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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
She ewactat. Blaine's estate is said to be worth $800, 000. Walter Damrosch, son in-law to Blaine, presided at the piano at the funeral of the attor. Can It be .aid that the city council loves darkness better than light because their deeds a e evil? The legislative session is half over and nothing very startling has occurred yet But keep yoar eye on Pasco. Now -io;s the city council come forward and proposes to make the winter of our dis content glorious by making darkest Dixie third wav. !a howling wlUerne.t by casting ts inhabitants into outer darkness. A iliren and tax payer vouchsafes the suggestion that if there are to be but nine arc itjjhts in the city they should not be placed on first street but on street? farther ba k where darkness is thickest. I he threat made by republican senators th. iev will adopt the cloture rale if nec essary to secure the confirmation of Harrl Mil l appointment for Supreme Judge will net uelybe oarried into execution as it w.iul.i aonlv after the A.h of March when democrats will be in the majority. Reform and economy in public expendi tures. whether in nation, state, county or citv are sound democratic doctrines: Al ban is in debt and preliminary arrange ments should be made to meet these obli gations. Toe late Commissioner Peck is a modest man, anyway. He states in his annual and farewell report that New York leads in manufacturing, but says not a word about himself as the leading manufacturer in his line The vote in the senate on the proposed amendment to the constitution will disclose the identity of the United States senators who would fear o trust their chances for -politica preferment to the direct rotes of the people. When the Illinois democrats get through overhauling- the books of the late republi can officials there will probably ba addi tional reasons for placing that state in the permanent democratic column. Democrats in the legislature should bear in mind, that, notwithstanding they are in the minority aod are directly respontibl for the find of legislation given to the peo ple, yet they ate making records by which the party will be judged In the state cam paign in June 1S91. It is broadly hinted that if suitable terms cannot be made with the electric light com pany for lighting the city that a number of citizens stand ready to organize a company and furnish light upon terms that the city council deems reasonable. It seems pretty certain that the democrats w II control toe next senate, in which case the pledges ot tariff reduction mast be car ried out according to the pledges made in tlie Chicago platform. Let good faith aod fair dealiag characterize the conduct of the party in this regard and the people aill no' hesitate to con'lnue it in power. No man la the Uoited States is better equipped to formulate a tariff bill expressive of the wi.I of lhe people as manifested In toe election of Cleveland, than Mr Carlisle, and ids sppointmeat s Secretary of the Treasury will be regarded by the people as an earnest that tbe president elect ir.tends to iully redeem the pledges made in the Chicago platform. C-.o spiders prognosticate weathir chaag e-?is answered by Dr McCook in the negative It is usualiy b:Heved that spiders fairly well indicate the weather by ceasing to spin be foie foul weather, and weaving freely before lair we.ilber. From observations made for sia rears past, be finds that many species of ort ravers, which weie colonized and kept under close or-servstion, make snares (reel) Iicfore rains and storms, .frequently evrn io tHe intervals between hsav i rains. This a popular fallacy is destroyed. w hatever may or may not be attempted by tbe Fifty-third congress, there is little doubt in tbe public mind that it will not neglect to repeal tbe statutes concerning federal supervision of elections Whether in the party platforms or not, tbe force bill and the election methods it was designed to re enforce and strengthen were not for gotten by the people when the memorable popular judgment of November 8 last wis pronounced. The federal election laws have been co:idenind, and it only remains for congress to kill them ex seditiously and bury lhem decently. Four weeks from next Satojday will he Inauguration day when the democrats will take charge of all three departments of the government. The responsibility will be a great one nd the united wisdom of the leaders ot the party will be necessary to enable the administration to meet the just expeditions of he people. The greatest good to the p-reates' number, equal and exact j istice to a. I Citizens, and spec's) privileges to none, pub'.ic office Is a public trust, are rules which If faithfully adhered to will make the incoming administration a successful one, and one that will meet the hearty approval of the people. In connection with tbegreat problems of revenue and currency which the new ad ministration will have to meet, it will have to give special attention tolhe largest chan ncl of expenditure, that of pensions. The pengion service is now the one entirely scan dalous brarch of the Government business, un ess there ste some utbsr divisions of the Drpd'tmcn' of lhe Interior that nvy b ranked iSlsf t, 1 is a huge political ma chine, jean Jalous not o.ily in ' its lists of pr-n-lonrrs pa Irled ith nimei of I lie unde serving, bu' hi it! piy-rolls padded with the names of Me, incompetent or useless em p ov.i-- sal In its general inefEden ;y for any purpose bat ihoseof jobbing attorneys LiMiiokaulasi, q.ieen of the Hawaiian Is nd, has been forced by tha revolutionary party to ab.llrate er throne. The queen 1 a na ive, sfUU the rcvolutiool'. .re neir ly all wlil'ts (Americans.) Th complaint ot i tie artiHsS is that there I no security for i'e in I las large properties owned by them on i In- Island, They have setups gnvern t:. cii in oiposl.i jn to the queen and sent a C(jiiiin;-:on of five membc-rs to Wsshinglon IO si got tat a treaty of annexation. One tiling d.-einato be certain, that is that tbe lalan era nre unfit to eovern and it would be br i f.-i ell concerned if Ihe islsnds could ta id. a territory of the United States to bi iSsae a state Ucn all conditions justified I it Is act likely our government wiiltak a. y i j o In the matter, at least until the r. vu uliunJ government becomes to be the re ugaised guvrrnmem by the islanders them rlv . Guaranted to cure Illlfons Attaclia and CoaaUpetkxi, Small Ulle litaua. PENSION REFORM. One of the great problems to be solved by the incoming congress is that of pen sions. One of the greatest hindrances in the way of righ ing the wrong inflicted upon the country by the vicious legislation upon pension maiters is the persistant effort of pension shaiks to make the ques tion a partisan one. Many republican leaders, for the purpose of gaining a party advantage, have sought to make a party question of it, and so industriously has this effort been put forward that many accept it as such. But far seeing republicans are now coming to the front and enlisting with democrats in the demand that a halt shall be called and that the pension office stial' be conducted in such a way that deiervidg ones only shall he permitted to secure pen sions and that the frauds of the pension bureau shall no longer be inSicted upon a long suffering people. The OnfOHi'a, Chicago Tribune, New