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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1889)
.NOVEMBER 2P, 1889 SHTE3 & EtUer aal NUTTIKQ. rraprtetnre. s s s m m Spocial. It ! with plaaeuro that o annouuee to our rusa.y patrols that we have again Maderrn(teine- with that wide-awake, Illustrated itM maffeatne, tho Amkkicin Famr, ubHtied at Fort Wayue, Ind., ad MHtd by nearly iMO.OOJ faruieie. ly wh4ek skat rimI pablioatlon wtllbemall- 4 cUrurt, FR1CK. to tho addreea of any of our aabeeeibeae who wlileome luanJ pay up a'.l eraeage on eiib'ot-tptton and one yesr In advanoe from drie,artd to any new aubsoestwer who will pay oio year In ml- yanee. tWila la a taod opportunity to btaJo a fUet eWsta iaeau Journal fr. The AMERICAN FARSIBU la a large 10 pK oumal. of uational oireulruton, whlnh ranke among the lodlnggrleuUii;l pa para. It taws tha qtieetluu o economy In agekmlruavt and the ihta and pilvl cm of that vast body ofelUs-sus Auter n TaMBaaa wkoaa Industry Ulha laIa f ail nttteaUl and national prosperity. It klfhaat purpose la tha alevwtlon and aaoalliiK of Agrie'iHur through tbe higher and bewader eduoelion of nen and woman engaged In Ita pursuit. Tha eg w'ar auhaarlailon prloe of the AMRaiCAS riwmk la t 00 par yaar. IT COSTS YOU NOCUlSa. From any one nam bar Mea aan h obtained that will be worth tfieioethe auhaarlption price to yon or aaeinsw of your kouaehold, tetyov bt it ma a. Call and see temple copy. i m BiLLT. A fair audience greeted Dilly Arlingtoa latt evening at the Opera House. Arlinglan It one of the oldest mlnttrcla In the United Statcs.and though he haa teen hit best day, doe some good work yet,and la esceedingly funny on oc. caslone. Ttioae who attended were disap pointed in hearing something much be'ter ram Billy than they anticipated. One newly applied jake run about like this. He had lost a valuable diamond in the sea, and It hat been ewallewed by a whale. Toe whale waa caught. "What d. you tupsete waa In It ? "Why the diamond rtng.of course." "No, teveral Albany real estate men playing aeven-up to aee which shoutJ pajr for the Oregonlin ad." Mr C E biartowt sang "The Warrior Bold" In fine shape, and wu heartily ap plauded. He has a very pleasant barrow tone velce .which we hope te hear him on many other occasions. The drill under charge of Sergeant Overman wat an In teresting feature of the entertainment. Ger Ta DrsrersiA. Saiem ha the green eyed raentter bad.and I hunting ap all the mean thing it can get about her proeperoua neighbor, who I alowly but surely utatripping her In the race fur the lead in the Willamette valley, and in a bualneaa way ia already in the lead. That paper ay that a gentleman from Albany (who know) write the Statesman a fol low concerning Albany' pure water and big electric light plant : -I read in the aaomlng Herald of the atatementa made by the man that wrote the advertUement for Albany. lie ald that all the itatement la the Orcgoaian were true. I know of two ef them that are not true, lleaald the water wa pure. If he had en what cornea down the ditch that tuppllet the town with water he would ee that he wa mistaken. There have been dead pig, chickens and musk rata taken from that diteh Thi can he proved. Albany burna 49 arc lampe.all told, which make a great difference between 37latnp on each ma chine, aa claimed by the Herald. Thee atatement are true and can be proved If accessary." Aa Swill, a Salem Chinaman wa arretted and fined $5 for beating a hone In Salem thia week. Had the offender been a white man with a ete. no attention weuld have been paid to him, in all prob ability. Silverten Appeal. The above happened in Albany, Inatcad of In Salem, and, if Ah Swill had been a white man, and a brutal, he would have been nabbed jutt aa quickly. Twenty white men are arretted in Albany to one Celestial, and there ha never been a Mongolian arretted here who didn't de aerve te be. That' Albany'a tlyle. Color or nationality hat nothing to do with the matter. A Mean Maw. There la evidently a very mean man. living near Browne vliie, who deacrve having a HamlHen creek detective put en hi track, judging from the following from the Brownsville Timeat "Some low down, miserable scoundrel, one night last week, did the dae tardly act of cutting down the wire fence f Mr Geo Overton, who live a few mile aouth of town. Some dirt tneak, ha had a plte at Mr Overton for a ear or o, during which time a fine barn, a mile or to of fence, and a atock barn filled with hay have been burnud. Whoever tore down the fence thia time wa not tolisfied with merely tearing It down, but went to far a to cat both wiret tome 3 or 49 timet." A Rilic While overhauling an old picture air Gerhard, of thia city, found an Id potter advertising an enlertaUment to be held at Muilc Hall, Corvallis, 011 Dec. 3't 859 for tn benefit of the College at that place. Mr Blowhard and other were to take part In a genuine "re old iolks"show. Mr Gerhard will tend the pot ter to the Agricultural Collrge to be placed among It curiosities. A Pabtt Last Tuetday a young peo ple party waa given at the residence of Mr Stralney, adjoining "the Masonic cam etery. About forty young people attended from the city. The evening wai (pent in garnet of an a.tiutlng nature and the occa sion waa renerallr declared one full of eniovment. Including the bracinz walk there and back. Not Sailcd Ybt, The xrm at the Bay continues, and Jt Is generally report ed the heaviest for many years. On ac count of the manner In which the waves beat over the bar. now deo and in good condition, the Steamer Willamette Vallry hat thoueht best not to tail yet, and when the will leave port dependt on the condi tion of the storm. A Brilliant Mak. Sllverton hat clticen over fifty yeart old who hat resided in the citv for the last eleven years and - - - j w hat net been out