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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1893)
s liiQhts Be morr ALBANY,ORKGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IT, 1893. VOL, XXIX. Entered at the- Poi OBlce nl AU.najf. Or., M He conn-ll Mall; TITKM A l TriV,,Iibli.hrr-a.d Proprietor.: so n Bookaiid Job Printing GAL BLANKS, BRIEFS, Commercial Stationery A Artstic (Wedding Cards, &c IN THE LATEST UORRECT STYLES. rything First-class mnd De-J livered on Short Notice. SSMILEV, iOCK, YtCP. The Oregon A'itn it-, home R A1 . V,TuT - - tsVGray, corner Llbeity atsd MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside'fruit tracts near Salem WjtH sell 5; 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr cre small cash payment lore time' on balance or particulars. PATRONIZE. HOM THl FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO!, Albany, rtKAit, Presideat. J L COWAN. Trauiuw. J Cowan, 4en Flrnpaon, K F K--J J K VA(hrrti)rU.' CJ ALSO D13TBICT AQBKTS ros several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies NEW : FURNITURE, M Y STORE 13 NOW FULL OK FIRST cf bed room Ktt. chairs, lcnoges, etc., BOTTOM FORTMILLER Undertakers - and TTE KtEP rcnsli n i I 1 1 d s full VV coffins. Alto I niit.l ir l sr.d which will be old at The Lowest EMBALMING and 'be proper HO EXTRA CKARCIi FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC ALBANY CIGAR J. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE Only White Portland, Okicjn. Open all the year. Btadenu may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X5 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. IUI 1MUAAH mniinw lT over ulaiiti. . which lead to e.t pocket. drusslat Fur Sale in Albany .ore., or J, A. cuasisu MKVuKS ASUArrSK IS1RU. Land uo office at - OKKGO Ti State street, branch office In POrtlaii' INSTITUTIONS. Oregon J O WKH -.MAK. SocioUj Geo F SIMPSON, Vies ProedJanb O B Uontnlt'i. H -rtarntior , I W rL Si i irt- i VriUrnn. - CLASS rUBNITURF, CONSISTING which I will tell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. & IRVING Eiiibalmers. Hr.e cf '.: ta;ic, c) th v rd ; '- &t tub, in icsdcloth, -ti-i living Profits. care of the dead a specialty. A i HEARSE OR SERVICE:, TEMPLE, - - OREGCI FACTORY FroprietoB. RETAIL Labor Employed1 A. P. Akhstrong, Principal. aeiOTAnprvi " kkvk sreos ntO I UnCWi Tlilswondertul remcl uiiauunu wcurajj nerou aimwi, soeu at weak Meniorr, ot Ural Power., lleadaeLi'. WakeruliiM. l.,t Manliiol,NIliil Kiul.sluua. Norvou Deai.auarainaaDaKi.Aor puweria ueneraureonrana of either hxciuiw bToTer exertion, yuutknalrrrora. eioeulrs nae ol tobacco, ouluni orstlni InUrniltr. ConaumDtiou or lnhanltv. Can bn carried In cket. Si per box. a turns, br mail prepaid. W written iuxrinl l refund the) m ti. -Alk forlt. take no other. Write forfree Mndl . Wllliavifr iiraiT .a rite for frae UaiHamI Hiiok Me,it Keal eacr Boia or In plain wrapper. AddreuMEHVBaXBDVO..MaaonleTeniule.CulC'AUU, und br UOIXilfH ft Met AKI.AMJ, Uruwiau. Tim Kixhehoabtk.v. Last evening a public meeting was hekl at the Congre gatioca! church for the purpose of tSeet in g a permanent organization of a SCin dergar'en Association The meeting was ft success l'rof W 1 1 Lm presided ami announced the object. In order to living out the kindergarten idea Miss Helen Orawfoni read selections from "Pftisey," a beautiful kindergarten a'ory told by a San Francisco kindergartener, Mrs Trow road a paper on the object of the kindergarten work with good illus trations of its results. Mrs Knight and Miss ltallou, ot Salem, rMt called out and responded in a comprehensive man ner, impressing the importance of the work on those present. Hie Albany Kindergarten Association was perman ently organized bv the adoption of a constitution ami the election of Q W Wiight, MrsTatham, LB Montanve, Mrs W II LM.Ul Smick, Mrs Trow. Mrs TJ Wilson, Miss A Hart, Mrs lr Mas ton, Miss Helen ,'rav. Ford and F V Nut ting as dim-tors. The object of this association shall be the promotion of the beat educational interests of the community, physically, intellectually, morally and religiously, as developed through the . kindergarten. Anv one who will contribute to the finan cial and moral support of the association, and sign the constitution, may become a member and have the right to vote at the annual meeting. The annual dues of members shall be fifty cuts. Fuom Mt. Taiiok. Tho disi aglet of Mrs Williams in Portland think there is to be an asiension soon, whereby all the people are going to be carried ur into heaven. Her followers, located in various iarUof the city. lire daily working on their new white robes. which are made something like a Mother Hubbard with wing attachments Their slippers ;ire also made of white mate rial, and the head is presumably to take care o. ltseit as there is no .l;,'; u-tng prepared. Mrs Williams' follower all Siiy that she has positive knowledge and indis putable proof of the hour of ascension, and thev look with nitv ami commission un.'.ii the thousands who have negWted to become one of them, and conseiuentlv will be left behind. One of their disciples said that their lolies. that is. those of members of the faith, are altogether different from or dinary humanitv: tuat after theircuitomary "fast" their bodies had undergone a com plete change and were composed now of far better, purer and more holy material. Hie disciple further stated that this ascension had long been anticipated, that they were prepared for it. and that their sect would just as surely go up bouuy at the proper time as the sun would shine. Fx. A Smau. Fokti xe. Dt II A Ihxnis last woeic soul the Juilance ot bis cop. 'i.irl r---.:i.-!s. He I:.;-; i . .