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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1890)
FRIDAY DECEMBEI18, 3TITC3 & NUTT1N0- n.l 1'ioiulf lurs. Y. M. C. A. Xoti:s. Nit receipt do rived from llitdiop UcoWr'u Kvtuivs $30. Not nt home to-day, tlx? (iciioml Secre tary cleaning house. TIio number of vwitorn nt our rooma ia on the increase. Invention! e, iuvcatigato Iho working! of our nswH-iutii)!!. Our lucmlicrtdup i on the iiu'reao. Thcro will he a meeting of the Hoard of directors on Friday evening,! Ve 7 :30 p in. A full attendance in desired on account of important ImgincM to transact. Thin week findu the Association in ihw Region, ly gift, of a very tine and idub oratelv framed oil painting of Mt IVnert. Me. The painting is L'-x:U) inch, and represents the rolling waves of the ocean healing ngninut its rock-riblvd idiore, from which arises Mt IVsert. To the least, it shows that the artist, w ho is no other than Miss irace Trumbull, of this city, is one of no little, skill, for the art displayed in this picture is simply tine, la behalf of the Y M C A of Albany, Ore Ron, I, 11 W Young, lietierul Secretary of the Association, do hereby extend the heartfelt thanks of the Association to: Miss tiraeo Trumbull, the donor of this beautiful picture, with the assurance, that it w ill be kept as a toemrnto of one who deeply appreciates the endeavors of the Young Men's Christian Association to extend the came of Christ. Tits fVto Election. The longest pole got the persimmons in the Seio election Monday. The election w ss the hottest contested, ltosi uatured ntl'air in the his tory of this city. The contest was on Marshal. A 11 llatiey was first put up, hut about 11 o'clock it was found that he was not in it, w hen a new ticket was got ten out w ith W ll Kaiusey for Marshal. Katnsey is C fvet 0 incho's tall and he wept thing, being elected by 10 votes, K-ating J A liilyeu. the present Marshal. In the evening I'.ilyeu w heeled Umnsey throngh the streets on a wheelbarrow and the pictjre was a great one. Ramsey is anti-gambling, and the gamblers say they w ill have to quit. A II Johnson was elected Mayor, Lee ltrown Kecordor and O S May, Treasurer. A. O. I". V. Election. At the regular weekly session of Safety I-odge, No 13, A O U W, held Monday cvcning.thc fallow ing officers were elected hi the etieuin g term : A 11 Martin, I'M Y. A I) liarker, M J A Ilynian, Foreman. K C 1'belps, Overseer. T J Stitea, Recorder. E A l'arker, Finaucier. A Savior, Receiver. A 11 "l'helps, liuide. M W Urton, I W. (i L Favage, O W. A J Anslyu, Trustee. Would Likeio Know Him An I'.tra is going the tounJs of the press Hut John Douthlt,a cousin of therditoro! this paper has fallen heir to an c.t.ttc valued at $150 000, by the death of l.h nu thcr-in-la w at Marietta, Ohio. We h.ivc never had tlie pleasure of meeting thU fjrtuuat; cousin In fact wj were not aware id the f ict wre had a caut-in, nearer than ct the fourth or fifth decree, anywhere cxc;t hi South Carolina, but If It is true that ocr cousin John l wandering around on this coast, and that he has bctn forliinite enoi;;;'! to fall heir to a fortune, we wiih arms wide iprcad tj embrace and receive hirn as our own, dear, cousin Och oco Review. Halsry. Iio? one c'av nob" Andrews ptirchacsd a last week whieh weighed 576 poutid't. A in or. thcmcr.v t'd.i- Cut !'a'.cy need in tl-.t: way of 1-rtprovefncr.ts none are more cs.entkl than s fi uiing milt. Frank Frltby, cur e:.l es'.nto aent, re- ports the sale "of 6; acr :s f lani one mile ! west cf town to J .M ( dforj anu 1-nd oim was Standih at S.o per acre. Th purchased for a fruit farm. Rumor has It that a certain Glass eyed man, supposed to h; a re-l.!.;n of Craw fordsvllle, and who pe'siii !.i ;rjre tin.e In Hah-ev, ia taV h: :cs i iT.-.? the leading d'essmakln 1 : l.inei t t f this 1 place anJ carrv aw;.y !nr-iiaker News. Ir is Coiiino. v'.l ft i v-t ;.; Mr. Ferry Spink ci ting in 1111 1 7. d i.;:,: :,r r t'.iis morning, at the Fitim: tLiui r, :i !;:;: crat man invcstigatid the matter and learned it was aiuiply over the t.arome ter, which was "way ilau"tveii to 28:S2. Mr. Spink ib iJartd that was as low as it ever got h .'ie, and he is a bar ometer observer. Another old-timer, though, declared he had mm it down to 28:55. Anyway, the ii.dictitioits are strong for a big storii.-, piol ably enough to make up for rtevi.t '' 'li-U liey :.u the etorm-kettle. Li.havon ti, : 1 ; been rai .ed t '1 i , ,1 . i - -. i Oond-, to la'" e ih i 1 i ! ", 1. ar.d Uion 1 1 niw ti .1. ;. i i' o 1: Guy tise I out license., gi'. i:, . he 1 ,, t .,;. .:i.s, F 1 MilU Ci TiU 11 ; t v ! t l, i lij resigned as J i.i 11 1 ; . 1 ., i I . .1 .1 J at a meetltig latit evrnlr j I ,i; , , . K I , elected lo eutucd hhn. Tin: paptr oiills ar. nror;ressi-g In a very satisfactory manner. Mayor Milt Miller went to Iloriland to day on business. A Jtrr Davis Rilic r,f.-s Aldcrson, residing four miles across the liver, in Benton county, wss In the city to day, and while here showed a l;r.:.i x.a a r man a genuine Jeff JJavin relic. It was a piece of the cape of the cloak which he wore when captured in woman's attire. It is of heavy black goods and was given Mrs Alderson by one of the men who helped to catch hirn, an oh friend and neighbor of her's. Heinz connected with one of the noted events of history the relic 1 one full of Interest. Reformers, Among those who believe In the ability of the farmer and laboi to organize and demand justice, says the Re form Journal, we find J U Roberts, of Shedds; J S Morris and H F Darby, of Scio; H F Miller, Stavton: Li A Irmhe, A M Shelton. T P Goodman, James Shelton, ofjordon; Isaac Bate, Rev W llurlburt and John V Thomas, a!j of Stayton; 11 11 Cook, of Brownsvillee; Geo. Ashby and r M Albough, ot wniteaker: f M L.atn rop,of Mehama. These are earnest men, possessed of that real patriotism necessary to save a nation. SoMKTiixxo Dorxo. After all thcro is quite a little life in the real estate mar ket. Among other transactions, during trie past month. 