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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1891)
ft i V vfxTf r j .k 3 i01 New.York World, An ad. in Ihe " AT".. Reaches the MostPeople.and brings BIO KETUPsNS. THE DEMOCRAT" and the American Farmer, nil ono year ron S2 80. '3 Weakly "State Rllit Dmocrst,t2 CO per year, 1 THE CVY TRUE Ml n, KI4m miiI slre Ilia, re MlJk w4 Vwetlh. I M-!l rk of hiinir(l n4 1trl yllni afcasjlssiely wn fabeka ii'iMi t4 PNm rent) t ntuiilk (intiR Vwer, 8iif,rtn from comptMnt A IT I TTt3 Mrlllntr 'lh!l!l On I LHUIuO U en. m a u t h tuo.y 10!W t en-l 4t ol.r. henl. tea th, ewnleii.a. r rew.l itiMfii'M l eminitl.. All Mia W POn, ,n- mwii. 1 t s .1 -i osi.m it i r. Or. MlTa LI TT LS. s.lVl I r Or.HASTtKMlUICINECO., Sfclauii, U FOGHAY A MASON, - WSnta'.Sie B ! 0 r u s&is. Is and Ho oksd le rs (lr, for John n. A Men's pt.vliratk)na, LW'ti w. publisher's jnevilb .x.::tw. o it cutis n r'T iWriwlettjasst "t:rrrhyj . lilivl. !- I wwr. ,. ,tan. vn ! Mie iu riN BiritiudicEU TtiKa (ISII K, lirali 8SQO Hevvaid. ? .vr. 'v;' tt thtnlKir f r i -f 1 n-V I;!- f Ofcl r t ft:Ti V. .'puliw m-i:l . Kwl OMiJ If J A (imniir.iitii; ASSICKEE'3 H3TICE. OS THE 2STII DAY OF MAUCtl, 1S91. K Rck..r ofSliedil. Ur.n Co., Orfpcn, Hitd an mslirnn.ent for tho brn fit of his eredilor. Thn nnditcnel la th duly appolnteJ and qutHtlml aialKDea vt aaid Iieokar'a aitte. Ail persona havinft CiaJmi agtinat IhaaM 1 Iiackor ar baraLy noliflad to prca.nt tUam to tba underalxned, Tcrifled a rtnnli l I r law, vithio thraa raoniln from tba da'.eucraof at Sbodd, IJon county, UreRCii. rated April 2,1 Sf I. JulIN W. rvou. II. C. Waio, AmIk nr a. Alty fur AaKlgrico. (4 S . HEALTH IS WEALTH! 4. DR. C . C. EHT3 5rv ud Brsin Tmlnerl a msanintil ciAe f.r Hysteria, 1'kxiim.m, Cunml vtnna, Fi a, Ncrrou Nsurmiria, lfniacha, Nervnua Prostration caused br the usa uf alcihol or Uihacwo. Waksfuinssa, kleiiiai lprsion: K K-.nhit el the lira 13, reu!tin- la Uisuiitjr an4 leaOkn to mlMrjr, away vwliieeh, prsuMtura oiit are, harrsnnnM. lien mi ri t.cmisseti by wreriertKiai of Ihm hnun Kach ba. mtaina 011s moath's treatment, 81 a b or six boas) fur j, sw-it bjr mul pre(il on racciit o price. WB OUARATTEE ,IX BOXES TO CURE AXY ssss. With each onler rsceie.i by m fur six bnies, aeenaipanted witb are will semi Uie oariiaserotir written eiajanlee) to rtt,inl trie money U the treat, ensnt dive bmh e3ert a rare. G jararileea iesuaj on'y by J. A. CuairuiH. UruKt, ante airent, AitioDy, Or. FartmiKer & living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalndnpr Dons Scientil ically. rp 1 3 J 1OT II lianyi ii loiiia THOMAS The Hew York si VV 11 i, Ms? the Place to Buyi. TEY Tlieir Meld -G. L. BLACKS LEADING DRUGS. I.iEDIGIIIE im3 uksl I and rat POOE ana 1 HY fl -eSawata?Balw L. WrUe for our Now Illuatrnfed Cntalocno of 1K91. VOLXXVI. T1 YEGE1 BLE PAMACEA riEtHMfO FROM ro( rse ricuias. rTHK cunc or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING mOM A DISORDERED STATE crrsc STOMACH on AN INACTIVE LIVER. row 8ALr nr ALL DRUKT1STS & GENERAL DEALERS ANY WEAK MAN Wfco hi mffrHnf. tiithr la hbi tm1 far biMljr. from Um UiirvMM or wwaMaig ffflacMU hlS OVa ajfUvnUlt fulUv lMUa nonUjr urL pr frw rajMfi TLU Old lVxrto kawl 3U vm WtlliMa tnt arttl to am dr. I Phln lll.i in. lftrllaft. HZALTtl fiZSTGRZP. USE IT! IT T3 TTTF! TPffAl It i,ici th. I Kiit. v in.l S'!i, mix-. II i li- h - !-!' ii, it.'iiti nit A,-v.. titc, rurt:K l-.urw il.iu4 ami Caad avarj-wberc fl a,' out' j ut for$. THE CRY OF MILLION a OH. 7aV OTXCKl TOP IT NOW. OON IT Wilt ! TOO UlTf. I Have been troubled many rcara ri!ti ise of the kkineva ami base tnei r dtllerent temediea and lar amiiiht a x1 from aillcrrat Tinysiciaa. ootttrrttrt. Anout we imb oi Aprv raa atitict ine front a wnf etulenl ttlirk that almoat nraatraln me in ncH a manner taai i araa neni over, ahen I at doara U sraa almost impiitle tur me to net i p atone, or to pat on mi c tallies, h kin 1 rroylcnie Kent lr. Ueuley, with t ukl'.CUN KllJ.NKY Tt. to my hoScL I immcdiateljr commenced using; the tea. It had an almost miraculous eilrct, aud to the astuav fathmtnt of atl the guests at the hotel. in a lew da-4 am bapp to slate, that 1 waa a new nun. t will rccuminend tbe tea to all af.!u.tcjj as I r-.r: iKxn. c.a. TrrrKR. hoprirtor OriilentaJ Uutcl. hauu Kuaa, Cat. TRIGTORE ! Perroai lly cored arfthont Cuttlnf , Ftuminj r DU lslt"X A perfectly painless treatment and a guana, ld cure in eery sse, no oalter how king staruir(. This treatment, t.x HMictu a. of lr lUaclls .is tbe f atast disciverf knosm to medteira. It dissolve ad completely rem .tis the blricture lthuat aocu y- I or pain to lh fattient. DISEASES OF ivIEH! Pscnliarto IheirSe. an I exit p includinc all thes delicate Ir rrwerto name here. nArniltiee ami Waa al.kb they would shrink tr..m dUeisiiif to their family physician, penriartently cured iri less Um than aaa eer krmen to Mclkin lei. .re, by Or Viseli's "New System of Treatment. " It rejuvenate be cenilo-unrary organs aud makes weak men strung Wheri piiasitfle. It I always beet to call lor pervmai miaultation and stiecial ciaminatiiin. Hut tboea vho cannot ptiasibly call, slwini'l arrite, statin their avss fully, kUdicina tent by mail or axpeeea, scaled, kse from exposure, to ail part of the lcifte Coast. Add'res, Win. As Boie11,M. D. St rami IS taawBaarr, Pariland. recall. Corner First and I'm atrceU.JnvciJI'iwtl.tod NatLmal Eaok. C5UBES AMY HEADACHE "YoaWait," SUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. It you want tho besl and most durablo furni ture that 13 manufactu- QcJ in the city go to BRINK'S C.B. Tliyer Shoes. i f,l r dim EiJ I man 4e3 M R. Store McFarland Block, ABLANf., DRUGGIST - S STATIONARY M LZ3 use i tut l.OOAI. UEOOltD. fc'cio. 