is the only one that will b road 011 Thanksgiving day, which every body will obteTTC on the date named in it : "While the American pfJOplfl should every day mMtaboT with praise and thanksgiv ing tho divine goodness and mercy which have follov.ed them since their Ijcginning as a nation, it is lilting that one day in each year should U especially devoted to a contemplation of the blessings we have re coive l from the hand of God, and to a grateful acknowledgment of his loving rind new; therefore. I, l rover Cleveland, president of the Fniteil States, do hereby designate and set ape.rt Tiiursday, the MOtfi day of the liresent month of Novemlier. as a day of tlianksgiving and praise. to be kept and observed by all people in our land. On that day let us forego our ordinary work and employments and assemble in our usual places of worship, where we may recall all that God has done torus, and where, from grateful hearts our united tribute of praise and song may re;;ch the throne of It the union of kindred and the s ial meeting of friends lend cheer and eniey- f . .is.- , 1 it .,..,...,... ..;fo ..1 ..i,.;. ....... ... . mi ,imki I'.i.uiu v.3 liu- VI VMM rT for the reiief of the poor and needy n NW the sincerity of our thanksgiving. I.kc.anox. Two Albany gentlemen were in ljchanon this week, looking arounl with i view of -farting a Ixuik here. There are alout ;150 bales of unsold hops in this vicinity. They belong to the fol lowing growers: K !-Thew, P J Wallace. Mr Bom and Hiatt A: Simons. Hie last named gentlemen sold lutlf of their crop. N W Smith will go to Eugene today to pay a visit to his sis'er. Mrs li VS Keid. He will also attend the wedding of Mi--Huth liridges, near Orain. Suturday, Mr A Cowan, who has bw stopping in Albany for the past few weeks, n-turm-l to Ielsinon Wednesday. He intends to start in a few day for Eastern Oregon. He will go lUToss tlie mountains. Horn, to the wife of Prof Win M Brown, on Oct 1 son. Mother and Uiby are lvth doing well, but the lrof is not do ing so well lie is reported to have heard the grammar class recite out of the arith metic on Tuesday. Ia Saturday while Peter Bland was hauling wood on their ranch near Sweet Home, and had a young colt in his team, the team got frightened and run away, re sulting in Peter getting his right arm ami several rils broken, and was also consider ably bruised. I r Booth was called and re duced the fractures, and at latent reports he was getting along nicely . Advance and Express. A Bad City. Tho following from the Corvallis Times is not the first report of a like ery disgraceful act: A dlsgraieful affair was reported this morning for which the guilty party should V vanished. last evening a little bOT was given whisky until he was so badlv intoxicated that lie was an OBMCMM and for a time in such a condition tliat a physician was called to attend him. He was found wandering about on the back ifaoofa and was afterwards taken home by hi father who learned of hi condition". The person who it is said gave the boy the whisky is a young man who know better than to do such a disgraceful act and sbenld be made to suffer for the unlawfulness. The matter no doubt will ( looked into, or at least it should be. 1 in: AIMAMX AMtTEMt-. -A good ttaad audience greeted the Albany amateurs las night at the opera house. Hiekrv Farm an interesting comedy, was presented in a very creditable manner. Mr fiert an Cleve did Al-lerman KeKaaOB in irrea style. Mis Lillian Crawford displayed nauke.1 t-lent in Mr i'ritctlU Uoshtv: Mr Hugh I islier. a Eiekiel Fortun.the owner cf tiicsry t-iurm; It Swart as the mifer. I'riah Skinner: M D Swart, as the villain. Giiiiert I 'arkwooj : Allen CUamberlin. a the faithful young love. Jack Nelson.- Mi Martha K Lsev. as Jessie Fortune, and Will Galbraith as etective Kankin.all did good amateur work. Kough Iiamond.a live one act comedy, closed the program to the tat isfaction of tlie audience. The play will rvpeate.1 lonigni.wnn several afWCSanom Admission. 