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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1889)
Till: YAQUINA ROUTE, Crc:ca FicLHo Eaiircai. gofi Development Cotrpany'. Bleara ship Lin. 123 nLES SHORTER. 20 nouns less nan by any other KUl. Ktr-t-oUM throuKh pa Miiir nd Kiitl.nelToi. Portland and ail polnta u, Willameu Valley to and from San rfinclseo, Cal. Th. Orcein Paotfi ateauiboal. ou th Wili.mett. river diction wUI 7JrV V-yi. eotn bound, Monday, "l"' nd rrt.U at 6 a. in, Arrtv M corrai... d Juf, i'bor.d.y and Sairtrt-f I .Ur. Wednesday and FfWy i Arrlv at fortUnd Tnwd.y rt-Ty and St.trrday at P- ,inM"g ffiuX Mt l SiontU boaud bouts will velJt.t at Salem, leaving her !." Host, wakaclo onnloo t Altawa with train, of th.OrKM PaclfAo Kailroad, Tl M K$ WtW LK. (tT ".?) i 1 O AO tr!. couu- a. Alt0'"11. Vagina .ad San .Il.ISO BATE ysn TH''t. """Ta ' rrtdey.Oei, HwUM with vb mJ u dw- m3iM Albany orJ'j rrmn?to 'ICS;- lawc.l srA5,';w,, 0VERUN3 TO aUFQHNIA -VIA- toTitJiBni Pacific Compiay s una. THE SOUXT SUASTA ROUTE. '" T... . . . . II lb a ., too. L,l.6 Lcbaoua Li J t M I r PULIMAH BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, " (-pLL . , " Aflt .f jit acAi'"'. 19 BOUTS ANP EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. J, Cmt-nT'. At ' .""p ROGERS .oettLKB 4 "0. F. P. Af rfouse and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varniehlnsr. All wttrtwtnUti. 4 S B. VASSAL! 0- avvtor to F.nry Romd..J pouilry Vanted. pany'. Store. Albny, Owgftt. EedCrownMills SOU. L1SSIX0 4 C., I'IOPR'8. Airo BAKES. tr.E, RESTSTORAGK FACILITIES. ilhrhest Frin In Casb to Wheat City Meat Market. EHULTZ BRGSm Propriiton. k'p fan lln f ait. of ll kind, In o! lt, oinplly pro UUd; .nd .lw.y. frh. AlAhvintniy h.od lm. nil otttr 0h. QO UEIl 0I1LV! i)t A inn tin Euimwi""""!"" PIANOS. TJit wloliln a firHc!i lntro"i-t hnuld Mil at Mra. . E. Hyman'. rnd u on of tlio lUmiM A Ixnn pianoe. xeei.nt rich ton.. Y nia!ly rnla and adai-tod to rtand tb. nmie on lh I'unlfli- Oiit. Efry t,r autano1 for 5 yar. 'I h. UiMt . for, Wn.l! nnd ral.tlng I .mat clv.n thor. Aluo I'm pUoo to r.nrntfiwlil Mteblnt. Fanny work jd droit, imikinn dona to order. Dr.t oorart of Young' d rlnd, AlWny, Oregon FnrtmHler k living, r t - FUNEIiAL DIRECTORS. :n:r:t Attcatica-First-class Hearse Tw.wr-. - ; ,.it. Re. ! iiwwi rcu. ,4gZ -js5 7Za Arl t1 tit r U . A"?.B.Lu- I '- io r I T'" It-' ti, I L.l" ,Tis..n-T (EKyt9un4?. , . : r I t w rsrrn p"" tr &" HI try..prV VAlAAAfhMIki rkThroat ViCl2ND3rCUTS,SYirELLiNC3 DUrtriS AMD SCALDS. CURES PERMANENTLY FROGT-DITSSe Alttt Itching, Subdue Swelttngs Sooth and CureTondorneE. lUiopoll, 11U May 29, UM. Tor yrnt St J.ooh Ott ht bwn wwd In tny Amiliy, I twltr It la th. t rvmwly f .r ttunia, twoi titt propared. f .r liunia, awolUug, nu, bnilM nt .vraUi. JOS Ki'll tiUAtbll bit. Trra Alu, W. V... Toby. 4. 1SS7. trtntr IMt taki-n with twin in Joint of thtml-lo floiror houshi it fu a fclon ud rrn-i,p or .aa mgru no nt tna tt. J.ri.iw oti trr (vy, went to .Iwp noxt rvrniuj do pain do pata alttco. Atra, A. A At Ebuikiist. axd Duum, THE CHARLES A VOCELER CO.. Btlnf. Ma. OH.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ofttoo oor, t'jrittaud 1 rry 8trU, ALBANY- OREQOT4 OB. CaWATSDH lilASTOfJ Phyaician and Surgoo Ueu: DR. C. U. CHAf.lBERLin, HoESopatWc Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. fl-mc"oorn.rorThid ami Ion St . - ALBAHY, CRECOH. DR. W II. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. tfOITlot no Ulr. In Wtrah.n. Block. Uy b found at hi. offlc a.y and night. DH, I. W, STARR. Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsrilla, Or, OCH at too in a Nob. S3 ud Sl.Strab.n and'. Hlook, up .talta. Ctll. pfooipuy aUandd la tty or country. G. L. QLACKf.lAN, DI ALER IV DRUQ3, MEDSCI7.ES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMDS ETC. t). R. W..LA.HCRX, o. w. W.I.BT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneya at Law, Will prattia. in all th. Coart. of th. Suu. Prompt .tUation fiv.n to allbnaU imi ntiBttd to oar ..r. CtiEc Odd fallow. T.sapl., Alhaoy, Or v1 o ti. IVHITfaEY, -iof.67 And ConsssIIcr At La? ND- aYotniv Pnbllc. nnrnnn 1 ar a UACUUrt Will pm-jVcr t all of th Court. oliSu. All b sdm Intrnat. to b! trll! b proraptly ottcodod .. J.K.WEATHESFOHD, iTTOItNEY AT LAW, A LEAST. BE VOX. . WKBILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery &LBAST. . OQEGOV. Collection, promi-tly tuad onal! po'nt sVoan.neeotiAted on eaonabtAtnn., Revere. House:. ALBANY, - - . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. F'U.l op In ftratlaaa atyl. TablM auppllod with th tai la th m.rk.t. Klo. .lp(oK.prtmraU. "Umplctaony ter eomtnereial trar.l.ra, tTW, C..k l. a.4 tr.m -f.t.l.j ESTHAY NOTICE.-Two borafs. a whit, and a aorral. Owner will call at my placatbro rnlle. went of Miller'. Station. C. "WETZEL. B?$ have iho ExcUtivo Control of o N Li Y SO c E N T B Jo U n. mi a tniion't ham fs efftr a prlrt to 0 ihlm ' for Itt 'Jit BIST MADE, Ivtry Com haulm in AH3 cn HALF KSSi. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. n I'.ir a hu given on'.vor- SI..: AM.(d'.rtl,.M In IK. ' to t BiTa.V' euro f (loBorrUaja and 'n,n ,r Imi r 1 til I . . . J (clsatelorecoinmand. .-"r4I;', VVl! Ji'r It to all aalTerara. D..tur, IU. PRICK. 81.00. ' . hr'.ixrk Sold br Druggiata. t X ".int. T .tesil. Aze.t. ' D?i G X 17HIT?JEY, Piiyslc'a and Surgeon.- Cr.lut of Bo11va Hospital Madlaal Jol!eg Now Yerk City. " Diseaseaof womaa a specialty. AS0Bo, Fr.v.nai'. Brink, Albany, Or. - ri ,tND, AC Perti.n. deslrlnir .and the preml... of f Ui"Hi n u.uion county, en pr..ur. I 'bt tnz tn. sarne at my ofli.e, Craw foril r.loclr, Albii.TA()re.n. l'n, K. Wor,v3RT0jr. Children Cry for i V OfwtmatJ'r jFFICIAL 1 1 m a: fs (J VJIH A T AUK TO rAUN'Klt.