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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1889)
Cite gctttortat HISTORY IttrKaVTINU ITSULI. The riilJclphi Timet, which lor jrr hat bsea the organ ot Ham RanJall has this to say about the late election; "The ).u that Is repeating the revolutionary work of the slavery Issue ot 1854 I the now vital question of tariff reform. It had man pretests In hap of "local ti sues" to open the way for party revolt; but If there had not Ixen profound unrest In New Kneland, In the Middle State and the great Wett because of i gresslve and needlcia tasftllon upon the ecsarlet of life, and of the open proalllullon of the policy of protection to monopoly freed, no "lacal lunee" could have defeated republican Governor and Legislature In Ohio, defeated a republican Governor In Iws, sna elected democratic Slate tiikett U New York, New Jersey and Virginia by majorities which equally surprised Ihe leaders of all partly And the terolt ot iSSo, like the revolt of 1854, will grow In power a.tJ become more and more revo lutionary In every section of the nten, until needless taiatlon ot the people skill be overthrown, and banded monopoly shall cease to have special protection at the cost ot consumers. The people ot this country believe In the Iberat protection of American labor. It was Erst thought by Washington, and has been sustained by every President from Washington to Ilairtson; and it never wilt be overthrown in the nation unless protectionist leaders engulf their cause and themselves In the etaetlng greed of monopoly, Massachusetts aad Iowa will heartily protect the wages ot labor In our tariff laws, but tariff taxes employed for protection must cease with protection to wages. With our manufacturers put up. on equatity with their competitors abroad on the question of wages, eveiy dollar ot adJltienal taa Imposed Is simply Inexcusa ble oppression ot the people. Iowa and Massaehusette want cheapened American products without reducing wages oi labor; they want tree col, tree wool, tree Iron ore and free serap Iron to enable the New England Industries to live, and the farm ere of Iowa, with their crushlrg tar 18 Us ee on everything they use, eat and wear, and growing mortgages on their farms, want cheapened clothing, implement and household effects. And they not only want them, but they must have them; and the recent elections simple emphasise the purpose of both East and West to have honest and thorough tariff revision and reduced Uses or revolution. It Is only history repeating Itself, and whether It shall be a brief rebellion tr a sweeping revolution, will depend upon the leaders of the party in power. The democratic leaders In 1854 learned nothing, forgot nothing, aad were hopelessly overthrown; what will the republican leaders of 1889 dof History ts re peasing itself. The Portland Journal sajs: "We would like the Democrat to explain what a re. ductlon of wages In the Oregon City wool en mills has to do with free trade or pro tective tariff, as national Issues." Bless our unsophisticated soul, the Domocrat has never believed thst a protective tariff had anything to do with wages or the re duction of wages. It believes, that, wheth er the tariff bo high or low, the owners of woolen mills, not only at Oregon City, but all over the country, will pay just such wages as the great law of supply and de mand imperiously dicUte. If there be many seeking tabor, and few who wish to employ it, the priee of it wilt be low. If there be tew seeking labor and many who wish to emp toy It, the price wilt be hlh. whether wc have free trade or a war tariff. The truth of t hese statements is Incontro vertible, Their verification is supplied in the everyday experience of every employ er of labor in the country. But the rcpub lican party is bound by the pledgee they made In their campaign last fall. They warned labor from Maine to Texas that If Cleveland wae elected tbe result would be that wage would go town, reduction of wagee would Uke place all .along the line, and general ruin to the industries of the country would follow, while, If Harrison should be elected, none of these thing would occur. Of course the republican leaders did not believe these predictions, but many labor people did and voted ac cordingly, and now those republican lead er must stand the necessary consequen ces of their own racket, nUnt vdent, Tbe newspaper man who penned the follow ing knew what he was talking about; "The prosperity of a town is not graded by tbe wealth of its inhabitants, but the uniformity with which they pull together when any im portant undertaking is to be