- .:-'.'. 'A t Phil Xeis tt Co 25.000 'this would make approximately 100.000 pounds which at tiv current price 16 cents a pound, would amount to $16,000: an excellent revenue from 75 acres of ground. The price re ported bv the Fugene and . AHianv ruixrs for this last sale is M'.. cents. This i- vrtainlv a mistake. The hops raise ! i r Pr Patis are not inferior in iualitv. and before and Sauce this sale made dealer have been in Harri-UiHv offering- 15), and lb cents. Jus; why stu-h an improbable re port, should appear in such reputable pa pers as the Fugene tuiard and the Albany Uemocrat. is difficult to say Hnrrisburg Courier. The basines; was all transacted n Fngf-ne. and the I'kvih-bat took the tiuard for authority, and believe it was correct. Lekaxox . Although this city has sc an excellent tire cured, at great expense. service, the insurance union refu.-e to re duce the rates of insurance, and have even raisod 4iM rjatos on sooso. - Our mIisqqs should paironizeVthe hme comnaBje. or carrv their own risks - Atrr. Somers rvturne.1 home yesterday from "Portland. He reports rerjr iavoral.'.e in reganl to the case of the Linn l ounty Bank vs the Bank of Lebanon and others. in the I'. S. court, which legal business he went down to look after. He filed his answer, and came near getting the case thrown out of court. Schacht. U'uipke tc ."steiner, the San Francisco firm who has lought a great deal of chittem hark here of Dr Lamberson. re cently m;de an assignment, with large as sets and liabiliti". Before the firm failed they had contracted with Ir LamWrson for five tons of bark, and B F I lodge and Zim Reynolds are out near Irain peeling bark to till this order. Fpon learning of the failure, the Dr asked the linn if they could not get some solvent house to take the or der. This they did. and the work of strip ping the cbittem tree still g-s on. Ad vance and Fxprets. CocLDx'r Jxt It. A suit as brought in Astoria to test the right of the city to assess and collect a tax this year, as was done by Albany. The Supreme Court has just rendered its decision in the case, as follows; M S Warren, resp, vs M C Ciaaly, al, app ; appeal from Clatsop county. Judgment of the lower court affirmed. Opinion by Lord, t'J. The xurt held in this case that the general law passed at the last session of the leg islature providing for"a more convenient mode of making aMeeements and collect ing taxes had the effect to repeal the proviaions o! the Astoria charter invest ing the common councilof that city n ith the power to aasesa property and collect taxes for municipal purposes. Under the provisions of the general act the poser of the city in reference to taxation conhned to the levy. 1 he assessment and collection of the ci'r taxes now de olvee upon the county officers. The decision of the court in the state ot Ore fon vs Wrighr, 14 Ortgon 5, so far as it conflicts fin the opinion herein is over ruled. liKTTtK Ofr WilJ.'OlT Him. Wi'l C arlton. of Corvallis.bas skippcd.teuvmg is wfe liehmd, and a large number ol lebts. ' On lbs 20th of last Juue Carlton as married to Miss Hetty iiolman, who had $500 she bad raved from school teaching. Carlton run through with neatly all of it besides borrowing moiey from ether Corvallis peop'e. A few days szo he came to Albany and has not re turned to his home. He has probably left the state. Ilia wife is to be con gratulated. At the same time the expe rience should le a warning to young ladies to know something about what they are doing when they get married. The Champion. Postmaster Monteith lias received a letter from Minnie the boot- lack reo, jesting him to forward his "male to that city, and to Mr Minnie instead of to Mr Zimple as there was another Ztmpw there. - He signs himself champion boot black of the .world, who will "changel any one for 12000 cash. t?r'.'i - . . 1 in .- ".umr'.ti'.n afc ailmernW v.e often deem trivial a com uiu airougb. Consumption tl;u;;ac qtiireil is rightly termed "Con sumption front neglect. Scott's Esiision not only stops a cold but it is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. ScOtl's Emulsion is the richest of -fal-foods yet the easiest fat-food to take, an I It arrests tuastc builds vfi healthy ft It. Kesan ' hi is irt V. AH .InirxrinU. IiOB HALE. 1 r will uad for ood, gray mare, soveu years old poifoctly u nils for women and .children to drive Call on K W Acliison, at'Marb'.e wo k- A BaJKAIRC Wbitku. The I!banon Kx press hits a very live torivspoiiileiit at Waterloo, Here are a few lines. There is some talk of a W-bbl (louring mill heie. but tirst the community is aakea n.s usual to furnish everything and let some one take nil tho " Toll." Why not combine and dig ditch and build mill by a joint took company. The science of dancing, as devrlopinl by the average Waterlooite. consists in a few vigorous hops, preceleil by a lusty stamp; said stamp can lie heard a distance of seven Mocks. The good old davs of smooth danc ing have departed (from hero at least, I and in its stead we have something that cannot lie deserilxvl; a kind of cross between a barrel factory and tieorgo Sanford's ma chine shoo. Of all the dry speeches in the last decade it lias Uvn our lot to hear, was one de liverod in the church by the Hon Steen. It coiiMstiMl of an extract from the Oregonian, inter-porsed by a few of Kork's old anee dotes. To think that the average uuin will bo persuaded by such iui orator is prepos terous. VVaterloo will trolt its over unless !',.., . nu ii,,i w, 1,1ml li 1 in. iiMiiir Hi m .1, I . ": - !T?" iiriuiiueuriU progressniu or a simple pro blem in compound interest, WouTn Ssitxa. The Iunsuiuir News tells the following about our own Joaquin: If the Commissioners