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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1891)
5 "A 0- o Q, ,..,. , . , tf t 4 t i t a i a f a : : An Advertisement in :- ' j "The -:- Boraoci'at," ItSgtsrssu big wsmi The New York "World' "The -:- Democrat," ; n mm Both One Year forOnli $2.80 i - i o.. o o "' 0 VOL XXVII. Entered al tk, I, at Albany. Or , ee-rias Mall Nailer ALBANY, O RhQ ON, FRIDAY, NOV EM BEU (J; 1891. ftTlTM A BITTHtl, fa-blUber aa4 rr.Biiet.rsl NO. 14. IF r7 II Hi MRS. GRAHAM' S Cucumber nl Elder Flower Cream l aot ft eaamakla la Ihe mom l aktek 1 11 lata, la rittlarlT am., W panuananllr haaalttae. It arealaa a Soft, raiwih, alaar, ratal r atn, and kt .Of ua eraAaall ntkM th tmaplaatna mm) Ma wklia. II la a annalant preteetina frar lb. rae aT nan and wla, and ararea ana bum and Srarklae, ana klark haaiia will Barer araita wkll yaa Mali, lltlataaaa Ihelaae tar hatter Ihaa anan bad walar, aaarlahae aa. bull M an Ike ikta llaaaaa I an. (reran, tba tnnaalMa al wrlnklea' II ft ii lanaaaa, atranieas ami amrwini al kia Mial mi ha, whaa a IllUa f Irl. Brer lad, tomb, ar old; eaeht ta aaa It, at It ate a aiaro vanikhil ppar- an any IBM aarraanariii . Ilanntarat aa aeM, Basilar ar alkali, and la aa haraUaaa aa daw and aa .ariahtnf t tba rka aa da la to tba Sswer. Wm ,1 , at aM SratrtoM aad hetrrlraaaara, ar at Mr Oarraiaa Orshata aataNiahmanl, lot FaalMreat Baa fwtnriaaa, a-hara ana IraaMladia far all alanilah aa M tbalbra ar ktura. Ijkltaa at a dtataaaa traatad k latiar, and auuna Ibr bar IlltU kaok "Maw ta aa maatinii." ffl'mwln UnH!, " traa to aa lad aa la auMan. uuoiiio alUUuigraaaiataf l caata MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Blcacli Oaraa tVa want am al Parka, KnnHant, aal a . MMh pafrbaa, W4aa4 all akin kMmtahaa, mra lUnnlaai and aft acili a ; .. aunpl aaa ka aant i Lady anta waatad, kaa kla aaiaa a.ldad ta this adTartlaiaaant. kt araparaliaaa ara far aala by waalaatl. dnif (lata la Cblaaaand arar all arrat al It, CHOICE MEATS Or Ala Knraa , EmoricU - Sc. - T)nc5r, OafawiU Miaaari Uaar BtaKIa, aaat ar ta Wnlamvtta Paokin C' Utn, for Infants and CMrlaaowrJaApaadtoahfitrttiad 1 rannmraaad Uaa avprcicr to aay prnaailt1ni kaewa to nut." H. A. A arau, M. V., HI Oiieri Sc, VvooUra, 9. T. "Tba uaa at Taatnria ki ao anlraraai aad ha BMrtta ao wall kaowa that II aaatua a work Faw arata. tatallitwt faraillea who do Bet keep Caatort -.- u ar. r. v. Naw iork Clay. Laaa Paatae inovaafcagdato Betaratad Charaa. Taw Obtas Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest news is that you oan buy at JULIVS GRADWOMj'I BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 19 lbs. Extra O Sugar 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 B Gallons Good Pickles 1.00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap !. 00 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2 00 Wholesale price of angr KM) lh, extra C, 5 100 .be gianolated, . I will eonduot a airlct oaab atorw, and all (ooda will ! aolal for net th from lo to IS per estit I aaw (ban rago ar prlna. Uy auick of Cblnaware, faney Rooda, and all I be daalrabl. ylee of fllahrw. aa wo'.l a a teneral aaw.rtmmt of tjroeerlaw, erooh T. lamp aad fxiorea i, eompiete. 1 make a apeotalty of See ta, eoffee, and baking powder, and alway plaae my euatotnera, Mydleplayofnawtoyeand noveltle, for th holiday, tbl, year will be tb, flaawl ever brought to AHmny. Jalltia C.rl wehf . We are the People Th sarry ths most eompleU line ef Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, .etc, in the market. MATTHEWS :-'AVaNkM alaWV - v I r 7 - , Hy.--rVAJJ:at- r in 11 a 1 1 am iat m a i i in Ii riilfiiB the BLOOD, Cnrea CONSTIPATION, IJfDIGEHTlOK, BILtOLSSES-,, LITER C0MPLAIMS,8ICK HEADACHE, COLDS, FlXl'LKS, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AJilSINU from a DISORDERED 8T0MACH. The Genuine IIAitDVUG TEA U put up in YELLOW WhAPPl'RH with Factimilt Siipiaiure of EMIL FllESL. HEDIHQTON a CO. Aocht. San ruAMOisoa OM BY A IX lBi;;.IMTM Ail .HOfF.BB. Ti LADIES -It tk. illineiy and Fancy Goods lm of Albany, They carry all the Latett 8tle aad Noveltle la the Millinery llae, ant a eemplete (lock el Ladle aad Children' Furnishing god,nd retdy-wiadr garment. Good th belt, aad prlee the Call and be eoavineed. FIRST STREET, is ASK YOUR A8K THE PEOPLE OF LHltl COUHTV Tfhr to got tht'Bost Bargain, , "Where to get -the Best Yalue for. Tour Uoey, . - : ;. ) ; , -- ' TX - 't '. ' Clothing, Dry Goods; Etc.:, Atti thej will Answer witk Ome Toist, at S G. W: Wil AS BEEF-STEAK lUby, Feitrful Bu(Tbrln( lVora Skin UluaM Cuvorlag Kotlr, Body CureU by Cntlcur rr luatka okl. and In a taw di aa n(aa oraaking out, I hnrna uoctora, auil tkr Wa amplotad both ot Ilia oould Ua kothlhif fur Mm. Then wa aant for Uia voat attawr IB Kaltta iUptdi, Miok.. and aa doa. mrm oiia lor two ararka, ami ha ( woraa all til. tlmi-; and tliaa I took him lo d'ukaon, U a doctor ko niwodaaapaUall lo iku Ularaara, and lh., k ,1 m , a-M t m mtw ir. wiw io -yil arr. IkanltiiMni (aya 'V try Uia t'mri'ru KKStmra any aay; did not hr any Uaa kV d-jfif WJ won at i any 'Jijattf hm. but la laaa Ua two miutlha frma Uia lira, wa aaffan t" to