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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
lights ctnocia "The - fiemorcrat" One Year for Only $2.00, "State Rights Demod'a" The Beat Paper in the Valley, albany,orm;on, fridai. February s, 1 893 SSSaTITES) A Mtmxc.rnfellehers aad Freprleteri: VOL XXVIII Entered t tke Pot Omre at Albany. Or., as Kcril-n Mall Matter. NO BETTER M. FORTMILLER Undertakers WE KEEP ccnlanllj en I si d a full Mm of rnttsiic, t'i h i d st cd cast ttm coffir.s. Also tuiisl rctcs and suits, in ruri'tlclh, talir ,u tl n n, t which will be sold at - The Lowest Living Profit. EMBALMING and llie proper care of the dead a specialty. MO EXTRA 6HARCI FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC CARPET DEPARTMENT. WILL STOCK Um W11 MATTINGS OIL DRAPERIES OF THIS. SEASON'S CARPETS PRICES IEQ0ALHD IN MS MARKET Samuel E. Young The Oregon Yitn its home SALEM - - In the Gray block, corner Liberty and MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem) Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pfr ere small cash payment long time on balance or particulars. Sauer kraut, Chow chow, Sorghum. Salmon, White fish, Herring, and all C. E. BROWN ELL'S I GROCER Bay Stoves aid Ranges But Stoves and Ranges But Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves anfl Ranges of Buy Stoves aid Ranges PROOF. Milkov, Miff us Co., Pnma. TeOtEJitrrcfUtKn- Yrrk World: " Mrs. John Gemmill, of this place, was thrown (ram a wagon, sustaining a most serious injury to her spine, and was A HELPLESS CRIPPLE FOR 19 YEARS, unable to walk. Her daughter providentially procured two botUesol ST. JACOBS OIL, which Mrs. Gemmill used. Before the second bottle was exhausted, she was able to walk about, and has been CURED." Very truly, THOMPSON, PoaratMTM. & IRVING and - mlanier HEARSE OR SERVICES. TEMPLE, - - OREGOIv TBI (ROICEST CLOTHS. . CURTAINS! LINOLEUMS NOVELTIES AND Land Co office at - ORliJO-03Sr- State street, branch office :n Portlaiu Sweet pickles, Dried fruits In large variety. Specialties in Teas and coffes, Fruits, things nice, AT 1HE - ol Mattliews & Washburr ol Matthews & Washbor of Mattliews & Wasbb n Matthews & Washburn or Maims & Wasbbinj Scio Mrs Ida Veal, ot Albany, is vis iting with her parents, Mr and Mrs J W Cole, of this city. Died, in Linn county, about six miles northeast of Scio, at 0 a m, on Jan 22nd, 1898, Anna Guneaulea, aged over 75 vears. Mrs Chas Warner will start Saturday for Elkton to visit her parents. Sue purposes being absent two or three weeks. Miss Cad Warner will do the housekeeping act for Charlie.her brother, w hile Mrs Warner is absent. Johnny Gill, son of M C Uill, had a very narrow escape on Monday from be iiiK "severely if not fatally injured. He was driving a cow on horseback, when bv some means both horse and rider went to tne ground, the horse falling on one of Johnny's legs, and while no bones were broken, he was badly bruised and stunned- lie was carried Iiome from the scene of the accident on a blanket Press. Over a Mint Kiiday morning last, at 7 o'clock, a shooting affray occurred at Luckv Qjeen mine, fourteen miles from thU city in which Ed Setley and Win Thompson were wounded with buckshot, Seelev eight lines and Thompson once. Seeley is nw being cared for at the Red man house and Thompson at the residence of )W Griffith. Both of the inured men are single and aa years old. It seems a dispute had previously taken place about the ownership of the claim and on the oc casion of the shooting the elder S'over and two sons had driven up to haul away some ore. Seeley was in the cabin and gun In hand warned the old man off. The sons were oti the dump within 6o yards of the house and fired. Seeley doos not know whether l.e fired his gun or not Moore & Seeley it seems were former locaters of the ledge and had returned finding the Stovers working it, claiming that It had been abandoned. The sons are now in jail awaitirg the result of Seeley 's wounds. The father is out on $aoo ball Grants Pas. Courier. Those Banks. Attachments by Scott Jones for $373. c and 1 W Hubbard for $363. were filed Tuesday night against the United States Bsnklng Co of Gervais. The bank still remains closed and will un til the arrival of the president from Chi cago. The Sheridan Bank is also dosed. in reserence to the Junction Bank the Guard says: The following attach -men's on the bank bnildlne have been served by the sheriff of Lane county: Lane County Bank, ?3oo; Bill Butler, fajl; Samuel Templeton, $339; J J Winn, $55! A R Hill, $6i;; S E McClure, $412, The officers are : Walter Evenden, president ; E M Baldridge, vice president ; L H Reeves, secretary ; C W Lamson, treuurer. The bank was Incorporated with a capital of $100,000. Lamson was In charge of the bank. A number of de positors remain unsecured notwithstand ing the bans paid out all money on hand besides turning out for securitv all notes drawn