'A fiw aya bro we were tUoma toim ren work by Ui'o L HtttlicrlftttJ iiittla 1J not Btirinct ftnytliln wo imve awn in that nno lr a lont time Tho work eonila of a tribute ol rfancr n( tltoMtiaonio fraternity of this city to the lute William (jyrun.anil ine copy wai rreimrctl ov Mr putheritinti attiivirsii ntHtice to Iw nrraenUil to MraMarirart' t'vrus, the vrKlow of .their ttenartei' hrothtr. Tho anuvtiiiir covera a full aheu of ennllHinr l find is rmbellitihetl with Mammlo cinlKm, flKurea, etc, tlouo ex rlumvvly with the ru n. Tueaduv waa a rod luttor tlay in Ro- eonler Sh'eUon'a ronrt In thia city. At I P in K J lulfv wna brought before Lie honor, rhntyi il with t-ftllitij; A J Houston vile ami ohm-ene irninca. The charge wna not ut.iiiitil and the urcttMed wua liU'rutfd. About half paat 3 o'clock a row occurred in S M Daiiiera "tore Ik- tween OKerilinii and a rortlttnb Jt-w named Metngitr. Thediiticully rcw out oi it former tliirrenc livtwecn thctn in rortUnd. and Mr hertlins froccetlod to. aa he atated it, renew lua aeiualntance with MeUKAr. The coniplaininir witneaa covered wult uoro looknt tta lliouk!! l0 had Ieen rather roundly dealt with. Mr rertlini waa lined 5 and coata, amounting to7. I'rtaS. Liiiaxov.-O M Wcattal! hat told the Seet Home taj;e lino to tVm. Caroiera. Mr Carothera made hi Initial tilti Mon- uav. l)r F P Mt-het,formerW of this place, la now Incited In Wallace, Idaho where he hat full charge of the nil tie ra union hopltal. Vr Ma'chett l.aa risen rapidly in his fprofcailo.i since he began practice little over a year ago. The ',Gr,, acknowledged that they were badly bra ten In the ball game last Satori'av. Their defeat U attributed to lne different cause. To hear the pUrera, Individually, record th?lr explolla on this occailon you would conclude that the tirey" were Invincible, The fiodavllle anrlnif hat been nrwly Improved of late. We have drunk of It water and know whereof we apeak. The enterprising citizens of tc town are build Inn rood walks, will build it iliady retreat within the enclosure and will be prepared to entertain visitor riuht royalty thU uinmer Eapresa. As Ioka. "Tarn that wrapping paper the other aide out," anid a lady in a dry poods etore, aa the clerk wan putting up ier purehaae in a printed a rapping pa per, "i don't want to lie a walking ad- ertiseuicut for your store. I read the apera, as all intelligent people ought to o, and I think that in them is the nlace to advertise your buaineas. Instead of akiii( your customer to curry your sum around with each purchase of trooda go and It'll the people through the pa pers wiimi you nave to sell ana now you sell It." Ex. As a matter of fact such mcrchsnts also use the papers. A man has a right to advertise in different wava. though, of course the ticwsnaper is the best medium. Will Aovcrtwx Thku Tho Eugene Guard aavs: "The Lane County Pomo na tiranee recently resolved that the list of delin()uent taxpayers should lie pub- ustieti, ana appointed a cotmuiiue to meet the commissioners' court and ask for the pub ication. . The committee per- lormed the duty aiKiifd them and the court made tho order. The deliaiuent lint runs bark to lv5. The names of taxpayers delinquent for that year will be published in the Eugene newspapers next week and the week thereafter, witb the amounts due the county. The suc ceeding years will be published in the order in which they come two issues i each." W'iiv iVif'T Tiiky AtTurr? Probably the only reason the Albany base ball club baa for not accenting the challenge 01 toe unns is learoi dclt-at. The Linns are compoaed entirely of local players ana tne Aioany base Dan ciuo siwuiu make them play ball or quit bluffing. Manager Cowan shobld either play Ins men or take them off tbe diamond. The business men of Albany have been sup porting thcjn to play all clubs in Linn county if not outside clubs; and they should either play ball or crawl out of their uniforms and give all their belong- tnits to the Linns. The business men ol Ibany have responded Kenerouslv to the support of the Albany club and expect thera to play 1m 1 1 and maintain their iBtincMon as the first nine. A Bt rpoRTKR or A. B. B. Club. To ScBva-Y Silxtx. Mr J A Warner, of Albany, arrived here on Monday's train, leaving on Tuesday morning for the Hiletx reservation, where he goes to survey the lands specially allotted to the nutans. Mr vvarner is the riaht roan itht Dlace. as he surveyed a lares rvor- tion of this country for the government years ego, and is familiar with it from the Alsea northward. He Is an excel lent surveyor. Toledo Post. A Bio Contract. The Albany Wire Works la proving a ficlory of considera ble Importance. Cealdes Its already good business tha factory has jutt secured an order from two large Portland houses for one hundred wire mattresses a day for a year, about 30,000 In a'. I. Considerable new machinery has been Introduced, seven car load of wire, it ton, some of which has already been received, ordered. Ten to fifteen nans will be kept constantly In motion to meet these contracts and the general business of the factory. Easb Ball The Albany club not bar- In accepted the challenge of the Linns, It is reported,for spice, that the Weatherford club will Issue a challenge. Nevertheless the Albanles are a first class amateur club. nd they Inform us that they have cood reasons for not accepting the challenge at the prsent time. Live practice games are played nuhtly on the public ground. A Picnic, The Y P