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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1891)
She pjutorrai No itian And out how hard hit wife U to please until he beg In t to build house. If mother could die lor to man' life would b In hit mother lived. their children danger while The devil consider It a good dav'a work when he can get the chjrch to apllttlng hair on question ol theology. Mr Blaine is very luck politician. When he hain't a great Internationa, question on hi hand to attract public at tendon to him h hai gouty toe on hi feet. i , it m n mm m m Mr Gallagher ot Ohio hat been cow hid ing a MUt Fotter. There appear to hava been not one gallent Ohloan present to cry "Let her go Gallgher". Dont place all of your confidence In one friend. He might run off with It and then you would not have any confidence to 'put In anybody elte. McKioleyitts ttill point to the free trade feature of the late bill at itt crowning glory. Tackle one of them aa he will point you to the price of sugar. Manufactured coffee exactly resem bling the genuine bean It the latett twin die. The Philadelphia market U flooded with thl tpurioua article. C B Lewis, to widely knoaa at "M Quad,' of the Detroit Free Pre, hat joined the fbreet f the New York Warld. Mr Lewis, in hi peculiar way, it without question among the brighteit and met original of our American humorists. The total of periodical publications now Issued In the United State and Canada It 9.373. In fiequency of Issue they are divided at follows: Weekly, 14,000; monthly, 2615 ; dally, 1791; sert.l-monthly, Ji7;eml-weekly,J38; quarterly, 1S0; bi weekly, 90; bl monthly, 76; tri-weekly, 46. The lowest rate on record, five cent a bushel.ts being charged for carrying wheat from Chicago to New York. Tne grain Is taken by lake to Buffalo, thence by tld water to the Erie Canal. The lake boats get l) cents, the Buffalo elevators seven eights of a cent and the Erie Canal boats the remainder. The reports coming from all parla of the grain belt read to the effect that Indi cations ot the greatest grain crop known In the history of the country are becoming continually more apparent. A resident of Uartland, Vt Is the poss essor of a Bible for which he hat been of fered $200. It wat printed In London, England, in 1676, and brought tj thlt country by Cabal Colton, grandfather of the present owner. The oilier day a Cincinnati florist recel v cd a bos of young orange blossoms from Pomona, Cat, to fill a wedding order. The stem of each flower wat carefully placed In a potato and sealed abound with wai. Three fourths of the blossoms arrived in good condition. The highest place In the world regular ly innablteu Is the Vuddhlst monastery llalje, n Thlbit, which Is 16,000 feet above set level. The next highest It the railway station at Galena, In Peru, which is located at a height of 15,000 feet. A notable display of the products of Amcrl can industry at the recent Protective Tariff League banquet was the glassware and crock ery. The glasses from which the guests drank their wine, the dishes from which they at tbsir fisb, roasts, vegetsbles, etc, were all of American manufacture. Vet. while the League was festively celebrating these proofs of the blessedness of the tariff, the potters of New Jersey were on strike against a reduction of 22 per cent in their wages. The reduction by France of two francs per loo kilos on its import duty 00 wheat is a feature that is entitle to more than passing comment. ' The reduction equals about ten cents per bushel It revests the crop situa lion of Fiance, and exposes the necessity for large imports of the cereal. Our surplus stock can be told at such satisfactory price that the tillers of the toil will reap pecuniary benefit t, which in turn will circulate to every branch ol industry. It Is highly edifying to tee the chief Protection organ laboring to thow that Import have not fallen off under the Mc Klnley law. Where then doet the "pro tection of American Industry" come In? If a high tariff doet not thut out foreign manufacturers, why tax our people who buy them, in a bCI ostensibly framed to reduce the revenue and to protect the heme market against a "flood cf foreign goods." After subjecting the Jewt In hit domin ions to the most cruel persecutions, In or der to compel their exodus, the Czar now relents and says he Is opposed to forcing all Jews to emigrate. The policy he has puisued has already In Act e J great Injuries on Russla.but possibly the refusal of the Rothschilds to take any more Russian loans has had as much effect on the Czar's actions as any motives of statesmanship 01 humanity. The Czar I a frequent borrow er, and therefore becomes the servant of the race whom a sovereign he cruelly persecutes. Gen Raum declare he doe not Intend to resign, and he attempt a defense of himself which will not do. He protests that he has tho confidence of Secretary Noble and his Worthy assistants. Chand ler and Dnsey, but he and the president should remember that these official are not th public, but 00 the contrary are official whom the public distrust as much as they distrust the notorious pemlon commissioner. It it the confi dence ol the public which the secretary should but cannot plead. The cotnrnlson. crbojsts of the work he has done In of fice In the face of his known subserviency to Lemon und the penrlon ring, and at tributes the hostility to him to "a coterie of iner. In Wahhlngten who wish to break down my character jllr Harm went Into the ctTicc with f lie good will of even the tUmccrallc ftetr. Ills own notorious nets and his for a time successful attempt to shield and keep In office hjs offensive son have turned that pood will Intn hn.. ti'lty, and not even his party organs are uoiu cnougu 10 oc-icna mm ihe com. mlfcutnn.'r lsvi f hat h. hi. utnm. L. . 