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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1890)
MAY 16, 190 8171X3 & Kill' t. N0TTIK0. Irnrllnr. Famoih Hank. Hunk Vaughn, well known nil over the Northwtnt,wa nearly kiilctl In linrsn round up on tho Vina till iVHcrvatmn vi'Unlov. Hi h'gwn, also half a dor.on rilHnl lip wa Injured internally, lit) in at lVntiloton and will protwhlydiu. l'ortlaiul Kx. llis ili)'Niian rvporta tliat Hank Vaughn in doing ax an rotiM l cx povted. llotli bone of hi leg In-low the knee were broken wiuitrelv in two. Tho fracture waa reduced, ami it i rolabU that Hank will soon bo out ami but attain unless hp ia injured Internally. Ho in lite victim of hard luck, of nun shot wound and accident, hut haa always pull! through, and will doubtless do o this time. K. O. Ir Astoria can rls $Joo,ooo In one day for a railroad to the Villntct:i valley, why can't Salem ralne ha'f that turn fur' a ralfroad to deep water ? It dIJ onre raUe $jo,ok In capital mock In several day, and henee tvc question is a very pertinent one, one that will take deep thought and much Investigation to answer j but In answering such question nowaday ll I well t remember that S em already ha a hchi.I road, while Au tla, year behind Iht ti ne, la none, mid hence there i a tcrrilic Inducement for rustling. DirrtatNT Custom. In Actoik the paper charge regular rale f r giving no tice of meeting, nu ll an lliosc of !oiuer and historical scclcik, etc. so aukbui are they to yet wealthy In Albany all these things are done fn-r ami the rtiitois are often eipectrd to help foot the iecl dental bill. A a newspaper c umn are it Mock Ir. traJe ti eie ace someti.lnys that should be paid for, inch a sUieotvp cd memorial, crd tf thank, etc. and perhap the Atorl style i all right, but it would cue a lir here. AW Indpindbnt's Tickht. The Stayton Sun, "The only paper In the up per Santlam," come out with the follow ing ticket, which U any excellent one so far a govenor, date treasurer and supreme jude la concerned: Govenor, Nylvestrr Pennoverj Secre tary of Stale, Geo W Mcferldej Slate Treasurer, (J W Webb; Supt 1'ubllc In struction, T C lory ; H'-ate I'rlnte', K C Baker; Judge Supreme court, H F lion ham; For Congress, Muj J A It say: "Our ticket, found in thl Usue, con tain treral republican name, but ou won't find D P Thompson'. Mixrso MATTsaa. Mr K J McOauwt land la home from his trip to California, where he had been in the intereitt of the Dry Gnkh Mining com pant, looking in to different systems of hydraulic and other mining. He reports mining there aa being very quiet, Imt secured some pointers which will no doubt le of value to the Santiaiu mines. He will go to the nines in a few days, when active ojh' ra tions will begin. Tut Yocnoist First Matk. Mr Po hanan, the night operator of the Western Union telegraph olTice In thl city, has jutt 1 returned Ironi a trip to Coo bay. lie re. port having made the acquaintance while there of the younget first n.ale of a ve el ever yel known. The individual is Geo Graham, aged eleven year, who till the position on the ach'ooner "Juno," whih pile between Scotuburg, on the Umpqa river, and Coo bay Slaiesman A PatTTT Thought. The other even ing the long eared reporter for thl paper, just as the glorious King of Day wa going down like a baU of 6re through the (ir ' that stand as sentinels on the crest of the hills back cf town, heard a little girl av to a playmate, "Let' bid good bye to the sun and tell him to say good morning to the people In China." Rather a prcttv thought for a mere child. Portland v el come. Right to tub Point. Tho council at its meeting ordered an ordinance drawn providing for the fining of minors who simply enter a saloon. This is taking the Lull directly by the horns and w ill do more to keep liquor away from minors than any provision that could I made. The move is a good one and the ordinance will undoubtedly pass at the n.xt meet ing. Tmb Watch Found. A few days ago the Dexocbat mentioned the stealing of a watch from Mr J K Hiwy, at the Kiish House. The matter was placed in the hands of detectives, resulting in the find ing of the watch in a Portland second hand store. The identity of the thief was pretty well established and it was thought he would be captured within a day or two. No resolution has yet ben adopted offering to turn oyjr the Evangelical churches in thi conference to Lord Wool sey Bowman and never will be. The above is from the Salem Journal , and a long account of an anti-tjwman mass meeting there shows that most Salem people, as well as the Journal, are decid edly anti-Bowman. Comb Hbbb. The unmarried women of Massachusetts have f 29.000,000 on dc posit in the savings bank of their state, says the Boston Woman' Journal. An Albany young man, who has been watch. Ing for something of the kind, ay he will marry the whVe crowd if they svlil come A Craxy I'.oom. "At South Bend, on Bliottlwatcr lUy, there ft re almut .TH) people; there are tweiity-flvo rcnl estate ..111..... - .. 11 ii 1.,, 1 1,., . ,11111 IP, WUinu 111 1.11,-11, jiiixij inivi I all thut is tnlked of there is buying and bonding and sales," mid tt initii to un Astoriun repurler. "Ijtml anywhere around the mouth of the Ulnpn liver, where it empties into Hhmvlwnter Imv, Is ...t 1 & 1 ... . ii, h2..t.. .. 1 1 . . .f , f,... w 11, p lin, l VI J lull a niiv .! n vi;n, hud il(H) acres over on tho north side of the river; lie sold it a few win ks jo for fiKMKN), The deed wen nmde out to a on of T F Oitke, the Northern l'aeilie man. That Is an indleation of the price that lun.l is held ut in that vicinity. W B Aditir hits I'.l acres some distance tip the river, for w hieh he paid J'iTn nn nen. A few months bro h mill hand workiiut in the mill nt South licnd found that there was an acre tntet adjoining the mill holding. It w8 n JaKed elill, eov erml with brush and tree, and apparent ly valueless; nn 0110 had ever thought enough of it to lite on it. He proved up nn It the oilier ditv and sold it tor fw, IKHI." Scto I'kks S(jt in,H. Tom Cornell, now one of AUtnnv's big real estate men, wa in thi city iSiesduy. K Seifer't Im imiveil hi g.tllei v from Stayton to thi city and i now "located in the Hilyeu brick, I larrv ( 'liii'in,ui i now in chanre of the O P roundhouse nt Albany. A Harry is a iv'W marvied man it jtiet suiUhim. " I WhmIi l'iiill;p-t is out, with a new bun- try, llio only one of it kiuil 111 them part. It a ihiisv.'voil bet. Sir (Joins ha established the rules and prices t govern the electric light busi ness. They tire furnished cheaper than in any other town in the Mate. Ikirn, nettr this city, Mny ftth, to the the wife of Uiley Cnluvun, "tw ins, a lsiy an ! ;irl. MothVr and children doing well and U ley i.