of town farther than two mllet in the whole time, eayt the Appeal Doet net know of teveral cltlet having a many at teven thousand Inhabitants. Does not know where Salem and many oirse large cities are situated. Am Editor Waylaid The editor of he Salem Journal was .waylaid Sunday night by a tin horn gambler named George Woods and hi wife, on account of an' arti cle that atniared In that paper. The cou nlrwrre arrested and duly fined. Th editor managed to save a whipping by using hi tongue until some policemen rived. Ok the Rivkr. The Orient wa In th city to day, and leaded with a large carg nl fcsW hav at the wharf of the O R & N Co. The river is now In fine condition lor boating, and all navigating tbe river are doing a live business. Ta Bitch. The water was let out of the ditch Saturday, showing a pretty rng- -e bettom, large mossy lumpt filling the ,,!. T! e new company will clean the FRIDAY.... A liRBKDSR or TaoTtana. The fol lowing from the North raeltic K.urai Spirit and Willamette Farmer ha been htnded ut for publication t Th frottlntr bred brood mare, Belle Pi-Ice, owned by Jay Beach, Vancouver, Weh., I one of the kind that It pa) ate keep. She ha had re colt tired b Alta mont.ane" they were sold by Mr Beach for a total of $4100, but three timet that turn will not now purchase them Wlophone, record a :35,trlal atJ'J.was her iitt colt, and at 3 yeai of ago wa told to Col W 8 Stone.of Yre'-ia, Cel., for $1000 j Oneco, record. a:agVi sold to McKnlght Bros.. Albanv. Or . at a year of ase for $600 ; Pilcemont, 3 year old record 3:3J, public exhibition at 4 of i:J7'i, wa told when 6 week o'd to John li Smith, Hills bato. Or., for $6000 Harrow Urn., ef Shedd. Or., tiurchawtd Multnomah a a yearling, paving $1000, and Malheur wat recently aolJ to Jerolne B Smith, of Van courer, Wmh., at the tame age for fleoo. Muhnomnh and Malheur have not yet been trained, but competent jujjee who have seen them agrea that they are fott, fine galled troltei'Mnd will be Setrd from In the recoie"t Mr Beach purchased Belle Price when a vearling of the late Gen W T TTlthei, Falrlawn Stock rarin.I.exlngton.Ky. She xat sired by Doble, that was the fastest a year old of Ms dav, hi record of tuoji landing at the head of all J year old re cord for five year, 'lie sained a record of at 5 year of age.and died early ia hi sixth year without ever having made a public seon,o that Belle Pi Ice I one of the very few colts ever sired hy him. Xow F Bakcr City. Last Tucsda a special train from Corvalll brought to this city J Fault. 0 F Hype, E It Mix, M L Tlchner and T F Campbell of Baker CUy, being a committee of the Bosrd of Trade of that town appointed to C infer with the oflklals of tbe Oregon Pacific R R Co with a vi-v to secure the construc tion of the main line of tho O P railroad through Baker ( Itr, or In caethat can not be done, the construction o( a branch from the main lino of the O P to that town. Quite a number of Albany' busi ness men met thcie gentlemen at the la oflice of J K We.uhcrford, where speeches were maJe by Mcxsrs, Campbell, Fault, Mix, Hrde and Tlchner, explaining the nceeuity of the construction of tuch a read a well as the benrtit which Baker City and Albany would derive from the building of it. "Remarks responsive to the teal and earncstneta of the members of the committee were made by Messrs Cowan. Lannln , Cuslck and Stites, all expressing earnest sympathy In the success of this new enterprise and pleading the hearty co-operation and assistance of the people of Albany to make the undertaking a comptete success. From v. hat we tee o' the aeal and earnestness of the committee we rhould siy that Baker City hat learned the lesson that Albar.y wat to loag learn ing that no town can grow ani thrive with out the active and untiring if al and co-operation of its own citixens. It I to be hoped that this will be a success. Ax Era of R. R. Blildio. Thit Ita great era for building raliroads.and though tome of the plant en paper sound big they really are on'y a forecast of what will tome day take place. Our Astoria road it now an assured fact, and here it art ar rangement for another one by the Ye quina Republican : For month Salem and Albany hare been discussing and planing a railroad to Astoria tay t the Ya ulna Republican. The indicatloe new point to an early construction of a road from Albany to A storia. This would give the people of the latter city direct connec tion to the east and south at Albany. To the east via the Oregon Pacific and to the south by the Southern Pacific, ft will be of greater advantage to Astoria 1 ha n to Albany, Albany now the Oregon Pacific, a shorter and cheaper route to the ocean at Yaquina. Salem hi nwdiieet line te a seaport except the inland port at Portland and therefore no competition. The most frasible route for the capitol city, shorter, more easily constructed, snd 1 a nearer point to San Fraucltce Is to build a road throjgh King's valley down the Silclz to Newport, tapping the Astoria & Albany road and the West Side system of the Southern Pacific. AGAR Bilk. A number, ef the Grand Army boyt of Salem have been Imposed upon by aa impostor, who hailt from the Dallet and sails under the name of Taylor, with aliases to aultthe occatlon saya the Statesman. Upon his advent In Salem he applied to P W Matthew for assistance and that comrade failing to make a teit rendered the desired aid. Samuel Watklna wa also the letter of lev eral day t board, F J Bibcock of some tools and J VI Martin of a pair of gum boots. The man pretended te want work, but when a job si at found for him he studi ously avoided hit frlendt and disappeared hen an opportunity wat anorded. tie it tall and weart chin whiskers. Hi badge is that of chaplain. Other lodge are warned againtt him. A Eeactifi'l Birb. Yesterday after noon the household of the