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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
0". o : -: The New York "World," : "Tlic -:- democrat,"; ? : ; -o : : An Advertisement in ' !"Thc -:- Democrat,"! FiSfTifiSy' BIG IffiTMS.! 0 M Mlm for Only $21. o VOL XXVII. Eatere at tne Pet ware at Albany. Or., at BeeeaaMiass Mall Matter ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. fcTITM t Nl TTin, rabllskers aad lrrleersi m. ig. 3 T... ' f" I'i iff; 7- EV ICS MINUTES. ralgia, J' v cation of "Tl I cave not No return since j88j. F. "ALL BIGHT I ST. 1 ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR I - s ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINH COUNTY Whert W get the Best Bargaiag, Where to get the Best Talue for Your Money, -nc Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Amsl thej will ABswer irith Oae Voiee, at W. SIMPSON'S. -G. L. BLACKMAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST AXtZB ATTTZ" OREG-ON" DRUGS. MEDICINES STA1I0NARY.&C MM nil illl I i 4kJWWdSSW('BSSSSBJl? 1'itrlfie.i rao KL00D, Cnrea CO.fSTIPATIOJf, IXDIGEHTICX, EIL!0USMSS, LIVER C0MPLAINTS,KICK HEADACHE, COLDS, PIMt'LES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ACISHU from a DISORDERED HT0HACII. The QenuiM JIAMDUIlO TEA U put up in YELLOW WIcAPl'lMS with FactiTiile tSiynalure of EMIL FRE&L. REOIHQTON OO. Accirra. 6am raAMoeoo. MOID BY At. I, nRrCiftlHTM A Wit tiKOfFBK. WHOLESALE I RETAIL GROCERS CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE: OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, We are the People "Whw tarry the most tompleU line f Hard ware, Steres,- Rages, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. ? VI LADIES -Ia the ilineiy and Fancy les aad garments FIRST STREET, They carry all the Latest 8tyles aad Moveltiea la the a sompioto stock of Ladles and Children's Furnlshlag geo garments. Goods the best, and prises tke lowest. Call I suffered severely with lace neu but in 15 minutes after oppli- St. Jacobs Oil was asleep ; I LI ia.xu irouuicu wim it since. B. ADAMS, Terry, Ma JACOBS OIL DID IT." A Severe Law. rkV plookmoteeloe! 1 ' "-VrXlo tha aeoalneoess V 'V3! oi ihsssttspitsihsa I , w do. In fact, thy ei'&tv hy Mtaaret and de stroy adulterated pnluct tbat ara u I wiisl t'.r r rvpfMoutat to bo. Under tbia kv-iTi i:i..i.:hI of pounds of tvehsre If.-1 1 urii. Jb rnuiuuf their wholesale adul- tomtlrn. Ten, b le tra. U o.i of tba mrt r.otort i tya'.V ri.',v!arl.,1rof (timmtrro. Not i Uw.e art. t: o UllU sjlnr green teas artltt- U.''jr r.,,v'4, hnt lh"n i:nl ct poundt ol i it...: hum I la Km . ti ia loivvll . i- b -- i l. , , ,, ; ad wiu0 u-'-i : ,:nt i m t c:nmnly lifted, i kt,...:ii.M It M tea rarb aw at . r1 , Ha-.t J ., rtlimolcd tea . jki x t :.r tr. ;! 1. 1, kpt. ! I. ' nJoi)irti. I n,..l r.iir aay lata I ' I: ,o , n ii'ltuianip ' i.l ,. btt taa It loo t f. .. .J. 1 , ,kai im.bablr r : i J b. any iitUnu ar ihiva c ii i . . !u .in:ar l i'h't TrA rrnt4 with tha fnai i y t:.. hla o.l"rc1aiMjttnii1ulteiitcd; 1 1 i.H. i:m u i r-. , ;nt vara and ilm 'k it i'ur:: tik..iri iajwrlor tiivofiB, . .. r thlri lkntf it b-in, rtcjalrad lor 1 1 l.i; i....ti thnr.f ih t!1rllt,ndj ta f tj tuco a ,d tiii .!... a i f It at oaca tp tur.vL I. .U ba r:tj,u to 70a. la ttfUt l,i xtiU and )ui:i;na; baar atttMd, II it tuii tnr la rnd taekata TEA 115 'PurpAs'-Giifdhood? rrlcaaaprpoaa4 VaaiJaa ALLEN BROS., raswwiL KwnsTnn3s CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON." ALBANY, OREGOU BAZAAR. Leading- Goods Moie of Albany, Novelties la tke MUllaery Has, am eods,and ready-anade ana dc eoaviacea. FROMAN BLOCK 2 BROTHERS LOCAL, ItKOOltD. A TKttRinLi ExptRiiNCi. W J Jonca can LUithli lucky stars that li la not food for the flahea in the broad Pacific today, elue toewd about on the beach, a Port of the wavra, aava the Kugene (Juard. On Saturday, Not 7th, he loft Coos Hay for Florence a foot. He waa told that tie could easily wade all atreanta between' Uardtner and f lorencp. and aoailv croaaed Three Mile, Five Mile and Ten Mile creeks It waa about 10 o'clock at night when he reached the Siuelaw, and inatead of turning to the right on the line of the atage road, followed the beach on to the aouth spit. Coming to the shallow water of the aouth channel. thinking it wai another email atream. he removed hla clothing and commenced to wade it. With the bundle of clothing on hla head he waded urftil anddenly he atepned into awimrotng water. Ilia bundle went, and thinkimr. it a small atream he at nick out to aw I in across Fortunately the tide waa not running out very strong, and he reached the small sand ialand letween the two channels. Fortunately that night the tide waa onlv an avaraira ana. Ita aliouted for help, walking back and forth to keep warm, until he became hoaree aand, and recollection failed him until with daylight he regained hit aensea and realized hie position, an arm of the aea on either aide, lie walked back and forth until about 0 o'clock Bundavmorn Ing, when Capt W A Cos observed him irout ills realdence on tha onnoa ite tide of the river, lie took him ott, half dead. and conveyed him to hla realdence when, wrapnioff him warmlv in blanket. Jonea waa conveyed to the Morria hotel atrlorence. He aoon recovered from the effects of hia terrible einerionce. A euberription waa etarted and he waaaoon eupplied with new clothing. The bundle ioi contained S42.