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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1890)
Pianos. t rl t ol Instrument, Ot. rest tea d lb eltmat of th Cant, oan t ' by calling at Mri U K liyniaVs, Bdesxiiilo Tern. pl, on Br Th latest vocal and Instrumental for aale.alao tb lra asaort of suinntnir pattern tOMi(rom aldsof 'FrtiM.0. I eon given la paintlniteud embrolderlug In r-er studio or Lmo County funk. Ulrs)br your order ami you will ba pleased. J. F. Whining, Artist. Instruction f Wen, ad work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and Da wrtlTtPlnUn?.Utterlnjr.Designlng and Mechanical Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, FosterBlook, Al Way Or .. DR. JAKES KEYOEfJ, Brsiuata of EdinUr, Scolland, Hm! Iii Albany. Frc hi borough koowladiia of hi proves! on ad hat prwnoe of 10 ywar a an cflU er In a Cavalry Kaglmwnt, h hope to merit tha patrouajrw of the Intorwstbd In horww, entU, Bhp. te, would also reooiu'mead hU solution or linainent for ion ahoolder. eor Haeke, broken kno. wounds, sprains. Prl , on dot lar pr bottl. anOfflo JohnScumaer'a Ivery t bte To All Wtoa It Eay Concern. The Germanla F c Insurance Co o! s-. Vn,v hvlnir reinsured it entire .,i..u in th siaia of Orceon. tald com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, 50,000, j nercor i.vvw tu dl-rontinunce of buine In Ore .n. .n.l It. lntntloo of withdraw tnii It 5epolt now lth the State Treaurer at jhe expiration 01 me ix ""' 1 aotlce noulred br law Germanic Fiaa Issuaasea Co orN. V Hugh Schumann, Vic President De3'NJiS& FOR LIEU OULY! A F w5i lilt r n m ui &aoca axrrri TTTT'ki rfmnIMlii Old 17 ARM FOR SALE Two hoodrad acre ct good fkrm laod all in cuitl .uk muH tm ilorr hou. rood htra isdotter out ho a Ma. Oood water ikii tnd atook. Oood poar and ap .1. h ..) u wall uetur kli.dl of ri. vtvui , farm. Bltoatod foar miton Moulhweat of Albany, laqalrw ai thla otsoa. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PBOPRIKTOHOr - Albany Soda Works. od Maaolactnrara of 5E0ICB comwiomi, ax aow prepared to Mil at whul , aiwaya freh and pure at PorUrnd . jt to deatara. We aiao keep a full Hut! and Tropical Inlts, CIQAR3 AND TOBACCO JAMES P. F.IEAD, Attcrnsj at Law acdTiUa Eiaclnsr, ALBANY OREGON. Willpractlo in all tWcoarta of tbe PUU. AtxUvU of Title foroihd on short aotioe- Tea yeara tiiwwoct, Foitmiliei 4- living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Att3itl3a-71w5-3lM3 Haar3 J, J. Vi'HITFlEY. ti'jh.cj And CoimseUcr At Lar . KD totar. Pnbllce ALEA1. OSECQM Will praj;l39 I all of tha Court a U Stale. All b tneaa lntruate I to hi win ba promptly attended to. 9nrl P 7' Beat stock of 2nd i" ;ood In tba Val ssf, and tb moat reauM isl priotw, both ta baying and Belling. I bar on band aJIktnda of FUiU'ITUSE, STOVES, TINWARE, TrOTS, BOOXS, PICTURES CLOCXS, C2CCXEBY, ETC., ETC. jdcsir wast otfi K Young's ol store. L. COTTUEO 123 First atreet. Albany, Or, TOVNSEND k WILSON. . Th following i a partial list of city aod farm property for sal by us. 4 aoimproved lot on Cth Street. Each 300. 1 lot with boose two storia oo 4th sod JacksooSt. 12200. Hons with 8 rooms, 1st St. floOO. 1 lot oo Washington 8t. fS50. 2vaoant lot on 3rd 8t. Kacb, 300. A good farm of 410 acre 2 mile from Halsey, 30 per aora. Can b divided and will make two good farms. A frond farm of 170 aerea, 1 mile from Tan gent, S mile fiom Albany, $40 per acre. Good fsrmof 140aort,3 miles from 8bdd. Price, $5000. A Md stock farm, 2 mi'e from Shedd, 160 acre. $2500. A new cottage with six room, large lot Price, $1000. Several tract of 5 and 10acrelot,one and a half ii il'.-s from Albany. f.'HJO per sore. A good stojk farm, ISOOaoies, 3 mile from K UsUtiou. & per acre. A bargain. Fru,3 iiiila from Hliodd.first-elass wheat and fruit land, 140 acres. lnoe,?jO00. 825 seres 4 miles from K K. 130 oer sere. Can tie sold in lot o suit purchaser. Block and Iota in Towosvod' addition to Albany. AGENTS FOR Aetna Fire Insurance Co., Total Assets $9,780,751,65. Strongest Compaoy doing business In the t'NITi:2 .STATES. TOWNSENI) & WILSON, Real Estate Brokers. J. H. D0HDAF3, : -. ATIOSNET AT LAv7 AND MAFJ PUBLIC, eronic In Htrahnn' Biook, No's 1 end 2. , i n y f-rrr'! 1 II bill. llMiist!.' it thui praised I .S. BUM of Ohio TtAA V 1 ury Dept. Columbus, Ohto,rb.S,88, "I hsvs used 8L Ja cob Oil In my faintly ft.r years, and find It to t th mllotD of msdlelns FOR CEMSRAL USE. l to ft honest rasdloln tod konast mn will nut hesltaW to recommend It to u flsrtng kuaaaltj," JOHN r. eLKMVONi. Bookkeeper. la Cvery Bsttu Thar .J. a.fry AppHtss ( i. MARK iliTTVaMnTfUMi THE YAQUINA ROUTE, gon Davelopmant Conepany'a 8Uau ehlp Una. .25 MILES SIlOaTEil. 20 HOURS LESS TIME hut bv auv othar KJto. n.t 11. rmicrh nananilimr a.nd ralifht line from Portland aod all polnta tho WUIaraotra Valloy to nl f roin San Fraaoiaoo. Cal. TnaOrojoa Tai-ldrt abamboa'a n lit rVtllamatta rivr dleMon w;h ya r' and. skiutn oonod, M in lay , WedneVay .-.1 m.i A . 1,1. Art iva at Corvallli Tuaadar. ThurdT and t irdy at a.S P, n. leave CorallU, Nmtu ionn faoodaT. Wadnaa.lay and FrHay at a . 1 .1 1 itnliml TuaadaV Tnlir 47 and Hturdy at 3:l p. in. On. Mon I t. j. i 1.. ...H Vri.lav. both North Malta ejrviaana-wj - - rf. - t . , and South boaai bot will b over night at 3):aat, leaving nera at o a. w. i . .u. Minntmllon at A I ban a-iih train of the Oregon Paolflo Kallroad Ua Aldanjr Un Corvalli arrla Vaqaina, I W r, a . I Urn CorallMi,t0: a.a h) r. a limn Albany. 