1 -kjj iiiuu per sonal reenrd for the president t,. great a doire for the success of the ad- nitneuration to give mm any embarrass ment." In the name of the prophet af- f y made of glucoee! If thia had been true In the paot he would have forborne to difrace that admlnistrrtlon, and if it were true now lie would hasten to plac hin rcfdnailon in the hands of ihe prese tlt-nt. j. Tha'ts nah I call replies from an undx pected, fnl.1 the tramp who risked for a tilckcl and got a twenty-ffve tenf. piece "."'L ' "'! "".. '.- 'Lit, t-J Lili!!!".' FEDKRAL AND STAT! 8CPKEHACY The supreme court ot the United States hat Jutt handed down an Important deel t'.on finely In more wiyt thtm one, bi cause It distinctly define the line which eperatet federal from state supremacy. It it tound democratic doctrine, and for elgn critict ot the American Federation a well ra domestic coward who are uncon. tcioutly cenlrallacrt will both be profiled br reading It. A writ ot error can led a Tcaat murder ca.e Into the United tlatet tupreme court It wat claimed that fie penal code of criminal procedure In the ttate ot Texat wat not properly enacted under the con ttltutlon of Texas; that error wat liitroduc ed in the trial by detecttln the Indictment by the admission of Improper evidence and by alleged disqualification of a jutor. Chief Justice Fuller, who de'ilvcrt the finding ot the federal court, asserts a the fundamental law by which all tuch appeal mutt be determined that the ttate courtt ot Texas alone can determine whether ttate ttatutet are in accord with the ttate constitution, that to give the United States supreme coutt jurisdiction to review a stkte court because of the denial by the ttate court ot any right, title, privilege or immunity claimed under the constitution, or any treaty or statute of the United States, it mutt appear on the record that such title, right, privilege or Immunity was specially set up and claimed at the proper time and in the proper way; that the decision of the state courts as to what are the ttate laws is binding upon the federal courts, and that the federal court cannot inquire into the validity of the Ten code. Tbis excludes liom the consideration of the federal court all questions presented to it la the appeal. This decision, although.directeJ at a given cause, is general in effrct and unchangeable in principle. The constitution of the United states distinctly assert the supremacy of the state in til itt own tffairt; in alt affairs not in volving the United States, and defintt the jurisdiction of the Unite I State when its authority b involved. It cannot he too often asserted for the benefit of foreigner and cen tralutr that tfcis I a federation of sovereign ttate. ADUPTIXU Rll TO CATCH VOTM. One of the greatest mistakes made by leaders In the ne-y party movements Is the prevalent one ot adopting all soitt ol Incongruous Ismt merely to catch votes. It may result In bringing Into the folds of the new party tnen of antagonistic politi cal principle but a party built up on tuch a basis la destined In Itt very early history to meet with th tame fate ot the footUh man mentioned In the tcriptural parable who built his house upon the sand, and the rain decended, ar.d the flood came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house and It fell;" to building a party up on a foundation made up unstable, Inhar monious elcmentt will Inevitably result In It early decadence. The third or peo nies party lately In convention adopted a number of well-grounded political prtncl pies, that, taken separately, wou'd receive the earnest, hearty approval of a large majority of the people of the United State, bt.t these are loaded down with other that do not now nor never can meet the approval ot a majority of the voters of thrjfcjuntry. Among these are the fiat scheme of making money, the subtrecsurv scheme of loaning mo.iey to the people by the general government at a rate of interest not to exceed 2 per cent, the most danger ous and dead of m aklng fiat money to pay to the soldiers of the late war to make up the difference to them that existed between gold and greenbacks '. the time they re celved their pay for their services. These policies thus outlined In the platform of that party will prove a besetting stumb ling block that wlll.weight down the party so that it It wilt never to the d ignity of dangerous opposition. Scores of men who have gone into this move are thoroughly honest and partiotlc. but wild dreamers havo pushed themselves to the front of the new movement with t'-elr vagaries and if not relegated to the'rear where they belong will toon wreck the party. By placing a heavy d jty on barley Me Klnley hat driven Canadian farmers from barley to wheat growing. Now let Mc- Klnley In hit wisdom rise up and tell the American farmer how much benefit he will