5Ir. n. N. Steele, the real estate man, sold for A. J. Hodges tbo remaing lots of F'airdale, Ct in mini ber to Mr. E. 8. Harrows, the. life insur ance man, and since then ten of the lots baye been sold to other parties. The prices of last year prevail and the ten dency is upwaruu. A Good Siiowiko. At the regular monthly meeting of the fcalem Building and Loan association last night. tlOOO si 1 , . " .T was loaneu ai seventy-lour month's in- terest in advance, and 8()0 at sixty months. It is understood that already three hundred shares for the new series to be opened in January have been pieugeu. ertaieeman. High Mat Pbospects. The indica tions are that It will cost something to eat meat next year. The following Is from the Grant to News: We understand buy ers are endeavoring to contract bet I cattle In tills county at S35 per head, to be de livcred next spring. ThU Is another indl cation that beef is rapidly increasing tn value. If you have any steers and slathers of hay and plenty of time to feed it to the catile, the News would say to feed it and sell your oeeves next summer. . ,,.... ,t. A liANDWSPAM, ins naiscjr win matum band lias ncen lormeu .no unices . . i of Incorporation filed with the secretary state. John ijUnd'.sh, I A 1 helps, T Towel!, and l liamtora are me nicorpora tors and directors. Ilalsey is ine piace lor the principal cince, ana .isoo is ic c.tpi (OIMTY t'OI RT I COt KKPIXI.. (D. R. N. Illarkhiim, Jm.Ico ! H. W. Cuo.r Mitl Win. KumbniiKh, CumuilKluuvrt.) J U Hyatt resigned as J V of West Al bany, OP Coshow appointed. Fees State ngt Kroper continued. Hill A H FiUwatcr, t, aid poor, dis allowed. Hills allowed : CJ 1 Mortngue.aid Kitts family. .$ 15 (K O 1' Coshow, aid Hail fainilv 10 00 U C Cooler, nid Mrs Cltuk.". (1 (M) Cox V Faiiey.aid Henderson lam. 10 00 Hamilton A. Andrews, aid Orchard family 10 00 tl F Crawford, aid Mrs Roberts... 8 00 I .ai lies Aid Niciety.aid Long fain.. ID 0 I Hart, keeping poor W E Curl, salary ll F Russell, salary His MaKtoit and Havis.cs. iiuane. N 1' 1'avne, ex. insane Trites ft rs, livery hire Max Friendly, ncct roads Thos A Yost, account roads Harrisburg lAimlwring Co K T T Fisher, surveyor John Usher, janitor.... M 0 k-1 ;il Oil -l:l 10 0 4 0" a o -1 ,:0 ol till '. 6S 17 0 :::i lo.l J7 r.o ai t;o 15 00 14 W ti ro 4 11 2-' r.o 'j 2 m 60 100 00 :t: in) 13 00 .1 V Morgan, acet roads 1 v pinks, ncct road J nntugs .: Co, ncct roads Albany Elect no to C Schfagel.acct roads FortmilUr oj Irving, ncct paupers M Scott, fees Mrs Anna Mtirry, keeping jurors.. Ed Meeker, ncct roads O 1' Coshow, teachers ex O F Russell, teachers cx T J Stites, teacher ex 11 M Stone,- building Owl Creek bridge State J E Herry Henry Freerksen.acct roads KI 1L t.l ttK Slir.A A J Hodges ctux to J LHill.'j int in lots 6 0,seo H,tp 1 1 ,S R 4 w. Nancy Coon to School Uist No 07,1 acre, I L C of James and Nan cy Coon Wm Urewster to Constant toiernc, ItU acres, tp II, S R 1 anl 2 w. S U Nolluger ct ux tti Saiiiuel Notheger et nl,') acres, see 2S, tj 13.SU IE E (5 Michael et ux toT Y HarU r. et ux, 2."7 ucres, sees 13, 14, ti 14, S RUw... A J Hedges, trustee, toC E Sutton, U6, bl 10, Fairdalo.V J W Miller et ux to J It Robh, lots 3,4, bl 2, in Shell-urn Joaie Mackey ct nl to Artie Muck ev.etul.l1.. acre, near Hruwus ville J M Jones to FM Henline, lot 5, I ... I, w 1, 1 ... . .HI 10 I 20 SO 200 255 125 Martha Fierce to J M Fierce, 120 , acres, see 4, tp 15, S ll 3 w.... 12.R) ;J M IVard to Maggie lc.rn:nd. undivided half of lot 10, bl 4, H's A, Tangent HX) ttilYJ Ed Goini last wrek sold hit In teret hi the Ieaie of lh Jc:''e'oti till!' to his partner, and will In the fature devote 1.1 entire a'ten-.ion to M tuslnes Inter ests In this city. Mr. J, (J. Eagaii, of the firm of Eagan fi Achtion, inarlile dealers oi Albany, ac companied by J innv Murphy, made o a plea&nt call on Tuesday, .Slicrifl Matt SckU was in i iirciiy Wed. nekdav atul Thursday In the capacity ( tax collector. lie collreted In txt pre cincts, .Scio ar.d Franklin r...fe, a little over ifly.o. Two men weie on our utrccU tlianks-g-.ving Jay who.e romtii rd 9i;. amouui to 1S7 lear. Uncle Jhnr.y Crahlree, aed 91 ye-n, of tbl count v, ai.d (jrai!.! father liailey, of Si'.lcm, 11 years i'.A. Truly they l,a e on.tthirj to be thank ful for. Prc. A DiMXi:si Suf.t, Dr.C-jo. W. Gray the pioneer dent:-.', id iMa tity, has wild his dental clTier, fivtuie and biisin, s here to Hr. S. K. Starr, ot Iowa, w ho will take charge of the santc on January i, w lien Hr, Gray will rrtire from the huMu-.- ami devote his time to re-!:a up and ott-.i r i i- tercsts. The Doctor began prar'.le!n.f In thcspiing of iS6r an-l I as tcr! In uuonc here continuous! v MIH'C. A .v Electric Sh. k. A very peculiar accident happened at Hu;;'iie a few days Wl.ih; a butcher v.l.o works for t i--her & V,': kin was turning 011 the e!tCTr:e 1:'.'. i i ifciir cutting r.:x:ii.he BCvl I i:.n:.y lotieiu-J uie nu tal a.irjvc trie hn:le am! w ns nntr 1 diaU-i v tnoclal (!on. 'I he l!'r t v.a: t'jM(i',( on wa covet etl whl iill ril r, w I tch !' mi d .1 ton diiv'ot for li-r ' ili i I. Tut: Sai l m Kit. tin.:.. At Sahui yit terday V H I'Arcy, deiu., wa3 elected Mayor by 5 majority. Goodill, rep., was elieteI Recorder by175 majority. Harry Mirto Marshal by 70 majority, nud E J Swail'ord Treasurer by 2!i majority. votes wero cat for Mayor, and a big vote wag polled, the contest being a very hot one, particularly on .Mayor. A I'ouri.ANo Wosu.s r.a::.ed Sharp, ;r.t 11 rotori'..ty in the Fott!.-.i!l Mercury, .1 ,"i :ic.;, v.iiich, though g-:ii-er.illv te'.ls tin-tru:h, t:i the oi.-a.i claims to havo i .-n c:.g:-.g'l to Mm ilt(.rf til IifV tj.cO I'.'.r'.'l,! tik S ' l: 1 . .!... -. . . f 11: . -on .io, 11 si-iii.i.j i v ei 1 01.1.1 01 v.or ii.on. ..lrMi.i-id loi tnerly n s:di -.I in Albany rtitit his v. o'e, from wlio!.i we under ftand he lies a- ei-paratcd eoi.