-t happy, A WKifrms Km iim ha invented an iulVriuil linu w hieh i;e p:iet in an envelope and send to those w luVrcfuse" the pntHT niter takii g U live vear witii- out pitying firit. The inaeliineexplialea and kill the whole family and the frag ments that full in the yard kill the dog. The alove from an exchange 1 a sam ple of .the course taken by some news apera to frighten delinquent subscriber into "paying up." There are men in the world wlu will pay their butcher bill but won't liquidate tor their newspaiwr, and savage dun only tickle them. The Hum- ocar long no quit dutmiiig through itr cumin. iiiu above course, though, would le a very just one 111 some cae. llo vnu ok Tk.wik Mcktimi. Mr W V Seaver, representing the Salem Itoanl of Trade, met a few members of the Alltany Itoard of Trade last Tuesday. The meet ing was adjourned until hat urdnv 'even ing when a committee from Salvia will meet with the Hoard in the Council chamlHT and consider the matter of ad vertising the Valley. A good pcheme for the lloard now would be to send a man to Portland, for at least a few months, to meet the thousand of immigrant con stantly arriving there. There is a first class man in AlUmy for the purtoc,one thoroughly reliable, and it i lobe hoped shmething will K' done in the matter. r. lived hi t having come early train, cms 1 fit y trout t! " - A "tiUetr.nn or- yc!crdv afternoon a n. Ian City on the e .Sulcm State. nnn to A.ban. Boako or Tbadb Meeting. A special meeting of the Board of Trad? wa held Saturday evening pursuant to an an nouncement In the Dbmocbat. The matters of propositions for a starch factory and a tannery were considered and the. Secretary wa directed to coi respond with the parties Interested in reference to them. To establish a tannery a joint stock com pany Is wanted with a capital of $20,000, Thb Exccbsiox. Quite a large excur sion party went to CorvaKI Saturday evening to attend the presentation of Evangeline In Jon's new opera house, They were accompanied by th bai.d. An enjoyable trip was reported. Evangeline, a piay lor bald heads, traditionally speak Ing, was greatly appreciated. Change o Officers. Mr R II Miller having resigned as treasurer and a sst -secretary of the Gold Mountain and Dry Gulch Consolidated Gold and Silver Min ing Company, Mr Claude Gatch, wa elected treasurer and Seth R Hammer secretary to fill the vacancies till the an nual stockholders' meeting. Journal. Consideb Turn. By calling at Jas F Powell's you will see a large and fine stock of vegetables and fruits just receiv ed by steamer, consisting o! fresh oranges lemon, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, eel ery, ripe cherries, and choice fruits of all kinds. A Silver Wedding. Eunday was the Z5th anniversary of tne marriage of Mr and Mrs L E Blain. The employee of Mr Blain remembered the event by pre senting the happy couple with a silver to keain keeping with the silve y nature of the anniversary. Cakd of Thanks. The undersigned desire to thus publicly return his sincere thanks to the many friends who, in the hour of sadness and bereavement, render ed such kindly aid and assistance during the sickness and burial of hi wile. George x5lake, Drug Store for Sale. In a growing town ; alio a large list of city and cou nti y property. For particulars inquire Ouiss & Hedrick, over Firat Nat, A Wr.tV Ci'mxkhh. Postmaster Thompson Monday furnished a week' record of the bulncs of the office, ome thlng done all over the t'nitcd Male. A it wa only a temporary afUir he forward ed "he record without keeping a duplk-a-. hence we are unable to give the fig. ure. except on 3 cent Utter. There were over 36OO of these, weighing 8$ pound, and the week w a a very quiet one. Be side theoe there wa a good record of postal, drop letter, etc. In AstorlH.which ill get carrier, the number of 1 cent let ter was 4936, weight lOS pounds, being only a little ahead of Albany. In Coeval -li it was only ha f as mucll. A Watkr Woiiii KtiiKMr. Several monied men of Allmny are contemplat ing a scheme, which, if it tnateria'ue, will prove of great advantage to Allwny. It is nothing less than a new system of water work. The jdan proposyd i to mn a large pipe from Waterloo to this city, probably a 12 inch pipe, and fur nish cheap water for residence and lawn purpoMcs. The fall from Waterloo i 140 feet, so that an immense force could l secured for tire ptirpi- a well. The distance by bee line is alut sixteen miles. The cof-t would not be great, that the plan U entirely fi-amhle. Oh a Thai 1.. Judge Shaw and the coun ty cominiKsioner started for Gatcsville hist night to meet the official of the railroad company and make arrange ments for the opening of the Minto trail, which ha been iisurs-d to some extent by the railroad company. It is believed that a friendly settlement of the matter can be reached. The people op there may rest assured that Judge Shaw and our commissioner will da all in their power to restore their right, and com 111 the corporations to rcject the laws of the state. Journal. Ckop Pbosi'ect. An Albany man who haa lieen out through the country, says fall wheat looks fine ; tut spring wheat is an uncertain quantity, lie saw farm ers harrowing where the 'dust was so thick one could hardly see the outfit. Farmers who were prompt, though, got their spring wheat in on time. Some of it has failed Jo appear ; but it is looked for during the month. Apple, pear.cher- ry anu prune trees are an rignianu prom ise a bountiful harvest ; peach trees, though, were considerably injured and we will protmMy nave to buy Southern Oregon and California peaches, ahem. Fot-SD Guilty. Oscar and Doy Cole, who were arrested last week for assault on Angus Cu;..'