derive from thlt scneme. He may get a better price for hit barley but he will get a lets price for his wheat. The farmer simply receives a smite on the left instead of the right cheek Abraham Lincoln once said: "Y01 can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people tome of the time, but you can't fool all of the peeple all the lime," and the saying teem to be holding good. Ex-Congressman Kerr, of Pennsylvania, who managed Governor Pattlson's cam paign, speaking of the situation at home, aid that it I most satisfactory to the De mocracy. "The record of the Republicans on lo cal Issue in Pennsylvania," he said, "has been of such a character that the Demo -cratic chance of vlctjry In the State are even better thl year than laj.", "No, I do not care to tay anything In regard to the Speakership. I am not a member of the next House, but I am a candidate for the clerkship. I hsv every reason to feel encouraged over my proa peett for the office." A wholesome decision has been mad by a New York judge that when clerk or other salaried person are required to serve on juries they cannot be dock I for time lost to their employers, if they continue work during time not on jury duty. In one case an em ployer threatened 13 diicharge an employ who wa called away on jury duly. The udge gave him a t Iking to for bis lack of public spirit, and reminded him that service on juries was the duty of citizenship which no good citizen would attempt to escape. The employer never objected thereafter. Every fourth English peer I a dealer In beer. One hundred and fifty-two of thea noble lords, cf whom one at least I a lord plritual, receive the Income from 1539 drinking place. What a fate a Prohibi tory measure would have In the Upper House! Sound Advice. It pays to get the beet; even Shakespeare admitted that. In tbis connection it may be remarked that W R Graham has just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpansed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them op in the latest style with a skill his long experience baa enabled him to b master of. l urm Tor Sale, " I liave for Bale 1C0 acres of tho finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on th.8 8PE R. Terms and price reason able. Call and see ma on Sjj) 1 1 strj jt, oipj-titi Dkm ecitA r office. Da. O. W. Masto. ROUNDING COXtiKKSSMKri. Tht industrial alliance tent out from Boittn the following questions addrtiied to members of the next cangisnsr 4. Do you Itvor government ownership of tho telegraphs throughout thl country? 2, Do you favor qovcrnmtnt ownership ot the rallroadi? 3. Do you favor the establishment of postal saving banks? - - 4, Do you favor the restoration of stiver to the position it occupied before 1873 via, on an equality with golj as a monetary ttamUad of value? 5. In your opinion what should te the vol ume cf currency per capita in the country for the proper conduct of id businerr? Replies have been received from thirty three .democrats, twelve republicans and nine who ate classed at representative of tht farmer alliance. Some answered all of the questions, other answered cnly one or two. To the first question five democrat, five re publican and eight alliance men auswered "yes," eighteen I'.eroocraU, six republican and on alUanc men answered "no" To the second question "yes" we answered by two democrats, three republican and ait allisuce men, "no" by twenty-one democrat, levin republican and two allianci tnen. Fouiteen democrats, nine republican and eight alliance men favored the establishment of postal savings banks; nine detnocrsts and two republicans opposed it. The silver question, the fourth in the series, was answered in the affirmative by twenty nine democrats, ten republican and nine al liance men; id the negative by two democrats, Messrs I Iarter of Ohio, aud Sperry, of Con necticut. Tit laa'l luestion wat antwered la Ouly half of the letter received and the per cspi'a amount of eurreocyvari4 from $30 to 1 100, the latter turn I eing the figure mtn'.iontd by Jcr y Simpson. Amot J Cumuiing, Nw York, ityt be fayors government ownership ef UK-graph and railroads, "if it can get thtro without the water." John BRobiotoo, Pennsylvania, writesi ' not are why the industrial alliance drtiree to God out how I stand on any ot the public qusslioos that may oome up before the nsitjcongres. It mill be such a cranky eoncrese and have in It a many democrats that I think I sad Utter keep my mou'h hut until 1 gt dowe thsr. Otharwixi I would be very stad to eive tm tb droiied information. W U WiijoxConneolioal, believe iu 11 melalum, but aocs not thiuk tree coinage "u latent msnae- mjot of railroads 11 d graph," he eiya. 