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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1891)
!1 New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT" r An ad. in the ii and the American Farmer, all ono year ( i it Reaches the Most People, and brir-j a BIG RETURNS. FOR S3 SO. J. 1 'n y J ' K Weekly Stxta Right Democrat, d 00 per year. him. Buaarin. rrom eemr-lainl. A flit, fi.",UUn.i IvlN to tMttu1 iwlr e-.r. tUvtM a.lar. t-W th, fwniliift. 'riat llii4 at eo.iMrtwi eM l tha pofwlritv of tha 0m.iimI. Dr. HARTS") LITTLC LIVf H PILLS a a i 'irt.U4Mtitoa, law. tVmU'laint and M. t B j U. !. !. FUaitla I'M Mil lm. bout! Dr. HARTKR MI DICINK CO., (LUula, lUwi M'.ook or joo1. In the Ve f, nl l be moat ru ikie prices, bolb ' elling. I bete on hend FUOTME, STQYES, TIHWARE TEUHKS, B33XS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRGCXF.RY, ETC., ETC. ,'o-r wt of S K Toung'a on' nr L. COTTLItB i -t s-t , r - - - - YEGE1 BLE PANACEA fit PAH CD FROM no( ;sa herds, thi cunc or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO rROM A DISORDERED STATE oru STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. FDR SALT BY ALU UKUttiiDia gbriLWU. UCMLLKj Cloak at coat at W F Read' V aVI IMm km 4 Her the) trsrr Msili ! 1Mtv ytrl W aw. of A'tliv X V l 8trfw'h kh4 Tir4 "Sk BkiMiMWi Mil HrMt rrtt 2nd w Store. WILL & LINK, Music - Dealers, -Xallrc ear LHI TF Tt1 "TTT T Ti'T) I Themoat popnlar piano among 'he w..tlJ' Mo I1- lMJlilirili t ranwoafUDlaU. JT1 i TTl l afk fCetebraUwl foi it brliUanoy. JjAUJIt Oc Ijli. I finUih and durability. VOSE & SON ntorrna..1 Palare and farhalT JIine Proof Oreona. Oaltara, Tlallaa mmd Kinoll InellmeoiM aNprctaltjr. Agenta for the SfW Home. f'.ltrldz B. end o)Her Sewing Maolilut. tsn pile fur all kiiida ol Sew'rg Mactiliiea. Wegnarilour cDatcnxre lnteie-t and guaran ee Mllafactloo. We aUe rarry a Tail aartaarat ef Ma.le aad Made ImLi.1 Cor. Second and Ferry Bts., (nd for catalogue.) Albany, Or. PATR3H!ZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. m & mm insurance co.; Albany, Oregon. W F READ. Preeldt. J O Secretary. 4 L COW AM, Trcaaorer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice Prealdeni. Dl RECTO R JLCoaiD, Goo FSMnpaon, R'FEmJ, Vr L Fo'ey. M Sternberg, J T BurneM, J K W eatheriord, R 8 Strahan, J O WriUmin. -- AI.HO blTTKICT AO5T8 Ffja Oakland Home Tnauranre Co, Oakland. Cat. Tra lsra, Chicago. 111. Amri-an, Fhiiadolphla, fa. fbcenfx, Ixndon, Kngland, Norwich Uninn, London, Eng London .t Jtnchabire, London, Eng. Guardian, London, Kng. &Ian cbeater, MancUentrr. Kc gland. Caledonian, Kuiburg. Scotland. Weachoa'.or, Kew York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. The New York Is the PJace to Buy FOOTWEAR Their Field "G. L. BLACKMAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS. F.1ED1GIIIES aamtiiJa'faal TPiYA and get LIORE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for our Vw Illuatrated Cataloeae of 1801. THE LEFFEL WATER VVHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. eggisvr. aagfcj-- 1 j ) a rii r- VOL XXVJ. ACADEMY -or- Oar Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - OREGON CondnoUj by the SNtu f St, Benedict "Tuition in nAitNct raneee front is to tin. rortoritta uf R i-r.tln Sbh l .- prtltH Urn ami. v at ihn A '.mw hiJ. .U-u sUtsr Supetr't.r -FortmiKer & Irons 5 FUNEKAL DIRKOriS.- rterlal Embalml i Dom Soieatlt Ically. Conrad Muver. STAR AKERY Cotuer Broidilbin anil First Sts., DKAIJCK IN wad rraila, Camtrf Meaie, Q?n)Wr rlcw rreil. VrtihU, 'hAtcn, C'J(te l'ar. T. El., Cte.. 'wjtblng that la ket te . t 4 acd grooery ore. UlgheH rkt talJfo filMCKDSof HODUCE. - IT Tfl TTT H TTT! AT MTtT)TCTTT!. It nn ti IjT-rarwl Kidi vn.l Siomch, etirv. ll -i,l ih . I .p.-H. rvtrtva aa App . lite, PuriiW Ui Im.rira D.ootl, awl 1 1-. t. D C 1 1 Ki n ST 'Q- - - UaMaBJaHeWK Cved eTexTwhere. $1 '-vttlaiaUforlS. One half dollar reduction oneery pair ef Ludlow a fiao A aood line of tbcu 1MB Yooog'. of FUeea C. B. R. Store Thyer Shoes. ; v '. . v-v v. .v. -,-" McFarland Block, ABLANf. OREGOIT STATIOIIARV M hi in inn hi n i iiikwihhh p mi p in 'mm IEAD1GIIE t .3 YC J i wit, CUT CURES ji 17HEEL S 1 """f ' aBBaapBBBBaaaBjBaajBjaaajMBHAWBBajMB9 J Katf triiiirlii iiaf .Sfiaawaal LOCAL UEOOHI). A Ron and Gun Cun orcn!ed at Deyoe & Froman Dro store, last week, with W E Raker at prealdent, M Wygant, accrelary, Grant, trtjurr. W L onea, captain of team ; Jat F Powell, L VV )eyoe and W E Uakrr, executive com mittee. The Mateot Rod and Gun Club I to be the name ol theorga.ilxatton. The conatitutlon and by. law o( the Multno mah Rod and Gun clua will govern thU club, after proper change. The aecre try wa directed to purehaae a gold med al and a ailver medal to be competed (or. I he tnitation lee wa r aceJ at Si o. Ihe club trtt out with the tollowing ncmbert! W E Uaker. M Wygant. G Kroman, W L Jones L W Devoe, Jamea I'owell, Watt Montcilh, John laom, Al Hoenlcke, Tho Waller, Jame Blackburn, Henry William, l)r Lelnlnger, Fred lilount, I'hlllip Rahlmore, Otto Clelan. Jo Munfr, Wm llendrlcaon, John Milter. Jay Swank, Hurr Sloan, Fiank Iannal, (1 A Archibald, J Smith, Frank Jlulburt, Wallace lluiburt. 