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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1893)
Eights emofra "The - Demoi'ci'at" M Year for Only $2.00. "State Rights Democi'a'' The Best Paper in the Valley, VOL XXVIII. E., qm.Mi.T.or. ALBAN Y,QRR()N, FRIDAY, JANUARY 37, 1893 S NO 26 PROMPT, Mr. Wmet F. mm roorninr with escraciaun; pains In reliefs for sudden pains without effect XSjr Bk m m Sx. I became ineuftarehle C CJUU 3 JACOB BjS) Ol L ; to worn ; cure permanent . My wife suffered with such Intense nenraurlc pains In the face, she thought aha would die. She bathed her face and head lour hours. FORTMILLER Undertakers and WE KEEP cc.nslanlH cn hard a lull lire ol metaiir, t't'l coil! . Also builal rcUa art) suits, in fctcaccloth, which will be told at The' l owest Living Profits. EMBALMING nd proper MO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC CARPET DEPARTMENT. K kLL STO( KID WIM TUB CHOICEST CARPETS MATTINGS OIL DRAPERIES OF THIS.SE ASON'S PRICES DNBQDALBD IN THIS MAEKET Samuel E. Young The Oregon Vitn home SALEM - . - in the Gray Block, corner Liberty and MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem' Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per acre small cash p lyment long time on balance for particulars. We need some cheap. Unique JOB Printing And I shall send "an order, at once to a - eT. "P. J. SMILEY, Flinn Block, Albany, He has thelargest stoek of Printers' Stationery and the best equipped Job Office in the Valley, good work and low prices should be appreciated, all work deliyered when promised, and we will REMEMBER THE 8IQN f A W 1 Salam, Oregon, W. I. A thortnfh business training schocl Endorsed Five Departments: Busincsi, Shorthand, Typewriting, Pentna- chool in session the entire rear. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue, contain! THF. LKADIRtV rBOTOOHAPHF.RH, : Alhany, recall. Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's. Shimp & House r, SpeclalUU In the treatment of all forms or Chronic, Oatan hal, Nerrout an female Disease. Twenty (80) Vosvra Experience, la Medicine. Surgery and Kleotrlrity curable oases (iuaraa. eel. Offios Z59 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, t Ell he eeiiin D. GOOD WORK. RHEUMATISM. Conk, Canaloharie, N. Y., write : "Awoke one ns in my ehoaldar. Tried various t effect : went to toy office the pain effect magical, pain ceased, and at I o'clock went : went Kami a, ti 'rWfc and used K r NEURALGIA. Lima Rat-ios, Wis. with ST. JACOBS OIL. end it ci her la CARL SCHEIBE. & IRVING Embalmers. m i v ! i d (t 1 c it aa tsiii oil it', n.iii care of the dead a specially. HEARSE OR SERVICES, TEMPLE, - - OREGCfv CLOTHS. , CURTAINS! LINOLEUMS. NOVELTIE8 AND Land Co office at - OS&KG-OCT State street, branch office in Portland Stalit, Principal. by the business and profession . Cabinet h ';' n . o S per doun. Sit) I If ?' : specialty. i6co sctjn lor $100-1. Wjcarrv a It ? of jx8 and sterjscoplc vtswi of -id A sisi He Didn't Liav. It is not the inten tion of the Democrat to bore its readers over Cart Van Alstine, an old resident of Albany and Eugene, but here is an other dose from a Fortland paper: Captain M B Van llstine, who has given the police authorities considerable trouble because of his apparently uocon trolable desire to abuse his family, was locked up in the city jail again last night, on a charge of- disorderly conduct About a month ago Van Alstine was in the police court, charged with threaten ing to kill his wife and step-daughter- ludee Cam. knowing hitn to be a bad man. placed him under $600 bonds to keep the peace. These he could not furnish, and he went to the county jail where he remained until Wednesday. Then, on application of his attorney, he was brought before Judge Hale, in the cireuit court, who released him, not withstanding District Attorney Hume's protests, van Alstine made a solemn promise that he wonld leave the state at once, but Mr riume knew him, and re marked that within 36 hours he would be in the citv jail again. The prediction came true. Last night Van Alstine vis ited the house where his wife and step daughter are living on first and Hooker streets, and proceeded to smash in the doors and windows. Offioer Al Hughes was called, and placed him under arrest Nsw Counties. mere seemt to oe a eckless rage for new counties. At the present writing the Legislature has ten bills on their hands of this mature. They are about as follows: Mineral county, out of the southern part of Lane and the northern part, of Douglas, with Cottage Grove as the county seat, lite division of Umatilla.ttking off the eastern portion An enabling act for I nion county, also one to divide the county, taking oft the northern portion and calling It Elgin county, with Elgin as the county seat One to divide Grant county, calling the northern half Hamilton county. One for a county out of a part of Grant, Gilliam and Crook, to be called Sutton, with Mitchell as the county seat; Blaine coun ty, out ol the northern portion ol Lane and the