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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1889)
J' TO DEMOCRAT. 4 C2 IH A07AKCE; 2 SO Al END it r i mis it i i i i I lit I ; 9 N ,s "4. OF YEAR. Issued every Friday by 13X1X103 &i NtTTTINO, Advertising rains mud known Go ami Mr. iRt)PHII- i OK STti UAlvKllY. 2r Broadalbia ail First, Sis., X DKA I.Krt IN - f rl fiit, jilvtore, Driest fruit. t I tte-e ws'tstev, Ml-, ei .. s i , , Uugur, Kt In fWot iryt'sl-t ? i'i i' In kt i i aU rarloty ami rri - Ul-'m-t a rkst pric-ifa!.! fr AP.K.NDSOF PRODUCE. FOR 8AI.K BY FOSH4Y . MA' ON FKANCIS PFEIFFER.- PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. - jnJ Manaracturpr of CHOICS CONFEliTIOSSai, We are ow prepare to Mil at whols, 'salwar. frwli and fine at Portln! ,aa lo desuera. We a'et kwn a ftlj flats ana Tropical Fruits. IQARS AND TOBACCO Julius Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. Hla Mock bM Uo DlrgoJ 90 tbftt U )UftW any on lh CoAHt, anJ oouMMn nt Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinf. and Orys talwaro, Boys' Wagons, Doll Oarriagef , Fancy Goods, l 9 assortment and Toys. HabayadlrantandearrhMlhalarjreat stock In tha Willa-nii Valley, lo.wbV bas been addod a com pi Ma line of FAMILY GROCERIES. 'a A ?ent for Inmranstt ootnpani with a einiul iratl!2 f75,iXM,0T. "lcl on parla FrancaU. Uior wlrd deutcti cprn:bn.-k NHW STORE. SEW GOODS Mitchell & Lewis Co.,. -DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements ; and Vehicles : L ; ; cut branch bcrio r. 2nd an I K li . LBAFiY, . - LOOKOUT FOR FURNITURE, I am now now retailing fnm:'nr a( roy well to look here for ba;gaiD,ai 1 am tjoirjat to sell at cost dnnnj the next 39 days. Como and tximinft nji;cKMta bfjre jmrclii-.injf ni where. .. ; '' - Factory at the rifftr end of Lyoo 8:ri't. C. WILL -Dealer In all Gans, Pistols,"Sewing MacWncs,' Organs and Pianos, A fall line of sheet nRoalc. mnalcal merobandlaa: ammnniticn. fiahlnz taokle, ete. Wsrrsntfd razors, butcher and BicDiM eeeoifr. una ana extras ror all Repairing of sewing maob.'nee, musical ALBANY; "Smoke thecmrS;; Manufactured by Julius Joseph, -ALSO IPPOOTED AI1D KEY VEST GSGAH8 PIu" an d smoking tobaccos, Meerschaum and briar 5.156 and ernokta ertiilea generally."- Alo always has on band--, a nice lino of f-Hf;n;b v.vA Tropical "Fraife. . VOL. XXV. iBeltWAIh v-imiu uicuiciaoa, Ayer a vacrry .i CO. torsi la In greater dornnnd than aver. No preparation for Throat and Lung Trouble la ao prompt In lta effects, ao ajreeabla to tha taste, and ao wltloly known a llila. It ia tha family tuodU cine In thooaanda ot houaoholda, . "I liar auffowwl for yeara from a Bronchial troubla that, wlionarar I taka cold or am pxpoood to laclomont weath r, ahovra IbwK y a very annoying tickling actuation lu tha throat and by diiltoulty In broathlne. I have trlod a creat many rmtxMliea, bnt nona flora , well aa Ayra Caarry lctoral which wii givsa proiui rouei in miurna 01 ny old conlrhiut.', Krnout A. llrnlor, lunnector ct J'ubllo lloada, 1'atiaU Xer I eonaldor Ayar'a Cherry rectoral moat Important routed , , lj i For Homo Use- I Tiara touted lta curat I to power, In tat faintly, many tlmea during tha pant thirty year, and tiara navtr known It to (ail. It will rUava tha nioat aertoua alTactlona of tha throat and iunira w hether in children or adnlta." Mia. K. O. Kdgerly, Council IllutTt, Iowa. t "Twenty yeara ajro I waa troubled .with a tltaoasa of tha lungs. Doctor ! afforded lua no rolief and connldored. my caaa hopelesa. I then began to uaa Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, anl, before I lfad nnlahed one bottle, found relief. X continued to taka thla medicine until m cure wa effectml. I believe that Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral ' aared m? lilo." f Samuel Grls, Waukegan, ILL . " Six yeara ajjo I contracted a aerera cold which aeitled on my lunga and aoon 4eveloed all tha alarming ymp toma of Couaumptlon. I had a cough, nlftht aweau, bleedins of tha lunga, paina la cheat and eidea, and waa ao rroatrated aa to bo conttnod to my Wl most of tho time. After trying rarioua preacriptiona, without beuetlt, my physician nnallr determined to gtra mo Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I took It, and tha effect waa magical. I aeemedl to rally from tha flrxt tloaa of thla medlclue, and. after using only thres botth-a, am aa well and sound aa ever.". liodoey Johnson, Bpringtleld, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral raarajiKo t J, Dr. J. a Ayer & Co., LowaU,' MutV ' BeklbyalllMtacfWta. Prteafl; sUkolUa O.P. G03I.9W SOJJS. Eeil Estats an 3 Insuranc-3 Agent?. Hal (MtaU a M a 1 1 ClltSon and Notarial bualimca attoodad Us and a general of Oroclney . " - - OR LOW PRICES. factory at cost. Peopla wibhiog laui J. DILLQFJ. BROS., the Leading- pocket knives. The best kind ol sewing rracbinea aupplled. , Instrnmenta, gnna, etc., neatly dooe OREGON, EEALEK IN- local iu:coiu). A Loi'i Snow.