1J C Schell. Ilarland llulburt, Dornr Turner. Auitln !Iulburt. Alden llulburt, Jake Strliell. Lib anon. Rom. to the wife of C D Montague, May 17th, a ton. Charley's idtyaiognomy ha been one tat tnonop oly ol amilea tine that happy event. John Gilllland of Sweet Home and aome hauda are out In the mountain! opening op the road preparatory to meeting the want olour people, who are getting ready lor and recuperation. The M E church South will be dedi cated tiii auuinier. Rer UanU'iter made an effort to get am Jonea to preach the dedicatory eermon, but failed. It on will watch the depot and aee the ton of flour which are shipped to Lebanon fom Albany, Brownsville and Corvalli he will find one o( the atrongeat argument in favor of the ranal. A gen tleman waa up from Portland laat week to learn what the proapect la lor water power, ileaayaa flouring mill will be built aaaoon a the canal ia completed. Kspreaa A Waco Factokv. Mr John Sticker, of the (N Y) Wagon Co, being one of the Urgett wagon factories In the united Mile, waa in the city with 11 M Stone.'ol Oakvllle, who allowed him over the city. Mr Sticker ha been yllt Ing with hi nephew, Millard Beach, read ing oppotite Coryalll. . He like the country o well that he I corresponding wun me company in retcrence to eatab liahing a branch factory at tame point In Ihe valley, If done with a capital slock of $100,000. The writer wa nought up twenty mile from Cortland, and know of Ihe responsibility of the company. It would bean Immenae thing for Albany If it couio secure ine factory in case It la e tabllahcd In the valiev. It I lust the kind of a factory that would help Ut make this a manufacturing city, and we hImmiIJ rustle for It. A Good Clkanvp. The Myrtle Creek Mining Co ha declared a dividend of 47 cent on the share. The face value oi share I $15 but they have been sold so laratff each, so thl dividend I nearly 10 per cent. Thl lvlJend I rr aJe after tie first e'ean up, and I the fruit of eighteen day run. The jar on exhibition here a couple of week ago contained about $tooo In rold. 1 he stockholder are highly pleased with the result. In a short time connection will be made with another stream so a better supply ol water can be obtained, and then a clean up will probab'v be made cverv month. The company ha now expended about f 30,000 on these mine. Rrgiater. Aos and Bkactt. The children ol the olJ pioneer, Col Cogrove, of St raul, Marion county, by hit Unit wife, are a boat 60 yea re ol age, or twice the age of hia present wife, who ia 2ft, and who in turn, ia leea than one-third the ae of her venerable husband, who ia So. Before the marriage, Mrs Coegrove waa employed aa housekeeper In the Congrove mansion, and so well did she fulfill her duties that Mr Coegrove offer ed Iter bis hand, f he is a lady in the fullest sense of that word and one of the handsomest women in Marlon conntv. There is ao statelier gentleman in Ore gon than Col Coegrove. It is an inter esting match. Oregon City Courier. Ora tha 1 back. The commercial cJ- Itor of the IlarrUburg Gmrler does not understand the tituatlon when he publishes the following Item: "While the people of Albany announce that they have re-c-ntlr sold wheat at 87 cents, wa may a wen emme in ana state that our popular merchant. May Sender, last week old 3.000 bushels at one doilai. There I one more thoutand buthela here, but It I new at Si. 10." The Si was undoubted v the Han Francisco price, and wa not the Harriaburg price. The price In San Fran. Cisco yesterday wa $1 03 : In Portland 06 cents, Tit a The annual meeting of the Linn county pioneer will be held st Brownsville, June 3rd, 4th and 5th. rioneers ot otner counties, as well a ev erybody else, are lnvited to be present. A restaurant will be kept on the gro'ird dur ing ine tnree ciys, wnere a good meal will be served for 25 cents. Hon Caleb Gray, ol llalsey, I committeeman tote cure speaker, which Is sufficient guaran tee that plenty of good speaker will be prevent. Come one, come ail. O. P. Cohow, Secretary. Mtr bk Immbnsk. Mcr William & Bunch, patenteeKf the Pacific wash ing machine, have sold to L B Warner. late of Nebraska, the right for the manu facture and sale 01 their machine In the sUte of Washington, consideration, $5000, The gentleman ha alio purchased the right for Multnomah and Clackamas counties, consideration. $1000. Pacific washl.ig machine stock I far ahead of Myrtle creek mining ctock. Tr.ey also sold the right for the manufacture of their machine in Linn county for $Soo. Eu gene Kegiter. Bcio. On Monday of this week Ed Goins sold bis brick on northwest cor-' ner of Main and Mill streets to A J John son. Consideration, 15000. Bud Hamilton, of near Scio. succeeded in killing a large black bear just south of the city on Franklin Butte last week. Scio is not exactly a frontier town, yet within the past two weeks a cougar and a bear have been killed within three miles of the city. Press. A Great Event -The Albany Base Ball Club and the Linn Base Ball Club. both claiming superiority, will cross bat on decoration day, beginning at 3:30 p m. ims promise to De the most exciting game In the history of the United State. The tinsmith have already begun filling order for tin hoin for the occasion. Salem's Troubled. Salem is growing to be a metropolis. She has had a rial striKo. xae cuy council wants more light on the subject of lighting the city Hi ere is a disagreement between tha ruling municipal body ard Thomas Hol man, the electric light man. The city may be in darkness after June 1st. when this will be a subject not to be made light 01. statesman. A Veteran. A rather nice looking old gentleman Is selling fountain pen He also distribute a circular, which indi cate that some villain ha been tracking the old gentleman to injure hi business. Whoever he is we boldly iterate that he should be shot on the spot. Treat the veteran of the Mexican war kindly. A Bio Prize. The Salem Canning Com pan v wll' give a special cash premium of $500 for the best crate of berries sulta ble for canning, to be displayed at the coming strawberry show at Salem. They want a medium siztd firm berrysamples shown for this premium to be not less than a peck Journa'. FOS DYSPEPSIA aed livsr Complai.t yaa bav a printe gasr.ate en very bottl f EkiloVW Vitfclix.r. It vr fail to ear, Ffey k. U3a, fftt. ALBANY, Tua Statb Shoot. At the State shoot Ing tournament Friday Albany did not see m to be getting innnv tronhies. Following was tho score in the shoot for a tiammerioss gun: l ATurnr.l"5 La folle'.Hj Conn,17 Flutchcr, 111; Howe, a in i cnances: Juwett, iu: uuurioison I r'l.lLt. 17. 