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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1891)
1 4 New York World, An al. in the II. THE DEMOCRAT" it DEMOCRAT" J tho American Farmer, all one year ( i in lll.l ir Aeitches the Most People, and brings BIG KETURNS. FOR 82 SO. i-i in i ' s ) Weekly "State Right Ie!uocrt,a 00 or J our. NNY THE CViYTRUE aVoT n i1 rvn r U U U -JJ Li NJ i.l " n4 ItaM tka IWWIlHUtirwl I in..... l ( iviMIU.,,.,- w rnrmis kullnon MiA a 4, w trow e.KU.Ia.tntt LADIES rr'.-'.'ri 1 vN IO ft em fa- And (spata-tr rt Olv-M tr. haxtW thy mm,-iioA, tr,nent aUsrti.a U a-Huir fena "7 'i in rtinMl. 1 S t. i''ltn( Ostium k a. brT. ,t. v..,.H4 r.lrr I kirn, ...n. i e,,. i 1 1 ...,,!. Ism .4 lirviw bwtl .HH Ml nntlirt xf In r Wl MB IK leUIWINCU.,Bt,AMiJ r-JjnrJ Cev-ti. Ca.'ea. Inffueae. BrnarMtSs, VUliLO HoaMcnets, tttieojlna gh.Croe",, !irS IhlC.t. A-l'"". ami every i i Kvt p i,a Throat, ttnra.rd CKJf . ii in.l1.15 CiMueipllen. tcU AtMlwtnsui.uu Immune " i. ;u." -1 VEGET BLE 2 FAHACEA ! ..THC cure or ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FKOM A j; DISORDERED STATE of tke STOMACH I ea am inactive: liver. rom sLr my all J3FXTSSST5 ft GENERAL DEALERS -iU V v V if" 1 i . iiq- I a t r . rO t u-; -; WILL LINK, Music - Dealers, 5llr .ar LM mt rUaaa F. MILLER lTrar..,rM': J Tl A TIT? II F,f fCelebraUd foi It, brilliancy, Ii-Ui!ili Ck, tU. I finUh and durability. VOSE & SON TKS?mrrlcy V": rlce and EatbnfT n.aie Prr Orgitaa, Galtra, Vlollaa aal Mmall laallmeola a Specialty. Agent fr tba New Horn. Kid Hdg B. andofhar Hewing MaohliA Ku; pile, for all kii.da ol baw'n.; Machli ea. W(nardour cuatoiner Interest, and goaran aatlafaction, Wa U tmrrj m Tall aMartaral af ! aa4 ! 1Mb.' ' Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (s'nd for catalogue.) Albany, Or. PATR0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. IE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Oregoa. W F READ, Prild..l. J O.WRtTSMAN 8ecitarr. J l COWAN, Treasurer. Geo P 8IMPSON, Vice Prealdant. DiaaoTOR - J L Cowan, Geo FRimpacn, tV F Raad, Ir L FoTey. M Sternberg.' J W Burnett. JK eaihertord, K 8 Strahan. J U WriUman. -AIM DWTBICT AOBNTa FOB Cakland itome Inaoranca Co, Oakland. Cat. Tradara, CUeago.III. Amoriran, Philadelphia, ra. Phoenix, London, England, Norwich Union, London, Eng London fc Lancbaftair, JOD(lin, Kag. Uu.rdian, London, Eng. Man cha.iar, MDcUetr. atngtand. Caledonian, KJIjburg. Scotland. Weacfaeaier, ' New York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. - -G. L. BLACKP.1AN,- LEADING DRUGGIST AXiB A TnTST -i- OEEQOIT DRUGS. EVIEDIGiriES STATIOEIARY&C mm La and get HIORE POWER and use LESS WATER Writ far oar Naw niaatra,U4 Catalogs of 1891. THE LEFFEL YATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0- U.S.A. The New York Is tho Place to Buy r.tiiwiiti g J 1". r.i TRT Their Meld VOL XXVI. Conrad Meverj STAR HAKBUY Cncusp Broadolbin and First Sts,, -DKAl.Elt IN- uoa rruila, 1 obttroit, Kte Mp't a, Toi, 'kits 1 aid for A! .KINDS uf nODUCE. City Restaurant. iht. ot) firru at I p..;m:r will t. rnaJa U. .T.ry rwpNt. Th pnblio will U ir.o kvkI idU at .11 honra fur only 20 hi0 a..t and .ttraoMra, I O.tcr l. av.rV ,iTu. POSHAY & MASON. Al. ... an.ik i it i it I iraS!IISlSmiiI DOUHSClierS k . I for J oli i B. Aldn' i lA lK-aikM,: ' ' - . I 'L. h . w'l a l-, t rti-.Ta with I ' itlUNf, WKMJIM it ts rnr, ivt.kt, meptptvf. It route lh- I jv" and Kut r. ami rurr. II n. I ! -. Ihr!' ii, rrc ilv mm Appv liic, Piulll. l. it La., im Bloud. and CaeJ hero. It a"o(Uoalx for (2. Fortmiliei & living, ar -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. irterial Embalming Dona Seieutil lcally. G. B. R. Store Thvor Shoes. WHEEL McFarland Block, ABL AN f. : . ANY ADAGHE CUT CURES ' r,OTIJlNa ELS 2. t.OOAt. UEOOHD. Faxiuar Nami. The following (rom the Spectator, an American Weekly Ro- view of Insurance, wilt be read with In tereei by loin of our cittxena, the Nelll mentioned belitg J It Neil, formerly of thin city, the Raymond being a brother of W It Raymond :. A new brokerage firm baa appeared in Chieaitn, atylod Neil!, Haymond & Co.. and from the printed circular one la led to believe that the lurplua line queetinn haiat last been olved and a boon to underwriter! grant ed. "We are the general agvnta for aev eral first claaa inauranccompaniea,"the circular rtad,"and are prepared to inane noliciea for any reanimi amount on hort notice, regartlleaa of location or ile gree of haxan), and we are allowed the privilege of fixing eui-h ratra aa may in our judgment ace in adequate." Two of the aforvaaid 0rt-laa (?) com pan lea are mutual i, the Tortland Union Indem nity Aaraclation and theTremont Mutual Fir of Ti-emont.O. Mr Nelll of the firm la preaident of the Portland and Mr Ray moud la accretary. J 1 Llderktn (who wa formerly general Eaalern agent of I Farmer and Merchant of AHany) I till out the completement of the firm." MiaxKr-KEaaxTtMa Tuisua. "Will Uie omnlcient brother who penned the wheat itera ln the THuocukT, be kind enough to tell hi reader that "the commerria euiior oi uie iiarrtauurg courier" waa correct when he atated that Mar A fW dera aold SUOO buahela of wheat at tl a "".'in, ana inai me oneuouar.wuicn I t l. - I I iL.l .1 . .1 t the way, a tew cent more than ha l... I a f . Ait . . wrcn ,v"" ,n7 on? loany mi v""""""" prn- aiu touiein nere. ' Harriaburg Courier. The lollowina from a Ha rrisbur cor respondent, absolute iv reliable.wi 11 ahow that the D!iocRAT