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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1889)
ic gljciuocrat MOttJt "I'REK TBADEUS." a . . . . . . . . . . . ci a vcuiocr. inumaiv u wuuiu on vi : btst Interest of the country (hat a reduction rartor altogether of tha duty on mim orted article of merchandise should b !e, and t one the charg U made by til republican papers, hifih or low, that such lorrat it a "free trader," and It is held p a enemy of our home " Industrial IntereaU ' a fiiend of English Interest, To such at 'sat hat the iJea been carried by repob- i that a duty t imposed on many article! I protiucea to any extent in tms country.ana e republicans are opening their eyea to this K On the 7th of Septembet thi republican j'ratt County Kanua a opted resolutions flaring that "duty levied on imported (turea, ' !)le for making binding twine, has failed 1 protective feature to develop or give the ir a home product to take the place of I foreign fibre, and that American grain were are compelled to rely on Imported es of v. Inch to make binding twine suitable binding grain. To continue collecting a V on auch import la working a hardship he train crowers by Increasing the cost of r binding materials-" ongressroan S R Teter wa requested to e and introduce a bill into Congres to t all raw fibres that arc used and are Ublc lor maVinc bindine twine on the free I and to se every means in his power 3 the bill passed at the earliest possible date I President was petitioned to call the atten of Congres to the matter, asking tin late relief. "ow, these tinners in Kansas are, afr the t strictest" claat, republics, They art !odox ia the strongest, sense, They have ys been regarded by the leader of that r throughout the ceun ry at models in their lion and loyalty to '.hat party. road day light, in the eighth month of the n of Ben Harrison, these loyal republicans excellence, put themselves on record e traders" bT all the rules of tecic of the mUinttr, Stntfvman and Ortfontan, !e consistent these paper must without If rise np and denounce these brethren a ' trader" and enemies of their country. I will they do it ? Nay, verily, In the esti- ta of these paper, that, that ia a crime V democrat to do, becomes an act of great I sense when performed by a republican. H ia the transmogrifying influence of the ! I devotion of the tbeae pape'r to , their TELEGRAHIIC NEWS Prohibition Defeat. , ' llAnTroup, Conn,, Oct. 8, With a doien towns to hear from, the official returns at the Commnl office give a5.8S majority against tht prohibition amendment, In lentunna. Niw Oblkans, Oct, 8. The withdrawal of General Chalmers and Judge Fra tee, repub lican candidatea for governor and attorney general of Mississippi, is confined. General Chalmers has written a letter charging, in effect, that if he persisted In an active canvass the killing of negroes would result. Ate a Woman. Sah FtANCtsco, Oct. 8, A Loa Anceles special dispatch gives an account of the cap ture of a monster shark at Redondo Itcach. On being cut open, the arm of a human being and other human nones were round in its stomach. It ia supposed the am la Jthat of a young woman. Ureal excitement prevails, The capture was mad a yachting party. They had great trouble catching tht monster. II was sixteen teet long, and was of the man eat ing specie. , Montana Henuxrslle. ltKUtNA, Oct. 8, The election of Joseph M Toole, Per., for governor i now conceded by majaity of from 300 to 600. Carter, Rep, for congress, hat 1000 majority, and tht dem ocrats claim the legislature by seven. Tht re publicans will not concede as much, but say on the face of the returns it is democratic, !but ciaira uauu in stiver now ana Deer Loilge counties, Uke Common IVonle, San Fkancisco, Oct. 8. Tommy Warren tht tricky feather weight tighter, has come to the conclusion that it ia not safe to meddle wim miume wetgnrs, especially such men aa Jack Dempsey. Warren picked a quarrel with the "NompareiP early this tnornine, Dempsey bad everything hi 'own war, and hit Warren wherever he pleased. Warren was taken to a neighboring drug store fur re pair. at R THIEVE Skattlk, Oct. 6, A conspiracy was to day The Roa4 To Heaven," A golden Casket of unique brilliant and beautiful christian treasures, gath red from the richest mine of , religion, science, and philosophy sumptuously Illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engraving. No other book of modern time deals with WANTKD.-Oratn ami nook farmi or all iltsartpUona. If you want to swll your property writ or oall on K, O, iscaruaiey. lwei Kaiate A Rem, a many, Offlos oa ftroadalb.n Nlroet, titer FUt. J. o, box 84, , Summons tk Cirtmt CoM 0 Ortgo for I inn ACOtlRACr, WH.TNKM.,dl.Play..u Kentus, has auch a lf nlflcant. ttriklng and at'.ractlve ti'le a this new book pos sesses. . It contains the essence of a thou sand tonea boiled Into one, and explores every fltld of human experience, that ctn engage, fascinate ana cnarm xin ine highly cultured and the man of tht world, rt is isued by tht Globe Dibit Publishing Co, of Philadelphia, I'a., and sold by sub- sarlnilon only. Mr. L. McFarland, wno is the authorised agent for this section Is now canvassing for It. Wa heartily rec ommend tnie boon to our reader KKKPlOfcTICD. IsDiscaatT. We conversed with n yesterday who had lately made a I to Ms old home In the east, sod he Ik of affair In general a very de ble. Laborer reeelvtenr email wa I and mechanic but a talfl more. Far ! art aatisfied with small returns, and proceeds ol their harvest are nothing omparistn with those in the North i. Timtt MtunUtimtrr, , f hat, wagea low under Harrison and thigh tariff? I It possible for such to be? Wert w not promised I times, good wage If Harrison lid be elected? And now thing art orable much worst than