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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1889)
DEMOCRAT, CI ill ASVAKCE; S2 S3 Al tM CF YEAH. 4 I A v 4 ( i r 4 -I Issued every Friday l.y BTITES a X XJTTIIsra. i : ru itiHile kiiv.n 190. Harper's Magazitio. ft k kakaawa-tbe KhakMport ( Mala A ataay .ill aa wanlrl lu HunilXwiml far lliut). milk OMtitutnuWt AaJr.w Ln. lUaras. Mtmim altt taap;I arranjanwuU wltb Alpha- 0.U.M, U yraato.1 al living Kranah Ho- liata, tor th .aetnal. pblli.Uun.lii aerial (rn, ( . kunoroaa L-y, la as ewllUa "TW Catottl.l of Tiruwi ; th. Laat Atlratluna 4 ll.a r Taf--H. " Th alory will he by II onrj Jama t4 UluitnUnl by ItW aii M.rrUcli. W t n.walla UteM) vlt In tltr. Fvit, and Lalaatllt H.atn wLU. lu two (arts, aUilad, "Vuunia," bathliuiMaly Ulutirstatt. 1 lllustrata p!", towhlHf t-uja:U ot current Uiant,au. la Ita alive atatWa. (xwnx, i,4 Uuilj nlolw, the IlkguiM will atalntalti l-a cli know aUndant. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per 'mr i harp.-- mua7ink...... , tiro hki'khh:kki,y ih HaMI'tH!) ftAXtK 4 1H) KAKPkUK YOC.M) ffcUI'l-kL 1(0 Poataaafra. alt (alxcrlbx In lh t'i,ltJ Rt.ttw, Oaiuula, or Mtla, Tb Vcluato f lh UuiM btlln llb ll.tNuiu r Uf Juua and lcB:tr, i( cnh Jar. MU.-a.o kinM UiO0, euhsertptioas IU Wyin .Ithth Xuabw cnnul al tin at nK.lp.ut M.r. Bound VatunM at Uaarse hUu.usa I thrr. Jrt back ,lo nnkiekitk hindin,tll Imtnll) mall, pat nmlpt el $100 par vatqw Cloth raw, Kxr klmilaf . U aaah by nwll.pual-paid, Iwlas la H tana's ktuiwi, Atihb-tic-.I.Aiia,yt-laat, an! C aaaiAoMor Yalaaia I to 70,lic)uatt,froai J una, 1S.-3. to Juna, 1S84, ana la)., , cKlh, ft 00. RentllUuira akauld bi aaad. by Paetoflk- Nana OrJa ar Draft, la a-oU ehsne. ol laa. Nwapar-r ara not M e-py thla adTertiKnitni without lha etptraa onler at M isrsa t lisuTtisaa. Ada-raaa : HARFER fcHPTH tKH. K.w York. &5,. For Ml by Will at Burk. dcatora la (In wtlehat, iaariklry, m, The New Drug Store IN THE BLUMBF.f.O BLOCK. 2EE. TIJ23ISk-jZ222) Ilaa euid his new aloro v lib thol -c block of Drags, Patent, lcr ftimeryv Toilet Cases and Drnggists Sundries, pgr ?rw-iiiilti promptly and rsrafully fompoorrleU. 1" Emiy. Daw aii-l frrali. fXf The public i Inritttl to rail auil inapert gvxrja an-J gtt prieao. Juli; Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. Hla aiock. haa boon aulargJ ao that It eua! any on tha Coa'.t, and oooalata of Roger Bros. Silverware, P -Utunn and Crys talware. Boys' Wago rriager , Fancy Goods, and . rieral assortment of Orockiey xnrt Toys. H buy Jiroct and earrlaa tha larfmat atoak baa ben addod cotnplela line or FAR1ILY GROCERIES. Agent for I nan ran a oompanlea with a espiUl zirozilnz 75.000,0ff . fild on parte Fraocala. Iller wird douU h gepro;hon.'S4l NKW STORE. Mitchell & Lewis Co., ' -DEALERS IN Agricaltnral Impleiiicnte aml Vehicles ALDAUY, . . . Qll COIwIE AND SEE US, FURNITURE. . ton want Ihe bear and moat durable furwtare that le mannfactured In tljeity Thomas Brink. Smoke the cigars Manufactured -AL80 IL1P0RTED A13D KEY WEST CSGAPiS Flu,' anJ smoking tobacco, Meerschaum and briar ji(s snr) t!fi')k'- art:-;'?. scnpr!!r. VOL. XXV. Constipation It'mnniU froinpt trcatturnt. THo fc itlia at I'.c-Soct iiifyy lo soilons. Arulil nil luirsh mul t'.ruxilc pirutlrcs, tlia tt-ntli'iioy of which li to TouktMi th lKwela. Tlio beat rrnunly la Ayor's 1'IU.s. I:f!nj jinri'ly nfUblo, thotr otlou la jrtuit mul their cilui t ntwaya lwotiicl!tl. They nro nn odmlruhlo Liver mul Afior-tlUinor pni.nntl every. liero cihUt-hhI by tha irofuxsioa. "Ayor'a ri!li nra Mirhly ntnl unlvor anlly mhU.'h f J.y tlit 'iulo aUu6 liorw, I iimk.i tlnllv t( jlitm lu my lrnrl!ri.." Dr. 1. E. l'owlcr, ikUljjty. jvrt, I'tma. " I ran rocotnirif-ml Aycr'A Vi'U nlxiva nil oUhts, liuvin;; provnl tlmlr vuhio n n r:th:iiilo For invnt-lf Rui launly." J. T. 1K, Lcitlmvlllo, Pa. " Tor KvrraI yrnr Ayor's linva bocu itst-tl In my imtilly. Wo Hud thcui BU Effective Remedy for roniiatton mA lmllj;ftion, nrnl" em itorer witlmttt llicm in lha lioitao." Muses Grrulcr, JUwvli, blu&s. "I havo yfi Aycr'-i Till-i. for liver trotihiea 011J inili;;i"tiol, tlurlii liutny year, ntiil I;ttv niwus Xuun.l tlirm jroiiiit mitt (piiii-ifiit in iholr actiou," la biiiiili, L'licsk, J V. MI atiiTcr.'.l Is-om ronxlirnlltm wlilch .vttuni'.l vtu-li u:i t'Utiimto form timt I Jittri-.l it v oitltl ritti.a it atoppnn of ilm lniwpl.i. 