accomplished, A tut with a thousand dollars at hi command and a love of his heart can do more for the building up and improving of it than the mil lionaire who locks np bis capital and snaps hi fingers at borne progress." Tbe farmers in Kansas are burning corn for heating aad cooking purposes, finding it jcheap' er than coal. There is a duty of 75 cents per ton on coal, and this account for com, at to cent a bushel, being cheaper fuel than coaL Verily a great many circumstances are com bining to reveal to the farmer tbe fact that he i daily a victim of the vicious high Uriff legis lation of the country. Vaccination is compulssry in England aad optional in France, In the large cities o France the number of deaths from truallpox was 1956, or thirty one per 1 000 of the living population. In the large cities of England during the same period the number of death was 332 or ,04 per 1000. It is said that the custom of having bride cakes at marriage among Christians derives its origin from the Jews. At the marriage ceremony of the latter, they were in the habit of scattering corn on and about the bride and bridgeroom, repeating at the same time the Scriptural phrase in Hebrew, "Increase and multiply. " Ten men with drills operated by electricity, it b said, can take out a much ore and tunnel as far as too men with picks, shovels end blastitg material, besides which the buildings eaa be lightd(and a great saving on insurance and oil be made thereby. If "i L-, UJL " There are more than 40,000 Chinese in San Francisco. Tney form nearly one seventh of the city's population, and i is computed that they scud f 12,000,000 s year from tlittir earn ings to China, There are more than 170,000 miles of tele phone wire in operation in the United Stater, over which 1,055,000 message are sent daily. Sua burned potatoes are said to be poison ous, and a Jersey City grocer has just been ar rested for selling such, Over 1000 cars ef OHio grapes .have besn shipped this year to points west of the Rocky Mountains. Maryland expects to produce 10,000,000 1, u.hf h of oysters this year. It OMR PRIMC, The editor of the Hrowniville Timtt visit ed Albany some days ego, and among other things he says this about what he heard and saw t "One other very litiHrtant thing we uoticed while there, end that is the fact that a person can buy goods of all kinds cheaper right here in Jtruwnaville, than like good can lie bought in Albany. Ve took particular pains to in quire of those who have done trading at both places snd every person, without a single ex ception, testifies as to the above fact, The htyh rents, insurance, cloik hire, tases,, etc., account for this. We think this buying goods " cheaper ' in Brownsville (ban in Albany is largely imsgitt ary wioulit up to a high pilch through the enthusiasm of home pi Me which within proper limits is commendable. That Albany mer chants pay higher rates etc, is .ikely very true, but these disadvantages are fully overcome by the cheaper freights paid by them as well as the larger yearly sales on account ot denser pop sis, ion, Brownsville has sn enterprising class of business men and we congratalate the peopte of that vicinage on their god for tune. Till KMT YET. For $J.8o we will furnish the Democrat, New York WirlJ. and American Farm to any new subscriber or to any old sub scriber who pats all arrearages. This Is the best offer tver made to the people hereabouts. Subscribe now while this offer holds good. LK not let the chance slip, Chicago has voted practically unani mously in favor ot the great ship canal project to connect Lake Michigan with the Mississippi RWir, and thus make a through route to the Gult oi Mexico, It Is expected that the canal will be fifteen years In building, and Its purpose Is sani tary as well as commercial, the canal hav ing a flow ot water making It at all times free of ofienslveness to the; populous dls. trict through which It passes. There wltl be on Its line several locks, where consld arable surplus power may bo used for manufacturing purposes. Chtcsgo is a great city, and this canal will add tolls Importance. Mora products of tha South, will cwrne North for transportation through the great lakes than will go in the contrary direction. Darwin explains the origin of giddiness from this cause in the following wsy: lie says that in learning to walk, we judge of the distance of the objects we approach by the eye, and by observing their perpendicularity determine our own; and that at all times we determine our want of perpendicularity, or inclination to fall, by attempting to the apparent motion within the sphere of distinct vision, Hence, when