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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1891)
8TITE3 & HUTTING. Kdttors aad lrorlrtort. - ContiOering Iht g of the people' party in Iowa it polled good rote," la all that tb Northwestern Rtform 'Journal bad to say about lb election. It dij not giv a aingle return or mention a tingle reiult. Una thing teem to be true. The voter o( Albany are going to watch very closely to tee that no bad Umber thall be selected in selecting the next city government. The election in the November state, at near a can be judged (torn thecanvat made ihut far, will be overwhelming) re publican. Mountaineer Oct. 19. Tut the overwhelming nature of repub lican viclorletdoth not now appear. Mr Cleveland it taking verv active part In the democratic caiivsts In hit state, lie hat a new grievance against the tariff. There it a duty of 40 per cent on paragoric. Orrftnwn Oct. 16. , And now the OrsjtmAia, when viewing the figures representing Flower's magnlfi. cent majority, fcelt at though it had re ceived a very large doe of that telf-tame patago'Ic. In the late electtont the Farmer AM. ance did not catt much of a vote. The content nest year will be purely between he democrata and repubi can. Thla ruih Is patent to all Intelligent people. Faasett 'a fight against tha Tim many iigr reraiads out of tbe FttncLmaa'a ttoryt He aaidr "Van aa Frenchman hnnt a ttar son aw sport it gran, maguifiqa; bat vn t tigtf hunt at Frenchman ah ten it 14 dtvil to pay." Karsott evidatly the piot t thtt. It it taf to tay thai lb best thing tbe administration eoald dojwooIJ be to reoaU Mr Eg from Chili and tend a man of ability and maturity at Judgment who eoald with eredit to the name of Amarieaa oil iaonthii, restore tbt former froodly laUtiona tweon the two ouatitrie. It i quite clear that Egae I inoompeWat and eaflt to repre aent a at that povt. , The ditcuttlon over the last word o Mr Parnell recall to London TrmtA the ttory of the dying utterance of William ritl. In hla latt moment Mr Fltt tald something unintelligible. 8ome one made it out to be "Save tny country, heaven!" but the nurte tald he simply atked for boiling water. It may be that Mr G II Burnett ar.d other who want to wear Judge Boise's official hoe will have to tarry la Jericho a little longer. That old gentleman teemt to be pretty fond of them himself, lie ha now worn them neaily thirty year Yamhill Co. Lmlftt. The Boies were out in full force in Iowa. Their victory wa brilliant and decisis. Democracy will toon roost oa all the perchet of tliU country, and the party won't "come cfT while "mt folkt" are permitted to inhale the pure ezoae of gloriout Oregon. It it climbing tpstairs rapidly, and it getting there to ttar. Welcamt, Ko msn com out of (he Ule campaign to much strengthened as Grovcr Cleveland. Hi chance for the presidency bave been largely Increased. If New York get tbe candidate It wiil be CUvelaid with Gray of Indiana for vice 1 reti-ltnt. The e'.ection. have left the democrat in a very serene state of road to far a the presi dential contest is concerned. The great con test will be made in Iowa, Michigan, Wiscon sin Inliana, Massachusetts, Rhode I'snd, K Hampshire, Connecticut and New Yok. The democratic papers are happy over the fine s'.yie in which the Tammany tiger chawed up tbe ari'toctat Fafteit. Will they make Tsmmany an inae in 1892? Capital Journal. It is true that dcm-Krat are hsrpy. but they bave never maJe Tammany aa issue at intimated above. It wa tbe aggressive little Fassett that made the issue. Had It not be;n for Traitor McLean, of he Cincinnati Enquirer, the hitherto great democratic organ of the Middle Slates, Campbe'l would havs been elected, too. McLean Insisted, when Campbell wat elected two year ao, on naming about all of the governor's appointee. This wat a prerogative that belonged to Campbell and he declined to delegate it to McLean. Since that time the Enquirer and itt clique have been Governor Campbell's mortal foet. Ttils Is what elected McKlnley not I.I tariff bill Welcome. la view of tbe extent of the disaffection in this city, Mr Flower' eler Joo is a notable democrs'ic victory . Aad it is a very momen tous 00: iu its bearings upon national, state and local affair It wean for tSis city borne rule. It meant for tbe state a coatinuancc of economical administration and rescue from tbe threatened rule ol that preposterous and sordid little hots, I om Piatt. It meant, in nation sfftirs, tint New York i soundly tnd securely democra'ic; that oa the tariff and other national issues, forced to the front by Gov Hill, Mr Cleveland and other democratic speakers. New York i a srrungly democratic tote for neat year's f residential election. New York WorA. Mr G Webster.of Middlesex, an English engineer of prominence, has offered to place at London's disposal a system of wells In the Coine Valley, from which, It is estimated, 3a',ooo,ooo gallons of water could be aupplied dally to the British me tropolis. The needs if the city are now estimated at 170,000.000 gallons a day. Apropos of drinking-water. Prof von Pet tenkfer, of Munleti.has been eiperlment ng In tne river Isar at Munich with a viw to decl'lln whether a river purl fie Itself or not. He seems 10 think that the Itar, the same one that the port decrcibes as "rolling rapidly," did practically purify itself from the contamination ol the town of Munich bv the lime Its waters had or I led soTie seven thousand yards below, !L .. . - ... .-Jl just ArTtJtkxeciioN. A iti patch from l'ntaliurg Pennsylrsa'a NuveiuUer 6 h says: Tbe great iron firm nf Jones k Liughlin 10 day reduced the .