'meant political 1 tbbery, estrivagtoce and waste." Eltjah'A Morse, Maaeaebatettf, rpUe to quMlioo 4: "Not on til the great nation. Koglaad, Franc Gsrmsoy and the United State agree ea lh 11 tic f sliver to gold- no cheap dolltr oorfnony shoo Id rejrqual to gold." B F Crdy. Koitb Carolina, writesi "I do not ar-tarer your question because my an swers eaanot be uiyen in ye or no except in one iostaooe. I eai say in Lenses! that 1 am in favor of wetkeoiog the grip ot the p!u too rata ot thla country, and on tf tb chief means t this eud. In mf jiJrasoi, Is te oheek t'aeir power to demand from the toil ing maasea of this conntry proteotroa prices for their manufactured good. Hare 1 tke my aland, and along with this I would take f.oro th-m tb power to 1 sgol U the snpp'y of motiey io the coon try, WK41HEB CrKT. On ego Wcaihkr Bt'esAU. CaxTnAL Urrice, Portiaxd, Okxgox. Caor vVkathkr. Culls ti No. to. roa the WtIK S9t. Esdi no SxTfaoAV. May 16, In Western Oregon the temperature has ttradily risen, ranging from 40 to 85 de greet. There hat been absolutely no rain fall, and the weather has been generally cloudless. Light frosts on 17th and iSth are reported from mny sections, Fresh lo brisk winds have prevailed, which dried out Ihe toll. All vegetaifvn hat had excellent growth during the week. The weather condi tions were favorable to all crops. Inter wheat never promised better. In Yamhill county it brgan heading on asnd. Early own spring grain Is 10 inches high. At Langlois, Curry county, rye 1 seven tee! high and heading, t'oiato acreage In creased In Washington and Clackamas counties; In these counties and in Yamhill the number of hop yard have alto been Increased and lice are apparent. Hay crop will be unusually large, especially in Columbia county. Considerable buck wheat ha been town In Clackama. The prune crop hat been somewhat blighted, and not more than vt average yield la ex pected. Cherries have been tome what injured by blight and frost. Peach tree are affected with blight In sections of Benton county. Strawberries are ripen ing rapidly in most sect Ion 1. Jackson, Josephine and Douglas counties have ex cellent prospects for grain and fruit. The surface soil Is becoming dusty and clay oil hard. Shower would be welcome and beneficial The week closes with continued excellent crop prospects. B.S Paoua. Observe', U. 8. Signal 8ervlce. Ittrr l.tnt. Followirg it th list nf isttar ramsiaing in the post oilios at AiUaay, Lion enunty, Oregon, May 25, 1891. Prou eallioa for these letter must give th date en whiob they were advertised. Rarns,M r R K 2 flu met, Mr Clias (Vilm, Wm ('Umax MilUng Co Call, Mr Harry timber, Mr A S Hustoo, NicKoit & Co llngm. Mr Al Hsliidsy. 1 F Hal, John A Knight. K K Cur.iss, Mr It O Craner, Mr P Cbambe lio, Mr C Dsvi, Mrs Win Oeorge. Mr Jutt Haff, Mike House, Lsfi . Hrriogton,Mr Wm Kixer, Miss Nellie Klain, Jay Lay ton, Mia Roia McFarlaod.Misa Leara MeClum, Misa Melis McCaostlsorl.Mr J E Morgao.Miaa Triaie Marvin. Mr Ddll Mutirer. Charlie Powell, Mis Berth Rrgerr.Mr Ocr,; Hot; Mrs Edith Robison,MUs Clara Kobwatt.Mia Minnie Koed, Mr L Kobbiaoa, Mr II A 8ai'lh, L L 2 8a blnrotlix.Mr B Sneed.Ksy J W 2 eifrick, Ltwrenc VsiiNorUrn, Jimmr'e Wheeler.L J Wilson, J V ' T. MOXTBITH, T. M. Sohruaer, Mr II Shrard.Mr W J RWaak,Juhn Thi mj son, AlUtt T Walker, Dun WillsoD, Mi Elli tsen'f esT Before Tow arc Beady, Pa.ticulr!y't'n a long journey, eta fully prepared. Yon i'nnithe,'permit vt to iy, unlus 3 on are accompanied with the travel er's and to a itt' wida mectim, 'lossetters Stomar.h'Bitttr. most genial of appetizer, acolimatixirt and promoter of digeition, Ag'hist sctkickDess, malaria, cram;rs and colics hegotteo of hsdly e Miked or nnwhol some for.d ud brackish water, nervousocsi. ieeressid i y travel, chrouio biliou nes and ooustipati o, ttis Bittera is a soverriyo pre ventive, it, ioipart a ro!ih for food not al together to voirtisti, and prevent It from disagreeing with you. Never waa there tneb 0')itl Oiir.g forth uufortunate dyspep tic who stands in dread of the besf cocked meal. Stom chio tronl le caused by i prepared viand aboard ship, on steamboat and rations hastily bolted at rsilway ret tinraiits, it suou remedied by the f itters, tviiloh gives a quiotus also to rheumatism, Riorcry trnntilca and ii somnia. The gams of bae ball between Ihe Albanles and Linn next Saturday will attract general attention. Crowds will be here from CorvalHs, Lebanon and sur rounding country, Wood Wanted. Those who wlh to tupply ut with wood on subscription should deliver it a, once. Oak, ash or body or taken. The TjtttiCRAT will exetang a ewio machine of any make desir4, except one or two. for some cak prub weod an i. part eb; or will oorder other propusitioa by any er,e desiring a new machine. BKOWKaVllLS. ' j May 2011), 161)1. On Juno 3rd a meeting of Llnu county tiionror it called to incut at llrowntvil e ard hold three liny. Lot all old pion eer oome and have a pood time with us. These meetings should be attended by ail, for aa the year go by some are called to too long iiotue, ana ere long tne num ber ot pioneer will be few, ea come mid meet with ui onco more. We are 'making arrangement for a celebration of the glorious 4th of July. Willglvo full 'account next week. Let everybody come and bring till heat girl and nave a good time. City Council tonight in regard to as sessment ana taxation, Mr Foster, w ho wat hurt near Wood- burn tome two week ago, la in Urowns vllle, and will be ready fur railroad work again in a few Uitya. La grippe ha lulmtded here and health la good in thlt community once more. J 1' Claihraith wit here on Saturday last ihnklng hands with hie friendts. Come again, Joe. What is the matter with the hridue or the people ol Albany ? Why not do thing in order and not try to unit undue ad vantages of one another; but it you are alter a uriuge get it now. lor you may loo some support next legislature, a Linn county must be divided and we are in for it ut this way as soon as we can get there.and look for politics to be some wiiat mixeu next election Here, lor n we hava said before there is an element here that will not down. We read with some decree of Pleasure of an effort being made to organize a Democratic- club in each voting place throughout the country, and would say the correotvoadent ot the 1kmocht could be induced to join such a club. This Is a move in the right direction end all ot the democracy should go in to such an or ganisation aa one man. BKiL "STATU llt. J It Klrkpatrlck to Altie Eastham. z lot, k zua A,JA!bnncn....f ICO u a to l-ewts cnampcau, I do acres U K 1 Patent School Diet 18 to 1 O Noteholder. 