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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1891)
lit sDmowat. FRIDAY.......N07EMUER 13, 1831 LOCAL REOOim. Umatilla Want Kim. It is said ths grangers of Umatilla county are talking seriotislv of making a proposition to Melbourne, the Australian who hi Jet hlmaelt from view and seems to call down rain from the heavens whenever he desires, without invoking Jupiter, lie U wanted next Mat and June when rain is particularly needed in thu country, T he plan ia to secure him a guaranty of ten centa an acre, to be raid in case he ucceedi in producing a downpour when ever one la considered necessary. Pendleton K 0. Linn county would like me other kini of a medium lust new one to atop the rain for a few weeks. Alter all we will have to take thinga a they cone, regard lest of Melbourne. TiACiicaa' Examination. The follow Ing teachers are attending the publio e aaiination being held by County Super intendent tins week : weuie liearut, tleo u Untce. Allle ilson. An na Farrell, Fanny Hrown. Clara Harker, John MeCahill. W W Wadsworth, F A Long, C K Waldcn, Chaa Kline, W H Latta. EFCarleton. U W Mullin. Ella Downing, M E Weaver, Mrs H A New berry, 8 A Newberry, 1) W rratt, Helle Chance, Lulu 1'owell, Laura Mvers, Kva Williamson, llcssie Heatty. Mrs Kellia Jjuuheon, Kmma Iiurkhart,Emma Mar- gaaon. PniLir Phillips Philadelphia Prew Association Hall u crowded last night to tne uoers, wun an audience mat expressed Ita approval of Philip Phllllpa Illustrated lecture by long and frequent applause. Theubj-t of the lecture ai a tilpaiound the eorld, Ihe lecturer stsrttU from Bom bay finishing up at Washington, D. C. During the entertainment Mr Philips sang nsany songs. When the ciir:atil fell on ihe lot picture GeoW Stewail anxe In the audience and esprcsncd the pleasure afforded hlin At the Opera House neat Mon..Tuee., Wed.. Nov. 16, 17, iS. Seata on aale at Will & Link for 50 and 75 eta. Course tickets 9 1.75. Thb Lebanon Ditch. Several mount ed acrapera were brought to Albany loday from Lenon, where they hate been used ly Mi- Price on the b!g ditch being built Into that citv. The ditch la about half done, and the 1)mocrat la Informed the woik ha been stopped tor the present on account of rains, and also because the contractor hat already eipended about as much as the contract price. According to reports received here It will coat some where near f 10,000 to build It, whereaa the contract price waa about $1 Major Bates's Mornia. The mother of Major James Bruce, near Monroe, died last Monday at the advanced ace of VO years, being one of the oldest ladies in Benton county. In her long career she has paaeed through a period of varied and marvelous scenes, and has witnessed sparsely settled colonies develop into a gisantic combination of commonwealths. A life lived this long has many attach ments of interest to it. ho was an eatly pioneer. (J azet te. To Ba Mutid to Albny. Arrange-' men's have been made for the removal of the Oiegon State School Journal, former ly of Rose burg, recently of Monmouth, to Albany, wheie It will be under the effi cient management of Superintendent U F Russcil. This is the school teacher's organ, of Oregon, and Albany, a leading educational center. Is a fit place for the publication of such a paper. Abrbsted for Anot'crioN. Lillian Young and George Smith were dis charged todav by Justice Cleveland on the charge of lewd cohabitation. Tl.ey were both re-arrested by Bheriif Smith. The colored man is now in enstodv on the charge ot abducting Miss Young from her borne in Albany for immoral purpose. Miss Yonng is held ss an ir responsible peraon, who should le con fined in a reformatory institution. Astoria Town Talk. Salem's Shoot. At the last shoot of the Salem Rod and (Jun club yesterday V V Uabnelson made the beat score and as a result now owns the gold medal which he bas won ard loet eo many times- The score follows: CI Gabriel son. 18; A LafTolIett. 14; B W Harritt. 12; A W Cbilds, 11 ; II M Cottle, 10: L F Conn, 13. Statesman. Slow Tbavbuno. Mr D E Templetoa and wife returned from the Willamette valley a few days ago. They were seven days making the trip from Brownsville, and only pulled out of the mnd after they had gotten entirely over the Cas cade mountains. Frinevtlle News. otrel casings lor tne Ainany tiriuje were shipped from Ohio on the 22nd of October, by way of Ihe Southern pacific, and hence are about due in Albany. By the time there are In position and filled with the best Belgian cement, the steel for the frame work wilt no doubt be here. So the work goes ahead with rapidity and smoothness. A Storb Blbned. On Saturdiy night at 12 o'clock I A Cox's general merclian- dlse store at Oak Creek, twcl ve miles east of Roseburg, was totally destroyed by fire. The stock waa valued at $2500, on which there was an insurance of $1000 In the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance com pany, of this city. Stoll Discharged. The cae of the atate set I C Stoli, the ouig man from Sacramento arrtsted for forcing' his father's name was taken before Justice Humphrey this afternoon, and on the matter brine sa.ibfactorily settled, was discharged. Did Not Vote That Way. Mr Frank Peterson, one of the Jurymen in the In cram murder trial, who was mentioned as having voted for acquittal, informs the Democrat thai he did not vote that way nor did he vote for murder in the first degree. He voted somewhere between. A Big Tumor. Today Drs Msston and I Dsvii removed a tumor from Mrs J A Mc- Bride, of Shedd, meeting whh their usual success. It weighed forty pounds snd wss a fibrous tumor. Mrs McBrlde Is now doing well considering the circum- atancea. A Bio Suif. Mr II Lampman.oi Port land, la in the city. He has brought a suit against the Electric Car Company there for $10,000 resulting from Injuries to his daughter Leila by a recent accident. Octogenarian. Mr vT C Davis, if this city, haa just received a telegram from Watseo. Knox county, Illinois, announc ing the death of hla mother, at the ad vanced age of 81 yesrs. Fine SuiTfNGS. Mr W R