'iwt tnxoa nf Ayer's J'ilta rf fflci i cymplclo euro." 1. lSurko, " I linvo nan! Aycr'a Tills for tlio pnst tltlrty yi.ira nntl conai.Ur tlicm nn in VulimWo fa'uiijr inolii-iuo. X l;mr of no WW r-i!ipily for Jivcr tv.tilU-s, Bna luivo niwaya fotitul them n ruint cttr for tlyrfiM-jw.i.1." Jainca Otiiun, VO XUUWlo at., ll.u tft-rtl, Cu:ia.. "ir.ivln-jl.ra troutloil iU roittlvo. riots, wlili'li (fcmi iuvitnli! w- it It tr aoin cf a.'iU'i'try iakiia, 1 linvo ttioit Ayrr'a liupln-' for roliuf. I nut lal to ay that tl;i Jiavo aorrcd un ullor than any fthor uictlluinn. I arrive at thU cinc!tsioji fnly nftor n f:tit!ifl triul f tht lr inorU."' taumol X. Jouta, Oiik at., Uostou, Waii4 Ayer's Pills, ritEPARED I:T Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowoit, Matt. Cold by all Dealcra la aXmUclna. "A BY CAKRIAGKS AT STK.VVttr & 80 In tha WllUmott Valley, to wbl' NEW GOODS . -. ,..,3 by Julius Joseph, CBALE IN- Gkttino Evkk The Dkmh;AT haa received n copy of tha Mr Ami 1 dimmer puhlUhed by the nolorlou V T tllU, at Eugene. Aa we aaaUtad in atlrrlng up tha loud-mouthed fellow we glva a couple littler aqulha about 13rownvllt and Albany to ahow what n venomoua fellow Ellla i 1 llrownavl'li', Oregon, U the niot cacn. tlully wicked, htwlraa masked hoodlum ruled llltla town of ahdut three hundred and fifty pcanla we ever It haa fiv church building and evei different kludt ot Chi'UtUm i ii'id thcie are mtt acven rfrulirht Chrlilit to atand for Jod and truth, and nirnlnat ln. In a of live mile.. .. Albanr. the county of I.lnn county, mobbed out the Salvation Army with nuitl. tohacca quid and atone. Ho J lum gAtii; infeat it atreat, and arc conn, tenanted end tolerated like j.itkn! dog. That titv 1 full of aepulchcr called churches. Hoodlum and cuntlng bla nhemv are nn common a rain In an Ore eon whiter. M?w much tetter la a dead lion than a live dou f A'o have China phcaaant In thl country too. A I.ivk Mektino One of the live at meetine c tr held In Albany wm that list Tburiday at the ollke ot Wallace A' Ctulck for acoulerence of bualncc men with the representative otlhe Oregania, Mr E O lone. In reference to the cUv'a advertUement.whkh that paper had made a botch ot bv placing over a like ad. of Currn & Monullh.aiul evidently by con- I rati with that firm. A large number were preent and mm pretty plain talk ng wa done, the rcault beim; that no definite arrangement wa made, thotigh the linal order tii fr the ad to be run blank, or not until afte.' January tt, and when run a new one l t be written. The matter I looked at In an unaavoiy Unlit in Aluanv. Ftavmca. I. I eay to .figure cu any tiling In thU world, and we have a bout come to tin concluolon that ff jure dont alway tell the truth. The Salem S'.atetman aty "Saljin U m.det, but he "get there" when it eomrt to figur ing up the capacity ot her electric llnt work. She ha an arc capacity of 0 I'ghUcf 2000 caudle piwer o tch (191,000 candle.) and an lncantjcent capacity of 1070 lamp ol a candle power each (43. 150 candle), and joo tncandeacent light ot aixtccn candle power each (Sooo candle). making a total 01 343,150 candle, almott twlc that of the windy city up the creek. figure Uou t lie. Aluauy claim wa 151,850 candle power. Will Lo-tk in I).LtA. Mr I'ale Backentto, cf Albany, arrived in (hit city last Friday and pent several day looking about. So well wa he with the place (Hat he purchaaed of Mr WUcmtn the lot jut north of The Obcrver office, and jut at toon aa the lumber can be had he wU bare a building erected la which he wi:l open out In the liquor htitinc. In a week or twa he will briiia; hi wife over fiom Albany to look out a rctldence property, Intending to become In the near future "a full-fledged IV kite. 'I hey are turning their eve toward Datlaa from all direction. l'oik Co. 0ltrvtr. FatRGiir Bill. In teferrlng to the DcMocaALtltem on the number ot freight bill Ittued here the Salem Slaittmum aa va: the above make interesting reiJing, but ia far f.-om the truth. Since the Hrt of June over 45 way bill have been It tued from Sa'.cm' freight depot. Thlt U over 750 per month and certainly tncakt wu for the mctropoii ol the valley. Neverihe!t, thourh we mentioned no name before, we are Informed by partiet c!attnin t. know, that the nuut'iicr Uued t Sa'em fur lx month wa aitoul.1400 The "jArAKEK Tea To be given by the ladies of the it Prcby!cr!an Church at the Armory ,on the evening of Dec. 3th and Oth. promise to be an enterUlnln? affair, an intcrcttlng program i being prepared,wlth an entire change each even in. '1 he tnaclout hail affording aaaple room for all who with to attend and enjoy the mutic, view the varied display of the Votick. The public ere retpectfully requested to wait until our machinery ia placed and ready to run before visiting the Woolen Mill, a we are compelled to close door until that time to all person except thoe having busines. Albany Or, Nov sith, 1SS0. J P Gai.eraitii, Sec A High Licekse Towx. The city council of Eugene at a special meeting made several Impoi tant change lo the city licenses. The liquor license wat raited from $.00 per annum to5tx. The circut license, which was formerly $35 for the first performance and $20 for the second was raised to $100 for the first and t$o for the second pen 01 mance. The theatre li cense wet reduced O $3 for petformancet wr.ere the admission Ice I so cent and under and $5 where It It over 50 centt.