11:10 A. O. A C. tralaa oonna a Albany and OurralUa. Th above train oonnortat Yaoniua wUh tha OrKin IHivetoptnatit Omnpany'a Una of Htoamahlpa bwe-n Yaiiuna and Man Frant laoo, M4IL1NU DITCM . raa r''i. rarallua. April h. Wijanwtt. V.IW-J, May h. raralloa.My tt. WiIIumU Vallry, May IIU: raraUxa, MJ Hl. tan. rcw ftT ratt Vaii.y April -k. r.rmll..Myth, WkllaOMtM altav, May Wb. raralloa, M.y Hth. WiiUaMVta Valley, My tOlh. Tha noruomr (-.orvi ha nnt to ibaaea aatliu dAtea wiboul notlcw. m v u tnaninn fratu PorUana ana rm.mMtui Vailev rtolnu can roaka cloaa anoootLm with Uio traina T tba Vaquina ronta at Albany or Cor vail la. and U daa UnadtoHan Franda. abnuld arran a to rrif at Yaquio the avoulng birra fata f aautng. eaar aat r.'lahi ala alwaja Laweaa. fa, bM awtioa aifly t Cfhapaiaa.rwMfhl I and Ma r'rtnMr C.I, C- f.ardr Ato . CurnlJa. OVERLAND TO WUFtHNIA -sVIA- SontliBrc Pasifls Companj's Llns. THE MOUNtImaSTA ROUTE. riM Wm Albany and Baa rrsndsso, S koors uumni sxrasa tki. irassisv Bctwecai rsrtlaa aa4 Vrausclse. Wort l.oor. a. i Lv s:tsra I Lv 7 as a I At r.mtaa4 AitMay aaa risaeiSTO Ar Lv Lv 10:4 S 41 A 7 sua r a bonabraasuaaa taaia u.T KseepS unU) J. h Purliaod Albsay Bursas Ar :46 L ll:JJ a a L IsOiS 14M r twri uui aaasca. S to r a I L r I Ar Ijlr I L t-3 r Ar 7 I Lv t n a a Ar Albsuy Le feaaoa Aibsny tliaowa AiUuty r I 20 a Lv a Ar vsa Lv I .mia Ar 4:r a Lv r a PULLMAh BOFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars,. r Ateaaaaa.aaliaa al aeeaad-CVsa raaseai Kera, atlaekedU express Trains. Taa a T. Go's lorry auko eonnsetioa wish sti th sajular trains on Um RsM Huim Iri.isloe tiom ul rttrt, "rUa rTesI Me aivlslaa. arnaea rwnrnas) ad cat atu. Man. vasia sani (EsxplSarMay.) Juab I Lv U.l t Ar PurCaud Orv . Ar Lv S.if) r i 1:30 r I Bxrasas ttAia Aii.t (Exempt Sunday . ILv I Ar fortiwid McMinnrUl Ar i :00 A 0 ra LV S.M A B ri7hroixp;li TiclietK To all point BOXJT1X JFTTT BAST VIA CALIFORNIA. tat lui. lufnrmaUots rezsrrtln rstr, eiar, t. aU ea Ornpny Aerit at Al'ony. . BOK1ILEB t. ROOKK9 Uanar Us't O. f. sad P. Aw MAY. 0. BKNDBR MA Y to SENDERS, uealers in General Ebi-tiiaALiisB. HARHISSUSQ ORECCH DH. C A- WHITiEY, Physician and Suroxi. Oradosta of Believe Hospital Medical College Now Yerk City. . Disease of womsj specialty TOfuo rmna-i' Briek, Alhiny, Or. D R. !l. BLACKBURN, CKO. W. WRIOHT, BUCSCBUHJ. & IVHIGSIT, Attorneya at Law, Will practice in all the Courts of the Stste, Prompt attentiou K'ven to all bnsi oess eu tin. ted to our csre. OOice Odd Fellow. Tample, Albany, Or S. W. Paisley, Albany, Or.sua. WHOLE! VLU DEkLElt IN - Tobacco ail Cigars. Ordor lolUitod from tbe.trsda. . FOSHAY - 7LS1.- ON, .S 0 SSTAIt- Druggists and Bokselk;iu Airot.tafor John B. Aldon'a poblicatJona, tilch wt. aoll a, prsblistioi prioe with foatagtadla A LltAN V. OKC0 :'E. J. LIcCAOSTLMID, Civil, Sanituy an! Hylraalio Ensneer. Consulting ongioeer for Gold and Dry t.iulch Consolidated Gj! vtr Miuit. Co. OiTicc, rt Street, AlUaay, Oi Mountain 1 aud Kd IV v.. V avatars IT. IT..:... rc - (ONriDK.NT.NEJlOlU.VCV. ('hulrmnit CeldmiiUli I'lnlm I'viiiioyrr Will lie Chairman II GuUloinllh, of Ihc ilrmocrat stale central committee, l not a hll terrified by the cheerful and Meeiii clalmtof the republican niAnagcra at to the otiicoma of the coming campaign. Kepi ring to a questioning reporter jcler. day, heul J I "I believe that etlinll clrct moot If not all of our candidate on the state ticket, ou. nominees for the teglnluture from thin countv. and manv of tha countr oillcerr. In this ilty many who never vote for a democrat will now vote for manv of the candldutcs on our ticket. The n.crchants and mechanics are lmot solid far k11 ernor I'cnnoyerand for others on our state and countv ticket. "In the rural districts Governor Psnn- oyer will receive the solid democratic vote, and large numbeisof republicans will vote for him, not lor political reasons, out te cause they are well pleased with his al ministration, iney nave waicncu anu found It to be a clean and honest one, and have always found their governor on the side of the people on any and all questions where the people a rights ana me weiiare of the state were Involved. "Our only danger l that our opponents mav make use of Wire amounts of money with the Boating and purctiftauie popula tion. I have conildrnce, however, In the better cla of the people of this siate, and cannot bring myself to believe that the purchasable vote oi trie sta-e is large enough to overcome a decisive majotlty of the hone.t vo'.ers. "Moreover, we shall not sleep In this matter It we can bring home to anyone bribery or the purchase of votes we will make it exceedlniilv warm lor the parlies concerned In it We are perfectly content to. leave the decUlon to the legitimate voteisof the state, as they shall honestly express by their billot, but do not propose to allow the purchasable vote to decide it if we can prevent it." "What will you say, Mr Loiusmiui. Innl th rrv nf trrr trade, which 1 urged ... a . . I .... against your party?" Mr undeistandlnir of democratic doc trine, and of our state platform, is that there is nothing of free trade except in ths charges ol the renubacans. i nai issue i sought to be forced upon u. Uurpo.ition upon the tariff question is plainlv enouoh slated la the platform, and we are ready to face the Usue iipon its .trclaratlons. We do not want free trade, but a proper ai.d much needed revision and reduction of the cxls'.lng tariff." It Is the intention of the committee to mile a very active and thorough canvass all over the state. It was not the original intention of Governor Pennovtr to make many speeches, but there ha been such a tlciiisn numbcis throughout to hear and see him, .ss.ichkfly tl rvughthe correspon dence of the countr committeemen, that ha arranged the schedule a published yesterday. Other requests for the gover nor's presence are still coming In, but the engagements already made will las him lo tha utmost, rrna In nearly every republican p,er of the tt we find statement like the following; "D P Thompson will not make any pub lic speeches in this campaign. He wi.l make canvas of the stale however and tali tnm'mttM to the voters.' Yes, In deeed, "Ulk business." lie In tends to "talk business" to the voter of this state in the me rr.anner and on the same line of policy thai he and Jim Lotnn "talked buslne" to the voter of Portland before the primaries. Everybody knows how these two worthies carried the pri maries In Portland. The OrtgomUu told all about It at tbe time. Bribery, repeat ing, stuffing ballot boxes and cheating, were the mean, used by dollar-mark Thompson and hi man Friday to carry the primaries, and they are relying Implicitly on the surplus in Thompon'$ eighteen bmk a a mean to corrupt the voter of this date and boy the office of governor Their agent are now cle:ted In nearly every part of the state and are making preperatlon to do their nefarious work. We warn voter who love the fair fame of this young commonwealth to arouse lo a sense of the danger of this disgrace to 'he state. It Is not a question of polHle. It I whether Oregon it to become a pock et borough for Thompon. m..,j, j Tbe Oregon City Courier published in D P Thompson old borne says: It i one of the standing jokes in Oregoo City that when I) P Thompson resi ieil here he moved beyond the city limits