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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1890)
oh Qcuiitftiit. L'd I)avit hat made most satisfactory coun ty recorder. Republicans at welt at democi t all admit Ibis. Many republicans will vote lor "Ed" and bis majority will bt phenomenal, J J Vhhney made tealout. Industrious prosecuting attorney when He served lu that capacity some years ago, and he has list none of hit old time teal in prosecuting criminals. ML 'HJLMLi JL.1.LSVJI G F Russell is a regular rustler and when he takes charge of the office of county school attperintendent,to which office he will be elect, ed by good round majority, he will devote himself to the building up ol public schools In practical way. Wm Rumbangh for county commissioner aad W Curl for county treasurer art both eotnnctent and fit for the dutiea of the offices for wtkh they are runaing and we predict for each a big majority. I M l I I I I I .11 IMS J K Weatheifbrd and Jeff Myers candidates for the state senate, and F C Hansard C J Shedd and J F Henry for eprcsentaUve are all men of integrity of purpose and will faith fully represent the people of Linn county, TheT can not t captured by the Portland ring. N P Tayne for county clerk and Matt Scott for sheriff are both competent and honest and will be such careful and scrupulous bflicial as people delight to have to attend to public af fairs. R A Miller was in the legislature when gov ernor Tennoyer vetoed the m n taxable bond bill, lie voted steadily at all Its stages ocsinst the bill and worked like a beavor to t-cure a vote to sustain the veto. He is en tilted to the vote of every democrat for con grcss. B B Beckman. republican, will speak in Al bany May list at 7vV o'clock P M Seymour Coodoe, May aath at 7:30 P M, and D P Thompson, Phil Metchan and others will be here May 7th at 7:3 P M. Jadge Bonham has served as Judge of the Third District and has served aU on the sa preine beach. His personal and judicial integ rity b not questioned by any ma a in the state, repullicanor democrat. Without epeakiag oght against Judge Bean, his opponent, we have M hesitation m saying that it would be a great credit to the voter of the state to elect Jadge Boo ham. David P Thompson voted against a proposition to prevent the Chinese coming to this country. Now la harmoov with the eternal Ctrtese of thing the state com aalttee that Is managing hi campaign have a Chinaman hired as janitor while hun aired of tabor people are out of employ, snent In that city. This shows where Dave Thompson' heart Is. He emptors the Chinaman because he Is the cheapest The Indefinite closing of the Tiffin woolen mills, one of the largest factories of the klad In Ohio, provide an object lesson on the tariff question. In an Inter view SupL Waugh pointed! assert that the factory could not be run at a profit owing to the heavy tariff tax levied upon the foreign wool necessary in the manu facture, and a class which la not produced In this country and cannot be. "The great majority of the emploj e of of the mills,' aid Mr Waugh, "are republicans, but tell you many of us are getting our eye opened on this tariff question." It Is known also that the repulican p art y in delegate convention, chlch is supposed to represent the sentiments cf the repub licans of the state, at the state convention laced a plank In their platform (see plank eight) declaring in favor of taxing all property not now exempt by the const! tution . Upon this platform they placed Mr Thompson, who stands upon this plank as heavily as upon any other. He has ac tepted the nomination, and if elected stand pledged against exemption of bonds from taxation. JJUundraler Yes, the republican say they are in favor of taxing all property not now exempt by law, but as the proposed bonds have no existence yet, they can not now be exempted by law, so this plank is a mere doubledealing for th: purpose ofdeceiv. lng. Dave Thompson voted for the non taxable bonds, and if he were elected he would approve any such bill passed by the legislature. His friend in Portland are appealing to voters to vote for him on the ground that he voted for, and la still In favor of such bonds. THB BIGGEST UK. The very biggest campaign 11: of the season is esc being peddled me to the public fa and around Tangent to the effect that Governor Pennoyer said ia his speech at Lebanon, that he was ia favor of a cheap labor a he could get, especially on public work. W could go aad tnr.hfully say about this report that it i on of lb most brazen and unmitigated cam paign Ec ever set afloat ia Lin a county. But at there it act an intelligent man in the coun ty who is likely to believe th tiny falsehood w content ourselves by saying that the story is a plain, patent lake hood manufactured out ot whole cloth by tome one whose love for truth hat been extinguished ' No man ever poke more earnestly and candidly in behalf f labor people than did the governor in his Lebanon speech. This kind of campaigning will rebound on those who carry it On, as will be seen by the vote polled . for the governor Jane aad, The writer of this and scores of republicans and democrat! who heard the speech stand ready to deny this silly falsehood. BAO.PLIGUT. The Herald, finding itself, since the re publican county convention, with nothing to stand on, seeks to vent Us spleen on the Dkmocxat by saying that we are throwing dirt against Dave Thompson In this cam. palgn. This effort of that paper to vent it spleen upon the Dxmockat, a a kind of satisfaction for the very awkward atti tude which itr.ow occupies, Is unkind. In the years to come It will learn that such a course only piovoke a scorning srrlle even from its own party friends. When the Democrat tells how Dae Thompson at tempted to get two salaries out of Holla day's estate a receive, when he was en titled to only one, quoting a decision of the supreme court