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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1890)
TUCrRESIOENT'S MESSAGE. FrcslJcnl Harrison delivered hit roci tage to congress last Monday. It It vol umlnons, but lacks ubllitjr and depth of thought. It take up first our foreign ro lalloui and treats of them In a common -place way. The revenues ol the govern ment from alt sources for the year ending June 3 1S90 was $493.080,55 and the total expenditures tor the same period was $358,618,584,51. The surplus was $105,- 344,496,03, (Much of this however, the president should have trIJ, lus been used up by many special appropriations since June 33.) The message relates the effort that hat been made to keep down the sur plus by the purchase and letlrement of U S. bonds. Since Msrch 4, 1889, bonds to the amount of $111,831,450 have been pur chased at a cost of $146,610,741. This the president boastlngly says Is a saving of In terest to the amount of $51,516,706. The fallacy In this statement Is clearly seen wncn me laci is considered that the pre mium palj for llic privilege of redeeming these jii,Sji,45o bonds was the enormous turn of $3488,iyt. The excuse for pay In this large premiun on bonds not yet re dcemable, (by the act of John Sherman 1, that It Is desirable to get rid cf part of the surplus. Had this money, ued to pur chase bonds been left in the pockets of the people w here It belongs, the Interest on It added to the above premium of more than 34 millions would Ur exceed the $511,516, 706 which the president says was saved as merest. The prcsldaU distributes quite an amount of tariff for the farmers by re ferring to the report of the department of agriculture In which the statement Is made that the year has marked In a very unusual degree by agitation and organization a mong the farmers.looklng to an Increase In the profits of (heir business. It will be found that the efforts of the department have been Intelligently and zealously de voted to the promotion of the interest Irr trtistcd to Its care. A very substantial Improvement In the market pi ices of the trading farm products during the year is noticed. The price of wheat advanced from 81 cents in OoUcr, 1SS9, to fcoo4' cents in October, 1S90; corn from 31 cents to 50; cents; cats from 19V cents to 43 cents, and barlev from 63 cent to 73 cents. Meats showed a substantia but not so large an increase. By reference to thcue figures the presi dent seeks to leave the Impression upon farmers that somehow this administration has so administered the government as to Increase the price of wheat and corn.bul farmers are no longer to be deluded by such subterfuges. The price of corn and wheat east is higher this year than last solely because the crops of these produ:ts are short this year. Tho message deals In laudation of the reciprocity clause In the McKlnley bill, as being largely beneficial to the people of the United States, but, as under that clause, no other articles are in cluded In the list of those which the pres ident may make the basis of reciprocal stipulation with foreign nations except coffee, tea, hides and sugar, It will be seen at once that there Is no ground for hope that any advantageous arrangement may Le made with foreign nations as, If the pres ident should ,lmpose a duty upon coffee or tea, Imported, because the nations pro ducing these articles refuse to make such arrangement, then the duty thus imposed would simply be a tax upon American con. umcrs, and this would be "cutting