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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1890)
fMjfAlVfNti XV " r y t ay is i New York World, nTH DEMOCRAT" r i it In the r DEMOCRAT ana the American i armor, all one year Keaclics the Most People, and brin BIG RETURNS. FOR 82 vSO. ssss Weakly "Sta's pr year. Right IVmnoraf, t'2 00 VOL XXVL ALBANY, ' OREGON. FRIDAY, D EC EM BE It 13 ,1890. tfO 19 Bntered at the P'wt offloe at Albany, ftrrji), aw soond class mall matter. T n fit' 3 i 7 7- ) III 1" ''""V" THE CViY TRUE f tit9tjltt.-lt WW, tnM Sfc ami titH'l'M it!H lVtw t" fTT?' 8uiirmit from ctnUtnia I A I V m -.u.,r lather i iH flu. I LHU I Cm CJ In 1H. iiAH l Vh 9 1HOM ToN lO Mfw mud t v -m. Oivmn itmr, 1mU thy vumt'iet.on. Krwiunl ftittmit i itfitf( fMift itttfOnly to tb p.H,ut"r(ty ot tt (w-ti-innl. ft"t ss,r r.v , -,,.! ttOHimML a -4 II K T. Or. LlTTlK LI VIS FILLSN M l irt t, ftnm'iaiut nMd !hi( T ll.Ii-h. frUtmfl Ihmh nl LUm 9 Ailtfi rw'i of (h-b w itvf4s-, y Dr. HAATK1 M&OICIN8 CO $sUnl, HOPE AND CHAIN,;. erc-tt of ip r i'o i Iwlnu sol 1 !n thN tutrkot. We earry nmi but pur tnatiil1., and can clva y,.u auv siae from K tj A.U of chain from )otoX. StKWt A Sox. IKIYES AND RAZORS, SKSTff ley bill raises the vl u f culllery onntldarably, but w bar a largs took 1 road j bought and rrioa will remain tb saw a usual until It 14 aoit out. Coma and aee wbsl w have and ltarn ourprtoe. Nra askt A Sox. POWELL & CO., successor to Geo. C Henderson. DEALEIIS IN'- i lifllflM Qa iHiiaiiljlflEiliiQ, Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. HEADQUARTERS 1011 NEW STORE.T2a 8Sr'EW GOODS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. - DKALEB 1 Agricaltnra! Inipicmcnts & Vehicles Iks 'A feXfl A L - : Ciwaand Foe us. i J 111 i V, I U i. ill Thomas Brink. GHAS. H. DODD & CO., MiKxrrtR Of - , ", hardware, Iron, $teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. T20MT, !T ATJTI VTtjk Streets. POETLATID. m Vv T a'- aw a. . Sola Agents for Oregon . DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. SIhkI". Itenblo, or Trlpplo Farrow. Thry oro o ultnple ri4 'meo near absolute perfect tion, tlmt thowi who have nxil I hi'in or pen them work can not ay enough In their pralau. WefurniHli them with or without neat attachment.. Heat ultttcliment are extra. . DinSlE POWEB lillFT STJXiir-5: plows; . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DKILL. I',tl I ; 1 o II0 Pre Grain Drill, Hekove Reedenr, Buckeve Rprlng Tooth Harrow, Superior Orain i)rlil, 8ujsrlor tjeedera, r.nnniN'R nisn HiRRnw AND SEEDER. . . OY, improved implement lor owf j summer fallow. Tho roost x)mj-leto and KuccesBfui tool for tiiln purpose In um, , i '.--j havo a lull lino of Buggies, Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other tyring Vehicles. ' SCHUTTLER FAR WAGONS. r. n-o & Cbapiu's Bprlns-Tonth Harrows, pppre Harrows, Sclentlflo Feed Mlila I'ucifio Fanning Mills, IIAIHII IAJlI,AVIIH- JUTC, ZCrCC. , "4 (,!; ci-IXIAL, ClliCXTLAItS I'KICK USTS. f VEGE7 BLE PANACEA n not AI&HEROS. .tm cumc or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO mo MA DISORDERED STATE Of the STOMACH OR AN inactive: liver. roit SALK .V ALU DRUSSISTS & GENERAL DEALERS! DR. S. A. WHITNEY, Physician andSarooa. Oraduit of IliwpiUl Mtdlo&l al'og. Now York City. DiM ot womaa a tpooUlty. tfOUl rmtii'i Hriok, Albany, Or. And verythi.-ig else in WATCH, CLOCK. And jewelery lino, for the " HOLIDAY'S, at the lowest price?, at Will & Stark's. JCTIO- Is jb Iter ti bs olIu;i., J.o cLu.t v.." - KINDS. AlBiST, 0EE50S !lt you want tho besl and most durable fumi ture that is manufactu' La yeu in tne city go 10 am 01T. and Washington for rj - -". V--. , -n-"Yi-. -.. ij Lkb anon. Jack Hickman tolls us that he has recently come Into possession ol soma valuable mlntnsi claims In the San tlam district. The Black Hear, one of the claims which he has acquired by purchas has. been pretty well developed. The revival services at the M E Church closed Monday nlaht after continuing seven weeks. Tho meeting resulted In bout fifty conversions and fort accessions to the church. J Settle shipped 3500 bufhels of wheat to Ureuon tttr lat wee. More than aoo pupils are enrolled In the Lebanon public schools, and Pro!. Wright thinks the number will reach so as soon as the school houe Is occupied. A little blase occurred In Dr. Neugus rooms over Kit kpatdck store nlnht. The tire occurred while a yountf man was filling a lantern. W 1 Washburn, of Brownsville, was In town Friday. He was ordered to lay walk in fr.nt of his lots on lllult ttreet.bnt after msklmr Inquiry he found that at- t tough his property l. neai h heart of the town, that he was outs'de of the corpora tion. bxpress. A Foimu Al-nANlAN. Tho Eugene Register gives the following account of the life and death of a well-known reIJcni of Aloany in the 7's: "J. M. Kronk w born Januarr J7, i8j7i Washington, l)avl county, Indiana. Came to Calitor nla in iSio, and from California to Port land.Ur.ln 1S71, where he waa for several year In the cuttom house and aUo in the hotel business. Removed from Portland lo Albany in 1 87, where he kept the St. Charles hotel. Therce to HarrUburg, re maining there fn