ma wm anllraly wU, and unl a kI on hiu. Hit kalf bamn rowin nitnt orr, and wa Inoai-ht b. would alwaya na lill hnli'd. Thora wAirmlatrM on kla hnla biHlr, f.tca, and h.v l.o ilv Ma auaa and aaa, but whil r i m an Uf fo ttoor thora wa not n tMn-i l.iil Iwn a, and ao waak ka aould raliw neither I. unl I v. Maa. ru..IC UAUimT 1', WlnneM, Vlck. Cutlcura Resolvent Tka aaw hlood and Bkta rariflar, and irraataat o( Mvaaior Komadiaa, rlaiai'a Uaa bkxhl of all Impart, tlaa aad aokaonmia akmaata, and thua raraoaa tba eauaa, wklla I i ru t u, tna nnl akla aura, and CuTK Oaa Hoar, aa ctu,ii!alt. akla brauttrWr, ekr lha akla and a--alp, and rxabir. tba hair. '1'kna tba Ctnriov'Bk KaaKinaaanrovwrr apartaaef liahln. boralna. araly, pimply, aod blutcby akln.aaalp, and bhMd dlMaia, fr-a plmplaa tu arrofula, froak Intaary to a, wbra tba Uw ph) alcUoa taiU Bold avarTwharo. IV .trrirra, 10..: Doap. tV.; Uaaoiraar, $. r parvd by Uia roma Dara t 'nairi MitiaaTiuM, llxalna. eVaad for " llo.. . Car. Ulvod ilaaaaaa. P BV'C Pkln and Hcalu purnVd aad baaaUOad UrlUI M by txTKi-aa t Boat. Abaolataly para. RHEUMATIC PAINS nratufl I. J laoaaailai flL Iata tlaa tor ' allm, M;, JH ?alna wJ waak atathaCnUrara Aalt- rallara. rbaamaUa act nay, ebuat, and moaeala . I'rtda.Ua. Children. ean CaBe. CknetfoanVai. rVmr Wiranna, Piarrh'a.k Iruaaation, K.Uat Warma, gnm aiaap, awd prouaotea df. Wiaaowtaaja For saaarol ywae I Kara raananmravVd ywur ' Oaava-av aad aball alway aootiaua a. daaoaalthae kanaalf prodooatt harawVlal Kbwiw r. FABDwa, K. 7A "Tn. WhAarop," IWk Baraa and Tth AWk, Haw Tark Oay. oMWAa - r, Tf atawavtv Xww T. & WASHBURN, ... . ..j bT BAZAAR. Leading - FIIOMAN BLOu NEIGHBOR ! SIMPSON'S; 1 LOCAL, UECOllI). r Hi, I 'km. Warm Spring Jolinny hat been ' familiar character mound Albany for many year,. Until a few year, ago ii, uvea with the lnuian, ana iia a nnaw wife. Lucv. who dieil. The In diant were the meant of tending hlui to the penitentiary, and he twor, on atto elating with theiu. II, afterward mar ried a whit, woman, with whom he hat lived two or three yean. Now a tritara tion ha, re-ulted and Johnny ,ay, tomo whit, peonlw are worn, than tome In diana, and he 1, authority for the ttate ment that on tYednemlay he fought a duel with a man named Holthet in the city cemetery over family affair. 8ev era! tliott, he taya, were fiml and Holthet received a cuticle wound, and it now recuperating In the forks ot the Pantlam. Rome people look on thlt re port with tutplclon. but Johnny i, cer tainly entitled to a good item once a year. A Biu lNi atA.Nt. The tooting of the taaesameut roll for have been added for the net taxable Property wf Linn count and ihow a marked Ir.create over 1390, (petting lor the emclent manner In which Atteaaor William ha done hi work, now belnff tare e enouati to slve Linn county the econd place In the dale. unlet Marlon county alto know conil.l .... 1 - - erable ot an Increate, The figure tor the net taiahle property, on which i!t levy la made, for the year 1890 and IS91 are ioiiow : Sof $7,581,844 Syj (x,o,oii Iacreato ,f 1,091,816 On the t me levy ol lait year Ihl would Increate the revenue t10.65j.6S. A the county at the belnnliiK of the year waa nearly f 15,1,0 In debt, and l now out of debt, U I probable the tame Ux will be 'evled, which aome have llirurrd would thut provide forth, fo.ooofor the biidge. The CoRkkcT Fiooant. The exact dlmenalon ot the biidge over the VI. tamette at ihi city, under the cantilever plan, have never been rublUlicd. ttrlns different from the orignal plana. Here are the figure. The Albany approach wiiine 414 feet lone; lir.t anan too.i feet: the aecond pan, which croate the main itream, 400,3 feet; the third a pan, 301.5 feet; the fourth pan, J91 feet; th, Den ton county approach, 350 feel. The total lengin win be 1959 feet, it will be een that the bridge luelf will liae f jur apana and Ove pier, Its total length btlng U94 feet Two plert will be In Linn and three In lienton county. The brld(. Itself In the latter county will crota the temporary tream occurlnir In cae of vera- high water. Thete figure are furnlahedby surveyor uun, ot the I'ortlitnU company. Ilrldge lloasa Tnurit.-On the night of Oct. 27, two mare, were stolen from Daniel Stanton, at Coburg. One of th, thieve, it 60 year, old, six feet high, abort gray whisker,. The other i, 37 year, o'd. Ave feet ten inche, hiith and wore ootid checked auit. Th, horse, are described a, follow,: "One i, a bay, with four white feet and and face, ha a black toot about th, tize of a dollar on th, riicht flank. One it a black mar, with a few white hair, in the face. The stolen team wa, hitched to an old hack, with panel bed. painted black- Thev had on old work harness and new bridlet." Lax a County Mix.. A tunnel 40 feet long Is now being dug through ridge at the Myrtle Creek mines to con nect the new ditch with the old one and then the ditching will be completed for the present The men are now working In three shift and are working nleht and day. Washing will be retjmcd In two or three week and tome My 'lean up are then looked for. Two clantt will be run' II the time thl winter and rait of Ihe lime It Is probable three or four will be operated. Gold to the value of (1800 wa brought out of the Anna mine last week. the result of a week' run. We under stand that the owner of thl mine claim Snow Towns. Th, Incog show after leaving Salem gave it a black eye a, a countrified town. The Statesman calls the tronp several pet names and also says what mik-ht be said of some other Oregon citie, "Salem would be abetter show town it it had lets Jim Crow shows, made up irom morphine Dends and wo men of qneationable repute, lik, the company that recently attempted to ive na a i.iack eye." beveral such troops hay, been given a cold shoulder oy tne Albany management. Incoa among th, number. They war, not bare. A Wire Bcatbk. 