-.. E Secretary Colinnn tvmtl. a ipeeth be fore lh recent hct gowera conventlnit M St I.oui, in which he ui of .very plnin and aimile illutt ration to ahow lU. e fleet of the pricnt taiilT upon the .grkulturtd iu- tereita of the country, lie .mimed tint wheat (rower hat raised tooo bushel of wheat and hat gont lo Liverpool, whero he tvlla it for one dollar . bushel. lie limit goods telling at a low price, and Invests the money realized from the whent in goals to bring home. The farmer thipt the goods to New York, but when he gets there he finds an avemge duty of 47 per cent on all the nicrclinndise he hat brought along. On the $ tooo worth of good, therefore he pay S470 to the customs olVieeis, to go Into the United State treasury, and ha tSJO left for his tooo bushels of wheat. If he doctnot buy the goods In Liverpool, but bring his money to New York and there buys lit will find that the tarilThas ad led the same .mount, on an average, to their cost, and hi wheat again has only the purchasing power of 530 where no duty is levied. This i the tX nation of the fanners of this country, in other ituns than wheat, and it is no wonder that under such . system the agricultural ctauct grow poorer white th. manufacturer grow richer. It might, peihnp, be argued against the ex-secretary of agriculture, that the fainier on returning from Liverpool with his gooOt, would find himself able to tell them at an ad vance whicb would cover the duty and leave him his 1 1000, but if he did, he would only be shifting the burden upon some other farmer who had not heen to Livenool and woo had no opportunity ro go into business a an . inv porter, if he had the inclination, Figure the matter as one will, tome one hat to bear tie bur den of a protective tariff, and the fanner beyoud question, pays more than hi share. Th) discontent among republican at the course of Harrison in making appointments grows stronger each day. The other day at Jeffersonville Indiana one Mayer, president of the Lincoln league, a republican club, organ tied a party of discontented republicans and hung the president in effigy. It is to be hop ed that this wild crate for office among the re. publican boys will not uj earned so far a to result in another Guitcau tragedy. It would b. an itMan. act to kill the goose that by the golden egg, - KEKl'IDsTtll. K. M. French kp railrol timr. J. P. Wallace, l'hysioian Mid Snrgcon, AN bony. Or, For a Sterling or Rinerton piano call on G L BLaekinan. For ..?, cheap, second hand org.n, Mrt Hymaa'a. O L Blackman agsut for Iho Wabcr piano. Nona bttr. Tiny yoar liok.U throash ts th. Kast of W I. faster .nd Ur. Portland. Th. W.starn Cottaya and 1'a.kard are two of tli.twat organ. m.d. L Itiaoa iuiD soils th.m. A Bo. lio. of all kioJ of furniture, plain and .pbolatcrtxl, bma. stock in this part f Oregon at Fortmiller A Irving'. If yoo want a elsan and fin. amok, ask for J. JoMph'a bom. rna.l. white labor For sal. by most cigar daaler. and atbi. Jeaapli'. factory. J A Archibald, (tn in;r Manafaatnr losuo.. oppomta IA11 Filor. l.mpl. Al bany, An l2.ot lio. nf aiii table spread., in bM.tifut deign., jest roctv-t at Fortmill.r Irving a. I a.n. Golden Star tomato. 1 for SO cent. atCMayarsi, and all oths'-J oaonad good eb.ap (or eaah . Jott rc;yd nw tOila lin.i .1 W. I". I W Starr, pbyatetan and surgeon, Albany Oregon. Good cooking stove ooly $10 at Ilopi.. k saitmarsnfc Dr Wriithttman'. Sovereign plm of Life, for di seosts rt.aKar U woman, at D.yo St IVbaoo'. and Brownalt A Siaoard'a. I' J Baltimore, agent. II cent abavlng at t ticket, for ft it Virckt . ' Boots and teoat ejt at Read . flaratogs ehjp at C K Brown.ll'a. 3 chair, ranniog .toady at Viereek'c ahv ins; parlors. Beat roast eoff. in tia city at Conrad Meyers. Get yoar achoil book and tablcU at Gala, ic Poo. Kirk. Savon Imperial soap, $100 a 'box at 0EBrown.ll'. "Th. Estrella ' cigar, 3 for 3ecnU, at EUi Cigar Store. Try th. Old North Stt smoking tobtcoo f.r a delicioot smoke. Sixty dosen window .bade jastreceivd at Fortmiller Si Irviog's. Spectacle, and ey. glane. cneapor than ever at F M French'r. A fine lot of picture frame j just received at Crawford & Fat ton's. , J W Bentley. heat Itoot and shoe maker in eity, opposite Fortmiller & Irriog'. ' A large and fin. line of wiidowalid just received at Pcrtmiller A Irving't. . V. have tb. beet $...10 kid glov ever broaght to AiUoy at W Flllcad'.. Now is th. t!u. to save monar by baying boot, and ehoc. at coat of W. if. Oo to Barda. for honest weight, good goods and lowest living priee. An elegant atoek "f watches, cold a low and the lowest, at Will A 8tsrk'.. Watches, watches, watches for verylodr cheap for cash and folly warranted at F M French'r. Tcarhrrn Examlaation. Not ice is hereby jjlvcn that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Llrn county will take place at the Court I (ouae in Albany commenting at noon Wednesday, November 27th, 1889. All eachers desiring examination will please be present at th beginning. I, M Ccrl, County School Superintendent. To FARMKRa-Fanner will do well to byt their"fruit, garden or (arming land with Wallace & Cutick. Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and mrgeon Vltany, Oregon. Call. mad. iav city 01 ountry. Take NoTtce-Ratlroad time has b-en changed two minutes. Call at KM French and get your watche corrected HEAD.f? fm Try tha Cure! Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the ITasal Passaees. Al lays Inflammation. Iloalstne Sores. Restores t he fconses of Taste, Smell end Hearing. A particle la a-?piled iEinaiLcti nostril and aarsenble. PilroSOe. at DrnRaMa ar by await. iuLY BXt01'jmug,6 Vtrren Su Jiew Torit. Pitcher's Castorla. COLDfM TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A rhllntkrpUt Imlloil. San Francisco, Nov. a 1. Charles Munt- gomcry.owner of the American Kxchane hotel, has made a statement, showing tlmt lie has: been the victim of b canfldence oerntor, IS ti (rant who ha succeeded In swindling him out ; of about $, and made it necessmy for him lo make an assignment, The Wreekf d Tog, Astoria, Nov. aa, Newt of the wreck of the tug Fearless, off (he mouth of the Ump (pjn, wa received here this morning with deep regret. There were teven perspn alioard Tames Hill, captain) waiter Keating engineer) Ienry Urow, hieman s assistant, a ( limes. cook, a deck hand, and one passcnge.'