off our nosct to spite our faces." The president 'so attempts to make a defense of the Mc Klnlcy law but the effort Is a verr labored one. lie attempt to snow mat the increase of dutlet does not Increase the price of th ( kind 01 goods upon which the duty I placed but It this be so It renders nugatory all arguments In favor of protectionism. A tariff that does not enable our manu facturers to tell their products for a higher U t)It.'UOt'S BI.lINDl It. Manr of the readers of the Democrat wtll remember the ludicrous blunder which piestdent Taylor made In his In augural oddrctt to congress In which he gravely Informed that dignified body that, "We are at pence with nil the world and Ikt ml if munli'ml." This is a laughable blunder furnished an untold amount o amusement for tho democrats, nud filled price than they could without the tariff Is leader with chagrin and shnii.e. not a protective tariff. The prcslent sayt 1 resident Harrison In his message says: hat our Imports will be larger undir this I "The reciprocity clause of the tariff nets new law than under the old law. Then "nu Pe n". 1,0 10 t .1 . .1' n. .1 M"""'" " '"rK0 rctl procai irnuc lit cxcinnuu where It the protection? These are the for thc free admission to our ports of ccr- fallacles Into which thc promoters of pro- I tln products. Tkr ,tt of tit rrwttHt teas tcetlonUm are universally driven. The I ,"' Alktl tould disqnm ti'i'M any tin fori ores dent t h nks the McKliilev hill should '" "" "B 11 I ,1 ! . ' graiics ol "'IS" nJ molasac.", " . . - Now the McKlnley bill dots not dl- mat mc peopie nave already passed uponi,., .,,,,., , , ' 1 1 I nensfi With tlutfpa. tmrin rnff.. itflil il I. .1 11.. liii n-i.. ..-! - , ........ . ... ....WJ .. ln, ,c ... . , elections for congress In every state In the u ., r .. .' I been on the f 1 co list. eillv thc campaluit union were conducted largely on the Issue of educallon lia not gathered the president within Its Influence as It has very many of raised oy mat out and lle verdict was so overwhelming that no one should trifle with the supreme will of the people thut expressed. Hut In no matter does the president show so much inconsistency as n his plea for honest elections. He that seeks equity must do equity. The prcsl dent before asking for fair elections by other people must see that his own party grant fair elections. That his own tenure 4lt 1 lipmi, Salkm Dec I At a meeting of the Hoard of Trade W Webber of the Ntwport King's alley & Sulcm K H adrcssed the members of the projected line of rnitiond. His purpose Is to mist 6,m)o for permanent survey. The line liotn .Salem to rtewpoit would he 74 miles as sgainst 75on the Oregon l'ocilic from Ya. quiiia to Coivallis. The board amioln'ed T 1 arns iv reck and J Albert ns a committee m iuiiuire into the matter. The Exfirases larrrasetl. Washington Dec 1 The Secretary of the treasury sent to congress lodny the following estimate of expenses of the government for thc liucnl year ending June 3'), iSyi. Legislative establishment t 3,580,631 Ksecutivc establishment 2 1 ,4'J'J, 5 S3 cMnUlisliincnl 403,100 oreign il Icrcourse 1,041,605 MilllUlV Cllllilisllllll'lll 2(,lMI.!)')t N.iv.vl csliilili.lmicnt 31.5o8,3(4 nlT.iiis 6,846,9118 Pensions I35.au3.085 ruhlicwoik ...... 19,801,701 Postal icrvlce. , 59o,Si Misv'ellaneuiu 31,974,681 Permanent nnnusl appropriations. 