- K.egister. Fat Riding. Mr Edward Sandert,the Woolen Mill bo carder, arrived in the city on -the 20th and will now maki Albanv hi home. Mr Sander left Wor ceter, Mats., on Friday at 3 o'clock, .top ped ott tlx hourt In Chicago, caught the new mail and passenger train and reached here at the time atated. being a little let than f ve days on the road. almost literally I crossing the continent in that time, which about beats the record CA Gccd 111 Ihurrday afternoon Mr J J Graham .old to Ja V Pipe 06 feet, or one lot, front of hit property at the corner of First and Baker ttreets. for $6600. Mr Graham hat two lot left For the three mtt he paid Mr C C Cherry last January $5250, and some thought the price wat hifth. That it the way Albany it pushing ahead. Bio Damans Suits. Thirty tuitt have been brought in Pollk county agalntt the Narrow Guaze Railroad comnanv lor damage on the account of wheat burned during the past tummer. The amountt asked for will azureeate nboat i tic sun win be hotly contested. A. T 1. ... All Raised. The Lebanon poper mill subscription was raised last evening, tub- scnpiiont ior ine enure $5000 being on paper. This showt that Lebanon hat tome enterprise of a high order too. Thit mill will be a benint to the whole county ana can oepena on a many s tupport. Too Small. Considerable complaint I made at the smallness of the watting room at the depot. It Is only about 10x12, pretty diminitive for a place like Albany, where from one to two hundred people are said to take the cars every day. A Perky Boat. The new ferry boat Is nearly done. It will be 75x20 feet, about twenty feet longer than the old one, and will be launched In a week or two. Mr Ike Conn is the contractor, Malicious Prosecution A G Roberte has sued Robert Ford at Salem for $10,000 damages for malicleus prosecutlon,In hav ing him arrested for stealing a gray mare, solely through malice. The case premis es 10 r,e a lively one. lunch ed AT.xce a. time., but ne finally Allowed It and It r lde pl.t.l .hot tart,whlch he retuMd M ywAw w, UJ tfc c hrlnMTlJcY itll?, d!d him lo:. of good. Speaking of med- I remained In Albany the night ' Sfmil., . 1, Itr afforded to .elect Chrlstma. prtet r,rnlndt u,e,hatlhe best ntace In Ihe following the race In hope ef having my BOt mple) wa elected? If to. from 1 the large assortment ol noveltle. and j "J,, ih dro l.'at the new offer nccSpte-- 1 went to hi. backer, M why did he use all the power he eould 2?SrMi.,n"ne,,U uteluXntu ofler- drug .tore' WurabeTg Block. Long.and made the .ame proposition and .umrnon tncludlng a Use resort to forged eoiorsaie. " . he refuted to accept, for proof ot above Mr,gr, to defeat him For three month a Somewhat of am Error. A II new.- .... v ,.r I .- ....!... i.rku ppr 10 ucminim, i ori:ircc monins ALBANY, fJHttm Priceb Seveml day agoa cou pie Italian came front tint front on ac count of being III. While getting ahaved, at Jim HrAdv', at First and Lyon ttreet, that barber offered to prescribe for them and take hi pay when they got their mon ey on their time check. The prlco wa $J a piece. They took hi medicine. Latt C .to. .......... ...I I I , 1. 0!. . when he, according to their story .demand- ed Kj apiece more, which they paid. Then they squealed and called In Manna! Heft- man and Nlghtwatclt Miller, when the money was refunded. Urody state that the report circulated that he threatened to kill them It the money wa not paid ia tin- truc,and that It can be verified by a man who wa In hit thop at the time. Vhe In cident at least show that Mr Is high priced and that he received pay contiary to law for doing what we have duly ad - rnitteu phytlclati for doing. Skvkh At Transactio., Mr Pcebler, who lecently i.toveJ to Albany from U matllla county, ha bought of J II Uurk- nart, 35 acre on the SciKemlre farm, t',i mile fiom (lie city paying $JJ5 for the ame, or $90 an acre. Mr l'cr.y Spink hn sold t Mr Fred Blumberg three lot at the corner of Fifth and Maple Street, Including the wood shed, and alo wood In the same and team, Consideration private. Mr lilumberg will hereafter run the wood busmen. Mr Spink ha a'ao so'd to I)r U M Tone I two lota at the orner of Ferry and Water oirect, tor $3 (tut, anti aiu the lumber on the property, and lr Jones will run the yaru, Camk Aa Fa Aa Albany, We have been Informed that a young man living near hete had Induced a girl fllfteen ycara old of Linn county to run away with him a fe day ago, stating that It the would go to Seattle with him the would be treat td royalty. The couple had gone as far a Albany, whtn relative of the toun lady, In Corviilla gained Information of the affair, interfered and took her home. The young man made himself auttddenly earceand also returned home. Leader, raiea or Stock. A bout 1400 head of sheep so'd from the levi Morris band were Intded on care In Ashland Tuesday mor ning tor shipment to Sacramento. The price realized wa i per head for the wethers and Si. 30 for the ewe and lamb. Tiding It M Drake I expected In from hi tuck ranch In Uaroey valley In a few week. He made the best cattle tale ot the teason in that section, procuring $17 a bead for hi three year old and over, and other at good figure. Record. To A lor 1 a. W D Ilarr and Capt E J Lanning are In Astoria I t the Interest of the Albany 5i AstorU R R. Birr will go over the route lo Tillamook, but will not make the survey at present, lie I re ported to have said; "In regard to how toon tin work will begin, I cannot state, I know, however, the company means business. The; have plenty ot money, but I hardly think that building will com mence much belo.'e spnrt. 