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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1889)
CT L FRIDAV......SEPTJCMUiCU 27, 1889. 8TIT3 & RIMsts 4 H&TTI5G. tv.rl''.ara s-'i. - i.-.; ; 1 ; '. LOCAL RECORD. Am UNSOLvt D MvuriliY There Wit on man In Salem to-dav that u happily aurnrlstd.W II Simpson, who resides about three mile east of Salem, came to the post office to-day, and the dlllvery clerk with a pleaient amlle, handed him a small pack act together with hi other mall. Tht nacaare and Itt content were not looked lor by Mr Simpson, to when he opened U lia was surprised, to tay tha leatt. What wat In the package, do you guess? Why It wat hit testament lost by him on the ut davellulv. isol. at ths battle ol Ucttr berg, twenty ill yvara ago. On (hit day, the arat day ol the battle, the Doys wcr ordered to throw off their knaptacka, and from that day to thlt Mr Slnaton,ht never aean hit testament. v,no couia nave found It and tent It to him It the unsolved myttery Salem Jrnal. CoNaaKaaMAN IUsmanm. Hon. Blng er Hermann arrived In the city Wednes day and left on the noon train far Yaquina Day. Mr Hermann bad a warm shake of the hand for everybody regardless of poll Ilea, though It waa noticeable that hungry Republican twarmed around him a little the liveliest. Thlecutlom of a State's Con. gressman gelling out among; the people and becoming familiar with the multitude of wantt of hit constituency It a good one, and Mr. Hermann doea It well. After a trip to the Bav Mr. lieitnann will return to Albany Friday and go to Salem. Mat. D. Albany's former milliner, lira. Abigail Dunlwsy I up In Wathlng ton trying to raise a disturbance by get ting the good women of the State to vote t the coming election at all hazard, and it not allowed to march right to the Su preme Court of the United State and de mand jut: Ice. Mr. I), la getting wild. Such conduct does her caute more harm than good. Is au. Right. Saturday we mention ed the tact of Mr A B Webcll a brother-In aw of Mr J J Davla not having been heard from elnce June. The following from the Otloc Rn-itw would Indicate that he U all right: A B Webcll came In thla week from the Malheur country. He aay the droughthtt notaffectedthat country nearly to bad at it haa thlt. The grain and hay crop waa average and the grata on the range It good. CaooK'a IUavy Tax-Payers. The following in Crook county pay taxes on over $10,000 : B P Allen, $19,370 ; Bald win Sheep Si Land Co, $17400 ; J P Combe, $11,735 5 Wm Fotter, 117,130 ; ) W Gage, $10,365 ; HeUler Bro.t $13,090; A Hackleman, $13,900 ; T J Logan & Son, $18,910 ; C C Mating, SlI.M ; W V & U li R Co, $119,969. O W Elkina It attest ed at $5,140 ; J Newtoin, $5.436 . Another Tuesday J II Matne became concerned about the dancer to hit building by the bruth clote to It, 10 he atarted a fire auppoting he could keep It within bound but yesterday forenoon he found out hia mistake. A cinder lit be yond hit reach In the bruth and In a min ute a fire waa atarted that required the ut most eiertlont of the people of Newport to conk o.Jiefutiitum . Too Late, T.L. Wallace.the real rsla! man, went to Salem yesterday for the pur pose of securing the exhibit in the real estate office of Wallace & Cuslck to show to new comers, but the exhibit had already been spoken for and will go t the Corn PaUce at Sioux City. Thlt Is to be re gretted, aa the entire exhibit of product! at the fair, would make a very commendable display in a real estate office in Albany. Mimical. The W. C. T. V. Hall last Monday wat crowded, the occasion being a tong service and concert under the aupervitlon of Prof W II Yaung. Several fine selections were rendered, and the en tertainment proved one worthy a good ad mission fee. Prof Young will teach a large class, and we are assured he it well quali ied for doing so. An Ol Pixw. In 1840 Mr Fletcher Crabtree, of the "Forks, " a pioneer of '46, built a wooden plow which he used that year and abandoned, leaving it In an out of the way field. A few days ago a neigh bor ran across the plow, and Mr Crabtree Immediately recognized what remained of it aa the plow of '49. Forty years is a long tine for a wooden plow to survive. The Last D at. The Sta(,e horse rate and stock show closed Saturday, It waa a gi eat success. The side show at the pa vilion had some fine individual exhibits but there was too much vacant space. The mile dash was won by Coloma in 1.43. A three eighths mile dath was won by Cy clone in 3$ seconds. A special trot waa won by Fantasia, best time 3:i6. Axorta Thieves. Friday night the tent of A. B. Custer and Pearnc Cochrane, of this county, on the fair grounds waa robbed, the burglars taking their watches and even their shoes and stockings, moch to their confusion next morning. They ar. rived home Saturday evening, their so. journ there considerably marred by the unpleasant Incident. Tusked Uissioxaky Paul d'Helrry Is la trouble again at Seattle He under took to deliver the colored vote to the re publican party and was sent as a mltslon- ary amongrt them, but has returned crett fallen unablo to deliver the goods. The . rnlnrr.1 men sav they have men of their own t send to Ban Domlnro in case of necessity Walla Walla Staleiman. Turn. FiaUKE o. No person living will again date document without using V It now standt on the extreme right 1880. Next year it Hill take- second m place 190, where It will remain ten years. It will then move Into third place iooo, and there it will rest a century Will Lectpee. Mlt Henrietta Moore will lecture In thlt county li the interest of the W. C. T. U. at the following places and datea : Harritburg, Sept. 34th Browntvire.Sept.35th Shedd, Sept. 16th Oakvilte,Sept. 37th 5 Lebanon, Sept. 38th 8clo, Sept. 39th Albany, Sept. 30th. SraETCHixo Out. The new cement walk extending wett from the Stewart & So corner. Is 185 feet long, the longest stetch of this kind of walk in Albany, Such walks are a credit to the city, and nothing else should be used in front of business blocks. Otr All Sides, Saturday Mr. N. A. Blodgett sold a block In Elklns' addition to LEBlain, for $1500. Mr Blodgett paid $1100 for the block in February. On all sides of Albany prices are firm and up ward bound, A Party. A birthday party was ten dered Miss Laura Vance at the home of her parents Saturday evening.' A pleas ant evening was pasted. Among .other nice features wat the presentation to Miss Laura of a handsome gold watch by her father and mother. Quit IT. Nearly all of our Mate ex changes are running Dr Olympia S, Mur ray's ad. Secretary Pentland,ef the Press Association Informs the Democrat that he has inquired into the Dr's responsibility nd that she Is N. G. This i of Interest to the public also. Bought a Store. The millinery house of D F Wagner & Co, was purchated ye t.