Gishsm hss lust received a fine line of suitings from the East, which are as fine as anything every brouelit here, embracing the latest patterns He Is anxious to have the pub lic Inspect them and get prices. His long exoerience will eoable him to suit the most fastidious. Grsdwohl sells coffe cheap also. See his advertisement. The Baptist church have a fine new Estey organ, just purchased. J I. Aiken has entered Into partnership with S A Hulin In the drug business. Just received new and opened tor rta I a aU'B Brewoeli's the folbrving Chow Chow, Oooriog Molasses, Pickles in vinegar, Halt Herring, Salt wbit li'ti, Salt salmon. Wherb to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh frnitsand vegetables. no to Parker Bros ftr the best teas an coffees. Go to Parker Bros for good baking a. iter V H . r. 1 T f l.L..I OO to 1 araer rus iui una gw" The best bread, cakes pies, etc in tne market. Go to Farker Bros lor your groceries! r-T.:.i w ...,-,( of cnl eoodsITiert. naaact nrea, g-een, oiacn, cngiisn 1 t and fl rat-class treatment. Foa Salb. Twenty-tour acre tract of land, all In cultivation, suitable for prune ?.t npr acre. Inquire on prem- isea of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan gent. ItowjotCoXDiBt.-JM Coi died at the home of lohn Stewart, at Mowry post offlce, at 6:2j Sunday evening frem the effect of paralysis of the right aide and congestion of the brain says the Ochoco Review. The ctrcumstancea connected with his death are most sad, and have cast a gloom over the nelghborbcod tn which he resided, lie had arrived from Albany only a short lime since .and had taken charge ot the ranch belonging to himself and brother on Crooked river, 4 miles above Prlnevllle. and with another gentle man was batching on the place. On Thursday evening he lelt the house on horseback to look after a cow across the riser. He did not return that night, and Mr Stanley, who waa working for him, supposed he had ' gone to the poatoflke aftrr the mall, and did not feel much; un easiness until the next evening when a neighbor boy brought Mr Coa'a horse home, having found It on the range. He had evidently been struck wun paralysis and had either fallen from his horse or had dismounted, Immediately becoming unconscious and had lain In the place where he waa found tor two nights and a day. A messenger was aent tor Dr Bel knap, and Mr Cox waa taken to the borne of Mr Stewart where he lingered until Sunday evening, though never regained consciousness. Tua Lor dsn Cahb. Louden, who was arreted Monday on a charge of being an accessory to the murder 01 lienry Inirrara, waa elven a hearing before Jnatjce Humphrey this morning. 0 W Watts, K A Milncr and Fred Qoulet testified substantially that Louden came to Uoulct's saloon in this city ths night ot the killing and said that a man bad, been killed out at Frank Ingram's by Frank and exhibited a revolver saying, "this Is the boy that did the work." They also testified that the deft, said be asked Frank when the deed was com mitted it he knew who it waa that be had killed, when he said he did not. He. the deft., said he asked Frank a second time whom he had killed when he said le caeset it was Ilenrv. Fred tioult testified that he loaned Louden a pistol since he began workina for Frank. The sheriff was directed by the district t- orney to produce ths two pistol' wiucn were in evidence during the trial of Frank, which he did when Qoulet recog nised the older ot the two as the one he bad loaned Louden. After a ldrese by counsel the court held the dot t. to await the action of the Brand jury without bail. Philanthropic. A Miss Ilempsied, of 407 Vine sheet, Seattle, has written to Dr Paine to learn It I I Bibcock, the eper, Is well cared for and has good shel ter and plenty to eat. If not, she Is wlll- g to take it upon hersellto see mat ne Is proper I r provided for. A letter has alio been received from R D Cuteer, captain of a ship running between Port Townsend na Honolulu. He save ne has known John from boyhood and that he waa I ways hlehly respected by all who knew him. He expressed a wish that Joho was at the Islanc where lepers are banished, foi then he would be cared for the re mainder of hla days. Register. The Samb Fsllow. Harry Kettle- man, a sprinter, who worked the "double cross" act In lhl cltr a few yars ago.trled the same game in L'tsh last' week, but he'll never dolt again. Ills backers shot him square through the thighs with S 4 5 -call- ore Coll a revolver, and he wll! sprint no more. When here he ran a race with Martin, the son of a Yamhill farmer. It waa "fixed" that the Hay" was to aln, and the Yamhlllcr mortgaged .his farm to bet on his boy. Several of his neighbors wag ered Urge sums on the country lad, bet hen the race tame oH Kettleman shot ahead ot him like a cannon ball. Then he hepped Into a waiting hack and hurried from the ground. Welcome. A FayinoFarh. Here is an account of a farm that certainly paid. The Pendleton East Orevonian says that irood wheat land in Umatilla county has ad vanced largely in value, particularly in the eastern end. where it commands 140 and $45 per acre, several farms being sold at that figure near Athena. An illustration comes from (Jerking: Flat. Two or Three years ago Harvey McDon ald bought the Quinn place for f tOTO. lie raised two crona on the land, and made enough to pay for it, getting forty bushels to the acre this season. Tuesday he sold the place to K II Sanders for 18,250. A Live Ascensiox. Wheat Is Itself a;aln, and today we take pleasure In quo Ing It at Hfj cents, wlih a pronUIng out- 100K. ine foreign market snows vety healthy signs, and the prospect Is good for still higher. I he Oregonian glvestbeSan Francisco market as St &2'A per cental. equal to 89 cents per bushel In Albany; but a local dealer sars his advlcers are for $1.80, which should make the Albany market 88 cents, according to the usual style 01 calculating Uata also show up better and are quoted at V'A cents. At Salem wheat Is only placed at Si',i cents. In Albany. Morgan, tbe world-corn- ing-to an, end idiot. Is now afflicting the