under I eland? The AI-iutmr I usually e discreet than thl letting tht "cat ';l the bag" In this candid way. nada'a military force ia attracting ac ion in view of the belligerent talk of tome U paper in regard to tht Bchring Sea ' oversy. Tht display reasLuring, not ' ;v to those who desire to see the United H free from foreign attack, but to th I Iisbelicve in large armament. The grand 1 of the Canadian army is 37,474 men. h the number as reliable reserve r. It is, however, doubtful whether ia far thy juld be really very available. When the amount of territory to be guarded, and policed, by this force is taken into con. tion it become very evident that w liitle more to fear from them than they from us, and that there is little danger of ut a friendly and just agreement ia regard tting ciihcuUie. the fifty-four Presidential post ma t- ppolnted just one succeed a predecee- t. hose term had expired, while thirty- step Into tht place ofDemocraU rt d to make room for Republican "work Mr. IIarbiso' gleaming snlckar- kemstohavt been whetted anew by iterance of tht New York and Mas isett Republican in favor of Clvll ce Reform. Mr. Harris Usome ; of a joker himself. e democrat elect everything In Mon- put congressman. They have a major jl seven and maybe nine on joint bal n the legislature. This will secure United State Senator. Montana republican lat fall by 5,126 major id that party had 18 majority on joint 1 In the legislature. Upon the whole esult'of the election in the territories tr orable to the democrat. ,t year the aggregate republican ma ' in the four territories of Washing lontana, and the twj Dakotas was . The aggregate majority lhiyer ! foxlmately 30000 showing a repub- Jos In the four territories of 8oo 1 ( And this result the republicans call 'cold on for democrats, go be It. e "winter" et right In. epublicnn organ says that its p-rty "has ined for twenty two years dutiesoa wool hd to be fully protective." At the end ! period wool brings less to the farmer f did when the duty was increased, wooll I ufactnrer are hampered by the tax on in ,1 cost of foreign wools which they must ; admixture and the honest woollen ! of the people is creatly enhanced in The "intent" may have been good, tnal effect has been wholly, ; -eat deal of annoyance has been es Iced by Americans vUiiing Ireland i present prohibition against carry ing in that country, and only the other I Californian, qul'e unconscious that i committed any offense, found him riled before a magistrate and fined j Ides forfeiting his revolver. I four new states bring In an area 'rqual to that of all New England. !'ork, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, hire, Maryland, Virginia, West Vlr. Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana corn el It is an area three times as great JrittKh Isles. unearthed thiough which certain employes tht Tuget Sound Shore railroad ad theColum ma fuget sound railroad nave Deca sys tematically rollinc consignments of coods Iran sported over these roads and disposing of them to tneir own profit. arvjus turn about thc'l city have some time been complaining of their losses in clothirg while in transit, and some weeks ago consignments of men's line clothing to Toklaa & Singerman tnd Kiine& Rosenberg were 8500 short, About a week since C V Blanchard, manager for Toklaa & Singerman, wa passing a tailor shop and he accidentally noticed a auit of clothing belonging to one of the Biro's shipments. Stepping into the shops he asccitained that the suit had been left ther oy one Jack Gay, brakeman on the road, to b refitted. Officers were notified and they watch ed for Gay, Yesterday he called after the CKxning anu was promptly arrested, it was known that he was a member of a band of consnrators, and Cay was so woked unon that he was finally induced to con less, and iuiDhcal d several others. Bic Stems. CHICAGC, Oct. 7. Dispatches from severs' points report a terrific storm on Lake Erie and I luran to-day. Many schooners sre believed to have been lost, and it is feared that when reports are all ia there will be found many sauce lost. Rom a, Oct, 6. The province of Caglian ha been ravaged by a terrific storm. In which 340 house were destroyed, sixteen persons killed and hundreds injured. The town of Cagtiari suffered severely. Lomdos, Oct. 6. A terrible hunicane has visited the island of Sardinia. Oa hundred persona were buried ia the cbria of building battered by the storm, and thirty persons were killed. Uti rkilllafc St Albans W Va., Oct. 7. A bloody fend is raging in Lincoln county between tht Brum- held and Hall families, Floyd Dingesa, son of a justice of the peace a ad a prominent man married one of the Hall girl. He quarreled with hi wife, and they separated. Next day IMngeas and hi wife' brother met. Dingesa wa shot dead. Alfred Urumfield married I'ingess a sisier. 11 swore to be avenged oa Hall, and he fatally wounded one of the Hall brothers ten days ago, ISnimfield and his wif were waylaid and Mi Brumfield shot dead, BrurnficUl was terribly wounded two days later. I'urly Brumfield was shot oa Saturday, and Ingesva brother f Brumfield 's wife, waa snot through the leg in a fight with one of the apposing party. Not Yet Settlsd. Olmpia, Oct. 7. Returns on the capita) question are now sufficiently complete to show that Olympia came remarkably near gaining aa absolute victory. A t ia, she far outstrips any single competitor. Ia round numbers, 32,000 vote were cast for Olympu, against f 2,000 for Yakima and 10,000 for EUcnsburgh, and it is probable that this place would havt won had it not been for the casting of 1716 scatter tag votes. A Big Reward. Tacoma, Oct, 7. The cii liens havt tub- scribed $2500 reward for the arrest and convic tion of the man who shot young Croaby, and the county