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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1889)
YAQUINA ROUTE, Ievtopment Company's Steam ship Lino. :iles GilOaTER. 20 nouns i t f. Tiff R I ii..a hah by any oihor , Firt-c1a. throuKh paaaeiiirar and roiht line from Portland and all point a the Willamette V alloy to and from San "raiiotaoo, Cel. Uetaaenieer Iho Orgn IeH. ,o.nlar Rammer eiir.iii ..quia. Low Knt Ttekata ar uwnul, od ever W. cay mail Hatardajr Iran. AI janr, raHla aal PhUomalh. llvu mak oloaa connection at AJben. ran tralna of thaOreiion Peoluo Kllroed ..a Aloanf 1" . nraC"nHi l inr. a. urui Vwtulne, ' tsv Taqol.a, :.. Lan orvaiii.,iu:so a.n Arnv Albany, 1110 i r a, n St Albany fend rvalue, im - ""- -. ", v.oulnn with th Oreiroo I opuient l ino of HUsamahlpe ltween Vainina end Haa ITrAucteoo, H4ILIMU OATEM . rn Val1. OlteMW V.H.jr. Monday, i ,0 Tim Oar, nUt. t .oa rsaneinyo rtltaisMUe Valby Wednesday,! . Friday. v "., n.tuntay.S.eWvt .unOajr, da V. i lb Company ; wry lb lhi ) . ' :iknul notion. to . illarnetta Valley point m mrnk. rdc- -ouncU.n with tb tmtne of the Jla tst Albany or Cor vail le, "JJiJjT inedto8n Frnolr ahould - ftrraw to .rrtv at Y equina tb evenlnj, bnfor Cat aaaattr and r.ifct ttatee aWJy l A 'w 'V?1 i ..ka A Mnt . Craaaiaiw, I . T. ar r Aaa . CurTallia, QYERUNO TO CALIFOHMIA -VIA-, "Jontlisni Pacinc uompanj s un3. I THE MOUSTsilASTA ROUTE. i Albany and 8a rrwiaoo.aa aawa 0uma3O axraiaa ikiwi Krtwrva rrUaa4 and an rmnelar. : North -m'a I I lOrTnT it) ilill PsrUatHl -AJtMll San t'lauclrw Ar 10:S A a .at a a T:tw r a AX i im a a Lt tura Lr All,. L ltl;SAa i-.iurn. ix Kama I taaawui aaaaca. MX Albany Letaaoua Albany tbaon Ar I AJ a L i l4 a :o r a Ar I ra I L r a I Ar rl r.i ir I ou r a PULLMAri BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r.r A mmmiAtmm an--4 Uaa raaara era. attacked la r Train. Tha a F. Cat arry oaarUo jrtih aatha t olnwt, "rtlaa.1. .' . - -c- rTcat Mda Mf lalaa. rTUt All CtiUI. Ma lit Taau Itai (EJapt M a a T i r a 1 Hurt land OmMia Aria Mr a L 1 10 a n Ar axraaM main ati" anAJr- uira Pnnlaad JtcMUnvllla i Ar riirouirU TicUetH To afl potnla SOXTTH JTX EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. r. nil luhraMlM raard1 rataa. lt oa C"min a Ari at Ary. . Manaar Aat'tO. F. aa4 t. A PIANOS. ThM oUhlne- a flrat-olaaa Inatmnaa-i Uouldeall atMra. B. E. Hyjoan'a na ona of tboaa u.aoraiaxi ,iauu, Inir planoea, loai.ani rwo tooa. r-- ixnala oo tha Kadflo Coaa. Erary plaoo .illy miwantaad for y-ara. T ba W.t a-t hbet-ioaaio lor aais, m joaaoMtfaontbero. Alao tba plana to gnt voarn.8awi.Macblna. Fancy work nd drana tnaklon dona to ordar. Ktrat troraxttof Voonj'aold oUnd, Albany, FOSHAY a MASON, aTtavii aaa tarin - !)rugistsand Booksellers, i A Kita for Johi B. Aldan'a publloatlona, vbwh wanall pibllah'a priaaa) witk rl xoal J ad. 1 ALR4SIT OKECOM City Meat Market. SHLTLTZ BEOS,, ProprictorL Kenp a full Hoe of .neala of all kiada, in a oool pIi.on, complately peo tacted; and alwaya fr.ah. , . Alao have eonaUntly.on, banJ aalmoa tnd ottar Ch. .AM MAT. 9. aaxDiaa MAY k SENDERS. Dsalera in General JttbrHaiidina. SAEESSEUES OREGON- f illbuT Grain, Wool and all kinds 1 ourwi'ta at the Portland 1 W.W?r-rtSTcrrW.aa Ll-!n .,iM SaUin.Orccn"- hoi h .ell Portland Pusinea Capital b i M.hola ate ' . r , nxr"-.i . Sin Cataloao.. adjlraaa r.. .,,a 11...KM. (MKt. ft 6 Ca,IL; Salem, Oregoo. University of Oregon. EUGEWE. UKLUUn; i ... t ...mioii batiina oa Monday, tbe ' 6th ofHp emLir, 1HM9, i Kre wibo aralilpa from every county in 'i he mate. Apply toyoar County Superla i.ndi)t Kree lultloii after Januarty let, V .a a nlirkM Ciafnlratl. Scleiitino, 1 11 . a abort Knailah Courae to ..Ki i. ihara la no Latin. Oreea Kreneb r (igrmin. The Knglib la pia-amluenily Huaineaa Oiurae. Kor oaUloijuea o j information, addraaa J, JOflN-MS, J'leadetit. KKANCIS PFEIFFER. PKOPRIirrpROF Albany Soda Works nni Manof!turer of nTTflTO v" ara now praparrx to anil at wliola ' a, ul way. irnan . a o (iealorH. and fui at Portlind We.a'a'i kwp a full Snts ani Tropical fniis. lOAHS AND TOOACCO ' 1 ? 