.George f itlarsnan, proprietor 01 tne umpire tl'y v an. ncry, Cnptaln It'll had been master of the tug Fearless for over ten yeau. Killed Alow. Sai.KM, Nov, aa. James Ilrown was ar rested for shooting T V Taikei's cow, and was bound over to appear !cfore the grand jury. AflrrTt'n Yfars. Skatti k, Nov. aj,-A story from real life, thai would furnish foundation for one of the most tenant ioual novels ever iven to the pub lic for many a day, came to light in Seattle to day, through the efforts of Augustus S.verin, of Milwaukee, Wit, to gain pottttsion nf his 14 year old ton (lit. lie. For ten years Mr Scverin has been seaiching for the boy and his little sister. Nearly every city of prominence in the United State has been scoured in vain, until a mere accident led him to locate the childied at this city. Th. Klrwt Hnow. SroKANK F.i.t.s, Nov, aa. The first snow storm of the seanon set in early this morning and continued ail day, melting as fast at it fell. towards evening It cleared off cold, A Callfurtila Cyrli nr. .an txANt iwo. iov. 31, Word comet from the neighborhood of Fetaluma, Cab, that during the thunder storm of last Monday a cyclone strm k the rvgiun with terrific force, It was a Unit nlty yards in width, and tipiooled fruit trees, tote down fences, unruofrd build ing and cntiicly demolihed one barn. It was the first ryckine ever known In this section. A good sited tree was uprooted and hutled than haif a mile. At Diiun a roof was lifted fiom Claus jAnsen's barn and carried a distance of aoo yards. Additional renortt of the de- ttructkin of windmills, tank houses and other building come vatious sectiont of Sunoras county. A a Or-go. Khipwrrck. Drain, Or,, Nov. 31 The tug Fcarles,of Coos bay, Captain James Hill commanding, ran on to North Spit, at the mouth of the Umpqu river Tuesday evening, and toon went to pieces, not oneof the crew or the pas. scngcrs escaping. The geneial Impression of seafaring men is that the had sprung a leak, and that the captain wat attempting lo get in to the river la order to save the Uvea of those on boaiJ, and either miscalculated his posit ioo or waa blown out of his course by the heavy wind prevailing at the time. The number lots is said to be from ten to fifteen soul, ;.sMiag ileasr. ttloaed, Spokasb Fails, Nov. at. -This evening .11 gambling wt stopped by order of the new district attorney, Dutch Jake't famous resort was the bist closed, there being fully ten men in the place at the time. No arre.ts were made, the gamblers being simply ordered by the thenit to close. Hum fsdr Wanted It. I-oxixjn, Nov. 31. The story is current in certain quarters that Dora Pedto, of Hi a til, was himself the prime mover in hi own de position, lie had endeavored to resist his son in laws 's active hostrility to the suti cleri cal party, .nd had other reasons to be distal' Isiied with bun. huther mote, Us majesty was by no means ignorant of the popular move ment, I te felt that if he should outlive the republican advance hi daughter would be un able to cope with it, mote particularly under the pernicious guidance of her husband. After Speed, Sr l'At t.,Nov. at, The successful inaugur ation of l lie Union Pacific's new fast train has 5t, at yet. had a perceptible effect uten the Northern Pacific, and it is a question whether it will, for the present at least. The Union Pacific had a train out of Portland Sunday, whicb made the run to Chicago in precisely three. The Northern Pacific time is four days, There i no question .bout the latter being 1 ble to make as fast, if not better time than the Union i'acilic.but it is a question whether II is a tl visits l o inaugural, tucb last service at this lime of the year. Black v. White, .a.h t kancisco, Nov, 31. 1 lie sporting editor of the Daily Illustrated Wtld to-night sent the following dispatch to John L .Sullivan "Am authorized by the San lose Athletic As sociation lo offer $15,000 for a finish fight with Peter Jackson, Respond," John L at first refused to accept the offer, but later reconsiu ered h' deciticn.and said hi would fight Jack son in San Francisco for a f 1 5,000 purse. Tanner Agal. Washington, Nov. 31, Cx-Commission-ers of Pensions Dudley and Tanner have form ed a copartnership in the pension and claims business. It is stated General Alger inform ed Tanner that he would render whatever financial aid he might require, A Fatal l ire. - Ecekka, CaI.,Nov. 30, A fire occurred in a hotel in Areata, eight miles flora here yestcr day morning. George A Knight, of Neastad ter Bros., Sun Francisco, and Tobias Vemhall were burned to death. Two ladies and sev- t eral men were more or less injured or burned by leaping from tho hotel windows, The fire originated in the hotel which was kept by Mrs; Waddle. Ixt not less than f 30,000, Insur ance less than 85000- Diphtheria. ! Mooriiead, Minn., Nov, So, A violent epidemic of diphtheria is raging in thc.villnges ofMiddleton and Georgetown. Sixty fire cases are now retxirted and a number of deaths have resulted. Both towns are quarantined. Becoming Alarmed. Paris, Nov. 30. A private telegram from Lisbon states that there is great excitement there over the Brazilian involution. There is renewal of the fears of a republican uprising. The royal palace is guarded by troop for the first time since the death of the lute king, The Portuguese minister, however, declares that the