in favor of the bank. Ssow Baluxo. The boys have been snowballing everybody almost, regardlaaa, of age or nationality, using little discretion in tne matter, anionic others having an extra dose for the Chinamen. Last night a Mongolian went along the street with his hand on a revolver with the avowed purpose of shooting it not let alone. He waa not disturbed. Snow balling is all right, in the right place when the fight even, and the contest fair : bat it is cowardly to hit any one in the back, or older men, and Chinamen, anywhere. several dots this forenoon attacked a Chinamen belonging to the Ferry Street house, and it is claimed broke one of his ribs- An attack on Prof Torbett, of the College resulted in the Professor's glasses being broken. Complaint was made for warrants in each case; but it is always difficult to place the offenders. and no arrests had been made at time. press An Advertising Car. Several par ties In Portland, including Geo M Hy land.J H W eider and J M Hodson, have ncorporaled the Oregon Advertising Association; capital stock, $10,000. Mr Geo M H viand has been selected president of the company. They will build a car similar to the Leak s, thst visited Albany, fill it with Oregon products, and visit points throughout the United Slates. They expect to be on the road by August st. Work to Begin. Here U an Item with an old time ring to it. A railroad con- ractor has just arilvad In Albany from California, where he gave up a contract do so, and will go to work shortly on he extension of the Oregon Pacific which is to connect with the C B & Q. He says it Is business this time and no mere fool ishness. This Is told for a fact and l not a funny item. In the mean time the road will not be sold until the 1st of March. It U probable that then there -ill be but one bidder, and it is possible that now the matter is all fixed up and contractors are being negotiated with; but not probable. To B Tested. The work of the state board of equalization is to be resisted . The suit 01 Ira Goodenongb against the clerk ot Multnomah county, and the governor, secretary of state and treasurer of the state of Oregon acting as a board n mslra tha at a fa taw laou snrl Vissskii si a J uisusv fcuv. rissssv a-estasv iv j aiuu uvtjuii J day in the circuit court of Multnomah to enjoin those officers from extending the tax rolls of Multnomah couaty as ordered to do by the state board of equalization, which raised mortgages of that countv fifty per cent and the plaintiff refuses to par on over 65 per cent of their face value. Journal. Too Costly. It is learned that Major Huer, who recently made an examina tion of Yaciuina bay with a view to as certaining the practicability of establish in a 25-foot channel at the entrance. figured up that, to extend the jetties the distance required and remove from be tween them the rock necessary to make a 25-foot channel, wonld cost t30.000.000. This, even at the present low price of silver, was considered more than the im portance of the work wonld iuatifv. Oregonian. Pretty thin. A Nest or Owls. Last evening at the masonic tempie an independent inter national Order o Owls was organized itu a large membership. There are about fifteen officers in all, with owlish titles, which easily suggest the office The leading officers are: 11 Y Mason, bapient Hcreecher. L C Marshall, 1st vice 6, C. J P Galbraitb, 2nd vice S. C. E M Morton, Sapient Sera'cher. E D Casick, Sapient Bag Holder. A Decision Revrbsed. The suit brought by John Burnett against J R Markley ei al, whose obiect was to ore vent the treasurer of Benton county lrom paying to defendants (7210 for nresent owner books, was decided for the plain tiff by the circuit court, which w decision was reversed Dy the supreme court. . The plaintiffs did no, show, as the constitu Hon requires, in order to give them cause for action, that the expenditure for these books was voluntary and not wade obligatory on Benton county by law. Dbunkem Boys The Jefferson Review tells the following: We are informed by parties in attendance that at the dance given at Millet's station Friday night of last week, several lads from Al bany, three of them not exceeding 12 or 14 years o! age, were in a bad state of intoxication, having to be dragged from where they where they were lying stupe fied, and placed in places of safety. Any dispenser of "bug juice" who sells the vile stuff to children deserves severe punishment, and in this case are liable to receive it. Bio Tamos. - The San Francisco Chronicle is arranging to get out a World's fair edition of 1,000,000 copiei. It will contain maps of all the states, and big writeups of any place paying for them, for instance, eities like Albany may be boomed for 11400. Oregon City proposes to invest, one man aione sub scribing $200. Pbobatb Matters. -In estate of Wal ter Burnett, a minor, estate was ap praised at f 1,600 In estate of Cora Ann Cox, real