25 cents to any part of the Immbi A SaATTOM Cssa. Tnursd.y evening Jc.5 Neal, iicirtg in the viclnby of Star ton, came 10 Ssicm and swore rut a war- ant before Ju.lice Ba'.chtlor for the ar-ie-of F 1 Neal. a'se living near Station, charging him with trespas. Yesterday morning ConstaHe T P W.lch brought Neal number 2 Into balem ard took him before lude Batclielor. Here he pleaded not guilty, and asked for a continuance of UM case. Un thltground the Cass was continued until the 2Jd of Norerr.ner. The piisonet sn released upon his own recognizance. The trouble arote from F M Neal pasting the ground alleged to be the property of Jesse. Salesman. BaWatUX SOLDI Deputy -sljeriff W W Cooper retumel yestenby from his trip to the upper San tiam country. He was there Thursdav eonductinir tde sheriff's sale of the sawmill lieionging to tlie Green Basin Latmhawiasw Or. The ttronertr bid in by Allen Smith, the plaintiff, for jfioO. The boa brought bv Mr Smith was to recover money on a laliorer's lien to the sum of $700. Statesman . A Nkw R 11.1 Ui lt u wuleor hue priotcd upon ynar envrlnre the n a ruber 1 f divs vou with them held, th uo. master witl h're.ftrr by a new m lag hold them thirty days iattetd i f t n. A aooo s the contract for enve'ope printing rut eat, j. u can n'.y have'eove'rtpea pu: ud atho-ne, a the gor OnHMast will su.p j.rinirgadtbee lht-ion. la Oldrn Tlaue l'eople overloolteJ the impo'tancc of per manently beneficial effect snd were atl ficd with transient action, but now that It Is generally known lht ijvrup of Fig wlil permanently cur: habitual constipation, wcll-hiformtd people will not juy other laxa'ive, which act for but a llrr.e. but fin ally Irj'iie the y'.em. Miixinkkv. Mrs M Buoy and daughts desire to inform tbj public that they have moved into the rooms lately occupied l.v Mrs Sower and are supplied with a line of mU&Mtjr goods of tpiality and prices to sml tlie present niir.l time-.. He sure to cull and examine their goods before pun hating Isewiierc. Pu 'ip in neat atch-iiGfd bottles, SHM eoatetJ, M '::lu, kc tier ovtt... Yks, Ton Can see the finest line o ra'-alcs for uiting in the state at V R fii&ham'x. where he ha a tailor with few equal on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish suits of him. A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloak to order, or the altering of cloak to the latet styles, and he repairing oi cloak, price ar bol torn ones. Wheat, eo cts; oals, jee; hay, $8 baled wood, to-f3.50, taken In exchange for sewing machine or organ 011 hand at h V Will's mulc store. Alo on all book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines from iCto35, with my per sonal guarantee for 5 jrs. The Vrrdict i unnniinoa that Will & Stark carry the h'st line of xllvirwarei the valley, Tiiey nave Ihe variety and qual ity, a combination that counts in buyin oo0s. An inspection always carries con rlcti'in. (iiiarotiteetl to cure ntltous AttdCsan 1 'mttMh i'HioU Ullo tie CT. Wurld'aFtlrTr.ivalar tTlll Oirj The public demand through eervios when traveling, ft is old-fashioned to "Change Cars." On the ihrougb, olid vestibuled trains of the Chicsg.-, Union Pacific 4 North Western Line from or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points there is ou hango. This is the tiaeat and taatest ser co b it w eon the points named. nu mmvii.m;is Jan.. lo t ill .1 ickii Belurns Hlllt III. Man- Sheriff .lack-on retnrnetl to Albany thi morning with Or Sponogle reoenlly indict ed by the grand jury for rape on by the grand jury for nine on Mrs ' Wyalt of Brownsville, the, particulars of which have heretofore Un given. Tho 1 incidents of the mrest are of great interest. I Sponogle had gone from Eugene directly Eugene directly i to Fresno, where on the tuspatch from Sheriff Jackson ho had been arrested and placed in jail. About thrao hours before Sheriff Jackson's nrrival Sponogle wa.-: itiietlv taken out on ;; writ of habeas corpus and at once discharge 1 by the Judge, A carriage was in waiting and he was im- medmtelv secreted, .in t lfort was matte to hold him on an arrest for vagruuev; he was .followed into a bjjr brick, gave the f litt ers tlie slip and (led with a man anil boy by carriage tor the mountains, a fact that w;is not learned until utter Mien It ksou's arrival. Sheriff Jay Scott, of Fresno, every inch a sheriff, and a man who knew his business took the greatest in- j terest in the ease ami with Sheriff Jackson i lid everything possible for tlie arrest of Sponogle. Seven or eight deputies were lierift followed the right trail and traeet tlie fleeing Doctor sixty miles into tho mountains, where a guide wa -cOrcd and Sponogle was finally captured in the wilds 01 the San Joa-'uin mountains. Sheriff Scott to whom the retmisition was uddressad formally nuking the arrest. He was taken btafik to Fresno by Sheriff Ja. ks.jn ni Scott, arriving there at it o'clock at At three in tlie morning Sheriff Jackson was on his way to Aliatny with his