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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1889)
! 1 i : ,1 ! n TO DEMOCRAT, C2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 53 A. EN CF YEAR. Iad every Friday by . ' SXIT2333 do 2SI TrTTIISra . ; rates mads kifen . r. Si, Praa C II. "rnwA(ir. 8, Alban IRONWORKS Uaniifaoturftr cf 1EAM EMMES CitlST A) SUV MILL MACHINERY H3 HUM? A0 ALL KIH33 OF HEAVY m LIGHT W03X, IM IRON AND B3$3 CASTINGS. tpsolal Untl,n pwH dof mtohlner rt re'lrltt til Palwrru MAde n Short Notfct. fKOFHIKTrjl OK STAR, lUIiKUY 3nrc8r Broadalbia and First Sts., DEALER IN Csl rrai, tltt),' frt fraUa. Tsbsvee. CI)m. CNtitM! ties!, tnvuwrv. Vt.b!Ue, ' n, Tu, .' . hat sverytblng that I kept In a ii variety and araesry ors. Vila-). rks prim pdd tor ftM KliiDS OF PRODUCE. :lO hilrn unlr ixl M'.ixlartioa la Uie fnn 1 1 Uoaurrea-s itnd uicrv. I prwertbe Usad I I sal to rcutnmod II to kit Miirmrs. l.J.KTO!CB,lJU Dmhr, 111. Sold by Draggtsta. f b'-j'lii tT trn TZ f UrmttflM I taseksalaklSt. I ULIUS Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. . Hla stock baa bean enlarged so that It e-jua!s any ou the Cwl, and oonststs of Roger Bros. Silverware, F talware, Boys Wtvgo Fancy Goods, - i : i , - . assortment v. ind Toys. lie boja ilrst .A oarri the largsw ateek baa been added 'oinplM line of FAMILY GROCERIES. . (a Agent for Insnranee eompaolee with a oaptta! azrsthu 73,OOf,Of . pr(A on pari Fraocala. Hlr wlrd denteb gesprochen.-VCt SMOKE , THE Manufactured by -ALUO I IMPORTED A! ID KEY WEST CIGARS . . , v -. " ' ! , Plug and amoktag tobeooos, Meersuhaum anl briar -plpae anr mokes artiVs gfoorslly. v- . " . , ; LOOKOUT FOR FURNITURE I am bow retailing ItrntMire at my f sotory at 0 ";. PaipU wW.iifrti ton can do well to look hro (at bagin,e 1 a-n ,0n? to sU at a't derlny thonext SO day. Cim nl emtn 'ny'- bifor ptrchsip; ! wbere. 'Jt -,,.. ,! ', FaeMry at thi rivr on.l of L r. StM -t. in tka fact tbat am ofTerinft Letter bargaica than any one elas in Albany Boegbt at barkropt sales I can m,11 lrst-Ulass G-oods or below COST. FOP Oom-rst luMrchandian ol all kinds call ofs hc. Cash for Gat)li o' ft 1 Too waul the besl and most d arable UKiVll UKh THomas OL. XXV iGonstipatiom Demands prompt treatment. Tha re sults ot neglect may b earloui. Avoid U harsh and draaUo purgatives, the tondoncy of which la to weaken the bowel. The ! remedy ta Ayer'a 1111a. llolng purely vegetable, tfiet action la prompt and their effect alwaya beneficial. They are. an admirable XJrer and After-dinner pill, and every where endorsed by the profession. st4rW "Ayer'a TUla are Llsbly and unlver. tally spoken o! by the people about here. I maka dally of thum In toy practice. Dr. J. . fowler, Brldjro. port. Conn, we- - , , 'I can rocmumond Ayer'a PHla above all others, lmvluit long proved their ysJne M a catharUo Urr iutsoII eud tainilr." J. T. lieu. r,,itbsvlll.. I' "For nrl mum A.'i Tm. been xued in uiy iiuuily.Sve find them EffoctlyelRemedy for cxntlpatIonat;cl Indlirestion. and are nxver wltiiont thorn in ilia luuiu.1' Mows Otvaler, Iowcil, Alius. 1 ' "I bare Med Ayer'a nils, for liver troubles end Indlgtwtton, Unriiitf many years, and bare sJwsvs fuun.l tlin rompt and cftlolont in their action." . N. Bmlth, UUca, N. Y. -lMr I auffered from constipation which ftxsuioed such an obstinate torn that I iiiareti i woum cause a atoppaee of the bowels. Two boxes of A yer'e nils ef fected a complete cure." D. Uurke,'. tiaco, Mo. A.rinWSi,. e . . "I have naed Arer's Tllla f.w tb nt thirty years and consider them an in valuable family motllcioe. I know ot no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them a prompt jure for dynnepHla." Jamea (juinn, W) Middle at., UarUord. Conn. . MIIavlnirbeen troubled with rostlre. Aeas, -which seems inevitable wltb per sons of sedentary habits, I have tiled Ayer'a I'Uls, hoptnst Xor relief. I am Clad to say that they have served tan better than any , other medicine. I arrive at this conclusion nnlv afbi n faithful trial of their merits. Samuel T. Jones, Oak it., Boston, Uasa fAyerJst Frills, Dr. J. C. Aytr tt Col, Lowell, Mass. '' Njeld by ail Dealers la Medlelae.w Take Notice. Railroad time has bren changed two minutes. Call at F M Frenchs and get your watches corrected t-n1 fJtim and Orys asriager, and, . rteral of Orockioy In the Wllla.neOii Valley, to wbM CIGARS Julius Joseph, BALE IV LOW PRICES; 1 i on nif. Fr;ir'lar burgling 'in ijam. O. J. DILL.ON. 'f!a;i jtry m :!(',; n w vnt'. mmrmm . Alhariji, Orjc,.. t; furnturetbsl Is manufactured in tbeity go Brink. A Coal Find, For some time pat Vr V J Taylor hut had a twn at work on Mrs Lynch's f.nn,acoiipl t'lle south ol Eugene, proopecllii)t for coal. The Rrkt owl ktruck wu In small quttniltlei but Indications pointed to Isrgrr velivi' A low dayt ago st a depth of not to exceed u feet the man struck a vein of line coat S foet thick sud from IJ to Jo foci wide. There arc two quslltlckol eoiil In the vein, one kitul Inlng lit -clu fuel coal ntul the other equ il t. lha bent quality of coal tixed by bluckimlilt. TUvo who are l.iinlllu with cuat Hcl.U .l.iic l 'hi'. IhU i a very re i'.rUnhK liicrcttxe in the rise if the win The wins were tllu'ivcrevl at the hate ol the lilIU ud cs'end Into the Rill. iOnjtone AVji htf. And her U sn.uher one : ''Collet 1I'. ye it Ivlt tu of the tllcovry ol a vein of cost In the mounulnt sumo Ik tir seven miles went of the Ochoso g14 nlne. While he and hi brother were hantltix there !at week, they accidontatlv discov ered traces uf coal where a tree nd been xprooted. and uooii prorecilnz discovered a three-Inch vein of the product." I'tlne- vtlie A twt. Ovaa A Chimamam. A Snlcin paper alludes to a "piod pummcling" which our fellow-clilsen, John Vay, Tccelved on Monoay eyening at tne nanus or a- aaicm eentleman whom he forced Into a filv.