1 hat the Al bany Sc Astoria will connect the two cltie Inside of a year, I have no doubt. " Statc Fair Board, The following etc the oiTker who will run the State fair rc t year, having jutt been elected, mostly re Icectcd. President, 1 It Looney; vice president, vYU'lam Galloway; aecrctar J T Gregg; treasurer, A ltusli chief ma r ahaLiohnU Wilsons superlntenden t o the paviliion, E M Waltc. The etecutlve committee cntat of 1) If .oo:iy, chair man, jonn Alison, M n iikins, wm waiio- wav,j 1 Apperaon, and the finance com mute of DS Itulck. John O WHzht and V It Dcljshmutt. J Q Wilson supednten- dent ot ground. Tn a Oaeco x Takkm its Mmiciaa. fr E G Jones, representing the Ortg i, wai in the cltr last week, and Ir. behalf of that paper took the medicine which the citizen meeting hod prepared for htm. It waa administered lit large doet,was very gagged him sever papcrt make typographical errort, but about the worst yet reported wat made a few days ago by the Walla Walla Shift man. The Item read : "W O flush, of ti...... .., k.. K.. r..rtU.fiu- dk MKIOtVII VWIMle vr J tJ'H'V JW,oay in the penitentiary.- It .hould have read 'W O Rush, ot Thurston county.ha been forty five vear. In the territorv." The editor, and compositor, had business in the mountain. Immediately afterward. Not IIortNE Tiuavga. K few week ago Sherifl Sloan arretted near eugene three men auppoced to be horse thieve from Umathla county. Soon after the man from whom the horses were supposed to have been stolen came down and fden tided them a. hi horses. It now transpire that the horset had belonged to another man ann that he had cold them to the men arrested . The prisoners were discharged -legister. Leoaxox. Last Tueday A. P Clack- burn old hit Interest in the livery ttable 1 to John Nicholt and hat gone back to hit larm. M E Hearn told hit dwelling last week ncari'ic ocvoi to air vc, uic a-iixiucci, who it now occupying It Fourteen loUsold in the Wastom add! lion. Express. Scenes at the Front. MrJG Craw ford ha. returned from the front on the Pacific, where he tuceeded in I capturing twenty elgnt good viewt, among some railroad building scenes, tuch at Or- I man Crook & Co't camp, a nock trtim men at work etc. This will afford our citizenf an opportunity to take a ride to the iront and stay at nome. A Surprise Party. Last Friday a geeuine surprise party wat given Mr and Mm M O Brink, at their home on Filth Street by twenty or thirty of their you n friend. A very pleasant evening wa P"" " game., cwttn A Restaurant SotD. Mrt Herman Oierkt hat told her restaurant at the cor ner of First and Ellsworth Streelt to the uuci. ui niw will nri.uitct full II The vo ' men ar. Mrl..,.d ..... Goetz Brot, who will hereafter run it er and promise to keep up the good repu- tation of the place Lots of Gobble. Geoege Anderson ha tome where between fifty and a hun dred turkey next to the Democrat office, whose gentle quack I heard from morning till night, soon to be stilled In -death. Last night eleven were raffled off, and every night more will follow. ' Kid Glove t Kid Glove. I I I have just received a full line of kid glove branded Our Own. Thit it a eenu- I ine kid glove. I buy direct from importer; in iew York and consider them the best value of any gloye I ever sold for thl price. 5 button, 3 row of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. .. 8. E. Y0UN8. Next New and best place In town is GiUon' new bather shop In the Froman Block, next door to Fortmiller Sc Irvine's. Best barber In town. Pitcher's Csctsrln. OREGON, FRIDAY, CHfKr nilWL. In the brilliantly lighted earlor ef a beautiful eottage far out In the tuburb of the euty, bustling city 01 ivcoinon, away from the din and rattle of that hurrying, rushing mail ot traue, eat a delicately redded but atiiklngly beautiful younu lady. The latt ray of the aettlntr iuii thone through the half open window and played and dance through the golden curl that crewned the head ot the peer- lets creature, tneortiv oocupanl ot the room. One toft, vlrt cheek rested on her shnaely little hand, hor eyes had a kind 01 a"i 11 Del my eoott ne na gene oacx on me look, " and tne euivermir up and the heave and tet of the white sheen ether bodice teld that the mvitlc bird ef love had driven It talon deep Into her once proud bei-.rt. Her quick car cauuht the sound of footstep, springing to tier feet he tenderly took her gum from her meulh andttlcklnir It on the Inilde ot one of her cuff reached thedeor juttlntlme to admit a young man.drcssed In the style and finish of aa up town drug clerk. To hi manly form still citing the delicate perfume ef eiafoetlda and Skunk Cab- t ... . . .. .....I . OHL'e, ilia lorm waa aymmeincai. ills countenance waa raflned but open, perhaps a little to open to