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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1889)
oh FRIDAY OCTOBER II, 1889. 8TITE3 & NUTTING. -i i ,i i. -. - iu j..ju'.a LOCAL RKCOUD. "Jcmwxy" It Air. Dkab. A despatch was :elved In thU city Saturday evening an- lounctn? the death of John P. Hall at Denver, Col., at J:3o p.m. on that day. , His remains will be brought to this city, 'ft reaching here Thursday noon, when funer at service will be held conducted by Dr. ) Irvine, when the rcmalni will be burled near Millar, In the family lot. Johnny, i , everybody knew Mm, had gone to Denver ' tot hi health.and had written to hit broth- t er only a tew day before hi death that he J m Improving. The deceased wa nine- teen yeai oi ege. For everl year he I wa clerk In the tore of L E Main, and wa alio agent for the Columbia bicycle, 1 ' twentyflve or thirty of which he introduced In thl part ot the State. Johnny wa I member of the U. P. Church and wa a i young man of pure. Christian character, i III death, thou ah anticipated, caue ten era! sorrow among the young people of the city. N A Bi ll Doxixo Ao Thl it a bull V dosing age. Strong.healthy men are dally Jbull dosed Into doing thing agalntt their " will, men who boast that they run their own concern The advcrtUing fake be gin at one end ot First Street and captures the whole crowd just by his bull doling trie, though It I sometime a wolf In Keep's clothing ; the subslJy raUer for a Ida track to the moon ll'.s hi list ; the patent roof painter sweeps things ; the mining expert carries your signature down by storm ; the book agent paralyse you before you know it and you buy a book yeu never open and get a certificate that permit you to buy more, that you never use ; ana so the racket goes daily along and each time you declare to be the last. Per baps It I a good thing we are a susceptible people, else there would be many jacks without a trade and some good enterprises ,jrould, through suspicion, get left. Ihi T auom koad casks. (Julte an Imp portant point wa gained yesterday by nKi dtnAiim In tH wtnn msri lamf . - - erant forfeiture cases, say the Orrrmian. ""irben Judg! Sawer decided that the com ftnies were not required to build the road a aertain width, with turnout, etc., c f Ung to the requirements ot the state I'-.-, but according to act of congress, and farther, that having completed the road Vy were not required to maintasn them J alleged in the complaint. The next JFaI tussle will be in regard to the efficacy Sol the governor's certificate to the effect 'that the roads were built, and the fight Ul be continued along down the line till I question as to whether the road were It at all or not. Is reached. Ba CARtri'L. With Oregon's present echanlc's Hen law it behooves our clti- V to keep their eye open when hiring f nge pointers and carpenters. Do not y for the work until it Is ascertained that fie material has been liquidated for, else "on may be called on to pay twice. A jii to the point. A painter named W II a?urler, recently In the tlty, did a job or iJvo, and skipped on Saturday, Sept iSth, Cving me material unpaid lor.nrsi geiiing t for painting a house or two. Now the Jaer of the house Is requested to pay for material and will have to do to. Look HAaaiKD. Constable C. G. Burkheart rned last Monday from Portland ac mled by Mr. George W. Noah, the ) Clerk was hunted up, a written f. secured and the following mar- was performed, ueorge numpnery conducting the ceremony: Mr. Geo. Noah and Mi Minerva Catherine ifc'lt, the sixteen year rid step daughter m. S. John, both of Linn county. it Inriutlon to the wedding were is A& by the district attorney a couple of eek ago. I Hollow Baica. One of the new feat f ea In building in New York city Is the I of hollow bricks for partitions and even ' Itside walls. These bricks are o mould d that when a wall I perfectly plumb you can drop a pebble right down in the wall there being hundred of hollow space. Wall thus built are said to resist heat and cold far better than the solid klnJ.and they are about 15 per cent cheaper. No doubt this kind of a brick would be just the thing V this kind of a climate. ItEsscD ia Ha Blessed I the man U sitteth not In the seat of the kicker, J mingle himself in the congregation e mossback, but his delight I In new roads, street car lilies, manufactories brick blocks, and In scheme to build sip himself and hi own town. And he fiall be like an evergreen tree planted by the river of water : his leaf shall not with er In the early fall like cottonwood.for the Ell of the boomer shall get there, but the kicker shall be left to hold the bag .Ex. Seattle Dikt. Here are a few real Vtate sale In Seattle, perhap not appre- ted without knowing the location of the rty : 1 lot Cable line Ad,$3oo ; I lot ,e Uaion Ad, stic : 1 lot uenny ei ' Ad,$2ct ; t lot Law first Ad,$a!C. is doe not beat Albany prices very h. Seattle lots, though, are very nar and these addition nay possibly be ral miles from the city. Fimoer Cct Orr. The Democrat is ebted to Jack Young.of the O. P. Gate ln,for particulars of an unfortunate ac- dent at Mill City Monday afternoon. ne of the hands in the mill,a man named hotnas, wa sawing slabs when one of hands cot caught In the buzz saw and r fingers were taken completely off. A l surreon wa called and dressed tne nt y ' 'Bull Doo Make." Try a for 4 1 ale at L E Blaln's, a remarkably strong N pair of pants, doubled sewed, si pockets, lest buttons.comfortable to wear,and every pair warranted to hold till the cloth wear out. A pair of pant wilt be given free ' gratis to any one person who may succeed I fi ripping the crotch in a far,steady pull of an pair of them. . ( A Fiohtino Town. LaGrande was 3 lively town last Saturday, There were even fight and seven arrests, (Julie frontier town that Conn Bros grocery tore I also a live place, caused not by lights out a nne stock ot goods sold at bot torn prices. Try them for bargains in gro eenes. A Canard An exchange publishes the following lively story : "A girl farmer In Creok county thl year put up eight ton of hay, which she cut with a pair ef sheers. She ha foi a neighbor a young man who has sold a thousand bundle of shingles. made with a pocket knife. A Sprightly Old Man, Mr. Tolly an old gentleman of 89 year ot age, one 1 day last week dreve a band of horses from Alsea to near Corvallis, a distance of or er thirty mile. Now, you counties who raise bior squashes, apples, watertnellon etc.. trot out your men who can do bette than this, contidering the age. Coivullis Catfllr. A Short crop. F. W. Holme, Butte, Montana, who ha been at Albany for the purpose of purchasing apples for I shipment, say the apple crop In Oregon thl year wilt not be sufficient to'supply, the home demand, lie purcnasea 1,500 : busehls near Gervals for 90 cents a bnshel on board cars. AsiORiAV. ! A Trust Busted. A combine was re I cently effected in Silem and the price of cigarettes raUed to ten cents a bunch. .