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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1890)
TOVfJSEND & WILSON, Ileal Estate s Loan Brokers Parties mwwik Ineurano will Co well to M sheia. AilE.1T TOR Art lasaraae ramriaav, Inwiml isit charter perpetual, l-neee paid In hi year, to,- UM.ogo. Anu, luau.ri&.in. fiaarwlaw la. Ceanpaay, of Lond., England Krtbll.hl IStl . I'aiMM, fOUO,OlM. Tutui Ore Um paid w as.UlO.OUO. Asarrlra) Mrf la. Cswsa.v. of Phlladi'liiiit, Otwl"l lsli. OMh iwu, Luees paid, 10,M,M. Calamkla Fir A Maria la. Ompaay, nl lnUnd. Or. Asset. $.VO,3U.6t. Tbi le vu ot Orwrua't tnpaiUee, J . K. WEATHERFOBD, TTOllNEY AT I.AV? A LB A XT, wBtC.0.1 W U BILYEU. ATTORNEY AT LAW Aid Solicitor in Chancer-, ALBANY, - - OREGON. Collection promptly mad on all point wunup)ueqoD eaaonaDie terrua. fc . W. LACRBCR!f, 00, W. WKIOBT, BLACKBURN & WRICHT. Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the Court of tha Uto, Prompt attention given to all busi es entiotted to our eira. IHBe Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or J. N. DUfiCAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW AHD KOTART PUBLIC, TOfllca la Btrahau'a Block, No'a 1 and 2. ALBANY, OREGON. H.C.WATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON. Office la Ik Hlrahan Black, J. J. WHITNEY. .Uiouy And Counsellor At Lai Xotaiv FubllCa ALCA1V OKECON c L. HILL, Physiciai and Surgeon, Offloo oor, y and Ferry Street, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C. WATSO?. ttASTO'J Physician and Surgeon. Office oppoaite tbe Dotvrat. OR. C A. WHITKEY, Phy siciaa andSargreon. GrajaaU of Bellavaa Hoapital Medical College Now Verk City. DUeaaaa of woman a specialty . VOfBo romao'a Brick, Albany, Or. TIMRFR MFN CU on Stewart A Sox I llIUA.fl IHtllj for your aoppllea. Tbey aarry a fall lino of axe, wedge , a!edga, maala. maul ringa, broad axea, froea. ahlni(llng boraea. pearoa, wood and Iron tackle blocks, and by far tbe beat aceort tnentof crosa cat aawa In the valley. Woods of the beat and prices tbe lowest. J.A.ra3IIXG, rBCKrairri ; -! iKicbir, HLHIrft COUCH T3i mmxt Pin 'r- IR0NAN3 STEELE A a a a Stewart A Sox SaTe a v.rv iua ii uvj i, airap, common ana Ncr way Iran; a!o machino, too', pick and Pianos. Tlioa w'nSinir a flrat olaa inatrnirient, (be i est nude to aland tbe ollinate t,f ihe Coast, can t e aulted by calling at Mrj B E Hytniw'e., oppswlt ti.o Macule Tein. pie, on Kirl Ktrett. Tbe latent vocil and Instrumental tnualo kopt for aIe,alHO tbe li rgnnl aaaortuTinnt of slam pi na; patterns t aeloci from this i.J j of 'FrUao. Ia fconsplvoo in pamttn nl embroidering In her atudio over Linn (bounty Jtank. CiTt her yuuror l ir and ng will b pi eased. ROPE AND CHAIN- d' ' .;. a!. U"MllMch"PropaiabelnR to!-! In tbta mvket. We carry none but pur manida, aod oan Riye you an size from H t All aizt of chain from 8 JO to . tTKWAHT & 8oX. ALI3A1NY NURSERIES 2e TlfE HAVE ON HAND at our nnrserv Tv on vhe Ccrvalll.i road, one half mile from town, aa fine a lot of fro It troea cfallklnda aa on be found any wbore on the coaat. If you contemplate planting tree It wl'.l pay yoo to ee our lock and got oar prices. Catalogue free. II Y MAN BROWN ELL. EKEL! PEHS ej CT Sample Pens, different pattens. In I a Miftlc 1 riated Kntch Hoi, aeut, poet-paid JB receipt of 10 CENTS, FERaY&Cij, Lenta Eb.ic24. U. 8. ORIca, 810 vroadway, ew Ycrk. S. W. Paisley, Albany, Orsgoat -WHOLESALE DI5ALEH IN- Tobaaso and Clfar3. kij AND To to ". Pilot Kneh. Ma.. feentember I. in 1 sorfrred with chmnlo rbeumetlsm la at koeee ted eakles tor twenty year and had ta na r (a oratohea. I wa treated veral finally cured ay bt. ireaieo at time bt aee Oootor. but wa finally cured ay Oik IiTa had no return ar psj am. BjtBT Kt; y et Jeotb m tn three fUmi Caaaa of eAta'tfaaAiaA Cured. THE GOOD OFFICII OFl Ta wTl Elusrrta to. tha enr of teur!(la. tha ehlsf sratitoat of which la, At Intermit ' tin eaia which fullewa tlie cW of the perra ailhcted. eUJeCoUOil I by vanlta ruLhlus- aad ppUad frequently, wlU our NEURALGIA. XM Hekeft Ft. BrtxJ V. . T., Jan. . 1S. . 1 va taken rtih aeafUtlW In atJa aal Vrt month. ' waa firea. nah d tort, hutwaeur4bt J.IetJM At Dacwasn afb ixAinta. tRI CRARLIS A. TtittLtK CO., taRkat(a,I4 THE YAQU1NA UOUTE &oa DTlopmtnt Coinjny'a 8te-n' aoip una, 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TlfuE ntn by an othor rc J to. Kir4-claa throueU ranmniKnr end ral'bt litis from 1'urtlautl and ail poluta n uto W lllatnotia Valley to aui from nan rntnoiaco, Rtm'.m tnak clone) oonnexitlon at Alban artlh train, of tha Oregon l'aclflo Kallrd T. B. HtU, Bccrlvrr. TIME SCIIKDt'LK. (except 8nmlra) Ue Albany U l) r. ..L.w Vamna, Tiua.a beev torniite 1x3 r. a L Corrallu.lO S ,a Arnre Albany, lt:)l a. a Arrl.'e Y equina, r. a. O. A C. tralaa oonnoot at Albany and rrallla. Tbe aboTa tralna connect at Yaoulna with tha Orojcon Doveiopuient Ortsapany'a Line of 8tainahlpa betweon auina ana can rranriaoo, N.tlLIXU DATEff . rna Ttonst. WUUmeU Valley, Oct let ; Nov Mh ; toih; Suth. reoa a raAtciec-o Willamette Valley IM 17th ; Mar Mb. 1Mb ; tiih. The Oorapan rvtmrvoa tt ngnt to ihance anUma datea w'lhout nollco. N.U. faHHenKara front I'uriland and f Ulamatta Vallor polnla can make cloea oanaoU.n with iba tr&Iua of tha Yaqulna roatoat Albany or Corvallia, and It doa tlnad to Snn Kranoiac) abould arrannto rrla;a at Yarjutna iba evcuiu lroro i'aIo laainnic. aer aad r.elgkl Bate alwaj tae uwm rorlb!oraull.n pl) UA R,rrlht ati4 O. r. er-tf Av.n , EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Eipree Tialiu leare rnrlUiul Dally S-.u-h T.wfb 7: Dor. a. 10 Ur a 10: 16 a foruanil Alb.ny fan r"rn-lco Ar 1 1' u a Li ! e t; a L jO r a Lr Ar Aluve tisiiu ,t .i only at lullowlng elation north oi noeeourir. tM lort'aml, Orevoo t'lty, Wi ooni, 8a.etn, Alliany, Tenymt, Hhodil, IUlMy liar- (OHt aa BAIL, BAILT. i.JOAB I L Ar I l:(ri l.':20r a I L Allny I.t is i a S:fira Ar H....hqrif Lr i il ;) a A1.BASY UICU hAILT M .rt .M1t)l ) i.0JrilLv i'r U.hI ArltMOAR :'iQra Ar Allany t li on a Iihaioi isc u, i-mra L Albwiy r I D iStt JiSra Ar Lonon L :CUi 7:S0Aa Lr Albany Ar I 4:2r a g:Ma Ar Lebanon Lr S:0r PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars. Far A craDiodatiea af a-rcaad-4'la.. r.utt cr. artacaeaia cxarc Trala. e.l lc IMrl.Ua. BCTflECV rentusD liD (OBVALLIN. Mail -aiidaiii (Except Sunoay.) 73a a I 12:10 r a Lr Ar f.n.Aiul 0rvlli Arl L 6 30 r a IJ SS ra unui TAi daili (Esop. Sunday. 