York 7oue and other leading republican journals are denouncing the pension frauds practiced under Tanner and Raum in the severest kind of language. Other papers are doing the same. The Philadelphia Tilegeafi one of the most reputable as well as able republican papers in Pennsylvania has the following to say on this subject: It has been amxvrent for a lone time tha1 the whole system of gigantic robbery which evidently prevails inside and ontside of the bureau is the deliberate work of a band or conspirators who long sinoe intrenched themratves in power, rension commission ers one after another, except the present incumbent, have tried to bring about some sort of reform, but without success, except to a very limited extent. The fact appears to be that the pension ring first created, the legislation under which the bureau was operat'Nt. and then secured the appoint nient of a creature of its 0 xn at every vital noint. So one year after another they snap their fingers at overwhelming public pro test, at the executive and at congress itself. lne average member of the national legis lative body does not own the hide he stands in when it cornea t dealing with pension matters. He is always in terror lest the soldier vote, end the wrath of those in sympathy with it. should bring upon him political condemnation and banishment in disgrace from public life. . This is no time fyr maudlin sentiment of any kind. Every honest and deserving pensioner should be taken care of, and none such will have anything to fear from turning on the light But the government of the United States is being robbed as no other government on th?faceafthe earth, and the time has come when this monstrous wrong snouut be ended. It is by all odds the worst scandal that has ever befallen the repub ic. Let it be speedily and effectively wiped out- The Columbua 'res, another conscien tious republican paper sees that innumer able frauds are being practiced by pension sharks in Washington, right under the nose of Raum who seems to have no incli- nsxion to prevent them, but on the tntrary is cnarged wift being a party to them, snd it too ruvs its mice warm no- the neoDie 01 ... j the danger ahead. It says There is a general willingness to pay pensions to I'n'on veterans who are suffer ing from disabilities contracted in' the service, but there is a growing disposition all over tbe country to repeal all. laws that give pensions to those who are not afflicted. St me of the pension laws those, perhaps, which have opened the pennon rolls to the greatest number ot pensioners were enacted without much thought as to burden they were imposing. ruru i.uey were imposing. buch language as that of the e.ermr and Pre. had it bean uttered by a demo- craticpanerfiveor ten years ago would have subjected it to the charge of being a . rebel sheet. Bat the pension payer are j waking up to the fact that an -simost in tolerable burdea has been fastened upm them before they were aware of what was , . j ... , , , being done and from this time forwa d there will be less said about liberal pension law. than formerly and more will be said about the manner in wLich pensions shal be piid. l DEFEl)ANTS AND UKhOStEATS. Jadge Greshsm is a type of th: inriepen- cent, whose wpport ot the Democ.a.ic par - ty at any time and on any issue is warrant that so fsr the panv s deserving the support of earrest, intelligent aud patriotic cititens. To win the support of sach men is a right aim fbrany party; to forfeit it Is a misfar- : tuoe. K,.,.,,, ,h n.nnhlican nartv kaa Because tbe Kepublicsa psrty has forfeited it that party is ptostrAle. It is sound encouragement, therefore, to know that Judge Greaham heartily approves of the selection of Senatoa, Carlisle to be Secretary of the Treasury. He regards It as "a guarantee th .'. : new tarift bill will give tailfi leformcrs satisi actloa." His enthu siasm over this .action ii Mr Cleveland is deep . He ssys: Carlisle is a grsat man and knoas all zbont tbe tariff aod "Can no mistakis I predict for him a s ct.-s'ul career io 'he Treasury, and also in Its) jears I expect to see the finances of tt country so plain snd simple that a buy can ctatemeot of the Treasury and it. As 11 stands now tbe more s a' i minis we read of tbe condition of the Treasury the Ics we krow. Jut Carlisle can I e trusted and he will sac ceed m bringing order out of chu-s, and if he does he is my csndidate fo- President in 1896 and there is not a man in the country tha' can beat bim fur the nomination and elec tios. Judge Gresham does not speak, however, as a Democrat who is a Democrat whether the party is right or wring In his ' judgment. For in the same Interview he defines his po litical motiver, and no doubt he speaks for thousands mere to whom the party is indebt ed for it magnificent victory last November. It la an utterance Io which those who are responsible for the use of the power intrust ed to the party should give heed: want you to understand that I am a Democrat only as far as tbe Democrsts go my way of thinking. Tnat is to say, tbat 1 amasnly a XJemocrat on the tariff and economy positions. I consider the tariff as the only great question diri-iing the two parties. But should the Democrsts fall to keep tbeit pledges, not one of these men independents wilt be found voting the Democratic .ticket in 1896. This vote is worth keeping. It can be kept ty fidelity, It will be repelled 1 y faithlessness. Representative Tucker has made a canvas of the senate on the proposal so to amend the constitution as to make senators elective by direct vote of the people. He is satisfied that a majority of tbe senators are ready to vote for the resolution passed by the house the other day, if the matter is permitted to come to a vote in the senate. This reform is imperatively needed. Tbe evils it is meant to romey are 'rreat and growing. It reflects the general desire of tho people. They who assume to block its way by for bidding a vote upon it in-the senate will violate every consideration which should govern senators in dea'ing with matters of grave public import. Recipe, for purging the pcoalon lis'.: Dissolve Raum in a full measure of oblivion place a liberal (puantity of Jrffersonlan honestly at the head of the bureau, pluck the hogas pensioners, strain out thcrasctl ly pension agents, season to suit the taste of puS'.lc senti'ient im airvc as mon after March 41 has possible, When President Harrison was lnaugurat ed four years sgoh. found $ioo,oo?,Ooo sur plus in the Tieasury, the savings of thi Cleveland Administration. He has squso dered all this, together with the appropria tions of the Billion Dollar Congr . e! last accksof his admlnistrgtloa are belne . . . . .v. ..'. , . 0 spent In frantic attempts to coneeal a Tress- ; ury deficit. 