8herlfl W II Sam son visited Kalem Wednesday, returning norlh yesterday, In search for Cha Dodge, who Is wanted at Oregon City to answer to a charge of assault preferred by hi wife. Lrooge haa relative at Salem and also at Biook. at one of which place Ihe Clack- ma sheriff expected to find him' at he led Immediately upon having It intimated to him that a warrant for h'.s arrest was about to be Issued . Statesman. The de fendant, we believe, was a resident of Al bany a year ago. Case, or Dastitution thould be re ported to Mr Walter Montelth In the First Ward, Mr Dr Kelley In the second and Mr C W Sear In the Third, and hey l'l be promptly attended. Any clothing left with them will he put to good use. The case of a woman with three children, some of them sick, the worthies husband, having deserted hi family seven I weeks tgo, wat before the Ladlet Aid Society to- oay. TJABKUBvia. The Lebanon Advance says there were 240 pupils enrolled In the Dublic school in that city and it is ex pected that 250 will be enrolled this year. That record has this early been broken in iiarrisourg. w, are informed that Mr, u w How ard, who fiiiured so conspicuously in an adultery case, hat left her home and lamily for parts unknown, taking only her infant child with her. The father and five little children ar, Ictt disconso late to grieve for a mother's fault. Courier. An Old Tick it. A OxMocRAr man today picked up an old ball ticket, which readt at follows "Dedication ball of Al bany Lodge No. 4, 1 O O F at Pacific Opera Home, Thursday evening, May 22d, 1879. Ticket, (Including supper, $5.00. Supper at it Charles Hotel." Schooling Discharged. In the cat otthe State set. I P Schooling, at Eugene, the grand jury brought in "not a true Dili, and Mr Schooling was discharged. OOT$ 'BNIOYS- Both the method auT results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidnea, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 6O0 and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA F0 SYRUP CO. ... 8AM FRANCISCO. CAL, J- Hit Cunkciincb Smotk IIim A ting alar cat, ot guilty conscience accuilng Itnelf through man vetm, Anally repro- Ing Ittelt, and In the end making public confeaaion, ha ut come to light In our own uoaiiie city, unce upon a time, year and year ao, a man who I ttlll living In thl vicinity defrauded the father of Jeweler Downing, of tnla city, out of few dollar. Several day ko a rather wel-dreed hutbandman, above middle age.pretcnted hlintelf before Mr Downing, wnen re wat at w,rk at the bench, and handing over a $10 gold niece requested him tn take $j 15 out of It. Thlt wit done, the jeweler thlnklnu It wa on ac count ot the farmer' tt the store, but the farmer tald no. It wa for theycung man hlmiclf. Mr Downlnir tald he knew noting of anyone owjnn hi in that turn, whereupon the uun made an evplanatlon. lie tald that one day he cheated the younir man' father, now dead, out of a mall urn and the Irregularity had troubled him ever tine, and he wanted even at thlt late day to clear hit conscience. He had figured the Interest on the amount tlnce the transaction and four.d that It now amounted in all to about S16, which would be i.i te each child of the man whom he had detraudad. Concluding hi story. the man with a guilty condense walked up on the treet and wa lost In the crowd. statesman. A Goon Max Da ad. lion. R. 8. Wal lace, of Salem, the enterpriting banker and popular ritixen died al hi, home near that eity last evening , of puenmonia, after an illneatof a week. Hi, death waa unexpected. The Btatetman amy. "Robert S. Wallace wa, born at Cam bridge, Ohio, nearly 42 year, ago, and received hi, educotion at tun Momouth. ( 1 1 1 1 col lege. From tbl, col pee h e e rati uated Just in time to enlist in the war of the rrtolliun, becoming a member of that art of the army which wa, de tailed to service on the Mississippi river. ue remained in tn, war until all iioslil itiea had ceased. After the rebellion Mr Wallace made hi, home In St Lmii,, Mo, wnere. in connect on with Ma brother. h, for a couple of year, conducted a train commission buaineee. Then lie went to Chicago, where a a eeed merchant he nicago. wner, as a seed merchant he iraulmt the beginning of w hat soon de eloped into a lanre fortune. From the ai ve seed business be went into th, grain business, shipping la run Quantities of flax seed to Franc and Germany. In this business he began possessed of wealth. In 188S Mr Wallace came to HAlem." Am Imfobtabt