we are upon the summit of a high cliff, tower, or ether eminence, aad look down, we become d'zzy because tbe objects below us are out of the sphere of distinct vision, and we are oblig ed to balance ourselves by the less accurate feelings of our muscles. The associated press dispatches from Montana to the Ortmiim concerning the muddle raised by the republleansthert are a raee of bitter partisan lies from first to last. We caution people who desire to learn the truth about the muddle to place no -reliance whatever In these dispatches. Even the Mtrtury mai foroboth repub lican papers denounce these dispatches as whollv unreliable. Henry Wattcrson says that the Democrats have swept everything from h 1 to breakfast. Correct. We always thought that was their starting point, Portland Joarraa, Well, where ia to cr do you suppose democrats would begin to wipe out tbe republicans. If you expect to vanquish an enemy, you must fight Lim on his own chosen grounds, Congressman Fowler of New York will Introduce a bill In tha next congress to provide for the electloa of postmasters, nternal revenue collectors, and collectors of customs by the people of the locality where such office are situated. This would be a great relief to the president. Coflee wss not known to the Creeks or Ro mans, but in Abyssinia and Ethiopia it has been used from time immemorial. In 1690 it wt s carried by the Dutch from Mocha to Java where it was soon extensively raised, and young plants were afterwards sent to the bo tanical garden at Amsterdam. All plants and tree coiisume water in la rge quantities. Sir John Laws discover ed thst an acre of barley will take up 1094 tcn ct water In two days. Trees and plants are composed more largely of water than any other substance. London was first lighted in 1414 with private lanterns. In 1736 the lanterns were increased to 1,000,000 in number. In 1744 the first lighting art was passed. In 1820 gas was generally substituted for oil. Iron Is rolled so thin at the Pittsburg Iron Mills that I2,coo sheets are required to make a single Inch In thickness. Light shines through one of these sheets as readily as It does through greased tissue-Pap"-- Our clubbing rates with the American Farmtr and New York IVtrUirt proving highly satisfactory and daily people are ordering the three papers. Remember the Democrat, Wnld and Farmtr all for lZo in advance. The Republican press of this State is not united, by any mean's in its high opinion of the manner in which the Oregon City land office, is conducted; in fact crooked work is broadly hinted by one of the Astoria dailies, Wei tome. The scientific experiments of . a Parisian have proved that daylight entirely ceases in the waters of the Mciiiteranean Jat a depth of 1518 feet. Gov Foraker. of Ohio, lays that be is a poor man and glad to be out of politics. "Was your wife resigned?" was asked of the widower. "Good heavens! she had to be," was the an swer, '. ' , : ' ' The gold and silver product of the United States for the calendar year 1 883 is officially reported at $92,370,000. At our present rate of growth the popula tion of the United States will be nearly up to 70,000,000 in the year of the international ex position. The grain which is used annually in the manufacture of liquors would give 99 four pound loaves of bread to every family in the United States, Abbel's majority fogovenor in New Jersey was 14.242. This is the largest democratic majority e er cast In that stale over rspubllcan. Senator Fettigrew, of South Dakota, k the youngest man in the upper branch of Congress lie is forty one years of age. At Alcbmson. Kan., potatoes sell for sixteen cents a bushel, Tha white pppuS:iii.m f AUkaTcirI tory is increasing, and now numbers 3500. In tha late report of Gov Knsjip, much stress Is laid on th? complaint that It Is Impossible for any one to secure freehold homes In the Territory. Excepting twen ty one grants made by the Russian Gov ernment during Its ownership, all tha settlements made are by squatters. What agricultural (-sources the Territory has cannot be developed under this system, and It should be corrected, and probably will be, when the attention of Congress Is directed to this snbject. Alaska's wealth lies In her fisheries, mines and tlmder, bot alt these are poor basis tor a State unless farming Is possible, and this cannnt be had without a policy which enables the cultivator ot the soil to own the Improve ments that lie makes. The Alaska In dians are slowly becoming civilise!. Most of them have comfortable homes. They seem more willing lo work than the tribes ot Indians further South, and therefore have a more