S C E of Oakvllle will give a picnic and literary -entertain, ment in II M Stone's grove on Saturday, May 23rd. come, and tell your neighbors to come. The exercises will commence at o o'clock am. AY Smith, Char, com. on grounds, A Peculiar Text. A correspondent In the Eugene Journal sajs: "A minister In Eugene took for his text last Sunday night "President Harrison's visit to Eu- genc,"and severely criticised the'presidint. In what ptrt of the bible did he find that text, and when did Christ authorize his followers to throw stones at their brothers, who are at least as faultless as those who throw the atones? At tub Bat. Every house in Newport is said to be occupied, not a vacant house being found in the city, except on Nye creea. A few weeks aao a very bad boy enter cd two or three of the Albany cottages ana stole ana emasnea things generally tie also aia up Airs uoon's cottase breaking things and stealing a number 01 articles. Two in One Familt, Mr Ida Driver, of Brownsville, has brought a divorce suit against her husband, Jas W Driver, The defendant is a son of tbe well-known Rev I D Driver. A daughter of Eev Driver also has a divorce suit to be dig posed of in the next circut court, making two cases in one iamny. n) RlM fo ur u Mb mr dim 1 tY, Used ia llillicns cf Hoaies 40 Years tie Standards ALBANY, How it Was Donk. A brother of Miss Ina Tcuipluton, who recen'.ly had a leg amputated at Portknd, tho partlcnlurs in connection with the young lady's ac cident being familiar to our readers, writes to the Tlrownsvillo Times, giving artleulnm of the operation, liessysi II 1 1. ... t, n M,A f ,1,1, a'l .tj ,, 1 nuv tin iiisis9 if, ,nv I HPV performed the operation, and was assiHt ed by I'm Cauthorn and Pntiton. Theru were also a number ol other physician present. There was some liooe Unit possibly tho ends of the bono could bo cut oir and then wired together, and yet lavo tha limb. Anlnelssion was made and It was found that tho two ends were not together, but had passed each other about an Inch ; the ends were cut off ami examined. The upper one was fairly good, but the lower was dead to the t ncc. The qucKlinn .decided itself. The limb was soon olf lien r the body. The pus had burrowed In di Ho rent directions. A pood, clean oerailon was made, only a very little blood waa lost, but that little caused some heart failure towards the close of the operation which lasted an hour and a half. Kbe recovered slowly. and waa getting along well until about half past two 0 clock, when she com menced sinking rapidly. Everything was done that medical skill knew to do and for two hour all reasonable hope of life was abandoned. Hut later she ral lied. The heart commenced to grow warm, aud hope revived. Hhe rested well at intervals during the nicht. but suffers very tuuclt from tho chluroform, peing very sick. Another uay win de cide this critical case." Asiilamo Lawykbs. The recent trial of L L llurtenshaw, at Ashland, was as great an event there aa the presidential trip. At the end 01 a ro'umn article on It the Kecord savs: "Taking Into con sideration the extortionate prlcea that other reputable attorney have charged for their services hereabouts. It Is safe to say that tho Moores did well In getting islf their rjonev. and no doubt some of them would have robbed morally speak ing her of the whole I120Q before they got through with it. For Instance, in the simple foreclosure of the widow Kaxemau'a place, the law office of Ham mond A Hi ism tax her 1210. The city council of Ashland appraised a lot be longing to the Slitter heirs (also poof people) and awarded them $300. AH Hammond charred It-5 for the simple service of collecting the $300. llJlilock gave Jas Norris a lien on his place (to se cure a debt of t'J7 lie xiwed for luruier, and which Illack gave voluntarily). The law office of Hammond A iirigga"socked it to him" with a lee of $100 for the tri fling job." Aax You I It. A man Is not "in It" ithout he own stock in some of the Kantian) mines. Tbe Albany mines are now in the lead, with rtrospecta unri valled. Owners of stock have every rea son to believe that sotnt day, and not many days hence, they will ace their stock worth par, and there la no reason why it should not some day bo worth that of some of the Montana mines, 1200 to IS00 per cent above par. The yellow stuff is there.and Albany is in it. Vas Iti-kRAiisl Th 4th of July will be celebrated at Newport In grand style with Hon John t'a pies, one of Oregon's most clequent and graceful speakers, as orator of the day. Tha stat-j teachers' association will meet at the same place on June 30th and hold until the 4th of Jnly. 'Itor. Post. What's Lf m. That I the name of a new mining claim in the Calapoola mine, each aide of Poorman mine. I P Wosfe, locator. Located May 8, 1S01. Filed May ta. nomn covaidkiiiu. F. M. Frrut-b, Levi rtitroad time liew era-am oheose lost teoited at (V..rsd Utysr. Smoka the clntrtcj Havana filled 5 cent elgar at Juliua Joseph's, Alarastcck of ail taper, with tits de igns, at Fort mi Her I Irving', just reetivsd. f lava yon seen those parlor suits that T Brink bas Joal received f They ars ales. Great rsd notion "nmni'a fumiabfna uoods for tbs osxt 30 days at W F Read . J W Identity, boat 1mx4 aod abos makerjin city, thrsa doors mirth of Democrat olnoa. Waanteg, 60o a th sen, mending for men Mts Kiogs,jtt t of tbs Dkmocrai (jdiao. Will & Stark bava Juat received a taros and elegant atock of silverware, watebes, eto. never before i quailed in thia city. E W Aohison ft fjo handle the celebrated Portland cement walls for -mtery lots. Tbeae walla can be faraiabsd at