the hotel business, about a year, and then came to bugene In issi. lie kept the M Charles hotel loratune. He moved to his farm near Goshen In where he remained until September year ago when he returned to Eugene. He waa made a Masoa In 1850 In Charity. lodge. Indiana He raised throuah the successive branches of the order until he became a Knight Tcmpla. He died at his home In thta city Sunday. November 30, 1890, of dropsy and was burled in the Masonic cemetery MjnJav afternoon. He leaves a wldor, three sona and one daughter." Tug Wrickkd Vim. The vlctlnia of the Lake Ijtbi.h wreck are beginning to leave for their home. save the Journal, aa McOarrr. t.t l tali, h lttiie earlr part of the week. ,Mr Sprout left Monday for i. iioiiiq 111 iiuiiwivr. .uiitorKia. lie 1 II 11." .... . ...1. . . . made no aettlement with the railroad company, utmpie arbitratKin provinn in eff.-ctive in tiiie caac. lUther than to take their term he preferred to let the law act tie it. Ciiaa l'uwell atarte.l home yealerday. HewillMtt Mr MHjarry io ortland and ther will travel totrethcr to Utah. Mr Powell settled with the com pany before ha left. He waa rail tlt10 not including the expenaee at the hottl. WK IUII and hie Whter. MwWT Kludge, of Sttangle, WmIi., came up and took the overland train taat night for alifornia. to w here tb y were headMl when the wreck occurred. A Fncai Fioiit. The Dcmocbat rc- ;reta to bear that two residents olplcer, whose n a nice are clone together on the IKxocRAT'a subscription book, a few dava ago had a very fierce fight, reanltinr in one of them getting whipped. The trouble started during blackbcrrying teafn and waa renewed with one of them apitting in the others fare, followed rapid ly by aoine Sullivanic blows, both being powerful men. We have not learned whether the Justice lias been asked to do notice in the matter. As In iiiot raaes there are acicravatinic circuiimtanres con nected with it. Albas Mas I Ir. The 'Firtj Na tional Rank of Itoaeburg" w ill be reaiy for businer-a some time about the first of the year. Joseph PUalbraith.of AMany, and bis axaociatcs have aptdied to the Treasury liepartment and recivel'pfr- niiHHion toeatabiiitii that imttitution here. D I TUoiunson. of Portbtnd.ia interested in the enterprise, but local capitalists hold a controlling interest in it. Uose burg Review. The only connection Mr Galbraith has with it is the fact that he drew op the papers for the incorporators. A Tbavp aikel for fool at an Albany residence, of the lady ot the bouse. Very properly he was refined. Uttering an oath be ejaculated: "A year from now you'll not have a house here over your iirad." As it is one of the nicest resi dences in Albany, the threat was not very pleasant to the woman, and if the man of the house bad been around there would have been a aick tramp around. The varmint should not be fed, and Albany is fortunate in having ot&cera ho propose to keep them out 01 the city. Claim a Bioiit or Wav. J W Gardner, L Cowan. N II Allen. Geo E Chamber lain, W F Read, W Maston.C G Uurk- artana r. I .banning claim the exclu sive right of way, which they have filed with the county cleric, lor a water ditch, passing through lands - in the Fantiam mining country, lor a water flume con npctirg the Kantian river with the West Shore placer mines, a distance of"H'J0 feet,also the right to 1132 hundred inches of water from the Hantiatn river for min ing and milling purposes. Tux Ladiss Aid SociaTY. At the last regular meeting of the Albany Ladte Aid Society, held Dec. and, at the residence of Mr L e. main, a committee of three ladles, one from each ward, was appointed to Investigate and relieve all cases of dis- ress in their respective wards. 1 he ladles are, Mrs Waller Monteith. 1 t ward; Mrs C C Kelly, and ward; Mrs C W Sears 3rd ward. We hope the citizens will notice this and govern themselves accordingly. All case reported to either cf these ladies 111 be thoroughly Investigated and re lieved if necessary. Sweet Home. Nathan Russell, an old pioneer end one of the first settlers of Sweet Home, died in misery and want Thursday or Friday night. He wa found in his tent Saturday by Samuel lleany and some other party . A wallet was found on hhn containing $41 and a bank book show ing a deposit in the First National Bank of Albany. Last heard from the Quartzville trait the men. were about fifteen miles above Whitccmb and expected to reach the mouth of Canal fork this week. Cor, Ex press' ' A Nick Compliment. In the Lebanon Express is the following compliment for Albany: Albany has some fine residences and a number of beautiful yard; we hrard a lady say that it excelled Portland in the latter respect. We do not say this to excite a pang of jealously among Pomanders, but merely as a compliment to the beauti ful Kiver-side city. Tiik Blockade. Eastern Oregon and Washington people are greatly exorcised over the wheat blockade. It is becom ing serious. No cars to move the wheat and everybody wants to sell. That is the way they do there. Here there are cars ; but the farmers are not on the sell. They wait for higher prices every year ; letting the first rise go by unchallenged. Taxes. The Sheriff is collecting taxes through the county. Not very, many pay at once, most generally waiting until the last call. One of the first heavy tax payers to liqnidatc is Robt JoIihh, who pays about $500 annually towards tiie keenine un of the countv. Some would guess that Uncle Bobby would linger un til April 1st: but he wants to get it oil his mind. It Wont STAKp.