-ht.'' says the Oregon City CmnW. The set to occurred In the smoking car, Mr Way ordered a Chin unan aboard to kit down and also ordtted the Salemlte to movq up to make room for the heathen. The S- emttc, who is a small man, barked back, and ihorllv he and Mr Wi; went at I, hammer and tons. They fought three round, while the spectators cheered and shouted. "Katt!" The little man's blood boiled and he was looking around for a club with which to lay out hi antagonist, who held out a $ logold piece to the crowd, shouting, "Twenty dollars to the man who will g've me a pStol or a knife to kill the son of a sea cook!" lint further wate of gore and Italic Isnguage was checked by the conductor. SfKAas roa Albant. Nice looking businoss places are big advertisements for a city. In this respect Albany takee the lead In the Valley, and noplace In the city Is attracting more attention now that the double furniture store of Fortmlller & Ir ving, filled w 1th an elegant stock of goods that would be a credit to Portland or Sn TrancUco. It seems to be a revelation, particularly to new comers used to the sleepy ways ot Eastern towns Few peo ple reslls the amount of goods It tskes to keep such a store stocked. On Insulting the Dkmocrat learned that over two ear loads sf furniture, consisting of bed room sets, lounges, bookcases, chairs, rockers, in many novelties etc., had been received In twoorfthree weeks, the freight bill atone amounting to about $oo, which would be big even la Salem. It Is an art show to ge through their store, and It take no ad mission fee, ' CcavALtis .The case of Nelson Ben nett vs. tin Oregon Pacific ha been dls mls:d from the court, settlement having been matte, 'the amount said to have becnoald was the same as the comnanv's ( nlnrk r( allowed. In tba suit of Joseph Llggct et al. vs. W S Ladd at a!.. known as the agricultural college case, which came up In clrcnit court on Wed nesday, the default taken against, '.he old Corj, college was set aside and the complaint as to said college was dittntssei and the plaintiff ordered to file an amend ed complaint. . . .The prellml nary survey of the street ssr line from the Intersection of Menioe and Second westerly te E- levcnth, northerly Into Job's adellioa, shows the dUtsnce to be eight thousand eight hundred feet. This section will he built in a short time alter the uecember meeting nf the city council. Coming Homs We clip the following from the Wimdsor (Me.) Rroitvx " Miss Bertie Senders, daughter et Aaron Sen ders. some years ago a well known resi dent of this city, now residing at Aldany, Oregon, was In the city this week, vlsiU i"g the family of Mr J C Ccedy. Mlse Bet tie has been for two years vUltlng relatives in the East and after a short visit to ai uncle at Fairfield. Denton county, she will go to her home In Albany." Miss Senders has many friends In this city who will be pleased at her return home. An Old Cavia. Ur.cle Cob Blair had the honor of announcing the opcolng of circuit eoert for Denton county, In thenew building, says the Time$, This hss been his greatest ambition for years and that be did his. work well can be attested by any one who was within sis blocks ol the build ing wherl hit echoes rent the air. T 'ncle Cob is nearly 84 years of age, and has been cryer for Bentoa county circuit court V rears without mittklnii a term and. from present. indication win itaeiy nave ine honor of making the announcements in 19-, 00. go mote It be. ' It was -Sicttled. The Democrat a few days ago referred to ahorse transaction in which a young man sold a horse for a boy from the Cascade 'Mountains, receiving ten dollars, and returning only ifty ccnU ciaimiaz he had received Si for the ani mal and charging $1,50 commission. An officer went after the offender and the mat ter was satisfactorily scttiea ty tne return of the money. It should be a letson . to both young men. . ,. t EVew Fools The jury which tiled O L Shirk for murder at the recent term of court In Hartley county was out thirty hours and finally brought In a verdict of not guilty; : There was one obstinate fel tow who he.M out for murder In the first decree, while the other eleven were fcr acquittal. ' No doubt that one thoucht his eleven fellow jurors were all fools. . ' Aw O. F. Surprise. About the time the O. F. lodgejadjourned on the 13th the members were surprised by their wives and farnjlist, who were well supplied with baskets of eitab!e,an4 an hour or two was then patted together In a very aociable and enjoyable manner, tne lunch brought be ing rapidty.aevoiunea. - 8os Five CattIe. Mf J B Forter ha just arrived in Albany with a car load conlsting of twenty -fix fine looking short horn cattle. He Intends locating In the county and going Into trie stock business. The freight on the cattle was over $400, which would be a good sized freight bill eoen m eaiem. ' Die; The' demand foc'dlrt U not con fined to real estate transactions alone. At the Council meeting Mr S W Ross report ed that he had orders for 3300 loads of Washington Street dlrt.and would take the whole business j out as each property owner has a right to his own dirt no ar rangement was made, t ; Ministerial Meeting. At Albany Thursday and Friday" of !lh!s weex, the minis terlal association of the ME church h Eut?e;.e district. The meet ing Thursday night.