half tbe ooat of any other and are far superior. Briubtes op your old raLbtrs and ld shoes and make tbem look aa good aa new witb Wolff'a Aeme Waterpro'jf Polish, For sals at Samuel E Young's. Dr W II Ellis, ihjsictan and sorcaon. Albany, Oregon. Call made la eitj or country . Ladies dan do their shopping la Sao Fran- eisoo without visitiuif the city, and without extra com mission. Miss E J Barrows It chasing agent, 16G9 Oroya St, Oaklai d, . i rarsa for Bate. I have for sale 100 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeantful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tanuent. on the HPRB Terms and price reason able. Call an d eee me on Second street, oiipitite Dem ocrat ouice. lis, u. w. mast ox. WILL YOU BUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint T Sbilob's Vitaliaer is gaarautsad to core yon. We in'are against trampe. Towshend & WlMOIf, The best roast ctffte in tbe city at Com ad Moytrs. K.' i.dlsg Pfcotegraphsrs A ' aay 'regoa. We have boucht all theneKstivt tmads by L W Clark and W II Ureeoood op to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates esn be had from bam only of ns at redaoed lates. We hays also sboat 18,000 nesativea made by our selves, from which duplicate can be had at likeiatea. We carry the only fall line cf viowi of tkis state and do enlargf d work at lowott rates for Srsk class work, vt e shall bs pleased to ses yon at onr Studio in Froman's black, next door to Mssonie fenpie. Exeltemeat Baca high in Albany at Fosbay ft Ma son's drug store ever System Builder, as everybody is eslbg it for Catarrh af tbs Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation and lot pare Flood. Try 1 1 J tell your friends about it aa it meat peases woaitrfal msrits whea ad speak well of il SHILOH'S VITALIZKR is what need foi Coattipation. Loss et Appetite siness, and all symptoms ofDytpepir. I'riee 19 and 75 sents per bottle. if3-' km r -'WMaWaa. J OllkGONj FRIDAY, MAY 23, -1891. RtHlaL Al rCRSONAU TUUHMOAr. A Cohen has returned from a trip lo the Sound. m Mrs E 1) Purdom left for Mnlem Wed nesday morning to visit filcnds. County Commlmloner Cooper was In the city to-dav. It was not rrue thst the tntllMa was called out to protect him from Interviewers, Rev McLeod arrived from Connecticut to-dny lo take chsrge t the Congregation al church of this city for two months. He will preach next Sabbnlft morning and evening, Hon J K Westherford returned from AiIiIhihI vesirrday, where he had been to ueiend I. U Utirtenkhaw, arrested charged w'th swindling a widow of $ooo. On ex amination he was discharged. The evl- ueno showed he had only been paid S700 in casn, retaining 100 on ins lees and a chck for the other $500, which could not be csshed lor a while. FRIDAY. h Viereek and family relumed yester day from a trip through Polk and Yam hill counties, visiting most of the lead ing cities in those counties. A hey report uviigutiui experience. Key T J Wilson has retired from the real estate business In Albany and will devote his time to his fruit farm in the country, residing in Albany, though. Tonluht the fonnsr Peonies Uocietv of the Baptist church will hold a social, wuen reports m 00 iteard from dele gates to the Rale convention. Miss Sadie Cohen leavea to-morrow lor Portland to resume her atudlea In short hand In Holmes lljsirteas College. Miss Sadie Is becoming quite proficient and re ported Harrison's speech In this city with ease. A insetlnR of the Christian Endeavor foeietlesof the city will be held at the U V church, tonight at 7:30 o'clock, to hear the report of the comm!tt on con stitution, and tnako arrangements for permanent work. CJ Dltton Is In the city. Mrs Dr W II Davis went to llsrrlsbur to-dsy on a visit. Mrs John Uymsn and Mrs Wiles re turned this noon from Portland. Chas Warner and wife, of Rcio. era in the city, the guest of Mr Geo Warner. W E Lee, of function, waa in the elt yesterday on a visit to his brother, 0 6 J G Crawford rr.tnrne.1 last sesnlne from Portland, where he took several prominent scenes. Judge Srrahan arrived this nmn Iran Pendleton, where Circuit Court haa been In session for a week or two. Mr and Mrs Al Wolverton. of Snokane. rcturr.ed to Albany yeafrday bv way ol the river from a with Polk count v friend. Atbanv should have a lawn tennis club A city that can produce five base ball clubs ought to be able to atand one lawn tennis club. Mrs Gold.warthv. who left this cite Sat urday mornln for Mineral Point, tt'l. conain, telegraphs she arrived in good shape yesterdsy morning. I W Hssellon went to the mlnr vesler. day, with a larje supply of provisions for the mines. The results of the first clean up will bi watched with Interest. Judge M L Pipes, of CorvaltU. wss In the city this forenoon on his way home from Empire City, Coos county. He re pot t work proirreaaW on the eradlna- of the new railroad there. Already several suits have been brsun to condemn rlehta of way there. Miss fusle Martin, who haa ln at. tending- school here the neat winter, left on last night's overland for her home at A ah land. A surprise farewell party was given her last evening by ber yoting friends, at the home of Mr N H Allen. A pleasant evening is rejiorted. A reception waa tendered Rw A 1 Leod, the new pastor of the Congrega tional church, last evening. An excet- 1f.Ilk , ,f lm e,.. m . . .1 L.I ' -' - . m vitbiu, u,a aim uuv coffee, such as the ladies of that church are experts in preparing, was served. In case of permanent arrangements Key McLeod's family will tnoye to, Albany also. SATCtDAY. DrCatT. who hasarilJ bia bus! nee a at Sheld, will locate at Spokane Falls. J