-io time. A Co: -ii.v F;..ii i;i;.--Mr Wtt Monteith placed in his puioon to day cu oil paint ing, hut li as cauHi-d h much cciihttrna tion at the recent fair at l'oi thit.d. it wns purchased of Gunst, of Portland, for the reputed price oi tl J."0, and was paint ed by one of the famous Farisian irtistK, Aliciielc-t, we believe. Mr Feebler lias returned from Soulhein California, where lie left his wile at FaHadena. The daily temperature was a Unit HO to 85 and oranges were in their glory. Mrs Feebler remained for tier health. Mining Claims. T L Henness, placer mine, Kantlam District. Icated fsovcm b;r as'.h. W A Acock. 'Maltie Hellc," quartz mine, Bantiarr. district. Located Sept 6. Hied lire i. Kew Carpets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, just received at A, H. Mcliwain's. the mock in large anu choice, selected for this market, and peo ple wanting the hest carpets at the low est prices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. Hismto HoiBEKKEi'EitH. Always eet the mouse trap lieforo retiring nights. Keep the best class of groceries yon can buy and uso only fresh produce. Trade at the best grocery stores, and by the way there is none tietter than Conn & llen- Jricson'B. They keep the best in the market, buy their produce of the b?st gardeners, keep tho freshest fruits in season, and carry a fine linn of standard groceries generally. Jovktiks in Wash Fabrics. I have hist received direct from Chicago novel lies in ttunu ujubd kuuur. oivucit L1111IU : .. ...!. ,in 1 'ri.... it.!,,. for fall and winter wear. I am receiving the largest line of staple and fancy dress I l t a.x t-1 - I i. fTSl. - gooua ever orougniio mis marnei.. xuose needing their fall and winter Buppliea will do well to give me a call. DAMUBIv JS X OUNO. Groceries of all kinds, J he freshest vegetables, Tho best fruits, The nicest canned goods, A splendid lot of pickles. Holiday groceries generally, Ana everything ana lirst-ciues, At Powell & Co'e, leading grocers. ulack uress uoops. i make a spe claltv of keenlne a full line of black &llk Silk Warp Henriettas, Wool Henriettas and all the late novelties In black dress i goods, and trimmings oamcel I OUKG, Evervbodv remarks at the splendid dis- of play of fruits and vegetables al A Powell & Go's, where 4hey get what they - want in the tirst place. - a $70 Music Box: clven away Jan. 1st " '..'o.o., c. v-i-i-iii nf f' von Ot lit AMI l'llRHO.NAL, MONDAY, Ex-Shcrlff Smallinon Is i' ihe iliy J II Mallu, of rotthiml.l In the city. F. L. Such, of San Franc!co, ts in the cltv. Mr Hank Raves, of Coivillls, Is In the city today. Miss Hattle Chcsney Is vllilng fiietuls In Hrownsville. Win, M. Hoag, Wullls Nakh and ISupt. Durham, of the O. V. w ere In the city to day. The Ladles Aid Society will meet at the residence ot Mrs. L. E. I'laln, tomoi row afternoon at J:,lo o'clock. Mr. Waller Monteith stul Mi-s Lama Tate returned bonus today, the former front Spokane. Falls, the latter from 1'ott land. 1 t'PHiAY. Harry Noel is In the city. F M Smith, of Saiil'mm precinct, is do- j ing Albany to-day. j Jules Schmidt, the hack driver, who recently ohtaine'tl some fame, has returned to Ail-any. Mr. S. W. 1'ainley leaves tonight on n visit to his old home, Reidsviiie, N. C, to bo gone about a month. Mel'hei.on Host U. A. U, will give n dime social at their hall on next Friday evening. Cake mid coil'ee will bo the lunch. Licctine has t-t n issued for the mar riago of Mr G.-o W Mcknight uud Miss Helen M I.anell, two oi l.uiu county's most popular young ii-oile. Thu wed ding will take pUce at the home of the orule sjHiietils to-iuorrow. Mr Kendriek, supetintendeut of the Mbanv mill at the mines, J W Gardener and . T I'.rvant came in from tho mines last evening, the train now arriving late proving a great convenience. They re port the prospect continues g'Mid. A new nugget had !een moulded but v.ns not brought down. w i:iNKi.w . Mrs FrNct city. Mtgus, of Lebanon, is in the Mrs liiinon Smith, o Hanisbutg, is in the citj-. John I.toiu, Jr, leaves on t -n;.g'il'i train on a trip to California. E J MeC.nH1tI.iI1d. the iH-ncdiet, went to Salem this noon, w here his w tie is visit ing friends. Mrs 11 J Sower and daughter have gone to California, the httterfor medical treat ment. F S Uoiight.-n and S W Haish v left hist evening for their old home nl North Carolina. Jos WehU-f w 1 nt t l'ortiand this ttoon to visit his family, exj-eeting to n turu to morrow evening. Mr Newton II Cuminiftg mil Miss Maggie Roarer man, two y.uiug jn-ople residing near llalsey.w ere united in mar riage in this city this nftenioon. The social to be given this evening nl the residence of Mr Geo HochslcdU-r promises t- If n tine ail'.iir. A nice hineh of coil'ee, cake, sandw ielien, 1 tc, will li served. Every Uly will ho welcome. Thos Monteith and wife end Miss Hel en Crawford went to l.fiws'Hi this noii by way of Tangent, to atu-nd the widding o Mr Geo McKnight and Mis Helen lisel!, to take jlaee to-night. MrChas iH-nnv, of t'orvnllis, and Miss Rose Watson, ilac.giiter of Mr Henry Watson, wero to ' married at the reM h nee of the bride's parent, n-ar Oak vilie, at 4 o'clock this c.i'ti ruo u, I'r Ir vine, of this city, cllieiaiii'g. Last eve! mg a sorpr;e party given j Mr Ed Wii.hbnrti. of the firm ' Mat- tln-ws 'i Waid.burn, ut his lo-tue in! Third Street. An enjoy .ibleevening j-a-d in itocial piea.-urvs of tliilV-n i.t ii-.i!.!. Monday cvei:ing th.. fririifis (d F.iv. S'han'!e, of the M E Ci-ureb, South, ti 11- j dered hint 11 donatio!! mirprir-o partv.that was a very nicn z'Jiir. appreciated as j much by thoe lm lrf !iev,l it wa.s more j blessed ti give than tu r"n-ive, us by the' worthy recipients of a li!-r.d purse and many si-Lr .ti:i-gs a number j s.:o,t liy a M;M ttnlrl.tiiso. 5-.i!ii!.iy ve-ilog, j-ts I sfore the .t. I.mJ ftini form. a I u .1 : in-live.!, t:l;;V.w.uh iccult:, .1 !.