--, .. 1' ,.-. l;. bren 'bu.fe.l" and the A Biu Gi n. A reader of the Demo ca at whe had been reading about the big gun In the city recently, has handed u th following about a bigger gun than any of them, v. Ilh a request to publish t "A caststect gun, welching 135 tons, ha just been shipped by Messrs Krupp from Ham burg for Cronstadt, The caliber ot the gun i 13 V incite, the barret I 40 fuct In length. It createst diameter belnj-6'4 feet, The range ot the gun I over II miles, and It will fir two shot per minute, each shot costing; between JLJ;o and i.xoo. At the trial of the tun, held In the presence of Kussian oihcer at Mcnpcn, the range 01 the Essen firm, the projectile. 4 feet long and welffhlnir 1,00a pound, and pi opened by a charge of 70a pounds of powder, pen e'.rated 195, inches of armor, and went 1,311 yards be vend the taruet. 1 he eun, whtcit is the Unrest In exlttenco, and the heaviest yet exported by Messrs Krupp, had to be carried from Essen tu Ifftinburg on a car specially constructed for the pur pose. No Namr For It.I Sunday evening Thos. Montcilli il ico ere J a strunuo man prowling around hi house, and asked him what he was Uliir. The man told him it was nono ot hi business. Tom denied the al'eg.ition and proceeded to In vestignte the matter. He gave the tdlow a good kick, and on his turning to fight. came I.alllancu on him. then he had him arrested and taked before Judge nuinpnery. .he iJlsirict Attorney ad vised him discharged bcinif unable to find a name for the offence, and Dlllman, a he gave his name wa set at liberty. A Bio CiULLKru.K. W J Darry .captain of the victorious Astoria hose team, is in receipt of a challenge from the Vancouver, B. C., fire department, to have the Astoria boy run against thcin anywhere on Cana dian soil for $4000 aside. Ills repiv was not unfavorable to the project, It the Vancouver team will pa the Astoria beam's expense to Seattle or Victoria the AstorU bov will go and run them for fjoooasiJc. If the Vancouverites will Cbme here the Astoria team will pay their expenses and run them here for $4000 a side. .-t.ort So u Returning. Hotel runner, who study human nature and recognize faces een beforr, say that numbers of immi grants to the Sound and Valley from the East are now reluming to Kansas, Nebras ka and elsewhere, willing to pass through more cyclones and bliixards rather than endure their disappointment in finding that the booming coast towns were not all that could be desired in the way of a home tor a poor mac as represented. Still It 1 hardly lurprising that a portion of the Rreat wave of imm.'g ration should b'ok back to Its starting point. Pendleton E.O, Some Cood Rules The following rules are conspicuously posted in the rooms f a Snohomish hotel: Gents must pony up 1 dollar and 6 bits before sinin the book. Gests will teve lhar wecp'ns so's they'l not co o!t In the nhe. Sope & tow I will be found neer w atctlu trof. No fitin or shootlii allnwed In the bed rume. Gests must sin llnr name-, every day & pay accordingly. Ennv ic-.t how isn't satisfied with the-e rools mu.t mosey or stand the konseqnences. Rismaru IliMtr.Lr Acain. An ex change across the mountains puts the situation In the foIUwing exaggerated but interesting light: "Parties who have just come up fiom Willamette vallev say Wed foot Is asaiu Itself. That section had experienced the longest dry spell ever known, water In sells and stream had become scarce and old-timer's webs had begun to crack from want ot mowture, but the never-failing rains commenced falling abuut two weeks ago, which has brought the country back to its natural state, and mud, green fields and prosperity prevail." Wouldn't Work for Her. "Did you saw that wood I told you about V asked the lady of the house ot the tramp to whom she had given a dinner. j "Madame," he replied, and a look of contempt flitted across his face, "I am surprised that so good a cook and house wife as you should be to ungrammatlcal. You should sar, 'Did vou see that wood? ' 'Saw' Is proper only in a question refer ring to the perfect dense. I cannot work for one so uncultured for fear I should be contaminated. Ta-ta." Alex Downixo Dead. Hon. Alex Downing, residing in Linn county, op posite Stay ton, died Monday after an illnes of sometime. He was a brother of Hon. Geo. S. Downing, superintendent the peniteniteary and was a man o sterling character. He represented Ma rion coanty at one term of the State Lcg- siature la an acceptable manner. Their Creamery The creamery at McMinnvllle has started up again and at we published an item or two about it be ing failure, we also give this. It mlgh1 be well to remember though, that just now butter Is up: "The creamery is now running riitht lung, making 100 pound of butter per day. The first batch wa sent to Portland without a brand, and the consignee wrote back to brand every pouud of It as there was nothing in Portland to excel it. Twenty cents pr gauge Is now being paid It Fame Spread. Eyen the Orego- !ai catches on to our fine woolen mill and ays: "The new woolen mill at Albany I one of the most substantial structure of the kind ever built In the Willamette val ley. A (tone foundatlon.solld brick walls, brick partition, an Iron roof all speak of permanency, and Albany has good reason to be proud of the enterprise of her citizens that secured Its location there. To Farmer and Horsemen. Gal- bralth Bros, of Janesville, Wis., offer for