- .An audience of over two bundled greeted the Mabel Santly DtirlcKOiic Opera Co. Inst evening. It was compoavU entirely of men during (he per lumiiiiicc. JitKt prcvlotit to the ruUlngof the curtains a couple women and two children took sent ( but the crowd wotso boU.cryusand Intid that they soon left In dKgml in time to save a double diguat The cntcrtrhimvnl wn a mixture of .nin alrcUy, s ii4 mid d.tnoe, and burletqite opera. The crowd teemed to demand I hlh klckln:; ho,nnd the company, com loedi( two men and seven women, gave It ; but v ere really hardly equal to the de n and.. The audience waa the nio.t dl orderly ever In Vn Uixm House, Clirar ette amoklti.hootlng.velllng and gnt wat tnc order, Iwmepait ol the entertain mcnt were Ucil lcdlv "roekv, lo uo a tlmiht hut .vxprvwlve word, not being l a r.'ff ffevatliig nuture.morally.Sucli thratii c-l rHrfrmaiicc, Jlioutn. In Portland and S in Frai.cloco wou'd pmlwblv be tumc mid nit iiollciul, vtc don t lie.-! lit Albanr, Tux PastTaxTary. G. S Uownli.g, suprrliilendcrit of the pvnitctllary, lias filed with tne secrvlarv of Mate Id icport for the quarter cndlit, September Jo The total exrndltuie wer6 $933v05, and the total earning of prison labor and recclpta frjm rental of pni.Hrly, Mif, A par roll of J'ii8(i6 at Included In the expcndltnrei. Pul'y avcrnge numbfr of quarter, v3 ' quarter ending June 3", $$ Tc:.ty prisoners a ct e received, thirty two discharged, nn.; three commu ted. Twenty elehl tiltkera and guard were rrajui-ed hi the cooduct of the pris on. l) the J'jo pr'soncr. aoo were em ployed bv contractors, slitv-chiht In and about penitentiary work, and l were sick, agcti, or decrepit. kvs bv Clbbutmcm. Ijitt Sunday's OrtDnion saysi "The management nl the Chemawa Indian school I generally as suming a clerical aspect. General Blddle some time ago was removed to make room for Rev Mr Irwin, of Albany, the present uperlntendent. Mr Irwin, In turn, ha replaced , Mr Morri. the clerk, who wa as able and efficlcrt an oifical a ever held that place, with Bv Royal, a clergyman of Salem; and the aid superin tendent of the farming department has been relieved to make room for Mr Mc- Kane, who t sUo said to be, or to have been, a spiritual adviser, Mors change will yet be made. would In dlcate that the Instillation oi spiritual truth Into the mind of the untutored sons of the forest I .o be given more prominence than the more common trade and nraoil- cal knowledge." Accar-rrD. The County Judge and Commistloner returned (last -week from Stayton .where they met the Marlon Coun ty Commissioner and examined and ac cepted the new bridge there,jut (milt at a cost of $18,500, to be paid for jalntly by both counties. The bridge is nearly two feet higher than the contt act called for. The approaches are not yet completed and It will be several days before they are completed Stayton people build their end ; but Linn county foot the bill for work on th's end. A Bainca Cot-lai en. Wednesday af ternoon a farmer with a heavy load of wheat was coming across the bridge just this side of the residence of Mr Hub Bry ant, when the structure gave way and the wagon went down Into the depth below. a distance of eight or ten feet. Some of the wheat was spilled; but the wagon was gotten out wttnout mucn damage, and the team went on It way. A the bridge I in the present city limit this will offer an other job for the city council, and will make the city pocket book thinner yet. Lkbanok. V II Greenwood, photog rapher of Albany, visited Lebanon and took a negative of our atreet FriJay,and ha since cent u one of the photograph, which wa very nice.... Geo N Glover, from above Lower Soda, wa In town th wcekn hi wav home from Albany.where he had been to prove up on hi homestead. lie crossed the plain in ';i and reached this country In '53 ; ha spent the most of his time In mining.and hss a very Interest ing and thrilling experience to relate. At Incomplete I, -em. On the road leading 10 Corval'ds, A II Howard ycttcr day morning met a two-year-old baby, and not knowing whose it was took the child to the house of Sam'I Gourley, three mite southwest of Albanr. Ltader. That sounds like a good item ; but a Democbat man who interviewed Mr Courier, ascer tained that It wa only Mr Gourley baby out taking h regular dally strall. The Largest on Rcorj(?) The Capitol Adventure company claim to have paid the largest freight bill, yester day, ever paid at any one time by any dry good house ever doing butinei In Salem. Thl bill wa paid exclusively for the freight an their fall goods that are arriving. Journal. Why don't you give trie figures? When It come to paying freight bill Albany I in for a contest with It neighbor, individually or collec tively. A base bait cemto be no go in the valley, suppose we have some freight bill contest. Stealimo Cattle. Some day ago Hank Pierce, John Blevan and Charley Day well known citizens of Wallowa county, were arrested for cattle (tea ling having gone over into Idaho and drove off about fifty head. Tho official Urted u Mt Idaho with their prisoner and on their way Pierce escaped. A