1 t Li " Wfu ism ii DALL. HAf A Cstat Cdej'-sH , CJ " 1 i"w"'Jlifc """ s. 8prtlM Strain O BtuIm, Woundfc ' Cr TlMChM. A.VtM C Mil. Mil pbr (uro op . r m rm m m m m . Glfli- Cures? JklCrtAsAVBsmRGa-BAna-Ma DR; J.La HILL. OiUoo cor, Ftrataud Farry Straota, ALBANY OREGON QRaG.WATSOn falASTOfl Physician and Surgeon. Offlraopptwltatba Democrat. DR. C. U. CHAr.lBERLUJi Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon ! Special attention t o diseases of the eye. jaW-OfUea'ooroiirnrTtaiiil and I.yoa 8t ALBANY, CRECOH. DR. W II. DAVIS. PhysicUn and Surgeon. ' ejeromoa no U Ira in tnt thau'a Block. May be found ai iiia ottW tay and nlgbt. DR. I. W. STARR. PhySlCian nd Surgeon, " LaU of Drowns?UIe, Of. Ofllca at rootna Noa. 13 and Jt.8tral:an and Pieroa'a B.ouk. UD alalia. 'aJla promptly aiieiulnd in city or oountry. C. L. CLACKUAM, Stttstr . W.Ltufd, UJ AX.EK IN DRUGS, R1EOICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES r . S0 5.P3 COMDS- : ' " - ETC. D. , X. BLACRaCKK. oao. w. waia BLACICBUET. & WRIGHT, ; , Attorneys at. Law, Will practice ia aO tha Coorta nf the Stata. frouiplattaatiou Rivwti t all bu.i oeaa antioatad as oaar aara. Offio. Odd raQiMta Tamp!, Albaar. Or. HOW TO CO EAST. 9 Oo Eaat via, dloarft SbaaU Root..' Nice elimate and aat-er at all tiaa of tha yaar. Sm Moaot Shnata, Satraawuto. 0daO, Salt Laka,Daorar. noaatneixad-elaM oar. mada ar run daily. Boy ynr tiokota of ma and aara yaar far to Portland. I am tb. only paraoa ia Albany that can aall yoo a ticket to any point l tba UniUd 8tata Call on ma for rate. V.. L. Jajrnra, Agaot 8. P. T3R0WNSmLE. 0. P. COSHOW c SQKS, Heal Esuts and Insnrancs Agents, K Maiai a Hit and Collectinna aod Notarial be tlnaa. atUnd.d to. EedCrownMills SOM, & CO., i'UOPR'S. iv taocam rupa acraaioa o fAMi'.M. AT ,AI IM DM. BEST STORAGF, FACILITIES. Uitf-heit 'Prioi in Cash to Wbeat First National JJank Or ALBA MaMrttlt. i ii i i j . i i . V Prartawit Oahiar AnatCaabiar 4 OKEUOX. ...u rwm .. . k, toi aci " W. LAjtidiON. 4A8. f. rVWKLb TRANSACTS A GESERAbkaakint AOCOtTITTS KEPT aubjaet la ahaak. 810 FIT EXCTTA.VnK and Ut nu.hli? ImMtm. a 8 York, Haa rranciaoo, rleairu and f - OUIXECnOKf . ADR on aitoraMa low. am aero ia B. Torna. 15, W. Laaom I. K HuAia, L. Puna, , , . Linn County Bank. . Cowan, Ua?3ton& CnainDerlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a aai.aral banlinf buaiDM DRAW aiOin bKVPrSan N Tnrk. it ani Portland, irtm. LOAM MOriEY an apptorait aacnrlty RECEIVE dapMiBi aubjaet a cback. a Traa Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - 0REC03. OAPITAI,, $50,000. Prealdent Vice Prealdent, Cea bier U. BPYANT .J. W. BLAIN. V, MEP.KJLL. .H Slgbtexcbanpwand telf (irsrhle trana f.r on New Yorit, Sim Franclaeo and Portland. Ore m. . t'ollcctiona nutde on favorable term.. Em J. FJcCAUSTLAFiD, M Engineer ani Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Offloe with Ore ?oa rjzA Cj. Albany, Or. Sweran. 