local editor of the Democrat were startled by a hand somely plumazed bird lying into the kitchen door. Fluttering wildly Into an other room it took refuge on the pedal of Domestic sewing machine.where he wa captured by the local better half, and it now looking from behind prison bar, the handsomest bird In the United Slate. A Chine pheasant had wandered into the city, and besoming frightened at tome real estate men ougni reiuge even in me home of a teuill manipulator. A Romaxtic Itm. About two years ago a young man came here, saya the As- torian, who being down on his luck, enlist ed in the regular army at Fort Canby .He visited thit city frequently. He wat meael of soldierly deportment. Subse quently it transpired that he was the eldett son of Lord Chief Justice Chailet Beret ford, of Ireland, heir presumptive to aa mmense fortune. Steps were taken to se cure his release, and now word comes that he is about to wed one of the proudest ti tied heiresses in Great Britain. Means R. R. Bcildisg. The Astor Ian hear from a source considered au thentic, that Wm Reld, president of the Astoria and South Coast railroad compa ny, now returning from New York, made satisfactory and successful arrangement tn that city rortne placing ot tne 3,ooo,. oeo bond ot the company. Kid Glevee I Kid Olives I I I have just received a full line of kid cloves branded Our Own. This is a genu, tne kid glove. I buy direct from importer In rsew York and constoer tnein tne Dest value of any glove I ever old for thl price. 5 button, 3 row of stitching, $1.50 per pair. I also carry a full line of the celebrated Foster kid glove, five hook, in black or color. 8. E. Youjio. A Verdict Tbat the grand display of eat, omarr cntal baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest & Thompson's, is the finest importation ever Drought ta Albany. This tea ft basket Sred, pure and of rich flavor. We offer it ( the astcr.fshly low price of 40c A NEW ARRIVAL. - Larc,o line of Gent Driving and Drese Gloycs. Ksclusiye agency ia Albany for tbe celebrated Dent gloves et BabrowiS & Searla. SECURE PRICES. K0 ROUBLE TO SHOW 300DSAT DEY0J5 & ROBBON A Skason For Uivi.s... -'Id has been one of the most propei-ou years In the history cf Albanv, a reult,our cut cn generally are feeling in remarkably Brood spirit. It has very properly fit them for a generous holiday season. Even the Democrat hat become affected, re sulting in many lunging glance Into the already well stocked storet of the city, And there It some satisfaction in fenttlng onet eyed. The large and elegant dock of holiday goodt at Foshay & Mason's hat particular! astonished ut ; but It It sug gestive of the growth of the city and offer a tplcndld field for all kind of pocket book. It teem much larger and more complete even than In the past. The countert are piled higher and lower and the quality ol good It In keeping with the time. Thetr ttock of album U Iuiply elegant, and the pilot arc astonishingly low ; their tine of toilet case, dressing case .manicure casu.glove and other port, folios surpasses anything ever seen In the city thetr long hov case filled with per umei.ln fancy etllng, probably U at fine a any In the entire state, being com plete tn the choice of the sloik j their line of fancy articles, Christmas cards, etc., is well selected j their case of gold pens offer dcsliable present. Thcie are Ink stand in fancy design, brush holder and a thousand and one articles not even a newt paper man can remember ; but at conspi cuous at anything Is their splendid stock of holiday bottks, probably the best In the valley, plttd tier on tier, and consisting of the latest and most desirable book In lit erature. You can buy set now about as cheaply at year agoyeu could buy a sin gle volume. All together nothing like thpresent ttock of holiday goods.both In quality and quantity ha ever before been een In Albany, If in the valtey, and our citlxen should hy all mean Inspect their geou before buy ing. ,, A Poor iNVKSTMKNr A day or two ago a young mun who ha been working leveral month In tho country came to Albany with $9i la hit pocket. He very udlclously Invested part of It In a tult of lethe. With the rest he went to an Al bany dive In the eveniug, already being pretty well intoxicated, and creating a disturbance wat arrested and taken to the calibooso on a wheelbarrow, and allowed to toher up. lie claim that the remain der of the money wa left at Mr Bush's but the proprietors r( that house claim only $14 was expended there, and of course the case rests there. The young man Is generally a steady, reliable young man, and the case Is certainly an unfortu nate one. Tmk Universal Sr-iRtr. The Brownt. vllte Timet man got away from home at far at Lebanon and Albany a few dayt ago and thit It the result. One very Impor tant thing we noticed while at Albany, and thai It the fact that a person can buy goedt ef all kind cheaper right here 1 1 Brownsville, than like good can be bought in Albany..,. Lebanon ita beautiful little city and has a bright future before It. But, on arriving at home and again considering our fine advantage for a town, we fella tronger ialth aad a deeper certainty for our prosperity. We should all more fully appreciate eur own worth and Importance at a town. Whirk' A LhAxr. Seattle ofJcrt $15,- 000 for the Snlllvan-Jackson fight and Spokane Fall $3o,oo. N'wt to be out done several Albany rustlers request u to state that Albany will give $35,000 for the fistic exhibition, to take place in tome of our suburban additions; one gentleman suggests Veriekt aa a gcod place, the lots being high and dry and conveniently located. So mi Fit a t'OAt.