..ii, at Millers, were tried before Justice Humphrey and a jury, the trial eliciting cniderable Interest. O II Irvine appeared for the state ami G W Wright for the defense. After being out only a short time the tury brought in a verdict of guilty and the justice fined the defendants $20 apiece and costs, the costs alone amounting to f 1 Bi All Means. An Albany man w ith an eye to the beauty, a well as to the substantial upbuilding of the city, sug gests, now the court house property is to be generally improved, that a ten Joot cement walk be built around it. A sug gestion worthy of consideration. These walk are being built very cheap now and the value to the city and county of suclt an improvement would be tar above the cost. At the same time tne around the school house would add wonderfully to ttie appearance ot thing. Jf one en terprifling citizen can build 247 feet alone the city ought to 13 able to stand a block Ho reports It to be the general talk at Hint place concerning tte movement on font with the Oregon Pclli and Southern Pacific companies wherein the former' road will become the property of the lat ter, lie mv thiil two extra train came Into that city on Monday night about midnight having the ollielul of the road on board, and that all hand In the shop were doing extra duty in repntiing and arranging the machinery, A 1o the above rumor being perfectly correct he wa not prepared to ny, It might beitated that there are always plenty of rumor nllont about the Oregon Pacific railway company msny more In fact than of sny other line In Oregon, A a general thing, however, no reliance can be placed on hot I .heard about the road tin les It come direct from the C nicer. Col T E llojljf, pre.ldent of the compm.y I a hard mnn to down, and when he ny the com pany i going to sell out t, cn there Is a whole lot of truth In it. He nnd hi broth er W M, are Invincible worker hen it come to constructing thl Hue aero the valley and on east to connection with Hiine chslcrn rond, and It I not likely that they will rellte Irom thi work until thl object h U-en accomplished, and they can gel 00 their private car at Ympilnn and ride clear acro Oregon without leaving the Oregon Pacific' rail. , C0KVAM.1. A gentleman representing an ivtstorn woolen mill company visited Corvalli last Thursday and Friday ami looked over the ground carefully w ith a view to establishing a largo woolen mill in Corvalli. During tho week endiii),' yesterday, every ostotlleo in the United Slates ha ltoen keeping a record of the amount of business done at their olllce, which ia to be forwarded to Washington. It was a very quiet week In Corvalli, yet there were 11)72 letter maited.lll postal curd, 1M Knnd of newspaper, and H pound of merchandise. The ease of State of Oregon va Arch which J W Wilt wa private prosceutor.ttttracted the attention of the Justice court the fore part of last week. It seem defendant ha lieen selling sew ing machines for Mr Will and the trouble! grew out of the division ot the profit. I Hie evidence went to show that the busi ness wa very lucrative and the jury evi deutly didn't blame Muck for trying to get more than his share of the spoils un der the circumstance, for they returned a verdict of not $My and reeoiiunendcd that the private prosecutor be tux til with 'the costs. Time. K.Mi Ko.M) Item.- Crook count y' wool rrop will soon commence moving In earn el toward The Dallesnot to Albany over the Oiegon Pacific Princvillc New. The Oregoidan tukrs the Item and make It red better, a follow : Crrook count 'a wcol crop w ill o.n commerce n.ovlng In earnest towaro The I nllrs n-t to Albany over the Oregon Pacific, a It will do In" a ;cr horn now. It will be itmrmbcrcd that the promise wa made last fall that '.he crop should come to Albany t and It probably would but for the severe wln'.er, and even now the ground I hardly Ir, a condition for work at the front. " The following from The Dade Time Mountaineer should be a new incentive for the Oregon Pacific to push matter : "Kngineer are out lo cating a route for The Dalle k Golden -d'e rsl.road. the survey of The Dalle. I'rineville Southern wilt be commenced next week. An agent of an Eastern syn dicate I here to receive proposition for building bath roads." (MM IL l-KOt U Tuesday evening, May 12. l'reent Mayor, Hecorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, Surveyor, and Cotineilmen French, Deyoe, Taller, Uurk hart, Smith and Garrett. The following hill were ordered paid : U 8 Hale, ito W Jj nrr. W 1 Conn & Cougill. T4t.fWi Geo Hughes, .13: John Chisweil, 7i John Maxwell, $21 .08; Chris. Houek, $2; Santiam Luiniier Co., $81.74; H KTuwnsend, $2.50 j Ol'Daif tials, $d.75: Henry East, $2. The Street commissioner made several meommendatlon for new sidewalk, cul vert, etc.. a follow j A new sldo walk on the west side of Thurston street, lot 4, block 25, Hack 1c man' 2nd addition. Al so on the east side of Ferry street adloin- init lot 1, block 48. A sewer and culvert on the cast initio of Lafayette across 5lh atreet. A new sidewalk on grade 011 south side of Uth street adjoining block 77, also on the cast shin ot liroadalbln street, adjoining block 62. also on the south slilu of 7th street ad oinimr lots 3 and 4, block 53. Heferred. Surveyor Parr reported In reference to the placing of stroetsou grade. 1 met I'.ngtneer Stewart reported the receipt of suction for No 2's emrlne. Kill for siinie. U5 (or suction and 18 (or freight, were allowed. A memorial to Conurcss aklmr for the right to erect a britfgu at this city was reuu ami unnniiuouMiy ntlopUMl. Petition l John llrusli nnd or asked that grade on 4th street between linker and ltaitroad street be changed to a running gtade. Ueferred with imwer of committee, to act. Petition of Sn Wa fc Co aked the privilege of building an addition to a uiildlng on lot fi, blin k 7. Referred. A new sidew alk w hs ordered at 2nd and Mlswortlt streets to alley, to Ihj built within ten days. t ouncilmen 1 iarrett favored an ord nance providing for a tine against minor who viit saloon. Heferred. It should be passed at once. Matter of slop hotter in rear of Strahnn and Pearce blocks wa referred, together wiin matter olclcauing spitton, with jiow er to act. Grade ordered established In tuirtloit of city lying south of 8th street and between tne ami Mlsworth. work to lie done within uo days from establishment. Montgomery street w a ordered graded, 1st to 3rd ; 5th Kailroad to Main ; 2nd Jell'ersou to Thurston. To tie done with in 'M days. South end of Washington street was ordered 01 c tied by Marshal within five dav. luker street wa ordered filled and graded. 