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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
THE DEMOCRAT . Advertising ordiupi In tbe ten tret WillametU Valley, TIIR DEMOCRAT, New York World ami American Farmer One year for $2.80. 41. 111 1 1t VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY' AUGUST 8, 1800. .V() J It. m ill T i mm rir- m . f jmrn.. -m. i ism f ili 7 I'liHiMg y r f 9 Special HOME TREATMENT A Specific PJJttllEiVS HYPRASTINE RESTORATIVE1. gum:,.M nutrition, rurlfcw tu. bksxl, Cur. i) wk, cwMbiMliun au,t ou. rui Ubiiiy . A forfwt t. nlc ami struiitfii tiullilur. bB. HILUR S ANTIBIUO'JS STOMACH Am uVEit HJHE. 0. milou lea. ami alt U.r lrouWua, Ctiui. aiul 'i.r, Uuiul Kin, 411.1' aifTHOwU cwOIUoii P,"lilIATiS.nJ?IJll.C Ait.' fat ,rr!,. Chmi.l, CManr. sn.l Ctarrtul I Iih tiunuiml tw cur U aor.t m hou ilirKUisu iv (Uluwc.1, r tmucy rvruuacd. r.rt. Hill En's CH)GH CURE, Cu'k, CoUs, llwwi, On,;',.. r.wwMtl., rteurhv ul t'in:nto.iA, auU riuMiuaMiiuiHMi. CouUlns no OpUUis. furo Cnmp lu UmlmiU Tr it jWtAC.RS OtPHTHf RU AND SORE- THREAT "r. .(. ln1 cim Mbl.wiM. 1 1 jswiUwt) out sujr .r 1. ui lnjmaTHnTu7T?iiw tjuhi.y In S day. 0. Hllltn'S FEVER CUflF. Irul;tnahi In a!t scute i'.i. sltiml.,1 with luvcr. l-rtvviiu i4 vurn ikMrU, &.wUtlna, sni M.-aslc. MoCki. .bwiU Ur till. Iu iiiln.U iw.r. Nwr tu tml Tor viitu!C itiulu Ull.r I'm.- C., Sm JumUso, C&U in. iu'!'. rheumatic fuo nun a, vvmii, i.uoilw.0, ana avulaM, Uj ..... r. Hi, l.l II t IMIIU lUr.fc. AU diini a Ilia i.c'i.n c w iv.un. I.kku, Uniu TruuUhn and c'ouiitui.. w.ugrrswH3r-Piwa.couGa cure. Ctttw CeHK Sl.CO per Patkaga. Six Packages for $5.00. Tiww rrnvHlira re ih- muil vt l. itv Hv )cr rf rorflcnl it. f( rTiwrkucr i-l.riirui,,il.l lr. IHIitr .n b-.k 4 illnvtu-Ni t, h.M UvtnKiit, ruiuunln.-i ut.U, .lulruUou. w lo l. uat, otilMttw11.plktion HlLLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, U. S. A. C,l If.. ... 1 ... .it rusuiij u.-w-iH, .-.gNus, .tiunv. (iron. lot itague Doa'iTN Groceries, Produce, Tobacco, (igarc Coniectionary. Mc, Trodno ulil in rhi j,e for ( otnl p Dipt atUtitlon. FLKENTOI, DEALER 1 1ST Q H U b t tft I ES Choice Candj, Kills. Fruit, etc. NEAR THE FOSTOFFICF. AL3ANY, OREGON NBW STORE. Mitchell & Agricultural AND VEHICLES ALBANY, COME -A.TTD E. C. Scails, D y Sg3'2, Notions, GLtsFijru isMugs and BOOTS AND SHOES "Our stock ol boots and Uoe It now complete in all line for spring cade. We will save vou montj n buying ol u. Indies, tnisset and children's fine shoes a tpecia . i. Exclaslve Jgeoir r ILe E. C. - FURNITURE, It you want the best and most durable furniture that is manufactured in the city go to Thomas Brink. FARGG'S , A.'V fc V V , i . . .- ..... ' 1 ,vi. V ,'"'1 rAWxN' .... FOR CENTLEMEH 13 the Best Shoe for the Price. 2fgH B-A-X.EI B"5T- -:G. W. SIMPSON,:- ,', ..WHOSE STOCK OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ErC, ETC., , Is now Larger and Better than Ever 1- DR. HILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease, KEuRALr:r. C'r. Ciirea lU'wuniatUm, r.uulr..u ., . . hUt viutw lliem. th L.t5 ft 1 tk-talMttixi f rhll.l Itilra t.tlilna -oiLi 1 clh. n:Kl prent. Mi l enrt A bwii g u Uutu iu,4htr aikI chikL a Eon, ST3 tir cuh, Kiit-c!an xxli mI SEW lewis Co., -DKALERS IN' - Implements ORfCOfi us SEE LIDLOiV MIOEH SEARLS, T'.luru'M.r'-i Ntw IiloK $2.50 in the Market Tins Ciiu-tm. Then) never wiw n circus yctlutt wlitttHomo jn'oplolt itiU'durlng it a pront fuk, whilootlu'M wero iklljlit od with it. That Hoenm to bo liumun nature. The porformnwo rIvoh hy ltil iimou van an iuUrcMt inn onu tu tho writer. Suine (it tho Imrt'lmok riilinn was rihmI, pvon the rulintf f tho yuuuK man tryin to loam waaintoroMtiiiK.niui thu (trincipul livly riilor wam inure cxiH-rtthan tho uvor Hito. TliOvtraptw wrfurinintf wan very inlsoeUaneiHiH ami euull hanlly Ik kept traek of. TheeontortioniHt wan tho lient ever here ami i a marvel in hi line, hl luiilair polo act pai tieularly Ikmuji very no. T ib h aek wlro orK waa exua Two of the trained hornea are an khmI aa any one often eoes if not U tter. The eamm Imll man ami the "tronji Jaweil fellow were expert in their line, the nii.lair bieyelo riilinjr, ami aeveral other feat urea were pHl.Tlie elorlug eirht or ten raeea were full of exeitemi'iit anil a KKl feature of theKhow, tha olwtruetiun race imrtivnlarlv Iw inu an iuimono one for tun. Mr Low low in a ureal clown, and everal reallv new iokea were perpetrated. There wan no (ituttilinit, either ground or aoreal, a fai t that ia a aouree of tiiaap iKiiutiueiit to ninnv and no douht ciiiihi s .. i , i . . . i" . i l .1. : ...!..... . I. vonHincraniu oi ine mimiih hk"'"". 