-rdsy by George W Tlmpton, of Albany The change will occur at once, and the In vi!'.e Isbdn taken rsow. Mr Simpson ne business at tne id stand tor - - . -ir"'i ptiarters ca A&AR R. W B Barr, Wm Wright ami others of the surveying pa.ty on the Astoria Road have returned to Albany, the survey having been completed to Tills mwit. Tha ncrmanent survey will be made and the right ol way secured for the roa.l. when active operations will beillu to wards bulldlns It. ' The Salem Stuttmtn, which tntcrviewd the mew Saturday My "The surveyors for the Albany St Astoria Railroad Co In charge of Mr llarr finished work for the present season a', the town of Tillamook, Tiramook county, on Thurs day evening. Two of the turveylng crew came out over the mountain to North Yamhl.l on FrlJiiv. The balance of the men will follow by wijj.m, going out by the Big Nettucca toll road. The distance from Albany to Tillamook by the route surveyed Is just ninety miles, 'and Mr Birr says there are no heavy grades at alt that the past It a very low on and the route through a country rich In retourvet and productive. Mr llarr tays the survey will probably be continued on to Astoria In the spring, to toon St the weather will permit r mm Kalcni to Tillamook hy the tame route Itonlvnbnul tcvenly mile. It I ita led upon authority that the water on the bar at the entrance to Tillamook bay can be increased with a very reason amount ot Improvement to eighteen or twenty feet. This would allow larne vet eels to come In there." Crook County. Uhn Nuttln thrived here last Wednesday from Albany, He will remain here during the. winter. Kiuman LMlolt and family left thlt week ior l.ln.i Mr Klll.m luit Itouttht a farm near I.cbmicn which he will make his future home. For man.- years Mr Hit lott hat been an honored chiton ot thla county, and wt revret that he hat moved away. The averitcc valvatlon placed on differ ent classct of propeitv a fined by the board of rqttatUatlcit I as follows: Lund $J 74 4 Per acre, road land 07 i-io centi. horses and mule t-vj 56 7-10, cattle $11 39, sheep $51 3-o, twine 1 91 , l-lo,, No lest than ten Democrat have moved from this vicinity recently to the Willam ette, valley, most ot them set' ling in Linn county. . . . , , A ifacklcman's teams arrived front Al bany this week with seven thousand pounds of supplies for hit Camp Creek ranches. Prineville papers, , A Cutlery Factory, A uenilemaa In the city representing an Eastern manu. fact u re r of ci'Uery offers to bring a factory t Albany simply In consideration ot the formation ot a joint stock company, with part of the stock taken here. Such a fac tory would be of great value to the city and would do a much as any other Indus try In giving it a name as a manufacturing city. "The Albany Cutlery" would soon be mentioned over the Coast. The capl. lal stock requited would not be large and If It is desired to make Albany a manufac turing city our citixens must get In and run some risk. Tnote Interested in having such a factory here can get particulars of Messrs llurkhart & Keeney. A Peculiar Safe. Mr Bcuson ,a dairy man, of Ketchum, IJlin,hjs an o'.d wagon which he bought eight years ago in Boise City. The wagon has been in use nearly all tht. time ever since. One day Mr Ben son was going over the summit with his wagon when sotrething broke. In exam Inlng the wagon he found a piece ot tin which had been tacked on had come loose, and In taking the tin off two bare ot gold dropped out. It appeared that a hole had been cut in the wood, the bar placed In thit prepared spare and the tin tacked on to cover It up. Mr Benson sold the two bar ot gold for $1700. Who the man is that converted hiswagon into a portable afe will very likely never be known. Pottijio o?r RcrrLEs. In his own or iginal way Van Cleve, ot the I'ru, sums up Albany' prosperity as follows: "Al bany is booming, real estate is prancing clear out of stght of any but the full-handed, in the business portion of the city, while the outlaying country bctareen there and 'Frisco southward, and westward to the Pacific ocean, it beginning to put on shirt collars and ruffles, preparatory to joining in the grand rush to do honor to the bright, handsome and energetic city." Ice Ox Him. We have heard of men being pnt on Ice, but something queerer happened In Pendleton the other day, when Ice was put on a man. He was dosing quiet? In a chair, when some heartless wretch placed a large chunk of ke upon his folded arms. After a period of mani fest uneasiness, he awoke, after dreaming that he had discovered the north pole, and had been attached to It by its magnetic in fluence. Pendleton B. 0. Three Kicks. Three horses have le- cently been dum ped In the Willamette at the end of Pine street In ll's 4th Addition, and are now raising the neighborhood. There It a general kick there. 1600 cords of wood are reported 1 the way In the al. ley surrounded by First, Ferry, Second an: Washington Streets. First Street at the east end has not been opened as order. The residents there do not like tne slow nets displayed In the matter. . " A Runaway. Wednesday the team of Mr James Auderway became frighten ed near the Red Crown Mills and ran away. The wagon was well broken to pieces and left in the road. The team oassed Ihe depot for the country just bo- fore the ttugene and Yaquina trains arriv ed. Several at the depot made heroic ef forts to stop them : but without avail, though resulting In one or two hair breadth escapes. More thaw That. The Oregon Paci fic managers propose to have their line Completed in lime to haul next year' crop of wool ont of the country. If thlt I done It will add about a half cent a pound to the price of wool here. OcAoc Htvtrw. tne Toad will Increace 'he price of wool two or three times half a cent. A Difference or Opinio. A little difference ot opinion at the Eureka Res taurant last Tuesday between Mr Ivan- covich. proprietor of the restaurant and Mr Morrison, resulted In a black eye for the latter and a warrant for the former. On a plea of guilty Justice Humphrey placed the fine at $5 ard costs, which were promptly liquidated. Gooo Walks. Mr U. G. Haines, the cement walk man, to-day began