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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
1 L-a ' ' - at 1MB i I i i Ibe getttoctat. Death of Frank Propst. Mr Frank fiopst, on Monday morning, Jan 3o!h 1893, died at the home ot bis brother Qulncy Propst, In Alhany, of typhoid fever, after a short illness, at the age of 29 years. The death of this bright and popular young man will be universally regretted. His life had been particularly an honorable one. Ralshd on a farm near Albany he had that ambition so creditable to the young American to obtain the best education to be secured. Graduating from the Albany Institute ht entered Prince ton College, completing a very creditable four years course last year, and graduating with honor. Then he began the study of law. In this city with Weatherford & Chamberlain being well (Sited for the pro fession by his scholarly attainments. He was not strong, and when the fever took hold of his system It mastered htm. The deceased was a member of the Christian church, and was and always had been a young man of great purity and nobility of character, a true young man, obtaining the confidence of those arouno him . He was the second son of fllr and Mrs I- W Frcpst, who with other relative, have the sympathy of all in their great loss. A Hot Affair From parties coming from Corvallis we learn of a very live affair occurring there Monday. ECU Rand and Henry Wood, the experts sent to examine into the O P. road, among other things began the investigation of tbe books of the company at the office. It is reported that even as far aa they went matters looked rocky. Wm M Hoag objected . Rand told him- substan tially to shut up his mouth ; when, ac cording to the report, Wm M grabbed a pair of ahaars. Sheriff Osborn, who had been sent for, in order to compel the opening of the books, parted the men. Judge Fullerton was telegraphed for. and arrived there yesterday, and the matter to the riaiits ot the experts was ar gned, but not decided. The arguments I were said to be hot. ludze Bronaunh. for the Hogg faction .declared that unless the bondholders agreed there would be no sale for five years, and that the B'air faction had no right in court; but Mr Gest for the bondholders demonstrated otherwise. A great many think some thing has been struck, and there will be something heard to drop. Ik Favob of Ahhkxation. One of the most ardent advocates of the annexation of the Sandwich islands is Ed Dekum, who, while on.a visit to Honolulu last winter, fell in love with the islands and went broke on views of the tropical scenery- These he has now brought to the front with a copy of the proclamation issued by the revolutionists asking to be annexed to the United States, encircled by the American and Hawaiian flags,and supported by a Kanaka doll wearing the stars and stripes. There are other at tractions in the islands besides- the trop ical scenery and the three-finger poi, but it would be unjust to intimate that any of these has had an influence in prodnc ing snch an outburst of Hawaiian enthu siasm on the part of Mr Dekum. Orego nian. One of Them. The following is a rather peculiar bill. It is before tbe Leg islature: Beit enacted by the Legisla tive A Bsemnly of the State of Oregon. That fifty pounds net weight shall con stitute a sack of flour within this state. That any flouring mill proprietor, owner or operator who shall fail to stamp or have stamped upon each sack bearing hia brand or the brand of the mill owned or operated by him, and used by him to contain the flour made at his mill and offered by him for sale or. exchange, the weight of the flour actually contained in the Back, shall be guilty of a niisdemean or. Any person or persons who shall, within the state of Oregon, sell or offer for sale or exchange, or offer in exchange a sack of flour at a weight greater than the weight stamped upon the sack con taining said floor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. A Bad Firs. -Last Sunday night Mr A B McDonald, residing near pcio, went to his barn to tend to bis stork, and waa smoking at the time. Awhile after returning to his honse fire was discovered in the barn, probably caught from the pipe. Little could be done, and the en tire barn warn was burned, together with seven head of horses, 1000 bushels of grain, 15 tons of hay and considerable machinery. A few things were saved. There was no insurance, and tbe lose is hence a heavy one. Another Proposition. The hitch between the Electric Light company and tbe city has beeu on the length of tbe con tract, the compary wanting a long contract while the city refnaes .anything over a year. The Democrat is Informed a proposition will be made by the company to complete the contract with nine lights, and furnish Other lights desired without any time to contract at the rate suggested by the o-tan-cil. This would make tbe cost of 16 lights until July 1st $182 50a month Decidedly Late. The s ate tax levy not having been made matters are left in a mixed up shape in most counties, it being necessary to know tne state levy first. At it It the assessment roll will no, be turned over to the Linn county sheriff for probab ly a month. As fifteen days notice has to precede collection , taxes under the present aw will be delinquent nearly as soon as he begins collecting, a peculiar condition ef affairs, the fault of the present laws. A bill introduced In th: legislature, which will probably pass, will remedy this. Kicked By A Horse. Rev Wallact met with another accident last Sunday week while on hi' way to fill an appointment at L-baaon. Hit horse commenced kicking and kicked himself oat of the shafts and out of the harness. Rev. NValUct went ahead tnd found that he bad ben Jcukcd on the leg quite severely. He had the wound dressed and while it is rather painful be it able to be about. Rev. W allac: It rather unfortunate with his horse and buggy although he fur nishes us with a good many items. Junction City Timet. All the Style to go to Mueller's par lor with the ladies and treat them to Cocoa and High T wafers. Served at all hours. A Powerful Flesh Maker. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. Scott's Emulsion stands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con sumption and all oilier wasting diseases. 