11 show Isy aomo (H-ople. Contrary to anticipation tho whcll and other fleecing gamea were not run lier, liceiiMt'H U'hig ahaolutely rcfuacd for auch imrpoaea.and it ia prohatile they are not quite as tie re in that roneet an" reported by aoino of tho up-l'o"uiiibia papera. EXOI'NTKIt Willi A I!tAK. Mr S I Shtuni, living ten in Ilea from Acme, roughly handled hv a bear Sunday, the lolli. lie went b'nckberrvlng with hi wife, taking hi rirte wlih" hhn hecmi.c bear were known to be rnaming In the berry palc'ie. They had not gone fa? from the !ioue hen he dl.covercd a bear that he ihot at and probably killed ; and a he tired, another jumped out uf the brtikh beteu hlmtell and the In-nr he hot at. Tid one he followed with hi do;f for an h ur or mrf,mid a. Mr Shrum m pslllg from one illt to anolher he w met bv the bear In the thick bru.h of the ravine. They were within ten feet of each other brforc cither wa aware of the huatlon. Mr Shrum trot a hl, but the hear ot hi :t ab nit the tame time, biting him through the hand and wiWt, and alo In the thigh and shoulder. At thU polit the dog came and grappltd w ,th the bear. and both disappeared in the htu.h. Mr Shrum wanderpl hoii.e with hi lacctatcd and broken hand, ard a conveyed to Acme for treatment. VV t Carle went to ibe scene of the encounter Mondav and found the gun, and onlv thirtv feet awav found the dead bear mca.urlnjf over i feet In lentti.-.Kugcne KegUtcr. At White 1 1 k a r. F J IVnny U juxt in from a trip up the Smtiain, going a far an i;rown'a mill. While there word aitiu from (iuartzviile to the elfVct that re hud been struck in a mine hvlotigiiitt an Alhauy company that nawtya f '.'.DO ton. Two aHcuva have Uen iuade of thii ore, one in I'ortland and one in San raiiciitco, and there la very little diller nee in the report. U thin ia tnie. which we have no reason to duht, aa it mine from men not inlerenUHl in the milieu, it w ill cauae unite a ruah to the upper San- mm. lie aava that exciteuniit u at w hite bent and every Inaly ia prepaiitig to go to the iiiinra. lie wax ala informe.1 that men are at work grading a road to the miniH, and that th-re would le a mill put at the mine iimide of ten ditva. or jut a. jon a men and money could get it there. It liaa long been known that gold and "ilver exixted in immense oiian- titu-a in tin--mi minea and it now m em uite probable that it ba lieeti found. a the AUatuy paK-ra wiv nothing alut thin it nuixt i the intention of the com pany to iM-eure the w bole lav-out liefoie the oiitfide world g-tg an inkling of what ia going on. Jvlt'erxon Keview. Kitittr Uct N T Ki'iitr.- A paper of Hie Dalle get off In the nine ixue the following two liconltrnt item: We arc sati.ticd to.' census of Kastern (Jregon hu been carefully taken nd few mistake tave been made. I he reaon we have not made more p ogres I that for over twenty year we been bound band and fool by I'ortland. At .1 matter of course, t'.ic .Sound paper arc jubilant over he census r. turn of ttic population ol heir Ma'e. The votes cast by VVas'.tlngtnn last November were !j.a4?. and In a little over six month she is credited with 1(o,. 100 population,"!- nearly seven Inhabltart to thcvotir; widc Oicgon cat 73.400 last June, and U given 350.000 rcldent,or Utile over three person to the elector. There i o:n'.idng wrong In this some where. A Nt-Mnea of trwn are claimlnir the ilUtinction of being the fust that raised flag over their choilhoue . but the Transcript is of the opinion that Nevada City 1 cnti'led to the honor. The teach- er and nnpil r,f Washington school in this city subscribed money enough a rear ago last spring to purchase a flag, and on April jo, iS3y,. raised it over the building with appropriate exercise. What town In California -va ahead of it? Nevada Transcript. Albany was only one day behind Neva da (.'by, raisin ; the flag at the proper ti.r.e, instead of a day earlier. Flags were raised in man place on the vxh. ttie cen tennial of Waniilngion's inauguration. Kitciik.n Oinrrra o.v Tor. J M IUckey J tint returned from a trip lo Waterloo, arm over the Albany prairie, lie nay a uiat uie ttireisiiera turniahing a "kitchen outfit" get about all the work to do. A "kltcben outfit" in where the machine ownera board their own banda. A large hj inch cylinder, aelf stacker and feeder. is the kind of a machine uaed. Smaller machines are remaining in tho tibeda, a loa to the ownera. The grain owner only furninhea wood and bay and got tun threHbing done at 4 cents a buhel for oata and fl cents for wheat, sacked, air ivieiccy is pretty well poated on Vre- g6n aflatra, having la;en here nearly 40 yeara. nuiyion Dun, Tub Calapooia Mi.nkb. The Calapooia and Blue River Mill & Mining Company have bad men at work on one of their most promimng leads for two months. The latent report is that the miners have reached by tunnel a depth of 25 feet, and that the mortar and pan reveal gold at every trial. When a depth of 150 or 1(10 leet lias Itcen attained the lead will lie croHH-cut and tested, and if the prospects warrant ana evcryixxty thinks they will the company will put in a mill. Stock is being taken right along in this company, Impress, '. $10,000 Slander Suit. Vcsterday pa pers were filed by the plaintiff's attorneys, IVArc; & Eingham.ln an Important suit in which $toynoo is involved. The title of the cane i0 G Savage vs John Savage. Suit is brought for slander, the plaintiff charging In his complaint that his good name and character has sustained damage to the amount ot$ 10,000 as a result of as sertion made by the defendant. States man. Beats Doos. Generally t,be arnall boy lias delighted in tying tin cans to dogs, but the I'ortland boy can beat this. A few days ago one tied a string to a tin can, poked the string down through the slot in the