the work of putting anew cement walk around the O. F. Hall. Mr Haines understands the business thoroughly, the 185 foot walk put down by him recently, and the Blumberg, ..... .... i- Young, t linn ana MCliwain waias spcan ing for his skill In this line. Wheat amd Oat. Wheat, though only 61 cents has an upward look, and a ew more cents may be expected. At the present price there re practically do aW though a few small ones of a few bushels for pin money, are made. Oats range from 15 to 30 cents. Ma Drowned. Saturday evening while four men were cros; ing over trom Yaquina to West Yaquina during a storm in a llcht skiff, a heavy wave struck her, swamping the boat and throwing them In tt, mitt, r rw of them named Gus Lar sen,a stevedore, was unable to swim and tank and wat drowned. His body has not vet been found. The others reached the j shore In satety. D. vma by Ten. Linn county assesses 36,908 head of sheep at $516,216, or con tiderably over $14 a head. That ought te be their full value, turely. Baker City litvtille The total should be divided by ten. One too many , tigurca. Oooo Bye. After a residence in Albany of justtwenty years," No. t s hand engine leftiMonday for Ilillsboro. The fire bell tolled a sad farewell. FAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DDYOE 'ponVH Havino a Yakm 'jV: Urownsvlile It warmed with esdtrment caused by rellgiout camp thsre run by two Holiness preachers named Lambert and Elttt, the latter being the man who had tome troubls across the river from Corvallls at som meeting thera. Rev Kenlston wat asso ciated with them for awhile, but he claim to have "caught ." to their styU and de livered a sermon etpotlns them, Ellis retaliated using abusive language In ret erence to Kenlston.and the latter had htiw arrested and eallboosed. Now Ellis Is seeking to have the Marshal arretted for arresting him without a warrant, but he weakened on thlt, The matter waset warm and the confudon Increase. A pe culiar Incident happened after Ellis 'i arretted. He atked to be allowed to pray for help before going with the Marshal, and then In a long prayer, frequently tn said to have abused Kenlston and his wife In very strong langusgc.after which he marched glorloutly to the call boot. Premium Rkckivku, There Is one case In which the name of Salem stands pre eminent, and that is In the published list ot premiums received al the State fair. The same old quilts, woolen stockings and chemise got there again. We skimmed the list for a Linn cc ur.ty name, and were shout to throw up the sponge when we stumbled on the following t Barrows Brosa Shedd. year old stal lion. Multnomah, standard trotter, second premium. ' J A Zimmerman. Millers, 3 rear old stallion, draft, Dunsmore lad 4 year old stallion Fylde Echo, first premium, J W Shannon, Albany, a year old geld ing, Prince, Second pre mluin. Landmarks Gone. Forest fire have destroyed he "witness trees" that marked the boundary between Oregon and Cali fornia by the survey made some fifteen years ago, thus obliterating all record of the same. The Jacklonrlll Tit says that a party that recently took a contract lor surveying I Jve townships In Curry county was obliged to suspend operations as all tracea of the state line had vanished, The folly ot leaving nothing but trees to witness the established boundary between states would be Inconceivable but for the fact that government surveyor clotefy resemble other officials In that they work mainly tor the money that Is In the job, Alsamy's Gain. On last Friday eve ning, about twenty or thirty of our joung people assembled at the residence of Mr J P Galbrakh to pay their respects to Miss Llda Galbrallh who left for Albany. Sat urday morn In , to attend school. A sren- eral good time was had, up to the hour of parting, at which time sadness, and regret seemed to overcome the hearts of all pre sent. The high esteem In which Miss Galbrallh Is held, because ol her womanly gift had aecured for her a warm place In tne neart 01 tn young people 01 Ihe town who reirret very much to loose her from their society. Brownsville 7Ya. A Pecvliar Bet. A drummei In the city yesterday was telling about a peculiar bet or series of bets, ha saw made In Port land. A Democrat and a Republican In a hotel bar room bet fifty cents on the politics of every man who went op to Ihe bar Each lime the democrat belting the man was a democrat and the republican that he was a republican. The republican came out $15 ahead during the evening. This uggests two things, that republicans drink as much as democrats and that Portland is a republican city. Bee Limes. Probably the longest ubee line railway In ihe world b that from Bue nos Ay era to the foot of the Andes. It corers 340 kilometeis, or about 375 miles, and It as straight at an arrow. The high est grade Is about three feet to the mile. It crosses no ravines and no stream and therefore no bridge. In Albany people take the shortest bee line tor Conn Bros, for their groceries and prcduce. Their goods are of Ihe highest grade and they do a straight business. Miss Henrietta G. Mooaa. This tal ented lecturer of Ihe National Woman's Christian Tempeiance Union after tiling her engagements In other parts of Linn county, wl'.l reach Albary 0.1 Monday.the 30th Inst, She will spesk at the WCTU Hall in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, and again in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. The ladies of Albany are especially Invited to attend the afternoon lecture. Miss Moore has won a distinguished reputation aa a speaker, as well as a lady of culture and ability. In Washington and California and also In the Eait. Bio Four Busted. The Big Four com psny which had pretensions to mlnstelsy went to piece In Sslem, and its members depart :d as Individuals. Saturday night an attachment for $1575 was Issued against them by T J Cronlae.for job print ing, but there was nothing of value to at tach, their only property being the edu cated dog Tom and old trunk full of false whiskers, lamp block and minstrel gtgt. Slatttnuin. That is the reason Albany es caped. The Democrat didn't escape, though. Horse Chestnuts. A Drmodrat man haa a rouple horse chestnut trees, which have yielded qnlte prepificly this year me giossy nut. This horse chestnut Is a great thing. Carried In the pocket It Is a cure ior rneumatism. so trae tlon sars. Lined and pulverized the kernel is said to .t-na. . - - " be a remarkable remedy for catarrh, and already several have