1st to Water streets, w ithin 30 days. A warrant waa ordered drawn in favor of the Linn County Hank for II 11)3.33. Ivanced by it in imvuient of note due lapp & Jones for steamer. liiil ordered paid : Electric Light o.. 1!H.&0: Itovoe & Ilohaon. 1 12.1'! a Ewing, Kobt Prow n, $24 ; John 'M,itrll l. J W tf.uw, luu Ikmghten, $J; J of in Maxwell, $74.1(1; N llenton, $.11. Ckhk Cot STY. Within the past few day we have conversed with men of cap ital w ho say they will guarantee a sulmi dv of tlo.(XH) with an additional amount o($10.WH) in the way of det grrjunds and right f way to induce the building of a railroad through thi plaee. On Wednesilay afternoon ltolwrt Row an, senior niemWr of tho firm of It liow au A Sou, quictlv pasiwl away at the residence of hi son, W 11 Kowan, after a lingering illness of two month. The trial of Win Page in the next term id circuit court of Harney countyf for the killing of Pill P.rown.creates considerable interest here, as Isith parties were well known in thi county, both having lived here a number of year. Th stock inspector has Inspectetl the sheep in the northeastern part of the county .and find that the los of sheep In that part of the county out of a little over loO.Ot) head wal ,"'.). Review. A Cil 1'lack. There is one place in Albany that w i!! alw ays 13 cool, no mat ter how torrid the weather lifcome. The cold storage rsm of the Albany Ice Co. i the place. The tetnrature is kept at .'Hi to J degree above ero, a very nice temperature to Iks comfortable in. The demand lor space 1 already beyond tne apncitv of the room. AlUmy ha lieen maiie tne uiHtrinuiing station lor nine hart's beer, and there i Ojntinually one to two car loal of the leverage store! there. Fruit, meats and perishable g'Kxl generally will be stored there dur- 111a the warm weather. iheAH'nny ice Co now ha stations at Kugvne, Corvalli and Grants I'as. with others ts-ing- ar ranged, and w ill have its hands full the coming summer meeting the demands of the trade. One cent is very cheap in Oregon for ice. being a great reduction from the old prices, so thai everybody can afford to keep cool. A Mario Co. Matt it a T C Sha and CommUsloner Cornelius went with the O P ofi.lal to Galesvlllc yesterday. There were present President Wm. Hoag, Wallace Nash and Abraham llackclman The object of the meeting wa o examine the damage done by the building ot tne raihoad to the county road known a the Minto trait A trip was made In a private car over the entire portion, and after fully examining the whole thing the omcers of the railroad promised to repair all injury done the highway, and where necessary to build the same anew in such a way as to make it entirely satufactarv to the people of Marl-m county. The court hi appoint ed Don II Smith, of Gatesvllle to look after the county's Interets, and the work ill be done within a month. journal Located. The sife for the Home and Hospital, funds for which are licing rais ed in thi city by the Ladies Aid Society WKiTar.a t ser t lie 111 Ot the Oregon State Weather Hureau, co-operating with U. B. Signal Service, Central Office, Portland, Oregon, for the week ending'Saturday, May 10th, 181W: wcATiira. The high temperature of the previous two week continued un to Wednesday of thi week, when it fell, being more near the normal ; the trmierature fell to! near the front tsdnt. but owing to the cloudy weather no frost are retsirted to have occurred. During the week rain feu In all section of the state, being felt copiou except in the w iliamette valley, dearly two in ches (ell in Jackson county, an inch in lkiuglaa and Josephine, generally tea than one quarter ot an inch in the Wil lamette valley, and In Ktern Oregon from .10 to nearly .75 of an inch. IUI11 ha been needed, and more would prove beneficial ; present indications are for more rain. The amount of sunshine has been about the average. Thunder storms were ex perienced in Southern and F-strn Ore gon on the 2, 3, 4, ft, 0 and 7th instant. crop. Bank. New embrolderle, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream. Laces In Imitation point, also new designs In black and white lace, including Vandyck and Eifel Tower. New ruchings Da. Patton, the specialist on female and private diseases, In Blumberg' Block Office hour. 10 to J2, to a and 7 to 8, r.nnsultation free. Residence 3rd and Montgomery. In has been located, and will be a block Goltra's Park addition, adjoining the pro posed street car line, near the soutli part 01 the addition, b Young and IT 31 II Ellis are the donor, the block being one of their section of the addition. The do nation i a generous one. The Home will no doubt form a neucleus for a nice settlement of residences All styles of business, however, on the river and sound seem to 13 doing well, if we do not mention the canner ies, there ore the pineries, tanneries fisheries, eateries, drinkeries and town lotterie. I do not know how the real estate men in Astoria are, but certainly their lots, many of them, at leant, lead an upright life. Uiil JSye. Bill might have added that some of them lead a very low life; but his hamja seemed to be full paying boiled oyster bills and be neglected it. Ax Old KaaiDnsr. Mr W II Dodd, who has been residing in Missouri for several years, is in the city. Mr Dodd was in the hardware business in Albany for several years, along in the seventies, and the old timers tell about the immen sity of hi muscle, which, from Mr JJodds well preserved appearance we judge to be undiminished. fjURQicAL Oi'ehatios. Last Tuesday Dr Maston, assisted by Dr Davis, re moved portions of both bones from the iorearm 01 Aiiert woodmancy, who re- s'uj. near hcio. and who had bis arm bronen at the wntit about three years ago. The arm has been a running sore ever since and the bones removed were so diseased that there was no hope of the soro healing up. Fu rr Up. The cemetery