Mattbb. First-class schools do much to build tip a city. Good schools need good building. Th, average attendance at tb, Albany Col legiate Institute last year wa 208. Th, present baildlng is entirely inadequate lor such an attendance. liealUine this money is being raised to give Albany a college building that will b, a credit to tb, city, and on, that will com par, with any in onr sister citie. several ot which ar ornamented with fin, structure. If possible a new true tare will b, erected, in any event a great Improvement will be made. The Dkmocbat has been hown a plan of a f oa looking building facing Bruadalbin etreet, with a frontage of over 100 feet, that would excite gen eral admiration from iU commanding position, and give all th, room th, rap Idly growing college demand. In order to retain the present prestige of the college and ytt further increase the at tendance) thee, improvement, ar, abso lutely needed. A new building entirely, with modern Improvements, should be th, plan. Our citisens should put their hands la their pockets liberally and give Albany a college building w, may be proud of. That Is what money is for. It is useless if Idle and not serving the public. Too Mrcn fob Tush. A B Real, th, commercial tourist, who has just re turned Irom a trip to noithern California brings a long story, of which tit fol lowing is the cream: Down In Yreka, Calif, an Israelitish merchant opened a store after having' done business in Uedding. II, becsn markinii his Kooda low. and the other merchants united against him, one taking th, competition Into bi, band, for all of them. The Jew placed his overalls out at UO cents. Th, gentile dropped to 75 ceats, and so the nguretdecreasen until the Jew marked its overalls st IS cents. Then the sen- tile began another plan and among others rut ont the sign. "We buy for cash, get a discount ot ? per rent, and hi Bive our customers me Deneut. The Jew settled that in a very quick way with the sign, "We buy our -good t on time, pay 7 rents on th, dollar, thereby getting a discount of 92Jw per cent, and will give onr customers the benefit." Tbis closed th, competition. The firm of Borkbsrt A Keeoey bas dlt solved partnership, Mr Kssnry retiring on account of poor btaltb. - WtltS CORSIDESIJU F. M. French keep railroad time. Bay yoarfgrooeriae f Parker Bros New cream chasee lust received at Conrtd Meyers, Smoke the eel.brated Havana flllad 5 ooot etgarat Julius Joseph's. A lares taok of wall paper, with late de- ilgaa, at Portmiller fc Irving't,att received. Have yon teen those parlor tuitt that T Brink basjtut received T They ar. nice. 1 W Beotley, beat boot and shoe maker io eity, three doors north of DfUfOciuT office. E W Achison & Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walla for lemetery lots. rbese walls ean be furnished at half the onst of any other and are far superior. Dr M II Ellis, physiolan and surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Call made In eity or eountry , Ladies ean do their (hooping In fiso Fran- isoo without visiting tb eity. and without extra cainmiiston. Miss IS J nrrow f t erasing ut, 11(1 J Oroya St, Oakland, Patrnnia home indiutrv and buy hand made htrness, wsrrauted, from 0 C Ms rarli Dd, at Dubrullla a old stwirt. O) to 3 W Cobb, successor to PaUloy St Senile), Flint! Bi.iek, f.r ynur b printing stall kinds. TeTxA Drinkbrs Prehably three fourths of the tea consumed are "Green Tea " Unpleasant a the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all I not the natural color, but lidue te the facing or glaslng of the tea with Prussian blue, Indlg, and ther mineral color. That coloring hide th effect ef poor tea 1 undoubted ; but I it healthful, and doea It not call leudly for the Importation of a brano ef pure, uncolored, unmaa ' Ipulated tea? It wa thl condition of affair that prompted th. placing of .'" Beech' -Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, en colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a canary Color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to teA drinkers, and Its purity make It more economical thanMhe arti ficial tea, less of it being required per cup. Sold only In packages, wo cent per poui.d. Ak for - Beech' Tea, pure a childhood, foi sale by Allen Bres., Fllnn block, Albany. WsittTS GxtThxm. When wanting . organ er plana call on G L Blackmaa arh,, yen nan teler.t from a first elas teca. Paik.r Br, groetre. Cotton goods havs not bean aa eheap sines th war as they are new. Call aad tee what bargains W Kead ha. a m . ' Fertmiller ft Irving have some Renais sance lsce curtains for $18 a pair, a fineaa asything ever aeeu in tbe ity. They range down ts $7 a pair. Other laee enr tales dwa t $1 ,t let, a pair. 11 ai, An rsaaviiAi. , TUVttRDAY . , C II Stewart and E P Sox went lo Port land thl morning c buslr.est. Dancing school at the opera home to morrow evening, 8 o'clock Geo II Keeney left today "for Halt Lake City, accompanied by hi' brother, going tor ncaitn, wnicn 11 very poor. The musical committee of the C E union will meet tonight at the Presbyter Ian church for rthesrml, Mr and Mis Pljinmer anJ Mrs Mulk of Pomeroy, are In ti e city the guestt of