a few feet in or der lo escape the ciiy taxes. "liave" ha always vied with Ihe dog salmon in popular ity.H "One of the most luhstanlial and trust worthy farmer of Clackamas county, rcpub lican, reistcs that year ago i certain man named Dave Thompson chopped wood for him and thai, becoming tired of Ihe job, he left it and with him look the farmer' blank et. " The Demccratic party found a urph' in the Treasury and an xreive revenue, They teft Ihe surplus, and were unable to reduce the revenue owing largely to Republican obstruc tion. The Republican lound a surplus and already face a deiiciemcy in the Treasury and the need of higher taxet. It is an instructive contra!. Money ! Money TO- L0AI Ou good farm and oity property at 7 and -8. Per Cent. I examin my own etuiifcy j write my owu paper,and if title is perfect can close busiaes up in short order. Call on or write me, S. N. STEELE. With E. G. Brw.rd.lrr. ft il Eitnta Auent. Albany, Oregon. Albany ITS o Manufacturer o' lEAM ENGINES CHIST AND SAW illL MACHINERY IF.0,, FRONTS W ALL KIMS DF HEAVY m LIGHT WOHX, IH m AMD BRASS CASTINGS. .wctnl atwition di oCiui'!hlor rhl.t Hiring 4'1 Patuorns Made on Short Notice Notice to Stockholders. VrOTTCE IS HEREBY QTVEN THAT jL"t tbv Annual meetlriB of th titock bouler of the Albany Firinftrs,' Co , will bo behi at the ottJee of said Oowpany, in Albany, urnijon. on May 20. 1M)0, 'at I o'cioek p rn of Koid day, for tho purpose or electing sf-ven (7) direotois to s rv lor Ihn term of one yuar, aud tha trTsactlon of Much other as may csouio le fore the meoiirstc. lone liv order of the B mrd ( f p!rucior, Attrsi: M II WILDS, I'rfKH B Marshall. , I'reiideot. Keereuiry. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Dnllillttg a Irani, Skatti.r, May 9. Word was received by SlierifT MvGraw this morning that a gnng of men armed wlih Winclicterr ifles were at woik at the Junction of the Stuck nti J While mines, building a ilnrn across the Si nek river in oriler to turn t lie water into the White river, - The wster in these rivers are unusually high tVt spting snd hnve been ovei (lowing the bottom Ittnda sloitg their courses, tluiug a great ileal of dnmnqe to cropi. The Stuck river enter into the 1'uyalltipi llius the wster flowing down thnt river Iiwh the whole of TuvalUm valley. It is sttttcd that the ctui In hundred of acre Are threatened by floods. The White river emiitiei Into tha DuwniuWh and thence into lilliot hoy. The itotilile s mount of wnrer,were It allowid to reach the Sound by this conrst would move extremely disastrous to the fil culturnl interest shins' his liver, which sisal' r:a!y threatened with destruction, 4 CUrl Uraaltard, San Fhancikco, May 9, Twice within Ihe at ten days hit I tontine I.aymelt, a IS year old girl, who lives with her parents.eome home m drunken rnndilion. Her mother date thnt the child had been drinking a great deal timing the last year and Is now actually a confiinieil drunkard Alt rlTort ofher parent uu menus i 'ifcTem ncr imm Ktunng in i luiuniiuK tuiiis navv ucrn mutum bthii, anu a a hist resort the mother repotted the case to the .society r tha I'rcveutiun of Cruelty to Children. The little girl ws arrested and to day was sent to sellout, 'hen asked why she pei simed In getting drunk, I-eonline replied that tne Uke t ii there wa no other reason, hs mil. It Hill beRlarlllag. I.omkin, May 9. The announcement that Prince lHtmarck is tout lo make public the complete story of hi dismissal fiotn the cel'orship. ttgcther with the event which led up to it, has greatly enraged the emperor, la order to prevent any such ouilmtst on the part of the ex chancellor, the emperor has sent a personal icucr icuuriilini- ine prince Ills' lie I . I ... . t! . .1 . ... . f liable to severe punishment under an are.end nicnt to the penal col of hi own making, U he makes public or causes to be published any knowledge regarding state nmttci gained by nun iiuiing nis oiiiciai iilc. far Haw Laag. I)KN VKR,May 8. SheiilTi ofTueis last night notified the proprietor of every gambling house in the city to close their door and appear te fore Justice Morris this morning fur tual, The proptie'ou made no resistance, but quietU told the men who were r laying to "cssh in," then rolled up the cash, turned out the light and tucked the door and for the first time In many yean there will not be s gambling nous open or card turned, in the cny of Henver o-niglit LI aslatla lew. Asroau, May 8, The long deadlock be tween the salmon fishermen and vsnnrr ard of the Columbia river ended 'o-day by the ac tionof leading csnner in agieeinc lo psy $ apiece (or Tbey had previously oflered 75 cent and ihe fishermen's union demanded ft i$. Tue!y ihe union reduced it price toll. ' To-nithl S4inucl Kinu.e, the largest tan ner on the liver, advertise that he will py ft, Oihcr promise lo follw suit. Aston subscribed in twenty four hou. a the subsidy for C I' Huntington, who agree to build from Asioii to a connection wuhio .he main line of the Southern l'acilic wi;bin two years. as lui, f)VvraaM New Voaa, May t Spelding.uf Chicago; Ilawley, of CWvcUod, and O'Neill, of Pitts burg, held a long secret conferene hci ye, tcrday. They decline to stste ihe mutt, but it is known that the ball season, bo h of th League and Brotherhood, has not been sue ceastul financially so far, and it i believed that number of club in both associations wilt have In go to the watt unlet something caa be done to mprove the titoaliun, t bines Hals. Sax FaANcisco, M.y 8, A Chronicle Lo Angeles jtLl says: What ba long b-n tx pected transpired about 8 o'clock this evening. Tbe two warring (actkiei of Chinatown came together and the result wa riot. On China otaa wa shot aad killed. One wa seriously wounded, and a white bystander wa shot ia the leg, A Bad I ire, UrtCA, X V., May 8. The larger portion of Chenango county buildings, located at Plea ton, near Norwich, burred at midnight las night, and ten inmate, possibly more, were burned. The building destroyed were tb asylum, in which were about etehtv inmate. sad the pupr nous, and Uwt wrd, in which were forty inmate. Bo h were three story wood3 building in good repair, having wing o i wo sioucs id mgm, j iey were valued at t J 5,o; insued Um J 1 9,000 aad area total loss. 1 ne norriiiie part ol the disaster was the burn ingoften idiots, who were penned in their cells nd roasted alive. The origin of tb bit wss piooaniy