-Engol, the sign paint er.has three directory signs erected around the city. The one just across the ferry will stand during the low water era, but let the spring freshets, even a small one come, and it will be sure to gall down btream. The Democrat will give it not lo exceed three months to be gazed ot. Certificates. Of the sixteen teache examined last week ten obtained second ArtKK a Train Wkkcker. Lou liar rls, of Alameda. California, a detective in the employ ot the Southern Pacific com. pany, wa in this vicinity last week look, ngior a '.ramp who wa supposed to have been implicated in the wreck of the over land train at Lake Lablsh. A man an. werlng the descilptlon of the one wanted wa seen near- Cretwcll last week, A woman drivl.ig along the road met him and asked him tome question. He gave her a short ai.lwcr and then climbed the fence and made for the hills. Scott ChrLinnn, constable at Cottage Grove, learned of this and went down to a point where he supposed the man would pa If he went on, and watched fiir him all night. The next day he stationed anather man while he went on south of Cottage Grove. They vratched three dav and nights but aw nothing of hltn. Eugene Register. The 8 P company may send detective out until the end ot the century, but they will not And the tramp who wrecked the train at Lake LabMi. The tramp that did it w pronabt.v the poor trestlei at least that I the almost universal opinion here, A Moralixks. The editor of the Dal las Itcmiser. never publishes an issue ot hi paper without mornlUIng, really In g preuy sensitue way. Here are a couple irom ne last isue: Every young lady who marries a man wnodrinkstrle a very dangerous expml nient. Thousands of them are now bit terly regretting having done to. If the your a men who are so h lib with profanity could rtallne how, very harsh and ugly It sound to all person cf true refinement, the better cl of them outd ces 10 use profane langusge. The most degraded specimen ot humanity almost iiiv.nauiy swear. Albany's Export Bvhinksb. 'the e port trade of Albany I larger than oconle generally reallxe, and the following figure "in surprise mo 01 our readers, iiurlng iiOTrraorr 151 run cars, ana 30 pan ear tads, of fcelifbc, were shipped on the Southern Pacific from this city to different points In the .late. Of this (n car lo.u!s consisted 01 rock, flour and lumber At full car load of merchandise. representing the wholesale trade of our merchants, a very flattering showlng.and the remainder was of miscellaneous nature. The record speak of the business of the citv outside 01 the laree retail trade here, an 1 a. the figures are oftkitand not cues oik the snowing can ue relied on AxoTiira Pwcovesv. HynieiMng like petroleum has been discovered on the Sarin ol U SI Hall near llurna ita. The story agoing i aa follows: A Mr Cul ver while burning some brush discover! the ground to be on lire down to a dentli of about three feet. The burning clay is a us. a puiiy-ii.esuuMianee.ana the luirni debris very much resembles coal slag. There maybe petroleum wxhp lure in that vicluity who knows? West Side. A Canako Cokbrctco We are au thorized lo say that there I nul.lng in the recent dUpstch stating f.t the Oregon Pa clfic grade in the Mtiheur country had been purchased by the Great Northern. Every little while reports similar lo this one get started, but neither the directors, stockholders or officer ever find It out. Corvallt Gasette. - - IUlskv. At the election held Monday the following city official were elected: Mayor. II D Godley; recorder, W I Stew. " treasurer, si v ivoontx: counci men R Andrews. p Carter. I R Bone. I N uuiuioro, 1 u; Mam Uh. t r t ibys mar. shat, Thorns K Sloan. TttK SHOES BILfC !, J!a now a complete line of Holiday goods, dolla, doll tuggi, boys'. wagons, vebx-ipeiles, and many other gola w hit li go to make up a complete Hue for Chrst- tnas, besides a compit te line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages. plush good, such aa albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's A it u picture books, and all foods that are carried in a Laraar store, including Roger Bros. 1M7 silverware. We wish to call the attention ol the public In par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this fade, which gives the Ixxt of satis faction, as is nttenU-d by the hundred who have uel U'th the tea and tking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each packace of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Bo nure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you w ill Ite sure to find what you want, and "will tie shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk. Mr. Miller.' Mv goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. . lours truly, Julius Gradwohl, Oct. 18, im. . Raggl aa4 Hacks. The best make are to be foundln Al bany at Price Sc Rohson's, who have Jttt recived a carload of the finest hacks and btggleto be found. Their price, con sidering quality, arc remarkably tow. It pays 10 riae in a gooc buggy or lack, keep this tact in your head and when net ting one call on Price Sc Robson, who have the largest variety to select from. ... M.aey to L.a, Wc have plenty ot money to loan on real estate security, on two to Ave years time. Call on us at our cilice, opposite tne Kevereznouse. Borkiiart & Kerney. When wanting the best groceries in the market at reasoosM" criois'call cn lowell & LO Proa.BB.ed UopnlesK, Yes Raved. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hard i t Groton, 8 D, we quotes "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, coughs set in and filially terminated in Con- nmption.' Foot doctors gay me ut saying I e old live bnt a short time. I gave my self up to my Saviour, determined if I could cot ttay with my frisnds cn eartb, I woo Id meet my absent one above. My hosband waa advised to get ur King s New Discover ery for Consnoiytion, Couuhs and Colds. ', gave it a trial, took in all eiitht bottles) it has eared me and thank God lama well and hearty Woman." Trial bottles froe at Fo sbay & Mason's drag store, regular size, 6O0 and 1. Backlen's Arnica JSaive. Th. belt 8slv. In the vnrlil for CaM,Brnlse,8ore Ulcen, Malt Hhauin, Fmt ir, TutUr, Cbapp hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkln Krnjitio. a positiv.iycure. Pi ies.of no nay required. 1 1 1 iruar uteod to fiva port act satisfaction, or money refund d. Prio ii oants pr box, for ssts by Foshuy sad Mason A u-e care for the whisky habit; Dr Livingston' Antidote for Drunkenness will I cure sny case of the liquor habit in trom ten nirty uy, irom me rnouerate unuKer to t s drunkard. The Antidote osn he given in a cup of coffee without the knowledge of the person taking iv. The Antidote will not injure tbs healtn in any way. Manufactured by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, cr from J A Cummiug, tolejagent, Albany. ...... Etiua & Achison bacdle the celebrated Portland cement wails for cemetery lots. These walls ean he furnished at half the coat of any other snd ara far superior. FOR DTSPEPSIA and liver Complaint yon have a prints guarantee ou every bottle ot Sbilob's Vitalize. It never fails to cure, A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle f Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. , New BbACKSMiTH Snoi-. G iV Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and. wood work can be had and done In first class order on voor plows, w-'or.s, etc., etc. otitt aho rr.Bnosuu 3 THURSDAY. W. CTweedal was In Salem yesterday Mr John V Rbbertson, of Salem, I in tne city touay, , Mrs Dr Irvine snd son, of Salem, are in tne city, ins guest 01 mi tiouck. Mr.. J. I. Thompson, of Sa'em. Is In the city, the guest of Mr. 11, W, Cundlff, E J Miller, the Uildge carpenter, ot Portland, came up to the city on this noon' train. ? A very enjoyrbl social wa given last evening a me eiegant retklence of Geo W. IlrMhstedlcr, attended by a large num her of our citizen. raioAY. Jake Fleischutr, on of Linn county's old war horses, now of Portland,! in the city. - - ; Mr Dodder, ot Iowa, who is visiting with his son In this city, is lying danger ously ill. Mrs lkxliter has Wen tele graphed for. Hon It A Irvine and wife, Mrs- A II Slttueon and ML Nona Irvine, went to Kugeue this noon to visit with Hon L Bilyeu and family, ltev Tin AbMt. of Mt Vernon, Inl. uttl - .l.a 1!.. .ut!... t .1 "hi pvmu Ht um, vnurcu. on next Sunday, Ihe 7lh, at II a. in. and 7 :30 p. tn. Everybody la respectfully in vltcd to attend. J F Hail, thw.rge W HochstedUr. (1 W right, N I) Conn, U K Conn, Virgil Parker, 11 A Crowder, H K Propst, V G Haytieand L W yo went to Sclo this afternoon to institute a new lodge of ivnignia 01 rytitias just organized there. BATt'lPAY. W. K. Price, formerly of Sclo, now a ponylar commercial man, wa in the city J M Stewart, the accomp)ihel chief engineer of the Oregon Pacific, is in the city lotuty. . II. Pfiiirer, travclinK agent for Alisky A Baum. of Portland. U in the city, while doing the valley for that firm. The Juvenile Christian Rndpau,. ft. Clcly, ot the U. P. cliurch gave a jolly party at the residence ot C. H. Stewart, last evening. Mr. Jaa. Shahan has returne-l home from an extended trip to near Tacoma, where a sister was itanuerouslt- ill. but who 1 now Improved in health. Mrs C li Burkhart and dauirtitor. w bt have been visilimr relatives in tin. citw and lKrryt rvturned to their home at Ab iany iat Saturday. Palla. Observer. Mrs. R. L Arnold. accomttanleJ bv Imr n, Jack, will soou start on a journey to the southern ates, where she will pay her folks an extended visit. They go by way of California. 4 Jaw tie. Mra. Am. old is a daughter of bWv. T. B. White, of .Mansfield, l., formerly of Albany. According to the foltowina' from the f ilMiu .f 1 1 it a 1. ... 1 - . .t. v. .'