&0 In monev. aleo a $40 overcoats Lbson.W B Donaca told hla gro eery store this week to Jot. Buhl and Mr rbgn. Mr Ella Howd. of Spokane Fall, waa vltltlng relatives In Albany latt week. She came out to Lebanon Ittt Friday and peat one night with her folkt, Mr and MriBH w lllmlman. After the toulh wall of I)r Courtnev't building had been built up about ten feet, It oecame neceatary lo tear It down and rebuild It. The building tettted and ll waa thought beat lo make the foundation ecure before preceding further. Mra Wagner, of Albany, who hat been ttopplng with U M Hanlelter'a family for the taii week, returned lo her nome Wed natday. MnSMW lllndman went to Albany Stturdav lo attend the bedtkle of her titter. lit A mot Howard, who la lying very low Ith dtopt-y id the heart. Advance. Th Rial Muapitaaa. Several Al bany people will be Interested in the follnwlng about the murderer of Willis Skiff. "A bout all years ago a prominent cittaen of t'nlon named Willis Hhilf went one day to North Fowder, a small town in naer county, to bur wheat, stopping' at the hotel, disappeared on the evening of nit arrival, and has never been seen since. Three men, the hotelkeeper named Boiler, ur iibbctts and Uave wisgins, were tried for murdering him,' but were ac quitted for lack of evidence. His body was never found. A Montana man who patted through Union lately aays that a man wta hanged in that state recently and before his death confessed that he was Dr Tlbbetts, and that he killed Skiff and sunk his body In Powder river. He said he did the deed aloue, Behler and Wiggins being Innocent. Not Stemn. Our item about the Lebanon ditch a few daya ago was in correct, founded on wrong information. suoscriDer at 1 ban on gives us the correct situation, which we are glad to report le so good. The mounted scrapers referred to, we learn, came from work on the 8 P trestle beyond the Jewish ceme tery. "The ditch (a about four-fifths done instead of one-half. The work baa not been stopped, although the rain has in terfered somewhat with it. The contract waa let by the cubic yard and the esti mated coat waa 121,500. iuat about what it will cost. The ditch will be completed tbia month, aa the contractor is bound to finish it ram or shine and there is no intention of stopping." FiarLT Lisd. The following pleasan try is from the Roeeburg Plaindealer. The schoolboy in vacation who professes to edit the peanut Ptatesraan of Halem was so delighted because he thought the Plaindealer had copied an item from its reary columns, that lie had to a sen me we got from it the news of a local event. nd styles the Flainlealer. "the sort of paper that wants to be 'protected' by a press association, wnatever mat meeas. The socslled (Statesman is mistaken though ; in plain words it lied like blazes. for the item referred to wae copied from and credited to the Albany Dbmocsat. we having known all about it before, and aving nnttl then. lor very good reasons. abstained from saying anything about the matter. 8iwer Wobk. Baya, Jeffriea Sc Co. have completed Maple atreet aewer, ex cept leveling the excavated dirt. Work on the terry street sewer is being pushed very rapidly considering the weather. The first few blocks are Ming wet down and leveled, good man holes have neen built, and there is no doubt that a first- class job has been done on both sewers. Mr Hamilton, the superintendent, ia ex perienced in the business and seems to know what good sewer work ia. Albany will have some aewers that will make it the healthiest city in the valley. Hie work should be continued by compelling every place in Albany to be connected ith them. AkotiiesBig Suit. Many remember of a bridal couple being on board the overland train when it was wrecked at Lake Labith a year ago. The following dispatch from Johnttown, Pa., spesks of them! "Dr D V.' J Hammond and wife have entered suit against the Southern Pacific railroad asking that $65,000 dam ages for Injuries received In the dlsarter on that line November 1 J, 1890. The couple were caught In the wreck while on their wedding trip and have never fully recovered from tneir injuries." Notices 01 phrenological lec'uret ap pear In our exchanges all over the North. west. The count r 1 is being overrun wtin them. They evidently think this Is a land of suckers. The phrenologist is the man who sells "taffy" for $1 and $2 a stick and yet there Is something In phrenology tself, more than there Is In most phreno logists. Both the method ana results when Syrap of Figs is taken ; it Is pleasant end refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sal a in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. ' . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tAH FHANCISC0, CL J 2 A LRTTKat ON OHEUON. Mr A D Camming, now of this city, In writing to the DeWitt, lows, .Observer, aays: Isupposoyou sro thinking my letter la "Lang a-coming." I do not know hardly what to tell you In a short letter, as everything here ia di(Tcrut front what it ia in lows. Wo have the same peopo by races, but we are not the tamo in habits ; you have an esnreaslon of free thought which ia not used in this country. our people aay what they think and aa they plcaso on all subjects on the afreets, or anywhere that is proper. Here the people are reserved and keep their sentiments to themselves. I attribute this reservation to the fact that the people are walled In on the west ; by the ocean and the barbArlsm of As n on the east by the mountain ranges and in teen hundred miles ol tftge-brush and alkalie desert: being thus Isolated for years they have acquired the habit of thinking for themselves and keeping their thoughts to thcmaolvea. No one, to my Knowledge, takes time to talk Col i tics or religion, except there should a a political meeting, and they aro far neiween, or in me cnurunei or religious meetings. There are plenty of churches hurts of every denomination. U the too pl are not good it is not fur want of churches ; but they don't talk religion or pontics on tne streets, as they do In Iowa, hence we know nothing of their liberality or mental capacity on these lints. It is all business. Mammon has worth ipera and dovoteea in plenty and hia temple la well aupported. How much uou geta in the aimpe of truo worship 1 do not know ; but I do know that mam mon gets hla full share. Tho Almighty Dollar ia the aame fellow that is wor- hiped everywhere and on tho "aWm" hia worshipers are most sincere. Well, let theui worship, they have their reward and wt pass no Judgment. I have been giving you a faint idea, of how man has made himself here; now I will tell a little of what God has done for him: W have been here four months and more and we will aay this ia the finest climate we have seen, hence verything grows to perfection in the hape o! grain, fruits and flowers. The nest wheat and small grain: the fineet fruit from the cherry to the watermelon. No such in Iowa. This ia the natural home of the cabbage, the cauliflower, the tomato and potato; they grow to per fection here. Fruit 1 my, audi crops. I have eeen plums Krowlmi on the stems and trunks and all the branches covered as thick aa they could stick great, big handftome fellows, as lurire as a ix-ach. Pears! it would make you wonder whea they coive from to see the trees loaded with them, and the most of them at large .a a cream-pitcher. Hut the hand somest of all their fruit is the Royal Ann cherry, as large as an Iowa plum, gold and red color. Well, you would wish your sense of taste, your throat and gas tronomic apparatus, was as long as the Union Pacific railroad that you iniitht taste them all the way. Yen, yea; a handful of these Hoy a I Ann cherries is a whole peach orchard and watermelon alcn all In one. All other kinds of fruit n the same proportion. Oregon ran raise fruit for several states and then ave enough left to beat California. This is the home of the sweet delicious fruit growing treea, and some day Uforelong, win be world famous. N much for Ore gon, home time I will tell you who hould come here and who should stay at home in the esst. And then follows a long paragraph on "silver demonitization," in connection ith which he seeks to show that Orciron wheat is worth 11.25 a bushel, where wo get SO cents. A Bad News Agent. A newsboy rho has been running on this division of the Southern Pacific for sometime took advantage of a drunken man the other tghtaithctarln was coming from Port land and sold him books, etc.. to the mount of StJ. The last sale of the news agent made was that of a basket of fruit at an enormous price. Hardly had the fruit been bald for before the boy Is said to have stolen the fruit. Several pattengcra ob served the act and when Ihe train stop ped here they reported the agent to the headquarter at l'ortland and the comp- ny promptly ordered him off their line. Statesman. Somb DirrEBiNce. Commercial and other tiavelers coming out from the Wil- lamette valley recently can t tsy too much about the agreeable clfmrtte of the Rogue river valley. At Portland and over the Willamette valley It has been a continual downpour, almost, for several weeks. Out here in Southern Oregon we have had on- enough for practical purposes, the streets and road are almoit as free from mud yet as at any time during the year. Athland Tiding,. Here the rain hat given us bright crop prospects and good business protpects. Wkat about a country that needs rain more than dust. How It was Dons. A gentleman who recently vUlted Stanford's stables In California gives a Democrat man some Interesting facts In reference to the won- deriul band ol horses on the Stanford ranch. There are