knew what It was talking about: "The amount paid for the wheat of Mav A Sender wa on dollar and I. o. b, the boat, wa oouKiii dt r lacner. oi corvaia. wbo aaid it waa not really worth It, bat he would pay it rather than cnt off any of hi e- tabiihed trade. Wa would call that price 02c net, not more. No merchant ti a niil a dollar a bushel (or wheat hera. I write you thia becaua I don't believe in a town eeliina out mirDreentatian just to appear "big." Odd and end of wheat are coming in here at 00c." UK ST A W CovMUtccxKXT Wkkk. Following ta the program for commencemen t week of the Albany Collegiate Institute Sabbath, Jan 7th. Annual Sermon. at no clock a.m. Addre to oun ...... r ... peopie, 7 o'clock p m, by lie li Uwynne, D I, of 8Iem. Monday, Jnne 8th. Undenrradaate enieriainment, at o o'clock p in. Tuesday. June 0th. Lecture at o'clock t. m., "Invisible Force,"by Hon Oeo II Williama, of Portland. Wednesday. Jane 10th. Commenca- ment Oration, at 10:30 am. Alumni reception, at College 8 o'clock P m. The sraduatee. Carlton Rax. Pn Yonna and Richmond Wheeler will earh I aeiiver an oration, and the raledictory win u prononnceu vj canto n &ox. Mikimo n Obiook. Say a Iat n!sht Portland Telegram: 'There ia erery in lication that tliere will be very con- ideration excitement and activity In the Hantiam. Catannnia ami Itlna Klv.p I district thia u miner. All those inter. eated are making preparation for activ e wora aunng me summer, while minin g clvna, pecaiaora, and investor irora Pan Francisco, Neva, Colorado, and else where, with and without capital, are alreadr appearing at Albany. Entrena and Brownsville, studying the situation and prospect. Home are very talkative, rbiie other, known to have amole means for large investment, are quiet nut observant." Rival Town. Dt Clarke puWicly aid to the audience at the opera bona e on hut Monday night at the performance given by Georgia Reed' Comedy Co., 'They asked me atCorvallia whether it would pay me to atop at that little town of Independence. I want to aay that we are better patronized here than there, and your people ahow a better apprecia tion of our entertainment." We alwaya ay that Independence 1 the beet town of it aiae on the West Hide, and tboae word partly prove 1L Liberatl did $177 wona oi nuaine at corvams, ZU3 at Independence lat year, and $114 at Mc Minnviiie. Koce A Lansing did $102 at McMinnville last year and $132 at Inde pendence; we do not know the figure at Corvallia. Good troopea alwave get good bouaea in thia town. W eat Side. A PacvLiAa 'ArcmawT. On Tuesday of thia week a party of men corralled a wild .talllon at Powell buttes, and when one of the part attempted to catch the animal ny throwing a rope on him. he made a deiperale break for llbeity by trylug to jump over the fence that sur rounded the enclosure. The corral ! made of logs and I nearly or quite eight feet high. Uncle Jim Vanderpool waa sitting on the topmost log In the panel which tne horse tried to jump. This log wa knocked off the fence and Uncle Jim with It. ' ln the fall he received a blow sbdut the head that "knocked Mm sense less for a tlm;but, fortunately, his hurt was not a serious one, and he soon ral lied. The horse fell .over the fence on the outside, back down. Into a lire that wa belns ued to heat branding? Irons. and wa severely burned Prlnerli'.e News. s. Mibttxo gov BaiACER. Mr Terry, representing Lewie A Drvden. of Port land, who ia in the city xleliverinz" Albany IlluBtrated,"ia meeting with some knotty problems, caused by the tric-s of B v Conrad, who got np the work. Conrad aold out to Lewis Si Dryden. Ono of the contract presented in Albany waa signed Dy b & xoung ior $7a worth ol pamptt lets. Mr Youna states that it ise lorzerv He only ordered $15 worth. Some othera are refusing to receive the pamphlet ac cording to the contract presented. The book, so far as Lewis A Dryden are con cerned,ia a good job. More About Him. Homer G HarrU, who w killed by the car ner Marlon luesaay evening, worked In J 11 Settle mler' nursery neer Wood burn for a few day. and left that place on the "blind baggage," or the truck, of last Tuesday evening's train. This wa the . train that stopped at the Marlon woodpile,and which killed young Harris, ills people at Mc Minnville are highly respected. States man. If this I true It will prove tat the man killed wa not the one who escaped irom me Albany omcer. Prof C B Leatherman, formerly princi pal of the Athena public school, has been engaged as principal of the Weston school for the coming term. Prof Leatherman hss commenced suit against the Athena directors- for the recovery of two months salary, school having been dismissed at the end of seven months by the directors, on account of a measle epidemic. He was engage! to teach for the full term, and therefore thinks the two months' salary is due him, especially as the people gener ally desired the school to continue. Pen dleton E, O. It takes mote men to run the passenger train on the S P road In -California than formerly, a new employe styled the 'trin ticket agent" having been added to the crew. His business Is to relieve the con ductor of all business connected with the collection of tickets and money for fares, leaving the conductor nothing to do but to look after the running of the train. One of the objects Is to prevent "leakage.' : A Stolbh iioksb. The email cayuse stallion recently stolen from J IPhillipi of Coburjr, was found a few nights eeo , in the pasture of J W Pugh, at Oakville, where the tniet had turned him loose. $25 reward had been offered for his recovery. ALBANY, Tub Man Rum Ovkr. ft l now defln ately learned that the man killed was the ai-yearold son ef Hon VVyatt Harris, of McMinnville, recorder of Yamhlllcouniv III name was Homer ti. J A RoUn, the Salem undertaken, went tin venterday and embalmed the mutilated body and placed it Id a collin, and Frud L Harris, his brother, look charge of It and started at once for McMinnville, pnttlng throiih .Salem at a little psst it o'clock this (Thursday) morning. Homer had $9 on h i prison when found. 