coormiaaionert have informally de cided to offer a sirrilar amount, making in all 5000. An Ola Pbtol. McMi.nn ville, Oct, 7, Two little boy sons of J W Shellon, esq., living near Carlton were playing with an old pistol yesterday when it was discharged, when in the hands of one of them, sliooting the other little brother through the heart, killing him instantly. Poor Johswttwa. Joiihstown, Pa., Oct. 6. With the ther mumeter about the freezing point, there is great deal of suffering hre these nights by people who re improperly sheltered and poorly clothed, The relief money which was intend ed to supply their necessities, even if at once, will now come too late to be properly applied for providing against the blasts of winter. The clothing thai was on hand when the commissary department abut down has been transferred to the Ked Cross society, bv whom it will be dis tributed to the needy. There havt been a great many deaths here within the past week, and" most of them have been superinduced by ailments contracted in the flood. At the Red Cios hospital there are now twenty two cases of typhoid (ever, most of them strangers in town. A Cob ell DeaaceL Tacoma, Wn Oct. 6, A meeting of busi ness men was held at the Tacoma hotel to night when the present city government wsa denoun ced in the most unqualified terms, and some of the speakers referred to the present mayor as being half intoxicated at all times. On spesk er said the votes given in favor of a saloon license on Tacoma avenue last night favor of dives, thieve, footpad and this city. King I'oBDty Ahead, Seattle, Wn., Oct. 6, An error by the clerk in makisg np the official returns of King county made Wilson's majority 960. The columns were cent up again to-day and it was found that the correct msjonty ol W ilson is 1071. Other mistakes were made but so far as the revision has progressed none of them bave been found to be material, 1 bis majority of 1071 for Wilson clearly entitles King county to retain its position as tue banner republican county of the Male. W hatcorn county come next with a majority of 808. Olyaspia' Capital Vote, Olympia, Wa., Oct, 6, According to ejti- mates made to-day Olympia has received 24, - 000 votes for the capital. The official return are anxiously looked for. F. M. French ktvpa railroad time. J. P. Wallace. Physician and 8urgn, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Rmsrson oiano tall oa G L Black man. For aale, ohean. ooodthand organ,! Mrs. flyman. O L Black man is agent for tho Wtber piano, Nona better. . Buy your tioktta through to the East of W I, leaser and aava fart'to Portlaud. Tht WtaUra Cottage and Paokard art two of Ih beat organ made. O L Blaokinaa aeitsthtm. A Una line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, beat took in this part of Urtgon at Fortmiller Irving a. If yon want a eleaa and On amok ask for J. Joseph' home mada whit labor claf For sal by moat tigar dealer ami athia Joaaph'a factory. J.V Arohiotlt, a (4itQSiui( Mannfaetur ins (Jo., odjmiu (Mil Follow lemma, Ai bany, An elegant line of aiik tab spread, ia beautiful deeign,fjutt received at Fortmiller Irving . S eaot OolJea Star tomato for 80 cent at 0 Meyer, and all other! eaaaed good cheap Io oath . Just retelyed new table liata at W. F, Read'. . I W Starr, physician and tent son, Albany uregoa. Good oookins stove only 110 at Hop; k sal una ran a. Dr Wriahtaruan'e Soveria Palm of Lift. for disease peculiar to women, at Dtyoa Robton aand Browaall Swaard'a, P J Baltirooro, agent. KDorrla aid J J Dorria, tier buebnml, Plaintiff, T J Shield and JuIU Hhlelda.hl yrlfe, Jamoa A Uhltliia and P.rara ttblalds, hla wifv Virginia K Hhialda, Nbtd: Hlilnld. Hlilnlda Sbltld,udSrh M BUiolda, Dnfeudanta To aaid dufemlanta, Miutlie Shlulib, Shialda, - Hhielda, tiliialdt and. Shield. . "v In tho nam of thu atal of Oregon, yon srehersby required tube and appeir aod answer the onmiilainl l)ld agaitist nu in tht abovt entitled suit in the abov tutitkd Court by tht first day f the nxt rsuular Utiii of the abov vntuiert Oaurr, to wit, on Monday the 28th day of Outoir, 1889, and If yon fall to appear ami answer in I'laiutiff will apply to tht t;mtt lor the re lief prayed for iu their eomplaiut, via 1 For a dsure of tht Couit to partition tht real estate owned by Plaintiff and Defendant aa teoaata in common described at followa, to-wit 1 tat I and 2 and fraetlonal lot 3 in block 13. in eastern addition to tht city of Albany. Una oounty. Oregon, Alto lota 1. 7.8 and tht west half ol lot S, In block 13 in thtatern addition to tht eity of AI bany, Linn oounty, Oregon. Also oommsna ing at the 8 W corner of block No 37 In Uaokleman a Sod atiiiiuoa to the city of A I bany, Linn oounty, Oregon, and running thence northerly ou tht western boundary lint of said block, lit feet thenct easterly parallel with th northern boundary line of aid block, 6d feet l thenot southerly para llel with aid western nonndary lin. ill feet 1 thenoe westerly on tht eonthern boundary lit of said bloak, 18 feet to the nlae of beaiooinit. And If a partition oannoi tie hail witnoni material Injury to the interest of the parties hereto, that tht said real estate be otd a provided by law and tht proceeds of aaid salt be partitioned aenording to th respec tive iotertsteof the plaintiff and desodaoU, and that tht costs and dtsburernenU bt tx. ed aa br law provided, and for snob other relief a to touttr mav mm lust. lb Hemuioo t publithsd by order 01 Hon B P Boise. Indgttf aaid Coart, mad at Chamber at Balem, Oregon, 8ptmbr 12th, loss. J. K. w aATnaaroao, Att'y for Plaintiffs. J.J.DOIUUS, ALII ANY, ORKOON. , ' Tht Only Complete Set of Abstract J3ooks and Maps in Linn County. j-vTOfllct la tlie Cuurt Uouna,." Uualasaa etitruttnd to my t-art aa It a 1 1 havt prompt and okreful atitniioa, OLD IKON. Fifty ton or old iron onttlnBa. In any mianlUr. wanted immediately at tho Albany Iron Worka. SAND, AU.