estate was ordered sold. In estate of Hat lie L Dearmond et al minora, I W Swank was appointed guard ian. Bond, (108. In state of Jessie Barr, will admitted to pro'. ale. Cyrus V and John F Barr, executera; bond, $6,000. Appraisers, It Nye, B Harris, HE Cady. In estate of J S McKechnie, report o sale of personal property approved ; rea property ordered sold. In guardianship of Minnie Ansbjrn Margarette Mo a appointed guardian. Bond, $900. Appraisement, $250. In estate of Henry Moss, inventory filed. Real property $3100; personal property, $1023.23. Property exempt from execution orJered set aside for widow and minor. In estate ot Artemis Dodge inventory filed. Real estate $19,00; personal property $5934.83. Total, $28,834.88. rersonat property ordered sold. In guardianship of Zenas Richard nth annual account allowed In estate of Robert McCulloch inven tory filed ; real property $1000 ; personal property, $268,17; notes $1098.80. Lebanon. Rev May C Jones, the evangelist, will hold a series of meetiugs in the Baptist church, beginning next ss euneeaay evening. A 8 McDonald, of Brownsville, came to Lebanon Monday after a wagon load of brick, which he will use in building fines for a new residence he is patting up in mat eity. A P Allmatt, a young man living near Fry station, while cutting wood near Eb Keebler's. Wedneeday, cat one ol hie (vet almost off. He waa brouahtto town and Drs Booth and Foley dressed the wound, and he ie now doing aa well as could be expected. Ben Crouch and Afcria Matks left Tuesday for Douglas county, where they will build a large stock barn on Joe Mel vin's cattle ranch, which is being run bv Jas Keebler. They took with them Ed Kellenkerger's big dog.-Sullivan, "which will be presented to Mr Keebler and will be need to chase deer. Advance and Express. Two Game Laws. Two Mils have been introduced, nearly alike. One pro vides that "if any person other than an officer on lawful business, being armed with a gun, pistol or other firearm, shall go or trespass upon any inclosed premise. or lands, without the consent of the owner or possessor thereof, such trespasser shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaaer and upon conviction thereof shaii be punished bv fine not less than Sic nor more than 45c, and In default of Ihe payment of the fine imposed shall be committed to the jail of the county in which the offense is committed one dav for every $1 of the said fine." One. of the bills makes It un lswful for hunters to shoot from or upon the countv road, and dogs trespassing up on the premises or lands of another mar be killed by the land owner without further ceremony. Montgomery Discharged. In the United States district court at Portland yes. terdsy R K Moo'gomerj, ionserlv of Albany was arraigned on an indictment chareine him with seeding an ohsceae letter ihrough the mads. A plea of not guilty was en tered, and the eae went to trial. Prosecst ice Attorney Mavs appeared for the U S and Strabaa & Piper and J K Wcatherford for the defendant. Tee coart decided that there was not ssffitient proof to show that the letter was vritten by the defendant, aad the law would net allow of hi. admitted!? genuine writing being used to compare mwk tne letter in question to establish his guilt. There wis therefore nothing lor the United States attorney to do but enter a "nolle, " aad Montgomery was discharge !. A Noticxablk Fact. It a fact that hie been noticed several times, that when ever there is a good prospect of the Oregon i'acihc doing tne Oregon tan partlcalarly throws cold water on the Vaquina harbor. Just now the outlook is good and such an is noticed The Oregoaun says a civil engineer has investigate i the matter arid report that it would cost $30,000,000 to make a 25 fojt chancel st 1 aqulna. There u almost such a channel now, and the repo t is probably not true In any reipcc'. Ia all probability it Is manufactured for the occasion, In view of the present investigation taking place. The statement is a ridiculous owe. It is undoubt edly true that Portland fights this Improve aseat secretly ia every manner possible. A Patent Road. A great deal is said about better roads. Here is a remedy from the Pacific Farmer: N S Biddte of Eugene bas received a patent on a wagon road jor which tie claims many things. Among them are (hat it is possible to make an easy grade up our worst hills; to prevent wagon ruts and chuck hole. ; that it requires no ditching or turnpik ing and can be built at little cost. He also claims that a team or horse can draw twice as much on his road as on any other roao now Known, and so confident is he of its success that be ia willing to give the plans and specifications for one mile of road and that will apply daring 189 Will Take the Pass. Here is another from up the Santiam, nearer the author ities than we : It is reported that the CB4Q railroad company are surveying from Boise City this was and