1 !.,..)..- "I. 1 Newton, 14; Isoni, 17; l'ogue, 1U In 0 cnancta: w l Jones, 18 i Tayiof, I Kebele. SI : Vvvunnt. 14: linker. 8: T It Jones, 13: Pcvop, 8; Crrgon, 1(5 ; W T Jones, 18; Puyte,2 In 10 chances; Glenn, 19. The I! rut prixe In the team shoot was won by the Portland lenm, Fiirlow, Aioore ami nughrs. Ihe Albany team onaitetl of Jones, Wygant aad Dvyoo. Albany took third nrixe In the tmim match, the score being Wygnnt, 10; Jones, 7; Deyoe, 0; out ol a possible Id. The scots of the Portland tmm wn '.'6; McMliinvlilo, 24; lirooks, SI ; and Vahm, IV. Match, No 3, was for live singles and three pairs of blackbirds. There were twenty-four entries In this, aluo result ing as follows: Farlow, 7 ; K W Moore, : iiaurieison, n; Hughes 10; fletcher, 10: ttaunet, 7 J 0 Griffith, 0: Taylor, 6; Klhlee,6; Poetie, 0; Howe, 3; tturroll, 0; iurner 0; W r Jones, 9; 1. r ton 11, 4 ; A W Childa 0; Hohr, 7 ; Wygant, j Ford. 7; W F Jones, 7 ; Chas tlienn, j Tit Jones, 5; E long, 11; Lafoliett, . In tha Bankers shoot Uurrell, Fletcher and Turner each made a score of S'i out of 25 shots. Match, No 4 Fifteen single Peoria blackbirds": Twenty-three entered this "heat" ami when the last round wsa ended the score showed up as follows: CHughes, 14; Lafollet. it; Borreli 10; ltauret 1-J; K W Moore. ; Howe, 0; leyoe 0; laom, 10; W F Jones, 8; Wygant, II; Turner, 11; Pogue, H; Conn, 10; Baker, 8; GabrWIsoi!, II; Childs, 14; Long, 13; T it Jonee 11; Fletcher, 15; W F Jones, ; Taylor, II; (Jlfnn, 14. Basnetl, 8. Match, No S was for 10 birds. Turner received first prixe, with a straight 10, o nly Jones from Albany entered, making ss Yot NO AoAixaTTiiB Aoip. A few daj ago a peculiar criminal case waa tried be fore Justice Humphrey In this city. Til ford Paul, a young man 10 years of a ge, wss arrested for aauit ana battery on W F Crabtree, an old gentleman 75 years of age. According to the testimony young Paul, a ISO pounder, and some other voong men were starting to go through Mr Crabtree 'a field after some boys, whom they proposed to whip, when Mr Crabtree ordered them off the premises. Paul attacked Mr Crabtree and badly braised hlui ahout the head. Justice Humphrey found the defendant guilty and fined him $10 and coats, a total ex penie of f 'JU.for beating an old gentleman almost exactly lour times as olU. Easily Bilked. The ease with which people are Miked was well illustrated at Ashland. The Kecord says : "A large, fine looking man was visiting the Ash land ladies recently soiling them seeds for an improved clamotis vine that blos somed out into a flower aa targe as a sau cer. With a very sweet scented lot of talk and pretentious ceremony be sue cee rd in planting a box of his seed in the gardens of a large number of Ashland flower-loving lauii-s, taxing them a feof from $1 upwards. He did well. The seeds art also doing well, alter considera ble nourishing and very tender care. They are radishea. The handsome florist is gone,ant there la lota ol good-natured smiling going on at the expense of the victims. fiATtmcAL. The Ecio Press gets off the following on a new contemporary located nearer the field for timber land claims: Born, at Mill City. Marion county. Ore gon, on the 8th int, to O A Cheney, of Albany, the Mill city uaxette. s i Dor- ris, formerly of A!lany, is the midwife who thus early in the season has nshered the Gsxette into existence. Ti.e tiaxette 1 rather a tender nursling, and not as large a it might 1. being but a 4 col umn folio, hence any change in the fu ture is liable to be lor the better in that respect ; bat it is an alt-at-home produc tion, for Hid did it on bis little press. We cordially welcome the Gazette on the troubled sea of journalism, and trust that, though it starts out In life handi capped byleing a tender, weakly little thing, It may nourish and grow until it rivals some ol our great dailies. A Pobtlaxd Assignment. The assign ment of Wheeler & Monteith, the well known furniture dealers, bids fair to lead to serions complications and endless liti gation, aaya the Oregonian. The rm made an assignment to II H Hubbard, who bought an interest in the business for $2500, on the 18th. but the creditors are not satisfied with the deal and al lege franduelent intentions on tho part of the assignors. A petition waa accord ingly circulated among the creditors yesterday asking Judge Stearns to call a meeting of the creditors to enable them to select thir own assignee. They allege that only by so doing are they able to protect their own rights. The assets of the firm are placed at $M,0OC." Mr Arch Monteith. formerly of Albany, is the junior member of the firm. Contract Let. The contract for building the U P Church, above the foundation, excepting glass for the win dows, seats, furnace and painting, has been lot to wrir conn, tne lowest bid der. The cost of the church when com pleted will approximate 115,000. Mr Conn buile the Central school building and many other prominent buildings in the county, and may be'dependod on to do a good job. It was intended to change the original plans. bot this was not done. and the contract was let under the bids on the same as originally provided by the architect. A Fixe Paintino. The members of the O F lodge of this city, has been greatly adding to the their outfit for lodge work during the past week. Yes terday they received a large box of new paraphernalia, and on the same day