4:4i r a fisa ra I Ar P'.rt WcMlnnville Ar I I.T I :a) a a 6 46 a a rriiron$:li rriclcetw To all point. EAST AKO SOUTH. foi fni. Information rtrardlr.a ratte, Bin, ea Company Airent at Al'mny. OKHLKH K P. ROGERS VanaKer Am'I O. V. and P. Ar JOHN tSOM, - PKOPniETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. jaod Manufacturer of 3E0ICE CONFEOTIGHSEY. ITe are now prepared to aoll at wbolt , always freab and puie at Portltnd I ita lo dealer. We aJao koep a ful Mi and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBAC SFWINR MAnHIMFfJ-rt asox . " wnii. kw are eKniitx icr ne new Wheeler A Wilson tio 9, City Drug Store. Stanard & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicala.fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfomery,school and ar tisissupplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. WASH NU MinU MPS We have three .......... w iiii,wiinik,V kltiUH. andean five you aoniftthlng .hat you will Bring your '-twlter half" around an' like ant sukH wnat we can do tjr you. NTSSWART t, Sox Eevsre House; ALBANY, - . OREGON' CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR, Fitted on In firKt-!lana tyle. Tabha supplind with the beat in tbe market. Nloo aloe pin 2 apartments. Ham pie roorrv lor commercial travelers, s"aew la a I frtot tit Mutcl.-w.) Delmofiico Restaurant, Oppobitb BiiUMBKno Blocx. New Rooms; Seat Service; t7tW ifealt, Promptly Served, for Twenty-Jive Cents. ' Oytter -:- in -:- all -:- Styles. Uowtious Treatment; Firtt-clasaCoihs. LADIES, AnENTION,-eT;ou-rr have the beat shear and scbuiora 1. 1 city, and we oan prove it to you a any time, Every pair warranted, and ran be retained If tbey do uot give aatisfaction Thla la no brag or blaster; we mean what we say. Athwart & Sox. I k Mtimwit A OPlUCU'd PATIENCK, The writer tpent a full hour o few dnyi ago watching a plder managing hUanarc and trapping victim. lie was to deliber ate, culculailng.cold-blooded and tucrcllctt that one could trarccly keep front uhlvcrlng at tho hi Icon creature's Inck of mercy. And yet hi pcrtltttence and unllaggliig en ergy fascinated one. No mailer how often hi net broke, he tel to work to repair It ajln, No matter bow long It took him to tecure a captive, he patiently wound and wound hi fragile thread until t'io victim wa bound Cunt and hard. Ills ntfvlica were atrcithed lit a corner, and almoht at the mine moment a fly ntut a miller became tangled In them. In -tantly the bandit Insect lowered hlmtrli toward tbe miller. When the miller auw her enemy approaching, the revolved furiously, beating the air wildly ulib her lljhtwlng. The apldcr was whirling on hi web with lightning-like rapidity, but he clung there stubbornly unit' the miller stopped her druggie for ret. Then cau- lloutly the black villain approached nearer. Again the shadowy wing Mill led ami again the spider tlcw In small circle, but he did not retire. And so Inch by inch the paionle little savage doted with the tcrrlMcd miller. At lait he made a tprlng. Around went the two In a brown whirl and the aplder shot up bit life-line. He had fattened another Hue to the mlllrr. The ipldcr went bac to the lly and made Its bonds more t-curc. Again he fattened thrends to the miller, each time working Id way tlowly t her, and then pouncing upon her to f.ticn her In another thread. Once tbe miller uliuo.t treed lier.i U and fell away from the web, lunging only by a tingle thread. Mubbcrnly tbe eplder went to wotk to do all his tark over aaln. At ta.t when it teen that the miller wa hopelcly caught the writer her. It was found Hut .ill her lri;t mere bound closely ta gi ther, mi careful haj been th-j spider's work. In tearing her away the w.lter had de stroyed tbe web, and while the miller' feet were being freed the Indomitable spider built him another trap, worklm; sullenly and pcraUtcnily. This dne he retired to his corner only to come forth like a midnight highwayman when hi next victim was trapped. Nothing could dl.courage the spider Twice a great mosquito w fateifd In the inches and Urn; while the pld-.-r was trying to fasten him to that be could ml c.cape the moxiuito broke away. Ke pairs begun at nnce, and scon the tpUK-r went back to Ms corner to wait for another prUoncr. The writer swept away the web entirely and went away. Half an hour later when he returned l!:c tmllilng spider was re. building hit aare. Hi will and dctcru.l nallon thlt time conquered, fur win. doe not admire dogged resolution tliai will not down? N. Y. Tribtinr. The heirs of Isaac Bernstein, of New York, arc making a great effort to make John A McriU, the I ouislani lottery king pay over a few million dollars. Ki.hard S New comb, the administrator cf L'eru- stcln'a etlalc, pray that thcVni'cd Stale Ircuit court will direct Cbarl il !urray nJ c'Jicrs, Including the Lou!.ma lottery company, and especially J jbn A Mc.-iis, to account for inonc) and p.upcrlv re ceived by them ut.der a contract made by the Loultdant lotlcr company with the Arm of O II Murray .V Co. ' Bernstein' heirs claim that they have been defrauded out of their share of the profit of the lottery ana tney demand an accounting and sctt'e. mcnt. The amount that will come lothcm If they win their suit I. estimated at from two to six mil'ions. Jamet E ltoyil, the dcmojrstic govemor elect'of Ncbratka hat been notified by J jlin Powers, the Fartjcn AUiance candidate. lha his (Boyd's) election will be contested. IOO F. Albany Loace No a hoi Its regular meeting IYcUiicm each week. VihiiJug brot dav evening of thcrs arc coruialir nvneuto atiemi l.rj"? ?n the wannfactnrwr of Dr. ft5J?Jl,,rrn lT In their ablJItyto cure trTlf0KW.,,on" D1'Dtf. tt they offii toi,f?P?ft.,,llth' t)M. Bbove fwarJ. for a oasa which thi-y cunoot cure. CY53PTCK3 OF CATARHH. .?f1TO4"!.,of'fltrunt,on o' not, dlanhsrrs iiyjSf" "-nof,omelma p, wnt-ry and a..-rld. at others, thlclr. teriaolouaTmuoous! hU? hl'r' ajfflculfy of ciiarirf. JVwJ.rK or. onensiv matter 1 breath ofTenaivA- smnii t , V and trencral debility. Only a few ofth. . "nlr v.' Pawnt at onoe. Thou- " nmi in oontutnpuon, and end to iae nrave. :' wthfns;, antlaeptle, cloanslni adbealin propcrti,,. Dr.&c;f ltamally am rtirrm vie worst Caere 1, nBKn e tvauieay W.'alH In IK. I .r"'L:S. W',B a few applications. I. ' IsreltTeclVin cured asir by maiflo. It reuiorn offenalv breatn. loaa or Impairment of the Sxrit of tAeta. mell. or bearina:, watering or weak eye, and Impaired memory, whn canard by the vio. IfiS0!0' J,ctTh. " they all frequently are, hy flfty oenta. Manufaot nrd by WoKi.o'a DrepangAar afaoiCAL A. aociAxioir, m Main Btraet, Buffalo, If. T. D3. PIERCE'S PELLETS XXSJZVfc Axatlvi, or tbartlc. acoordliutT ta aica ib lir drug f ita a oeata a rial Si".??:.- A. fleetly paiulew trestmerit and a irarar . sml cnr. I -" a xcaran . ml J -.Jt-nej, no ciaLiflrnnw Kinr? attatn tment. for Htriftn rt tw iiA..nt. : r"tet dioovry known to h.5iL ad oomp etely removes thsStiUuraalthoutanal,! or paio to the patient. ' DISEASESIOF mm Peculiar to th!rB. . . wasbwb their fan,!,, pbMS? 2fi S,...ii-. . J ij "nown o Msaicine tefnre, by or thiinV W"7 8,,tem 0'TrU.nent.