cable line, got the string fastened in the cable, and away went trie tin ran gong bang, lickety split down the street, going jtiNt as fast as the cable and fright ening the wits out of people along the street. As Kditou IIuht, JTJ Pwker,editor of Ibe Walla Walla Statesman, met with a serious accident last Saturday. He hod mounted one of bis ponies preparatory to going to Elk City from bis summer re sort, near Yaquina Bay, to meet his wife who was to arrive from Walla Walla on that day. The pony became unmanage able and reared back, falling upon Mr Barker, the pommel of the saddle enter ing deep into bis groin and makiaVg a painful and serious wound. Corvallia A Bunco Gamk.TIic Salem Journal give the particular of a very bold bunco game played there, in which S W K Jones a well-known fanner of French l'ralre, was robbed of $Sooo A matt and hi widow sUtcr, claiming to bo from Tacoma, called on Mr Jones 1 sen (him about lfe, he having alvertUed for one. Then the iltcr was taken sick In Salem, and the man called alone. On going to Salem they met Urn preict.dedagent of the Ixuilslana lottery, and Jones w.'.s In duced to try his luck, lie won $5, which wa paid, and then $5000. Before paying that the man Insisted that Jones sa'tisfv him that he wa worlh that amount, and he went to Palem drew that amount in cash and took It hack. All right, said the lottery man, mv principal I not hero now, he litis gone to Wheatland and won't be back until to-morrow, ho 1 hive not the money In full to pay you, I have $101x1 In gold and $10,000 In bonds, which I will ileiHiNit In this tin bit and derosit with you until to morrow, w hen you can drive up to Aalem ami get your mcney, witn this he drew forth a tin box about ten Inches long, alx Inches deep and sis wldo Into which I hi poured hi own $1000 In gold, then folded the bond on top of that, llic'i put In Mr Jones' f cooo on top of all then cloned It, put on a lock, locked It anil handed it to Mr Jones. Hut the box Jones got was not the box with tee money in, he found next day on opening It In Martin' jewelry store. It only contained some waste paper and a couple of rock. They had by a slight of hand trick changed boxes witn :u,n, rite men skipped and cannot be found.. Mr June U now entitled to the record of being one of the greatest grccn ie recorded in history. C.M'hko a Skniatio.s). The following takeoff on the Wuterliury watch. I a little the biggest piece of ex aggcratlon yrt re ported, and rather anything jet produced by the caustic pen, either of the Lebanon Knpic or I'eudlcton K.O A gentleman riding on one of our rail road, opened hi 1 Bturbury wa'ch, with a view to examining the dirty mechanUin, when the twenty, live foot spring, which ac:ompaulcs watches of tM manufacture, seceded from the union and alighted In alile, black shining and coiled lor the fatal blow. The lady at whose feet the mock serpent lay. uttered one piercing shriek and sweoned. The Watcrbuty man made a leap for hi escape J trcaurc'jut in time to see It jump eight or ten seat and land near the rear end of lh car. By this time every passenger wa on foot and rushing madly for the door. The bell rung, the train stopped and 'he passenger fled kke sheep, leaving the conductor and the owner of the watch l chase tne escaped prlng. After several fruitless effort 10 lav hand on the ranaivay It colled nn un der the tovc. The leg of the iovc were broken and l$i pounds of haidware falling upon it until bjlh conductor and proprietor dragged It from th corner and placed It In It old cage, After some time Hit In coaxing, tie ladle Tiled back into the car and rcuiied t. elr journey. Ct't-Tw TaAr. Tueaday morning oa the South Ixiiiiid at'ng'-r train puiled out, more tramp were aboard than the gin! grace of Conductor Kearney could stand, so the train m:id a stop near San son's factory and ejected hi objectionable freight in such a manner as to arouse their ire. The tramp then ran a bead of the train and waited for it to pass them when Ibey burled several rocks at Kngineer MK'artv who was in the cab. Mac could not let this insult im unno ticed, and he immediately applied the air brakes, bringing the train to a etandatill. and bounded out after the olfe-mlcM., in company w ith the conductor and brake- men, who dinned the tramps into the brush; but aided a they were from an occasional shot from revolvers and a bot gun, the tramp 'm,ii distanced their pttrimrcr and made their ceajK'. ti rants l'as Courier. Ma, Josrs. the Marlon county man swindled out of 9(000 I receiving Pit of consolation In the following letter sent hhn by the swindler : Mr lone : I srtit you a telegram lod.iy. If you ohey It you will tic all light aed no one will know what an olJ fool you have been. Me and my partner start lor the east to night with yotirStooo a wise mm would keep still. a fool w ilt tell evcrvhodv how he has been gulled and get hi nnmo in Ibe paper so everybody can laugh at him St and it will tickle your children nearly lo death If they only knew how easily sl-ter and I made an old sucker nut of vou, so keep vour mouth shut and no one will be the wiser You can And sister here in Portland bul she will keep quiet & and will not tell anybody ."a stl I tongue show a wise head Is a gooU ad.ige so profit by it flood bye. Martin." Naw Corporati i.ns. The Jefferson Flouring Mills company, of Jefferson, Marion county, Oregon, has had article of incorporation filed in the secretary of state s olficr.wilh lcwls Siavage, It L Skin ner, and Alexander Orant at the Incorpor ators. The business I to own and operate a mill at Jcffcrsvn. t'apital stock is $2c,. 