about 1000 animals of all ages, 300 of which are In constant training, one man having charge of only three hones. The- departments range rons a kindergarten upwards. The secret of the recer.t wonderful performances of the Mantord horses, paitlcularly Sunol. Arlon and Palo A'to is said to be because of a tvttem started years aeo by Mr Stanford of breeding trotting stock with the best running stock, and working down to trotters. The result has been beyond '.he most sanguine expectations of me great millionaire. A Woman's Moxi'xsicr. TL'e National Mary Washington Memorial Association, chartered February 22nd, 1890. in the District of Columbia, appeals to the wo men of America for a monument for the grave of Mary, the mother of Wsshing ton. Ihe Vice-President for Oregon is Mrs! N Dolph. The women of Albany are urged to contribute to this memorial. Miss Uettie Miller, at Mr Young's store, will receive any contribntaon however small. This will be the first monument ever erected by women to a woman, and it is hoped that all will gladly respond. . The O. P. Boats. The Eentley is be ing repaired at Salem and will be put to running carrying wheat. Captain Coul ter, of the Three Sisters, will command the Uentley, and Capta.n Miller will be put In charge of the Three Sisters. Guy Power, purser of the Three Sisters, will be transferred to the.BenUev. There is a big river traffic. h adtag Photographers A easy evsgoa. "We have bouehwa)' ' haneeativt s so ids bv L W Oark and W h Jrseowood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplieates esa be bad from htm only of as at rsdotsd tat. W hay also about 18,000 negatives made by onr selve. from whisk daplisates ean be bad at Hkeiave. W erry th only full line of iwt of this state and do eolarfire d worl lowest rate for first class work. VV e shall b pleased to sea yon at onr Studio in Fresaaa'i biek,Bxtdoor to Masonle Temple, ' SasySsast cnsnastla. William J Sharp!. Pork Oraen. Morris Co , rW, write 1 My butinets i tbat of iborpsniag ntoa drill aad I muoh exposed o smoke sua as. About ure years aeo I egsu to bav a bod eoagb.with eontidersbl ndigttion and pome in my cbst. My pbysioian told m J bad symptqms of con sumption. By th adyioa of my father, an old Wend ot Branaratb ftllB, I oommeneed osies that valoabl rmdy. By th tune bad got through th soond box I began to pass a vry aitogrmbl bnmor or pus. began to Improve vary rapidly af Mr thit.tnd grw stronger and bttter avery dsy. My cough Is now well. I sleep wel at night Dna nave no more inaigeition . ... B04 UL AND rCKKOS tL TtlUBBOaY Sam Goldsmith, the handsome grocery traveler, is in town, Mr and Mrs C R Dulchcr and Mrs nrundlilge,4lie liiltcr being sitters of M' t () C t'randail, ai lived In Albany latt nlhf from New 1 ork stale. Mr Newberry, of Lyons, is In the city tne guett ot ner istner; Mr a vv heeler. Mr Newberry U being examined for teschers certificate. Kror.k Tarlor left on last niiiht'e over land for Otwego, Kan , 13 spend the win ter, He had contemplsted making Ihe trip on a bicycle, but o Ing to the muddy condition of traveling this side the Cat- cades left his bicycle behind. Charles Louden, In Isll at accessory to the murder of Henry Ingram, came from Kuhbard, Marlon county, where his people reside, and it not fiom unknown parts, as some he inierrcj. Remember theirclal at the U P church tomorrow evening, to be given by the C E. Admission 10 cents Interesting games will be played. Th" sscleiy will gives these socials every few weeks during mo winter. The Sun, of Jndlaoannltt rivet a torn tketch of Mi f C Meele, with a cut o him, and iventlon him as Indiana's lead ing portrait artist, lie probably has no equal in that state and few In the U 8. Among other celebrities he hss painted thiee of Indlsna't governors. Porter. Gray and Hovey. Ills best though Is said to be a portrait of Jis Wkltcomb Riley, the poet, taken hist before the poet sailed for Hu- rone. 1 hea all speak for the popularity of this artist and his prominence In the butlnete. The Interesting fetlure to Al bany people of this item is the fact that artist Steele Is a brother of Mr S N Steele, ot of Albanys most worthy citisent. SSIDAV. 8 W Itcece. the (Jreen liasin lumber man, ia in the city. Dsnclna? school meets to-nieht at 8 o'clock at th Opera House. Adam Astcll. once of Albanv. I run ning s restaurant In Corvallls. Ir Maston and family went to Port land today to remain until Monday. Mr Fred Piper, ia In the citv tha truest of E W IjMigdom. He has been attend ing a medical college in Han Francisco. Cant Van Alstine. tuit of Knnnt'i leading and Prominent citixrna is in tha city, accompanied by Mrs Van Alatine. Hey Leltoy. who run for state school superintendent at the lat election, was in the city today. The Hsmocmat acknowledges a pleasant call. A Schleeman has sold the fixtures of his restaurant, also hi good will, to Elden Irvine, of this city, and James Uatdwln. of Albany. Tne new firm has already taken possession. ?ofva!lU Gax'tte Remember! That the 1-adle Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian association will give a reccptkm and sociable on New v ears day. A plessant time Is anticipa ted. J K vVeatherford. C E Wolverton. 