1IU people are heait-broken The coroner's jury, empaneled by coroner fcon, lounu a veruwi m voiii. ant with the above facts, lUnl.' head feet and right arm were severed fioin l he body, and the bowels and breiut horribly mul tllnled. isiatcumsn. Thouch a pair of shoe were luinul on the track near the body oi Hurr!, hi feet were not mutilated and It l (troboble ihey had not been worn hr him. lie wan about the ge of the man woo escaped irom the Ai'.iany omcer and annarentlv oi tne same sue, and it is provable was the same man. He had plenty of time to get to me place wnera no was allied. A Family UATiicaitiu. Tho following account of a family gathering at Island City, In Kastern Oregon, will be of in terest to many in Linn county, where several of the parties named are well known. For many years it has been the custom oi the tfatrd family to noi.t an annual reunion, which this year wa done at the residence of William 0 Itaird, Island City, May 20, and an event long- to t remembered by all present. Mr Halrd ia 77 years old, and first crowd the plains In IS-ltl, and again in l!U. " In all he ha crossed tlflepu time. He is yet hale and hearty, and boasts o( his niarkinanship. On this occasion he en. tered into the port of targnt shooting with the lxys present and rameout with the blue ribbon- ol the family nreaent were W C Itaird and wife, Mr ) A IUnderon, of Mayville ; K liaird, of Seattle; Mrs W M lUnkcly, of Pendle ton j Mr I D Titus, of Tacoma ; Mr au '. Mrs O It IHirbin, of Antelope, and their son Fred, ha being the only grandchild J resent, lloghie Leas tire, son of J C e as ti re, of Pendleton, be hut a great grandaon, represented the fourth gener ation. Mr Mel vin lkw man, nephew of Mr ltalrd, of Illinois, was also present. Bcio. K W Achenon, proprietor of marble works at Albany, w aa in the city on Monday. He has just completed erecting tao handsome monument for tne graves of the late Mrs I A Munker and the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wni Brenner, to the satisfaction of alt con cerned. Edwin Strauser. who ia an emnlove In Rodman's saw-mill, 1 miles from Hclo, waa so unfortunate on Monday evening aa to slip when passing near the saw, and felt so that one of his hand came in contact w tin it, also ins breast vi so near the saw that his shirt wa cut and torn by it. A it was some o! his fingers were cut to the bone. Bcio will celebrate the 4th of Jnlv. Finance committee. T L Lhnrirer. J It Uill and Green Coney: comtnittee of general arrangements, O 8 May, K Hib ler.RHhelton.SM Daniel, U M IXsvaney, Ki o iiarntaii aua j aiorrt. i ress, M Tbitk i Poi'HbATa. Our citizens should remember that Mr Frank Trites Is poundmaiter of Albany, to whom all complaints should be made. The marshal wiahes it dUUnctly un derstood that he has nothing to do with raycos. horses, hoir. etc, a fact he can testify to fiom experience $J worth nt boy instead o driving the bovine fo pasture, Bo'nir Gshina on the banks of the beaatiful V ilhtmeite. while the cow roamed directly into the poundmaiter clutches. Pirxcrrox'a Clam Day. Mr J W Propst has shown the Pemockat an ele gantly gotten up Invitation to the class day exerciser! Princeton Collcge.whicb occur on June 6th, at which time hi son Frank will receive his diploma. The President of the claaa is Edgar Allen Poe, a descendant of tho celebrated poet, and among the graduatee are sons of Dr Ag new and Charles A Dana, of New York. Frank has been ill for some time and hence was not included in the protcram for claae da. He ia now improving and will be home about the 20th of June. Rich Showino.- Ktwsfrom the mine U very encouraging aiiJ many are fitting on i to go Irom Brownsville, l he follow. In: ia iust received In that cttv aa the re. suit of fire milting te.ts made in Tacoma irom the Tacoma company s mines In the Csllpoola and Bine iver districts: First second S6.J1. third Sivio, fourth f68, Dfth $3o per ton in gold and silver, principally gold. This company Is run ning a tunnel In Treasure Mil, on Its ledge, and the last ore came from the face of the tnnncl 160 feet from the mouth, so It shows conclusively that the ore Improves fsst as depth I attained. Tut Max AaasiiTKD by Marshal Hoff man and posse in the bnahea near Al bany, on being examined before the Justice at Salem.gave bis name as Thom as Manley. The Journal says that beside the locket ol Air Whitney. Air tMer, ins partner, could identify a Mexicar foliar and a Canadian quarter found on the prisoner. Man'.ey offered the "M0 to Judge Pratt to defend him; but Whit ney, tlder a Co claim the lucre. Opal Samuel King, of Stay ton, I In the city, with samples of precious fire opals, that have been discovered m Mor row county, reierson uuue, wnere Mr King and family nave a large tract oi land on which these mine are located. Mr King U meeting wl'h considerable en couragement from Salem capitalist to corral this property.