-". will ;be devoted to general mjttionary wura, Is OR" Too. Aboat forty opera lives in the Oregon City Woolen mills truck because the management had or dered a reduction of their wages. It only lasted a short time, for the bpsses came to their sentes and allowed the former wages. Right in wooly Oregon too. Children Crfiot ALBANY; Ciuckknb To Snu.. Cap. Lannlttf walked Into a well known grocery store tn thU city the other day and Inquired of the gentlemanly proptlctois If Ihvy lelr (d to purchase some chickens. The pro; prleter sld that they did. Cap onkcdtne pries end hen being Informed what ihey were paving- he akrd, If they made any difference lit the price If they were all roontem. lie was Informed that not at much eould be paiu when all were root, ters. "Wsll" said Cap "you can have mine any way." The proprietor asked Cap how many he hud. lie told t he ro eery mn that he did not know, "but" ai.l he "you may count then yourself' snd at that ho pulled out of hi pocket a democratic paper published In Ohio since (he cleciloii which was literally covered with the pictures of (Uonacratlc roosters It Is not neeery to say that the grocery lore men who are staunch republican suhilded at once. The Captulri smiles au -dlbly over the defeat ol Foraker. Tub Strikt Car Dmivkk. Driving street cars Is not all poetry as some lma. Inc. There is much beside having pretty women nod at you The following from the Satcin ormti narrates one Of lha links of the bustntttt "IhU morning, about 9130, a the opni street car was e imlng around I the Y on the corner of Stati and C m street, headed north, John Tlch- n jr, the driver.sudicnly fell In a swoon forward over Ihe front of I hp. car, Ills feet caught on the railing kud hi head and body weie draxged in cloe to the whet's et the ear for some ten or twelve feet, be-1 fore the horse was slopped. Ill eapc I from being Jragged to death, was otlv averted bv the accident ccturrin In the basinets portion of the cllv. No cause can be given for the trouble, only that In I with such little ensrcise It had . ' """'P ""'.,u.r'" " ana 1 a tendency the head.' csut the blood to ruth to Sixtv Mourns 1 Aovamcr. At the meeting of the Albany IJulleMng Si Loss Association last Fr'wav spirited bU'dlnarla knocked the loan off at sUty months In-1 terest In advance, the highest yet, Mr II A Crowder getting $1400 at those figures, It Is taJJ that In flouilkhln cities the bid- ding is nearly always high, the rate In Al- bany, Astoria and Portland generally be- lag foitv to sixty months Interest In ad- vance. The firslloaa In a neighboring city was struck off at thirteen months, a bad sign tor an Attoclatlon It kept up. The meetings hereafter will be Held in the Oregon Dank office. . Chikbss TaowBLS. J II Albert, of Sa lem, has a ranch, three miles above Me ha via, upon which he has some Chinamen grubbing, lie let a contract to some white men oa the ssme place. They grubbed out thise or lour seres and threw up the job, but the Chinamen stuck 10 It. Richard Hughes, who has the place rent ed, the other morning found a small gib bet qreclad In lha field where the China men are at work.wltl, a plassrd intimating that lynch taw was In force in that coun try, and they propose to ue It. At Mr Hughes says he wilt stand by the Cnlna men It Is possible trouble will result from the matter. Prosarly a Camaro. A gentleman who resided In Malhuer county several years, informs us that the despatch pub Lhedin tame of our exchanges as from Ontario In that cc-Wy, must be a canard. That the stream there Is only a small one, and nearly dry ; that there It not een one small dam, to ssy nothing of tlx, nor any bridges near there, and not a mill within many miles. The dctratch was to the ef fect that a mill dam at a flouring mill broke, and the water swept si mill dams, tour bridges away and wrecked half adoa en bridges and four milts, betides causing the lots ot two lives. P. S. The flood happened' In Ontario, Canada. A Formrr Lixh Co. Man in It. The case of D J Pcngra vs A Wheeler occu pled the attention ol the circuit court from Tuetday morning until Saturday afternoon last week. Pcngra owns the water power at Springfield and Wheeler owns the mill and has the water power rented at $1000 per year. He held back part of the rent. claiming that sufficient power was not furnished, and Pen fcr a brought suit to re cover the balance of the rent. Wheeler In turn claimed damages