- It rejuveuaies IVflQ IMtMihlM. it 1st slnivsi A n t r, meultatien and .nceial ewmlnatloiT.' nit thoie I- f?Hrj,0,TTb'r w"l ,l,ould wrlte. tting their ewe fully. Medldne tent by moil or exproee, walod free from exposure, to all parte of the kciaoCowt Wiii . A. Baiell . M. n. l Paul It Ispensary, Portland. Orrson s-oroerDirtt and lJire streets, over Portkud 1111UTIA1 U.UK, MONGOLIAN PHEASANTS WANT ed. Those who think i.imv ...n .1 prenent or In the fnlnre furnish live Mon- ol,,f?- .- ortheLf eggs will do w fell to correspond with ' . TUOS. O, PARRELTj. " " ' Portland, OriMr-r., STRICTURE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Mostly a Hear. Ciucado, Nov. aS. General Mi!ci and Adjutant General Williams bad a long con sultation this morning prrpnratory to the de parture of tha former for Wathlnglon, where lie will present his views on the Indian situa tion to the secretary of war. General Miles left thii ttftetnoon. No ditimtchc liuvs been received at army licnd-oimrters since one at mitlniglit from General Knger stating that Urnoks tclrniplicd everything uiiiet It is the opinlun of Miles that each tiny It btlnging I lie t-nte nearer its end, Hrniallnaal, rilll.AliKi.I'liiA, Nov. a8. A special fiom Wathington to the Tclrgrnph says the ccntus ollii-e Is now engaged In again adding up the returns for New York, and an astoni.hing re mit will he produced. The correspondent ns tcrlf Hut llic final calculation will thow 135, tHH .note people in New V01 k I'ilv than an no-meed in Supeiinlendvnt I'oitri's "unoflicial" (Viciil r. Halrm Dcniacral.. Sai.m, Nov. 28. The city democialin nutiiiiiaiiiig convcnlion was held at the council chamber this evening. For mayor Hon. V II I) Airy was the un.nunout cl.oice of I he con vention, and his nomiimtion was made bv ac c la mat ion 1 for city recorder John C'hate was nommuie.i; tresturcr, 11 II lliompson) mar thal, W 1) Mohney. John Gray was elected cttairnmn 01 the central committee. I'aar Dark Ustalera Uraward, OswKtto, N. V., Nov. a3. William lllythe and Hany Iitnet, of W'olcott, with Jamet rcrguon and Calvh I Hell, of Otwrgo, went o Sccdut bay ycttcreay, duck hunting They went out in a boat, ami have not been teen tince. Tin boat wat found on the beach with a hole In the bottom thi morning The men we.e undoubtedly diowocd. I tn lamieas Herat, I.ONhON, Nov. 2S Additional advice of the diia.lcr to the fishing fleet on the Norw gian coit show icvcnty vc.els diiven ashore ami oatltic.l to piece. Many tuull boalt were also wievked. Iiitfcaicd hundred! of live are lot. The bodies ol the vktims are continuity being washed sluic. Aa A.lurla Baw. 27 rive u.ea in qukk tuccenion about 6:30 this morning, caused alaigc ciowd to iuH tow aid Niik Pavuli t taloon, cj..ti:e the Union I'acific doi,k Cn aniving ihcie the bodies of lao men were 1 .-I i. it,,!, 1.1..1 .1.. lKr. In B Vcivlt-w ninii-. ll-.. t . tl lumois, an I ihe tlietl wat fu'l of people, ntucniciu me man who was so riamly with bit cunetcarcd. It wat at fwsi thuught the men were both tlead, si blood wa nowwg iiom ternl.Ie in ihcir heads. but on the arrival of I)r Fullon they showed ugns of life, and were immediately taken lo iciiuA itui where uieir wounus were Urcsacd. Iba! Anfal Came. IMi.NAfoi.ii, Nov. j7Tl.e foo'.Ual gin e this af: ci noon Ulwrcn the lluttcr eleven sn 4 t uruue university team, for Ihe state championship, wat won by 'he lluttcr team They ceicb-sted their victory touicht bv dri. tng through the city in a tally ho coach, con taining thirty jcrson. While crossing the tircet .ail.., track, the UngUI, of the hkl, ,o'i I'TW1' P'. md, fatal.y tnjue ,na K.Kw.ljf in- biok groun j jjiing a numlfcr u others. Ntw York, Nov. 27. Oneofihetiandtat Kaitern rark, Ibcx.k'in. where the Vale 1'iineeton football game wat ptayed this after nun, icii Biiut noon. - A?ut lil'y persons wee injured and a number of them had limb bioiien, Ike latllaas. ClflAllO. evening ai-l BoK-Ve wrie 1I CCBUrmt r.ov. 27. .merai Mile this Ev.rrt nom (rncial 11 s very tatitiacJOty nttu:e. . t . . . t.te rcjort that l Uief UtiUr ound came into I'inc Ridge agency yestcr uaran.l tay every hour tecmt to lessen Ihe ttrcngtliof Ihe uisaflected Indian. SliOrl Hull, ol Kotebud sceney, hat alto come in, ..1. ..i.:.: .. :rr "",.T?.,7" '-K--" .5 people ..e ss loi.owirtg. . . rvmpir. I'.KRUN, Ncv. 27The rent publishr, a atal.t....e.l lull, ft -II... at II . . J" , , , ' i i. ""1"c ,"'',",eco'B''eonir Uvl in tilth he adinil that Co. mark vs.. L . I .... . . . l i. , ' - - "nl' ",r ""K'e lnjrc:i n oM .. ... Cmicvjo Nov 26a toceii .0 ih. fn!. Or can Mon tayt: A baitle it in t.rocreu lyaceu me military anj indiarft at Fort Keogli. The department has ordered thriw rompanict of Miotda trtwpt 'o the scene of rrouiije. Aiviees Iiom vanou points are that uvciy tkirmishing it in all along the line. I'arorriaa Ikr Law. Sfatti.k Nov 26-Dr Dahl w.t today fined oo for violating the Slate law by practicing without being examined and granted a license uy me maie i;oarn 01 Metlnol Kxamincrs. Or Kawton arrested and arranged on the tome charge wa discharged. He clearly proved that he was but acting at atshtsnt lo another physician. tkatlnz in Oregnn. La Ora.m.kNov 26 Rain i needed. The temperture itcool. Skating it tnjoyed by the foung people on the dam above town. The water it irorcn lo a depth ol an inch adording After 1 e 1 . . . ss..,sii .u..nK 1 ne mouniamt are tinged with snow. The roads are verydutty and mere 11 a general cry for raie, A !w resident. tw.. .. . . .. . .. i..i.-. .ov 20 At the U T meetinc Arlama ,11:..-. I .11 a , V -.7 auuretioi letignation and Uillon look ihe ofTice of president. Dillon it jicctpting the ofTica of president thanked the board for the exprcttion of its confidence and declared h intention to do everything in hit power to forward the intcretts of (he company. Hnlent Republican Salem Ncv 26 The republican nominat ing convention wa held (his aficrnoo. N,,mi nations were made at follows; Mayor, Fcorire Williams: rrrW., m r..t. ell; Marshall, Harry Minlo; treasurer J Swsf ford. Or Richardson wan made rl.erfe, , ,.f the city r.-pnWican central committee lor the ensuing year. (flllaa; Hrrlon. ANN ARIIOB Nov 26 Great excitement via. canted tins aiiernoon by the arrest of five young men who was concerned in the recent row whic resulted in the death if student Den- ninon on a charge of manslaughter. Tho cate win ne pretted. Hjrtip of Flss, I reduced froai tbe laxative and nutritions juioe of California Pga, combined with the tnedi'dnal vi tnesol plant known to be mo, uft.-ix .iuie 1 10 trie tinman si iterp. tvntaoentu on the kidnejs, livtr and bowels. tfTtctuk)! Cleans. n. the ftvefem. dinrellina cf.lln headachts.tnd tuiiog 1 abitnal tonttipttin 3UURIEO. WRIGIIT-KRAUSE.-On Thursday, Dec. 27th, 1800, in Salem, Mr William ngni, ine artist, ot Albany, and Mis Mvina Krause, of Salem. The hapnv Uf couple have tho Dkmocrat'h lw.t ;inf. nr.. and Miss Alma II. Powell. Onlv . relatives and friends were presentand a o... s 1 . . 