- f cf tha 5 x laborrr employed ny it from ft 51 to $1 3 Thtre wss much riiinlmj among the men at ih reduction, tiur rrj siy they are pewer ksslO rnist, having no organization and be ing unskilled lian li. This is the way the bleJ Uri secures good agc just alter tlx el c'ion. , A J t'H f Till HIT B. The New York World snick- is' not very fik-nilly 10 Grover C'evelr.nd liad the following tony 1 tie day after the flection! The wrvice ot G'over Cleveland to the democratic cau.e in the campaign in '.hi slate was vcy great. Putting tsi'le all fle notivi of 'he 'ii!lty ; hut is supposeJ 10 heile about ex-presiderii he pre'ided and spoe st great gatherings of democrat with the etrnentnets of a (borough coing party nun. VV'iieieTer he appeared be crolte I rnu h einliui m, showing the strong hold wlm h lie hs u;on the popular conh dene. TSe ex pri lent's warm in lo.S'm-nt of Mr Fioer as s "who will a I it: 11 i-r the great o!li :e to whict) he will be catu l 11 te peadeorly, fea-losly and far the guo lotatl the people" no doubt gve him iuny viteo. Here i a juat recognitioa fJ the inral table services of th great-t democratic leader in the country. . , , , ELktfuruL The result of the late election are now sufficiently well known to make a little .Igurlng on the prospects for next year of ititerett. There will be 444 electoral vtt In all, of which 113 will be necessary to a choice. At certainly democratic we may put down the south, with 159 volet, and half of Michigan with 7. Thai make 166, leav ing 57 to be secured from the rtt of the country. In estimating the chance here we shall find It a good plan to take a dote presidential election, when political forcet were almost evenly balanced, aud compare the year Immediately preceding It with those that have just elapsed. The election of 1S84 It a good one to take for comparison. In that year the democrata carried what are commonly called the "doubtful states" New York," New Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana and elected their president, but the majorltlea were to tmall that a few votea would have changed the result. Let ut begin with New York. In the four year up to and Including the election of 1SS4 the majorities in New York were at follows: 1SS1.. ij.oaa republican iSSj '. 9.S54 democratic tSSj 8,68j republican 1SS4 1,047 democratic For the past three years they have run thus: 1S89 Oi5'7 democratic 1890.... 88,000 democratic 1891 46,446. democratic It la Impossible to examine these figure candidly without becoming convinced that the prospect for democratic tuccea In New York are much more encouraging In 1X9 than they were in 18S4. In iSSj Cleveland' enormou majority for gover nor was an Isolated phenomenon, follow Ihg a republican majority In the preceed Ing year and Immediately glylng place to another republican majority theyear after . The cause of It was well known the revolt of the Blaine republican against te Ar thur administration. Th'.a time we have a ateady succession of Immense democratic majorltlea, won on democratic principles, without the help of republican disaffection. Adding New York' 36 electoral vote to the democratic column we have sol In all, leaving 21 still to win. We do not know why New Jersey wa ever called a doabtful stale. It did not vote for Fremont, or foi Lincoln, or for Grant a hit first election, or for Hayes, or for Garfield, or for Blaine or for Harrison. It ha never voted for a republican presi dential candidate except In the Greeley contest of JS71 when the democratic cam palgn wat allowed to go by dt fault. There Is scarcely a atale of the solid south that can say as much. But assuming It to be doubtful, let us make the same comparison a In the case of New York. In the yea' leading up to the election of 1SS4 (there being no election In 1SS1) the majorities In New Jersey were: lS8i a.ooj democratic 1883 6,89 democratic 1884 44 ' democratic In the past three year they hare been : iSSy 14,53 democratic 1S90 13,609 democratic 1S91 (Only a legislature elected, which al.owa enormous demorratlc gains ) Evidently It New Jersey went demo cratic In 1SS3 she la still more likely to do so in 1S91. Adding her ten electoral votes to those already accounted for, we have ai2, with 11 still to find. Indiana will give 15. Will she do It? As Indiana does not holJ elections in off year we may a we'l take In an addition al president!! election lo fcle a broader baU for rortiparison. Beginning with 1SS0 we luve: i"i$o iSSa 8S4 6,641 republican 10,924 democratic 6,513 republican In the corresponding recent period: 1 53S i,343 rrpub:lcan iSyj 29.579 democratic We we here that the republican majori ty in ibXS much smaller than In leSci although an Indiana mart was the candi date, and that the democratic reaction In 18S2, when It was followed by democratic succe In the presidential contest of 18S4. This give the democrat 227 electoral votes, or four more than enough for a choice. There are many others that may be reasonably expected, although they are not necessary. We do not anticipate a democratic victory in MachuseUs next year In spite of the two successive tri umphs of Governor Russell, but success in Connecticut and Rhode Island Is reasona bly certain, and In New Hampshire not unlikely. V.V da not count on electoral votes of Iowa.although the democrats have carried the atate for one part of the ticket or another for three years rurit!ng,but trie chances are good In IlilnoU, Wisconsin and Montana. What maket the situation especially en couraging it that all the critical states will vote next year by tbe Australian balot system. Tbat will make it impossible to rejiett the tactics by which New York ami Indiana were carried in 1880 an 1888. W W Dudley was imported into New York latt week, but the rr.urns show tht he found tne reformed ballot system too much fur him. S F Em lnet I , 1 rid s j wicvur. In Maasachusetts, Kusell, democa', was elected over Allen, republican, by small plurality. The foreign vote, which has been pouring lot Massachusetta urlng the last 35 yeasr, has made the state dem ocrat. New York, which ha alwa been dem ocratic on account of the great number of foreigner there, ha elected Flower, dem ocrat, over Fassett, republican, by a plu rality ot about 40,000. lh! legislature Is In doubt and I claimed by both partle, Eugene Journal. Thlt It a regular "granny" excuse. Ne York and Massachusetts both with their large foreign vote were carried for Harri son In t883. These foreign voter whom Kxvnieurnal now despises were splendid fel- fows then . ' Ther were then called by the endearing