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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
1 An ad. Sn the DEMOCRAT" 'cv York WorU, ! 5 I i Ht. DEI710CR A E.V. Jieacliej the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. BotMd Mth Pot Offlin ill nnr. Or ana ino American i armor, nil one year FOR S2 80. Weekly "State Klgbt Democrat, 12 CO per year, it J 1 ' A at s a. ! - rs re. a 2s u t3 r:r?,STTX C3 CCXST1TATE. tntl nil t-mMvs rint fr n ! i :. tfi :n; 1 1 r lit.!. Vi N wtrW fttUitt tn wmt H n i! ' ( car, r .'su i t ti I tM,'o. ul m Hi K 41 M ' put ip m n i - pi'! i) h(tri f , r . Ml r t V k ' - t In p i,-mb 4i,, Ux,n- w lit tt r-r.. ."1 rt r. fa.'i, a W b ,", , I haft. Lai fcM'KfJI m",1 KU 4 llnrU D?. MAri r froN toil' it?. . : A 17 ANTED Hffli It 4 U rirnt A rvtmb't Iii4& w ra BuriT itMk Art Ibm nj traa a r. WltK ALL VUK V KA H, MlU jfw w-f trt nn'ti mn. ('.'1, u'.ia X. X. JtiuTL TV." KB JCJ RedCrownMills ASO VAEIM )S, REST STORAGE ACUITIES. I! LB AT II IS WEALTH! i '" DR. E. C. WEST'S Ktt n-4 Rrmin Trrimt.l ft coarmntMl aiiflc far Hrw-rU, ltnM. i'oqtuI no., FI , N.rrou NiunIi.Ui, IlMUclt, -au IVMntUm onwl bjr th m of akohul or luhasm, WakWulixM, Menu! Itopraaainn, a- funln uf Itw 4trmia, rM!ttn in Inmiiity nl leullnfr ! mlwrjr, tt ad das.b, nrwmtur ' kwnnwn, luM ( I'Ck ii.ciuhJ hr or-iwU.n ol Ilia hma sc t wmuiii cm m.mtu'a tmtnimt, $1 K. or is hexm lur 96, out bj mul pr;J an nnti prim. Wl r.rAEANTFK 6IX JKlXrS TO Ct'RB AST a. With ach oniar rc(TrJ bjr n for is box., wrlttm rnwwHM In rh!nl t. iivmwt If th tremt viont duat not llct a euro. ft-uRa Uu4 onl b J. A. Cuauuin. Drugyjt, ui smvbi, Ajbutr IT. Foitmillei & living, jJUHiH 1 'laaj.ll i i i f " fiawl ... -FUNERAL D1P.ECT0RS. "4xter 6 EmbiL-nia Dana ScieuUi JCfcll iLBJLST tLLEBIATZ IHSHTUTS ALDAtV'Y. OnZGOfd-. 109G 1891. MratTanM Dp'ui .PBibr it, IH3 A lull cori aic;Tnntora,- cwsticAi; sciamnc, lit'ehary LiSSE3.. Coar-wi f -tody iirrncjwd w ioatlb' I or:i v'l" nfatadflcU. Sfrciil ttutttttnumtt Jtrtd la $tdll from akriMxd. KRT..rLBC3T H COJIMT nXna ar -' M . .. ii iiii "'nil., if a-- "'aaaaaaw.Ma -awai alum aaaiaam nr VILL &, LINK, usic - Dealers, M Vttttce oar llt V. MTLLER rxZR f J. BAUER & CO. VOSE & SON Teet Pttletce aad Earhnir Honae t'roof Hmall Inallmeula at Npelalt. AgoDtaforthe JBew II orac, Mdrlde II. and ojher Sewing Maobtnta. Kuppliea for all kinda ol Knvthix alacbinea. We guard our cuittomera iotorerta and guarantee aatUfaclion. , VTe al' carry ;fall unortaicil ef Ilaile aad Maale Boat. 1?cr- Seoond and Ferry sts., (Send for catalogue.) Albany, O. 7Fi rprri !Smwn ana tmt vs and i-o Lit Astt:ic fi,:'-. r-i -v y- ' -tl, y,. ''i-"i?.T?.C.. U.S.A. The Mew Yoik ---o Is tho Place to Buy o-- FOOTWEA ryw J4 VOL XXVI. YEGFI BLE PANACEA IIEHAHtD FROM RO( Iti : MEMOS. . THt CUMC OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO imOM A DISORDERED STATE wt,2 STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVCR. (ran salc r tt m - m T A E IH fiflEB Ifl FSailT Carwf ttacttfulh trtld ltV ut good iMalth. T ratcii m!Hi r in canttd etitloa In lift raulra IN faU - Mn Bn oporanoa tr ill tn tiM V LltWt kind Ratara Ut taJoatd al Ulk. Th' eoailtiont eanaot tiist anltta th r rvntcal tMlag U la aattact Mrilitg vT.a aad (hit la hnMslblt ia Iner tad tplmi art tora M. Ua alnic4 lafl th $crtk)aa, aaaiaf Mlaactlas mad J):fF!. Ha all al thalr bccmk fJ9 nonera. PI. HENLEY'S En;!!ir Dandelion Tonla tMrt tf lite Icfluiaca ear ta tin, xclttt U kaaltha aclloa. raaaha Hi cisroRte avwvaHat M tromalM tt aacraiioni aa!3a, at n.aenllfa McralMat : earta Iadlottla and MR til snarsaat t!a apptlia, teaaa 7'". aaa awaat Ufa an HEALTH ftCSTORER. -53?SC USE IT! It rt-tc lh f J' fJ Klilww anJ S'nnnrh, L(. (Bufi.ic Uk Ln.Kire ILooJ. . x r r li til Cetl cTciTuhcrSk ft ' t llo Lx (or 1. F0E1 GALE. Two poad bagy hore, BCd wall broken, lonnthor with jriod hack r.Dil Ml of dnobla harooa. Apply U J y Iiack-c-b(o. rekl.ivuoa comer of t'alacoula and Ninth ktretta. Conrad Maver. STAR BAKERY Sarcsp EroaMiin and First Sts., DKAI.KR IX uard rraita, cir e, rl fruit. obnrea, (on, (Ixauav. Tea.. . Cl.. . Terming iua: la at pi m , tu a acd ?royry ora. fitgbafi a rkat p ' Tald to' AriY HEADACHE "ViTiib Yea Wait; BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. of riaaei Tha moat op'ilar pUno amors ha wnrld'a Unlota. Celebrated fot it brilliancy, flnUb and durability, a t. medium prioed plana Violin aa Organa, Oaltara, Pi nyor. noes. JL -vj1 Elcclr, ABL AIT C.B.R. Store CaoWNSVIttI Witt CRt.KBATit. There will bo a celebration ol Indepen dence day at Urownvil'e. TresMent ot the day, Trot A J Garland. W-.VriU!ent-Go W Wrlht, J T Oalbralth, Albanvi K P Rohv, OPCo how, Ilrownivlllc Robert Mlllrr, Leb anon! J S Motrin, Sclo; R A ampy, HanUhmx; C ShedJ, Shcdd: C-trb Urar.HaUeyt U F Coltcrt,Crawlordvllle; A K Hamilton, Sweet Home. Committee! Program I 1) Hoycr, C E StanardJ P Coley,l W Ktnrr.J I. Han . ard. Ground R A Sander, J l Ifvlne.I I) Coyer. Liberty Car I P Ooley.C V. Stanard l n Irvine, J CCHyfu, I W.Starr, 1 1 lloyer. Muiic-1 W Starr. Race and Parade R A Sanders. Stand J C Mcllargue. Cake J I) Irvine and R A Sa.idcrt. Mixixa Mattkhs. The O MA 1) O Co, liy It W White, on May lOtb located the lU'lcher fiuarti claim. in tlio Santiam dis trict. . . ' On Mnv lOlh. Richard