prisoner. Arrangements hail been made for another effort to secure his release: but the early train prevented the biisinew. Sheriff Jack son was much pleased at the splendid treat ment received from Sheriff Scott ami his obliging deputies who displuved such comjetency in assisting in pushing the ar rest of Sponogle, and l.inn county people will appreciate the e-, and activity of Sheriff Jackson ami all t-oncexned in bringing a man into ;ai! wai.t-d Irs.1 ad an offenee. The Fresno papers criticised the lawyer, judge and parties who secured Sponogte's release in a fearless manner. Stxinagle will I arntigned Monday at i o'clock and be allowed to plead. " bile in rresno Sheriff Jackson Waal shosra Evans the fam us !ag? robiT, who lost a lianI ar.d eve in iing arre-!.-! Tratkrlt lal!ialr- Notice is hereby given ihat there will be a tsarhers' meeting at lianisburg Nov. 10th and 11 lb. The teachers of Junr'ion, Itne county, will join witti the teachers in and r und Harritburg in this meeting and a good time is promised. Lecture Friday evening, the 10;h, bv Prof I lS Bioss. All teachers and friends ot education ar cordially invited toccme. G. F. Kissull, County School Superintendent tiuiiTi - iiit rn (tun 1 J E s'al!ieas. S-rttirf cf ih Aaaaaoatf Athletic Caino, PreiJn: ef tae i tltane A-.hlnia Clab, aed Alh'ci i; Edit of The S post in : time., rriSiw. "For sert I have beca actirJy coai ecl ed with athletic tp-srl. I alt) f -and it to my atvaolag la us Allcsek's I'c oas PUr while io traiaia, as they .,1 - :ly umirt sorceeta and ttiffae; ted when attackea with nr kiad of punt, the retnlt of slight eo'di, I always aaed Ai-'cock's with htnefieia! rswott. I have oct.cci that most athletes of the j nwet day ce notbiog be tat A'U-cek's PUsttrrs." Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair m:y be restored to Its origi nal color b the u- of that patent remedr Hall Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Will at MaSk, ft' l.wet..- Or Ixrraesr to All. Who!jaie iner chants In the Eastern states have offered n great inducements and we mat to give our customers an opportunity as well, provided yon trill buy now. We have made g-eat reductions in the price of oor dress goods, fine thoes.-apee. jack ets, etc, for rash, and intend to sell iham as fast at possible. Kightr five cents in most cases will buy a dollars worth of goods and some limes more. Come in and make yonr selections. Our goods are nearly all new, and can't be hoaght else where in l.inn county for the prices we will sell thrci at if bought now. Rsad, Pbaoock A Co. BMlah's Ou. tne great c. .:, and (nop care, ta for ale by . Pcc'; t MS crmta n wentj-Hre dot-,oo'y 23a Children lore it oshay ft Mas r: When s doc'or considers it neccsorr to prescribe sai'ptii!!i, he simply n-dBf a bottle of Aei'-, kroatnir full siell tW&t he siid obtain iherebr a surer and purer preparation titan any other which tbe drug stoic can furnish. Aver' Saraaporflta is the superior mcclcine Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pare Grape Cream of Tartar Pvwde. Self PraUe. Self praise U no recommendation, but there are not times when one must pematl a person to leil the truth about himself. When what he sai is supported i:v Ihe t'stirr.onv of ether, no reasonable man wlH doubt his WOtlL Now, losavtha! Allcock' Porou 1later ire ihe cnlv genuine snd reliable porou plaster made i not self praise in the (lightest degtee. They have stood tne tct for over thirty year, and In proof of their merit it is onM necessary !o call attention to the cuie Iney have effected and to the voluntary lestimonia's cf those who have used them. Bcwaie ot imitations, and do nisi tie de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. Hrallli lit oltl '. ;r Edward Colllnson, Queen, X Y, saj: "I commenced using Rrsndrcth's Pillsover nltv-nvt vear ago 1 hrst bought them in London, and hae continued using them since i came to this country In 1836. I am now over seventy-nve vear old, hale and hearty, and attribute mv wonderful health 'o the pcislstpnt use of Iirandreth s Pill. Occalonallv I have a hod cold or severe attack of rheumatism, liulies'.i m or biliousness, but four or live of Bjandrfth's Pills always cure me. When ever my children have been si.