will give us space we will exhibit at the Midwinter fair the old log cabin, wlurh was built and occupied by Joiupiiii Miller in the early ViO's near this place. The cabin stands there now in about as good condition as when it sheltered the famous poet of the Sierras. The walls have been pierced in several places by bullets, and some broken off arrow heads are still imbedded in the logs. Joaquin stood off adout a hundred Indian warriors one winter. s day. who were storming his retreat. One arrow entered through a crack where the chinking had Iwn knocked cu. cut a swath through Miller's luxurious hair and boried itself in the wall lievond. nail a lo K ot the poet s nair to the wail, arrowhead, with the hair around it. u ? seen then- this dav. tob A. Bxcrnxs Rack. Talk about the sport of the fox hunt, it is nowhere beside a chase for king salmon in his own domain, says the Oregon City Enterprise. Sunday morning the water was turned off at the head of the locks to eruiit certain repairs to be made in the canal, und when the water was pretty well out of the canal one of the workmen discovered a large salmoa. and immediately gave chase, t'ne an I an other joined in the race till nearly all of the men at work were trying to catch fish for dinner, but the wily salmon eluded them at evtTf turn, and the race furnished lots, of sport, as many of the pursurers would strike at the fish with spade or other convenient weapon only to miss him and fall into tlv mud and water. After the race had passed the length of the canal August Huli h came out clinging to his prev with both hands while with bis teeth he firmly grasped a fin. The fish weigbel about thirty pounds. Tue Fix.vxt iALOrTiooK. CiappA Co. of H V City, send out weekly over the 0 8 to the papers a market letter. The co just received gives th.? following financial outlook. The person interpreting it is en titled to a chrotuo: Progress is developed intelligence demonstrated in the ; reduction and use of things. Seeds of discontent with ignorance and poverty grow into de mand which f:-sters production. The wealth of nations the average comfort of its pxnet classes. Additional factories and industries are the only evmse for eastern officers and revenue eo 'lector. Production's expense account is not lightened by addi tions to cost of necessities or vices. Grow ing opinion points to land valoc and public tan and bars ov- American merchantmen in every foreign and donetic port. Oaioos Ao vissr Tnt Won to.-The Eugene KeeiUer tells the tol owing: M II Hariow fr repon the Het crop of po tatoes c have heard of blt f '. lie planted 15 route' of potatect in the spring on three acre of ground acd has jus! harvrttrd Soo bushels tf good aound poutoes. A man in oephme. couaty haa been bost'.ivg f lining plat. led (,00 pound, or one-ihird as many a Mr abi -law, and hrve!ed 13,000 pound, or one fourth a many Wc call him down. Mr Harrow's crop ao'.d at 4o cent re' bushel, the ruling price at pr'tent. ou!d yield him $3, or $ic6 67-", per acre." Oo ! our table i a paper from lawr, one the bel nates tn trie fcsat. telling ol a man wno nas sold hl crop from to acre lor 7s cents per buhel, bringing --s per acrt and boast'ngly arte, "Wha; other crop mil do a web.' Could Mr Ilirlow tell hi crop at the .im- price, thev wou'd bring him $630, or $joo per acre. How dees that compsre with Iowa.1 Oregon ag.intt the wor d: Pfo ABLT Lost There is a possibility if not a probability that theiKrOGOof Agricultural college funds on deposit in the Job bank at the time of the suspen sion will oe wholly lost. It will be re membered that shortly af:er the bank passed into the hands of a receiver that in order to secure the college claim, an at tachment was p'aced on the property by treasurer Shipley. It now develops that -1 . 1 . . .1 , r ine ai'.uciimetu was irregularly issuci Having neglected the opportunity for making proof claim before the assignee, the date for which expired'October 3rd. if the technicality in the of the attachment is held to be valid, the college be without any claim w hatever to the funds on (ic posit when the liana suspend ed. The exact amount of these funds is $I7,6I.7J and by en much the remain ing creditors will lie the gainer. Cor vallis 1 luies Contrarv To Law. I) !' Uarroki, who resides in Linn county just opposite Siaton a arrested Ian evening in Norlh bairm to answer to the chaige of runnin;; a traction engine over the bridge aero 7'jti Mill creek on L.ttcrtv street. without having previously planked it. It t claimed tout he ciid flit tome time during lat June. is un derstood, a t that he was simply tiding po" the engine, and that it was in coarse of other parties. The complaint was filed in judge Uatchelor s office on the 19th of August. The defendant was relea'ed up on Ids own recognizance until 8:30 o'clock this morning when his examination wili be held.- Statesman. A Tkami' Ukwaiiukd. A man named Swoper. wending his way from San Fran cisco tn Portland, on foot, called at the S P K K oliice in this city hvst night and re ported having found and pulled n crippled )iv oil of the track, alwut one mile north of H"nderson' station. . Section Foreman l atu rson went out and on Ins return .veri fied the same, whereupon tho 8 P company showed their appreciation by, granting to the said Swotie free transtwrtation to Port- land.'over the rest of his journey. Kugene t uard. 