as proof of everything we said, the Herald calls that throwing mud. When we tell Viow Dave Thompson, in the legislature, voted against a proposi tion to prevent the Chinese from coming Into this country the Herald say thai is throwing mud. When we tell how Dave Thompson pj taxes on only 1171,000 when, in truth and In fact, he is worth nearly a million and a quarter, taking our figures oi his assessment from the assess ment roll of Multnomah county.the Herald ca'ls that throwing mud. When we say that Dave Thompson is reported to have said that he would spend a hundred thou and dollars, If necessary, to secure his election, basing our upon Oik -ward of a prominent repMican, the Herald calls hls throwing mud. The truth Is the Her ald it envious of the cojrage exhibited by the Demobrat in speaking up boldly on public matter while it seems afraid of its own shadow, transparent and thin howev er that shadow may be. I'KNN'OYEB AT LEBANON. On Saturday a large and emhuilacllc max meeting was held at Lebanon to hear Governor Fennoyer and state treas urer Webb explain the reasons why they honld be re slutted. The gathering ol the people wax to large that an open air meeting had to be held. While the mcct- ng was nut very demonstrative, there was no mistaking the fact of a very unusual amount ot earnestness and tnthusl'tTi and if these are Indicative ot the result ot the election, Pennoyer and Webb will out strip their opponents largely In this coun ty . 'Unc!e George," as M r Webb Is called by hla neighbors, spoke (lint. He does not pretend to make speeches but show up the result of hit term In plain figures taken from the record. And these filguret speak In the highest terms of praUe for his efficiency and honesty. Under the law the governor, the secretary of state and state treasurer constitute a board to manage the state school fund. It will be seen that a majority ot the board are democrat hence that party I retponclble for the management of that sacred fund. The following It what Governor Pennoyer and Mr Webb say In rendering an acconnt of their stewardship to the people: It Is the province ot the people to freely choose the Individuals upon whom official position Is to be bestowed. It Is their duty 10 bestow official position upon those who stand by them; thow who have supported and nourished trie people a chict welfare. Voters, what la ol more- value to this com monwealth than our common school fund? It I a benetkiar trust In the hands ot yoi'r chief officials as trustee. It U a sacred trust, a trust that a' tender con science will not violate. Scru'.lulxe these figures and see If you must nutni and endorse the management of this fund for the rt three year. Tie Hollowlnir statements present an Inventory of the common school fund made biennially since 1SS5, and also I the year t8oo: . The fund, including certificate of sale ard other Items, amounted In anuary, 1SS5, to $ 868,73$ t6 anuary, 1867, to 1 ,0509 01 anuarv. i&Sa. to I.76.?oo 00 January, 1890,10 1,905,696 33 The earning power ot the tund.measured bv the amount actual v loaned and not in eluding certificates ol sale, was in . . , - anuary, iS8 $ 733.JSJJ 6j anuary, 1 887 7M37 3 anuary, 1889, MJH.071 U anuary, 1800, 1,568,071 14 In July and August of each year the revenue derived from mis luna lias oren distributed to the several counties of the state, In aid ot the public schjols. The amount received by each connty, 1 In proportion to the number of children ot school age In the county. The following I a statement of the distribution for five year past: Year Per capita. Total distributed iSSc -75. .. 9-.. .. t 00 . .. I JS. . 1 40. 59,046 7 1886. 18S7. 1888. tSSo. 74.57 3o SJ17 00 J17 50 130,337 30 155,000 00 l8yo(etlmated). 1 60. At the close ot Mr Webb's rematks the governor was greeted with an enthusiastic round of hearty cheei lng. Th governoi, by figu-es, showed that hi administration had been faithfully and economically ad ministered. That public office I a public trust and that It Is a duty of a! public official to render an account of his stewardship which he preceded to do. He showed by incontestlble facts that are public and no torious, that D P Thompson I a mere grasping money getter making everything in hi control bend and yield to that pur pose. He told of the course of Thompson who, when receiver of the Ben Holaday estate, charged $500 per month as such receiver .and at the sarr e time claimed $150 per month for acting as president of a manufacturing company in whieh the Holaday estate owned a three fifths Inter est, and how, -inally, Thompsoo brought suit to collect it, and how the supreme court decided that his claim wa unjust and dismissed hi case. He further showed that tome year ago the city coun cil of Portland had, by ordinance, estab lished a wharf line along the city front to prevent property owner from building wharves and landings so far out into the river as to obstruct navigation, and how, when David Thompson was elected may. or, an ordinance wa adopted amending the former ordinance so at to deflect out Into the river 40 leet around a block owned by him, thus actually giving him a strip 40 by 200 fret along the water front now worth $100,000, and how the mayor cheer fully signed this ordinance by which he was so much enriched at the expense of the people at PortlanJ. The governor al so defined the difference betweeu the re publican and democrat on the tariff question. I le showed that a tariff for revenue would afford all the protection that any one had a right to claim while a tariff for piotecllon for protection's sake wa a scheme to enrich the rich and Im poverish the poor. The meeting in every sense of th word was a success. Many republican were present and not a few declared their purpose to vote for the gov ernor. The drift of public sentiment is largely in favor of the re-election of the governor. THOMPSON! MANY BAXK3. The