000 in 250 shares. Tho. U Badger, t'hilip A Uorrcll, and Henry Ward, trustees of the First Church of Christ, of Mill City, have also Died articles incorporating a church at that place, the value of the cor poration rtelng $Sooo. " A Common Birth Black. One Albany man at least got the worlh of his money at the circus. One of the employees proved to have been born at the tame place tn Germany, an 1 the meeting proved a very pleasant one, in which many old memories were brought up for discussion. To a man far from his birth place nothing in the world affords more pleasure than to meet a former fellow citizen. No one 1 ever in jured by living over the past, and such reveries ara olien of great satisfaction. Arbested. - Chat. Read.ol Soap creek precinct, wat arretted Monday evening, for beating fend prodding a balky horse with a pitchfork on the street ojt Corvalli in a horrible manner, and wa arranged before Justice Carlisle on Wednesday ,or a charge of cruelty to animals. After hearing the evidence the jury could come to no agree ment, and the case hat been set for a re hearing, to take place to day at 9 o'clock, Benton Leader. Tbab Them Down. A city with 0,872 should not allow old wooden awnings to disgrace its principal street. This is a progressive age and Albany should be up with the times. We are no longer a one story frontier town, and it is time these old eye sores give place to the sightly modern awning that lets up and down. Nothing looks more backwoodish than the wooden owning, vyith it ragged, un sightly appearanoo, A woman who would dress in the stylo of thirty years ago would be laughed at, why not a city. Bkanciiino Out. We have it from a reliable source that Mr E Goin, of Scio, has made a pisinosition to Corbett & Macleay, which if accepted will result in the Jetferson Mills lieing sold to him. If the transaction is carried to a successful termination Mr Goin will assume all lia bilities except the claims of t,be farmers and the claim of Mis Grant, and take complete control ol the mill at once. jeuorson lievlew. A Humorous Item. One of our citizens offers to donate a block of land and $2, 000 in money toward a new court house at this place. We have others who will do as well. What's the matter with getting me couri nouse 7 .Brownsville limes a xjay hale. 100 acreg 0? land near Nye creek. Newport, nicely located, have been purchased by )rs Maston and Itie.h (or about $11,000. Conductor Kennedy una x vv nowen nau tne property bond ed and effected the sale. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Itt regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially I.-,.. . . . j livucu 10 Blieuo. 1 . : - P Ceutenieal Kid Clove. aeepa full line of these gloveB in black and colored. Am sole agent for ' Albany, Oregon. Samuel E Young, TIIK HIS AHftl'T.T!.. "They laid uto out once,"Farmer Jones of Marion Co., said mournfully, but spiritedly shaking bis fist, "but they can't do it again, you bet they can't. I would Just like to se them try It. would fool them, I tell you " Now the Man AlMiutTowit will wager that.though they might not lay him out on the same lay out, that some one else on somo other lay out could lay him out the old codger witn ins s-iu.iHHj nanit account and 120 acres. It is a intention whether Col Varney's war on the codlin tuolh Is not being car ried 011 too much In the columns of the newspapers. ! publicity might burl Oregon less and the rodlin moth just as muen, says an exchange, aim the remark suggests the question whether it pays to be honest in this world or not. The Man About Town believes it does. If a cyclono strikes your town write it up. If the small pox is around the public has a right to know it. If the thief enters the houses of your city let the pub) iu know tho rascal Is aroitni. in short, tell tho truth and shame tho devil. There is nothing mido In getting wealth under talsu pretenses, ir in gaining population by false rcoro.-eiiVtion. we don't want KKipIp bite who come lor a paradise: we do w ant people w ho are looking for about the best country in the world, with a few rodlin moth, once In a whilu a bouse for sale, occasionally a case- of small x or diphtheria, sometimes a chilly breeze causing a sneeze ; but altogether the best climate In Christendom, with never a cyclone, nor sweltering nights, with crops that never fail, though not always run ning over. Sometimes it pays to wink at little matters; but generally it pays tolm above board, just so it Is done within reasonable bounds. HI 41 MttIK sails. Mary A Ihivis and bus to Hainan tint Campbell, lot V, Id, It ami 12. bH, Shcdd I V Crawford to Jas II Scott,2 lots, Crawfordsvilht II Ijiinpinoti to M K Ferrell, 1 tut, block 23. AlUnv 2-'00 i-0 2000 25 2W)0 .100 J W Miller to N It Washbume, lots II and Shelhurn Samantha CampUtll to Mary A I -vis, lot 1 and 