their brother, J A Mi I'rron. In a short lime (he golden wedding of their parent wil! be celebrated al Uiownsvlile, Drand Mrs E L Irvine returned to Al- bany last evemne. accompanied by Mr A U Slauton, who returned to Portland on th, morning train. The Doctor's health It poorly, too much active practice before he wat ready for licensing a relapse, and ne win now take a rest of several month. FRIDAY. E L Thninpaon, ot Portland. I In tin city. Mr N M Newton, recently citv editor ot th, fcaleiu Journal, has begun the study of law in theolllce of Plackbura & wateon, in this city. I N Duncan who recently returne from Crook county reported a big differ ence in the curnsie, dust fllng across the iacauet wtii'e this side mud reign. A pleasant party wa srlven last even ing at Mr F M. French's for Miss Olive Marks, beveral hours were snent In games, sociability, partaking of refresh ments, etc. Rev 8 K Memlne-ar. of Albany M E church and Pcv T P ilovd of Lebanon es. changed pulpit on U.t Sabbath to U.e satisfaction of both congregations. Peo ple Ilka, indeed require, a change of pulpit si tie and manner a well aa a chanir. of diet. Advance. SATUapAY. Col Van Cleve arrived In AlUnv last evening, coming from Corvalllson ths tres. In true printes style. I A J roes and wife, of Albany, went through Sunday to spend th, winter in A risonia. Ashland Record. A eity never loses anything by setllne a reputation of being social and hoepit ple. In thee, repcct Albany stands high. I W Rupert, who hts bem a resident of Albany for the paal year, leave lonhrht tor San Jose, Calif., where In company with hi brother,he hat purchased So acre of fruit orchard, and hereafter wilt make that a buslnet. In conversation with it.m It A frvlna he staled to us that in a short time Judge K P Poise and himself were ing a visit to each local Farmer Alliance in tins county, for the purpose of encour- aging emu orgniiixAllon ami talk over matter fwrtaitnng U Alliance question, Scio Press AKietj rwKKa. Wkal lh Mlaaraala Slat. Aalharllles K aaw Akael Thee. Iftbar. I a doubt in anybody' mind a te the quality of th yarieu bakin; powder of market, it will be sattlsd by th, eyl denee glvao spo, tk. snbjact by tb .-Uste otCotala af MieeMota. Tb. Dairy sod Ttxxl Commission aad tba Sut Cli.mist sr. the bigbaat offioial olborlUas upon tuoh b- j'cts ia tb Sttte. aoJ tbslr .vldaaea wilt be sMpel a.dtiatreatt and nnfn.iadioed. It is tl.slr besiues to t ismia. tb. aoslitv ef 'be dtff.rsnt faed prodacu, and lo sop- pre thtstleot those fonnd I m par and sewboleeoine, and Ii will admit last tbey bav paif riued datis without fear or fkvor. At a racsi.t .aainieativa h a Irifialativ ccrr,mit'.te ta rjetermiue tha qialitirs ,f th. various neking powdrrs sold ta Minnesota, Ktat Chemist and nslyiitt tn lb Fmid nd Uslry Vommiaaiooor, IH flenisnua r Drew. gave th. fullowiuB .vilaDe: Qoa Dr Drew, I see by the report of tbe Dairy and Food (Jowmisaiuo of this tst that in making analysis of tbe various tisklsg poade'S of this country toa r.port s a result ef yonr wotk Dal th. Royal klag Pow. r contains aod give off in baking- a grsaivr per cut of ca lxnio acid ( gas) tba, any otbtr bskiog powder mads; la that iru? Ad. Yaa, ir, that I a fait. Qua Doctor, von also fuuad from os- rimsDt that th Royal Baking Powder will keep longer sad retain Ite qaatitias better than any other powder made, J id yon not 7 Ass-Ym, sir, I tbiak It doe. Quas Now. tb moat desirable oaalitise la baking powder ar the amount of earbonie acid gas it eontains and lives off and ths Isegtb of time It will keep, ar they not t an 1 aa, sir. Qoe Tba tb RovalfiPekine Powder. possessing these qaalitie .1 th, bait cowder stad, I it eot T - An Will, that would be the natortl oonelusioo. Qua Wall, that is th fact. Is it sot t Ans Tea. I think it la. I aonaiJar it ona ef tb, beat baking powder made. bei fsaaa A piano At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store. New cloaks at W F Read's. ; Latest styles cf hats At W F Reauya. Rednotioa ia'summer goodsat W F Read's Applejpsrers fur sale at Stewart K Sosf. 8 A HoliD. druggist, French's eorosr. Fiaejgrooeries at Conn Si I Isndricsnu's. Lsteat sheet mutio at Will & Link's. Parasol and tun nmbrolla at lea thta eostat W F Read's, - Gold spectacles and eve slasse. all ttylet ana price, st r M rrencb a. The! finest line of pocket knives in the eity at Stewart ft Box a. Bargaioe in gold watohe at Freneh', " 1 tie tJorner Jewelry Store." A full ot Wsruer's corsets, best In the world for the money, at W F Read'. J. W. Beotley, leadini boot and iho maker, just east of Rsvore House. C W Cobb, job printer, F linn Block, doe nrst cists work. , -' Re that elegant piano at Klein Bro Buot ana oe store. - L id Ing Photographers A aany vlregan. We have bouoht-all thenegatlvt t wade by L W Oark and W H Oreeewood up to Nov ISth, 1889. Duplicates oan be bad from bem only of ns at redussdiates. We haye also about 18)000 negative mad by our selves, from wbick duplicate ean be had at like.iaie. We earrv tbe only ful 1 Una of viewt of this state and do enfargr d work at lowett rates for first class work. A .shall be pleased to sae yea at onr Studio in's oi.ek. naxtdoorto