southern part of Benton ; Stock man, to be, sliced principally from Wasco, with a little from Gilliam and Crock, of this Antelope would be the county seat ; Wasco, to be called Cascade county. The people of the Tygh valley, Wamic and WapiniUa country, demaud a new county. "Bay,-" to be about forty-eight miles long with an average width of twenty miles to be composed of the Slletx Indian reserva tion ic Tillamook county and the west part of Benton county, the east line fol lowing along the summit of t'.e Coast range of mountains. The temporary county aeat is to be at Toledo. A Cbssyct cracked by a Salem paper: It is told on the candidates for railroad commissioners that forty seven of the siztv-nine of them now in the city held a caucus for tne declared purpose of select ing from among their number a repre sentation to go before the legislature as the candidates for place on the com mission. The agreement was that the thirty-five candidates receiving the smallest vote in the caucus were all to withdraw in favor of the remains twelve and ask the legislature to select from anion that diminutive number three persons to serve aa commissioners, vt ell. the caucus was a glittering, glowing sac- s. The voting was by balio! and everything ran smoothy until the vote came to be counted, whan it was fcund that there were foi ty six men who had one vote each standing to his credit One man had evidently failed to vote for him self. Marble and Gramte Weaves. The firm of E W Achison & Co, and their growing business. The Marble and Granite Worke of W Achison & Co at Albany and Rosebnrg is one ef the lead ing houses in this line n Oregon. The Koseburg house Is under the management of D Looney and is situated on Oak street, near Abraham s bnck and employs as marble cutter one of the most skillet' workmen In the state, whose work took first premlun at the Portland Exposition. This firm deals only In the best Imported and Domestic Marble and Granite and al ways give satisfaction. Their business Is increasing so rapidly that they Intend put ting in a branch house in Coos count) . rhe m mager of the Koeeburg bouse. Mr D Looney, will be found a business man with whom it is a pleasure to deal. Esti mates furnished on special designs and patronage solicited. Roaeburg Review. Lebanon. Mrs J L Cowan, of Albany, attend d the funeral of Miss Edith Roland, in Lebanon this week. E E Goff , electrician of -Albany, is var nishing ard touching up the Lebanon light machinery. Edith M Rclsnd. the only daughter of Mr and Mrs J 0 Roland, died at her parents noma in East Portland last Sat, Jan. lAtta, 1893. Het remains were brought here 0.1 Monday, by ber mother aad brother who were accompanied by friends and relatives, and buried in the Lebanon cemetery on Tuesday. Rev Eccleston conducted the funeral services at the residence of C H Raltton. She wss 18 years, old. Local papers. TJp the SAjmAM. Joseph Hamilton and Dick Burns are cutting cord wood at this place to be shipped to Albany. The Niagara minstrel troop will no to Mill City Friday to give one of their ex cellent performance. Geo VV Harris, the Albany marble man, was at this place Monday. George Cohen, of Albany, was at this place Tuesday buying niaes ana inrs. Lumberman. Unique Entebtainmbht. One of the most interesting programs ever rendered in Albany is being prepared for the en tertainment to be given rriday evening, Jan 27th under the auspices of the Y M C A for the purpose of furnishing tbe new rooms this is a pursly pbiian thropic move which bespeaks the hearty aid ol every citizen ol Albany in prepar ing an inviting place lor our young men. A Tramp. According to Hon Jeff Mover's bill a tramp is "Whosoever goes about from town to town, or from place to place in any town asking food or shel ter or begging or subsiding on charity, siiafi be deemed a tramp, and De ltnpne oaed at hard labor in any city-or county jail not more than six or less than one month." Albany's plan is to pass tbem along regardless ol description. The first paps appeared in Albany on Nov 1. 1860. with U 8 Senator. J Delezan Smith as editor. Mr Smith's son, Deputy Shenff D a mi th has abound file of the paper for a year and several months. Those were live times in tbe history of the U S and the paper con tains many national matters of interest as well as local events. Senator Smith aiea in tne ran of isou and the paper passed into other bands. A Valuable Clock A Corvallis man tent his clock to Mr Vogle, the jeweler, to be repaired, as it would not run. Mo wonder, as amone the nieces of machin ery was found $45 in gold, two $20 pieces and a $5 piece. The money was returned to the owner, and tbe clock was made to run all right, now the money got there is not statea. A Laud sdit. Geo Finley, of Oraw fordsvilie. Linn county, and several other residents of that section where here this week on business before tbe U S Land Office. It seems that they filed on land within the indemnity grant and are now involved in a landsnit as a conse quence. Boaeburg Review. Removed. Attorney C E Wolverton has removed his law office from tbe Foster block to up stairs over the First National Bank where he is prepared to attend prompt ly '.o all legal business entrusted to mm. Shiloh'a Cure, the great "cough and croup care, is for sale by as. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses,only 25c. Children love it. Toshay ft Mason. Call and we new fall dress goods at W Bead's. They Increase appetite, purify Vim whole Some oy Them According to a Port land paper the following are a part of tbe list: There is a lively scramble for the United States Marshalship. The leaders in it are iohn Myere, who once held the office; Henry Grady, of Pendleton; Eu gene Forties, a brother of the Portland councilman, and Mr Jeffery, of bitumin ous roc It pavement tame. For tbe Portland postoffice C W Roby former incumbent, Charles Waite anc John Finlay are pulling against each other- Henry Blackman. of Henoner. is the only avowed candidate for revenue col lector. T J Black, of Halsey, is said to be tbe most prominent aspirant for tbe collector snip 01 customs. For district attorney then are Dan Murphy, F A E Starr.L B Cox and Judge McArthur. The collectorshipof customs for Alaska has been in the habit of falling into the hands of an Oregon man. Henry Gray, of Portland, and Colonel John Lane, of Roseburg, are jousting for the prise. What the Wind Die A writer In the Long Creek Eagle published In Grant county, is tr-. ing to make out that we have Kansas storms In Eastern Oregon: "Talk about heavy wind storm 1 1 Why, the last wind storm which visited Wagner discounts anything In that line ever known in Grant county, at least the experience which betel a steer belonging to John Collins Is decidedly out of the usual run of things. When Mr Collins went out to feed his stock nest morning after the wind storm, behold there stood tbe steer on top of a hay stack. Now, if the wind did not blow him up there, how did be get there t it is a question Mr C Is unable to ar.swer, but he 1 of the opinion that the force of the wind carried him ap the side of the stack and landed him safely on top. Fled to Oregon. In 1885 C R Carter and Tboa W Kelton murdered a man brains out with stones. They were found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged on Into 1 si. 1887. Just before tbe day for hanging Carter ped, shooting the jailer, Chaa War - ten, bat not fatally. Over five years passed without any reliable cine to him until several days age he was recognized and arrested at Mt Tabor, Portland's suburb, by Marshal Minto, of Salem, and Dective Simmons, of Portland. Carter has been living at Mt Tabor under tbe name of Rose, and owns property there, sheriff Wilson, and Chaa Warren, tbe jailer who was shot, have arrived and will take Carter back to be hanged- The capturing mm will receive vtoo reward. Portland Saloons. At the beginning of the quarter commencing January 1st, there were 405 saloons doing business. Nineteen new names have been added to the Its', seme of which take th; nlace of oid names. Three hundred and twentv- nlne licenses hare been Issued, aggregat ing $3,90O, and seventy-six have gone out of business or are aelllntr without license, aa they are sixteen days over due. lsi quarter mere were thirteen Chinese places where liquor was -told snd one more was added today. Dispatch. Jt sncES and Constables Under the new division of the county into Justices districts there are only tan Justice and seven Constables in the coon ty. Tbev are aa follows : nnrr. jtrsnrs. cower aelb. 1. ' M Se rporf . 2. LMCnrl. CGBnrkhart. 4. J W Ellison. 7. SPBarger, FM Powell. 9. v A eison. 9. J S Ireland, j 10. 8 W Moore. 1 R Pound. L Green. IL J B McDowell, C 13. J C Simpson, A O Rice. J 17 Simpeon, A PH irons. 14. Henry Lyons, J L Berry. A Yau-tnuste BraBdreUi's fills partly the Wood, stimu late the liver, treogtheo the kidneys, regu late the bowels. Tbev were introduced ia tbe United State in IS35. Since that time r sixty millions of boxes of Braodieth's Puts have beeat ased. This, together with thousands of oonviac- ing UartimoalaJa f row all Darts of the world. is posttiv evideasoe of their value. Braodreth a Pill are purely vaceUhle. sb solately harmless aad safe to take at aa tins. A Bto Stag i. "All the world's a staas And all th men and women merely players: They have their exits and their en trances." One of -hiir principal entrances leads into Parker Bros grocery and bakery. Tbe finest groceries and the freshest pro duce are kept, and their baked good are oeyond comparison, consist iwg ol a big variety of bread and cake, plain and fancy, skillfully and well made. An im portant thing to consider. 