mul Goo llnrria located the Denver quarts claim, in the Santiatn district. The claim la aittiatoi m0 fvet aoutheaatol the Whit Hull initio, on the ilopo tow&rda the Snntiaui river. The interest In the Hantiatu niinca la Incrt'uainp daily in Albany, and tlie rom liift year, it la anticipated, will lie one lull of activity. The Altutny Mininit Cc. even with a aiuall null in "doinR a gwnl huaineaa. With a mill t( ten tiuiea the capacity the niinca w ill pay a big income iroai mo atari, A Kiiseno man iiiforma ua that a ond dividend, MO cent on a anare, has been declared by the Myrlto Creek Mur ing Co. In a Will. In the. barnyard of John Scotl'a ranch, at Mountain Home, re cently, A Woodbury horao was beinf broken to baiter. In Ita trantic enbrta to get away (row the men, the anttjial jumed bnekwArd a gal net the curbing o( A deep well, tlie enrbin:; waa aiuaahed, and the horee went tail brat into the water. In ita deacent the horwj canght with iu hind (eet in the aid ta of the well, into which they Iodised aecurelv. Only the bead and upper part of the neca reniaineu aoove water. I lie aIR tance of aeveral neighbor waa eecured, a block and tackje faatenod to a firm u priori, aeveral ropta paased around the horae'a body, and After considerable trouble the horae waa iul!ei out and waa prciH-atly on ita feet aa good aa new. Oregon City Courier. Lubaxom. On WtJnenJay Mr J F Hide, o thia place, waa appointed by the commiaionera' court, justice of the peace, of Lebanon precinct, I R I lor u in baa arured tho aenlcca of MrLewia and will nrta(ter rnn two chair in hi barber altop. Mr Lewi has worked in Albany for the pant year and baa the reputation of a ilrat-clattw barber. The Burvev for tho motor line from Lebanon to BodaviUe waa made on last Wednesday, And Prof Banco in forma us that a joint stock company will iw formed and incorporated riirlit awav. composed of citkeua of tfculaviUo and. Albany. Kxpresa. 1 1 arbisui aa. Wm K reacll.w ho f or t he dat few montha baa been interesting bituaclt on tht Santiam by locatir.jt. strantrera on timber claim, returned home thia week. Ho ay be located: about twenty during hie absence- The overland train north bound oa Monday morning while coming into liar riuburg ran into a bAnd of homes belong ing to Ir II A l'avia, killing two of them, ineuntly.onea work horae and the other a valuable aUllion. The horaea were cioaaing the track in a lane on their way to pasture. Courier. Ola XaicuaoR In the council pro ceeding of CorvallU, as publUhed by the Times, appear the following: The salary of police judge was placed ot $$o par month, tne salary of chief of police at $60 per month and the salary of night watch at $3 per night. It wa further ordered that chief ot police be made er offlclo uperlntendent of street, and h I hereby required to perform the duties, of sticet commissioner without addl tional salary. The oIKchd bond of chief of police wa fixed at $1000 and the bond of treasurer at $4000. Johnson M Porter wa elected police judge; Jo Scr fiord chief of police; 8 F Jeffrie city attorney and J R Urvson, president of the council. Five tippling licences were granted. Corvalll under her new charter is ery cltlSed. Lanc Co Race. The Lane County Diivlng Association has arranged. to hold some interesting rces on their track west of town on July 3rd. Three races are arranged. The first will be A trotting race lor three minute horses, one-half of a mile, purse .$200. The second is a running race, open lor all, seven six teenths of mile and repeat, purse $too. The third is a toad horse race, one-ha'f mi'e and repeat, purse $J. In this race the horses must be driven by their own ers. All of the races will be for best two in three Reclster A Terrible Accinr.!rH c Perkins met with a terrible accident a few daya co. He waa working with the survey or on the rcute of the Siuslaw railroad. and was engaged In cutting brush, lie was walking on a loar when he slipped and fell to the ground. He fell In such a manner that a stub of a brush that had ut been cut entered the rectum several nche. Mr Ferkint then fell back and the stub tore H way out through the fleh. The pain wa almost unbearable. Mr Perkins was atonce taken on a boat iu cuiiTijcu 10 nurcnw, wnere a pnysi-1 a t . ci ...l r clan attended him. Eugene Register A Pjcculiab Robbery. While looking through the beautiful Willamette valley. Mr Louis Miller, an eastern man stopped at Wood burn, and took a walk to eco the country. A mile from that city he went into a barn to get out of tlie rain. While there he waa joined by two men, who, as he was leaving, requested him to give up bis money or take the consequences, lie turned over yl- and ins watch. He was made to remain in the barn until morn ing, when be found his watch hanging on a nail on the outside of the barn. He went to Salem and telegraphed for money with which to go to Sacremento. Goods News, One of the most cheer ing outlooks for the farmer this year i the one that wheat will be a good price, Re sponsible wheat dealer tn Portland are now offering to engage the new crop at 90 cents per bushel delivered in Portland. Thl 1 equal to 7S cent here, W e trust farmer may realize a full crop and a good price. A Waterloo Baptism.