hopeful future, It stems that the Dominion Government really feels that the annexation sentiment is growing in Canada, and its cheif organ admits thst the sgltatkm in that direction gravely threaten the stability of the confederation. It ia altogether natural that luck a feeling exists, Canada has much to gain and little to lose by annexation, but wbrn it comes to look at the question from this side cf Ihe line, it would seem that the United State have much to lose aad very little to gain by it, Canada hs a very heavy debt on the English planno pro vision lor its payment. She is ly , no means a bad neighbor, but we hardly need bar in the family. The real thing for Canada to do is to pluck up a spirit, set up in business for herself on the American plan, and be some body on her own sccount. There is a Mex ican Republic to the south of us; why not a Canadian Republic to the north of us. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Very Big Fire. Lvnk, Mass,, Nov. 36. Lynn, the city of shoes, was visited this afternoon by the great est fire in its history, snd, with two exception the conflagration is the most disastrous that ever visited New England. The fire started about noon, raged over eight hours, devastat ed a squire mile of the business section of the city, and caused a loss estimated at fto.oio, 000, In fact the greater part of Ward Four is wined out, as regards tbe important shoe manufacturing blocks and prominent place of buin;ss. Kaadall . Washington, Nov, 36. Congressman Randall is a very skk man, and has not been able to leave his bed fur a month. Mis son said last evening that there is not the slight est probability that be will be able to attend the opening session of the bouse, and that the family entertain grave fears that it will lie im possible for h;m to take part in the delibera tions of the session at sll. Two Had Mmaggter. Port TowjtsEsn, Nov. a6, Alfred Tow ers snd J F McComber, smugglers captured in Whatcom county with fifty pounds of smug gled opium, had a preliminary examination to-day. Towers was released on fioo cash bail, and MeComher was held ia tjao bonds for trial. Each of the prisoners endeavored to enlist tbe court's sympathy by turning stale's evidence: One of the Vkf ass. El Vikako. Cel., Itor. 36 The remains of A Alficri, one of ihe Italian woodc hoppers who, with others, was struck by the cyclone on Hood's mountain. The body was impaled on the broken limb of a tree ten ysri.s from where the camp bad neen and had evidently been hurled through the air by the wind. A Big Salt. Sas FaAJtcisco, Nov, 36. The trial 6f the suit brought by Charles Frankenthal rgs'nst tbe Southern Pacific Railroad Company lo re cover 50,097 wa begun to-day. The plain tiff sets forth that on the iStb of last February he purchased from tbe company a first class ticket for Chicago via 'Sacramento and Port land. He boaided the train at Oakland snd had gone ss far on bis journey as Suisum, be tween here and Saciamento, w hen the conduc tor, after exaa-iniag the ticket for whkh he bad paid toy 50, put the same in bis pocket and forcibly eincted tbe plaintiff from the car because plaintiff would not sign his name to tbe ticket as requested to by the conductor. 8iBS Heat, Si ATT I.E. Nov. 26, A company has been formed in t sis city which proposes to heat a!) buildings wl.B steam for a distan-e of two miles through the business portion of the city. A number of the most prominent business men of the city are behind it. Contracts for three blocks ol building arc secured. The new company will put in a one hundred and twenty hve thousand dollar plant. A Sic Consolidation. PpiLADEl.fHlA, Not. 25, In an interview his evening. General Master Workman PcW' derlr said that it was very probable that som! form of consolidation of the Kn'phts of La bo? and the Farmers Alliance would be accom plished soon. "Together, they will have, "be said, "about 3,000,000 votes, an army so vast that tbe politicians will not dare spurn it. Two Craxy Cities. SEATTtE,Nov. 35, The subscription lothe purse of 125,000 for Sullivan and Jackson to light, was completed 'his evening. The fol lowing dispatch was sent lo John I.: John L Sullivan, Boston: Saattle has rais ed a purse of f 25,000 to be given to the win ner of tbe Sullivan Jackson fight, provided the mill takes place at or near Seattle, within nine months. Address T F 1 OWNsLEV. Spokane Faixs, Nov, 25. The Spokane Athletic Club will raise 930,000 bonus lor the Sullivan Jackson fight. After tbe OP, Bakkk City, Nov. 25. A committee of the Board of Trade, consisting of J P Faull, F F Campbell and EH Mix.started forCorvallis this morning to