aln at the Live 8tock Exchange, Cor. fourth and Ash Ms- Portland, Oregon, a choice collection of theircetcbrated Clyde dale, English Shlre,flackney and Cleveland Bay Stallions, at moderate price, and on term to suit purchasers. These horses are all of the highest Individual merit and most fashionable strains of breeding. Every animal satisfactorily guaranteed. MiXfNii Up. An expert saye there are three kind of foreign pheasant in the Willamette valley and that our native pheasant is really a grouse. It Is thought that 'the native and foreign breads are crossing and producing various mjngrel types. Dhbbin Loht. Langdon and Cameron run a 100 foot race in Eugene recently for $250 a side, the latter receiving six feet start and winning by a foot. Eugene sports backed Langdon,. and of course got mad. People .who back toot race now a-dsys should not get mad. Ben Speculates. Ben Brennerha purchased of Mr Ed Houston, conductor on the Lebanon branch, his home and two lots, just east of the ColIcge,paylng $2000 for the same. Mr Houston paid $150 for the property a few month ago, and hi grantor $1100. It will keep going up, Born, To the wife ot J. J. Dorri October 5th 1889, a boy .weight II pounds The young 'abtr4cter" will be looking out for a "conveyance" ere long Tub Richest. According to the as set,. ment roll the wealthiest man In Jose phine County is J. P. Tuffs, worth $16460 Venture a nicklr that he Is worth $55000 over and above all debts and liabilities. . A Scio Brick Will Cox, the prince of bricklayers, commenced the brick block on Mill and Main streets, for Jack Bilyeu, on Wsdnesday, and Is waltzing right up, and the first thing you know we will have two elegant brick business houses in Sdo..Vu Call at F M French's for bargain in watch, o'ock or jewelry. SECURE PRICES. NO I'nOUBLE TO SHOW I-30QDSAT Crook County. In the justice court last Tuesday J. N. Duncan got judgment against tne county for $100 attorney tee in tne case of urtsok county v the bono men of T.J. Uushncil. Perry Read hat returned from Willam ette valley, He sold seven ef the horse he took to the vaUey, and wilt lend more down oon, He Intend wintering twenty nenu tnere lit order te have them ready for market In the spring. mi tuien and Ed Schmeer started n Wednesday tor Albany. Mr, Eden goes to .ugene to engage in business. Charlie tatollett will leave about the 10th for Benton county to spend the win ter. Several parties have tmtsed throutrh here from Kansas this week going to the Willamette valley. They ssv crop have been almost an entire failure In Kansas the past three or four year, and the only alternative left them Is to Immigrate or starve. Ork Rrvitxv. , Disobedient Citixnm. Our cltlaena do not mind tho order ot our city father with that reverence due that body. In tact they very frequently Ignore their mandate with the greatest Impunity, For instance: The cast end ot Second treet wa ordered opened. It ha not yet been done. Ditto south end ot Washing ton street. No action. Lyon street wa rdered placed on grade. Seveial have entirely ignored the order, resulting In big hump In the street, and In several cases when the the Marshal did the work the property owner refuted to pay, etc. Castor Beans Mr C P Burkhart, ot Albany Prairie, ha left at thl office a ample ot castor bean grown en hit farm. Mr Burkhart fecit quite confident that the growing of these beans could be made a very profitable Industry It they could be manufactured Into oil here. II thinks thel- growth wottld be prolific an would pay better than wheat. We believe if the bean were produced here that some enterprising person would engage In th manufacture of oil from them. Let farm ert talk thlt matter and test Its feasibility. Stock Ranch. I have for tale one of the finest stack ranches In Eattcrn Ore gon. 160 acret ot meadow land under fence. Good house and barn. Two good corrals. Five springs on the place. Free range, within naif a mile ot achoul and Postofttce. Price, J 1500, $1000 cash. Balance on time. Would exchange for i6 acre Willamette Valley land. EG Beard, ey, Real Estate Agent Albany, Or. The Wronu Name In our Indian corn and one hundred and twenty-five acrt field of growing wheat ltm which w published lust week we used the name L Knlghten Instead of C P Knlghten C P doe not want to be deprived ot the credit of his own care and Industry even though that credit be carried to the account ot hi brother. Articlv or I ncoporation Article of Incorporation were filed with the sec retary ot state and the county clerk ot Marion county, yesterday, as fellows: The State Land and Trust Co, with G W Johnson, W F Peek.M W Hunt and II A Johnson, Jr., as Incorporators. Principal place of business, Salem, and capital stack $30,000, divided Into share of $100 each. Found Sick A day or two ago Mr. We Shannon, of thl city, who ha been train ing horses at Salem, was found near the fair ground In an Insensible condition. He had been taking medicine for tome ailment. A doctor wa railed and pro nounced it contusion ot the brain, an d thought he would hae the typhoid fever. s Anothkr Light. Another electric was ordered last Tuesday to be placed on First street near the Albany Iron Works, he reason given being that a man fell off the bridge Into the Dixie ditch a few eve nines ago and that it Is a dangerous place dark nights. A O U f Day. Wednesday October 33 hat been set apart at A 017 W day at the North Pacific Exposition now being held, st which time membert of l he or der and their families will be admitted at reduced rates. Delayed Door. Big bodies move tlow. This includes the massive oak doors tor the Linn County Bank, which have just arrived after a delay of a month, their place being very well supplied by Johnny Krute during night. Failures. There were only five fall ures In Oregon In September, with total liabilities of $10,964.26, and assets $6,620 37. September i&SS the failures were the same but the liabilities were $43,6o, with $49,360 assets. Costly Fixture Mr S E Young lias recently placed In hi show wlndowt some elegant exhibition nlckle-plated fixtures, which are pronounced the finest on the coast They were received direct from he factory. Aw Artists Work, A very pretty