Masonle XrmDl. IIavb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gr. cry stors is always full ot fruits, veg. tables, etc, t ie very latest in tn, mar ket. If ther, is anything to bs bad they nav, it. Peaches, Berries, Cabbnges, Turnips. siw P,tats. The Dbuobkat will exehange a sswina mashlus of any maks deairid, axoept one r we, for some oak grub w,od and part easb; er will eonsidsr other proposition a ny e desiring a new maeoia. , A fine line etytroukery ware at Conn & Hendricsou a. , Notice the extra holla groaad razors used by barbers ars to'd by Stewart it Sox, waHIwUTO4. , (fniin bar rvfttlar sorrsspwiMisuW), ' Washimuton, Oct. 46, iSyt. Lion Jamet G Blaine, ths tcknowlct'ged dictator of the next republ'ctn presidential nomination, hti lvrd a reiuimdium which for several inutith pusiled the pro pie of this country, by returning to Wash ington and resuming hit long neglected dutlet s Secretary of Stale; but there another problem which It yet lo be solved doei he coin, st a Mend or as an enemy of Mr Benlamln Harrison? Some ot Mr Blaine's friends insist that he will again be the nomine, ot hi party and that It Is hit intention to to shape things during th. next fw month a to compel Mr Jlarrl onto abandon th dekrest desire ot his heart by announcing Ihst he will not al low his nan, to go before th, next repub lican conventions but your correspondent does not believe that Mr Harrison ha any Idea of surrendering the lead he hat l- resdy secured oy barter cf appointment for delegate to that convention, And which he hope to Increate by the large number ef Important appointments now st his disposal, which ar, undoubtedly being de. layed for the express purpose of obtaining additional 1 1 srrlaon delegates. Six month sgo could esslly have csrrled out such a plan, but Mr Harrison hat mad, such good use of the absence of the man from Main, that It wilt be very difficult If not Impossl ble no. One thing I very certain, if ap pear sure t count (or anything, stui that Is, thsMr Blaine's health will 11 ,t interfere lib his entering the field a a candidate. Jutt around ihe corner from Mr Blaine's house there wis Saturday and Sunday domiciled another man from Maine, who less than two year sgo wa a rival tor popu larity In the republican party of Mr Blaine- III name I Thomas B Uced, w.ore popu larly known during the life of the billion- dollar congrea a Cxar Reed. He did not call to pay hi retpec either to Mr Blslne or Mr Harrison. Senator. elect Palmer, of Illinois, has In a published Interview, given esatern dem ocrsts something to think about He tald: "Th, fact that th, elections next week msy chang, th, whole current of speculation. make it vain to engage In political proph ecy now. I sm hopeful, however, of democrstlc success. It appear to be be yond question lhat we will carry Iowa and In my opinion, succeeds In that state put another presidential tn vice-presidential candldtte In the field. Gov Boles Is a man of great Intellectual!', and he has made a t estellent governor. Toe democracy has done end could do a great many more f.tolWh ttdiig than to nominate Gov Boles. He Is admirably situated from a geograph ical point of view, and this Is an Important factor 10 be taken In consideration. He Is I much better situated than Gov Russell, who I suppose will be a candidate tor the vice-presidency If he I re-elected In Msstachusettt. The alleged Investigation by postofuce Inspector of the charges made against the employes ot the Baltimore postoffica by Civil Service Commissioner Roosevelt, which Is now supposed to be going on.wlll not be .finished until after the election, snd the result of those election will large ly determine what. If any action will be taken on th, report by Mr Wanamaker. What a blooming lot of civil service re former! these administration fellow are anvwsy. It will not be the fault of the adminis tration It the mob In the street of Val paraiso, Chill, which resulted In the death of one and the wounding cf several U S sailors, is not used to bolster tip the wan ng republican fortune In the state cam p!gn now rapidly drawing to a close. Ever since official account of the mob's tct Ions wat received, the cable bat been kept hot with messages between the state department and Minister Egan, and the official atmosphere of Washington hat been full of talk about "demands tor abject apology, "dignity ot the flag." "Indemni ty for the famillea ot the killed and wound ed tailors." etc. And there men who talk about enforcing these demands just at it we had a strong nayal force In Chilian waters We have jutt two vesselt there the Baltimore and the San Francltco, and the Boston, which tailed from New York Saturday will be there In about tlxty days. Had the new vessel which pent the summer tn the neighborhood ot the fashionable tummer resorts been sent to the South Atlantic at Mr Harrison and Secretary Tracy were urged to do, we might be In a position to talk about en forcing demands, but at thing are al present such talk l arrant nonsense. RlffDIXQ T W1MK AND THB TARIFF. It it nine montht tlnce the McKinlty bil' went into effect, so far ss it concerns binding twin. The pike of binding twine last bar- vest under the old tariff Uw wat at follows: Standard t4ctt to I $ctt per Tb tut ..lacti to 1 octs pern fanilla i6cts per lb The price ol binding twine for the present harvest under the present "Mcrvinley bill robber tariff" it a follow! Standaid loett per Tb Jute ..8c ,iacttpeIb Manilla ...ixctsper m The farmers of Inditna are getting ttandard twine 4 cents to 5 cents cheaper, jute twine 4 cents a pound cheaper and manilla twine 4 cents a pound cheaper under the McKlnley bill. Instead opaying double price, at oemo- cratic paper! and oral art declared, last Oc- toner, tney wouin, d k itohii, souin ocnu . . . 