ault the most fastidious. but the elegant and aiale'y manner In which he tested himself on the sofa by her aitfe and play luiiy pulled her ear.aiiew- cd that hs waa used to the higher walk of life and moved in the upper circle ef society. "Sweet, anielle creature, said the younK man In a voice to deep with passion that It atarted the doir to barking 11 .. . . .... . one great passion of my heart which once I in uie oacK yard, "i cannot oner you me surrounded my tout a with halo, re, weet one, I first laid my heart at the leet of the grail-widow from Eugene, I did for a solemn fact, yet It you win take a heart weary with sorrow that cloud my pirlt, take me to your tender brea.t and let me find shelter there." "Tompson," cried the fair one,(sho never called him by hi front namey'come down on your perch I am your duck, rour darling, yoar un hide. va vatur staort. little, nosv vla'et. I am your till the paper mill I built." Last week we met Mr Sam Case, w ho by the wav I canvatilntr Linn county for Or T Da Witt Talmagc' great book, "The Pathway ot Life." U Is a large book ot 574 page and 3oo Illustrations. It la one of the best book ot the age and the only book by an American author ever endors ed by the Queen of England. It should oe on the table ol everv lover 01 good book. Not long since we called on Mr and Mr W W Crawford, and Whit trotted out hi twin boy and we took a cood. square look at them. Mr aad Mr Crawfoidcan just ly be proud of their fine boy They ere bright, noble looking little bey and a near alike aa twoallver dollars. They are twenty-one month old. The combined weight I i-ovi pound, one weighing 35 and the other 34 i pound. Mr Mat Scott.our efficient road riper visor, ha closed up hi road work for thl season. Mat ha made a splendid roao overseer, and he ha done good work and a great deal of It and deserve great credit 'or the good shape he hat get the road In hit district Charlie Scott.son ot Mr Mat Scott, I at Monmouth attending school. Ml Emma Uurkhart witl spend the winter In LcbarHn persuing her studio at the Academr. Have voj beard fem New York, Ohio, Iowa and V li'i-tnH t How avout inn and Campbell for '91. i-aiCK UVftT, Tea Utker ItUc. Corvallis Nov. list, 18S9. In vour dado, of the 10th Inat. 1 see vou make a ttatement lo regard lo the Trine- Cameron race, which doe me an Injustice, anooeiteyingvou wou.u noioo so enow- mgly, you will kindly give me space, ia your valuable paper for reply. Now aa to the modeot Starting Mr irtne would ae- cept no other than mutual consent, which meant no wool go cnever ne wat on the track before the race.whkh he an- I u aiiu tatft ti3 vvhiu wvin oe dertook to do. I asked him twice while n the track to choote pwtol shot atart, and ne reiuseo. 1 nen auer woratng a hour In the cold rrln I walked off the track, after I wa. certain he would not take an even break. I then offeied to make the match over front $too to S$o Watta and Mr 1 exits, of Rutt House, and many otbert ol your cltixent, whose names are not necessary to mention, isow nany 01 mose -Knowing ones nave in w, In regard to my fearing to meet Mr Trine, 1,1 ,u. -,., k. it.nna. a B,nsw V)ll VHI J W.W w V "Ing f 100 1. Jcoo In Hamilton and Job' hank and see H my money doet not cover It. . t.. U V.AtBBO. I)RVUSATI CITY CaWRNTlOJt, A mat meeting of the democratic voter of the city of Albany will be held In the Circuit Court Room at the Court Houte on Saturday evenlne- November the 3oth, iSSo, at 7 o'clock for the purpose of noml- .. , , . . . . . l .. 1 o . nating canoiaates tor wayor, m.rsn.,, eoroer ana i reasurer, to oe voieo xor .u .... regular annual city election to be held on Monday, Deceasber and, 1S89. WARD MEETIMOR, The committee would recommend that ward meeting, be held on Friday evening November tha solh. 18S0. at 9 o'eloek at the following placet : Flrtt Ward Uo ttalrt In the Clreull Court Room at the Court House. Second Ward In the County Court Roam at the Court House. Third Ward At the office of the tar mere warehouse. Each ward will nominate a candidate for councilman and select a member of the Clly Central Committee. T J Stite, E J Lamkino, John Clrlaw, City Central Committee a. t O. - Given Away. For the benefit of our customers we will give away on Jan itt, the following 1 Dinner tet, no piece, $J.c. 1 Tea et, 44 piece, $7.50. X Tea et, each 44 piece, $t8. These good are of the best English are and a credit to any table. Give ut a all and get not only the best bargains in pure fresh groceries out tecure a chance at one or more ot these elegant tett of dishes. ' LaForest & Thompson, ArrLES. A ear load of wormle ap ple just received at LaForeit & Thomp ton't, finest In the market. ELEGANT LOTION. Abbey's Addition. 