change in Brazil will have uo acrious effect in Portugal. The republicans are few and the soldiers loyal. Uusinean Mow. Olympie,Nov. so. The legislative muddle has been settled. The governor has le;n in augurated, the senators have been elected and the capital citv hat resumed its wanted placid ity. 11 ere and there a few flags and streamers of bunting flatter dismally in the moist Novem ber air and are but the remnants of the gayety attendant uKn the setting of the machinery of state government in motion. The Nlcragna Canal, Chicaoo, Nov. 20. C P Treat, a large itockholder in the Nicaragua Canal Company, vho is now here says: "I have just received lews from Nicaragua, tliat the preparatory work on the conal is being pushed as rapidly ai is possible. The first trouble with which we met, is the difficulty in landing shigs at Greytown. We are working with every en ergy and are now building breakwater and docks. Stanley Appromiiisr, Berlin, Nov. so. The Rekks Anteiger publishes a dispatch from Captain Wcissman, dated October tj.saying that four of Stanley's soldiers and one of Kmin'a men had arrived lljere. They Itft Stanley at Neukrruna, Aug ust io, Emin and Casati had with rhein 300 Soudanese soldiers and a large number of people conveying a great quantity of ivory. Stanley was bringing 240 Zanzibar and six lieutenants. - 7 Oiks curoa rheimatiam. neuralci' and tootbaohe. Fonhay A Mason A cents. Notice Partie Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a- favor by calling oo Mr H F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling the fame at once. , v A aUCIAti KVKNING. Thursday evening was 1 lively one social ly in Albany, several parties be ng hclJ In different prfit of the city. A ttlteitlTIO? 1'AltlY At the elegant residence of Mr S E Young about one hundred gathered to do honor to Rev end Mr W W Logan of Portland, who had been spending several day with friend In this city. The com pany was mr.d. up mostly of members, At tendants and Bnbbnlh school children of U P church. The evening was spent In games nnd general conversation, tho spa- clout room through three stories belt) very, convenient for audi a garnering very palatable lunch wnt served at A ten. A BIRTHDAY PARTY At the residence of Mr G L Blackman, a highly enjoyable surprise birthday party was given In honor of the twentclth birth day of Mr Blackman' clerk, Mr William Stock. The attendant pronounce It about the liveliest ot tho season, and an oc casion that will long be remembered. The following were present l l.aura Davis, lullin isaiknnp, lid Dunn, f.d mock anj Frank Williamson nf Corvallis, and UU Whitney. Daisy Daniels, Fanul. Curl Amelia Senders, Mary ttchlosser, Arthur) Portei, Morris Senders, Jim Callahan, Al Lon, George Suit marsh, Will Htock and WlliStltca. NOMKYOUNO 1'ROl't.K At the residence of Mr John Brush a so clal party was given by Miss It's Brush, at. tended by good number of young peo ple. Tho evening wat passed lit a very pleasant manner, and games being played and a delicious lunch served. RKAL fctrATK Lt. J L Cwan to O W Gibony, lots 3 and 7, bl 4, C's A to Lebanon , . $ aoo J M Kalsion to U W Gibony, lot 5 bl 34, R' A .and lot's and A lo Lebanon ... , aoo John Nlchels to E Kirkendalt,' in. terest In lot 4,0! 1 i.K's A to Leb 1000 A P Blackburn to John Nichols Jn- terest in lot 4,0! 1 i.K's A to L-b 3500 I Crsru. m to I Plr. 1 lot bl 10 IS A to Albany.. I wooo I Morris to V Johnson, bl 7 S A to 8clo 150 O Henderson to ti Zlinmciuan lot 3 4 bl 15 Il4th A... ' 300 United State to J Cyrus, fat out C Dillon low lloag, parcel bl I east A Soooo J L Cowan to 1C Hut'on, lot I 3 3 and 4 bl I COwans A to Lelianon I 'too I Ralston to K iluston Iwt 6 bl to R 3rd A to i-euanon 100 IX Ralston to E Huston, lot 7a'bt tS R tid A to lbanon 100 W Conner lo B Conner 70 acre tp 10 S R 3 W 3OQ0 IIAri-Y KATR. How happy dear Kate, how happy you lw"k." SalJ dear John, as at dinner bis teat he took. Said dear Kate, laughing and shaking lier curls. "See my fine red table cloth.from Barrows K scan. MOW kllR llt IT, She tit on John's lap, hi cheek she kisses. And hi moustache she most lovingly twirls s While she entreats him t buy iter .pair Of Ludlow's flne shoe at Barrow Si Searl WHY SHt WS.ST HACK, Her marketing fiiUhd,he I vn her way home, When around she suddenly whirls. Goes back to the Blumberg block and buy her a act Ot lace curtatas,froio Barrow Si Scarl. ALBANY ROY.ATTRNTIO ! If ye Albany bay would pleay our girls, Go bur your necktlr from Barrow Si Scarls. WiLt. CoitRCT Tax R. Sheriff Small mutt began collecting taxes on Monday, Nov iith. and will beat the following place from 9 a. ra. to 4 p. m. on the date mentioned : Center, Monday. Nov 35th. Orleans, Tuesday, Nov 36th. Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov 3711. llairisburg, Thursday, Nov aSth. llalscv, Friday, Noy 39th. ShedJ, Saturday, Nov 30th. East Albany, Monday, Dec and. West Albany, Tuesday, Dee 3rd. An elegant line of new design of cbsir Jott receiyed at FortmilUr A Irving'. Baric.. The finest line of baby carr' age. In the Valley Just n cc'.ved at Stewart U Sox'. Price are remarkably cheap con slderlng tr superior qualit vol the carrl age. lre Cn rial as. I .are Cartala. I have just receive 1 my fall stock ot lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to I hia mark ct, and best value for the money. Samcel E. Young. Struck Oil At i.n per 5 gallon can est Standardise oil, at Ih Willamette Packing Co.'a store. This Trad Mat k on a stove means it Is thn best that ex pert nee and skill can con- - J trive. Sold only by G. W smlth. Bafklea' Arnica Htlv.t. Tb best (Utv ia th world l Cuts, Erulsrt.Be srs.DO Cbsnned Gleart, Rait Raeata, rever Bores. Tettar, aeaa. ChUblalas, Come, ana til Bkin ti SMStsl.alr tares llwa. ar nn par rsoulnd, Enintlmi,sml It nwna,- aataeC la sire earfert asUsfartiou. or money refund. ad. Hi lee 2 esnt per box. t or sal by t'oshay and ataaee. A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shears In the rlty at Stewart & Sox's.