several paintings were turned over to them bv the artist, AW Best. One of them, a landscape scene, is 8x14 feet in dimension, being one of the largest oil paintings in the valley. A river in the foreground and the ocean in the distance, with nature everywhere in her elements. The picture is an attractive one. Then there are two combination scenes, rocks, etc, in black. A Singular Accident. A rather sing ular railroad accident occurred between llalsey and Mnddv last Monday. The repair train of the Western Union line men was betng pulled by the way freight when one of tne cars caught fire from the engine. The fire caught in the ciok room of the car, and as there was con siderable grease on everything, the little interior was soon ablaze. Tim train was quickly uncoupled and the burning car set out alone, snd just in time, as it con tained a quantity of powder and dyna mite, which ignited and scattered the debris promiscously. No one was in jured by the explosion. Pilot. Was in Luck A Radir who live just across the river, came to town last Tues day, says the Corvallis Gazette, and after attending to some business which occupied his time for a couple hours or more, he purchased some groceries to take home with him, but when ht came to pav for them he found that his purse containing about $35 was misklng. lie immediately started out to search for It and was fortu nate to find it on the sidewalk between Paddock's store and the Occidental hotel, where perhHp dozen of people had passed but no one had picked up the purse. Some men are lucky. . Died. The 10 year old daughter of Mr Alfred Blevins, of Tangent, died a few days ago, and was buried at Oak ville. The little girl had been a cripple all her life, being stunted in growth ; but she had a warm place in the hearts, of all and will be mourned by many. Wheat Unsold. About 5,000 buehel of wheat remains unsold in the Albany warehouse. This is nearly all owned by Wm Vance, W C Msrgan and D B Mon teith. The present price is 85 cents, a drop of 2 cents being reported. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29 1801. aotiai if rr.aoiau TIR'RKOAY. BUhon Gros, of the Catholic church, is in tne city. Mr A L Cannon, of Peoria, I doing tvioany lounr. ... . . . . . v a mcutvee, proprietor 01 the city restaurAiit, is confined to hi room with the grli. Mr Robt Johns, of HaUy, Ig In ths city after a several months sojourn In Cailfor tti. At Day, formerly ol Albany, snd Ml !adie Bonner, of Corvatiis, were married In Portland a few day ago. Mr John Roger Is In the cltv. He I imslng arrangement to move from Kings' valley to hi Well farm. Mr Keltxke, who ha been with the Herald fur a year, also one of the best player In the Albany base ball club, leaves on Monday lor SHJine where an uncle roiucs, The slate A 8 convention has been In seaalon st Eugene tiiis week. Among thoe In attendance from Albany were II F Merrill, Lr and Mr Awbrvy, and Mies Eva Cox. ' I F Usdley has gone to (Silver ton to spend the summer, having teuured the contract for erecting two houses there. A targe brick l sla to be bullc there thl year. Silverton is said to be havln a rapid growth. A D Moo AT man'a old schoolmate. Frank II Clark, haa iutt been elected Grand Chancellor of the KnlahU of !' this of Wyoming, and a picture ef him Brace tits ro'umn ot Knlahti Er. rant of Chicago. " Last evening a blcvcle crowd of seven took a run to the Knox liuite sramra hal!. going and returning from Stewart ii Sox's ors in one nour and nlteen minutes, a distance of about ten mile. The blcvcll.t earn hi money traveling over lite average wunir roau. A 1. Wakefield, manager of the Car. rtngton Grand Opera Company, Is In the city and will bring hi company here dur ing the first week of June provided a ut fi;tent number of seat aie subscribed. ThUU Albany first opportunity to be favored with some firt-cl grsnd opera Ths company will appear at the Marquam on June 8, and having a tew days previous will give Albany one of them if prorerly encouraged. ratnAT. N ii Allen went to Port'and yesterday. Editor Lvona. of the Time. I In tha Cltv. E G Beardslev. of Portland. I In ths city Uf-dy. I S P Barger. of Brownsville, was In tha city today. J A Grow left a da or two aro for his usual early summer outing at the springs in northern laitiornia. G W Wrhrht returned Yesterday from Portland, where he has been attending to legal business for Albany cliente. William Martin. 8. P. operator at tha car shops, in Kast Portland, waa in the city this forenoon, and front here went to Lorvain. Rev E R Pilchard, and Mr Wm Fott- mllier and children, spent the afternoon of Tuesday In cur city visiting their par ent, 1 Thompson and wife. Corvalli Gasette, E E t'pmyer went dewn to Albany to make arrangement with a civil engineer to have the survey for the water-ditch made. Harriaburg Courier. Mr Cha Webster left thl now for Portland. Mr Webster has been In thst elty r versl days getting resdv for her. They will make that cltv their home. MrT V Goodman, General F Si A agent ol the Southern Pacific passed through Albany this noon on the Koeburtr local in a special car, for Portland. Ike Fowl, the well known Portland d-uuitiirr, a resident of Albany one anm mer, is in the city. Mr Fogel is getting up in the world and now carries a Water- imry watcli. the winding ot which can be heard a block. The State WCTU convene In Port- land next week. Mrs Henrietta Brown left thl noon for that cltv a a detea-ste from the Albany WCTU. Mrs L BUyew, and others, of Eugene were on hoard the train, foe the same place. Mra Ililyeu wa accompanied or ner two son. SATt'COAY. W E Glll-lt returned to Albany this noon W B Scott, 0! lane county.formerly of the Albany Gun Store, Is in the city. Mr John