-.i:i.;; -: ailing n the plat told him lie had letter leave, as he-rt-kir.g f.-r a ttwitip -i the train itt:d I wat'.U- l no 1 111 In -I n i.f'd I Svl i I uc . Tt.e man aii! he 21 1 cook il.. V .vet! j st..-. k o . ci-i! he A liesr.l! i.ut'en .1 j .!i 1.1 McCbln, in ! tak'.l-g ; 1 ::i r., ord ie.1 I.I m ! 1 Lis ai 1 ' -i '.l:ti j-eai'i d. it bad btru received bv tie liUrsbat, from .Salem, ordering the r rt tt of a tt.nnp who would piobably be on the trian, und when the tiain arrived MeClaln was on the lookout. .Seeing a man jump from behind the cattle pen, near the water tank, and run, thinking it might be the man h v. asaficr'-e ord.-ted htm lo stop. The man r.-i'iotd. Then Mci'latn old l.l.n to iioji or i e would 1 hivir. Not doing "J firril is the 'Ttli was (;ollg atom.ij -he ft.lghl l.-.ii e. vih :i i iiilfi'ti n i of hhlh.g h:io. 'I he man ' ; e-.l and iln-n J uik ,,, w g he :iu.i men snoi v.! -i ll i.rovid lo he i i i-e. (hi ito- pflo.i.'i.g Inn He m-'l.l h i'--'il it ws ll e I. an eltiitoir t-i he a cook. i le !o k l.i'c. lo the i'.jii 1 'y l-.on e, win re lr Mas'o.i boo. 'I I.t: b'ti .! y. vt.1 I. to the n, .. 11 s tiyi '. Moe, ti 1:1-4 1 1.1 r the skin only ar.d out Anhoit lis o ce further towards liic front. The man ave hi. name Fred Volley, ile had ' t'.en bts breakfast that day at the i'.x tbange hotel, free, and hi dinner and supper at the V.'avcriv, where lie bad been hired to take the other cook's place, beginning Sunday morning. ItlsdouUtcu though, he were a coolt .t all, anil 11 was thought he was Intending to leave on the train, he tay he was at the depot to meet a friend whom he expected through' on the train, In order to tell him tint he had a jb. A UfileU Uoot. If you w ill allow me space In your pa per 1 would like to give the boys great praise and credit. They certainly did well as hunters on thanksgiving day .armed w ith shotgun and knives. vValtcr Settle and Mcrvin Turner were chosen as captains. When Ihey started for the woods one would have thoui'ht from the sound of guns they would not leave a single bird; vet we can't niins them, except now and then we see a carcas wun tits ncaa caivca off and iro.ic. which was ail that was nec essary (or a score. One man captured a live skunk, sacucu mm una siarieu, dui he cot so loud he cot his freedom. An other found a dead shitcpoke: he carved off his head, and on he went, thinking no one had seen him. The score was as follows: Captain Settle.. (WOiCsntaln Turner in i. i siuwci yiilO. Ixmtr 00 I. lliOt A. Fn-arkoa.. It. Watwm V. Miiizeuniiru., I). I.ilo J. Ilsnnoo. It. Olilint;. ...... 3. Caldwell.... ... .121)1.1. VV.Ibsnks UM .... 4"j iV. Ifnnnon... '0 ,...710 O. lloHieh S l'ZT. II. Uotlii:ll Wi SH7 T. Il.irlich 1174 38 U. Taylor WJ0 95 I. Turner USI ....124 O.Putor 00 ijlOj 6U16 .A party will be given the following week, a' so supper furnb hed by the losing side. m.MROD. Tub Inpian War. I'ecple generally do not anticipate anything serious with the Inc'ians in Dakota. A more serious matter U that of getting the best groceries at the least price. A sure way to learn how is to call on Powell & Co. Their prices the lowest. For a complete assort ment to select from, they stand in the front ranks. No DaNGKh. No one can ever be wrecked financially who buys their groce ries of l'arker Bros. You are sure of good quality, low prices and first class treat ment. Their stock Is always up with the market, consisting of the freshest vegeta bles and best groceries to be found. Their bakery department in splendid hands, and their baked goods can always be relied n. Nothing Smale about Matthews & AVashburn, See the necessary article that all newly married people want (shortly), that they offer to give to every couple married between Thanksgiving and New Years, '91, who . purchase a cook stove TUk riTV I.IIltllflM. A very tmuiU volo was polled ut tho city election Monday, duo to tho fact tlint tho only city ullU-ora to bu fleeted were tho luarshal and treasurer, the re-elect Ion of tho present ellleient marshal being 11 foregone conclusion. Follow ing was Til u VOTIC. 1st Sits MaHMIV.. i(Oi, Vhl, Si, TuTAU, J.N. Hollnuin, 80 114 1311 II. A. Crowder, K5 65 tin O..J "HI Iloli'iuan's iiittjoiity , Titsfi. H. Farwill, (ill F. L, Kenton, 102 lot Lit OH am 2(H FuiwcW's inajoiity;.N, A. J. Anslyn F. M. French French's majority 70 . . . . , till 10 H7 , CI r.a ('. ti. r.nrkluut . . L. lereck , , Eurl.harl'a tuajurlty .1 ihn Hrunh , C. E. Hiuvkius 112 i:ij Hawkins' majority 4ii The Council w 111 now be composed of H. F. Tabh r and F. M. French, from the 1st ward; W. II. Garrett and C. ;, Hutkhai t, from the 2nd ward, and G. W. Smith mid C. II. Haw kins, from the 3rd ward, living the name as during tho past year, except Mr. Hawkins in place of Mr. Heyoc. l'ln repuhlicaiis elected two aUiet titen and the ih-iniM'tats one, y t the majority . the latter was exactly the same as the combined majorities (if two others, making tho city even. Many voters, though, did not pay much atten tion to politic. ir ttmr.Miuxsi 1 It K OK Mot - K I . The Deuioeiatic Cl'y Convrnlloit was held at the L'outt If nise. The attendance was not very largi, though It vas larger than that of tho Republican Cl'y Conven tion. The n.ccihig was ea.hd 1.1 order by John t'lclao, of the C-itlraS totntt.Utec. lion IK A li vine was elected I 'hail man and TJ Stiles Secretary. On motlvu o( IlonJ K Weathetford the order of business was according to the fol lowing proceeding: Geo Humphrey ami O 1 Coshow weie appointed tellers. 't he nominations of A I A"slvn. First Ward, CG lUitlhart. .second Ward, John Urnsh, 1 nit J Want, l ouiu nntrn, were lUIH Slit ralllied. alo t.' 11 Stewart. T I Stites and J 1 ViiUut4n as tiiciiili;rs id City Central commi'.tre. J N Hoffman was utiai ltnomly no.tdn ated an Marshal. 