Karurroas A treacle Tkst Are to be Ilia Buy la Tbl Campaign. Below is a list and the loot ion 1 of M Thompson's banks. These are the agenrie he expects to elect him . Their money it being poured out like oil upon the troubled waters. He owns a con trolling in U rest in the La Grande National of La Grande. Commercial National, Dayton. Columbia National, Portland. National Bank of Commerce,' Tacoma. National Bank of Heppner. National Bank of Spokane. Portland Savings Bank, Portland. Pendleton Savings Bank, Pendleton, First National Bank of Pomeroy, First National Bank of Sprague. First National Bank of Walla Walla. First National Bank of Pendleton. First National Bank of Island City. First National Bunk of Union. First National Bank of Baker City. Fint National Bank of Arlington. First National Bank of McMinnville. First National Bank of The Dalles. Dave Thompson declares his purpose to be elected if it costs $100,000 to secure; that re sult, Tke issue thus raised it not a political one. It it not a question whether the next governor thall be a democrat or a republican, but the vital, burning issue is, shall a mere money getter be permitted to bring to shame and disgrace the fair name and fame of our young state? The question remains with the honest votert among the merchants, mechanics farmers and professional men. We feel sure they witl not permit $ avid to succeed. II S Williamt for assessc, E J O'Conner for county tuiveyor, tnd Frank Farrellfor Coron er are all worthy and competent for their re. pective offices and should receive every dcia ocratic vote in the county. Dbiki Plums -I will giv the highest maiket price for choice dried plum for the cext 30 days. Samuel E Yocho. Albany, Or, April 11th, 18S0. Warm Weather. A fine stock of re frlglators and Ice cream freezers may be seen at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing like them for the house. tlOWTHKY WAX r TO IKI IT. The republicans at the state convention In Portland on Wednesday, April loth, adopted as part ot their platform the fol lowing ptanki 'Eighth That we are In favor ot a fair and equal distribution of taxation, and we believe that all property not now exempt by law should contribute Its due proportion Inpayment ot legitimate expanse of tr-e government. That we are In. favor of the adoption ot such amendment to our as sessment lawa as will secure the rquat and ust assessment and taxation of all property at it true value." In order to carry out I heir virtuous In tentions they nominate tor governor Hon orable D.ivld I. Thompson, banker, money lei.dcr, and public spirited (?) citizen, who hat acquired the bulk ot hit wealth by systematically dodging his share ot taxa tion and compelling the lent wealthy clil tent of Multnomah county and ot the state to pay It for him. Ills assessment for tax. atlon for 1890 In Muitnotnati county I $171,700.00 of which there Is exempted at claimed by htm for InJehtedncs $33,000, 00 and $30000 exempted by law. The following table shows his holding, the amount assessed at and actual market value ot It, showing how his lens wealthy neighbors wh hold property In Muttno Malt county and through the sttte are compelled 10 assume the buidcu Iw sliltl on them . Description of property i Undivided I 4 0(40 am in lilacMitsioiivs Donation land claim sec 33 T. IN, Kit; Value, ii6jo: Total aeed value,$i6oo; Actual value, $ioo,oou. Description of property 710 acres, Sections Jo, 31, 15 and 16, 1 N. 3 K; value, $8000; total assented value, $Sooo; actual value, $!Ou,ikh, Description ot property, SVV of N li J4' sec JS 1 N. 3 IC ; value, $1000; total cscu value, luo.i. actual value, $8,000. Description ol prop, ertyt 3 acrt ses 19 1 N. 1 fc.; value, $500; total suotid value, $500; actual value, $J,ooo. Di-crlptlon of prueityt 2 j acres sec 33 I N.I E; value, JSo; total assessed value, $J5ou; actual value, $15,000.' De tcrtp'ton ol property, city property, cakl 79 ft ot N ,4 lot I block 40; value, $7001; value of improvements, $4000;-total as sessed value, $13,000; actual value, $36, 000. Description of property! undivided 5-13 ot block 33; value, 3,ooo; value oi improvement, $17,000 i'otal assessed value, $47,500; actual value, $187,000. Descrip tion of propcrtv) undivided 13 of lot I, 3, 3 block, N i lo't 4 block 81, S. i ot E ), lot 4 block 81; value, $11,000; value ol im provement, 1 1 8,000; tout assessed value, $30,000; actual value, $100,000. De scription oi property; lot 4, b'j block 11. lot 3 south 30 ft. lot cist to It lot 6 ei 30 ft of south 30 ft; value, (5500; value of Improvement, $3000; total aescd value, $6500; actual value, 3.0O0. Description ot propcrtr ; lot 3, 4,5, block 34 Couch; value,! iO,5X); value ol improvement, $35 00; total atMctwed value, $r3,00U; actual value, $75,000. Description of property ; household furniture; value, $1300; total assessed value, $1300; actual value, $3,. 000. Description of property; stocks, note, mortgages and money ; estimated at. actual value, 8500,000, exemption, 34.JOO. Description of pi-pcrty ; personal proprr- tv; value, $3t.5oO; excmpttni, $34,300. Totals; value, $136,700; value of improve ment, $45,OUO; total aesel value, 171, 700 ; actual value, r,i59,300; exemption, 34.2")- KlCAI-ITtLATION. Real estate and Improvements; assessed at, $137,200; actual value, $659,300; per sonal property, $34 5OO; estimated at, tjOO.OOO Total assessed valve, $171,700: estimated value, $1,159,300. Claimed as deduction! ; Indebtedness, 31900; exempt by law, Jyt, total J.300. Total amount of usable property as re turned by the Hun. 1) I' Thompson; f 137,. 