should be put in good condition for decoration day whereas it presents a very unbecoming appearance at present. It i to the in terest of Albany to see that it be greatly improved. GO DOWN stAVt rUUUtittLLK, Rev J II Kirkpatrkk, accompanied by hi daughter, Wins IJello, vtHed J F Moses and family last week. liev K. will preach here on tho Saturday night before the first Sunday lit J ttne. Mr Akin, w ho purchased a farm near CrawfordsviUe a few weeks since.has sold to Mr Fox, lately from Wisconsin, which leaves Mr A again on t no lookout lor farm. Mr Peter Hither was In town this week. He says he I intending to lay oh his farm on the prairie into town Iota, to 13 called "Dither's addition to Seattle." Lumber teams are beginning to travel anil there will soon be a great rush to the mill and lumber yard. Mr Harbrough, wife and son from Tex as have located here. They like this country, ami we are pleased to have peo ple of their appearance and apparent qualities locate among us. Mr John Wright and Miss Sarah King were married on last Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's lather, Itev Mulkey of the Christian church officiat ing. They have acted sensibly by going to liotmekeppinut at once, having purchas ed a home for that purpose. They have many friends who w ish them a happy and prosperous journey inrougit me. CrawfordsviUe ha not yet had Its boom, but why should It not come? We have a fine farming country, excellent stock ranches, mills, timber and water power, health and (food society. W hat else I required to produce a healthy UOOltlT WSSI.KY. OalsVILLtt The population of this pi wo is Increas ing, a son of Charley Brown's arrived on the 7th. He seems to lie well pleased with the country, aa much of it a he haa seen. The friends and neighbors of Johmton White gathered at his residence on the afternoon of the 10th, this being the an niversary of hi marriage. Mr W has leen married 25 year, and lias a family of eleven children, seven boy and four girl; seven were present at this anniver sary. Among those present were Mr N P llrlgg, wife and daughter, Corvalli : Mr l'.mma Cameron. Corvalli ; Mr W II Crawford, wife and family, Oak vllle; Mrs It A Itamford, Oak vllle; Mrs HP Williamson, Oakvllle; Mr D K Junkln and wife.Oakvllle; Mr W L HtJohn, Oakville; Ml Anna Mohr. West Oak- Vilie; AY Smith, Oakvllle, and others too numerous to mention. Of the many present I haven't space to give all but will give a few : Set of silver teaspoons, Mr C Hamilton: pair silver napkin ring, Mr A M Acheon: set silver, tea spoon, Mrs N V Briggs; glas salt ser ver and glass pepper server, Mrs Emma Cameron; silver picture frame, Miss Luella Stockton. After a fine wedding tipper consisting of oyster soup, four kinds of pie, and fterhap twelve kinds of cake, we were entertained by the mu sicians. Threw generations of the White family. ! Mr John White, aged 82, played the violin ; Johnson White, hi son. aired 48, played the piccolo, and Guy White, son of Johnson, the guitar and mouth organ. Itev T J Wilson preached here last Fab bath to a large audience. Itev M M Mar ling will preach next Habliath at 11 am and 6 :30 p in. im meuiiiers 01 the 1 r 1; k ir busy preparing for ths picnic, which will be the grand affair of the season ; they have tho finest grove in the county and it the day is pleasant there will 13 a large crowd present. Awirt. VAU ABbK I'KOI'CUTY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany ha just been thrown or the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. Thl property Ilea just thi aide of Goltra's Parkt I high and sightly, oveifciokfng the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant, "That 1 destined to be come the 'lkm-ion' residence portion of the city." Wallace Sc Cuslck, the agent for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this the best of all addition, to the Intending speculator. To Conn i'cnd'lcson s for your gro eerie and produce. With a choice stock they are able to meet all demand. They follow the old adage of "quick rales and small profit," and are always at hand to attend to the want of the public. Keep your eye on their store lor Iresh produc and groceries and you will not be disap pointed. roB iLr My household furnishing at a bargain; also ome real estate, good location in Al bany. Call at my house on Second street near U J railroad. Jas F Harwell. Spring Jackets t Cost. I have a small line of spring jack et in colors I wish to close out, and have reduced the price to cost. They are the latest style and a bargain. I also have a line of Spring Stockinet jacket for $5.50 each, which I the nicest jacket for the price in the market. -Samuel E, Young. The weather conditions bay leen very la-ncficial to croi of all kind. Spring sown wheat especially needed rain and in those district where It wa inot need ed it fell. Unusual a it may appear in the Wilhimette valley the soil I very dry and in sections hard. While all crop are growing, yet Ksl,gencral rain would prove to ne very ucneuciai. im suiwoii is trencrallv very moist yet. but small seeds, spring sown grain and the like need surface moisture. The eooler.eloudy weather that ha prevailed the latter few days ha proven very beneficial. Grae are heading out in section, allaiia no a good stand. The Brass is generally 1 ported to le in good condition, crops are grow ing finely and rain is needed, is reported from all section. On the 8iu general rain prevailed in Eastern Oregon, wli ch will tend to lessen the posmoie in unous eilecta 01 the warm dry weather. kivko. Tf warm wrather lot ranirltv melted the snows in the mountains all streams in Oregon are rising, Imt no danger i ap prehended. The Willamette river at 'ortlaud has risen six feet during the week and the current i swift. The Pow der, Grande Itonde, Umatilla, Umpqua and Itotruc rivers are rising. The Colum bia risen and is now on a slow steady rise B. 8. Paoub, 01wrver U. 8. Signal Sen-ice. Assistant Director Oregon Weather Bu reau : BI4L IMT at at aas-Ca. Peter Bilyeu to G F Bilycu, 6 lots, Sclo $ 410 Peter Bilyeu to Hubbard Bilyeu, 1 lot, scio 5 A to John Schmeer, blk o, II s ath A aooo A C Ilausman to J r Venner, bl 7, it's and A, N Hrownvllle 141 A Condra to D II Pierce, J40 