5argaina at Read's. Boots and Shoes I carry the target line of medium priced and good wearing boys, misses snd children shoes la the city, and have just added a line of eteel shod school ahoea which I recommend to the trad. Dont forget that I repair any shoe f sell free of chsige. S E Tot-so. A Great Invention. It the self pouting coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour eonee or tea without turn ing tbe pots. Wonderful. None of "the hundred tittle inconveniences ot tbe old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfic- tlon. You raise the light lid and the coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou would have the finest thing In the world order ene when Mrs Tslt, the local agent calls on ou . Columbia river smelt, a delicious fish are aow plentiful and can be obtained at 6c per lb at Hyde run Market. Captain Sweeney, U 8 A, San Diego, Cat say a. "Shiloh'a Catarrh Kenedy is the first medicine I ha ve ever found that would do ms any good. Price, 60 ots. Sold by voabsy St Mason. Consumptives, do not despair, There i hope. Try West's Cough Syrup. It will always cure in early stages. Procure a 60a large 8 or. bottle. J A Gumming, Drug gist. Moving Outfit. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and In flrst- clsss order. Call or leave orders at my residence at cor of Third and Oak streets, Albany. J B Tillotboj. The finest line ofJpockst knives in tbs city at Htewart A Sox's. Stewart It 9ot soll'the very best cstta shears sod scissors. deWs have the lsrgsst stock cf lsdiet 'an rwesr ever shown in town. Be tare snd e wbst W F Read can do fer you before seiog your order. $100 Reward, $100. ThS reader of this paper will be pleated to learn that there is at least one dreaded dlsssse that science has been able to our In all its stages and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is th only positive cure now known to th medical I fraternity. Catarrh heme a con Stltutlonal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Our ft taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous turfaeee of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dlaease, and giving the patient strength by bulldi ng up tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors hare so much faith in Its curative rert, that they offer One Hundred Dollar any cat that it f ail to our. Sand for list of testimonial. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. JT-8old by Dnuta-Uts. Ttc. Guaranteed to ours Bilious Attacks and Coos tlpat Ion, Small Bile Oosut. SOCIAL PfcRSOSAs, THURSDAY Mr N Crume, of Shedd, was Albany today. Mrs Palmer, daughter of Mr Schmcer, is in the city on a visit. doing John OS F Floek, formerly ediiorof the Rose burg Review, is in the citv on hla way to n .1 1 Portland. The social snnou for Friday aven- Ing st the mldcnce Hon Geo E Cham- ter'aln, has been po ned. Hon R B Cochran, a well known pion eer of Lane county, was stricken with paralysis Thursday. Mi Dr Renton, and Mrs McCullev. of cuenssurg, rtoiner ami sister, ol Citv .. . . j . . 1 . recorder, r J neuiur, arc in tne city on a visit. The Junior YPSCE of the United Presbyterian church, held an eniovab'e secisi last evening at tne residence of Rev TJ Wilton. A bout sixty will attend the state ball at btlem tonight from this city. The train will leave at 7 o'clock, and return to the morning after the ball. The original character of the old Quaker In theitory of Uncle Tom'. Cabin, wno helped Eliza to escspe sfter crossing the ice, wss an une'e ot Mr Oamford. of yakvllle. In this county. Rev Mr Judy, formerly o( the Oreeon Methodist conference, and family have returned from California,where they have been for the past three year. They are staving with Mr and Mrs John Shaver, of rorUmouth. Portland Dispatch. rat past Miss Genevieve George is In tbe city. Delightful weather is reported at V equina nay. Mr Watt MoatelUi of Portland it In the city. Remember the tea at tbe M E Parson age this evening. Miss Lizzie Whitney, of Eugene, sister of Mr J R Whitney, b la the city. Miss Nona Irvine returned this coon from Portland, where ahe had a sacceful opera tion performed oa her eyes. Misses Vesta Mason, Bertha Ellis and Emma Pfeiffer; all of Aloanv.are visiting friends in the Capital citv. Journal. Rev and Mr TL lone, of Grants Pass, well known in Albany, celebrated their silver wedding last Friday. There war 180 invited guests. Mr Perey R Kelley, the lawyer, wen t to Walla, W.JU yesterday aa clerk ot tbe legislative committee to examine into th jot bag factory at that city. O W Hoch startler, E ! Lannihg and Ed Th -I . Ik--- I ... , -rmjwm, m .tiuw; , were lu Ml. u SSOUUSV attending the stockholders' meeting c'f the SrUiL Frank Miller, of Port land, was also here on the same business. Grants Pas Courier. Tbe First Presbyterian church of Sa lem bas closed a contract with Rev A L Hutchison, of Nevada, Iowa, bv which that gentleman is exoected to arrive her and take charge March 1st next. The society believe it baa secured an able man. mum Journal. St mm -u- 4 I m - ' w " wsasssswssaw. . 