will come through the pass that the O P did intend to go through aa they think that theO P has held that pasa lung enough and they want to get into Western Oregon to the Pacific Coast and as this is the most practical route and the shortest they propose to use that pass to get to the sea snore- The First. At a meeting of an Al bany literary society, a question asked on American History wss "who w as the first county clerk of Linn county?" The answer was Mr M C Chambers, who is now an honored resident of this county residing a few miles from Albany. "Who was the first delegate to congress from Ore gon f" answer, J Q Thornton, formerly of this city, who died st Salem, s f ew years ago. Thornton, though, was not allowed to serve leng, if at all. Some Live Men. L H McMahan is making arrangements to start an inde- fiendent evening daily in Salem. Salem ias been noted as the grave yard of news papers; but McMahan is a rustler all over- Sa is Bob Hendricks, likewise the Hofers, ditto Flagg & Floed . Hence there will be live times in the capital city with her 12,000 citizens. World Knowing. That. Alloook'a Porous Plasters arc the highest lesult of medieil science and skill, and in ingredients and methods have never been equalled. that they are the orignal and genuine porous plaster-, uj on whose reputation imitators trade. That Allcock'a IV.rjus Plaster's never foil to pet form their romelial work quickly acd eneoiuaiiv. That this fact is attested by thousands of voluntary and unimpeachable testimonials from grateful patients. That for rheumatiem, weak back, aoiatio, lung trouble, kidney disease, dyspepsia, ma laria, and all local pains, they are invaluable. Thst when you luy Alloook's Poross Pint ers you absolutely obt.-l 1 the best p'.a -s stmade. ATTEKTIOg. Spiced pigs feet, Sweet pickles In bnlk, Sour pickles In bulk, Raisins, citrons, Lemon peel, extracts, etc., , For the Holidays, can be found at F. E. ALLEN ie CO Crtgoaisn Eocyolopeiia coupons taken Com k Hendrioson's, at rOdlL AKD PCttrtOWAL Till' mli AT Mrs M T Awbrey went to Albany this j morning on a visit at the residence of her : son, Dr Awbrey. Eugene Guard. Last evening Mis Hela Gilbert and students gave a piano recital at the resl drnce of Mr Arch Hammer. A choice program was rendered. Under the talented Instruction of Miss Gilbert the student have displayed marked Improvement. Last evening thc( L S C met with the Misses Althouse. Quotations were from Bryant. Miss Clara (Jard read an able paper on township government, an exam ination on civil government and a ques tion box followed, and the evening was ended with a game The next meeting will be held In two weeks with Dr J L Hill, and Lowell wis) be quoted. rniuAv Mr Frank Propet is lying seriously ill at the home of hit brother in this city. Mrs D W Wakefield, of Portland, is in the city on her way home from a several weeks sojourn in California. W g Paul, who has been Hving in Al bany for several months, lias moved back to his place on Beaver ereek lie will eet out a prune orchard this season Hon Llsb Applegafe, who has spent ysars toiling thai Oregon might prosper, man whose name la familiar from Curry to Union and Clatsop to Baker sine No wall for a long time, was In the city this forenoon and lighted up our sanctum for a short period of time. SATCaJiAV Mr Geo F Simpson is serionsly ill his home in this city. Miss Alice Brenner is spending a month with Portland friends. Jos Talt, now with Beeler'a insurance agency, of Salem, is in the city. Mrs L C Bock. 6f Portland, formerly of Albany, ia in the citv. the guest r,l ll, Chas Pfeiffer. Mrs John Fox. of Albanv.SDent Sundae in this place with hereieter. Mr W t Calder. Brownsville Time. E A Milner and wife, for Kan v veara residents of this citv .and now of Albanr. departed for their home on Wedneeday after a few davs visit with relatives and their host of CotvalUa friends. Gazette. MrC M Rand, representing the bond holders of the Oregon Pacific, is in the city, investigating the matter of the' value of the road, among other ttiings having an abstract of the title of the company's property made out by Pavis A Kmisey. M S Ryan is now a man of leisure the Southern Pacific Comnan v bavins divid ed the sections o as o leave him out at this place He will get one in Southern Oregon soon. Halsey will le a good citixen when he leave. liaise New . W R Calloway, the progressive tanner of Soap Creek district, has just returned "um a s:x wee a a visit witn lussaSI friends in the Sacramento Vallev. Cal. He remarked but little change in the scenes of his old home during the vear of his absence. Gazette. Pa k yr tiros, grocer. P. M. Preach keep rulrowd lima. Bay yoar gr-o-rxTt of Parker Bras FUegrocrrses at Coon it Hrodri cams'. K.w cream esiecw test t tori red at Cetorad afeyer. P J Sailer ib printer. K.iou Block, does 5rt eta, work. Smk th- oel.bralel Havana fiiied i cent agar at Jabea Jgseph'a. D