Lebanon people and tehlng what terrible papera the statesman and the Corvsllls 1 Tlmesare. There are a hundred better and smarter men In the asvum than Mor gan. Salem Statesman. Morgan instead of being in I-ebanon Is In Albany. lie Is entitled to his peculiar notions about the orld coming to an end. and U he Is honest In them the Democrat has no attack to make 00 him. It takes all kinds of peo ple to make up the world, and Morgan has a right to hia say .even if he is crazy. Aster Many Years. A gentleman Is In Pendleton, -one of the old timers," who waa here last In 1864, when no Pen dleton existed. He is Vine Circle, and waa seen this morning In The People's Warehouse, where he waa busy trading. Mr Circle now resides at Paulina, Crook county, sixty miles west of Canyon City and 180 miles from Pendleton. He came herewith a band of cattle for shipment, making the trip in seventeen days. Pen dleton E. O. Need Enemies. The Astorlan says ''there are men in the world of so little Importance that they have no enemies. The Astorlan shou'd have added: and these are the men so often mentioned as suitable candidates foi office, because they are ao populai . The popular man Is us ually the fellow who Is afraid to spesk be cause he will offend some one. and who lacka force because he fears It " This makes us feel quite important. Election Booths. The contract for furnishing election booths for Linn county bas been let to Glass A Prud- liomie, ot Portland. They will be made by the (j rant's Pass Sugar Pine & Lum ber Co. with whom the above firm has a contract and will cost Linn county about I4UU in all, Xhe.ABBtralian system will not be observed in the coming city elec tion, though it is aa necessary in city elections as any. Glass & Prudhomie also have the contract for Lane connty. Important Fire Matters. A meet ing ot the Uoard ot r Ire Deiegatea was held last evening. Frank Dannala, of No. i's was elected judge, and W E Gil- lett of No. 3'a and Percy Keller, of the ti k L, co. clerks tor the firemen selection on Dec. 10. It was decided to only allow active members to vote at the election, and to publish a list of all suspended members during the past two yesrs. Exempt members will slso be refused the privilege of voting. It Is Intended to arrange the department laws and publish them In pamphlet lorm. Bead I Who Is F. E. Allex. Why ws supposed every one knew, bst yon should not just sirs Dim a eall.cpposite the Msannie Temple, and yon will find it the plaoe t. boy good fresh grooenas eheap. Just reneived at the Lanle Bacsar an el'uant line of fancy ood. fri ge and pono'is sursbl for ail kinds of fancy work, else toe jew shade la sepbyr. Fr first -class meals call at th City Res taurant. Every thing daii.t and ntt. Mesls, 29 cents. Board aiidf'ndgiug $ CO per we-k. Ducblefily tbe largest and ohoiueet variety of tea in town ia st C E Brnwoell'. Sun ..a a. as a 1 1 i v 1. Tbrealfae', &c. W W Davis ia now in chare ef the Dl mw.lco r.tnient. Meals 25 centa. Eastero oyster', fresh. Ever) thing first-claas. Go- tdF E Alleu wnen you want some thing iwett. Honey, mapla syrup, etc. . A rCSJBOJTAt. MONDAY, License has been Issued for the mar riage of John L. Ray and Miss Stella An derson, Mrs Amanda Kester went to Portland thia noon, where she will reside with Mr Gus Currle, a former Linn county man. Will Campbell, tor eoase time a typo In the job mce of C W Watts has resigned and will take a complete course of study in a i'ortiand business couege. Jee Webber, former chief of the Are de partment, whose home is at aoj seventh street, has been having a tussle with the reaper for the past fifteen days. Today II loots as thovgh he will pull through all right. . n trouble U Inflammation of the bowels. We come. Mr Cowan, father of Msyor Cowan, re turned Saturday ever Ing from Columbia, Mcs, where he left Miss Amanda Prather some 111. Saturday eveidng a dispatch was received announcing; her dangerous Illness, another last night that hopes ot her recovery had been given up. Her sis'er, Mlsa Lee Prather. will leave tomorrow noon to be at her bedside. Mayor Cowan has been In San Francisco aeveral days and Is expected home tomorrow.hence hai not yet received the sad newa. Miss Prather was recently In Albany .where she waa beloved Dr all who became acquainted wun aer. TUESDAY. J 8 Morris, ot Scio. was iu the city lousy. G W Simpson went to Portland this morning on business. Mr Wakefield, the superintendent ot the Portland Bridge Co., la in the city, Chaa Cuslck returned todav from a sev eral day tsojouta at hla Cascade residence. Ir G J Hill, who recently located In Al bany, coming here frwm Ruseburg, Is making arrangements to move to North Yakima, Wash. Mr Crawford, a former resident of Linn county, but for sevetal years In the har ness business at Pendleton, Is In the city. The Democrat acknowledges a call. Mr Foshay, who recently returned from Ihe est, made about aa long a trip aa one can make on this continent, coming from the famous Fundy Bay, where the tides are so high, beyond even the pines of Maine. A dispatch last night from Columbia. Mo. addressed to Mayor Cowan brought the news that Mlaa Amanda Prather, who waa reported the night previous In a criti cal condition, to have passed the danger point and to be on the Improve with good prospects of recovery and thst It would not be necessary for her sister to go. rrobably last niabt Mr and Mrs ft K Frary passed through Albany on their way from Dayton, Wash., to 8an Fran cisco, which they will make their home. They were eloping, having been married in Walla Walla Saturday, against the wishes of the girls parents. rary was a widower, his wife only having been dead five months. Both belonged to the first families of the city. WEDNESDAY. Hon Jeff Meyers hss returned from the eist. Mr imam Cowan. of T L Wallace & Co., is seriously III. John Ingram lelt this morning- for bis home a. Whatcom, Wash. Mr Frank Cos, postal sgert. In Grants Pass, formerly of Albany, waa in the City to day. Mr and Mrs Reaton McConnclt have re turned from a several weeka riourn at their Toledo ranch. Mlsa Mamla