- Their goods are the very best and will stand the test, Advice t. Bothers. Mr. Wm.low' Noothlnn Syrup, for bildren tenthlng, i Clio proscetpRon ef a. of the beet female nurses and pbysl Ian. la th United StMre. ar.d ha len a.d f.r forty year. svYi w.r-riflin( uooeea bf aniwiooa of tuetbet r ibeir bllekren. Drtetrtg V&n pnooess of Inethtna; rata ia looeHouabl. It r.Kar. th hlld from pain oure. r.ntery and dlar faoea, itrkproD; In tb bower., smkI wind Ho. Uy ir4ng health ro th rehafU it cite tho moChar. fwtco 95e. a boffle. Dr. Flint's Remedy la th heat remedy known for insomnia, or leplnaaneeH, which effllat .0 many perso-us, end which lead to ao many aerlou. nerTOn., parKoularlr; to IneartUy, Dcaorlptiv treaties wleti each bottle; ot.adjreaa Mack rug Co., N. Y, senv s'ju sum .tn 1 mmuMammtKmWtmmmm MAREIE1). HUSTON BURNETT, On Wednes day evening, Nov. aolh, 1S89. at the resi dence of the bilde'i parents, in Corvaliis, bv Rev E J Thompson, 1 D, Mr Robert Huston, of Albany, and Miss Mattie Bur nett, of Corvaliis. About 150 Invited guests were present and the wedding Is pronounced the greatest soclut event for a longtime. The list of presents was very large and elegant. The happy couple have the Democrat's best wishes. D1E0. HUMPIIERY. On Friday afternoon Nov a 3 nil, 1889, at her home in this citv Mrs Nancy Humphery, aged 81 yrs, b months and 4 days. The deceased was the wife of Tho Humphery who died a year or two ago, and was the mother of Mrs B W Cooper, Mrs Allen Parker and Mr MoseslParker. She was a pioneer resi dent of the county, and was highly respect ed. The funeral was held this afternoon at the M E Church South, GILMOUR. At the residence of Wm II Klum after a Jong illness with consumj Hon, Mrs Mary E Gilmour, wife of Robert Giimour, deceased, aged (j years, 110)1 K AND ABUOAIt THURSDAY. V A Carter of W.lls i. in the oily. 3 W Brasfit ld, t,l Yaquina Bay, is in the eity. Eugene City pays evr half the Uttt of Lao county, Mr F F. Austin, of th. Salem AUtraot Cninpsuy, ha beau in th.oity to day, Tb. railroad ciiinmlssiou.r hat. btn in rpeo'ing the 8 P rsilicad. Wonder what for. Th. Ministerial Association of tb. M E ehuroh for lb Eugene District is la .sioo atthUoitv. Mrs S K Msmtngcr, wife of th. M E minister, arrived in th eity this tioon from Pooiiiylyaiiia. Bill Ny. is seriously ill with pnenn.onia at hi hon.e 00 Stat.n Island, lii pliysi ttiau asys his ease is critical, It J Ksuthaur, auditor on th Oregon Pa oillo.was in the city this mcrnitig aid went to tho If out. Mr Harris, ofkT.atna, has just aliijiped forty tons of liny to that eity, paying f 7 00 for ohtat and 10 for timothy balad. J H Dorris, sou of .1 J Dorris, srrivid in th. elcy to day ftoin Vale. Malheur copnly, 11. urouent ni isiniiy witn in ill ana win make Albany his future horn. A yonng English dud. astoi.ishsd Saltin pcopl. th. other by keeping his hat on in th dres cirala daring a tbeattloal per. formaao. II. should have bn kicked out. Last evonioo: the members of th . Y. P. M. A. f th. M K Cbueb b.ld . literary and miisieat social at th. resident, of th. Misses Gilbert, whiub tboae who attended pro. iiouno. a very bic. sffsir. Th. Albany WCIU will hold a thank olTsrinx social at hall oa th. .v.oina of Nov SOth. It will b. for th. purpose of raising money to most the trail b.Uoea oa the hall. K.v U J Bttrobvtt of Portland. Coeral Ha (wrin Undent of Baptist Missions in tb. Stat, of Oregon, will prsach in tb Baptist church in tbi eity next Sunday morning and evening. A eordial iovitstlon I extend- d to every boil y tuattrnd. W ar informed that Mr B F Alloy I beat to take possession af th. plant for tb new paper to b start.d at Fiortoeo and that th. Irst isiue will probably appear oxt Jan uary. Den.oeial of Linn county. ettreiUtin(r in a i! oris 01 lion 11 A irvii.o 10 tl lout t of lb paopi. al th. stat. wbil. repre- taatmg ttteiii in th. senate, ar. now talking of him for the gabrrnaU tal nomination noxt spring. Or'goinMJ. Tb. member of Albany Engine Co N 1 on last Wedtttaday evening save K K War foid and bride a surprise at their heme, pre senting them with a set of silverware, Mr Warlord ht ben a member of that company for sometime. People aeera astonished at th poor crop of apples la this land of red applet, bet do not be aoeasy. All eonntrie. bsve tbtir off year on apple. It is th eustom. An ex change pete alarmuf aad sty bat wito ssnn tr.tbi Owo.r. of apple orchard in Oregon hf neglect aoir proferty itU th. a pty fall far Ulow tn. demaad. Good Ore go apples sail resdlly for $1.33 per box at wboleaal. With th. lar. orchard of Ore gon it seems impossible that sack prloee for apple should be asked, but 000 east t bought for any leas. It bs been to com moo for tho. who bav. orchard, n.t to be tola to feaiia cnoagn from th. sal. of ap ple, to pay for th. picking that they paid n attention to gathering tb. crop ih. past aea on. Tbi aooo.ot for tb. bteh plioe at tt.e wraaent time. The present high priee this fall will undoubtedly stiinaUte prod a o- eers to take osreol tb. crop next eaaeon. j Tboae who have gathered and taken cere ef tbi season' apple crop have realised good money. A II ANti Orr. While duck hunting nearSaiem yesterday Jarcd Mutscr ac cident !y discharged hi gun, th content going into th palm ot one of hi hands, and now lie will have to go through life single hande.. riAY. Mrs C M Ya.derpool, of Well. Is ia tb. eity tb. guoet ef her brother, Mr A Hedge. Sun thorn Orrgon apple, of th eholeatt varieties kept at the U illsmett. Packing Co, I store. Kesetal iucbee of snow ha. f.Il.o ia Southern Oregon and in the Cajead. Mona. tain. M attic A ft ion, of sosn. fame in