M H E ii. obraktsa aad ntJtoa Aitssay, Or:a. CI' wi U c:t cr country. Trsrswr Exaaslaattaai Not re if berehr given thai lbs regular public examination of teacher., for Urn count sty, win take plate in Albany, em icing on Wednesday. February h wi'.l take men al I o'clock p m, aad eontioue noli! Frl. day noon, February loth. All teachers oust positively be present at the time of commencement, aa no one will be ad milted to the examination who is net o present. A ppl t cation, for Mate cerafieatee and elate diploma, received a: the above zamed lims, O P KUh - LL. County Scheol Stpt Wmkw you come to Albany Don I fall to visit Hodges A . McFarland, The druggists Thev carrv a large and cht.lce stoca of drugs, patent medicines. etc. PreKiiption. are a! way carefully and promptly attended Is). It will " Pay veu. Permanent Brakch Las xobt. A oranch office of the Rale.n Steam laun dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expense. All work guaranteed. Orders may lie left with Oeborn Davy. permanent agent and solicitor for Albany Reopened. W R Graham ha reopened his tailoi hot, and has on hand a fine line of suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing first-class work done. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage in the pan, "e solicits continuance of their patronage nd promises good work and prompt a'tention to .e reeds if hi patrons. A large stock of pruning shears . hioks, the best made, just re nd prun- re iuat re wived at Stewart A Sot'. Now ia the tisie to aae hem. Removed. A-tomey C E Wolverton has removed his law office from the Foster block to up ststrs over the First National Bank where he is prepared to attend prompt ly 'o all legal business entrusted to him. AiVtv .eCtrxi, Knit?,-' ng'on Street, Portland, Or, 8, Shiloh a Cure, the great cough and croup cure, ia for sale by us. Pooket ais. contain twenty-five docs,ouly 25 0. Children lovs it, Fothsy & Mason. Call and we new fall dress goods Bead's, st W Remember Conn Alilendrioaon take Ore onian coupons on sli. cash sales. If you cout.-m mplit- ptittiag to a w iter plant get prices of!w nd mill, nnmni. Dine tanks, etc., frjtnW W Crawford He -nil astonish you The Portland Collection Agency hat com menced several uita to onlhot account for G L Blackmail. 1'ar.iea owing him should ettle their accounts and save cotts. W F Read has a largo stock of boots and shoes to select from, sad the best vslus in town. Great reduction in Asrmotor wind mills for Dsceraoer. Sae'tho a.enr, W W Craw ford. Try W F Riid when you wai t amies. The finest line of pocket knives in th: city at htewart A Sox's. Stewart & Six selljwii vary be it pat aa h?arj :in I scissor. A log cabin made of gum attne's one ridstahis attention st Mueller's Ste it. Remember that F L Dumont does guar. ant;o ht, and sews possible coming rips clothing bought of his tion. Overcoats sold at coal until Christmas. Fine cream oandy, ohewinj chocolate marahraallowa, angel f od, etc at Muellers, Mr Cleveland is not the man to Imper (he succeis of the administration to gratify personal feslfflgs. That is the Harrison way of doing business. Probably the heaviest rudder on record is that made for the torpedo-boat Vulcan. It was forged in single pieces and weighs 23 tons. The eportatlon of Ameiican beef to England through sli seasons of the year, has, it Is said, caused a reduction of 4'A cents a pound to the Biitlsh consumer. The largest child ever born, It i said, was the ton cf Bates the "Kentucky Giant an J his wife, the "Niva Scotia GianteM ThU Infant Hercules weighed zj pounds ElcctiMty, where unretarded by atmos plieric influences, travels at the rate o 288.000 mile a second. Along a wire, it i of course, vastly slower; a perceptible period of time is occupied by the electric current ia sending telegrsrra over long distances. And now come .Senator Wolcott and in troduces a resolution in the United States senate directing the postmaster-general to discontinue the printing of the Columbian postage stamp. The Democrat hopes to see the resolution pass. A saddle blanke is a good thing in Us place, but it makes a very cumberson postage stamp. There have been recently addition 4 to the Central Park menagerie. Among them a female Nubian baboon and a rare monkey from Sooth America. "Fatima", the baby hlppopotamu. U to be taken from her mother "Miss Murphy," an4 In all probability wll bf traded for one of Barr, urn & Bailey's young female efephaau. Dr Prasct Dowimg, of Cincinnati, Sas published the resalt of bis examination 00 the effect of tobacco chew lag 00 the eyes. The experiments covered .300a cases, and showed that 95 per ceat suffered with virus trouble., and nearly a many exhibited moa calar deterioration. It was also demon strated that tobacco chewing ti far more hurtful than smuklag. By the tecent discovery of s fossil herrup teres insect in the upper beds of the Lowe Silurian formation of Scania ia Sweden, :h hot Iron of insect l.f is lowered veiy consid erably. Heretofore the honor ot being the mott ancient of insects has been ascribed te h; cockroach, cae having occurred la the Upper Sllaiian of Frame. The fjtaja-jf peai I button factory al Eau Clai.