5w York. Bold by drucaiita erjihre' Seott A Bowne, Chemist. SHILQHS CONSUMPTION CURE, The tnccis of this Great Congh Cure li without r-arallel in the hit'ory of medlune All druggist ere authorised o sell Iton a j Itivo auar.iotcc. . teat tbat do otht-rcure ct n successful ttaad. That it may bccoiae known ll.ilToprictorj, at on i-nr.rmons ei iSZ " arc placing a 1 fcttta Free into pvtrv tirrv 111 the Unltrd 8Us i-nd Cuuada. If vO J hx- a Coua. 'iHront. or !.ron clhb uk It, for it will euro you. If t ,.,.1 rollcf is m-.c. I ryos ic a. thai .,si.l,,., i d,-: C r'S-cunE Ask yoir Dmgjlat r 1Lt CL7, Hon Milton A of the Linn county delegation on the floor of the house, is among the youngest members of that body. He was born August 23, 1862, on his father's donation land claim near Lebanon, which was taken up in 1847- His father is R C Mi Her, who still owns the donation claim, but is now living in the city of Lebanon. Ht was a member of the Oregon legislature four years ago. The subject of our sketch re mained on the farm until he was 17, re ceiving the rudiments of his education in the country achool. He afterwards at tended the State University, where he was a close student, and where ha dis played his natural talent for forensic dis cussion in the literary societies o'. that institution receiving a training there that helped to fit him for the place he is now filling. He want home from the university and taught achool for a time, then, six years ago, went into the drug business in Lebanon, which he has since followed. Mr Miller has been active in all affairs tending to help the growth and prosperity of his town. He has served his city aa its mayor for two terms, and was in the city council one term. He is a member of the Masonic order- Ha waa married four vaara ago last August to Miss Flora McCauley, ot Lebanon, and thev have one ehllJ, a little girl of three years- Mr Millar has always taken a great interest in political affairs. He was elected to his present place laxt June on the democratic ticket, haying made an able canvass of his county in his par ty's interest. He is interested here in a bill introduced by himself for a fish lad der at the falls ot the WillamatU at Oregon City, which will undoubtedly paas ; also a bill to improve the public aoda springs at Soda villa in hia count? ; also for a state series of achool nooks, to be printed on contract and sold to tie achool children ot trie state at coat ; also to amend the school laws, so that candi dates for teachers' certificates shall have such grade certificates aa they are enti tled to aa ahown by their examinations. He is also interested in some local meas ures watching faithfully the interests nt him immKAt . n.titn.nta He is a verv active member on the floor, and no point in the proceedings of the body es capes his attention. Statesman. Tiir Public Schools. It is a matter of satisfaction to know the grade of scholar ship of our city schools It such at to re csive recognition at the hands of institu tions of higher learning in our state. Our public shools have not dorie thetr duty till they have prepared some one for col -lege. And there sl.ou'd be perfect confi dence existing among the different dc , , ,,,, 1 cooperation. Prof W J Crawford hat re ceived from the faculty at Eugene the following action, which is self-exptana-torv : To the Piincipal ol the Public Schools of Aibany. Dear Sir: Recognizing the good work done by the Public Schools of Albany the faculty of the University of Oregtx are willing to receive our s'udems wh. finish the course into the Univrit v out furtner -xaminati-- , rsfnrl certificate signed by voir as prtnei; a' Respectfully your, John Strain Sec Theatrical . 80 great has been the success of Fred Mar-den's farcical come dy, "Humbug," at Cordray's 'heater thai the management haa derided to Keep it on another week Its success is due to tbe fact that it ia one of the beat comedies ever written Tbe leading part in "Humbug" ia that of an adventurer named Bartz, the son of a shoemaker. BarU assnmes the name of Jack Luster, who ia in India, and, making love under this assumed name, the rascal marries a confiding widow. Old Man Luster tnma up and learns that Bar'z ia going under the-name of his son, Jack, whom ha baa discarded. Jack finally enters upoi tbe scene, and thus adds to the 'complica tions, and, to make matters still more amusing, Old Bartz, tbe shoemaker, ap pears and finds bis son masquerading uader false colors. Tbe widow, by the way, ia also sailing nnder false colors. Not being satisfied with being wealthy, she pretends to belong to a vary aristo cratic English family, when tbe fact is she waa the wife of a man who made h'.s money in pork. The parte ware all ad mirably cast. Portland Ex. At Albany Friday night. Wife for Wife Saturday night, and A Banker's Daughter Saturday afternoon . An Old Saddle. Mr C II Walksr.son" in law ol Mr Jason Wheeler, gave an in teresting talk Sunday on the early mis sionary work in the Northwest, which waa full of historical interest. In this connection Mr Walker is fully competent to do so from his own experience. His parents. Rev Elksnah and Mary Walker, came to the Northwest in 18S8, dnnng which year Mr Wnlasr waa born near Fort Colvilis. They moved to Waahing ton county in 1848, where Mrs Walter is now residing in Forest Grove, at an ad vanced age. She haa in bar possession new the saddle on which she crossed the plains 55 years ago. Mr Walker has been with the Warm Springs several years, and ia a fluent talker in their lan guage. Delicate Si bczby. One of the most critical snrgnai operations ever per formed in this section waa accomplished in thia city yesterday by Dr Mas ton of Aloany assisted by Die Paine, Prentice and T W Harris of Eugene. The patient wae . Mrs C F Littlsfisld and the opera tion was a ssvsrs and lengthy one taking two hours to complete it and left the pa tient in a critical condition from the loss of blood and shoek sustained. Two large fttiro cystic tumors of the broad iiganoants, which sustain the womb, were removed, bnt they adhered to tenacious ly to tbs abdominal viscera that tbe op eration was rendered an especially pain ful and difficult one. Eugene Guard. Crook Covnty The recorder's court waa occupied last Monday trying Pearl iook and ccuth st Ulair on charges 01 1 keeping bawdy houses The former was fined $75 and not having the ready cash with which to settle, was sent to Jail. J W Ambrose, a farmer on the North Fork of John Day, got mad at William Lungsford one day last week and shot him tt,rrtnK . 