'ijttfm and W ter Happliea a Hpeclaltj. taUa Sabrllvlded, Man aiaileor Copied on ebon noiirxt. I r.lg H Man gl van un'.vel . fl 1 al awiMfavlton In tlx. y i'lura.n tlouorrneaa and I ZmiMian I preaerlba It and I aul.lo recommend' ObBlaaaJfe-t b 8 J ..? VctoT , Daartar, III. itllZrdfM price, ei.eo. rw, n' awk J feld by Ira(flata. nil lii nra.icial. Ateeta, Revere House; ALBANY, - - C1IAS. PFEIFFER . OREGON PROPRIETOR. . rituci up iu nrat-ciaM atyle. Tabl. nip;ii with tbe beat la tbe mar Ice Mr l,dnif apartmenta. Ham pie roonu. 'or iMimuiMroiai travolera, , CTfr a Caanh. aaj fr.aa ba Natal. 131 T1MUEH L1N.D !'')TiCK. . OwgM City.Or., July Ciili,ij,5j. Notieo i hernby ivuu that in u.m.ifilanuo with th proioii il U. act i.f t()jir of J una 3, ls73,otnUd "An aH f..r th aula of ttmbof lauiU ia tha UUot Cali(nrui,tra. , N' Waabingtoa Trritory," rank Vatlno,i oyauay ,Muitiy or KiUp. ritory ot Vahiunoo, hi thta day ItUd imrrltu i thia olhoa bitiwurn atatvaieot Ku 1UIHL ,,r tha purtihaiavl tba N K of ttetion No 2(l,la townobip iio iu outn.ranua no 8 tut. and wt oUar iroo( to thew that tha laad ao'ight iamora vaiaaiii lor lit or ton than for atfilcaltural pnruoifi, and to Mtabliah bit olaiin tuaaid land a lh R.oi.Uf ami Kauaiver of tltia Ulioa at Ora bos City, Ormio, Thurday,tha24ih day pI OotW, Issa. liuamaa wituiasrai O Smith, T Moviltno, J lra and J T Muruhv.allol bydoay, Mtap county, w T. Any and all poraona olimtn advcraaly tha abova daiorihad laoda ar raqueaird to HI tklrolalnt inthuomoa on or balora said 24th day of Ootnbar, I SS9. - W TBmr, Krglatar. TlMBIlOTioi Unitad btataa Laad OtTico. . : Dragon ety, Or., July 25ib, 1S89. Koiioa iahorahy ein that in oomu'laac with tb proiriainna ut tha aot of Coni- of JuD3,l873,nMUd 'Ali ot U thaaalaof timber land ia tha atatsa of Caii.'ortiia.Ora aon, N la, aad Waahii(toa Trrilory," William SoarflIJ, of 8UW, coonty of Kinu, tarrltorv of Waihtutflou, baa thia day ttlvdin thiioUioa hit loru tUUuiaot JNo 12V0, for tha parohaaa of tha NW J of tac tion No 26, to towuahip No 10 aootb, ranga ISO a caat, ana win oarr prom to mow tnai tha land aoaght is mura valuable for it tim bar or at ma than for aricaUural parpoaaa, ".Ra,i.t.rand la.r t..bta.-. .t uriun wis jv rKimt vn a aviuajt u dy of Octohar. HAmt M i(Qt a. mi J II Ntavaai. J n nmotiniaoo, J n Ja kobaanand John Groef, all af Stttl, King ooanty.WT, Any and all partout claiming advartrlv tha ahota daaoribad land ara qnaatad lot! la thair olaima ia ; tint nlllca 00 or bafora aaid SJod day of OcUb-r.lS9. vf X BvMmr.IUijMar, TIMBER' LAND KOTICE. ' UnitHjSrtwilJindOfflf. -Oriron CitT. Or.. luly 27th. 188tti Noti.v i. hrreby irivetr that in -wmpH- ance with the provitdona of the aot of lore irreaa of June 3, enimea "An act tor the anlti of timhur landa in the Suites of California", Ort'tron, Nevada ami Wanhing fon Territory," Audv W lKlt'hag. ol Needy, county uf t,in.kauia,.wto 01 ure Ron, iuta thia day tiled in thia otlke hi worn ntutement No 1313, (or the iurchaM of the N J H of Sec No X, in Tp No 12 aoutli, itanite tvo x earn, ana win oner iiroof to how tliAt the Una aouuht ia more Taluuble for it timber or atone than for agricultural purprweft. and to entahligh hi rlaim to aaid land ltetore the lUdter and Reitdver of thia offlce at Oregon City.Or., on rriuay the sfrnt nay w t-ioir, Ktsgene, Lane t-ounty, ll S I'erKtnan, of Neody,t'luckamaaeamty,U Howe and I J Sqnires,uf Albany, Mnn t-ountj', all of Or. tie namea aa witneaaea : r ivyiv, m An and ail iiermna clulniinir adversely the above" dearribed Linla are requested to tile their claimi in thia ofiice on or lie- fore aaid 2oth dav of October, 18. , , V. T. lkamv, KcgUUr. TIMBER .LAND