Albany, w.. marfied a few month .g. tot. Mr Brsnnan, upio Moctaaa. Tb. Willamette Valley, wbicr wa. to bav sailed from the Bay on Wednesday bod aot tailid this morning. Tb. Itepubtiean ward raeeUnt wilt be beld oo Thursday eveoleg Nov. 2S aad th. city ronvc.tion en Sstor.ay evening Nov. 30. Several ear load ot tie ar. io lee eity baviot been brongbt ker. frein Cemby, and re being used in improving the S P road bed goutitraliy. Tb. Drmot-rat is iofcrmsd that aeveral Oreeon Paoif.o aarvevor. will leave ia a few dky. f.r th. Bay te turv.y th. motor tin. on south listen. SATCRPAY. Mtgaifying glasa at French'. A fin. tin. of solid lilvir war. at Frenoh'a Daily Dccrat for sale evenings at W r Kebo t. Compasses, alt style, and prioes, atFM rreocii .. Quince 73 cent per bushel at C E Brow- 0110, Marshal Ilsffmsn ealikeossd .igkt tiampa tout aitereooa. Mr F.d Ilastun, th. Lebansn conductor, now make. .uoo hi home. A fresh supply of fin. candyjdircct frcm to laciory at e u ivsntous. If yon want pure, fresh drogs patron's. ins new urug store. Mrt C II Ralston, of Lebanon, ia'visitiog irieno tn this eity. Finest fountain pen. in th world for only z.uu at c m f reocn a. For fine Dative pheasant, call to-nljht at id. w uiametM racking uo store. Tbey arecnesp. Parka Brandt, has retired from eeotrol of tb. Leban.n engine, while Mr Casey is gain at tb. throttle. Pigs feet .ohostnuti, mackerel, chow chow and aev.ral oth.r fine eatables just received at kairorest K xnompson . Smoke th. eelobrated Havana Blled oi gar, manufactured at Julius Joseph'a eigsr is c lory, uoiy 0 cents. Mr John Rhea, who waa in the eity yoater- aay report .a a loot 01 anew lo th moan tains, but travel continues some. Mr. E Carter begs tho patronsgs of th. publio as general seamstress and repairer. Inquire corner Lyon and Water St. Mr Carl Ladcrman, of Baker City, form erly of Albany, has a new partner, Mr Car ter having sold cut to Mr MoGratb. A bnnoh of rips red raspberries, from the farm of Mr J at Knox, ef Knox Butte, ia en our Uble, and November is'almost gone. New Subscribers to the Youtfa Companion for 1890 will receive th. paper free the re mainder of this year. Price 1.78. F. L. Kenton, agent. Robert Wilson was brought to 'Albany last night from th. front, where he out on. of hia fast neatly off several weeks aso. He is in a preuerious condition. Have your prescriptions tilled at the new drug store. Our new druggist makes a speciality of prescription work. A con racy and purity guaranteed. Subscriptions for all th. leading new paper ana magazines receive1 by F L Ken ton, near the Postolttoe. All orders for- warded without delay. A gentleman from the front states that over 600 men are at work on the extension of tho O P railroad, and that twelve to fif teen new hand are arriving daily. New carpets in the latest color and , da signs, oils cloths, lioolium and window shades just rootivsd at A B Mellwain's. Partie wishing goods in tbs house fnrnish tug line will do well to call, as be baa made another sweeping reduction and will save yon at least ten per cent ou all these goeds. At th regulsr meeting of th. Ashland Building and Lean Association in th. eity council room last Monday ev.aing, two small loans were made one of $336.95 at 31 months intorust in advance, and on. of $3. 00 at 12 months interest in advance. Ti iR,?s. Ladies e'tooi. main shoos, misses shoes uhiidraai shoos, meat boots, boys boots, at leas than coat to make roam for other goods at C K J;row!Hi!r. THIS BAN ADOI'T TOWN. The Man About Town arcs one pleat ant feature About the present Interesting era and that Is that through this glorious val ley all the towns are growing thrivingly. Naturally though there Is a contest for the supremacy, and as has universally keen the case some feeling arises, not of a very serious nature though. At present Al bany and Salem are doing a little the most dancing,and are watching each other very closely even down to the size of their freight bills, to say nothing of electric light plants. Tho truth is, that outside of the two place Albany is getting the credit of pukhlng ahead tne fastest, and a a busi ness city already outstripping its northern neighbor. And ono man who has inves tigated th electric light business finds that Albany's splendid system has a total Of 153,050 candle power, while Kalem's foots up at 129,000, Eugene' at 13,800 and Corvaiti' at U,mio, the total for the Hire, being 150.800 car.dle power, less than Al bany's," While Albany's streets are lighted bv aooo candle arc lights, Salem's are lighted bv tooo or I Joo candle power lights. AH these thlnx help to make mutters lively. ; rmm The great strife very naturally Incites exaggeration an i inflated figures on pop ulation, building, etc., are generally given everywhere, They may help booms, but experience show that they tend to bubbles which burst. With our splendid backing here, though, there i little chance of the late 01 Lo Anccles, Wichita and many other place ; besides first we have to pass Seattle, Spokane and such places, wheieas Spetklnir of rratchlnu each other It Is Interesting to notice how It I done from cities, by business men, and even by foot racer. Just previous to the time for the foot race between Cameron and Trine, that didn't terminate, the M A. T. is Informed that Cameron's trainer, lack Gilpin, spent three day In hiding in trees and behind bushe in order lo catch Trine' time ; but that man wat on to the arrangement end (oolcd him on each occasion. HolH Arrival, Run lloi'ttK. C DIckcrson W J Cuher.Salcn G Savage, J Conklin, U O Dlliinger D D King Jaa Nooman II Werth, city j M Gibson A W K Link W M Newton F Brown, Leb W C Grlswold.Port E KIrkendall R E Michener.Tang't Ge Armstrong Rkvrkr IIolse. R Dunn, Wren I. O Price," W A Uugllle, O P D N Solomon.UI W AlcCulloeh O II Anderson, Port JC