'WZWV1- L. dered tliom' " rr., . UBU 1 v AUtjiiJN-At Jefferson, on ine evening ot Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1890, aa o 'ii A-iuujr, ot unn county, and Laura Vaughn.of Marlon county, Rev. "W. T. Van Scoy olliciating. jn. w, j. PATToar, Blumborg Eloek.J Albaoy, Oregon. coi1r,Kated,Maae8 a 8peo,aty DRIED APPLES rWer" w0Hh H.ifcJ nl I Lbs?- ja gjt pj,uj on BPpt24. I lie would-U murderer who iliJ the shootine 7 .penng tor uuai- i )ong named Ma.tla Mattson.snd n,eJf V1' ? ,,""'t.v.t?lll','-;y lot victim, we.e Jul.., c .,, a Meaican. ' Pl'lng Pint in the upper illamette aged al-wit ... and Anton. Oench, an VB,J lutens .u..Hlie o grain Austrian. aUui lovca-t tt see. The men V!d coualdernblo lUr are abippinl. u.av lit.. me men Three largo warcbouaca, larhmging to the MYEKS POWELL. On Thursday cou,n" 161 ,n 'na nU4"y tenniuated in Con evening, Nov. 27th, 1890, at 7 p.m., at nmPt'1n' Fourdootor gave me op iyiug the residence of the bride' father, A. S. 1 "uld''ve bnt a short time. I gave my Powell, three miles south of this city, by .p t0 8,,"n.r' otermined if I oould Eev.J. F. fltowar-r. M n n v.' ' not ttay with my fiuads cn earth, I would ALBAkY, A tilvra se Ike Warld akor,- ky Ike Wcl Tlila wccki Went Shore linn 11 well-got ton up two pngo illuMtratlon of Albany. conferring credit on the Journal and ar- tint. The eccnea jirt-Nciitcd ro tlio Ore gon 1'acino bridge, J. U. Mirarliind, In a wheat field, llluckmiin'a atotio quarry, tho Flinn block, St. Cliarlca hotel and Mnwjnlo temple, Court Uouhp, Ccnlrn m'liool building, Young, liurklmrt, Uro gon Hank, Foahrty & Mnaon and Tweeditle blocks. (Kid Fellow Temple and lhiltl more block. Following aro pointer from tho general wrltcttp of Albany: Prominent among the interior filled of Oregon in Albany, seat ol Jnstiuo of Linn county, one ol tho lurgeat and moat proa peroua cotinliea In the gri-tit Willamette vnlUy. On tbe central piigi-a aro given a number o( cngravinga o( hitildiiiga ami went'H in Albany that convey an excel lent idea of tbe city and Ha t hnractriir tlca. The lmnlut'KH atreet of Albuiiy are well built tip with two and three slory brick Lloc h, Rome ot tliein very IiuikI Hoino structures, and allot them occupied by atore carrying large toek of uotnln. In fact Flrat street prcaentii a decidedly metropolitan ptarance. Three large brick block have been erected tho res ent year, aim a haudaotne church, anveral elegunt resideiict and it largo numlrer of other houac and bualneaa structure. Tho city ha voted to lnnid itself for $I(X1,(MK) for tho purtMjMe of paying fur a system of sewerage coating W,IMK, and for httildlug a wa(on and foot bridge ncroHH tho Willamette at the mouth of the Cutipoola, near tho weat end of the city. Tbe bridge w ill he steel structure coaling lHtutll)0,WO. Thero In already a good hridge'acru- the river, built by the Oregon l'aclflc railroad. A lino of Rlrect car run through the chief hualncN streets to tho Southern I'acitle depot, ami there la a project on on foot for the construction of an electric motor lino ihrotigh tho city and by a circular route reaching all tho leading ttddillona.The Oregon l'acilic own a great deal of uroocrty in the city .along tho riv er and in the suburti, and atich a line would greatly increase its value. It hue a round house there, and bus selected this pliiec fur tho I' .cut ion of machine shop, lhi road connects Albany with the ocean at Yaqnlnn Iwy, and has been constructed eastward into the C'awiulo mountain, heading fur ltoiaef'ity, Idaho, neing wia re 11 nrsi loiu iie the v uinm cite river from either direction, Atlmny la '" IMIIHirtanV IM1II1I ami Clilrl I "l'l'", "'" .'iwiiTOHinu iuii h.iiiiv. siuii w tin tii rniiruuii. a ne main lino of the Southern l'acilic from Portland to San FranciHco mna throiii:li Altmny, and a branch line run cant ward to U Urnoii. tapping a fertile auricultural section further to the cant. The I'nion 1'acilic hai a line of boatu on the river, running lo Portland, so that Allmuv ha I'nion l'acilic, Orci'ott l'acilic and Far mem' association, supply atorngo room for a targe amount of w heat. Four flour ing nulla consume a portion of tho crop ant snip mucn Hour. Not only la thi a great grain trnxluc ing region, hut it la becoming a fruit flowing section of importance. Alttny the hifiing iM.inl. Allmuv 1 also an imtMirtant lumlr iibuaine Ihere. In the city are a ch tllr0 tncloTi nnil m i depot, no Ice than ten lumber yard do- air factory, furnt- ctory and a branch of tbe Suuar I'inc Sah and Ioor factor v. of Omul's I'as. There ore other iuiiH.rtant indus tries that contribute to the city' pros perity. An artill.-inl Ice factory .upplie . 1.. All ft... .t . . . t ' . . ""ft wiur Aiiniir uui an nio towns in llie U,'!,,,'r n'1 " f l,c Vftlle?- A, !arK !cn mill wa nut ill otH'rain.n tins venr. rin- ploylng about 2xi hands, and using the atiptTtor tiaiity 01 aooicn roluced in innv region, a wire tsinltrens factory two louiuines, a nrewery ana sevcra other Industrie!! are alnJ'd there A cotnpany aupphca t ieetiic light for llie strecla and fur private use. Three Bood tanks, two of them me a gKMi imicx o! tlio commercial stability of the citv. a twelve churches, a line ptit.iic aciiooi, a l atboitc seminary ami a 1 irsiiy teruiii cumse 111 iu iiicirai nnl III- tellectual atatua. Several of the church pdiflr. Br lr.. -n.l l...l..... " 1- -.-----.- .- lure. Tho imfHising court house, shown "Z f ?! fiW . , ., , I St-aIJ 10 HIV ItUv'Nl OUIUt n,igatone yet diacovt rcd on the l'acilic t.-. Tl... -..' ' i " I " - " - " . I T u Hilt! lUftllOSlOlltJ OtJ. oncimr ta i. I.. Itla.-k fim ami .Itiittisai I Ahraham. In-ta iz im!iat tit. fit. a-i... I T . v "I wasw tlll and near both the river and railroad. f"W thi quarry ha stood the , ',' Uu, ,or lwcny ) " in building in Albany, t;u tbe iniddlo fork of the Hantiam river, about aixtv inilt irmn All.m.v and reached by road twenty mllca from toe wrcgon l aciuc, is a mining dintriet that promisee to equal the most famous in um country. The AUtiy Mining A Milling Co. hnn a flve-ahimn mill on its claim, which was otH-rate.1 for a lint on a trial run of ore, show Ing an average of 00 to the ton. Five more tanir will lie added to the mill in tho spring, at which time lureo rort and roiiioanips. one Salem comnan v. and ootwihlv ot l.ra will alno erect milUou their propcrliea. Tho Southern Pacific will construct a nrnncii irom Ix;lmnon to the Kantinm jut h oon n they have Iwcn 8U "'Ciently developed to warrant it, n Pro'" nlnary arrflngementa have been made. leading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all tkenecstives mailal.v L W Osrk and W Greco wood ud to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates can ba had from hem only of ns at reduced ratea. Wa have also about 18,000 ucfcativea mado by our selves, from which duplioato oan be had at iiko rtc. wa carry the onlv full line of views i.f this atat aud do enlarged work at lowest raua for first class work. We shall be lowest raua for first class work. We shall be ? yoo t our Stndio in Frotnsn'i nur Studio in Fi asonio Temple. ,,Jm),' M" door M E.