F W hiting, of this city. Is makina arrangemenu to locate at Lebanon. A vVhltcomb excursion, with aeean esra of mostly Pennsylvania people, pataed througn Albany to day on a special train. Key I II Flihcr.the new orealdlns- elder of the Evangelical church, of this district arnvca norue today from Spokane. Mr Tlllard. a son of Ssm Tlllard. a well known resident of Albany during the '70V Now of Brownsville, wss In the cltv to- day. An excursion DRrtv went n lfalatead today on the Oregon Pacific, Quite a number joined tbe procession from Al bany, among others several teachers of the public school. Mrs Carrie Yonne waa a talented ladv and had a valuable collection of poems, some of which have aDDeared in tha H al ee y News, the West Shore and the Pilot over the signatme of Orace Weiley, says mo narruuurg touner. Tt TJlirlAnaliaay. falltae nl .- .It..... is one of Linn county's mnat. rparwetcd and substantial citixens. He returnetl to his farm near Lebanon Tneedar. The old gentleman was an attentive listener at the trial and we bear that he had let ters of credit on an Albany bank to the extent 01 $0000. Ashland Record. Bert Last raa. Carrie Young's .last poem.before com' mining suicide at Shedd, was entitled "Despair." IlereHla:! My life has been nothing but storm clouds and rain From the moraine 'till cloeintr of day. And nothing butagony.torture and pain, From evening till dawns a new day. But my strength is wasted and spent at utst, . And I must lay the burden bv : All hopes of heaven and peace are past, And I only wish to dio, All that waa dear to my heart is gone, And all is dark and desolate there, I ask no more, not a single stone Only a grave 'neath the trees so bare. Perhaps I may see the gates of gold From my place in tortures thrall, And see the joys of heaven unfold, Only a little beyond recall. ft TBI GOLDS." KCLK BAZAAR, lias a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies,' boy a wagons ye ocipedea and many other goods which got to make up a complete assortment, besides a commete line of lamps o every description. China crockery, fancy aecora tea ware, glassware, Dira cages piuah goods, sucu as airmms, toilet sets autograph books, scrap books, children'i A 15 u picture books, and an goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention ol ihe public in par ticular to tbe Golden Rule prize bakins powder and tea, put up expressly for this trade, which gives the beat of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea ana baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. - Each package of tea and can of backing, powder draws a prize in the shape oi a line piece of glass ware. Be Bure to call, when in Albany, at tho Golden Rule Bazaar, ss you will be sure to find what you w&at, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. JrjLius Gbajdwout., A big cnt in prices on ladies Dongola shoes in all styles for the next 33 risys at Kltia l ie"'. V'e mean buslines.', The Democrat advertises to exchange swing machine for wow, snd does not ssy wtather it Is a hind machine or one with a tresd, ss (temoriats are fearfully ated to trcsit ing . Aiiisny journal. Yssthey tread on (lie republicans last fail 4'ferfultylH foiling up tl.s greatest poliiks victory ever achieved by any political party. . a." f . . u-j. . Warner Mll'er has returned to Waahlng ton with a glowing account of the work being done on NIcsrauga canal. Trea itrer Nebeker, who Is st home In Indiana should rush lo the capital at once and stand guard with a shotgun over thst $100- 000,000 of gold reserve. tsi.. . J"l Ex-Senator Ingalla, having planted his potatoes,has hung up his shovel and his hoe and will spend the time from no a until the potato-bugs are thick In lecturing to the great American public. Thus Is the ct.p of hope df shed once more from the Up and belief thst the ex-senator had settled sown witn a uctcrminsuoti to a use ful life proved fallacious. L !.:JlLXi JJU'IJL Mil Tbs reports from sixteen principal wheat rowiag counties ol Ktntai ssy thi wheat i turning yellow from some uaknowa csuse, snd these counties wilt not yield more than one. nsif 10 two tblrUs of a crop. Keno county reports muchdsmsge from a Hessian fly. A new bug s spears In several counties where the wbest is turning yellow. Several counties report a damage from drotitH. 5W The In 8 ueuce cf food upon the formation of caiUwIc acid has been nude a matter of study la France, and It bss bee a found out that during the first hour after a meal tbe quantity of carbonic acid exhaled leueaset till it teaches a maximum, three or four bout after tbs meal, when it falls off gain. Plenty of fresh ah- is desirable one to ihrse boors a meal. John A Cockerel bo for some years bss been editor of tbs New Yoik IVorU bas re s'gaed, snd i: is said that be wilt become the editor of a new morning paper toon to l-e Stsrtcd la New Yoik city. Tbe Otrgtoiian saggests that it is probable thst Wm R Hearst propiietor of tbe Ssa Francisco Eiutmiiitt will furnish the mooty fur '.be dcw psper. Queen Victoria has at last been Induced to take up a lot of the debts owing by the Prince of Wales and to ensure their early settlement, It having been rather emphatic ally put to her that It was manifestly unfair to force upon him all the icponslbilltles and duties made necest sry by licr Majesty's retirement from public Hie without allow, htg him an Income commensurate with the regal dignity which he had to mslntsln. The democrats cf the next home -ou!d not If they would ete.t a spesker unsound upon the tariff. High-tariff democrats are an extremely scarce commodity, and none of them, so far as can be ecettalned, bolda a place In congress. Every one of the gentlemen mentioned in connection with the speakership Is a proved tariff re former. None other would hsve the au dacity, even If I e had tbe opportunity , te Rusk II Harrison's psper renews the as surance to the country that Russell Har rison's father Is a great man , and that It Is he and not Blaine that has given us this "splendid sdnlntatrallon" so justly ptslted by Foraker. According to Frank .flu's AVtrf,T, Blaine simply amounts to nothing. Here Is a mere amanuensua tor tbe little gentleman In the White House, who attends to everything himself, Includ ing the foreign relations as well as the fi nancial policy. In short,' Blaine is not In It. All of which Is calculated still further to enoursge kindly feeding In the party. 