1 I Whitney. L Fllnn. and D R N Blackburn. I of Albany, have been attending court In Corvallls this week, according to the Ga- teue. S M W Ilindmsn. Lebtnort's new I. P. was In the city today. Mr Ills an ex perienced justice and Lebanon It fortunate n securing him In this position . We pre- diet he wlii prove a fixture. Rev I It Fisher ho w as a deteitate to the general conference of the Evangelical association, which jnst closed ita session, returned nome last Wednesday morning via California. This general conference consisted of delegate from all over the world, and thus representing the entire Evangelical aoeiation. Bishop Thomas bowman and J J Esher, we are informed, were unanimously voted a clear vindica tion and re-elected to the bishopric for another foor years. There were between tour and lire hundred ministerial and lay-delegates Present at the Indianaoclia conference. SArMPAT. t Piof D V 8 Held, principal of the En- gene schools, is in the city. Miss Mdie Cohen, trie sccomnlished stenographer and typewriter, of Port land, is in the city the guest of her par ents. Licenses have been issued forttha mar riage of A C lirown and Lulu wheabee. Matthew 8 Farley and Ida Driver, W T Davenport and Marv Hasaler. A very pleasant eoctal was elven bv the 0 E society of the U P church last evening at the church, with a large at tendance. Tbia society will give a pump kin pie social and pronouncing bee on Thanksgiving evening. Last night the membership of the G A It was increased be seven new members being mustered in. They were Samuel Mcllree, Erwin Dow, David 8 Gilson, HenJ Zeigler, Randall Davis and Evnt Hover. A pleasant social in which the W K C joined closed the evening. woBTSi cemiDKEisa. Jf. M. Frooh kp railroad time. Boy your groom ef Parker flro Nw oram ebee iast iseelved at Conrad usysis. C W Cobb. ..k printer. Fliaa fit wk.Uoes first class work. He that etaeanl'mano at Kleiu Bros B ct and Hho store. K w Aohtson SiCo or selling monuments at rorusna prices. See W F Raad's Una of dress arocds and tilks before buying elsewhere. Stewart X Box aslt tha very bast eattnt Umpeeed thssrs and scissors. Soioks the celebrated Ilavana filled S eent eigarat Julius Joseph s. A lars stock of wall oanar. with late de - signs, at Fortmiller k Irring't.Just received. Have yon sea thote parlor suits tbat T unua nas jutt received T They are nio. J W Bentlcy. bett boot and tho maker In city, three doors north of Democrat offio. W Aehlson k Co handle tha celebrated Portland cement walls for lemeterv lota. These wall ean be fornithtd at half the ooat of any other and are far saperlor. Dr M II Ellis, pbysioian and snrtreon. Aiiwoy, uron, 11 is mad la tit) o country. Ladies ean do their shopping In Ran Fran elaso without visiting tbe city, and without xtr oommissloo. Mi it B J Itarrowa (Par ohstlng ufc, 1683 Oroya 8t,0aklua Patronise homo ludastry and bay hand made harness, warranted, from O O Me FrliBd,Bt Btabrulllee aid staod. 80 to 0 W Cobb, luooessor to Paisley & SoiUe, Fllna Uloek, for y onr lob prioiins: 01 au aioos. With hit ntw bakery Conrad EM ever a Die to ouer old and new customer every taing nrttciats in da sea gooas. A Shsi Itbm. 8 B Young has juat re served a large stock of shoes, for men wemen and children, including partlcu larly a fine line 01 school shoes Tne best makes in ths market an be found la his shoe department. N KsLLoee School. TheKellogg tckoo f drett cutting at corner of Firttand Baker In t'.ie Ralston house it now open . Lettont not limited. Ladies are Invited to call and examine the sytteas. Fsrtmillervfc Irving hv tome Knit tanee Isoe ear tains for (II a pair, a fine as anything ever seen in th oity. Thy rang down ts $7 a pair. Other see ear tolas dewa te SI er less pair. . Notice th extra hollow groaadjrttert ated by barbers ar sold by Stewart Box Ths best roast eoflee ia thejoity at 9onr stayers. TOCl'KS OlPUTUKKlA. There Is no reason why a single child life should be destroyed by dtpiherla If parents only watched the health of their Mule ones and physclans knew thrlt butl nrt."ald Dr Litton II Mongomtn, an Inspector of the Chicago health depart ment, lo a reporter for Ihe Timti, am not afraid lo say," continued the doctor, '(hat sny f hyiclnn who Is familiar with the latest discoveries In medical science can cure any cane cf diphtheria when the patient I not already In a dying condition," This statement Is directly opposite to the popular Idea of the character of the dread dlteate, which it generally supposed to be necetsarlly fatal. The scene, too often witnessed by sympathising neighborhoods, of whole families of little ones striken down In drain by the malignant pestilence, hat emphasised this opinion on the pstt of the public. "There should be no excuse," tald Dr Montgomery, "for the announcment to often teen In I he ne wspapt rt