sere, IS w3 Ihos Willlksen to J A Wilson, ao acres, 13 w i as Peter I-eforge to ISichlcs West fall and Tarkerjot 3,K' A.Lcb. 125 I 11 Kb k Patrick to N West fall snd v. 1 1 . - 1 , . I . . fft AM f araer. iui 14. di i. jv n, lcu. G C Henderson to II Bryant, tots 1, a, 7, , bl 15, li s 4th a, Albany, and bl 14 and I5.and lots 1, 3,3, 4, 7 and 8, bl 16, 11' 3rd A, Al bany, also bl 43 and 49, In Gol tra's Park Add... 17,000 Peter Bilveu to Albert Randa!l,78.33 ar Ja. r. rmku. t -. Fln orange. Union and 01 ilon set, Early Koe and other potatoes, Seed pers, beans, etc, Civisle and cracker, Dried fruit. Fresh garden product, AH kind canned goods, Oa'mcl, corn meat, hour, etc, t ickle, trhshfs, etc. Everything found any where. HOntlAT. T 0 Shaw, on of the prominent lawyers of Sslstn, wa lu ths eity to-dy, Mr 0 L llrusli, of" Poit'aod, reerntly bonijht tiv aero near that oil v, paying $13, 000 theref ir. Ths srtlsllo soap man U paying hi semi oous!oiil visit to Albany, daeorating the iters wiudow along Ftrttret. Mr Geo W Freeman, ths civil nginser, ' Sabbath iu Albany with hi fmily. They will go to Astoria to speud th setn ninr. Piotaresqits California, ths hams of an artistic work being iinnl i a Vry hand some monthly, A onvvr has laa ia th eity ia it lotert, , Ths Insurance coiiipaut, whiuh inalude nearly 100 ct ths htading Instiranox ehtnps- aie throughout th United state, h dis solved on aoenutit of rat cutting. Dr MoAlister uomd a di pstch from Tooms tody, that Frsukie Flindt was dangemualy ill from drr py of the hrt and lung, and will leav to morrow for that city Ths old building nn Phil Baltimore' furri er at th eoroar nf Fitt anil Lyon HtrmU, it being moved to Mr lUltimore' quarter block svn er sight bluoks tt. Cougle k Conn are doing ths moving This Is ths way ths Iisoo Advariua an bououe a birth t Niek hi f . U Id u to be sura and put 111 an ad. for iKnl watch dog. And why f To kp tho I.Uinod bywy. That ow dnhtfr whiuh om to hi house h is tfoinu to ksro. Mother ami dsouhtor doing wall. TursOAV. Mr Cyras Wistlsks. of Han Jos. Cat.. I in tbcoity. QfO II Ksenrv left thi bouo on a muulu tiv trip to Astoria, D C Slmrinsn. of Sslwm. wiU b in Alhsn thi wtmk and muster th nmw order ot Ku of Veteran. J K Brown, of th fijidism f jiniUi Pn has io ep th 0 V at Hi ay too snd other plae en haiioos. Frank Parkar. tha IiuImuIh ni has gun to Albany to start a tux.t .t houiw. PadlU a K O. A Unt bs Ueo tet an ar the Diu c AT oflio and the famou Oragon Wonder win m xbinitd in it begianiog t .-morrow. Ivswd io aaothar autumn an .r.inU log Days Thompson's atmoi for tb iat D yeais. It should b road by every 00, Mr E A Mdor. at one time teLoul iun. ioteodoot of Heotoo caunty.rtoently of Ida "n. baa ba tmployui by .b Pat mot and Merchant lusorauo eiupny a book kospsr, uocdtiig Prof lli'd, bo rtoeally resigned. Tbo ow bor J of Br dalsgatcs mat last veolng and ebwUd th following olfi-xr t W M Parbr, ProsiJcut ! hi D Plnllit, tNssrsUry t David Link. Treasurer. 'I h lection was duly ratilicl at KH Pfaiffor' soda foaotaio . Uo 8 Boyoe and family, Mrs -StraudVr Promaa, and U L liar hart cd mothar. I. ft Saw IWesrdmo, Cl., last niabt for Albany, Mr Promaa rid a dispatch tothUrrToot tftUj fnreuooa and will look for tbm aboot Tbarsdsy, Tb high eroM walk at tb eoroer of Broadalbiu and Svnth street. mentlona,! in tb DanocaAT.wa lowered ytrjy sfUr oona to witbia a fw ioubas of th tmmt walk, tb mam li of the ooeoeil who invaa. tigstod ta maiur ooaoludtog that it woald'ot pay to go to titrcmr. I WKOHRSOAV. Mr. Jaliai 0rdbol is eoioa to viva ' hsodaooi gold watch Ktv. Call at hi tomaod ask him about it. Mr. P E Cheney, of Cat- former raanlml rf Kavpnrt, it to th city Ibagosatof Mr. EC Pbalp. At riKsiiit sneeial mavtiu' of tb cite oobociI a us ly of 1 milt wu m4. Tb eity wilt nosd tb lull limit of 8 mill. Oar old Urns frien '. C S Snith. formerly of tbit plaoa bat now teiJnt of Wbfoot, i is 1 tad Irtebds anil eajnaiaUoce ia Prime I ill tbi wk . Sam i th samt old 70 New. The rolr monthly meeting of the Build ing and Loan A association wilt be held bast Friday evt-uiog, at th Oregon Bans room. Mr J J Finlavsoo and wife, of Phdoniath, r In tl. city, the suest of Jwlg Powell, Mr Fiiilaysrm i greatly improved in health, A tniietlng of tb V L soolaty will b held to-uiglit at the reftideno of Mr II F Merrill, heo a social will !n b hold in honor ot Mi Miiim Buusell, tb mlssiaoary. Mr A llscklmn loft to dsy for hi Crook eonnty raooh. Itrfor going ha bought of John Sohmr hi fin Clydssd ttailion. paying $"0(JO,nd will n him in that com. - ty. A Ortbt. th JtfTsmon milh r. I in the tail at SsUin on account of th trouble rising not Of tli filurof tbsmill, Jli rlslem Journal ha iovetigtd the matter thor ooghly and ssy (Jrsnt I innoo-nt of aoy wrong and will not even be held by tb grand Jury. I NKIIOKUH. May 7th, 1890, I'he writer hst been requested to ca tena their heartfelt sympathy to the bereft family of Mr Wilson, by rendering a few line for them to their mother' memory The deceased wa born In Scotland, Feb. 1744; cme to Oregon In i87o. Alter about two months of continual suffering she gcutiv, mit willingly, pasted away on Saturday morning, My 31. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. A large procession followed the remain to their Inst renting place, about two mile eatt of Hunker, tjunday morning. Our mother dear ha left u, Yes, ha left ut all alone; But her wllllngnes to leave us, Prove to us where the ho gone. Tho' he ha gone irom our tight, To that heavenly home above. We think of her by day and night, And try to live a the ha dene, She hat gone to a home bright and fair, Where no pain or soriow can enter . . l,hCTs triais ana temptation we 11 try to near, Ho when lite I o'er we'll meet her there. Ye mother God's helping hand, we win look a lead to that evergreen shore; Oh, how weet It will be in that happy (land, When the pearly gale open and You meet ytwr der one lour. Osa Vauchm. MONEY, CHEAP MONEY. Wa have made arrangement to upply money to all on long time at low rate of Interest on Improved f irm and city prop erty. Thee who contemplate bulld'ng brick block or good brick business house cn get money. See us. City Restaurant. Having beett entirely remodeled, tbi old