2 Iota. It's 2nd A . Illation . . . 700 7300 1 C3 300 Tho Brandon to Kllza Ilrandon. piece land 14 w R N Thompson to J F and Plnntha V enner, UtxZlU feet, North Ilrownsvilte B II Allen to Mary It l'helps.2 lots, HaWy..,, J R Kirknatrlek to (ico Dapgert, 3 iota, iebanon E C Phelps to U A 8tafIord,l block, II alt v J M Flaugher to W '. Flaitghcr, 40 acre, 11 r. 1 Frances A Serrling to Mary Heard, 1-3 part of 3.M acres, 10 w 3. . . Win E Kcrfling to Mary ltard, 15 :tW, 1 interest 3-V acres, li)w! ,,,, Henry Quecner to Nancy K Croft, 40 acres 10 K I ( ,-';' J L Cowan to Geo K Chamberlain, s interest in iuuu acres, being 1) LC Jaa P cheating and or, K miles from Harriaburs Ceo C Cooley to E IS Patterson, 5 acre 14 w St. 350 j Mrmarat KalrtalatHal. Next Saturday evening at the rptra bouse, an entertainment will be clveti to pay for a lot in the cimetarjr for the burial of friendleaa romraUvt. The ad mission will be S3 rents. Itwrvt! ! can be vcurrl at Will & Links without extra charge. Following is the programme : Part first. Music Quartette of rentl- man. Kecitaiion, "Cover theui Ov-r,' ri.a I , . nil ueien vrawtoru. mhiii ut-corate the symbolical grave, iow march. Recitation, "Add" rets to dead So!. Hem, Mamie Allen. Answer, reading, Mr Hewitt Addrea. Dr Irvine. KoUt.Ilev l'rlcherd. Heading, "Poem by one of corpe." Triumphal march. Part second. The iratherlng of the tnuaes. Clio, mnse of hintory and epic poetry, Mrs Hearlea, Knterpe, muse of Irrie poetry, Mi Kmna Crawford. Thalia, muae ot comedy. Mist Lora Vance. Melpomene, muae of tragedy, Mrs Hark not. Terrwichore, mute of dancing, Mies laiy Hopkins. F.rato, muse of tender poetry, Miss Carrie lVnn. Polyhymnia, muse of harmony, Mia Tina Monteith. Urania, muse o'. astro mony, Mrs tiherman Thompaon. Cal liope, aweet-voiccd muse, Mrs Ktnuta Miller. The graces are to l represented by a numWr of young ladies. Closing with a tablcaa. Harll ort 4 EJris. nfRustne, are io the eity to introdnne the Psoiiia Whio II s ebioe inveotod by William & ilunoh.of that city. It is highly endorsed by tb leading cltiseD of tbat place. Ladies of Albany are rtqtiested to take tbir washing to the oTioe of llorlbart k Kb if, nextduur tu Ovrrmtn k Hunter's saddle and harnes ship, to ti the merit of th Peeifie Waahiof Machine. Come at 000. TEIEOUAPHIO NEWS aldlersladlrated. Walla Walla, May 25. The grand jury bicb had been in teauon since Gambler Hunt wa taksn from juil and (hot ly the soldiers, notified Ihe jud;e of ihe superior court this afifiDoon that ihey desired to make a communication. The judge ordered Ikem brought into the courtroom, and af'.er they tbeia seat in (he jury box the foreman of the juiy handed the judge tome papers, which h took and read, and thtn announced they had tound some tro bill against ortain partitt who were implicated iu the lynching. He tbca requested the jury not lo make knowa the content of lb communication, A Heavy Hal Jacksonville, May 26, A heavy thunder ana rain visited this place yesterday, lasting three hours. One and one-fifth Inehea of rain fell. The heavy alfalfa and ba'ley fields near bsre are prostrated in many plabt. 1S L'. .. . ; WHGLCSALt llariiwaro,rQDf Steel BUGKEYi i , 7i:ee K&elii icj t.-ovxl; in"- ; . KELLER'S STAC ViSn ATLvil Tlie Tarn ZSrjtlve i-i Cttcesaifid Co. - t'.ra'.i er BUCKEYE minm cTWINE-BINDERS, ttrVhO Feature that ilutliicul tin tlili 7' 'ic liiml. r I i t:w t.'ifM'n a cf Uraft, eomb'ncd tth it ejctmonllnary ttroiidth and Uimiti'Iiiv. 'I I10 l...i.'vv 11 1 1 the i-pkliv )ut rw, t!io only 1 illy sMccwful cue vet kniiwn. We have two nt.'.li j, tho lii'v'.jii;'.r U;r and tlw t'.&urM Hind .r -both Uita luconimciidwl by bundrec ol patrMH. - SOHUITLEE FAEM mm giSS BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPriA'C MOUNTAIN -WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUpEfU0R DULL AND SEEDERS. COR BIN DISC HARROWS, UODGES-HP'VES HEADERS, " HAISH BARB VJ!V: tccriD won C.PCULA"; E. THRALL, MANAGER, A Bruin) Husband j Ma Hsu held, My a6. Lnst night at 8 o'clock Fred Tsbo. a stranger, formerly fiom Seattle and lately from Salem, brutally a satttietl hit wife in tit pnblic street, ttiiklng her in the face find felling her lo the ground, because she would not give him money. Public frellng It strongly in favor of a coat of tar and feather for the brute, Hfale Grunge lllM.gnoRO, Map sfj. A large and rnthu tiaitlc gathciing of faitnex and their v. Ives greeted Wor-hy Moult r II E lts)e when h called the eighteenth annual tci n of the Oregon Sia'e Oiana nf l atrons of Husbandry lo order at 10 A M in liiiUbnro Grange hull The meeting wss opened in the fourth decree with the M lowing officers preterit! M, HE