..linn, mvtiy i. 10 iuh one of her old and highly respected eitlaelis: wra r. .Murray, 01 Albany, Oregon, ye Urday purcliasetl a lot in the -advmy block, tiie price being 0. Mrs Murray will build on the lot and make Dallas her home. TBCNIX Ittttlf TwWM. The Man About Town read about an. other person, woman, blowing out the gas in Sui Francisco and dying. It is only one ol hundreds ot case. It sug gests that the light ot the era i electrici ty. 1 ou can't blow it if you try. Y'ou turn a finger piece and your light 1 off or on, as you desire, and even a greeny can realize the sittiation.or if be mistakes, no harm U done. The M. A. T. never knew wltat convenience was until the in troduction of electricity in his home. No smcll.iio trouble to take care of it .always ready and electrically applied. Thi is a great age. Tho Man About Town hears of two well known Albany hova who are report ed to have pot up (3 on a prise fight to taae place between them before New Years, aomeahere near Allmnv. Koch is about ten years of age. It is to be a bare knuckle affair, to a finish, and the participants are in active training for tho content. The police force are wanted to bo on the guard and prevent the fair name of Albany being lowered to a level with Salem and Kugeno. The Man About Town hears a nlan pro posed tor combining: the ofilce of street commissioner and civil engineer and pay ing a salary for the two a one oitice. thereby saving the city several hundred dollars a year. The plan la one worth investigating, and the MAT will look up the pro's and con's of it. W hat does the public think about the scheme. The people rule and should back the Council in all its movements that will enure to the advantage of the city. . TBB Bit E RtthKT MIsK. Albany, Dec 0, 18'JO. Seeing a short item in the Democrat in regard to this interesting subject, will yon please givo space to the following. Hearing several persons speaking about the Blue Bucket mines, in eastern Ore gon, a few months ago, and being a de scendant ot one of the members ot the party, I am prepared to say that the fol lowing are a few ot the main facta in the case: In crossing the plains in the early days it waa reportd that a "noguet" had been found by some parties in the cara van, and the name Blue Bucket had been given to the place on account of the blue clayey ground they were camped on at the time. 1 am prepared to say that the "nugget" was found and weighed some thing near nine pounds, and is at pres ent in the state of Oregon. I was told by the party who gave up his tent for the "nugget5' to Im found in; that it con sisted of a 9 pound girl, and that he slept under a v. agon that night. Any other nugget that was found by the party is probably gotten up as a hoax, as sev eral old settlers have been over the same ground many times since and know every tool 01 the ground ueiween tne old por tage, at the Cascades, and the Missouri river, and would surely be able to point out tne sam mui uucaei aiggingg it eucn exisiea. 1 uunic tne name of the "nug get" is, or was, .miss nancy smith. 'T " The Orersn Stone, Editor Democrat. " '. It is a well known fact the Oregon Me. mortal stone was not placed In its niche in the Washington monument. Whvf X. We give It up. . The reason, if so, is not known for, certain. In being left In the monument woodshed, It wa only given the treatment of several other stones. The stone was well made, costing Saooo.and It It a shame that this glorious state, with its wondertui climate and grand resources, should be thus insulted. Hut, why, is be yond our comprehension, though reason nave oeen given, not very uood ones though. t ' PAISLEY & FISH, JOS POINTERS FUHH BLOCK ALBANY. , . Exetlemeat. ttuns nign in Aioauy at rotnay tV fija son urug siom ovor Hystem- JButlder, as everybody is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. Constipation and Im pure Blood. Try it and tell yoor friends 'bout it, as it must possess wonitrfol merits when all speak well of it.. "felllLOlf 8 tcOUGII and Consumption Cure is sold by niton a guarantee. It cores ooiittjrnptiori. ., - I O O F. Albany Looge No 4 holds its j regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially rtvited to attend: Tbii Is significant! An administration (hat began with a surplus of f 1 00,000,000 now find a deficiency ol 176,000,000 in a tingle depart ment. If the Republican Congress bad dis played hall lbs cars in loukingafier lbs financ ei that they d'd in buying tbs soldier vole, by granting additions! pension, tbs Treasury would bs in a much better condition. The 176,000,000 have O b paid snd the ttx-psy rs must foot lha bill. What think tbs far meis, mechanic and labeling men? It will not be long be lots tliey sr. again ssked to put tiieir baii'ls is their porkei. And Ibis will not b lbs end olT h) iL Republican party it not half through lth subsidizing tbs soldier vole. Our pcns'on syslsm is prolific of sjft map til round snd among tb beneficiaries 1 Coipoiat Tanner, late Commissioner of Pen sions, whose feet, at a claim agent, tines be was tmncj out of office, tittle over a year ago, it slated to amount to $197,000 How the tax-payert sis bled I The action of the United States Express Company In refusing to carry money or transact any buslnet for lottery organiza tions I to be heartily commended, it will probably entirely close up the Louisiana lottery except In the state where