1. . mtr 1 r, rrm t . I waa nnl ... i.jii ,11. ' uuiidiuiu -, ln uuv badly hurt, so the shooter was not ar rested Down at Brownsville they have an as pirant for the position of Indian agent at warm Spring, lliey want to drop hiui like a "hot oystsr." Crook county has a candidate for that office in S A Lester, and he is entitled to the place- Mr Lester has been clerk at the fluency tor a long time. Review. His Badob Iksultbd The Oregonian has something to say about ( 'apt Van Alstine : but we baven't any idom space for tbe tiresome subject. He is in jail , and claims his G A R badge is insulted because he is kept there. He was put in a dark cell for mean conduct. An effort is being made to get him out, but it will be under the condition that tie leave town, when he would probably come to Albany or go to Eugene. Portland ia as able to stand such a misfortuns as we. vVhen you come to Albany Ron t fail te visit Hodges dc McFarland, The drugglttt They carry a large and choice .toes of drugs, patent medicines, etc. Prescriptions are always carefully and promptly attended te. It will Pay you. Movins Outfit. The undersigned it prepared to do all kindt of hoise raising and house moving promptly ai.d in tirst class order. Call or leave orders at my residence at coi of Third and Oak t'reett, Albany. I B Tillotbon, Albany MtrxM. Wheat,67e. Oats, 86c. Flour, $6.00. Kutter, 30c. Rggs. 80c. Lard, 14e. Pork -hams. Iter, sbouldsrs, 9oj sides Hay, bated, fit, fo atoea, 50o. Apple., 1 00 Hops, 18c. Dried fruitplums, 9o, apples, 9c Chickens, 84 50 per dozen. Beef on foot, 2o. Hofp, d rested, 7c. COlBTlX rKOCk.OI. Saturday evening, Jan. 38th, 1843. Present Mayor, Recorder, Martha! Street Commissioner, City Attorney and Counsllmen Whitney, Stewart, Pfelffer, Burkhart, Marshall and Wheeler. The foils wing bills were ordered paid: Parker Bros. 50c; E B Davidson, $1 ; R A Murphy, $81.18; R M Wade, $2. S0 JC Mvert, $2.50; W B Barr, $63; N J Hen ton, $86.25; Electric Light to, $206.75; EE Davis, $1.35; Sugar Pine & D Co, I4.50; Robert Brown,$i6; Santlatn Lum ber Co, $70.44; C W Breckenridge, $20; L J Crow $4; John Orton, $4; IF Had ley. 13; John Lear, $1; JE Brldgeford, $2: 1 M Hunt, $7.50; SW Ross, $14.37; G P Cramer, 60c; McFeron A Propst, $4.25; LGotlleb, $9. Applications for ttreet superintendent were read from O W Warrsr, offering to fill the position for $45; A B Morrlt for I45, and F M Weatfall for $40, a month. The committee on fire and water re. ported against Inci eating the membership of H & L Co to 75, one reason being that It wat not presented In the proper way It should be presented by the Bsard of Fire Delegates. The committee oa wayt and meant re -ported In favor of retrenchment in the city's expense, as follows: The present price for electric lights It $12.50 for 3 lights. The contract term inates July 1st. The company would renew no a- for a term of yeart at $10 for lett number of lights. The committee, though, thinks this should be an tame footing as other contracts, for one year. Having tailed to make any terms with the company that would secure an immediate reduction in our expenses, we are com pelled, at a last resort, to recommend the cutting off or the present arc lights until they are reduced to the number In use when the present contract wat entered into. To carry out this recommendation we would change the light horn First and Washington to Caiapooia, and would take out the lights at First and Broadalbln, First and Lyon, and alto all other arc lightt in the citv except those remaining on First ttreet, after the above changet are made, and on Lyon ttreet. In the meantime we would recommend the continuance of negotiations with the Electric Light Co., and tf a favorable con tract can be made the council can restore tuch of the lightt now cut off as they may deem necessary. We also recommend that the salary of the ttreet commissioner be reduced from $65 to $40 per month, to take effect Feb 1 st, 1893. In the relation to the matter of survey ing we recommend that hereafter all work performed by the surveyor shall be by order and under tbe supervision ol the superintendent of streets or committee on streets and public property, and that all bills presented for such work shall be certified by the superintendent of streets. Respectfully submitted, Pass B Marshall, C H Stewabt. Com, on Ways and Means Adapted 4 to 3. Referred for further negotiation to tame committee. The tame committee reported l favor of tebate .f tax of Mrs M E Farrell. Adopted. Report of Chief Engineer Lamb show ing condition of water supply, engine houses and apparatus, with recommenda tions of cisterns at 7th and Elltworth, and 3rd and Jackson, and that new engine company be admitted to fire department and provided with necessary apparatus. Adopted. Petitions for appointment of A B Morris and F M West fall at ttreet superintendent were read and died . Councilman Whitney pro pored amend ment te charter so that jurisdiction will extend over the entire bridge, and alto permit netting out shade trees In edge of street. City Attorney and chairman of committee on ordinances appointed to at tend to tame. Licenses to tell liquor were granted W W Rowell and Huffman & Taylor. W E Kelley waa granted twenty days further time on sewer contract. Bias were opened as follows: Boarding city prisoners, J A McFeron, 35 cents a meal. Contract awarded. City printing Contract let to Stitet Sc Nutting, and C W Watts, for potters Dirt and gravel Contract let to R R Crosby, dirt 18c, river, west Ellsworth, 54c: east, 60c; pit, 50c. Bond, 9250. The report of the turveyor tbowed work on First ttreet to, 1315.34; private, $880.96. Mrs Farrell " addressed council in reference her portion of sarre. Contract for lumber let to John Leedy . On cars, $7.75; unloaded, $8. Salaries of officers were placed aa fol lows : Street superintendent, $40; night- watch and engineer!, 70; special, too. The following officers were elected: Nlghtwatch and engineer of No i't, C O Lee, unanimously ; nlghtwatch and engin eer ol no as, John Jonet, unanimously ; special nlghtwatch, A W McClain, unan imously. Surveyor, W B Barr, 4; J A Warner, 3. Barr declared elected. City attorney, G W Wright, 3; J J Charlton, 3, on first ballot ; Charlton electee on second baIlot,4 to 3. Poundmaster John Schraeer, 4; C W Watts, 2. Schmeer declared elect ed. Street Superintendent, F M WtstfaJI, 3, A B Morris. 