Shea, the celebrated onion expert of Sweet Home, waa in the city today. Attorney General Geo E Chamberlain went to Salem this noon to assume the duties of his new office. M'Uaynea.of the Eugene tannery.waa in the city today. Ha intended to have moved hia tannery plant to Mill City this spring, but haa postponed it until next fall. Kev I B Fisher waa in the city Tues day, lie thinks of moving to this city. Hts many friends will give him a hearty welcome. Jefferson Review. C L Crabtree, general bsggage master of the S P, wa In the city yesteiday on an Inspecting teur, Baggageman Barker wa mustered out and stood the Inspec tion with great fortitude. A lawn tennis club, consisting of Exra Horton, Chas. Cnsick, and Misses Anna Flinn and Velio Irving, haa been formed with Judge Flinn'a lawn as the grounds for playing a fine game. There should be nets spread all over the city. - Mr Paul Mincenmier, who recently moved here from near Albany, ha pur chased land near Salem and will move there in the near future. Another good man to leave us. Jefferson Review. Miss McLinn, of Albany, who haa been in the city for aome time past with a stock of millinery for Miss Ida Brash, re turned home Tuesday. She made many friends while here who will misa her very much. llalsey News. Mrs Virgil Parker and children left thl noon for anulna Bay, where Mr Parker' dster, Mr Elder, I seriously ill with con sumption. Mr Elder will leave In a few day for Southern California to tec If a change of clltrufe will benefit her. N P Slate, of Tangent.' haa located in Corvallis and will manufacture a patent hay press of which he is the -inventor. Mr Slate has leased the old foundry for a term of months and will use the same for the purpose of manufacturing the new press. Benton Leader. Mrs J II Townsend, a deleg e from the Albany WCTU. and Mist Llliie Rideout and Mis Maggie Chamber,from the YW CTU, went to Portland thl noon to attend the State convention of these societies, which convene in that city next week. Several other delegate were on board the Roseburg train from other place South vf here. . KTIIE COLDES Kl'MB BAZAAK, Hag a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve oci pedes and many other goods which got to mane up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABU picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Eule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backinpowder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rale Bazaar, se you wiil be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures bo as not to deceive anyone, and liiave but one price to all. Jrhlvs Ghaeh'ohj,. l.tTlftCITlXU Flul'fi. The printed list of tha members-elect of the next house furnishes tome Interesting figures and deductions. The list Is un official but accurate. Of the 331 member there are 337 democrat,87 republ!cans,and 8 member of the Farmer's Alliance who will not go Into either party caucus. There sre other members In southern state who were elected on ths Alliance platform.but on democratic tickets, and they will vote on ail party question with the democrat. Cleaning the list by state It sppesrs that there are of the 44 state no less than 16 with solid democrstlc delegation and 13 more where the majority of the detega Hon Is democratic, There are 10 stales tin solid republican delegation and 1 with republican majorities. Of the re maining 3 states a have Atlllaiice majori ties, while In the 1 remaining state, Min nesota, there are 3 democrats I republican and I Alliance man, so that the delegation on a vote 1 democratic. Summing up, the democrat control the vote of 30 state ths republicans of i2, the Alliance of a; taUl 44. There are, then, 16 solid demo cratic delegation and 10 republican. The 18 solid democratic delegations In clude a membership of 106; the solid re publican delegstlon a total membership of 15. Tha frightful disparity He In the fact that of tha to solid republican delegations of them are mining camp, or republl- can emergency state. Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Wash ington and Wyoming have t member each who la a solid republicsn. By these states the republicans control the senate. There remain 3 solid state, of which 3, South Dakota and Vermont, have 3 member each, and the state of Maine, with Mesrs. Reed, Boutclle, Dlngley and Mllllken.ho a olld delegation of 4. Ttieu latter were elected, It will be remcmbeied, a few I month before the popular uprising. The solid democratic states are big and sub stantial. Missouri alone ha 14, almost a many as tke entire force of the solid re publican commonwealths. The other are Alabama, 8; Arkansas, 5; Georgia, 10; LouUiana, 6; Maryland, 65 Mississippi, 7; South Carolina, 7; Texas, 11 ; Virginia, 10; West Virginia, 4; beside such picking as Florida, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, with a each, and 1 each from Del aware and Montana, where the republican spirit wa wll. ing, but the firth wa evi dently weak. In the 13 Mate where the democrat Have majorities In the delegation there ate in all 115 democrat and 47 republican, a net democratic majority of 6 In the 3 republican state there are 31 republican and 13 democrat, a net majorltt of 10. Here again the democrat control, with the exception of Pennsylvania, all of the large delegations. The state stand; Illi nois 14 o 6; Indians, 11 to 3; Kentucky, 10 to 1 1 Massachusetts, 7 to 5; Michigan, 8 to 3; New York, 33 to 11 1 North Caro lina. 7 to I ; Ohio 14 to 7 ; Tennessee, 8 to s; Wisconsin. 