that diphtheria Is epidemic In some town, .and that the schools have been closed In consequence, and that so many dcatha have resulted. Diphtheria can be cured by a 10-year-old child If it knew when to apply Ihe remedy. Diphtheria Is caused mainly by pover ty and concomitants, by unventllated, filthy lodging, scanty clothing, want of sufficient nutrlllous food, and sometimes hercdlisry and predisposing physical con ditions. The disease prevail most between the age ot J and 10 years, atthough I haveeen U In infants and In persons of middle sge. A case will usually run ita course In eight to ten days, but death may occur at any time until Ihe false membrane In Ihe throat has been entirely cast out "The period of Incubation Is generally a few days; possibly the diphtheria poison may remain dormant In the system for several weeks, until called Into acl'.vlty by avotfng circumstances. Its Invasion Is geneially occult and Insidious slight fe ver, drowsiness, .general discomfort, a little languor, loss of appetite, prostration diarrhea, chills, pallor, tickling cough, husky voice, 0 hoarseness often usher In diphtheria. These symptom assist in foi uilng a diagnosis when caiefully studied In conjunction with one another and with surrounding circumstances The disease may suddenly develop, without Ihe slight est warning, by an attack of difficult breathing. And on looking Into the throat we may find a fte membrane cover ing the tonsils and pharynx and ex tended Into the air rassage so at danger ously to obstruct the pisssge of sir Into tie lung and excite spasms of difficult respiration. There ia frequently enlarge -mcnt of the gtsnd ot the neck, and the throat is considerably saellcd. ' "When parents notice any of these eymp. torn the proper thing to do It to summon a physician at ence. Neglect or delay Is almost fatal. No chances should be taken. W hat seems to be only a 'sore throat' may be dlphtliei la Incubation . Of coui te there are several remedies used by physicians, and most of these would be dangerous in the extreme If handled by a layman. There Is chtorste of potash, tincture of Iron, bichloride of mercury ,snd other medicines Mill no one but a physician should deal with. Put there Is a remedy which I ell-nigh a specific for diphtheria at al most any stage of the dlscate and which, as I said, eta be admlalttered with perfect safety by a to-year-old child. This great remedy Is sulphur. If any parent should find his child manifesting the symptons of diphtheria let him get a tmall quantity of powdered tulphur.known generally a flour of sulphur. A little of this can be placed In a quill and blown by the father or mother down Into the child' throat. This should be revetted If nsc- eissry. The sulphur kills the poison get ms of the disease and cause the false membrane to fall off. The sulphur Is per fectly harmlest, and If the child thould not have diphtheria It will not hurt It. Another way to administer the sulphur remedy It to place a small quantity of It in a saucer and set fire ta It. It will not explode. Over the burning sulphur place common glass lamp-chlmncy. Cover this for a moment until the chimney Is fitted with sulphurous add gas gener atcd by the decomposing sulphur, then hold the child's open mouth and nose over the lamp-chimney that it may lahale the sulphurous gss. This I an almost in fallible cure for diphtheria . Of course the child must not be held too long over the gas or It would (suffocate. Let It Inhale the gat a moment and then breatbe the fresh air. Keep powdered aulphur In the house, watch the children's condition of health, and you ean defy diphtheria." Chicago Timtt. We give the maiket price of a few of th rartst metal per pound. Platinum it now at an equal price with gold, or it worth itt weight in gold. Palladium, which is a white metal ued ia tome parti of timepiecea. it worth I500 per pound. Osmium, the heaviest metal knows, is $625. IiiJium, which is used to furnish the 'dismond points of gold pens, is sbout 1 700. ' Vanadium costs (1875. Rho dium can be bought for 82000, aad Niobium at the same price. Yttrium it quoted at $2250, and Beryllium at 3375 per pound. Barium, which it found only at a Hue powder commands a price of $3750, and Dedy- mium it called worth I4S0O per pound. But few of these are used for any practical pur pose excepting thote for which tbe use named shove. The earth traveltin itt oibit around the tun at an average pace of about 19 milet a tecond, ' Owing to the revolution around itt owa axic a point on the turface of the earth t the equatrr travels at'the rate of 17 mika minute, and la oar latitudei about II miles miaate. , Pof Munuy saya thata-gooa churn will make at least ten per cent more butter thaa it called for by the butter fat found in the milk and if all the butter fat got iato the butter would over-run the amount called for nearly eighteen per cent. Tht longest continuout fitre known at the present time it that of tilk. Cocoon . of well fed tilk worm will often yield 1 000 