4. Morris declared elected. Matter of catch basin at Washington and Ninth street referred with power to act. Also matter ot street adjo nlng td Huston's, to report at next meeting. Bills allowed : Burkhart k Harknes, $48.94; W E Kelley, $38.38; S W Ross, $313.34; E B Dayldton, $3. r To the citizens of Albany, wbo so nrbly tendered aid and aympathy, during the tick nets, death aad burial of our beloved ton and brother, we desire to return tLankt. May all meet with like kind attention when passing through the deep waters. Me and Mas J W Propst. Quihcey F. Propst. Faeces The Order. There it lots of faice aboct the State Legislature. Scores of bills are introduced with no idea that they will be patted. The members teen to think i ht tbey have to do something for their con stituency, like a lawyer making a hot speech In order to make hit bill sound reasonable. A clerk who has been at Salem sometime tats he has not drawn a mark with his pen vet, and most of the other clerks are ditto, tha 's another farce. 1 he woods are full of l hem. Boots and Shoes 1 carry the large line of medium priced and good wearing cj -, mtnet and children thoet in the city, and have just added a line of steel shod school shoe which I recommend to the trade. Dont forget that I repair any shoe f sell free of chaige. w g K Notice To sll Indian War Vstersnt. All War Veterans are requetted to call on ut and make application for Land Warrant, to which they are entitled. No charge nnlest successful. Call and get terms and particulars, ire. MoNTAMYE HACKLEMAM. 1 23- f During tne yesr i8e3, from be. U t tot rd, Will a tark propose te kc ( heir reputation of hsvlnc the finettttc.k of jewelry, watches, silver ware, etc , In the valley. If you want the bett goods at reasonable prices call on them. K.ID ULOVEStrom l a pair op. 1 sarry nil line'of leading brands in black and col orsd. Will receive novelties for tbe holidays. A ent for the celebrated L-entemeri glovi. SAMUEL K. Y OfNO W.i.i. Move Feb. 15th. From new un til Feb. 15th we will tell Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce sur large ttock before mevlng in our new quarters. Kespectlully, Klein Bros. A 1 1 andssme Prize. A beautiful ill ver water pitcher, now on exhibition at F L Kenton's grocery store, will be given away on Washington's birthday. A ticket It given for every 50 cent cath purchase Contumptivst. do not despair. There I hops. Try West's Cough Sytup. It will always ours in early stages. Procure 50c large 8 os. tottle. J A Gumming, Drug- gut. Fins cream candy, chewing chocolate marsh 1 ,11. Mr Roy Edwards, a Portland real estate man. formerly of Albany, it In the city. Ben Clelan it now newt agent on th: O P between Albany and the Bay. License has been issued for the marriaire of H W Wallace and Ltllie McBride and v u rerry ana carrie Mcneil. Deputy Superintendent Commander Van Meter It engaged In organizing a tent of Maccabees at Albany and WTO close with a very fine chrrter Hat, comprising a hnstling fraternal lot of men. Salem Journal. Mr J P Galbraith and George Hum phrey are toth candidates for the office of Marshal of Alaska to succeed O T Por ter. Marshal Porter is said to have made a fine cleanup out of the office. Mr John N Hoffman ia a candidate for agent at Umatilla, and everybody in Linn county will hope to see Ir'm get it. TUESDAY. License hat beer. Issued for the marriage of Perry O Ross and Miss Adda Lock wo u. Mrs D G Clark and daughter did not go to Albany latt week, at reported, but only to Medfoid , for a day's v-'sit with f rjenes there. Ashland Tidings. The Y P S C E of the Firtt Presbteilan church will give a social at the residence of Mr C E Brownelt Friday evening Feb. 10th. Something entirely ntw and novel in tht way of entertainment It being prepared. FJ Parker returned from the Yaqnina Bay country this moraine and aavs the cold wave extended right down to the coast and the people in that generously talubrieus section are enjoying three inches of snow bat there is not a bit ot ice in any of the rivers there or in tbe Willamette valley either. Walla Walla States man. WEDNESBAS. Mr Eugene Larlnorc, cf Cotvaltis. U In tbe city. r George Gerhart, aa old Corvallis boy, it hi town on a vitit to aelativct and friends. He will leave in a day or two for a brief vitit with friends In Albany and Eugene, and then return to hia borne at Falrhaver. Wash, ington. Corvallis Tines. StEAI- ESTATE SALES Anna McCormick to W B and Emma L McCormick, 2 pieces land $ Phillip Willig and M Cone to Har riet M Roberts, 4talf feet, N Brownsville L Morse to Perry Bynuoi. S aeree 14 w I J C Lyons to Leila Barlow, H2Sx 100 feet, Lyons J C Porter to P W and 8 C Quion, 4 acres 13 w 4 W E Arnold to Harrison Phillip, 60 acres 10 w 1 R A R-mpy to Wm Leach, 2 lota, Harriabarrf. S P Fleener to Serena Fleener, piece !and 10 w 2 Geo W Rixgs to Lengdon Morse, 1600 750 80 so 100 700 500 281X) ft acre t-rawlordsville 80s 0 S to Jas J Hogan, 120 acres tu 3 Patent IK MEWOMIA We, the members of the Harrisburg Union Y P SC E, do hereby beg to offer our sincere condolence to the bereaved parents and sister of Millard Ramor, for the irreparable lose of their eon and brother. Ms waa endeared to all by hie many manly qualities, and waa one whose bright smiles and wilting bands had endeared him to all who knew him, and we feel that his untimely death haa left a asd blank in oar circle that on earth will never be fillad. Snatched away in the very morning of life, and L'le dawn of a promising manhood, making his lose doubly felt. Ha waa ever faithful, as member and president of oar soei?lr. mougnt, mat -ueatb is swallowed op in ; Ri7T Vrr -"r J Pf?.?"1 r d2 ricu!lor. paa.ed.bin vawuu j iuc lawny our unaxi felt sympathy, and commend them to "One" "wbodoeth alt things well." Resolved, that by tbe death of our dear brother, our C Society haa lost j an earnest and a