111,486,808 he tank and file cf his party, or he would never nuke such a blunder, llo should read the encyclopedias. A criticism on current life was made the other day by a New Yorker, whoso Ideas tre always worth hearing, that the public as a rule Is picue to be Interested In things afar. We Ignore the extnnrs ! n.L.-rv of ollkewat secured by fraud practiced LnJ poverty . ,Ucy exUt , our ()W ir?"y'. yyS"'. ."nu yr?n. wew eUlc and are eauer to listen to delectahl 1 (11 wl anu minima is n nuiiipii nv an . laics ct me cannioais ol tne aouui .e u- crson free from partisan prejudice. Yhen this call for fair elections comet with poor grace from one who It the beneficiary of the Blocka-of-five frauds In Indiana and the purchase of voters by wholesale In New York. lands. We are not especial! unxUnis to know the true inwardness of life or comll tlons In Alaska, but we pour cut lihrnilmi and sins ra.'.ins of jov If xe mnv become OranJ total $407,077,133 The estimate for iSyi were 9j-H.4i8,o73 and the appropriations $414,415,633, A Vonr Uajrttat f II. Wasii'ngton Dec a- Tom I'tatt the N Y boss, has been in ronsulatiun with manyoflli rcpuhluan leaders nnj a illusion has been reached that Matt ,iy shall teniain at the head of the national committee. This course is deemed necessary in the interest of Harrison and airainit mith lllaiiio and Alccr. It is fear ed hy I'tatt that in case Claikson should sue iced tv)uny that he would woik the committee I. mar. 1 Al;cr or against the crowd who arc in fluential In the llairisvn administration. TEni'EBAKCS sOLlWM. EJUed hy Albany W, O.T. V huh 11 or i s ii:i.i.o 9 familiar with thc Dark Continent. It would, it'll) Indeed, that 'Vvcry ship U romantic object save the one In which w tail." t - . .? Treasurer Huston's report that the na tional debt has been diminished more than $100,000,000 during the past car simply means that forced payments were made upon Immatured obligations a a result of surplus revenue extorted from thc people by unnecessary taxation. 1 hrre will be no more such reports. 1 ne surplus Is spent, An Albany dealer In French plate glass revenues are ovcrmortgaifed and with- In some hospitals In Europe it Is cus tomary to allow visitors to converse on certain days, by means of a telephone In a waiting-room, with patients In the wards, anj this arrangement has been found to work admirably In allowing communtca- wlthout possibility of contagion. sayt he has to pay, slrce the passage ol the McKlnley blil, at much at wholesale for that article as h; hat heretofore re tailed It for. And we are told that quality of glast it not manufactured in thlt conn try at all. The new tariff proposed In France levies a duty of $1 on 310 pounds of wheat $1.60 on 220 pounds of wheat rlour,sIxty certs on 120 pounds of corn and $t on 120 poind of corn meal. new taxes shall not bo Imposed. - x ... , . . , 1 ne I'emocrauc piurauiics inroanuui in United State, according to the votes cast in the late election, was 617,550. That is one of the larrest mjjo.Uies ever attained hy any 1 o'i- trcal party i- this country. It cannot he over turned two years hence. TJiLEGItArHIC NEWS A New ork mechanic has toivid the problem of making a penny go a long way. He rolled a copper cent into a ribbon three-quarters of an Inch wide and eighty' four inches long. lbry Dare vl rass !. Wasui.notos Dec a Although every re puuitcan vol co 10 use up ine eicc'icu mi to the senate, it does not mean it pass. 1 he senators ho are opposed to this voted (yt Its consideration to catty Out the written agree ment that was made last summer when the bill was nut postponed. II as I Cartas Krrsrd. CltlCACO D;c 2 In broad daylielt Joseph A grain of carmine or a half grain oj Aster, cashier of the Allcrton 1'aci.rr.g Cos aniline will tinge a hogshead of water so ",rm"iu' --j-;- -.... ...,. ... his oftrce hy two men and relieved of f Jjo m ....s.wwj-s: ... unci "..