-an Si Achisen handle tn celebrated Port lai d cement walla for ccmot.rr lot. I'hcse walls can be furnished at half tho cost of any other aud ara far tcperior. Preach Tea ay Warera. Thcee wafers are a sure and safe sceclfl for all kinds of female trouble andw". remove all obstruction to the monthly periods, no metier what the cause. They are Jut what every woman needs, and can be ued with safety. For sale by the Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our sole acent. I A uummlnir. druo-nliif. m..-n berg block, A Ibany, Oregon. I have iuet received a ltrue invoice of lana cnrtains, ranging in price from one to nine dollars a pair, scrim,Jourtain nets, eto. Also a line of enrtain poles and furniture cover- eg. SAMUEL K XOUNO Proaanaeeit lluiicles,.1'ct Raver. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hurd Groton. 8 D. wannntei "Was tak en with iv LunBs, meet my PMnt onJ 0Xe- My husband Lf .V" "D" ,"At- cry for Consnmvtion. Couuhs and Cold. p tfUl ok in. alf eight bottle.; it nas eurea me and tnann uod i am a well and hearty woman." Trial battle free at Fo shay & Mason'adrag store, regular sizj, OOo SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misnr.ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh'nCute ia the Remedy for yen. : - 1 as m Dr. M. II. Ellie. ohvsician and aurLraon Albany, Oregon, (-'alls made in eity 01 oonutry, .. . . - SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by uton a guarantee. It cures eontumptton. GW Simpson b as received his fall stock , stockinette aod seaiet j,cke and ,ihr i ti.-..- I..H.H...... j t i r MiariT. Tho biennial ConnnlHHloncr will oon appear. Hold your brcnth. , 1 The lionc ot many turkey now lie hlertelilng in tho hack yard of tho world, and everybody I thankful. - n inn When a man take a trip hack to No briiHkit ho i spoken of n having gone to interview thehlimrd. MlHHourl thieve havo always lieen original, hut tho fellow who atolo tlio Mitryavlllo fMo) Advocate, type, form and paper In tho timai unlmt., i.o.r,... record. Maryavillo peopl abould act a sjmiru on n pom nolo ami cellar. iiie jx bnnon Fxpren caya: There I no mniKirig mo bu t that the lbanon branch railroad I not In tho Ut condi tion jiocaible. More than one have pre dicted a disaster on thi road ome time, and it bn tho nimovory reputation of Indng tho rotighent piece of road lit till tbe country, A very candid young man ha Iwen found. He advertise in tho West Side as follows: "A hnndiiome young man who luttes work would like to timko tho oeoualntanco of a young lady with means auillelent to autmort a huahand in oho and indolence: iM-nntv no !.,. h,u.i mighty dollar is tho only matrimonial motive. Addrc,Ilox Ho.Independence. Or." Let tia kIvo honor to w hom tho honor Is due. Sidney U Itichurdaon wa tho llrst inalu Imrn in Oregon City after it town Ho w ns laid out. The date of hi birth waa February 10th, 1W, and tbe survey of tho entire town aite wa mado by Jeaao Applegato that same year, liefore that there w a really no Oregon City, though partial surveys had lecn made. Courier. A stringent tramp law ho been panned in Iowa. It declare that any male per son sixteen years of nt'e or over, who is j.hysically able to work, who Is wander ing about hcgglng or ldl,and whocannot how rraaouable effort to secure employ ment, shall Im deemed a tramp, sent to jail aud put to hard work. Oregon ha no aueh law, hut a live Marshal, like Al bany's, make It decidedly tropical for tramp. That' an exceedingly bright railroad commission that Oregon has. After e- aminiiig into tho cause of the Ijike Ijs- J.ish disaster the commissioner brought ma veniici ii.Bi u.e wreck waa due to me negligence of tbe company, and then eeiitcnced the otllclaU. Tho sentence wa a recommendation to "strengthen the trestle." In view of tbe extreme se verity of tho acntence, Manager Koehlcr will prolwbly appeal the case. K. . Tho public now know that Oregon' It H t ...... .. ... . 1 11 , . , ... v uiii. was efliauiiaucu lor Bomcuiing. Horn To Crcsok county, a'jout t)clcber ivt, a child called W eather. fhc certainly a liappy c!lX.ltlonetl creature, fcftr he has never "squalled'' once or shown any Inclination whatever lj raise a "atortn, News. une would hardly take the author of the following to be the greatest l.tfidel of tnc age, lor It breathe of a hereafter; but it Is one of Ingrrsoli't sentences: "Over the tjrave bend Love sobbing, and by her noc anu wnispert: 'We shall meet ataln. Itcfore all life I death, and afir ail death it life. The tailing leaf, touched with the hectic flush tha! tesilltc of autumn's death, U. In a subtler tense, a prophecy of spring. " Some of the bra semen on the S Pare evidently corrupt, judging from the tot -kwlng fiom the Eugene Register: "Tues day morning four men boaidcd the over land cxprc st thi plat: anj paid a brskeman it each U let them ride lo Sa lem. When Ihcv reached Salem tbcv jumped off while" the Iral.i ua coins! pretty killed. fast and one of tin .cm was nearly A IIM rSTCBTAItXIEVr. One of Ihe best local entertainments ever presented in Albany was the benefit to the Ladles Aid Society for the hospital fun I, at the Opera House, last Thursday. The program wa an uncommonly bright one. It va o,H-ned with an ovrrtum h- thc orchestra organized cicclllv f.,r tl occaskm. composed of Mr A H Seal, cor. net; Mr Neal, plajo, and Mr Henry Ilop kln. violin Three selections nrurnin! during the evening were dcllghuul aflaira, Mlsa Alice Moses of the College, rendered two readings, Miie at Play and Lasha. The latter waseuitired and' responded lo by oec of the ptctticst elocutionary rWcr ever presented hcic, "The IJnblln Will Oct ion.' Mist, Moses dUt'lavcil ran- genius, delighting Ihe audience by her uUplay of evpicsslim nd force.purllcular ly in the lullnralion t.f character, She secured a warm place In the heart of Al bany people. ML Willi. Salem's favor ite vocalM, wa down for two olo. She was encored each time enthusiastically. A beautiful sinnc-. with a widi? rmnrtaii of voice and sweet tones she will alwavs be welcome before an Albany audience. iiirn came tnc reak Sisters, sixteen young women gotten up with peaked caps, lupponcd to be just from Alask.i. giving variety entertainments. "They took" In a very decided manner. The Peaks were very fortunate in having Mrs E C Searls for Kezlah. the eldest daughter. whfl man. aged the entertainment with composure and aplend'd articulation, well backed