llavrstO. J Vo0iiiee) I.eet, William Holderi S.JHCiiitwoodiAS, WAHamplri Chap, David El.yjT, J 13 StumpiSec, W II M lleory O K S, A Da sunt l Mr M J Train; V, Isabel J OllMtonj C, lialtie ilennier; LA S, Lydin 0 Lealw. A Bar Mulrlde Baker Cn v, May 26. Willi piiveit, aged 13 yearn, was found this morning lying near his home, about five rt.ilc horn this city with a bullet hole in hit breast, A 44 liiltioh bulldog a t)ing near hit rlyltt hand and a box of cartridges on the left tide of him. The boy was ciiastite-l last evening by his father and this is thought to have bad some thing to do with taking his life, Olflaa aMeve tm Washington. May a6. The Unied States supreme court, during the term ending tomorrow, completely tmtihed the frviout IiIrIi record of cawt disposed of at one turn nf the coutt, Milling 617 cases, agdnst 470, which heretofore sat been the taigett ncmlier utsted at a single teim. The number of case presented wat unusually lart;e, hut of litem only (ilieen, which have been argued, g over until neat term for decition. The Wagea Bead rate. WAKiiiNuroN, Mty 25 la th wagoa road case embracing the Daitrt military trsgon road, the Willamette valley and Cil cade wagon road and te Oregon Central wagoa road, Ihe supreme court of the United State today remanded tit Ihe cases with di rections to the clrvuit couit to permit the United States to file a replication to tl pltn of bona fii'e purchase and rt'oppct. This doe not open the whole question, but simp'y permits the government to prove, if it can, ihst the prevent holders did not purcba the toad and lands in god t-iitb. The question cf actual construction of Ihe road becomes immatcita! under this ruling. I ' The flrlelnat rarksgr Low, ( Washington, May at. The United 1 Sutrt tu tie court today upheld ihe cou- ' stituliona'.ity of the oiiginsl pscka law past el py congicM, ann aim neta iitat 11 was nut t neCFttatv t.l lllSfA In ! lis ...J.iK- j!o(y iaw tfaf rasgeof Ihe congtrional a.i in onirr 10 tuui out liquor in, o'igmal j package. The cae rame up in I He appeal of WCkinvjn. sheriff, agalna Ksliercr, the lower court having decided against il.e state, I Tbis court reverse rhe devUion of Ihe toer Jcauti, Chi-f Justice Puller rendersd the ie- rUuin4 lh Mlit mtir l-inn AriitiWfU. CisiKAt u, My 45. A tad ert, result in j in the Ucallt of three men, occurred this af criKx n At nrsiliratcan l Icarnr Jtne Uctsare at foHtxMi The era'tine 4 Tower ! avenue nujrns completion and ooe ol ihe rata ci.Uiyrl scat 10 uncover 00 c f the ' old wet: in the sirrn anJ asrrrtsiH in ilcfiih ! " wcowe hh foul air and suddeeSy fell into ihe wmer. A fellow lutiorer and others went lo the tcscve ami on uc down to save him. II oo felt, wten anoihen took bis plate, tnlhrtwsy four men were pirdi.itatcd In o ti e water hciore ihe leriiUe truth v,ttrea'.ued, caty one of them wat i d alive, a man nsmtd l ord ! u ... ...... -I Ir .. l . 1 I The others were named Iiune, IVrry and lottoa. A Bay Baa Over. rcNULKros Msy 2$. The nioeyear-old tan of Mr Callowa)', a ninrlunt of Adams, was run over I y the firm section of Saturday forenoon' firtghi train, end bad tne cf hi legs comi.k-lely amputated al the knee. The boy ran 10 UAfl the train in a spirit of play tnd grard the rril of the Iron ladder tt the rear of tear. He misted hit footing tnd fell lieneali. the heels, the sbaie flange cutting oil nit leg it cieaniy at a turgeont fcon, A tel la blraje ClllCAiio, My J4. Chicago wts today the scene 01 in denouement in a genuine romance, with all the essentia! features a wealthy nobleman, a dUinl.rriird son. a lau tiful wotntn, a dud and a myatery, IJjioo Kudolf Kalaoky de Koia;stak, a nephew of vouni rvunoKjr, 01 v icnna, maue bis lust visit to Chicago atxHl a month ago, regbtering at ihe Richelieu at "Rudolf Katnoky," of New York. He fell in love with Matfie Atberton. an actrct. He had a rival, a tou'.hcrucr, whose name cannot be learned. They quar reled and Kalnoky knocked him diwg, a challenge followed, and Sunday morning al 6 clock thoy fought wilh rtpieit in Jackmn I'ark. The Ikson wat slightly ittj ircd The southerner diapjeered. The affair it Ike sensaiion of the day. ever a Stall Came Ja K&QN, Cal, May 35 Nirjli Del'.uom mo aa rk'.ng to town this morning when he wat shot at from tmluh a half mile from town The shooter was concealed by the brush along the road. The weajion wat loaded wiihcsarse bird that. Several shots struck Bctluomino in the bead and leg, producing fleH wounds Mott of the charges look effect in the horse's shoulder and neck. The affair it supposed 10 oe me outijrowin or a quarrel on a baseball grpur.d between lielluoinino and Iladnrraca, when the iuttcr wat struck over the hen I with a basetiall bat. Didarraca is believed to be the shooter In tbit case. Obialncd Dama&ea Utios Or May aj. The mot importent case of the prtnt term ef the circuit court was tried yesterday. Charlef 11 Fisher sued the Orrgon Short Linc& Utah Northern rail roan lor 922.030 dnm,iges, for Injuries sus tained in uii accident January 16, 1890. The ury this morning returned a vereict, finding or the plaintiff in the turn of 89000: m-.TLAtlD. 0HEGGU VZMZr.1 IN. aafl laGlMory. crcio t'Grii.tnii mm fgh the Ft rMD REAPER. .'.! 03a !-.. Viuaad3 of fenaoro cayo yv.s, '. v 7 '.ro i'li "ily Karvcctirt ' tj ta pnro&assr. "iiiESIlEB, . st' - UvitV - .' f r . ISrssUis s-TJ "iaaa r.s cer.u.A-ta. . 