name of IrUh-Ameiican repub licans and many otnera just aa pleasing. Now w hen they vote the democratic ticket they are simply "foreigners," with a pecu liar accent on the irst syllable. With the iournal the fact that a man votes the republican ticket covert a multi tude of tins. Hie Journal should know that were It not foi the foreign vote his party could not carry a stagle state In the ui.lon. Oamocrstie psper from tbs et published siuc thielctlon srs arririun. N-it a siujl-. tsa ttretitiA disappoiutmsut at to the gennral result of th iectiou AH a;.roo thst dfaiocMtie progress f j- uixi yet' an brwh:. o man nam out fruus the 1'tta rUctions ia hettvr shapii than Mr 'JlevrUud, and if it sere no? f r the Hi I -1 m-iit hi 3-rw Ya k be wouid B'induaiad by asolanntion far preaideut by tka national oonysntion. The Klsfcs Way. Wasuislrow Nov 10J The puhlio wat ukeu ioto tha confidence of tba diplomatic hrauoli i-f ths KOvernmaot tni afternoon in :ii cont.iiiUlioii of 1 iiB.iri i 111. .h Say ward ca, and thn first anaouuoeuieot wa, uads tlisv th (.ndoned dip!o'Ulo O rie lyMideno between deore ary B tliit and L rd Salisbury htd resolved iu so arement by which, with th oousaot of the s nate, the peudiiig dispute ovsr tbe seal ti .heries ia Behring sea would b definitely settled . PALHIK'tf YJKWft Gen. Talmer ayt "You aik me It the election of McKln tey In Ohio Tuesday forebodes a republi can victory In 1891. My answer is that It meant nothing ol the kind. The election of McKlnley wai due to the unfortunate silver plank in the platform of the demo cratlc party in Ohio, to Campbell' private mltfortunes, and to the enormoj amount of money which the republican used In the campaign. The Importance of the silver plank In the date platform wa ex aggerated to the greatest extreme, and all through the campaign the tariff Issue wat lost sight of, at least wa a secondary matter. There I no denying that Sena tor John Sherman' reputation aa a finan cier ha J a good deal to do with the retult. HI campaign on the money question tended great! v to detract attention from the tariff Issue. I did not regard the result In Ohio a In any sense an Indorsement of the McKlnley bill orot republican policies." "Do vou think the result Is likely to en hance McKlnley' chance for the presi dential nomination next year?" "Not In the least. In my opinion Mc Klnley stands no show of securing the nomination. McKlnlcv I the personifi cation of the hlgtvlarliT doctrine; he has nothing but hts tariff bill to lean upon, lie stands or falls upon the tariff issue. The party will not dare to nominate him for president nextijrear. The results In the other suc show thst a protective tariff It not popular with thote ttatet and that Mc Klnley could not carry one of them. la my judgment Harrison will be the repub lican nominee for president next year. He seems to be the most available man which that paity has. He ha not many obstacles to overcome a McKlnley hts. and It probably the afet man for hit party. Blaine' reciprocity teheme.whatever there may be In It, would do the party no good if McKinlev were nominated, for McKln ley stands i ra high protective tariff, pure and simple." MUow do vcu Interpret the result In New York, Iowa, Maryland, and Massa chusetts I" I attach great Importance to the demo cratic v 'ctorles In these states. The election of Flower In New York meant that that state will be a pivotal state In 1891: that Nw York wilt be the key to the sltustlon, and that a New York man will be nomi nated bv the democratic party for presi dent. In my judgment that man will be Mr Cleveland. There hat heretofore been a feeling In some quarters that Mr Cleve land has In the past held himself too much aloof from active participation In the work of the party. Possibly thlt may have had some foundation. There are some who believe that a man, to snake an honest public servant, should keep out of active politics. Mr Cleveland may have been among those who held such views In fact, Itlilnk he wa until recently. But I feel certain that he has been convinced of hts mistake, judging from the active work he hat done In the present campaign There never was a more erroneous as sumption than that the man who actively participates in the work ol his party is test honest or capable than the ian jho does no party work. Generally speaking the contrary Is the ru'e. Plenty of good men of efficiency and unquestioned Integrity can be found amorw those who do the hard work for the party, and they should always be given the preference In the dis tribution of offices and ofotlklal patronage. I think Gov. Hill's strength lies In the fact that he Is a party worker and know the value ot mends, wane mere nas oeen 10 som4 extent a contrary Impression regard- ng Mr Cleveland. If Mr Cleveland ever entertained the notion that he must keep out of active party work I am sure he has changed hi mind and doe not hold such views at tls time. 1 regard Mr ueveianu s nomination not year as reasonably cer tain, and with Urn as our leader we will twecp the country." Kxcarr riistwcv Below we give a lit of tha exempt firemen of Albany with 11 u cutter of their certificates. An inspection ot the liat will be fall of Interest. While tome of the first names are now missed from oar midst, some bving dead, and other be ing away, many of theiu atill remain with ua, and may be teen on our etreeta daily 1. Jo Webber. 04. T J Cline. 1. Geo Humphrey, 3. 8 Montgomery, 4. AN Arnold, 5. Chae Kiefer, 6. Fred tiraf, 7. Louti Mi Per, 8. ("has Mealy, '.. li V It row n, 05. I) W Rombaogh, M. L I, McCartncv. 7. 1 W l'entley. (M. Max Banmsart. . (iKChamberlain, to. t, (toin, a a w . a III 1 1. 1 j imuruiue, 2. J Ti Hoffman. 10. JuliuH J" th, 73. R A Bowman, Harry Parker. It. Oren Roberta, N Dautu, 74. 1-'. 13. It. 16. Itt. 17. 75. Virgil Parker, W 11 Miller, M Frewch, (iW Harris. N B Humphrey, 70 J W Anderson, 77, John fechmeer. II D Godley, J J Whitney, I KHerren, B F l'ardoni. 8. 70. DDHackleman, HU. Ala llarri. 18. 11. 81. 82. 83. 84. W RBIain, It Fox. Frel tioetx, W K Price, (ieoKFith. 20. J H Taylor, 21. L Kline, .1. Geo Weller, I FConu. 