54 lot In thlt ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman't 3rd addition, for ale, at $50 to $125 a lot, t.urran & Montelth'. - New cream ebeete juatjteoeivf d at Courad Meyer. Go to Hibler & Pauley for your job print ing. Th.y do aoy and all kindi of work tn ths pmViishing and job priutiog line. Qniak work and lew pris. Tha beat I line of Read's kid glove at W F iBicrni.iiiv a w vw 1 eitwv w Tho best watoh in the world for the monev 'at V hi Freaoh'a. Kichone fully warranted NOVEMBER o, : A AKtiTIi DOlHJEIt, There I no pjllcy ef administration to defend whlch.requlre o skilled an artful dodger at doe the policy of protection atchema to tax the many tor the benefit ot the lew. The other day we called at tention to the re aarkabio a linlsslon made by the Ottgoniim on the subject of lite tariff, the leading and most significant one made by that paper being, his: "Un der the operation ef tht protective tariff, whiek wttt inV0Ht0il for the benefit tht Kai Utnmatinn(turr and which forbade retort to cheaoer market abroad, the v.ttexn toMitmtr mil tbUged to jwy tribute to a ystem of production which violated eco nomic principle by carrying goad twice over a needle journey with the cost of the double transit." The Oregmiiin make an attempt to reply lo our article but in the most artful manner dodge our crlii clam on this remaikable admission which rbsotutely give away the whole theory ol protection." The truth of the Ortg' uiun't ilatcment no one oan disprove, and few candid men will deny, We are glad that the OreiiKinn, In'an unguarded mo ment, has admitted the truth that "the tariff xa Invented for the heneSt of the eastern manufacturer." In Ita attempt d reply to our article It atudiou sly avoid any reference to tal IstiM admission but wanders off and Indulge in a lot of non tense and falsehood about Mill and hi bill. Itut that paper will not be allowed to escape in that way. The tariff wa Invented for the benefit of Eastern manu facturer aed not for the benefit of labor people, fanners, aad consumer at wa bhUntly claimed by thcOrnm and all the other protection organ last fall. The truth la that the profit of one must be the to of another, and hence thl protection scheme that result in profit to eastern manu factum wus' result In a burden to those who pay these profit. No body shot! of a fooi could fall to see that labor people and oilier non-protected classes are made lo bear these burdens for the ben efit cf these protected manufacturer- From thl conclusion there It no escape. The Philadelphia Tttegrmfh, a leading republican paper of that state hat itt views ot the late election. .It says: The present administration hat been in ettttence tlnce the 4th day of March last, and it I but, the thoret truth, known of all .men, that It hat not up to this day done a slagle thlag-or for the matter of that, aald a tingle thing lo Indicate that It hat any idea or policy unconnected with the dis tribution of federal office. It might have adopted a policy In regard to tht public duty which would have commended it to the earnest notice ef thecounry ; but It chose to adopt one which hat day by day brought down upon It ihe angry comdern. natbn of the country. The president had apparently no other and higher Idea of the duties of hi great office when he entered 11, or since, Chan that of dwtrbutiag the ea ecuttve patronage. To that tingle line ot duly he ha devoted himself with an ener gy and pertinacity unexampled. The Portland Jura! say: "Caodl I date roraker s,d!spatch to governor Semple etc, g ue Uer upon bU 1 ,, ... ,,, "puoit- l"i o'y nntwnw me uiuerento I between the selected material It take to mtke , republican and the ttaff democrats 1 . . . mavo no e" ra 01 mo I "at sending a congratulating eispaten to I a aucccssful republican? That would he 1 . ,...., .,.t m.t,. -t ,k. 1 j ordinary democrat, at a monkey climbing a tree back warda. Neither met built that I way." Now doea the irut really up- I oraaer put. ion suprr-rtuman e nun to I defeat Campbell and then after all these 1 enortt have failed and Campbelt elected 1 n rlllnet i congratulate Ihe latter. I o r oraker wa. not c'au ill central- f nlatlon to Campbell wat the well known effort of the demagogue to ceure a little cheap capital. The Portland Journal, republican .ay t : "If the administration at Washington, and particularly the Oregon delegation, do not wish to be relegated to "innocuous detue- lude" to far a Oregon U concerned, they I thould lay the cold blade of the political J scalping knife on the heads ol the demo 1 . ... t. L.u.i. - r - . -t'r''" - .- v...v ..-v. , v No man wa. ever more braienly "an ob- noxiou. partisan" than Marshal Myert, I and the other federal officials are none the lest dtterving of a speedy ticket of leave. It It It a good and wlte thing to elect re publican congrejtmen and senators, It must be equally the part of wisdom to ap- point republican to .ll the Important om- ce. Let the good work begin." Thit it the actual tpirit of republican civil tervice reform referred to by the republican In their national platform . Never before In the history of the coun try has public office, which should be a public trust, been so persistently used at a political spoil, or at a reward to the pract- 1 ical politician, as ha. been the case since the 4th of March. The country hat no cause to regret the result ot Tuesday's election, nor will the I republican party have it itt able and hon est manager, insist that the administration shall call a halt upon the policy of vulgar, selfish politic which It hat purtued since itt coming into power. The rebuke of the people on Tuerday wat emphatic and unlet the admlnittratlon changet It. en tire coune and shows that It hat higher aim! than those of putting the offices where they will do most good to one man, rebuke of 1891 will be a great deal more emnhatle. 