5 1 .v' 5 aV -VP., A L G A . J Y , O R E G O M SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is tho Largest and Most Complete s on th Pacific Coast, and Comprises all tho Leading Stylos of ' lOUIlrJIMUNO PA8tEN0EIl WAdOSP. Rnnnf.T. kPniNn as. . a v , "HAN I) Y V A 10 N T A YI.OU' on TiinEJssrniso.. waconf, nALl'Bl'iUKO ;.WACON3, EX- I'lUm AND DKLlVKltY WAO - ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVEHY '.WAGONS, ONE-IIORBE PT?wj l n Wa Gmrantea Oar YtMclos the Best. Our Prices tbs Lowest Qnaiity CrcclJcreJ, Srcclal Catalogues and Price List Mailed Free on -Application taver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, W. G. DAVIS & CO.. SUMMONS. M' Cimit Cottrf or Llun County, Ulnte 0 Vrton: W. II. JOHNSON, Plaintiff, 1 ve J FdwrJ Johnwn, Mattln Johnwin.Itnrtlis JuliiiMia.tva j ltenMda anl W. Reynold hir huaband, and ilyron j Juluiaon, ndanlt, J ToKva lUtyuoUUatid WalUr Uojii jUs, two o tiio aoove ttammj uoieit'iaata. IN TUB NtMK OF THE STATU OF Oreit'in, you are bf(fl noulred to appearand anawer tto oonif.laiul f the plaintiff .n the aU"vo fi;tiiud wiurt, now on file with the fl oik of asld court, on tho urti uy 01 tue next regular torut or aid court, tow U ou the ttad tar J""'. !. And yuu ar bitreby n"HifieJ tliV. If you fall to aiTOsr and answer raid roin:lalnt a bereoy rejuirrj, ti;e piaiutirT win ap- u'j to tuoMurt ror in reiiur oomanatxi Iu plaintiff 'a ootnplalot, tow it: To reoulre the defRdnta ts make eon veyanee to tne nlalntiff of the lollowisiB ili-w.ili.e.1 real etatet 1 be fraftiona eat li of the N K k of iUon Zh tho N W M of aoetlon 2.1; tho fraotiouat H B H of ii(u il. a:t In Tp 10 H 1(1 W of the tVilismeiio merldUii, lo Linn county. Oregon, and thai id land ba d4ree l to beionz to tlin ptalntllT, and that the dftfondant ho Awttv.A to i.ave no Imorea In ald lamia, ant fr th cjia aid ilUbutnelueiiLa to be Used. T'jla nuirmona I arved by tiublfentlon by on!e.' of the lion K t 11 do, Judo of aaia court, ma la at cuiuto., o-i tue I Till day of Aprl , lJt. J K W'stTHKbrnP. (121) AU'yforP;ff. H3T1SE Of FIKAl SETTLEMEKT. VifTinti Jii:ttf;tif wives to jllwhom XI I m CuUfwfu. llt ha uroUrpiitird sdmtut btmi bf gtui mwii in aai4 ertte. In the wiinijr tours ot Kiumr, Orr(o, tutd the lle tA eij ruurt liu Bud tlx liih Amj ot June, Ul, at lb hunt ut 1 1 o cj,ra m o m)4 Sue lbs bowing of oil ufajtt. lo aU Sfnt kcmihI atwl tbe Settle- nwot of Vhe anri iMted uU i.t tisv t-t Htj ld. MAUV J HF.AIIO. W It Ciivtf, AdutiiiiMnUtx Atiutcr, i-fc) SHERIFFS SALE. tie CSrtuU Court oJie StiUt of Orgtm fur tee C oKn'y of Lot. KNAPP, CUHRELL& CO , Plaintiffs, va. K. Bciker, E 8 IWW . and C If Stewart and K K Sox, part ners, doing bnstnea under the tirm name and ty te of Stewart Jt Hot, Defendant. T0TICE 13 11EBEBY GIVEN Tff AT I ' virtue or aa cxecut .on and order of JL1 tale, duly hwti out of the bve- Dsn e 1 toart, in tb above en" 1 tied suit will, oa Hen Jay. the Blk Bar ef Jane, 191, at the court house dno-, in the city uf Al baoy, Linneonnti, Oregno, at tb hoa ol 1 o'clock, p m, of said dty, sell at puhlio auction, fur cah in hand, to the highest Did der, tne teal property dest-rtnej in id exe cution tnd orurr ol tale a louowt, to wit: Lot 12 in I lock three (3) iu tho to wo of Shedd, in th cuuty of Linn and state of Orcjou, tsve tud o.t twentr (20) feet nir th out end or sai4 lot winuri baa been deeded to M E licarn. The proceed ariaiog from tht tale of aaid real property to be applied at follows: First, To the payu.eiit of the costs and chalet of mktng aaid la. KEcosn, To the pnymcut of the cost and dUborsements of snul suit, taxed at ..! 13, ana the sum of 350. attoraev fo. J ntHP, To the pay ment of iiUiutitf'a claim, amouuting to the sum of $312 80 with inteiest thereon from the 10th day cf March, lSOt, at th rate of ten por cent p.-r totiurr; ami the snrplnf, if any, altar the payment above-named be made, be applied to the payment of $50 a an attorneys fee in favor of the dafendanta, Stewart & Sox. and tho balance, if any, be credited otf the note referred to In said ex cation, in fsvor of Stewart & Sox and aeaintt the defendant, E Becker, of October U h, 18'.iO, for the sum of &U7 50. Dated thi 4th day of May, 1891. M, SCOTT, 3-8 Sheriff of Linu county, Oregon, HOW DO YOU . DO? There Is no;doubt that N13.W- 8t6ek of SILVERWARE. conatlnR of apoons, kntvos, forks, fruit dishes, e'e, gold and silver watches, lawol y, eta, is the largost and best in the city, and by far the best ever brought to Albany. -CH- PRICES the Most Roasonable. Call and See the GOODS. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. VTOTICU TS HEREBY GIVEN-THAT JJN the directors of Bchnol dielrlot Is'o 5 Linn county, Oregon, will sot na a board of t quulizitiou at the offiae of the clerk of ra;d district, which u at th real estate office of Burl hart & Kennev, in Albany, Oregon, on Friday, May 29, 1S91. at the-hour of 4 o'clock, p m of aaid day, for the purpose of exuniiuing, correcting and equlizing the eesvment roll cf eaid district for the year 1891. All persona interested are hereby notified to he present and make their desires known, or file a written statement of the same with the clevk r-f said district on or before aaid date. Done by order cf the board of directors of said district, V&Ud May lth, 1891. C. U- BUlvKJIART. District Clerk, k er- OJ UUBINESS WAOONS.