- ca.i. i. b4l ien broucht from the lank ns matter in every drop. I few roioutes before to pay clT the n.en. Two strangers suddenly entered the oHice and in an Tl, ., tfl n, 1 11 1 1 . 1 msiaute ,.c sas.u. s.s ivjui; t.,v ...u.ic u. I revolver, lie was dcriLinilc i to ctimtv the to extensive In Japan that thc goverinnenf nlorey ito a canvas Lsg Ukh war hell ty has passed a law regulating it. A grain of musk will sent room for twenty years, and at the end of that time rsili nut show that it has dlminishcn In the least. The coins of Siam ere made of porcelain ; those of Japan are made principally of iron. the second stranger. rrgU'ccn hunorcl men were working id the packing house of ;hiut the office is apart, but when the man with the gun said: ' I'm nervous and this may go oil if ya con I hurry, the cashier .trunrcu. Tat Daairr laamlral. AslllMUtoN IHc a ucn Miles in sn in terview today on the Indians troubles ui.l he believed ths trouble was imminent. The seriousness of the situation ha said hss not been exaggerated. The uiair.-cuu.i is more widespread than fur years. lining Hark an rnrarll. CuiCAiiO Nov 30 While O'iliicn Ci'.l and OVonncr were dtaung up (he document ser ving their connection with I'arricll on lines a grtcd uiHjn uiih their collcauues in the uflcr- noon tho oilier dciigatrs Dillon Ilarnncron and Suiiivan were in antother tart of the city In company vu'luMis rarrteil I lie mother oil lie man ho live of them decided must re'ire. Ho Ur as can be leal ned the knowledge of what hi.s txen done was kept from the lady and to t1uie w ho knew wliat was going on down town thc scene mutt have seemed unreal Ket liewsi eh 1 jNt)N ov 3tv 1 here M iliseutt amvtii: the laity over the rchltd of the Koyal Collets ol I'll via i;in to to use Kock s hmph on t) ground that it is a sent! preparation, 1 he college is wcalihy institution enjoying valuable public priuilcgcs and is angry critics argue that as it refuses 10 employ great a'dvan. tages in'oiiginal reteanh of kind whith has biuui'lit t ime to Koch and urth.l I l-ccctit to the human racelli least it could dowuuid be to put no obstacle in the way ol utilization of thc remedy discovcicd through private emlea ors of such devotees of science as Koch. A Mia anil Ciiic.m.o N'uv 30 Tws suit one for f?o W) tin, ft r f 100,000 damages were l-En in thetiicuit couit seaii'.st K A Davis a restdent of Some ChiefiKO. In the first case Mis Mali!' da lUun aud liuthand sue Davis far adrfcd I1I1.1J. The sreor.d aciioi is brought hy Mis Ur nc. i;i.!iidu.illy fur breach i f promise tnd scduciion. Davis was formerly premier of Mamtoha Canada. Sbnlllaaeal rrk Nov 12 Thc C.-nnon authorities are redoubling their stilngedey against thc ad mission cf Anicrksn pork while there is abso lve lultering fr want ol meat in many locali ties. Several arrest have been made on the Dutch f onticr of persons accused of smuggling American meat by way of Holland. Vol kna I Which of us fellow do you Intend Shall stand In tho footprint of ruined men? must we wreck all the good in our lives, 00 you tiiitik, In the cruet waves of a tea of Drink? Have we got, then, to enter a llf of woe, llccause of your votes? Ah, not Oh, no. Must that little boy make a great mistake, Ann mane Menus quiver, and acne, anu break? Must there be lnt soinnnv ilrlnklntr men? And which of us hoys arc to be them.then? . ... 