- On returning from hit reeent trip to Astoria Capt E J fan ning brought back with him the finest pe clmen of coal 'yet teen here, taken from the Xcha'em country, on the line of the Albany tc Astoria railroad, near the Yamhill line. It ma v be seen at the of ficeof Writsman Sc llulbcrt Bros. It it from a tlx fort vein. Tiier FoLTiir Sttjrday evening at the depot a man and hi brether.ln law had a tcrapplng match, the trouble aris ing out of a separation between the man and his wife, who had been married only a few months. The contest was short and decisive one quick blow deciding It. IfARRitevaa Photos. J ti Crawford, the artist, will gs t Harrisburg the firtt of December to remain a number of day taking picture for all who may give him a call. Mr Crawford I a fine artist, a all will say who Inspect hit work and the people in that locality would do well to avail themselves of thisoppertuni'y to get fine picture. Cm cap. House and lot in the city. I rented to as to pay rood Interest on the .money Invested. Quarter blocks In the econd addition, vacant lot in the tli'rd addition. Bargain in alt parte of the city. Addition lots, acre property and farms lor sale. E G IScardsley. Real Estate agent. alroaaaluln St, Albany. Kbit Yoir Eraa Orex. Guls k Sen have received a fine line of holiday goods such as plush albums, fancy goods, nicely put up perfumeries, and an elejint stock of artists goods, in which they ar making quite a popular speciality. 1 he propose keeping a fine an assortment a I to be btetned in the city. Da Jno B Pilk i nbtom. Surgeon, Ocu list and Medical Specialist. Will be at the Revere House, Albany, al! day Tuesday, Dec. 3rd,i559. Eye,Ear,Caiarrh,Rheumat tc. Neuralgic, Cectal and Chronic suffer ers ot whatever class win te given tree consultation. Over soo reference given. All Persons, Indebted to the late firm of Browncll & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the ttore of C E Urowneil without delay or make some satisfactory arrangement. Hotel Arrivals. Revere House. Miss Brldges.Salem J J Owens, Portland M Tyler, MUs M Safer, Wm Kchoe C H Lord ' F Alexander F F Edwards.clty M Koun lohn Dcgrand F W Power, Halsey Wm A Frejr, S F Runs House. RJ Thurston, Ont A P Hlrons,Scio Mrs N La m be r son Ja MeGurk.Wash C 5 Harnish, Jordan H S Francis,Port John Rore AMoin M 8 Rxndiloh Mrs Hall, Mich G W Hughet.Corv WJGrlinec St Charles O Sifter Tackser'e W Kaufman Med'rd H Hamthire Yaq C Wheeler Salem Harlow S F A Lamb Portland H Sahlston I Lewi " E Taney OUisley " J Thompson Gate E Mix Baker City J Faull T Campbell OHyde " L Ticnner Exchange Hotel. D Lynch L Harrison E Uegan D Lambert T Moore . T Young LStaik J Thompson J Burge J Giscoll ' Mil Sklnnsr M Johnson W Twigg R Hardenhrook A Smith E White , O Orton GPruter SUPERIOR 4LINES.OF AGRICULTURAL T4 PLEMCNTa ATifDE- ; YOEiainnssopi COUNCIL ritOCEKDINClS. Tuesday evening, Key. aSth. Prcrent Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and all Counctnnen, The following bills were ordered paid 1 Albany Iron Workt, $6.3 j ; W E Kelley $5.75 I Foshay !i Mason, $114? I OL Savage, StJto i Frlta Bender, In 1 John off man, fH-5 I I P Madley.f J7 1 Fort- nslller& Irving, $ j N J Henton, $12.45 Santlam Lumbering Co, $541.1! John Jones. 7 W N Mtllei,$70 J O White. tlde,$ iS $9 1 cost bills $41.65 ; T Do'Jght en, ff.150. Several , sidewalk improvements were ordered. The petition of ?eter I'Uey and others for prohibition of cost pool w laid on table for the present. The matter of clca-ilng first Street, was referred with power to act, Petition of L II MoRtaaye and ors ask- Ing for sidewalk on Uroadalbln Street west I side, 7th tooth t, was presented and granted. j Ord 197, providing that fire limit shall) Includ. that part of city from Catlpeola to . 1 ,. 1 . ... 1 L Jakcr from River to middle of block be- tween Second and Third streets, was read twice and referred. Ord 19H, providing for material and manner of building sidewalks on First street and Washington and CaHpoola, First to Ihirti.wa reaa twice and referred. Ord 190, for naming street In H'tjtd and 4th addltlon.a follow 1 Maine, Sher man, Oak, Pine, Harrison, Cleveland and Denver, was read three limes and unani mously pSMcd. Ord'ioo providing for giving the West ern Union TCo the right to stretch wires thiousfi city and erect pole was read twice and referred. Mr A I Bsker applied on behalf of the A O U W lodge for the purchase of two to feur acres of city property east of At- bany for a cemetery. Kef erred. Applications of lisle RAckensto and R F Wineman fur license to sell liquor were read and granted. Matter ef putting electric lights at height contracted for was referred, with directions that Mr Allen bo notified to raise the lights, Kit K1TITM BALI a. C P Brkhart te U OHayne and C L Buck, lot No it,7,alo lot odd i7,H't A to Albany $ R A Murphy to li R Schull and j li Remington, half of S w qr bl 103, H'i A to Albany Jemima Ralston to J M Ralston, 56.. t4 acre near Lebanon A T Peterson to II A Macy, w half S Warblao.H'and A 1350 I70O $000 ss 5 00 S John R Lisle tojas R Llslct, tto acres In tp ll.S R 4 w P W Spink to Fred iV Blumoerg, lot 5, 6 and 7,ln Western A,... A J Watson to Jacob Conner, 34 acre In sec 1 1. tp to, 8.R 3 w.$ A M Worth to A I Foa.lofs 7 and 8 In the town of Peoria W If MUlhollen to E E Paddock, 10 acres In sec 3 to 1 a. S Raw... US United States to M D llyland Patent jonn 11 uumon to Charles Du-rton, 03 acres In tp 13, b R 3 E.... ijoo Salb or Shomt Horm..-J B Porter, of Clay county, Kansas, haa at the farm o Hamilton Bros nearOakville a fine let ! Short Horn cattle from his Willow grove herd, which he will offer for sale at public auction Wednesday Dec nth, at 10 o'clock a m. The sale will include the short horn row that took the grand sweepstake and pitcher for two successive years at the Clay county fair, and a bull from a Renlck Rose of Sharon cow, that sold fee 500 at J 11 Kicureiis sale, iiarristown ill, and a num ber ef fine bull and heifer from the pure Bates Bull Nora's Barrlngton No oj 909. Oneyeart lime will be given. Tub Bat. o The fe'.lowlng bill of fare will he served at the WCTf Hall on Tbaaksgivlag sy, by the V I Dinner commencing at 11 o'clock. Tur key, chicken, tongue, ham, goe, cran berry sauce, telly, salad, potatoes, baked beans, turnips, corn.plcklcs.checse, mince, pumpkin pie, cake, tea, coffee. All for li cent. Icecream, 15c extra. 