'As the tramps get free rides any way, it was not such a wonderful reward. MoKK lo.NoiiAMusEs. Several gentlo- inen from the east, friends of W A Howi arrived' in Carlton the other dav. They ciimc to the const expressly for shooting and sliiiiiHtl . all their ammunition lv exiiross thinking Oregon vtw u wilditrness. Hie express . on their shells eost. them 90 and the differein e m cost hetwiN'ii the east and west amounts to but 82 tier thousand. They intend to take in all-the good' hunting grounds from British Columbia to Mexico before reluming. McMinnvilli! T. M. Col IIooo Coming. The Democrat is Informed that Col T Egenton Hogg will leave New Vork City about . Dec lit in pecial cat, No. 303, the finest ever on the Pacific coant, and wilt come to Oregon by way of.the Southern Pacific arriving here in time for the sale on the 14'h. If this Is 11 canard It is not our fault. BetO'l I.niiiTs. At a special meeting of the city council on Monday, night 'Council men Hyde, Daniel and I tarnish were ap pointed a committee with powers to enter into and make for thoeity withG M Coffey, n contract to furnish the rily for street pur- jioses (i, 2000 candle jiower arc all night lamps. It. is also understood that the citv is to advance the purchase money sufficient to buy. the pror, dynamo and that -the purchase is to be mode iui mediately. lVess oi vr cbt. (J.N. Dtiiican, ctitinty Judge; Win. ItiimlmiiKli win j. . riiK'n, cuimluiimerij Hill i f lleorge (learharl, ?500 coi also bill P .1 Smiley. tinned, Feci iii S'ale case and gland jury fei lowed. Application of Smitli'Cox et al for county road granted d viewers ap pointed. Resignation of l C Siwjpeon as Justice ofdist 13 ai accepted. Riley k'heltun appointed Continued, bill ofGUm ft I'm Ihomme, 1B&M. Kdward Hamford wa 'nten.i to reform school on romplaint of tries liauiford. The following bills were ordered paid : Aid Mary (Jalloway, $5; Hail family, 5 00; Mis Clark. 6.0C; V A Henderson, $10 00; Cox family, $10. 00; lira Roberts, f00; Mrs Kit's, $10.00; Sarah l'resnel and Matilda Ktnworthy. $10.00; R C Reiup. flo w; Mrs Il.ickenbury, $8.00; . "J"MW",viT .,jti . iienaersoniatuiiv ol "scei Home, ti Mrs Hinusan-t .Mrs ai lor. Joimson, stuw; Mai iHarritlHUT I nrnlr (' ;. and bridges Oregon agt Hnncan t iregon agt Wong Tai; 33 06 Oregon agt t rauk Harby 3i 55 Cilass A l'rudhomme.stationery 15 1.0 5 66 9 IK) 1 N 4 13 20 25 00 2 00 k m vvaie, mails and bridgea ; W Vi:lie, roads and bridges. . V II Templeton, bounty San'iam Lumber Co V G Hayne, reads and bridges. Klectric'LightCo tavend.T X Calder Matthews A Washburn. C II Albany Furniture Co, acct poor. . It W Moses, roads and bridges. . R Sylves'er ACo.roads and bridges Oregon agt J F r-imBion Oregon agt Hammell (irahani A Shaw, roads and bridges F Russell, supt O Black, bounty KTT Fisher, surveyor. . . j, 1 1 15 00 1 D 4 I? 3 00 5 ... - "5 ! C4 00 53 I 2 00 7 50 7 50 IS 00 3 00 I 75 J I Wigle. account roads. . ..... H L Kuer, roads and bridges. . . . F M Kier. roads and bridges. . . . Hopkins ISros, Cll Dr J W Wyatt, account poor Stiles A Nutting 00! J" Vr 1 Oregon agt Sadie Too'-e Oregon agt Chaa Miilern. 13 15 30 30 32 00 26 00 53 00 15 00 9 7 2. 20 4 00 15 U 2 00 15 0 15 00 6 M Bel row, keeping pauptrs John Csher, janitor C C Jaccon Downing Broe, reads . ..... Mrs J J Davis, poor Fortmiiler A Irving. coffin i F Russell, supt N P I'ayne, aid poor W C Davis, acct poor Henry Lyons; acet poor Jas Roberts. rc-ba? tax J O Dnnkard, roads Klieabetb Morn. aid Allmnv Furniture Co, aid poor Trite Miller, ntx, r-Ad and bridge - Kxaminati'.in Kd Martin. inanitv . 1 J Smiley, printing . 19 il ' :: i.j t at... printintr KTT Fisher, met poor Train k Whitney, printing Klnuey & Iiuvis. n,isxvlaneMAS . . . A J Bievir.-. aTt roads Frank I euk ins. 'assessor J W Kugh. few. J N iKincan. acrt poor Brice Waliare. few Win Rmabangh. feat J liuncan. salary Wm Farley acct poor. ..." J F Kueker !7T C C Jackson, fees Jerry Hay. acct roads I Oregon agt J H Marks I At fori rest of .S W and F Boss C C Jackson, fees. B F Conner, acct road 00 F S Crosby. Cll 24 W John ScbmeeT. acct roods - I 1.. X P Favnc f . Bm J W Cooev. who has lien w ielding the paint brush in thi place for tbe past six month, left on Tuelay for I ahfarr.ia. Hush Montgomerv met with an accident last Sunday evening which will lay him up for some time, tt bile travelling tbe street j near the flouring mill be fell frcm the sido walk and broke one of his lea jut phove the ankle. The hop company ken of in this a Ij'T The memlaTs of 9sS company are W C t'oWy Henrv Arcnilnld. L 1. Sav and J i Imne They have purchased HO acres of land in tiie outskirts r,l S-xitli Brownsville of Henrv M 'Far land; c-vnsideretion tIO.000 They will commence active operations imim'- diately. and as they are all young men. fuil f pu-h and energy, we predict that uecvs will be the tvu!t . tlieir lalsirs. Times. Watch tub lies dalrjmsn of Ma- M W Weeks, a county, sijt each of hit coat raise? ( him lour zoo pound hog from the tkim 1: 1 buttermilk, with the astittasce of five huthcls of Kin. The grain, at piescat price, it worth $2 50 per hog, and 2 poundt of ilrested pbrk it worh $12. beirg a . at $9.50. Four hogt at 9.51 means $3S. th? profit to be ob tained from "left-over" product ol the cow A Hedical Rra'aies Away Cash. J. F. Smith & Co. of Xo. 855 Green wich St., New York, the manufactur ers of that favorite calbarP g known as Smith's Bile Bc-sns, havo adopted a novel plan. They ask the individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an cutsidc wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beam, (cither sire) to their office, and they give f- for the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and fl for tho 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 0th. Kvcry day $10 in cash is thus sent to their cor respondents. Ask fc r SMALL size. SEK beki: 1'aiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time Bay your groceries of Parker Bros FUe groceries at Conn & Hendricson's. Nw crvain cheese just tooeived at t'. nra Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, K'dmi Block, does tirst class uotk. Smnke the celohrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph s Dr M II Ellis, uhysician and surgeon A ; l .a : 1 .;' 1 l.'dU malj In :. 