been secured for that purpose. .There are only a few of these trees in the Valley. Predictions. Old settlers who have observed the signs of the times generally ssy that the coming will be a severe win ter for Oregon, and that the woodshed should be full to save big winter prices They have felt of the rulse and the tines resd clearly. There are liable to be some snow banks and skates will be In demand Well, perhaps and perhaps not. Bur .you'll see. Next Year The hose boys returned from the firemen's tournament on Satur day. They were not over jubilant at their luck, hut feel that they made a very good showing although they did not bag many 01 1 no ncayy prizes, iney nave got team In their mind for next year tha will pluck laurels enough for a '.ife tlme-TYmaa. An Accident. One day last week Mr T F Smith, living about three miles, erest of lUlsey, met with a very painful accl dent He was pressing hsy. when he caught hia arm In the press, and crushed v. 1 ne nonet were broken and forced out through the flesh In different places. A New Series. A new series has been opened by the Albany Building Si Loan Association. Parties desiring to join It should call on the Secretary at once. The Association is proving a good thing . for itiDany. Good. 50 acre, miles south at f 16 per acre, J$ cost. Land Is level and in pasture. 10 and 10 acre tracU at $30 per e. Easy terms. E G Bsardslev. Real estate Agent, uroadaibln street, Albany, Eat and de Merry. Gold dust corn meal, silver dust cornmeai, genuine Ver mont maple sugar, maple syrup, New Or leans molasses, Golden Drip syrup, chi cory, tapioca, dried beef, Holland herrings smoked herrings, cod nth, mackeral, tal mon, mustard sardines, just reeelved fresh supply of these articles at the Wil lamette Packing Co'i Store. In p. & K's A Saturday Miss Clarr Cohen purchased two lots in Dubrullle & Ketchum's addition to Albany; paying $300 for the same, The lots have a front geof 31 feet. " : TirilVARE ..AnDHARD- 17AHE of all rci::03 'Al RSli ESTATE SALES. The following deeds have been filed with the County Recorder , tor record since 3 o'clock, yesterday 1 J M Porter to Doughs and G Tay. ' lor, w halt lots 1 and 7,. blk 8, " llatsey. t $tooo Wm Wtddle to Sarslt C Wcddle, no acres lnseC36,tpii,K K I w 600 II L and F B R-es to Herman Mela ger and H Wassertnan, w half 1 Sec J6,tp 15,3 R a w, , 600 Allle S Brown to Clara acres In to n,8 R a ,;!, 700 Henry Epley lo S M l)anll,lota 13, 14, itsnd 16, Sclo. ; 600 Frsnk Hayes to I N Gulllford, N E qrSec 10, Tp 14, S R 3 w,.,i . 1S00 E E i'entland to W II Ramsey, 1 Vj acres. 8clo. 950 IS G fenliand to W II Ramaey, 1 acres near Sclo 100 J M Moyerto 11 B Moyer, 7 acres , near Brownsville.... ...... ... I I-C seres rear Brownsville.. 50 S J P Baltimore to 8 Shupp, a a f eet front ol lot 6. blk 6. Albany.,.,! N A Blotlgettto L EBIaln. blk J, Elklns A, Albany ; A Hackleman to Beckle E Hyman lots t, a, 3,4, 5. 6,7and8,bika Abbey's A. Albany - 1500 77 800 -10 1950 400 Coo loo to to James Elklns to Peter Schlosser, E haif blk a. Elk Int A. A'banr . . . '.falter J Morgan to S Shuon, aa leet front i lot o. blk o, Aioanv Wary A Kelly to M E Ferrell.s half si w nail kik al ll's and A. A E Ketchum and J J Dubrullle lo Li a witaeii.iot 1, a, 3 and 4,01k 1. D & K's A to Albany M E Fer-ell to L B WlUel.w halt ol Half ot w half.blk' ad A. M Raltton to Elial Parker, lot 7, 1 blk aa. R's A to Lebanon Wni Goln to J L Gbin, w halt ot w ha t ot D L C of E Coffin Wm Goln to A N Goln,E half of w ' w V VS VWlilll . ... ... Some Sales. Among safes consum mated Wednesday are the following : F Blount 10 A Prushaw, 1 lot In ll's and A, $15 1 M Hyde to Geo Acheson, a lots $575 i S W Paisley to Geo Acheson.i lot isn,ooin in 1 irst ward ; 11 Bryant to Mrs . N Gllbett. t arre In eastern subuibs of city, $800. Jay W. Blaln lo Dr. I. N Woodle. UK acres In eastern suberhs, Wallace Si Cu sick agents, consideration t3,ooo. The Dr, win lay it and 10 Other acre Into town lot at once. Nine lots In Dubrullle Si Ketchum' Addition to Dr J W Watt and Mrs C W ... ... ... v aiis ior 39so. Tvrri Tramp. Young Smith, the Mill City school boy who stabbed tha teacher, and was sent to the Marion coun ty jail for three months ha been In the city with three scurvy looking boy tramp, whom he met at Salem during the fair They formed a oartnershln ami will nn south with the geeca to San Francisco. aaa sen 001 dots grow into bad men. and sometimes as in this ease become tramps. Monsy in It, The gross winnings of tha lesdlng racing stables this scsson opto August Jo are as followsi A Belmont, $97, 1001 Dwyer Bros, $80,0001 J B Hag- gin, $83,aoo;J A A. A I! Motrls, $53.8001 A neouere winters, 51,0001 A I Cassstt, $43,300; W LScoti, $4 moo; D T Pulsiter, $37.3o) D D Withers. SU M: E Brown. I i3.oso. Tills best running a newspsper In Albany or Corrallls. NoTiCtV On account of Holiday, our store will be doted on Saturday Oct 5th 1S89, n which day we will ttantact no business. Our patrons will plesse lake notice and govern themselves accordingly. Mat Si Sendees. If ARRIkRURO Or Do You Ladles, do you want lo ere something beautiful, and so chrsp as to defy competition Well then go and see the etor-kof millinery goods at the store of Mrs Marie Davis At Co. Fresh trom the manufacturers In Chicago. You are sure to be pleased. Col. I Iooo. CoL Hogg and party am sxpe.-tsd to airlve fiom New York to morrow or Friday ,w hen something Is liable to stir. Col. Hogg' first here was In 870, He will be g'ven a bla reception at Corvslll Friday evening. Two Stores. Mr. L. C Marshall went to Salem to take charge of 0. W. Simpson's store just purchased there, until arrangements are completed for bringing the gaods to Albany. Mr. H A. Stanard is now clerking In Sir Simpson's Albany store. Notice. Why let your liouse remain vacant when you might rent them at once by placing them with an agent, E G Bcarosiey, Keal estate Agent, Droadalbin St. Rents solicited. All Niomt. Mr Irancovlch keeps an 11 night house on First St between Ells- oit and Lyon, at which Is to be found fresh oysters, porter house steak, ham and eggs etc. . m m m belongs at Home. A sixteen year old Corvallls girl who hss been In the city several days, had better be at home under the parental roof. Albany Is oot a safe pace for such youngsters. Only 10 Miles Nearer. The Salem StaUtman ssys 8ulem Is twenty miles near er Tillamook than Albany. Surveyor Barr ssys It I only ten mites nearer by way 01 tne oranoe Konae route. 