11 you vote tor saloons, 1 verity icar You've gut to support them, so now, look Here i Which of us bovs are uui uolnu to iilve rum nun ileum, inal shiixiii mny liver or, Is It the fallows tlnit (lid not comer Or the Imliles, asleep In their cribs at home? ur is it tho baby thai' not born yclf it seems to me that some men loruci How the Savior. Christ, in Ills cradle lay. And that children are His by right, alway, e have a r Ik lit to he linppy, alii Hot which of us fellow have got to fall? V Meli of us children do vou Intend To make stand In the footprint of ruined. menf A whlte-rlbbon woman dreamed. She roamed vast region of space, threading her wiy, as a spirit might do, among "other worlds than our." Sl,e paused in her free,ift journey to look at the planet earth, anil she saw Hint all around it was eolled black serpent, which sh knew wa Intemperance. Then there arose In the woman soul a miuhty Im of pltv and desire to save. With ufty couruue she approached the creature but It head wa hidden from her on tho other side cf Die rrlohe. Then she cried I cannot cut off it head, hut I can worm 1 and taking a dagger from her side, she plunycd It to the hilt In the body of the reptlle.say log with all the starry host lor wltncrscs "Wnc day, some other will cut olf the head, and destroy tho enemy, th? work win be easier, because I have done what I could." Hcfcrcc'M Sale. In tit Circuit Court of the State, tf Oregon for trm voutuy 01 iin 1 W A Klniany and M V lUmsoy in who, hmuiioi l'J roory ana Milton 1'enry her hiubsinl, Mary J I'eory ntid W J ronry her liusband, John W (Jul no ml brtrali tinliios hla wife. Maiiiiiol W llno and Ualna hU wlfit. Mar.ha A Houth ami John A rJotith bor liiixlmnd, K I. I)or rlN, J II Dorr la, KU. N Ix.irl nu Bt u Horn 1, I'lttlntlll. va H M Ihinlrd an t Voiin I)nlil hla wir-.AliiKioa lri!id,l,loyd I uyor, M K Dr.rrln, Frank ( iirriN, 5-l'iy.l k DorrlN, K K Imrrla, Willi- W Dorrla M K DurrU. I, , Jw.rrlK. It I, Iiorrln I an I K M lxurl, iJoroiidanU, I r"iyasMSVsw h. ,sss;iiS'S.wssiiijsij B. fi.i.i ..-J-..t.,T1tll ' ni, ,ftirrtrt a ,ts Ji'j'J "VTOTICK H IIUHKnY (JIVIINTIUT Jl hy vlrtunofaii oidvr and di crnu duly 111 tnn and uniorodor rrwnrd In iho atrovn i.trtitlod o6urf, on tin 5!7lh (lay of unoiH'i, iniro, 1110 uridrrMiKnerl, II11 luly appolntr.t! and aetltig rofi run, in l 1 au't, Will Oil SaturJniJm 27lh day of December, 1890 at the hour of 1 o'clock, p m, of aald day, at th oaurt hourte ibwr, In the city of A trinity, i,tnn county, Oregon, soli at pnlidj aiioMon, for osult lit hand, to th Our stocks in every Department are now com plete, and we are ready to show the Largest, Best Assorted, most Attractive Stock of Goodsin .this country. Our Specialties are too large to give in full; but following are some of them: limhr.atl.ddi)r,Ihfel property dfi'rllxid in nam nor roo anu oruer or to w.t tin northeast nuarUsr of tha norihaist ntmrver of m ctlou two. In tnwrnhln elovnn Nntitli of raiiKO otm westnf iho Wiiliiiii Mnrldla". In I .inn coun'y, Orfiton. con Uinnm 37 tWatrroa. AUo lot mirnbrire.) 