11 Furwctland Us I Hurkhart Acre nanic.l for Treasurer. Voir, Fa'W rll lj; llmk hart n; KJ Laniiinj: I , blank I. Mr Far rrI was declared nmiibutrd. Shot I perehcs ucte ttiade bv the Marshal and Mr Farwcii. Till'. Iltl'l tll.ICA v-.. Met nt Amioty. () It Irvine called Convention to order and was elected Chalnnari, jay V ih.du was el ted Secretary and F M Fiec.cli Assistant Se cretary. I he o:.t, r oi ?udtrs was tniule accoi't.iug to the following p'oeerdl-igs on trpeit ot a omtnltlce csl.l! is Denton, I,, V Devoe and J It V, nlt F I. Kenton was lu-f.iltiaic.l bv aeelains lion f,.r City Trcakcrer. I The notiilnailoii (fa Maisbal wss h ft lo ity Cen! eoiiitrdt.'e, wl.o plnc-.-J It V Ciowder 't Use lielet. lite Ward notnhtatt-tits of F M IVe.nt !i, I. Vitrei k mi I t' V. J la sins for Centric ll men, nnd 1 F Conn. O II I nine and W If llos-jn for Cetitr..! Comndtttr, w -r it'.hi.-i'. . ..... ..... , . .1 .. .... 1 HI from i.b. .-ivati. t ikea &t Ail uv, n , ()r(... , j. i,n j!,i;.-,...vr,i. ub-fver f-r the Settic, V H. Arm)-. Il-'ir.t baruni-irr n li. 12, 2-1 11. I io st I t,iise.r, i n in "i, '.'J.Stl. J!ie,n !.r.:.t.i !i r !.-r ti o nionth, 'Z'j t7. little st di'iiy KV' t -eoc.l I-M. 3 I 11. Um.ti:ilv nii v l I r r. V'.l I!l,;'-ift !. ll, r,i'.u;4.- : l tin) I, 7-. 1 .- t ti t:( r-t(.n. -ii ti n I"i, 2.1. .'i!..a lor U. tuoii'.ii it r. i. Iii.-l.tst liuiiy ridj.'o 1 1 tii.-r.on !o' t?,4f, li.v-. tiio;, raiij;-' f llnr. t.iti iiO, :', e!. ,i.. ".' I- , r..Lr- St. 7 I. M. d lily '.:.,..!. j i o ',11V a'. Vf I', in d-ol, -t. . ! n. . o Lie i.t 9 p. ... I ..i v i'i .. ..--tin: in eiio:-s oi wind, t. Mu Viloey vr force, ". Total rainfall i r ttnlted siiW, v. -if ii.-jitli of i,uv. iit t ud 1 1 li, 0. Number of dajs on wlikh .01 u.ei. or itmi ruin fitil, H. Numlwr of days f cloudiness avtrcfc-u 8 scale of HI. S. Of SO diys l rvittiiins 1 1 weie elesr, 7 Inir, 4 f y mniiorius, 0 rain, hstiv. tl nvere..i.t, U fiie.liy. I-'rntt oti tl. innrni-iis n' 1 1 iLy. Ttlllll. f 0 (-7 Od S- . ll,,'. el pj )rV-, R it. '.fad, 3 f 1 n .tl hi a. (. i f I 'J i ar -. t Mi I'M':-,, r A;t.--!n gut variety Mjl-.-sat houiin pt it it;. ! 0 .--..itititl 1: i oui.g. t ,, Ol,f M(i, i...:.i H "ii a, I..-.I .eii I. is f I'I it jo k;'. end Itrefc Mr. I- i (lei i a, i t i Ijl.i, Ml., I il f t U .. Is. ii'iitiue.ii i f uil the- ! Uktftjlu. I lv junt imtivr.d u eats i,f U'sosnl in mts wl.iuli 1 will nil st Ci vsids to tho dollar. .siAMfiX p; VoCNo. Osb I ItMi:ri Waooss just rectiwd, which I am going to givo away free, one willi each can of Forest City liiiking Fow der. Come early. G lv 1!iiow.m;m Cured In One Inj . iIdMud: A few nights siuce Dr ilnhlen: A fw niahts siuce I wss taken witb S'iro hrnat, con eh sud stift neck. I used yonr Ktln reil Couch Syran. rid by morning I was neatly well, and by nirnt cureu. jamm l ATTinwd, Cupt Wooloti Mills, Stncktoo. Lirirn tizg SI. Small SO cents. For salt) bv J A Cumming, diaggtst. MAUfllKI). HOLMES-DA VIS. Dec. 3, tSo, by Rev. S. G. Irvine D 1).. at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of 4th and M ad ihon tit's city, Mr Frank V Holmes, of Uutte. Momtana and Miss Llllie A Davis. llllill. CUAETIIKK. On Nov. I8II1, 1830, at Shangle, Wash., Mr. William Crabtree, aged (iO years. Mr Crabtree, a highly respected citien, was an immigrant to Linn county in 1845, being one of the first to como to this county, and resided here until about eight years ago. Ho leaves a wile and several children. Mr Crabtree bad only been nick a few davs. being taken violently ill a short time lie- tore ins death. LaFOREST. On Monday, Dec. 1st, 181)0, the 7 montlia old daughter of Mr, Eugene LaForest. Funeral services occurred this after noon. F. . OSKOOD. F. B. OBgnnrl, of Osgood Bros., tLe promluent diBi'Ktsts at Beventh uid Broadway, Ouklnnd, hi a letter to the Edwin W. Joy Co., July l'ith, says, " We lisve no pfopaiatloii on ortr Blielvos, that shows such rosnlts us Joy's Vegetable Par niliarlila. A ertptomer of oura livinsr on Klnth Ut., tells m that H relieved her almost immedi ately of ber ilippepsia; and another 011 lirood wajr tcjwU, that tlireo bottks entirely cured, 1 rii-OTinfio'i. A Biro wo only uw - - UOJ1R AM AllKOAIt MUNIiAY, (!inutips h' pru I n liters this nnoc, Tlis Nairnw (Isiits lets cow l.ern hra L oni d as fsr s IlK-wcaviile. Mr ('lias I'ti!i8r is having tin room sd jnimi j. his Itiilul I i rt-4 to rsiU nod will l.x Id 1 U,f s.nuo unall bittbui l.tiMmSt. E-gi'i, lite (miiiter, Iss had usetcd fauiitg Ilia ili-pot, a ft'gu b'isrd i.'yuir, (iiot,t,J ui transitu in it into a lttitits ihtootory, no r eltsttts Slid ntlntrs tkim( suaee and p)in acei.r.lni(,ly. Trtiu tin 11 vlio have lts'l their lies. I qimr Itrsst thi front - ua the t) l'sri now tiitwinu buck to All an1, a tint tittin tahlg lis veiy prepmly lit. 11 uliaugt d so Ir.ini iiinsin hois it tuli. Rov Tln.a Ahl t'lt. of 0upiih'e Citv, will pr.-uuh in lliu Uiiiverlit elntteli nvx Hlin day, morning, and pt t ltsps Fridsy or Satur liny roiling. iv Al'hi tt is nvinty voir "I rge, and n lung tiim Univit!iit prnaiilicr. Tim eity i-.l.itlina hi ! frnoii ro.nlUnl ns follows: Vie bt twi-i'ii H llinlhison and It N Lniigwotttiy f.irM or; IS li SM itl., j enohlj WLJniiM. M nlis'i 1 W Unli rd'i, 'i'o-..ttr(.) T M Wtlten, Til i'nf lehns. W M I'.tl;. , T M Rh', , S Il.i;s ai.d A I! .!.'.), ('1 uin tiiiisu. W KliNl.SDAV. Tli no is bat cue t'ii;ii.t in tint A O U f..r ) ei taber. , Tip Iltiinplttry i tiro fon in 01 oi, Ik .Stlo Fre-s MiU Is i.iskifig tlint city bin I 0 nr, Tim o!d Ib'-vere lum u ii was set. I to Ibxebnrg n,d iy, b t"iiid "t-.stul. i.oUtsti Il01le." It in S g'.'l bill hCM'. Two svaudi'liltK kit's, i-,;it uin tit . i-ht:Ml, tlis otl.vr ms er itV, v.e: in tin, eily Mtiirily ii..l lMl.,y, tviiij sli et I'limsilt. I In y .1.1 tliiivtni; hn..u, llu old r ulil tliis lumll . X0!ni.!;ili.l s tnn (livit fir 410 Takin r.i iiik Akvi.I'm. Nancy J FlUwater was brought from Lucnttth (Ids inoriihtg, and on cxafldnatloti ottlerrd sent to (he tusan'? asylum, where Deputy Shcih'f haulth V'k ber thU i.ooii She has been sln-o-.t n -otnptelc Idiot since eleven )raro( ag", 'J'aslng a more vio lent nature It was found atm4 ltuposthle t4i tnksi catcctlur longer, hen, e (he ac tion. A Nkw ii.MttiMtt KvtK.ot..