- The Demo crat ha been shown a letter from Water loo, giving an account of an exciting inci dent. Sundav a minister at that nlace I was baptising four reople,one of whom was a ooy. vvnen ne came to mm tne tatner of the bov rushed Into the water, snatched the boy from the minister, took him to the shore, and then wa about to proceed and whip the reverend gentleman, when some men stepped in and pi evented fight. Considerable excitement was caused Theatrical. Our citizens general y have been desiring an opportunity to see Little Lord ronticroy. ih:s they now are to have the privilege of at the Opera House on June 3Uth. Inoone will want to miss it. On July 8th "Si Plunkard, a side splitting comedy, will be given here. Warner & Cranor propose eivina our citizens some as good attractions as can be secured. Tkaciiers. Of the teacher examined last week one only received a first grade, five second grade, nine third grade and six failed. In all diseases oi tbo stomach, liver and ki'iney, ue, to the exclusion of all other modioin, Natnre's own remedy, Pfunder' Oregon Llood Purifier. ALBANY, ceil rrrvfK sttcs. James P. Ivoonoy to M E Towup, 1 lot, Amelia. .$ Joa Taiil to Bnrah Paul, -00, 1.1 w a Jonathan Wnssom to Edward and Frank O'Nail, ICO ocr!,, utir ' 7. c ban on D J Have to J I Hone, piceo land 14w8.. J) 8 Smith, P.onrl rkhnol Fund Cmiinli!nionet,(itl acres, 1ft w 4 400 1 3730 1 1)00 3760 1 5 2500 700 75 200 Jonnthtui VAim to Edward and Frank O'XsorUUO acres, li. . . Jonathan Wassom to O'Ncll linm, t)'.'-liH) acres. Isbanon ........ FrAiik l .Neil to Kdward O'iNcil and C W Callaijliainfeortain parcel 1 of html, rights, eta (James lUakrly to J M Moyer, 61.50 ttcrca, 1:1 ntut uw ! W J Holister to 1 W titarr,144x210 feet,Brow.iavilte Jas It Kteney to I W Htarr, 1 kt, tiros' A,. Brownsville. Ue Illlyen to j M V Hilyeu, 8 UU, Hrio, ......... A Jl Seat to Oeo i'. Chamberlain, 3 lots, 1.1112, HVA.Atbuny.... Martin V iMtd J 15 Thompson, LWxtC feol. W J Uuy to J J; Thumpon,IWxl5t feet a CK.0 SI00 10 1105 25 1000 1147 10 Jlilton Halo to J L Hill, 130 acres, 1- w 1 ...... Wm II Young t JI K Arnold, 133 . acres, 1 1 w 1 , . . . . J It Kirk pntrick to 1 W Hardin, fraction of acre, K's A.l-eb. . . . i W HunsaSer to i W Phillips, piee land, Rcl Tims L Hennen tw It A tenders, m acres, 9 K a A H Ilacktpman to C A t'urre,- S lots, bl 6, It's A 'J0,0U1 ' JuneO, 1S01. The Lyons baao ball club plays Rulv liuiity at Mayton tomorrow fr t-.0. They playtxt Htayton lant Hunday, the core standing 8 to JH In favor of Lyons and Lyon only played eight innings. There Is to bo a largo general merchan dise store built here w ithin the neat month. It is Just the thing we so Wily nettled. Mr W alden, teacher in th district jnst Jielow town, waa arrested bui Mon lay, on the charge of wantonly and will Ju!!y destroying school books; but the barire waa so foundtosa that it took Jostlco Lyons only a few minutes in which to render a decision in favor of the defsnre. Hurt Watson was Ssrtlte defense, and the state had Unoener, ol Kings, and Hull, Mehama. A cheer that shook the wholo buildtnjr, went up when the decision waa mad known. There were at leat l(0 pcuplii present. F. W. Francft M-rt!irt,4 tma. llew craaiu oh. i eive4 at Conrad Htar. Saiok tiia ealebi'atatt Karans filled 5 sent elfc'arat Jalie Joarplt'a. A Urcstaek of wall ir. svitb late de signs, at Fortmi!Ir t Irv.oj 't 1 vsived. llryott nsn thosn twlor tk tdatT .. ... 1. . . nnoa nas w, monnnw t.icy a vs. Crest rsdattUut inoien't ' jrnLLter J for tb but SO days al W P Kul . J V Dtiot V. lit boot and sbge mai City, tart rlo4 HOrtU d I) LUCK At OiSifta. W Ahiwa h O hae!s too cctebratad Portland cerooot wnlla tur aameUry Iota. rbM wall ea t faraiohad at half t Mm coat of any clhr and am far superior, lirihtaa np yoor old rubimrs am) r-14 sboe and cnaka tbm look aa pood a with Wol,t a Aoms Waterproof Polish. Fcr sal at Samuel E Voting's. Df M II C'.lis, nhysloua and anrK'oe, Albany, Orogoa, C1U mada la cit or ountry. Lsdies ms do their sbnppiag in 8e Prsn suco without visiting tbo aity. Mid without extra eniniiin. alisi K J Harrow.! ! r ohssioj sk-eut, 1CC3 Jr.iy Ft.OiklAtotl. .. A so-a cars fur tb wbiaky liabiti Vr Livinaton Antidote for i ruul; r.nws wiit ears sar of tbs liquor eabit ia from tan tn thirty days, f mm tha 'odersta dri,ikr to Ilia draokard. Tits Aotidntaoan b givsn ia 1 cap of coffee without th kaoslailge ef tb paraoa taking it. Thw-Actidota Will so iajars tb bealta in any way, Maonfactaretl ly th Litinutteti Chamical i'o., Portlsad. Orsjoa or froa J A Csmmiiijr. aots agecL AlWoy. 