3oo Sprinos. Mr, Frank Crabtree sow has charge of the Findley Soda Springs, and is prepared to furnish the pstblic with first-clsss accommodations, during the fsll and winter. Babies. Tht finest line of baby carr ges In the Valley just 1. celved at Stewart At Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con idering the uperlor quality of the carrl sges. If. W. Yowko. Teacher of vocal music Special pains taken with beginner. Will also drill for operattas, contattas, &c. In quire at residence corner of Second and Montgomery .btreets. 5 Noticb. Parties Indebted to Mr. E. L Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling the same at once.. , ... . Bioocst Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations Just etver tl rrtmiilcr ac Irving Labokebs and Station Men For Apply to work on the O. P. railroad , Curran & Monteith. A '4-Inch light roadster, 1889, for sale cheap at Thompson & Overman's. Got It Aoain, What t Why the fin- est lot 6f fresh smoked beef In the market. Chipped te order. Also a fine supply ol our famous gold medal cream cheese. Willamette Packin Co. Ba. One of the finest lots of guns and revolvers ever received In Albany are now In stock at Stewart & Sox's. Hun ters should call and see them and get priest before buying. All Pkrsons. Indebted to the lata itm of Brownell & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. For yaur watchts docks snd jswsiry Frsnoh's. Houstt goodt, low prioas snd atok sslts. - mm ARE AGEN7 FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS TERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE.BEST MA CHINE IN TBS IIOXK AND A8U0AD MONDAY, . , Daily train now tea to OsUsvllIe. '. Spokane Falls hss 30,000 Itiliabitsors and a scandal. . four tramps wsr j(!vrti a rt!diieta ths oity esltuoot aatornay. " Wm FleUhsr, who run with ths Eut Portland team la ths reetnt touroamsut.baa rstarnsato Albany. : The Un year eld daughter mt Dr Kitchen ariivsa in Aioany tms noon and win re msio with hr srsnd-phrenta, Mr sml Mrs Jsion Whslr while Vt sail Mrs Kituhsa Risks a yislt East, f ... W 8 Peters, of St 11 Lsandro. Cat., oasttd ; through Albany last svsning tin his wsy horns from Portland, wbsre he had been to see hit mother, wbe rsosetly fell sod broks oneof hut legs. Mr Frank Vernon, who hss Wa working on the Mtraltt for ssversl wsskt, weal te Seio thit morninit, wbsre be will probably be associated with Col Van Cleve la ths msasgsmtnt of ths iHrtt. Whits dri virgin lbs Third! Wsrd 8atur day svening wits two lUls girls ths ttsm of K liurwiok ran away. Tn bugty was turn- ' d oysrand broksn srmj but nous of the oooopsnts wsr iouted. . 1 Don't fail to hear the -rest English favor Us and world rauowed facial autoerat, ths original snd only impersonator of "Nobody's Child," Harry Kvl, with O.kss Comsdy H Us toh Club sod Swiss Bell Uingsr. Titers' day night. J auk Youug, the boat oatorsi utws and onnfsetlonsry mruhaot io Orrgon, wiio baa been doing ths Oregon PeoiHo for a yssr or two is making arrsngtimiats to locate perm aosntly at Albany, Jaak will travel bs- isrsan Albany and the front, while bis pri vsts Srortlsry. tWn Hsrksr wilt tsk the Bay ronta. ' , ' rvrnvAX. " folo has s sksting rink. Wbb, the af niia la In lbs city. 8 P Rargrr, of JWosvilU, is In the eity to-dsy, Osnrns Dickson, of the Oregon Land Co. wts is 8ltn ysstcrdsy. Unity ts still tskes ths lead of alt olair braniis. . W P Co. sol sseels. , Crawford Si Paston have the Democrat'i thanks for ssver tlrasnt views, amaog ,th " editorial sota at the Bay. This arm is doing some floe work, having no superiors ia Oregon, Mis F(.r Mason laft to day 00 a three months trip to the East ia eompaa with F Bobtnsoa and wife, of Eagso. They will go directly ta Washington, where the Uraad Commandery A P A A M sooo meets. J '' YsUs, who hss bssa stsdylog law with Frsd Strong, of 1'ortlaost, fa, now Cook fcpr ia the Batoo Connty Bank at Corv allu, a position ha will till ; with aWlii. Mr . at brototr is principal of the Corvatlts pttblMSubiol, . Mr Welle snd Mr Utkey at ia the oity bayieg arrived froaa Mslksar eoeaty with aboet 100 bead of borsee for sale. Tb bor w are ia tlaJesa, 1st will be troughs ep Saturday. . WKDX KSDAY. Choi os frssk bstUr at Bardts'a. II W Laoedoa. the snrinlsr. is la tha eity. ' ' 01 veer school lutt mJ i.vt.i. .t Oaiss&eWs. - tilts- llnsan wind w shaJaa lastMaslviA at Portsiillaro. Irving'. TA bt wsttb in Ika world tar tk m. y at F M FrstHih'. Aa Isgasif lioa of aw daaiifaa t elotaa Joat reostfsd at Fortmillsr irvieg's. OO U Bardas for bonsst welabu. aatA g'tls snd lowtst living priest. fUrrfsInt la watch and ekains st Ft sock', 'The CiM-tier Jswsiry Stors.' Mrs Mom Strmherrf rcturod aa laat vniog't train from a visit smoug Portland Iriviuls. . Mrs. CO. llulut ai.d klrnU. of Sea Iaodro, Wn at rtd tb ci'y lots morning. A IUa ut uropsrty a li to.nii A t ,nv. f waiuh ths owtiar haa k- O'.rvd fio.OUO, It aM4 at 13250. 8vsrl Albany man n.i a dns of Dr Browa 8uuard'a K ia.rlly thoaab our eitis-n ars fall UU. TLs wnthor sal bruthar .f Mr Suwsrt, ifeof ths OP civil rt.if.n.r. amvsd ia Us eity ysats-rday mmm from ths East snaob o iirs stswart s joy. Gillian eonoty c-nn (or lb thit ynar with psrhtps the lowest Us levy of snv Eastern Oirsgoa county. Eight mitft It ths rsi Hitd ior eonoty parposta. Mr Mwi m rxtaraad this aooa tmm Victoria, it. C. whara ha hu n all.n.l. irg the Y M U A or.v.ation for tha North. wtwt. li brooglt home a British flag as a me meat of the occasion. Mr Furaker and fair i I v. taka hava baaa living near lebaooi. for savsrsl months rs rarnsd last svstting towards hia forraar Ohio home. Mr Foraker it a nephew of the celebrated Uoveraoi Foraker. rVbsat, 61 esets, IS cent shaving st Vie rack's. Stkk.U for fist Viertck't. RsfrigratorstSUwart k Soe's Boot sod shots al cost at Raad't. Saratoga chips at C E Browasll's. Try ths fall erssm chests at 0 E Brown- si I's. . Ksw ersam eh-wsa iutt leosivad at Conrad Mayers. 