85. 8. 87. 23. 24. R W Fiaber. J M Merrick, J F Hail, 25. 2(1. I nchlortaer, L N Lifrgett, V. R M Carter, 8. F P Cutting, R Conn. 89. 27. 28. 2J. W. til. 2. J E Sorbin, 8 He i tan bach, C Meyer. Henry Hazens, w 1 JlonteiUi, F N Wood. 'A'K Chae V aener. 13. 31. I) Rankin, 32. LE B.ain, 33. C H Ktewart. Ht. V B winn, l5. O II Irvine. IXJ. E L Thorn peon, 34. W (irav. 7. w a McClatn. 35. A O Layton, 36. J WBlain, HH. H F Mcllwain, f. J iJerrtntfer. 37. w 8 Pet, 100. T Monteith, jr., 38. 3. 40. 41. 2. W N Miller, M 8 Monteith, T II Raymond, Ed Banui, L II Montanye. iui. jonn tones, 102. N 1 Conn, 103. John Kroae, 14. W R Bilyeu, 105. DPMaaon, 100. O M Coffey. 43. Fred WiUert. 4. O K Simpson. 107. Adam Ihrtg, 45. J K Weatherford,lt8. C W Watte, 46. W B Scott, 109. RPConn. 7. A riUtger, 48. R A Foster, D. j W Foster, SO. L E Gray, 61. Col VanCieve, 62. I) B Monteith, 53. C C Cherrv. 110. F WBlumberg, 111. joa vtatson, 112. 8 K Moore, 113. A Ketch nm, 114. i W Dodder, 116. TJ Overman, no. ij k rropst, 64. C E Wolverlon, 117. L W Deyoe, 00. a 11 Marshall, us. ti u win 119. Millard Hays, 120. M E Brink, 121. Chas Mueller, 122. E L Power, 123. W M Parker, 124. M II Ellia, ii. 00. Ed Zeyss, 67. Frank Wood. 68. W 11 Brunk, 69. R W Stratford, 0. Fred Moelier, 01. J M Irving. 02. W II Hosto-i, 125. U (i Hale, 3. OWIIochatedler,120. II F Merrill. PlIOT0OKaPII Or Till WOBLD. A 06W work by thin title is Just out. It con sist, aa ita name indicates, of photo graphs of all widely known objects in the world, etfeh aa Blarney Castle, In Ireland, Forth bridge and Balmoral castle, in Scotland, Hhukespeare's house, Windsor castle and London bridge, in England, City of Moscow, Berlin, birds eye view of I'aris Cathedral of Notre Dame, Constantinople, I'arthenon In Athens, Venice, Colloseum, Ht I'eters and Vatican, in Rome, etc. All these riews are executed in the highest style of the art and mechanically the book consisting of over 600 pages is at once "a thing of beauty, a joy forever." No more beautiful and tasty ornament could be secured for a library or parlor. Get one. Fiesh mtd col-ef at F E Allen's. No Daater of war. Washtngton, No 9r Tne cablegram receiveu by Secretary Trscy from Captain S htey. dateI Valparaiso, Chili, yesterjar, states '.here Is no indication of sny feeling of bontility toward tbe ll.iltimoie's officer snd sailors st Valparaiso, l , letter 1.11, Koll.iwirg is the list of (attar remaining in the pwt oiliuo at Albany, Linn.o.iunfcy, Oregon, N v 10, 1891. Poraous call ins; for these lo'trrt must (five th data on whioh they were advertised. TalUnan, J Daily, Jo'iu ' Urow, hi. T HolUndor, S tf Hand. O J.IDB5, UtfUuca Merriok. J M f-erry, Re E . (:niflf, Mry 11 ilmr, Mr Mrcini, E nina Jnn)-, .n D Ivtsliugrf, inllis eha, Mr Poter Voget J N T. M05TMTK, P U Mllllll The ratio between the assessed valua tion and the actual value of all property It put at. 3870. The Eugene street car were Hopped running because they dld'nt pay anything, An examination ot the city ordinance revealed the fact that the company wat liable to pay $10 a day when the car did not run, and they were set to going again, A correspondent ot an ex wls'ies to know If It Is geutlemanly for a man to tend at a bar and take two drink rapidly In succession and the ex sayt It would be hoggish. Many ex's no doubt are posted on the subject. The assessed gioss value of the property 01 tne uwego iron ana oteei un rnpany tad nets is s I5S.S80, but it clalme an Indebt with ilu the ttate of $338,518, or excess of the value of Itt property It It a pau,r.-Oregon City Courl Icr. Jeremiah Kennedy was shot for a bear In Clackamas county last week, by hi brother Jetie. All Jesse saw wa a com motion In the buihe and fired. We again repeat that Oregon should have a strict law for punishing such men. Chat E Stone, heretofore mentioned, was, on examination before Justice Humphrey Saturday evening, for passing a totged check on Jas Murry, held to await the action ot the grapd Jury under $joa bonds, which ha failed to furnish. One ot the peculiar cropplngs from the recent Oregon Pacific affairs Is the report of the Newport Time that Col llogg and Mr Blair have become reconciled and that they will reorganise the road with Cot Hogg aa President, and a manager to be named by Blair. Probably nothing In It. A German girl In Salem hat a letter from a brother who wanted to leav Ger many for America and waa coming to fjalem. He sayt the government will not Krmll him to leave, aa all Germany la Ing got In teadlnes for a war with Russia and France. No young man of age to do military duty is allowed te leave the country Journal', Tha Man About Town waa about to read one of Ignatlua Ikmnelly'a hooka, but ha haa changed hla mind. Life ia too abort to read the work of such fool inh. men. Here ie a sample of Donnelly. Ha recently sued tha Pioneer Press ot Ft Paul for 1100.000 and recovered f 1. Now he haa brought another suit for 1150.000 damages cauoed by remarks made on the first suit, and may recover 1 cent. Gov Tannoyer has leaned hla Thanks- giving proclamation for Thursday, Nov 26. President Harrison haa not yet been heard from. Never patronise men of any klnJ who offer to give yon mnch for practically nothing. There is always a chicken In their sleeves. Mr Eocene Hoover, havlntr aiven evi dence of iiia comprehension and energy a a seller 01 sewing machines haa been offered a choice of stale locations by tho Singer company, and haa chowen Cor vallia aa hi headquarters, whither he removea this week. Rose bant Plain- dealer. The Salem lournal tat ever corruot democratic paper I for Hermann. We re fer from thla that every corrupt rcpuhtl. can paper I against him, as the "corrupt" ol both parties were never known to "pull together." B. O. Which would give the Statesman a gentle rap. Si the fun goes on. Cigarettes are reported to be full of bugs and worms says an exchange, which evidently wishes to deal tha little villain a death blow. A Si Louis physician has discovered that tha minute hole which every cigarette amoker haa noticed In the paper inclosing tha tobacco