smouwenng spark Irom a slight ie occuirea tteonetdsy aitcrnoon. (arllsl a aadldate. Lxxington, May 8. Ex Seaker Carlisle has declared hi candidacy for ihe teat mad vacant by tb death of Scnotor Beck. I company with fiiend he went to Frankfort to day to present hi claims to the legislature now 10 session. A air Id. .Salem. May 8. John II Jory, n old pioneer living out in the Red bills, six mile touth of town, took o overdose of morphine 1 morning at 1 1 0 clock, witn luicidal inten tuns. He bad been physically and menially wrecxeu lor some time, ii can not recover. lie was sn old and respected citizen. He came to Oregon from Illinois in 1 5a 7. and ha lived here ever since, snd leave a widow, five emmrvn ana lour orotner Here, t.nll .MelrsBalitaa. .Seattle, Mav 7. The strike of the glaxier ha been settled, the bosses agreeing not to force the men to work over eight hours per day. The cigarmaker (till on, sltbouch an at tempt win be made to settle it to-morrow. Several of the employe announced veilerdav that tbey would proceed to fill the place of the striKers si once, nut a yet they have failed to uo to. The tin eutcned strike of the steamboat men occurred tins morning the men leaving the lioats as rapidly a they reached the wharf, Up to noon about thirty men had quit work, and as the steamer arrived the other came off. A Lively Came, Birmingham, Ala., May 7 Three negroes were killed in a quarrel near One.its, Blount county, lart night. While a dozen negroes were engaged in a game of cards, a dispute arose, and one knocked another down. Ttu result was a general row, in which pistol were drawn and promiscuous firing ensued, everybody shooting at everybody tle. One man was killed instantly, three were fatally wounded and two seriously injured. The oth ers fled. Two of the negroes have since died and another must soon follow. None of the negroes have yet been captured. Ill verton t'lly Election, Silvkrton, Or., May 6. The city election was held yesterday with the following result: Council, Ai Coo'.idge.J M WoolfordJ G Rem sen, J G Smith and E L Smith; marshal, J K Mount; recorder, R C Kamsbyj treasurer, M J Adams. Beats lueCtiatt. New Lisbon, Ohio, May. Near Fairfield this morning Ira Marlatt. He-rick A&ton and Lewis Bell quarrelled about the signing of a note. Mnrklt drew a revolver and shot down the other men, killing Aihton and ser iously woun ling Beil. He lied and took refuge in his mo'.her's house. A sheriffs posse sur rended the house lute this afternoon and Sheriff VVyman knocked at the door. No reply was made and he proceeded to batter the door in. As it opened Marlatt shot the .lu i iff in the side, inflicting a slight wound, lit wa quickly overpowered mid brought here. : A Farmers Co, Pendleton, May 7. Article were filed wi h the county clerk to-day for the incorpora tion of the Umatilla County Farmers Co Oper ative Company, which will engage in el!ii,g agrn ultuial machinery general merchandise and farm product. Clark Wa'.ter.W O War ren and Geo Gil.son are the incorporators. The capital stock is $3000. A tkiee Nan, Philadelphia, May 7. A EU wood Lan'i caster, the young man who carried on the busi lies of real estate agent at 920 Walnut street. has di.-nppearcd, and it is charged that he has embeXZed funds entrusted to him by various parties to invest in real estate. The amount is variously estimated at from $50,000 to 70,-coo. M0SH01T3! IIOTISi Monmouth can boast of a hook and lad der company, or.e having been organised W iar wcea. Huntington was met by a committee from the board of trade, Sunday, a he passed through, He promised to repair and make this a good road. Kev llyers, lately from Nebraska, is try Ing to raise a subscription to build a Meth odist church. Supt McElroy and State printer Usker we e In town last Friday, and give tM seniors a call. They were shown over the building by I'm! Powell. i tie senior cms 1 rearing trie Close ot the flnul examination. We think they ........ k. ..Ml.. -1 .. M..l u. Aj .,. IIIU., UB KSltlll. .IUHK 111(111, " WW ..... I . hear of any tear but all seem hopeful. I The state Is pretty well represented this year In the las. Ten and eleven Isclcs representing ten counties and Washington four came from Linn county. ' I lie formal dedicatory picnic will rte held In the srove on the collPiie e rounds. May aj. Revrrat prominent speakers will deliver address! among them rlupt McEl roy and thit governor, iiesides the usual program Pftil Tulhlll elocution teacher, will recite, and Miss Porter, of Linn, ard Mr Stanley, of crook who have been chosen by the school, will deliver oration JOHN i4 ALLKn. THE MAS ADOl'T.TWa. Thla la tbe irreat "I'll lt you" time of the year. That la a very windy expres sion, and diH-sn't menu much ; but It often result in a bat or money lielng put up until alter election. Met don't mean very mttcii anyway. TranautUM It la lit tle more tliau bluff. teata a good reputation the Man Atxiut Town doesn't know what it 1. Money .. ...wv "v-... ... ... IhAM IM alf ivaall It In tliflft ttrn.1,1 ffl.Mt 1 without it la a farce. The Man AlMiutTown. who baa been wuii'leriiiir w hat it cost Corvallia t iret the Kvaiitfi'llne troup clips tho following troin me em Mtio : Corvatiia la to ohii the opera bouao there on Friday night. A line troupe of forty actor ha been en cnitiii ataa exjH!ite of IllUU for two nlghu. antiLiK. The Horticultural Association ot Oak vllle. which met on the evenln of tha ... i .,, ,i,.. . .vr ..i.i, . tmn rut by Hon W it Cr.wford, lateol Dakota, lie said ttriwbetilc were the best of fruit for po.ltk-ians, t keep them in a miio temper. Mr Johnson White made a lenifthy speech, but finally gave It up that It would take hi. 11 longer 10 letl what It didn't know about smalt fruit than what he did. A Y Smith mad a few remark about the gooseberry, I rof John E Love wa In Oakvllle last week, II I selling school chart and Oiher thing of thit nature, but hi visit to this place wa probably on other business this time. Co. tie again, John. The Y I 8 C E will glv picnic at Hamilton' Grove, on Saturday the 17th in. I. The exercise will consist of recita tions, essays, dialogues, vocal and Instru mental music. Come everybody and bring your children You can depend on a good time. Littlk Rok Bto. 1 acstoiuM. The following icsolutlon were sdoptcd by Rescue Hook k Ladder Co.jf Albany, Or, st Ihe last regular meeting : WHRhKAs By a decree of the Supreme Being of the universe, death has entered our hall and taken from our fellowship one of our beloved member j therefore be It Resolved, Thai In Geo. Vaallo,Recue Hook and ladder Co. ba lost an active, xealous member, and tbe community a generous honest and intelligent cliixen, and that each member ba been deprived of a true snd earnest friend. Reo!ved. That our sorrow shall be In harmony with that of hi dearest relatives. Resolved, That the loss ol George Vassallo from the council of our meet ing will be greatly missed. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be recorded smong our minutes.pre sented to the family of the deceased and published In the local papers. , I DGt'lsa, L VlKKKCK, W K Ksaii. Committee. KLrtia. Resolved, That the thank of Albany Lodge, No 4, I OOF, am due and are hereby tendered to liro. M U Gforge for the able and cloouent address delivered at our recent celebration, of the Heventy first anniversary of the I O O F, and to all persoin who assisted in the exercises of that day, Resolved, That the Secretary of this lodge be Instructed to furiiiab the city papers a copy of these rowlotiuns for pub lication. , A Card t h rsiblle. Having been reappointed by the Oregon Conference of the Evangelical Assocla lion to Albany mission, and at pastor of the Evangelical Church In this city . and having enjoyed the friendship, love and esteem of the cltlxcn of Albany since ray day among them, I desire to express my gratitude for ihe klndnes and manv tok en of friendship to myself and family during thepait two year. Hoping that the friendly feeling which has existed may so continue In the future.and praying that I may be a bleating to your city so long a I stay among you. Trusting thst I msy hsve the co-operation of the Christian people of Albany and the love and esteem of all our citizens, I am humb'y your eer vantand brother, IB Fish sr. vTHtT A Pill To ce a woman' lovely feature mar red by unsightly pimple and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition Is the eause of your blemishes snd the sooner you take a faithful course of Dr Miller' Hydrazine Restorative the sooner yo will cesse to be an object of pity. For ale at Fohay Sc Mason's, druggists. sw This Trade Mai k on a stove IJVTVmearis It Is thn bet thst ex- errH JpeiUnce and skill can con- f : j trive. Sold only by G. W. Ss-sr Smith. Sprino Has Come. The stock of wall paper at Fortmlller & Irving' is larger than ever, being quite Immense and in. elude many new end beautiful design. Yon osn av many a dime by trading at H U HnbUrdt new drugstore. Try it. New cream eheeee just lecclved at Conrad Meyer. . Epeeh, The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health mark an epoch in the life of the individual. Such remarkable event i treasured In the memory and the agency wriereov tne good health hss been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence It I that so much Is beard in praise of Electric Bitter. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health tu the uie of the great alterative and tonic. It you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or tomach, of long or hort txndlng, you will surely find relief by use f Electric Bittei. Sold at (be and $1 per bottle at Foshay Si Mason' Drug store. DIED. BLAKE, On Saturday morning, May 10th, 1890, of consumption, at the home of Mr. R. F. Ashhy, Mrs. George Blake, aged t weaty-two years. Mrs. Blake came from Iowa about a year ago with her huflband for the benefit of her health ; but too late to be helped. She was n member of the M. E. Church, and was a young woman of great purity of charact er, displaying a rare christian fortitude that even in her last hours brought her friends. The afflicted husband, who had only been such a year, bus the sj'mpathy of many. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at 2 ::S0 at the residence of Mr. Ashby, Rev. S. K, Memjmger conducting the name. COf'KTIf COUIiT PliO (0. It X, BlMkbora, Jttulir ! B, W. Cont-sr and 0 Fhilllis, OimmlssUmsr.) Clerk ordered to advertise for bids for IrtMtrilfiif Hfiimlw ia Ajipiuwiitt appointed to a ecliol amhin in Corvalliacolh'ue. t (nicrcii tiiat court liouno fence m aolu anil county Judge ms ordered to make re paira of walka and ground, llulldlng I,ke creek bridge award ed to ist John Ilroe at i HTM). I'.IllH allowed : O H llalrd. repairing bridge, I) H N llluckburii, $100.00 HX).(H) II W Conier, 10.40 24.65 ll).(i5 01.25 . . .f r , , - , VX J examining brldgnil, .".V" kotT'" lIr, J J Dnvia. do lloml applied for by Qutvticr et al. ntabliHhed. Fwa in aunte allowed, Hoftd applied for by II W Fore man eaUbliriliod. FoeH In Hume allowed. 21.00 22.00 IU)ttd applleil for by Win Tucker ftal, established. Fee In same allowed, 21.00 III MEttORIsM. The following reaolutiona were adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the city of llalney, Linn Co., Or. Wuehkam, fly a decree of the pupreme Relnir of the Unlverao death baa entered our council and taken from our fellowship one of our lwlovcu memliere, therefore belt lteaolved, That In Fred Lnme.the City Council 1ihi lout an active, cealdua mem ber and the community a generous, bun eat and intelligent cltlxen.and each mein 1.... t.... 1 ....... .i....i 1 , 1 . . ,,.1 . . . ,.gl iriena Keaolved. That tha low of Fred I a mo from the council ot our meeting will be irrefttlv tnisMl. Keaoived, That a copy 01 tneaa reaoiu- tiona be recorded on the minute of our meeting and a copy presented to the wlfo and family of the doreaaed and pub lished in the couufy paper. II U()ILV, W J Ktkwakt, Committee. rat stt .rtRTA. Tha democratic candidate of Linn county will speak on the political Uues of the day at Ihe fol'owlng times and plsces: Fos Valley, Monday, f My 19th, at one o clock, pm. Scio, Tuesday, May aoih, at one o'clock, I"". . ... i .Syracuse, Wednesday. May list, at one o clock, p m. bhedd. Thursday, May und at one o' clock, pfci. itaisej, r iwij, ptmj .jtu si wn w wv, p m. f Harrlsbu.