-l'pmoD rlelrlii annil. Iohiii or gravol fr.nn the i)rinle ol F. L. Hunli in itentoti county, fun procure tn-kru for th tamo at my ollbx, traw. ford'n UiKk, Albany, Urpnou. . t.;iie. ''iTow, E. U. BEARD SLY, Heal Bitalo Aont, CnnvevanctiiB! of all kleda (lout In alt ivauia, ah iiiianiest win irrnive prompt attention, oniooou lUosdalbln eitrtot iii ur First, Albany, Urraou, TIMBER LAND. NOTICE. United atalos Land offioe. . Ureeon HLv. Urouon. July IHth, 1MB Hnllna la lmrwtitf iiIvbh ih.L 111 Colli UllaUO wtlli tue provUton or the aut ot toimm" ef Jun. IHl.ntlUnil"An nt fur III Snle f tttts- twr lands mine siam 01 inumrnia, I'n'"", Nevada, anil Waslilniiton Territory, Walter Kasl, ef Albany, county of I. Inn. siat f r- iron, has this uay meant inianmcn n ZLit.tmnt No I 'ill. for tho nurchnM of til M W 1 of Sl-Otlou NOiH.m KwulUi No iii.hiuiii rnnBB Hm east, and wilt otTnr proof to show Hint In iniiiihl la mora valtialila for Its llinbvr or stone than fol ag Moult 11 ral purMisps,and u ea- tabllstt liiseiaim in saiu mmi iwitinim Inrand Uawlver of ttila oinie nl ttrriten Uty, uraon, on Hominy, the I tin dny or wtober, II ihxiT lin naiaMi aa w!lntaaa t 1 slcHn, Jiiri.wslcv andWHTaylor. otAllmnr Linn county, tirogon. Any and all rfraon claiming" advoiaxly the abooe lorrlld lanila retjurSMHI SB HI" inrircmimi - wiu beiore saw n oy o wwi " n 1 iypT, wiitiMii ob rl HIE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, n -A-XjicAjsrir- "Siipcrior," "Argand,'5 "Oarlaml" STOVES AND RANGES. Fir backs. Warran tod for 15 years, All I ; 1 an stylos, 7tM?.v Wyit dred Ctto&4?M' ont Tho World's best. More than hun- -7 hun Theat Good willbtaoid at the lowt ' prloe by lilaln, . i 1 differ sty les co ok s and heators Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Rangq Boilers Conductor Pumps. CHAS. H. DODD & CO t IMPORTERS OF- Hardware. Iron, Steel, LAnOKKBS AND STATION work on tht O. P. railroad. Curran & Monteith. Max For Apply to ShorllTrJ Male, kt th Clrtuit Court qfthtStatt ol Owjieaer Li County. RntiL if TiolUr. aiadnilntalrator of tht talaio of Hilt A Adama.Ueoeaaed.plaJriliii, va. It H nutharford. Hannah R Rutborftrd, anil Mary H UutbarforUv ueieoaania. Notlotl litieby ftlyan that by 7lrtot afss aaaeution and order or aait laauta out of I ha abort natnad court in to abovt entlJod auit, I will, on aaarar. the Ula slay r exteoer, taw. i IU Cirtuit Cri of tht SlattnfOrtgfor at tbo Court Hont daor.lo tut city of AU IM t'ewnjf Linn 1 Summons. Rev. E G. Michael long a resident of near Brownsville has moved to Weston In Umatilla County. . mm m To Farm a, as. Farmer will do well It) list their fruit, carden or farming lands with Wallace & k. Sarab Ilines, I'laiutiff. v. Thomas Hioea, Defendant. To Thomas I line, tht abovt Defendant 1 la tbt oanta of the State ot Oregon 1 Yot art hereby rtoairtd to appear and answer the aotnnUlnt of th I'laietiff abov named. titl4 Conrt on or Ufer the lust day of tbt govt, tacaptlnu J said Cireoit OinT ai a P " ' " V j ' ; " ' " . . 2" a bany. Mno county, th hourof 1 o'clock o. in. on aaid day, tail at publlo auotlon. for eash In band, to tbt highest bidder, tut ll property eewnowi idbbiu locution and t rdtr of It aa followa, to- Hi Tht south jalfof tut aoutuwesi n nar tar. th not lb half of tht aoutbweat ouartar of th north west nuarter of th aontiiaaatauaittr and tbt aoKtb half of ne aouibeaat qnaner 01 smusb o, m narn-hln 0 south, rane 1 weat, of tbt Willamette unrltllan in Linn count y.Ori Albany Nurseries. Wt art ptrmaneatly located ta tbt old Clint homeetead 4 tail fioso Albany oa Coryalli road, and kav oa hand a large ttoek of Choice Fruit Trees of oor owa growing, which wt will sell loweat livina rate. Parti oonteanplatiag planting tree wil eooaalt their latereeU by eiamining oar teok and price before parebaaing . Htm an A tfaowaau. Albany, Oregon. October term ISSOj followina the service of thia Summon a ! yon by paUteattoa, to-wit 1 la talk day ef et-Wer, I, aad yua art hereby notiHed tbat if joa f.U to apper aad answer said complaint aa barf anuiheaat oornar of aaid cUon an, and runnlnaj tbenct south b.00 chain, tntnc wtet 10.00 cbaln,nd tbt net nortbttrly to tht pUc of beginning. logMber with tbt tneraenta and appuru-nanr there unto tiongtng or in any wie tpi-ensm Ina-. Tbt .rocel raat oiaaia prean ia reqnired, th Plaintiff will Uk JndgnieBt ... , .ii-j .. directs! In aaid writ against yon. and will apply to the onrt ririv-,To iht pay nitnl of lb coat and for tba relief prayed for in tnt complaint, dlaburernonUof tbiaault used atf.71 to-wit 1 A diMolatina of tht bond of mat- and aanrulog ota on former execution rimony now etutiof betwaea yon and I lain- tezet at M ZJ.and accruing coau on Ibla tiff aad jndgmeat for her coat and disbars execution. saoata ia this aait to be Uxed. Kaoood-To th payment to tho plain Tkl. C . I. l.ll.l..J k. r.taa tlffa l.araln th BUU1 Ol 13.40Z.OU. ISUO V U t e is (Hut sal as a s ienw j w - 1 - . - - Hoa R P Boise, Jadg of sid Coart. made gold ooln.wlla) intoraatt at at Chamnera, Salem, Oregon, oa Septem- ojnt. par annu. t w "LltLl 1 ,o iiinuwi v tyw '" w ' i bar ib, mv. T. J. Stitbs, Attorney for Plaid tiff. Uated tbla l&h day afSapt. lb9. JouxHiaaLi.Mon, Sheriff of Lion county, Oregon. Final Settlement, Notice la hereby given that the under- signed. Administrator ol the estate 01 Uco, W. Perrv, deceased, has filed In the county court of Lin.i county, Oregon, hl nnal account of aaid estate and tne said court hag fixed Saturday November oth. 1889, at t o clock in the afternoon of aaid day for hearing objections to said final account and tht settlement ot said estate. This the oth. day of Oct. 1S80. T.I. MuNKtns Summons. tk Ctrcuit Crif tktSlutttf a,r Linn tea err. r K All.o, Plaintiff. e. Sassn M. Allen, Dafaodaat. To Snsaa M feadant Allan, tht abov nsmed De- ' "allowing method of filling up nail ' 1 wood Is not only simple, but said ; f ffectual: Toko fine sawdust and tea thick paste with glue, pound It in hole, and, when dry, It will make ud as gool a new. i-'f J ! !. 