2, bl 47, li s 2nd A. Albany Joshua Wilkinson to Sophia Baum- gart el al, lots 7 and H, bl 2, M AC A, Ail-any 7,113 7 mortgage v. ere filed. Consideration, l,li2. Thk Nkihumm or a Bov. On a recent morning near H o'clock, a little girl of It year and her brother, a couple of year her senior, were crossing the railroad bridge over Ala-rnetbv creek, suing down. The lioy carried an empty basket, they (wing on me way to a garden patch to fill it with fresh vegetable. Children enjoy crossing trestle of notne heiirht. They had passed over the middle of the bridge, when suddenly they beard the rumble and rattle of the Ibsw bnrg train ominously near. "Kun for your life!" cried the hoy lo bis companion. She oU-yed but fright rendered running im MMMible. She ran a step ami tell through U'tween the ties, to which she held with her hands, but was instantly pulled up by her brother. Again she tried to run. only lo full through a as-cond time. She could nut move and gave up all hope. Fright bad almost paralysed her. Would her brother save tier from a fearful death? Would he leave her to save himself? She thought of mamma, too. The aw ful train was coming closer, closer. F.very moment wo infinitely precious. The young hero's heart was true a steel. Valiantly be again dragged her out, and putting bis slender arms around tier, swiftly, with the strength given by iles iMTatton, iiulled her off the bridge ashore. ''We couldn't stop " shouted the engi neer as tho locomotive sped by them. The little girl relieved her fright with a flood ol tears. The txiy did not move a muscle, but picked up bis sister's bat, which the train had run over, and stood silently wondering over the fact that they were saved. Oregon City Courier. mmm Bkkt Lvcas in Kt aoi-a. Wc clip the following from along letter in the West Side from Bert Lucas, the welt known bicyclist, now doing Kuroiie : Bright and early at Fontainebteau Monday morning, June 30th, the lys were up and bustling alsiut preparing for the road. After cafe au tail and omelet at 7:30 a start was made. On leaving the town our road lay for some live or six miles through the forest and over billiard table-like roads. All kept well together, riding down the shady reaches of the famous wood, we sxil along at a fifteen mile an hour gait with as much case as you would go six or eight at home. Singing college songs, shouting ami blowing whistles and we soon emerged from the forest, then riding past the residence of llosa Bonheur, and on to Nemours, having done the twenty miles in one hour and twenty-five min utes. Next morning, the Fourth of glorious memory, we tiought tip all the nil, w liite and blue that we eon Id use, decorating our w heels and wearing gay !clU( sashea and streams of tri-color bunting, besides the numerou American Hags we already bad. Thus a sight we were as we w heeled through one awe- stricken village after another all that fine summer day, to lale, where we stopped tor the night. t rom la l auciio we got our first view of the Alps. On turn ing a corner 01 me road suddenly tne whole panorama burst out upon us and we stopped in our mad descent to drink in the view. Imagine it, if possible I From a mountain top nearly a mile high, after having come through miles of forest road.we were looking out over the broad valley of Cantons, Vand and Geneva. m a 1 A IIoKitiiu.K Experience. Frank Kis singer was recently engaged herding sheep near Pilot Rock. Umatilla countv. and while playing with his dog, a very intelligent sheep dog, it snapped and caught one of his hands; in endeavoring to free the band his other was caught and bitten through the thumb. Then lie fainted, and from that time, about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, he knew nothing until 4 o ciocK wnen tie regained his senses and found his hand still fast in the mouth of the doc which was dead. The day was extremely warm and flies had blown the wounds made. With a butcher knife he pried open the mouth of the dog and released the hand. He left the sheep and went to the home of bis employer who procured a physician and dressed the wounds, but shortly after he became violently insane, and was taken to Pendleton, four men being required to restrain him. tie was committed to the asylum at Salem and, is now confined therein. BIGtlE. AND UiCKs. The best makes are to be found in Al bany at Price & Ilobson's, who have just received a carload of the finest hacks and buggies to be found. Their prices, con sidering quality, are remarkably low It pays to ride iu a good buggy or hack, Keep tins fact in your head, and when getting one oall on Price & Kobson, who have the largest variety to select from. X?tw cream oWb just teoaivarllat Cotral Meyer. Whereto Gar Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on G L Blackman A'ht e you can select from a first clas ttOwa.. ' Bargains atJleau's, Bucklea's Arnica .Salve. Ths bait S vlv la tho world tut Cut,l!rulso,Sor uiiisn, ttoram, r over !, l'otler, Uatpp hanils, Chilblains, Coras, and all Skin Erupt lo, an nnaiHtf.l.rtiiM. Oil.. Mn.,,..u.i J T . 