-K with scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, dlt ordcred digestion or costlyeness, a few dotes of Brandreth's Fills restored their health at once." Tlie True Laxative Principle Of the plant used in mar.ufaetui'.ng the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Pica, has a permanently beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as med icine, are permanently Injurious. Being well Informed, you win use Ihe true rem edy only. Manufacture,', by Ihe Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. WHO does yotir washing? It is to 1 hoped you send it to the Albany Steam Iuindrv.thus iatroni.iiisf a firnt-clasa DOOM institution that employs only white btbOT. The work tis sin'iiks for itself, not after the 1 1 -m rt... ULSiuon 01 U1C louu auaoiuisaj trn-sii,ii motu- ing, but on account of the suMTior iiiaiiner in which it is done. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder Moot Perfect Made. ii as -WkUIUINO iNVIT.'.VIONS. Wooden, Tin, Bilver, Golden Common every day. atSF(iMII.KY. RBW TO UK LKTTKIt. ' Nkw Yobk, )ctober 27tli . IS0.1. Have you been on tho "Midway PlastauceT" is the first tpuestion asked of a New Yorker, on his return from Chic g , Abhougb many of the curious siglits, , . 1 . . , . . .. , wl"c1' to b 8te" on amoul Midway, will be closed up permanently, nevertheless, New York's great seaside resort, Coney Island, will resemble the the faiuouB Midway, next summer. It will have lbs gigantic Ferris wheel to gether witii the Cairo streets, and num erous other exhibits from Chicago. Be fore that time however, some of the man ufacturer's exhibits will !. placed on view at the Grand Centra! Palace. It is expecteti that most of the foreign exhib itors, who receive. I rewards of ineri:, a:id many American exhibitors, will join in the enterp'ize. Father Knickerbocker and Dim Chi cago joined hands last Saturday, in a manner most imposing and allectionate. Hepoits from Chicago tho a- ihat over sVUUJaaj iHoiile passed ihrtMHth tlie sates at the AV..rT.Tr" FiTr i-Townd7',wi tfiat- day. It was "Manhattan Hay."' The day fortunately was fine, and the attend ance, exceeded that of any one dav,witb the exception of "Chicago Ilay," with its 7jt,('tXi. The exercises were held in Fesiivial hall, which auditurinni tea's 8ti00 people. After Mayor Carter II Harrison, of Chicago, welcomed the New Yorkeia op behalf of the city of Chicago, Thomas F tiilroy the mayor of New York t, l Jiided. conceding his address by in troducing the chairman ot the chizeus committee of 100. which had arranged be fete, General Horace Porter. General Porter's address was poliehc-d and elo quent, and aroused the utmost enlhu did the reading by Agnes booth, of a poem, composed especially for the. occaajn.enlitled"New York to Chicago." But. although, the eloquent Congress man John R Fe lows. and President Seth Low. of Columbia College, aroused the most intense enthusiam, it eras almost a calm compared to the cheers of the vast multitude srhJefa greeted Channrey M lepew as he stepped to the front of the plattorin. Mayor Gilroy bad introduced Mr Depew as "Our Channcey, "and sore ly he is a favorite ton of New York. His .. : --- was witty and eloquent, and presented as only Dr Ih?pew can present it, keeping his audience interested and delighted from beginning to end. Ttie feeling of jealousy which appeared to ex ist bet wen the Metroxlts of the new west and the Empire city of New York has entirely disappeared and New York admires and congrs'u'ates Chicago on tiie success of its great undertaking 1 he World's Columbian Exposition having been a success in every way. rrgardless ot the fact that it is located 100U miles from lbs seaboard. "lo as the bosses tell yon, and you will be rewarded " Such is the of ail political ringsters. To illustrate, Jadpal Mra-1 was given his title, be- icRiise ne ooeyetl Use orders OS l'avid li tt -li. and committed a erime. In our sister city at the olner end of the bridge, the people are organiting and working unceasingly todistroy another municipal ring. There aie alwats ring within rings. In New Yoik ilis "Dirk" Cioker who dictates ways and means, and in the city 01 ctiuiches it :s aiarphey ic- L-tughiin. Tiie time for Boas Croker's overthrew has not yet arrived, bat his compatriot McLonglin.wili be denounced en the . h M November, an less some thing unseen happens in the meantime. David A Doody the present mayor of Brooklyn baa been renominated by virtue ot McEougblin. Allboogb personally not bad, jar Uoody has been the tool ot the ring in carrying out its schemes and public robberies- The republican city convention nominated Charles A Schier en, a proaainect and reputable resident, wboae basineaa is