-Journal. A Tiiian Mam. 1 he man arrested for the Stayton burglary, now at the jail, says there was a third man in the camp at tne time oi the ram made - by the Albany police, lie had just eone away for a few minute when he was arrested, and hence escaped, ibis Is doubted Bio Strawberries, Mr Wm Peacock today presented the Democrat with full' box of strawberries of the sharpies variety. Though rounded up, there were only fifteen berries in the box. Hows that for big. A tare csr for the whisky habit: Dv LiviDcston's Aotidote for Urunl ennes wiB ur aey of the liquor oabit in from tea to thirty days, from th rro derate driuker te in draokara. lb Aotidot on t tva in i of eoffe withnat th kn&wleage f-f the prsoa takiag it. Tb antidote wiiiaot iajar tks healtn in any way. Msnnfaott-rca Ly tb Livingston Chemical Co., Portlaad, Oregoa cr froa J A Camming, sols sgsat Albany, . Whereto (Jet Them. When wanting an organ or plana' call on G L Blackman whs you can select from a first class tota. BcllabI aad always lb . Prsndreth'saills sr th oldest, safest sod best bl od purifier and purgative knows, Tbey ars purely vegetable, therefor harm loss. They ar alwas the m And always produe tba asms effect. Other purgatives require increased doses snd dually oeas sct ing altogether. A eonra of one or two of Brandretb' pill taken each night is a posi tive cat for constipstion, headach snd all bilious disorders. If you cant tak them plain get them sugar coated , Remember Paialey & Smiley, Print jr Just arrived a Areas, men's and Simpson's, which prices. full line of ladies, obil py's foot wear st O W will be sold at bottom In the Sphino. A tine line of Blazer Jackets for spring wear, in many designs, jnst received by G W Bimpson. Also a large stock of ttie popular self pening corsets. OR KG ON, FRIDAY, JUNE o, 1891. aOtlAL A rtnarjaAL, TUVUKDAY. John laoin, Jr went to Portland Unlay. W C Peterson of Lebanon, la in the city. Rev 8 E Memlnger Is In Salem on a hh Capital Mends, P.urns nro,'of Mill City, the battery for the Linns arrived In Albany last night. Mr J 0 Writanmn, of the Farmers A Merchant In I'o, hft this noon on a busitiess trip to 1'ortTownsend. W D Me.auvey, thu photographer, of Lebanon, and MUt Ma,ti, recently ul Tennrce,come to AlHsny Ihl forenoon, sr.d were to be untied In marrlaue this Afternoon. Mr John McChemey hsaieturned from the .Santlam mine with some elegant spt'ctmen ol free gold ore. 1 nere will be some rich return in the near future. Are you In It. , Mr Fred (ioet. of Portland. Is in the city on his way home from an extended trip to Coos county. Northern California. ana tie hardly knows where, looking after bargains in timber land claims. A historical sketch of the (iranite f Oregon in the Oregonlan, contains the following: Hon HA Irvine, the sturdy unit county irramrer. lias always been active In the furtherance of the good of the order. Mrs W M Harbour left Lebanon today. with the embalmed body of hei muri'ered hubnd, for their former home In Canada. N Hi Ra'clelnch ha been nnolnted ad- mlnl.irstor of the estate of Its t boor. A the 1,-ave It Is learned for certain that the murderera oi her husband have been raptured and were taken to Portland to day from Unite. Mon. One ef them claiming a rela.loni.hlp, he was duped In tne aiuir, ar,d kt.icd Mr a watch, diamond nig ana Kim money. rttitiAV, J N Duncan has returned from a trln to Pilnellle. F M Mlllri ha been appointed Post master at Lebanon. W A McfJee ia on the stieet. after being ill for some time. DrJVnafT, recently of Shedd ) located at Alhina, having changed his minu in reference to rroane rails. Aaa Simmons, aged 63 and Mamie Foster, aitcd 20, were married at Salem on May 27. Kimmona la well off. Grand Chancellor A A Cleveland, of tho K of P of Oregon was In Albany last evening and paid the Albany lodge an official visit. Mi Jel Lhigren, of Albany, cam up today to Salem where she will vUll whh Mr and Mra W If Lee fm a few day., s:cm Journal. Shcriff-CroUen, of Ralem, csroe to Al bany last night and O' morning returned home with ih Stayton burglar, who re fuse to give hi name. Dr I N Smith. Jr. and C S Smith, of uakvuie, and Prjayne, of lheld, were in the city today, and the Dehocr.t ecknowh-dge a call. Dr Jayoe, recently of Iowa, ha juat located in Shedd, and cornea here well recommended. A letter written by MUa Llude McNeil formerly of this city, in Llbeila, Alrlca.on March y wa received In Albany today by Mr N II. Allen, alter being nearly two montnton me road. Ml McNeil hss been In Africa nearly four years, where she ia trusted and honored. She has en- Other year to remain, when the time of her enlistment In the work will be up, and the win pronamy return to Albany. SATvaruY. Slate Printer I'.aker has returned from trip to the Sandwich Islands. M E Pyne, of Bolte CUv, arrived In Albany this noon, on a short vKlt. W C Peterson, of Iehanon. went to Wood burn today after hi wife and baby Mr Ikellymsn, the well known San Francisco merchant, I In the city. Hale IWkensto and wife came over from Dallaa thia morning to attend the decoration exercise. Hon George Waaironer and Prof B L Arnold, two of Corvallia well known capitalists, were ln the city today. Hen T K Cauthorn, of CorvaltU ha returned frcm California, and I now In Portland. He I not expected to live. Senator J II Mitchell will nasathroueh Albany for Portland In a few days, lin ger Herman rtturtird by way of Portland. Mr Freerksen arrived In the cliv from the Eat a few days ago, and I visiting wun ins Drome rs testdmg nesr Albany now among our most thrifty Urmer. Bishop Fowler, one cf the brightest men in the M E church, Is in the Northwest He should be induced to come to Albany and deliver his lecture on "Great Deeds of Great men." , - Hon II It Gilfxv spent last niitht in Albany. No man who has ever gone to Washington from Oregon has a warmer place in the hearts of the neonle. The manner in which Mr Gilfry retains his position regardless of political chanitea show his efficiency as a public orhcer,as well as his popularity. Hon R A Irvine and wife. Hon S A Dawson and wife, Mis A J Olln, John II Scotland wife, and W J McMteken and wife arrived home last evening from a meeting of the state grang at llllUboro. They report a successful gathering. 