-e, Wis, used Ly the lepubikaas from June la November of last year as a cans patga argument, closed tu doors today. 1 he proprietors make no otter explanation than that pearl ballon making ia the Northwest i not a pajlng it. vestment. Toe boose sub -committee, appointed to investigate into the manner in which the federal election laws have been carried oat by the notorious Daren port of New York city, report that all the' charges brought ag-aint that officious intermeddler are I substantially true. They recomm nd Lua. ail laws on the statute book permitting federal supervision of elections be repealed. That is right- Wipe out the unholy meas ure at once. Dr Saeldon Jack tow tcils the In dependent that it is impossible that the sal mon berry of Alaska should get its name frcm It being put up in salmon oil. There s, ne , ao such thing aa almoe oil la use there. The only oil used Is made tram Um log..-., the heasksj I Hal tjtfcaai iah, gets Its name, says Dr Jackson, from the oJor cf the ben v. There arc two varietie of berries, one of which is reddish, and the other a pure salmon color. The three tallest tiees in the world are believed to be a Sequoia, which is found near Stockton, Cal, aad ia 335 feet high, aad two Eucalypti, found in Victoria, and estimated to be 415 and 450 feet ia height, respectitly. Contrast this with the following fact, via: On the summit of Bea Lomond may be sees the smallest tree thatgiows ia Great Bihain It is knoa as ihe dwaif willow, aad is, when mature, only about two inches ia height. The sge of turtles, like the sge of some excel leaf women, will never be known, la many paits of the country boys cut their in itials on the shell of the tortoise, with the date, and then watch for them in later years. At Hatboro, in Pennsylvania, one was found with L W, 1S13, cut on the shell. Mr Levi Walton, who cut the lettering is still living but the slow going tattle will probsbly outdo him in the race of life. -it. tMHJfm Mrs Lease and Mrs Diggs who have been very prominent as populist leaders in Kansas are highly furious over the election of Judge Martin as senator. "You can say for me," ssid Mrs Lease, "that the election of Judge Martin is the death blow to the populist party in Kansas 1 renounce my allegiance to it." Mrs Diggs said t "When (he populist party elected Judge Martin senator it committed suicide. From its ashes, however, will arise a party not to be dominated bv political tricksters, which ill carry out the will of the people." 1 he first firing was done on the new proving grounds of the Uethlcuem iron works on the Sfcth of July last. Screens were arranged in connection with electrical instruments for measuring the velocity with which the shots traveled. In the test made the object was to obtain the velocity of a 250 pound shot fired from an eight inch gun with a charge of SI pounds of hexs gonol prismatic powder. The standard set down for Uio conditions isiiOO feet per second, or at the rate of abouf. 1200 miles per hour. The instruments showed velocity of 1702 feet lor the first shot fired; this came so close to the standard that other tests were considered unnecessary This is said to be one of the moit satisfac tory tets made in the bistf ry of modern ordnance. One of the popular KentuckUns talked of to fill Senator Carlisle's unexpired term is ex Congressman McKeazie. It was Mc Kenrie who smoothed some troubled waters during a session of the Chicago convention by one of those short and humorous speech es for which be has long been noted. He put every one in good humor at the start by promising not to speak more than two minutes. "If I do," he added, "1 trust that some good democrat will auspend my shajiely cadaver from one of the rafters of this elegant but somewhat leaky auditor ium." At that moment the unsightly great pine box in which the unterrified were assembled was leaking like a sieve, and old fashioned Jasksonian profanity was on tap in more than one part of it. WAHlNtiTOa bKITSK. (From ow ruur ecrreaponctnt.) Washington, Jan 23,,'1893. The Carlisle tariff bill." How does tbat strike you as a popular title for the democratic tariff bill which is to be passed by the Fifty-third congress? Unless number of gentlemen wno are in position to know are wrong in their calculation Senator Carlisle, whose resignation as Sen ator will take effect the fourtti of next month, is the man who will frame that bill The great success of the Walker tariff bill framed by President Polk's secretary of the treasurer, was, it is said, what induced Mr Cleveland to follow the same plan and en' trust the framing of a tariff bill which is to be strictly in accord with