-g. Saturday, May aAth, st one o'clock, pin. Brownsville, Monday, May 36th, at one o.clot k, n m. Crswlordsvlllc, Tuesday, May 27 h, at one o'clock, pm. Sweet !lome. Wednesday, May 38th. at! one o clock, pm. Waterloo. Tiiursdsy, Msy aoxh, at one o cioca, pm, Lcbtnon, . r rides, May 30th, at on o'clock pm. Albany, raturday. Mar list, at one o'clock pm, Onposine candidate are respectfully In vited to be present , ud participate in Ihe discussion. Geo E Chamberlain. Chairman Iem nnty T J Siites Central Com. Secretary. Pica a Y r.t Out. A house near the penitentiary at Salem, accupled by I Dickey, Frank Bryant and R J Savage wa enllrel v consumed by tire yesterday. The Statesman s: The dwelling wa con sunied; but Utile wis lost outside this. Mr Dickey suffered the to of all hi kitchen furnl.ure and ratable, making loss of f too probsblyi the other families saved everything. The house wa insured for $400 In the German-American Insur ance company which amount will just pay the loss. The families oi Bryant and Savage are camping out, being unable to obtain a house, while Mr Dickey succeeded In finding an empty dwelling tale in the evening. A STAacu Facroar. Mr Wm Vance has just returned from Tacoma, bringing with him a proposition from a capitalist thcie to establish a. starch factory, one that will employ one hundred men, and several sample of starch. Five acres ol land w ill le wanted. A meeting of the Hoard of Trade will be held at the coun cil chambers at 8 o'clock to-night to con sider the matter and provide for corres pondence on the subject. Tb rl!l aad Ibe Stage, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., aavst I feel It my duty to tell what wonder Dr King's New Discovery ba done for me. My lung were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 36 lb In weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love' Funny Folks Combination, write ; "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all. and cure when everything else falls. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friend is to urge them to try It." Free trial bottle st Foshay & Mason's Drug store. Keguiar sues 50c and Tbereia nojik energy expeaded in th theological contest at Albany to evangelise svaiai coantri it wII directed. Jouraal. rsest It far live Years. . Dr E 8 Holden : I hare sold your Ltheresl Cough Syrup for the pstt five years, and have used It in my own family and know It to be the bt cough syrup I have ever used or old. Faio M West, Stockton. Large size, $t.oo, small 50 cent. For ale by II C Hubbard, druggiit. , 'wading Photographer Albany Orego. ; W bav bought all the negative mad by L W Oark and W H,Ureowood np to Nov 15th, 1SS9. Duplicate can b bad from hem only of u t reduced rate. W hay also about 18,000 negatives mad by our selves, from which duplloat can b had at lik rate. We carry th ouly full lio af views of this state and do eolargnd work at lowest rate for first olass work. We shall b pleased to ae on at our Studio in Froman' blouk, next door to Masonio Tempi. Spreadino OuT.-Mr. Julius Gradwohl beside hi large crockery stock will now keep on hand a splendid line of groceries of all kind, giving our citizens many ad vantage they wilt be glad to secure. He will make the pi Ices to reasonable that our citizen will have an object in calling nhlm for first-class groceries. The regular market price will be paid for all kinds of produce. Give him a call. lOonreeot oil" on all cash sales for next 30 dayat W F Read'. th The best line of S and 10 cent cigar in the oity are t bs found at Conn ft llendrio son's. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The bot 8Its In th world far Cut,Bra1ss,Srs Ulesrs, 8 i!t Rheum, F.ver s ire., rttr, Chtppd bsnds, Uhllblsln., Coras, and all skin Eruption ,sn puaitir.lyeures Pilas.or no psy esquired. It Is srusr auteed to glv perfect satUfactlnn, or money leiund ed. Pries 25 cent per box. For ss'.s by Foshay sn Ussod Dried Plums. I will give the highest market prioe for choice dried plums for the next 30 days, - Samuel E Yotrua, Albany, OrSApril 11th, 1800. Good cooking stovs only f 10 at Hop's,: is & SiUinsrsh's. - A choice stock of crackers, snaps, stt;, at G C Hwidoraon's. He keeps the best of every. HOUR ANU ABIUHIt TU I'll fAT Tbay ritiu the fir hull In 8ul.,m at tu in t inis of tha City Conueil, not a bad idn. P If l'Arey, if H!m, roccnt'.v ehabmsn of tha Stale lnoaratio eoaveotiun, i in the oitv, Mr Chapman, a sewer expert, estimate day aBo, trtst a system nr iwarag eati be pot in Ku gone City fur $.10,000. Mr Tttstiti. of 8 in Kranni.t, is hr vis iting b lUuuhUr, Mr Dr i'atton, and ex pect to reinaia deriug thsnmmr. Kev RN C.Midit, of Albany, will occupy tha pulpll of th i'retbvteriao ebnrch next nnnuay, moriiing ani evening. r.ugsn . 1 . . I .. - , a. lleirister. Mr 8 P Burger, of Brownsville, Is in tha city. He tall the DttooAr that the real astata market titer is livsly, there being thirty-live lot soiit rnsr yesterday alona. W II Esvmoml, kreUifir smuloved iu tba Farmers and Msiehant Insuraoea com psny, in this city, ha aceeptd a position in tha Oaardian Assuranc &, Haa Kir ollie at Portland. Mr and Mr 3 A Oro, of th Iepit Ho- mI 1.. I a ,t-r A Iwn Mi's, II.m 1. ... of Northern Califoroi, hr they go two nr three time a vnar, lb infant cbitit of Mr Ifediey died in this city vasterday and waa Irari'd to-day Mr Ustilsy is a daughter of Cspt Mills and rssidod wttb htm in tha Costuk bloiik, oi.l raocntly arriving hare from tbe bast. A eoutrsot ba ben entersii into by th Wyoming X I'soitlo Improvement onmpsny, by which IIS.INIO will be spent to building raiiroab from Moax uit to Urfden, lUti, a distasc of 8000 miles, aod Mr Mcavy hss been awarded the on tract for the work If yon don't read yonr local pspur.s) art exchange, yon are behind the times, and if yon ar behind tbe i'me p),(l are liable to eall yoo a mosa hack, and when yon gt to b a moss back it la time to die An ioteraatiaa episode oocurreil at the p" i A young uiaa war aern to atari no a ran, with a valise in hi hand. along tb opposite side of tbe trsiu from th depot, goinic twaad. Huma on tintitiftd polio t'Sioer that thti f was rnunin(j away with a salts he list stolen from ihe cars. Th officer started after him. catching him neat th O P depot, where he found tbst b wa a bitfhly respectable young man, with hi own valise. Being in a hurry be bad don om raoning. rain ay. Cool enough night lor anybody. Dr R 0 Hill, wbo wa seriously iiijured savsral weeks ago, is 00 oar strte'.s g. Fred Blount and wife went up to A biny last evaoing where tbey will r.ri ls 111 the future. Ssiem Statesman. Mr L Gray, wife and son Mart, 1. ft this noon for Yaqaioa 2ity, where Mrs Gray will Mmain aom time for tb benefit of ber bealth, J K Kirk palm, of Lebanon, is iu the ity, sailing UU to ttiCumtrfaiid additi on to beattl. Th nmb of tbe Kvank'atine troop lust ed throagb Albany to day for Co. Villi-, re maining 10 the city during the for ho n. Se .4 oner's for Mj, now 01 tl r w stand, ha an able arttcl ku UnMnz amUi Loan Association, iilustrsud, st liidi it w til pay member, to read. ' Tber ia markrd sctiuty ia buiti'iirm et Albany this sprtdg. No. Us tbso half a dosca tin brick struuturu, ar already under eootraot, aad taors of new rosidence ar going p ia every porttoa of the city. Lam bertMrn ssy that never befoi ba so much lambar keen sold for building purpose Ure- gootao. Paper war served opon x-Jud.e Henry Hilton in anaetion hr Jam F Grabam.citv dttur of tb World, for $50,000 damage lor noel. 1 b ooniplaint is bamd 00 a Utter written by Itdtoa to District Attorney Fol low on w Die b tn grand jury J.