reward of 000 l offered for the capture of Pkrce ana his -delivery to the authorise at Lewiston, Idaho. Wouldn't Let Him , Vote. That was peculiar cae at Walla Walla. Mr Robt Kennedy lost hi vote on election day by being unable to get out of hi buggy and deposit hi ballot personally. The Inpe tor wanted ta go out and take It but the judge decided he had to remain and keep us eye on me Dauot dox. . don't Want Him W.T.'Elll. the holiness preacher who ha been raising uch a disturbance at Brownsville lately, ay he Is going to remove to Albany or eugene soon, lie it a reeuiar d acksruare and Eugene doesn't care to have anything w uu wr.n mm. cugene Jteguier Good Blood. The Altamont tock con tinue on It career of victory In the Will amette, Lady Beach hazing trotted at Mc Mlnnville last week In 2:?7 and Altao 1 tnrce-year old, on tne tame track in 3:29- Yi . rricemont trotteo an exhibition lieat at Hillsboroln 3:27. Died. Mr F P Nloholl died at hi home In Smithland, Iowa on September 25th. " Mr Nlcholl resided in. Albany several year ago, running one of the dray. ; He wa a brother of Mr II Lamp- man, and there are many here who will regret hearing of his death, J v A Natural artist. A crayon picture of an old lady, the work of 0 H Hart, the house and lgn painter, may be seen Guiss & Son. It Is a very nice piece of work for an amateur, surpassing the work of many professional, ' A New Marble Shop Mr. 8. A, Rigg,' of Sulero, has rented the property adjoining the Dkmocrat office and will open a branch marble thop within a week or two,- ALBANY, , Christian Science. The following haa been handed u by Mr. A. J. Caroth er, for publication, and explain Itself 'The mittcat tendency and necessity of all the premhe of Christian science is to do away with the principle of morality, ana it it reniiv leading to this in several Instance. It there be no sin, then we can not tin, no matter what we do, If there be no body, then It matter not what we do with our bodies, or other peoples', It I oniy a nciion.we nave reaiivdono nothing, It alt that I teal I mind, the divine mind, then we may regitr our worst thought and purpose a divine Inspiration, and obey our lust n religiously ns the heath en. Hence a leading teacher of the Science cnuld annul her marriage without a uivorej.niHl contract another without ceremony, and regard the whole bulnc only as a new Idea. Thla Insane delusion only need to go a Wttle farther to cure Itself and prove lo the nineteenth century that It boasted wisdom I the most stupid and egregluu folly. (The loreuolng I from the CtrMutn Alii- (taw, and sets forth ChiUtlan Science In It true llht. All Chrtitlan should avoid It at I hey would rum. GoKt 'km One Dei tkk. The folk county papers ore boasting of their women mall carriers. They y Mia Kthel Rose carriv the mail fro'.t Alrlleto l.enUvllle, a distance of six mile. Mint Chnpln, from Dalla to SvraeuM.-, distance ot six miles. That Is a good record .hut over in Tillamook county there I a woman mail carrier who lo them twenty-live mile better ami hn served her country by helittf the moth. er ot nine childien be.ldcs, Thl woman Is Mr Page.nnd he carries a semi-weekly mall between Nekoln, on Nestucca beach, and the store rt Grand Konde, a dUlance of thirty mile. Siokanr Fall. Hon F A Watts In writing from that city, say : "It la cer tainty turpi Ling to an Orcgouhtn to tee the vast amount ot building and Improve ment that I going on In thl place. In side the fire limit there Is a greater num ber of building under way (or they are excavating for) than wa destroyed by the fire. And a a rule they will be much larger and finer than the one destroyed. White outside the limit business I spread ing In all direction and wooden block are going up like magic, l'rlce on business and prospective business properly hat more than doubled dace the fire." What' the Matter Thl morning County Judge Blackburn received a tele gram from Judge Shaw of Marlon county staling that the foundation of the new bridge at Stayton wa not good and to comedown. Judge Blackburn went down on the train at noon. The county oflklat of both countie examined the bridge last Monday ,but it seems our court made no order accepting the bridge. No one here I yet Informed a to what discovery ha been made a to defect In the bridge. Two Statlinj Fact. It I a fact that every time an Oregon Pacific ofiklal passes through Albany the people of that town Imagine that the headquarter of the company will be moved there immediately, or "within a year " and that they may get left in thl matter. That Albany I not the only "city" In Oregon, Gawttt, In reference to the first fact It may be ald that If we get left It will be because the company prefer to have their ofhee locat ed In a dead town. In reference to thl last startling fact, we admit the proposition. rortiand, Salem, bugene, l'endieton and 80-davllle are also In the State. Nsw Time Table Begl nlrg last Monday there will be three train a day between Albany and Lebanon. The first train will arrive In Albany from Lebanon at 6:30, and leave for Lebanon at 7:39, re turning at 935, leaving at 1 :?o P. turninK 4:20 and leaving for iebanon again at 8:2a The train will thu be made to connect with the Southern Pacific' train on the Narrow Gauge. You Should Read.