'or oountry . Kkei Ci.kax.--A good way is to have your clothes washed clean, not so that they smell of' Chinese expectoration ; but are odorless, and tho dirt is washed out and not poumlod in. Richards A Phillips, nt the Albany Steam laundry, ' do the-istd work at low prices, bin1 only white labor, citizens of Albany, mid are entitled fo the patroniige of our people. Mii.i.inkkv. Mrs M Ituoy and diuighte desire to inform the public -that they have moved into tho rooms lately, occupied by Mrs Sower und are supplied with a line U millinery goods of quality and prices to suit the present hard times, llo uro to call and examine their goods before purchasing lsewhere. Put up in neat ntclmlinped bnt lies, miprar coaled. SiwU ffilu fctu. ixr hvtUo. Wheat, 50 cts; oats, 2$c; hay,$S baled; wood, $3 to f 3. 50, taken In exchange for sewlni? machines or organs on hand nt E U Villi's music store. Also on all book accounts ot 6 months standing. Sewing machines from $J5 tol35, with my per sonal guarantee for 5 rs. Shiloh's Cure, p, tne grsat cough snd oronp 1 by us. l'ooket sisa contains cure, ia for aale wenty-live dosos.only 25o. Children lovo it othay A Mason. fI7 00; Mrs , er, 1S.(X. Toad I 27 75 47 40 NEW Volt I, LKTTKK, New Yong, November 3rd, 1803. It is safe to estimate, that on Tuesday next, a battle, not with weapons, but with ballots, will result in a victory for the people. The Empire state of New Yotk is in danger of disgrace, and the memories of Hamilton, Jov, Seward and Fish, will urge on the people of the sta'e regardless of party affiliation to main tain the honor and manhood of the first state in the Union. May.iard must be beaten. The New York Bar Association which denounced the nomination, of such a man as, guilty of one of the most serious crimes against the ballot is working day and night, to accomplish the txpected result- Carl Schnrz the old veteran German-American leader, and I dose frier.d of President Cleveland, has denounced the nomination, and advoca ted the election of Edward T fore a great audience of Germans in Cooper Union on Thursday night. Taw many Hall is making every postible et to increase by the aid of many re peaters, and false registered men, the democratic majority in this city, but the people will seal the fa'e of the machine on Tuesday next. A Wild Bear at Large " "Oreat Ex citement near Gramercy Park." "A Furious Lion Hold the Fort." And I more such headlines arpeared in the i daily papers. The story relating to the ! much exaggerated romance of a metro politan stable, runs something like this: ' a - - L 1:1. - : i - irua.u 4-jiKi.Eo smina:i'.'u;iniii came i, ,111a v uuuii j , iucaiiiuii 111,; rpctirx t wild animals at the World's Fair. Upon arrival in New York, the company found. ' to its great sorrow, that the "show" had 1...... ... : 1 .t. ,..!.!. v.;. r",. ivr.i ivtvi cu ov toe iiuiiu a I an t.ui .:..;.. t , i.:.. 1 :.. . iiiixsiu.iri 9. ,'ivuci ijciu iu S demand, the company opened headqoar 2 ! r in New York renting part of a stable on east Eighteenth street to store Us ani mals. Among the troupe was a very clever kangaroo which ave regular per formances, at one ol the dime museum, boxing and wrestling with his trainer, being the particular features. The rev enue derived Irom the clever trained kangaroo, just about paid sundry ex . penaes, but the management was at wit's tend, trying to cause some sensation which would rasnlt in an addition to the a'leged company's treasury. Su-e'.y the idea which was followed out successfully by the instigator, was a very deceiving and novel one. The fact was reported to the police tbat at a certain stable on Eighteenth street, a lion had escaped fr jm his cage and was making every ef fort to escape from the stable, the doors whicn were lrricaded. The news spread that the Han. called Sultan Wallace, bad nearly killed his trainer, and had half devoured a valuable trotting horse.which was in the stable at the time of the esca pade. The result of this great advertis ing, drew a crowd around the stable, and the tolice were called upon to "keep the public out ol hx.tns way " For two days the paper- gave the affair the most i'lusiratrve space and prominence. At lirst, this little story sounds romantic. true, and enticing, but when will great bad been carried loo far however, and as soon as Inspector Williams announced bis determination to shoot the wild beast, it became quiet on Eightee ith rtreet, and the king of quadrapeda quiet y re turned to his cage. The valuable trotter was bought by the management, when the Broadway horse cars were replaced by the cable cars, and the exorbitant price of 115 was paid for the -'great No he had no teeth. Toe "awfully wild Hon" is nearly forty years old, and bis teeth were drawn over ten years ago. Sar'i a "fa'e" never has been attempted in New York before. If the public haa ,.:. a. ., ,k. .n . . . . . , aa , u. : 1 1 . f x-c , w v. - . ' ' ..,: . ..1 ..i r. ' . 