in New York, in the leather district. MrScbiereti has lived in Brook!n for over thirty years, is a member of many prominent clubs and social organizations, and unices all s'gni fail, he will adorn the executive office in the Brooaltn City ball.after Januaiy 1st, The independent democratic or gan', tat 10ns have all indorsed his nomi nation and all got ct'ixen are striving to overthrow the yoke of the ring rule, which has canted the valuation Oi prop erty io decrease and misgoverned the city in a shainefni and c. r-u'-i manner. It is highly interesting and in fact as :..hing reading to review the history of New S'ork's defiant and a'i powerful J' Richard Croker- The matter will lie reviewed in this column before 11. any weeks pass. It is almos impossi ble r. bei the piwer. influence and aou it tyrant and corruption. W'm. F. H. Koslsh-ii. The jopulist lo congress are elate : over the prospects of the result of the : - on unct.-.ditknal repeal: they tlaim it villmast ihe advocate cf free silver in South aod ts: urder iheir banner. They say tney txpect to capture the presiJcnty in 1S96 and aro alreaJr sctiously diussiag candidates Ttiere is a stionc, scntiicent in favor of Jerry Simpson, and PcH:r hag a f jlloain but All r .1 . t Nebraska, who held Ihe resale 1 5 hour serir.g to hit; chiimcd the members of his party in the h.usc to such aa extent boom Wa"-on cf (leorgta is spoken of for vice ptesitJcrtt. Senator Stewart of Nevada ha inlroiuced a bill for the lice coinag ol silver, thu hig s'.alrmcnt made in th. senate Ihst the bi'l prescribes the weight of slice' n, which sr to te ItnoJ upon a basis o the ratio oi lb to I. Pnasi the piovislons ol the t i!, holders ol ilvc.r l.ullion can de posit R st a mint and ISsJtissiO exchangesi've coin only, w htch is a cliaage from the usual form, which require their redemption in tither silver or Hold. Congiegs jj .1. ailjourned sine die yrste:dky A Medical Fin Gives Away Cask. J. F. f mith & Co. of No. S58 Green wich St.. Xcw Yoik, the manufactur ers of that favorite catharv'; known as Smith's IUlo licftns, have adopted a B rel plan. They ask the individual buyers of Bile Ii?ans to send their full namo and address, with an outsido wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beam (cither size) to their office, snd they give $3 for tho first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and t forth; 2d, 8d, 4th, 6th and 6th. Every day $ 10 in cash is thus sent to their cor respondents. Ask for SMALL size. rrasrd tt be Ihe Itest. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use In all parts of the world, Allcock's I'or- ous planters have the Indorsement of the highest medical and chemical authouties and million of grateful patients who have hern cured of distressing ailments volun tarily testify to their merits. Allcock's Porous Piasters are purely vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick in their actio.i, and abso utelv bouillon. Beware of Imitation, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation . Ask for Allcock's, antl let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accmt a substitute, -event ana c- re cigstiiiofawi aud&ck taclie. tomaU llllo Uuaua. Shiloh'a Vitaliztir :s what yoa need fur dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid uey trouble. It la guaranteed togivo yon aatisfaction. Price 75 - S ild'by Kohay& Masoc rtee the Mew Improved SI nger sewing ma chine. The bait is always the cheapest. J W Sowden, agent, Ottioe at P M Frenoh'e J wclry ttoro WAXHIM'TON LETTEI.'. fr.t cut- rp'-ular -.rTc:Sndcnt. Walifgton, Oct. .10, 1803. Senator f III explanation of the sudden change which without warning swept away all chuce. of adoption of dem ocratlc silver catnprotnise and made the passage of the Voorhees bill for the uncon ditional repeal of the purchasing clause of the Shernia law a certainty, just when it seemed an utter impossibility, is timely as well as interesting. It was made in the -en. it.- Saturday afternoon and has since formed the principle topic of conversation wherever two or three democrats are gather ed together It was in the course of a few remarks made in reply to a speech of Sena tor Sherman in favor of the issue of 8200, 000.000 in bond and attacking the demo ants for not providing therefor that Mr Gorman told why there wa no democratic compromise. He started in 'by scoring Senator Sherman for frying to make party capital out of the present condition of affairs, and then said that Sherman, as the reputSttesn - tender, vnA n -testier of (he majority of these senators who represented the repeal sentiment, held the key (o the situation and dictated terms to the admin- istra'ion and the senate: that a beBer incisure, one doing justice to ail interests and at the same time furnishing the relief wanted by the adminidration, could have been agree. 