are made by a little bog which la known toetetno logiata as a coleopterous Insect. It bores into the cigarette and lays an egg. The egg becomes a worm. There is some atyla to tba people of Lmatilla county, judging from the tot lowlnit from the K O; Tha biff nusnet brought in by D F Smyer from Suaanville has been purchased by II C Vaughanfor a "specimen" and he ia now Uisplavlnir it to friends. Hank paid $356.01 for this pretty pice 01 gold, lie le undecided w nether to wear it aa a watch charm or a scarf pin. TKLEOItAPIIIO Ni:V8 New Vessels tor war. ok, wov I ne Uroonyn dstjt ysr.t ijreseairu an appearnnce of activity, witnessed for tbe first time since the exciting times of tL rebellion. The hum ami din ' tbe workmee on the war vessels Miantonomsb and Atlanta disturbed the Sabbath stillness, s a body of 40O0 bluejiekct marched across tbe ysrd lo divine service. The workmen bsve been busy day anu night for the past two weeks in preparing tha two vessels for speeoy services at sea. Today ihe work of prrpsra tkig continued. It being ihe fi-st Sundsy since the late ws that such a thing hs bap j pencd. There are eighty men at work on ti e Iwo vessels, aar! all especUtlon will be ed until thev are ready for service, I Will ! be g4e Valparaiso, Nov 9 A delegation of young Cbilisa from Santiago waited Uon President-elect Montt to ask bim, ' in view of the reported attempt to kill General Caiato, if in his opinion he held th refugee ia the United States legation culpable, and also to see that justice wa meted out to the Balma cedists who were proected by the American minister. Admiral Mon't's reply was admirable lie said be fully appreciated the generous and patriotic sentiments of tbe young men of San tiago snd of the peopie at large, but at the Mste time be u impelled to date that tb junta had no further information relating to the plot than that published in certain paper. In it conduct of lTir, he said, tbe junta bad to be governed by the lows of tbe country. It wa it duty to tee that these law were faith fully administered. Celag ! aad Camlag la Washington, Nev 8. Secretnry Rusk, In bis third annual report, estimates the increase in the value of th agricultural product over last year to be not less than 1700,000,000. He state tbat during the first three mont'is of tbe present fiscal year Ihe exports in cereal aggre gated $76 000,000, adding that the indication bow sr that the exports this yen will largely etcece those of any pievious year. He notes an increase, by some 28,000,000, in the im ports of agricultural products during the first ten months under the present law. ' A tin a Accident Salem, Nov 8 Vesteidsy a party of goose bunter Mt Salem, and when tbey returned Ust night one of the number was missing. They were in tbe viciaity of Zena, Polk county and a searching party this morning found the dead body nf iheir miss ng member Iviwg dn th grtund by a fence. He wss William Lannsen, a young German, who worked in Ihe backyard here. A coroner's jury found that he carrc to bis death by tbe accidental discharge of a gnn in his own bands. Th ftsventk Tbls aUnt. Sam Fbancisco, Nov icThe seveath murder in this city since tbe first of the month scurred this morning. About 4130 sho.t were heard in Chinatown, and Ling Sue was found lying desd i Ihe middle of an alley, having teen shot twice He wss identified by a bank book which showed $750 to bis credit in the San Francisco Ssvings Union. No clua to the murderer yet. Tbe murder is undoubt edly the continuation of tbe highbinder war. o WITHOUT IT ACOT152! ff&W XT TRADE I ; MARK Istlrollia R MlltfAA o MBI BCFf HIWI0a PROS3PTLY AND f he rirsl lreeUmatla. SAUst. Or Nov 9. Having walltd mors than the allotted time for President Harrison to Issue Mt Tbnkglvlng proclsmstlon, Gov smor Pcnnnyci today issued Ih following! Inanmurh a th pratiturla for favor re ccived should find dut expression, I do hereby appoint Thursday, th s6th tlsy of November at a day of public tnnkfiving to Almlthty God, to be observed by the whole peopl of Oregon In the utusl appropiiat mnnsr id return for ths blessing of peace and plenty which have been bestowed upon them during thepastyesr. Whn asked If It were tint an unuiual thing for the governor to isus a Thinksgivlng proc Ismstlou before th president of the nation ituc hi, the governor saM, Jokingly, that Unci Ben had no doubt been rattled by the vent of latt Tuesday, and wat walling to hear from New York, TkK, erL st Toledo, O Nov o. Deltcite to tba ifteenlb general assembly of Ihs Knights o1 Labor ara anivlng here In large numbers from all partof tne Unlttd States, Canada and two or three cities in Mexico. The dele gate lay thl will be one of tha most Import ent aiumblie ever held. Tbe fiesnc com mittee hs about completed It work, and to far findt all the fioanciet of the order in in condition. Th secretary's reports will show that the order hs increased In membership over 8000 du-lng is past yesr in this country alone, and all Ih local assemblies sre In a flourishing condition. Ig Winding. London, Nov 9. Tbe 50th birthday of the rria:e of Wales is being celebrated with royal enthusiasm. It It said that ever (lore early morning message have been pouring into Sandringham with gift, those frnra the Usrmsn kaiser and Prince Henry stone mounting In value to 100,000 mark. Rst a Dasamy. Ik'TTx, Mont Nov 10, For a couple of dsy pssl the trsla htnd oa ! Msntsns Union railroad, pass'ng through Silver Dow canyon, about ttn rail west of here, hive noticed what thsy took for a dummy dsegling from a tree in plain view up Ih mountain tide. A rsnrher living near Ibis morning discovered it to ue a numsn body, lie noti fied the authorities, and the acting ceronsr and a party went down by th s:0 train, Tbe body wss found to be Mipendcd by a barbed wire strung around bit neck. A saloon keeper at .lilvtr How Junction, about three mile ait of where the body hung, identified the msn Chatle Lundqulst, a Swede, who had been in hi saloon a few days before. The msn wore a dark tweed suit of good make. snd had tbe appearance of bring well-to-do. another Bebrlllaai rrsMla4 Ixnhom, Nov 10. 