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGON 3, ETC. It Wiu. Pat All pAmru Wastiso SPtlO VTACOKH OF ANY DESCRIPTION 10 CALL Ul'ON oirconitESPOND with u.-. Waller. PORTLAND, OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. NKW ADVERTISBMKN1S. IJBOFEiHIONAL NUR1R - Inquire tt.e onerof Fifth aid liaker s;rote of Mr K Uainpbell, 1 tff lilt V I'llVl ri A 1 will be erdd cheap, to lm retnoved to make room for another bu I d Inir, Inq'i 're 01 w v wauaoa. tr ANTKIK A laITlON.r,rthinn. ff look; after iha bub n a of a store or warahouaa, having; many jmw yrare eirrience at a-ndi la bora I frwl aarlsfled that I can ulv Bnrat aaiiorarf K.n at very tnxera ini, 11 aran itrCKAftT rr tha nmi aeuiers in ana erauna Aiiny, - W1L.TOS IlkTACU. lirANIF.n. To tine note and rtort V? eKa 11 K NoU'e. 1'ortlanJ. Or. room i-j, vneora nioci:, 'IX a:reet. J ANTED Tba undertlsr.ed war.U IT to buy f'hlnrim t,ihaant eec Itrlng them to the grrctry more if PL Kenton. w a JOit. FOR SALE. Two eaad bucer boreea. and well broken, together witb a oi back and set if double harnmr. ApnlrtoJ V lUck enato. reaJdence corner ofc'aUpooia ana i-iiiiin sirvev. Assignee's Sale!! -Forty acres good land near Lyons, Inn Co.; on line o 0. 1. It. Ii, Private bids for same rt'ceived to May GO, '91 Salm, Or., May 19, '91. J. M. PAYNE. Atsjoec Dorrance Bros LBANY FUMIE Cj Ha just rsvtt?4 a Isrs Invslc ol l.w lMi(t WMof Siaiss M Curtails, n4 a nj bMuUrul aUrcs la Wall Paper sine Elegant Eorc!er3 to Match. M50c. SHADE! hf th Wt sad protect ta tb auuiist TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND' DEAD!!! Ve.-,$ - N While trying to Crowd theii WAT INTO BEYOS&FeOfslAfiBRGS Store, where they aiwa have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing incKie ot every description; lents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands I other thtngs too numerous to mention Xepmir Shop tn connection with the Store, and one of Jie beat workmen In the State to do any tnd all kinds of work. Come one. Come al. No rouble to ihow coeds. "Small profit r,d nuick W 1 oiu motto. ONION SEED - -o Grown From Selected Eulb. Enrly RsJ.. ,;.....per 81 tl 50 Ked W'etJiorne:tl...M.,..,.. 1 SO Yellow l nveni.,.......,TO, " J Whit Pomig-il ........ I In romparlntr prli-sa p:aa rtmember tlist shots aotattona ttiiiuil. I'odTtiis, Glee Our Meod a Trial. solicited. TRUMBULL - &. - BEEBE ruroan, aauwaits skd ssauess is Seed?, Trees, Bulbs and Plants, 41IM21. Santom S '-San Franclaeo. jTMuntion this pajier. Full Ciiillbd Bottoms. Tnras a Sqaar v o D e K 3 .2 -5 2 s & t 2 - k - if.-z t U u O. 5 o S o.x' tllG - 1 " 7 - fc------ .u-attt Is lis L1 lie liaa rcceivctl a largo and Goods?, new sty'es and shades. ginghams, ftcrguckerg, eatcen assortment of white goods, 'flouncings, hosierj', corsets, gloves, ladies and children'a thorn. Clothing for the spring rado. A largo and complete you th'g. Boots, shoos, hats, caps and furnishing goods, and if you want tho hestj bargains ALLEN BEOTHEES, WHOLESALE'S RETAIL GROCERS, CIGARS. TOBACCO, AND lAlNUftf IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Plinn Block, -:- 2E3 . CCI. 3 2H3 niimibers'n Block. " s iiiii3fri gL-JS'---.-!j We are ihe People Who carry tlio most complete lino of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in tho market. .MATTHEW8 .& WASHBURN; : F. L KENTON,: -Dealer in- G RO CE Noar the Post Office, THE T Am-EQ li A 7 A A V i -Is the Miliinery and Fancy They carry all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Miliinerr Jine. and a complete stock of Ln.Iics rod Children's Furnishing Roods, and rradv-made garments. Goods tht tet, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced. FIRST STltEET, -:- FROM AN BLOClt mm ill THOMAS J..A. Comfning. Wall Druerrs, Xaints, Oils Glass, XSto.5 ALBANY, OREGON. PHOTOCftAPHER, Cr Vecond andl'eriy St, All any, Ol kjurJuuuK work, guaranteed In ever' O branch of the art. xS'-Kulatefno a all kiuds a specialty, 17 STRAY NOTICE A. ba? hors- Ii about 4 or 5 year old, branded oa left hlP. and has been at tbn nlano nr th uodersigned In Sweet Home forataouth. Owner will call and take him away and pay expense.!. Jskkt Shu. erar With t urtlac h Flaw l1 Paper, a. J 1ST - -Wlicoled - ?1ot7 - on choice stock of spring Dress Wash fabric-?, consisting of and chamhre. A complett assortment for men and you will have to all on hira. CHOICE FRUIT3 OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -:- ALBANY, OREGON i Jh. 2H 2L S FIBST-CLAG3 G0000, Eeasonabl3 u Fte 0 ' -A. complete llito Vr j-sn XurnistliitJorH Albauy, Oregon. Albany, Oregor Leading- Goods Store cf Albany. fpfl J yon want the beat lj yand most durable fumi j 'ture that is manufActu y ed in the city go to BRINK'S C ITT DRCG STOHEJ Pfeiffar Block, Albany Stanaid k Cusick. faoraiSTSRS." Drugs, Medicines, CLcmiealr, rnry ' and Toilet Articles.Spocccs. Brashes. Perfumery, School .'Bocis, and Artists' Supplies. i rhyaiciaits' preaeriptluna r falljr compounded. -4 V,f ONJSY T LOAN.-In small an d it A lr?o amounts, from six months to five years, on eood Albanv nrt i.inn v cpunlT real etat. Call on or address W "v K McPhoraon, First St., Albany, Or. Extra Hardened Steal Bottoms. Am r tka Crseaa. sj .iaa. O r 3 2 m b r-r s 3 K 3 O c 3 3 o e 3 i.i Sfr.r-trH