1 uteeii to givs pertsvt sstufsotlna, r money refund d. Pr.o 25 gent par box, For sals by Foshay an ItastiH ItbAlNK'n liKAPKItHIIII', ame O Blaine I the only one of all the republican leader who posseste both the ability and the courage to call a halt In partisan llltlcnc and point the way to possible party safety. Congressman But ter wotth, of Ohio, proved hi ability to analyse the situation and declare the sotu tlon of the grave complication w hich now threaten party supremacy, but hi courage wa unequal to the duty of maintaining hi conviction by his votes. lie deliv ered a masterly speech on Canadian reci procity In the early part of 1I13 session that none pretended to answer, and his later speech on the McKinlcy bl',1 wat a bold proclamation of the madness of that meas ure, but his manhood shriveled up a he bowed lo the party lash and vo'.cd for the measure without demanding the right to offer amendments. But while Buttcrworth has fallen out of the leadership that ovist save the rcpubll can party If It I to he saved at all, hit ar guments remain unanswered and unan scri.blc, and to Blaine alone wa left the task of halting the party and the sdi.ilnl tratlon just on the brink of Irretrievable disaster. Kl letter to Senator Frye came none too soon, and had It been test heroic It would have failed to Impress congres and the country a It did. it wa written to Impress; It was written to call a per emptory halt In a party policy that Blaine saw must be fatal, and he ha again made himself the "leader of leaders" tn republi can councils. The Itccd and Mckinley of the party passionately dissented from Blaine' view and for a time seemed like ly to defy bis admonition; but the sober reflection of senator and reptesenallvcs, quickened by the general protest against Increasing taxes on the necessaries of In dustry and of life, speedily strengthened Blaine and hi demand for a new basis of tariff legislation until it now seen assured that no tariff bill can pass the prc.cnt con gress without open doors with the several Americas for the Interchange of product. It I charged that Blaine' reciprocity theory means free wool and free iron ores lor the languishing manufactures of New Kngland. Of course it doe, and It would be valueless If It meant ant thing else. lie see what the Usser party leaders either can't or won't see, via. that we must have free riw maicrial even to save our home markets tu our home Industrie and that the u'.mof t cheapne ol product consistent with well-paid labor must be attained to enable our Industrie to enter the market of the world, lie sec that the people o this country won't submit to taxes on wool. in the growth of which there I practically no labor, when the o.tty result I to in crease ti e cost of clothing and other nccc sarlcs for the masse and give English mill and English labor, t..c supply of all our better grades of woollens; and see ing this, he seeks the remedy without de moralizing the party by directly ordering a retreat from the Indefensible partv en. frenchmen!. Blaine calls It reciprocity ; It means free raw materials for our labor snd the reciprocity logically follow It was no haste or accidental statement In Blaine' trtter that, In a single sentence, ho pelcsaly exposed the falsity ot alt rre tence of protecting the farmer by the lrs creased taxes of the McKinlcy bill, lie evidently meant '.o state the truth so con slsely that mine could misunderstand It when be declared that no Ameikan farmer would find a market (or a single additional bushel of wheat or barrel of pork under the McKinlcy blll.and when he proclaimed that truth tlie whole foundation of the Mc Kinlcy structure wa overthrown. He also Informed the American farmer how their foreign marke'.a were gradually nar. rowing, and how new market must not only be sought, bul c.rctully cultivated, to assure fair price abroad for our su plus agt (cultural product. In one brief letter he conclusively established the absolute necessity of free raw materials for our home labor and Increased markets for our fa-m . era, and that tear up tne McKinlcy bill and the senate bill by the root. In short the only exhibition ol statesmanship given by the .arty leader In this most trying test of party leadership cometfroin B'aine, and he otter the only possible plan ot parly safety. Philadelphia Timtt. WHY t Why wa tin Federal Election Bill brought forward at this session of Congress, and why U such a frantic endeavor made to secure its passage? If it i a nectnary measure now, why wa it not necessary year ago? Why ha no attempt been made to pas it nn il now? Flection at the South are certainly not leu free nor lest honest now than they have been at any time since 1875. If a Federal Force Bill it necessary now, why hat it sot been ntcessary during all llote year ia which it ha never been evea introduced in Congress? The answer is timple. There is no occa tion for legislation of to revolutionary a charac ter except the occasion of partisan desperation. The pretense of necessity it a consciously false pretense so consciously falie that those who urge it dare not subject it to the scrutiny of debate. The Federal Flection Bill is instigated by no tense of public need and no concern for the poor negro." It it born of the desperate pur pose of a political party to retain power by lorce ana irauu when it can return power ia no