1 (or ret. deuce of the bride. Rev. Mr. Giboaev anited Mit Augusts Legos aad Geo. D Warner. After tbe ceremony the bridal pair and their guests sat down to a tumptuoe dinaei. A number of valuable presents were received. Th wedding sras private, only relatives being tavtted. Among those present were Mr. aad Mrs. Loss Mdler and W H Miller of Albaay. Oiegon City Courier. So much baa been said about 1 011 tur clerk that we give tbe list and von can draw your owu conclusion: in the Senate J L Ssrafford. A G Johnson, E F Driggs, C C Hill, John W Garner, C W Aven, Jut V Slcam, Bona Luy, E E Haaley. f? C Dodson, Zetta A Grey, Mamie Taylor. Louis A re n son, Clara E Sibotd, Maggie Casey. Maine fairish, ubbte i." Heroine. Edith E Nicholson. J E Samoa's. Frank te M Wrung. Russell E Seaal). Charles H Chance, Rosa Sbeeland. Addie C Jen nings, Ella E Williams. F E Wsgner. Maud B Jackaoa. F w Royal. Otto Green hood, Louise O Hue 1st, James Walton, T OTiarker, Henry M George, H Travis, HOB Seydon. S A Clarke House li E Waaxooer. Cora Eagerly. t'annie Diven. F Henahaw. Maude Blon de! 1, J I Fitzgerald, Lizzie McNary, George retrequin. Nellie Kixer, Annie Shinn. A W Patterson. W lack son. Blanch ie L Bat,, Nellie A Hughes, W J Plymale. Lille M Manley, N J Lettrita. W S Osborn. Mil Starr. 1 P Wsnr. H Holman. SATCnAAT Mr L Douglas, of Hsrnsburg. returned home to day after a trip to Portland. J O Writsasaa aad famitr went to Cor yell's this noon on a several days visit. Mr A ndersoa Cannon has returned from several saonib sojourn la Csliiornia MrtJ II Towaseod and daughter of New burr, la in the clt visiiuu ber many frlenls. Postmaster Monteith. of Aihanv. waa visiting Ashland Wednasdav and vpstsr- day" Ashland Tiding. J D Quia, of this city. I receirine medi cs! treatment st Portland. He U improving. Woodburn Independent. A pleasant social gsiherine wst held st the C P church last evening. A a interesting program srM rendered, aod an enjoyable ilne had. Geo Grnbb left fotSaoFrsncisca this noon by wsyof Ysquins snd expects 10 make mat city hit home, lie reported Albany sua ti.cty cuuoga tor mm. More legislative clerks are as follow 8 L LovelT. W H Odll, Wm Henderson. Percy B Kelley. J M Lawrence. Maud emtio, nora vJuinn.Louisa Allen.Geonre Hibbert, CbasT McDaniel. Mrs t R Cbeadle and dauchier l ioilie. left this nocn oy way of Yaqulna, for Call fornia. Mrs theadle will go to San D.ego, wnere ner oaugncer mrs Msrv Grannon re sides, while Miss Dollie will stop in Sn rrancisco. They will be gone about three months. The Eugene Journail contains the fol lowing personal. "Page, tbe notorious ex-Yale College graduate, light-bouse contractor, puainsi, politician and all around sport, was in Eugene this week having finished contract on the Heceta Head light house. H R Kincaid ha been editing the Oregon State journal at Eugene since ISO. His bump of continuity is simply immense for that of a newspaper man. Mr Kincaid is a gentleman, and baa con tinually retained the good name of bis younger days, regardless 01 the many vicissiiuaes 01 me. Tbe Baptist church waa thronaed on Tuesday evening last, to hear an address tram Miss McNeil, a missionary from Africa, having with her a little native girl who entertained the audience by singing some Gospel hymn in our lan guage and ber own. It waa deeply in teresting and all paid marked attention. Over $10 were taken up in the collection and $10.75 realized on their portraits. Roseburg Review. C W Cobb, of Albany made our office a call Tuesday. Mr Cobb has told his print ing office at the county seat and it now traveling with his wife who is en a lecturing tour of the state. Mrs Cobb lectured heie Tuesday p m. They went from her: to Junction Tuesday night. llsrrlsburg Coux ier. Hon T J Black, who will probably be tne next collector ot customs at Port land, is in the city. The Statesman ?;lves Mr Black the following good notice or that paper : Tom Black, of Haleey. want to be collector of customs under Cleveland. Mr Black is a good, square man, and we hope he may get it or at least that some one outBiue ot Portland will be given some of the offices to be distributed by the incoming adminis ration. Ashby 4 Carse, Rexliftlat, 80, Vi ngton Street, Portlsnd, Or . Cure tor cold. Fever and eenerni De LiUty, iSma lUlJbeuttS. )J6e. per bottle. AuKEAT MTATF8JUK. The New York Woild, speaking of Car lisle woo is likely to be secretary f the treasury in Cleveland's cabinet says he is a statesman of tbe old school and of the present time. From bis first modest ap- learance on tbe floor of tbe bouse of r preventatives In i879 until now, when he is the acknowledged leader of bis party on allquestions relating to public finance, he bis commanded tbe respect and admiration of men of all parties In bis first great speech on tine corrupt use. of the deputy marshals in elections be showed that be rat a consummate constitutional lawyer. As one of the advisory committee of b party in congress during tbe stormy poltti cat session railed by Mr Hayes, be gave proof of calm judgment, great skill in the management t difficult problem and ad mirable qualities as a leader of men. Many men who look for boUteroutness n a leader deny that Mr Carlisle bas tbe temperament for a bold, aggressive contro versy. Such men mistake noise for com rnsnd. Mr Carlisle is the most successful leader that tbe democrats of tbe bouse