-und aa in dictment against four members of tbe World stsf for enuiioal libel. Tni iaa eameof "tltfortaf SArcaoAT. slF Powell Co. Cvaick 's addition. F. M. Frvneh kvp railrcs J lime. Rock eandy drip at C E Brown!)'. Anti-swearrufT t:ultiisst Will & Stark. Do von want a home Buy a lot in Fair ArAl. Th MtKaclaa minstrebi wy. . are coming this Great bargain in watcbe at Will & atark. Choica eaoned; awect potatoes at BrownuU's. C E Preparodjnsekrel. Browoetr. in lib cam. at CE Headquarter for garden seed at C E Brow oc Vs. For srtists' tnppliea go to Stanard. A Cusick's. Th latest bet music, Mrs Uyman's. Don't fail to try th Ilvmm k L u g picuos at Mr II y man's. Tb largest stock el watches in the e'.ty at Will & Stark'. Delicious canned eranberaini at C. E Br. wnll'a. If yon wsut to boy gocd bro,1, cak nud pis go o Langs'. Spring over coating at Zaebe Si Son, p-. pout rostomo. Genome Iowa sorghum on draught at C E Brownell a. Good evening Have you ried 1 lubbard Elegant Lotien P Ceatemerie kid glove in blaok and eel red at Samuel E Young'. No need to suffer with th headaeh when Hubbard s Capsnt will sure! care you. If yon went a fin toilet or hath toap call On Stanard ft Cnttck, City Drag Store. lav yonr order at Langs' for anything yon wish for in th bakery hoe. Th Potter gennine.hook glovo Fcsterins, In black and colored, at Samuel E Young's. Fair Dal lota will soon b U sold. This property w,U bring 1200 per lot before fall. Buy a lot in Cuaick's addition, the finest subm ban addition. It location sptaks for .teU. Don't fail to eall on Will ft Stark and prioe their large line it ladies and gents watches before yon boy. The Hem me ft Long piano is tha best made piano to stand tha elimat of the court. Don't fail to get one at Mr Hymau's. Genuin Martinat kid gloves, in all size and color, at 89a per pair until May 1st Every pair warranted, at G W Simpson'. A lot in Cuiiek's addition ia better than ten per cent, or bettor than a lot .in foreign citie whei th tid eb and flow twice in twenty-four bour. Too tithing ereen door and window should eall ou It 13 Vock, who will put them in complete on short notice. Shop on corner nf Second and Ferry streets. Jas F Powell & Co. A new line of necktie at E C Sear l'. . Novelties in parasols at S E Young's, Lcdlow'a $3 shoe ftyind only at E 0 Sarl'. New potatoes, cabbages, tto., at Conn ft Uendrioaon's. Zluemtn's "Dismasts" spectacle and eye glasses at F M Freuch ', 50 cent a pair. Lawn mower repaired and sharpened at Matthews St Washburn'. Tb best lawn, sprinkler in th market at Matthew K Washburn'. All of th Pendleton gansrai morchandi se stores have agreed to close at 8 o'clock nights. A W Livioe and VV A Kuhn, recently lo cated in this city, have located in FreBoo, Cal- Call at Will Link' musio tore for th very beet piano and organs, also book and bet mnaie, &o. Mrs D P Mtson and dsnghtor Vesta, have returned from Sodaville, where they baTe been recuperating for week or two. There wer 61 subscriptions to the Hunt ington subsidy in Astoria nf $1000 or over; 5 of $10,000 or over; I of $30,000 Leiumger, dentist, Littler, assistant, will make you a set of teeth and charge you nothing for extracting. , Bridge work a peoialty. Don't dread to b.Rve your aching teeth extracted, but go to Dr Leminger.Dr Litcrnr assistant, and have tha teeth paiulessly re moved. Brides work a specialty. Room 13, Tweedala Block, Albany. Or. Mr N C Hawks, the type man of San Frauoisco, is in the city, the gueijt of bin former Milwaukee neighbor, Mr N H Alien. Alien Beemer, who has boon working for Thompson & Overman for several years, has moved, with his family to Independence, to f ' 's. . The Rvsngoliiia excursion train for Cor vaUis, leave Albany to night at 7 o'clock retumintf immedUttdy after the entertain incut. Over one hundred people wiii go. Amona the eseursioniats from Batem tr- is Prof W H Arnold, of the Stat Uni versity, on the same steamer with whom a DKMOf'itAT man retched Oregon ten year The Kev K J Thompson D D of Corvalli", will supply the tmloit to-morrow In th Preshytbiian Church, both moruintf aid veninir, All will be marie welcome totL services. The On-L-cm dohtstiofi hare seen red in the river and harbor bill the fullowtmi appropria tion i Mouth oi the Uolumlna ner,?jOi,- OtX) ! Cascade Locks, t400.000 t Cohimhia and Willamette rivers below l'ortlnd.$90f"- W I (os JJiy. 1125.000 . Yaouii.a Bay, i15.0W Kiu.l-w rivers aod bay, CiO.oou (jixiuiiiw nv-r, ; tipoer river. Ii.'0,(K)0 : uooer Wi lamette. Ill.uon I and other aoiroi,riatim. ammiiitioa in the sroya. to about one million dollar A r St io. 1 Ion W'm Cyrua.of Kcio, wa in the city buluy. Ho reported a big attendance at hv IVnnoyer' Kpeaklfig there, and a very eiithnsuiHlic ninlicnce. I l lie i v nimbi Home aoltd remark. To Lkimnoji. AccoinpHnierl by tbe Build quite crowd of twoplo want to I)tttiion this afternoon U hear Governor Pcrmovfr. wlio i aliout to uccee'l him- indf as Governor of Ortiton from all indt- catiou. The train wa expected lnck nt 0 o clock Tub Cole Uor. Oncar ami J)y Cole, the two boy for whom a warrant was iastic'l acvcrnl davs auo. for aiomulting Angu Graliiini, came to Albany this afu-riioon and tmve tii'iii'lvc up, and the inntU r w a U'ing coiinidcrcd by Jus tice Humphrey.' A RowsEKY.Lat evening someone rnteretl the loom ot Mr J K HUey, at the Ku tlousf, and stole a valuable gold watch, Another guest had lO In money extracted from b'.s pocket. M clue was secured lo the tln li, though H I possible a trace of him will be oblsmed. A Basso Exci fciox. The steamer Or lent arrived from Salem at 11:30 to-day with an exc jr.ion party of over two hun dred people beaded by the LnivcrsJtr Band, wlio furnished ome choice music It wa the best looking:, bet behavec. company of people ever in Albany from Kalein. and they conlcrreo great creuu, or 'heir conduct, on the capital city. It pay any city to send out a creditable excursion party, and tne ijkmol'bat 1 giao 10 see that la excursions, a In everything ele, the capitol city is gradually Improving. PERFECT HUTrwiTiowi HEALTH! The only remedy knosm which will Stl3S!3f8 tot KstrltlTS fnzzzi cf ls Essa Sjstea. Vj this natural as1 simple xseans It quickly and permanency 1 KKS All Torm ot ysMpabs, Const ipatloli, Sfrntal asd Srrraa Kxliaostioo. Genttral Debility, I train ra;. or any xbautated or weak st4 condition of th system, from what eror eavoae. Skua Eraptlons, Bolla, Kbb Bln Bore, Kcrofula, and aU IMseaJses of tb Itlood, btotoach, Uiw aad Kidney. 