1 H.. . t a L. T .1 Ind, June ao. But it wat became the tariff wat redubed atteointhe direction of free trad that price went town. . Tearbera' r.xamlwatl.a. Notice Is hereby given that the regalar publlo exaualnntlon of teaoher. for Una county, will take plaoe in Albany, 00m menoing on Wednesday, .. 1 n'nlnnk. t m and oontloue until Friday noon. MOV. I3i n. ah teaonera must nna tivn v bs oretent at ins ume or 00m maiMsmsnt. aa no one will bs admitted to the examination wno in not ao present. u r. KutsiiuiJ, County Sebeol Snpt Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Cheap est in tho eity. Will be sold at greatly re- daced rates. ?Ta Daby wa dsM, we Bars bar awtoi. Whew she ww a CMM, h ed foe Oaatnras. . When ah. bsewase Mhw, she iuf to Ossavwla. vThsu she had ObtVuxsn, she gave them Oaetorta, I AM SxAjaTaat Ths tea for America eonaumption are bought in China by Euro experts, wbo are called "tea-taster." Ths euoyelepedias ar. authority for the fact that In a few years tbey nave to aire no their lucrative positions with shattered con stitutions, i ho nobeaitnruineas 01 the adul terations and mineral coloring matter etu not b mor strongly pot. iieeoU s Tea pur as ehildhsod. For sals fcy,i.tlen'i Tue Salem iourr.ul tns ihst th farmer alliance of Marion county has decided not ti run a lli'd party ticket next year. ravaMMraaawaaa Tbe ttste of New York deposited J5.oo OoO litis II Rill in her waters during ihe pas'. yesr. There were loin cod, smelis, yellow perch, lokiiei, pike, C.h, frost foh tttUlkkioriije, nl, 1.100k and lake trout, etc this should help to incresfie the food supply. The most puwctful telescope yet made has just been rinitiil in Munich, Its ordinary power ii 1 1, ,i. w I. kh citi l.e laciesntd to 16, 000. Art ekttiic winp of minute 'yp is used lo it, snl s sprriitl device which iptsyt minute psrik'lesoi li'piM cibonie acid t used to ktep il cool. There is nv re lalk in Canada about ss nnstion to the Unlied S'atet and lest here than a yrsrot two sgo. A commercial union fair for both sidet will probably be the result. We do'net want at present to assume Csn ada't g'ewlng debt, wlikh would be one of the necessary conditions of snnetsiion. Possibly this is whst cauiei incresiing annexation feel ing ia Csnsria, 11'.. '. . .'UJJU The Ohio board of sericulture in it Octo ber report plane the wheat yield of that state I 4S.o6,4$a bushels, and oat t 35,608,380 bushel. Tist is aa invests of over 15,000,- 000 bushels of wheat, si d of 5,600,000 oatt at compareil l;h last year. Only once bs. Ohio rslsed a la-gei crop of wheat tbsn its yield tbis year. Tbst was in f88o, when ti e yield wst 49.790,475 buihels. LvMlroces tre accumnlsting that Kiaaia is about 10 proTuhiU exports of wheat, wheal flour aid,breaj. In Si Petersburg il is be iieved Ibst a prohibitory expoit (ax wi'l be levied at onre. prom Rotaboy, on tbe fron tier of Poland, comet lh tetort that the sport of ptutott is forbidden, and lhat wheat will also be IHli mth. 1 ue mayor 01 a nanus ci.y is a woman. She hat mads tuch energetic welfare sgaiast the saloon that tbe male rc'.dnts, not likitg her rtstiktive J olicy, have atkeJ ber to re sign But to get a woman to back down when tue Know te u on tue rtgtil tide t no easy matter. It is id the husband of tbe mayor irned ihe pctitioo, but woman who is pop. lr enough to be elected msyor will not be spt lo olnry any matter, even though he be her husltand. Tbe tiw atpU slta rail4 ao.moni probably tbo meat ulul end raliat.l. jat made- It ha treat ?w.r, i free free danger in mM'Ufw !'!., add in ure. arid rceet tcau made iUi ti ia Fnglsed bsve rMiiltod in tho riiUoji! Using it fr t-tjs portation without tbe usual rrttriotiin, pertainiug to explo-tve. It ia not iojurad by exposur lo the air and will not deoonv pose. Il iogiJicalsar, a mlitur. of 81 par eaotof smmmiium n.trate and 18) per cent of mooouitio naplhaleoe. Of tbe " 1804 dollsr" Chapman' catalogue 1 885 noica that t!