1 "In Cod we trust" first appeared on the copper two-cent Issue of iS.snd Is the first use of the word God In any government act. This sentence was Introduced by James Pollock, an ex-governor of Pencsylvanla, director of the mint, with the approval of S P Chase, then secretary of the treasury. It appeared on the 1S66 Issue of the double- esgle, half. eagle, silver dollar, "half dollar and nickel five-cent pleee. In lieu of the long-existing motto of B Plmribm Union, a the trade-dollar Issue (1S73) both mottoes were retained, "In God we trust" appearing on the obverse. According to the New York Sw Mr Mills of Tcxss is not a tariff reformer, but a free trader, and the same organ says that be was around oa tbe stump last fall burling the dem ocratic party when be ought to hsve been in bis seat at Washington. The people ol tbis section will remember having besrd such talk aa thia during tbe campaign last fall, coupled with the prophecy thst Mills would be de feated by tbe wool groters of his diatric, Yet there was a vtctoty sll slong the line in the states ol tbe northwest where Mr Mills was saiil by tbe iSti to have been injuring tbe democratic party. Let the Sun stick to its republicsa mssteis. Democrats have no ute for the sheet. KKKPI'ACR. Unless th're is another stste edsiitted into the Union between now and tbe presidential election in lsox. the next electoral college will consist of aao members, of whom an will be tbe majority necessary for an election Stales man. The republicans in tbe lsst congress created iltle pocket boroughs.(such as Idaho, and Wyoming) so fsst that our esteemed cotempo' rsry, the Statesman was not able to keep psce witb the rspidly enacted process, bence it ts not s nutter of wonder that it should omit to count at least a score of elector. Try it again. BOYS OS THE FA KM. The decadence of farming of late years Is large! due to the undeniable fact that city life has offered greater attractions as well as creater profits to the young. While It Is true that farming does not now re. quire so severe and unremitting toil as formetly, can It be said that young people on the farm have been encouraged to find their pleasures and relaxation at home? This Is the only way to make farm life at tractive to the average young man. If on each holiday he goes to the city, it will naturally soon seem to him that ctty life Is a holiday, while life on the farm is one of unceasing drudgery. It often happens that city bovs kept at work in stores, and only allowed to go Into the country for vacation, see only the holiday side of farm life, and acquire a love for it that those brought up on the farm do not often share Why do not farmers take a hint from these facts, and make as much holiday as possl ble for their t.ons at home? It Is time that the old rule, which made the boy hoe his row and run for water, while the men rested, was superseded bya practice which would give boys the easiest tasks, and the Utile luvpstments that gave largest profits as the best means to Interest them In farm ing and make thia the occupation of their lives. rfy, Our neighbor, the HeraM, evidently bas a new editor, It published a long editorial on the tariff question taking as a text squib from the Democrat In the shape of a joke about th grip, seasoned somewhat with s little extract of tariff reform.' Bu It was to the lltrnld a t!iC notorious red rsg lo a masculine bovine quadruped Here Is what it lus lo say after quoth-gou little grip joket The Impreaskm conveyed In this extract Is that the price of woolen aont has ad vanced, by reason of the McKlnliy biil,ioo per cent, or to such an extent that the poorer people find It utterly Impossible to buy and use -them. This I an absolute snd malicious prevarication, and the proof ci Hist luct lies wlinin too reach cf ev rry individual who will U,ke the trouble to Inquire Into the matter. It Is highly propable that thli astute new" editor of the lhruld U the only roan In all the thousands who read our grip squib that received the fmprcsrion that the Democrat meant to say thst Woolen g-jods hd advanced by reason f thu MtK'n'ey bill ioo per cent A real genutne tariff reformer "does nut care whether school keeps or not," lint Is he cares nothing about the edicts or about winning elec tions except in so far as they contribute to the promotion of such a lar'fl reform a will reduce duties to a revenue basis uence a tarui rcioimer always swings a free lance. But the average repubitcsn protectionist hss no teal motive in pro moting the scheme of protectionism ex cept that of promoting his chances of win ning elections and securing the office. It is thertfote amusing to see a republican protectionist attempting to defend hi pro tection policy. They uniformly leave out one or more facts, which, if given a place In the