7 WnasKToOrrTfiasi-Whri wantlaj; cwf aa or plariA (All o.i G L Llackman h- you an seet from a first class tOLA. 0labl aad Always Ik . Ttrsndrsth' pills ar the oldest, aft sod bant bl od pnriUer and purgative known. Ttay are purely vegetable, therefore harm losa ' They arj alwalhe asm and always produca the same sffect. Vthr porgstivs reqoire inersssed doses and finally eease act ing altoiiethef. A 00a rsa of one or two of ltrandretb'a pill taken each night I a posi tive cat a for eonstipstton, headache snd all Mliou disorder. .If you cant take them plain get them sugar coated . Remember Paisley & Smiley, Pi iJ: Just arriiod a Asn, man' and riieipson's, whioh striee. full line of ladies, chsl bov 's foot wusrstO W will h sold at bottom Ia tuk EPBtxa. A lino line of Blazer t'rVftja Inr snrimr upnr in tnnn vilpnirn. jnst received by u vv rjirnpson : -. "i . ' ' Also a large stock of the popular self- pening corsets. U dingPbotogratihsrs A oany Oregoa. "W bar bouebt-all theno&ativt t vadfl by L W Clark and W Green ood tip to Nov 15th. 1989. Duplicates can be bad from hem only of a at rdacd late. W bay also about 18,000 negative made by oar eel re, from whiek duplicate can bu bad at like late. W carry lbs only full lins of viewi of thia state and do enlarged work at loweibrate for first class work. W shall b platd to sea yon at our Studio in Froraan's black, neitdaorte Mstoni Temple. Freaek Taasy Wafer. wafer are a ure andsercia. klndsof female troubles anew1!' all obstructions to the mom. 1) no matter what the cause. Tt t twhat ererr woman need: . at 1 The far a remoi period are u can be wed with cafety. For sal t th. j-misgsioae Chemical Co, also iron 00 sole agent, J ACummfng, druggist. Bit berg bck, Albanr, Oregon, SBILOH'S. TITALTZEIt i what, yea seed for Constipatia, Loss at Appetite, Oia siness, and all symptoms ofDyspopia. l-ric iu aaa ia eenujer nettle. Wood Wanted Now. We call again the attention of those who wish furnish, thl office with wood on account t j brinrj It in. We want oak, ash or body lir. farm for Bale. I have for sale 160 acres of the finest farming land ia the str.te. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but baa abeautful building loca tion. Eight miles frora Albany, two miles from Tangent, oa the SPR It. Terms and price reason able. Call an d see tne on Second street, opposite I);-m sceat Sice. Dr. G. W, Mawic, ORbGON, FRIDAY, JUNE lg, 1891, fsomi At rsAi, TltliASDAV. D V S Reld, of Portland, i In the city. MUi Rhoda Hall I confined to her homo with the mump. Mri! M Hopkins went to Satem this noon on buslne, IJr fc L Irvine, of Portland, wa In the city lliU forenoon. IJis-Countr Commissioner Phillip ha bean In tho city today. , Geo E Fish, of Corvill,pated through Albany for Salcin today. Mr Roy llllard, of Seattle, I in the clt v, the gufM of Mr E F 80s, Jim Cr-rbetr, the prle fighter, wa on this morhlng' overland bound for Port land. Judge Whullcv came up'from PortUnd this noon on a hunting and fishing expe dition. ' - Mr W II McPhrrson and children and Mr John Maxwell and family, are camp ing at Waterloo. Chief l istice Strahan and Attorney General Chamberlain came up from 8a!em this noon. Imtrt v Kearn arrived In AHny thl mxi.i from Washington, and will take chargs of Parker Uro bakery at once, A son of 0 T Frot t, ot Scla wa In the city lodAy. He Is eighteen years of age, 6 l-ct 3 tuoitc tall and weigh 140 pound, only having grown an Inch In tour year. Mi CC Kennedy and bays, of the O. P,, rctumed yesterday noon frcm Port, land. The ll'.tls boy, whose eje wa In jured, cannot see out of rjiher eye now, but the doctor thought they would be all right In a few week. . " ' ETTFUher went to liarrUburg ves lerday to survey a 100 acre tract oflarfd for tlie Witlunictte Pulp Co. tit Oregon City . That conijjsny I buying up All the land with balm on It along the Hver to be secured. I) Rankin has returned from a trip to tle mouth of the SlutU w. At Florence, settlement ot a few houses, addition have1 been laid out for a mile around. One I oiled t:v! Chicago addition. A eompan of surveyor were within five mleof that place, la log the Hoes for the Eugene & Sfluslaw R tt. ratOAr. F It Pfelilcr, of rwlland,! In the city. C It II art went ta Ulem thl .coon oa business. Jay W Bialn and fsml'y asent to Scm this noon on a visit with Mr Oaborn sod family. Licenae bas ln iasned (or tlie anjir riageot Alfred Brown and Mrs hUit OrijjRS, iUrptr Cranor and Jamea B Murray went to Ibanon this noon to see the CorvaJ!!-Lcbnon game. Mr Oert Chamberlain, who ha been working at bl trade in Portland for some time, returned home A day or two ago. Hon R A Irvine and wife went up the Oregon Paclrlc to Jordan ValUy to attend a meeting of the Linn County Council there tomorrow. They will return Mon day evening. Last evening the King Dangbterc of Uj M E Church gave Mrs C O Lee a ttirpri" reception at tbe borne ot Mr F Kt 'r sly. A pleasant time is reported. A l. lnrJi of ice cream and cake wa partaken of. I Hiring the evening a hand- son to rjtult was pretN?nted Mrs Lee,pieced by the Kings Daughter. Mr E II Boardman, the young man re cently arrested here for using ooscene taniruiire. was what he claimed to be, an employe of the Southern Pacific R K be- iitz in an Important posUlon Ij the freight partme n and a young man of ability In Idi. line. A railroad man remarked.ltM eftitariener will do him good. If should keep, but of saloon and not use Sis tongue too (reels' and miv possibly some day be come ffvi'dent of a railroad company. ratwday. Beott May ejn.' R Sbelton, ol Bcio.wer in tne city toCav. Mrs A W 01 ici. was in ine city today estUimr on hr hosband't tate before ludae Biacki.rD' Mr N P Slate, th r.ataw'te ot r egon hay press, a very sage -tusand expe dlttoua machine, ami P. rtland this noon on business. Enoch Aflin inl a n fu. were married In Corvalll thl ek. Tw name suggesting a couple famous pt-m. one by Tennrson, t be oilier by E f ,r Allen Poc. MIm Abble Wrleht. ot the Albany Cub- He Schools, left this noon for her home in CoivallU. Mie will leave on the naat strainer