86 deleirate took the sixth Jesree In the lodge. wasttu r)"itiio. 9, M. French kps railroad tim. Itew cream ohoasa just leouived at Coarad Meyers. " . Smoke th oeUhrated Hrsns filled 5 ent cigar at Julias Joseph. Alarms stack of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller t Irving', just received. Have yon seen tho parlor suits that T Brink: has just received t They are nice. Great r luotioa ntnmN furnishing go id for th next 39 day at W F Road's. J W Bentley. best boot and shoe makerpn oity, three doors north of Democrat ofRo. Wasnlng, COe a dnaen, mending for men fre,at Mrs Kings, just cast of tb Demoosat offie. I Will & Stark hv just received a Urge and sloRsnt stook of silverware, watches, eto. never bo or equalled in tbis city. W Achison A Co handle tb oelebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. Fhese walls can be furnished at half th cost of any other aad ar jar superior. Brighten np your old rubber and old tboe and rnsks tbem look good now with Wolff' Asms Waterproof Polish. For salestSamnel B Young', Dr M II K.lis, physician and surgeon. Albany, Ureaon, Calls mad la oitv or eountry. Ladies can do their shopping in Ran Fran cisoo without visiting tb oity. and without extra commission. Miss E J Barrows Sfjtt chasing ageut, 1609 Grov St.OakHod, , WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liva Complaint f Sbtloh's Titaliasr ia g turanteed to ears ysu. SHILOH 8 CATABBH BEMEDY a positive cur for Cstsrrh, Diphtbeiia and Canker-Mouth. osbsy Alsson, agents A KkSkl INJECTOR fre with ssek bsttls f fehilok s Catarrh Kfinedy. Price M nU, Fcshsy& Mssos, sgsnss. On half dollar reduction on every pair ef Ludlow s li 131 sboa. A good, Una ol the at8 E Young's. BH1LUHS VIIAUI2.B.K is wbat yea ssed foi Coastipeti, Loss t Appetite, Dia- smsas, ana all syssptoms r-Uvspepia. I ns It sad 71 esnts psr bottle. SHILOH'S CURE will immedlalslv r lieve Croup, W hooping Cough aud Brooobitis, i oshay K Masocj- agents. II I NTS TO UOtlSEKERmW. The eye should alway be wiped to ward the note, a It presses out the fine line from the corner. Every woman ha heard of the virtue of rainwater lor the complexion, but It I hard to procure Ihl In our Cochltuate-supptled house. A good substitute I to keep a pitcher of water for toilet use In which lemon, orange or cucumber peel I allowed to oak, Water so Impregnated, It is said, Imparts a healthy glow and realty freshens the co.nplcxlon, while It soften the skin. A good plan for keeping butter cool and weet In summer I to fill a box with ssnd to within an Inch or two of the top t sink the butter jar in th ssnd, then thorough ly wet the aml with cold water. Cover the box alr-tlght. 1 he bt x may be kept In the Atichcn, t Gold rope I much used for picture frame. , It should not be more than half an Inch In diameter, except for large picture. Hemp and mantlta ar also used but hemp Is better, for It Is smooth. For tender feet, take two quart of cold water and add one tablespoonfut of bay rum and two Ublespeonful of ammonia. The feet should be soaked In thia for ten minutes, throwing the water upward to the anee. Rub dry with a crash towel. and the tired feeling wilt be gone. Ralan and willow chair should be cleaned, like straw matting, with salt and water, rlrt thoroughly remove the dust. Then wring a clean cloth out cf salt and water, rubbing chair or matting dry with th other hand a you go on, any rate, at quickly a you can, so that It msy re tain none of the moisture. It I said that tclatic ma be cured bv applj ing a coating of fljwer of ulphur to the afflicted limb. A useful cement for mending earthen or tone jar, stopping iesks In the seams of tin pans, or Iron kettle, or tightening loose joint of Iron or wood, I made by mixing llthrage and glycerine to a thick cream. This will rp.Ut acids, heat and cold, If the article I not uses' until the ce ment ha hardened. Macaroni should be used much more than it I. It I a very good substitute for potatoes when that vegetable I carce ami high, a It I this year. Many physician object seriously to the use of old potatoe after they have begun to sprout, and on their own table use macaroni Instead. The simple way of prrpairing tht dish ererbody know. The ptetion buresu hs been uaJcr us pltid eier sine th incoming of the lUriison AdminislratioA. Corpora! Tanner tuJ to go because of maladministration an J corrupt con spiracies oa tb part of bis subordinate. It is believed tb nion office k ro'.icn to the core, and that lb claim sgcnls are "ibick a thieves' with the corrupt material in the bateau. Tbc nest toegis-s will have a grav duty lo perform in tb way f of thorough in vestigation. Tb honest cxtravaganc sf th