Montgomery returned las' night from a severe! weeks lilp to La- Grande ann th Dalles Mrs Millie PrMmiA. and snti CM- nf Portland, passed throueh Albsnv todav , for Shedd. on a visit with Mrs G W Gray. Dr Gray Is mw In San lose, Calif , where his heaUh Is gradually Improving In the dryer climate of that city. Mr Geo II Abbott, business manager of the oss joiiltle Nis In the city arranging for the appearance of this splendid I roup st the Opera House, on Nov. sjrd. An Illinois paper says: "They are a remark able family of musicians, actors, actresses, and dancers, and their versatility, clever ness, and the variety of their performancea make a delightful entertainment. See and hear them If you get a chance." BRA l BSTATO ALU. John Smith to E J Tale, parcel In lot 1, blk o, Albany $ Susan Peebler to J K Swank, 300 acres In DLC of Geo Churchill. Brownsville B & L Ass'n to Cnss J Howe, blk 15, 16, Gslbrslth's 2d add to N Brownsville Fred Keen elal to Miss Mary Weber, lots 3. 4. blk 7, Weber's sd to Br wnsville.... Fred Keen t Mrs Augusts JCeen, lots 3. 4, ilk 7, Weber's sd to N Brownsville fl M Perry to M M Cooper, lot 11 blk 7." Hill's sd loSodavllle. .. I7SO 735 160 tool 40 W E Price to Geo Werts, lot I. blk 18, Summers ad te Sodavllte. . Alfred E Ansorye etus to Nellie R Feebler, lot 6, blk 22, Ralaton's ad to Lebanon A Dodge etus to C A Eison. lot 8, blk 17 In Ralston 's 3d add to Lebanon Michael Fuller to Harley E Morris half acre In Ilarrlsburg O & C R K to Spruce Beach hall E X S W Jsf sec 13 tp 10 S R 1 Allen II Charlton etus to Margaret Cyrus, parcel in lp 10 S R 1 W.... 12 150 I3SO 300 Total sales... D B Montelth to E E Montague, trsct in D L C of George Cllne and wife $ E J Lannlng etux to E E Montague lot 1, blk 120. Houck's sd to Albany Newmau Goodman etal to J C Tur nldpe tji acres, sec 25 tp 12 S R 1 W J E Turnldge to J C Hardin, parcel i8o insec 25. lp 11 H K I W Wm Clj mer to E E Hammock 1 acre l.i D L C of Jas Tallmane- tlD 1 N Wai mouth etux to Seba Harker 4 acies in sec 6lp 14 S R 3W Richard L Gaines to Niagara Mill Co, S E sec 38 lp 9 S R 4 E Everett I Miller etux to las W Scanland lot 8 blk 5 J M R's 3rd ad to Lebanon J L Hill etux to W H Bartages, lots 100 1200 105 10, 11, 12, Dix 4, rairoaie au 10 Albany 300 Peter Schlosser etux to Chas A Powell 19.18 acres In D L. C No 58 500 49S Geo Areheart etux to Fred Schultx 16$ acres In tp 13 S R 3 W. . . . Msry J Page to Geo W Biddle Ntf and a w X 9 n 9 d w Albany 500 John M Fountain etux to J D Foun tain etal 3i9scirs in u 15 a k. 4 W J I. lilll etux to D E Mobley, lot 1, 3, 3. blk 9 Hilt's add to Lebanon 45 OE Hawkins and wife to G W Young lot 15 blk I, lots 3, 3 blk 3 In Allen liswkln's sdd to Albsny 650 W P Coney etal to James McBrlde 40 seres in sec 27 tp 13 a K 4 w Lsura Farrow to R N Wright, lots 1520 too 9, jo, blk 1 In Shedd Total sates.... $11784 BKOWXSTIIXE. November 10th, 1891. Born, on the 9th. to tbe wife of Matt Caroline, a daughter. Mother and child are doing well and Matt is said to have been seen out back 01 tile barn trying to walk on bis broken leg. Tbe editor of the Lebanon Effort and the Express editor had a damage suit before Judge Dunn of this place, an Saturday last, resulting in lavor 01 Ktrx patnek. When will the democrats of Oregon be gin the organization of Democratic Clubs. We all appear to be asleep and a call to arms wilt have to be made by some one. Can't Albany start tne ball to rolling and give us a good club, and we can see bow the thing ia done We look for. the local market to im prove now. McKinley has been elected and Ohio Is all right.and so is New York, Massachusetts and Iowa. t 1 r t? .ir.n.j. rt. f,. ULili 170 400 SI78 A AJOUIIBilUC, VI11 been with us since Saturday. He looks as if he was well cared for in his Eastern Oregon home. - He gave us two able ser mons on eunaay. ,' ; tSlaMtAt ITAIBMESTS. Butnbnnnual report ot the county olerk of Linn county, stats of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allow ed by the county court of said county, for what allowed, amount ot warrants drawn, and amount ot warrants out standing and unpaid, from the 1st day ot nprii, mui, to me autn uay 01 wepiem ber, 1801, both Inclusive: ACCOUNTS ALLOWS!). County Judge, salary $ (150 500 .treasurer, salary County clerk, fees Kheriff. tees Commiaaionara n'r riUm . 84.1 8S 1I110 60 178 40 Aco't of Assessor 000 Aoo'trMiool Hup't Coroner ...... Dlst Attorney Paupers and Poor. ...... Roads, bridges, lumber. , Courthouse and Jail Stationary aud Printing. Insano.... Incidental Expenses.... Fuel Witnesses in Crlm Cases Petit Jurors (J rand Jurors Witness' before d'dJ'ry Ballffs Elections .... Viewing and Surveying. Road Supervisors foundries Preliminary Exaralnat'n 10 110 80 220 20 071 27(11 (W 201 IS 11 20 117 (1:14 R5 843 10 212 40 173 110 00 20 00 (100 20 608 16 Total amount claims allowed and drawn from April 1st. 1801, to Oct 1st, 1.H01 112000 IM) OUTSTANDING WARRANTS tlNFAID. Outstanding unpaid county war rants on the 30th day of Sep tember. 1801, estimated inter eat accrned thereon from Oct 13th. 1S01 1 18 40 I 84 Estimated lu'st accrued thoreon . Outnlanding county warrants In tne lianas 01 tne ciork issued since the 1st day of April, A 1), IH0!, up to and including Sep tember, 30, 1801, and uucallcd for amounting to 010 41 Outstanding county warrants Is- a Jed prior to April 1st, 1801, and still In the hands of the clerk amounting to 200 24 Total amount of unpaid county warrants in tne nanus 01 the county clerk uncalled fur 02S 05 1 84 Interest Scats or Ormuon, j ss Coi'NTY or Linn I. N P Pavne. county clerk of the county of Linn, atate of Oregon, do here by certiiy that tbe foresolnir is a true and correct statement ot the number and amount ot claims allowed by the county court of said connty, for the six months cnamg on tne win uay 01 (September, 1891, on what account the same were al lowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants out standing and unpaid as the sme an near on the records of my ofllce and in my official custody. witness my band and tbe seal of the county court of said county this 30th day of September, A I) 1801. N. P. Payne. County Clerk. Semi-annual statement ot the amount 0! money and warrants received for i. -n.i . - ...11 .i... . 