for California, where he will pend part ot her vacation. -( ? Following are the graduate from the Agricultural College at CorvallU, next week: Birdie Osborn, Rebecca Casteel, LllUe Kerr, Addati Gillette, Maggie Mackay, Anna King, Lottie Rose, Mai tie Allphln, John Pipes, Edward Bryon. THE COLOKW Kt'UC BAtAAB. lias a 'lnrge and complete . line t4 goods, dolls, doll baggieB,',boya' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which f ol to make op a complete assortment, resides a complete line of lumps of very description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird esces, plush goods, such as Albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's A B C picture books, And all goods that are carried in a Baxaat store, including lioger Bros. 1S47 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rale prl baking powder and tea. tint no express;? fcr this trade, which (rives the best of sali laction, as is attented by the hundreds -who have used both the tea tvnd baking powder ever since introduced by the lolden Iiule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing. powder draws a prize in tbe sliane of a fine nioce of Klass- -ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as yon will "be sure to find what you want, and will "bo shown over tbe store and bo treated .kindly by my clerlt, Mr. Miller. My oods are all marked in plain figures so t, , n Florida, and several yeara be sts not to deceive anyone, and 1 have but I , . ... . .... one nrice to all. fore that In Canada, told me a few days JulIus Geadwohl. Crawford k Pax ton now have at their gallery tbe larcost and finest collection of siterenpticon view over gotten out rathe iNortbwast. There "is no finer eoenery ia tbe world, a thaso views a,uiokJy dauaon- atrato. . , Wanted, to loan $40,000 on good farm eecuri ty, in the next thirty days. Money ready, Take ltwbila yon can get it, ' SNSteeli&Co. W, TP. I:td keeps tb best'ssioi tmecfe f J gocd in town. W iato r again! tramp. 'juOWMEKD & Wittoir. On., half dollar rr duotion on every tialr Ladlow' fine sboesv. A coodUin oi tbs)i ata iti iomig s. Buy yr.or grooeria of Parker Bro Tbes Baby wa sick, wa- gave her Castorta. Whan ana was a OnIldrah cried for Cwtorlai When she became Hit, she clung to Castorut. -tteo h had CbllireAi k g bem Catorla, Excitement Ban bisk in Albany at Fosbsy 11. ton' drug store over Sytm, at everybody is ning it fr Catarrh af tba Starsaeh, Dysnepsia Const:eton and Im par Try 1 tall yonr fi-isia asiiu'it as it smaab iaee8Wnvrral artrit wha tfszk weu f it. now moauNSABsCAST, If any ons entertains ths die that the iron working raduslry 1 ao longer practicable in New England, be hat only to visit torn of ths numerous plants within her borden where ths Industry it being carrkd oa and that successfully. Ths building of Iron and sleet ship for our navy, and tht catting of tb big guns for na tional defence, ua and if being don her in competition with plants in other and more favorabls location, so far at the raw materials are concern. As svidenes of this I wiU give a brief tletrh of tbe process of catling ons of ths big breech-loading guns, at witnessed one day this week at ths South Bottoa Iroa Works Forty-seven of the big gum have beea contracted for at these works; five of Ihes hsv already been successfully cast. These gum are known at tbt 11 iacn braces bailing mortars, aad ate mads of cast iron boopeJ ith tteel, sad are cast by what is knosrn at tb Rodman process of hollow east ing sad water cooling, by wbkb tb catting it cooled from the inslda. Tbe gun pit where the casting took place it in tbe bugs fouedry, aaJ is st out twenty fen deep by 1 a fact in dlanjeter, bsirg liacd with boiler lion to make it water tight. In side of this casing of bolter iron is laid a heavy britk ws!l ini thl. i the flask. Ttese are lined wiib quicksand. A core arbor eiyht inches in diameter, wound with rope rod exited with clay, is placed ia the center of ibis pit Tbe guns are cst with tbe breech end downward, the molten metal entering the mold by opening down lbs tides. Down lbs center ef lb tors a water pips is carried, through which cold water ia made to pass to keepXcool. T b faroacs for malting the material has a capacity of twenty two tons,"' Twelve boars fie tb Uro the fire were lighted "th mcta1 was p pops need ready to pour, aad the eoor o f (b ftifBsce wsi opened, row whkh lh msfal flowed into lb mold. Tb wslied iron entered the mold at tbe lower bole ant, and a it begsn to fill, it flowed ia boa lb hole above, and so aatd tb top was reached, wHca it was shut ait This process occapSed about ten minutes. Tbe coding process bofiatcrttt. As soon as lb metal began to ma tato tbe moid, water wastaraed intifjite pipe running through (be sort, aad as too at th mold wat full fires wcr started a roan J tbe base of tbe pit By tblsjncags b casting is cooled from tbe Inside aahiebf ivesit sn additional strength. tt laksiseserst days to cool tbe casting, and a it wiU be tilted out and sent to th ma- rhiu shop, will be finished ap aad tb tslv wrought steel ring shrunk oa. When lb glials completed, U fill weigh about seventeen too and bew,eety feet long. JulNTJTO HUC8KKEEI!i:i3. To prevent layer cake Jtom sticking, greaae tbe tin and dust In A little flour. r.lot nllk Is a simple