500: as again, actual and estimated value of, $1,159,300. Ecing about 1 8th cf the taxes which the Hon D P Thompson ought to have paid, the 7-Sih of It had to be paid by the other taxpayer of this city, county and tUte, The following is a list of the taxable property of the Hon D P Thompson from the year 1S87 to 18S9 by whl;h it will be seen that In 1883 the llonorble gentlemen was in reduced circumstances, being worth In worldly goods and chattels afte. dc ducting hi indebtedness only f'6,175. But Ort Lordy, the fotlowing year 1S84' either through an over sight In not deduct ing any indebtedness or because of an un friendly feeling on behalf of the assessor of this county, or because the Lord pros pered him exceedingly during the past year, his assessment was t'30$0. Hut he equalixed it the following ear, 1SS5, in which year he lost a ll'.Ue over f sCO.000. (And this was not the year in which the bonds were stolen) for in 18S5 hi assess mcnt was only $37,200. In 1S86 it was 150,000 In 1887 10I.OCO But between 1S87 and 1S8S his worldly goods inci cased only by f 9,000. But that year was a bad year- It was the year he was receiver of the Holiday estate, but from lfSSto 1889 It must have been quite a rrewperous year, for hi actually must have made $25,000 In that year. A very large amount of money to make In one year, but there was one transaction in that yea' which Is sjU yUlded $20,000 in a lump sum. Many of our citizen knew where that $30,000 came from, Nice showing this for the standard bear er of a ticket with a pl-tforin as adopted. Debt. Exempt. Tax prop 1877 1878 I879 188O. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 $61,195 4S.375 6i.39S 76.125 34995 9S.325 103,300 233,050 9S.3W IOM75 113.600 124.2OO 171,700 $16,835 $300 $45,060 14.O00 200 31,000 3110 54.OOO 3"0 63.985 3W 43-4Su 30 35.825 300 34.575 9.705 21,835 20,71 54-475 16,175 23S.0e0 37.200 5M95 101,700 112,300 n7.5 57-8-W 60,080 11,600 11,600 53,900 300 300 300 300 300 WIUiTHEY? The following letter was written from Portland and published In the Roseburg Review. Letevery one read It. Editor Review: Do you really think for a moment that the victimized patron f our public schools are going to vote for ajsuch shyster in educational affair a Mc Elroy? He is a man of no scholarly at tainments, nor literar; or social culture; on the contrary, I coarse and forbidding. He murder the fcKlng English" when ever he attempt to address an audience, unless hi lecture hat been taken from some work on edtt ..tlopal topic or school journal He Is vc igo-vl Bfabstracllntr." (He ought to opeii an abstract office for he undoubtedly do well.) lie 1 absolutely unfit, In every sense, to fill the office of state schools superintendent, and to think that the republican party would put him up for a third term, too. It is astounding! He will, a he should, suffer an inglorious defeat He was nominated through fraud, but will be defeated at the po Is by the out raued taxpayers of the state the thousand of deeply wronged pairont of our public schools. Signed One of the 3500 republicans who won't vote for McE!roy. Portland, Or.. April 24, 1890, ' Dhiep Yarns Wanted. l'luma and a kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by CI W Simpson, First Btreet. In all diseases cf the stomach, liver and kidneys, utc, to tho exclusion ot all other mediciUKS, nturei' owu tetn'idy, Plunder's Oregon Hlood Purilier. Have you seen those psrlor tuita that T Brmic has just received J They are nice. You em saye many a dime by trading at II C U'ill.-Hrd new drugstoro. Try it. Kuw cream cbfcc-se just received at C'oirad Meyers. Ni.vpltii i side coml), bsi k comb, sil ver jewelry, Uuht bead and brai'eiB's, at F W I hknch S. 1 Rcmeuilicr Hut Governor Penngysr will speak al the court house In thi city on Friday May 93rd nt One o'clock In the afternoon, We uutlerstand that largn number from Scio Lebanon, Shedd, Tangent, and other local! tic arc mnklng arrangement to attsnd. Every farmer within rentonnhle distance should at tend and hear the "fiicinl of the pcoplu' in their behalf. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS t'raay lurtlaa. llKt.KNA, May 13, An Indian runner.who ennie in Inst night from Tongue ilvrr, tay that courier tent out by lbs Cheyenne Indians to find the new Messiah, or tecond Christ, saw htm ami talked with him, They located him in the mountains lyond Salt Lake, and fiom their description of him he it an old man with a long whit bcArd, which hngt down over his breast. Some day he wear white hair, and at oilier limes ha no hnlr, en his head, Irora which it appear that ha Is bald headed and wear a wig. lie mide on of the Chey enne Indian who visited him a high priest, and instructed him in the tiles and mysteries of the new religion, lie give him Ihe ligurts and ceremonies of a new Indian dunce, which tak es four nights and one whole day lo perform. Itemalas loaad, I-.i'GfcNK, Or., May 13 -MrA S I'owen came down horn the Blue river mine last niulii am! ie Oiled (he fin iinc by tames Wv coll of the parts uf the body of C 11 Hatch. who perished in an attempl to reach the sum mit of the mountain, iHro-mber 31 last. A llngUJione and some puces of clothing wcr loun.i oiiltiu half a mile of the Lugene Mining; Company s, The body had been de voured by wild beasts, r unner March I be ing mi!e. VI nnlilR'l Un4. vANCurvkK, III,, May I J. The large bridge across the to:lh am of the Fraser river suddenly collapsed this afternoon, Ihrowi into Ihe water four men who wer on it. 1 ney were injured, hut nol, it I 'houei t, sv erely. This i.rldge wss bull! by the San Fran citco Bridge Company for the provinical gav eminent last year. It collapsed from th pie ... 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 1 vi "'' wmier anu inr company were compelled to reinstate It. It now fall again, More the government has accepted Ihe work, A fee altar Case, IXdKHK, May 13. The burial of the lad Jtff Smith, who suinided last Sunday, took place lo day under ih auspice of th fire de partment. I here was a very large attendance. It is learned that he had contemplated this act for some lime. He tried lo ge the doctors lo sin mm at liiry lai.l be must soon be rendered insane by a disease in the head. There is talk ol the will brig cor. let ted. Kxrllesl Keaeksirg. nusimiu, mi; ij ibe liver Is very muddy, but the city water work are a success. A gra-d raihoad ratifkatkm meeting was held on the streets to-night. Recently koaebura subscribed lcr part of the railroad honus, but last night al an enthustic mas meeting the .. 