7 p m. A dispatch ust received from Pernsmbuco brinci further alarming intelligence regarding the situation of alTtirs in lirsztt. There it no doubt Ihs tituttion of sllalrs in Bruit, arising out of the assumption of dictatorial power by ll late president of th republic, Marsha Deodors Ha route:, is rspidly spproaching a point where a resort to arms will be necessary to establish tbe position of the distator. Tbe dispatches of yesterday showod there wss a feelirg of discontent prevailing everywhere throughout nrsill. 1 he republicans see in this last mov of Da Fonseca an attempt to override the authority vested in him by the constitution. . Kalaaaet 1il. lo rxK, fot ir, A giea' deal ol interet i attached to the recent return of Maurice II entry from Chili. He wat sent by tbe Tim to Inst country esrty in the struggle, and th le.ter he sett borne were ftlled with eulogies of Bslmsreda. It was evident that Halmsceda Lad captured llervey, and there fore he Time tuppscssed his letter. Mr llervey bas in press a boob of his experiences whK win suortiy 1 i.ouiishtd. a reporter called on kirn today, when bet d. Vet I Sm a strong llalmacdisi. becau' Balmaceda wa a patikK and a gentleman. Mraa Haalaea. CltlCACO, Nov 10. The Newt' Washing ton curtetpoadsnt ssys the government h determined, In case Chili does not prsfler aa etplsnatioa of tbe IKltimore affair soon, lo tab another and a peremptory demand. If Chili will fails to, all the aailst! vessel in the Uolied Ststet nsvy will he concentrated n Valparaiso hsrbor. TO this end, a number of vessels will be withdrawn from tbe tofeif.n q usodrons. If this demonstration bat no If cct, it will be for cngrea to set. women. w 0 .i. Tb semnton 9. lsUom of women ar sirk-besV aebsw, lBdt(wiio and uarrons troable. They art larfsly freas Mossseb disorder. A Joy's VstXabl aarasrtlta la tb anly bowel rrt Utlag rrranoa, y rsa se wny It Is ator effoetlT lhaa any etbs rsrsa partus la thoa trsoklea. It I dally rltTlo bnndreds. Tb aettea I sslU. 4iret sad eaVetlv. W has sear f Isttar from svatefal wovaea. W refer tacftw: Xerven dsbfltty. Mr. J. Earrss. us 7 St., a F. Xerveus asefllty, Mrs. Trr4. U7, ta Ella flt.B.F. etnrsl wsWllty, Ura. Bcldsa. lit Maaea Bt. aF, Kerrsn dehtllty, Mrs. J. Uaspbera, T Turk St., B Kervjiedpbtllty, Miss R. BoseaU ilawt. 7X2 17th ttoniaek rraablN, Mrs. B. I. Wnealon, 704 feet It l B. Jft Blrt biwdsehaa, Ms. M. , Prloa, IS VntA rtaea, B. T, Hick atadaehM, Mrs. XI. !ndl-Hoo, Mrs. C . a r. rowir, Stuart, in alias! tc. Cosstlpatloo, Mrs. C. Melrla. m Kamy it.l.F. inii'o vectab wUy wSarsaparilla Meat modsru, most sfTeftlTs, Urwast boUla, Same price, 11.00 or f for S&OOi ret IALI BT STANARD & CUSICK ALEANY ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ThJOUCK IH HBREBT GIVEN THAT il bv virtue of an order of sale duly made ami entered of record IntbeOuan'y Oart of Idnn county. Oreiroii, on tha 4th day of November, 1891. In matter of tbe estate of Marl Crewse, dMowsed, the undoMttnad, tbe duly quallQed and aov ins aid m 1 n I rt rat or ornald Mtto. will on Haturday. ihe 12 h day of I)eoimber,189l, at tne n-.tir or 1 o'oieK p. in , all at pu'ilie auction at th (Mart House door, hi theeity of Albany, Linn oountT. Oreeon, for cash In hand to the hlgboat blddnr tbe real properly belouglng toaatd atate. ddMorlbeii aa follows, lowil: An undivided one-eleventh of the north half of the l)onallo3 Isad Claim of Batnttel Porter and wife, being Donation Claim No 8U03,and being parta of Sectlona 8 6. 7 nd 8, In townabTp 14, 8 K 4 W, Wllianitttte Meridian, In 1,1 nn county, Oregon. Iatd thla 12th day or November. 1801. GICU. HUMPHREY. Adm niatrstor. C.TT DRCO ajTOBaV Pfeiffer Block, AlblBY Stanard &. Cusick ssraiavsa:. -aiasill- Drofra, Medleiaear Oieaaleala, tFaaey aad Toilet ArHelesl8peageslBniabeai Perfaaiefy, Geaeol Boek, aad ArUata1 Sappllea. rbyelelane' treriitleBa tare 11 aepaBiBle . AN EQUAXi. O V v cubes RKCUMATI8KI. NEURALGIA, LUMSACO, SCIATICA, ntlsMia BiajllliMsn M 111 1 O 1 1 i 1 1 Q,9f PERMANENTLY. o am now receiving my Fall stoek of and am showincr full lines of goods in the Silks aixd Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear Cloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs and Embroideries Print- Boots and Shoes ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WARKgR 4 KAN0R.....lsm . Muaav MOHDAY, TUESDAY & WEIKESOAY Nor. ICth, 17th and 18th. Philip Phillips, (The Hinging Pilgrim.) Aruaad tss Wut4 In a Chariot ot . A Peerless Pilgrimage (JHsPilll'ALLIf ILLUHTEITei) WITH 1,500 COLOC6AL VIEWS Taksa Irom Kilura ss4 Color! bjr Kalnst.1 rt;.ta. MSfnllut sMl ItlamlnsUNl lbs ROYAL PH0T0-0PTIC0N. IIIuatnUn Mtsnklf tbssvwt atafnltkmt Cities, Edifices, Scenery, Por traits Art and Architecture, Statuary.Costumes and Social Life, rram U Swsai 4IBml enantris vlsltwl, wits lrsi hie IXaertpUirttsans WnOmfulSMnlgaurnrla, i nwpi sac rsan&atln Traaafanr. hwlta with aoti M nmrttiw t,.i. bsuif Inimlubti bung. HvaW on ' atWIUAMok'- Music fttorw. Co ana 75 esoU; cbllilren.'ZS cent. Coursw. 175. 103. Harper's Magazine. Ta Msia will caWkrtU tks lt-rt!i Csataay fib IHmowj ol Asaaria kjr Iu sssiaMtnar, thrtasB srklw lvf a man thorn ssposlHea Una hsakiilisrM km saa-ls of vhs Is. sit Carsna kssras Vwv avoniasv or oca eosrrar, a4 sapsclsUv la Um Cssav Wssr. farUutw slWaUaa wtU ske k irl-ws K DssasTW Bnaviisaar Aassicas lurroar, Tks Fisls or w sait aVsoraaa Waa will k it- rrlb4 to a ttm of rapars oa tks ruU "Piroia th Bluk rora to tba B'.ack Boa," bv fovt-TasT Bmsmw aad t. P. Mittsr, Iltusru4 bf Ua Miliar sua imu ass. Artie 1m slaa t!l U etteo ska Oannaa.AiMirtaa,aa4 lullao Armlm, lllaatratod kj T. ks Twt'urarr, Mr W D H sua lt coaMktiu s aw eo!, "A Warl4ofChaAoa,"brmrUtleailf Ancrlaaa. Ca oalsl proBtlaooo will k irtst to ksocr Sroaiaa, wklck wtilk sontrikatsd fcr T B Atwinn. II r4ta, A C Dotls, Masoasar DsMsa, Mia Woousw anC oWiar pooular wrttara. I Aios lb I llorarr iiwiaros wtJI b rsaaasas Rs. laarswaaor UtTnaatai. Rawttinasa. kr kt eoilafs ! mala and Ut4on( lrt4. Boaarto naiMB, aa a l-snonat Maasoir ot Ik AsssTuae. taav srm-tiis. msm PsaioDioiLs. ARPani MAOAEIXa. for Tsar at 0) HAMESB WKIKLT, " 00 HARPBR'B BAZAR. 