NOTICE. Vnitod State Land Office,".. Ore (on City, Or., July 2:tli, 1889. Notke ia beivby trivea that in rompli knee witli the proidona of the act of Con KretM of June 3, 187H, entitled "An act lor the aale of timber landa in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Arthur A Waite, of "ulctn county of Marion, Mate of Oregon.haa Uiia day filed in thia office hiaaworn atatetneat No l-f 1, for the ptirchaee of the S E .11 oi Sec No 2S4, in Tp No 10 aouth. Hange No 2 east, and will offer proo! to nitow that the land aought la more valuable for ita timber or atone than tor agricultural iMjrpowea, ahd to eatabliah hi claim to aaid land be fure the IUMriater and Receiver of thia of- flee at Oregon City, Or., on Tueeday the 21'nd day of October, 188'J. He namea aa witneaac : II bhelton, of Jordan, Linn county, K E Woodward and O Beall, U Salem, Marion county, all of On-von, and John Garner. Seattle, Kinc county. W. T. Any and all pernona claiming ailtt'reely the above deacribed landaare reqneirted to file their claims in tuia ouice on or before aai 22nd day of Otlober, 1S89. W. T. bi-BXT, Rt'ipitcr. " TIMBER LAND .NOTICE. United State Land Offi-e, Oreiton City.Or.. July Zotli. 1889. Notice i Itereby piven that in compli ance with the provihionaof the act of Con- mnt of June 3, 187X, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land in the butee of California, Oregon, Nevadaand Watdiing ton Territory," Jorpen U Jakoiunn, of Seattle.county of Hinfc.TerriUicy of M'ajh ington, haa thia day filed in thia office hi worn statement no me purcnaae of the N E W of Sec No St.Tp No 10 aouth lUnge No 2 eaat and will offer I -roof to ultow that the land-eouic'd i more valuable for ita timber or atone than fir agricultural purpoaee, and to eatabluth hia claim tqaaid land before the Begirder and Ueceiver of thia offlce at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1HH0. lie namea aa witneeae i W Hcourfield, J E Hutch inaon, John Garner and J K Stevens, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persona claiming adversely tlie above dencribed landa are requeatea to file their claim in this office on or before aaid 22ad day of October, 1HHU. W. T. Bi-rmev, lleiciater. TIMBER LAKD KOTICL United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 27tli, 1H89. Notice i hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of the art of Con ftre of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land In the State of California, Oregon, Nevadaand Washing ton Territory," Charlc Smith, of Sydney, county of Kitap.Territory of Washington, ha tliit day fileu in thi office hi twom statement No 1314, for the purchase of the N E i of Sec No 4, in To No 12 ooth, Kange No 2 eat, and will offer proof to how thut the land ought i more valu able for it timber or stone than for agri cultural purpose, and to establish tola claim to aaid land Tiefore the Register and Receiver of thia office at Oregon City.Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 181). lie namea a witneea ! J Horzog, J T Murphy, T McGlenun and J Peter, all of Sydney, KiUap county, W. T. Any and all person claiming ad versely the above described lauds are re quested to file their claims in this office on r before aaid 25th day of October, 1889. W. T. lit'BHEy, ItegUter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE ' United Statea Land Office, Oregon City, Or, July 30th, 1889. Notice ia hereby glv.a that in compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gress ef June 3, 1878,. entitled "An act for the aale of timber ksnda