bv L. . I . . .1-1 J nwr iicr. i neir cnicnninment was 1 musical and literary treat. Ora Dubrullle at Sophia, tbe youngest daughter, wa quite cute in her part. Selections narti- cularly noticeable were the mouth organ suio oy i.onsianune, ansa jtialln, encored; the bagpipe soli by Mr Robert Huston. encored; ihe recitations by MIstct Flora Mason a a Boston clrl, and Lora Vance a Maria; vocal solo by Mrs Or Littler as i-ioromy and Silts Miller as Nellson, and Ihe violin salo by Mrs Thomas Montctth as Omllla Urso, enthusiastically cheered, particularly when failing .o keep lime witn ine bow with the violin behind the scene, a tableaux closed the, entertain merit. Mr Ilcnrv Honkina la enllihvl in mnM credit lor his dry announcements and for .... . . training members of the Peak family, a ne aucnunnce was large add netted handsome turn for the hospital. BltOmBYIILE. November 24th, 1S90. aJIed, tjf pneumonia, caused from scarlet fever, on . Nov. 2ird. 1800. the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Mcrunle; . Lit tle Myrtle was a christian. Called of God, divine I A kind and loving- dsughto-. The trueet of mankind. She baa (rone from us forever, No more wi 1 she return ; But wu my f ul lew after, lly being just and truo. The eold olod of the valley, lliilo her from cur view ; But we lill urely meot har. The Lord ba told ut so. On the morn of sll mornings. When the Lord shall claim hit own, Little Myrtle bo among thorn, Let ut follow on. Uallard Tycer Is on the sick list with sore mroat. Geo. Coehow. who was lirlr of Cotoftv. but recovered enoueh to cams hnm il again quite sick at his father' is this place A force of hand are employed In wld- cmi; me mm race aown to the mill, so ftl.ft. 1H 4 U - 1 IlL.f .... . mm, in nic Ki.rniif lime work will Hb netrt. ed to make a good race. If you should see a bright llirhf In im. direction, In ihe near futue, like the ray of the setting sun, have no fear, it will be our electric plant at work. In your copying of the Times In reaarA to the change of stock In the Calapooia & Blue River Mill & Mining Co , and how you could make woolen mill of this la an enigma to us as none of the parties have any woolen mill stock here. I There are seyeral Initial letters to the Eagle W. M. Co. and erlsr mill combined, which combined, could easily be mixed up with something else. So far as the Item was concerned it made no difference an e way. Ed. -C ' - v CATARRH CUREPTbeaith "A -Jr breath $)yJ n' Csfarrh Pmrfl.., none ai abroad THUItHbAV. The Ihatikrg'ving dinner given by tha Ladies Aid Hooioty, for the hospital fond, wa a flobllin' iuocosh. the tnl.i... l.u.n crowded for tevernl hours. It wa well gotten up. Th 60 yard foot ro wbloh trmk place ncsr thi city on last Huuday, between Bralthwait, of Indepeudanee, aud Wiley VniiHir i.t 1 tl ' .. ... h It. surTBiue, rosuiieij in a iiutory. Corvallis Gazette. Another Baker City man writes about tbe Blue Bucket mins, and say th story wa Impossible o foundation. That it wss not gold stall. Two or three Linn comity men who were In th party toontinue to think tber was soniethiug in it and alwas will. Th lereiplH this noon for turl'.i y dinners at th W OT U hail were tl M 2.".. The collection at tho U P church w& 'ZH.T,(S arnl oontribiitions f lH.r.O his ia tha way the fond foi thu hosjtiul gradually inmate. TllAMKl.0IVI.vri U,f T'lat U today, and many havc inany lliin;; tq be iha.ik- ful for. f-Jftine chihu llitv bnvo not. 'I'he person looking at the bright side of life can alwavs lind soiiictbiiiij b offer up thanks fur. To (Iregonlans parih i.I.irly Ihe list It long. The day In Allnnv Is f. way'a a quiet one. Tbe bank and I ovt office close, while Ihe store do bu. It-en a usual except from it o'clock to I or t, and sere do not chjtc at all. nirAY. A silver tail fl was rtet killed ttesr Monmouth by Frauk Lucas. A rare suimsl tu Oregon. Th receipts at th lircmtr-. ball lt cvt-n-in; were about fl2.,. Nearly enty cujiie war present. Th log of It IM.I, of Victoria, inured in th railn-ad tcai.ent,haa been stipulated and it ia fnsrrd hejaillI.e Th total rceiipl.of rhr La-lint Ai I -S...:ie ty yeeUrdsy. i.'clu.iicK eollrutson st tl church, were about of this about f.U wm received lor meals f..r the liremans The ltsptist chortb will i-i ru a Miwion Habbalh school uetl ,n Main struct, in tha Third Ward, for the eoiivoo Urrc of ehildron in that p.rt of tha city. Mr J It N Bell, of Pftoteborir, !at week pochad the City Hotel at lu.Upenden.; oontideration. $5,00, We also understand that Mr IWil has tecured controlttng M.tere.t in the West Kid. Moomoulh Ieniourt. Tbe citixrn of Hodavillo schor.l ib trict hthl a meeting last Saturday, at wbiet it wit .ted to levy a Ux of 2iJ for the ur,oae of earrvijjjf cn thn n.:h,l. 'I be vot etood 2t toll, lt.h.iil-1 luxiUoUl t.0. Three pugibsta. Jack. Murphy J",a herty, wer arretted m ar Malem !. Vwl nesilav niebt for prixe lighting. They were oaujfhtatlhe l.uami-a in a tent near that eily. An examinatin waa to t, given to day. It having been rrpurtea that the Waterloo aoda spnug tu dry. V r Gross of that pluco eomra forward end tutet that U u siu.ply do tn th entrritn-iy dry weather and that should it to appear aiicthT Ono -an be secured in another place. Th fireman's lectio. will occur 'ite wk from Monday. Tbe ou!l.ok it that th prut f!icicut tbirf Wiil b rejected. It it a fa that the lunger a man liil. och an i ffico lea better i b able lo perform the functions cf it, and that I. what ia wai.Ud. caterday aftern'Min a drunk at: 4 hilar toe resident of U.e valley waa takea in by th . a at a." oiarsriaj ana landed in th Ca.iUmae. A h wot past th Ucsjmtjit clfic 1. t u tfTse tiooaily remarking: Com t. w. Juhn, yon know me; coin now, let ait.' But it didn't work. 1 had ta pay tb penalty. 0K-o.v Pacific Chanok or Time. Tlie train from Albany, east, will on and after November 30th leave Albany at 8:3? a. m., arriving at Hals'.cd at itt,. m Leave Halstcd at 2:za p. m., arriving at Albany at 5:15 p. m. the same da?-. The station formerly known at Material Yard ha been changed to 'Halstcd." AJf Accmcsr. Ijutt evening Ir Maaton wa sent for from Kd. to attend a young man there, wliolia l nu t with ' r.i. dent, and immediau Iv for that plaei. tS.-o Hu'. r, rt of Ja cob IhiU-r, in d'ivi;:; a (-!.,! -v. l-i-. Wliilo cutting ( o 1. kisiK-ke i 1 a H';:;i:l jpuuter into ).;. i). 1.. C-VI-.:!,-- I.'.ti;.' wound. Tbe ditrt'iruaH t 1 bud the 'piece, last night, bo deep wiwil im bedded in the young man' ileh. Piniiop P.i'c Kcu lectured at the Optra Houw; hint evening on "Fgvt.t, herpyra. nildn, palace and ruined teuiplea e,f glory." It wa an t-kxiueiit and master- I.. rr . 