-e only piece knew, lo exist are: "The fit spec men in ihe mint cabinet at PiiiUdeljihia wetg't 41$ J grain; the second M A Siickney procured from the mint in 1843 ia .etching for otter coins; third, W SAj j '.cton bought, at an advance of I750 in f StS, fiotn E Cogta, who purchas ed it from W A LiUiendahl, w bo bought II at a tsle of collect ten of J Mick ley, 1867, for I750; fouith, L G Paraielee bought, at tale ef E II Ssnfotds collection, 1874, tor $700, who obtained II in l SO 8 from an aged lady, who got it at the mmt many year before; fifth, W B Wetmoic bongh! of L G Farmelee, 1 868: for f600 from sal of II S Adam's collection 1875. at t5oo, Irom tale of M J Cohen's col lect in, 1875, alf33S in 'sir condition; sixth present owner unknown to ui, formerly in pos session of collection ef Ro'-ert Dsvis of Phil adelphia, and recently sold for fiaoot seventh, S II snd II Chapman, purchased October, st a tale in Berlin, and resold to a Mr Scott, a dealer in coin, for $1000, at their Phl'.a delpbia sale, in msy, 18S5. Flylwo 8outmwakd. Our exchanges are giving floweryrticleson tb, flight of the geese southward. The honk of this long flyer is heard nightly, sometime, so plainly as to cause on, to go to th, door to see il a visitor is coming. The low, but noisy night of tbe goose leads ona to look for a big chang, in the weather. It is evidently getting eold in the north, and we may look for a cold breesein this vaney, regardless 01 tn, weather bureau. Notice. The next meeting ol the Linn county alliance meets on Friday, before th, second Saturday in Nov. at Scio, at 10 o'clock a m. All unions are requested to be represented as matters of import ance are to be tranaactea. iiyorueroi the president. T M Mukkbbs. narnsrd McArthur. of Grsnta Pass, has Dhlppaa thirteen isr sains ia a wo. Don't Give Up The use ot Ayer's SmaparlUa. One bottle may not cure "right oft" a complaint of years; persist until a cure Is effected. At a general rule, improvement follows shortly after beginning the use of this medicine. With many people, the effect is immediately noticeablci but tome constitution are lest tusceptlble to medicinal Influences than others, and the curative process may, there fore, tn such cases, be less prompt Perse verance In using this remedy ts sure of Ita reward at last Sooner or later, tbe most atubboru blood diseases yield to Sarsaparilla "For several years, In the spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, aod a dull pain in the small ef my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to walk, the least sudden motion causing me severe distress. Frequently, . bolls and rashes would break out on various parts of the body. By the advice ot friends and my family physician, I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and continued it till tbe poison in my blood was thoroughly eradica ted." L.W. English, Montgomery City, Mo. . "My system waa alt run down; my skin rough and ot yellowish hue. I tried various remedies, and while someot them gave me temporary relief, none of tbem did any per manent good. At lost I began te take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, continuing it exclusive ly for a considerable time, and am pleased to say that tt completely . - Cured IVI'g. I presume my liver was very much out ot order, and the blood Impure in consequence. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I was." Mrs. N. A. Smith, Glover, Vt Tor years I suffered from scrofula and blood diseases. The doctors' prescriptions and several socolled blood-purifiers being of ' no avail, I was at last advised by a friend to : try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I did so, and now feet like a new man, being fully restored to health." C N. Friuk, Decorah, Iowa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla II J. C. AYER & CO., lirca, Kass Bold by Druggists, f l.sixSS. Worth6aboul W. F. - Call and gee what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, ' Ifosierj, W have to ieleet from. Onr j - o but the cheapest oversown iu Albany. Wo have iut placed om sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and Wo want year trade and jou money. Albany, ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale ! retail g CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS. IN XARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, ! 0 iiiiiy THOMAS WBOXIZE HOME IHE FARMERS MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Alkasy, W I RKAD, Prwaldsat. J L COWAN, Treasurer. S L Cowan, eo P Simpson, W F Bead, av nauBirwro, noBuusn, v vrriwroan. -aim Bnrmier Several Solid Eastern -OHIY STRICTIY 1NSUHAHCE OFFICE IN AltAMY. ALBANY CIGAR Ja JOSEPH, WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employ sc1. pvtiw 13 and get and rrlle far aar THE LfiTEL WATER WHEEL & EX8IHE CO.. tmmi -G. L, BLACK ill A LEADING A T.T3 A TJ V DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &G F. JL. KENTON, .."'.: BBALBS BC Choice ' Teas ' ESTBACTO And a general sssorrent of Near-the Post OlSce, READ, stock ia not otilr tH Urt a eomDlete assortment' of both cloth and plush fur trimmed wo feel coufiieu' wo ean savo W. F. EEAD. -t- -1- Oregnn ART n HEADACHE aaw 1 vuntk I KOTMlWa SLSe. H 1 1 i 1 'ikm tt 3 CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL. QUANTITIES, SEASON. - ALBANY, OREGOX, It you want the be?t and most durable furni ture that is mannfartrtr ' Q ed in the city go to BRINK'S INSTITUTIOKS.- Oregww. '" MO WRTTSMaN. Secretary, eo F SUIPSOK, Vice Preaidsnt. Dr L Feler, U Sternberg, J W Burnett a,bwtb fob- and Foreign Coipnies FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL PORE POWER use LESS WATES? Xaw niaskratarl Catwtlawn. for 1801. -r Ar.rt . (t A OBE&OlTi Cofiees, Spices. ROGER WHEEL DRUGGIS1