and the jury brought In a verdlet In his favor for Eitgene Ftfnttr, Lows Strike. It was a highly pleased audience that witnessed the Chicago Com edy Co's presentation of :"Long Strike' last night, and many thought it was the best of the week. The play is full sf tragedy and comedy, well blended, Val Love Leroyd, leader ef ths strike did some strong acting. Dell Inman as Jane Leroyd was at bar best, dolnz the pert In a remarkably good form. Mortimer Snow at Jm eStarklc, did some excellent work, andjas Devlin as the lawyer, was quite enormous. To-night "The Factory Girl" will close a successful week In which, the company has retained its great popularity A Speculative Ace. One of the strangest speculative societies yet organ rzed is credited to Pendleton. The organ ization will buy $500 worth of Louisiana ottery tickets a month and "divide the wlnnlnes in proportion to the amount In vested by each one. That would be Si oao a year. We'll wager s volume of Con gressional Kexord that tne winnings lor five years will not average $1000 a year, uetter put your mone in real estate. Aw Assures Fact. We believe tha the Albany Si Astoria railroad is as sure to be built as that the sun shines. Great eastern trunk lines must have it as an out let to the sea. The next thing will be a cross road from. Salem intersecting the three north and south lines In this couuty Dallas jitmtttr, and everybody .else be lieve. ' Albany will be a great railroad center.. ; . . . . Reduced It. The County Court ol Clatsop county met a lew days ago and very unwisely made the following order in reference to the famous assessment made by Assessor Parker : "It appearing that the sum total of the Clatsop county assessment is high and out of proportion, It is ordered, decreed and adjudged that each person and Individual and corpora tion be and Is hereby reduced 30 per cent j on me total roil. - One Block South. Last week af ter having sold his retldense property for $5000 Mr E B Purdem bought of E!l Bar ker a better house and about 90 feet front,' on a like corner fust one block further south on Baker Street, for $2500. An inch on the nd of a mans nose makes a good deal of difference. - -Kid Glove I Kid Glove t f I have just received a- full .' line ot kid cloves branded Our Own. This is a cenu Ine kid glove. I buy direct from Importers In New York and consider thein the best value of any gloye I ever sold for this price, s button, 3 rows ot st'tchlng, $1.50 per pair. v'V. S. E. Young. .' 'How to Advertise Albany. Get some of those elegant views at Crawford & Paxton's and send to your friends Photographic views will leil more and more truthfully than a pamphlet of print ed matter. OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER SiSJ, w irs nir mi scnaoi i-iiL. Prof,' Walker, ef the Pablle Kshools, tilvss Mate CeedTkeaghls. Ihey do net eaucsta. lome teacher de ; but the many do not. Children are not, as a rule, taught to the best ad. vantigf,th faculties which tied has given them and that alone l education. Net one child In ihoiiw it made en Inde pendent dUeeverer t,f knowledge j do not mean a discoverer (if new knowledge, but that knowledge which is - new to htm. Not one In a thousand learns to see what he looks at, understands what he tee, or distinguishes what he understands, School-training, Instead of Improving or.e's faculties, more often blunts them. The chlid Is not taught to rely upon what he sees, but what somebody el claims to haye teen, lie judges it he judget at all not from sent, but from tettlrrony, lie must believe what Ids book or hit teacher tails him. ;To dnpfthe former Is presumption j to doubt' the tatter, rank i(hertty. If what lie see or feels conflict with what they tell tilm.he mutt disbelieve the evidence of hi senses. All h facul- lies save the recepilve are trained to ldltutf. Indlrldiiajty andtelf rellaece are destroyed, Theoieilcally, he Is made "Heir of all the ages, in the foremost Ate of tlme.B Poetically, lie Is prevnld from ever ar- rll"g msjorlly. Ills patrimony never comes to he actually hi, lie I shown the title desJs 1 U I..IJ .hr hi. Ink.rlt.... ln ...j .. . . t. .. : . .. . ' " ' mt ut' " " OM f'CB roower ta take postestlon fit, o to add anything lo It. He goes th rough nfe sselnc with others' erss and hearlnc lih elhert ears ; ratly a dependent, thoufh he believes himself an Intellectual Croetus. Ills knowledge I all second- hand. Thls.when rood In a deeree. BHai ms-fiaw'Sf 11 Srtall ft Ka nftfftl- nal value, and passes current. But the second hand knewledae that passes In the schools wilt not always oass outside of ,hem. Too o'len It Is counterfeit, or worse-more dead leaves that fall to dust when wanted for use. In providing s III- . . . .r ... ,U hrd ' U,,M ,,h htr ,nr tTin ol true knowledge, the schools mo- nopoUse years that should be usefully employed. Here It where reform attest begin. Chil dren must be told lest and trained more. They mutt be taught to see and feel and hear aright, and for s purpose ; to know what te look for, to Cod what they seek. and to held fast whatever they find worth possessing. This Is the only educstlen worthy of the name. Send an untrained man to the fields to hunt for