1 Treasurer by tbe Sheriff ot Linn conntv, Oregon. for the six months ending on the JOtb day of September. A. 1) , 1M1. r A MO t' NTS RKCEIVkll. April Jday 13,Rat.?7 . caai.w . 3207.7S June July . 2010.23 August... .. 1239.78 September .. 1I89.07 1:5,811.44 Total received. AMOUNTS FAIP. April ,3I,90C.S3 0,71 00 May June 3000.001 July AogasT.... 1200.00 September Irwwl Art! ,uw w Total paid Treasurer 44,80fl.f I County of Linn ca.a at -v k . 1 I. M. Scott. Sheriff" of sa'ul county, do hereby certify that the foregoing state- .mvm. .a vuiiih nuv. 1 ..... . ... . v itness my nana mis sum day 01 Hep tember, A. l., 1801. M. Scott, Sheriff of Linn county. riKClIT CS)fMT. Court adjourned Saturday after the re malnlng cases on the docket were dlrnostd ot as follows: State sgt Joseph Peters: larceny Ver. oici guuty, 30 aays in county jail. State act fohn lewl.burir: lareenv is days In county Jill. PI Porter azt I C Elder: partition. Continued. Baldwin Si Co agt Goldsmltn & Run'ale: recovery of money. Continued. In the matter of ihe assignment of T L Hennets. Continued. In the mailer ot assignment of G W Smith. Continued Davis Bios sgt Wm Powers: recovery of money. Continued. I R Dawson agt Wm Rllea and M Scott: injunction. Continued. inncDsrgo national uank agt jas reau ng mot uranuon; recovery 01 money. Continued . L G Thompson agt Nellie Thompson; divorce. Continued. Richard Mavoagt Dellla Mayo; divorce uontinued. M C Bingham sgt Elizabeth Bingham; divorce. Continued. Brownsville W MfgCo agt 1 II Burk hart; recovery rf money. Continued. Geo eiavens vs Martha A Slavens: di vorce. Continued. F E Robinson agt CE Robinton; di vorce. Grsntee. C Goodsle agt Serepta M Hansard et ai. centinued. O&CRRairtFM Miller. Decree as per stipulation. ST and Alice I Paul agt Katie and Laura Paul. W S Powell appointed to ad minister tne trust. I R Dawson assignee agt f W Brown & son. xsot properly on docket: S 3 Williamson sgt 1 W Williamson. Divorce granted and children awarded to plff, (Lilly, May and Charley.) rnocBE. It is very important in this age of vast material progreaa that. a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken. atceptable to the stomach and healthy in ita nstnrs snd effects. Possessing these quali ties, By? up o( Figs is ths one perfect isx eiyeand most gentle dioretie known. Littler & Ball, dentists, will make artifl eist plates of aluminum. The heslil.ietf i niost durable and ligbtst welzht of est other plate, we waut to tntriv.iaoe inn 1 kind of work in this vlaioitr . With his new bakery Conrad Mtser a bis to oneroid sod tw costtrcers every thing BrstIas ia baked good. Klein Bros have a large and choice itook ef boots! aud shoe for sale at resaouaMw f rioes D not invent in foot wear until youhsv eu their itooa and tb el, ant pisne at their (tor. " - - ' a - ROUS. ''PasT n Monday morning, Nov ' vW'., Albany, to Mr and Mrs DIED. McBRIDE. On Wednesday morning, Nov 11, 1891, Mrs J A McBride.of Bhedd, at the age of 25 years. Mrs McBride recently bad a fibrous tumor of large size removed from her and was unable . to recover from the effects of it, a result I feared from the first. She was a woman ' 1 of estimable character who leaves many jlrienas to mourn ner aeain. LYOKs November 11, 1891, Mr J B Tratk went to Albany this morn Ing on business, . W F Read, of Albany, will open a dry good store here on the 131I1 In the Van Order store, W E Potter returned Inst Saturday from Albany. Having been thereon the lurv snd was one on the famous Ingram case. There will be an entertainment given at the Fo V illejr school house on Ihe even ing of tlx aoth, If the weather will permit, to raise money for their Sunday school. There eie 17 families In town now. The mill Intends to start up t soon as ths weather will model ate so logs can be hauted to the mill. OFFICIAL FOOD TESTS. Th United Ntt(e stntl Canadian Usyernmenla Annlvae tii llakl.g I'owdrr. Comparative Strength and Purity Of . i r i net . . . . - the Different Brands Officially Determined. rrer. Halies, reaslMB l'hwl. af the seieege siaarei ar rail), Clvra Ills S)lalea, Freni Cblosee Trlbuns. The public is always resnonslve to suit geetions about the food it eats. Ureal interest has lieen taken l.t the investlua tions made by tlio United Status and Canadian governments and by the differ ent boards of health to show the parity or impurity of milk, basin towdera. decs, and other articles of dally use In 16 culinary department of our house holds. Just now the aublrct of baklnir nnwdur Is claiming public attention, w. all (. sire pure and w holesome bread and thia cannot be had with the uae of impure or poisonous imaing powiier. There an I no lomitr any Question thst all the cheaper, lower giadcs of baking powders contain cither alum, lime, or tiliesphatic acid. The official analvaea l,v the Unit.! Stales and Canadian governments have therefore been studied with interest aud have pretty clearly established the facts opon this subject The United States government report lives the names of eighteen well-kuown powders, somo of them advertised as pure cream of tartar baking powders, that contain alum. ine report shows that the Hoyal Hak ng Powder was found the blithest In leavening strength, evolving 1 lit). a cubic Inches Of ESN per simile otinPM it f,er.l..r There were eight other brands ot cream ot tartar powders tested and their aver age strength a 1118 cubic Inches of gas per ounce of powder, Tbe Canadian government Investiga tions were of a still larger number of powders. The Hoyal baking powder was here also shown the purest and highest In strength, containing 120 32 cubic Inches of leavening gas per ounce of powder. Nine other cream of tartar powders ware teatcd, their average strength being reported to be M cubic Inches of aas per ounce. These figures are very Instructive to the practlral housekeeper. They Indicate that theltoyal baking powder goes more than S3 per cent fnrther innsethan the