consecrated member, j though be may not answer present to our roll call, we are certain that at tbe great roll call of heaven, aa tbe great secretary shall call out tbs names ot tbs redeemed, that Millard in Lis robe of white and starry crown, shall rise and with the sweet toned voice of angels. present- Resolved . that hia untimely death be an example to us, that we so live that whsa tbe call comes, we like him, be ready to start on the final trip with the "signal" all ready. Resolved, that a copy of thees resolu tions be furnisbsd tbe bereaved family and entered on tbe records of our social r, and a copy be banded the Harrisburg Courier, Herald Diseeminator, Albany Democbat, and the Oregon Christian Endeavoter, for publication. C. E. Hawk. Nettie Hexdu. Mrs. E.J. Bexb. Lucy Mis son. C as. Levis. Committee. College Kates! Wednesday morning finds only sixty three of us assembles' here for our daily itudlet. Prof Blots, of the Stale Agriculture Col lege waa witli ut during Chapel exercises this morning, after which he delivered a short addret. Pres. Comfit and Prof Lee accompanied by the Senior class attended the funeral of Frank Propst, a fo mer grtgaate of thit lace. Examination begin next Friday Tbey will last about a week. We are sorry to taylhat one of our moat prominent young man had to be told Ibat be had better discontinue tbe eating of hit dinner until after school when hs could have tome one help him. (Another east room incident.) School wat aetin dismissed today noon on account of the weather. Bill Sykes Je. With an Ax akd Gun. Tennessee, s few miles from Lebanon, hat been having a live contest between a couple of citizens. Mr Allen and Mr Thomas had some trouble resulting In the former attacking the latter witn an ax, no damage being done, and then with a shotgun, st which time Mr Thomas had gotten out of range. Allen was arretted ana tried at Lebanon, Deputy Liittrici Attorney wyatt prosecuting the eate. A fine of Sc. and cottt wis the result. Some Suits. As the remit of a crimi nal suit tried In Albany teveral months ago, Asa A Hull and Abba Hull have orougbt suit against J t and Anna Motet te ettabllth a boundary line. All of Ciaw fordtvllle. Hayne & Buck have brought an attach ment suit againtt R Kent for 837. Get Started Right. Then the whining schoolboy, ith hit tatcnei And thlning morning face, creeping like a tnsll Unwllllnoiv to school. stopped at 'Cenr. & llendrlcton't, the live grocert, and left a long order for tome groceries, remarking that he liked to eat any way,and that they kept the bett groct. net there, to ne secured anvwhere. it vou would have the bett groceries and produce at the most reasonable prices call on Conn nendricion. They have them. A Bio Btaos. ''All the world's a stags And all tbs men and women merely players ; They have their exits and their en trances." One of their principal entrances leaea into Park a r Bros grocery and bakery. The finest aroceries and tha freshest oro- duce ars kept, and their baked goods are 1 a r ' a... . . oeyonu comparison. conBistina ol a die variety of breads and cakes, plain and i fancy, skillfully and well made. An im portant thing to consider. STOP at Wlll&btark's when vou are after diamonds, the best watches, and tne finest silverware fo be secured. They IN THE SENATE. New Bills. Maxwell, for a health of ficer for Tillamook bay; for a bridge across the Tillamook river; Matlock, for a branch of the ineaneasylum in Eastern Oregon ; Willis.assessinent and taxation ; Weatherford, relative to conal commis sions. Senate joint resolution not allowing cities, towns or school districts to go in debt beyond 6 per cent of their taxable property was adopted. The honse joint resolution relative to he naturalization of white foreigners was adopted. IN THE HOUSE. The bill by Durham, to fix rate of in terest, was indefinitely postponed; Oul .ixson, for the equipment of the Oiegon National Guard.passed. The house concurrent resolution to prepare resolutions on the death of Blaine, Hayes and Lamar was con curred in, and Messrs (Jeer of Clacka mas, Goodrich and Nickel! were ap pointed on the joint committee. Ford will introduce a bill providing far the incorporation of towns to be put in the jurisdiction ol county courts, there by saving the state the expense of print ing enabling acts, which he estimates at $30,000 annually. The system has been in vogue, be says, in Massachusetts 50 years; Pennsylvania, 40; California, 10, and in Washington ever since it became a state. Among the bills passed one of the houses were : In tbs Senate Black man, tc distribute the 5 per cent road fond and direct tax fond among the several counties accord ing to the area for the purpose of road improvement ; Cross, to amend the road laws; Denny, for commitment of users of narcotic drags to tbe asylum ; Weatb ford presented a petition relating to schools, which was referred to the com mittee on education. Senate joint reso lution in favor of the annexation of the j Hawaiian islanda to the United States j was read and adopted by a vote of 48 to 8. In the Honse Bella.givingsheepherd- era a tein upon animals neraso ; tsrown, of Douglas, house bill for a rebate of road tkT to neraona naini? rertain vimni on public roads referring to width of tires ; ueer. 01 1. lack a mat, reouiriug road su pervisors to put up suitable guide boards: Gill'a bill to prohibit the sale of tobacco and cigars to minors uadsr 18. SpcUl to U Pasncaari Salem, Or., Feb 1st. In the house, soldiers home bill recommitted ; indigent soldiers act passed. Haw bills: Tocrea'e Southern Orgi txard of astrirolture ; to repeal specific contract taw: f or r prinUntr seat ion laws of several former assemblies now ont of print ; to enable persons to take advantage ol lien laws ; j to provide collection of all taxes at one time and place ; requiring railroads to , fence their tracks tgaintt stock in cer jtan counties. Usaatiila delegation re- : porteit lavorab.y on bill to reduce sala- nee of clerk and sheriff to 1500 and : certain fera- Time for meeting fixed at 9 :30 am and 1:90 pm- Belknap bill j fixing bounties an wild anima's passed t. .1 ...... .1 ...... . - : train wrecking, I . passed : to create state mininff bureau : lost; Lawton's taxation bill w nn tr,; ! discussion when boose met at 1 p m It i V, . " , , . proposes repeal of mortsa tax and ex- ,? 