birds or beetles,stones or flower, tie may seek with dillgence.yet dad noth- Ing t lor he does not knew what to look lor, sr bow sr where to look lor It. The rarett flower to him It no better than a weed, and an undescrlbed weed ns better than ths commonest flower. He will fill his pockets with worth let pebble, and spurn with his feet the choltett mineral wltbsut seeing them, tend an Audubon, a Miller, or a Thorean, and he will brlsg from ths barrcnest watts treasurers that III maker, an richer and wiser to the latest generations. lite wsris 1 tun 01 undiscovered wealth and wltdom. Wo pas lt,ueheding,every day ; for we have never been trained to look for it, or ts recognise It when It Is seen. , Now and then there csmes a man with undlmmed vtelsn.seetng the wonder of crtatton.or with ear wide seen hearln. it,. mu.Ii! oi iht ithtrri. Ma a 1 a,'. t I heart and reveals. Tlis world calls him mad, and by and by, a genius. Ths I schools cannot make every child a genius, but they should not tend to unmake those that are born ss. Their first wsrk should be to enlighten the eye, ts spen the ears, and to sharpen the wits to use to good purpose the sharpened lac u Hies. 1 o this end, books are tn assistance Is the final stsgts,ut very bad a a oie reliance, and especially tn the beginning. The natural t the true inundation, and should be the starting point in education. Men s description ol things are valuable only when 'he things themselves are Inao cestable. And In education. Inaccessible things may well be left alone until tome acquaintance has been made with things close at hand. A tact ts be ol value need net cams from ths antipodes or from ths mean. . Ths moss that grows by our door step is as well worth knowing aa that which Inspired Msngs Park In tee African wilderness. The habits si the house cat er the garden toad are as worthy si study as ths habits of the Denial Hirer or the chameleon. Far the ends el hour spent In intelligently observing an ant er a spider, ta worth many hours si reading about termites or tarantulat. At any rate, without a bad of potlttve knowl edge, gained by observation and discovery, the knswledgs afforded by books is vague and ol doubtful value, while the acquisi tion of It goes but little way toward educa tion. The supplying ol the taeans Isr acquiring lundamentat facts and experi ence, for clearing the eyes, opening the ears,ana sharpening ail the faculties oy a systematic inciting to personal activity In lbs dlteovery sf knowledge, is the legiti mate work of the sshsols. Ssme day they ill do this work, and then, and not till then, may thev with truth be said to edu cate. ' " -- ... - O. A. walker. Teathtrt Kxaailbatlos. Notice Is hereby gives that the regular public quarterly ex amlnation ol teacher for Lion county will take place at the Court House in Albany commencing at noon Wednesday, November 7th, 1889. All ttachcrt desirine- examination will please be present at the beginning. County School Superintendent. Gives Away. For the benefit cf our cuttomer we will give away on Jan 1st, the following : i Dinner set, no pieces, $25. t Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $18. These goods are ot the best English are and a credit to any table. Give us a all and tret not only the best barr sin pure fresh grocerlec but tecure a chauce at one or more ot mete elegant tctt ot dihe, . ' . LaForest Sc Thompson. Bissbst Yet 10,000 roll of welt pa- oer. latest varieties, finest decorations lust erelvec at Ft.rtmiler& Irving' ; - Babies! The finest line of baby carr' ges In the Valley just n celved at Stewart ft Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con slderlng ti e superior quality of the csrrl lihce CnrtAlna. Lace Cartalns, I have lust received my fall stock Of lacecurtalns bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to this maf k et, and best value for the money. . , ,..,.,-r Samuel E. ouns, ; Struck Oil At $i.2.c per 5 rallon ens tett Standard rvt oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Ths best line of kil at W gRead'e m r. KniSOX'S OEKAT I'UllhKX. The great si estrlcan, EJIon, Is said to have obtained a neucleu of a new Idea that, II worked out suceettfuPy, will create j a revolution equal to that caused by the application ot the expansive force of water vapor lor mechanical power, lie Is quot ed as saying! "I mn thinking of the pots! bi lly of utilising the heat contained In sual without the lot of anergy and watte mailed by e6,iibu!lon." This hint of future triumph It said to have .