4 and ft of block iininboroi 2. in the (own or NOfiavlllo, In lAnn nr.utily, Oregon, And block 11 11 mli-rid I'Z, in Whsoior'a addltln i in tho t'lwt) cf Held, In Idiin muiiitv. tircur n. 1 in. prot'tMHiM arilriir from the ! or AImiiiitrn!orM Nalo, ToriCK H HKIIKHY OIVKN THAT 1 by vlrtuo of an rdn of the lion (xuiriiy ootirt, if lr. statu or Orrgon. for folk (Hiutity, made and Only tmerol of roonrd at loo NovcruLiir term thereof. A I', l-m. In the inatinr ol tl.o estate of Margarnt Hoolhby, Ufteeaisod, anlhorlxln J t,l direr ling the ale of the followlnir tltiscrllmd rust property, belonK'nit to oa.d estate, to wit: 'the north t alf of the dout lion land claim of Win and Marnamt MeKaddon. iiotlllrallnn No IIH.'i, claim No fa, In Townahlp 1 1 S K 2 west of th WlllaiiinUo Mnrldlan. AImo tho north half of tha rullowliis prcinlft-a. to wlf ltilnrilr:n at tne soutnwnat cru- r of thc above ilrscr llxnl tract; tlrcrice est 41 chains; thntco south 13 ( lim; tti nro west til trtMM) 1 hsltis; thniiro iiort'i l chain to th" lilacn f bfirlririlni:. Alt auhl land hntna slioatcit In t.ii:n, Oregon, arid eoninlnlut l)crcm.f Isnd, aioordinu 10 gvi riiiuort survey, bo the aaino nioro or iu, Now, thtn.r r, I. W B Htouf, adruiriU- traU.r aforraald. will rIIr Ilia MM prcru- (sen fur mile, and avsttl Hi" saino at tiulille auction. to the IiIkIkmI bidder, in front of the oourt hmi.o duor.ln the city of Altiauy, county of 1.1 tin ai d at ste of Oregon, on 'Vrdm-aday, Iho 2tth dy of Dccfuib f A I, IhW, at the hour of I o'clock, In lh tt'lrt w. 11. .vrou r. (ll-Ul) Adrtiltllatlator afti riKKin of !! Tet m of kale, cash in hnl. DRESS SILKS, IN C3EAT VARIETY, and CJnM. TABLE COVERS. MUl WAKP (ItNRIETTAS, i w-ck anl color. TABLE CAHn, LADIES, CHIIDRENS AND MISSES CLOAKS AMD W3AP3. LAri5F.EQ JIMS. FAKCY DRESS PATTERKS. UC ZmWAl BLACK AND FAMCf HAYLS. PILLO SHAMS. FASCIHATCIiS. LADIES LIHEN CAPETS. niRP?T SVEf AND SILK HAHDKERCHIEFS. BUC3 Ki CHEAT VARIETY. LADIES, MISSES AMD CHILD3EH5 FIH3, TA3LE CLOTHS AND HAPXIKS. FINE SK1PTS FOR LACIE3. PERFUMERY, FAHSY CROCKERY JEA SETS- FINE SHOES, FOR LADIES. fSiES AH 3 CMORE!'!. LA?.!P3. SfANDIMR AMD KAN2IS2. and rd"ln mi FANCY 5L,P?E3S PLUS VELVET AMD EM2RDJDERED, FUSE BLAKKETS. WHITE AND COLORED. uArunu ntd run LAyitJ), liMi,rLAItU rvMlito, rUiiMS AND wrJU.lS. LACE COLURiJ FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN JEWELRY. ETC.. ETC. STAMPED LINEHS, CONSISTING CF BUREAU AKD TABLE SCARFS, SPLASHERS, TIDIES AJ,D TRAY CLOTHS. UMSHELLA3, WITH COLO AKD SILVER HANDLES, COUCHT EXPRESSLY FOR TKc HOLIDAYS. cxpnnxca of Mio ai.d tha ovrilua to Im uivi.imi a mo mi tti several oartlea lo a Id milt pioinUHW and difaiidarit,flooordlriK lo their rp. cltv.i rlKhia and Intnrtstis, ss not forth In aald ('ocni and order (,f 4lc. Ilabid Nov. )H0, ill). IfUMrifttlCY. (If S) ltuforoo. AdininUlratrix iVolicc. T OTICK IS 1 1 KRKHY I V KS 10 A I.L N !)rd day of Nov aMany of tllO0 Good3 wero bousrht csnrasslv for Holidav trada. uni bought in quantity, and of tho best kind. Part'.o wanting cannot buy too soon, as niar tho Holidays tho assortment sots broken, and in tho 'rush, all our customers. ISfhrim If s.iu f.nMSH I I, al .... a ft. s. WtlVfllB V lir IIIHb ft llf I m m . m ' i. vein her. Uiw. I w duly aB 13 aiV7ilV3 C.a:n. vrm n.-i.Ttinr. anr. nt.r.ont.'nr. tit rrrnnlfl l.Vrs tn eritra appoints! admlril-trrstrl of Ihat-aUUrol -11 ,M J Jciuslia Mooro, rlocntsoil. by tha county o nrl ol Linn rvuiniy, Orruon. And all iM-rwrn hnvinir claim aualnst aaia tmlrsta rv hcrty ix.tKlml lo present ihaaame to ma witli ih prop-ir vouchor, at tho law oiutv or V i: llllvnu. in A ban v. Oregon, within six months from tha liercir. lMtcd NorSSth, MX maky j. m:nn. (11 2H Admlu-Mlistris of ali! octato. Samuel ung Admiiil.Htrnfrlx JVolice, "VTICK IS IIHRKUY OIVKN TO 1 all whom It mar concorn, that on th 3rd davof Novetnbor. MM, I wa duly npix.iriLKi