of representatives have bad since tbe war w h ether be was on tbe floor as a debater or in tbe chair a speaker, no storm broke out in tbe house of representatives be eoukl not quell so quietly that tbe disorder ly mob did not realize that they bad a master. Hi character, his clear intellect, bit absolute fairness, bis refusal to permit partisanship to enter into tbe consideration of public business, to becloud bis jndgment or to make him forgetful of th rights of bis political opponents these oualitusi made him a leader a they make him a statesman. And wban the result of tbe leadership of commanding intellect are nJaured against those of mere brute energy, use uicer encs in favor ot tbe tanner is found t be great. Within this generation of legislators no owe ha been more successful than Mr Car lisle. In tbe early days of his service in congress he won tbe confidence of bis associate on both rides of tbe boose to that extent that his word on-a question of fact was authority, and every meatin r that be introduced sras accepted as intended for tbe public good- Ko ene ever dreamed that be was capable of furthering legislaxiott for the promotion of private ends. Tbe result sras that be was generally toccessful in gaining hi object, and success is, in a large way. tiv kt A .ie:eciur.hip. Mthen be sras speaker of tbe boose be administered tbe office with such absolute fairness that even hi political opponents confessed that be sras the best speaker of bis geserarieo. At tbe same time be or ganized tbe boose in such a manner that tbe strength of hit party was made most effective. Personal coni deration did cot control him. When the contest waj; settled in bis favor be appointed bis chief oppon ent. Mr Randall, cbainnan of the commit tee on appropriations. Tbe sarrsasful working of tbe three boost over which be presided era exceptional There were differences of opinion aad of en dissension as there have been for many years in tbe demoaatic ranks, but under Mr Carlisle's guidance these were reduced to he mini mum. While be did not succeed in unit ing the party on tbe Morrison U'J, or even in securing enough votes for its passage, be so reduced th protection opposition in Use Fifty-first corsgress that th Mills bill waa passed by tbe house. When Mr Richard W Thompson, of Ten Haute, lad. retired fross the busy world and began his history tithe protective tariff in this country, being ao enthusiastic advocate of McKicleyism, be supposed, are .presume, that the history of the Panama Canal Com pany was closed. There waa ao longer gay word for his "Americas committee" to d sod there scented to be no indication of any upheaval in Pans or elsewhere that would disturb him In the seclusion ef his library. He has been rudely awakened from his draam of peace an i security, and cow be hears loud calls from sll parts ot th country far tne explsnatsans which he can give so easily, but which, p to this time, he has psefeired to withoM from the public We hear no Inti mation that be will consent to show bow he uaed I cat comfortable sum of $2,400,000, It may be, however, that he is writing tbe Interesting Uslory of the espendttare for publication, and that be will seen be in trea ty with publisher tor tbe suitable production of tbe work. He is a thrifty man, aad ao one expects that he can be lodnced to tell his story without com pen! ion. Populist Vsnderberg 6t Coos county, Is exhibiting extraordinary physical and mental contortion la the legislature. He want a law passed providing that each month the county courts shall print oa linen sad post in the post office of th county, detailed ac counts of the ceuty's expenditures for the month . This is to ignore the newspapers of the state. The Democrat is unalterably op posed to the law as being oae, so far as Lisa county is concerned. tliet would entail sa additional burden' upon the taxpayers From time Immemorial tbe papers in this county have been printing county court pro ceedings snd expenditure for the preceeding month end have never ree'eved a cent there lor, In the interest of economy and simple gov ernment, the Democrat is opposed to the scheme of Vanderburg, Mr Cleveland is said to be very bitter against tbe people's party. He privately denounces its leaders aa cranks and anarch ists snd fears tbetr Influence in the demo cratic ranks. Sdo Pre We arise, light here, to inquire of the ed itor ot the Press, who is known to be, after the "most strictest sect," a republican, who it Is thst says this about Mr Cleveland? No body has ever heard Mr Cleveland say these things, to ftr at the. public Is Imformed One does not hsve to go very far to be sble to divine the motive of this charge made without even the semblance of truth. The purpose 1 'o creste prejudice against Mr Cleveland and bis administration among alliance democrats. That's all. Women Inventors by no means confine themselves to those departments where they might be supposed ts possess special expert ence. Patents hsve been granted to women for a plan for deadening the noise on