25? . JJmw orM 01 tor dhl f ' t259. nd bo, coilecud wen $35. In the senate, only routine business . - I this forenoon. Cross road law under discussion this afternoon. Salem , Or., Jan ;lit pm House reconsidered vote defeating Nil to create state fruit-pett inspector and ; enlarging powers of state board of hor- ! ticulturs. To committee on aariculture. No 57 same reference. Coopers road sapenriscT law was aCer much debate i recommitted to roads and highways. House concurred in senate resolution for : a . - 1 S joint committee to investigate state ag- ! ; iicuuurai awieiy, aits in senate reso u- lum be en powered to call wjtn Mineral was Oreaon board a.ricu!tora passed, bill to reduce in terest to six per cent, motion to indefi nitely postpone lost. On passage ayes, nays z?. voons mil amenuing irri-; gation law passed. ' rears bill for local ! option by counties as to stock running at large recommitted. Senate haa passed bill to create all cities of four thousand or over aa one school district ; to incur- j porate Condon, Special to nemocaav. Salem, Or., Jan 30th. Legislature as sembled at 1 o m. There being 331 bill4 on house calendar, 18 pasted; on senate. 186; 7 patted. Four house bill have patted senate and three .senate Mils have pasted the house. In the" house the om nibus road bill of last . session with gov emor't veto wat taken ud as special order. I ' N" I wHl past the house. Ford ha prepared a 1 general incorporation bill which WTll Introduced tomorrow Hon Geo W McBride I. worse today, j ne senate took up recond reaclng of assts ana win not get much beyond rou- ti ne work. In supreme court. State of Oregon vs Chat Baker and F S Phelps, appellant, appeal from Lino county, judgment wat reversed and new trial ordercs'. Opinion by Justice Bean. Cellece aateei Monday mornlne finds tome of ut at- I sembled here once more. School is rather slim on account of the weather. Mr Bert WlgntssentSaturdar and Sun day at htt home near Lebanon. Prof Lee hat taken charge of the music room, which he will conduct hereafter. Mr Chat Bowen has left ut to accept the position of stenographer on the O P road. We arc sorry to aee him t?o because it leaves ut one man short on our foot ball team. Mr Howard Propst hat accented a pos ition as bookkeeper in Southern Oreeon, at Bandon. and will not be 1th us the re mainder of tbe year. The east room down stairs It becoming a very popular retort for the students here of late, between the hours of four and five. If there were better lessons and lets tardiness the room mlyht have a little vacation. We with the A C L S boys would be a ttle lett nolty in th elr iniliattont. One of our young commercial gentle men appears at school this momiiig with swollen Hps the result of a snowball; so he says, but it may have been caused by one of the junior young ladles. In the death of Frank Propst the Col lege toaet a popular member of Its alumni, a young man with a clean record. We notice a disposition among the ttudenls to caricature som: of the teachers. We think this very bad taste and should be dropped. Boys dsn't trow-ball cry one without asking hit permission. This especially applies to the ladiet. We hope none of our bovs were engaged in that snowball Ing affair the other day. Bill Sykes, Jr. T Prevent the (trip Or any other similar epidemic, the blood and tbs whole system should be kept in healthy condition. Take food's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the blcod ard prevent disease. Hood's Pilli cure liver ills Liftier tiist. Following is the list of lottars remaining in the post offloe at Albany, Lion county, Oregon, Jan 31, 1893. Parsons calling for these letters mutt give the date on which they wars tdvertitt.l. Allen, Mrs Elma L Carson, Maynard l)odd, O W Elliott. Lee Harrison, Richard Cammsrsoo, M J Cutter, R Evans, Taylor Ervlng, Rav D D Kelley. Jack M Millbradt, A Millar, Mrs Olten.OO Prioe, T 0 Row, Leonard Tim, Van Watkint, Wm L Kirklaod.Mitt Etta Minsr, Julius E If i T TTa ', " Pfonts, James Rioksrt, Henry Sherwood, Nettio Welling, R W Wood, Mitt Irens Taos. Mokieitst, P, M. wwoqjael H 'bbbW WB B BS Hr earn , I Mm Bfar JBT wbbbbbbbvBs bbbw 1 PoVder AVhere the best food is requiredfthe Royal Baking Powder "only can be used.' I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior tO all Other! C. Corfu, UU CIUf, DtlmmUSi, X. Y. M AMD AIMUAD atOSDAY. Mary A Ramp has tusd Marion cooaty for 8145.32 for being illegally tat at sad. Dr Hill is tract ing a franc adjoining beams grocery store to be occupied by A J Hamilton as a tin and hardware S'.ora. Robert Zimmarmaa wat arras tad in Al bany Saturday evening for at-aling a thot kuo, watch and rasor of a farmer for whom h- wat working bear Independence. All tbe iittl folks taking part ic the To n Thcmb wtdiing scena are reaaeevd to ba rvady tynvwrew ( Tneadail at 3 JO p a, as a carriage wul call at thtir homes to take tbcm to tea Opera llouae for rahaaraal . Members cf the Albany firs department are rfqaaated to neat at the hall of Albany E igine Co. K . 1 tomorrow at 9 o'eto-k lor tte pcrpo e of attainting tb facers! of Knnk Propst. By order of tits chief B-igtaeer Artk lea of incorrMatio of the Wiley B A:leo 0., Portland, were glad in lb oe of th wc.-ur. of tae yeatorday by Wil. B AI!c-. ill oss is B Allen. Kadolph Wa3 1 --aa ai.d J K Whimsy, with a capita! steak of $100,000. Oncn aa Albany firm. ttssbav . ... . I - 1. . ,, , - - 1 to,at in urd, , KveiV Jtdy who c to HoOil s; will gat . a a null bottle of fine patfasaary- f That Albany mataor raa inatgsifioaat 1 - um vnuar aat yon ihiMehi . cowiparM an& a JU.UUU pooad place Bear tti a 3aa Aotoolo. Tx a un .strr.ln.i tw t- r-.i.. . l . , , . I! ' " " r'? ro -' " I. c . air. I, . ... ssatfjnt, Motcr makes five trips daily to VMrcoks tddilioa Lou thtte oa iastaliaawBi of 11 weak . QThara should ba a good attendance to ourrew aight at the V II C A catai Utament. Th progran stcwa that it will ha as worth atteodiac If yea tad a black silk avtUa retain it to toa Haa A boat Town st tat Gi at or bat . irom hit : i a On it tooth, and h ntads it ttiaaa nosi dava.