11ATJMMA1)E PENSION LAW, A fresh discovery has been made of fraud upon the treasury and maladministration in the Pension bureau. The law allows 1 ensions for disabilities which render tho'r subjects wholly or in a considerable degree incapable of earning a livelinood by manual labor. For certain "specific disabilities," such its a loss of a hand or foot, there is a fixed rate of allow ance. For less specific but equdly positive disability, such as chronic rheumatism or the like, contracted in service, the allow ance is determined by the rating given to the disability, as total, or one-half or one- quarter, etc, of total. Commissioner Raum has invented, or permitted some one else to invent for his acceptance, still another kind el disability ca'led "cumulativ .', Without any nu thority of law he has recognised this kind of disability and granted pensions for it at the rale of $6 a mouth, fixed upon by him self. Cumulative" 'inability is a disability made up of a number of aches and pains- including, doubtless, "that tired feeling none of which would entith iheir victim to a pension Jy 11:111 pi nv these togetner. perbap- throwing in a disposition to vote the republican ticket and to employ the right rension attorney, Raum has consider ed that pension cast are made out, and under this wholly unauthorised ruling he has be n liberally adding to the pension lists. Assist 'lit Secretary B"sey. of the interior department, has written to ordering the malpractice stopped and now Judge Wheeler, chairman of tbe o mmittee which is investigating the pension office. trying ... .u '-....I. . f .k:- m. a . . 1 W I. till yui Ullit 111 11 II I . .HX- - Jl IIMB ttiuu have been allowed, and how much of the government's money is being paid out annually upon the e illegal and fraudulent claims Thus every additional revelation made of pension methods under his administration enforce anew the necessity of devising some plan for tbe searching revision of the pension lists for the purpose of eliminating fraud where fraud fills so large a place at so great a cost to the taxpayer of the country. Meantime Raum holds his place in spits of all leproof and of tbe most solemn con- uemuauon uj congroso.- sum wui coououo to h old it while the administration that selected him for responsible duties shall ast-New York World. HAWAII. The dethronement of she queen of Hawaii 1 and tbe arrival of a committee at Washing ton rapre. n'lng the newlv established gov emt Mnthsto sale of tleir old,, , ,h. ii.i.ed si-w ecc,rw'Um?,,04!nT',he' - ' , , ., . ,. j many ioqiuies concerning inrsc isianos. Hawaii, (.formerly cslred sandwich Islands.) takes its name from the principal one of a group of 15 island io the Nonb Pacific Ocean la latitude 20 degress nonh and longitude 1 56 west, from Greenwich. Ir la on s direct Hue, nesrlv, from San Francisco to Aus tralia, and about one-third tbe distaoce from the former 10 the la ter place, that is about thjt mile. frtxnS-n Fr.oCsco. Hawaii has 1 .w, .S,: UJre . n, ,.r ilnr ln!, Mn - , 7 sl-L II . "U,,on TT " f'00,6j-000 ' ,0M00 1 Ui" " and porsesl or maav v.. I canoes, me beach on the west cos,, of me I. oar- , , . , . . ' "--," -Wr. mountain which .up,,les wood aod water In ! ' " ' " """ j occupies ihe whole ceotral portion of the is- ,,..,.,,,. . , ,rI. '"d "j1 ' '.'. aaM- ' "d , Th- phtteau abends . va eya. which are very rich sad prodactive. Man? Americans and a taw tog.sei, nave oeo srceu taer j by the productive quii y of tbe land and ! -ugar production s less great leading industry I -ru. -ii ki ss i-J .. " LafhM . :TT as beal hfol. jf" mean empcrature of tne 1 ia drT r .n i lae 1mm j , gg detree,. i Ke nativ. inhabiUal. are ,;OI (be MayUyr.ce. Tbe revolutionists are j Betr, ,J American. . l jjatr Davi! a. Wc ... the eieates'. of iliUca ' . . , econ ,j ,., h , ,rti cl e in the February Forum io w.dch he say: 1 ue 'egation mm tne irienos 01 com- uai i"iii" - corru led aod influenced bv tbe recipiency ol British gold probably started ky Mr and at once aken up and reiterated ty Horace Greeley an t ihcir protectioslst press ,nd orator gcoerall has uadoubt- . erf'.v r.i, ain , n',n.i rM-.uiarcea.iit anH btrB , pot,,,,, poiuieal (actor. The medium ! through which this "briilss oold" has berra di.inbu'cd an-t general 1 1 believed to b tne Cobden Ciub.of England; although It Is a fact that ibia cluo ha. never In Ihe course cf i existence contributed as much as one cent io money to auy person or organiza tion in the I'nned States for it-e purpose of promoting tariff reform or fiee trade, or endeavored to influence public opinion In favor of ls creed of "Free Trade, Peace j and Good Will to Men" in any other way than by public utterance or pa I'ications, of which last it h.s never distributed in the aggregate as many as the American Iron snd Steel Association has pria ed aod sent forth Io a sing e year in favor of restricted trade, ns loosl antagonisms, and private in terests. Even amor.g Republicans in Waahington the President's effort 10 quarter his private secietary permanently upon the public ser vice has not beer, very well received. Mr Halford's services hare been rendered solely to Mr Benjamin Hsrrlson, snd it is strongly felt that If Mr Harrison warns to reward tnem ne s-iouio 00 so ac tiis on expense aad not by lhe gift ot a place in the mili tary service for which Mr Hal ford 1 no known to ha. any per states fi-ness. The sa'ary paid the private aecretary is fixed by law, at a high figure, and must be regarded as all hat the aervice Is worth to the count ry. If Mr H.I'ord was w-.rth more to hlm rhan the ssiary he ought not 10 have taken the place. Teaeker'a Exasnlaatlasit Noie Ir hprahy given tht tbe regular 1 111 1)1 to exawilriatiou -r tfiicher-. for Xlrn !,U iv, lll lastx Hare In Ibanv, 01m rnuric'iiw on 'I wln-dv,' F bru-rv 8ih al 1 o'o -ick p r. d '-ontlnua until Frl. lay no-iri K brnary 10th. .! teacher nasi pi-Mitlve'y h pn-. nt et the time of in inn-- i-iMn 'it a no nu will be ad 111 it il to the eaaasilhwtsrsn who I. not AO r iftMeni pjstk aiinn. for 'tale certificates ami in . ipi .. v d jttlhe above named im . -O K(Jwih.LL, Co nty Ncbeol si ii- in linawlag. rht Al oncW'. Pnmus PU ters era tho tiikthuat :eo t of ndic I -ci. nee snd skill, n .1 A in' ...ll.-l I . T. .1 mu 1 1 . .,1 k... Maw A rfceen rqah'l tnaittie, nre h- oriniisi anil genuine po'ouii plan. era, aOn whose mpulatiOD imitstns trade That AlleovkV P-irmii Haarter never fall tu 1 f --in tfcotr rssaadksi work quickly and efii ctuIK . Th i. thia f-ct i attested hy Hioaascda of vr.'iintory and nnlmpaaohi'ble testimonials frmr ir-t!ti' oationt,-. Tht for rbr-umitp in, we. I. bask, rcistios, Sa Ifi shir, Rtifpei dis-nc, u . iepsi, mar bsas, hud a1! l.-c-l 1 .they are invaluslile. That when y n hov Allonck's Porous l'li sts stisnlntelv oiitel 1 tb. best pl.r I 3 made. I If you cont-raplat-put'ing in a wsttr plant net price of w nd mill, pumps, pipe, Uinks, eto, fromW WCrarford, Hs will I aitouirh you. Tb. Portland Collection Agoooyihai oom- manoed several mis t i onluct accounts for G . bUokraiu. i. ,ie. owinl. hiln .hooid settle their accounts snd savs eotts. Minnie A man in Charleston, S C thinks he Is the long lost Charley Ross. That has a familiar ring. The boy is now 22 years si The l.ane county division was knocked In the head. There was no occasion for it. Division should only occur where the wealth of the county, w:th other rlrcum stances demand it. The Independence West Side say R M Wade, of Salem, who has a branch store in Albany, Is worth a million dollars. As Mr Wade only pays taxes In Marion county on $10,000 to $15,000 It U safe to say there Is a mistake somewhere. 