in the Statea of California, Ore scut, Nevada and Wa.hing. ton Teswracf ," slrfne Shearer.of Port land, count-of Mulancmah, state of Ore. gon, ha thi day filed in thi office her sworn statement No 114, for the pur chase of lot 1 and and S X of N jE of Sec No , in Tp No M outh, Range No 1 east, and will offer proof t haw that the land sought la mo, valuable fer la timber or tone than for agricultural purpoiet, and (o astabrish her otaim to said land be fore tie Begetter and Receiver o! Mil of ffce at Oregon-Citf, Or , on Saturday the 36th day of October, 1869 s She name a wltnete j H Vroom, G Llndley, C J Dlokerson and J M Simon, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all person claiming adversely the abov'e de aribed lariat are requested to file their claim In Mil office on or before tald 36th day of October, 1889. W. T. Burnry, Regltter. . ' TIMBER LAND NOTICE. IMItad atatM Land Office. Oraga" Cky.Or.ifon, July 7Ui ITotlca la f ! tbat in eomplianes with tb. rr.wimoD.of ih.aclul Omcrataor Jun. .l7ln((tltd Aoaatfur tb.ralaulUUilHirland. inth. UlMo(Ua(! Ifornta; Oregon, havarla.and WatiinirtnT-ritoiji, Hry6 Baiymaii ,ol rJfody.eouiitj of O ac-karaa,iata lUfnMfl, h. i. day aladln vhi.oBic bl. (worn nvUiHMtt No 131. lortha purchaM oi th. N W J o( raoOoa Hot, InWwoahip No 12 aouth , ranr No t mat, and will oflw prwt tohowtht th. land (ought U mnr. T.liwb a lor it linear or .ton. tlia.i lor tricul tuml purP"W.n i soMUblt.h his cUlmt.nuU huid bti.ire tb. lUfsMtr and Krwirar of tbl. oflira Ore Iron CtW, Ornfii. , aa Friday, tb. 5th day ol OoKW, HJ. ba'nuu, uwiu-m : A W Iklsh.(l Matdjr, llukwntmumr, B r Kyl.o Eugeiia, Uu.ouuntr. tt tlow.andj 1 K'nrw, Albany jinn eounty, a9 ol Oriyrun. eri.H elaimlnr idnnelr tba mixMHt dmrrifid land. ar. nquaurrt to Of. thrlr oi aim. lo Hi is orfia. oa or Mm aW tfi day ot OHobw.-isw. W I VckiiiT, Bfiiur. Children Cry for yvWMAa lilt fur a . TELEGIl APII1C NEWS I , AfolHaJn. : ' Skikans Fall, Wa.,Sejt. so. Dafectlv. air brakea cnuned a fatal collitioa thia morning at Tient, Din. mllei l of thli city. A p- anger train wa waking JJlhera for tb weat bound freight, tha engineer of whkh aaw tb. headlight wlirn a mil. away, but having con fidence in th. air braktt ran turn. Uitlanc. be- for. applying them, Finding that they would not would work h. revemed lilt cngin. and whittled for hand brake, tlackltig lh tpeed to len mile, aa hour, but h. could not ttop hia train, Tb. .ngineer of th. pattpngar train ptrciv.d th. danger and backed hit itain, but ceuld not get out of th. way. At th. ergln. truck, 1au llogan, a brakeman on th. fraight iumped and Wat caught by a car aad aluiant nttantly killed, A I lanigen, th. engineer, waa teverely cut on th. head. Ed tbennan, a laborer, uealina a ride !on th. platform of lie bnggtge car, waa injured on the head and nlernolly. Th. injured men ar. at th. hospital her. A Hunt. Dicta PaK, Sep . ao, The commlttioner- (hip of pentlona ia ttitl untctllcd. PieaiJeut Harriton tbinkt Mayor Warner th. bttt man forth, place, He it expected her. ts-nlght for another conference, which th. people auout th. prealdent aay will lead to hi. accenting, Cieneral Lue ut Fair child ia mentioned, thould Warner and Merrill decline. , A Ulgh Koad. ' , v Mamitoc, Colo,, Sept. aa The contract for building tb. cog whel road up I'ike'a peak waa tlgned yealerday at Chicago, and oa Mon day work will becin from th. too of the iA A fore, of too men will be act to work, and the road will be running by May. unlet, th. winter hi exceptionally tevere. , Tha