McBrlde.Shcdd W W E Mcl' S Baden, S F M Badtn, " Jud Zobel A Kerr, Geo Cox, Gate ti I) Satmarclialsey C O Rowland J II Trenhol.n.Eug' ExatANCs IIotkl. P Adams S Randolph F Wilson S Hedge J Majexas H Holer A Namara If Hooker W Oark 1 Weson J Carsaano A Thompson I Pate D Zlg'crt M lianley F McCain In tut Lkad. Mr. Julia Gradwoli lead In hi business and wishes It under stood that he wilt carry th finest stock o crockery ware In the alley, receiving his goods from headquarters, and keeping up with the times in an tne latest novelties. He has received a fine lot of Wedgwood & Co. Newyacht decorated ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods In the mark et. Mr Gradwohl make crockery a spec ialty and will meet the demands of th. ubile In anv line. Do not send awnv for good but give him a call. t'lk.rea SMrretMr. U. P.CiiuRcn. Prcschincevery SUtn. morning and evening by Rev. . G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting .very Wed nessday evening, Evarorucal Cbchcr.-Preavchbg on Sab VaUi at 11.00 A. M, and 7 F. n. Sal.haUl etahoot I0.-O0. Prayer meeting every Wed needay evening 7:30. IUv. Fuher, pastor. Ail arc invited. M. E. Ciinacil.SoCTH. Preaching every Sabbath morning at II o 1 lock A. at. aud 7 30 o'clock P. at. Sabbatb S. hool at2J0 o'clock p, M. Prayer meeting We-loeady evonioji' at 7-30 o'clock, Ilev.G 8 Uailetter, Pastor. M. E-Chdrcu. Preaching .very Sabbath morning ant evening. Kong service tn tb. .vening before sernion. Sabbath School at 2.30 r M. Prayer meeting evory Tharo- aay Yening. Usv. s fi K.miof.r, jaitor. Prrssttcrian Cccrch. S-vie .very Sabbath morning and eveninggin Church cor. Broadalbia andFifthSt. SundAy School immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev K R Prichard, pastor. FtRaT Baitut Cucrch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eveg, at Church on 5 th Street. Sabbath School imme-liately after morning services. Prayer meeting ever Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbell, pastor. CoiOROATloitALCH0Rcn.-Serviceavery Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath So hool at 12:15. Prayer n-.ectipg on Wednesday evening ef each week. Rev, Roger, Pastor. Christian Church Preaching every iirst Sabbath in month, morning aud eveninp, tl,o'olnck. Sabbath School at 10 j'clotk.A. kt. Iley Humphrey, Pastor. Catholic Chorcr. Service every Sun day at 10:30 a. af. and 7 P. M. Last Sunday of th. month service at Eugene City. Rev. Lonit Metayer, Rector. COXSCXTTIOX SUKELi tLP,E. To rnn Editor infnm mir read, ers tlmt I have )H-)tlvi(im-iy !- lliitubovA iiaiiied dtt!iu.e. Uy itn iltm-ly t t!.!mntUof hoiM-lt-Hscnst'sluivo bi-ii i-i-rtmi!i-m!y iirrth I shall bp c!;t-J to m-im! w 1.h1i " : n.'v ruie dy rni'.K to m:v i( .riji- t-t-,l-t--t vin t,:- ron sumiitl.iii if th;- wl I m t-.l in ;:- - ;-ess and hh ifii.v i :!-. 1 .i-h-pi'.i ;v. f. A.SI.M,;t Al. J... ..1:! i :! . J , v. Voi-V HOW, TO GS S4ST. flo East via Mount Shasta Rout.. Nice climate and snenary at all timea ot the year. See Montjt Shasta, Saeramento, Ogden, Salt Lake, Denver. Finesrteond-elass can made arc ran dally. Bay year tieketa of me aud save year far. to Portland. I am tb. only person in Albany that can aell yon a ticket to any point in th United Stat. Call on tn fer rate. ' V., L. JrStfr, Agent S. P. Itorbufttne pursuits at the Pertlnnd Business tollere, Portland, Crepon, or at the Capital llus hie Cellefe ftalem, Oregon. Both schools are tinder the maasgementofA. P. Armstrong, have msnc course of studies and aame ratee of tuition. MnslnesM, Shorthand, ypewrlttng, Penmanship and Baalish Depart tnrote. Day and evening aessions. 6tuilent ad mitted at auy time. Forjoint Catalogue, adilresa Psrllsai IsnisMK Ml, AD OsnlUI ButisM Mltge, PorUaud, Oregon. ", Oregon. E. J. cCAUSTLAfJD, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, ORAUOHTiNQ AND BLUE PP.IMTS" Of&M with Oregon LaJd.Co, Albany, Or, Sowerage Syatema and Water Voppllea a fepeclaity, Catatea SuKivId.d, Mtui tuadoor Copied on short nrioe. SM MAY. . SENDERS MAI ite "-SENDERS.' .aalsrs in General Ienhandis3. !,Al.,.ltoV..a talbtaWll tnlhy Grain, ITool and ;al! U :l IXlaila I ... 1 for Infants and Children. mmmmmmlmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmwmmammmmmmammmwmmmmmmmmm ; "CaatorUlsso weQadaptod tochffdren that I CavrtoH ewuM", CW''. I rocomrmmd It a. pipartor to any praicrtptioa I WZJZLTZZZ. aarlIit. O aaowBtom.." It. A. Aayraaa, 1L P., I ZZZ V'" - VS So. Oztoti gk, Vrookiru, H, T, Without Ugtgfea modicatfr. ' Tn. Cnrrava Costs sky, T7 afurrey Street, f, y. Combinet th Juice of th Bla Fig of cauiorma, aw aTe am .uiuv. 1th th medicinal virtue ot plant. known to b tnott beneficial to th human system, forming the OM- rtK FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on tho KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS ADO TO Cleanse ths System Effectual!. SO THAT PURS BLOOD, REFRESHINO SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every on It wring it and all are delighted with It. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OK FIGS. Man factured only by th CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sas) FaAMCiaco, Cau LomtviLLS. K Y. fc'aw Yoa. J. Re S,ff. WIU wrliMt -Wm -n.k a form tm tSMS . I mw M. m T 0 C. AO . C M mw4 M ist.Mii w. n. u iwuuii. "willuai Kiln.. tU, .,, T , M.,tllne to mil as. fwmt ('.. VNtonlar 1 1- k '.dw, .o.w,ki M ; W M . W. t. SI. Inun, ttKM, M... m III., I - lu an .wr ffw. yum mummm mmf ...... , wi mr -Jst ,Thi.r a .iMgl. I.twt.- aimM. trjtm IS.I. I,.w. S.W Khali we .tart YOU in this bumee, Mll W'm. vm mm4 Urm all M m fm pwwt W. n mrnnfi M. will Mrt j if r . 