ytrdtlong and in on instance one basbeed produced which contained 1295 yards with out abreak, - Some "estimate of the wcnderfol value of the fiibiog induttry af Great Britain can be galned.trom the atatemnt that the total estsh of fish on the eotatt of England and Wales in 1S90- waa 305,000 torn, exclusive of tbellSth: ,,, ' : In 1885 thsre were only ' thr ' electric roads ia this country, now we have 355, with 4000 ear. ' " fAHHIMUTON. (Prom our rsicular onrrttpentfenl.) Washington, Nov. 9, 1891. Prepotterousos it may sound, it It never, thclct true that some of the most untcru -putout republicans are actually ttrlontly entertaining the Idea of stealing the teat In the senate to hI.Ii.Ii Hon. Calvin 8 Brlce was elected by the legislature of Ohio. As yet this movement Is confined to sound ing republican senators to ascertain If they wlil yote to reject Senator Brlce on the ground that he is not a citizen of Ohio. Thote engdged In this despicable work tuppose that ll it s secret, and if upon a count of nosrt, they find that they can not control though votes to tuccecd In the barefaced thct, It will not be tpenly at tempted. Fortunately the republican ma jority in the senate It a tmall one, and tome of the republican tenatort are hon orable enough and independent enough to do what they believe to be tight, even to the extent of def vine a republican cau cus. It Is these men that will prevent thlt political crime, If it I prevented. It Is not known whsl Mr Harrison thinks, but It Is claimed that Secretary Foster It In favor of it, and that he Is aiding In sounding the senatoit at they arrive here, ll It difficult to believe that the republican! in the senate, much at they would like to add one more vote to their rapidly waning majority, will retort to tuch a method of doing It. Still. one mutt have a very short memory' who who will dare to predict to a cettalnty that It will not be done. But the prediction may be safely made that If It Is done the honest people of this country will see that It Is followed by the speedy punishment of those who are guilty. Partisanship may under certain circumstances be excused, but dl. honesty never. If Senator Brlce has not a clear title to hit teat no member of the tenate hss. Senator Faulkner, who It a conservative and level headed man, hat thlt to tay on Pie presidential outlook! "I think that If the delegation from his own state to the national convention want him nominated Mr Cleveland will be the nominee. But If factional differences In New York shall make It evident that no cltlaen of that state can secure unanimous support, the chances are that Ihe nominee will be sought else where, at It it absolutely necessary that the man nominated shall be able to carry New Y'oi k state." Representative Mills' headquarter for the speakership campaign are already pen, eithough the number ot congress men In town I as yet small, but Increas ing with the arrival of every train. The headquarters of Messrs Crisp, McMillan and Springer will be open this week. A It It jutt four wcekt today to the opening of congress the candidate for tpetker will have to bustle for all they are worth from now on. The sudden death ol the son 01 Representative Crisp cast a momentary gloom over that gentleman' prospects,but the activity of hi friends will prevent his temporary absence from the scene of action resulting la any harm to him. j Among the republican who are In hot chase after tome of the fat official plume toon to be distributed by Mr x-Speaker Keller of unsavory memoty, who It now In Washington lo urge httown claims for something. It Is said that he Isn't over particular as to what office thai) be given him, just so there It a good healthy salary attached to It. Hi chance for an office is not regarded aa very good. The administration already has about all it can carry of this kind. , Mr Blaine Is very much disturbed, to hit frlendt tay, over the newt from Br ill, which he fcara may overturn the reciproc ity agreement with tha country. If the meager newt we have had be true there It mple cause for bis alarm, as it It certain that If the foreign lnfuenctt In Braill halt turn out to be powerful enough to destroy the republic, they will be strong enough to break any arrangement that hat a tendency to divert trtde which Europe hat heretofore controlled, to the United Statea. There It trepidation among the high of icialt of the government tervlce, because of the belief that a shake-up It contemplat ed by Mr Harrison, who thinks It will be beneficial to himself to replace tome of them with better politicians and better Harrison men. McKlnley't friends here are Indignant at the Idea advanced by some ot the Blaine, men, that the Ohio man would be willing to play tecond fiddle to Mr Blaine, or to anyone else. They say that McKlnleya name will be presented to the national convention at a candidate for pretldent. and that he will accept nothing else. Gov. Boiet is much talked of by dein ecratt here, and one hear the prediction on all