11 .ft . vwun, iuii 01 inicreating tiarnttum.aud the audience waa more pleased than ever with tho Bishop. To-night tbe lecture w ill le"i;io.meiice of the pulpit and plat form," w hich promise tol a rare lit erary treat, and will treat of the orator of tho world from l. tuontheiies down, there should be a big house. A Small Blaze. At 5:W o'clock last evening a fire was discovered in tl o emoke house in the rear ofHiulu Pn meat market. An alarm was given; but, though the flames were leaping stifll- ciciiuy Hint, io nKhi the heavens tbey were easily extinguished bv pulling the building down. It is claimed that the fire was the work of an incendiarv. It was a peculiar time for that, and the Pkmoc-kat has Wen informed it skirted in Ihe roof of tho smoke house and that there was a small fire in the building in the morning, which if eo would dispel that theory. SA CP R DAV. Hercules Baking Powder. Have Vlereok thave yon. Buy yoar grooerioa of Parker Bn,. papers of pint for 63 at E C Saai I.t. Salter kraut at t EBrowneii's, 3 paper of need let for 10j at E C Searlr. A good FouutUo pen at F M Fremh' for Hu'.io ci; Dawtou, druggist", at IVcoch'a corner. Cheadle cheese is tho beat, Bruwnel). Try it. C E Powell & Co are sole acenti f..rrh Hr. oule Bakioe Powder. Call at F. 0 Searls" and get a ptircf kid glovee at cost. Fresh New F.ngland mince meit, on sal atO EBrowuell's. Uiu.utij tolcan in mxt two weeks S N Steele Ai Co. The 0 & C K R is assessed at ?G3S 803 I a Jaokaon eounly. Call at Huho Da ion's New Dreg Sto.e for fresh drugs. Sale m and IFurann h , . - iiau a ftueiftiusiibi varuivat, Nice bleached celery every uioruiuff it BIodgef&Sou'tore. A barrel vf Cape Cad craubsrriea jait odened at Llodgett'a. ChaaNiokell, editor of the jAckrtnville Times, pays taxes on f 10,500. Ten Iwautilul nieces of ailvewura away a French's Jewelry Store. Conn A Hendiioson havA th v i- !. ,. picklos in the city, jutt received. borne fine eodtitli. in tho just reoeiTed at Conn & Hendricaon'. ' Fhvsioian'a presorintlona ponnded at Halin & Dawson'a drag store. " Four aeoond hand show ijuire of F M French, "Tho Jowoler." ' We are sellimr five Savon Soap for twenty five couts. Blodcett oc Son. - Ob Max, see that h Orrid nftrtvi in Ts baby'a cap. .We mustbnv i;itAr, . ftS. . ' Now yon may ocme. we are fixed fcr von. Our stovea are here. Matthews & Wash burn. Mose Hurd. of Nesrnort. in tK utae canton accident, reeeiyed $100 and ex penses for damage done. E CSearls. is seliinir hla entire tn.,k dry goods at cost, to make loom for a large line of boots and shoes. Wo have just opened a barrel cf choir mixed tickles which will ba sold in nnr tities to suit curohsaer Blodgett & Son. S N Steele & Co.. can tret von loan fmm 200 to $ 10,000 for 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6 aud 7 Vflsrs on good real estate aeourity. Call early. , Just arrived ajfull line of ladies, ohil- reus, men's and bov's foot wrr t fi w Simpson's, which .will . be sold at bottom prices. Purine; the holidays the Iadi of th Tbos, Kay woolen milla blankets, (linnela men's, youth's and boy' clothing, for silo by Q W Simpson's, ac,ent, Albany, Oregon. Five car of the train wrecked at Lake' Labith were taken thiotigli Albany thia tore uoon to Storamento for repairing which they r a asdly in need of. A fine display of childre ns school shoes on center table at 0 E Brownell s are going rapid -ly at less then first cost. Call sad selects pair before thoy are all gone. Our stock of heating stoves U complete and we are yearly to deliver them. Call and VJlIZZVli .!. b.M, tt,r order - -' v t . v. , , MMOUTf), no.uuic jMsirjjj rowrlor U 10 cerds cluaptr than any o'fcer Baking Powder in ir 1. it . i 'i . 1 7 " Wongcr aud Utter. Powell & Co., sole tireoU. Julius Gradwohl's stock of holiday or.ods is bow complfiU', and U nndoubtediy the a 1 K,Kwi oi miy in the valley . All he want is for the piop!c of '.his part of Orr-aou to call an.l fxami-jo b n f ooi. The variuty h simply iiiitncrite, 'J he popular rnun c dralere, Writ & Link, rtc.;ivtit porto Ja of air.jcs maaio .ni W-k, tbiawrrk; am,g it srecorr.p'rsi 1 1 -ii by l,iz?, Kultiik. 'v.'sj-i),.,, .,au,i,v.d wiltil.ll P.:t., it.). Call 'lit t'na'll, ti:VV Alia to keep What you want; t, c:1iicgon. A a b-am.01.ial of tu,t trijue-W. ti UmtH-trxnm of Lit llrr.ry Hoplir., ii.Htf..! IV ftk His'-vrs, the Lviu: ixii Hi,4y pn.n.lcl huri t ri ,y with a '.uV';i ir bo k of Albany tn...,,? Mr Ji'-pt ios l.iive t., ""'"" for th cant aftrsr lu famiiy , The K of I' of ll.i. city h .vo t-iecteJ ll-e following of!i-e f.,r tiiq n,iiiirf t r.,i: V M I'irker. V. C: O K Pro-tl V f IT 1: II P.: L M f arl. K of R S: It 1. -..ii,.vioi rt l.U .H.-b,M of Ft A M at A; O W f , h,uAhr, T.uHvc. Thk LKert iiK. Birdiop Jkcker ih-liv-ered hU l.-cture on the "Pulpit and Plat form," lal evening to a well pi aw-d au dience. Though the liinhop throw Id matter at tho audience without much' order, it is full of hit-rest arid worth hearing, To-Mohh'iw. At the Congregational church Prof horey will preach. Sub jects morninif, "lu-ligiotia i'Alucation of Children." livening, "Jinny Jy ftn,J (iirls." Tiie evening sorvice will U pre ctdf.i by a song service. The aerviivs of the Firnt Ibptixt eliurh will If a follow: At II a. m. the pas tor. l: -v o W Hill, will pr. af h.s'ily et, Abounding in l.alor." A Mission Hun day rchool w ill 1kj orgutiixed ir Crowder's building iu the eastern pari of the city, oil Main St., hct-A-t-ca Second and Third Streets. Tiie ojning service will Ix; held at 3 j in, addrcses will hi delivered by Kev J. i Wheeler, S-'undav schrol mis sionary forOrepou, Mrs Wheeler, the pantor und others. The young jK-ople's aoe.i iy oave uieir meeting at bi.TOptn in the prayer nr-eling room. The even ing aervico begins at 7 :.Tu, and Rev E ( i V heeler, will preach on "What is Mali." All will receive a geuuir.e welcome at these services. Much spiritual ink rest is ling awakened in the church. Special meeting ore to l? commf-rice'l soon un der the direction of Mr Oco Kotc l, the noted singing evangelist, just returned from successful revival work in England. Services fit tiie Presbyterian church will m ns follows: Preaching at 11 a m and 7 :30 p tti, cond'H-ted by the pastor .Sabbath srhool at 12:15 p m. Y 1 S C E mteiing in the lecture room at C:-J5 p m. Leader, .Mr Charles Cuekk. Kubjt tt of the evening disrourst) willW, "ADti'tc tive Judjftiient." All will Us made wtl cou.e ut there services. The primaries of the to jarticg were held last evening, rest.Uing in the fol ow ing nominations for Cotincilmeu : First W'nrd IVmocrats, A J Angiyn. Ilepublicnns, F M French. Second Ward Hcmoerats, C O r.tirk hart. Republicans, L Vicreek. Ihird Ward democrats, John Erah. lU-publicans, UK Haw king. The following central comsnlucts were nominated : Ihiinocrnts C II Stewart, lt ward; T J Stitcs, ind ward; JO WriUuan, 3rd ward. Republicans I F Conn, l-t wnrd ; O II Irvine, I'ad ward; W il Huston, Srd ward. The city conventm The Ik'tii.H-rats will r. man f..i Mathal,wtt!M. it Fa rued and t't.5 Ut Tri..r-;;:vr, v. . light 5- t I- -. Lici t to-niv-I . ;:rii.cto J N Hv.f ut fii:y o'f fiiwn. l ;::e t.of-d b: ! It er.t.