confer with the officers of the Oregon Pacific railroad relative to bringing tlieirroad to IJakerCUyv AaOldBuirlilc Seattle, Nov. 35, W P Iiositcr, iigcd 70 years, who during the past thr:e months has been keeping a small cigir stand in the lower part of tbe city, committed suicide this morn ing by shooting himself through the head, AltlgBate. Lonrx), Nov, 25. A gale prevails along the southwest cor.xt of England. Much dam age has been done by the wind. Telegraph wires have tieen blown down and many trees uprjotel. A number of miner casulties are reported. ' Fnther A Bon, ' Helena, Mont., Nov. 25. A frightful tragedy occurred at Anaconda last night, which was not discovered until 9 o'clcck this morn ing It was no less than the murder of J F HoiTeditz, an old man 65 years of age, by hi son, A F IIofleditz,and the subsequent suicide of the later. 4 i'ewo Wanted, . Rome, Nov. 25, The Italian parliament was opened to day. King Humbert, ' in bis speech, alluded lo the xmallnesg of the deficit in the budget and said that the goveinment's wise and equitable policy bad assured tran quillity tofialy and guaranteed peace, which, thanks to the concert of '.he great powers, ap peared to have been assured lo Europe. This utterance was greeted with great applauic, Tb Republic Selld. Washington, Nov. 24. Senor Vulente, Brazilian Minister, has received a cablegram from Barbosa, Minister, of finsuce, informing him tint all the provinces had signified their adherence to the republic and provisional gov ernment without any resistance or protest; that the government had extended the right to vote to all citizens excepting those unable to read er write, and that the archbishop as head of the church, to-day conferred his solemn bene diction upon the ovevnirent ami public, Stanley Writes Utlrr I.ONKON, Nov, 34, A letter from Stanley, dated "South End Victoria Nyanza, Septem ber 3," says, In parts "Tis amusing to look back and note how punishmeu) hits fallen on the rsbels of Etnin' government. Traitors within the came were watched snd the most active cousplraUia discovered, tried snd hang ed. Traitors without fell foul of one anuther and ruined themselves. Our own people, tempted by Uuir extreme wretchedness and misery, sold our lilies and ammunition to our natural enemies, the Monyemn, the slave trad ers' true friends, without the least grace cither of bodies or souls. Since that time of anxii'ty and unhappy outlook, I have been at the point of death ftoin a diesdful Hints. Little by little I gathered strength end finally gave or ders for the march for home, Discovery after discovery n this wonderful region wit made, until at last we came to a church, whose cross denoted a Christian settlement, and we knew we had reached the outskirts of blessed civil isation. . A rSi-utst Herder. I'i.nb CliV, Nov. a. This afternoon, William lliooker, and wife were sway visiting Wi'lism 1 Comul s family. After helping Coombs kill a call, Brooker began abusing his wife, when her sister, Mis Ownibijntcrfcired. Without a word, save a muttered curse, he sent a rifle ball through her neck, killing her instantly, Hearing the nui! Coombs rudied up only to be met with a deadly charge of shot In the abdomen, lloth victims died distantly, llrooker snd Comb had married sisters and th former was Insanely jealous. The murder er has been arrested and excitement runs high. As r.yefntOat. iNtiKrKNUiSNCK, O., Nov, 34 Thursday evening Thomas Elliott, a farmer living op posite town, while chopping a tree Into cord wood wss struck in the right eye snd the eye ball burst by a stick of wood flying up, lie was senseless fur several hours and has suffered intense agony. His light eye is entirely de stioyed. Oregon's First Sberin ill. San Francisco, Nov, 24. It is snid here that ex Judge Thomas II Smith 1 seriously ill at Alameda. Smith was the first sheriff in Otegon and adjacent territory, his bailiwlt It then comprising a great extent of country. Of late years be hss been a practicing lawyer in Alameda. 4 ewmea Oeearrear. Font Wavsr, IuJ., Nov. 34. l!y a mis. understanding of train oi tiers two height trains collided on th Nkkte Plate road, near Argon, In J., late last niht. Engineer Wilson was killed, Fireman I'tecquay fatally, and three other train employes setiously, injured. NKW ADVEHTISK.MKNI8. UfANTJvU-A alrl to do genera f bout worst. I all at tr tl W Maa ton's, on Lysti Htreet, uear N. f. Depot, SEVERAL SMtM Tit ACT J of land near sown fur cto on wsy isrus. toqulro of II, Ilryant. Not tea. Having disposed of the Mbany lll.