argument, would destroy their own argument, As an exsmple: The "new" editor quotes a bushiest man as ssylng that wcolen goods loth foreign and domestic have not advanced a single nkkte In rrlce since the passage of the McKlulcy bill. Does this mean that increasing the duty on foreign goods will not Increase the prke of foreign good to the American consumer ? Such an allegation ts absurd. No sensible. Intelligent business man will mskc It. It woutd be just as sensible to say thst doubling freight oa goods would not Incieaae the prke to the eonsjmec But if the duty on foreign goods does not In crease the price of such good to '.'te Amer ican consfmer, then there Is nothing i.i protection. There l, there can be, but one object in a protective tariff, that I to com pet the foreign manufacturer to keep out ,f American markets by making hi gocds cost him so much to cet them Into our markets, that he cannot sell them in rcra- pctliion at a profit with American goods. or at least to compel him to advance hi prices to such a point that his competition In the market will not prove hurtful to the American manufacturer. Out It is highly propable that woolen goods are no higher now than prior to the pasture t f the Mc -Klnley bill and for a very good reason: Every Intelligent, wide awake, business man kr.ows that prior to the passsge of the McKlt.ley bill, and at the time when it be came reasonably certain that tbe bti: would pass, Importers in lines of goods up on which the duties were Increased by the McKlnlcy bill, more than doubled their orders for foreign good in order that they might be admitted to our customs houses before the higher duties came into force. As the duties on all lines of woolen gods were Increased by the. McKlnlcy bill (the increase being from an average of 6S to 91 per cent) Importers in thee lints more than doubted their Import ttions and to such an extent has the market for woolen goods been flooded with these Importations upon which the lower duties wcie paid, and Influenced to such an extent by the hard times and close money" that has prevailed in most parts of the country since mid winter, that we could only ex pect low prices for woolen goods. But it an man, whether business or otherwise, will ssy that woolen clothe can be im ported into the American markets, since the passage of the McKlnley bill, and sold as chesply and for the same profit as they were before its pastae, then we csn only express our sorrow for one so dul:. The Impression conveyed by the Herald article Is that woolen goods can be Imported and sold as cheaply In the American markets since the passage of the McKlnley bill as bcfoioits passage. "This Is an absolute and malicious prevarication and the proof of that fact lies within the reach ol every individual who will take the trouble" to Investigate the following arithmetical nrobiem: An Importer purchase! a suit of woolen Clothes weighing eight pound In Msnchester, England, just before the passage ofthe McKlnley bill, for which he paid $10 and a similar suit, since the Mc Klnley bill went Into effect. Supposing freight, Insurance, etc, to be the same in each cac, what wilt be the difference In the of these suits to the American consumer? Under the old law the duty was forty cents per pound and 35 per eenl ad valorem, hence the total duty under the old law was $6.70. Under the Mc Klnley law the duty Is 49JS cents per pound and 60 per cent ad valorem, hence the total duty on the suit under the Mc Klnley law is $9.96 or an Increase "of $3-6 So that the American consumer who buys the above suit of foreign made clothing will have to pay, (allowing $1 for freight Insurance, etc., and 25 per cent profit, S4.08 more under the McKlnley law than under the old law. THE ENTERING WKDUR. That McKlnle protectionism lsthecn terlng wedge thst will ultimately cleave the republican party lit twain Is foreshad owed by "such expressions as the following from the Chicago Tnbant, the leading re publican paper in the west: Reciprocity and an American marine are what are needed to "revive and extend American commerce." President Harri son sees it. and he has become an ardent 1 uncompromising supparter of Mr Blaine 1 policies on these subjects, tie loose from Chinese Wall McKlnlevism which recognizes the home market only and tells the American farmer and manu facturer that they must conrine themselves te that though it deprives them of a chance of disposing on good terms of price re dnclncr surpluses. The president and M Blaine are working in pei fectlna harmony That they are doing so disgusts the dis credited chumps of last November, but it Is the salvation of the republican party, which those chumps came so near ever lastingly wrecking. . , . . g ..- 1 , ., It is resrted that the malodorous ex- Senator Spencer of Alabama owns a silver mine and may yet own another leg'siaturt re and a 6enator6hlp. with open arms He will be welcomed Ihe Dudleys and the i Quays. NT() 42 wsavr a-c RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin aiswue covering Entire Body Cured by Cuticura. My baly waa taken vi token very rtk when he ri tJire twill .f the home doctors, an-1 thc ' far him. Then we it for 11.. ni-iui. ot,i, snd Iq 1 Wo employed both I .1 .....1.1 . L... 1 . 'r nim. Then w not tot tt,. bwt d?tr In iiatoa IWpla. Mir., ej I hd. "S. vm-a bin for, tc wew, ana tta y,t -"' u tne trine; Slid then I tnnk til. . Ji:km, to e,UB K kin aisosws, a4 then b rt or t,,. ever. Then I toldrny " ewnei, IM'ltel trf the CtTicua IlKsTKOISS any way; nm nay any KJ, they would no , j 0OU4, tin tin leeu,.r. w u, :,-"b7w nr"; 1 .1' .11 . t"'1"J' There ,, . eb s.i w ii!., Ik Jy, !, .nil liead.only ,ftd l J . I it wli .