-i'., :;h' w iI If rioimii:.!. -I ; .r Treasurer bvtht Republicans. ' i: will ini run for 'Mar shal is not known, there being no ennui dates. MIILOil'.S VITAL1ZER is what vm 0-eiHo, intipa:i:'U, Ixm -t Appetite, l)i2 ine., and ad muip'oms of I)-- sjpiv Price 10 ed 75 c- tt TA I K F;H -StLK I Lav rr-j.. u - tr !ii wao lap.) i iiii : arrow Uaiitfa. lOin-i. s from MV.nv. a ti, la ctt:Uva;it. rair bona, and barn. (J-vmI water f-.r stock md dowealto pnrpos. Fine oak grnv-. Alaoatiotti.e f-.rtii ol ia aerexs, Ihrw) uiUfs rro n lbanon. Ail in cultivation. Fair hc.ue ti-H.:U wator. lioib g'4 wheat ut ma. AlS"! houKO and two lot on Fifth aad Je nir.n ir9t, AU-A-iy, For forth er particular oali on V Umpbrev.t'eotei prjelucl, or on Hewitt t Irvinr.. Ail any. tit AT CVPilKEY. vJFCnO il kinl'or crv v.Js, pare O-4-o'vJ, n c;ftn, Rr9 M, .y stewart it los, Prieis luvrj ohiiiod iuej Is.-t st sou. Co ne and sc-o U i. City Meat Market. SEULT2 BE0S Proprietors. Vropa full lino - .-n.-ita of all kinds, in 3 ! j.b cf, cotupletsly pro-toctt-d; and always fruaii. : ;. T- ' i2 S i i , Will & Link, CrEtt II81SE Jil'KC SKUS, AOKSTSOajTUS CSLKOa.lTEO II. IV Miller, -And the Favorite- J. BAUER & C0.S PIANOS. 'TaLico ami EarlmlT MouseProof Organs SOtE A0S.TS0 1H OTirl TTa t,fti aii , wan iiu fScwlas Machlucs. Orcans - Cleaned .wn -Refai'rbo. ALBANY, OREGON. PlfRF Coutjht, Colds. Influenia. BroncfcltU, U UntO Hoarseness, ttlioopirtg Cough.Croup, Eor Throat, Asthma, and every atlection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, includma Consumption. Speedy aadyermanent. Genuine sigosfti " J, Satis." ant! si it ii The Idea trot out that h vo disposed of this part of our bu-itn That's a mistake. WaaMiitnowdee?r than ever. We bave a niee line of Mep and Winchester rilles, and breeehlo arM shot tf tins ranginp: m price from f 13 adina. Also ati the late improved revolver' f S3. a.K'WKPA. rrf i . - JSTV w aV.sTwa .r - V Y -,3, psf v" - - "!?ftrrl t U", fiit;t;:o'i b.u',1 rc.julw when fiit;U:o'l mid rc.juJtn win : -: i ;(-- i;t.?.kt n ; it is m! r.;fr t. tn!'; iy ilia lot ie. ana acta y yo: liroiiiptiy o.i toe, KKlncya, ver '.it.-i livfh, c'r.iiKia thft ays- '.-.n f.r i f;VC-r t Mid Cilff H !i'.;Ilif Ufll i iti-.n. r-'rr. p of Fis in tho ' '- 'r f. S j. isSnd ever t-ro-'-u, to ths tusUt aiidao- h l' tlifs rlornach, rrorjij-t in 1 Mid truly IxatScial in its ! nitiijy fcxctillcnt ci'ialitie fist t dL It U for rale ia i $i li'dllci hf felt leading ruF3 orav or tm: FG SYRUP CO. '.Hte'.ir. " hi'w w H.f M f fill ILBAHY COLLEBUK I5STITDT1 ALCAMY, OREGON. 18QO, 1801. lrt Term Opesril BtpvmUrr tM, ItN, , A full oorfrfi of Instrurtrnt, CLASSICAL, SGIEHTIflO, LITEHAHY, COMMERCrAL AZ13 VMttkl CLASSES. ('ours- ol etudy arranged to meet ti si of a:l grades of student. Sfetutl tuitutemeHti ojrrtd to it ml rut I from abroad. BLV. M.Kr.BT X (ft. BIT ACADEMY -OF Gut Lady cf Perpstaal Help, ALBANY, - - OREGON ConJneJ by tbe K'Mi.. , f h-t. Benedict Ttiit'on in m Iw;t day school rangea ftom I'rtoJIO. . torU-rais tf fi jarJIng Scb ol or ny f-rtiet lars aj p.y rt tbe Acadt-mv or id- i a les Mier Mor-ri'r-i. i.oturg Lumber. I tlie but lan.W ia the meat); ! .dir posts. ehioIe. laths door aod win 3 ...juldiiii-, etc. Price frcm S3 fo '22 r tlr)uai! j. Yard at Lowaoa, on ta Narrow Gr.cge. Sie cis before parchaaicc b'aesr.rr. WWCKAwroau. Adresn, P O Tal bit, Ur Pouiny Wanted. AHkiridi ol p.iuUry, !lv9 or dressed at tho WilU.aetuj Picking Coaipar.yVi at-iio, Albany. 0."..ic. ; -rr-T!. rW,lnhari.-t i-st--r.-wi-sis fr-wi ti -v -. . r--necla. rv- tUAnsSarVat, Harper's itlnsraEine ILLTJSTRATrD. The impo? lant tfriatcf ysfer oo South A Uriel, br Tust-i'ces Cmu, will b eoa'Jnued in Basraaa kUaA2i.n during tSo creater part of tbe year ISA. The artivl. en Southern C!.fum!, by Cnitxt Dutv urr V ii.xr, will aio be oentinued. Among- other BOUv.rthy attraction will be a dot! ky Chabus EJi'ar Cutwci; accnecUonof orialnal ttrasrit by Vt. SI. Tsackist, sow published for tbe ftrt tine; a nor.- written and STiust rated by Oaoaet uv Uacsulk; t no v:c;:a by William Pus Bowaua ; sad a serial t patier on Lctdoo by Wum Bssast. In tiie nnuiberand variety el Utustnsted paper sad ethdrartieie en r,ibjecu cf timely ic tenet, a wall a lu tho carivatied character of it short steriat, poems, etc , litkcts's 1UazI!C will eoDtina to caiauin that ttv-HUrd of exeellmc fnrwhlcb it bat been o Ions dirting-uiihed. mmn rmobicaw, . Per Teart UARTEn-S MACAZ1XE 4 W DAUPKES WEEKLY ICO HAEPEB'S BAZAS 4 0 ARPER'S YOrXU TEOl'LE 1 0) Postai.- free lo U uViriber in th TJaited SUtet, Canada and U.xieo. The Tuluroe of tbe Maoaiinx tw-.-in with tbe Iia- kenfor June and Iftemnber of each year. Whea a time ie specified, eohKrii4in ailt bettn wtib tb .-ft uniocr ccrreni as ine taue ol receipt of or w, Bound Vulume ot HAarts' MASAinra Cnr thrM year back, in ueat cloth bmdiua. wiil a sent kr Bail, post id, en receipt of 1 per vbluaoe, Clo uc .mjuy, eu cnueaca OT raJL puat-paid. Ir.d to ITarfbs'S Macaoxs, Alphabetlra, Afslrt bisj aad C'aasifted, for Volumea 1 to TO, Inelajire, tram June, lt-"'J U. Juue, ISSi, ane vol, 8 re, cloth, t, Kemitbinces should be made be PiMt.niiti. r. , OrJcr or Draft, to avoid chance of loe , tT Nev-nwner are not ta oonr lhi. irfu.m-,t without the express orders of HASria A Bsomjuta. AdJrosi-: UAKfER A BROTHERS. Ksw Toss, k lead to Wealth Cannst be (uecsttfulh; trarela. with out ecod health. To rosea wealth er tat coveted position la l!fr!r tkafafl posisttton and cparatloa of all tha ts elties kind satur ha csdovtd at .ita. These conditions cannot exist anlttt tin) phrs-'csl being la la perfect working truer, ana inis IS impOMIBI Men the firer and tpleea are torpid, thwsobttract l?9 the secretions, causing Indlgestloa and Crspcptla, with all of their accom. tanvlna horrors. DR. HENLEY'!? A IngWtt DandsHcn Tonic exerts a tt- Rc Influence orer th liver, excites It s. healthy action, resolve It chronic rHjargeronta, ant sremataath secretions ; curst ladlnetlen ami eanatl. I patron, sharpens the oppetlre, tone op M the entlr sj-stsm, eat! make life worth t nvtr,n. - ; Rfcenmatism, Keuralgia, Corns waAOAOHB. And ALL PAIN. Tk Callfontla Poshlv and weatly ELECTRIC COUGH CTJUE CURES COLDS, CROUP. CONSUMPTION, Bold by all Druggists. Back 25o, 60s $1 -Oreatinger & Co.. Prop's. Co Ana;!, Oal, KNIVES AND RAZORS," KST- ley bill raises the value of outtlrv considerably, but we have a Isrge stock .u ooant r,a pnoes win remain the sarre at usual nntil it is eoid oet. Come and soa what wa have and Irani our prices. . , Stewart & Sex. ail Ihd tlnte embracing hood. araso, and il nil a Isll II - ' - swatf i ill 1 . 1 i inhii4fr4 '