mean of comfort, ajutUanoaa tevlvlna-toonewholaUtlaucd bv cer-eserslon . Dlalafeetanta ATS useful possession In all household. Eron the most aanltary plumbing may need the occasional purifi cation of disinfectants. A German prescription for preventing cold-sores and boil from coming Ao a head is to paint them fir of test time dallv with equal part of borade add and water, By applying a little of tbe beat carrUge oil varalsb carefully with a camera faalr brush to the edges of broken cbfrva, Ue parts being neatly joined together, tbe fracture will, when tborougbly dry, be hardly peeceotible. And tbe china sWll stand fir and water. To keep glassware bright, wipe directly from the hot' soda. Taiabbsra awed lor milk should be tbcwonly rinsed in cold water before being Irosnmsd ia bet sitd a hot wsterseem to edvetho milk etc , . tne g ,.H 8,v. ' - M ante. . , The best thing to clean tinware U com- mon oda; rub on briskly with a damp cwtn, atter wnicn wipe cry. saw s s s . AT la Al -M. . A a. a .! A 1 , i o preserve tne nciiiruuyB.T , . fee, I the prunes. Allow them to toaa over iija"w "t--- prune. Then taae the prunes out and boll the "cn tney nave , add ugr to twte and boll fifteen minute. Then add to P' range and As'low them to alrr mer thirty minute, then st on s coai. v. k...i. iMh cod. It It economical to a -- . . . . i... Take me portion neasi ih. k.u t .j l.n r- a chowder, serving aa . .. . i .it-,, tn m VUUI B9 I) Ull ts ! 1 V " try ,isrt IcA. ceasing aalt cod, find the wnolc """ ooatlHle: it I a much bettet' Article than " a S a If mo.1 Af th aa. called bonele S coansn, wiuchof which I not cod at al,. -I am confident," writes Dr Prim jrorn Florida to the New York Journal of -m ntrra that nvra la a much more nun ,er . ... . . rr nd A... inwi 111. in nonnsm new &hk.s In June and July than In any tropic. I country. Our northa'tn forettt and fields abound, day and rdght. In winged And wingless insect of countl variety ana number. Mosquitoes, black file and gnats are more of a pest t the north than I have ever found in the troptct. An ac comnllahed entomoloclst. who baa resided ago that hi observation fully accorded with mine, and that he had fountl weci life much more plentlfulln Canada than In Florida." The earliest mode of writing wa on brick, tile, oyter hell, ttonet, tvory, bark' and leaves of treei; and from the latter the term "leave ot tree' is probab. ably derived. Copper and bras ;olatet were very early In ute, and a bill ol feonmeni on ccDoer wat tome years since otscovereo - ... 1 In Tntta Krarlns the date too teare B. C ... s . Good ae-ar for smokers coroes from Havana. The present tobaceo crop win even surpass that ot ten year egoln quali ty and quantity. It promise, moreover, to "cure" early enough to enaoie u to m sampled by Tune or July, The- crop 1 for breaktatt, and , sprtnaw tne was r " ' "7 , ibtripiiti ii- : . . I ll,. -kru ii (In. il.. 1 Tt 11 f nr. I Paul and W I oftheflthwell wiU. H - F-- -r-v- A ,n ha tw,l the next CJ. in pur-l v,.-.v ...v. - - ... AlUmo8 b . roughly estimated at a quarter ot A million bales, each too pounds weight. The Portland Daily Examine passed Into the band of A Noltner who ha will hereafter publish the Poitland UaMty Ana Weekly Vinfatch. Mr Noltner I a man of wide newspaper experience aud wrs wiah him abundant tuccei in hi new under taking. The Civil War is considered at fcegtn ning July 9, 1891, when the Star of the West, bearing the United Statea flag, was fired Into from Norrl Island, S C,and terminating Aug. is, 1886, the data of the president's final proclamation that id! hoe- - - ' ttllties bsd ceased. - UEF.I) Uf tVH0V. Thomat B Reed I a great man. When be goet east tbe west tip tip. He visited Rome and a powder rosaxlne exploded, lie went to Parti and the charity bull at the British Legation burst forth Into un paralleled splcn.loi. He attended the ball and ft was an Immense success. We wait with Interest for the results of hi corrus csllr.g metorlc appearance In Berlin and Vienna. It I lucky for Will Urn that be got a chance to make that remark abowt hi being the matter, and no one else, be fore our ex'Spcakrr got on the Spree. lis may be able to down Bbmarck, but he never tackled Thomas Brackelt Reed. But Mr Bced' visit to Europe will not be of much real value to him till he get to Russia. Els avowed purpose In going to Europe wat to study parliamentary sys tems ther,' lie doesn't like our form of government, The American House of representative for a hundred year has not (uited him. He admit frankly that he want something more autocratic, He wanta to see how legislative bodies are run by kings and prince and marquises. Ee want to see how hereditary upper Chamber do what the American tenate I reluctant to attempt sit down firmly on the representative of the people. lie wiil not And what he want In Italy France or Germany, and least of all In England, wt.eie the Crown and lloi-se of Lord have surrendered narly all their ancient prerogative to the representative of the people. In all the legislative bodies, of western Europe there are minorities that mansge to offer a good deal of opposi tion. Even the great Bismarck, wltH the Emperor behind him, bad to form combi nation to resist an opposition that a Reed would have hammered down with bis gavel, and gagged