and popular restaurant will b mac tirst cta ia every mpeet. Tb pobho will b givo good rueal at all bonra for ooly 23 cent. Even thing neat and attractive. Privat boxes. Oyster la every ttyle. W. A. McGkb. Harry Jones' RES ATU RANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Jast ofMoed, ofpoait tb liar Hoas. Prompt attontion, and every tbtag Beat and claan. Open day and night. MaKKlKU- SIMS HUNT. At the residence of the bride' father, corner 7th and Jackson streets, in Albany, on Saturday, May loth, ibyo, by Rev J f Stewart, and Ml Hattle Hunt, Mr C A Sim (iphest of all in Icavcalas rowcrU. S. Cov't Report, Aug. 7, 1889. ABSdXirE&sY PUBE . (." .Via ti " Bauoain 1 Avtokia. The enterprise 1 of the Astoria people In raising $ioo.6to I In twenty-four hour to bring the Southern t'acinc railroad 10 mat city na given a wonderful Impulse to buslnrss at that I point. The Columbian say: "The rel etate market responded quickly to the enlivening touch of the railroad subscript Ion ; and the Astoria paper brittle with the stir and undertakings inprogres there. The Oregon Land Company of Albany and Salem ha for sale some choice loca tion In North Pacific addition to Astoria, nd at price are rapidly advancing, the earliest Investor ha the best show. Now It the time to make money. Dbhirablk FauiT Farm. Those ten acre fruit farm in Sunnyslde, four mile south of Salem, will make a good living for any diligent orchardlst. The profit on prune It $300 an acre, and on ber- rie the return I five fold. The soil and situation at Sunnvslda are oeculiarly well adapted to fruit culture and the man who owns a ten acre farm In that tract hat a good living in hit handt. The Oregon Land Company ot Albany and saiem nat few more 01 those iruit farms tor taic. acre. 10 w 1 , 1000 T P Patton to Mary J Miller, A bl, HcUey 75 T L Wallace to W L Wailact, lot 4, bl 13, Woodle'e A, Albany 300 A llackleman to I A Warner, fi ac tional lot 4,bl 1 i, IP 3rd A ... . 150 US to Nlchol Miller. 320 acre, 13 w a. ....Patent U S to I F McCartney. 160 acrct, 13 w 4 raicnt US to I M Flaugher,i6oacres,ti Ei.Patent Plat Eaton' Add to Lebanon, nieo by IG Eaton... Plat Wheeler's Add to Albany.filed by Jason v heeler Plat ht Jame Park Add to Albany, filed by it Bryant.; Plat Rural Dale, near Albany, filed by K Thompson Plat of Townsend Add to Albany, filed by J II Townsend Lmploy - white Pjeople. The St Charles hotel laundry Is open for work Bent work ,t reasonable price. Rooms adjoining hotel. w ANTED- A Gul to do Gonenl hoas 5 can Golden Star toinatoe for 50 cents t0 ideyer, and all othnr, canned good n 'or cash. A Houhe Pictcbe. A picture of the Oregon Wonder, owned by Kutheford Bros, at Marion, Or, appears on the placard of a fan Francisco horee cure ad. which uiveg its mane aa 82 inches long, foretop 70 inches loiii, tail 100 in-chtHlong. Ladies Muslin Underwear, I have ust cpened the largest line of muslin un derwear I have ever carried, and have marked them to sell at the leant passible per cnt they can be handled for. Infants dre?s from so cent to S3.35 each: full size, full length; no china make, all white labor, guarantee! to be equal tt not super ior to anything in the market foe the price. Also Infants cap and coats. ! Samuel E Young. Total foryear. t.."iS7 .....$48,87 Teacher Examination. ' Notice is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers for Linn county will take olace in Albany, com ' . 1 . . 1 ". . , .1 1 .. .. mencinu ai 1 uxiuc ou ncuni:Buy,' 28th, 18D0. All teachers desiring exam ination will please be preoent at the be- dnnine. Teachers desiring state certifl catea sliould present their recommenda tions from dintrict board at the above time. LM Cukl, County fcupt m a a Corsets, Corset- We make a specialty of ladies and misses fine corset and waists. We also have a drive in a French atine corset at 75 cents j SCxtra good value. . Samuel E Younc T OST.-'A doe w sarin a a chain and cot 1 A lar. with a alas or whit era K- turn to H A Irvlae, Albany, Or. Al.tu.r Marble aod GraniU Work.Hv- hig la'elv pnrchatoil th stock of S A ttifff and U W lisrris, we shall 1 plvaaad to how dUn and tive pr.oa to alt intend ing purchaser. IWst of workoiea emphiyed and price low a any for tirt-ola wur. V lait u befora purchasing elaawliar. tuAM Oi ACUISON next door to Dtmoorat olfioe) Albaoy, Or. WnERBTo Get Thrm. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman where you can select from a nrst cias stock. Oregon Land Company, " with it HOME OFFICE AT SALEM," OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. -Asd Itrtttteh OBI at Porllaaid, Aatorl stsid Albany. Hat for tale a large List of Grain, Mock and Fruit Farm. A:o uuy na buouroan rropeny. SEND j FOR PHAMHLET, : MAP : AND r PRICE : LISTS. FLaKENTON DEALEB fi p fj PCI Clioicc Candy, Kuls Fruit, etc. NE A R THE POST FFCE ALBANY, OR. r,. A's- f" ... . "1 S DR, HiLLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT GCLF CURC A Spocifio Remedy for Each Disease P- VMW ftYCftASTtMg RESTftn'Tivr ; .. i;,e f-!-l, Cnra l'sasfsna, tjMsvttiaOea ana Oancral iMmit . a paHsettnate a.l,ri.n "h tri5',.kr i ts. 1 . I lAttr 'frouulOT. .,, liMt-U :"aa"V:rTJ-rAioi..t vm.V.ii,,.. &'&LnSVM A, frrh, Cbrool, cnrrM t wliw Vtuauttvi tMr worst caws wlx UirotUon an UStmtd, ..(mr ru.'rk.l jDILHILl Efl'SCnH rfJR cn.ctui UMum Vt,m,m,mi, ami rii.msa CUii,n.,,0rk CoalalM eOflte. Curt. Crtaipi., O adnotofc 'in it, ':I2.WHJPiM MBg THBO'T CUHE. reni, ,n;, 1M l.i(.fatl,a. VV.U .ovely 0iit .uj w, ia lr,w awil hSCvutot (,T4i.-it;- In I Jay, lBSSMVS la an n:t. di,,, .Rbf,, I r... a al acuk tf r, SwsrUlna, ,J MfsJaa, Kotb.1 hoIJ U ar thi in B,in,t. lw.f. Abisr fiilf. ki Ui litvati iin.n.u ta fj;!i"is IU. Wlllh'H f.KrfJMAT'C NO "M Iftrron W!-nc, and fya tl er Dm Cn., 8.0 Krt;Ki(o. Cat. 1 !Ujenmsf.jrji wl o jiiwaTT rut,iu,i t bi-a ifc.i eau-s Lm:,- P.g: - Cure. ofs. a..d $1.00 per Peckga. Six Package (or $5.C0. Th.r.1l r th. i-it) ,t t. ,. rr.r r4 r,oI trtrmal -rtriv a VHOJIRiHIlin HlLLfR VRUG COMPANY. SAN aavtar a. las FRANCISCO. CAL. U. S. A. Fosfiay & Mnson. Agents, Albany, Oregon. ONC0,8461.REC0RD)2:29-34.i . 1 . i I AlUmout' raataatatalilnflscd aireor Dato, Insdin Aitsmont' grnd chil ? rn With mi Varold record nt'l.X'J. tatrlan RalUP,l.s .Ihattm t.f Pr'Mmonl. t S ysar old record. 