-A M!-lon Sjbbsth school w.tis organ!-,! In the CiowJer Imt'i.tio. In the lishd Uatd, yi-s-tuil.iv. l.v the JtaplUt Sabbatll th'oo. Thctswete Hi 00 Hie hi.ldc,ad t'-c build. log would hold, nn I many on the outside. C II Hart was elected Nupcihtlrndcnt, and Sirs v roll n c Piesldenl. It I In'cndeJ to erect c'ospel lit that patt of tho city soluble for the wot ii. ii sua v. J t! Hij's", 1 f T .U do, vr.s botti.d ovriti itt s imi F.t.Uv. 111 J.ts kc fur j i.ey' e itttt, io it!i:t t! e r.t-V.t 11 1 1 tin, s,r I i jury, .,r h.rtry. I l'umi Ihs tee'ny wiutrr of !' t!. ,f (.. ft', tli.. f , T , ,,, ,y tvr.iiu;. V cpt no Cotv n'hi v.-iU lu-.o in . 11 u '.1. 1 pult.'tf hrrit'.l't. - Ti a--. ! N' 1 "d l Id h.r city ?.,'.-.'.iuti Mm4sy 1 ,0 ... ... il,elol.u.g M f Wc:e ii (-' :ii: IV'sl- 1101.I 01 tl. n I .-ti'ii:. ciiht, w n ,- r- tb; Mt.h ,!. i.-v o K !.-;, iio. .S) llobt. chW4th..l.! I", ni.t'. W.-,frtr.j ! Tissiir--r, tj.-n, Lvi I M A ii it t; t.'. itiieihru fi ; , 1 r, 'I..,!, I.i,.i., ;iJ j Silt 1 lo ur 11 iuhi .'..'., i,-. wvts t,!t H H p i ' .. I '!. . ( . ' I ... . ,. f W ' -'uo- if i'...-7q is"! cynii-i; ) 'wiinr-f, a i in iii ! t. j tuino t l . i f ."Si 1 e, tiiitnlw r d e r il i,: lo itd r j - ..- . w v If . . 1 .1 W i.t... .. . 1 it...'; , , .. ' , t t ' t J v :...',,,. v ti i.-,,,,ti N 11 A .r.i ai d .. EC'ixuo Irrirn-; C U i if. t ,td (.' V. V.f ., !;!; N II A Ik-n, M C ikb-tii-m tu I J V Gifilmr. 1 hr-u e'i i nn :e llneo totli from t .lixviiin. j ,V'tM,kiii idaitt will of I loltii.i, winter tia a.ortiti' ii n'.vi.-s In i; v, h 1 entt is the stoic t( L. E he -lruek with the lati'e nlwk ; whkh Lo has on hand for the dc, and as v 11 w ith the choice t .i patt. rns, the very hiteH. foiiti 1 in l.i s'.ot k. lie tin- j p.iei!otialiiy has n h;i-! s'ock o! g.oils for I. i the ptuchasi-r I sil et fiotu, tiitd whin j ha I, as made hii seScctioii, getting jtliit I what lie wa:it, Thu prices, i i.usideritii; the ipjal.ty it the g-j-! very low. Ill that reupcet thiV for thelUHi Ivt s. It ih.i I'ti't tale ery lotn lt luoin y to get a lino htiHincrs ,n.t of hii.i One iU iii'i have to be n miliionaire 1 dress Weil if a customer f Fiaiu. Mr. i'd.iiu lias the tschtsive agency here for thf Albany wi.oh n itiill sniiH, n'.ready ity poimlar H i'i- vl of Pin. iliiiig go'Js, boots, hi.t s. luit.i in S i.-.j , arc lending .ni s in line, the i;'h which go from his tailoricg i!t parttiK-nt me eoiiiinettti-il mi tis beh g very t!lin!t mid ipietnlidiy lO-l'le. V-t r I i ; i.-n-y h:i nev uiioaoii.i : i'e sctiitilv, on two lo live tests I ri :.. e ! thoc, C: i the Uivt .1 on us at otir i.lbce, opposite eJhoUM. Hi-aKii-VRT A:;. V.ix Fat ta. -I I ave past received tuvie if wall "!..... 1 ... t .t i . i:.. j m , , i -o i.i, l r, l,l....l ,11 toill, I IC., Ill .IIUIII 1 j the plain iiigniins which nrw ln-cotuing I li re I ot.oi.-i!- Mli.... .. 1j nn. I i.ti... sty ' II. ." ....-v. . ...w I'VUV- lie L-s itl.d I lu apl r than ever In fore. H iv:t .!. 11 Voi.NU ll I.I-'. ( l-'ui i.e. ii i tn I I t- ) b t.-n1, ' f h.l'.eiv r-. liisinie. it nt Ah-si.v, I-!; eoctilv, ( fl;i MJo gi.e , I l.-c, 8 1MO. IVi. i. eltt.e for I thru- l- tiirs n.u t (.iirttnu !t" 1 u ttlnill '.liey vi t-lr tii vi 1 '1-1 d, O.ebiati. .1 W I r.i'o-, J II Milk-, MiK!:J I'er.i.i .-, Mis l-'zz'e It.ei-, Jehu ti laslev, Jek K Tllovtr-sos, 1'. M. Ami Ui. IV It Wan iiie.l hy l lrrlrlrtly Aflrr All Oi:ier tinona ttrmcitlrs Had I nlleuTolul brnfarss urrd lr "e Maine Rlrtbod lilatilern Yrars As, and Itrmnlus rcrmanenl to This Daj. Ko M, Id A Mil; x ST, rot.1T.AND, Op. ) November i, ISW. J Editor Orcgonlan: fs'selngso manv cards stul le'ters In fsvor of Dr Danlu, I think it justlco to hirn, and as well an tLo s 111 let cu, to tell what he did for my wlfo two years bro. For fiftoen months prior to calling on hhn she had l eea suflMrine oniMtanl psiti night mid day Jrom the etlVctKof ibnumsiiKiii in her nun and shoulder Klin 'jad not raised her ai m to her head diirlum that timo. She could not sleep on?y by taking cpintes and ber general neaiiu was ptwr sntl broken down. Anfracourseoieleetrio treatment by Dr. lurrln, she wss cured, and has nevsr had a return of liorformor troubles. Wit gladly answer any ounstions bv man or omorwisu. v. aj A 1 llisvv. Total treadles Cured by Klerlrlcltii Mr. Ktlltor: In 1872 my dsuurbtor wh taken with membranous croup, and upon her recovery was loit totailv deal. I called on two eminent physicians who said they.-r,uld do nothing for her, As a la' t resort I took her took her L'r. Dnrrln, who cured her so she. has rtver been troubled with doafnesi since, I consider It one of the greatost cures of oleetric treatment 011 record, and with great saUi taction glye this testimonial. 1 reside in Eorkloy, Alameda Co , California, and will take great pleasnro in answering anv Inquires concerning this mostrctnarktbie cute, lout rr Hnocitul'y, Willi am s. didblf. The doclors are crowded wllu p&tienU from 10 a m to 8 p nt. Xhev hava a Iar- eounlry practiea and send their olectria remedies to anyone desiring home treat ment for any curable chronio, acuta or private diseases, which are kept ttrlelly connueniiat. One of the doctors is vinltlng different towns In the state (o bolter nccommcdate those who find ic impossible to come to Fort'aml. One of the doctors will hp at tho Hoil'inaa house, . Kugone City, Doc 1 to o. The head cfilcs Ht 70Jj IWaEbiiiKton St Portland, will run as usual Consults tion i nd exsmtnation 1'reo. All classes treated free from 10 to 11 daily, Charges moderato, being oniy f 20 a month lor each disease, or in that proportion, as cases may require, tend for circulars fi ee -o any address. . Horses for Sale. rpnE