'There will be an Ice cream social In the evening In the GAR Hall. An Intereilleg procram rta ecn prepares and all are invited. CGNNtrmplatb THis-Whlte con templating the approach of Ihe holiday casen do not pas Const Bros ttore without calling and examining thetr fie e ttock doll buggies, picture hooks, and as well their line assortment of lamp and crock ery ware. They propose keeping lomi thing the public will want. Ato:ua. Lois in the North addltloa to Astoria, price 55 each on the lit tallment plan or a discount for cash. These lot are selling rapid) In Portland- and other cltleu. I a n authorized to sell buta few blocks and it will pay you to call earlv and get yoar choice. -K G Beard ley Real Estate Agent Droadatbin fit Al bany. A St-rtaioR Fi tixau I have re eel v. edacase ef all wo ' red twilled flannel from Chicago, which I think superior to any I have sold for the price. Parties wish. Ing to purchase will do well to call and examine It. Samckl E Young. Now For THAKseivixo-Our readers will take notice that Mr Conrad Myer will be prepared to supply one and all with cakes and pie of all klnds.end especially, mince pies oi tne n.iesi kinds lor i lianas giving day. Don't fail to leave your or der. Snow. Jack Youag, the confectionary artist on the O P eastward last evening reported an immense fall of snow along the cxtenslsa, se as to material Impede railroad work. T3TUE Ladies Onlt. I am now pre pared to do all kind of stamping, and have over two thousand designs to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embrold ery materials, such as arrasenes, crewels, No. 1 and 3 embroidery chenilles, princes chenilles, etc., etc., and the finest pom pom, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts and fancy work materials ever In the city. Zephyr It going at 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Colwcll has charge of thl depart ment, and hat had teveral yeart experi ence in all kindt of fancy work and stamp ing. . U. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon, Bicoest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just ereivetf t tortmliler X Irving it e as Bang. One of the ftncr.t lots of gunt and revolvers ever received in Albany ate now in stock at Stewart Sr. Sox's. Hun ter should call and tee thm and git pricer before buying. Call and see JUMDO At Ellis' Cigar hUre. New Maublb Shop. S. A, Iliggs, of Saletn, haa opened a sbopfor Merblo aud Granite, foreign and ilomBstln, and all kind a of ornetery work .at lower figure than hftv over been oflured in tli Willamette Val ly heretofore. Next doer to Dew chat Try thd fall cresra cheese at O E Brown ell'e. VmtiE Of ALL.LtlUDS'AI AM IMPOUTANt INDUSTRY, Harness Manufhrtared At Home. This It the kind of a news Hem the Da moor AT likes to make, Without any blus ter the hve young firm of Thompson St Overman hate added a manufacturing and wholesale department to their lumen and saddlery baslness. At considerable ex pense they have purchased the most Im proved machiaery, ana secured me ser vices ef as expert a workman as there Is on the coast, from the Cast, and are now manufacturing their own harnetsest en. tire, doing all branches of the worn, Inclu ding parts always imported from eastern faetorles. Now tney only purchase the hardware. This Is not done anywhere else In the Northwest, If on the coast- Already the firm has a good slock on hand, which hs the merit of being super ior to Impoi ted harness, ana ret tney usn lay them down to the trade at the same, or P'1"' mrKf r,BJl ,"'. bmss MaAMitiid Mlltf lllft It I ft A IArhilan . j.,..., h,, w ill necessitate tk. employment of an Increasing number of hands as the business enlarges, which It I 'x 10 lm I"""1' "" s they are now manufacturing Is aiton- hnB old horn here. The experl. ence ef seeing entire bridle, including the blind, and the housings of harnesses manufactured at home Is a novel one. Thl I a home Industry that deserve the sup port of 1 he people. trrer Thaeksa lvlag.fa larks) s, T'uoks, Uetse, Chicken, Cranberry Sanaa. CUulifljwer, Uelert, Cabbage, Turuips, Merest potatoM, Partnipt, llurse ItvlUb, drapes. Bananas, Orange, Fne applua, Smyrna tigs, Csl-Fi, gesen oavea. Mine meat, try its aometbing ne eilroo, lemon peel, rasiins, eurrartU, Umnns, weloats. almoads, peanut, . Brsail net, Utbarta peseta. WlLLAMKTTK FAOKIMUCo. HvaBARu'a Elkamt Loria. The ft nest preparation averdUeovercd. For rendering the k!n smooth, aolt and white. It is not a face paint In any sense of the word. By using Elegant Lotion morning and evening, the most injurious face paint or powder becomes perfectly harmless. in order to introduce this elegant prepara tion, we will present to each lady calling at our More a sampl bottle. Thl offer remain good for the week only. H 0 IIvaaARi Prescription Druggist, made Haa Issah. -Mr Lacy, living in thi county, just over the river f roas a a.a a l I Stay ton, Is reported to have lost her reason ndwill be brought to Albany for eiamlna t'oo this evening. She I tbe mother of Mrs IJavl of Stayten, who recently attempted suicide because she thought her husband was urnrue to her. ihe conduct 01 aer daughter hat been constantly Ia the thought of the mother and hat complete ly dethroned her reason. It is thought good treatment wilt restore her mind. Look at This. 134 feet front on First Street, right en the Una of improvement, lot opertot. Well wager a cayuse pony that the property will sell for $100 a foot in lest than twelve months. In fact we will give any n a a who mt buy It Sito for a twelve month bond at that price. Do not procrastinate. To norrew it may be too late, because you can't buy everything else down that way for that price. Wali.acb i Ctsita. Will Dovblb im Valok. 