-A C. L. S. C. c!a ha been organized at CorvallU. There are now eight or ten gradual In Albanr, but n? reader to our knowledge. T he course I a cptendld one, and a class should be oftranUed here. Jiook can be obtained In 1'ortland, and a claw I not necessary even to pursue the course. Any information desired will be given at thl office In referance to the matter. A Not Loaded Revolver. Jame Joolcy, while handling a revolver at Brownsville a few day auo "that wa not 'oaded," received the bullet In hi mouth, but provldcllally met with no injury other than the la of two front teeth, which were struck and broken off, thereby turn ing and (topping the bullet, which other w ise could have proven fatal. Sportsmen's Tournament. At a meeting of the CorvallU Rod and Gun Club, held last Friday evening, a com mittee wa appointed to ascertain the ad visability and otherwise make arrange ment for the holding ol a portmen,t tournament in Corvaili al an early date. Lmder. By all mean and Albanr will tend over ome crack hot wha v ill make your best Nimrod look to their laurels Sick at Albany. New wa received hete this week th4l Uncle Dave Prine I lying dangrrou!y tick at Albany.' Re port ha i that he i not expected to live, and Dr Richardson had frankly told the sufferer that If he had any buslnes to ket tle, he had better attend to It without de laythat he was liable to die at any mo- ment Prlnerille Ntws, Need Fences. The cattle killed by the train wreck belonged to Mr W R Power, and we now learn consisted of two cows and a calf. Anothercalf wa Injured and will probably be killed. Monday anolher calf wat killed near the tame place,belong- ing to Mr Power. Thl look a if Mr Power might be going out of the stock butlnew. Though the cott would be great It 1 only a question of time when fence will be built all along the line. The large number of accident in which dock of dif ferent kind are the cause will necessitate it Tramps Lost night wa just a fair one for tramp, but Marshal Hoffman ucced cd in capturing five. About twenty,more or le, got away and went off qn the blind baggage of the California express, follow Ing the geese, and that it where we like to have them go. We don't need them here, for ther are only on the eat and drink They are warned to teer clear of Albany, for the Marshal propoe making lfwarrn" for them and it I nearly time for cleaning tne streets ot mud. ' Laid to RestTIm funeral of John P.' Hail was largely attended last Friday! at the U, P. Church. . Tho ceremony w a an impressive one, and a just tribute wa paid to an exemplary young man. , Messra, T. J. Overman, Floyd DorrJa, Van Wilson, Percy Kelley, Ed Blodgett, Ed Crossen, Elliot Irvine and Carlton Sox acted a pall bearer. ;, It is now lenrned that the immediate cause of Joh.iny's death wa heart disease, with which he had been affected. ; - Out a Buckboard. On Wednesday of this week B Isenhoot entered suit against A Sender lit Justice Luckey'a court for the possession of a . buckboard, gay the Prineville Ntws. The buckboard wa taken out of the county by Allen Henry and old to Bender. The vehicle wa awarded to Itenhoot, : DiE. An Infant son of J R Douglas Mylns in the eastern part of the citv died Mhi afternoon, Bged tlx week. ! : 7f! r-. OREGON, FKIDAY, BCMI-ANNUAIi STATEMENT. Of the County Tre surer of Linn county, Oregon, (or the tlx month ending on the 30th day ot September, A. D.,i83f,of mon ey received and paid out, from whom re ceived and what source, and on what ac count paid out 1 AMOUNTS RECEIVRD, General School Fund Fund Am't from last rennil.,1 3S4.74 $16426.! Ain't from tax 1888... 1841.01 7324.70 Ain't from dellntx,W, on 3810,40 Am't from drlln tax,'87 1282.08 Am't from fine! r Jj.a$ Am't from delln ta.'88 6026.11 fto5y 95 $27004.67 AMOUNTS fAtO OUT. Am't paid out on Co , . warrant I16511.ll ';'' Am't pld out on School Sup'! warrants. .. " jftSiJpi Balance general fund on hand 9J4S73 Balance school fund on hand 70,77 $k59 9S $2760467 County of Linn, t I, II. Farwell,do hereby eeretlfy that the foregoing I a true and correct statement of the amount received, paid out and re maining on hand, in the County Treasury of ald county for the lx month ending on the3nlh day of September, A. I)., 1880. Wltncs my hand thl it day of Octo. ber, A.D., iSfy. II. Fabwell, ' County Treurcr. Semi annual statement of the amount of money snd warrant received fortae,and money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.for the lx month ending on the 30th day of Sep tember, A. D, 1SS9 1 AMOUNT RECEIVED, i.yu::::::::::::::: iu? : i.i7. J"' 1286.01 August..., September. ... 491.26 ... 38JS.69 '9.49S95 amounts paid. April.. Mar... . . .$26030.03 ... 3569x18 ... S272.24 ... I3S3.80 ... 81168 ... 