railways, for preventing sparks from locomotives, tor sweeping the streets, for a new form of life raft, for textile manufactures, electrical ap p'lances, and in London a woman hasps'! ented s machine tor making watch screws thst Is provided with a thread to delicate as to be almost invisible, and se perfect as to cut thread on a human hair. The other day a journal, hitherto arlthout a spot on its character, inquired 'villi well feigned Innocence, "Mow can fm persons divide five egg so that each man will receive one and still oae remain In the dish?" A fie several hundred people went two-thirds dis tracted in the mazes of this proposition, the journal meanly says, "One takes the dish with the egg." WHAT EDUCATION DOES, Among tbe most significant incidents of the presidential campaign was the state ment before the national remiblican committee of a representative of tbe "College Republican League." He said that collage men usually graduated as democrats even when they bad been brought up in tbe republican political faith and entered college with strong republican convictions. Having passed through tbe order of a college education and come out unscathed be wished as an ardent member of tbe party to have some plan adopted by which the democratic virus lurking in a liberal education might be met and coun teracted. He aj pealed to the committee to co operate with tie ''Republican College League" in providing tbe antidote, and. strangely enough, seemed to think that money was tbe thing to accomplish the purpose. Just how money could be used to overcome convictions that resulted from enlightenment tbi republican coiietriate could not take time to explain. Nor would it be an easy matter. Young renubli like himself, who continue to be republicans in spite of a liberal educa' ten, might b Susceptible to tbe influence of money. Bn those who are broad and honest enough to lay aside preconceived prejudices when education convinces their judgments that those prejudices are wrong, are mad of different stuff. Tbe only way to prevent this class of young men from graduating a democrats is to abolish our colleges altogether. It is a glorious vindication of the democ racy that liberal education only serves to strengthen its ranks. The hope of the country is in tbe intelligent and educated youth whom oar colleges are sending out into the world They still soon iske their places in tbe management of the country's affairs and help to shape its destiny. AO of them are welcome to membership in the democratic family no matter bow strongly they were prejudiced against democratic principle before their eyes bad been open ed by a liberal education . Whether tbe rep-esentatire of tbe "Re psdsWcan College League'' succeeded in getting any money from tbe committee we do not know, nor is it a matter of any 000 sequence. The election of -November proved that ooliegiate of republican ante cedents were still graduating as democrats and voting their educated opinions- Money conid not entice tbem back into tbe old republican pathways. Tne American college is a good tiling. Aut those hidebound republicans who dc not want their son to become democrats would better keep tbem at borne. The college is not a eai conservatory for modern republicanism - UABtV IX TB EOKT APPLIED. la Berlin there lives, says the Indepea- daace Rounaaine, a savant who a aa ardent votary of the beory ol evolution. Not long ago, when at th seaside be caught a live herring on which be rtsotved to test the ac curacy of the Darwinian doctrine. Every day 1 he genirercan took a spooaful of tea rater out of the aquarium in which be had placed the herring, substituting in lira thereof a spooaful of fresh water. He con ased this process until tbe squariaaa coo alaed nothing bat fresh water. lis occu pant waa then consigned to a large glass bowl. The herring continued to lire and be healthy. Still our learned professor had by no nseanicotapteted bis investigations. Every ds be took a spoonful of fresh water oat of Use bowl until not drop sras left. A bird cage waa now substituted for the glass bowl . The herring was happier than, ever; aow aad I ben it would utter a cry of vexation when the professor ce nested it too roughly or tailed to supply it at tbe proper lime srtth tbe little patties specially prepared tur tbe interesting crestare. Th herring grew sleek and fat, but after a few weeks its "tamer" noticed that it exhibited signs of melancholy. Tbe professor speat hours in try lag to fathom the cause of these unhappy tptoptoats of bis protege. At length he discovered that the creature was suffering from indigestion; It had evidently ruined its stomach by a too free Indulgence in pastry, "Doaoersrettei t the philosopher exclaimed) "I quit forgot give the animal something to drink! ' H quickly n'ded a Urge wooden bowl with wa ter and put It in the cage. Next morning on going to inspect '.be cage the learned gen tleeaao found the creature dead; it had dip ped its head in tbe stater trough tbe her ring wss drowad! SALARIES OF GOVERNORS