1 here is a report of a fistic encounter last night at a Salem saloon between T B McNary and I B llaumasier, representing the sporting columns of the Sai Francisco Examiner. The Oregon boy broke a Sew fingers on the California heavyweight and Jim Corbetf s trainer, bu, two rounds were sufficient to demonstrate his prowess and left the golden state pugilist complete I v outside of the profession. Salem jour nal. About a year ago the Democrat re marked about Albany doing a $35,000 business on a $16,000 income. The result is the present era of economy and retrench ment lhe city is tactng a warrant in debtedness of nearly $20,000 athich must be paid, beside the current expenses. It will taae good financiering. The general opinion seems to be that by good arrange ment 16 electric lights can be made to do the work orkand ,hat the city can afford fite It fork. Some of the lights might a m.inth tv-rlt. borne ol the lights mtgbl oe shut on at midnight, ana arrangement made on that basis. As the orrsent con- tract does not expire until July 1st It looks as II the program will be 9 arc lights at , 2"J Ji.iVioTt.o gh ! contract can be made for i6atio. . ........ , ,, . 0 . statement ini ceiiatur .?ua man ayumv w the same effect. The following from a California paper j if-df-fT Arve.lrel hits Oregon also: The county divist n , , , . . disease has broken out like measles all I Paws, an 29. -Several anarchists were over the state, but it is only skin deep j arrested last night, and this morning I stolen explosives were found in their possession. The police believe that they Counting up his salary and all bis al- nave arrested tbe men who placed the in lowancee for expenses. President Har ' fernal machine resembling a saucepan rison will have received from tbe govern before tbe office of Carmaus Mining Co. snoot exactly 1376,800 when ha shall November 8. The infernal machine was have retired from the White house on taken to the commissariat of police in the March nest. j Rue dee Bens Infant, where it exploded with a terrific effect. It costs about $12,000 to get the votes of the electorsl college carried 10 Washington k. . .1 .... S.'k .W. mm turn wtT, loeM m . Mee, Mfe ln th ,KC I HIHU 11.. 4 .. IVI,".U iw ,c ; presidents room. This sate has been spec tally provided with detective electric sppar- pounds. Mitchell was to stop the little stui. The dsy of the count by congress tbe fellow in 10 rounds. He overtook Kelly 00 returns ate carried to the bouss la s pair of : the eighth round. The 'Spider' was knock -well locked cherry-wood boxes. ed cold when Mitchell finally landed. A Lebanon man who came from that city .. a IJrco"un "f;" ,nV 11 " rocclrae w Medford. has been soidby Messrs Honey tae city council held there last night a prop- j . n-u.t as.. -: . u. c is Mnr lantt I ' I c in, I rhinun i r-. . t : , . - ' . . . - mao was joking; but we give I! for all ti is ; worth, though tb very mention ot street lamps males ooe smrer, ano it is cool eeoogn rd'- The .Ashland Racer,, wrl that W T Leeks, of tha Indian dspsrtsnsnt call our stunt ion to the aooronriat ion Uw af Julv, 1893, which placed tha Indian agencies ol the United State in the war dpartmnt to ba fllsd fcy srsT officer. 1 m ; --- S"-"i , ""Ps m wa noass j "S " "-Jfi e ''ZL' , ;ju iK- f .-TIL 'oinno L S pointisf a civilian. The smallest paper on tbs coast, the iT"" -r' Pooinaa in Aiaseaa vo. C'. "as reached u It is 10,4x6,11 ! inchsai; bat is fall of snsp. Th. editor , . w ara . hj h M tim4 , thi. on. horse town pabliahiag a paper. ""d if 'h, -'if lei o. out o, this j rraPe I l i : a i.i , . i ... . j vf, month, oM w, bri m0I, fon to the square inch than a paper of that many years. We've concladsd to do and aar what wa nlaaaa arson if brick bomw tumble, on us tbsnsat mm . , .... . j ttor Tueadav . woipan in Nile. COmnsncsd suit against ,jr !,De'' ThnrsrJsy the people of Centsrvills bsgsn s boyeot against ns. Th V rtnri mmvm - '.TK mhvA.AM - "rTi -. li-vlZl'lTl we v.www a wuuij urn w I avquin rwy counter is mootine with mnrlVf.., ft boat the most meritorious of sll the eoanty dirison scheme, and set ic likely io eacceeo - as a mattei ol tact Ben- j vvuai; uvue iw uirajw m popaia- j l'on now. .. ,. ' . . . . nnor'v PS the climax by refusing I u JJ 'n cannon, on,- UI""UU u"7- ners w nu users : .o Pr,i,on will be given to use the state 1 cnnon 'or wlnU over the In - augu ration of s Wall street plutocrat aa presidsnt of the United State." For childishness this bests the record. Mo president has been farther from s W.n street platocra' than Cleveland Mr Pennoyer ebon Id study hi. dictionary. The Portland Diavatcb says: The bar bers ol this city hsv sent to Senator V eod ward for i.troducing in 'h leghtlature, a kill providing for the closing of barbershops in the slate 00 Sands ts They say that other business places arc closed bv law so (hat Sunday can o enjoyed as a dsy of rest, aad they woold like the some privilege forced on them. They claim that people can be shav en at well onJSalurday a any other day, aad seven days la the week .re too many to work . It is undsrstood that tha cheap barbers sre opposed to thi measure. A correspondent of tbs Ochoco Review tolls of s dance st Fsolknsrville in tbe following interesting manner : The "Ob server" attended the dance at Faalkn.r vi'le. It was s grand success both fin ancially and physicislly, for I went through on main strength snd awkward ness. A fins snppsr of raw oysters snd cracker wa served st sundown, snd an other consisting of the choisest viand, was served at midnight. Some of the boys got too hilarieu and wars locked op In the henbouie and fined $2.5o each. All had a good time, especially those who were in the h?nbouse. beo Babv waa sics. wr- j; her Csstorta A'hen e.hei vta a ChHd. she ei led for (lastorU Then kIm he -line Miau, lif ctnne tr Paatorta fheo nhs baii .'hllilren. he ease them Caatoria. Great reduction in Aertnotur wind mills for Doceinoer. See the aent, vV W Craw ford. The hncut line of pocket knives in tk. rity at Stewart ft Box's. Stew trt & Sett silttthsjvory bait fat. 1 hears a id scissors. A log cairn made of gam attrao's coo sidetable attention at Mueller's. Bee it Remember tbat F L Damoot does gasr ontie lit, snd sews possible coming rips in olothiog bought of his store. Oy.rcost sold at coal until Christmas. Will ft Stark, the One Small Olio Bean every night for a arouse Torpid Livers, see. per bottks, A Urge stock of pruning shears and prun ns h.oas. tbs best made, iuat reiaiver! st Stewart ft Sot's. Now is :ths tlais to as. hem Am iv sVOsrw, Rnlrt-tala. 8)i f ,s ngtoo asreet. rortiaod, Ur. 8hiloh's,'Cure, th. grest cough snd croup core, is for sale by as, Poeket size contain twenty -five doer,oaly25. Children lova it Fosbay ft Mason, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Time to Drop It. New York. Jan 29 At Calvary Bap tist church this evening, the Rev Or Mc- Arihtir, in the course of bis address on Blaine, referred to the Hun haul "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" incident, saying he thought Buichard deliberately uttered the words with intent to injure Blaine s cause. Mi-Arthur said nothing further from the truth. Uurchard did not know up to five minutes before that he was to speak, li had been arranged that Dr Ar- uiitaee should sneak, but at the last min ute the committee was notified that he was (letul-ed m Philadelphia, and Burchord was called upon. A ratal roostlag AeeMestl Tacom a. Jan 18. Ce!ia Sorensen, aged 15 years, died today from pentonites caused bv injuries received while coasting on Twenty-fifth street Friday night. She and her sister were coasting down the street when their sled struck some obstacle on the sidewalk, throwing them off. But little was thought of the matter at the, time, as she did not appear to be very badly hurt. Very Deep Snow Odessa. Jan 29 Enormous quantities of snow have fallen in the alley of the Dneiper in the Cimea and other parts of southern Russia. In the valley ol the Uneioer tha mioh is on a level with the house tana. In one nrO ince 100,009 sheep have been killed. No trains are running in the North Crimea. The nan alias Halter Washington. Jan 29. A close friend of I the president says tonight that he is not in J faT( tbe ac,,uisitien "J ,ho L.nitd Siatm it g) territory bv tlw, n:t-I c,ta feW j, .erxerated bv , -v,:. .ill l . dnmnnor on th. 1 1 n :: . j Souator Morgan makes no secret of bis , (lesire to ojaa-e in the request of tbe committee and annex the uJands. More ; .iificant even than this, however, is the hhi r ui nun uimu m... v. jt . . . -. Dtahir She Wrlshl Cakbox, Wyo. Jan 29. A novel prize fight for a purse of tnO occurred here last night. It wa between lan Mitchell. i pounds, sail 'Spider' Kelly, of Nevada. 