1 1 at CautankeroOld Woman Described In tho nursery ballad, wbn "llvod upon nothing but victuals and drialc," and yet "would never be qulev won undoubtedly troubled with ehronle todiae.tion. .Jfcnr Tlctuals, like those many othei nldecyjersona whose diRon tiro powe:. haTefiwome Vm paired .didn't acree wish her.. Till was before .the en of He.tsUer'a S&rat: Rittor. or tome aP on 01 noresuvneaoaainenuaana relative, would nodotitftedly lave, persuaded hr tot ho Brsatvapaeifle for f!yspep.U on.flpationand BiiiorMoeaa. Tkla wottfd vt been moaeuee of self pronotion lixfrc pays, for tho would eoon have heow sriil sua oewsu eu uiauiru miooi win hot ot'atnc.- TMie most ebatinato esses a fi,j-isJon,vWi it stttridant iearftjrwn, m .tienee, orwril uneatdnem e f&e atom1 o th nerves 8,8 ornpleve i oTtm by h!a novpele;n remeisgr JBla and-fevr and bilious xe mitten nW,m Wdney teoubies are aiso v x aT I f 111 881). A S4J4T1I1X UEStJKI. Sometime ago, Wanamakcr, Postmas ter General, voluntarily pledged himself lo Senator Wade Hampton of South Carolina that the democratic postmaster at Col urn - bin In that state should bn permitted to tcrve hi term out anJ th no appoint ment would be made, even at the expira tion ef the term without first consulting the Senator. The other day while the Senator was absent from hit ttale Wana- maker removed Ihe democratic postmas ter aud appointed hunccetor, At toon a Hampton heard ot It he wrote Wana- maker a scathing letter In which, among other thlngt he tald: The newspaper tat that betide managing the great de partment over which you preside, you are running a Sunday -school In Philadelphia, and It cccur to me that you might with profit to yourself select a the most appro priate anbject of a lecture to your pupil the Instructive story of "Ananias and Sapphlra." Thlt would give yon a fine field for your eloquence In explaining to your young charge ihe Importance ot confining themselvet to the truth ex cept when tome fancied advantage might be obtained over a political opponent. I am your odedfent scrvant- . Wadk Hampton. , IKKKlTlliiJB AMtlBlt-'l. No state, however powerful, will ever again do with ease anything to which the American republic ia strongly opposed. There ia not a diplomatist in Europe who djet not know this or who doe not hold that Napoleon III wa only sane in quitting Mexico, and that Prince iitsraarck showed hit wit-lorn when, rather than quarrel seriously with Washington, he abandoned all pretensions in Samoa, Regard ed from the point of view of diplomttistt, it it because of her American alliance that the leg islative Independence of Ireland would be dan- gerout to Great liillain, to dangerous that we rather wonder Mr Gladstone, unlike most of bit fubordiruiet, did not take paint lo avoid showing bow deeply hit Irish leadership make him feet the ever growing strength and irresit tibleac of the Union, It wa of that he thought when be pointed out that already Great Britain wat surpassed ia population by Ihe republic, at a century hence Europe, at a whole, probably will alto 1e. London Src later, l ILL . 1 1 HI . .J jni - II may not be generally known that, when I exposed lo severe cold, a feeling of warmth h readily created by repeatedly filling the lungt to their utmost extent in the following man ner: Throw the shoulder well back aad bold the head well up. Inflate tle lungt slowly. the air enteiing entirely through the nose, When the .'ungs are completely filled, bold the I breath lor ten Mcoad or longer, and then ex pire it quickly through Ihe moatb. After re peating the exercise while one it chilly, a feel ing of warmth will be felt over the entire body I and even in the feet aad hand. It b import ant to practice thit exercise many timet each dty, and eicil!y when in tbe open air. If I the habit ever become universal, tken coo-1 sumption and many other disease will rarely, if ever, be heard of, Not only while practic-1 ing the breathing exercise nuR tke clothing be loose over the chest, bat beginneri will do welt to remember, in having their clothing Ci ted to allow for the permanent expansion oft one, two and even three inches which will fol low.' W T Burney wat removed tor publishing! land notice strictly in democratic paper. We have ne kick about tke fate of war, but it aarprtac aa and it, indeed a laughing matter lo notice the muss into which Mr Appersoa, the present incumbent of the office, putt got. lie not only tee tit the notices to strictly re-1 publican papers with the exception of the Yamhiil Jtrpotter but ahow a partiality