-h. water works and othor nrnnor. ty I am proceeding to settle up all my business, and hereby give notice to all par ties knowlnKthemsclvrs Indebted to me to call at the M II Oilke and settle. Jams A CaAwroao. 1OK MALK.A. arm of 833 rrsa at 1 Miliars Mution a wile front Albany. .i fiMoed. &a r In eulUvattou, nearly all cood wbnat land, now bnooo ami trn, km4 water. Wilt soil halt or II. Terincioaaoaabtet. Inquire of owo ra outba ptaca. CT 11 AMOS, W W Knw.if 1' 1 laaulro of K H M Carter, oor 4lb and Kaili oa-t ts"L rilANOTO nKST.-ll month. Call L at U. U IS'.aoksaan'a Drug Stor. Election Notice. Notice ia hereby BivstTthst there will be an annual e'eettea held on Maadar.the ted dsy of Ooeemtxr, US V in tbe city ef Al bany, Or., for the pnrposc of eUettng th following maaifliptl i(!wrs t Mavor. City Keeorder, Msrshsl, treasurer and tares Councilman, 00c each ia tbe 1st. Sad aad 3rd wards. Tbe fallowing named plaeea bav been designated by tb City Cwaaeil as the plaeea lor holding th elcelion 10 the various ward: First ward la the Ceoaty Clark a erase, geeond ward la tb Curtty Treasurer's offlea, Third ward In tb oC cf the Al4jr Faranar Company. Th following nm4 pcrscn have been appointed Jadgo and Clerk of cltetloa in tb various wards 1 First ward Jadges.M Payne, I) Froman, W C Rd. Clerks, fj Stites.O W W.tu. Sceoad ward -edges, EUi Knox.L Sen ders. S Fwmsa. Clerks, K Q Hawliegs, J RWjatt. Third ward Jadies, Jssn Isom, fVm Hsk, R A Talker. Clark. U F Simp son, r A tiurkbart. Tb polls will ipn at 9 a. m. and will els at 6 p. tm. of said day. Don t-y ori!er f the Ciy Council of the eity of Alhsny, Or , n the 12th dsy of No vemhet, IWS9. Dated Norsmler H'.b, 1810. S. J. fttpTnir, City I(erder. Firemen's Election. Ketice i hereby given that tkc aonnal slestion of Chief and Ass'staet Chief Es gicser of th Albany fire department will be held at th hrll of Albany Engiee Co No. 1. Dee 9, 1M3, Utwcen tbe tours of 1 o'clock and 8:30 c'oloek era. W II Warmek, Walter M PAaaeit. B A If D. Pr. A F D. letter Haa Ever. I Instead or offering s prize tfcat only benifHf the lucky one, cr awuding out confidential altpa a bait, we propose to open); offer the cltlxene of Albany and violnlf j choice goods at bd roek prices, and give FIVE PER CENT DImCOUNT for cash on eaob dollar worth of good a at roteil price until tbe I2th of January. Hljrhest prlcf jaid for chickens, egK aud butter. Thanking you for jour pea patronage and aollcitiiiK your trade fo tbe future, we beg to remain at your ser vice, 1 JM Bakdue. SlIGilAPsDS i PHILLIPS. ircMt8Gtural Wood Turning, Mannraotnrera of All Kinds of -Newela, Pedeatala, Stair Post 1, Hal Inters, Corner Blocks, Knattes.Rultona, Finlal.Mantlea.Ofilee Fittings, Poich Columns, Gate Or nament, Indian oluhp, Tab4o, Stand and ' C'balr Legs. All ordera lefs with us will receive prompt and csreful attention. Fancy turning a specially. Cancers CurecL J.R, Donglass fe Co., Albany, Oregoe. AStentfor J. R. Dunosn, the Groat Cancer King, of Mortimer, Ktnas, will treat nil external csanoer on the principle of NO CUKKNOPAV. tVr further Informa tion, addroxN .1. st. nro.tAssi Cor, 2-id an.l Cievelaid St , li'a 4ui , Albany, Or. Is Oil ItENT.-An ixevUt ui Iccatlon for ffic or tnall more, Jriquire at this 1 Jllir . Administrator's Notice, Notice is lereby fiyen that tha ui dr sijtDed srle inrvivinK administrator rf the eftato of Wallace Cushman, deorassd, bas filed his fiosl account in the rrattsr of said entatt in tbe County Court of Lion oountj, Oreffon, and said Coutt has fixed Monday, the fjrh day of January, 1890,at the hour of one o'olock, in tha aftciraoon of said day, for the hearing of objections to said aeconot if any therebe and for the settlement tkereof, P. Eebtbold, Kele surviving Admini.strutor. ITfwrrT & iKvrux, Att'ys for Admr . mm V fcWWs.MB'fA V, ti it Absolutely Pure. This powdor jiover varlo Aniarvnlol Ptirkv. Mtrmivth and wiftilftsnmnne Mora Odonnh'ttarthan the ordlnacMrtmt nd cannot be old-n ooiapotitloti with uiultltmlc ofow tast, hirt weiM alum or pliosnhate iwdr 'Molt Vims' iftrnns "oyai uaning rowuor t;o., jvu wn rt. D, W, A Co .A gouts, PoistatiuT Oregon, ShorifTj Sale, In theOiffuii Court efAs&ul o Ornjtnfur a county. John C Arnold, Plaintiff, a. Sarah A fill rib rest. Marv A Dunlin and ft.arioc a J'ustin. iter litiaband. aanrr 3 Uttobrost.ciaorga A (ittehrat,Nylvir Kelsay and Kll.a C Kaiser, bis wife, TaotoatM if!lflirNtan1 Musi (illchrnst, uis wne, ana jea wtiuret,rtunusnt Notice Is fcaraby given th tt by virtu of anaxneutloit and ordnr of af lsud out ofthcaboro named Court In tb above nuuou suit, 1 will oa atunlar, the faifc slay mt DeeemtMir, lata, at tha Con it ITouna door In tha n't of Albany, Llnn county, Oregon, at tha hour f ona o'clock