plaque of rese, painted In ctl, may be een in the window of Blackbmant drug tore. Mis Nellie Richards was the ar tist. It I a commendable piece of work. New V block In the 3rd, addition with house and barn. Price $1,000. $700 cash House and bam and full sized lot on Fourth street. Price $1,100. Farm of 160 acre one half mile from I Jefferson, all good bottom land House and barn, well watered. frl:e $5,200. Easy terms. E. G. Beardhley, Real Estate Agent. Broadalbin street, Albany, Oregon Bargains. TheWaverly He'.et property, 334 6'ct frontage on First St., loo feet deep. is for tale at a low figure, The property is Isated for $400 a year. Is a good investment. E. li. Beaedsley, Real Estate Agent, Broadalbin St. Notice Parties Indebted to Mr.E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom hit accounts have been left, and settling the tame at once. . Money to Loan. At a low rate of In terest, on good farm pronerty in Linn county, or on best Improved city property riiDany. Appiy to uiarnDurntf wngnt, Albany, ur Bang, One of the finest lots of guns and revolvert ever received in Albany are now in ttock at Stewart Sr. Sox'. Hun tert thould call and tee thm and get price oeiore buying. Babies. The finest line of baby carr ges In the Valley just r celved at Stewart k Sox'. Price are remarkably cheap con sidering ti e superior quality of the carrl ges. . all might. Mr ivancovicti keep an 11 night houseon First St between Ells worth and Lyon, at which Is to be found fresh oysters, porter house steaks, ham and egg etc. Slaughter In Silk Ribbon. In order to close out my Immense ttock of ltk ribbon in plain and picot edge I will sell them until my fall stock arrives at 75 cents on the dollar. All marked In pluin figures. Samuel E. Young. - Iaco Curtains, lae Cartalns, I have just received my fail stock of lace curtain bought direct from Importer, the largest ttock ever brought to t hit mark et, and best value for the money. SAMUEL E. X OUKG. - PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOE A TRAIN WRECKED. The flrrmaa Killed and Knglnser Sealdsd. Monday overland train was going touth about two miles this side ot lialscy, opposite the farm of W, R. Power, at a need of about thirty mllct an hour, whc a cow appeared an the track, standing broadside. It was raining hard and the light wa dim, 10 that the animal wat not teen until the train wat almost en her. The englnecr.John McFadden.ltnmedlaie lv whistled down breakt. The cow catcher ttruck the cow In the middle, throwing her to the licadllght.trom which the bounded again to the track, raising the engine from the wheels and throwing It front the track. Thlt wat as given by Ittr. McPadden to a Democrat man. The en gine run across a ditch to an adjoining fence, the tender mashing the engineer's cab off, breaking several topcocki, which tent forth their deadly element on to the fireman and engineer. The tender wat completely tipped over, A fruit car fol lowing, wat mashed to piece and stopped on the opposite side ot the engine 1 the mall car wat twitted sideways on the track, but remained upright, the agent.Mr. Cox, just closing the wlndowt In time to prevent & deluge of hot water and steam from the engine. The baggage car and two pullman cart jumped the track, the remaining cars remaining on the rails. The fireman, William Ransom, was found be tween the engine and tender car dead, be ing scalded In a frightful manner, and one leg wat broken and badly mashed. The engineer wat thrown out of the cab to the ground.and wat Insensible for tome time, but toon came to. One leg and a hand were sealded.and he was somewhat bruis ed 1 but not dangerously Injured, The passenger stated that the accident wat to tudden and unexpeeted that It wa alt over before they were aware of lit serious na ture. As the cart run tome distance the shock wat not great. Conductor Young Immediately tent lor wrecking trains and by noon to-day the track was In condition for the passage ot train. The engineer and the body ot Ransom were brought to this city on a special train, and wee seen by a Democrat man. William Ransom, the deceased fireman, wat a man about thirty yeara ot age ; hit parentt residing In the East, and having no relatives in Ore gon. He wa engaged to a young lady of Eugene and wa to be married on the 16th of this month, Mr Kan so m succeeded Quint Guthrie, killed at tbe train wreck at this city, and Ihe engine wai the tame one wrecked here.a fact without any slgnl Ccance except to superstitious people. The lollowlng Jury list for the regular October term or Circuit Court wat drawn to-day at the County Clerks office: J R Baltimore, Lebanon, Farmer, Arch Frum. Center, " til Lame, lialscy Mcrchar.t, 'M Miller, Syracuse-, Farmer, James Matchet, Liberty Thus Allphlnc, Svracuse, CT Craft. Franklin Butte J V McKlnney, Brownsville, FF Craft, - Merchant, C C Coolev, A J Hunt, West Albany, Mechanic A II Charlton, Santlam, Farmer, AP Blackburn. Center. " John Montgomery, Scio, John A Conser, Syracuse, " W K Temple. Center. Dan llouck, West Albonv, E G Cox. East ' " John Beard, Lebanon, b M Pennington, East Albanv I B McCoy, Orleans, " J Ifassom, Lebanon, a Cannon, Center, Edward Evans, llalsey, " I D Miller, Syracuse. M Peter Powell. Waterloo. J S Clark Sr, East Albany CCrandell, Teamster, Harrison, Brownsville, Farmer, 'rank Leeper HaUev. Mark McClaln, Fo Valley, " DIKTKICT WCT P, WKDKEtnAY Moan I no, Aug. 9. Convention met at 8:30, Devotional exercis es which were conducted by Mis West took the form ofabihle reeding on tlte subject. "The Gift of God" from foundation text taken fr em John 3, 16. Convention called to order by Mrs M M Blaise, district President, and minute of prev ious meeting were read and approved, Very encouraging report were read from Oakville and Lebanon Unions, Mrs Riggt State President.presented tbe subject of "Tem perance Literature,' urging upon superintend entsthe necessity of using this mean of ocquain ting themselves witb work in their depart ment. Mrt AdJlton.of Corva!lls.ind Mist Wett tooke on the same tine. Mr N J Wallace ot Salem read a well prepared paper on the topic of "Conference with Influential Bodies." Ml West then took 11 the sub. ject of