28J8.68 June, . . uly... August September State of Oregen, County of Linn, . !, John Smallmon.Sherlff of said county do hereby certify that the foregoing state- mem is correct ana true. Wltnet mr hand thla Jrst day of Octo ber, A. D., 1SS9. John Smalimon, Sheriff of IJnn county. Semiannual report of the County Clerk of Linn caunty, 8tle of Oregon.showlng the amount and number of claim allowed by the County Court of ald county, for what allowed, amount of warrant drawn, and amcunt of warrant outstanding and unpaid, from tha 1st day of April, 1889, to the 3th day af September.iSSboth inclu. tirat ACCOUNT ALLOWED. County ludge' satary $ 60000 Treasurer's salary 409 yS Count r Clerk's fee 898.70 Sheriffs fee 1237,61 County commissioner per dcim.. 131.00 Account school superintendent. . 448.05 Account 01 Coroner , 38.30 District Attorney u u Account pauper and poor....... 129395 roads,brldgcaand lumber 7129.57 Court House and jail. .. 234.95 stationery and printing, . Insane.... Incidental cipentes witnesses In ci tin. case. . petit jurors ., . , witnesses before Grand JurT.v grand jurors bailiff e'ectlon viewing and surveying roads rad supervisors sundries..... preliminary examination 351.30 27.00 500.85 187.50 330.60 416.90 150.00 9600 1.0 I5.'S 42.65 263-45 347.87 Total amount drawn.. $15745.90 am't outstanding warrants unpaid. Outstanding unpaid County war rants on the 31th day of 8ept,.$ 315 00 Total amount unpaid.... 3t5x State of Oregon, ) as. , County of Linn. J I, E. E. Montague, County Clerk of the county of Llnn.State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing U a true and cor rect statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of aid county, for the tlx month ending on the 30th day of September, 18S9, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and un paid as the same appear upon the record of my office and In my official custody. W lines my hand andtheaealof the County Court of ald county thl it day of October, A. D., 1889. , E. E. Montaoce, . County Clerk. Semi annual lummary statement of the financial condition ot the county of IJnn, In the state of Oregon; on the 30th day of September A. D., 18S9 : OuUtanding unpaid County war rant 35-c Total llablli tie........ RESOURCES. $ 3i5- Funds in hands of County Treas- x urer for payment Co warrant$9548.7J Fund in hand of County Sheriff for payment of Co warrant. . 60.00 Unpaid current taxes for payment of County warrants......... 1500.00 Total resource. ,.$24608.73 It Had Diphtheretic Croup. A few days ago the body of a child of Mr Land- reth that died atYaquInaBaj was brought through this city to Millers.where funeral ervice were held, largely attended by the people of that vicinity, Mr Landreth be Inula daughter of Mr John We!, and 1 former resident 01 Millers.- l he usual certificate that it died of no malignant dls ease was attached to the box In bringing it here. The Democrat is now loformed that the child had diphtheretic croup. brother of the diseased child has been tak en down and is in & critical condition. Dr Hill wascalled.and soon saw the condition of matter. Quite a number of children who attended the funeral were exposed and the people there are omewhat worked up over the matter. f ,. He Learned How. Answering adver lining scheme In eastern paper is very seldom prolific of profit. An Atoria man recently sent fifty cents to a New York advertiser to learn "how to make money fnIit " He was advised to elue a sc bill to the bottom of hi trunk. w OCTOBER 18, I88!. EDITORIAL K0TKX. The Mge of th Portland Oreghtilian take unbrnge at our strictures on lib method of desecrating dead mtn'i memori?', and clmrac- teiiet our rectnt remark, a the "essence of bitterness," If he will bill apply the same guage lo his own rattling . against men, the lalclict of whose shoe he Is worthy (o unloose, he cmt but form the conclusion thai bl pitiable pretense at criticism i truly the quintessence of Rati. If lite cat of the dead under discusfeion wns tha only Instance where Scott had striven lo drug the life woik of entional hemes through llie wire of hi imagining while their bodiet yet lay in funeral slnte.lhcre might be some palliation ( th offense again decency and proprtoty. But coming s li did sfier the policy of the paper had become so notorious, Ihi Otilrags nin propi(e!y richly deserved the censure which every Hglit minded man bestowed upon lis ptrjetrfllor. Any man or organ that ha the hardihood todilort history and misrepresent fact lo the extent of branding a mn a traitor, while all I he re of the wotl.l i pau!ng lo do him reverence a one of the greatest Scnefaclot of the human race, is deserving of unqualified condemnation; and the unmanly cl of the detractor excite only disgust and repugnance in the mind of men of evety shade' of opinion, Scott' ad mission, grudgingly it wa made,, that S S Cox had brought the life saving strvicc of the country lo li prosent high state of perfec tion, resulting In the laving al 12,000 live and 816,000,000 in property since it incep tion, ought 10 have been ufiklnt in itself to protect the