9 chair rnoning ttesdv at Visrack's shav log parlors. Bast roast eoffas in the eity at Conrad Mayors. J W Bsntlsy. best boot snd shoe maker ia eity, opposite Fortmillsr A. In log's A large and fine line of w li it w Ltd joat received st Fortmiller k Dying's. we nave the bast si 50 kid glove ever brought to Albany at W F IWs. Now is ths tinis tosava mnaav bv bovine boot aod shoes at ost of W. F". Read. Lsdiss shoss, msns shoes, missst shoes. ehildrsns shoos, mtnt boots, boys boots, st less than cost to msk room for other goods at C E Browasll's. A Class in Music All those wishing to begin with the ctass In vocal music which was orgsnlsed on Monday evening Sept 13rd, wilt please call at the First Con gregatlonal Church, Thursday evening, Sept a6lh, at 73 P M. . H W Yovno. A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shears In the city at Stewart ft Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will slsnd the lest. Money to Loan. At a low rate of In- Mrest, on good farm property in Linn county, or on best Improved city property ir ".many. Apply to joiacaoum si Wright, Albany, Or Fall and Winter Openino. Of fin millinery at Ida M. Brush's, Friday and Saturday, Sent 27th and 38th. The ladles of Albsny and vicinity are cordially Invit ed. - . - Abbey's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany, near Ilackleman'a 3rd sdditlon, for sale, at $50 to $135 a lot, at Curran & Montelth's. - Lacs Cartalna. Lace Cartalns, I have just received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value for the money. Samuel E. ouno. OUR CLERKS are pleasant fellows and accommodating and - . : : WANT all pei tona looking for first-class groceries and all delicacies to can at tne w. r. co s store where bargain can be had by man, child or , wife. Fin line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and "Rob eons special bargains ! Too Mark Eitst and Wsst Ed Spirit. , .. , 'I'de.jajr evening, Sept. '141111 Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Councilman Parker, Burkhart, Tabler, Deyoe, French and Grail wohl.; ' 'the following bills were ordered paid Jas Laurent, sewerf $750 1 L Go tilth, $9 I G L Savage, .75 F E Allen, $7.50 1 J N Hoffman, $48.15 ( WU1 Bros., ,75 ) W Ross, $14,75 I li J O'C'onner, $15 j Santlam Lumber Co., $53.57 i J hahan, $11,601 freight bill W engine, $1050 j J F Whiting, $15 1 W N Miller, $10 1 John Jones, $90 ( J N Hoffman, $344 55 i O W Burkhart, $10 ( J Logan, $4 ! expent Inspecting fire facllltei, $3. The committee on Streets and Public Property recommended catch k-aaln In west line alley In block li, not to exceed $10 In value. Ordered. The Marshal recommended certain side walk improvements, which were ordered made within five days. The petition of J F Bnckensto, asking for a crots walk on west side of Calipoola street across 9th street, was referred. ' A communication wat lead from the Board ot Fire Delegates announcing Hut that body recommended the purchase of a chemical engine with fundt received from sate ot hand engine. Referred. Tha following hid for two foot brUge on 8th street, at Ellsworth and Calipoola ware opened and read i 1 W E Kelley, $751 S W Recce, $67. Vhe contract was let to Mr Recce. :'l ' : Councilman French moved that the Recorder be Instructed tw . advertise for bids for completion ot Calipoola sewer to Santlam ditch, Amended that It be re ferred to committee on Accounts and Current Expenses. v . . Mr Tabler moved that tie committee, with M- Gradwohl and (he Mayor, secure credit on sewer pipe if possible for the pur. pose of building sewers, and remaining within the limit of indebtedness. . The matter of drainage near Mr. 8. Fromsn't was referred to Street Commis sioner with power lo set. On motion Recorder was directed to ad vertlse for bids across Kerry street be tween 5th and 6th, and that adjoining property owners bo directed to connect therewith. .: , The owners of the Orist Mill were or. dered to put flume on Broadalbln street lo good condition within ten days, under su pervision of the Street Commissioner. Owner of flume on Lyon street wst or dered to repair the ssma'near the ditch. Calipoola street 'sewer was ordered tlulced out by committee on Fire and Wa ter. The Cskra Coafsresra. ? Aibawv, Or, Sept , llnd. Jt. Denoertrt ; Seeing a short time since in the Albany Democrat a call for a Union Conference by the head officers ot the Labor and Re form organization cf Oregon, I felt a great desire to attend It. And, upon msklng known my desire thencceMsrycredeolisls wet made out and I did attend as a dele gate, and no act of my life gives me great er pleasure. ! I there learned from v.hst wss said and done, that It was an effort on the part of some noble men whose names were sign ed to the call to form a Union that will lead to the release of the p"or tailoring people from ; the clutches of monopoly through political action. I know nothing about politics or law. But from v. lut wat sa'd It make me shudder lo think ot the wrongs and suffering of Ihe poor peop'e, now and hereafter. With this thought on my mine1 1 cannot he'p from begging the member of the different Order to lay aside prrjgudlcr,work and vote together in the good cause. I am a Knight of Labor, but want to woik side by side with the Prohibitionist, the Grangers or any other person, regsrd- less of name who is in sincrre sympathy with Ihe grand movement and will vote tor It If he can, I can work but-cannot vote, I am nothing but a woman. The scene of earnestness and harmony that I witneised at the mion ionierence oy so many sober Intelligent men and women, that nave heretofore been In conflict with esch ather In their sentiments enlisted my sympathy and support. I believe there is something in it that should cause all who love gooo morals and just laws toMextend a helping hand." When the work of Ihe Conference was concluded and the Presi dent gave his touching approval every person persent wss thrilled with and sent up a shout that made the very walls of the hal! tremble. oma could not restrain tears. 1 write this, that the public may know the truth about the Unlon'a Confer ence. With but one exception so far aa I know there Is but one paper In sympathy with the Union movement In the State that desire to publish the proceedings and do It justice they prefer silence. . Union. 