- Katwhar we pebnah a thatch of Hon M A Muter, and tomorrow wtU f c! aalam Statesmen ia connection with thaar p let a ret. Ttre w a large attandaoo at th fnn eial si frank Pracat this forenoon Vh termor of Uy Wetmer wat a jaat tribal to a young mas wooas abort career bat pnhSj a -obi. and standee ona. , , . T Tomorrow evening Is the Y VI C A otor- tortaiamsal. It wil! py joo to go. This ia tbe firat V II C A tatldiag ia tea state. ntortoinmnt m VT, . 'rr ' . -, . m uuiiuwij . oiii, roam oy yovr prucate. J R Mark lay and R R Haras, the o i k l . . . tup rooc moaatactarera. wbo bave bad a an it with Benton ceaaty. and Oaokamaa county, are nw about to sua Multnomah ooonty for 155 009. A aood deal of the claim ht oa the technical sentence ia the contract t Ho wing then- lOouUtoo "prcporty nct dascrihad or atsttatd to th owner thereof.'1 WEDXEMlAY. 16 tnebe. of aoow at Seattle and 14 st - o. ... ,,,.. , . ,, all getting a b 6 1 Almost t genera! satpaottoa of batman lT 00 "0OO"t "w Oirmao Lutheran church eery ice inndav. February 5th. at 10 a n, at the V C T U flail, bv Rev J C Meyer. Special trains will ran from Corvallis Fri day and Saturday evening ia order to boar Cordray'. splendid company ia Hombng and Wife for Wife. Tka Literary Northwest is a tiagariti published at St Pail, Minn. It aonptraa well with those of farther oaat, with atore ot the western snap. It ie not only up to the standard literarily, but ia an elegant produc tion typographically. In a few days a teat ease will be brought by F M Johnson and John Burnett at Cor vallit to ascertain tht conttitntioaality of tha action ef tha state, by ard of equalization in raiting tho ass tat meat of Benton county. 1200 htt been subscribed bv various cttfasaa and tha coaoty clerk has agreed to sarretdar hit 'era. A terrifically boiateroua morning, wind and Snow prevailing, and yet tha temperature was 15 dearest warmer than laat evening. when it waa 15 degrees above aero. Tha iadicatimt ware clear and warmer weather. Look out for good weather StateSuperint-ndeot McK'roy ha received and acorpted an invitation to deliver an ad draaa before roe worms Educational con - areas, to ba held at Chicago during tha Colombian exposition this year. Tfcis con grots will convene during tbe month of July l;th. Thetubjsot will be, "The Rise and Growth of the Public Schools on tha Pacific Slop." C-ooaer's new road law does away with the labor tax which yielded no good result in roads, but propose a tax sf four millt instead. Grading machine are provided to do tbe work before tbe ground vt tiara and inch a machine will do at mash road work aa hirt v or forty teams with plows sad tcrtuer. Tbe roads are to be uniform In plan, built of gravel with culvarta of atone where practicable. It is being opposed on the artund that our tax it already too high, and if topat visors would do thtir duty ws wculd have good roadt. But we would rot. We need better laws. How's This! We Offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Curs. F. J. CHENEY A CO. , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor tbe laat 15 years, aad believe htm perfectly honorable in aU business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their arm. West ATauax. Wholesale Druggista.Toledo.O, WaiJJiNO, Kimman St Maavik, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure la taken internally, act ins; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ayttem. Testimonials sent tree. Price Too. por bottle. Bold by all Druggist. Ladies Fike 8hoe. I havoTfull tin ot ladiet fine dress shoot, all solid sod tha latest novel ties in ityle, and re sonable pries. Sahwei, E. Yotmo. D-PRICE'S wdnel The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. LY PURE HOS, JEFF SfEVEBtSt Prominent among the native sons of Oregon who have displaysd a marked de gree of energy and ability in carving ont their own fortunes is Hon Myers, who is at present one of tbe members of tbe upper branch of tbe legists tare. He was born in Stio, Linn county, August 8th, 1864. He is a son of David and Mary McDonald Mysrs, who were among tbe early pioneers of Oregon. His father came to thia state from Ohio in 1839, while his mother came fro.n Missouri in 1844 with her father. Nathaniel Green McDonald. The latter gentleman figured , quite prominently in the early hietory of j tne state, and waa one of the volunteers ia Captain Gilliam's company in the Caynse Indian war. The subject of this j sketch received a common school educs tioo, the best th sta e afforded at that j time, and nntil be wat 15 lived with hia I parents upon their farm Here be ob j rained a practical knowledge of farming! that has been of grat service to him at various times in bis business pursuits. In 1879 be started to learn the carpenter's trade, and continued at thia occupation until be waa 20- years of age. Through sickness be was disabled so as to make it impossible to continue work at his trade ti . .. . . i - 1 int uevriopmn( 01 me .ormweai,wosco Um a as just fairly inaugurated, offered rare opportunities for profitable speculation in real "state. Mr Myeri , who is naturally of a apeculative turn of mind, turned bis attention in thia direc tion, fie proved himself to be a shrewd and careful operator and haa succeeded in amassing foi himself a snug fortune. L Although a voung mac, Mr Myers baa Men tne rmpirnt 01 poiiucau oooors that are rarelv accorded to a man of hia I years. In 1888 he waa elected to tbe boose of representative aa a democrat, ! mr.A tm 1000 K I-tA.l numml Itta native town of Scio, In 1890, bis const! tuents in Linn county fully appreciating hia services in the legislature, elected him to the state senate, and he enjoys tbe proud distinction of being the young est man who ever occupied that position in Oregon. Mr Myers is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being Member of Scio Blue ledge, Albany chapter .Temple Commandery of Knights Templar, the Mystic Shrine, and he ia also a member of the Ancient and A:- eeoted Scott:?; . Kite of Portland. Mr Myers it also a prominent member of the Knights of Pythtac, being a past chancellor and a member of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Mr Myers !s a lieutenant-colonel on Governor Pennoyere staff. He ia a member of tn- committee on claims, en grossed bills, to examine the state treas urer's office, and to confer with tbe Washington tej - atura in regard to uni form laws on fishing. Hs haa introduced a number of hills, among them one obliging receivers to pay laborers every thirty days ; one for precinct assessors ; one abolishing the fieh commission, and several amending the code. STAT WTEA B stra Summary. Station. Alhany, Or. Month, January. 