1 - . . . . . inr 01 , j,i-o was tignc.l, whlen meant nut Kosetmrg will nave direU railroad com mumcation with Coo ,.y within eighteen moniiis, nanus are playing, cannon booraine, urn nu ouicts are -easing end everytbin 1 . , , is excitement. Heal estate hat advanced loo per cent in the last week. Aa l afartaaale allaall)' Ism peni'KXck, May 13. The Evangeli cat chutch of this city it deeply involved in ihe ISuhop Bowman controversy, which took place at Albany a short time s,o in the conference there. The patter here last year was relumed by lb Bishop llowmao faction, the cong(eg tion having sent a petit on lo that eticct 10 the corfcrence. 1 he dissenting faction ppoim"ed kev Poling as pastor. On Sunday night Re Shupp with his family went lo the church and f jund it all in darknea and the door kicked. Next Sunday kev Puling it lo preach and th understanding ia that the doot will be opened. Every member of Ihe church here wanted Rev Shupp returned, and now all deny him th church. Hi family b pruatisted with grief. (Blllr4 aaleM. r.LCtjte Or., May ia. J F Smith, welt known thronghout this valley, committed sui ctde her last evening. The cause probably was mental disease. In the afternoon he call ed an attorney and made out his will in a rega lar manner. Hit estate amount to about fit- 000, which he leaves lo the executor, George B Dorri. to be used in paying debts erecting a monument, and removing the bodies of ail hi brothert and lister lo ihe burial ground where his mother is inferred. After all these eapentc are paid, the balance belong to :he executor, who i privately in!ru:ted lo distrt bule it to f'iends unnamed. 4 head mt tMasware. LoxijON, May I J. The Morning Post Ber lin's co-respondent tayss "By to-day't speech h the riechslag Yoa Caprivi passed, with 'one loumt, 10 the first rank of Euror ean statesmen The opinion umvcftady expressed in Ihe kib- btrs was that in comparison with his predeces sor he has noriting whatever to fear. Hit speech wa an intellectual treat of the first ord er. His whole bearing and especially Ih trengih revealed by hi conciliatory manner toward opponents, showed nobility of nature, high integrity and clearnes of purpose. The emperor and Europe are lo be congratulated, atswboy ris at. Oklahoma Citv, May ti. The report rescued here to night i.r a battle between two opposing force of cowboys in Ihe Utile River coun'ry, twenty five miles south ol here. The dilticulty Is reported to have arisen over differ ent constructions of th "herd" law, IKive men are reported killed three other fatally injured and four stigltly woun-ied. A Frlabfal Taraade. Ax xov, O., May 11. Darkness set in to toon after the tornado that tore through the southern part of Ihe city on Saturday evening that not half an idea could be gotten of the fiercenew or extent of the terrible ttorm. It moved in an almost strait line through the well settled part of the city, and there is tcareely a foot of the mile and a half but it ttrewn to-day with splintered house timbers, broken furni ture, unrooted trees, and leveled barns nd outhouse. In a trip over the storm's path to-day nine teen dwellings were counted, either ripped into kindling wood or to badly wrecked that they cannot be occupied Twenty families, number ing about seventy five persons, are out id house ana name and are being neltered by friends. Of eighteen persont injured, all will probably recover,. Seventy five buildincs. including residence and barm were damaged by the wind, and not one escaped that was in the direct liqe of Ihe fonrado, Uprooted treet were counted by score, Outhouses, in tome cases, were transplanted from fifty to loo foct nd set down in neighlwring yards. A National Matter. New Orleans. May 11. The legislature, in tecond eiion,will rrive at the state capitol at Uaton Roge to-morrow at noou. The session will be an exciting one, and wilt be mane especially so r.y the fact that the Louisi ana State lottery Co., will seek to procure the passage ol a constitutional amendment. peroniting an exleesion of their charter, Tbit proposition will be fought inch by Inch, by a strong lobby, and also by the ami lottery lea gue. It is rumored thai tome member of the legislature are pledged both ways, and that there mny be some vacant seats at the com mencement of the general assembly in conse cpuence. A ('uniprnnilse, Chicago, May 11. Employes cf A II An drew and Company' furniture factory to the number of 625 go back to work to-morrow. The rtrike wa settled yesteidav at a conferen ce between the employes committee and the firm. By the terms of settlement the striker get a marked increase in pay and it ha'f holi day on Saturdays, during June, In y and August. This practically gives them" ..ti they c.sled for. Crazy Trala, London, May 11. Gecrge Franci Train, who arrived here yesterday said: I havj been fifty two days on the way and will finish the journey around the world in ten day more. , A New Discover v Hubbard's Head fctie Capsules, f hey at a positive cure and fill a long felt want. Fen Sale. Seven treah cowt for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. If jou want ta speculate and will compar I prieir, yoa will buy in Fair Dala. , llfiAltlS MIN!. NOT CREIlTA!iIi. The OregoniaH, in speaking of Govcrno Pennoyer' constitutional objection to th Issue of non-taxable 'bond by inuntclpa corporations, say: "lt(a Oregonian)" mljl.t how, as ha done over and over.that the constitution give the legislature power to exempt from taxation property employed for munlcl pal purposes, and that the mean employed by a city fur