95 A allrswd Soldi Pobtlasd, Jan :il. Tbe Rogue River sanaa ' BbSbbbbbI K tvlnea.'ss T is I al SSiSi STlHal ataa.l I Saa liassa, wutvu vvu.rv vao f ewe. SaPas l sajssaj swssaal i ibataer . s capitalut. pronsllienUy inter- Kennewick irriiration canal. i ai a meeting ot me director ot saw roan j .,j w- iliaw mUMmA .. . . . . . . . . . A T , .1 " 1 . I 1 - prvjaident. in the place of Mr Honeyman, ij l;. it. 1 v 1 ,ii, I elected vies bresident and general manager j in the place of Sir Ik-Hart. It is the in tention of the pinxhaser to extend the road an early day aome g miles east toto he ! P the bed waters of the Hague and Butte rivers. Iimx5, Jan 30. The international scuUtnar sculling race between George Bnbesr. the Kniriish oarsman, anu tieorsre Hosnter. of Boston KfUi 2 K BaWaTwho d,f.ei h.s opvaonent "V aont Sve lengths lne coorss was from to ficartlake. a dirtance of about 4l miles. The race was for tbe champianship of rjigiand. the sportsman chsllenge cap and stakes of . a..- Before aseasH i . Lr" 3?"1V If, M)J i boo- began the foorth week of the present t'JT bUt d f J'S f, deadlock and the 37th and 38th ballots. , After the names of thosw abaent and sot voting had been recorded the reporters rnarked up the resnlt on the roll call javt a 'bey have been dotnsr for a tree, and 1" the roll was finally called there were nn oaew in ka mA , ahw SsIIm sW J hiul maAed in advance. . i Talk Akoert t leveiaad New Tors' Jan 30. A morning paper quotes a New York democrat of Tttwrnsl rwDotaiion. with whom CWtoImhI tadkd t 1. 1 . -1. ...4 ki. ..I. IL.A "-'-"- v - (.ieveiana IOOK OH tne Silver ISSnje il UH i-,i;.; ! tbe tariff, and to be the first rnattv se4ried , bv his administration. Mr Cleveland con- siders tbe Sherman act a pen! to the country, ana tnat it roust oe ispeaiea oe- J fore anything els is done. sswaHo SleUrr i ... , Wasbixgtox. Jsn 30.-In the senate, i Chandler of New Hampshire effered a res-iiut ion renueartinir toe president to enter . into Pegotiation with the provisional gov - j ernment of Hasraii for tbs admission of the island as a territory, and to lay tbe matter before congress for ratification by legislation. White, aero, ot Louuiana, objected to immediate consideration, and it went over until tomorrow. A Weamaa ToSost SWrs BuafAtu a. K D, Jan 30. In the legis lature today. Mrs MK'ormack. wife of Senator Met 'or mack, was given 90 votes tor senator as a compliment. Mrs Muir. the wife of tbe populist candidate, and Mrs Kisenbnth. superintendent of public instruction, also received one vote each. Casey received 35 votes, and 'ha others were scattering. Salem Jan 81. Sylvester and Benjamin Whipple, aged 12 and 16 years, respectively were arrested thi evening for placing ob structions on a railway track. Upon being taken before the justice of the peace., 'fniali fines were assessed. January 3jtbe boys placed rocks and ties on tbe W oodburn Springhe d branch of the Southern 'Parine near tbaw. Marion county. The boys did it for fun. but, fortunately, a section .boss discovered and removed the obstruction be fore tbe train passed. The boys pleaded guilty to the crime. The older one goasto tbe county jail 90 days and the younger one 12 days. Cold al Walls Walla Walla Wau,a. Wath. Jan 31. This waa tbe coldest day of the season. At 4 A M the therroatneter at the weather bureau registered 5 below xero, and at 9 a in res? is tered 9 below. During tbe day a brisk breeze waa blowing, and the thermometer ftood at 6 below. At 7 o'clock thi evening tbe wind blew attong frrm the east. Tbe now is about four inches deep. A Terrible K perlenre II mih itti. Jsn .31. For 16 days ihree sailors, rescued from the Noiwegian ship I'hekla. subsisted on human flesh. The three strangled their fourth companion and lived on raw strip of meat cut from his :orpas. f rom the time 01 rescue unui today the three unfortunates have been insane frcm their sufferings in tbe ria-ging of the foundering ship. Montoonkkt, Ala. Jan 31. The house ha passed a bill prohibiting tae sale or giving away or otherwise disposing of cigarettes, cigarette tobacco and cigarette paper, in Alabama. It imposes a fine of noi less than i0 or more than t&O, and imprisonment or sentence to bard labor for not lea than 30 days, for violation of its provision. Tlie bill also prohibits the smoking of cigarettes in any public place. A General Base. St Paul, Jan 31. A blixzard raged all over tbs northwest last night and today, and is still at it. There was a driving now storm over St Paul during the morn ing. The wind blew at the rate of 20 miles an hour, driving clouds of snow before it. The reports from the northwest are meager at the weather bureau, owing to the prostration of wires. Those received how some peculiar freaks of the weather. .... . ..... t . .IT I At 0 0 ciock wis morning at n it-nil 11 was 48 below zero, while at Missoula, a little over 100 miles north, it was i0 above. i OK RENT.-ihaTre building en my premiss on Bresdsibis street. bnitabls fcr rssldsncs fbr smsi family, L VlbRnCK Culldren of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Altootia, Pa, Boiler Both Had i Eczema In Its Worst Form -awttaw--' After Phyticlans - Va lied, Hood' Saraaparllla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is"' endured Ly parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the dis eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents : " To C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. s "Wo think Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most valuable medicine on the market for blood and skin diseases. Our two children suffered terri bly with the Worst Form of Eczema for two years. We bad three physlelans la that time, but neither of them succeeded In euruw them or even la giving them a lllUu relief. At last we tried llootTs Sarsaparilla and la a month both children were per fectly cwswsl. We recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as a standard family medicine, and would not be without It." Us. and Mas. M. al. Solleu, ISIS 2nd Avenue. Alloooa. 1'a- Hooo'S Pills uw tu. Dswusiiia. sSIUnsnsss osloAU, sick bosdaelis. IsditMUac . Caveats, cod Trade-Marks obtained, and H Pu- J oat lieaiini 1 eood uctoi for ssooco arc Fees. Ou Omci is OwoSiTl U S. HaTf rr OTtet tnd we can secure pelcet in icu mac lUiaseJ remote (mm Waasusanoa. i ,1 mwM ltr,Wtn or OAOtO Wi'.B deStlttVC jtloa. Wo odnsm, U pstseitahte or not. tree otj coerce. Oar too not doe ttu potent is ecttrea. a aor.irr. "How io Obtain Pautas,'' m nS'lWtii toe 5. S. and sasstas woairssi. scot free. Address, i C.A.SNOW&CO.: Or, ptmrrOmci. wsnioToi O. C. i LINE RUXXIXG THROUGH DAILY lavtig PorllUwe S:45 1. 