8 to 1 ; Connecticut, 3 to t ; Iowa, 6 to J, New Jersey, 3 to 3. The re publican delegations are Pennsylvania, 18 to 10, and California, 4 to 3. Of the re maining atates there are In Kansas 5 Alli ance men to 3 republicans, and in Ne braska a Alliance men to t demociat. Giving the Alliance these 3 slate, while in Minnesota, a already stated, there being 3 democrat, I republican and 1 Alliance man, the control of the delegation I with the demecart. This b the'wsy the house wilt stand: Democrats Solid delegation, 16; ma jority delegation, 14; total, 30. Republican Solid delegation, 10; ma jority delegation, 3; total, 12. Alliance Solid delegations, o; majori ty delegations, a ; lota!, a. On a division by states on any question. theref jre, the democrats would carry the vote by 30 to 1 3, or a majority of 18. It It not out ot the range of the possible that such a question may arise In the next house. That question would be the most mpartant In the history of thl country. Zt would be the question of the next presi dent of the United State. It eem al most certain that the Farmers' Alliance, or a section ot that organisation, will place a candidate for the presidency In the field . Who that may be no one can guess. It certainty can be Senator Stanford of California If he want It With the present trength of the Alllsnce and Senator Stanford' enormou attributes for an en ergelie campaign, It I not impossible that the Alliance may win electoral votes enough not to elect Senator Stanford.but to prevent either the democratic or the re. publican candidate from obtaining a ma jority of the Electoral College. In that case the constitution, by article ia, pro vide that the election ahall be thrown in to tne housi ot representative. That would mean the fifty-second congret,and the full Importance of the fact that demo crats control thirty delegations out of the forty-four, I teen when It Is remembered that the constitution provides that the vote hall be taken by atates, and each state, no matter how small It delegation, shall have one vote,-so that 'lit the Alliance hould elect so many elector that neither the republican nor the democrat could cast a majority vote ot the entire college, the next president would be a democrat On this vote all the State would meet on a common level, and the 50,000 whites, black half-breeds, mongrel, Chinese and Indian of the Nevada mining camps would be as powerful in electing; a president as the mill ions of intelligent resident of the states ol New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illinois Ohio and Texas. Mr, Bartiue of Nevada would be as big a man as Roswell P Flower and hi thirty three colleagues. So big is the democratic majority, even on he unit vote by siatst, :hat tbey could elect the president, even if not a tingle' republican was present. The constitution provides tha tbera shall be present a quorum consisting o a member or members from two thirds of th ttstet, to that with their thitty ttatet the dem ocratt could legitimately eltct the president without ths attendance of a single republican The deep Interest which bath the democratic and ths republican party take in the alliance entrance into the field of national politic can therefore be very easily understood. Dr George 80 Johns too, grand nephsw of General Joseph E Johnston, haa prseotdto the Ladie Hollywood Memorial Association a saddle formal ly owned by General Johns ton. Ik went with him throughjtwo . ware Twics h was shot out of it in the Mexiean war and thl d time at tha battle of Seven Pines. It will he placed in the Davit man sion oon as that boas is made ready for th reception of Confederate relies' for which puq out it haa been given by ths oity. President Harrison said in a recent speech "Wa ar many of as looking forward to a tiros when w shall have 1- cent Jsttrr post age so this oountr.' Exactly Mr Harrison But wont thst have a tendency to nislte r.t a "chaap" peopls. "rASIUNOTO!1!. (frii or NKTUinr oorroipomnitit.) Wasiiinotox, May 18, t$ot. Mr Harrison found a nasty mess wa't Ing for him In that nest of crookedness the pe.islen bureat, when he returr.ed from hi royal excursion. Much against his own Incllnalton he had kept Commis sioner Raum in office In the face of the, crookedness In his business mfthods, so effectually shown up by Representative Cooper, of Indiana, and he a right to expect that no further croikednes would be Indulged In. Therefore he must have been terribly hocked when Informed that Green B Raum Jr., assistant chief clerk, 01 tn pnfon bureau, and on of Com mlsslutier Raum, wa the hed of an office brokerage concern which had ben sell . Ing not only original appointments below the ctatslfied service, but promotion ontfer the Civil EervUe examinations. A more disgraceful tituatlon ha not confronted a president since Gen, Grait kicked Belknap out of Ihe war department on account of lit wife' engaging In selling Indian post tradtrshlp. And the mct remarkable part of the whole business is the leniency with which Raum j-inlor ha been treated. Three ther government employe Implicated In the swindle were at once dUmiuted, but but thl precious jewel of a republican ad ministration, wa allowed to resign and that wasn't a'.l, the resignation wa ac repted to take effect thirty day from date and he wa given leave of abene until that lime, which wa a neat way of pre senting him with a month salary. It is slated here that Secretary Noble i re sponsible for the leniency extended to thl criminal, although he wa out of town when the resignation was accepted. What puxxlet honest people is why all of the parties concerned In this steal have not been arretted and brought before a crimi nal court to answer for tclr misdeed. Mr Harrison, w hen he thinks about thl young man peculiar transaction, at well a those of hi father, probably wUhe he had never seen the Raum's and that he had not been to precipitate in kicking 'Corporal" Tanner