others, or is one-third more eennmnlral Still more Important than this, however, ineT KT?V Popular article hss been 'A highest 1 legreeo pnrity- tor su it euneriaiive nur tv this aiiiwri- ?1 flZ 1' due-andconse,nrrit- I "'V ,,y,lu uf ?e ,n,r l ?,red the Pn' a"l'?0" o -some food. The powders of lower strength are found to leave latge amounts of Inert matters in the food. This foet la emnha- siaed by the report of the Ohio Stale rood t ommissioiier. who. while findimt the Itoyal practically pure, found no other powuer 10 contain Imis than 1U oer et-nt of Inert or foreign matters. The public Interest In thisqueation has likewise caused to be made investigations iy our local authorities. Prof W H Haines, of Kueh Medical College, rnn- t"g chemist of the Chicago Board of "esllh.has found reeuhs similar to those ri"'rlV oy i"e nanonai ana tanaainn 22iirjo"ul',or,l,ea- i'rHinesay RfSH MkbiCAL CuLLCoa fiiir aoo Til . ' I have recently obtained samples of oaa ng powuers in the market, atl l.aiiBi aiiit.lm.ia. I tt.. . a . f . 1 1 sbmj timtv uuiciinu iiiriii tijcnrtfiiii cnrm- n.Uo to determine their pur- Aa the baking powder superior to all the others in every resneei. it isnt r vinui rmm iit,.. y an aouiterauon and unwholesome ins purity .and in baking it gives oft a greater volume of leavening gas than any other powder. It is, therefore, not only the purest, but also tbe strongest powder riili which I am acquainted. Wioi.iiti.K.i xr n Con. Chemist, Chicago Board of Health. The statistics show that there ia nil in the manufacture of the Royal baking powder more than ba f of all the rream ot tartar consumed in tbe United States for all purposes. The wonderful sals thus Indicated for the Hoyal baking pow dergreater than that of all other baking powoers combined is perhaps even a higher evidence than that already nuoted ot the superiority of this articl,and of Its inuispensauienees to modern cookery. Teaekers Leeal Baellac. A local teachers' meeting will be held at Lebanon on Friday evening and Satur day tbe 10th and 21st of Nov 1891. Prof J B Horner, of Albany, will be f 'resent on Friday evening and will do iyer a lecture that will be of Importance to teachers and school officers. All teachers and school ofHcers in the vicin ity of Lebanon are earnestly reouested to be present, also parents and the public in general are cordially invited to at tend all the sessions. Saturday. 9 :S'J a m. 1. Language rrot uarzee, Sodaville. 2. How to secure order in school Prof Latta. Talltnan. 3. Primary Numbers How to teach Miss Elizabeth Carothers. 1 :30 d m. 1. Geography rrof VT 11 Drown. 2. Miscellaneous discussion. G F Kussbll, Supt. LARGEST :- ASSORTMENT or IfiATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS &IWA8EETJBFI Casks or Dsstitutiox should be rs ported 10 Mr Wslter Montelth In the Fbst Wsrd, Mrs Dr Reliey in tne second an Mr C W Sesrs Is the Third, snd hey wl!l be promptly attended. Any clothing left with them will ne put to gooa use One Pure Baking Powder. like Telling a Secret. A story Is told and It Is a true story that over seventy per cent, of all the baking powders sold contain either alum or ammonia, and many of these powders contain both. The ill effects upon the system of food raised by alum or ammo nia powders are the more dangerous because of their insidious character It would be less dangerous for the people were it fatal at once, for then such food would be avoided, but their baneful action because Imperceptible at first and slow in its advances, is no less certain; Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is declared by all authorities as free from alum, ammonia or any other adul terant. It3 purity has never been questioned, and while it does finer end better work, it costs &o more at retail than many of tit adulterated powders, y& Of al ia lyjE?fa Pof 1 1 U NX NOalB SND ABBOA MONDAY. Humane sulorllrrl 1700 fur Ihe World's fair. Pr M J i'atioii, nf 8Um, wis committed t tie state lussae asylum no Saturday. Tbe Portland Msroury bas been, indMsd If the U S grand jury for publishing ob susoe UUraeure, and the Town Talk, of Aatoria, for rnnnlng a lottery adyertisament. i A t. -1. ' IT, -1- J.L.- ft- A n mug nvnii'ii appvara m tuv fBHWO Lsedor. His the Orsttco Pauillo property and ths sale wl'l take pises on liyo i;b, al Curvallia, at 12 o'clock. yAmong the easts In the olrouit eonrt at Pendleton Is J K MoAdoo t O.o W Hunt The plaint If waa nnoe a raaidaat of Albany, and rao f.r eouuty turvsyor a few years ago. List evening titers was a variety of meat Inas io Albany. At tbe M K ehuren ftsv Thompson praaobad ne Habbath delectation) revival servioea wvrs hatd as the Evangeli cal churoh Morten prediated the nesr rlestraotiim of thu earth at tbe M E olioroh Hotith and a spiritealistie meeting Waa held at ths opera house. Louosm Also Arewtkd. Cbarlea Louden, the principal witness for the de fense In the case of tbe Stale sgt Frsnk Ingram, was srrrsted by C G Burkhart and lolui Huffman this noon, just as he was boarding the cars for the north.on the charge ot murder, lie waa taktn before Justice Humphrey, Attorneys Weather- lord and Bllyeu appearing for him, 1 hey asked for an Immediate examination and wlt be given one tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. It Is asserted that Louden told some one In a sa.oon that he saw Frank Ingram place the gun beside Henry after the shooting. What there lain I', will be revealed rn the examination. TIJSSPAY. Tbe Willamette is thn fat t above it W stor mark st this city. Philip Philip the great singer, wid ba fa Albany thrr ds;e, begiitauig 00 Monday, Ntv 16. An irti quake waa et Atblaod 800 t.y eight ; 8 o'clnek. It waa distinct lhuMh iUht Tli" rai'ii-ttaj cuintuitsii'Dtrs want ever the O.ena I'mitt today on a special- train ia iacl)t. :he road. Tbe C K society of the U P ebureb will give a eneie! at the choreh Friday evening. AUmiMuo 10 eeota. As ths switch from Soil eoouecU with the Oregnuiei It fl st Khs.barn, passengers to Scio by way of the Orvgo Taoitia do net get ihe Imneht nf the road at all. Ks-IJov B.,1,' Tat lor. if Teni. who fiddled bis way into tbe govern 01 's chair, ia to dehvsr a hundred leeleree in Boutbero citlo on "The Fiddle aad tbs Bow." While we ere hsving more rain (ban soma fa thiuki e ied 10 lbs Willamelts Valley, in frnithnrn O.