1. 7M P. JL DLY3 TO af " II IaP t tf 1 tfls V II I V All V fil ONLY Urn TK 3 7 1. a. . . . a. . olet snth the elevk of acd c:rt, o or hef -we Heirs Qaifkcr to .St. Paul, th. ay t the :,SB ;r term TJua 2S loirs Qurker to Chifaf. i Z.L'T f !h" TT" a a as a , a J a . tor an ccttccctive wreke towit. Moadsv. 4t Mirx QiRitr U Oaaba tad theGthd.r March, im-. dy0i J; KlISlK f iff o-Hifiea hat i! ya fail to apprar aod aoawer sxwssasw VUJ. j ai ewasssasassst, aa tereSv req ired.-.hs plain- DINING CARS. UX'A-- ord i.rectioe the sat. of a i certain frame bui di-owned bv the defeod For 'atesand genets! Informtlioo cai aot. on the weateexl 1 lot 12, in block 3 m en or address Sotu a. Orvcm. Wnibv-', ni. W H HCRLBCRT.Am.Gcn I. Pas. Agt, ... VI-..H,-.. .. " Post TLA si as. Oa aoos 43 sold in 'ti 2,288 soia in 89 6,?68old inJ90 20,049 sold in '9! fsaaal ; Tosoar every 3 rv'nsrtea. C j" Ttsooo te.l tt-e story of trs eve. -trowi rag, vee-aoiaet, .sennit .rax Srwai Aermcier. sVnar Oa sis maw la m. 01 1 ii Oaa wawoawessswess wiaav aaae 'rSmSiTtSlV S...i aaHsa S SSSS iSaamlaear at Ite na!.0. ik,i t-- I. uniacbt. m pa, irwai a.m -Maiaalrttt fiawa-f vhSsSfwaaSM aa owaaaansft u t-as t r--.-'-.i I. -il W a sm. a; most perfect ooortngs s 2 ri i lata. it.-. -..- ras aa ahaustlv r 3 atsjton of trio Aormotor omS Vomers. ill auaj aj. ninl fllSII'T w-rirrCI aai ta i ... i Teeaftafte,ie na-. I. yutleiH 2 V W CRAWFORD, Agent. Tallman, Or.'lieaapaiMi em iiuv.uiii A Sllld - 3.411 ANU I li Hi wav J a law OWX -pens; trt aa. stlletjeaeirisj -.(-nS j ty farad paaiirejiano Mini j.Sae eJta atB u Sii:iv; u 1 Sb e (tue iiSuiposJxe jo i 'jSiij j w lllrf M3AI1 AMI! 9 dn Suitind wanefet) ini aaasasr -oC auB..4 tmx -JtI sS II 9 m zrm nW ,U J..!;H3l.WJ w 4afSft4si t(4 -af j vtv ttiiwwdw ELECTRtO BELT UnfTPATtHtl trr RitTso- BEST IMPR8VEMEKTI, OMsjinii swKMIIIT Will ear WtikMi roassSa rraa T latheralia rtrtaaaoea f Srars, o Si ! fcaaaa. r ih tlllr, ileeV Uvr ul i:iu, mmmB Ul Aaaal iraeH, imimi, ii ,i, Cl.'JTsi?' I ai silMWaraf UumNmat tf i ms saaa la tuaiii, ia . ,a -teger w mm M,s, as em mi a b g Ui tMJum r ? TSaoaiat, ken tir ,t k, iki, ,r. Wi lTrtll (Vr all !, face ,nt , ! ku ar,a r i..m mki. la tki aa vrv at 0ra.aer1 lirisr. SLSITBII Si SrSSSORY, ih etol..l k.o ,r.r ,tt,r,t aval ...lHH all. R(l T n iori, aa aires a ISkw NS. I first .. Ml in. FOSHAY MASON sittauts an astaia ' Draggisteftnd Booksellers Agei.ta for John B, AldSD's publlrattoM i hich we sell at pnblisssr's prices witl aUjteaddfK' AiBABT OHfitlUt 30,000 '92WtJ a mn mi rnoeoeCo. uatsi ;arafmiav " 2SH 111 mo or comiMr.eel ? u rtY II llll OaeeSat Ma .!?-- 3 a. I . " fl lljl It " T" w ff i - . ! "fi I VPoa..aSaaaiirwwaaV. j i.ja ' -.-.?.. jcJThw. a M I I 11 "oTour Iwvewirsora?.''0 t I PjrtyWl m M-J - . vVl 1 1 ass ejaawaa.i-1: 5 JB9Bf7 ' ' teepersorrbaasSaB I. IA Ralkl swaiBkaasBr : j SJgUSE? s:y .. a-rreaksal ' TliWfriBIr -SjMvTaaSiSrt S 8 WEW ' - cures in a few day sssssMwttBtlheaSa or pablicty of a SasHSaMtasasaasssw eiat 11 pr ya a aaWlaan -"" Kos ooiaoaffo acd ( aaa.asawa. au. rrr, ijl awi .al af S g j . suatsnteed eel to i-ictcra- aa-Sai ttaiawiwuiaiaiwiaa. friKaii iuox el wattaaasm re ri.-ew,' - , w, M.anaaweTaaStaaraw.a.-aiOcu Wlw.ia. J fjaBBSBn ' " ' , , . rM. a, la Oa luisa win. M aa aw aaae s aaasnBBBB. Tlarn'crrareJ tr ssaaiaaasSBB uw. taaa. aa law iWitaal yaaaka. Tts a S DsaBk. Tit KVaa PS,----' leaaal treretaatlona provoo that tna power of g o sH. " lnxs l"a'-" u ssaaaP Use bolt wlrid wbeals couW be doubled, 5 J VHkv c ss o. JKU and tbe SgRMOTOR daily dornonstratas E-HnwV - a. 4$WR a.wmaSf,riuiina'r,.tair.,i: 5 . SaswfSHIHWHflSaBBSa ..o Sal a aiiiaaafcw e ae Barti Sao, .ui ai E K '. t- TWtoAU BBSaayaW . o I 1anrialu.VMIiatm,muaiiiniinMi.zM TV a j a.i-i,tbiiuiiwiti-uiMBa.vL(Sa T . rlllaw (TS.-Sse-l irn..a.iirTCTal Oev. wfi A 1 111 aar. .rliJ. em PW ". laea a a SSf' I aaa aa. tSal On Ike S Una i TV a, llof . uaawir liwimli I reuua wiHii.aj ... C 1 11 Sil ererr aaiHtaSfa ttfl -t altJakl cjar-rjelty " C Jl "Ml I " svsss . ; FI! fj u.i eskT ae v-t. IM , NEW ADVERTISEMENT ft. WANTKD-Ptmhlosr Canvasser of good address. Liberal salary add ox tMM rsid weekly, Permanent pcsl lion. HKU'.VN OSfill Ni,n,.n-,.n Portion.! Or;;on. j 1 . t-.etvfft.ii LeLsaor JLi ' u Ma'.ur'.ay Inst on Toll i. so, yxi'ti Ii.od uri oaa.i'1 iibsny rain or at fir . nftr-fiii ltd thrct- llllke. k-lj. ajiri l h- r i :,M feli. w otttblecno, Will reward ilbortlly '11 me ruu.'n OS sow rin M N. on-. Ail any, Or. fORHALEi.r.e In; ' Host tandarrl Ilre.i t'ljc,''a!e Malllrn. Kive JfHT It'll rear I01ba. In fine Price 4CO. Aditum V I, Ytw I'ark, isaieni eoiidllkn Richards ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. na a i t aisK, Two Hights Only and Grand Mitiaee snd three of the greatest performances in your city's amusement hlstoiy: Friday, Februar y id , THE COMPLKTR ttUtlT TBKATER will appear in rred Marsden's greatest laughing success, in 4 ads, entitled, "Ml'WBlvJ." Complications ani! entanglements supreme Saturday Evening, Feb. 4th, lonn n otevcr, s sasass .v t ork success, In 4 acts, en'ltled, "Wife for Wife." Prices, 2JCU., soc'.s and T$cts. Saturday Maine-. "THE BANKE UAL'G'ITER j5 snd o cer,. Seats reserved at usual ,-ice. FARMERS, ATrEXTlOX WACQ - HACK, 3UGGY CART PLOW, HARROW.DBILL SEED- ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Imt'emcn: or Ve hicle, call on or address. B. F. RAMP, Oppcslte Post OOVe Albaat.Or. SUMIfONS. toeleuntgo, Lorn: S M E ia PlsiotiC T, ' Uart U- !e rvf-l.. atari aio.jee, utieodsct S to Mart Uclleo, ite shore oaroed defend- , aocr Dpu4 Uerecd M THK NAME OF THK STATE OF 0'b. are berths r quire-.. p i V aaswsr the ccaiplaiot of the shove I claintiff, ta to aUve eatitled c-.orr. r,w o j thrla. alt attached a th property of Use dtfrndant ka,i " - - . . . -. oy Tier t t tae txaaorabie IN, IZliZTL. T..T "1""- , ta day of rewsber. I S9i IVuintsrsso A ClaaTaUaAADt, I Attorneys for Plaintiff i STOCK aby :-: Buggies I ' ' " best aswrt ment ever brought to Albaef iu' rrrri ca.4 4 - Sox's. Trim 4n. sW is " 9 gTL w ss W. , I aaa as aw. La UUUGLAS aeaaaw TT.TT gj). SHOE MOT RIP unmm. ew awu .a. " W. L. Douglas abowo are ecld ovwrywbeSet Everybody sboold wrsar than, n las dory yon os yooreeU to i ret ; tho boat -lo tor yooi my rsreirOTmlsotoyoarSooiw-. pstrobaalng W. L. Douglas Shoos.whiob - . mm ian . .ill, a, law vwttlssa above), as thou sands cam Si- Take No Substitute. -Boyrar of freed. Ken tannine without W L. V. L. Deuglsis, Brockton, Mas. Boed by -8;V-L. E. BTdAll. Red CrownMills ISOM & LANNING, PROPRIETORS. tw raocsas vlocs seriauoK vok ramus AKD BAKBM8 VSS FRAZER BEST IX TUE WORLD. e wear tug ouaJitiaaare onaurpaaaiHl, actually tarUaattnir two bexoa of any other brand. Mas Soctod by fakt. iriit.T TIIKClVinR FOR SALE UrilEALERaOKXERtLLr. gaaa F OR SALE A Dsnisstle sewing ma- chine, nearly new wllh all attach. menu, for sal ft $25. Call at Mrs Ray monda, ith anu Tnurston street Albany Oregon, " L : m hi tmr c a -SasVsaasssW a BSJ s. r a AO"! I SUMMONS. In Out Oireuit Court of th State oj Oregon for tie County of Lane. Charles T Craft, Henry Cyras and J H Peety, Plaintiffs, va Jacob Idgerwood and KU rnira l-dgt-rfco- d, bis wife, (i L Campbell and A A Camp - bel , his wife, IiefendaDta. To Jacob Leigerwcod. Elmlra Iidgtr wood, U L Cempboll and A A Camp' bell, vhe above named Defendants. TNTUK NAME OP THE STATE OP I Ore -on. vou and each of von are :i!