1 upon anil passed had the re publicans Ijten more patriotic and less devoted to partisanship. He said that democrats hail been obliged 10 set aside lifetime convictions to meet the emrgency. forced t y the republicans, and aWSC the dwiaif ration. Mr Gorman said in con clusion that be would not repeat conSt.en tial conversations, but it wa exceedingly unfortunate that democrats had been misunderstood; that be expected further financial trojVe for th treasury. It would1 be caused by extravagant appropriations y recent congresses; but the democratic party now controllieg tlie entire government would assume the responsibility of meeting it. In addition to being an explanation Senator German's letr.arks were a rltting rebuke to John Sherman for hi an-lacity in' attempting to pose before the country as the financial director of the democra'ic admin istration. Pst republican extravagance' may make an issue of bonds necessary in the near futurr. but if they are issued it will not be under a bill fathered or intro duced by John Sherman. There is sufS ciont financial talent in the den -ocratic majority to prepare alt of the financial measures that will be passed by this congress. Speaking of bonds. Senator Black bom settled a controversy that ha been open a long time when Senator Sherman in reply to a q set ton denied any knowledge, of the Harrison adminit'-ratioo having had the plates engraved for an issue of bonds anuet the a?' of l7". by stating that the plates were prepared and that if it were aaeneaaary to substantiate hit statement be could in an hcur pro! ace them in the senate. In view of tiae pledges of the democratic party anJ the record of- the democratic uxiKieas tHns far in favor of economy in public expenditures the scheme of the commiesioom of the District of Columbia to increase the value of suburban property around Washington, which it largely own ed by a ring of real estate speculators, by asking congress tor authority to issue $o.000.000. the mcney to be spent in opening and improving streets and b-i.ding "ewers, is to av the least a rather i. beaky roceedicg The District of Colombia already carries an mormous inc-:btedces in the shape cf bonds issued under tbe old form of government, the interest upon which congress has guaranteed. Even if l bit scheme was p-ai-y in uk interest ct ail the people residing it tr-e d strict, which ... ... .... . every body fcnows it isn't, thi would be no time to increase tue Putnct s indeotedness by issuing new bonds. Your corretpon- dent cannot believe that the inflnence of th-? Washtnjrtc-n red estate ring, great as it is known to be. will be sufficiently powerful t control the vjtes of a sufficient number of democrat to get this job through either bouse or senate. The senate has already made considerahla progress in di-posing of the amendments offered to the Voorhees bill, and unless something unexpected shall occur to delay matters the rest of them will be disposed of and the bi'd itself passed and sent to the house before tbe middle of the week. That it will be sp;edi'y disposed of by the laMM is considered certain. cateAso"! tT.tERF.t ai W'ith solemn pomp and imposing cere monies befitting the interment of tbe chief magistrate of the world's fair city and his dramatic fate. Carter H Harrison's body was escorted to Graceland cemetery by an immense throng of sorrowing citi zens. All night long two lines of people passed steadily by the bier on which the remain lay in state in the city hall corri dor The crowd about the city hall gyad ually decreased toward morning, as those who had stood in line for hours to get a last glimpse of the familiar features passed into tbe flower decked corridor, but the early corners socn lengthened the lines again, and when finally the tiaie arrived for beginning the ceremonies of the day and the door were left a vtst throng on the outside who were debarred the privilege of seeing the peaceful features of the departed chief executive. After tbe doors closet!, tenderlv the remains were barne from the black draped corridor and placed in the funeral car. Through a great crowd, gathered