Heredity," giving a roost Interest ing talk and presenting the heredity of good along with that of evil. A profita ble discussion on previous topic followeJ and was continued until noontide prayer and adjournment. . Tbe afternoon session was occupied by Miss West in giving ber "School of Method drill" and listened to wilt) great interest by all VY C T U worker, Wednesday Evenino. The dUtrict convention doted atter a very plcsant terlet of meetings. On ac count of ttorrny weather the attendance of membert wat not large: but a warm spirit prevailed during the meetings that wa particularly encourageing to mem ben. Mist Henrietta Moore delivered the closing address, giying a general talk on the temperince question, putting much feeling into her. remarks, backed by ex penence and great observation. The address by Mist wett, editor ot tne Signal, on Tuesday evening, wat full of valuable Information and narrated many Interesting facts. Mis West' remark generally during the convention, were ap predated, and it wat contldered a treat to have this distinguished woman present s- ' Keaolatloa. The following resolution -were adopted at the meeting, of the Linn county Bus! nest Council P of H at the meeting Sat urday at HarrUbhrg Whereas. The statements are repeat edly made public that we are becoming a nation of landlords and tenant and the homes and farms of the country are very largely under mortgage and at exact knowledge on thlt subject ft of great im portance in the ttudy of the social and economic questions of the day, therefore, be it resolved by the .Linn Uounty coun cil of the Patrons ot Harrihburg, of the Mate ot uregon, rirst. That Kobt. f. rorter, saperln tendent ot the Eleventh census, be re spectfully requested to collect the data to show In the next census what percent age of the people In this country occupy their own home and farm, and what pro portion are t6nants, and of those who oc cupy theirown homes and farm what pro oortion have their m-cnertv (res f inn- debt, and ef the homea and farms under mortgage what percentage is so mortgaged, Second. That the - Secretary of this Council be requested to transmit a copy of thete resolutions to Mr. Robt. P. Porter, superintendent of the centu and Hon John W.Noble Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D. C. Will Kan "5 Yard. Corvallis, Oct. 8 1889, In regard to Mr. Trinet challenge for a race I -will tay that I do not care to run ico yards, but will accommodate the gen. tleman with a 75 yard race for frm $100 to $1,000, the race to take place in two weeks trom tne date of articles, and will run at A'.oany er vorvaiiit. . " E. G. Cameron, t: -TINWARE AnoilARD- ivaite m all m::m ai COUNCIL PHOCEtDINGS. ; 11 iiiH.i-, Present All members,ond Marshal and Recordei, Absent, Mayor, Councilman Gradwohlln chair. The following bills were ordered paid 1 W E Baker, $19 P W Spinkt,$i7J.S7 1 J N Hoffman, $98,25 j Parker BroJa.3j $ J A Warren,$40 1 John Hoffman, $40 1 N II Allen, $ti8 extra police, $6 Warner, Cranor & Co, $3 j John Jone,$i. The committee on fire and water tec om mended that Ihe matter of purchasing A chemical engine be deferred and the money received for th hand engine be applied on the second payment of the note held by the First National Bank for pay ment of steamer. Further time v-1t granted committee In matter ot tewcrt. Street commissioner wat directed to put man on ttrectt for cleaning catch basins and their approach. , The reports of the P.ecorder and Treas urer were read,showlng 1 Am't In Treasury July 1 $ 44.83 Uec'd fine. 3000 ' Licenses,,.,,,,.......... 70900 City taxes. 6832.03 Total .$7615.86 $749o 191.14 Am't city orders paid. , interest, Total $7610.30 Bal on hand Oct 1 Am't outstanding warrant July 1 8077.36 Aim issueu during quarter.. , , ... 4102.57 Total. .......... ...$12,239.03 Am't warrants paid during qua'tr. $7419 16 Am't outstanding and due...,.., $48 19,77 EXPENDITUE, Mayor and Council,,..,, $ 5I.00 Recorder. 12S40 Marsha! and St Com.. 648.65 Police 534-0O trevt light,... Fire department Street work..... Survey lug..,., . Sewer 354 -oo 872.35 1214-69 106.50 184.38 40.85 . 310 85 Printing., j Sundry expenses Total $46J-37 Bids lor sewer acrost Ferry, between Fifth and Sixth streets, were read W A McClaln,77 cents ; Jss Laurent,$l.3(. Con tract wa let to W A McClatn . Floor of bell tower wat ordered repaired under supervision ot Fire and Water com mlttee. Devoe moved that an electric Ihrht hm placed at the junction of First and Mont gomery street. Carried, 3 to a. The light to be 45 feet high. un motion of Tabler It wa ordered that Mr Ashbv Pearee be granted the privilege of placing a ten foot cement walk In front Af hi Unlverssllst the corner of Ellsworth and Fourth Streets. The Street commissioner wa directed to have fixed sidewalk at Mr McFarland'. John Schmeer' and I) U Montelth'a. A new sidewalk wa ordered built from Run House to Baker Street. The city Recorder wat directed to ad vertise for bid 'or dirt and gravel. The Street commissioner was directed to put First street In good condition from UHcn nui'K k. Bills of Councllmen and Uavor were al lowed. Bills of Marshal for dolne street work for divert property owner, tbe payment of which had been neclectcd or refuted. were ordered paid, and a lien wa directed filed at once again! property and step be taken to collect tame. IN MKBOKUII. Wmrrbas, The messenger of death has passed through our midst and taken from our fraternity our esteemed and worthy Bro. A S Looncy, but white we mourn the loss of our esteemed brother, who wa cut down In the strength of hi manhood, we too are admonished to be ready when the messenger shall call for us, therefore be it Jtttalvtd. By Tangent Grange.No 9. P of 11. mat ov Ihe death of mother A s i-oon- ey, Tangent grange ha lost one of It most laiiniul and worthy member, the com munlty an Industrious and kind neighbor. the family a loving and Indulgent husband ana istner. Uttctvd. That our heartfelt sympathies c-a extended to the bereaved mother and children of our departed brother, and that wo commend them to htm who alone can comfort in the most trying hour. Ktmvta, 1 nat a copy of the resolu tion be spread on the minute of thlt f range