-re!y rtotureu t app-ar an i staswi r th- cixnp'.aiiit of the boots plaintiff. In tbe above ectit'ed on fi e with ttie clet . of said court, by the nt dsy cf uie next regular u-rm or ssid court roi 'owiua; t'i" expiration of the tijae pieKrlbed In tho odor of publication nsreo'. town, Xoaday, Use I3ih day of Mare. r, I SOS a:. a yoa ar i-et' tiy notmed that if vou fell to apixiavr and ans wer said cmplnint u rfcfju.rou, irs niainuns wi t apply lithe court 'o tbe-relief piayed for towit : lor a dec 'etc foreclosing tbe mo-tgageof tne p:atntifr In lb complaint menttoi.el and directing t e aa'e of tbe real propsily described therein os failowo towit'. 'i he east ba! I of tbe donation land claim of William Cyrus and Mary Aon Cyrna, bi wi'e, being Hot 633. in see I end SB, ,) l, s K 1 vv e.t. and sees 0 and 31, tp 10 and 11,81(1 East, Linn count. Oregon; alto the weot ba:f of tbe donation Cyrus, being Not 533. ec 1 and 3of tp 10 aod II, I R I West, Linn I -4 4 in sec 1 tp II SKI wasi; lot 4 and 5 of e H tii 8 111 wast. I Inn mnnit Oregon, containing 96 acres; efl w" the E i E Mclnincb donation lan i e aim eat a-rd north of Cntbtroe croak in aac I, tp 11. 8 K 1 vscwt.L'nn ect,nty,uragou. conuining SO acr,- ; also Io'js 3 and 4. c.f ec 6. to 11, HR I East, eont dniog 31.67 acre; all of , the Andrew J James and wife - onatlon ; land claim, oituete in hoc 6. tp 11. R 1 L.tno oounty, (rrgon, tzoeptmg taasTSfrSHI I2i acr i a off of tbe east ai le of tbe last described tra-t, enntairiog I aerca; lot No 1 ofses 31 tp 10 SKI Eat of lb W.l stta Meridian coniaioina ' 3417 acre Bawinniaz 01 thi wett 'ouudary iino ofMje city cf tcio 7 J& chsj'u vutti and 5.32 chsiis east of the ., r hwurt c.raer of the n on beast qaarter ! of s- ciion 18 la tp 10 S IU wesu, and - t baee we". 19 74 chains to a petit lzS seat eeut pf 'he canter of tbe 'ad uek. thence oo jth 3 degrees wast parallel with Use i i nuir o track 2 39 chains, henc notuli S3 degrees eat haiasa, thanes east 12.51 ehains to a e0!"..30 fc Ur 1 "5:- - - . Ur ' taJO a.jr sum CJSJ UIWIDP IsUnO .a.lA rlrw.Jlsvie-.lai 3.M cfai.,.fJ.n. cwrtn 2 ot 3halos to l bo place of begin '.log. cntainiog .U.aO svie. Beginning lOcriaun purthan.l 16 05 taasaSj east ot tbe 1 athmrs eoroer of sectioo 17. tp 10, 5 II I I wcat cf tbe Widametto Merviiao, L'r-' orracty, Orctrsa ; resaiag tbecce north 48 86 chains to the ee trr of tht oooaty rood, . tbxiice north S5 degrees cast aJottg said .snoty roid 17.75 ssaaasa, thence eoath 40 chaitr. tbecce west 13.75 chaiar, thence .' aoath 10 chaice, thacee west 3 95 chaaci to tec place of acgusciog, eouiauEic; 74 88 seres Tbe Berth west qaarter of the nortb- ) east qaarter cf sectioo 36. tp 10, AB.1 west. j oooiaoaiBg 40 sjts; tot Xo 3 of acetim 1, tp ' 10. S R 1 e-t, cuauiemg 10 acres: 1 :a 1 2 of sistiea 1. in to 11. S E 1 went. A f of said real uow U lhe ani beiae in Ijcd court , Orei-oo. That tbe proceeds thereof avplid brat, to tbe bayssc-nt of the cet ' ,d diOsiusemesiU .f this ooit, aid the meet of the ram rffttXMO with mterssst tbesroo al tee rale of ten per cent p?r aa- nasafrom January 1st, I89I,lsaa t00 00 p-sd Jaoeiary L IS92, end $105 00 pid January i. to Ibt, plia.utf,. sod tha ewewplos U M? dtiemdmitm. aod that lb. dlrrA,D.t b r,rd acd fwsriosed of all twla ,.t ta , ..iJj iYrTS" rZur r- ra-r, nssusben oy orar of Hon Ooo H Bcrcett, Judge -f oti evMirt, made at Chsmber, to thecits o.'.Um, Orejtoc, tf date Jaooary 19ta, 1S9X W Ej.niCBFci.e CHAEiArs. Att'js for P ffa, SHERIFFS .All. (Ae Circuit Court of Ol Stste o C : Limn Count f. Joseph I (a ark la. P'.amtuT Pe vs er Bear, DefndanL si OTICK IS HEREBY OI EN THAT by virtu, of an execution and order fM srf dm. issoed oat of tbe above wwirt ;n the above- entitled action IO me directed and delivered. I will on Mb day of ri ssnrs, at tb front door of the court bona., to tbe city of Albany, I -inn eonsty. O reran. m tne nour ot one ot oca p mot stud la ... ... . - Kru at poo.ic socuoi ror casa in nan l to he h.aheat bidder, all tbe r eht. title end n.ret of th aaor named defendant ba and to tbs, rl rrstaorty in said exaca- awB so-i or ler of at dssei i bed aafcajlosrs t"!!: Tbe doaatioa land claiui of iwn - Bear, It betas t etiolation No 2241 and claim No 41 in tp 12. R 4 west, aad claim No 48 in tp IS, S R 4 west, contain ' ! ins S44la acrss la Linn ounty Oregon, le-s 41 acraa hereco-'ore sold th-refroiu. The proceeds anting from tbs sab of said I ' rati property to be applied first, to tbe! ! cos., of and upon a id execution, aad the f I cost, aad disbarsemenU f the ahoT ' ecUtied action taxed at r SO: second, to I be payment of tbe paint fls r-'airas as I dlows: Tbs sum of ft li 6 sua interest thervou at tbe ra' of ion pr oent per i annoos from tbs SsHh dav ! October. I S91, and tie further sum of $!9.'. w th i u real loerocra au srif rate o a prrreoi per tanum from tb 29th day of tctolr ncea asteBoac. in ana tote real iso' t property in sw.t.1 xecaiion and order of bated this Snd dav of January. 1SSH. ssUlecribed fiilows towie Tb do C C J A CKsoN ' at km land c aim of Owes Bear, it being hr!fff Unnoouotv, 'ongea'otcoa No S40 .rd claim So 41 tt tp 12. S R 4 woat, mad 'aim No 48 la tp . , IS S R 4 west, eontairing 644.S acres in 1 linn eonnfr. Oreo-. -in laxa SI aM hap - OB SALE II ' r.GAlN. A model 17 stevue sundry for sals, capaciiy In ! wash depart otient t50 per day; for 2 bands iccstsd in Central Albsry.ou Snd and Montgomery street. I wish ta on gsge in other bdlne. Will sell cheap J f SMITH, Proprietor SUMMONS. i In tit Circuit Court of tie State aOr mr Linn countr. Mi: tie Boiio, PlaiotiiT, Win E Bollo, Defendant. To Wm K Bo.i -.the above named defendant. N THK NAME OF THS STATE OF i Oregon, vou are hereby req aired to SB- SS aod answer the cjmuluat if nlairt.rT sew oa file against yon in th. above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next , ... : , paanlae iaevn of t k., mmii! f.-u- Ii . ct Oregon, f-ir Linn ooonty, to-be holden on the second Monday; the 13th day ot March, A 1), 1S93, aod il yoa fail to answer for want toeiwof tha said plaintiff will take judg ment acainar oo for a dissolution ot tue ' tnarnasTo oontraot now t xiating between plsintffand defendant snd f. i the care and ou-todv of the minor clii.'d, and for costs ! and duharmenta of this salt. 1 his summi'iis la pnblishfd b II SMet ' -e HlW 15 11 Burnett,,lo-lv-e of s.i,l coorr made at Chambers on the SO diy of January A 0. 1S93 WUITNEV, Atty for Plff. STOCK HOLDER'S MEETIH6. XX OTICK 18 HEREBY SITES THAT a- the snnnsl nisrting of tbe stock holder of th Albany BnlTding and Loan Asaneiloflon wlil bo held on Fridav Fsbrnaiy 17th. IMS, st the hurof7:St) p bu of salo Soy. in tb Bank or Oiagon in albsny, Unn eo'.inty, Oregon for ths purp -.e of .leetlng nine directors snd thres snditors. Io ssrye fsr the term of one year next nsalng from ssid mesting and est 1 tbstr snses-sers are elected and qnalil.d, and to Irnaaast suck othr business ss may ;oas before the sssocia lion Poss by order of astd ssssclatloo this lTth day of January, UK. CH SHEW ART, JAY. W BLAIM, Presideat. Secretary. : ESTRAY NOTICE. Strsjed from my place, near Peoria, threo head of four or five year old cattl. 