man' memory from the hearties assailant who stab In the dark and derive a gloating pleasure from a wordy attack upon a victim who is absent or dead, To have made it the settled policy of the Ortghonliaii to detract from the fair fame of every man, living or gone, who ha differed in opinion from ilt dycplic and vindictive editor, ought to be distinction enough for a nachiavclian. To defend the practice as dignified and In accord with universally accepted Idets of pro priety, is Utile short of monumental assurance. To justify the policy of attempting topwhrfer up fake charge by will ful perversion of historical fact, is Utile short of idiocy, snd it occasions bo (urprts) to learn that the stockholder have found it necessary to sniercde Scott with a managing editor from St Paul a man, we trust, who will have a little of the milk of human kindness In bis bosom, some manliness snd decency, sad who will use ink and not oyf far lit in inditing his leader. Jackson ville Tmi. PrUM-SOF TIIOt'tillT, Beware of a silent dog snd a wet rat. The sting of reproach f the truth of it. 1 Envy shoot st other and wounds herself. Vow made ia storm are fbigottea ia calms, Zeal without knowledge is like fire without light. Youth and white paper soon make an im pression. A goose quit! is mo- dangerous thn a tiWs clsw. What we call time cooogh always proves tittle enough. History i nn fable agree! upon but truth disagreed upon. A little seeing save much looking; a little peeking saves much talking. He who waits to do a great good st once ill seldom do snything st ell. Remember that impertinence isn't wit any more than insolence i brilliancy. Gratitude is the moic of the heart when the chords sre moved by kindness. Fortunes sre made by taking opportunities; character is made by making them. Don't indulge in the luxury of strong opin ions in the presence of your elder. If young men will not believe in them selves, ao man or woman can believe ia them, ALL WRUhtf. A man, who, only a few years ago, was a leading light in the republican party, having held high official position by th grace of that party gives the following as his views of "our protective system tH ' Our whole tariff system is wrong ia prin ciple, because it dmpoo its burdens upon wast we consume instead of upon what we possess, thus compelling the poor day laborer to carry a great a financial load on the neces sities of life (which rich and poor alike are compelled to have) as is carried by the man who is worth his millions. All financial bur den placed by our government upon the peo ple should be measured, not by their capacity to consume, but by their ability lo pay. A man who ha $10,000 and no children i justly entitled to pay ten time the amount - of 'pro tect ion' that ibould be paid by the mast with only f 1000 and 10 children; but under our present tanlt system the poor man with lo children carries 10 times the load, or pays 10 times more tax than t placed upon hi more prosperous and well to do neighbor, In other word the burden is placed upon the number of cltildreot and not upon the number of dol lars possessed." This is a very strong argument and will ul timately lead every candid mhd to a compre hension of th truth that our war tariff benefits the rich, and not the poor. The tweeping victory gained by the demo crat a few day tince in Indianapolis, the home of president Harrison, may be regarded a n'gnificant. - For the first time in fifteen yean th democrats elect a mayor. They also elect clerk, and other officer as well as a ma- only of the council and tie the republicans on tne board of alderman, Both bodies were republican last year, - , A Surprise Party. Last Friday an enjoyable surprise party was given at the residence of T J Stltes. About twenty-five young people met at the residence of F M French and marched In a body to the home of Mr Stltes, completely taking the in mate of hi home by storm f An evening ot game was passed pleasantly. A Tarantula Bit Him. WMHampton a few-days ago was bitten br tarantula one mile from Roseburg, the second case near that place. It is thought the Insect has , been imported from California. By the ue of powerful antidote Mr, Hamp tons life was saved. ; r Sold Again. Last Saturday Mr. J. M Bardue old the Waverly hotel property toTason Wheeler for $4700. Mr. Bardue paid S 3700 for It about a yea' ago, an many thought he put ma teet in it. In the Lead. Mr. Julius Giadwohl leads in hi business and wlshe it under stood that he will carry the finest stock crockery ware In the Valley, receiving his good from headquarter, and keeping up with the time in all trie latest novelties, He ha received a fine lot of Wedgwood & Go's Newyacht decorated ware, called rubr ware, handsomest goods in the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec laltv and will meet the demands of the public In any line. Do not send away for goods but give him a call, l We think it tele to say that democrat mny lojk out for tmlxrtantial democratic victorlesltt the east nexl month. If the election