supplying Url! with water would full within this definition," It Is not crcdltableto the sound judgement of the OrrgOHutH to make audi a specious argument. Can not the editor of that pa per comprehend the plain proposition that when a municipality lisue bond and tell them to Individuals, that these bond then are private property and therefor under the constitution could not be exempted from taxation by legislative enactment t Suppose a city had real estate which n deemed (roper to tell and use the pro cecdt to supply Itself with water, does the Orrgoniitn suppose that the legislature could pa a law exempting such real esta'e from taxation became, forsooth, ihe city employed It as a means" lo secure such water? And yet these ar parallel case and stand or fall together. The Qremn may not understand this but the voter ot the state are rapidlv coming to a compre hension of lu i-mir a.uatoY. i: tunc nr. Or., May 9, 18'), Eititi-rt Ji-matrut : ' , It is with much plea-ure thai I civ lo your rerdcri a few facts about th life and career of m old college fiicn.l, Prof, A Lekoy, your candid it for state superintendent of public in itructkm. It hat been more than 2o year since we first met in the Halls of Madison, now Colgate University, Hamilton N V. lie- ore and tine that lint hit record at te.iclicr and educator ha been tuch at lo amply fit him for Ihe high and responsible position of superintendent of public Instruction for th tttte. The medal of bravery which be modest ly kep, presented by ihe Queen of England, a being one of the immortal tlx hundred in the famous charge of BalakUva made classie by the poet Tenniton together with his rich educational experience, broad culture, warm sympathies, and intellectual force a a thinker and aa tUxpjent tusker, comMn to mak him admirably fitted for a position In which hi fellow cttucn end friends would seek lo place him. The above I the tea it that n old time collcg friend could tay of a man whose record It at clear at th tun, and whose chtb tiaa character ha never Uen tarnished by the least breath of suspicion. G I TtAVts. Pastor, First Rapt 1st Church, F.ugene. Ttirutut tsmaa. fcltisd by Altsmy W.C.T.U The State Convention of the Oregon V. CTU will be held In Portland. May loth to ijta inclusive. An excellent program ha been arranged, the day sessions bel.iu assigned a usual to report and discussions. and tne evening occuprvd by distinguish J speakers, among whom we notice Dr Houghton and Mis Henrietta Moore, Agna Plara Lodge of Good Templar o Chicago own building worth S8000. A call for a national temperance con gress of person ot all partle an J all rell giop. to be held In the New York Uroad way tabernacle on tne 14m and 15111 01 May, I being signed by premt.ient men and women all over the country. Among them are UWmp Incent, President Me Cosh, General j-'lsk, !)r Mc Art bur. Miss Willard.Dr Deem and Samuel Pickle. M r S S Fessenden, recently appointed superintendent of the franchise department oWCTVw ra, speak with no uncer Uln sound 00 "license. She y : fcln tilwtbave some arithmetic by which we can compute the value of 0 human soul, we can In na ene speak ot llcrne a high. You would not for a thousand dol lar allow a leprou hrd to be laid upon the head ot your boy .and yet for tht mere pittance we permit the liquor dealer to ruin M white soul, and then call it "high I jense. I an there K anything so miser ably 10 a a liquor license at any price A rtrlklnr; Incident occurred at Ihe close of one of Mr S M I Henry' recent lec ture in Illinois. A leading physician of 11. piece came forward and ciectrliieuitK audience bv declaring that he had been bard lilt" a to the habit of lobaccw using and that a a man and a Christian physi cian he could stand it no longer. '-Here,' he tald, "with my vest pocket lull of ci gars, my trousers pocket of tmoklng and chewing tobacco, and my overcoat pocket of pipe, I renounce the use of the weed forever. I know what thl mean. I thall not be good for much for teeth will feel a though I could putt them out with my finger ; I thall not be able to re tain my breakfast for weekt ; I shall be nervous and cross, but I am polng In for a clean body, God helping me," The audi ence reared, then cheered and shouted, while many eye were wet with tear and fervent Mament"came from alt part ot the house. The annual report of the Iowa State La bor Statistician Include eturn from 2,140 working -men, who were asked among other .question, Ml prohibition a good thing for the wage worker P One thou sand three hundred and twenty-eight ans wer "yesand three hundred and seventy. I aniwer mo. 1JUBLIO HALE. By ordvr of tbe . County (Joan, I w'll on Wednesday, tue tlt bey of May, 1K80, el tbe hour 01 1 o'clock, p m, tell at nobllo auction fur eaab In band t the highest bidder tbe fence auiroundlnc tbeoourt house square. HKoaes liDxinitr, Dated May th, 1800. Summons, tht Circuit Court of tke State OJ Oregon for Lin County, J L II .li la, P:i0'.tlT, Charh K East and Clara F Simpson and Wilhain Simpsor, her hushsnd, Defendant. To Chaile E Rust, Clara F Simpson and William Simpson th above named defen dant. In the nam of tie Sut of Oregon, you. aud each of yoa, art hereby required to ap pear ana answer me eompiaies 01 tue above uatved plamtia in the above-entitled court, now on tile with tbe clerk of aaid court, on or before the Krt day of th next rular term of laid court, to-wit; June 23, 1890. Aud von, and each of you, are here by notified that if you tail to appear and answer said complaint a hereby required, tbe pUltititf will apply to tbe court for the ilif demanded ia said complaint, to wit: a deerc reformicg and correcting tbit uerUin di ed made by James W Rust and Sarah L Ilast, his wife, to John F Rector, bearing date the 2 1st day of April, 1858, re cord, d 00 pge 750 cf book A, cf reoordt of deeds of Liun county, Oregon, to a to in clude th following described real