p. m. of said day, call at public auction foreaan In band to the bigbaatblddcr the real property dmtnrlbad In ald axeoiitlfin and order or aalo aa fol lows to-wit 1 Tbe cast half of tbo north cast quarter, the northeast quarter t f tha aouthaaei qtiartar and lot lmir(t.) all In aoc-t Ion 33 . also tots one (t ) two (2.1 thro (S.)four (.) of sortlon iblrty-tbrnof.rt )and tbo aouihaakt qnarlor of the aoutbveat quarter of sodloo tantv nlnc (?.),) all lo township nltt,ssotit!i of range onl,)iMt of tbo WillamaUo Mrldlan,oontstnlng 24 ndta inaaoi mora or lose io Linn Co , O'agnn.Tbo proocad arising from th sa c of ld premise to baaprttiml. Kimt.lo the payment of the e xits and dtnbursatncnu of this anlt Ux-t at I'Jl.iW and the anrru -Ing e tata of and upon aatd oxcmitlen aad anler ef aalo, ebteond, to tbe payment In tbe pialuitiT. John O Arnold, the ansa of Itv7.t0 with eoorulng Interest thsraon from tbe 2vth day of October. Uo, at tbe rat of It per rwat par annii'a, and tbe further sum of 17.) Attorney foes. Third, the overplus Ifany o be paid to the dt fendanta, Karalt a Oib-Hreat, Mary A Uuatln. Ifeury J Oiichrt, (ionrge A Oil cbrt,fcll 0 Ka!ssy,Tbo-3a M lith brcsi aad Jewsa Ullhrt Dated Ibis 23id day of November. WX Joa) feAi.t.sfel!borifr, by U fcmlib, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. l ikt Cinmt Court oj tin Stale OrJt fr th Cttf ef Linn : Jane E LV.tard, Plaintiff v Martba Melirlde and A Y McBrid, br buaosttd, Florence K .tutor anst John J! atlater, her butband.C'anie ft ftackleiaan ana CU tfanklesnan, bar busbsn, Frank E Ballard,Maud Ballard and Ore Ballard, Defeadatua. Notlo la baraby given thst by virtu of an eseootlon ait 4 order of sale biaued out cf tbe a bore nainct (Hurt in the above tout!! suit, I will en Saiardar, lb itibdajr r eeemer, laaa, at tbe Conrt II'usc door lath city of Albany, Lion county, Oregon,! tbe boar of one o'elobtt p. m, of aaid day, soil at pnt.!lo auction for each In band to the hlgheat Udder, tbe real projnirly da aorihert In aatd eieeuUon and ordr of aal a fol lows, ta wit t Bogtoolng at tbe nortbesat eoroer ef tbo iJonatloa Land claim of XCimore Keee and Mary Jane Kee, id wlf. Nctlficatlon No 2l9,alalm No 63, in tp 13, south range 1 west of Ike Willamette meridian, in Linn eonnty, Oregon, and running tbenr eaet M ebstta, tkenoe aoutb 47 7Mo ehalna, the nee west 10 ehalna, tbrane north 19 rhsfij. thence wsat SOehaina,thne oottb 2 71-100 chains to tbe place of beginning, oonsainlog 100 aorea more or less. Tbe prarweds arialng from tbe sale ef aatd preimsita to be appilad : First, to tb p merit or the eau and diebnraementa of.tbl anlt Uxsd at .9.70 and asorutog eo at a t th payment to tbe pay ment to tbe plaintiff Jan E Hal lard, the turn ef f2l6.40 wito a coining intoreet thereon frutn the 4t ts day of Novembar, 1M9. at the rata of M per rent per annum, and tbe funbsr aura of fli Attotnay'a fees; third, t: e ovorpltia if any there be ti he paid to lit dufendatit, Martba Mo Ilr'df. . Iiaed tbl air J dav of Xovembr, 1S9 Joh 8x ALI.NO.H, Bbrlff By OVSmttb, Deputy. Guardian's Sale of Eeal Ectato, Notice la hereby glrea tbat tbe andet slernrd. guardian of Ihe estate 4 Herbert Farrell, Oween Jollce Farrell, MTaiter Farrell and Percy FarreiI,micora, by virtue of an efrder of the County ( cutt of Linn county, Oregon, doly made and entered nf n curd on tbe 4th day of November, 169, will aell at ptiblio auc tion, for cash In band on tbe 31st day of Decoinber, 18f?9, at the boar of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the fourt House door in Albany, Linn ouutr, atate of Oregon, all the rlgbt.lltle and in ter at of aaid minora, and each r( tlterr, In and to tbe following described ru property, to wit: Lot number one (l,) and two ('.) being tbe ierthwrt.t rjnavtr ofblonk twenty tbrrr(28,)in Ilaeklman's 2nd add.tlun to tbe city of Albany , coun IV 01 litiiii, state rf oreon. Dalcd this Pth dsy of Nt.te mUr.lSfcO. r.M Rrps'iklt), Gko. W. WoiaiJT. Uunid an. Ati'y for Guardian. Administrator's Sals of Eeal Estate, It the County Court oj Linn County, Orron, In the matter of tbe e!a'e of W H Mo-Knlgbt,de-.'eaaed, Notice I hreby given that by virtue of an order of aale duly made and enter ed of record In tbe above Conrt In tbe above entitled tbe regular June, 1887, tcrni of aaii Conrt to-wit,Jane Ttb, 1887, the undersigned admlnlsiratora o the etato ol W 11 MeKnlght, deoeased will en ,. ftaturdnv, tbe 141b day ef Deeember, 1889 at tbe Lour of 1 o'olock p. m. of ald day, at tbe Court House door, In tbe city of Albany, Linn oounty, Oreeon.aell at pub. Do auction to the highest bidder for cash it band the following desert red