15 feet front .lne two story brick building, on 1st St. Rent paying Interest on $is oe,bul!dlrtg In fine repair and wilt douol In value la eighteen mootha, for tale at $11,000. Sea us soon as thia w 11 go last. Uther Bar gains advertised by us have gone. Not a single Instance on record where specula tors buying property ot ut have not made money. Wallace at CtiaicK. t'r. ss:r, n.iWHs.Soma of the nrlncl- - -1 - 1 pel vpa inn uowne in uu-.i.i.s tun v 1 1 .1 . i s... lif. i. I keep quality up and price even. 1 m is 1 being done very- uccesfully at LaForest 1 nompson ,ana tnoae uinner set to oe oitmoutca among our customer ian. ist Is creatine no III He Interett a well a our prices. Sovabs Dbal. 3 fine lott In Yaqul na Clij far tale cheap. also 4 o acret of fine farming land at $30 pr acre, for a few dayt. YY ALLANS A Ccsick. WHERE WAS MOEE8 WHEN THE LIGHT WENT OUT? Ha waa ia alsetlr tbe tame tum tbat the laree erowd of easterners ia BAR ROWS Cl SEARLS Store were lu last Sstar. dey eveoinf. when for a few mtentee tbe ! eleotrie erb refoted to send forth it asaal jeflalgeaee. IN THE DARK. Take Notice. Railroad time hat been changed two minute. Call at F M French and get our watches corrected Lace Cartalaa. Laee Cartaiaa. 1 have lust received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to mis mar et, and best value for the money. SAMUEL C. lOVNO. To FARMEe.Farmers will io well te trvt their fruit, erarden or farming land with Wallace & Cusick. 7 0Jt cares rkeamatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay A Mason Agsnt. Notice. Parties Indebted to Mr. B. L. Power, will confer a favor by ealllnf on Mr H F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling tha same ence. at If yea have any job wsrk to do call on G W. 8nilhwbo ia preca-s-o. to do it with aaatnaand disnati f ind aa cheap aa any one. Whoa Baby waa ilek, we gave her ( When shews a Child, the sried fer Castor!, When shs boame Vlax, sa. elanf so CaaSorla, 1"aa she bad CUildren, she gave tbam Sfcursaria. AlbaaytUarkat. Wbeat-12. thtaj 28. Better a6e per ID. Fpr-at( IleyO.OO. Pitatoee 75 ota per bushel- Uaos OQ tool, o'if App1ea-7i eeou per bu, PeeV-te per Ik. aroaaed. Bneena hexas. 1 'A e. ahoulders, 8e. aides. lOe. UxA eaterlb. lnour-Jt per bbl. Okiekena 4.00 per det. MM Feed bean, It. 00 per ton? aharsa, II. midditaea, t$. Cherr, . PAINTS, OILS AND CRUSHES AT DBfOB ROEOON'b, B0K AND AiiitOAD MONDAY. Mr F IC Allea left this noau on a trip to Eastern Oregon, lion John Burnet t,of Urvall', was Id the ei t tins loteuoon. Eer J 8 MiCiln.rtoetitl farmer ai Caem. aw, 1 in the city. About an laoh ef oow baa fallen elost" sue ircos on sue uregou rnoinf, Mr V ( Haines, tbe cement nun, return ed te-aay from a tevetal wtekt busiam stay lu t'urtland. j roi 13$ a i.enaiE.rresiiinnt ol tbe AIM Ooilegr, arrived i,u last Saturday fiem Li Usttern trip, Mr E Csrter beg tlio ttroum of tbe fublie as'geutral tmtr and repairer. Dqulre drnr Lou and Water S". There were feor pereon immertod la tbe nouuam rl.tori la Ct Albany jStrhy ly RevJ F Stewart, t.f the Christian ebaKb. Mr Jm 1 Mesd. rsesutly from Kaunas, im JoaatMi lo Albaay for the pisvtiuo tt l, waii hetdri'iartrr ut the Oreutn Laud C eUlo. Mr Cicw.ll, the welt known drnrnmer, atid Miss uiUiirr, ef IomIrikI, are to be Riarried in the First Cntiarea-atiotial Cliureh at that city Tburcday evening. A few day ago Mrs Fiohsr. wbe is 80 of aee, fell and broke oaeof her arm, at Bunaa Vista. It ia double I if aha reecyers oa aeeeuot of her old tg. Mr J A Bilvou. Marshal of fttlo. I si l In the eity to-day business, if r Kilyra baijiist heiltanlee two story biiek tlisre, which ia nearly ready for oecopanoy. j Lass Sstardsy S K Yoens.L E Blsia and Jay Blsin perehasad of N B and P Avery and W A Weils teo block ef land adjoining tbe O P depot,. Cervallis, pay lag $IO,&00, Mr J II Si Inn. forwierlv of Lebanon Brownsville and Uranta Past.bas aeeebted a position In the government pnotiog nfBee at tTashiittn, and is alto shoot to start a aew paper at Iddepeodeac. The followiat front a Portland saner sheet a former Albany Frofessor.u full of iaterest to these v-lio know the geotlesaan 1 'Ve nderetaad that Prof Warrea.the Ust Utah tkhool ptiueipal we have ever bad. who waa ousted ander the UodJ regime, hs been of fered hie poeitioo agsto, and refesed it on leas given fall aetbarity to select bis owa Mtittaatt." T0RODAT, MtiMtlisn and Farlni'a eireu it winterii m at Woedburu. Mr WW MtfOee, tell keeper, en the mnuhtata we gun road, i in tbe oily. Arraut-en.nnta are beine made to establish a bank at Nrport by Salem eapiteliste. IseksoAOounly'e aeement rult shows a da- preeiatiou of t7G0,4U7. What the matter Pretraeted Rieetlno are Iteine hH at the Christ wo ehurch, aod will eontieee eaeb night thte week Mr P A Frrti. a lenreseBtsLive of the uregoniae is in me Hy Katbermg lulorma- t on tor ate ia tbe holiday editioa of that The sant ef A D Morris ran away yea- w v a bv a j wmn was r JWr- Ut)Uy f,,rWMm wmbf .. tb, ci'ty;bot ty jaaisiena HtanatcemeDt did 00 dsstage, Mr Nome tuyieg with them. The senate is Montana has failed to ore- ttite yet and twe lower house have beso or K suited on by th democrat and one by the republican, llie latter is a "ramp" in . .... . every mum of me word. J P Feell, P F Campbell aad H II Mil. of Maker t,ity, wtu Be in Albany ou tr-uigbta train and will react oar business mto at tha erBoe of J K Weatberford to eoafer ia refer ence to the OregrB Pseifio going to that eity. To-aiorrow iboy will go to Corvalli Mr V itliama. the Yaooina Bay barber. wat