other way, It is intended prituari'y to facilitate intimida' tion and fraud, and secondarily to ttir up sec tional and race animosities in the hope of there by recalling In the support of the Republican party those multitude who show an increaiing uitposuion :o aoanuon 11 tor 111 economic tin agamtt the people. That is why the Force and Fraud Bill urged at ths present session. It i the revolu lionary device of partisan dspeiaiion. The Minnesota Republican "denounce all monopolies, whether under the name of Trust or otherwise," and "demand the passage of laws by Congres placing on the free list any object which shall become tha subject of monopoly," There are numbed, of protected article which are the subject of monopoly," but Instead of providing for putting them on the free list tbe McKinley Bill increase the dutie which foster and protect tbeir monopoly. Let the farmer vote a they talk and they may hope for re lief. Long before Mr Blaine shall ba "unhorsed) and driven out of the repuolicaa party, Mr McKinley will be "unhorsed" aad driven out of congress by the voter of hi congressional district. Mara this, - , Mr Blaine' quiver teems to have been 'much fuller of arrows than the McKhley Bill advo cate suspected. -:' It takes about three seconds for a message to go from one end of the Atlantic cable to the other end. , The thltty machine used In the censu office at Washington for counting the pop' ulatlon work with clock-like accuracy, and contit from one to twenty person each time a mall Ivory key Is touched. The machine look like sn upright piano In a polished osk case, and ha a keyboard like that cf a typewriter, Moslof the machines are worked by glrlt, and they are able to count accurately ioi,ooo namet a day. The "Inexhauttable', forest of the south will prove so In the same way a have the "Inexhaustable" forest of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. Old settlers are not un. common in the first two of these state who declare that they have burned enough b'ack walnut, just to get It out of the way to make them millionaire If they bad It standing now. A dispatch state that the steam schoon er Mischief returned lo Victoria British Columbia a few days ago with the teal tkln taken by Canadian in Bchilrtgt ca. There were 13,000 tkln. Blaine l,bril lant, vigorous, foreign policy" I quite promotive of the Interest of foreigners. Colonel Fred Grant' fanous apothegm in the Stale campaign of 1887, that "a turptu i easier to handle than a deficit," it ve.ified by the preient situation. The Republican are finding it much harder to handle the deficit which they hare created than tbe surplus wbicb they found. The Phllat'clphla Timu regards It a safe to say, that. If the present eion of congrc shall pa the McKlnley tariff bill and the new force election bill, or either of them, Pattison will poll over 1 00,0c o vote In that city and receive a majority over Dclamatcr In both city and tale. It does not dolor people to be left much alone. II you evcrnoticed, the people who go crazy are those who have lot of lime alone to brood Over their trouble. If you see a man is troubled, do sot cry with him or over him; give him more work thaa be can do aad be will not lie so apt to be a candidate fur the insane asylum at if he had a chance to brood awl f itt There will be 00 Republican or Democratic State Convention in New Voik this year. The State Coinniit'ee will name candidate for Judge of tbe Court of Apteats, the only office to be filled on the Slate ticket this fall The appointment of an administration post - master at Ligooicr, lad, displace tbe la democratic iotinister la that state. This is quick work for a "civil service reform' admin istration only sixteen months old. There I scarcely a doubt that the cenu lasers In Portland have made a regular mess of It. Portland ha 10,000 more pops ulatlon than she I credited with. If any republican should ever again say tha, the McKinley bill wa gotten up ia the interest of tbe fanner, tell bim that Blaine says there ia sot a section or line in the bill that will furnish tbe farmer with a market for an additional bushel of wheat or a barret of pork. Tbe population of Auttralia.according to the recent census, is increasing faster than that of America. To meet this growth a bill hat jutt been introduced ia Parliament for 1,1 16 miles of new railroad to cost 172,500,000. Maine's prohibition candidate for governor ays he' going to "slick," He insist that tbe republican party hit preached prohibition while it ha encouraced rum efline. So he doct'nt care if be "busts" it. Tbe Senate ha askad the Presi tent for in formation touching Fcsnce't proltnition of American pork iuipor'i. The really import ant information on tbat subject it to be found in our own tarift schedules. " There is no indication that Mr Blaine has suffered from sunstroke this Summer. They say all over the south tbe censu taker have failed to enumerate the people and all for the purpose of cutting down congressional representation from that section. McKinlcy is quoted a saying tbat the demo- cra.ic nomination ia '92 lie betweea Cleve land and Blaine, lie takes this ay of critt citing Blaine' South American free trade views The attempt