to see tlie murdered mayor's last leavetaking of the scene of his labors in behalf of tae city he loved, the black car slowly passed and took its place s the waiting procession. As it drew nto line th? march was taken up and the thousands who had gathered to honor the dead moved slowly througu the crowded streets with banners draped, 'o thi sad tuiwi': of the funeral march by bnds dis tributed at intervals UMOsjgh. the hnh line. Out from the center of tho city a great procession marched across the river to the beautiful church of the Kphiphany, near tho late executive's home. All along the line of march people with sad faces and bared heads watched the somber column, and about the church a throng as great as that which stood about the city ha'l was gathered. The remains arrived at the church, were- earned in and deposited in front of the chancel, where in an Inipres sive manner the solemn service for the dead was performed. At the close the procession took up the line of march to Graceland cemetery. There are twenty-eight thousand Chinese Inhabitants in the chief cltiet of the United States twenty-four thousand of them in San Francisco and two thousand in Sew York. . 1 YPF. Or A PARTY John Sherman is described, in the Wash ington dispatches whoh report his late peecb in the senate, as being "infirm and howing tbe evidence of advancing decay.'' Such a seeming was not out of place with the occasion and the deliverance. In that speech Sherman was tbe repentant sinner. Ia tbe shadow of his passing, this in:arnation of republican ideas and policies recants. But "the ruling passion strong in death" lends him to the hypocricy of at tempting to prove that, although his sin be upon bis own head, it curse should fall upon the head of those wbi, when the crime of tbe Sherman bill was first pro posed, raised voice and hand against it. John Sherman has become a pathetic figure in our public life. During the years of his mental and physical activity be was tbe evil genius in our finances. It is a fitting termination of such a career as bis that its closing years should find him seeking to undo tbe evil of bis own making. It is a confession of crime; a cry in the darkness; a voice of remorse. Let-u not misjudge him. He was the chief among sinners, but he was not alone among the money changers in the temple. vTithoot ihe republican party Sherman would have been impotent to work the wrongs and injuries upon the peop.e which he has committed in tbe name of refubli cani'm. r lo the name of that party and with it consent and support he first began tli contraction of tbe currency for the benefi of European creditors. In its name and with its consent and support be cast out the silver dollar in 1873. In its name and with its consent and support he wwspanded silver coinage in 1891 . In its name and with its consent and support be degraded silver to a commodity to be paid for in gold. There is no crime of which Sbennan is guilty of which tbe republican party is not equally guilty. In every scheme of legal robbery he ha; proposed; in every Shy lock plan for the robhrry of th debtor by the cre-iitor he baa invented ; in every artifice conceived by him for destroying real and creating artificial values of money, tbe republican party has been a partner. It has shared in the spoil . It has defended him against a just retribu tion. And with bim it now ?rraroachss tb confessions! . Sbennan has grown a multi-millionaire on a senator's salary. But other republi cans have grown rich with bim. It has been with that party a carnival of jobbery and robbery out of which the neh have grown richer and the poor poorer. The world never before saw so many rascals un whipt of justice as the republican party by its financial and fiscal policies has set in high p!acs. It has ground the faces of toe poor aod set its heel on tbe necks of tbe filer. Sherman is its type- And like bin. it it giving '-evidences of infirmity and advancing decay." - Hi SAhk TWal IATX.