1 dehorned and some branded with letter P on bin and with j or w on right hip, .hey were brough: from af Payne's farm near Reek Hill. Reward to any one who will 1st me know of their where, abotita L SENDERS. Albany, Or N OTIC E. I hereby give notice tbat Usm Lee snd .11 parses moat look to him lor their psy as I wl 1 not be responsible for his debts: sing Mra SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the Slate j Oregon f o A D Horner, Plaintiff, vs Harvy Ward, Defendant. To Harvey Ward, the ar ovnn.nvrf eetssjc- ant: THKNAMK OK THK i-.TATK OP 1 o Oregon, oo ate htitl.y roiitd la au pear sod aaswer tbe corr.plair c r.f ir.e o'.iij - till Hied against yoa io tbe m;-.-1. d cause, on or before tbe first dsy 'f tbe r.ext regoUr term o! said ecort, which sd Urw U to be began sod held on rhs I3tb day of March, 1893, at the court bouse io tbe city of Albany, Lion county. Oregon; and yea are farther notified t not if yen tail to appear aod answer said complaint ae hereby re paired, for wont thereof, the said plaintiff will apply to the asid court for the relief prayr d lor in his raid complaint, which is aa follows: First. Pur a j ademeot aod decree agaioft yoa for tbe earn of $400 in Uoited State gold coin with interest tbereoo in like gold coia ot toe rate of ten per cent per annum from the second day of Hpt ember, 1891, until paid, sad tor the further no of f 60 attorosye foe, and for the cist sad disbars -nreots of this rait. Second. For a decree of said eoart fore cloaiqg the mortgage cxecsted by job to favor of T '".tiffoo the reeoad day t September, 1391, est the following dnecribej Unc cf lead, t"wil; The jortheat qatrter cf the ' ,nth ? ".T ,nVT P !' . , three east of Will. i Mer- in was eoaoty, Oreeon. cooUioioz I'jrzy seroSL sad direeueg aii law! tobe sold M UV provided asti the prcce -da thereof af piici to tbe pj ment ot tbe uont and ez peoi of makieg sach ea'e. $GP t'..rne a fee, aod the pat meet of 40) U O S gold solo doe og the ateiaedno in this sait.aod taterut on said so o 9400 from he i scawsl de) ol Sei leVOI, io I kt o'..l eoia at tbe rate of ten per cu" . rr a'.nnm till pui. and that the nrplca, :f aoy, ' n l i o -n sans as the ecu's may neaiai. lbir.l. Tost yoa ni oli uvh-sr 3iro t? 2? 1 ;thro,3'h fcm:hebtVlir i rrred eod iorccjaad ot any snd all rlh;, : uU " otareat. or q:ity of redemption is " J nia r' p-operty or aay pert tfcereot. ' Foorth. That if toe proceeds of tho sale ' of said presniaes be cot mffic-set t to psy sad ', satisfy the claim of nlaiotiff together with i ail eatus and diibu.-oea&eota and a reasonable attorney's fee fcr eocteiecrine thia aait, that tbe plaintiff hare a p raossJ jodLrssent rgs"- y. c for tbe d-ficieecy a;d ifcat txecntioa tberefor h. For sack r-ther sad further relief I a le. .t ; Uaseet eqrcity 10 the p emiea. This sammoca is served by twMiesticm in tbe ftTArr. Eights Daatocxar bv order of Ho Geo H Bornett. Jadge of said eoart, ds- td a Chaiobers us tit city of Sales, Or goc, oa the 24: fc day nf Jaco-.ry, 1 W3. W R B1LYEU, A: for PlaiitiaT. CiTATiCM. lie Ccwktr Cemrl of Linn Comely. the State Ore- In th" matter of the eatate cf J S He t Kechnie, dsnsosod To the h sirs known sod or. known, sd to ail atatsra inu-rooted in that above named sssuto Greeting: T 1HE x ME OF THE STATE OF the state ofOrswon, for the eoanty of Uons! the eort rocm Usereof,! Aibanv. j in '.be eoanty of Linn, on Monday, tn th day of March, 1883, at 1 o'clock in xhe, afternoon of ttasrt day, trseai aaa taam j ',Jaajt V1TIZ1" 2 'j" j PP'yfr'. Rnmbangh, the driitokrwor of sstid eatawe, to soli tho : pyt:r ioa Und (I) in sgetion nrneaeen (19.) in town- f jjjp (tj.) south range on (1) east of the Wiilamstto Meridian tsj lean county, Oregon, containing Bfty-Uirew and seres more or leas: a "wo beananitur at a point iorty rods west of the nort least corner of tbs donation Iar.d eisim of Lowel Ames claim Soli run-Jne thence west twenty -five rods, tbencs south twenty-fire rods, tbene east twenty firs roar, thence north tweat firss-rvjesw, eon Lai nine 3 S7-10S acres more or le- situated in said county and auto; ado to S ra b ock 5 in the town of -woe Home, in . nd eoanty and atete. i eeording to the ; records ssap. the re- f. should not be 1 granted Done by order of the Has J S r-nnean, i Jsattam f tho C nntv Court of tbe aue of ! r"?' fof eoatT?f SSht 5 of,d eonrt affixed, thi 14: day o - - "V"1- 1 ' j By 15 "CS . t-lers. I Ieiutv. I i - -- SHERIFFS SALE: . It., e- -. . . . . r cmcas cowii ay wo.-w vrtfwm. for Linn ci . : v C Davis and Geo C lASTis, psutr.ers d .ing tbe firji and ttyla of Plaintiffs. . Davis Bros, Peur R Bear, Defendact TtVTOTICE IS HRREBT Ol VEX THAT W by virtue of an execati-an nod order of aa'e daly issued oat ot tbe above nsunod eoart, ia tb' ahovw eotitiwd actisn to ins directed aad delivered, I will on httaratay. she 4th ta af rrkaraary, Isao, a tbs city of A 'bony. Linn coon'y, Ore -goo. rt the boar of or. e o'clock pre of said day. sell at pu 'i auction f ressh in hand to the hi . t : bidder, all tb right, title and Inieiest of tbe above tcfore sold t1lsTlnssa Tha Broc,ls art -do. from the sa a of said real property to be applied first, to she nsvtnsnt of tbe costs of and spon asid exsentien snd the original coots of tbs action taxed at & 65. and thereafter to tbs payment cf pwinftf claim amour tne; to tbs sum of S322.SS with interest thereon at the rats o: aight percent pr annsm from the 29. h dsy of October 1SOJ Date this JnJ day of Linuary, 189S. CrjACriON, Sheriff of Lin:i county, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. STOTtCE K HEREBY C.IVES THAT TBE Bat. a. airsiyta ha heee, thi iv bj evOar4taweaa--.eevtirt .( Linn I ll lj l in il ntWlBtSil il 1 1 1 lit It stale u Heorv Jfoa. -ate at Line eooatv ir .iev-ase-.i All persons bavin? castas again anM j wt' heretnr required Is" " 'f'.J.? so imiil theea dey at ;ho law . ate d t -""--' - a iiacs.:emm, 11 A:can'. I. lew en. within . w . . 1. ..7 i. . " j s1" Dated this 6U day ol Janarv.t3S. M.tiiiiRsrr at HacAlernan, Adsainiatratrii. Atty for Admin. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TtTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK Of. 1 derssyned ha. bean by the Conntv COort a Unn eoantv. Oreeon. duty enpaiaud execotor ofUKlaat aill aid testament at J,-hn Mheu. lata at Lino cv,uav,Oreaoa,decead, All rasraon feviaar cairn asainat raid eetate are hereby sot-Sad to pre sent them property vanned tu the underanrnal' at his reaid.nce in Albany, Linn es onty, Ocaa-aaTvitauB fit sssnlk trees thia Sat. This the 13th day of January, is3 H H Hasrrrr, Han tor Attorneys for Exeeoter - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. M C Howard, deceased, haa Saat kl. ag cou" 01 "J "nn eanti7ba Sued the h day ot February, ism ume, and U court room of ssid eoaaty court aa Uw place for heart rur obieik. if ..,Tr.i7i.., TZ count nd th Mttlement ot aid W R HILYEU, SJARTLN PAYNE, Almiuistrtlcr. Attorney; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. XrOTlCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN XV oerstened have been anruintati mmna Sa a wiU and teatamom d eatole ot je Bwr. daessas. UU Of Linn Linintv sfsstaaau. an .... i -. " - , . . M. 1 3 . . i !. aaaar- siiruod execator at Sweet Home. Linn county. Vc yssS aix month from uin date. .-.j January sBStj 151. SYR13 V BARB, Ii ill v pa i. m VVU.1 AT h fl t , Jam. J Cbarttoo, mton attorney lor Executor. H. M.uSTOSflk, Architect aad t a tractor. Leave orders with Hulburt Br rax. Rai Estate sgeats.