out no one ever ac cused Tanner of being dishor.ett. The Raum' hre rertalnly tried to make hay while the tflklsl un thine. The old gen tleman a toon a he became commissioner organ to look out for the test of the iamlly. Green B Jr., wa made asUtant chief clerk, two daughter were given clerk ships, ard John, another son, who doe business a a pension attorney, wa given a chance to copy the name of all pension applicant who had not employed attor neys, which chftn-.e ha probably been worth big mcney to him, as he proceeded to get out a circular letting forth 1.1s facilities for putting cla'm through In hurry and mentioning Incidentally hi relationship to the commissioner. The Raum's will be a heavy load for Mr Harri son to carry next yesr, and it will not be trange If he should toss them all over board. A determined attempt wa made to get up an organized reception to welcome Mr Harrison back to Washington fiom hi long free, trip, but it wa a dismal failure, NoSocy would have anything to do with It except a half dozen of l.i personal friend; not even the member of the re publican state associations, all of which are office holders would take bold of it, to It had to be abandoned, and then the atatc ment wa unblushingly made that Mr Harrison did not wish to be met bv a crowd. I do not wish to Imply by the above that Mr Harrison 1 disliked here, because he Isn't, The people are imply Indifferent toward him, and I believe that feeling It more marked among member of hi own party than with democrat. The impression among thtxe familiar with the Inside working of the adminis tration I that Mr Blaine I engaged in ''playing possum" on Mr Harrison just at thl time for reason of hlsown. Mr Blaine may have been ill, but these people refuse to believe It, and they slated when Mr Blaine left here that he would not return ntil Mr Harrison got back and that he had gone rway In a 'huff." Clrcuin- atances teem to favor thl vtewot the case Republican who have talked with Mr Harrison since his return rav that he hat about as we'l a developed a cass of th big head" at they ever saw. Representative Crain, of Texas, Is here seeing that the boom of Representative Mill for 'he speakership of the house doe not get neglected ExRcpreicnt.-tttve Ycder, of Ohio, ) of politic In that state: "It lock to me a if the democrats would unite and re-nrml- nate Gov, Campbell. One thing-1 am confident of,' we will elect the man we nominate. No man can be elected In Ohio on the tariff Usue. McKinley make that the issue, and he will be defeated. The farmers are tired of high taxet.and cannot understand why other necessaries of lite cannot be cheapened by being put on the free list at sugar ha been." A dci patch front Duluth, Minnesota ays: Assistant State Geologist II V Winch ha arrived in Duluth on hit way back to the Thunder Bay silver district,, where he hat lately spent several months and where he expect to ttay several more. "The mines up there ore really doing remarka bly wlt," said he; "At the l'ercuntne which is only down about 100 feet, they are taking out native silver In chunks as big a a bushel basket silver that goes with what Impurities It came well up to $.10,000 a ton. I don't know how much of thi kind of benanxa they will be able to strike, but they shipped sway over twenty barrel of U the other day, and there wa money enough In the twenty to pay lor good deal o! work." Cigars wHl be cheaper next year. The United Elites Government- has notified Spain that It will favor a modification of the McKlniev tariff at to Havana tobaccos Mr Blaine is evidently Intending to np pear before the country in the attitude of tariff reformer. It may be that Mr Blain dectinet to accept a presidential nomins lion by the republican party because he does not feel that re is any longer a 1 epub- licax A girl In Kentucky has recovered $500 damages from a steam boat company for naming a bout after her without asking her permission, and .hey must re-name the boat. She took offense at a murine item stating that '-Kitty Marshall, having been thoroughly scrubbed, . painted, and refiner! with canopied stern and new boil, ers, will hereafter serve as a mail carder and poke her pretty hose into the river business for al all sne s :fs worth." The New York 3erald bat juot pat in a new prest capable of prin'iog 90.000 four t r ix phe psp6 per Jhour spasd f is s-r than a man can think, It is a' niaivol t f rapliity, does its work well ami with ab.o lnUi certaiuity. The Harold ia to ba 'vna- (xratulated iu paving tho fiees pre ia t'. e RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Bxby4 Fearful Suffering from Skin Disease? Covering Entire Body Cured by Cutletiro. vlhhir. w".tf,kn. T ,ck 9hm " mooUi. old, and In a Urn daa b.u bnwklna out. W. .miloywl birth or Ih.Lm.. doctor. .(.... juU1 clo rjulhlntr lot him. 1'bmi w amt lot tl.. bt d?otor In ksluo iUplda, Mich., and b tloe. XmtA aim for r. rv?" 'r,2v " ' ' mtp- km in nni: and lhn I took him u Jvkton, to d'rftnr who .111)4 upset. Uy 1 Jssfc k ...n aimtr.f and Own b ft wom U.ut mrmr. 'f hn I tr.Ui n.M v. 1 j 1 . . ... icM&r:sS' txj, mil ro tnat ih.n ,. ... 7 j o month turn th H n w t girinstiimo to hia h. wm utlrtl. wil, ud not jt on him. Ill hair br H-iihg ritbt off, and wa thought b would st m, t. btlj bewhxl. Tbsr Mtpot o h; T,mU b'ly, titm, and bud, only fat o and "t ; h it u u rmw m lMwf..uwk. ho pwr 11" . mi ntythit( tmt lm, and ao ak b CU4IJ rsiM rlihr hil not hd. Mm. JfiiA.SK UAUur.Tf, Wlnaold, kflcb. Cutlcura Resolvent Th nr blood and Pkfa fnrtlW, ami groatart of H .nr lUnttli m, timmumrt tba blood ot ail li.i(.r. vi n nl riwt 1. element., and liiu. mwm l' : i.s, wbilo Ct.Tl. l tvA, Urn g'ont akin eita, and s. ..! i,'u H'uk ,ao i-i.juw.ia akin b"uuUT"T, ct.