democratic ideas, to bis secretary of the treasury is not to be understood or inferred that this move is intended to deprive the ways and means committee of the next bouse of any of its rights. Ihe idea is merely to put into the bands of tbat committer a com plete tariff bill, leaving its members to decide whether it shall be accepted as p're- prepared or be amended before being ported to tne bouse, whatever ones opinion of this method of preparing the tariff bill may be, it cannot be denied that John G Carlisle is by experience and ability specially well qualified to frame the de mocratic bill. He has for many years bejn a leading tariff reformer, and his name attached to the bill would of itsel make It popular with. the rank and file o the democratic party. ' Much curiosity is felt concerning the answer that Secretary Foster will make to Representative Scott's resolution, which hat beeu adopted by the bouse, calling for information as to the delay in the eieLtluu of public buildings for which the nifnij has been appropriated by congress. Mr Scott says he is satisfied that the delay has been caused by the lack o' money in the treasury, and the fact are all apparently with him; bat it is hardly probable that tin wily secretary of the treasury will ad mit that. Representative Bynum's resolution, whica hss been adopted by the boose. calling oh the'eivii service commission to furnish a list of all the men misstated in the classified ssssice of the government. under rule iC. since March 4, 1889, togeth er with the data of their dismissal or resignation from the service, the states they were from and the states charged with their appointment, the date of their reinstatement, and the department in hkh they were reinstated. Rule 10. referred to in this resolution was gotten up by republicans ostensibly to allow the rein statement s j!' in 111 j 1 ii if lln ii iliiuiisasl or resignation of ex soldiers, but if the information called for by the lessaution be truthfully liven it will be seen that it bas been terribly stretched, both as to time and persons. It would be much better to ab solutely suspend the civil service law so far as it rebates to appointments and removals, for the first year of every administration, as proposed by Representative IVArmond's bill, bow in the hands of a bonne committee than to evade it a has been done under this administration; besides, it would be much more manly and faoaaorabte. The favorable report to the boose on the bill repealing all federal election laws eon tains some very strong language, but, as the report truthfully says, "these laws are a continued menace to the peace and well fare cf the country," and nothing said again.! them can be too strong. The house will pas this bii. not with any ex pectation that it can get through the swish at this session, but to emphasize the position of the democra'ic party against these laws. Things are now t-jing with a rush at the headquarter, of Use inaugural committee, and ao great has been the demand for fj tfst accc-aioeuv..:-.- sssfj gOOU aSTSsn Are getting scarce. REFORM FOB RHODE WLAM. The democrats of Rhode Island are on the right track when then they set out to demand a reform of a constitution which subject the people to various unjust and unequal conditions. it is always right and always sound policy for the democratic party to strike at the root of evil which afflict the people. When ancient wrongs are imbedded in or ganic law there is no hope of complete and permanent emancipation except by reform of the law. Ihe Connecticut democrats made this issue in the last 'campaign and It helped them to a signal victory. They may not get their vicious constitution made over this, year but they wilLsoon accomplish that aim if they fight for it. The American people can be counted u son ii the long run to establish what is fair and just if those who suffer by injustice do not supinely consent. It i the proper business of the demo cratic party to red res. the people's wrongs, and it is never stronger than when it is fighting for equal righto. The death el James G B'aine removes a notable figure from the field of political life. He was for years the most noted aa well aa the most popular leader ia hit parly. That there were defects in his mental make up need no more pro-'f than a reference to the mistakes which precluded him from ever be coming president He was a popular ora tor, a most pleasing writer, but he was not a statesman In the best s;nse ef the word Nowhere on the statute hooks of t ie nslionsl commonwealth arc to be found the impres sions of his ability as a statesman as are there of Webster, or Sherman Nevertheless he had a strong following who believe he was great statesman, and the great mass of the people without regard to political affiliations sincerely mourn his loss. i.' ..XJL ', I BUJB A writer in Scie'ice tav ihere is no ele ment of speech so variously