this In stitution hst It home, It I quite certain now that tne lottery cannot secure a re- aewat ot It charter, which expires In iBoj. Since the United Slate anti-lottery law ha. gone Into effect the tottery mana gers csnnot sffod the large turn that they not long ago offered for the renewal of their chatter. The Mexican lotteries have until lately been doing a great business In the southwest, but with no means of get ting communications before the public or money from It, their opr rations In this country muet come to a close. Thomas P Cra.ty , editor ot the Balti more Manufacturer's Record, a high pro tection publication, formerly of the Loul s ville Courier-Journal, ha rr.ade a remark able revelation regarding the Fcrce bl'l. He says that before the adjournment of congress be and Mr P Rlc, the Boston leader hi southern investments, called up on Speaker Rcd in the latter private office at the csf itol. According to Mr Grasty, the following Incident occurred: Reed had tost tLjht of the tact that Rice had placed several million of dollars tn southern proptrtle, and so he took him Into confidence. Snd Reed: "See here. Rice, something mutt be done to stop this exodus of cspital ft out New England. The south threatened to paralyse our In dustrial prosperity. This election bill will call a halt on southern investment, and that's why I am urging It so strenuously. ' Telegraph line are subject t a grea variety cf pests. In Rio, tor example there I an orchid that incrutls the wire and causes leakage. In Japan the large web of a spider, arlpping with rain or dew frtcjucnily Interrupts the traffic, while in Norway a large specie of woodpecker raUes havoc with the poles. The New York Press (Rep) quote the folio Ing extract from a letter written by a western Republican senator to a friend In New York: It looks at though the dem ocrat would get away with us at the next election unless we'dj tomethUig sharp and strong, although 1 think Blaine may save u. According to my vie , he Is the only resource at present." Mr JP Robertson, of Salem, Informs us that step are beln; taken to organise a State Farmers Attiance in thit state. There is great restlessness among farmers of the northwest at the vicious poller of high taxation so persUtenlly prontoted by the republican party. Thl policy seems des tined to prove to be the rock upon which the party will yet founder Mll'cr, the colored republican candidate for congress against Elliott, democrat, In what is known ss the Black DUirlct in South Carolina, will contest Elliot's scab So far as the facts appear they appear to be in favor of Miller, and we trust he will get hi sest If entitled to It. The Chlcsga Trio calls those repub lican newtpspei that cling to the McKinley bill "Bourbons," mtllbos organs" and Casablanca Republicans." Apparently that journal is Irritated with Ita party allle. We ere not prepared lo say whether Wanamaker lll exclude newspapers from the mail that publish marriage' notice. It is believed however that he will not do so no, with standing the fact that man (age is a lottery. : The McKinley bill ha cost us a ma jorlty th congreas. The Lodge election bill, if Its passage is Insinted upon, Is more than likely to cost ut the presidency .St, Paul Pioneer Prs, (rep.) . To devote one's self to something highe han one' telf.thlt I the answerof the age o all who find perpetual Interests, and live n that energy which Is Immortal. A B McMillan has sold the Monmouth Democrat to Mr W II Brooks, ,f San Francisco, who will continue the Demo crat s a democratic paper. Success to it.' : ' - There are eighteen bridge and twelve tunnels In a tingle 80-mile stretch ot rail road In the Mount Shasta country; in Call fornia. The bridges all cross Sacramento American drummer In Canadaard w required to pay a license of $50, and- after Jan 1 they must pay $100 ' There are four organization of tho farmeu' alliance In Morrow county at the present lime. ,, - Jefferson, though accused of being an atheist, died a believer In a Divine Being, at asserted by hi daughter and tome of his later writings, In which he alluded to a belie! In a future lite, and, when dead, hoped to meet his loved one there. Rev, M. J. Savage asserts that it it not mere blind, Ignorant labor, mere drudgery, that createt wealth, but that It is the result o thought and mental and moral power of men endowed with the organising and creative Instinct. 