-T ROMANCE OF AS tttriast kaides. A macauae i uscall -.;. .. with one strong feature for the month. Tbe CotsnopoBian, however, present 5 for Nov ember no less than fire very cnusoal caes. W'iiiuun Dear. Howell gives the brat of ihe letters of the traveler, who ha beea visit! sg this country, from Altruria. We have read Mr llowells' insrression of the Altmrun; but in iht Srst Ic.ter we har tbe Altmrlan's irrpresskwij of Xe York, ! aitS some coanmeats upon cur government ! sad society, calculated to aaaken the nsoit conterTatiet minds. The secoad feature of The Cosmopolitan is the portion of the ; magazine given up Ic color work, no less than ten superb color illustrations beiag , prcented for tbe first time ia magaxine ! hs-or sesotneatariae an article bv Mrs Rogtr A prTO 00 -Change in Women n.,-,,, s The thir.1 feature !s -Amr- j ican Xotes," by Walter Besant, woo was 1 recently in America and i daing the . Vnitc.l Sute fThe Cosmopoliun a la iMckens. Tne fourth feature is an article by General Badeaa oa " Hie For as of Ia vitation Cted by the English Nobility." The article i illustrated by it: facsimile of card, to the Caeca's drarin-ioo-n, to dinner at the Piioces of W.les, and to osany leading bouses ol Eng and. Finally, we have a new and very curious story by Mark Tarain. cl c I "The Esqalmsu Maid en's Romance." It is in his happiest rein snd is illustrated by Dan Beard. The November number presents the work of many artists, among whom are: C S Rein barf, Otto GailLannet, J H Harper, G Hudson, Franz von 1. en bach. George Wharton Edwards F Schnyler Matthews, Dan Beard, W L Sontag Jr, F G Attwsod , C Hiracbberg, J Habert-Dys, August Frantcn, Louis I Read, J X Hatvhins and Hamilton r, it-son. TVe a roung calf, cut away the hair from the jx! where the horn is to appear, mouten the apot rub with a slick of caustic nda. Result, no homg. Frine villa AfoNL o:vi3 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Enily yet promptly on tlie Kidneys, Ter sad B.-wd- cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly bcueficial in its effects, prepared only frcm the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mads it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fies is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, IX not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAM FKADCISCO. 641. tmsviuc. nr. mew row. v.r. SICK-HEADACHE Makes life miserable. All other ailmenta axe as nothing in com parison. Womonrap3ciallyknow ; suffering, and few escape its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS isv J Many people take pilb, which pipe and purge, weakening the body. More take Simmon Liver Pseguktor, liquid or powder, bo cau3e more pleasant to take, does not gripe, and ia a mild laxative, ihat al30 tones up the system. The relief is quick. It is Mature' own remedy, purely vegetable. "I nevt-r found anrthica; to'do me any good until I used Hirnroons Livr VsmiL toT- has been three years since I firs' used it and I have not had Hick Hfadaeh lnee. I ser.t my slater (who had from one la two attack of Hlefc Heads, he every week)one-balfofarjcksujt-, he hi vUieV.V"1D'"C' 8- " Browna- -EVEEY PACSAGE-W Hsmw ZfstajnplBred an wrapper. FARMEBS, ATTENTION it : vou v.av WACON HACK. 8UGGY. CART PLOW HAfiROW.DRILl SEED ER, FEEO CUTTER, or any find of a Frrr. Irn-! ' m Ve hide, call oror acldrets, B. F. gSIP Opocsile Post Oft 1 '.bar.y, 0 Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. IM S'H visits wwnnl Sead 3 insert stara-vs A V. Orv'wv i . RaWta, Baaav. lor best aaedical vrork r - tliisJatd VI60R of ME Easily. vBictty. Ptracaatail) F.tiSzre!. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. OEBiLfTY, L Bpiiy sfxc no. Ube nrsciis W J cTtr Oft. sic&B. - . . 1 1 rvfert-GAse. Hook. , t. srt: n r s ii ERIE IsEDICAL BUFFALO. IS. v. iLFAIY COLLEGIATE IHSfTfUfl ALBANY, OREGON ,1891, 18S12 IrM Ter. tspraeil S-pseasber lt A f l 1 corps of ir.stractcra, CUiSiGAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERABT COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. t aur 01 study trracar 1 t a-t all grades of oMaSSSLs, 5fwnw tK4tt$ctmtirf$ effmi i .'.. from eh-vad. rr. tittr.sY 1 tmn fSWaSSSaSfa si wwB, . . ToijliHBltHff M.IsjsSl Skrta, mm J0cts.,and $1.00 per BottW One cent a dose. Thts Car at Corcn. Cra prorcntiy etires where oil others fail, Coatha, Croup. Sero Throat, Hoaraenesa, Whocpioj Couch and Asthma, for Consumption it has no riv:,.; has cured thousand, and will CXKS TOO If taken in time. Sold by rhusststs on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'3 BELLADONNA PLASTSR V. ILOH'S, .CATARRH REMEDY. Javeyoufatarrnf This r metly is (ruaran- itocuivyou. iTJCccjcia. tammimmm FOSHAY & MASON vsmsuua ass uraii, druggists and Bookseller Agei.tsfor John B. Alder's puolimtions, snieh we sell at publisher's prieoawitsi .tavxeautdai' LB A 4T. OUOft LAUNDRY FOB WtiOD.-Will ex change lauBttrv work for wood. Csdt on Richards 0 Phillipsi at the Alba.iy Steam Laundry.