-omt! to Edltottby areklent while he was Invest! gating In ntlwr ..illrretlont, and In- great wizard consider that he list now before him the gittt't problem of those lie will undertake to solve. If lie succeeds, and the force contained In coal can be made to aerve directly without the Intermediate or subservlutory machinery, and wlthuut com bustion there mutt result an almost Inered' Ible sheapenlng In ifie cost of production ol power, but the greats! changes In the machinery now knosn to the wtr'.d' Ills effort will be watches all the moreclote ly because of the Indleallotis that that great and cheap power, natural gas, scetnt lobe falling. If n substitute tun be ob tained by Invention, not only great town now dedcndci-t upon natural gat will be saved from probable pel II, but other cities wil be greatly benefited. Let us hope, that at In the past, Editon may succeed A boy was one day tilling on the steps oi a house, lie had a broom In one hand and a large piece of bread and butler In the other. While be wat eating It he taw a poor little dog not far from him. He called out to him, 'Come here, poor lei- lw I "Seeing the boy eating, he came nea ine noy held out to Mm a piece of I hit brea I and butter. As the dog streclt ed out his head to take It, the boy drew back bl hand and hit htm a hard ran on the nose, A gentleman who was looklag from a window o the other side ol the street saw what the boy had done. Open ing the street door, be called out to him to come over, at the same time holding a sixpence between hi finger and thumb. "Would you like this?" said the gentleman. "Yes, II you pleat, sir," said the buy, smiling. Just at that tsoment he got as severe a rap on the knuckle; from a cane which the gentleman had behind h!m, that be roared out with pain. "What did you da that lor?" esld he, making a very long face, and rubbing his hand. "I didn't hurt you, nor atkyou lor the sixpence." "Whit did yea hurt that peoi dag for just newer atked the gentleman; "He didn't hurt you, ner ak you lor the bread and batter. As you served him. I have served you. Now, remember, degt can feet a well at kwya; and tears te behave kindly tswsrd dumb animals In future." Boys and gins, If you always got tit for tat you I would olten come badly on, and soon earn t.te golden rnlc to do toothers as you would that others should do to you. AS AWAKI1SIWV. That there te an awaktoisg going on asaoag Ibe peaple with reference to tariff eduction tad reform aseJs no belter proof than the ac I ties lakes by the Wheat Growers Csnven Hon seme time since when they adopted the following resolutions t Resolution, 1. Tbat we hereby snrro-xltl- be our Nslle-nsl Coneress and tha Predeai nnt s 8IW .M mo1 ar.r P- "t awn-reciprocny lawin fftttn wa Riaka unrn . wmrawir frsalia w" 7c,a ". we 0,P uf f'n prod act. at eattsa socb foreign Nations to remove the customs duties from our farm products shipped abred, there by caasing us 10 receive a higher price for oar foreign farm surplus, and thereby fixing a higher price epos au tjiat we sell at borne, s. Tbat we ask last such steps be Isken by oar National Centrress 11 si I destroy tbeluutlt even Europe cried "shame. Ns present existing monopolist and Trusts and prevent tbe formation of others. 3, And to the end that we msy Ret ear fanning implements at a lets price, that tbe present laws be repealed that place a duty apoa farming implements or the raw materials ased in their manufactute. 4. Tbat we are most deeply Interested is la carrying out t l tne above retoiuuont taaa w aia in s aucwss w any pouiicai pan' A recent d teuton In th; clteult court lo Illinois, stay be of iaterett as besriag sp en the law In sther states In similar oases. A member ef one et tbe secret mutual benefit atcoclationt had Insured his Hie lor bis wife, giving her same as the ksntuotry In the amount of Sjooo. He eubesqaent ly procured a divorce from hit wife lor her marital misconduct, but he did not change the certificate ol insurance in her behalf. After hie deati the society re fused to pay her 'he amount ot ths policy sn the ground that before hi death she had ceased to be his wife, and that after his death ehe was neither his wlsow aor his heir. - Judge Ilawes decided sn tbess grounds that the divorced wife was so- entitled to the amount et tbe insurance. A divorce works many changes in the altt ustlon of the parties, - ' The exports ot wheat, and flour as wheat both coasts, eaual a.toy.aCo bushels last weki Kmnat 3,7x8.53. bushels the prevl I ou, week ftn( 1,826,346 bushels In the like week In iSSS. The total shipment! a-1 having the affect of restricting gram shipments broad from July 1 to date equal 42,041,103 1 to such an extant that aa eaormous accumula bushcls this year, against 39,i34'4jS bush-j tioa it inevitable, and a considerable falling el in 1888 and 35,800,000 bushel In 1S87. the man uaird, wno became speater of the lower bouts of the New Jertey leg islature two yeart ago, by selling out to the republicans and later causing the de- feat of the democratic nominee ts the U- nlted States aenate, is now a dilapidated berse car driver in New York city, al though he wa a wealthy phytlelan when elecled to the legislature. Retribution followed him, It it ttattd that a millionaire who died cently atVier.aa had such an antipathy I darkness that be left instructions in bis will tbe illumination of his tomK An electric light is to be kept bnrnine in the vault during a whole year, and even the interior of the eoflin is to electrically light. ; That CantnakeroOld Wo ssaa - Dsaorlbed in tbe nursery ballad, who "lived upon nothing bat vie t nets sad djrlffk," an yet "would never be qulerj' wns troubled wit h nbronis tdUi!BMon Her viotunls. like tboae nil.,., alrtcurVv nAMnni whOSA riloea kivw nowst .. t . I. . . V .1 . . , aaa-aa wirci her. TMh waa before the era Of lioatortor's Htoma"ti