and the charter be draped in mourn ng and the member wear the uua! badge ot mourning for thirty days, and a copy tent to the bereaved famlty,also for a copy to be tent to the Albany paper and the caiuornia rairo for publication HENRY r RklKSON, V A Cochran, Thos McGhee, Committee. Wrnt re a, In view of the lots we have sustained by the decease of our friend and sitter, Mrs Irene Smith, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who wat nearest and dearest to her. Therefore be It Rtttivtd. That we tender! v condole with the family of our deceased sister In their nour of trial and affliction, and heartily commend them to the keeping of Him who looks with a pitying eye upon the widower and tne motherless. tltsclved. That these resolution! be trantmltted to the family of the deceased at a token ot our respect, and spread upon the minutes of the grange.also that a copy be tent to each of the Albany papert and the California ratreu for publication, Oh thou who mournest on the way, With longings for the dote of day, He walkt with thee, that angel kind, And gently whisper, "be resigned Bear up.betr on the end thall tell The dear Lord ordereth all thing well.' Mrs E P Cochran, Mrs N J Anderson, Mr M J Scott, Committee. REA'. ESTATE SALES. State of Oregon to S D Pickent, S w or ot a w or tec 13. s RiE $ 80 J B Roberttto E F 8ox,Iot7,blk toi, 11 1 a to AiDtny 900 E E Pentland and A P JSrookt to L, W Brown.lott 104 and act 100 J II Yantit to J L McCune, 35 acret IntpiJ.SRaw 1000 J C Divine to S M Harris, 111 acret in tp is ana 13,3 is. i w 1100 Van B Delathmutt to A 8karr,lot8, blk 3 1, in Albany .1 950 United Statet to EE Armttrong.S E ; qr tec 10, tp 15, S R 1 ...,..... 2oo E E Armttrong to W H Stimpton, - - S E er ter 1 ,S R 1 E. . . 800 S M Harrit to M L Raney,i6oaeret In tec 8, tp 13, S R t E 800 Sarah Brenner to W C Tweedale, contract for. brick wall.... .... 736 Sarah Brenner to lullus Joseph, 37 feet front in lot s.Dik o,A.irany. 0000 W HMcBrideto Phil A Goodwin, lots 1,3,7 and 9,blk 99,10 Albany $300 Melissa A Burkhart to Adda E Bry- ant parcel In ti 11.S R 3 w..., ajo IS Morris et al to John Curl,blkt 1 ana 4,eouin aq ia ocw . ..... . . . 1 . Ed Huston to Sarah Brenner, lott 7 and 8, blk 73, M't touth Ad to '"";;V"Vt""Bm"" J K Thomas to J M and Lee Bilyeu, Albany 3000 unary tracts in ocio , Kid Cloves t Kid Utove 1 1 I have iust received a full line of kid cloves branded Our Own. Thl It a genu. ine kid glove. I buy direct from importer in Ne w York and consider them the best value of anv elove I ever sold for this price. S button, 3 rowe of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. . S. E.Youno. Tho best Read'e. liaeiof kid glovet etTwT, QUPERIOR LINE3 OF AGr.SGUL-TUr.AL If!-: PLCf.lEriTS AT OS- IIOMR AND ABBOAtr MOM L' AY. ' Th Oaktt Comtdy Company wilt show in Solo to morrow evening. Th missionary onllcotlon at tbe I'rtsSy Urisu Churoh waa 140. Mr J Y Wbr tod family have moved from Nbrk to Albany to rsslilo, Mr Ssmupi Nitoii, of In tbe elty. M reports the only exollametit therr, a religion ou,tt th Christian Chnroh. Albany tailor are outtii'g prices 00 olios p loll. Cliisf Engineer Stewtit wut to 1'uitUod lo-dsy. j'rot ludnmnd t bsiioou iim not go up very wu in a.ugtne nstumty, a stiHiint amoaLt of money Bot baiuj rid. A Conntotlttut battle fseh.ry nn laying 600 airlt bae iusfc lea obliged tu shut down on oaoouuf. of tbe tloklaues of fstbioo. lift Ed Sobmocr arrivtd in the sit Salnr day from Crook county by way of the wsgoe rosd sod returond to-suy by way of Tbe Dalles, to tptad th Jwiutar tbr. The Chiego Comedy Co, whiuh ha beea reported disUndsd several tlmts, jilsysd ia Wll Waila last wk to crowded house, ivlng gurl satisfaction. Mr a H Wostbsrford, brothtr to J K Wsthrford of this oity, wss looll to th legislator of Washington territory from Colombia eonoty at tba lat lotiu. Our exotiaoRv are all mixed ap on aa ab breviation for the ow state of Washinatoa. Ilsre are same of them t Wah., Wshn., Wo. W. Tbe lost ia soffioiaat. Tb overland train from Califotala this Bwroing wa dly4 seyersl boor by ret too of a big tree falling tne (rook 00 tbe Siskiyou. II. Eoksrman tod Bad Johooa, two former Albany men, are now located sear Vale, Mslbenr couoty,'wbr they ar run ning a farm. At a rtlog ef tb Congregational Church last evening, by vote ef th mim es rs prewnt, it wsa daoidsd to call lUv. Rort to coot lat in eharg far another year vomrLetteiog Jtuosry 1st, 1190. ' liberal and bit band of forty -Ov perform, ert gt $13,000 for tb four wV aogtg mi at tb Etposititm. Keids,thy have the reotipt from tb sacred eoooart e Sunday, Willis Skiff, a rwidsui of Uaioo, disap peared si North Powdr a boo thre year ago, and wa givao up for. A report now kitUtb ia aliv and rtiUt id Chi cago. Tbe romor It not erditod. WEIlKEflbAY. Th "Medre" !av Portland for dry' it to.morrow moruing. Mr (Jsorj Pftu hss rslirel from tb mnai?mnt of th Star Brewery, and Mr John Pox wilt roo it. Th Kujrton btislii ws eoniplaUd M0 dsy.snd th County J adg and Coo-missUm-r will formally tmio it to dy. IUv K N Condit toft etUrdty to attend mstiog f th Freshvb-ry od Synod of tb t'roabvterian Churob.l eonvru st Port Isod aud PeodUton. 18 ent tbaviBg at ViereekV tkkt for 9 1 at Viersok's. Boot aad tbavs at catjt Road'. Saratoga chip itCI! BrowoU's. Try th)fll eraara ehos at (J K Brown all's. New orswm cheese Just ieivod at Cot.ra4 Myrs. Scbair running s truly at Viemck'a shsv log parlor. Boat moat eoiT io the city at Coo rod Mere. J W Bstntley. brst boot snd tho mskerjio city, eppuslu Fortmilltr & IrjingV Alargsand tin lm of mUil just reoeivod at Fortmillrr k Irving'. W bv th host $1 60 kid glove ever brought to Albany at W FHUsul. Now U tb tiro to ssv moosv by Laying boot and shoe at cost of W. r'. IUd . Idibo, mso shoo, mi tboe, ebildrens boe. men boots, boys boots, st los tbn eotl to make room for other goods at C K BrownU's. W talker Summary of Meteorology fur Sept., 1S89, from obMrvatiout taken at All-any,LiDn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs, vl. observer for th Signal Svrvicv, U S. Army. Highest barometer on'.lh Stiii. 