UND1?KSIGM:d hsa fersalea X nis place ncsr Albany a lot ot good wen broke linr-fes lo-wit: A span 01 sor rels. weight 1420 ?iounds each : span 0 crrys, 1-1DC; span ol bays, 1200; ftpan 0 drivers, 050; one faiDiiy carriage Iiorse large and good style; and two good saddJ horsa?!. friers recsoname ana terrt UaoUKSVIfLti. December Int, 18'JO. Med, nt this plncp, on Nov, 2(Jlh, of rniisiiiiiptlon, Josepliine, W Ho of Henry (J Mnekcy. Hho was buried In the city cemetery on 1 iiannsgiving uay, Tho meeting nt the Haptlst church on lust Saturday was well al tended, but as of old no minister was elected, TIic-o appears to bo two factions in this church ami both are like the dog In the tuatiger that cannot cut the hay and will not let tho cow bnvo it. 1 his look bio! for lho who profess to love- tho good of mankind. Timo to cotno and let us reason together. For nouns reasons Tliniikt'givlng day was not observed liure. Homo wero too btiny to give thanks and like mont Amer icans were in tho mad men for the f, whilo others were deprived on nccount of tho hoi rown of the day, 'Wo see tho Times has called In Nemo. of this phu-f, on tint county buMiness,nnd say wo w ill tiivldu thu county, etc, ow Nemo likes to descant on' his service, when other ineii wild if wo can't iret jus tice nt Washington wo will divide the Union, yet ho is in for division. If so. ami It is not tloim, then we say have as much money spent lit the south half of the county its in the north, and if not, r-ghtcr an i-ternnl kick about It: but as for us we hiivo no fault to find, as all of tho rivers in lids nart arc bridwd. and if n bridge is a necessity in some other Phieo nut it up. I t:uesn wo will come down with our projiortion of tho tax's, and coutinut! to do so as In the oast. We cannot seo what there is to kick about. for one inirt of a county w ho has no large and lurful-iit streams Io contend with to be always growling at those who have Is not lit true accord with tho ls t inter ests of tho county nor of ihe wliolo peo ple. Tho grcatcal good to the greatest number, Is our motto, with special privi leged 10 none, 1. i (t Ju-t snitud - $'u.'l iMinof tallies, (itiil- itrelm, moir tiI hi-v s I.iOt wear t It W Siiiioii's, whieh will bs lo'.d st bottom prier. OUR LADDER. Till-: V.lliT II A MM' A ML VUTLKUY, .lAF.V.'.V, zr. voM'M:, A XI) 7AF.E. WATER FILTERS, i WARRANTED. HA LB AN Yi OREGON. Stoves, Easgcs --and-- Etaters, REFERENCES: Q ExanmB Our WOKIv. PAY I Or Not ai Ton PLEASE. PLUMBING py Contract, -BY- Wurkmen. ll'J..'"'Hl!!!!! Hv.xi Sale. in the Circuit Court 0 U14 SUUt oj Oregon for ttia County of Linn, Tlie Ihiiidxs Moifyflgs slid 'fitist Iit'Sstmi tit Company, limited, i'.. iiiur-, T H Tliiyinpsuii, soil Nuei-ts '1 lioiiiptiiij, his wife, J I, OiS'iti nil sJJ Cowuli, his wifr J K W'uatlii'ifurd and MA Wpdhtir. ford, l,m if... Mtillm 11 HulinoU ingsr.d VV It r.ilyca.Kn'ii.dai ts, Korii.'lvii hniUiy fcivc-n that by vittue of mi 1 niii.tit'ini 10,. I i.r.a-r of i-siimi out of tlieilMivo 1, nn-.l Court, in tho si-lion, 1 will on stiirlnj, lite I'lIU tlsy uf Vrrrnihrt, Isoo, At li.s Cntirl llniisu door In tho city cf Al bsy, Lhm oounty, Oskmi, at tU hour of 1 oVfoek .. in. of sai l tUy, th t public sunt ion or ei li 111 lisnd to th hiuln-st bid ih rllinil pmpt'ity in said exceiition sod onh-r of sal diurilKii lis fillnws tt wit. Tim sou t'l lislf of lbs iMiilliusst jii irt) r si.'I tliu mt hilf of tlis soutltcnsr. rj t.,i r r of . tifcti tnily,"il lliu s'liiilt lull of soiitti Wcfcl iiistt-r of ., rl;..i tMi iny i.i,.-, and l), north l.nif of llm nortliwit ijurtr -f set tinri ttiily-tilif, all in ton t- i:, tliirlrun, south rango 1m', if too Wilisnictts (iHiidiuij in Li n 11 county. Orrn,c"iitaii,iii.' 32') i:ri- mora or l-r. The ptoi,ti;ils siisin Irom tliu snl of snid's to tcsppliirrl j 1'iist, tn il.s .n)iiiii,t oftiiscHtls snd dU button nl of Uil! sl(v t titilhd suit tsxrd ut $ 1.1 81), on 1 tli itreriiiiig costs uf still up. nn said fJucution. Htijond, to tbo pnyminit of pltoitiflii ilitn, siiiMintin l tli sum f i;iy.."(l knd AceraitiKiiitvrvnt tln teon at tie ifcto of JO p--r omit f S!ii!liin,sii.l tlm lurtb ir sum of $130.00, Attorney's f,f. Fourth, io lbs 1 sjnii.iit of th claim of th dt-tvndsnt V K I'.iiyuu, to tilt, llm sum ol 4'i7.",,i)'J,aitil ih'tti, If any lulan -o r-tiiiii I pa d Io tlm ill b nLiit. 'I H and Nsr-it.s TtiotiifiSon. LUtid this C;h day of Noymbor, IHW. II, tiitn-r, fiitrrifTof Linn county, Or. I)SNmith,dei.ut. KeJerecH Sale. .I tht. ('U-aWyfurt 0 he. SHUt of Of ;i ft Ihe County of Linn.) . V ll McCi-yand Kil McCoy, nis wif. J V !dt'oy, uiitnarri., A It MoC.iy wd Clars ll MtC'j; , bu ivifo, U' oJ Met ioy and Nancy J McCoy, lo ifu, Lillian truch and V 1 I'nui ii, ber hushaud, l laintiH,, vs. Jsint-4 1; Mi.Cy sad May McCoy, his wife, It V Msrrili and L J Tiuit.lmll, lcfndoU, N0TITK is hereby i;ivcD that by virtue of an order of aale and ilnyrre duly mailo and ii.ti t-d of record in tho aUivs t-ntitleJ fun rt mi IhsCTlh d tf Oet-jbtr. 1SW. th oiiibiiai-m-.i duly appointed oie ttf ,r, in llio'ovo ciititlo-l lourt, will on Saturttar, Ibe lath day sf Brrrmbrr, ISO, rtt the boar of lQo'c!:k a. m , s-ll at the t'uurl iInuedoir in the city of Albany, Linn c unty, Orj;)n, at public auction for cash in band to tho highest bidder the rot prop erty ibscrilicd io said order of sain as fol lows, tn-wit: TheKnuih h f of the I'onslion Lnd tlalin of John M'Coy nnd etarali MoCsT bin ss i ft., n - t'llcHtion namrutr 2()3J, e'aim (itiiii'.i-r M, in lowuHhlp 12 S, It 4. V of tho Willitin.HU, iitarldtsn In Linn county Cm if in. "I ho i.rejO-Js ariaing from the aale of sal f proiiiiM, to be apidled first, to tbo pyo,rtit i.f tbo ihwu and dtaburaemnnts f suit laii'd t $17.75 and the costs and xrwniw-s of sa!n knd th ovsrplus to lx dUiribnU'd anion); llm several pnrtioi lo suit, pUiotitf 1 and dffundttuts, ac rording 10 thrir reicllv rignt a set forth sn-l provided In said decree anJ or der of li., .N'wtUr 12th. !i!K). oKlllUK llb'MPIfllKY, Soie Heft-no. K ilv W cm ,Y havlnj? sold his ib. 11 it it bttslneas, to clve potsHMion Jsituarv I, jsul, iiKt.leurin.Mly requoatii his tnanv fliniawUo may wUh tlm to pntilioir tH'th in good reimir before re. lirins to cU arly. Adw bollnd them-a-lvv- indotited to him, are exp-:'.wd to t i.i ana seltls aoon. . Assignee's Notice KuiLm is Ii'icby r.'''eJ that t!io onder- ;.;r 1 t as I ' i-n I'.tily apjminUd and quabln-d as ent.ltiio i f tl.c tato uf liarl Uacv. an lio.i'.v .iit iO i-tor. Ail ir-rsous having lUimi aiiiitt said tt-.'