to some of them. Thit haa brought a beet' oett uosrn about bts bead wbtch ia the end it I liable to amount to hit removal. However, it I 1 does not concern us. Fight it out, boy, and I we will do the laughing, Telephone Jfeet't- Iter, George Vanderbilt, who it about tol I L tl J .L till . . . , Mlto tplendld county Mat at A.h.vl e. N. C, It the youngest ton of the lata Wil liam M Vanderbilt. Me I. a baohetor and It now about 57 years old; it tall and alight In figure, and ot dark complexion, hair and eye. He care nothing for society, and It most happy when in hi. library with hi. books. Hi. legacy from ht. fath er wa. $7,000,000 together with a library and many of the picture in the Vanderbilt - 1 gauery. l Swimmiag bath are becoming popatar ad .. . ... . . ... . 1 bosrd con, , fa . fa for a to learn to swim aa lor a girl to learn the art of cookery,anl claims that the swimming bath adds to the comfort of the scholari and aseiitt it the work of education. First the scholars who left the Republican pat !y were scoffed at; then the clergymen who did likewise were lampooned, and now the wealthy men who have got lick of tke old machine are the subject 1 of sarostm, Wetl, guest they can all stand thit lunger than the Republican party can, Besides tinging an American aong to the phonograph when it wa. exhibited to him at Friedrichsruhe the oi!.;r day, Prince Bismarck scat the following mess: ge to hit ton: "Be moderate in work, moderate in eating, and also somewhat moderate in d risking tin the advic. of a fatheMo hi ton." If it it trne that God elected Harrlton, I it ajuti evident that He regret the part He took in the campaign. Hit influenc of late teemt to have run toward the oth er party. Afereury. I If the administration steal, one tlatein 18S9 the I aad foaet three by the voice of the J mtxh nearer it it to a vindication in 1892? If yen nave any JoD wer to ao can 00 W. Binithwho it to do U n.atneaEana aiuwi. uu aa cuup aa aoy i . i.t. . 1 i ene. Tha Iatliea Dallekted. The pleaaant effect nod io perdeet . , ... l . . . . . t,f ft-uit texatsVe. Rjrrnp ofFlst, under oncUflone, tnafra if wtir vvtk yetner Ttia nteaaatig to (he eye tmd 0 ttio ta ' genciA-.TtitssCiOwiiM io icwi on nt 11 n's, ktStr utt bowels, "NottilBg te Equal It." "T harebesn selling Simmons LI Regulator for thn '-past six . years.. ewtomera pronounce H tii tnii v used.- Qna or my. onetomers waoie beal was fn a wvetehod eoadltmn from a t bd nod stubborn ease of ays-pepsin, n the ltoguJator and was euir.e' eare am o-tiiil my.oir for toyyld tsvew, il by eloa e eonnnsrnent. I finoVro 0 equal It and tasfh? rwvmiMud It Kos sjs, C.PIXawKgi 'aV2M tg v. sw. Jt x..-.-. .... i . w. a NO 18 ItOEC' .?4 ' 1 A m t SifiaWf. X i 4 t t ! ', i o Vr: . . i -xt: Ji.;uftt TO tmi ROOM FOR MY LARC5 STOCK CF FALL AMD VIM FEB GOODS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK CF BOOTS AND SHOES. A.T COST SALE, AND TKEYIMUST CO. Beal Bargains. AT TKE SAME TIME DO HOT EOSCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK CF BE,Y GOODS Notions, Furnshingr Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR UNES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, ; Tlie Leading Cash I I I we I if ... 'iik ;Tv ,".,'-- 'v,; W T.. ta e HOPKINS & iQL..j.,li.t .a.iii ui.rtr' rnerTinni nnnncn t"' u with Si I UVLtUa 1 Iti VAlaCn OilCCI l2UiiS UUrrtU i a ETC., ETC. ssi - Agents for "On Timo" Healipg and seeking I love j I .Mmnt v .tt.nt'.n In ete4 froraptly attented to. jfl CHEAPEST AND BEST a, WILL BROS Dealers in aU the Leading va Mr . .uvwiui s;if?asa iuuvmuui viw au b iuti. A Mil Una nf aant mnala hnn.lA.1 - , - " " - r . . - " . - ww, .1 wbi, 1.1 ' 1 a v , maeh Ire needle. Oils and oxtras for all reaehlnea supplied. Slepairing f sewing mach.'noa, musUal lnstremeate, gun., el., neatly .loan m a r. m ' . ;--( . jf at at TIIE-DEMOCIIAT a the heat Advertising medium In the Central Willamette Valley, e-iutcl t i. Pin OB at Albany. ' aw-ond-clana mall matter. First National Bank QF Af.ttA9ff , Ri:00f. raaMaal.. ,. A.. Ki.lV'J Vloa Prldnt W. V. Ytt (j 0askir,.M .., BL W. LSulHy. TBARSACTS A OBHSKAt haniciag tturlr,. AOXL'RTS KKfT solijwet ta .Sk. lOlT KICHAjrOB mm! rsphie trn(.,r. ,ol a Sew Terk, Baa rrsiwise., lioagn ssl I'm "SoUBOTIOSf dAtgea frUa Wins. aiaaiOTOfta. 4, I. Toras, B, W". tsssnosr, U BbAM, h. FMKS, V All KM E TCTMUHA Linn Coaaty Bank, Cowin, Eilstoa & Chamberlain, ALCANY - - - OREGOfi. TltAfc'SACTf sfenaral bankiag bnam.aj, DRAWR10H1 OnAmea Xw Turk. H rta in ant Fartland, Otfim. IXANHOa'CTua apptoyad aentrtty EECCITgdaimeiUaabise - ebwk. Bank (if Oregon. ALEAKY. - - OHEGOH. OAPZTAZt, 050,000. Prewkient.. Vic President.. II. BKYANT, Caoblor, H. P, MEKKILI Sight exchange and toloirrephle lrai! frt on Now York, San FranelBco and Portland, Oregon. Collection made on favorable term. THIS WILL BE A CLQSIKC CUT COME EARLY AHOCET ATTEKTION TO THE FOLLO WIN Dry Goods Store. i rt U I ), a -..-t :'..,'.' - WS'- SALTMARSH DSALEliS IN 1 Mih work, pluiJiiia, PLACE IN THE CITY m.p.h.nill... aM.-. fjlw i ' - a f -