1 e nelghboihood In Dakota recently ere only two luclfer ma'.ches to go j among twelve families, and per re detailed t-J build fires and keep i Ive night and day until a supply bt had. WMSHBIJ 11 emocrats made large gains In Mon , I North Dakota and the rrpubll- niit: some cain in the other two. f democratic gains exceed the re r enins by about 8000. Nice, If It d." ' were thugs That Cantaaksroos Old Wmaa Described la tbt nursery ballad, who "lived upon nothing bnt victual and drink," and yet "would never bt qnlet,' waa undoubtedly troubled with chronic mdluaatlon. II vicinal, llkt tboat of many oibnt aiders" peweona wbos dlgtav Hvt powe: baytbec tnt impaired, didn't agree wfh her. Ibla waa bi-foia tbt tra orUcaterrsr'a tomab fijlteea, or torn ont of ber numerous rXencfsand rtlaMvt would uodoubrutliy bava pruded bar to try the ri't speoifla for dysptpaia, oonmlpatlonand bl'louaneaa. Tbla would bava been a menaureof aelf protection on their part. fr she would toon basrt bea cored and cea-td to dial orb tba with her clarru r. The mml obatinatt casta of lnd!tlon.with it attendant heartburn. flstulenne. constant nnatt of tbsi stomach aad of tha nerve, aie eomplet It overcome by tbla nveretgn remedy dhllla and fever and bilioua remittent rhtumatism and kidney troubles are slat I elieredbylt. 1 CEVERAL SMALL TRACT4 ij near town for aal Inquire of H, Bryant. 1 STRAT. A dark bar hor-a. black Fj mant and tail, branded "U" on left hip. Asa 19 yaare, Ownr wli 1 tall at my D'ao fonr mll eawt of Albany. 3. r. Pana. TIMBER LAND N0T1C3. United SUbM Land OfTice. Oregon Cu. Or.. July 23. 1880. Notice ia hereby riven that in com nil ance with the provisions of tlie act of Con green of Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands in the Htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," George L Edminton, of Eu gene, county of Lane, Plate of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn state- Vr tlM- . t . 1. tl T? nieiiw iiv i-txj, lur viio irciuwv w snv o r M of Bee No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 2 east, and willo flier proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than ic agricultural pur poaee, and to eatabliah bia claim to said land tiefore tlie lieginter and lleceiyer o thia office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Sat urday the 19th day of October, 1880. He names as witnesses : W Kant, W II Tay lor, II Brennan and J B Towaley, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands sre requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1880. W. J. BttaJtiT, Register. , Summons, In th Cirttlt Court tJ tkm SUtU Ortgon for tkm Count f of L'nn : Mary Ctoeecn, ftaintifl. David L Crueen, Dsfakdatit. Ia the nam .f the aUU ef Oren yew are baroby required to appear aud answer the ouruplaiut 4Ct yon 10 trie ive eo hiled Coort, nuw oa ft! with the Clerk of aaid Court, on or before lb tatfa day ef evuber, A. St., lass. tb seme being tbt first day f a regoiar term of tbi Court, eoamenetag nest after the expiration of six week from thdt of th pablieation of tbi sain mots, and if yon a fail to aor, for want thereof, tha plain tiff will apply to the Coart tor the relwf de manded in tbe a deere tb Plaintiff will apply to tht Coart for the forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony relief demanded therein, to-wit 1 A decree txistlug between plain tiff and defendant against roe dissolving and annulling tbt Md tntrnsting to plaintiff tht custody atul bond of mairimooy now sobsistiog between eontrol of tbe live minor ebildren of plaintiff plaintiff aad defendant, divesting oot of tbe and defendant ( and for a deere divesting dafeadant th title to tb west half of Block the title eat of and from dsf.odsot.eod vest- ine title in fee simple in the plaintiff, of, In and tc one-third ii)ot allth real property of the defendant. tu-it : W ( .f SW of e I. and IC of S IS J of See t. in Tp 4, S of K3S tt, ol the vi;uniit menaian ; la tbe nam of tht SUU ot Oregon. Yoa art beraby leejoired to appear aud anttwer tkt complaint of tht abovt Plaintiff ia tht abovt entitled Coort, now 00 bit with tht Clerk of taiu Coart, on or before list tstfs day tf syciebeTf lata. it bing tbt first day of tbt regular October term. 1889 of aaid Coart, aad yea art here of land I by notified that, if yoa fail t appear and aaawer aaid complaint aa hereby reoairea, 44. ia tb eitv t.f Albaav. Oregon, and vest ing tbe ore ia tb Plaintiff in ie. for oth other aad farther relief a Plaintiff may be entitled to, aad for the cost and disbars- Kent of this salt to t taxed. This Semmooa 1 pabltshsd in tb Stats .Uo g i f N E J snd K of tt KJ of Set II, -r m W9 wt, m i a. . aa a a . .a , t . . J TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviHions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled ''An act for the aale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Casper II lloberg, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No 1267,for the rmrchaae of tbe N E of Sec No 14, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the lieginter snd Receiver of this office at Oregon City.Or., on Saturday the 10th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : W C Cooler, J K McHargue, N B Standish and J D Ir vine, all of Brownsville. Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bubmy, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, ' Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con frres of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," William C Cooler, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day died in this office his sworn statement No 1263,for the purchase of the E K of N W X snd lots 1 and 2of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to saia land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : N B Standish, A P Howe, J K McHargue and C U Hoberg, all of Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W, T. Bubnit, Register. in To 4 of tt 31 K. W M. all situated and being in Uninn eaiuotr. Oignn 1 snd fur (13000) three thousand Sotlar al'inonj-.snd for (919(f) oj hundred and fiHy ol'sr to defray plaintiff' cerises of tbi salt and fr plaintiff costs and dteburaeinent ol thia soit, ana for each fsrthtr relief msy te th Coart seem proper. Tbissnmmou it pnblisbsd by order t Ron U P tioiat, Jndgt of the abovt tntitled Coart, mad at Chamber ia tb city of 8e lem, Oregon, and steering date tbt 10th day of September, 1880. BiACKBusx & W smtrr, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Rioarr Dsmocbat by order of Hoa R P. Boise, lads ot said Court, which said or der waa mad at Chamber in tbt city of Hal.m. Oregon, en th 8th day tf 8:ptem ber, 1819. Blacksubxs W a 10 st. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice. Notio i hrby given that th aader- tigned baa been by the County Court of Linn eouoty, Oregon, daly appointed esecttor of th la will and teetament of Lydiajone, deoeaaed, late of Una twenty, Oregon. All nersoos having claim against aaid estate art oinct, una eonBty,wre6oo.properiy yerine!, , , - B ,hkt u ooder. wnnin aix rontna irom tnta oat. , 1. tK.rno.t. (Wt f. Linow.LLlv. O Ck-n. duly appointed Ad mim.trafor I the state ef Edward John Mills, UUt.f lyinn mmniy, Oregon. decaed, as such. All person bavins ciaiins Mgatiiri .aid isirt j are hereby notified to present tbrni to the untleraigncrl duly veritikd Kt Albany. Oreinn, within six months ' m tni Ute. Dated Ouolir4f. iS9. ' - J. U. Wbitsmab, J. K WcATtfKRniuti, Admioittiator. '. . 4ttoiiv for A.iiiiinittrator. Tbis 2ud day of September, 1IS9. Isaac Mbekib, J. K. WgATniBFOkD, Eseootor. Att'y for Es. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Alexander P Howe, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1268,for the purchase of lota 3 and 4 and K 'A S W M of Sec No 30, in To No 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purp ses,and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J K McHargue, W C Cooler, N B Stand ish and J D Irvine, all of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovo described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of October, 1889. IT". T. Burnet, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Stales Land Office, Oregon City. Or., July 25, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of the act of Con' gross of June 3, 1878, entitled "Aw act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada ond W Washing ton Territory," James H Stevens, of Turn water, county of Thurston, Territory of Ifaahington, has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No 1280, for the purchase of the 8 W of Sec No 20, in To No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of fer proof to show that tlie land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J E Huv'iiinson, G B Jaltobson, W Scourfield and John Garner, all of Seattle, King Co., W. T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of October, 1889. 4 iV.T. Bubney, Register. A S4-inch light roadster, 1889, for sale heap at Thompson & Overman' s. ' TlMBEfttAND NOTICE. United Statw Laud Office. Oregon city, oiwoo, July ZSrd, 1889. Nollo. is harsby ul-.n tli.t Inooinpll.iioa with th jMDTl.i.ii. ol Ih. art of ConirrM. at Jun. 3, IK" S.antttlad "An act forth, (iwb.rlaml.ln Mm Mats, of Cal ifornia Or.fua, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' Andrew L Dakar, of Browfl.vllle.ouuntvof Linn, sUts afOraron, has this day filed 111 this off!., bis swom Matatoant Ms for th. piirenssa of tha N K i of saetlun Ho t. In itwnehl Bo 10, south rang No 1 aaat.siid will offer proof t .bow that th. land sought Is aor valuable lur Its Umbar or Mon. than fnrairrlcul lural purpsses, and hlnelalro toaaid land hetor th. Kf liter and Heceiver nl tlilaoffiestMravon City, Groa-en, on Saturday, th 19th day sf October, ISSS. He uamas ss vlS-M : A P How.. J K Hollar rus, M B Standuh snd WCCooloy, all of Urown.ville, Uneeoiinlw, Oregon. Any and all parsons elstmlng ad .eniely th. abov. dean-ibed lands sr reqnemed to Ste ttiair claim, in tbls offlos on or before said 1U day efOeobr,ls89. W T Buaaav, Register. Summons, In Iht Clixuit Court of Jut SW of Ortgon for Linn County. ' ' K.rl Rsce, Plaintiff, va. Maggie M Kaoe, Defendant. To Maggie M Rce, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, yoa art hertbi required to appear and answer the complaint tiled in the above entitled Court against yon in the above entitled aait by the first day of the next term of the above entitled Court, to-wit ; on Monday the 28th day of Ootober, 1889, and if yon fail te so appear and answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for th re lief demanded in the complaint, via : For a deoree diaaolving the bonds of matrimony now existing betneen the defendant and plaintiff, end decreeing that plaintiff have the eare, custody and ooctrnl ot George S. Race their minor child and for such other order as may be eqaituble. Ttia Summons i published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers at the City ot Salem, Or., and dated the 12th day of Sept. 1819. J. K. WeiTHERTORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. 