Tbe governors of tbe several states r ceive salaries as follows: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania 910,000 each; Ohio $8000, Illinois and California 16000 each Colorado, I ndiana, Kentucky , M assachu- setts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ne vada, Virginia and Wisconsin $5000 each ; Maryland $4500; Connecticut, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee. Texas and Wash ington MOOO each; Florida, South Caro lina and Utah $3500 each ; Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, North Dakota and Rhode Island $3000 each; West Virginia $2700; Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma 92600; Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming $2500 each; Deleware, Maine, Michigan and New Hampshire $2000 each. Oregon and Vermont $1500 each. A dispatch from Sacramento says: Late last night the populist members of the legislature and members of th populist stale central committee present la Sacra mento, met and denounced Atsemblvman K earns, populist, of. Los Angeles, for his action in voting for Stephen M White for United States senatar yesterda);slso Marion Cannon, nooulisi congressman from the 6th district, who Is charged with influencing Kern's vote, la a series of resolutions the actions of Kerns snd Cannon are denounced and it recommended that they be spurned snd cut oil from fellowship in the party and denounced as traitor 10 tne seopie party in every part of this state and nation. The assembly this morning appointed a committee of seven to Investigate the charges made by 15 ret j yesterday that corrupt means hsd been used to Induce Assemblrmm Kerns te vote for White for United Statea senator. ("reorgia is about the only state in the union, aside from Oregon, that has not made provision for the world's fair. As a result the prominent men of Atlanta are up in arms, and say that that city,' if not the state, shall be duly and creditably rep resented. Perhaps Portland could do likewise if the country will not join. 7Vc gram. The present legislature with a small ap propriation might make a creditable ex emplification of the fact of Oregon's existence. It Is a curious coincidence thst there it but one ex-presldent of the United States living, snd he Is the prssidsnt-elsct to ta:e his seat oa the 4'.h of March. Mas Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest oevsrs is that you oan buy at JULITJ3 B ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound . . . . Ibo. Granulated Sugar .!"' fti GO lbs. Magnolia Sugar White -100 Wo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .525 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 55 L00 Good to... no 20 lbs. No. savon Soap oX 1 Gallon If o.l Syrup..: V....V. .40 J wih ormduct a atrict eaab store, and ail goods win b sold for net cash from 1 ; -T"''" lu fjuwv prVss. My Stock of Chi oTw.rV fanoocX . L tji its desnrabto aylo .f di.tas. a well a a awneral srtrnent of nZsJEmZ? fy, tamp and txtore I mpt. 1 rrssvkeae ".urns powder, and always dm m JuZZLZ?vl, aa sn5 - V MTIMIZE Nil flfffTfTlfTIOMS. TU FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CW T READ, PraMilsast, 1 Jj COW Alt, I Cowan. liso F Simpeon, W T Read, D B Montfth.H sswrntxrr;, j w r 1 a Wesubortord, R S Sttwbn, i O WrUsmn : Several Solid Eastern ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT snWNOUtasssa- It OISP i"" rCKK? 6SOUNDSOKE HALF If ILE WEST OPTUS city. Wewestsld all Hu tiMinf t-i 1- ..... . . ., . lm, , , , 1 - w we lsx: Laai we are ewerrsrexasreo than ever before to furnish ererythirie; in the thane of Fruit. Shs Sni guaranteed true to name and free ' vm inspect peats, JZr 17; E- Brownell st oar czty aarmt and, .era left wTLhhi rn aihl orw receive prompt and careful attention. CVrr . and see me or writ for free for Infants H A Aar-JELS, K. D Ul So. Oxford Si. EraoASTTL, H. T. -Tbe use of 'CaatartVlE so aad as swrtss as sretl know that fa an I aad : in IHassal ramus who k tot keep CksScrva Caku lurn. r n JewToriOrt. aW 1 s tUtslsatisiiLssd Qiarefa. naassst, ft lucks' toaay rsrrjljaua I gr rSsnsirJsC PUMPS ! PUMPS ! PUMPS ! We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Prmpe, also the Ramsey Foice and Li"t Pumps. Wo guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market. We also carry the largest stock of Farm Implements and Vehicle- to be found in the valley. Give us a call. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CJO S37 iid EllisAvorthjsr, Albany, Or Bay Stoves aid Ranges Buy Stoves and Ranges Boy Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves and Ranges Bay Stoves aid Baigas ' " BfSXfSBJ J 0 WRrrMA w Ge F SDaPSON. View Presri -lent, and Foreign Companies skats 4 IremU, rntridsr.) BMWIBLL, A' bony, Ororra awr-! Children. T. Finnan, a D- 1 WTnaLrofv I3ea Ssroet mod r-.h atc, KewYcrk CS of MattMws & Washburr of Matthews i Washbnr of Matthews & Washb rn of Matthews & Washburn. I laieis k Mm For several years I bare- tsssat rw ' s sa. ' assd asll always eowtimaa tr ifcrttls, is!.,,,!, a 1. Ek9u y-s