department is bad enough, but when to this is supplemented alt manner of secret jobbery Ihet should be a dyasmit inquiry. If on were to bcttcv an ttt is ssid ta pro actios organs, tb conclusion would be reached that U the good thing that com te the people are attributable to tb McKlotey hit!, while all th evil thai flesh I heir lo is da to tit bated duct i in or "frt lrd. Wt wait with great sspectanry to bear the escap of the Itata attributed to lb "free trade" eaesssge of Ckvelsnd. Th dolioaey of th organ of smell pecu liar to th tarksy. volts e and carrion crow I snmsthiog quit rvmaikaHe. they being abl to sowot tbeir fond for a duraao cf forty mile. - A lady in Et'iohurgh eipericaced a lurch ia her carriage, and diov ber hatpin into her head with fatal consequence. . A grain of fine ssnd will cover one of tks minute scale of th human skia, yet each one uf tbes scls cover from 300 to 500 pore. Out of 600,000 applies 1 iona for patent raid during the last century, 385,000, or a ittl over fifty per cent have been issued. Tbireweaa rsinarkablw eoiocidaooe of vnta in tb Iiy cf Abrsham Lioeoln and Jefferson Davis ootil csoh approached tb climaetcrio of his pabllo rarssr. Both horn in Ksntookyj Llnooln in 1809, Da! in 1803. Both removed from thair saliva atat ia ehildbool, Da via being carried to th southwest, Liacold to tb northwest, then so eallsd. la lb Bisck Hawk war (1832) Davis was a eeoad-Iiutaant of th Reg ulars, Llnooln a captain of Vuluuteera. Both bgao their political careers at th aame period, 1844, Davis being then a presidential sleotor tor Folk, an 1 Linoola a preeidettial lector for Ilonry Clay, and both wer elected to onngr aboot the same time, 1843aodIS4C. fbe army pay-table ht aa followi: Second UeutensU, I1400; mounted, $1500; first lieutenant, 1 500; mounted, $1600; captain $18x1; mounted, fjooo: major, $2503; lieu tenant-colonel, 3000; colonel, 3500; brtga- dier-general, $5500: major-general, $7500. Tbese payment increase with each fi-re years tbat th officer hold hi rank. The navy psy at sea is: , ,. Ensign, fiaoo lieutenant, junior grade 8001 lieutenant, $24001 lieutenant com mander, $2800; commander $35o0( captain, $4500: commodore, $5ooo: rear-admiral $6000 r' . - i Late In January the oldest commandlng general in the world died In Monastic It was Ibrahim Pasha, who last year cete brated hi 100th birthday. At the time of hi death he wis commander of the nine teenth corps of the Turkish army, De cade ago he wa a fellow officer with Moltke In the Syrian , campaign. Both took part In the battle of Kaslb. Ibrahim Pasha at that time, was fifty and Molt Ve forty. Vegetation In the Alp recedes from year to year, Alpine roses were at one time found at an attitude of 7600 feet; now they are seldom found higher than 6500 feet, and are stunted at that. Various specie of email fruit which used to be gathered 7500 fet above tea level now are rarely found beyond two-third that height. Algeria is again devastated by locusts, A caravan from Morocco traveled through warm of locusts for thiitr-two day. Tbe coinage cf July 1. silver dollars will cease SLEETLE33 NIGHTS, sssd wsusrabl hy that terrible ooegk. Shilok'i Car ia th Ramsdy for yon. For lam baok, or sW chest, use Sfciloh a Porous Plaster. Price, 25 cests. wnsToxarotii. Dull-witted organs now rejoicing that the pi Ice of sugar Is greatly reduced to the because the tariff on sugar has been matcrinliy changed and largely boiMied are unable to comprehend the log'c of their admission. Why lias the pilce of tur been lowered? Because the McKlnle bill removed the custom-house tax on suar. Therefore the McKlnley bill is b sugar at least is a beneficence And the tariff lis. a direct Influence upon the price of commodities paid by con sumer. Accordingly as the tariff Is high or low upon fabric or product the price I high or low. Then the tariff 1 a tax which the consumer pays when he purchases a tarlff-tsxtd commodity. To admit (his Is to surrender stt argument persistently ertcd by advocate of high tariffs. Their claim is that a tariff Is not a tax psid by consumer and that price are not affected by tariff taxation. A the effect of plac ing sugar mainly on the free list works to entirely to the advantage of consumer of sugni that is, of everybody why , since woo'. Is used by everybody for clo'.hing, a for a variety of other purposes, would It not be well to put wool upon the free list.' If the tariff were aken from wool, wool, like sugar similarly treated, would be lower. Advocate of high-tariff taxation are like the hunter who wished to hit if It wa a deer and mlii if It wa a calf. When the consumer gains an advantage by frce-IUl-Ing sugar these advocates rejoice, but In proclaiming their joy what do they do? They admit that the taking off of a larl.T tax Is the one mode of making a tariff bll popular. Let them take the tax off woo and Ihey will discover the same cause for congratulating the consumer. But the whole sugar story I not told when reference I merely made to the re moval of the tax thereon and the conse quent cheapening of the price to the con sumer. The treasury Is obliged hy the McKlnley law to pay a certain bounty to df mestic sugar producer. This process ha not yet begun. The demand may be very great, gruallor large, the govern ment can meet It only by raising revenue. Revenue is had hy taxation. The only resource of government Is the people. It live by their com en t on tneir substance. t has lost a certain amount of revenue by