1893. Elevation above sea level, 217.7 feet. Mean temperature. 3) 4 Departure from r-ormal. SC. Maximum teenperanre, SI -. date, 6 h. Minimum fempTalurv, S; date, 31. Mean of maximum temr.erature.39 1 M.ean of mir. mum temperature, 26. No. timet n aximom temperature 90 or above, O. No. ttmea minimum temperature 32s or be'ow. 24. Total precipitation 2.31 inches. Departure Irom normal. - 4 SO inches. Total depth of nomelted snowfall, 14.5 in okas. Prevailing direction a the wind, S. & N. No. ot cloudless days, 2. No. of pa. tly cloudy days, 5 No. of cloudy day. 10. foe 14. No. of daya oa which .01 of rao or snow fell. 9. Dates on which bail tell, 0. Dates oa which avow fall, 26 to 31. Dates of thunder storms. 0. Dates of light frost, 1 to 26, except 1 k 10. Dates of killing or injurious frost, 27 4 31. Dates of solar halo. 0. Dates of lunar aaloa, 0. J.-RN Batcoa, Volunteer Observer. Tbey lDcroase appetite, purity t' ' whole a and aesoo roa urer. nuc cMana,-.ituii. ABBlEst. EDGAR STUART. On Saturday evening, Jan jSlh, 1S03, at the residence of C J Stuart, In Albany, by Rev E R Prichard, Mr T A Edgar, of the Orego nian Brittanica management, and Mitt Ida M Stuart, sitter of Mr C J Stuart. MORRIS At their home In Albany, MonJar .January 30, 1S93, to Mr end Mr R N Mor'ria, a daughter. THOMPSON. On Jan 28th. 1893, to Mr and Mrs R Thompson a girl. MARTIN. In Tacoma, on Jan. 26th, 1893, to the wife of Jos Martin, nee Flora Lewis, formerly of this city a ton. BIKO. SMITH. On Sunday, Jan aoth, 1893 at the Insane asylum in Salem, Mr W P Smlth.aged about 70 years. The deceased wat taken to bis home at Halsey, where he wat buried, today. He wat a pioneer of thlt county, single, and had been In the asylum about ' wo years, was a member ot the O F and A K M and had alwavt been a highly respected and Influcntal citizen. KELLEY. At Dufur, Oregon, on Jan J7th. 1803, Mr J J Kelley, aged 64 years. Mr Ke'.lev was a brother of W E Kelley.of ,. j . ..11 I ;.!.:. - . tnts CUV, anu rcsiueu in mis mumy rrotn 185a until about live years ago,, when he moved to cattern urvgon. tie leavet a wife and several children ar.d many friendt to mourn hit death. The remains were brought to this county and burled In the Miller cemetery, nesr ocio. We received that cheap, UNIQUE JOB PRINTING It waa first-class, as represented, the price was very reasonable, and we advise our friends to send their orders to SMILEY, THt: PRINTER, Klinn Bl'k. Albany. f I893 J tKMfo K-Cma jjljfrjjgfc cTw"tor J ySSlSBfiTr "t"'"' "tang fa'tawwnM"" ' jjkTCnWlW l PMy7 V Thearthlsnsssilthetaakaof year own Ha aad ytW TV? J a. sawn 1 thoaght, aad ef otarowa conatry, aad ef osx own I j 7W Lfe"ml ttats;ttstMssofywelu UF.Laoal i sdtxyw 1 svalxssfrssiaimmlayssxswnstaaisis V Ff 1 "rTUamilJa- I .stsaw I L r 199 1 rf Th roscTtrs hdsnasnto f Tft Q ? 1 A m m tnat iu wrltsrs maks it nstpfal tn aU who think. 1 Lg. a Wd VtfflkStK Jta rsadsrtomtbs drtisanurtaf ywy tu- jjSlf kittati thaTBavtaeawreexattsarajerftheigtsilee- lwWJT V ST taaJ force aad of the larxer axt;missf Amsriraa w Is m n 11 1 1 Ufa. tha kest-isfta nil, aad tha mast asabuieat. On. ff f 1 1. Kin 1 IttwrttsnsTettwIntsawsfthsaightaaairf F.A-ua 1 1 tesesaTwtstnsaMxaanUtsn , I I . - Ask Uk beat Tirmaa4 nana in yonr eosnnraaity A j I fMpPY thinks a Tee Fohcx. or sad ts us far fejtja 4ft Til lUi!l: thtetesax.awTsk. StyttT. XbbbsbV&J ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD! While trying to Crowd their FR0M.4X BROS. Store, where they aiwasa have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles aad Shot Guns; sn immense stock of Fishing Ttcklt ol every description; Tenta, Hsu. macks. Camp Chairs aad thousands of things too numerous to mention. Kepair Shop ia connection with the Store, and one ol the beat workmen la the State to do any and all kinds of work. Come one Come alt Ne trouble to show goods. "Small profit and quick svW is out atotto. Wall Paper, 1 )t ups, Painta Oils Glosis, Et J. A. CniiMiig ALBANY, -:- OREGON ANDERSON k ANDRERSON -CITT LATJNDB' Opposite St Charles Hotel Bed e.otolng and laos curtains well attended to. StareL wora a apeoaUty. Brareh office at Moses' barber shop sundry c oss evenlaga at 7-SO o'clock Star Baker j t or Braaital bin and First Bit CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. t'aaartl rraits, lass ware, (tried rralM, Tobacea, agar, Casta. Cavawott Mea, tgaeeuawaire Vegetables. Cigars aieea. Tea, aw.. U bat yrytlut skat to kept tn a tamer rarietj and noatry stora, Hlabt saarkat price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE ton BALK CHEAP. A road cart and single harness, bch new. Call on F Russell, county school auperloteu- Proprietor, CHEAPEST, GOOD FITTING READY MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES, F. L. BUhrfONT, The Clothier and Merchant Tailor," On Lyon Street, ne First, See what a bargain you can get there for your cash money . Alto suits made to order, cleaning, dye 'eg and repa'rlng . Satisfaction guaranteed. F. L. DoMONT, - - Albany, Or. WANTED At the store formerly owned by Allen Bret, BUTTER, EGGS, LiARD, BACON, and GHOIGE APPLE8, for which I will pav.the bett cath price potaible. B. Fs RAMP. L A, Morris k Co. Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their ttore to the Stratum ttcra, formerly occvpied by Deyoe 4i Robaon, and have on hand a full stock of CORVALl S FICU s B3AN, SHORTS, GERM MEAL. CRAM AM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CROPPED FEE 0: Custom chopping done. TRY t A PAIR Of Those Frazilian Pebble Spectacles, For tale by F. M. FRENCH, the Jeweler. 500 Reward f M ;:- tlt ckbort) rewan! for msf o t ut. ljTipept$t, Sick BotviAcha, U laCWvi t kf Coat:vtjasj3 w CcUksot cur witr. v. fttsVi UTrn)bwlfae thts dirtyjfM 4 wttk- They axe parvij V eev t.abls. gut ' i'-ivm SstUsfaciiua. Sw?'-' CoUfJ Lrv t. " tS etMtL V rv of rotufttt. 1 1 - - .h CUttilW ikaaufv-trirea t(: DKY WOOD. seTmal kinds for Iuquire of P W Spink, at foot o Ferry st-rees, or of A B McwSs ThlrJ WtavrcL gists aud Dc'-n