1 . ii;.r-',aii. 111 ivi,iiuui irwiia, almost harmless lion, it can do so for the small sum of 10 cents. Go to Huber museum and sec 'he "untamanle, man eating lion" Sultan-Wallace, engaged at a salary of a week. Such are the methods of the money makers in tbe ! metropolis, and it is only one of the mnT vensing "laites pracutea ,ry W?1' h l,Te bT their w its. At last the will of the people has Iwen enforced. With the signature of the President the purchase clause of the Silver Law of l'JO is annuletl The ef forts of tbe silver senators to force the anti-silver majority to compromise has resulted in a hopeless failure. Th? firm stand taken by President Cleveland has been commended by the leading finan ciers, and the action of the republican minority nnder the leadership of that e'-alwart financier and statesman John Sherman, haa also been a source of de light and pleasure to the advocates of sound money. All is over now and a general revival Ol ousmess is looaea lor, as congress has adjourned, having ac complished the passage of the repeal act. Tbe merchants ol the city are divided as to the advisability of changing the ex- istitsii tariff laws. As soon as the wsvs and means committee report" some bill providing for a mat settlement ot the tarin ouestion. a deeded deg-ee 01 un certainty will continue to linger in the commercial centres of the cour.try Wj. K. H. aboBMCSL 11 him is M tmk rBcsLvr no J K .u!!itrari. Secrttarrl cf the Amatecr Athletic Coinn, President rf tne Puticne AthSstic Clob. and Athletic Kditor of The purtia; time, writes 'For erj I havo hewn activly cot!0ct ed aitli athletic spoilt. I alaaja f mual it u ir.v a tvan'-age to u Allcock a t'c ous utule io training, a they qmcaly irmore sMssNSS and ttiffoew : .nd when alt, ked with any kind cf p.iuis tho, result of light coidt, I always uted AKcock 'a with beneficial reaulta. 1 hv noticed tlitt most athletes of the present day use nothing viae butAUoock's Plat;rs.'' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grape Cream ol Tartar Powder la Olden Time People overlooked the importance of per manently beneficial effects and were sat! fied with transient action, but now that It It generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual Constipation well-informed people will not Juv other laxatives, which set for but a time, but fin ally Injnte the system. Tub Vbrdict Is uotnimoas that Will .Stark carry the l-$t Yin; of silver ware I the valley. T'oey nave the varieiy an 1 qua ity, a combination th tt count! in buyi ioojs. An inspection alwart carriei co rlction. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair my be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Halt's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Yi:, TTOU Can see ths finest line o fa"-Mies for suitings In the state at V R Graham's. where he has a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and roost stylish suits of him, A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest 6tylcs, and he repairing of cloaks. Price) "rs bat tom ones. Vreea ool. Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will get Into trouble every time and In the end poverty and disgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are the only ones of value. They make you rich ; especially when used to purchase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation or bll'.ousness.or drive away malaria. Don't be tempted to take nythlng else In place of the Regulator. Dr, Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years tbe Standard. SOME FA4TS- Secretary Carlisle's order to the mint superintendents 10 prepare for the coinage into standard dollars of the silver bullion purchased under the Sherman act indicate' a decided change in poliey on the part of the administration in regard to the gov ernment's silver holdings. With silver pu rebuses at an end. ibe administration proposes io utilize the eigniorage which will be gained by tbe coinage of the bul lion, and in this way help to relieve the treasury, which is confronted with a deficit of 150,000.000 at the close of tbe fiscal year. If tbe full amount of the bullion is coin ed tbe seigniorage tbat will be paid into the treasury will approximate 158,000,000; but, with the limited capacity of the mints the whole of this sum wilt not be available fur three or four years Tbe iiecretaiy of the treasury cannot anticipate tbe seignior age, or. in other words, ca'cu'ate tbe amount . and then issue silver certiBcates on this basis, for tbe reason tbe seignioeage does not become a treasury awet under the law until the bullion is actual'y coined Toe additions fo the treasury balances from this source, therefore, will hardly exceed il.5O0.0O0 1 mouth. But for ibe provision in tbe Sherman law which directed that 2.000.C00 ounces of rilver should be coined each month unil July 1, 191, about one ear after tbe pas uge of the law, no tcigniorace wou'd have lieen utilized up to (bis time, as no o'ber Hirer dollar have been coined. That the administration snoo'd adjpt tbe policy indicated, shows plainly tbat tbe treasury is in need of immediate aid to meet (be demands upon it. The seigniorage on the basis of tbe 3C.O00.O00 silver dollars coined doting tbe first year amounted to $6,900,000. and the greater part of this was used by Secretary Foster. If the silver bullion had been coined from tbe first for redemption purposes the treasury depart ment would be abb to immediately issue upward of 120,000.000 of silver certificates on tbe accumulated seigniorage. Bnt the silver has been stored io ibe vault' and now in order to realize tbe seigniorage the ' vast amount wid bare to be turned into standard dcl'-srs. Perhaps the usj of this seigniorage wjuld not have been advued if the Sherman law bad not been repealed and tbe purchase 0 silver stepped. If this seigniorage bad been taken advantage of tbe issue of certi ficates thereon might have served to further dis'urb public confidence- Witn tbe chief source of alarm removed and the issue of treasury note limited, however, it is not thought that the issue ill have any bad effect. Tbe use of tbe seigniorage in this way will have the effect of increasing tbe circulation, and