releasing the tax on sugar. But it must mpioy a turn of money yet to be ascer tained In compensating domestic sugar- maker for the lo to them of a close market created by the Intervention of a tariff now abolished. The sugar consumer must py the domestic sugar producer In another way. lie settles the bill after all. Why In this enlightened age should government engage in this business of robbing million of Peters n order to pay a few Pauls? If govt rt meat pay a bounty to the sugar.growrra ol LouLlana why not a bounty likewise to the corn-growers of Illinois? When every private enterprise shall stand on Its own bottom then will be real Independence in the republic, and uggllng with tariff, said to be a tax when they are removed and no lax when ihey are Imposed or Increased, will cease to be a grab gmc in which the many lose and a few make fortunes. ltttcmiti FEATl'KK. awaswawa- The Capital Journml with hilarious glee approvingly copies the following from an Iowa protection organ; Two of our grocer mad a run on auger yesterday, and K made more bflMness while it lasted man a nouse on tire, ine run commenced at 20,4 pounds of granu lated sugar for $1. It climbed from that lo 2$ pounds, and then to 36 pounds and finally to 40 pound. Then there wa a grand rush for the free trade clause in the McKlnley bill. The news spread like prairie fire. Every body wanted sugar. A few got $5 w.nth each, after that it was limited lo it worth to each purchaser. rrobably $300 worth of auger wa pur chased during the run. It was an amusing sight to see lawyers, iloctors,clerks,county officer and laboring men daggering up the street with au,ihe sugar they could carry. It I too amusing "for anything" lo see these protection organ holding up the free trade feature of the McKlnley bill as I the one redeeming characteristic of that document . If free trade In sugar I sol vastly beneficial to the people, why In the name ot all that I reasonable did not Mc Klnley give us free trade In other things? Every time a republican boasts of the ben efit of free sugar he condemn protection ism. The queerest thing about deep sea creatures i tbeir arrangement for vision. Fish that live at very great depths hsve either no eyes at U or enormously big one. Indeed, there are two ways you msy get on in the gloomy abysses, by delicate touch organs, or by sight that collect the few ray ol lieht due to phosphorescence or other accideatal sourcss. Down to the depth of two hundred fathoms. the eyes get constantly bigger and bigger. Beyond that depth, i-naU-eyed forms, with long feelers, developed to supplement the eyes Lower still we find functlonless ey-s, and in most confirmed abyssraal species the eves have disappeared entirely. . The number of arrests for drunkenness In Massachusetts for the year 1S00 was 51,814, of whom only sSSa were women Forty.nve thousand nine hundred and eljrhty-two arrest, were made In the twenty-uvc elites, ana oiuv vyt in an (tie rest of the sttte. The city population la ti37ilo4i 'be town population 911.779. The number of arrest has Increased since 1SS5 from 35,480 to 51,814 In 1890, what ever the figures may mean. Accord inc to a treasury atctement, the money in circulation in the country May I mounted to $1,529,000,000, or $310,000,000 more than it was in 18S7. It wss greater hy more than $20,000,000 than the highest point reached ef er the immedate treasury disburse ments of lait Au'urnn, and greater by more tban $100,000,000 than the amount used in taoving the crops of 1888 01889. The popolation of the continents upon Jan 1 1891. was estimated to be as follows: Europe, I 380,200,000; Asia, 850,000,000; Aftica 127,' 000,0005 Australia, 6.730,000) Not th Ame'ica, 89.150,0001 South America; 36,420,000, and the polar recior.j, 300,000, making a total of 1,787,600,000. Duilng the past decade, while the United Stales has diminished its debt about one-half, France has added $950, 000,000 to hers. New York for the , year total of 400,000 immigrants. 1890 ; leceived a A waterproof paper has lately been inerted that will even stand boiling. ' Matals are found to corrode tnuch faster when in gaJvaaic conacctioa thitn otherwise. NTO 44 A SCROFULOUS BOY Running Sore Covered lib Body nnJ Ifend. Hone Affected. Cured hy Ciif lcur.t Remedies, ' 1 "M-f:,a Kl "! "f cm? i n:, STH.khild U.kj.11 i ti twai!, and h i v, tv ni.ii. am of a lfK I oil. We poiililmi It, l,ui l v,' pnrmm. A boot liva month fu r H hcrnn t ruualn sore. Booa otlu r swes formr-l. i onv je oi tlwta tit f fcaud, snd a Urn M...J 1 , , enme rows and n,fre impr -It tuok U f lima fur lx t t l-rrali out. A snre .ui,.s . ths ( bin, beneath th r.;-' lt, whlrli waa very pilvt, r'.- e ill. Imul wo mm noinl : iliirh,irir)fi(j a rn-atiW, ' ' M bl cjjikIWwj at iv I'ro months uUi, ii- i , Af vfTintj ins ear, r.f M , fJ?2 4 iwrtlwr listing died .. r nr .... ...... w ... ( of ormaumirflnfl .- - Tin conll tvulk a II til... hut ttti. li lt up if bs fi !l down, snd eould iwHinorp l in i a, nut , no it j of hi. ftatxja. J i,nit,dim, i.'.rdi!..,iift,,l tlw t'i-'Titx-a USMSoir., iir nil finely. ti .or. m'.Uft another Imlcd, a mat ir 1 ormif! In tn'h one of IIich fl-e di i p .... h.-fofi btiiillnir, which would finally trow U and w.-ra I .kin out; Oimi they woald htal n-'i' it,a of f,.tiifly bone foim.tloo. I rri.,., A 'u r t .Vivit n Autm and a nU beulrs bn v. r : pU-trlf curril, and I. now, at th atts of t i yts slr-w ntel b-altby ehtld. till., H. Jr:UH ?!y erantMi rrtnln perferiljr wt, ?