U the eitr to-day on hie way home from Astoria, .where he bad been investing ia property . lie reports the upward tendency of ihe reaj estate market as Lcirtg rapid, and that quite a local tooia i anticipated. Mrs Eliaa Woodio, ef.Alhany, department inspector of tbe Woniaa a Relief corps, vis ited Salem yesterday aod conducted an itr (paction ef the Salem corps, boding every to tog to sona condition with flattering proe pecte. Ur report will esy as much. ttee- man A t aHy t-f tn serveyors Ue baye 1-a.n serveyte xut uaiuuti wacn roaei tu ae evantof ib c T moment suit now paudji. arnved In Albtsy on yestetdavt 4:60 train irom Lfseanott. iueybsd beea eewMtivel to quit werk ou aiat of enow, wbieh wa a fuo deep io plaee. aad eee family is ereaaiog. they reported tost two borset aa eoocaru ti it. Xow ia the time to but overoeate. Win- I . : 1 . t t 1 , " reaoy ioo cool so be Witbont one. islain haa a larna aa.f . . . - . . . " naa a UK It V teleet Irom, Bnrt there I iroow tn beiag tattea 1 WKOHKABAt. Before Tb.ibgivieg Day thi-r eat, A to-key ebu waa well aad lit I Yet t hie fet warrants no pretuetplion, lie oien nest day 01 quick ectnaamptiva. Vfsgaiflng glasaee at Kreneb'e. A fine line of solid til sr war at Frenoh'a The N S Oeutley west d.a etiesm to day.. : Dailt Dfi acRAT far sale viir-rt at W F Kuba't. Conspaseet. all slyl and uriaes. at F M French a. Quince 75 rent per bushel at C E Brew- oeira. If yea want pure, fresh di nc Datroolae tbe new Dreg store. Finest fountain pens in the world foronlv 12 00 at FM French'. Pies feet.eheatoat. maokerel.ehow ohow and several other fiae eatable jast received at LaForeet & Thompson'. Seioka th celebrated Havana filled ci gar, manutaetared at Jaiiu Joseph e eigar iscvory. WDiyoeent. Tbe pablie ecaminatioa of teaehera onea- ed at twoir o'clock to-day. There re twenty tiz icacnere preaent. New Sabecriber to the Foul As Comna hioh for 1890 will receive the papsr free the re. rpainder of this rear. Price 1.75. F. L. Keotoo, agent. Have yoar erescriDtions filled at the new drug store. Uur new dragsttt makes speciality of prescription work, Aeeuraoy ana puray guaranteed. There wilt be a teetal dauoe at tha Ooera Hoate to-nieht, under the aaspioea of the Doloe far Nieate Club. Several will attend from Corral lie. Subscription fot all the leadina news paper and magaamea receive by V L Ken ton, near the Poatoflioe. , Alt order for warded without delay. Ladle shoe, mens shoe, mitioa shoe eb ild re a shoes, meat boots, boy boots, tt less tbat eost to make room for other goods at U fi UrownoW '. The sale ef three lot and a lumber yard ay Mr ferry Brink to Dt li U Jones, meo- tioaed several days eo,eollapted this mora ing jast before eentnmmation and the lum ber had been invoiced. It it said by oar loeal hooter ti at deer ar far more plentiful in thia county sew than tbey were two year aeo. Thi happy ttate of things is simply ths result ot a well observed (not enforced) law. Prineviile .New. .. We eall psrtleuUr attention to the sale of SUort Horn cattle of j t'orter, ol Clay eounty. Kants. whioh vou will find sdver- tised id another column. Tbe stock ia In fair breeding condition and have never been forced or pampered for exhibition and will give good eatistantion to tne puronaer. New carpets in the latest oolort aad de ien. oil cloths, linolium and window shades iust received at A B Melleaio'i Tartie wishing cood in tbe hoass furnish nsc line will do well to eall, as he has mad aaother (weeping reduction and will save you at least ten per aent ia all thete goads. The matter ofithe application ef Lena Dn bruille for the proteotion of Barbara Hub bard wa brought before Judge Blackburn this afternoon, and en motion adjmirnee ub til Friday morning at 9 o'olook. The applu ettion atkt that tbe castody et the child be transferred to the new home ii Portland for children under a statute pasted by the latt legislature Fin line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Dayoa and Rob eoiis special bargains B10 Haul, Train robberies In tbe East are occuring with Interesting fre quency. The rebbers appear to be mere successful than usual, and In each Instance have been rewarded by big "haul." We have hp train robberies here bu! people who buy their grocetle of Conn Br5, are al way awarded by big hauls" for the money exrended, It I a popular place to trd. Ar i MEtiiv There will be a festival and literary entertainment given by the Oak Plain Gunge at their hall In Shedd, Dec th, 1889, Good music in attendance. All are Invited to come. Admission 35 cent, children 40 cents. M A rowBM. DA Davis, L W RlOHT. Com. Next. -New and bct place In town 1 GlUon's flew baiber shop lu the Fromaa Blotk, next drtr to Forlmliler U Irvine', Bast barber tn town. Letter Uet. Following Is the list of letters remaining- In tbe Pert OfRee, Albany, Linn eountjr, Oro-ofi, Movtfth, Ufet Person eslUof lor these letter) must trlre the date aa whleh they were advertised t Aadersnn, Thuesas I Ads lane, A flsnl'Mi, Mr ttuvla Urabtrse, 1 bonus C Clrusst, Hn A llsahl. W T Ann, KW frearlcksen. Chat Oaoif. mt fctul'sr, II U Onnl.Krank Rsws.Mlse Antrie WIIIIsm. Al Htawp, Wa Woedwera, swera, Mr Ellen Wareer, Leole ft. THOMraosr P M. Referee's Sale. lh Cirrnit Court of Ortgon for Linn Kliaa K wife, Plaintiffs, ami Mery Fsun o, b a Charity J Leper acd John Leper, bar husb and, lUurta il Uiibteata and Bsmosl Uii- breath, her hesbaod, Peieilla Caebret! and Ceehrelf, her bosuaod, Defendant. Notice ie hereby alven that tbe eadei-1 igoed, the Befeiee dale appointed ia ti e above entitled Court la the entitled cense, te make sale of tbe premise kereiaafter described. wilt pursuant to an order of said Court ia aid oanee duly mad aad entered of record on II: zed day of November, loSI.e the 81 li day ef bcr, lata. at tbe Court House door ia the eity of Al bany. 1Mb eoeaty. ureeoe, a' tbe boar ef one o eloek p. ra., ceil all the rif he. title aod iaterest ef eaeb and all of the plaintiff and defendants herein at pnblie euetlon for eaeb in bead to tbe lushest bidder in and to the following described real property to-wit's Beginning at a point 20 ebaioe Beat aod 13 onsin not in ot me aeuineast eoroer of as two 8, ia township 12, south range 3 west Willamette Mendtaa. Lion eoontr. Oreson. and rnnnlog thssce eatt 0 chains, thence sooth 334 chsins, tbeoee west 60 ehaioa. tbeooe aorth 33'A chain to the plaee of ho. Ktoeing, eontataieg 20t aeree j also two Iota , lying itumeliatly aoathweet of aod ad jot o io( tbe lote sold to Martta Trexler ia the town of W atertoo, is Lisa ooaotv. Oreeon. Being tbe same property eoBveyed by deed hear if g daU tbe 25th day of Jeae, 1885, by iraasu Anacrsoa aod wife to Levi raeeiag. 