-eff in tbete ta-S but been e nougli yet t j o. out of plowing. t'h 8-oue, wbu ia in ths jetl here, await- lej the action if tbe ant grand jlry, charged with phasing a furgrd check o Jmr Marry, is tasd to be wsu'ed ia lVml etou fwr a I ke tnms. All mn, women and children are iuvited to Kr Rov tieo 11.11 at tbn V CTU ball in his answer ! tbs already publuhed question. Ur O C Awbrey leads tbe smg- lig. The body of (Jeo II Kseoey. who died a .1... ... ti. 1. l. .... ... ' M j - -' a a- bio v.v, a Ibrougb on tbe pwhi tram tdy to Brawn villa where it will be beriwl . A number of the members of Albany Lodge NotlOOr of wbu.b lodge George wa a meaiUor, ac- eompaaled tbs reasaina from here. Thne () Owse. cf Marahnelii.Con eoobtv. died hoti4sy moraieg. Wuv 1st, a,d 43 yeara. Mr Oeon waa a lawyer by profta-si- n. II waa on tbe tlaoeoek democratic electors! tick fo, Orsgoo aad was also tbe democratic candidate for prosecuting at torery of tbs 2nd disttletattb last tlsolioo. Tbe biggeet bar ia the U haa bean heard from. He wrote the foltowiugi Ills 1 that aa Idaho farmer raised 1000 bushels of popcorn aad stored it la a bat b. The barn asught (its snd waa baroed dowoj tbs corn began to p p and filled a tea sets Held; on of bis old meres that was marly blind aaw ths corn, thoeuht it Waa anew. aad laid down and froze to death. Tbs Tub Ran correapemdeDt of the Broweavill Times saysi (eborpiog is no lonesr se expariu.ent bat is eeaoeded to be not ovly a benrlit to tnaa and beast, but also a liomsos act that should b praetioed by eveay on owning or haviug cbarg of ot- u. ja.t what dehorning a ma is ws do hot know) but suppose it Is tskingnn hoi a less a day. WKOKKRPAY. 4M vote wsrs sast in tbs Baker Citv election. Thirty bouses bays been beilt in Moo month this year. A sabstaatist recorA fur a ptaee lik VI 00 men th. Albany's City Treasurer most stand pretty ill la the community. Ilia bondamsn represent at least half a million dollars. At Stockton yesterday Ari. 2 veer old. trotted a mil in 2:101. Ceasiderieg sgs tms Is the rasat wonderful bores pirform- aocs in tbe history of the 19th ceutory Frsnoh Louis earns to town a few days ago. II lulerms as thst Frank Fletcher, a hoy 17 vears of age, killed a bear near Snow meuutalo not I'f, sine that weighed COO ooumls. He as that years Fletcher is a :irve boy. t'lioi'vlll Haw. e . . a . . T!e Guild of bt Peter Euiaoopsl ohurcb vtU ineet at Mr Tbomaa Joues rMeD0 Thursday afternoon at2o'olook. 1 h mera- lor ar earnes'.Iy requested to present Mhb II V vT atsob, See. Mr.ave who csel' aas tbe fraatio ory of Nai-oleoti to his army at Waterloo. 8ave health acl atreugth while yon can, by tbs ae 1 1 Avtt i ttarsapsrills, is advioe that ap- pl ss to all, both young and old. Don's wait aotil diseare fattent on you; begin at once, When the hai begfbs to come out in oomhinp, it shows a weakneso of the tetlp that calls (or immediate attention. Tb beet preparrtion to arrest fnrther lost ot nair aid restore tbe soalp to a healthy condition la Avers iimr vigor. Dob't go to ths trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn A llendricson's and get what you want in the GROCERY line. Their stock is large and well-selected. Fresh produce and fruits can always be secured st their stands at the lowest prices. You get good goods and prompt attention, in crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are also baying a big run. No better place ; jn in tne city uir uargnina in mis une, Don't close our eyes against these facts, Wr - tf. fi. Oot Report, Aug. 17, Baking s 'VVtk&it I IXB tOlSTf s Bl (.i Grand Pialrio Orange Hall, Nov 6. Linn Co f'.usiueee Council met in regular scsiion. Worthy President John Bryant In the chair. The worthy boo of tbe state grange was present and made some very appropriate remarks on subjects in regard to tbe work of thu 1 of II. The choir furnished music during tbe lull In the proceedings. The subject of making arrangements for the next meeting of the state grange, which convene in Albany, Linn Co . Oregon, May 181)2, and a committee of five was appointed to make all necessary preparations. The cominitti-s constated of Bros. J M Hrott, Mart Payne, 8 S Train, S Fromtn and R A Irvine. A committee on Invitation to consist ot two from sub grange be selected by the subordinate grange and report st the next council. A comiii'tlee on finance waa appointed conslating of Bros S 8 Train, 8 A Daw son and Mil Wilds. The next meeting of the council SwiH lie held with Oak Plain grange the first Saturday In I itjceuiber. The worthy agi-nt of tbe council re- tHi rlrd tint be had made a new contract in regard it puichasing plows, farmln Implements, etc, which patrons shoal iouk Biter. The worthy president declared a recess for dinner, when a social hour was taken. All seemed to enjoy the occasion, which patrons know how to appreciate. After dinner all being vouched for, Bro 11 P Boise was called for, and re sponded In bis usual happy style, all listening with . profound interest. Bro Boise knows bow to handle a subject to interest patrocs. A vote of thanks was tendered by the council toGr.tnd Prairie grange No 1 for the use of tho bull and the eitfr for the repast furnished. A vote of thanks wa tendered to Past Master Boise, r'ute Soc lltlerary for in terest taken in the Linn Co council. Adjourned. Cor. rotaiiL rao trnisca.. Tuesday evening, Nov 10. Present Mayor, recorder, marehal, street commissioner and Couucilmen French, Hawkins, Tabler, Allen and Garrett, On petition of J C Powell and others for sewer in western addition it was ordered that swer be built within sixty days, all parties agreeing to do work. further time was granted on petition of E W Acblson for change of grade. ihe committee on health and police reported that in their opinion the water company was using its l-st endeavor to lurnisu pure neur. 1 lie nuisance 01 allowing drainage into the