30 St. lowet broroUrou tbe 30tb, 29.74 Unsi bromter fur tb tnooth, 30.03. Highest dily avrg of tar. 30.27. Iowt daily avwrag of bar. S9.I2. Highest Umperatur on lb I7ih, 93. Lowost temperate- on tb 12 lb, 40. Mcaa for th mouth SO GO. Kightdily rDgof thr.onth 17, 44. Lowest daily raogeofther. oatb2l, II. Mom temaeratur at 7 a, m. daily 66 63, Maaa Umeeratar at 2 p. m. daily "4.3. Mean Urn pet star at 9 p. m. dily(0 Prevailing direction of wind, N. v looity or force, 3. Total rainfall or melted anow, 1.74 Depth of snow at end of mouth, 0. ' Number of dayt on which .01 inch or more rlu fll, C Number of dayt of cloudine aversge I sealeoflO, 8. Of 90 oMervatiou 40 wer clear. 12eloudv I tair, 2 foggy, 2 rain, ft btay. 3 overcast. IS tmokey. Rt Frott oa th morning, of 10 tod 12. Temperature--1.12 oa arcg of 11 yssrt. IUinfslI 0.30 oa averag of 1 1 year. Dr. Flint' Itemed- la th boat re mod v known for insomnia, or steeple Draw, which a 01 lot o many praon,nd wbleb load to eo many oorioue nervous dla-. partioutariT to insanity. DeacrtpHv symusmi witn Moti bottle; or,aajrea Mock uruguo . x. MARRIED. FROMAN RIDEOUT. On Wednes- day forenoon, at 10 o' the home ot the bride's mother, In Albany, by Rev. S. E. Mcmlnger, Mr. Grant From an and Miss Amanda A. Rideout.both of Albany. The ceremony was performed in the pres ence of a large number of relatives and Invited gucstt,nd wat a very happy affair, A fine rep', was served. The display of useful and ornamental present wa large and attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Froman left on the noon train for Portland, where they win remain a few nays. The groom ts the book-keeper at the hardware and agricul tural Implement house of Devoe & Rob son, and I a young man of solid character. The bride ha been a faithful compositor In the Democrat office for eight yeariumd we ere in a position to know what we are doing In congratulating the groom In ob taining a wife of such pure character and prompt and reliable habits. Our lost it Grant gain. A good wife it a bletting to any man.and tuch a good compositor at tne Pride hat been it bound to alwayt get a ttar proox at a housekeeper. PORTER-PIERCE. On Wednesday Oct. 9, at the residence of Dr W H Davit( In this city, Mr W T Porter and Miss S T Pierce, of Barrltburg. The ceremony wa performed by Rev L Rogers of the Congregational church the presence of a select number of In vited guettt. The newly married people took the train at noon for Portland. The Democrat joins with their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Porter a happy ana prosperous me. STOCK KORN. Leo I Suck and Mitt Carrie Korn were united in marriage at Seattle thit afternoon. The groom is a brother of William Stock, clerk in G. L. Blackman't drug ttore, who attended the wedding The namet tuggett several punt: but we beg to refrain. JACK -KIRK. At the residence of Hon T. I. Kirk, in Athena. lOregon, Wednet day Oct and, 1889, Mist Katie Kirk and Mr. Marion Jack, Rev. G. W. Kennedy officiating. , - The groom It the beloved ton of M. F. Jack, of Halsey and hat been the foreman and successful managei of Mr. KIrk't farm during the past three years. , The bride is the handsome daughter Hon. and M rs, 1.1. Kirk, and 1 one o Eastern Oregon fairest daughters. DEY0S.5& it nm ARE AGENT rOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS fERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CSINE.BESTHA V$m fN TC3 , LOCATING ftUARPa. ' i ' .MAhama, 'Or., OcL Mb, iSSw Bm'roKfl LIemocr ATiSince the advent of the railroad in our vaclnlry miners and land buyers, and in fact tpecuhtort of all kinds, have rushed in thick and, fast Particularly those who wish to avail them selves of the right of the timber act. It Is a well known fact that the O P R R runs through an extensive mineral belt. consisting of gold, silver and copper.wh'sji is yet undeveloped. J tit also a well known fact that various parties who avail ih ni sei ves 01 the timber act are very partliu- ar to locale them In thlt mineral belt md have gone so '.r at to tay "I don't wnt any prospecting on my claim till I get puicm irorn uncie nam. some oc the timber claims are known to be rich In copper and if the applicanu can get a pat lent from the gevernmenl before any velnt are discovered he will be In luck to tay the least, Buttuch sharps are coin paratlvely few who will, try to gobble up everything In sight, to the detriment of the country, and more than one man will get hit foot In It when he sets forth a he "verily believes" It contains no valuable deposit of "gold, silver, cinnabar, copper or cool,", Yourt Truly, - ;.. . . Miner. ; Albany Market. Wheat CS'Ao, . - m f 1 iHtteVOci ;: Buur-2uo perlb. fggs-2it 113 y .00, Potatoes-73 ot nor babl.' , Beef on foot, Shi Applm-iHtcent pr bu. Pork t'Ae per It. itm&, Baocnt hams. ViMc ehouldor, Be, , tde.10e. trsid-tvperlb. rioor-4.25 pr bbl. fiulrkn ,(H) per doe, Ulll Keod bran, 14.00 pr ton) hort. 18. mlddifntr, 20. Chofi.'W, fsruristjsw stnvsl sates w ESHrl Absolutely Pure. This powder never vari. A tnareei ot purttr. etraogtb and wbolomna. More ooonomlaai than tbe ordinate? kind I and cannot b old In competition wltb I tnnltltud of tow tott, abort weJebt alum or phosphate pwdr. Hold otiylo oant ivothi uoitng rowuer uo., io wan 11. N.T. v, W. cutxir st Co , Agent, Portland; Ovgoa. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United SUtir Ijtnd Office, Oregon City. Or.. July 23. 