4am mmmif Mat ..IS.., mhm4 ttftm tm ymr m n t tt.wi.ty. Uyvm t.M4 ,M IU U .blto i.k fdd M -SBa-V Im ,.,( a trrr4 mi. 1 SA,eaa m allnr th ,- t-t. AISmmmi. S.s luum t-apM t St. mk. U-mm I. S. r.1 l Silk 'tint .s. mum knM rua. rwd I. t. . Kwl MrfiA rM.llMtT m.m. tiknai wm. btg fc. ifc Amy M. M S.. . fcii rm ftU wt IfcHkaifw al.1 U..W mr t.iSm 9mt- WM-m, M mvmrf w mr- MM. Ar . Uk. fcni,.,iii4, m wttt) rmpAttf MWT t SHtn. SIMI pt .-..It off wmtmm. AgmmU mm mIhMimm. I .tiim M.S. iT-ffS a,.. TM.mdM, M. Sc. mm mtil M M.f mm f .11, Ml Mil. fra. t. Ib-M WM Wfll. $ur mum. 1,. , 1 1 H I. I .m tm. mt fmmxt. ItiblM. nmtmm Bw4 ... fmm aH ai, wlfM -MrtwS. tm $mmm tmitmmm. wtif mm Sawm hSM , ti. AlMiea a W. SiMfla, aSaUKSV i ntoYsMstlii. the debits tsvtad. wtietlt- r from etssss of w-rte f ,iuii4 oOy,rlaia ex pee are ta llalarial Hegions will flsKlTwtt. Pin. the to eat alat raasoraiise eve il ex4 Us Xierissa- taesilisU, Try Thoxa Fairly. A TlKorwnc body. pare, ble-e d. .trowr bsrvtee.4 .cbttai.UdwlUfsw. SOLS VLIiY WiiiiE. J. F. S.. Pros C. U. mr, Hte Albany IRONWORKS- Manufacturer, of 1EAM EHCINES CSlSr AM3 SAW UiLLMACKIKERY IROH FRONTS W ALL KINDS OF HEA"Y AKO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AKO BRASS CASTIKSS. soeoial altenUou paid d. of machinery o rr-irlnr PgUeras Mada on Short -Notice. Conttid Mever. -PR0PHUSTT3 OK. STAR BAKERY iSflmer Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IK Canned frails, nrtea fraltn. Tobtteeo, .agar, Cofleo, Cnn-t ntx, QneeRwar, VegctabXe. C'IgatB. Nu'.aCH, Ten. Etc.. Etc, . raot ov.rythlnx tha". ia kept tn. a Ren t-4 variety and j?rooor.- Higtit i rkt prio rld for ULL KIrlDS OF PRODUCE. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Manufauturers of SH0I0B CONFEOf IOKESY, A7 nn now preparer to nil at whoU alwaya freah and nt at Portlrnd ,t. to dealera. Wo a'at keep a full f Suts soisl Tropical Fruits, : :IQARQ AND TOBACCO Best s'.ook of 2nd pir goods lu th Val tey. and the most roasonaie priced, both Ht buying and sailing. I have on hand nttk!ds of sFUOTUHE, ST8YES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, P1UTURES CLQSKS, CS3QXFRY, ETC., ETC. Dna dirwestfof S E Tonng' old atoro. L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First street, Albany, Or, . FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Afrpnta for John B. Alden'a ji,bHcatlori, f hieh w ell at nbiisher'e prises with A1.RAHY. onutm-a- n r 4 afT" 4 sa. w 1 nil S THE PLACE. ly af . mean ofcil on Pane. Brothers. Awyw.i 'e Jdhn Pox, ' j"r Groceries, Fwfluce, Baiei Boods, Etc Etc. Tliolr (toofU ar. too l-st and tb Ir.prio. twoaoriaUla. 1LBAHI COLLSSUTS IHHIHJK ALBANY OnEGOlM 1888,1880. rirst Tersts pen lUpteisi bar Hit", IWM. A lull corp. of InatrucUr-v CLASSICAL, SC1EHTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMEHCIALAND KORMAL , CLASSES. Course, ol tudy arratiK-wl to mt lb" ssii of all grade, of atudM.U. Special ttuiutementl ojirrd lo ttdrnt$ f rom abroad. ' - Tuition range, from 5.60 to 1 ! 2. VO Hoard in privet tUwt'lee at tow raU. Room t.r Mlf-boar-ling at .mall exr.ns A. eareful aptrviiuo zrotel ovor ta d.nt. away from hoiu. Fall term open. SpUimbr "lb. For circular, and rn.l jsartlcular. adarvaa tit rreaiaeiii. Itt. EA.SJEBT I. CIT. Albany, Onagon ACADEMY OF 0-T ladj cf Pcrpatnal. Help. ALBANY. - - ' OREGON. CondncUd by th SiaU. of fet. IJenediot. Thl. Astismr I. ncorpomte-J and iso- thorisd by tb Sut to confer acaJemS honor. Thoanror.tudyi., Ualkematio.. Uteraiure and Mnai are ipaalalties, a -vtsethe Normal Introtlon ef aptranU forlieshsri' rtgata. lo 4 .atrial drawior. tomI muaie in olas. and a.1 klnda of form, no eslr. iMtrg.. Th.oLa-stpJtr; or tb Mbe-nl Is Senile but ftrni. oojeot bins to form nt only rannsxl young ladi, oat nbl aoduaeral lnotnlrer of Mciety. Paella v. nissed at any 21 in. and ebarg prpoe Ke.ed. Pupil of any denomination re ceived. Tuitfon i:i aetel day ehe-il rangra freru ltio. Frerrti f Roardlng Hch-al or any rw lets ri ! at the Academy, r d- tMteaw Sister bv pnrloreea. fw.m' 'mmV HKS ,lr"' '. .- t k y.,.. . . , FOR 8ALK BT FOSHAY A MAPOS ' When I pay CtntB I do n? tr.ern merely to stop ihom tor a t me, and tlx-n live re. turn eeain. I at SAN A U.Vt'iCAjU CL Kii. 1 have made tuo diaeaso of FITS, EPILEPSY o? FAIXIKa SICHITZS3, A Kfo-Ionp study. I warrast mymnedy to Vvxm the worst cesee. 1-cacso other, liave failed is on reason for not bout receiving a euro. EeuO. ut once lor a treatise and a "rks Uottl 1 1 it v iNf Ai.uutj. Kemeuv. Give Expree a..' I'i-t oitice. t eoste yon notlilu for -. m. "ud it will euro you. Addroaa !.v OOT,M.C,l83PmST..Kro-YCM PATEIITS Sained, and all otberbusiaea. In the V: S. Patea IBae auandeded to for moderate tees. Our office is oppos t the U.S. Pstent OSes, an4 weean obtain P.wnts lass Una than those reasote rem Waehinfrtoo. - Bend modle ordrahr. We at to patent abilitv free of charge ; and -remake e charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Snpt, el alnney Onler Utv. and to officials of that;. 8. I'm taut Offiee. For circular, advice, term", and afereeeee o actual clieuts in yourowa sute or county, address C A. WW&CO., Oppowla Patent Offloe, WaahinftoD, D . a- --' OFPUFsECGOUVEnCIL &m nYPOPHosgnrrss Almost as Palatable as MUk. Ro dlswtiieaV tlusa It cam fce taken, dlf-o.ted, ssd asatanflated by tn. sttea sensitive aomavib, wkea th. plala ell raaaet be teles nted t suid Isy lae (est, btsisvttom eftb oil with, tbe by popiice. pbite. la maola laora flicautoM. KMatrkaile m t -Sesli praise. Vtrms gain itpldJy trldle taUitjf IS SOOTTS EMULSIOK is tvckBowlftdgad by Physioians to b the Firost and Best preptt. nttton ia th woill for the relief and oor ol CONSUMPTION. SCatOFULA. CENERAL DCBILITY, WAtTINQ DISEASES , EMACfATlCTJ, COLDS and CMROKIO COUCK8. Th groat renm'.f fat Ooimonptkm, and Wasting in Childrtn. Sdd by all DrucgitU. von fey .xo ut sicin in: ;EA8ES jiogee's mmtm poison cai ii FTTiY It AHJs all inflanuo. in and iitM;I"5, bb! 1 tlw en?y ftii-atm.rt.j-ic efi&fcbea ai.--i . n fS infill n LmZi LtSaJ mJ' 1 c