tide that he will be beard of when the democratic national convention mcett Senator Palmer, of Illinois. It one of hit chief eulogists. t 1 TWO LEADING FOLITICAI, SENTIMENTS, Senator W R Forrest is back from his trip to the east, lie wit on the ttreett yesterday and was eiven a welcome by hit Mends. He I told a TelecrtDh man last -evening that ia . - 1 eattern politict there are but two tentimentt, one for each party. Ooe it for Cleveland and the other is for Blaine. Seattle Ttleoroph, A Topeka, Kansat dispatch tayt: Two hundred reoreeentatlve republicans held a love feast here latt night, to cele brate tha renublican exlnt In the last elec tion ,and to outline a plan of campaiRn for 1891. Preeidentlal possibilities were dis cussed, and the prevailing Idea teemed to be that Blaine would be tbe most popular ranrililada the republicans could put at the head of their ticket. , It it known that wasn't nests often take fire, supposed to be otuted by the ohemioal Mtlon ef ths wax upon the paper mateiial of the nest itself. May this not account for many mysterious Gret in barns and out- haildingt. Some of th pooking house at Cherry field, Me took in 1000 bathelt of blaeberries a day in the picking lesson, and soma fam- ilitt earned $200 to 800 by picking. Green bought of the euoalyptue tree at' teid to be anions the beet ditinfeetonts known for a room wher scarlet f.ver exitit Do not buy your boots and shoes nntil von see ths piano at ICleinlBrot, and as well have examined taoir large stock of good Th DastoeaAT will exchange a sewing machine of any mat desirsd, except one er w. for some oak grub wod and park eash; or will ooosidsr other proposition a any n deainog a oew mschm A flue line of orookerylfwar at Oono'& asudnosaa s. - The finisi line of pie We frame ever in A'btr j at Fortmiller x Irving W. F. HPIITI r Call and see whatagtoek o'f Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, losiery, Wo have to seleet from. Our stock is not only the largest butthe cheapest ever shown in Albany, We have iust plated om sale cloaka and jackets, in goeds, plain and Wt want your trade and we you money. - Albany. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news le GB AD WOHL'S BAZAAR, for net Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 17 lbs. Granulated Suf ar 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar -White.... No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon. 5 Gallons Good Pickles 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap A Complete Hanging Lamp Wholesale prio of augar-lW lbe extra I will 000 duet a strict cash etore. and all to 36 per cent lee than regular prio. My otocs: of Cblnaware, faney goods, and all tbe desirable sylea of alabea, aa well aa a general aaortmnt of grooario , crock ery, lamp aad fixture la eoapiet. 1 make aapeoialty of Aas to, oj3ss and bsking powder, and always pleaae nsy eaatomer. My display of new toys and novelties finest ever broogbt to Albany. for Infants CttevlabsoweaadaptedtoeiifUnBthat t recommend list superior to an prescription Loown to me." It A. Aacstxa, !t 111 8a. Oxford 8U, BrocAlfa, N. T. " The use of 'Caeta-ie' Is so oalrersal aad hd merits eo well known ths is aemaawork of upererocatioa to endorse it few are tbe Intelligent faraUies who o Dot keep Castoria. wltbla eaay reach. n Gtaboa Itsarnr, D.D.. New York City, tat Pastor Bloomincdala Beformed Church.' Tea CorrAU rUEIIiillllUiDii THOMAS PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MFRCHAHTS INSURANCE CO. .Alhttajr W F READ, Pressdeat, i L COW AH, Treasurer, f L Cowan, fleoFRImpaon, IT V Bead, j jl Vf eainerrora, tt 3 -aim sitmn Aesnrrs sea- Several Solid Eastern -CXIY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AI3ANY. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, V : WHOLESALE AID RETAIL Only White Labor. Employ8d nrr A and and tret - III R;E A D, a complete assortment? of both eloth and plush fur trimmed. feel confident we ean save W. F. BEAD. -X- Orejjoiv thai you can buy at JULIUS cash, goods as folio we: - 25c. .$1.00 .. 1.00 .. .25 .. .90 ... .80 .. 2.00 C, H.T5; 100 bs gi aculated, 15.75. goods will b ao'd for net cash fro si 10 for the holiday thia rear will be ths J alia sJravdwobl. and Children. Caaterle cores Colic, Cncstlpnilrra, Soor Klomach, Diarrhce. Eructation, XJiiM Worms, five sleep, and praafes AVTtittaniriout medicEtioa. For aereral years I hare recommended your CeeCwta,' and shall always continue to do so aa it has uivanaUj produced banaflniisl reeuUa." Emm F. FaxDoa, H. D The Wlntbrop," lXa Street and Tdi Ato, KewYorkCUy. CosArr, IT Knui Etum, Ktrw Took. It you want the best and most durable furniv ture that is manufactmr. 0 J in the eity go to BRINK'S rwgem.- - El J O WRHBMiJT, Secretary, ea V SIUFSOV.Tiee Proaldcn, 11BBCT0BB Ir L Foi' ry, U Stermberg, J w Burnett O Tf ritsmaa. a.ranan, 4 and Foreign Companies 1? aW9 frlaaal ORE POWER -r- use LESS WATEI? Writ for our Mew Illustrated tiatalogae for 1801. liffEL WATE8 WHEEL & ECSE C3.. ITZIZliXXl