property, tO-Wl ' Beglnnini; at the aoutbweat corner of Motion 11, in tp 14, 8 K VV. Willamette Meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, and running it 40 chains, tbetioe north S3 ehaina,tbenoe Kant 8.63 100 chain, 1 hence nortu 5 chain, tbenoe weft 4)01-100 chain thbune toutti 40chaina to the place of beifinnlnsr , also reforming aud correcting tha. certain deed made by raid Jame VV Kuet and eiarah L Kuat, to aaid John P Kector, bearing date tie 13th day of February. I8ti0, recorded on page 610 of Book It of Deed Reoord,of Linn coun ty, Oregetk, so a to Include tbe following deibed real property, to-wit : Begin ning at a point 6.03 chain east of tbe nortneast corner of the south west quarter of aeo 11, to 14, S K 4 W, Wlllaaoe'te Me ridian, in Linn county, Oregon, and run Ling east 9 rodf, tnenne n a outherij direction to a point ft chain south of the place or beginning, thence north & obalna to the pace of beginning, and quieting plaintlirs title to each of aaid tracts of land and perpetually enjoining and re straining you and eaoh of you from as serting or claiming any right, title or Interne in and t either of said traota.and for judfjmcrjt against you for his costs and (Vsburgemenw herein. Thi summons Is published by order of non K P Bise, Judge of the abovs enti tied Court, made at Chambers In tbe cllv of Salem, in M.rlon county, Oregon: on ! the Xth day or May, A. D 1890, 1 Hewitt A Irvinx. Att'ys for Pliiotiar. mm K1MBS. . ( A U Item n4 JVKJt, ) A promlnn physUrian mil the bis "an u-irarit llmint..r of dlmam." II My. fvr I sftrswd by It, so are lun rtisr-.'1 Out urwin th (-nor led and Mpl- vtxndl Kvldnntly k! er not for S'inh a h, and th 0I1I fo av tb irrmpo are Moiir. Lot him duvot hlmanlf te makln our v mntm healthy and blooming- that kiaww may bo kiaans- Thl fn urny ba done by th iw of Dr. I'luro' ravorita I'msartiHlnn, wbjuii u slinpiy mstr l"l In curing dias ioiillr to fnmairai. Afur Uklns- It tor a rmson.lil kn-th of (linn thor will b ao mor Irregularity, bsk a.'hn, brarinelnwn S'.nsstli.n. nnrvou priMs tratlon. -niu.rn dablllty and kimlrml itrnntila. It Is only nuMliiiln fr women, onld hy drtia-lia, Mridr at poaltlvo tjnisrstMsae from tlio mKiiuranturfra, that It will jrlv aut-lfai-llon In every eoaa, or imttif rrfuii"1l. A liook of iw tut", on " Woman and llnf Illsrm, nd their l.'lf-nir," srnt, piMt-pal'l. to any t Irtw. tetwtin sf.is1 in a i.llt uu yeloiw. on r.slit of ten wnra. In s'smn. AHilres. Wltnf.ti' llm-CMisv sTsriffiAr. Aaaooiatioa, u Main Htwt. llurTalo, N. Y. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS arelr Vagelabla and Per really If arm ms. rnciul'(1 ua 1,1 vr fill. HtrtiUh-. t'hmrMwt, .Kj.i.-t to Tnko. One 'lly, Mna ar eoatxd Pullet a DtHsn. Cur.- niels lle.xiiM-be, lilllosia tteadarha. C OHtlatloil I ud Inositols, Itllion Ate tarfcs, sii-l all deranumnonta of the HUmtaoS and Uowsio. u ouuis a vial, by oruiccista. Summons. I Circuit Court of tht BlnU 0 Oregon for fan County of Ltnn 1 J IJ Haakell, Plaintiff, Annie V Hatkell, Defendant. In the name ot the etate of Oregon you are hereby urn monad and required to appnar eud anawer plan um ouinpiaint filed In the above entitled cult, to the above entitled court, on or before Headay, ike tSrsl slay er , I, that being the fint day of the ce' t regu lar sarin al4 court, 10 am dvrud ana held at Albany. Lion owunly.oregoo.anci you are hereby notified that it you fail ao to appear andauawer a id torn plaint a hertilu required, plalttlff will apply to aaid court or the relief demanded lo said no tu plaint lo wit; For a dee.- duotolv- lng the Diarnsit contract now xiasiua bntwaon you and otalntlil. for eoata and diaimrae -etiW of iblaault and foreucbj other reltof aa may be equitable an J junt Tbl summons la pubiianea in tne ai Imsuj t a isi at for ix uorwt ive weeka Le order of lion It P Hols Juiloe of aaid ourt.wblcb order was made at Chamber and bewradat the frta day or May.imw. Dated M? J o n. istw. 00, A. Pomtia. PitTa Att'y. Executor's Notice. Notloe ie hereby Kleea that the nndor atgoed ha botnappoialad by tbe County Courtor L,lnn county. oreoo. exeou or 01 the last wilt and leatameat and estate of Camilla McFarlat, deaaed, late of Linn counly, Oregon. All parson bay log cialiiiaiiint salil eausie are hereby notified to preeent. the a duly yerified al b ia office in Albany, Org ,0, wttbtn ix mom be from tola date. Mayttb. 18W w J L IllLX. TJ 8titm. Ktecutor. Ait'y for Kxsruior. SherilTs Sale. CwraiV Court of tke State of ( re gom,for 1.1 mm (.tmmtjr. Nolli llomll!, plaintiff, v. Stephen lUliittt and Deborah II Ballictt, bia wife, Kb J Johnson, aad O P Coshow aad C it Cable, partner under the nrm name of Coshow Si Cable, defeadoat. Notice is hereby giro that by virtoa of an eteceuoo and order of sale iasoed oat tf th above earned Court in the above entitled ait, I wdt ea atarsUy. the tih day at May. lave. at tbe Cvart House door ie tbe city of Al bany, Lina county, Oregon, at the boar of 1 o'clock p m. ot aaid day, tail at public suottoa for ah ia bond to th bighsat bid dot the real property d ascribed ia said ete cation and order of aal follow to-wit 1 Bogiaoing at the Dortht corner of the do nation laud claim tf Reuben Clay pool, tbeoce southwest 83 rods to th county road, thence orthwaat atoogaoid rood 1C3 rod to the north bos of si J donation land claim, thanee outtieast along aid line 130 rod to th plaoe of begiaaiBg, ennuiui g 33 aera ia tp 13, S It 2 w, of Ih Wl l.mer.ta meridian ia Liun county, Oregon. AUo bauiuoing at a point on the aorta lire ot A J Richardson's dot eti hi land claim 80 rod waat of th north tat corner of sail claim, thtaee west to the sou lit we l corner of tbe Kiiuore Ual -hhai'e donatioe land etim, thence north 0 00 chains, thence sooth 89s west 11.30 chsii s, thenoe sooth 37," west 14 chain to the line between tbe donation land of tbe aid A J Richardson and Rouben Cisypool, thence tooth 76s at on said line to a point doe eoath of th ptae of bginning,ooDtaia ing 60 a. re, in tp 13, 8 It w ol the Wil- 1-mctta mahdian. Id Linn county , Oregoa. AIo beginning at a point &5 63 chain south of the northwest corner of the donation land claim of Elmore Gallihar, notification 23'28, ia sections 32 sod 33, in tp 12, 8 R 2 w, and in s act Ions 4 and 6, in tp 13, S R 2 w.theoce north 2 1-Hul.ains, thenoe east 29 ohaina, thence outh 2 LI 4 chain, thenoe weal 29 slisios to th piooe of beginning, containing 6 00 scres,all in Linn county, Oregon Tbe prooeada arising from the sal of aaid preii.i to be applied first, te th payment of the oust of and upou aaid execution and tbe original ouata uf aaid auit taxed at $31.33. 