4 00 UAarr.n'a TOBNU rgOPLB, " t 00 io$(ajt Fru t uUtuhxriberi in lAe VnUti Stain, Cannula and ilntieu. Tb Voluntas at tks Mtotttas bogla with th Haas bar for Jus aad Droamksr of oacb voar. H baa 0 ttaa la spociHM, sqWriptlaos will ksa with tbslambor sarrsnt at wis tiais of rsealiit of ordor, Boned Volaisa uf llnml Maiis lor thr aor bark, In no I doth btnSlilf .m ko mt kr all, i-i4.s roiwlBt of U 00 prr sslamo. Cow easos for Madias, kv oanis oacb, by majl, post-paid. Bawlttsrwos should b mads kr Pt.orac Mossy Ordsr ne Draft, to sroid obsnco of loss. Nswspspors sr not to copy this a IvsrUsssttut wtibottt ths stimas ordar of llaarsa A Itsorussa. ' Adircss: lURPER k DBOTflKSU, Ksc Toss. PLANTS FOR SALE At my Irult farm ote inl'a north of Alhanv. Kepi.erre, (Ml els per dra fiourrr tuu. ntawoerrioa, ss ets jer aos., per iuu. Wlf II Warmkb. NOTICE OF TAX SALE, NOTICE ia herobr given that by virtue or a warrant for tho collection of delin orient taxes on the aawsmsnt of 1H99 for tUeoauuty of Linn and atate of Oregon, duly Ikaued bv the County Clerk of aald oountv, which warrant ia now In my bands attached t the list of unpaid and dnitn queiit taxes for the year IHltt, In said Linn county, and not having been able after diligent search to find any personal prop erty within aald county out of whioh to make the taxea hereinafter mentioned. I have levied upon the Units dea or I bed in the lint hereinafter aet forth aa. tbe property of the person whoso name (a set opposite each traol aa the same appears skeeased tn said delinquent tax roll, and will on - Saturday, the I0IU day T November, lull, at the door of Ihe county court house, in Albany. l.lnnoouHy,Orogon,attbe hour of 1 o'clock p in of bald day. aell at public auotion to tbe highest bidder for caati in tand on the day of aalee all the herein aiter described landa or no much of each tract aa may be neceseary to pay aud aaliafy the tax assessed against the owner of such tract, In natd Linn coun'y, for the year 18D0, together with aooruhg coats and expenses, which list ia aa follow Att'T.OFTAlES Braman A Summorvllle.part of the I L 0 of Jacob Nye, tp 13, 8 K 1 W.iaOacre 0 00 William Held, the O L C of John WlRe; the D L O of A Deleter, - -tp 13, 8 Range, 1 W.640 aorea.. 118 SO MoEntlro, 8KK sao 24 tp 12 S H I W,100 acres ...... 5 78 All In Lnn county, Oregon. NoTtOB.-Taxpayora please take notice that costs are now to be added to tho above amounts before aettlement. ' Dated Oot. 21at, 1601. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn conuty, Or. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. SOTICB IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE UN dorsignsd has boon, by tbs oounty court for n oouuiy, Orogrni, djly appointed admiritatratrix of tha esui of AKrad Leroy Kaol, docoaaod, tato of Linn oounty, Oregon, All persona having- oiaima Mtainat said estate are hereby no tilled to present theia lefrally verirled to tha undortljfned at Tangeut, Orearon, or to my attorney, Geo W Wright, at hie law offioe in Albtny , Oregon, within six months from this date. Mrs KARAU B M1LL8. Ga W WatQBl, , Adminisiratilx, Atty for Admrx. '10-8) DatdOct8,lo01. t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 unUersignad has been duly appointed by the oounty court for binn oounty, Oregon, administrator of ths estate of Wm H MoBride late of Llun oounty, Oregon, deoeased. All persons having elaluia against said estate sr hereby notified to pre sent them properly verified to the undersigned at his raaidonoe three miles west ot Shedds, in bum county, Oregon, within aix months from this date. Dated Sept 22nd, ISM. , ; ', A MoBRIDE, : H H Hswinr. - . Aiministrator. Atty for Admlnlitrctorl (9-25) folio wing departments, Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets Groceries Samuel Full Chilled Bottoma, .tuuw, a . a I H tG ... A Tarns a B JV ARE THE BEST -9 ' e v w I i w r 1 ? - 5 0 i V 2. t z o s s STT-i. ' . rsatiSiS Por Malo lyy MITCHELL 4c LEVVI REFEREE'S SALE "OTICB W IinniinYOIVENTIIAT liy vli tu of a certain dMirM i t aa. Uilon and order nf Ia made by and eriUrod in the elroult court o tbe atate of uregon. rf MuUimrnah ooantym the Iob ua.j oi 4 una, i57, aoo an atnoudarory del eee made and entered In said court on the Hh day of Hrtemlr, 187, In the ratrU- iiuu wiui an.snna rutin, el at. tiialutlu v William Hmith, t al, defendanU. wbereby it waa ordered tbat tbe real property described a r.-llowe, lowl.: Ileg lnulng at a point eleven enalna and six links fiortb and aeven chain and eighty linka weot of tbe aoulbeant corror ofeeoilon nlnoleen, in lownabip twelve (12) nnitb of range four li) west of tbe W iliamctte meridian, and running Ibence eaat fifty cisht chain and aiaty four links, thenno north ten chain; ttienoa can eight chain and fifty links: tbenne south leu chain; tbonea eoutu two de greeaand thirty minute wevt twenty two chain and sixty links; thonoe aoutb eiKbteen decree and thirty minute east twonty chain and ninety six linka; Ibenei wrt amy aix chains and eighty aovenlluka; thence north flra degree and Udrty wlcuVee raat twenty chaioaand vine llnsa; thence north ta'i doirrMM and thirty minute went eleven chain and aeyenty ilnk,ud theno north twenty aix degree weet twelve chains and thirty link to the nine of tMttnnlnir. In the district of land subject to sale at Oregon City. Oregon, containing two hundred and verity threo acree and tbirt) five buu'.'redtbs of an acre. . aold at publie auction acoordln to law to tbe biKhmt l-lildor, awld proiiorty t-eine; a porllou ofiU prfrty beionglndto the partlea In aaid arttilon suit an the betra of John Hiniih, deoeaked. Now, therefure, by virtue of said decree and eald ainaudnumt thereto and other ordera of the court duly made in said suit. I.C. 11. Hatful, tho undersigned, who wa dttiv appointe I ruleree by aald court to sell bald piope.ty. will, on Saturday, tho 5th day cf Decembnr, I8U1. at 10 o'clock a in of said day, at tbe court nouae door i Lion coti'.ty. state of Ore gon, In tbe city of Albany, i at public auction to the Mghett bidder, for rtsb. uui me aviive Utaorineit rcat proirt C. tl.KArFKTY. HeCurne. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. N otice is HurtEnr givek tuat tub r demimed ha lha day been appointed adrula UtrMoraf IhsoaiMeat Androo Kalaton, tats ot Linn oountv, Orej-m. deosated, by th oounty court of U'an oounlr, Oregon. All porsona having claims acaiost aald oatato are hereby notified ta praaeat tha aamo ptiwiy vrint n th anderalguod at unoacwj a, neuaeriaru, AlKaay, una county, Oregon, vllhlo sis months from ths data of this onuc. Hated at Albtiy.tUi.15lh darof Oatoher, 1881. WWIIOW, Jr. I WealherfWd, Admiolttrator, AUy tor AduiliiLrator. (10:2S) A. STRAW EY, ......rRoratfTon or th-.... City Livery, Feed ni -STABLE.- flavlng nurohaaed new rlss van furn ish flret.claas turnoota at rail. Special aitenu- n given to tranalont atock Uoiaes boa rood by the day or month. Cheapest Kates a the Clfy. Telephnue eonnectlon wlih tbe Bt Charles lintel. Te'ephone orders given prompt attention. Fourth Street, lirtween Ellsworth and Street Car Una. FORTfrllLLER & IRVIflC, .-r' FUNERAL. D1RECT0RS.- Arterial Embalming done Scientifically. Albany, Oregon. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TkTTICK IS HERBBY GIVEN THaT tne firm or Barkhart a Keeney. d lug a real estste, Insuranoe and eolleoting uusineaa in tne city oi A IDany, uan oounty, Oregon, ia this day by mutuat consent dissolved, Oeo II Keeney, of saia armratiring. xae Dasiness will be oonttoued by C Q Burkhart, of said firm, who la authorised to oolloot all outstand ingseoounw sad pay al debtsof aald firm Dated this 2Hthday of October , 1841. O. O. BURKHART, r OIUO.U. KBKSEV. WANTED f-Vty the nndrslgnd, 100 cords of ml chair Mmber. Gall shop nsar Faruiars Warehonsi, y, Orojjron. - R.TEUaOK, Oil SALE-Half doaan ' Piyruonih Inojufrsof Rafus Koek oockereUa. ompisu, Albany: :1 rOR RENT One or two furnished P looms, sunny and pleasant. Uall on J. V. Bentlry, corner Catapojis and Sixth streets, . IJEADY TO WORK -Parties desiring It, wood put ia or any aind of lab r aoue, can obtain prompt attention bv se. oaring the Bsrvioo ot JUanioi Lo.f, a; tag little forry hon, Leave ordera there. Woolens Oloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bagg, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets ' Domestics Gingham- E. Young. 'A mmoi IBB HH I Il mm mm n 1 n tan si m m 1 a """"" uih( rivw swt r Ihe 1 1 WHEELED PLOW ON EARTH tin onYnn n li 11 I I II lie I1L.II vl nl kllw us lit w L3U UUUIfl wlUIIU. SubiciDtions for all lead- ing periodic! reteired at tLt except th "DUneator" and Companion which are 10 ctntg extra. Prite lilts free, at the grocery store near tho postoffict, Albany, Oregtfn. CHAS. K. DODD & CO. IMPORTCBB Of " HARDWARE, IRON, STEEl, FARM MACHINERY. Front, Hrst and Vine Stroot. - - PORTLAND, OREGOt otx Aacava roa Oasoon sue WasMinoTon roa DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERES GAZELLE Spteialry Deere Power Lift Pulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Cretin Bucacyr Hoc Pro- s,t.u Drill. Luckej-e Seeders, Bockiw t-1- Toarki Uarrowa. jnaiiaii'i nini i.i i oiu t ap .ill irawwa l!n!cLLL!L DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. DEERE'S SEEDERS. The fattest tsaprowd hatplnaent for aoving aemmer htlow. The moat complete and oocceaafol . . ( tool fcr this porpoat ia ase. I We also have a full line of Buggies, Phaetons, M onntain Wagons, Platform and other Sprint: Vehicles, SCHTJTTLER FARM WAGONS Spring Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrow? Scientific Feed Milla, Pacific Fanning MUla. HAISH BARB WIRE, Etc. Send for Circulars and Amt Lists. E. THRALL, MANAGER, ALBANY, OREGON. Need a Watch? have all kinds, at all pritt aud every watch fits th price. But price is not everythinj; in wateh-bujing; GUARANTEED DUALITY the first thing. I guarantee waches accord ing to their quality; and quality makea the price All kindsall qualities- all priees. F. M. FRENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store. Portland, Oraann, A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Branch School : Capital Bub. CoLUkoa, Salm, Ongoa. Hum oounaa of study, aaiu rataa of tottioau Business. Shorthand, Typewriting, rmmmmjiip, and Engiitk Deportment! ajrln awaioo Uiroasbout Ui ysor. Studrata admit at any lima Catalor-M froia sittwr achaot. Cn ALBANY OR. WWBIJJf & HULBERT BEOS, Reai Estate Agents. , Farms and Ranches tarsal. Also city broperty ia Albaav aad Coryallia, TTT ANTED, fear or five aere tf g d f V gHmen iana, near A.iDiy,t ru 7 o hart'a. Peter Urvas at U'-.irlss t , VTOTICETO DEBroRS.Having gone 11 out of business I desiro to eluseun all outstandiug aoooauts. Alt parsuna indebted ta me are rqueatI tiealloa me and attl at ojos. jA J.J. DUB&3iLUa Dry Goods, seasonable viz: Bottom i. AND Of . Creas4 i ;iiwwrr"Wi (MA 2 o 4 s- . a. 2 ni r sr - S 3 3 ft S. 3- - s, I 2 CO., Albany, Or. Subitription agtntfor al the leading itruf fni nrno . atsns-ritpn jmbliihen regular jricei, renewals for the "Youth -AND- Improved for tSoi-s HOW DO YOU DO? There la ao douol teak ef SIt,TBRWARH. eanaiaUag apeens. halves, farka, fralt dlahaa, ete, gald and stiver watekes, jewel Ti ete, ia Ihe largest and beat in theeity, aad by tar the best ever bran git te AuiiT. PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the GOODS City Rest asira ui. Having been entirely ro-aodslad. this old tnd popular restaurant will b mada Oral -lass a every res poet. The pnblie will ht riven good meal r all hear for only 25 " Mat. Kverthinl scat and attractive Priyat boxo. Oyster la tvxrr atrl- "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." K IIXUITRATBD h ORTICTJLT- nrai mari'hlv lanraal. aditad bo Pmf R Lake. JBo farmer or fruit rowar an afford to a wlthrrat it. It PKYH whoever takt it, $3 pr year. St aix anonths, Zt rfets a sintji nnmber, Addrwsa. i. n SIlEARSa, Portland. Ortgn ir OTJSB VAS fEtr' mail house to rent, abcut lour rooms, sjiuewhnra u &eoond ward. Lisave ward at TritAa' 1 IT rTTitl m "a i mm . - NBW ' -"V ." - - ivery stable . r PLOWS. I Drill. ( C0C3OC00CC0CC000O