8ol Agent) for Oregon and Washington for SiStaaSaaa " h . ; . , Ho ' I One ix ' TlC. .; ; UatH, f u-i ' . S.iii " ( ' Shoes . . Boots ... . . ' ' ,,. ' Jeens Ouffa ('a nnn . Tests Kutvi-s Gi tvi n 4 8oif ( Futset . HrusLfM Cbaios Cbatois i Hbiits . (' OoliMs , Hosiety Babte J' .Mitten" s Trunks Yalises .... . Baitings - . Half Hose Overalls Silk Hts Clothing -Oil Goods Slipper Kid Giove ' Umbrellas Overcoats Orcsboes . TJodershirtft SlntiW. fiiwl'le. or Trii-ht ! wal vtwni i tha Umsm wb DEEHEl'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. i mm. Tney are so atrij l a4 m no urn abw parfrtloo. tha nn uf mx Va oc cao n.H y anoob In I heir prajaa. v lurotab itoaa lib or wtuwat altaebiuent. Seat attaUtments ate estrm. - ctiir.urvr QWnr PRESS GRAIN DRILL. i Bocti lie frees Grain twill, Buckeye Seed, Hockey SpvteS Tooth Harrows. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AIMO bttutKa j The asoat cn4t aad sunoaeafid tool for ) , Snspeoders Silk SbirU ; Troosef tog Pel Joekeu Windsor Ties Voolei Drawers RabUr Ovats Rubber BooW Leatbe r C o a ts ' llsndkerobiefs Msokintos h C o t s Cardigan Jackets Engi ne ei Jseksti Foro'sbing Goods Tsilor Made Boits and mary oibsr taings too nomrou8 to men bo. 3E3 JZZ3LmjOs.JZ.TJ 3 JIJZlJDkJnjniiTXZr X O S-" 3HEXlES3a. Tb take lmTml tttBnt lur wug fno. a We sUshs Iseve selt He ef BesTartee. Cerrloarye. !" eti Wsitsi M 1'l.tferssi sv4 etlaer SSprlng ettete. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Uwtenoa A Chapla-a Sprint; Tooth Bamres. taere lUrrows, BcUnUSo TmA MUla, fmtOo raanlng HtUsy men ooa WlOP ITft fTfi sref ar-rftti. nm.m krt mrt i,it tIMitfll VNUS niHk. fciw.f a.. Malm E. THRALL, Agent, Albany, Or. A t liable U. H. K.nndari S ton scale only $37. Delivered at your nearest rail Ttvi s.lob free of frelittil on tnlrty days trial, tArger ! at proportionately lowjrkuMi. Warranted five years. Adilrm, F. C. HOFFMAN Albany, Oregon lift LA OfL8BST. ySHCt Ott-BSST. HISSES GILBERT Tescbers of . Piano, Orgaa aal Harmony Realdence eorner Jeffnrsoo and h 6!s. Mtaa llsla Gilbert at Lebanon, Tonrti dsys and Krldays. DR. G. A. WMlTfJEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gradnat ef Bellevne Hospital dieal College Now Yerk City. Di.ea.a of woman a special ty. SeTOOSoc, Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. Notice of Final Settlement, Kilic i bereby gives that tie nsder aigntd Administrator of tbe estate of J. J. Llavie, deceased, ha filed ttia final a secant with tb Clerk of tbs Connty Coart for Linn oounty, Oregon, and the aid Connty Court baa Used tb 6tb day of November, 15S9, at tbe boar of 1 o'clock, p. m., for baahntoev j act ion to said aeount and for tbe aelt!--fnent of aaid estate. Thi tb 27 tb dy of Sept 18S0. J.B. D-tvu. J. K. WssTiusroao. Aal mioiatrator. Att'y for Admiuiatrater. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vallml SUtas Land Offles. r-ooClty,Ort-oa. Ju'rl. 1SSS. Vol las Is It -say iHatln eoaaplunoe wltbtke nrovtatnnaof tltesHolCotif raa. of June S.18"S,antlll Aa act for th. sale of timber lands Inthsstataaof Cal ifornia, Orvua, Kavaoa Md Wsablnirtaa Tarrttnry,' John L'atdwall.ol Vanemivar ooaiy of Clark,trrttory of Waalilncton .ha. Uilsday Sled In tills ottlea hta swora staUmenl No 1SWU , for th parens of the N E ) ef axitloa Mo SS . laloemehlp No IS, aouO, ratitf. Sat Mat, aud will offer proul to show that the land sough la more ia! tub's lor lutimoer orston mum ngn cultural burnoses. and la estahltsh bis claim to said land before lbs Resistorem! Kaoalver of thuoSloe as Or(oa IKy, orvtun, en Monday , in si at oav of uo tnber, Ihm). H. namassa J Klaaiiraa.WK M.yre.W W frosbetel snd John SweS,sl of Vanoou var, Clarke eountv, WT, Any and all twrsons clalmlne sdrerwly th above daaeribed land, am requeated to file their claims In Ibis oOloeonor before said Slat day October .1HH, WTltrssst; Rexieter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States tend OfTloe. OrpBon Cltv. Oreiron. July 23rl. 1HS11. Notice la hfrtiby given that in compliance with the provisions of the not of Congress of June S,IKTS,enlllll"An act for the sale f timber audlntlieainir.or'allfornla,(irt'i:on,NPYail, and WaahltmtonTprrllory," Aroinuaid w rru altaw,rif Albany, county ol Llnn.slato of Orefton. baa this dny Olo I In tbisoffloe his awern state rnentNo 172, for tha purchase of the N Kt of ertlou No at, In township No 1U, south fango No Seoul, and will ofTor proof to show that the land stuiKht is more valuable for lie timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, andtooa. tablish htaelalm to said land beiorethe Register and Heceiver of this omceai Oregon uity. Ore gon, on Saturday, tbe lllthday of Ootolicr, 1889. He names aawiinesaca i w n tayior, w a.aat. n breunan and EHoblnion, all of Albany, Linn couuty.Oreuoii. Any anil all persona claiming adversnly the above desorl bad lands are request- sd tome their claim in tni omoeonor ueiore aaid 19th dav of Ootober. 1K88. ' , WXBuassT.Reglster. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United StaUs Land Offlos, Omron City, Oreson, Jul 83rd. 1889, Notlos Is hereby given tbat In eosnplianee with tb provisions of ths set of Congress of J uus 3,lS78,entitled ''An set for ths sal of timber lands In ths states of Csllfornia,Oregon,Nevada,and Washington Territory," Andrew Piter, ol Buena Vista, oounty of Polk, stats of Oregon, nas tins day niea in int. omo. ma sworn ment No 12116, forth io purohaae of the N W et B K 1. N K I of S W i. 8 E 1 of N W 1 and 8 W I of N K i ot eectlon No 10, In township No lu, south rang No t east, and ill offor proof tosliowtnat thsland sought Is mors valuable for lie timber or stone Shan foi sgrlnultural purposes, and to eatabliah bis claim to laid land before the Hegisterand Receiver of till. ofHoest Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, thellHhday of October, lab. Ha name, ss witnesses : W Kast, W H Taylor, U Bren ban and J B