1 . The national farmers alliance now In session at Ocala Florida, ha passed a res olution denouncing the. Lodge Force bill and protesting vigorously against its pas sage. They show good sense in this matter. V 4 The Oreginian says president llarrison does not imagine he is a great man. Well no. If did, he would be jt one person in 63,000,000 who entertained such a. COMMENTS ON TIIK MEftBAVE. The following are tome ot the comments made editorially by the New York papers on President Harrison's metssge: Th WorlJ: "The Pietldent had noth ing to say and did not know howtutty lt Evening Sun: President Hsrtison ha Issued hit snnual mettsge. It I a long one. The &xing 8 print! Read It If you like, but It i hardly worth it." HeralJx 'Mr Harrison's message docs not rise above the dull monotony of platitude. It lacks the merit ot cither rhetoric or logic It will be read from courtesy, but without. Interest. As tn ex hibit of ttatetmansfilp it It a serious disap pointment, for it convey the impression that the writer ha no convictions or thinks It Impolite to express them." Tbmm; "The President has forgotten little and teamed nothing, lie meets the congres In which bit party provoked de feat on Its reassembling with a tediously urgent exhortation to remedy none of the mUakes already made, to press forwsrd In the tame line and trust to that providence which the French say watches over A met' Lans and fool. One subject Mr Harrison wa bound to discus the tariff; a second he was chosen to bring forward the Force bill. On neither has he anything new to tsy." Sb: "The princlpsl thing in President Harrison's message It the zealous recom mendation that the Force bill should be taken up and pressed through congress. Theie Is little need of any further argu ment upon this subject This bill is simply revolution. Its one purpose I lo continue the dominant party In power, and to this end Its promoters are willing to destroy local self government, to overthrew the rights of the citizens and of communities and lo change the republic of free elections jntoa concentrated party despotism." ' Thl scheme should be resisted deter minedly and uncompromisingly by every democrat If necessary every meant of delay and obstruction should be retorted to In congrest. The mUchlcfa that are sure to arise from such political revolution are so grcst and so grave as to overshadow eveiy question. Whatever difference of opinion may exist among democrat con cerning othet ubjects,tct there be unity and cooperation concerning this. Preset ve the liberty of the people and put down the republican conspiracy to destroy them." Tribunf. Tbe message of the Presi dent Is a calm, dignified and able docu ment, which sppta'. to the sober thought of Americans and will strongly Influence public opinion. It ! as quiet and confi dent as If there had been no election since that In which the President and his party had been deliberately Instructed by the people with the charge of the government. It Is a message eminently fitted to recall the republican voters of iSSS to the sense of their responsibilities and to remind them thatthc national policy for which they then declared deserves their unwavering sup port." Star; "It U fashioned after traditional pattern a to the subjects discussed and the order fn which they are mentioned. For literary andforenslc merit It barely reaches mediocrity, white politically it Is a purely partisan plea in extenuation of the course of the admin lot ration and the congress which the people have juttdecislvely con demned." The London underground railroad Is nineteen miles long, was opened In 1S63, and cost f 3 500,000 a mile. The microscope shows human hair to be like a coarse, round rasp, with Iriegular, ragged teeth. On the congressional vote.the democrats in New York huve 8S,ooo majority. In bats the heart Is sided by- rhythmic contraction ot veins In the wings. Vermont has voted $30,300 towards giving that state a good showing at tie World 's Fair. ,Thk IlAnaisurRO Elkctios. At the liarriabarg election on Monday two tick ets wera in the field, but only the fol lowing were elected : Mayor, L II Lasel : treasurer, Damon Bmith ; recorder, U W . , , . , ... - I isnam; inarsuai, i v uugi couucniueu, K K Upmeyer, J B .Bucknam, O ilyde, M Y Canter, K DuGas, J It Cart w right. "HACKMETACK 'a lasting and fra grant perfume. . Flic 23 and 60 cents. SIIILOH'S CUKE will immediaUly re lieve Crou p, VY hooping Cough and Bronebitis. Do not pass C E Brownell'a store it ton want to live eoonomioally. Bt st goods and owest priors guaranteM. - Eapeaay. Thta ia what you oucnt to have, n Jfaot vo must have it, to enjoy life. Thousands sr. searching for it daily, and mourning be- cas they find it not. Thousands npos thrasaods of dollars ar spent aut'ua'W by oar people ia the hop that they tuv attain this boon. And vet it may b bad by alt. W cuaraot that Elcctrio Bitters, it esed aooordtug direotious and tb nse persisted in, will bring you good diuestioa and oust th demon Dt-spepsia ana install instead Eupetwy. We recommend Electric Bitters for DvsoeDMa and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidney. Sold at SOo and 1 perjbarttle by Foahay & Mason, druggists. W n aaa to G bt Thkm.W hen wanting vn ortran or pUtna call on G L Blackman h"e vou can select from a first clas Uot... '.'-.