and fettered with bis committee on special rule to fit particu lar exigencies. It is only in Russia that Mr Reed will find the model be I searching far. In .Russia there are provincial legislative as semblies which meet when tbe minister of the Interior so direct.' The governor of the province calls 'the assembly to order, and announce what subjects it 1 to act on. if any delegate make a motion that bat not been submitted to and approved by tl.c governor the police take charge of Mm. it the assembly debates anything not In the official programme it eel a warning. If the eembly take any action calculated to offend the governor or the minister of the Interior It I at once ad journed to Siberia. Business I f rintacted In exact accord-. ance with Mr Reed parliamentary Idea. There It no time was'.ed in debate. The assembly meet forbuslnes the business selected' by the general government. i no lacuou. opposition, iso un- remaraa are nurieu ai we presia- -. maoe oy me "e-nbly are corrected In the record by I the governor and the Minister of the In- 1.1 wr .L, . . L. , 1 I wwr. crtrjuimg run. amuomiy mna I M . . W fs. a . tw penectiy a mr tt.ea wm. ine nou.e 01 representatives to run. -.-saitonti Utmo- crtt. Now, then, the protection orgsnt are pub lishing the following ss concliuive of tbe vast benefits of protections it'TlCA. N Y. June t. Aoli-McKinleyitt hsv been asserting that American factories will never he able to furnish more than a sample of tinplaie for Utica, but yesterday when a carload of tin plate wa rolled in here from Pittsburg, consigned to Miller & Son, wholesale hardware dealers, they had nothing to say. Tbe invoice consists of sixty boxes. about sine tons gross weicht, of different gradea of piste. Tbe Utica firm announced the plat to its customers two weekttgo and most of it wat told before it arrived . Another carload hai already beta ordered. Miller & j ioa' quotations we 50 cents to $j per box ifean tbe standard foreuzn tin pute ac- 1 cording to grade and tke. I Tl.1.1,:.. :n t..., ni4 ,1,., .1,. w susswswA ai sevts ws Araasa sAsaaasA swat UfKinu. ,.rr M K t l. . . . the old law, it now offered for sale st from 50 I .nf.tofj K)l a,e ,UnJ,rd f , . The question naturally arise: Why is 4 Bemtt , wcreae ,he daty cm Un if Amer- j. mM,nflc,arert M m.nufacture k nnder theoU ,lw ni e chctf)er xUn imror1ed tin? The whole thine U a tb.m and weak ,tUmp, todeeeiveihe people, 1 s, ... T. ,8a, ' iWiV' Democrat I Notlcinst a tutement In the Damocrat tor sn the reader of the Dkmocrat that quite a portion of the atatement was un true. Tillfotd Paul I not toyear old and lack nearly 40 lb, of weighing 180 lb., and did not have any $36 to pay and will T the eubtcriber of this article had ne right to make any such statement. 51 - Tillford Pall. Notwlthstandlnir the bluster made, by the democrats over the McKlnley bill, the facts In the case are pretty well undertooa. The Muscatine Journal make a fair pre- sntment ot the kind of loelc that sen si btv people appreciate in tne xoiiowing .tat ement: "The reduction In the price of gooa eatable ugar it tne naraest iap tne demos facy haa had since the republican u.j a men tarin on nan ana reuuecu the prlt ,e 200 Pr ccnt bv cus,ng th.e,r manufacture in thl country.- trefai. The exfcCt, stern truth it tharthe putting of sugar on tne ree 1181 ine nrac" that nrotectto nim has'ever receivea ana Instead of beln, 1P at the democracy confirmatory evidence of the righteous nes ot the cause lor wnicn tney iaoor, ni..,. tntiHireitce only 1 needed comprehend tbjs train. , I r . JJ 1 1 -1 ttA iwiuimaaota of Prof Charle A Yonng of Princeton, -i.,i., th n nation. "What 1 - - :. . , inot wonderful and start.tng tact in as tronomy ?" ayt: "The fact that your great Lick telescope reveal about 100,0, stars, and that every one of them It - , - . , . thst It would require of them to visible to the naked eye." tun, theoretically and by analogy giving light and heat to hi plan-et. ' You know ,-. TJr.k telescone reveal tara so small It I announced in a republican organ I 4Jbei "Andrew Carnegie, until the late iflua n shooting sen son Is over, will maln Uda Almost regal dignity nd hospitality the crand old mountain stronghold, CUmv Castle. In the mean while common people of the United States continue to pay tribute to my lord s - conarloa In the coke region who continue to shoot down laborers imported by my Ord In contempt of law unless they con sent to resume the badge and constiiution of servitude. - Ev rxsbbino with a flannel dipped in whiting, ,he rfiirnlnration mav le taken leup which have been tsd for baking. NTO 45 SCROFULOUS BOY IlJnnr.a gors Covered Ilia Body nd Head. lTiica Affected. Cured by Col!rur Kernrdlcs. Wii 'r moolhi oM. tb L-ft hinj t,f ecr J:u'e STSndrhlkl bKn to w.i, at.J b;,ii ever anrar, ar of a larns Loll. W (xmltiml It, ml m M parpowi. A two Cvs rouulhs slwr t; U i Tuua.Bi sera. Hovn (rfhcrarnvs f.irimj. j;e ..f pad i vl them n lutrul, and as his bU! j.v eans mora ami mare Imj-ur,. H (ok lea lira (or ihnn I brask out. A sura earns tba ebia, Kom th lip, wbkb Waa vary bffrn1 Ills (wad wa cms slit i illwWiftna, a eri-st .,.,( Was hi f,v'l:anu at inf 10 ISI6lf cll, !