1889. Notice i hereby given that in oomnlk- ance with th provision of the act of Con grena of Juno 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the aaJo of timber land in the Stat of California, Oregon, Neva-la and Washing ton Territory." Nathan Ii Htandinh. of Brownnvillo, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, baa Una day hktd In thia office his ! worn rdatometit No 1271 , for ti purt'liaao of tn w w hi nc fto 32, tn Tp o 10 south, ltang No 2 eoKt, and will offer proof to dhow that tlte land nought in more valuable for it timber or ntotie than for agricultural iurtti, and to esiablUli bin claim to said land before the HegUte-r and lciver of tliutoffit'e at Oregon City, Or., on Katurday the llHlt day of ivtot-r,l8H9. J 1 Irvine. A P Howe and If 'C Cooley.ali of Brownsville, Linn county. Or. Any and all pernon claiming adveraely the above decrihd lands are requested to file their v uti na in una oiuro on or dcioto eaiu .mil day of October, 18H9. If. T. Bcbniy. Begiotcr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Utes Land Oflk-, Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, 1889. iNotico ia ncrcDV tnven mat in com nu ance with tbe proviiuonaof tho act of Con- grees of June 3, 178, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Ifaahlng ton Territory." Jesse I Irvine, of Browns ville, county 01 Linn, Mate ot Oregon, baa thin day field in this oflioahis sworn state ment No 1270, for the purchase of the N E H ot Hoc ro so, in Tp INo 10 south, Uange No S eat, and will otter proof to show that the land nought is mora valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural pur pose, ana to establish tits claim to said land fx-fore the ltegir-ter and Receiver of this otfice at Oregon Ctty. Or., on Satur day the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnowwa : W C Coolev, N B btandmh, A V Howe and J K Mclianrue, all of Brownsville, Linn coanty, Or. Any and all persons -claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their rlaunn in this ofliceon or before said 19th day of October, 1889. . IT. A. asuhnit, Kegisier. Guardian's ?ala of Real Estate, Notieo4 bsrebv givtn that th nder- signed, guardian of the person and estate ot Almoua It Daniel, a minor, by virtu of an order of tb Conbty Court of Linn county, uregon, duly made and entered 01 reeora oa th tirst day of July, 1889, will sell tt pab lie taction tor, cash in band oa the 1Mb star fOe.ooer, I, ' at tb bour of 1 o'olook In tho afternnon ef said dav at th Court House door in A.IbtBV, Linn county,' Oregon, all tn light titl and interest of sid minor in and to th uudivid d two-ninths ot th south half of tho north east fourth and th northwest fourth ot th outhet fourth of See two, and tbe south west fnurtb of the northwest foarth of See 1. all ia Tp 1 1 sooth, range 1 wett of th Wllltmstte meridian in Linn oountv, Ore gon, eon taming 160 acre, more or lees. Dated this 28th day of Aogoit, 1889. F. Hf DainaL, T. J. titis, Onardiao. Attorney for Uasrdiao. Atlministrator's Sals Cf Eeal Prop- In the matter of the estate of . 5a M eek , deceased, . NoMoe 1 hereby a-lven that by virtue of an order or th Couaty- Court of Lene county, Oregon.mad and ontrd tn aid Court on tb 2oa day ot Ssptembsr, ibhu, I will sell at tn uoart iiouse aoot Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on Headay, th 11th day of etener. Its. between tha hours cf 9 o'clock a, m, and 4 o'olook p. m. to-wit, at 10 o'clock a, m. of said dt,t publlo auotlon to the high. st bldaer, ror oasn, tn touowinif a tod bed real uropertv belontinar toaaid est. t, to-wit: Tbe DonattjuLand Claim of Thorn M Weger and Mary Jane Wa ger, bi wife, notification number 8087, claim No4S, in aeotiona 25, 26 and 7. in townahio 15. south ot ranire S west v II lamette meridian, containing 6S9 50-108 Linn county, Oregon. Also tbe north half (H)ot the northeastquaiter() mm CXY' M of section 85, township 15, south of range 8-aest, Willamette meridian, containing bO acres in liinn county, Oregon, Dated September 7th, 18S. . A, A. Miw, - - ( Administrator of the stmt of Sml Meek, deceased. o' Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoa and Hob con s special - bargains SAVE That Mk of Youis ! ; . 'V-V'V't.v.'-'Yra May Hate Hd for It! A. B. McliLWAIN flaUl (st-iiswliaul f.f. il . ' - . if, winnow MM M:;.r: ;??u?nib' ??' y, wIIl ,.,.k. . : Open Your Eye. . -WE OFFER Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Domestics, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc, ai greatly roduoed pricK. CARPETS. lion of 10 to 2 cento por yaro on all ualiti Wo are selllog nd furnishing good ai prices thai never fail to pit "I want it un InmUnxl that wo enter Into noeomblaallon with otbar boua. Mtabiisb or maintain birbr pr but fimoow MI liiS nary lt w will almply alaugbter tbingi. ' D0W J,n Barrows & Searls bav oponc d tbelr afore In tbe Blaanbsrg block, wher a ful iM tt BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GOODS. KOTIOJJS, MID FURNISHINCS oant found, Uooda juot aa represented. Courteous treatment la our motto. : BARllOWtf & SEAKLS SOME BARGAINS. 1 14 acre all under cultivation CO aert tuniusr fallow, ow. wttald IX mill,'',l?"'Dm frU-m 150 per let. O thr V tot. of tbselty. land In oamo eoinmuuiiy bold at $100 pf-r!"'!'.?: " , r,7, ,T. aor. Thl. l. a rare and wil I be fhI 7 U for l0o token toon, ilea man two years Umo, IIS acre all tinder cultivation. Lytri wiiblnO miles of eitv. Verv rich. Prico 3 per aero. (Jtber land in same corximu ijr new at 1 50 and Jou r-r-r acre. 2 lot, good bona on each. rntlns- fori 130 par month. For a I at S 22C ortllOO eor.h. Tbl property I oxntrally located, sua i nne oargam. - 1 Blumoerg Block, Groceries. SQUARE C. E. BROWNELL, Hneeeasorto BUO'.VNELL Would respectfully announce tbst be h continuing tb business at tbe old i-tand and that hUbotter than oyer prr-parad to fill alt orders wltb accuracy and do apatcb and at prloea CO JsiJU VA1K Offered tn the town. Whllo thanking the eitlxene of Alba ny for their very liberal patronage In the past I earnest! b solicit a eontlnuanos of your favor, asanring . LOW PRICES a au potior quality of gooda and CJon r teems Treatment Very Respectfully, Your for Business, C. E. BBOWHELL. Archie Blackburn, Salesman. ' C9 SMALL Groceries. F.L .KENTON -DEAT.EB P (ill PEP I! it E wK uil 11 a- in 1 Choice Candy, CIGARS AND 1 1 1 NEARTHE POSTIOFFICEIALBANY.'OREGON I Hopkins &' Saltmarsh. ST0ESjTin 7ARE9- SHEET OOn. ' COPPER ETC., ETC. Aeenta for "On Time" Heeling sod cooking Sto-rea. Job ork, plumbing. etc., promptly aiinod to. CHEAPEST AND EEST FLACE IN THE CITY IT. U. - -.hii.ijio as s acute or 1 r price that . , Bay. Good water . rood investment. worth double tbe price 10 Good hotel In a tb riving town fur ails at a bargain. Ioqaire ai thia office early. I We have on thousand on hundred and on Jus t auch bargain the above Mnn anyone dean ingio invest in Albany or aiean call on oouoty rtai estate should by ai 1 WALLACE 2i CnSiCK, Albacy, Or. CLALIKU & 8TANARD, in PROFITS Kuts Fruit, etc. TOBACCO. 0 vMAHBET'--' '