result a '"" for ihey may i,c rrSv,lJ " lculiary significant. An Eastern health journal .says one should al way sleep with hi mouth closed. If Tanner hud adopted thl Idea and slept all the time he might have been Commit" ioucr at this time. Up to thl time nearly seventeen and a half millions of neonle have vUlled Ihr VU exhibition, mt Inm se of more than eight millions over the number In the corresponding period at the exhibition in Purl, in 1878. The Bureau of Mtatl tics rcr! the comparative value of export and import for the twelve month ending August 31, 889, and the same period of the preceed Ing year, a follow:, i&htf, $762, 747.835; 1889,' $083,062,875; Imports, 1888 $7J."9.5,! tS9. $719.4141. The Italians of New York 'l ave We" notified by I lair government llml it will co-operate with them in every wsy 10 pro cnic sollativ' sta'.uc of Chtlttophtr Colum ns fur pre.enlii' to the city of New YoikiTlie viol of wilt be of gigantic size, made by an Italian sculptor of Carrara tumble, itud will cost $30,000. Premier CrUpi ha contributed lo the project. According to the custom of Chinese so ciety the wife of the Chinese minister to thl country will comb her hair upfiot.i her forehead to show that she I married. Her tree reach to her feet, and diffi cult I the task ot dressing them that one arrangement lasts several day. For the preservation of the coiffure the lie while asleep on a wlllo pillow as finely woven as an Imported bonnet, shaped like a loaf of baker's bread. V Forty six tdlures of woollen manufact, tiring concerns, with liabilities to the a mount of $6,920,000, In the first eight month of this year, demonstrate the fail ure of enoimous duties on woolens to se cure the home market lor our wooien manufacturers. The reason of such a failure Is obviously the taxation of the raw material without which, free of duty, we cannot make fabrics to compete In our own insrkcts with foreign makes. A Repnblican organ ha an article on the Attitude of Reputable Democrat.' It I quite a concession in that quarter to admit that there are any reputable Demo crats. To resd Its habitual Pharisaic screed an uninformed foreigner would conclude that the Democrats of New York are all "whiskey It es," rsscil or Ignoramuses. The attitude of all Demo crat just now 1 confidently erect, with the right foot forward and the eye on the Presidential pennant of victory In 1892 Ber.jamin C. Jones, only son of J. Rus sell Jones, a Chicago millionaire, ha been adjudged Insane and sent to an atylnm. Be wa wrecked by dissipation. Recently he lost $50,000 In speculation, lie tnsr ried a worthy women, but his downward course could not be stopped. In six weeks. not long ago, he pcot foolishly $15,000. One ot his order wa for 8S'o worth of fireworks representing scene from "Little Lord Fauntleroy." ' As soon a the New York Republican bad Induced the Administration to make cletn sweep of the bemocrsts In Federal offices and to put none but Republicans in their places they proceeded to renew their resolution of devotion to the "puri fication and elevation of the Civil ser vice." When the practical politic n gets the other fellows out and his own fellows In he always considers the Civil Service thoroughly purified and, elevated, and the more he opposes any furtner change the more he considers himself genuine Civil- Service reformer. It worries some of the gentlemen of the English press to explain why the Ameri can magaxlnes should be so much better tnan those published la England. During the last tew years the circulation of the London magazine ha either stood still or declined, while that of those published In this country has Increased at a rapid rate. The answer to thl I very simple. While fc-ngl.h writer have been wasting time asserting .ha. American had neither Il'.er. ature nor style-the writers on this side hare been writing better English essays and stories than the most popular Englsh authors wrote. ,,.- -;- . A Humane Socikty. The Dalles has humane society and it already has a case on hand, and iudtrlne from the story as narrated by the 7M It will do a great dea of good ; It seems that a kind hearted city official found a tiny, wee bit of a sick kit ten walling plteousiy on ..the , street near the court house, and took It In to the sher iff office. The assessor transferred It from the sheriffs to the clerk's office, A solemn council held there resulted in car rvine the sufferer to the house of one of officers of the society, not far away. Here it was alternately baked in the oven ana fed upon warm milk, ana hnaly leturned to the court house, ' A second council war decided that It would be a mercy put the poor thing to death. A towel and some chloroform were called into requisi tlon, and with solemn pomp and amid the plash of many tears the short lived suffer er was laid away in trie dock yard. She is a Scrapper. A certain Albany eirl is t persistent scrapbook maker.., The other day she greatly horrified her mother, The minister had just called and asked for the young lady, and