1 be proceed of sale to he applied. Bret, to tbe eeete and expenses of suit taxed at KJ4 aed tbe further earn ef $40 Attoraey fee and tbe Coal aad expense ef sale, aad the rewaio-Ur to h distrihated among the plaintiffs and dafendaote herein aeeerdiog te saeir reeperttve rtgbU. Dated i Lis 27 lb day of Key.. I $39. Geo. HfNFHRCTS Beietee. ewensraL i . .... . ..... .. .. ngmmm MON EY TO LO A N . Tbe onderaliroed baa boaae capital to loan on good teat aetata propeit, Geo LTcMrnaiT. ALBANY OR. WRIT. & EHLBEET BEOS.. Real Estato Agents, Far one and Raocbee for aale. Also eity breirerty in Albany aad Corsallia. 1ST YOUR WOOD HOWr-Tba on- ueraigued having parebaaed thai a yard and wood ot F W etplea de a to Inform tha nublia that ha la nrs ad to fill all ordera for Die I t.dflrwood. Ordoreloft at theomceofl 7 aiiaraetcca!ck will be proirptly at sura 1 0, Fbbd W, Blchdbbo. THANKSCIYIXQ THOUGHTS, by a custom r OF LAFOREST Si THOMP- I sojf'a. Thankful I'm not n Chlnamtn nor a Hot tentot. Thankful I'm cot president ef thete Unl. tea state. Thankful that I lire in Albany. Thankful that I do my trading with La. roretiec 1 nompson. jnanaiui rm smart enough to know a Bargain wnen I tee it. Thankful I tee a bargain every time I go to ir orest 1 nompson s. Thankful timet are not hard. Thankful I'm net a hard case. Thankfut I've got some hard cash. Thankful I'm not hard up. Thankful I saved money this year by treeing wit L,a Forest Thompson. Thankful that I am thankful Thankful for LaForest St Thompson's new stock. Thankful for their low price. Thankful LaForest & Thompto n't trade it tncreattng. Thankful that people grow smarter ever aav. Thankful when they are all as smart as I am and trade with Lar omttK l nomp son. LaForest & Thompson, Albany, Oregon. I am bow better prepared than I hart ever been ta suit my ountemera in the shoe line, I-foaveJast received a large involee of tha celebrated Laird Scbeber A Mltebell fine ahoea for lad There la 110 manufacturer who elalmnl aaythlnrr bettsr than tbeso aheea. I tena to Keep a xuii astertmens 01 tueia w all prieos, width from A to E3 and caa anit the meat fastidious ia fit and price. I also recelred another invoice of tha popular shoe IS P Reeda In Vf aknjhaal snd PateDt leather tip. These ebeea am well known In Albany aea first olaar alee atyla ahoa. Orders from the eowatry fill ed with eara and tatU faction guaranteed - f AMTJEI. X Towe. WTOIfc ROBSOK IRS 1S3K7S FORTaSISWSISHlRM DAVl nuTiciL-FKii nwixa ua ciiNE.nnrMArmMnx tits m LEADER. TJIKLLAi; G, W. SMITH, "fiiipcdo' " Argand," "Oapland". STOVES AND RANGES FJro ia.ck3. Warran tod for 15 yearn. A.U J i J i j it styles, Roofing, J ob Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Conductor CORNER DUUa STORE. G L. BLACKMAlT The Leading Druggist, ALBANY DRUGS, MEDICINES, peeUltloa Floe Toilet Artlclei. Perfimery and Uaalcal Ioetro JoeoUi PreaerfpUoB) Catrafolfy oompoooded day and night. 0r etegeBt Una if e -" HOIiIBAY G-OOIDS Umwm arrived aod wa eordUlly Invite the pubJlo to eali and loepeet our Gooda end prieee. 1889 PALL AND Juat received a large lnyoloe of Forelgo and Domestic woolena in .. Overcoaiings, Snitingb and Tronserings. Wa taake a epelalty of FULL DBE9V for Bella and Part! or regular evening wer. A gerfeef fit guaranteed at THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT , I W ILL SELL UdW Laird. Scholar k Mitchell, Ceo W Ludlow's II J fioibroek e, aed ail other biaada earaeoa kids I have for 3.f0 per pair. These are all firtt elaaa quality earaeoa kid aboea and tbe beet brands in the mar k' ...... HOLIDAY GOODS. I HAVE the larrrst line of Itdiea' I ibrocight to Albany. Price rsngiog from pore vney wm bay e,to le;seen te be appreeiateu. STICK in lb t aet tbat am offering better bargaita than any ona else in Albany Bought at bat jrtipt tales I can eall First-Class Qoodst ot below COST. FOP General marebandisa ot all Uude 1 ofahoae. Cash for Goods or JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. , Hia aiook baa been enlarged ao that it equals any on the Coa.t, and con&lsts of lea. I Rnrror BfOS. Silverware, In j talwafB, Boys' Wfl - Fancy Goods, and w raeral assortment of Orockiey and Toys. Ha bnya.lireot and rrle. the large. .tee lit the Wlilametta Valley, to wnl haa been addod a eooipleta line of - :FAtV31LY fa Agent fot inanranee eorapanlea gflol on parle Francala. The Woi-MV, i bfist. More than htin -dred 7 hun dred .differ'' o nt sty Icrj no ok s ami heaters Range Boilers Pumps. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE OREGON. STAT10I1ARY SC. WINTER 1889 ZACIIES DROS., Oppaalte Poet Office. fine aJiooere in assorted atvlee. ever 75o to (2.00 per pair. Ia znen'e slip- 13 3ES. TSTO'OISJO'" A PIN call on nsa. rartictlar bargains in enuv Coaatry prtdtc Albany, Oregoa. F it UliiiiFv and Crys a'rriagof gO qrooerii I as i waWs with a capital aggreKallug f75.000,(M:. Hler w rd deutch gesproehen.-!; , e - hlhe entire tsreponeo, wmtn I Snc!ii',e its power.