-.' se-ntuuaiHl nosarv. Utut. K. H. fiiil' i, . J4.W. Ulooiiiijijs',1,, i ' CutScura Resolvent The w w V.UmA rurioer, (normally (to rlninw. u. l.!oid of all Imnuduua and potooott kio?i.'j. U.u rcrnova Ut$ rUM). mnd Jifron. tit . -.. fnl f :ur, snd t'crievaa hor, aa 'uii's ' HeauU.Vr.esUTiMlly (lo elrar th skta nd . .; aiid rmtor Uw hulr), cor mry dlOM nd k-i-i.. cf Hi tUu iu.d tilwod, from plitiplo ta sctofcU. .-tryhr". I'rlen, t'mrtra, rie.; f t T.i toLTKT, ft. 1'rrpaml by the Vtr.t. li'. Af ni al Coaeoa.Timi, ISurton. mm- otiMi ior - now xo ur uiooa umuh , B DV'C mn and Kcalp porified and tst, Alii U ty CCTICCB ijoAP. A!wI.IIWy : ... RHEUSUTIC In on mlnol lh Cn'lriin, p. to l'lt-r n-ll'-vM rhmwn Slh., b!;i, kidt.v, eh-at, ti ! , mm Embracing all the ress rt mnrv) If in i low D Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC; -To The I Make a SDecialtv of Ladies Underwear, in Knit e w Ribbed and Mcslijt. My Prices arc tie LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sol9 f gent for the Celebrated T. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless," Warranted absolutely fast, and'Free from Poison ; : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in ..... Furnishing -:- Goods. I have w Large Stock at the Lowest I cairy a til line of the worU-renowed BROADIIEAD good, nnexeoMed i finish. Large stock of Emsboideries and FivorjNCi:.G3. Cal eed that Albany U the beat trading point in Oregon. ' "WirT- IE"- IKV 3HS for wear and be cot - 2:26 2:23 1-2 . 1 lwwTraBmrj.r" -fsSmTZ Coal Black, with small atars ftoad slae la faultless In ureeaing, tenlorntaueu Ill breeding is tie acme of early anil extrems speed, Sears: uoqueia, z:no, utn jears, aua hhidk. w ; r, S:71, lo three sualght heats. oi 1 v nronl. i:9fM : aire ofl Alva. ".tilt, aad seven omer x:su perio-niera, ana a host of outer colt trotters. Ai.TAunx- h Almoict. that has ever three hundred denenihuita in the tM list, including itau. Uamuk and Jumna, double, sua. Del Karte's dam U Tscoajta by 8tadm. Cis nn ioiti ... h.l he Jav Beach, it season of 1S1 at Trites Bros stable, Albany Friday miles nortbeast of Sliedd. 1'ermis Season, ggg Qur YthjCle3 3 Considered. Special Catalogues ana Price list Eaiisa " Fre8 on Ippliuation' ; ; ' taver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, V. C. DAVIS a CO.. HLKATii IS WEALTH! 6- 'Ti-RrMrNr" -1 BR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treatment . minmnteed siwciUo for Hysteria, liiiimeBS, Coimil ion. Vi-t, Nervous Neuralfjia, Headache, Kervoua ProBtrutloa cu.ed by tbe use of alcohol or totacco, Wkfutiwa, Mcntsd Depresninn, Buftftninar of the Bmic. ramltinir in Insanity and leading to miner?, dty wni, premstare old sue, barrenness, loss of re tl,e0"ea hy over-exeruon or ma rrin Kiich W aim one month' treatment, tl a box or ix boac for to, sent Dy mail prepaia on receifn. o price. WE C5TJABANTE8 filX BOXES TO CURE ANTf aim. Witbeach or.ier received by ns tor six boxes, aoconi;Miiiied with fS, we will send the purchaser our written jruara.ntee to refund the money li tne treau cent does not effect a eure. Guarantees issued only by J, A,. Cumuli Prugjjist, sole sjeas, alhaar, 0, .1.11 "VI Albany -Mannfir..turirs Mm ENGINES CHISf m SAW MILLMAGHiNEGY 13311 H2m ALL CF HEAVY AHO LIGHT VYOBX, U mnm brass CASTIflGS. fpeolcl attention fcld o . plriit .11 U Of niach)nir ' Faiwm Bade on Short Kc'Jet EedCrowiiMills sOM, LiN.tlSa 4 C I, I SOPH'S. w eaocxa vlocb strr&uioa roa vaxx.ik aso aaxcas aa. RES? STORAGE FACILITIES. mm COLLEGIATE IHSIITUTS ALBANY, OREGON 1890, lGOl- IrstTersa peacd Seateaaber leit, mse. A foil corp of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AKD KOHMAL CLASSES. tVursM r ot study arrantced to trieot lb' - 1 of a'.t grade of students. Sftdal tnaueementt offered l tindind from mbroad. CT. ELBCST a COSBIT latest Novelties in Goods Ladies- Prices ever fcertiJ U tb" Vi!y. 3-4 2:30. ana Action. as proved by b's fu'l sisters Benlah. i:4T, at two sirs M. Cur. Jr ii (An ot Dra.KOO, tiSi sad Basrt Clat. 4:1 ) tieveuteeo of his duuhter have juodoced nineteen 2:30 performer, including Mam santo Bat, 2:Stti, who sired the dame ot Axxai, 2:12 at yean; Aujiktvic, 2 1:1 st four ytur, two of the fastest etailions la Uie worid ot their ages. v Tscosah. dam bv BaiiiKOH, i:tVl. sire of the dam - l of Kuta Wiutss, S:ii, s.r of Ouvsa li , Mt.. Vancouver, Wh. Foaled In 18?8. AWill mtle the and Saturday j the rest of the time t our farm, thre SO: Insurance, 130. RARIIOWS BKOS. ESSt, OUT PriC8S. t!lt LOWBSt Qlialltj Walker, PORTLAND OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. rHE AM awa TLjy ST-W - B Tl F. A J 0f I ' WT MlUsalWl.U OH. BKCKI T0 IT ROW, OOlf IT WIIL g TOO LATE. I have been I roubled manv years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies snd bavr sought aid ft am different physicia. without relief. About the isth of Apri! I was suffering from a very rioient attack that a most prosirated me ia such a nianue - that 1 was neiu over. When I at down it was a mast impossible for me to get up alone, or to rut on my clothes, wlie kind Providence sent 1 r. Heuley, with t DitSGON KUDSKY TitA, to my hotel. I Immediately commenced uaint; the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, aud to tbe aston ishment of all tbe guesta t the hotel, in a lew days,! am bap jr to state. that I was a new tout. - wii recommend th tea to ijl ailiictec ss I have been. . G. A TtJPP JS, 1'ropHetor decide it.-il Iloiel, tiauta Mosa, Cal, I V-