pronounced in dialect and by individuals as the letter R All varieties, he explains are derived from a frictional emission of breath or of voice between two surfaces in the breath channel, It may be made in the thioat, in the guttata paasage between the back of the tongue and the soft palate, between ihe arched top ol the tongue and the icof of the mouth com mon in the United States, the noimal R, pro ductd between the point of the tongue and the upper gum, and by transferring the sound from the tongue to the Hps, so that R has the sound of vV . Another series re sults from a ra'tling organic vibration in stead ot a mere frie'don of the bresth of voke. A male gorilla has lately been acquired by the Berlin Aquarium. He is larger than any gorilla that has yet been brought to Eu rope. He is supposed to bs eignt or nine rtais old, and was for six years in the pos session of a chieftain on the Gaboon. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest ews ia that you can bay at JULIUS 3R ADWOHL'8 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound ids. granulated Sugar 100 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White nn No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon'. . '. '. .25 Cans refined, 5 gallons 10q 6 Gallons Good firm 1 10 20 lbs. No. gavon Soap oX 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup..' .40 JwfL conducts strict osah store, and ail wl. -in k- , . . . . 2S pe- -nt leas than regular price. all durable ayle. ofXfseaeU try, lamp and fixture is eomDhau. 1 issrmg powder, and always ptesaw my coio ' ' ona ,nJ Agent tor several responsible insurance compsoei. Jailisu GrsMisroU. PATiOWZE HOM - INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE C( Albany, r BKAD. fh ess dead. L COWAN, I Cowan, tor StapssWF Read, D B Monteith.ii swrnterg,;j WtnoMe 1 K Weathertord, R S Strah vn, J O Wnvtmm ; 11 sn prsTSjcr aesarrs ron several Solid Eastern ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BRQWNEU (Stwtswr u OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS OSE HALF MILE WEST OF TUS City. We would call the itiaiikw n - -t 1 .l. - - - - - peuer prcparea than ever befonr to furnish M rx . T J fw s-aac mmuc Ut AT ZUll, OflZSC ftS Small Fruit vine, etc., aTetther wholesale or retail. Q7 222 5 t?S urnld true to name and free ' -he inspect pests, and oar SrJf.r- C. E-Srowneil is oar chy agent and,- irf. with him stlS. store will receive prompt and cartful attention. (Vat . and see me or write for free LaiogueioJSjBJ for Infants ariasowe3apWtoci2drBtil arvrowrat l!Miriii,iiif ljt AavD Some - H. A. Aacars. n. Dl, Ul So. Os2 orti St, Uracia, X. T. - Th- use of 'Castarts' is sc csirepsal ana evtitt so well knuirs that it aeesns a wnrs I iLrau uaaa to .odors. K. Few arpthe itewu mflte wto 00 sot keep Caatoraa -- tSr arv reach " Cajuos Jarr. Ti. a . Sew York Oty. Psstsr Rjonur- tale Beanexsed Ckwaxk. Tax Cssrracx II I'll ill tWIlllllllllll llasaonnsassl PUMPS! PUMPS ! PUMPS! We are general agents for and Lift Pomps, also the Rumsey Foice and Li t Pumps. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or 1 TI7 s . . .1 . ., uu siue. W e aiso guarantee pump in the market. We also carry the largest stock of Farm? Implements and Vehicles to be found in the valley, Give us a call. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER JO-3 S537 and Ellsworth st, Albany, Or THE LEADING PBOTOGRAPHKES, I alksavy, Salem. Oragos, W. I. A thcrtjUrjh business training schocl. Endorsed gW .ISU' V SJS,' Ilia 1 giSMIi ST 4 Au Five Departments: Business Shorthand, Typewriting Pen ma School in sesaion the eatire yer. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue, contoini Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's Shtmp & Houser, Specialist In the female Diseases. treatment of all Twenty (SO) Years curable oases Onaran.eed Experience. . Offic C9 259 till ABE MUCITED. TH I? Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General 1 Outfitting CATALOGUE. jUAZaEa, Send your name on a postal card TO-DAY and get CISC " 1 1 Ky Stock trf ChTB. TtJTZJ'. 1 'PSmTjrZmf'T m.SvlZJSTnrSi 7l"2 crock- .J O WBnSMi-V. Secretary Geo F SIMPSON, Vies Presjfdent and Foreign Companies tan t trsirsdl, rrwrieUr.) v h ftusM sw mjssSw i saw 1 ssj e tmM srrrm, ; u ALBERT BBOW.VEU. A bany. Oregct mnS Children. C toils csree Cooc. Oreaslas:: EecrSiceaaca, TtiarriKps. Eronauoc, H- Wars, atess sleep, aad 1 1 eV For several rears I have TOWf CTTr'od AsUaiwsTeCTittm-tc uu k is j imniin Beoaaeea Enwor T. Pasoax. H. D " the WiEttLro" li3c Sltcs and rsh Av Kew Tork CSSJ Coso-ast. 77 Kussax St. est, Naw Yeas. the celebrated Mvers Force tnem superior to any other Obtain . j ; t ; pjr svVi 3 ii ii ; njf t j ;i att . t$;j ; a' f- !!.. cirr of 51 n I 'irj.:jlc Stale y. Principal. by the business znA profession form ot Chronic, Catarihal, Nervous an in Melioins. Surxery an I Electricity Commercial Street, Salem, Oretton one.