-.' , Feeacit Taasy Wafers. The.e wafers are a sure and safe tpeclB. fer ail kinds of female troubles andw". remove all obstructions to the monthly nerloda. no matter what the cause. They are just what every woman needs, and can be tued with safety. For tale by the Livinastone Chemical Co, also from our sole a jent, J ACummlng, druggist, Blum berg block, Albany, uregon. Eastern oysters and saner kraut just re ceived at Mueller MUarretrs. - A barrel of Caps Cod odentd at Blodgett'r. eranbsrrie. ; just Holmes BcsrNsa College, of Portland Or., will open Sept. let. J A Wesco, the tending penman of the coast, bus become a partner m tins eciiooi ana win make t!ie leading bueinesa college. Send for catalogue. beading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bout?bt all the negatives marl by t. W Oark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates caa be bad from b only of us at reduced raves. Wa hays miMt atiouK ib.uuu neeauve. djikjcj iy tr t selves, from which ducUcates can be bad lis, rates. H f f f We c "TV tVe ou'y f 1 1, s. e ai it ei . r 1 I I )1 . l"t t t v. , y iil. r 1-1 . AH ECZEMA 17 YEARS Curd In ft tVctihs. One of the great est Cures Kver Performed by tb Cu( U-ur Remedies. At Ois-f th'pfl mollis a rb (whlehsVr. aril pfiv. 4 lo l wn .r Mlt rfi-tirn; aiari. It. if-jrt.r. os my f.. I'hyctt-tan fMr p,,rt elm a t tilt 4. K'ins ol i'.x-in iM me ny .11, l.'it itiwl m t,, l ilivM rooiltioi-d luabttUrd ; Uet'xsd lorr y nnitn, lr, till I m , aft entiwiy, uwl from-vm. K f f. isr. vmmny mota an the floor on -4aHfi a pt'luir, niy lut enntrar-trd y " Kit i u,i .11 control of ovm.ntv i ..utu r!r rwl.l. My noil trnuhl li.v. to lift m wl ! Into Iwd. 1 ecu 14 frt nroHvd tii. horiM oi my hand n.l f t, bul I to. Id sot frt my clolho on t .11, mad k1 to wor a sort of l rit ng. pwrt. My tiirk'l !) miul lin cr fll off, and my li-fH, f- anil ears wtrm oo . 'tha dipua coiiHniird In th. mf!i?-r imtil I ma temjtwn year old. and on. t i . . . I ., hunt i:l first' tJTif-i-K FS'lKUir.i. lldmHnild my o sily, tt I lhw? m . tut rnrt, lo '.;Hi Ui". . trinl. WYin I Ttrmt til4 llx-in i 4 nil rw aatl blceiitnR, Oam rirlltis injf. !!, tut t wit-', m!p el;nft l1nmrditrly, manm Ifcit-. I tad ti'A 4m9 for yrv, itn rSnwu ta o!trui. In ajout two t. I nnid .Mid '.ratijlii, but rt srirfk, I v ro rrnk; but iny sm r wmr' f w-IL As BTr ft. 1 cm Jo-lut-, lb. ITI'DB HsJ'tmt. eurd m In aliont tit to H-ht wi-kt-l spto tn dK (I, from J-r-.y, to J iwmry, lifT) I hsve mx, tm-en tVk lo my way, or Lv bwl lite ktu- signs f Uw di s rcii'j..u;l-u ou ia. Vr.J. MrrOXAU, t!Sl Dvarloin Ft., CMa4. In , June 30, 17. Cuticura Remcdleo Are tt wily litfl!l,' f?i in .nl P.bmd partftf. Coi l twryr-turtm. I'4r. I 'vTirt'Sia.tti frt Hki. ,ri',M. ; ( TTIIWU H-js. mirl.mllc klB I'B.I. S -r id tiKXHifief.i)..; :t ri i ka H4LVmT, Ui. fit' U'wtid 1'iirlfkr, Si. lirtred by Ui. i'oTTS4 lB"o rt'iRir'it.('oi!iHBfios. fro ton. e-'Dror"lfotro(re'i1liUu,, M t-, 40 li;ulrrt!rii, ead Vt tctUmutiai. KOW MY SIDE ACHES ! ArMtiK dr .nd litri, Ii IMp. Hidfwy, s).d LtrrliM rum, sad HhoiB.tisi r-!l-v d la ... tntaaw by th. -'ij i nitrons Anli r-.ln flulrr, Ths 4r4 mhI only ln.8Uoo. pin tuiu&g oiutsr. A .a t. " sy . i PL Special . Announcemeiit . . or W. F HE1D. , My Winter Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in D ress Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC? -To The Ladies,- I Slake a Specialty of Lsadiaa Underwear, in i Ribbed and Muslin. My Prices are the LOWEST and my (Goods tho Best. Am sole agent , for the Celebrated Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely . fast, and Fret from Poison : To The M n : Call and Look at My values in v Furoishing' -:- Goods T have a Large Stock at the Lowest 1 cairy .llliae of the wor' 1-rf noweJ BROADHEAD rl aa-Xoeiiewf 6iush. - - Large stock of ExBBorocRiea aad PinnrctKos. Cf for wear a nd !e cot oed tbs Albary is the ft!ii'-" INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, Safe, Sound; My euire stock of Dry' Goods, to make room for "a larc line of I 'jots and Shoes and jar see 1 jSLow some of t(ie lines that are going at cost. Xt D-tESS GOODS, CORSETS, CLOAKS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. LINEN, GINGHAM, CALICO, : GOSSAMERS, BLANKETS, jtgf Call early while tho selection is good f:"!-a First street, .G.'' L. .B L A - at of vchi h ho has a larce cf Plush Goods, Musical is at i U Fen?, renciI?Boo I Ol t First National Bank OF AI.BAH1, OOEOOS. PTMl'lomt.. Vie Prwldmt CsshlOTM... ...t.. r; 8. . TO K. W. LA SUV TRANSACTS A OeVERAtbaoklngltulaMS. A0C0UKTS KEPT jbjt to tljeck. SIGHT KXCIIANO and UI trwurfer, s If r Tork, Bmi f rsocUco, Aeago sod poi COLLEVT10N SLAuK oa favvrsbl terms. siasoToas, . C, Toes ' R,W. Ltssvcs t S Bhan, 1.. Fua , Cbstms T. Sox. Lica Co. National Ban ALBANY - - - OnC GO ciraAt STOCK aioa.oso. fWdent .....J L COW Tice Prid.ot..... t U RAI.-.I Cabtar .Co B CHAMBKKI-" Amiismhjtr... , O k AHCUlHOi T asnross, S L Gmn.i xf lUtrton, Off CMnilrteln, W S lAd. W a Ool - 4 At lord Mid O A axcbibold. , TBAMIIACTBsseaml Uoklnf bwotMSS. CHAW S10B1 CRATS on K Tork. Sm MlfMlw Ongoa. IXAJf MOrfETim appf bnd ssenrity KaXnVZlpotilabit ehih. Bank of Oregon. ALE AH Y, - - - CHECC OAglYAI., 6BO.OOC: President .H. BBYA? Vice President H. K. MERR1 : Cashier . i. W. BLAU IX Bryant, " i w Klaln, Geo Humphrey, - CHttew.rt, EJLaoning. UFMerrilJ. Sigh t exchange and teleirrapble tra fer on Nw York. San Francisco a ana an rrmnnai points) in urecon at Washinjrton, j oUeotiooa m ax on favorstl ttu Goods. Prices ever tGrr4 la the Talley. best trdtj total ia Orffon. A Hlhnj Cp Fact y, J. I;r jS. Frtprittop. inaOUEAUA BETA!! Only White ' afeor Employe! Conservative Gent's Furnishings. afl sXsW ! Albany, Orego: -AT- W WMN ' -FOR- 'H ;'and ehoica s Instrirae::! t and :i COST! r -Mil';; -