P.l tiers, or some tie of herauwieiotiafrlendsand relatives would nodoumsaiy nave persuaaea ns to try tbo RT0Ht? bjwotfin for dyspepsia sonfitpatfonand biliouatieaa. Tbia wotM bwva been a tneasureof self protGetlonon their jpturt, for she would soon have been Miwed aod oeaaed to disturb them with her clamors The most obstinate eases of Sndtetfion,with its attendant hsarfcurn, flatulence, constant unaaainesa of ft atotnachaad of the nerves, arseomplese ly ovaeooms by thic sovereign remedty Chlllc and fever and biUoua remUSsot rbeumatitm and kidney troubles are also elioved by it, F' , i 1889. PIIOTBCTIO" f Abb ACT. Saw Fmancinco Nov, 9 88y. fJilm t Otmwt "Steel rails rott $130 per ton when there wat no isrui i mem. rtow that there It a tariff on them of $17 per ton they cost a. bout . This I all due ',0 the tariff tax placed on them.hy congrets." Such It the kind ot argt tnent used by the prolvcf. lonitl. A few day a ago the Stotumn I Salem used almost verbatim such ai-gu went. And they all d-t It, liut a child might be able to see the fallacy In I he nr. gument. How routri a ts'a tstlnee the oast of main hit and tuber? The cheap, enlng of such a thing as steel rails Is a mighty addition to 11 e general weslth. How eeutd a ta increase wealth? Again the same rails are cheaper In Engtsrd by just $17 per ton thfle they art hrie. En gland hat free trade. f our tariff makes the raits so much ehcapsr here how is it that they are still cheaper where they have no tariff? New the truth is that when the first steel rail were made under the patent, they 0 ost tevetal hundred dollar per ton. Then Bessemer made Improve ments and the cetl fell. Then ether In veaUons were made and the co-l fell still lower. Elnnlly Martin and Simmon In vented a method whereby tne capacity of the fnrnaces so enlarged that It became much easier to manufacture the steel rails and the cott fell verv law. Mow ekidlUh n 1, to ara-ue that because one thin Han p,n, ,f,r Mmi other ,hlnf b or(.,r caused the latter. Nearly all argemt at tbat tariffs produce high wages home mar- kets etc. are based upon, and supported by this fallacy. The at her day the Chl- cago 7raW In Its new born aeaffer pro- tectum, said that r.,intr. 1,. ck..,. celve4j cants per thousand while in free trade Eaglani they receive only 35 ceats per thousand, forgetting that In many country towns In the west that are under the same protection laws ss Chlcsgr, prim ters receive 30, 25, and often as low as 10 Cents per thousand. Our tariff restricts production, transportation and consuasp 'ion unlet the producers are at the same 1 1 snathe carriers and consumers aa hap pens to be the esse with the railway com panics sf the United Stales who make car ry and consume their rails bating the su perior, anparallellcd advantage ef taxtng- all the people ts repay themselves by Irs posing o the business and travel ol ths nation all It will bear. The like was never seen before I A whole nstlon prostrate tinder a mighty combination si railway magsate who dictate legislation, lor 6e, so,sos ol people. Thinkers aid writers el 1S70 foretold that these "combine could npt rest satitfied with eontrollag the rails and, road but aautt nlbtraco the Uher great staple csmodlttes In tlrse. How thtlr lore cast have been verified. How fsoltth It I for u to goon Inventing and improving un all sides all to make living cheaper, and then turn light areuad and put a tax on the very artiste In order to make them dearer. The whole object I of all man's sniggles Is to reduce the cst " ing. Ths tariff Is mads to Increase th Two thing In human affalrt r ' ) w"r llh cb other the in. Merestof the buyer and the Interest of the I tne 'eret ol the many and ol the few. The founders of tkls government H for the protection ol the life Lo erty and property ol tne matte si the eP' eir consequent nappmess. The promoters of high taxation and truttt ha ve perverted it into s machine to make the rich richer and ths poor p sorer, to tax six sevenths si the people lor the ben efit of the ether seventh. It cas net stand so. . Sis very was brute lores tramping en the rihu of lh Pr'J deg.adedlabsr longer brute force but Infernal cunning dominates the masses and wrests iron them all their suplus earnings at the dic tates st partsan lust Isr power. Claisb Irviks. John Sksrman at Cleveland Ohio just before ,he election ia that state made a speech is which be put himself squarely ss record 1 favoring complete reciprocity between tbe countries of the three Americas ia regard to a free interchange ef goojt without import duties of any kind. This is by far one ef tbe most pronounced "free trade declaratien tbat tbe country bas been favored with for some time. Of uurse the Mouultuutir, Statesman and j other protection organs will stand right as fts tbeir chairs and in stentorian tones denouace 1 the senator at an enemy of the country, at beios influenced by British sold and British interests. Of coore they will. I Many sententious phrases have been formed I by democrat all over the county uxprsssive of 1 I their ureal delight at the defeat of Joseph Ben- ton Fsraker for governor ef Ohio, bat none 1 I more pithy than a laconic t el errant sent by A I