canal bad been abated. Adopted. Mayor Cowan presented receipt jut I Bteinhart for eeventy-tive $1000 bonds, and reported the receipt of 175.200 which bad been placed in the California bank to the credit of the Li an County Bank, and that the money was ready to be turned over to the citv treasurer. Following were the bondsmen: I) P Mason. ' II Alion, K W Lnngdon, Jay W Blain, II F Merrill. J A Crawford, u W Maston, W Jl Goltra, J W Cusick and t Writsman. The bond of tbe city treasurer was filed for tna.OOO and duly approved. In response to citation to annear and show cause why new walks should not te bunt. Sir i rank v cod responded and asserted that tbe walk adjoining bis property did not need rebuilding. Re- errea to committee on streets and public property. Matter of approach to stable at No 3 s engine house was referred. Adjourned nntil tonight. Rev Dobbins will spesk st the Y M C A meeting st the W CTU hall todlght. E C Robert has moved from Ibanon he will precinct to Shedd precinct, where be intereete J In a nursery , WHEAT. 8CJ CENTS. IIavb V noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tae very latest tn the mar ket, it there is anything to be nad they have it. Apples, Cabbages, Tnrnips, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, rigs reel. Celery, ftauer Kraut, Beets. Makes thb Dkht. It I a well known fact that If you w,it a stylish suit of clothes made to oider you have to goto L E Blaln's tailoring department, under charge of A Schifller. Me hat a fine line of suitings on nand and make them up In a manner l give geneial satlsfac tloa. I 4 Tir;il 0 Htn-nlr'i May be seen ths A I Mill VMHIK S finest stock .( watches, diamond and other Tings, jew Iry, silverware, &c, in ths city. BRONCHITIS Is an Inflammation of the bronchial tubes the air-passages leading iuto the lungs. Few other complaints are so prevalent, or call tor more prompt and energetic action. As neglect or delay may result seriously, effective remedies should alwaya be at hand. Apply at once a mustard poultice to the upper part ot the chest, and, for Internal treatment, take frequent doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. topper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind., writes : "My little sister, four years of age, waa so 111 from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope ot her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful mau aud of large experi ence, pronouueed It useless to give her any more medicine, saying he had done all It was possible to do, and we must prepare for the worst As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier, and, within a week, was out of danger. We eontlnued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well. This Indisputable evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given me unbounded confi dence In the preparation, and I recommend it to my customers, knowing It caunotdisap polntthem." "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a bad eough and my partner ot bronchitis. I know of numerous cases in which this preparation has proved very beneficial tn families ol Young Children, so that the medicine Is known among them as 'the consoler of the afflicted.'" Jaime Eufus Vldal, Ban Cristobal, San Domingo. , "A short time ago, I was taken with a severe attack of bronchitis. Tbe remedies ordinarily used in such cases failed to give me relief. Almost in despair ot ever finding anything to cure me, I bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was . helped from the first dose. I bad not finished one bottle before the disease left me, and my throat and Jungs were as sound as ever," Geo. B. Hunter, Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 03. J. C. AVER & CO., Lcieil, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price ; sla bottles, S. ET3 D INCOMPARABLE DISPLAY HIGH CLASS You mast om HERE stock before buying yoir new Beginning November clone of bargains in every department. WVro going to offer goodi plicated any plaee in tbe state. $1.00 buys a world-beating boys' suit, sizes 5 to 13. $1.00 will buy a fine white dress shirt in plain or fancy bonom. $1.00 will buy a nice crush eirtis hat for gentlemen. $1.00 will buy a good suit of underwear. $3.00 will buy a suit of All-wool, Merino and Lamb's Wool unejerwear. $12.50 buys a man's all-wool Albany Woolen Mills suit in heavy wsight, in good staple colors. For $15.00 or $20.00 you can buy a niee dress suit, suita ble to be worn on street or any dress occasion. NOW COMES THE OVERCOATS I Here is where we can show dazzle you; you're never before seen anywhere near such an assortment in this town. Wehave more orercoats than all the other stores in Albany combined. We hare not yet mhised a'salo on an overcoat this season. People who come with an intention of baying sell; people who come attracted by our ads. to see our mag nificent line, and to find out whether what we say "13 SO" or not, often go away smiling with a fine value. "Where there is so much we cordially invite all people nificent line of goods in every" department. We aro at any time pleased to show you through our departments and give a at prices, which, by the way, FIGURES. ONE PRICE TO T. L. WALLACE & CO. - Iciiiiii. ClotlilBii Strahan Block, - .... Albany, Oregon CLO Men's, Young Hen's and ing Goods, Booth, Shoes, Hats and'Tailoring. I r TO When the ballots are counted. J The public will find That -our grett store isn't Running behind; It is always a winner, We want you to note, No matter what ticket Or system you vote. You won't tirantto go behind the returns that xre gir for your money, We know what the people want and know where to gt the CLOTHING to supply them. In clothing we keep in front; we are away out of view. L. E. BLAIN, ALBANYJ ORECC:.'. WillaCSiiOdS CLOTHmO. awl look through our Colossal fall suit or oveeeat! 1HL we're going to offer a cy at prlds that cannot be du you an assortment that will an overcoat we never fail to smoke there muit be fire," and to call and examine our mag are marked in PLAIN ALL. PEOPLE ud FnriMtr!. THIN Boys Clothing, Fnrnish-