( w Uf.yM bwf.wta.K. Ho pr, ii'-t was n..t urn tliins- bnt Ifmx, ad an wuaa L, SVMi.l rli niUtr h md n,r t..,t " , i'lUSiC WAlUiavn', r.a3id,Mu.. Cuticura Resolvent fli nw bjw and Skin Prlfl-.".. il,M, cicaiMwa Um blwxl of all imi,i-l , "..J," 0?:," Nt, and thu ronovj, V.',';'' 'Wfa4, the rrrt akin rnre, -,. eh a tik KIU 7 a,o, wU.-u tbs twa ybyOOaut Uii M.'riti , , i . ... R.j I W. rna, CtrnmiA, Me.; Sn., , UK'Lvav. 1. I'riare4 byth. l-mM -. 1 Aao ( iissi. At CjHe.ittsTi.;, BoeWw. - U.4 fur Ikiw to Cure li&od Kueaer " H U 1' Q f Ka, un "P m rifled and baaotiCed bsolutsly pun. RKSUSSATIC PA!?.S to oil mlnutnlhCnrirura An t raiak lla..-r retires rhinatia a-i h f, ki lttey, t'.il en I r-.KuU a .1 tJ-nUuaa, J'.ln., 2i. Embracing all the V J jys. .fif ,...,-,, eynry mpruum OI . in i u t jily, jlfniljr, a:id hMchy akln.scil',. uia,m, from IrtmfiU ta Sv M is Sow taiildo. Dress Iioth in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC". -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit IiinnED and Muslin. My Prices aro tie LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sola I gent for the Celebrated Y, . S.'E. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in , Finishing -:- Goods, I hate ts Large Stock at tbe Lowest 1 cat rj a ill line of tbe wor'J-renowed BROADIIEAD gnda, unexcelled Gui9b. Large stock of Embroideries aod FujrjJfcixcs. Oal eed that Albany iw the beat trading point in Oregon. for wear at and be cot 220 2:23 1-2 Coal Black, tvllh small start tcood slset Is faultless In Breeding Conformation Ills breeding I the acmn of early and extreme speed, years ; uoqueta, :! .1), at two ; can, and Saakine Jr, S:7, to Uirce sUsigUt beat. 81ml br Altahoxt. waeon record. S:W ; aire oft host of other coll trotters. a:. aaa seven otoer neno.-mers, ends AlrAHOHT bv Atnnvr. that haa over three hundred deepen,! iints in tbe t;H list, Including Bsu. Uahlln auu etSTIHB, uouoie, Del Sorte'a dam la Tscoaao by SraaDKM. Caa - I1EL KORTK waa td bv Jav Beach, at season uf lbul at Trite Bros (table, Albany Friday uuics nuri4tea4t il oilcan. rerms Season, '.' O J3 (O 0 S Ss 19..- . BECOU0 S;29 34e - SIEE O IP DELOO, 2:29 1-2. ON ECO I standard by all rule, and waa trotter at every aye. He it the only horse in tho Northwest to Sll the requirement of tho triilo teat of Pedi gree, Performance and i'rtijfeuy, except hit ire, Aiumnnt, and hi rereived vlia crown two year younger. He will be kept th coming season at homo Meniiays and Tuesila.r at Alhanv bttiudaja. Independence Wednes. days, Bslem Thursda and Friday, and ai lowed to serve mart t tiO, to IiiBure. MoKNIGUT BROS . - PATB0HIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS.- M& MERCHAHTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Oregon. v W F READ, President. JO WRTTSMA.N Secratary. ; - j Ii COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President. ' MSBOTORa-"- ; : I It Cowan, Geo F Simpson, (V F Read, Er L Fo'ey, M Sternbe g, J W Burnett, J K Weatherford, R S Strahan, i v Wrltsnaaii. -ALSO DISTRICT A0KNT3 FOR- f f.k:nd Home Tnsuranee Co, Oakiand, Cat. - Traders, CLlcago, Til. Amerii'an, phhsdelphia, f. Phoeclx, IjcrKlon. England, Norwich UiHon, Iicmlon, Eng London Jfe Laaehaihire, London. Eag. Guardian, London, Eng. Mat Chester, Maccbestr-r. Epgiand. Caledonian, . i . ' . Kuiaburg. Scot:and. Wesobeater, Kew York. t.Ai,I Uvlll Entered at tbe Post om at Albany, Or cgon, as second c-'axa mail matter. The Women's Temperance rcbllsMiig Assoeiatiop. Ker mi bam) ami for sale s fat! line of Hippiim fW . nwsere, nieiuointf rxwlts, LMlleM, Klo., suitable for eyery .r,ase of Uosiiel Tsmeranca Wurk. fubluhm The UNION SIGNAL, The Bmst temtrance and literary txwtr- Sit the , cmo snora to ilium thi valuable paper. I'hlCK-l OOper year In advance. Its ermtrtluUrrs are sbhoik w.e beat writers Is both besuispbere. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, S a paorr for Yrnir.e Pen, le, nnaeend for 11 Mir pje, ruicav-z cents per soar. The YOUNG CRUSADER, f4 Children. gnd fr sampl. -O- eiirie Kaadlne. ti M .t. Sehiiol Temperartne Lessons, f rosrams I-r. Bp -cial Iy sod Otber Entenainownm, ' vrm f CaU lorries and Terms, and alt orders, v, ATlON, lt U Hill ntreet, Coioafo, lu. LEAST C0LLE3J1K ISSflfUIS ALBANY, OHEGOiV. 1SDO, 180i- r rirss Teraa eaet teateaseer letr, A fall corps of Ijastrueiorn, USSICAL, SCIENTIFIC. LITERARY SCl&!BD!AL AH3 NOHHAL . eussEs. CoureAa of study arranged u mtaitbr ei of all grades of students. Social inattcemtutt offered lo students from abroad. Bay. EtacsT cit latest Novelties in Goods Prices ever ottered iw tbe Valley. 3-4 2:30. ana Action. as proved by his fu'l sisters Beulah. i:47, at two a reourd af X:30 last July, defeaung WannibaJ sti'S X. ClAT, Jr JS, (sire of Dcsaxoo, 8 S3 and Uaasv Clv, t:23J ) SereiiUon of hi daughters haye produced nineteen X:S0 perfnnuers. ineluiline klaa skiko Bar, t:H, who sired the dam of Arret, i.lS at S years; ALLtamx, J 1 ly at four years, two of the faateet ataUion In the aurld of their age. Tsoobah. dam by Bejaxon, sire of the dam I of K ute Wines, sir of Ouvaa SI , 2;1CJ. Vancouver. Wash. Foaled in 1888. AST Will make the and Saturday ; the rest of th time st our farm, thr ttS05 Insurance, 30. BARKOWS BROS. ALTAGO. S20, three year old record 2:13, ton of Altamont, S.SS . and ataggie Arnold J:S5, wU. be kept at Corvall'u .Mondays and Tuosds) and th rast of the week ,athome. Termi, $35 to insure, due when nwe 1 knows to be with or removed from th country. Will be glad to show ; stock any day except Sunday, McKNIOUT BU03 a tilii