8eoud. to the payment of plsiatiflT claim amoautlug to th tarn of $373, and tb furtaer sum of $00, Attorney' fooa. and ao cruiug iutrtt tbereon from tb 10th day of March, 18110, at th rat of 10 per cent per annum Third, the oVatpla if any ther be to ha paid io to Court to wait the further ordsrof the Court herein named. Dated this 23. J day of April, 1890. JOHH SMaLLMON. Sh'ff ol Linn couuty, Or. Executor's Notice, Notice is beraby given that the under siiiued emcatn" of th- last will and testa ment of F f Jeily, deceased, ha filed with th clerk of Linn oounty, Oregon, hi final account irr ar.l estate, and the Judge of aaid eoart has fixed th 4 h day of Jnne, th hour of one o'olook p. m. of said day, for th beariug of ol jection thereto if any and to irtu said estate. Thl 17U day of April, 1800. Oscar Hialt, J K Weatherford, Ex. said eat. Att'y for exseutor. Administrator's Notice. Notio is hereby civen that the under signed ha been appointed admicistrator of tbe tatof Miriam Harrel, deceased, late of Liun county. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to tbe under signed at hi rssidenoe in Soio, Oregon, with in six month from this date. May 10th, 1800. J L Hewitt & Irvine, Admin. Att'y for Admr. " Farms, Farms. Trior wishing to invest in farm property should call and tee fur list of farm and city property. We have some of a good fruit and garden land as can be found in the i'tste. A bo stock ranches aud wheat furuis all near R R. Farms and farm prop erty a specialty.. Call sod sea us l.tfore purchasing elsewhere OlBoe, First Street, next door to Thompson & Overman' Harpet Shop, Albany, Or, ,T. B. CORNELL & CO., Real Etal Acntr. (3 CI Hi A Russel a Co's E 1 1 SSW ft Sj., . . 45' ,i 11 -1 'i in 1 -' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WAGONS AND BUGGIES, LOGGERS AD BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS. OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BADY CARRIAGE8, GARDEN AND GRA&3 SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. yt T9 TTTB TDK AT, MTTTCTi"B. It nae tn jr ud Kiaicv tJ Srnmsck, raras Hrsaarha. I)-t-r-i. rrasic aa A (. tua, ParUia Ut bamirs BiowJ. and fV TV a Wfk B'wp. mm " fPFUNDEH'S t7d evarywbare. f 1 abotOsU for& j SberliTs Sale. In th Circuit Court of Ortgou for Mult- noma Cos-err. F Rlehot and T Rlcht-t, Darin- r itt:dr the nrm nam of P lilcne'. 4 Co, I'lalni.tU, v George E Singleton, Defendant. Notice la hereby given that by virtus of an execution duty lasued cut of tbe above named court In the above ent'tltxt action to tne directed and de.lverod.I did in Lion county, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May. imtt.duly lew npon all the right, title and Inter at of George K WngU-ton, the above named defendant. In and to the rwal property hereinafter described, and will on totavday. ta Ilk stay r Jaae,A-14 I, at tbe Court House door In tbe ci'.y of Albany, Llnneonnty,Oreon,ai tbe br.ur of on oVtoc It pm ol aid day, aell at public aurtlt.n fur cash In band to tho blRbeat btddar all of tbe right, title and interest of the said defendant, Oeorge K SibR!eon, In end lo tbe fuiloln de serltd prernlKa ae fallows 10-wlt: l No7, loVock folk in tbe city of Al bany , Linn county, state of Orotf .n, 1 he proeeede arlslrta from aurb sale to beep plied, first, tv tbe 1 ay men t of the cotaot and upon aaid execution and the original poata of auid auit taxed at $19 (ChIuo. Second, to 1 lie payment of p'aicutT claim atnouotliiK to the sum .f 11 with Inter eat thereon at tbn rlo of ti per eon l pr annniu from tne 10th day of April, 1MH). Hie stm belnK the Join of the rtcovrr of judirinent In favo' ot the above naaio plaiatitT and against t be ebtive naimd defendant JoRllIIAt.l.(, Sb'rT uf Linn Co nr., by I8-Hinith, deputy. 2S5 HJ"nf A LOT -Uf FAl'lLE,' eeeeeeeeeee TBE Best and Cheapest SUBUfHAfi PRGPEfaTY IN THE MARKET. ii, IaCAlll)Si,El', General Agcxt, Choice Residence Giocks, GOOD INVESTMENT, -.- DELAY. Freic Conveyance to 1'roprty, PAYMENTS EASY. T0WNSEND & WILSON VF A PR3 W ii m I n LI J ANY. OREGON, -AOKKT FOK- .1 19 AM) DEALERS IX ... snpffl ana -j 9 1 -I- iie ii 1 . ! .Mmi t 1 ... " T..j 'lu. E. BLAIN: IIm Heen -AT HEAD -1 - Xow the Greatest Attraction is His Largo and Stylish Slock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., In ICtjepinfj "Witl. tlio Season. If You Would bo Suitably Dressed - -" '-- - Call - at - Jas. E. Powell & Co.,' Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS IK- Choice G Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac CO iiitC. iiltc. Ixjw Tricos and Prompt Attention, Montague COENEE FIRST tSc JniZJEZTZ" STS Dealers in Groceries, Produce, Tobacco, C igars rt . - 7 . O oMicciioiiarya me ProtJuoa wanted ia eTohsncte for good prootpt attention. TRY U3- A HARE OPPORTUNITY ; 1 Offered Evry Day by the n an -: ra L. T. BROCK, m 111 m iiifji r 1 r- 1 4 n 11 mm ifi n m m hi w bsr uu h y ij. j y y To get first-Class FURNITURE, Latest Desi torn Prices. New Goods will i V P IJJI l a lachinery. Declared THE - HIS LIE! ' et? His - Store. - mm or c ash, - ' Fist-c!a goods aad .A vi I . 1 U ' - 5i) ii i.WJli V. PROPRIETOR. !1C fit arrive Constant! v. 1 n iJrVW" a Son. 1