this is the only means, outside of the bank circulation of bonds, that is provided for making such incense. It wili not e-ioal the increase under tbe Sherman law, but figuring on tbe capacity of tbe mints, it will amoont to upward of .000.000 a year The operation of the new policy, however, nxiy lead to the retirement of the treasury no es of small denomination- When u iun coaracieY ate redeemed the may not reissue them, but use silver dol lars in their place, every doTar so redeemed would tt add to the protection of tbe gold reserve- Treas notes are redeemable in gold or silver coin at the optkm of the secretary, and they have played an important part in the with drawal of gold for expert. According to treasury furores, no test than f5-2.230.000 of thtsL-aeof U52.O00 000 has bean redeem ed in gold. Just what the secretary "s plans are in (bis connection no one knows, and it is doubtful if any line of policy bearing on mis point nas ueen cecioea upon ny admmit'ration. KSt.iyntATios or chisem: Although Congrett amend; J the Geary act to as to allow the Chinee ix months more within ahich to register, 't adjourned ! ilboo! mtking an arproptiition to carry J oat the provisoot of the act. The chairman ' theCommittee on Appropriations bad j cogciiance ol Ihe Treasury Department need of money to carry cot the law, and i It probable that if the urge-it deficiency bill hat been passed a ciaose appropriating enough money at leit to begin operation woald bare been iiitcned In the bill. At it is, regitlration under tbe act will not begin until an appro,)! Ution is male. Mti n bile the internal icyenae bureau of tbe Treasury Department will make all its prep rations, and as soon a ibe money is avail atle the bureau will be prepared to assign its officers so tbtt ihey can begi.i work at once. The Lure: c has assurances that an effort will be made to get an appropriation bill through in the early days of the session so that the work of registration will not be ng dtfetred It it aii that ail the Chinese now in the country, approximating 100,1100 can te registered in sixty days if they prompt ly take advantage ol tbe opportunity. WHERE IS PAaOSI M t person are tir.der an impression that tney know where Palis is. It is jutt at likely as not that they are mistaken. Indeed, it it open to some question whether anybody can say exactly where it is. It is very well known that when ihe longitude of the Freuch capital was deter mined tome eu ago there were discrep ancies between the two parses of observers esgaged in the business. The discrepan cies were never reconciled, and the dlfli- j calty was got over by adopting the result which seemed most likely to be correct. One thing, however, is pieity certain if we tre to believe the statements of scien tists, that In 3,000 years or to the gay metropolis, or the bet part Ot it, will be covered by the sea. For the mathematical ohsei vtions of the Krerch engineers prove that the south of France, especially in the iccioa ' of the Pyrenees, U gradually rising, while the north of France is undergoing a process of depression at the rate of two-fifths of an inch per annum. THE ELECTIONS. While at this writing it is nut possible to spenk with certainty as to'the result in those states about wtich there was nny doubt, it must be conceded that lurge re -publican gains appear to . have been m.i i,-. This need occasion no surprise. It is a rule in politics all tho world over that the party in power always suffers if a year in which an election is held happuis to be a bad year in business, ' If the republicans had been in cliargo of tho administration the democrats w .mid have swept things. It was to be expected that the first election after the presidential contest would show some reaction, and that reaction has been intensified by tbe hard times. When con gress has' taken action upon tariff reform and business ha begun to lecover there will be a' different story to tell. Seattle TWrgrciA. SOME fKAllE IHDICATIOMS, If anybody doubts that we have a secure basis for a profitable year's business a con sideration of some simple facts and figures will enlighten him. There is now in the elevators of the princin'e cities a "visible supply" of wheat amounting to 68,979,000 bushels, against 59,402,000 a year ago, 34,664,000 two years ago and 19,715,000 three years ago. During the three months of July, August and September ,our merchandise export exceeded imports by t46.650.344, while for the corresponding period of last year Ibe imports exceeded the exports by tl8 221, 322. There is here a gain of $94,871,666 in balance of trade for tbe first three month of Ibe fiscal year over the corresponding period of last year. The balance in our favor has been aim jst exactly paid by im ports of gold, bnt there had been enormous exports of gold during the last six months of tbe pteceeding fiscal year there must he. in one form or another, a still further influx of foreign wealth to.baUnce the account Sow tbe menace of an unsound currency is effectually removed there i every en couragemetit to hope for an era of large trade and g.