8 1 .00. SIX EOTTUS FOB S5.C0. Dr. Hnier's M pag book, denrrfptlre of rty d nut t tie ItestormUre and bis Hber, acut (rea by tcall. EILUH CHUG CaSa Frr..CiI. rOBtUsAJeBT fCS HAY & MAt.CN. ALBANY. CCM. Conrad Mever, -pRornitiTra or STAR BAKERY Cntaer BwaiUllJin and First Sts DEALER IN- shnciI fratls, astSMfsWOfa, Orlen Frail , Tobiseeo. iaemr, 4'oRer. Et.,, Casastrd lest, taeeowar, srl.tie. C'lesttn. Kp'.et , Test. Cl.. x!t evitrythinir tba. i n Tnrioty and grocery Kept in pen zv rkst prc raid for 4L'.Ki:JDSOFrT2GDUCS, THE" PLAGL By all mean onll on Paiite. Brothers. 'or ytixr G, Pwflace, UM Goods, Etc. Etc. Their Rood tro tne bMt and Hit tr prices iaonaLle. 3f3Z G. TFTTJEfn A.TSJP, I'reserlptloai lra:slst, t i mir C i. V r t. U It U -Ci 7 ' -V ' . f ' 1 im 1 ."i' mm AND r4. ... e t run r::.""St Patrick's pLisr) J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Omco oor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- ORSQON A New Repnir Shop lias just lcn opened on First street, op -j oiite the Ruw house, whore yvu osn pet ai kind of broken article mended, clock runs snd lock repaired, key fitted, &o Wei k lit m tbe ctuitry icnijliy atttcded ALBANY OR. WMTSMAH & imm BROS., Real Estate Ag-ents Farm? snd Rifiuhe for sale. Also city Property in Albary and Coryallis. ' arliela SHULTZ Promoters. koep a full lisj? of itieals of nil kinds, ia a oool plb.c, complotely pro teotetl; and always frea. Ala have 003 ud other Cta, RESTOMTIYE . j AHa PERCHERQU SliLUOD .-'TITUS, 5934. I "1 r Will rnak th aoaton at Jtsfftirnnrt Mon. ilsv and 'J tKMulav j at Albany Wednea- A iiayaatid Tborsfiay; at Crvatlis, Frl- i day and tsiuraty. ,." f paacKirrtoH ahd pkpiorkk, Tt'nek .-Tfoa'ed 1394 I importo I W9 br 1 Murr.v Brother, of Polo, Illinois, bred I y M ijoilnin,oommnnof LaOaitdalns, (anion of Nogent le-Rotron, departmont id Kur-et"lolr 8 (rot by Bayard 8555 ml) i flam Cooott (5033) by Caerl (4137) not of vtAnn, Bivar d K5V (W) ! by Narbonna 1334 (777) out of Kigotte by Km Coear-d'Am my. . .... ., ?rionoo 131 (777) oy Bninant isw (7i) out of Mad-Ion by FavoH 1 (71 !.)! iy Vien unaiin (7ia) ootoi L. mia oy Vion Prorr (H!1.) tu by Cooo (712.) j lH'jfJ (70) By coco 11 (7H) ont f lUu by Min belonging: to tb f l'rnc'j govrnmn.. Vsixyt II (714) be Vleos: (7i3loAX. f La Gri by VJp-ii Piwr (.KM ) Viecx Cnasdn (713) by Coco Giaont or t I'ou'e by oel. 0f (712) by MI2 ion ;713) out of Pan- t lino by Vlenx Cotsn. Mittnnn (7i.r) ry Je.n ia js;i3 t7jw.) f tern 4 tn-t. B'.anc. '. I unri (137) oy rsijoo, ooumging to sn f Fardouet, ont of Bit-be, belonging to M f lebry , " TERMS. To injure Mr In foal . -. fSI For season . -.i5 single aervice, V O P ............. 419 Persons Insorica tber mare and not rtomin? in regular aoao to tbe bor, will be charird as aoaaoo tnrM. Persons rtiapo ng sftnefr uarea boToretney are known to b? with flAr removing them saoin ' r In 10 V. Irom the county will be enrge 1 ur a trance. Property or :F, ft. Ell w eii RedCrownMilk COM, LAXXISG & C3 1 10PK -w Kocs rxoc scranioK rai. ij Aim BAKKUS CKS. ESTSTOEAGF ?iCILlTsES. SKIN DISEASES SSTS.ys.! I CELE3HATED IO1S03 til SB Y liibol L II klUssJI tn8mmHn mod tnitsiiV swly saneasSwyer of UksotaB and .aad to tbt esBar Ski Far. I'm fret. Price. 2 5 cants at Box. Wiley A . Klmsey,! ALBANY. OREOOS. ABSTRACTEE, Tho Only Complete Sel of Abstraci books and Maps in Linn County. $.9- Office in the Court !XouMi,ffil i Cosiness; have pr-janji entrusted to - me land careful altentlun. win XT TT7T' T'TTT'TJ TTTI RtSTJSKflA D.ri1. FERRY (3 Waasre ibeiaritest Seedsmen tm ite srtald. V U D. M. Fssisrr & Co's k Q msnenucd, DeT,IHiTe s! Pnced fc SEDAMHUA&f V. tur IS90 sr,.l b Builcd t ktE to all sp- yX plnaaiui,aodtolateasts.-scasiossrs. li ts better tha ewr. Eery persoa fj X Bsosg timrilm, tlemrr 0r tirid ti wuldsesdforit.A!3ias Vv D.M. TERR VA.CC. A? BEIBOIT, atlOeU PILES : A . as., is uaiuuiu vxsv, ATTORNEY AT LAW 4 t. oaaca.. 3IE1L & HILL ; DO ' ' i Ganeril BkcksutMiig AT TREIRSHOP, Corner of Second & Ellsworth Street. They . ar prepared to do anything brouaht t them at reasonable prices. DR. 17 U. DAVIS, t PhysicUn and Surgeon j I "Offloe on Btaira In Strahan's Block, f Vay be found at hia offioe any and night. W K BILYEU, j ATTORNEY AT LAW ; And Solicitor in Chancery, I tLn tJIT, - . OBEGOS. j Coans negotiated oa aasonabls terms. , ' Evere House: r ALBAKY, - - OREGOl ' HIUS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Flttoil u in first-claaa style. Table .applied with tb beet in tbo market. Niuo sl.36 Dinar aDArtrnents. Sample room tor com uioroial travelers, , tTFr ( aar.b la isl rrissa th Hatel.Ksv Uoburg Lumbe?. : I sell the best lumber in the ceuctyj also : ! tedar pi sts, shingles, laths doora and win dow moulding, etc. Prices from $5 tof22 per thousand. Yard at Lowson. on the Narrow Gauge. Seem before purchasing tlsewhcis. . W W Crawtor, : I PO address, Talhnaa, Or j Delcionica Restaiirasl, SORNitR FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS, The nttddrained having purchased th old Herman Restaurant stand ba opened under th ) above nam a first-clasa restau rant. We are prepared to furnish meal for partus or dances on short notice. Oys ters ser ed in every tyl, eastern or coast; aU kind of fish knowd in tha market. Employ tnly firs-class telp, aod waiting will be uromfct and courteous. Regular meals 23 "cts. Coffee of ferst-class quality and a cap of coli'ee and cake at from 5 to 10 ts. I am well known in this city and re. quest tha tizens to give ma a call. ', ' SAMGETj Proprietor Wk I b