lo pass a Federal Election aad higher tarift bills hat been entirely success ful in one respect at least. It hat completely united the Democratic party of the country. It is annouaced that the Senate Committee' ha made the Election Bill unobjectionable Then Mr Lodge and Mr Reed will not try to pas it id Ibe lioute. They will bave no use for it, VALCABTjK FUOPEKY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany ha lust been thrown on the market and will be sold at such price and term as will enable the speculator to make good monev. This property lies just this tide of Goltra's Park; I high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First etrcet merchant, "mat is aesuneu to De come the 'Uon-ton' residence portion of the city." Wallace & Cuslck, the agent for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. leadlsg Photographers Albany Oregon. Ws have bought all the negatives mads by L W Clark and W U Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduoad rates. We hve also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which daplloates can be had at like rate. We oarry the ouly full line of views of this state and do enlarged, work at tnwaat rstns for first olaas work. We shall be pleased to aee yoo at our Studio in Froman'a block, next door to Maaonio Temple. a - Epoch. rr,, . r , 1 1 1 inc transition injm mug, lingering auu painful sickness to robust health mark an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event Is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained Is gratefully blessed. Hence It 1 that so much U heard in praise of Electric Bitter. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find reliaf by use of Electric Bltteis. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug store. Faurr Boxes. For all kinds of fruit boxes goto the Sugar line Poor and Lumber Co, Bed rock price. . Smoke the eelebrated Havana filled ci gars, manufactured at Jul u Joseph's cigar factory. Only 5 cents. 0eurrdCa OIVIS II.VJOYB TWIt the mefhial aiioT result when Syrup of Figs, is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the faste. and acts L-ftiitly yet promptly on ll.e Kidueye, Liver mid Bowels, demises the sys tem eiibetiiallr, distils colds, head aches and fevers and cures Jmoitual constipation. Hvrup of Figs is tbe onJ remedy of iu kind ever pro duoo'l, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable Vt tho stomach, tirorrmt in it action aud truly beneficial 111 iu (e ctr, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It u for sale in Wc and lot tie, l-y all leading drug-ist. WMUFAOTUnSD OSrLV BY TMS CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN fttAllCltnn, CL UIW YORK, tt.Y Dr. M. II. ?11:. nhysiaiao and surawm Araay, Oregon, (Vila nils ic city ot 0 oiDtry. Special - Announcement ! OF W. F. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABIilCS -To The Ladies,- I .Make a Specialty of LatMes Undervrear, in Knit Ribbed and Musu.v. My Prices are the LOWEST and my Good.s tho Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated T. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. . : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing' -:- Goods, I hav . Large Stock at the Lowest Prices ever offered ia the 711 1 cairy a full line of the worU-renoweJ BROADHEAD goad, unexcelled for wear and finish. Lrg- stock if Embroideries and FLonxciXGa Cl and be convinced that A!ba y i the beat trading point in Oregon. - INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS ' Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; -G. L. BLACKMAN, - LEADING ATiBATTY, -- OBEGOIT, DRUGS, MEDICINES STAT 10 NARY-&0 SMOKE THE CIGARS ' Manufactured by Julius -:- Joseph, IMPORTED AND Plug and amokiog tobacco, .Meerschaum and briar pipes an i kruokea articles generally. Jas. F. Powell & Co.. Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. r A L -DEALERS IN- I iiliiiJKiii Produce; Crockery, Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention First National Bank OP AUIaNl, Prl1wit..., ...,,,, fkm Prwiiimt .... L. rim 8, K, TOC N'f Cashier.. ..-. , , K. W. bAUPO TRANSACTS A 0NtUl WklrlalMa. ACCOUNTS KEPT fubjatt 14 .heck. S101IT eXCHANOE and Ul Tamils tr...f. . u !' fork, Sao rraevlsoo. ilouro snd Pol toiron. COLLECTION' S APE on (svursbla Uncs. S1SSOTOS. K. Tm i,w LaaSBoa l B Biais, t. Pubs, Edwssd T, Sox. Linn Co. National BankJ ALBANY - - - OREQON4 CAPITAL TOCK tlOO.OOO. Prsti'ient , J L COWAJf ! f'r sklent J M HM.HTDS nir Gao E CH AMI'.KKI.AIS AsstCuhwr O A ARCHiUOLD P arri,ss. -1 L Cowan, J X futaton, Dm I Oiamhartain, W S Ladd, W li Oom, t A Cr win Man a ArcniWMj. TKAJTSAtm s ratMrral hanktrif kattiMMS. usa" aiuti 1 iiHsrrsen nmr Tort. San I an tit .'!! 1 oragon. LOAN MOrftTun apprerao' taoarfty HP W.IVK 4TolU snhtart ftws's. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY. - - - CRECOH. OA-PITAIi, 8BO.OOO. President .H KKV .NT View President II. K, MKHKI IX CasbUsr J. "V. IXAIN niksxToas. It. Bryant, J W Blain, Geo Humphrey, C K, J Landing, II F Merrill. BlghtexchanKa an I Ulea;rphie trai a fer on Naw York, San Franc loo a d and all principal point In Oregon and Washington, md- on favorable Ifrm, READ. Conservativ a DRUGGIST KEY WEST GIUARS