- . 1 1 .ia mid .ci, and ro-iora the balr. 'i'biHi tm vi :; UiiaKurcoura-vry.etM(iti.'hir. ii 1- i'i", nasly, pimply, and blutrtiy klo,i-.. ...d ..! ."".-., fni (ilmpla la af-ru'iila, Irvm .1 in-i ;j ago, wiwn tbti Uut .tiyan lil. ' .U -wrywV. prfce, Ccmccaa, tic.: 8ar, : , K;ot.vBirT, 1. I'rofnuwl by tha Putts . I C'MXDtc!, Coat-OUTIua. Ilrtnn i-d for ' Uu to Cur Itiood ltucaaca." HUn and Bodp pAriOed and braultfitd by IXncCKA BoAf. AUoluUly nnra. RHEUMATIC PAINS , 1 n mi ninoi.i ntmunir as'l. t fain fl trt-r ri:li.-r- rh'omatic ad. V"? " !' ' ' ;. 1T. thimt, aU muacular III IS 111 vaV vAAA-t l VtlV ress D Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit Kibbed and Muslix. My Prices aro tl e LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole t gent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely - fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishiog -:-. Goods, I have a Large Stock at tbe Lowest 1 eairy til line of the worU-renowed BROADIIEID goods, onegceHed for wear a fii ish. Large stock of and be cot ced ths1'. A.'bsny in the 0 IE5 C3 S HI . ' : - UECOUU 2;29 3 4.. -SIIRIE OIE1 DELC O. 2:29,1-2. ON ECO la aUndard by all rules, and tu a trottar at aterv . 11. I. tne only bar, in tha NurthwoM to fill th requirement of th triple teet of Pedi gree, terfumnnre and HroKti.v, except hi aire, AiUttnont, and b raceived the crown two rears young r. He will be kept tbe coming; teaeon at home Mendajra and TueMla)- t AIInv fcu.tuidv, ImlependeMV Weilnea dv, tjaiemThurtilay and Filda.TS, and al lowed to aerre uuuta at to tnture. UoKNIUIlT BROS. 2:26 3-4 2:231-2 j' r Coal niack, with smtttl atairt trwoa ttlaet i faaltleas in It-eedlig, louformation sintl Actlou. Ills breeillnff Is tho acme of Varly and extreme speed, as proved by his fu'l nisi era BeuSah. S:47J, at two yearej Coqueta, S:fS, at two jeara, and makinja record ef i:30 laet Ju!i, defeating UanniUai j r, j, in mrec atraigni neauu Sired bv Altamost, wason record, S;2f.j s sire of Alta, X:'iii, avil tevtn otter x:3U perro toots, ana a host of ether colt trotters. - Altamokt by Aixorrr, that has over three hundred deririulnnta in the t:M list, iiKluding Bku. Uahus and Jt-mi.Nis, double, X:18. Ilrl Korte'a dam Is Tscokab by Strabkrs. Cas- HCl. SORTK wss h'ed bv Jar Beach, at Vancouver, Wash. Foaled In 18S8. Will make th stnm.n of lhlll at Trltos Broa atable, AlbM.y Friday and Saturday ; the rest of ths time t our farm, thr mil northeast of sttedd. l'erms Season, S20; Insurance, St30. BARKOWS BROS. IJLEATII IS WEALTH ! MtVI.. a.tiu x Ik J f: V ii v 1 .iTRtATMENT DR. E. C-WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treatment a iraaranteed awciflc for Hysteria, Uinmeea, Convul Hitusg, H ft, K 'ryoua Neuralgia, Headache, Kervoua prostration uu.ed hy tne use s alchol or tobacco. Wiiktutnewi, Mental DcproHSit.n, Siifteniug of the - re-uiuiiL- in liiaanity anu leattincr to mlr?. i c ml dtiiitli, jvromature old are, barronnesa, loan or ti, 11. caused ty ovor-csertion ot tne rrain Rach wntaimone raon'h'n trcatmeut, 1 a 001 or iia boats for S3, sent by mail prepaid oa receipt price, WE OttARASTEB SIX BOXES TO CURB AST Withfcach oMer received by us for iK boxee, prnituiied with we will send th purchaaer our ft.: u n ;'!:ui'.- w r .tnd the money il the treat- .,- .t t ti -x uf.'t a i-M:. i..i.-.i vh.'cs issued outy Albany IRONWORK Manufacturers nr CRISr 43 saw MILtKAGHJXEfiY ISOfUHOHTS ALL CF KEAH AHO LIGHT VORX; IN ' Hon m.'d mm CAST1KCS. peelat sttmitinn said o . pstirlna M d of rqaoblner PaWna Made on Short Notice RedCrownMil vw rsooMn rutca srruaioa ro avo bak bks asa. REST STORAGE FACILITIES City Restaurant. Hiving been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant wiil be mado 6rat- elas a every respect. Tb public will ht gtvaa gO' meals at all boar for only 23 emts. Ererj'tbta neat and attract. rnvsta boxes. tyUrs la every tyle. FOSKAY & MASON, . wvvLauui aavass Druggists and Booksellers, Asm la tor John B. Aldsn's publication, bwn we. ! at fvbllaber'a prisma wit UyewrfiW 4I.RAVT. OSXetJOS .VI t ViJ V ! f tyillVO AA4 Goods, Ladies,- Price aver ottered i the Valley. Ekbboioxeies and Flocncinob. Cal beat tradinz Point in Oregon. ALTAGO. 9320, thn ) ear old record :&, Bon of Altamoat, and Mi;i Ara ed ;:, wil. be kept al CorralU MoiMrt and Tuesday and lha ret of th work at home. Terms, $35 te tneure, du when mar I known to be with fesl or remeved from the oo on trr. Wll be glad to show stock any day Sunday. UcKNlOUT BROS rv 2:30. sifs U. ClAT, Jr 22, (sire of DrSA.too, 8 !3 and Uarkt Clat, S:2 I ) Seventeen of hia daughter have produced ninettt n S:S0 perfornier. includiujr Ma irino Bat, 2:2(4, bo tired the dam of Axtsl, at X years Ausarvx, X IS at four year, two ot th taetest stadiona in the world of their age. . TxcoRAH, dam by Br!soh, t.i9$; sire of th dam ol Kisa Wu kkb, 2:224, sire of Ouvxa K , t-.lCi. fHE CR7 OF MILLlOfia OH, Wlf BKCK! TO IT NOW, SJOON IT WIIL BC TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years with dieeaw of th kidneys and have tried many different remediea and havr ought aid from different phvsiciar.3 without relief. About the 15th of A:.ri3 1 wa (nflerint; frem a very violent attack that almoat prostrated me in aucn a manner mat 1 waa nem cn-er. When I t down it wa almost impossible lor me to fret r:p alone, a to put on my clothr, wi kind Providence sent Tr. Henley, wuh t OREGON KION tY TEA, to my hotel. I immed stely commenced using the tea. t had an almost miraculous effect, and to tbe astou- ishmtnt of all the uest at the hotel, m a lew days,I a a nuppy to slate, that I waa a ne-r man. !. wil!j recommend the U to all a&icteo I have been. C. A. TCPPER, ln::'-'.r D- i.'-5 ' :. 1 '. ten,