8lappaeaa. Dr. Flint's Remedy la the beat remedy known for Insomnia, or steepie-sait, wbleh state so many persons, an1 which lead to so many aariout nervous din), particularly to insanity . Descriptive tswaMso with each bottle; 01, address Mack Drug Co K. Y. 1 "; Utter Uss. . , -. ' . --SSSBBS-aBaSSW Fullosring It ths list at tsttars rtraalninf la ths Pjst Ofll oa, Albany, Una seonty, Ortfon, fcspt nth, 181 Psrsoos taltlsf far tbast Islttrs ttost sirs tha data as whlea Umt srsrs sdrsrvissd t ' Arnss, Frank Bergs, Frank Danbaseb, Mary Darna,John OoldmsQ, Will ' Kaesl, Dsvt Marllava. EC Prloa. Wm Snydsr, Miss Dora Avar, Isaao V Brigga, Rachel "' ' v DslJotts, Pistro ' ;. Fano, Capt 3 , - , ' J acq set, R M - Mnir, Mrs A " Miller, Miss na Kompiog, John Williams ML . THOIsPBOH, P.M. Albany Market. Wheat- to, uata-iOc. Butter zoo per in, - r--R--2 Hay -9,00. yotatoea 79 s per uuiuw . Beef-on foot. 8 V. Apples 50 cents per bu, . rorE H'iO per 11 ursaaaa Bacons hatns.l'iHC shoulders, hr. sides lOo. .Ard 9' per lb. Flour 4.25 oer Mil. blcbena-$.00 per ds. ' . Ill Feed bran, 1 1.iw pa vn) shorts, Ifl. middlings, 20. Cbor- V ' HARRIKD. PEERY MORRIS. On" Thunday Sept 19, 1889, st the retidence of the brlaes psrents In Sclo, Mr Msrk Peery snd Mitt Addle E Monlt, both of Sclo. A worthy young couple deserving ot llfes bett blets- ngs, msy iney prosper arm 00 nappy -WALTON COLLINS. On Sept. a a, 1889, In Halsey, at the retidence of Dr B F Fuller, by Dr Fuller, Mr William Wat- Inn and Milt Alice Colllnt. i The Democrat extends its best wisnes for hspplness snd prosperity. BORK. HUGHES. To the ; wife of Frank Hughes living 4 miles west ot this city, s ooy, on Saturday eepi sum. - DIED. LIGGETT. On Sept, 20th, 1889, m arhlomath, Elijah li?gett, aged oa years SECURE PRICES. M) TROUBLE TO SHOW OODSAT .Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves 1 1 1 lisv jutt received a full line of; kid gloves branded Our Own. This (t a genu. Ine kid g'ove. I buy direct from importers In New York and consider them the best value of any glove I ever told for this price 5 button, 3 rows of st'tchlng, $1.50 per pair, . . . MaaKhtfr la Hllk KIMob. , . In order to clote out my Immense stock 01 she riooon in plain and picot edge will tell thcirt until my tall ttock arrives t 7, cent on the dollar. All marked In plain figure. - 1 "" Samuel E. Yocno. To Fahwkhh. Farmer will do well t list their fruit, garden or farming land with Wallace Si Cuslck. hirfin i f tit Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wbolesomeneM. More ooonomioai than tha ordinary kinds and cannot f aoM in eowpotltlou with multitudsof low tost, abort weight alu or pbosohata pawdora, fiold oaly in cant rwT-.i tiaaing rowuer vo.t ioa wan tt. D, W. CiOWLKT at Co, AgsnU, Portland; Orsgoa. . 7 8TRAT.- A. dark bar bor, black' Vj inane and tail, branded "II" on left lii p. Ags 1H ysara, Ownsr will call at my p'aoe foot miles east of Albany. E. U. BEARD3LEY, . Heal Bstat e Agent. Conveyancing of all klnda done In a te llable manoer, All bnaioosa will raoslva prompt attain tlon. Offioeon Broadaibln Hire 1 near First, Albany, Oregon, . , . ; BKXAOIUaT. raAxctsotusBiN. KISSES GILBERT ; "J - I Tscber of . ' ' Piano, Organ anl Eirmoay. " Ratrtdanea nornar JfTron and h 8ts. Miaa lists OH hart at Lbnon, Taors days and Frtdaya. DR, C A WHITflEY, " Physiciaa and Surgeon. 0r3"t ft Caltevna Hiipttat diil Ol'ec" Nw Yark City. , ' DieaMif woms.i a apswl. EVOlfio. Frnnn's Briek, Albany, Or. TIMBER LAND NOTICE.-. United Htnlea Land 0!fl(, City, Or., July 23, 18SH. Notice ia liort'by given that in compli ance with the proviaiona of the act of Con grotw of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in the Ktate of California, Oregon, Neval4 and Washing ton Tprritory," Nathan B Htanlish, of ttrownaville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, haa Uiia day filwl in thin office Ids sworn statement No 1371, for the parchaso of the N W M of Fee No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Rango No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita Umber or atone than for agricultnrat purposes , and to eatabliah hia claim to aula land before the liegixter una lieHiver of thmoince at Oregon t ity, Or., on Saturday the llith day of Ortober.issa. lie names aa witneswee : J K McIIargue, i 1) Irvine, A V Howe and IKC Cowley .all ot lirownavtlle, l.lnn county. Or. Any and all peraosis churning adrencty the above doM-ribed lands are rcqtiestofl to file their claims in this oflice on or before Mid 19th day of October, 1889. .-. ' W. T. BfEXET, Kegintcr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United 8U(i Land Office, -Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, 1889. Kolice ia hereby civen that in compll- ance with the provisions of the art of Con frreiM of Jnne S, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lamia in the Htates of California, Oregon, NfYtyla and M-'aahing-ton Territory." Jpkho 1 Irvine, of Browns ville, county of Linn, State of Oregon, haa this day Held in this office his sworn state ment No 1370, for Die ptircluise of the N M ot Kec rio so, in Tp o m south, Kange No 3 east, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable for ita timber or none than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish tun claim to said land Wore the Register and Receiver of thia otuce at Ore iron City, Or., on Satur day the 10th day of October, 1889. He names aa witnetuwa : r C Cooley, n B btandmh, A f Howe and J K Alcllartrue, all of Brownsville, linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this oniceon or be lore saio. 19th day of October. 1889. V ir. T. Bi'rney, Register. Guardian's Sale of Eeal Estate, Kotice-is hereby nivto that the ander- siurtsd, goardian of ths person aod estate of Aimooa it uaniei, a mioor, oy - vtrms 01 an order of the County Court of Liu a county, Oregon, duly msda sod entered of record on the hrat dav of Ju'y. 158'J, will sell st psb I10 saotion for esth in band oa the ism day sf wetaker, ISM... at ins hour of 1 o'cl ok ia ths afternoon of said day at the Court Hnutfe doorin Albvoy, lion count v. Ornoo. ait tns light title aod interest ot said minor in sod to ths undivid ed two-nfniht of ths tooth half of the nonh east fourth and ths northwest fourth ot tha soothost fourth ot See two, and ths soath west north of ths northwest fourth of See 1, all in Tp 11 soath, mutt 1 west ot ths WUlsmatts meridian in L,ioo ooanty. Dra gon, oontamintt lou acres, mora or less. Dated this SVth day ol AokosS, isv. F. M. Dahisl, T. J. Stttm, Ooardiao. Attorney for Guardian. IdmiDistrator's Sale Cf Heal Prop- In tha matter of the est.te of Pau1-'' Meek, dreaae4. ,, Notioe Is hereby given that br virtue of an order of the County Court of Lane county, Oregon, made and eutered In said Court on the zna aay 01 September, issu. I will sen at tne uourt uoute door to Albany, Lin a county, Oregon, on : , atsaday, the 1 tth stay af Setobr. IS8S, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m, and 4 o'clock p. m. to-wit, at 10 o'oicctt a, in of said di),at pubtlo suction to the bigb est bidder, fur cash, the following de rcrtbed real property belonalDar to said eat