( ( I drr'.'Ki tli esra (,'. h'.m, I. ssnthsr lvifii4ilk!l vJwii : wS lUll wire l!m a it.r). It ernU six a fill . hut toil' ;;t t p if h frll d'jsni, ut,4 nu',d m-t tamr ia U A, LaTiftg ti9 use of hi, h. ). J lior,.,;i. bKxsrd wits !. CimcvaA UeaiiM, r nil fi. ly. Doe ..r aflrr n,ih-:t fafolmi, a , m fbrniln lu k)i f3e ot t:fl6 fiyo J; r furs hc-llag, ie U waa)4 flnnliy e-ow . i4 wcr Ii.b owl; ths lhay would fcei t(." "iu ol iisly ben f'rntitfis 1 pit,,,. AfKr litili.a s down 4 a h'f bvlilr ho s )leif 'y e ir- i, ;nl is bow, at tos (.',, ,f. s:ron;iHlhtnltBrhil4. Utti. fi. t. l.l'or lUl , li4. f.i i. Clay pL, I;:a,..,.;,, , My rrandn; raoistbs psrl!y wr!!, ?.;i--ero?tt!a jmi ko zeros, lit,. K. 11. 1.'ill! I ts. 1, tJ. illoon.i.f ..; Cutlcura Resolvcra The ner Iil.t I'tirirW, lnU;mily (to sirti,.--bluxd of all impariux and pobwnouc cU iu..,.u . Ui- t mrrn tho auine), ! (L'Tltfas. t" ! fWIn ',-, anl CcricVBA bmp, aa iiH:: ,..i.hii,t, muTiMiiy (u siesr ms sun ami skI ihc half), ear evary distue and I..,,., of t- t,a u,J Lluoil, frota (riiuplca to teivtuu. BuM Tfryh-r. I'rtca. t'cnirsi. 6ne. : f,- '', sw.rsT, 41. l'rt!r.Hl by t!,si Vn.tx.. i.!'3 aan nrm At, f.,Ti, lltt. c r tut " llow to Cura Iil-xd BIGY'C slo a4 lntp pttrifint an I tKaftlff AUl 0 CcTitcaa )r. vM-J.uWi p. HHEUfiATIO FAiiv? In m- mlnuta f h Cri'lwr-. ' Pain It-r rallies rb-'imV-- alia, Hit, kW, cbs1, -! mutrr' ..all) t-l ir.l"r . i-r W . V M is low Embracing all theMatest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and -To The 111 Hls.H U. I tt .1 l V 111 ULL' 1C3 Ribbed and Musli.v. My Peices arG tie LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sob f gent for the Celebrated v E.H0SIEBY. Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free froia Poison. To The Men Call and Look at My .values in Fiunisliing t bave Large Stctfc Jit, the Xnwest I cat ry a lillln of tbe wcrU-reaowsjI LT.O iDIIEi-I? its finish. ' : Irge stock of EnBB0sio?faE3 And lLoryctv:c9. . ced that Albany ia the beat trading point in Oregon. tor wear ai and be cot , KECOUO 229 ' SIEE O IP DELOO, 22Q 1-2- OtiBCO is stoodsrd by all rules, and aaa a Hotter at avarr aes. K la ths only bars In tbo Konbwaat to fill raal ved lbs eiawa two year youuf r. II will b kept tba anminff saason at feoma Maauaya ana Tucaaay st Allanv Saturdays, Indapendanoa Wednn- dara, 3alem Thursday a f ana r rnian, um si- kiared to serva niara I at 50, to insure. IfoKNIUBT BROS. 2:231-2 Conl Black, with nn.t tumurui.i.vM ..tana la jr, x:j, in inree siraij-ui naaw. Bired by Altamoct, wasrou rooord, l:20f t sir oi' Alta, :9Sti, aud aevan other S:S0 parlo.-mets, anna to boat 01 other colt trotter it,.un . Slhokt. that haa over throe hundred descendant in th. S:60 Hat, Including Bsu. Uamuw snd Justine, double, :13. sv.1 ..'. ilam is TscoKan bySTRABsaa. the ElKftTBw.d hT;.XJBeh,.tV: huos or lsui t inis ww .-- milos northoiwt of Shedd. rerraa Season , -11 a BUY THE "fillTGilELL VAQ0II,: be au - - In the will AtaMiet Monarch of tlie Road. 011 XiilvMvJX vv uvn.uvij t. Ifsving.besa entirely ramodafed. th!. W And popular resUurtnt will U m i first. Slasa n every rBsfiect. Th pahi.e vill t, giver, gt,d meal at all i-.oor for o.,ly 25 -nt.'i. Etrrythmg ne.t ar.d ti.frar.tive. rttf boxe. OysUr in vry etyl. VS5.siii, a smxjs- Druggistsaml BookseHers Ao I for John B. Aldan's piIIcknsl 6k"t w aftll st ptibllsbor's rrSaa witis -aiak-ea-t.",!1 i.HASi, mue.ium PHELPS, Job Printer, Ist.St.K Albany erm.fiuy cnraS vllhoot CnUInf, Wnrn'.nr ft Iil teuUig. A aritcy tuumt tntto.crt snl a r.-.rso-aU ettra tn ry j , fw. KwAlrTh'tw lnr.g Man2:;, Thia u.atmarit, for S ricM a. of bf rxl:" .it ll.a 'Wtast diat!Oirrj' knurn to iwdieir. itj;"5s sd aoinplatair ramvea ths Stricture without ai,r.oy- I or,ln to ILsrs'laiit. DISEASES OF f EN fseoliar to thairlwx, aa I nH prnpart MRsa bcrr, Iccludlaf st! Ih'Jf dallcata InSr.j'V.s ar.4 V,". aaaws, irhicb thay wmsld shrink ffira fl':l.,lEi U Sbair fatally phjraMso, (jarnmnantly evra.t in limt Mm than as soar known to l( ir, by r Josli'sMKtw Srstoa of Trost-O'Tit." Itrejutariaiea b ranila-iirtr ary orfranaatid n.k wmk tccBairnrtsr Wban imaainia, tt ia aiwaya baat V eaii lor fnu,tl MauiUUua ut rcal an,lnstln. But 1 1 o too eanaot poaalbfy call, trn'A wnia, tt'.;r htr was folly, Madiin sant by nl or ajj.rwji, nr,'al, ta frrnn asaaura,ta all rst ot ta raatSc (at. Addraaa, Wm. A. Boiell, 31. D. St ffaal t $psarr, rartiaae. res Corcer Firat and pM.strt,ftPti!ind Natiunal Bank. WASH FABRIC?. Ladies,- U LLklUi. c ULVk -.vv C5 Trtcfts ever ofcetod i. tta y ALTAGO, B3J0, tbrsa j ear old roosd J.44, son ut Altamoct, snd 5U,-,'iJ Arced S-.SS, wil b kqit at CarvatlU Uondcys and TussJUys snd tha rcot of the ws at b.naa. Ternu, t35 to lasurs, duo wbrn nw ki known to be wtvb fvai or removed from ta eonntrr. Will bsgad to show JP sUxk any day ticeffl Y -aTr.-- ttmday. -'r JIcKSIOHT BROS Ely ilestnnrr.c STRICTURE ! Wlllilljitj3 i 2:2a 3-4 . 2:30. a. . A.. T. ..! aCSJ In lllfrllf 13 f roe, ski M. CttT, ir tt. (sire ot Pratxao. 2 2S aud U (-tit o:Jjj ) seventeen ol ha liaurfilcrs have wodwed atnta 2:S0 perf-.tniers. Including si ir aRiKO Bay, t tfc, who tired lha di of Amu., at S vsm AtlSKwa. 4.18J at four yosrs, two of th. fastest stallions In tbo world ot their aos. Twxrah. dambyBaioKOB.S-.SSl, eiic of the dao of Rixa WasES, Z-'i, sireot CuviS h. , 2:5t. Cas - VSV: - - ' '-' - fit20! Insurance, s,- - BARROWS