2:15,nd ZUar tKin 2.S5 M ill b kpt at Albany, Monday n-l ! Tudy ; at saiem, Welnp.,j uo 1barrlyN, and at homo Fiiday b.f. J 8aturdy. Allowed to ets n. air at 5w 10 iusure. I ALTaGO. S5320. J -.' : : - - f Syoarold reord. 2MI. Son of Aitamont, tiia sirs of a regiment sod Majrsif Arnold, record 2J (I'ub'lc trial 2:2s ) Iiaugbter of tbe fa moo a brood mi'e, s 1 it Drake, tbe dam of Nortnao Maiiium, Will be kept at Independence Tuesday srjo Wednesoay; t Corvalli, Tburadar and Friday, , t llou-e Saturday and Mouda .i Allowed to serve man at $35 to Inmre. f Heon commencing April lat and endiOK Jolv 1st and no rr r.l;i;itr iui ir j ed for ooiTident. TbaakioK our patron for paa4 favors we itto sll scu lnu tbe light harnes bom loctll and xti. A few tbcics bicoa n u suno to l above uUloi..,aiaoil;youn(i; Oliver and colufrtn. ifcrm for4Ic. Mli tt) P'sur iii aoiniuHi sny i y ci ouscay. IVIOKiMIGHTBROS. j 4 THE STAHDASO BRED STALL! CM G li. BL ACKM Ah . The Leading Druggist, ALDANY - - ; OREGON -.DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY.&G. prIltle Flu TiiUt ArttulK Prf tmsry au l Mudoal.Iastra nent rreaerlptlona Carefully to opouo ler 'ay and night. EEC'H3 2: S3. Dick Ftabertr. re-;ord 2:3). will nkd tbe ataaon of 1890. commencing April 1 and ending July 1, a; Mrir aialtle. Albanv,Linn county. Or. elvinsr Juian oounty boraemeti cbance to breed to a standard borse, with sit-i aad tpoed not to oa excelled ta Oregon. DaCRtFTtOK AOD PIDIG8F.E, ylc Flabertv 1 chestnut, small afrtD In face, one wbita ankle, stand 10 hand bigb, weKhs I'SO. wiunir i-t tbd 2:4 o'an at City View Park September 13, f- lotpTrusten, dam, tbe Rtdruond Mar ' 5y Abdailaa. ; 2ad-L-am, Eu'terfl ld.sStCliir. f 3rd Dmui, by Black Leg. by lit g gel' f Rattier. ' Ja!;k Hawkins, by Bcs- toa. . I tb-.Dam,by Old St Clair. Flaherty's Fearnaught dam, Haider by Uld Columbus. J 2 Dam, by Harm.' h iacbletoiiian. ( 3 Usui, Boston GUI. a oe'ebratod S I8(MJ, defoatiog Oneo O.snder. Maud N0.,,ni ios h m Knox and Harvent In thrte atra'itbt beau. Tbi wa Dick's fimt rann. at bich time be made bis record of 2:30. Bired by Flahettv' Fearnaasbt. by Fearnaugbt, Jr. 135, by Feirnaugbt, 133, reeord f 2:23 1-4 (wlnnet o( tbe $10 600 purse at Butt'tlo in IKtS,defeating Ueorge Palmer Col Maydard, Americau Girl, J J Bradley, Myron Prry, Victor Uago and Mollie), ba by youcg Morr.l. Dick Flaberty's dam, But Drew, ba paced a mile In 30, by Dodd's Meiaoc, by John Meleoq, 187, sire ot Nevea, 2:23 1-2, Aurora, 2:27 1 2. Nemo, 2:30; by No stallion witb such acombinaU jn c fast trotting and producing blood ba ; ever besn off-ired for servioe. io Ltti: county, Oreg u, before. , f TEKJIS, I To Insure, 110; so axon, $30. Mares Vrt by tbe seaNon, payable July 1. Mr bred by insurance, payable when tnar are known to be with foal. Mara ! be carefcMj bandlod, but no respond bility iil be assume t for acoideut.-.' Good pasture at i a mostb. ; For further particulars address, K. LaFOREST, Vlbany. Or-. Tiaaio CauKitan. This afternoon a marr by tne name 01 Anaerson, wno works in the Red Crown mill, caught bi thumb In the cogs of a wheel and it was badly crushed the bone being badly broken. Wall Papkb.-1! have just received from the east a large invoice of wall pa per, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. BaatUIL i XOI7MO. SrBtNO AND SUMMEa Delicacies. The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received and is ready for inspection at Zaciies A Son, ' Merchant Tailors ond Drapers, Opposite I'ost Office. Another Assorts knt Of fine Fruits and Vegetables, just received at Mueller Garrett's, ureen onions, Cabbage, Cucumbers, String beans, Cauliflower, ueiery, Asparagus, 1'ie plant, &c. Two Cab Loaps. Price & Eobson hav.e just received two car loads of wagons and buggies, light and heavy, and will sell them at remarkably low prices, consider ing tne splendid quality of the wagons, Bargain at'Read'a. "1, MONEY, Home capital to HA f 7WKr .... u 1 e,!! risin Matthews "& Washburn Albany, Oheqon, Ilardwaro.StovesandTinwar. Our charges are so light that everyone can stand them. Onstovea, ranges, and builders hardware, we carry the finest assortment in tho Valley, and only ask a fair examination of our stock to convince you. ; MATTHEWS & WASHBURN TUltjtl ijslitJlH 11 11 1 llis1all'fTT'' '' lllilllillliliiliill Hir TTW" BIS.B.1D . Front, First be! Ying Streets, ; PORTLAND. . CHEGO:: WHOLiaALC DCALCM) IN (Mware, Iron, Stesl nil Farm UaclMor, ' SCLE ACtMrS F03 WASHINGTON AND HOKTHERH IDAHO FCR THE ! BUCKEYE ; MOWER IND REfiPEF Ticso Machitiea oro too well kac a to nee coaweni. Ttoua- nd qT farmers li a v cscd thorn and apeak of them vita Use. Tey ore the only Hajrestui'; Macnlaos taat wiU giT EKTHUl klZZT ACTIOS to the purchaaer. FILLER'S STAR VIBRATIHQ THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION El t'fS'" . The Zfff Jtlv aad Bacceasful ComhlnuUoa for Threshing aai Cleaau:,. Grain ever eonatr acted. loan on approved security. W E Marker ou, Beat Estate and Josurano Broker, Front street, opposite the itui House. . E C. Scarls? D y 6oo3s, Kotiona, BantiFrtra . : isMDgsand BOOTS A!ID SHOES Our stock of boo! and shoes it now complete In all lines lor spring trade. We will save vou money in buying of u. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoe a n specialty, Exclusive Ageury for tbe LUDLOW FIXE SHOES fwf. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physisiau and Albany, Oregon, - Call made in ountry, surgeon city ot E. C. SEARLS, flufinaanaik tn Tl a ty tar tt Ar im aiHu ' Suooesnsor to Barrows A 8arts. Rlumberg'a New E'ooi, BUCKEYE LflEUB AMI TWINE-BiNDERl 5TI Faature that dlstlngnlahea thisTrrlae-rJndor 1 th Lij-htnws of Ilraft, eombinci 1 rxtraonlioary SWenoth and Durability. Th tinder ia ot th Appleby pattern, th only 1- Cly . on yet known. We have two styles, th Elevator Binder and the I'laUorui Binder both exesiijv. recommended by hundreds o( patrons. Sulky r: Top Sac;. Eeere Plows, Deors Carriages, PliffitoEs, SEQUfflER FAEI WA50IS, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, . COR BIN DISC HARROWS, UQDGES-HMES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. fcSEND FOR C:PCULARO E. THRALL,, Manager, -tVllinnj", Ore