te, to-w!ti Tha Uonati in Land Claim of Thomas M. W eaer and Mary Jane "VV eer, his wlf- notinoAtion number S037i claim No 48, lu secllona 25, 28 and 27. in township 15, south of ranee 9 wet W 11 lamette meridian, containing 639&O-109 aorej,in Linn county, Oregon. Also ths north half (M) ol the northeaatauai tei(l4) of section 85, township 15, south of range 3 west, Willamette meridian, containing 80 acres In J-.inn county, trijon. Dated September 7th, 18S9. A. A. Mksk, Administrator of the sst&te 'of Samael Meek, deoeasetl. SOME aataMsfrlstt 27 -oatiaaj.Ilo the city just . oir. nl tb??uJ Vtlt 1-JL1'"1'' tbo Court Hons lor sale for a l?nd ln ma TbU U Is tin i"r ,l",l,l"r:.,?1fc ?.? r olesir tract, l.lli snd Aty and would aor. This is a rare bargain and will be taaen soon. I!3areallunderctilUystlon. Located wltbln a in i Ins ofeiiv. Vr rlh. 136 per aero. Other land In same ooromti ity held at 50 and $W per acra. , . , 2 Iota.' err . hrnaa on aanh. 120 par For sale at 1228 oriitnn: j, ! . . . .. . t-nbe Till prmwtir la ii-titrli IivwIa..!. ami la a Mm 1 1 . ' ; WALLACE j CUSIOK, Blunioerg -Block, ; , . OroccrieM. SQUARE lil.OWNKI.L & Would ( rtlidlv r.ui,onri lit Le i continiiina th I s at the old sisr d tif that he) Ixiifrthsn tir prrpsred to 011 all r.rrfera with scrmscy acd de spmcU and ax prlncs 3JaTXl-rX3XC XSZ3ZOXC.Z3 ' tsi X. ca CJ ca o CJ C3 Oirr,l In the town. - ' m . 4 ' Vbfttf thanking tha citizens of Alba ny for tbolr very liberal patronage In the pait f oarnestlb solicit a eontlnusnco of your favors, assnrlag , LOW PRICEC, a superior qtisllly of goods and Oourteoiis Treatment : f . Very Bospectfally, '- - Yoars for Buslnesa, C E. BROIFSELL. - , - - 1 , Arcliio Bleckborn, Sslnsmsn. - SMALL GroceneH. THE LEADER. G, W. Superir, " AvgaMf' "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Fire bxeka. Warrau t o d for 15 years. All Bize s sii styles, Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. RLaKENTOH DEALEB P E Choice Candy, CIGARS AND NEARTHE POST OFFICE ALBANY.tOREGON TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is nereby triven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, enutlea "An act ior the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Ore iron, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Casper H Iloberg, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore iron, haa this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No 1207, for the purchase of the N E M of Sec No 14 in Tp No 10 south, Kange ISO Z east, ana win oner nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timoer or stone titan ior agricultural nurnoseR. and to establish his claim to said land before the Kegitder and Receiver of this office at Oregon City.Or., on Saturday the lth day of October, 1880. lie names as witnesses : kj oooiey, 4 K Mcllartnie. N B Standish and J D Ir vine, allot Brownsville, Linn couuty, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said ,19tU day of October, 1 889. W, T. tii'RNKY, Kegixter TIMBER LAND N0TIC3. . United States Land Office, . Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compH ance with the provisions of the act of Con irress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," George L Edmiston, of Eu gene, county of Lane, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in this office his Bworn state ment No 12t55. for the purchase of the S E 4 of Sec No SO, in Tp 10 .south, Range No 2 east, and willo ffer proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuaDie ior its timber o stone than for agricultural pnr noses. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Sat urday the 19th day of October, 1889. Ho names as witnesses : W East, W II Tay lor. H Brennan and J B Towsley, all of Albany. Linn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed landa are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bcrnky, Register. SAND, AC Persons loam or gravel from desiring sand, the pj-eml6s ol F. L. Such in Benton county, rtn procure tickets for the game at my office, Craw ford's block, Albany, Oregon. Chs, E. Woivektok. BARGAINS. makea most baauti'Hl and siehtty stldl mm 10 me eity and won in doii resoiiy. flood botol In a thriving town for aslo at bargain. Ioqolre at ibis ofllco early. - - - j Wahsvt) one thouasnd one hondrrd - ' r 'and nrtjmtsach bargains as tho above runtlng for; Anyone rt-llDgto invert io AHrtiny or ?rJ"T' Z . r: 1 -ii .Mjijjw irsii nniity iiitrtiit.j L,.,. - .. m : hy an IIIVIUI VII . - Albany, On CFALIKG HTANAPD, S3 HRCFITS THE LEADER SMITH, The World's test. More than hun cred7 hun iied differ- nt sty les o o k s and heaters 1 id KulS) Fruit, etc. TOBACCO. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, ' Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1S89. Notice is hereby civen that in compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con gress of Jnne 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon; Nevada and Washing ton Territory," William. C Coolev. of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day hied in this ofhee his sworn statement No 1203,for the purchase of the E of N W X nd lot 1 and 2 of Sec No ZX in Tp 10 south. Ranee No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes," ana to etaoiisn ms claim to said land be fore the Itegister and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He name's as witnesses : N B Standish, A P Howe, . J K McIIargue and C H U-berg, all of Unn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above de scribed l.inda are requested to file ' their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bcrxky, Register. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or., July 25, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Jfashing ton Territory," James II Stevens, of Turn water, county of Thurston, Territory of H'ashinpton, has this day filed in this of fice his tworn statement No 12S6, for the purchase of the S W 14 of Sec No 26, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J E Hutchint on, G B Jakobson, W Scourfield and John Garner, all of Seattle, King Co., W. T. Any and all persona claiming ad versely tie above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on :or before said 22nd day of October, 1889. ' : vV.T, BtJBNST, Register. ' bin TAKK WARNING. All parties are noticed not to give or sell my boy, August ltofl, a miner, any intasfcoattagr beveragts or cigarettes, as I will prose cute all C' for so doing. Hkbmakn Hoff,.- DEYOli & ROBSON