aduilnlatratrlz of tha eatate of Alvin MtMirr, lo oasd, by tho county court of Won county, Oiocoh. And all j wr win l.avlna cl alio aiftiril aald eatata ara ircrsi.y hoxiiiihi to prevent tun sjsrnn lo iitH wirii rim riniMir voucher al ilia law otlica of W K lUiyeu, In Albany, Oregon, wili.ln nix iiionlha fioni Ih data hcrnof. I'ate.l th!a day of November. ln'JO. M Alt V J. lii:KI. Ailinlnlilrstr x f aald estate, W. It. l!ll.VKU. Attorney. (II 2H) aOSKY TO IlAS - fn small ati.1 1JL larso aiiinuma, from ntt niotith to flva yoaia, on kmvI Albany fend Linn county rol ciati. Call on or a lcr.M V L Mct'tJeron, First Hi, All any, Ur. PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cr hc,ii(l sriill-eny M,, , Ail. any, n UPERIOR wrk. trJaratiLod Sa tvery orancu oi jne art. kind a sjicclsity ,piJKolar;;l!ij; of SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! I,r VV11 tit 5 Toiniinpr NEW PAPERS - AND - MAGAZINES VSSass lCti;eIivecl at L. KENTON'S hEAR THS POST OFF S. tore, ALU A NY, ORE HOLIDAY -::- GOODS. ST AN ARD & 3kmV!2 CUSiCK. I Plush and Leather Albums, Toilet. Cases ?n Plush and Metal. Elegant Perfume Cases, Manicure Sets, Sachet Bags, Gold Pens, Etc., Etc., Etc. ST3STO a?KOXJBlJII3 070 SHOW jt l: GOODS.JSsJ prn L o (...y- n ' 111 ; F fi fa) D fn? p PSIfMk V ni"Bwarls Ta .tf'Vhss. fn) 10 VP D E (7?) -lalaS Si l In . ' Vtf'lg A. BM w iao s is. ass TS MM) SIHlOIi. n if L-Sy, If yn Contemplate Porcliasing Yonrseii a Fall Suit oi Overcoat, we invite Every mim and young men in Liw ant! 1rjoi.i.v Couaties to coiae Superb new stock. Come anil see for Youkself the Fewest, Best and Most FAsmonAiiLE Stock ever brought to thc Willamette Yaliey. see oar We Guarantee our c lothing to be the Best Make in th World! That's straight talk, gentlemen, and wo are right hero to back up tho assertion, not only with tho best matorial, faultless shapes, and most skillful workmanship, but wo are confident that 3Tou will be satisfied that wo tell tho truth when you sea our goods. Every garment you buy of 113 is now, stylish and good; warranted to fit oqually a3 well as your merchant tailor can fit you no matter how good an artist ho may be. Wo havo eo old moth-eaten, shelf worn chroim3 to work off on you at fabulous prices, representing tho samo to bo new and stylish, but will givo you all now, stylish and earvicablo gocds at such prices as will absolutely defy competition. Wc arc not merely talking to hear ourselves talk, hut moan everything wo say. - Our goods wero all bought by experienced buyers direct'from tho tho largest Importers and best Manufacturers in tho United States, at tho lowest possib.o spot cash price, hence wo do not hesitate to say that opening here in Albany : ' baa proved a blessing to tho people and has opened a new epoch in tho clothing trade of this state. that fills every Mother's brain is "What shall tho children wear this Fall and Winter?" We'll solve the problem for you when it comes to something for boy's wear, big or little. No trouble to show goods if you will visit our store. We are offering tho noveltics)and new dcsignsin fall and winter Suits & overcoats. There never was a I-nrnisher in Albany before that could touch us with a Ten-Foot-Fole when it comes to showing ia hno of lurnishinR Goods, and when it cornea to Neckwear and Dress Shirta we lay them all in the Blmde, not only m assortment of style and quality, but in Low Prices as wdl a iScK -rything usual.y kept in J itrahan Block, Albany, Or. can I s3 Will 0 Strata Blocfc Albany, 0