raal property belonging to said estate tc-wlt : The nertb alf of the northwest qu trier of Section IS, tbe eou'bwrat quaiter ; and the south half c the northwet rjuarler of Section 9, all In tp 10. SiuUj fiance I Wostof the Willamette meridian, in Linn oountT, Oregon. V A McK moist, A K McDonald, Aiimlnlxtratoe ol the estate uf W 11 HoKnlgbt.dPcM, Albany Nurseries. Wuuie priniaiiiiil v locati-d on Urn oid Ciino l-miifAti'sd i mil f om Alhnny on Coryallit road, aril hav nit bnml a Ix'Re Stock of Choice Fruit Tress of our own growinp, which we a ill sell a lowest living rates. Pattioa snuttinpiaUnf planting trcf s wi eensu't their inUrsut by examinirig enr stock and prices before purohauirjfi'. (IT MAN iST BftOTfNSM., Albany, Oregon. 1 j fit 1 1 1 n 1 rr SS?vvr A Philosoplicr always Thinks. Try U; Tbiukof L E BLAIN wbes during tbe wet, coo', eulrmn aoJ winter weatberron neeI 15H Overcoatjllub Icr Good an Umbrella or COTKIKC, FURMSHING C900t AND BOOTS AK3 SH3ES CEHESALLY. or want a stylish a iit mvU by first -c!s tsttor, THEN CALL OH lUfil. CHAS. H. DODD & CO, ts-IMPOKTCRS OF-1 ardware, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, : : :: ::: Portland, Oregon. Solo Agonts for Oregon S ' T. ' - " i- iu. " Vis".- DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS- Sins'., IhiM. or Trtpls Funow. Thy u stsu; I anil come so turn shsnraU perfection, that tbo w lvc utwt Uln son tM,ra work nn not ar Kmj;b In thrtr ul. WsraraishUHOI life ut iihwit Mai attsctiiucnt. Skat attacbtnsiiU are extra. xjekjRei powkb lutt strx-scsr plows. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Bui-c; Itos rm Cnia Drill. Duel)- 8clsrs, BiKker 8prto( Tooth Barrow. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Tit btest bsiiroveil lni!fflnt tat sowing- summer fallow. Tb most oompie and RMeesstuI tool lor tfe )urKe ia as. We svlao fcav fall lino ef Itnsrcle. Carrlasrea, Phaetetia, Hetl WaM Platferiat and ethei- Mpriss; Vehicle w SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. tawrenos & Cbapia's SfHna-Tooth Harrows, Decn Barrows, 8cienttao Feed Hilts, Psciflo Fuming Mills, KAISH BARS WIRE, ETC., ETC. gym fob armtt. ciBfTT,m t rairs; u. FL,KENTON DEALER II3ST- P Choice Candy, IGARS AND Pi NEARTHE POST-OFFICE" ALBANY, OREGON RHAVE just received sn tnvcioe of Boot aad Shoe adapted to tlila tn ar tist. Ask to see our Frrrirb kip, tbe bra', beot la OreKSB far Le faitnri ue. M D. elie A Co' 1 Bohcol fclioia. j 1 u ilos'- La-llek' MltW end CbU I flrr it's Fino Klina, Our Fril slock of T)r Dooils and No tion, t.sdien sn (Jiiii'-i PiirnNhlnga, la now eer plte. Goods are ar.-lvltig dillr- All tbe latest ntj les and novellcs. In'iiln(tyoBrptronaKe we are Kerpectfully Youra, BARROWS & SEABLS, Iron, Steel, end Washington for liOUNK.OL.'' PSl: f .3 bs3 Nuts, Frait, etc. TOBACCO r.lamfoerg'a Kew riuck. jterT I .. !sBssisar , . .jMfefaasNaitaWM'w iw.niw""' v" UNRIVALLED NOIuONLY IH ALBANY ATTRATIIV0 ATTEWTIOI I) it a welt ft 1 1 11 a ir JUL RCfiv(l Ly Mill rr the tu'leml w filler ttadf, ccftkiating cf a !r sr.1 ctt iosi stock cf 1 1,- laie-i t patterns of An nnrivallcd line ot Cloaks and Jackets, in all fttyle L.ud , a well aelected alock of Men', Cbitdreo'aand BOOTS AND SHOES, A large aaiortmenl of CARPETS,- And a choice) GROCERIES. SQUARE C. E. BROWNELL booceeaorto DKOWNELL & ftfAXAKI), 1 Would rtsfxctfullv cutciif tl t te la eontltioiog the tiuafoeas at tie old staoft and tbat lie la better than eser prepared to fill alt order with accuracy and de spatch and at prices X tiS 4 o Orrot la Wblle thaoklng IheciUr-Kiiaof Alba of far tbalr very liberal patronase In the past I eemeatib enllolt a continuance of your favota, assuring LOW PRICES a superior quell! of yooda and (J on rteoiwiTrentmerit Very Kespeotfullw, Toura for Uualneaa, C. E. DROITS ELL Archie Blcekburo, Salecisan. SMALL Grocarein! FOR THE BEST FUfiillTURF CALL, Albany Furniture Company OTPOSITK TXWAlVf A 80ZH, BSD ROOM.8ETS, TABLES CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET PURE DRUGS, Paints, "Oils, Stationary, Etc . And Prompt attention DR. GUISS 1 SON Phe !DTew IN THE BLUMBERG BLOCK. Has opened bia new store with a choice stock of Drugs, Patent racier j Toilet Cases and p3T Praaorlptlon promptly and carefulh 1 ompounrled. 0- Everv new and fresh. fi- Tlie publio is Ine'ted to call and inspect goodsand get piii, r MATTHEWS Cany a Stoves, TinwarejHardwarEtc. "WMeh they are selling at reaaarkslby low prices JOB WORK carefully nl I'towstly ' r e rt rt - is.'jp . - ATTRACTIONS. mm s'.jjIc of 1 in eelection cf G rocoriess. DEAUKS 1 Uie town. FSCFITS OS TBS Drug Store Sledicines,' Per a 4 WASHBURN. flrst-elass stock ol