she was sent for, "How do you. entertain- yourself, Miss Blanche, during these 'warm days?" asked the reverend man. Tho bright girl sml ed. 1 "Scrapping," she demurely, answer Cd. The minister looked scared. He was Itirhll familiar with the slant? of the dav Then she came from her chair. "Would you like to have me paste you one" she sweetly asxea. -jmo-o o srammerea me clercrvman, and his call suddenly ended Turn-rial. Albany Blanches of which there are very few,; will please- arise and deny th story.": ; w , , -. :: ,. i .,. . Th Ladies Delighted, . Tha pleawant eflcct and the perfeot SRf atr with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of FIjes, under nil conditions, make It their favorite remedy, It ia pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting oa tha kid ceytt, liver and bowels. ; ; ."Nothing to Equal It," "t harebeeu selling Simmons Llvor Regulator for the - past ix- years. My enstomerB pronounce it the best ever uaod. One of my customers whose health was in a wretched condition from a very bad and smbbom ease of dyapepshi, used the Kgulator and was ent am'H"iri myself lor tort iveiy cured. 1 myself lor torpid liver, cans. A h. nt.-a m AnnAnAmflnt. I find nnthl k' J ' ' : ' ' " " - to equal it and highly recommend, its u ; . Respectfully, ; C.PHisbt, Kdinburg, Va NO 13 s.J v .r, Tfci-T'" uV a TicTtv esarraas. AVlTkSSS fAMIU StXOIOIKL PHILADELPHIA- Prio. ONE Dollar 1 Th BuJoritr ot b Ills of tba baaaast Rdy arise from t!s0ased Lirer, Slm nons Urer Rerulator bas been the mean of rsstorlog toore people to health and happiness by giving them ay beaUtliy Urer than any other agency on earth. j j US THAT YOU OCT THE CENTOTB. TO MAKE ROOM. FOR 1X1 LARC5 STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS I WILL SELL U1 ENTIRE STOCK OF .' .... BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST. SALE, AND TKEYiMUST CO. Heal Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO HOT EOSCET THAT I HAVE A CCUFLETE. STOCXOf BUY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, The Leading Cash McMinnville College. TWO FOUR YEAR CQ'JP.SE OF STUDY in the Collegiste Department Four Three Year Course of Study in the AcademioDepartment, As evidonce of the crowta of this Collage attention is called to the faot that during the last year over eleven buudred aoiiarr bare been expended ia standard books for the li brary, an $S00 piano donated to tha college and over $3,000 addd;to thelpermanent en dowment. -Special attention ia givsn to the Academic Department which fita young men and wo men for Collsee. for teaching and for busi ness. Fin room and boarding department in the College buildin?, expense low, Preai iaot lives in tha building. Fall term open Sept, 4th. Send for catalogue. Address, l-RES. T. G.E33WNS0N, MsMinoville, -Yamhill CoOr, S F. Sot Prsi , C. II. 4rr.vRr, 9 Albany IRONWORKS- -Manufacturersi o' 1EAM EHG1HES CSIST.AN3 SAW ILL MACHINERY lilOU FRONTS AKO ALL KIHDS CF HEAVY V A5J3 LIGHT V33X, IM ; IHOH AH 3 BSS r U CASTIMQS. peoial Attention paid da or uiAnhlner" o remirinst " 'l PaUerns Made on Short Notice, IOO OR 5U ACRE. Ut!) acrow of fine Jar ilia? o r fruit If a J, 4 miles westof A-ibany, for only $J an ssm. Wi. I so 60 acre if desirii, iw!y loeue-t Ca on Cooper Turner on Cor valli.8 roa I, THE DEMOCRAT 1 the best Ailvertlslng metlloin In the Central WillameUfVlley. ti P OSieat Albany. an nexond-cla mail natter. First National Bank Oft Af.KANl, OftKtViOAf. Tl(ltt .., , U. fi.ll N v.o PrssidM.t .,...,.... .... B, K. YOl SO O-rtiter... ,.........,K. W. LANOMIN. A 'SChtr...,.. ....JAH.y. POWBlL TaARSAOTB A OeNKRALIwnkin tmstix-a. ACXXDNTs KEPTaubjwt to etMck. SIOHT BSCMAROK sih! tr r) truntsr, vrt a B Wk, Ssn rriw, ilcsya ami For "it. COIXECTtOXr BADE on fsfjfltMs Umrs. ' siaacrw . K Tueaa, ' K, W. Lmntnm, , " L t Bsam, h. Puss, , , fuiMt Ti;aasM . . In n County Bank. Cowan, Stliton & CiiamDerlaln, ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS SKnmml tiikin business, 04AWSIH 1 1 IMirrS-m . York. 11 si J PnrttS'il, Orsfim LOAM MOtfEY'ie spptoirl sseortt RKrKIYgdrUmihjMt cWfc. Bm Prsi Bank of Oregon ALBANY, - - - ORECQ.'. OA-P2rA.Xs, 850,000, Preldnt...... Vice) Preflt'tenl , Cblcr M -If. BRYANT ,i. W. BLAiK F, MEP.KILL ..II SIpbtoxfbsoKeanif tolea-raphle trsna fer on New York, Ssn Fraaclnco end Portland. Oregon. Collections mad on favorable term). THIS WILL BEACLOSIKCCUT COME EARLY AKO CET ry Goods Store, . Jennings & Co. '-.-. Manufaatnrer and dealers all kinds o FUVMAPLE ilD CEDIS mm Mill on II smillot, elsrenmlles from Labsa Prlreaat tbeMUl t Clear Gr $11.00 ; secoad clear. $9 t) roagh lumber, $5 50 Prioes'ot olsr and msple on applicatJoi PBicxa at cq's tai f vkbauok -Clear fir, $13 0) : swm l t!ir rough lumber, $10.00 THE PLACE " . ' i,y J . means coll on . Prflu Brothers, Groceries, PNttuos, Bafcei Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goods ara tne best and thctrjprices ruaaonable. , ' i . H. KTATIIEIlFOr.D, . . . T": ' " , ' J" iJ ' 1TTORNEY AT JA Asvuunr, Bswiti. . Children Cry.fs7