-neral prosperity. Tti acos-a inui Some panitant of final cause bare lm -agined that tbe tscoo was given to the earth to at .rd it light daring tbe night. Bat in this cite natar would not have attained the end proposed sloe we are often deprived al the same time of the light of bath son and moon. To have accomplished this end ii would have been sufficient to have placed ibe moon at first in opposi ir.n to the taa and in tbe plane of the ellipt'c at a distance from the earth equal ti the one hondreth part cf the distance of tbe earth from the sen, and to have imp retted on the eanh snd moon parallel velocities proportion!.! to their distances from the son. Ja this case, the rrooo, being constantly in opposition to the son, would have described round it an ellipse similar to that of the earth. Thete two bodies would 'ben cons'antly succeed eacii other, and as at thii distance the moon could not be eclipsed in light woald always replace tHat of the soo . THE sTATESWAX STILL rSOatKIFD Says Ibe Ssslt'-e Post IntelUgencer: "Teanover by a ttupid blunder declared the fourth Tbartday in Novmber,ThanktgivtD day. Generally tbe 'fourth Thursday' is right, but tbis year there are five Thursdays. It is redicbus to ascribe the incident to ine govemor't ttupititty . la this case the stupid blunder is 03 the part of the P-l. Statesman Rut the Statesman at first very stupidly attempted to make n appear that custom fixed the fourth instead of tbe last Thurs day as Thanksgiving day, bat in the ibore it seems to acquiesce in the tact that it was wrong but' intimates that the governor knowingly aele-red the irrung day but had some hi J den motive in to doing. One who is very close to tbe governor says shit it wa merely a mistake on me part of tbe gorerno-. growing oat of the general impression tba kaal Ih: day. A oi' parch from Topeka, Kansas says: Additional ret ami from Tnetday ' election swell the repataiicaa pluralities, and the popaUstt, so hopefal yesterday, concede that they have been badly defeated. Suffi cient retatas are received to warrant tbe rcpnblkant' claim of a large plurality of the aggregate vHe, aad it will probably ap pear the victory is really a majority over both populists and democrats . Of the 13 judges elected, r-opulitt Chairman Bretdent htl claims only 3. with a possibiliTy of 2 more. At the republican hea j;aartere Ibe following summary is made: Republican coca tie, 45; populist counties, S; divided, 25; Io be heard from, 37. Republicaa officers elected in divided counties, 105: ; popbst m same, 39. So raiJ is Uie rrodacuon of thip rive's that one train of roils fsedt four machines. which turn out sixteen tons of rivets :n three tbiftt of eight hours eacb. C Mourning paper !s going out of fashion abroad. Instead, a little ttianr'e it printed tn the earner of the envelope si d the note paper. 02SX13 EXJOY8 Both the method aad results when Sjnip of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts EnUy yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial tn its effects, prepared only frcm the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it the most popular remedy known. 1 byrup of Ftgs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles oy all leading tlrug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO St V nAHCISCO. CAL loumiuz. xr. new raK .r. WANTED At the ttoie Allen Bros., formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, .LARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, tor which possible. I will pay the best cash price B F RAMP DYSPEPSIA Is that misery experienced when suddenly made aware that you possess a diabolical arrangement called stomach. Ko two dyspep tics hare the same predominant symptoms, but whatever form dyspepsia takes The underlying ear use in in the LIVEii, and one thing is certain no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It wm comet Aeiulty ut Stomach, Expel tool cases. Allay Irritation, ASSSSS DtgasUoa at Cbm tmL-i Start the Liver working and all bodily ailment trill disappear. "For aaore than three years I suatnul with Dyspepsia ia ha wont form. I tr.ed several doctors, bott-.yaaordcd ro reUeC AtUnltriel Satassas liver aUsaaaSar, wfcioh eared aciia abort time. It n a good merliriar, I wooad mat be wuhet it." fasasa A StaaSat, t i 2, Fa. " EVERY PACKACEl J Baa oar Z Staaap tat tad on an J. U. it I LIS 4 CO., Phiiadeliii., aSaa at it. ax Crae cent a dose. Tani Gbxax Cotgh cx-bx prctoptiy- caret AU ' . . ... Viu W.I Throat, Bca.teceu. Whx;;ir C: Aatirsa. k'.T coup-i 33 it ta.? r-.j r be has c-red thocta-da. end will CXHB TOtr if taKeninnsie. bouttj actec. For a Lame 1 ' Prttjuiaes en a gu&r BafJT or Chest, cso SHILOH'S BELLADOWMA PLASTElLSc CATARRH REMEDY. re vou Catarrh ? Thl rfnxriinarta. teed to care juu. Price &; eta, Icjecturtree. ILFAJT C0LLI8JATI nSfPUrl ALBANY, OREGON a8Ql, 1892 tru Ten aaeoea Septeaaker Me A ft 1 corps of insliiiiSias. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LlTElAPf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL MASSES. 1 $M&toQm: ff-rr- Sfnmt tmemcamaUf efirti ia Umh from a&rocd. SrVT. CLBCKT 1 tSXBIT VI60R f MEN Easilr. Oslctrf. Ptrmaaeat; E:..rf. WEAXKESS, NRVOUSfES5. DEBILITY, - ft. if. h MeFarland, -:- DKALtK m -:- Harness -and-Saddler j Display Jfc in the Oqqi W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE m&'Wt, Do joa wear tera7 WVa next ! oesd try a salt, best in tho world. $3.00 42.50 2J0 Rat $2.00 res Bors 1 lfv;.ant a fins DRESS SHOE. cc& 's His latest styfas, aoe't pay SS to $3, try my $3, $33, S4 00 sr $5 SSwe. Tbey Bt etsil to castD-s iiue asa iocs 3m ar as writ, if yea aish to sceasraiwIsysttrfbettBar, dotobyporctasiag V. L. Doogjis Stoes. Haass aal pries tta-i?d oa tb bottom, kxs for It ahes jsa buy yr DorOLAS, Erocltton, Masa. ScU by L. B. BtaAlF. ARE YOU a newspaper wc pablitirrora If you atv, or ai of '.he above, ; t r. author, artist rtlr.' -i tntervsited In "vny - , shial rtaU THE JOUF 'A LIST. DO YOb w:it to reach the above.1 l ltu i-Mrl'-c in TBB JOl' 1T. Sn ,-; .pin 11 St.iXJ ayvat. A.v. . 'ilo I ;ts on eppHr-tlon. ALL'.S FOUMAX, Euitor an4 Proprietor, 117 NassjiC Sthski, Naiw Tokk, 1 Hi $5.00arV M.llOalf T;nsS U run srflal M -, -. .-BaaabatW ata, REVERE HOUSE ALBANY - fJRSCM AS. PFE1FFEK' tKOPWT.fOR ACADEMY OF Ladj of Percfifnal Help