q Tburman, tbe "Old Roman," on the next I dsy after the election to Crover Cleveland, "Governor Foraker bos surrendered all the J publican flags in Ohio." - 1 The high prices which are now being cbarg- I ed far grain frsights on ocean stsaaters are 1 effin price an una voidable consequence. Grain freight rates are just about doable what tbty 1 were a year ago. A dispatch from Boston sayt that by order f Tudce McKin, Georce Frtncit Train wat released, Judge. McKitn, , ruled tbat he did not deem sufficiently insane to be sent to atvluss nor tufficientlv same to be beld for debt, Lucky train. Thanks to the court, . The supposed oldest piece of wrought iron in existence are a tickle blade found near the Ve - Sphinx, near Thebesj ablade feand Imbedded to I in the masonry of the Great Pyramid, and a for I piece of a cross cut saw exhumed at Nimred, I ttll 0f which ftre now ia the British MaseutP. The City of Mexico Herald i advoeating tbe axclusion of cattle imported from the Uaited Statts. Mexican cattlt raisers, it says, can not compet with Am rt , - r ts; 'Tb Ladies Dellebted, Thai pleasant enooi ana cna petwet ee th which ladiea msy nae lirnitd ety vaitb of! fruit laxaieva. Pyrup of Fl, nodss I annritftnna. mtM It rKair KMsIk vemaf Ilia pleaahipr So tbe eye and So ths t' gentlevjetesiwmiat an arc-ug on rou ney a, fcVec antf bowels. I 'ii 0 ,j "Nothing to Kqnal It."" r havebeon aelllng Simmons Lisa Regulator for the past six yeara, Mr outomera pronounes It tbs beat ev naed. One of my customers wboeebea! waa in a wretched condition from a vsr bad and etubbom sass of dyapepaia, use tba Regulator and waa eatirejy curea. -am utiuigt myself lor torpicf liver, eaoa d'by cloa s confinement. 1 DnorEccaia equal it and hlRblw Tecomcaenci Its us Keneoaiy, C.PHissV, EJHtuUTg.Va INTO 17 ; ... ' m . 1 j Its paenllar effldar Is doe I. ..,, ..-'J a much to tba pro- o4 . KOTHINORkill In eo-mpoundlntj at to V, (jK a it ;-i tn IncredJeuta tbemsalvaa, W ',i:,'1ks!t " "me, -1 chocks - ' " niton Inlh oufsflt, or it .tsey be advanced wui prove s poteuiccrs, It takes the place of s rJKTft eoctor and eoatly vr. laadonbtry IIvim will Hud t.-iaffiv i -Htb bant preventive of X ,l',"T landonrafor lodlR-attlon, i (CnnaUpaUon, KtidMli, fJUtonmiasa. IPUmi aud fesentavl iMtpraaslosw Mo lots ivr time, no Interferons wltb business twbtle taking. or children It la tnost. Ir ilMront aod harm Ira. No dancer front lOspoaar after taJttn. Cures CoIIa, IM rrtsow, ttowal Complaint, Vaverlthw and SavarUh Cold. Invalids and ,01 Ira la person will And, it the mlldeat Aprteot and Tonic they can tuwi. A1IUI itakeo t night Insure rerreahlnc iSJ4 a natural evaluation of the bowels. A llttlo taken la tb mornlnc sbarpena Abe appetite, eteanses the stomach, autd svesun the breath. A POT'S! CIA ICS OPTHTOir. ' "1 1uv beta practldna awdklM foe P twtaty rears snd hava aavar beta abl la a vcfcuwa com pound tbat would, . ilaunoa Liver Regulator, promptly , .j aad saeeuvaty but Ui Um to actioa, V : Randal tb taaMuow aid (inttaatf of aak ' , mp tm, aigwuve aaa tuimniira rv" b sytwat-'' . aVs. M. j . Hia-ron, aj.o., Watbiiietoa. Ark. - 1 SSarkt at ClnnnlnanaM , lv,k Cnrtlie'nkS Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the rieal and rjimature of J, If. 7-iHu Co, la red. oulbe side. .Takenoother.r It lost TO MAKE BOOM FOR MY LARGS STOCK CF FALL AMD WIN TEH GOODS WILLSELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST SALE, AND TKLTOUSTCO. Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME 09 HOT EORSET THAT I HAYE A COMPLETE ;: STOCK CF vv: ,;:,:;". DM GOODS . - . . Notions, Furnshing: Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YCUB ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWIXQ LIKES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE- RESPECTFULLY, W. F. HE AD, The Leading t!asli Dry Goods Store. ..-te the I NUW STORE. IW GOODS ;. Mitchell & lewis Co., Agricnllaral Impicncnts v fTT """"" ' -, , "tlaS:t w ,, - II, pi nil 1 1 i -raa,. . n n m "ir" ' '" A , . and VcWcles COME THE'DEMOCJaAT 18 the boat Advertising medium In the Centra) SB Wlllrrifttf Vullfv, PIANOS. Thoas wlahtnsr s A ratals Inntronftti hooldcall atMrs, B. E. Myman'a t -i t s onn of thoa Crilnnratad liemtnn .v. Lou lanoea, ex'mi'.nt rteb tone. k nstially mads and adr tedtn Manx? th ajlniat on the I'anlflo Wytutt, Ernry piB,1(, fully suatanfead for 8 7rt, The Ii leu jbit-mniic for a;o. Moln and palntinf foatona Riven tlmro. A lo t'i pUcn to p yoor new Rf-wloi; Mehln. Fanny work atid drew making d'ma to nrt!rr tiM d Toff-att of Yonng'a old Hand, Albant , YirANTKfJ. A pHfot to 1 i enerat II bouaeiwork. t.'ili on Mn J u LIio,aix iiil'pa a(t "1 Alboiiy ,orau '.re' herattbs Alw lit PoatolHi. FRANCIS PFEIFFE 11 . -PKOPRirrOR OF - Albany 8oda Works - Md Uaoosfawtarera of- 3E0IDS CDHFEuTiaSSEY, Ve ars itow prparat so nti', t .., always fresh an1 at I'oni, . saw tn daalara. W' a f r , . Hnti urj Tropical TniiU, ' IQAR3 AND TOSACDD AMD, 4C.-PMct lonlrir)i sstcl Isaut sr (travel frin tha u,U. .1 L.Unehin Ban ton conntr. ran iwn tptsHata for U nis at my nflls. ;rsv ford a block, Albany, Oregon. Cms. J5. Wof.vtsTo-. THIS V1LL BE A CLOSIKC CUT COME EARLY AKDCET 11 . - en SEE XTG, t ..