Toaraanteat. Tacoma, Wo., Sept. ao, The laat race of th. Northwcttera Firemen' tournament took place thia morning. Thia waa the book and (adder cjeleat. Only three team entered,lmt Seattle won tnehret place In ia 1.5 second, Tacoma tecond, 311 Attoria third, 4 teconde, 1 be Atlorta team wat abort handed. Probably a i'aaat d. Momtimv, Cel., Sept 80. It ia Hated that young Fremaa, ton or John Freman, alinat,' while hunting deer in Carmel valley, 50 mile from here, ditcuvered th. work and digging ef a aim that hat been taught ever a hundred year. The nunc ia miu 10 be vary rich in ailver and gold qMU,k A aumlwr of people are leaving lor the acene of thcrepurtcd ilW-overy. -; ,. " 'A Hl Mill hurnedj " f Snoiiomimi, Wm., S I. !. Fire atarted in in fliy hotiie ot UiatLman liroa eatenttv taarmitlt, tath aad door factory, and irumcnt Inmber yart, at 9 o'clock IH it evening, tpread ing rapidly, llefore th. fir. department ar rived the whole mill were completely envelop ed in flams, lt w feared for a time that th. cily wa ture to burn, but tb. fir. haa been kept from apreading by an aimy of workmen. moving lumber and teasing down building. Loat, 130,000. beagle Jaeftf Tkrau San Francisco, Sept. 19. When Juatir FicVl departed for rortland lat Monday it wt ataled that be waa accompanied by to deputy marahali, whoar to act at a body guard until hi arrival ia Wathingtoa. The name of tit two government often were, however, not mentioned, it wat not learned until tonlay thst David N eagle, bu had aavcj Juctic rieldiuie, wat on. of the two memtioa ed. .Th. Taaneaatant. Tacoma, Sept. ll At tbe beginning of the race thia morning, Union I tote Company No. I. ef Tacoma, wa ruled oat, and wa follow ed by Old Town Tacoma, alao ruled eat, Tacoma No. a. made the coupling In 4 1 econdt, Nam into, wat ruled out. Thi ended the wet lot race, and the judge decided tha! the fotlowlnging wa tb. retail, aubect la aa appeal to the board of director, oa behalf of tbe Astoria team, who acre aaid to have been unfairly ruled out t Vancouver, I C, firt, tiooo. W.lla Walla, second. Ijoo. New Westminister, third, f loo. I a lb afternoon the dry test rca was run, and the following wa th lime made: Corvelii 36 a.5. Nanairoo 38 l-J. Tacoma N a 34 $. Tacoma Caioa I 37 9 10 Our lioys, of Wtta Walla 31. Ruled out. Fast Portland 31 4-5 ' Victoria 33 .$. New Westminisiee 34 $ Vanconver, B C 199-10, An ona 31 4 5. ' Tacoma, Sept. 19. Thi race won by the Astoria team, time, 1:09 3-5; Vancouver, B C, second ia l:M 1-5; Settitc third, i-tS X- Tlii wat followed by ih (peed test, 700 feet cart 10 carry aot lea taaa 150 feet of hose. Tb rac ara won by Vancouver, B C in 17 V second! Attoria aecoad, 37 4-51 Victoria, Tacoma No. a, Fast Portland aad Corvallia all lied for the third place with a score of 28 ecoad. At tb meeting of the broad of director, I he wet test contest wa decided in favor of th Atoria team, with th. best record ever mad. a-, . . ... . 1 ne tournament cam. near terminating ia a general row, but wa altogether a great tuc aaafiii aamTSaUaaj fjntt nfj t I LO 11 r A Iflta I y Coaa I do not m-an marety to top tbam for a time, and then hnv thmn re turn again. 1 Maa A UAlXCAXi CtWi. : 1 aava made tbe in of ITTS, EPTXEPSY or J -FAXXXNQ SICSIIOTSS; A tlfs-lon study. I WAKBAirr my ram ad y to , Coaa Ilia worst eaaaa. liteaase othrvs baa failed is no reason Inr not now reeeivinr a cans, tend at onne for a traauas and a Faaa Itomtai ot my larAtMoui kaacar. (Jiva texwraaa an4 I'n-t m-a. It coat yoo nothing tor a ani It will ear you. Address . ' .. . HOOT, M.C.. IS3 PtAUSTatwYSBX . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Statea Land Office. -Oregon City, Or., July tjtb, 1 889. Notice i hereby given that ia com pita ace with the provision of the act f Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ret fne the sale of timber land in the states of CaUkmia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territe7fc"Juliu Har ogr of Sydney, county of Kitiap,, territory of Washington, ha thi day filed h this office hi worn statement No 1315, fee tb purchase of the N W X of section No 4. ini township No ta south, range No 3 east, and will oner proof te show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or ttone thaa far agricultural pur pose, and to establith hia claim to taid land before the Register and Receiver of thi office at Oregon City, Or, on Friday .the 35th day of October, 1889, Henamesawitaesei JT Murphy, C Smith, T McGlenea aad J Peter, all of Sydney, Kitaap county ,W 1 . Any and all percoa claiming adversely the above de scribed landt are requested to file their claims in thi office on or before at id 35th day of Oc toler, 1889. r ; . . W T Bvrnkv, Register. ! UMBER LAKD NOTICE. United State Land Office. ,, Oregon City, Or., July 31st,' 1889. ' Notice i hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in the state of California, Oregon,, Nevada.and Wathingtoa Territory, "Cliarlea L Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory of Washington, hat thi day filed in thi office hia worn itatement No 1 326, for thepurchase of lot 1 and a and E ji of N W of lection No 18, ia township No 13 tomb, range No 3 east, and will offer proof to thowthat Ihe land (ought is more valuable for it timber or tone than for ngricuitural nurpos ei,nd to establish bis claim to said land before tbe Kegiste- and Receiver of this office af Ore gon City, Or.on Monday.the 38th day of Octo ber, 1889. He names witneste : J Sweet, G W Robinson, D Fitzgibbont and D M Mo Farlane, allot Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Any and all person claiming adversely the above deicribed land are requested to file their claims in. this office oa or before laid 28th day of October; 1889. : . - ;,'; . 1 W T Burn ey, Register. ' Pitcher's Csctorla. FJICIAL 1 aid LIPEE. A Ills riood. San Francisco, Sept. 18. The Japan piiprr received by Ilia atrsmisliip Gdcliclo-dny pUret th. total number f pertoni drowned in tli. floods of Augnai fo in the cily of Wnk vnmo and In ih. dltlrict of Ninnime Muro, lligitthi Maro, Nialilinuro and Hidnkin at lo, 000, and th number of person receiving re lief it 80,4-4, j , , , Aa imineniwraraaa.-. '.. ' CoLl'MMVa, 0 Sept, 18. Th. toverelgn grand lodge of Odd Fellow wa not in eion te day, having adjourned till to-morrow on ac count of the big purade. Th. parade wa a Brent surer, th. Urcrt. It 1 tnld, aver held by tne unu rciiow. i n number in una 1. et'imaied at from 15,000 10 ao,ooo, ; ' Bub Yuangcr Dead, ' " ! '. "ST TAtit., Sept. 7. At to.47 o'clock lo- night, in Stillwater penitentiary, Bub Younger the youngest of th. notorious Yonngetbrotliei ho were sentenced lo life Imprisonment lor murder in connection with th. robbery of the Nor'lilield bank, died of coukumption, from whiua b hat bet waaung away for aorne week, and on account of wlilch a pardon waa recently atked of th governor,but not granted. Th. Jw UHIrer, 1 : ;i ? . SALRM, C)rSept, 18, Th. iJireetor of Ih. Suit. Agricultural Society met thi afternoon and elected T L Davidton, of Silem.preaident C P Uwrkhart, of Albany, lirat vice president, and Lew I savage, of hicm,ccond v e prei dent. . . .. . .. . IT KAlitED lNKUfUNCIC. 