Towaley, all of Albany, Linn county, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abov described Isnds sre requeued to file their claims In this off tea ou er before ssld lOih day of Oetober,188. w T BuaHBT, Ksgistar. - TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United States Lsnd Office. ' OrogonOitr.Oregon.July 85th, 1189. Notlo is hereby giventbatln compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8,lS7S,.ntitled "An set for tbs sals of timber Isnds in ths states of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory," William W Proebatel. of Vsneouver, count, of Clarke . territory ot Washington, has tbis day filed ia this efKce nis sworn ssstement no ixiv, rortne purcnas el IS. 8 E t of saetlun No 32. In townahin No 12.south ran re Ns a east Ani will offer proof to show that th land sought is more vuluable for Its Umber or .tone than for agricul tural purposes, and to eatabltnh his claim to said land before tb Kegiater snd Receiver ef this oflie at Ore gon City rOregon, on Monday, the 21st day ol Oetober, 1S9. He names ss witnesses : JFlanegsn.WBMsyre, J Caldwell snd J Sweet, all of Vancouver, Clsrk coun ty, W T. Any and all persons claiming adversely tt above land, are requested to fl le their claims in uua omoeonor belore saidil.tday of Octeoer, Jti), W T BcT, Hgit. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Oreson City, Or., July 27, 1889. Xotk-e ia hereby given that in compli ance with tlie provisions of the act of Con irress of June 3, 1H78. entitled "An art for the ftakmf timberlanus in ttieStatea ofCali fomia, Oregon, Nevada arrd Washington Territory," Benjamin F Kyle, ol Eugene, county of Lane, buite of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollic his sworn statement No 1317, for the iinrchaee of the 8 W V of Sec Ho 2. in Tp No 12 south, lUnie ho 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land be fore tbe Register and Receiver of this of fice at OregtmCity,Or.,on Friday the 25th day of Octohetr, 1889. lie names as wit nesses : A W DolscbaB and 118 Bergman, of Needy, Clackamas Coi, and K Howe and J J tiqoirea, of Albany, Linn Co., all of Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming ad versely the above described lands ore re qnested to file their claims ia this office on or before said 25th day of October, 1880. W. T, BtiMur, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or . , luly 27, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tlie provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tlie States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Frank I Isbcll, of Delta, county ot Fulton, State of Ohio, has this day tiled in this office liis sworn statement No 1310, for tbe purchase of tbo N W W of 8ec No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, ana to estaDiisn ins claim to said land before tlie Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 1 889. I Ie names as witnesses : R Howe, M C Yerks, J J Squires and F II Aldrich, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 25th day of Oc tober, 188U. W. T. Burnet, Register. in tbs foot tbat I am offerin better bargains ibai, any one te in A.bast " Booebt at bankrupt talea lean aU First-Class Goods. : below COST. FOP General murcb. udise of all kind, call on ne Jartic-lar largaios in .am, of abets. ("asli forUoais or Country pndue W. SIMPSON Allan), Oregt;r FOR THE BEST FURNITURE CALL. OK THE Albany Furniture Company PPOSTTK 31 E WART A SOX'S, BCD ROOMaSETS, TABLES. CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United States Land Offlea. -' ' Oregon City, Oreron, July tBth,lS89. Notloe is hereby given that Id oompliane with the provtsionsot the sot of Congress of June S.187S, entitled An act for ths sale sf timber lands in the states of Oal- uarnia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory ,' ir Bled in thl.ofll statement Nel2S7, for the purchase of the N W 1 el John Uarner, of Seattle, county of King, territory ot TTaeuington, naamiaasy niea in wis onioe nis sworn seetion Ne 20.ln townehtp Me lOouth range Ne Seast, and will offer proof to .how that the lsnd sought is mors valusbls fur it. timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to setablish hisolaim to said land before ths Rea-lster and RaoelTar of thia r.mi at Wa gon City, aregon.on Tuesday , ths I2nd dsy of October" 1880. Its names sawitnesMa: W8nnril.ld JRJ.tnV sen, John West sod i A B.anatt, allotSeatUa, King" """"Y' " aim ui person, eieimtng sovsiseiy th above described land. are nwinaiud in sia thaia alalmi In this office oa or before said 2tod day ot 0oto bsr,18e. W T BtanaT, Beglstsr. Administrator's Notice, Notice is haiebyei ven that tha under signed waa by ths Connty Coart for Lino oounty. Stat of Oregon, on the 6th day of September, 1889, duly appointed Adminis trator of the eatate of Knth Bradahaw. H- ceased, lata of Lino eouoty, State of Ore gon. All persons haying claim against laid estate are hereby notified to present the same to tne uudersiened at hi residents at Dayton, Yamhill connty, Orejfoo. or to his Attorney, within six months from this dae, only verified as reqnired by Jaw. uaiea oeps. j,isin, iswa. . Wr. Clsmmsns, J. K. Wkathirtor, Administrator Attoraev forAdminii' NEW DRUG STORE. - Oo or abrot October aist T will vu vith a HEW ASD COMPLETE STOCK of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. The people of Albany ara cordially nvlted to koep their ey on the date and place nd call on the opealng day and iospeH my etock. II. 0. UUDBAIiD, Prescription Druggist. MATTHEWS i- WASHBURN , Cany a first -class stock ol Stoves, TinwarewarejEtc, WMch tbey are selling at remark alby low prices. JOB WORK . carefully and promptly don at reasonable prioes. I PURE DRUGS,? Paints, Hils, Stationary, Etc M Prompt attention