.o am hereby rtrjuircd to pnci.t tbii Mtao to ths undersigned Al hany, Oit-'. -i-.. witbiu tlirt-o rnnnths from tins dst, j-iiiju-rly v.riiied by la rtquind. Ns iiibr '.i.i , Ibtsl. L. C. Mailsiull, Asjiiiio. i:cc-utors ioCicc. M. ti.c Is h r- hy jrivin thtt tlm utid.r -if'i i 1 wss this i,y hy order i f tba Ctuint I' .utw id Ltaa f.'ty, .r;'iti,iluly n HiUit oUe cat' r f L- lat wid slid t'ata-i,t n! ln st'-ti .Mut.ViM, it. vassi-il. Ail prtn havtn:; Isin.s at-i'ut iln- t -staii.1 f said ! -ctantil tto ln'.-i! y ui.t.liid to piesrnt the tiin-i duly vutilii-d to Hie bia reu'etica utar Soin, t,b:n rouutv, Or-Kou wiibin six months f ritr. tbitditr. Isovtliibcioib, 1S30. TM MrsiKfcits. Il.-nttt fi Irvine, Kxt-cutor. Att'jslor F.xtcator. i ii m in i s t ra I ova ?i ot i cc. In tbo t'oanry Cour!, f Linn Cour.ty Mio 01 iirt-S'J. la tho nutter or tliu !M'.atfi of 'iViliintu Oonn, den-asm!. NOJ ICIC is l.t-rohv t'wea tj all pcrjora haii-t: cltima i jf.di.rt iwid cstato to prfsitt tliu ino to inn hn jiruticr vuuohers, dt tho nlhceot i. !..))CJ,tu Albany, Un-soii, willou tx 111. .n-Ii. I iliUe hertot. for tie reason thit I sami.i the IS'.b day nf Novem ber, IfcOO, duly r.;- nnU-u cilministrstor of aid asista by the above l amed court l.Ud thia 21t day of Nov., IS'.KI. Samuel Crs., W R PavEti, Administrator. Attornry. (U-21) "-TEN- Beautiful Pieces cf RilYcrwaia to ds Given Away. At F. M. French's Jewelry store, com mencing Nov. 1st, I will present every one purtliaKiii! $1 worth of (roods, a tick et entitlinir the holder to a chnnce t draw ono of the following pieces of Bilver- ware: 1. Ono larfje dinner castor. . f 10 00 2. " fancy fruit dish 0 00 3. " silver cako basket 8 00 4. " silver card stand 7 00 5. " Bet silver knives and forks 0 00 6. double picke castor 6 00 7. " silver butter dish 4 00 8. " single pickle castor 3 00 9. " Beth Thouia8 clock 2 00 10. " silver cur- 1 qq F. M. Fkencii, Adrnmistrator1,3 Sale. Kotico ia horel y clven that the dulv to poln;p:l. qnalifia I and acting aiiministri torof ihoobtiiteof Kuih UradMh-iw. de ceased, will by virtus of an order nf the county court tor LAnn county, ureeon. duly mado and entered of record nl tho NovombtT Term thereof. 1SD, towlt; On dy of Novamber, in the master of iheestate of Huth Bradsbsw de ceisb'l, aul.ho izlng and dlrwo'lug tho sale of the following desciibect real property L e'onging to t-ald estate, to wit: neinniiir nt tbo n w corner of John H, Kiimoni-on's donation land elalmNot. No. 2008 and claim No. 58, in tp 12. S. It. 4 W, ! running from thnnce E-isc 31.89 chains, I thenoe South 81.49 ohsins, trienoa West 31 Si) chains, thenca North 84 49 chains to the place of beginning, oontainicg 110 acres, all In Linn County, Oregon. Also beginning in the .enter of the Cal apoula creek on the east' bounderv line of the ssid John H. Kdmonsona donation lend claim Nct.No 2008 and claim No. 88 In tp 12 8 R 4 Wand running thentb south 12,59 chains to the southeast earner ot tha north half of the said donation claim, thence Wast 25 chains to the center of the main channel of said Calapoa'a creek thence up tha center of the main channel of said creek tojhe place of begtnatng, containing 29 sores, all In Linn County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, I William Clemens ad minis! rator of the estate aforesaid, wi !l of far said promises for sale at public auction to the highest bidilor at the court houso door In the City of Albany, Linn Comity, Oregon, cn fiie 3rd day of January 1S91 al the hour cf or.e o'clack p tn. of said day 't erras of aalo cash in hand. JK. Weathbrfobd Wm. Clem fcNa. Atty for estate. Administrator. rfTs TO tiV.R TI1K LA KG K.ST AND y.,rts - .vT.siuy . -s. ii's Wm Ksacqiiarlers. 1 .COXSIKTING OK. IHn&i Woods, Toilet Cases, Albums, Fasscy Perfumeries, iovellies. Art Supplies, Etc., Etc. h. ewert; Is Prepared to Show the HOLIDAY In Lis Line, as can be found yfA "yZ? -srws ; v .'" GOLD AKD SILVER WATCHES OF OTHER LEADING KINDS. DIA MONDS, GOLD HEADED CANES, GOLD AND SILVER HEADED I'MDUELLAS, AND MANV NOVELTIES TOO NUMEROUS TO MLN1I0N.. ; i . i ; ; i ; ; 2LsO"ir 3ECsf sE S -AT- L, BLACKS! AN -FOK- of which he has a large and choice stock, consisting of Plush Goods, Musical Instruments, Novelties, Gold Pens, Pencils, Books, Toilet and Manicure Cases, Etc 13 Has just received a euperVlino'of .. 1 Fa)! and I inter Clothing, Tho largest in tho Vallej', here, including an elegant latest falnics, and of a high His itaishiDg T wttl. oil -flm is l lull 1 1 1 1 l lj Willi tin oiu Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade novelties. In Ins Hat Department "Will he found all the latest shapes of the season . a . 1 s a His Jioot and Shoo Department is ruled witn a cnoico lino of goods...... Ills TaUorieg Department ; Under charge of the expert Mr Schiffler, is well stocked with a splendid line of suitings Strictly One Price. mm We want your... TER AND Wo will pay you BUT sh or ." icMrarii Corner First, aad Wfshington Streets, I'KST KELKCTKl) STOCK OF mm Public as Fine & Slock of GOODS, in the Valley, consisting of 1 carefully selected for the trade line of Overcoats, all kot the grade of workmanship . Soods Dep' nnvnltioo rf iYta cnftsnri. Ills no 1 viiivo v. vv. EGGS, irom, r- F.JZ '7 ...... .?-. Ji' -" i'Ij7 ,ift L Ml . AIN 1 ra de