'Aa Inportant Matter to Cvaaldtr. In view of tbe number of fire that have occurred on the Coatt the Pacific Coast Compact are observing tirlct ru! In rtf erence to th. placing of rate on building, and are demanding- rigid fire limit oidl n nee, a they have a right to. Albany I In danger of having her rate ' raised all over the city unless It at once, nut only observe absolutely It prctent ordinance but a well paste more stringent our and extend the limit. More than thl, an ordinance I In orJsr providing that no wooden building (ball be erected any where in the city without a written per mit from an aulhorUed city officer, a pro vision that would give a record of every new building erected In the city, and one that 1 in vogue In ntett large and amalUr live elite. It I time that our C'Uy Coun cil rlt above personal consideration and act for the city' good. We refer to the body a a majority. At lealt one member ha UMad aolld in favor of a ttrtct fire limit, A raise in rate will mean several tltouoand dollar out of the city every year, and inu.t not be permitted. The OkMix.- at I Incited to tpeak out In tbl matter by a recent action uf the Compact In railing the rate on a brick from $1.75 to 91.9s nJ considerable on a'l the ad joining property by reason of the erection of an addition to the brick without 6n wall, and the hint on the part ot tlie manager that the whole city mav be tcrv- ed likewise, If we don't Iwok a little out Let uhve a new fire limit ardlnance at once, Including the north ti le of street, Washington to Baker, and on First ta Baker, alao oc the south side uf Second Ferry to Lyon street, and there should be no exception In the enforcement ot It. Will the Council act. The following I what Chief Inspector r. II. Porter, of the i. derrlter,iy wn the tubiect 1 MThere ha been little ar no profit In underwriting In the Interior dur ing the last twelve or fourteen year, and at last It 1 determined that something shall be done. 1 he rate In other Interim town will be raised a toon a the report of our surveyor are recclvt rbably fifty town will be visited by the little red slip within the nest month or so. Of courae there wilt be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, but I can not con ceive how any falrmlnded person can blame us, alter the esperfence ot the past turn mer." MM'. EST Alt, a 1X4. The follow ing deed, have been file J In the Caunty Recordcr'aoffice since 3 o'clock In the afternoon yesterday : John A Millard to John A Ol.acn, oik, 13, soutn Albany f 1000 J L Cowan and wife to Helen Gil bert. 1 lot, Lebanon. .. , J M KaUlon ta Helen Gilbert, 1 lot. 100 Lebanon Mary Dainbach lo Louis J Crolt, 131 acres,! 1 w 4 Fred Sial I Jam Grecnhalgh, blk, He and A Naoina Webster to J M Katston.J lot .A 10 Albany aoo 30 1 Coo 3)00 T M Coon la Cba Kelfcr.Jo acre in tp 13, S K 4 w lOOrf C A lis.ett to Clara B Davt.,40 acres 13 S R 3 w O ic C R R 10 Joel Vail, N half of NWqr Sec 13 Tp 12 ii R 1 E. A Hackleman lo Levin Bryant, lot I. blk 1, Abbey's A, Albany... N A Btodgett to ll R Schutta, eiat water lot 6, Albany A Hackleman 10 Fannie Bryant, lot 3, blk 1, Abbev'a A, Albany,,, David Smith to havid Wood, 35 acres on Sanliam Ulvrr J S Morris etal toJMV Bilyeu, blk 3, south A, Scto FHRoscoeloM A Miller, tract In Lebanon.... John Brigg to I) U Montelth, trus tee, SEqr blk 36 j.. Joel Vail to C L Gray, timber on - certain land F E Campbell to Samatuha Camp bell, tract in blk 47, 11' Jnd A. Albany... J 11 Campbell to KS Campbell.traet In blk 47, IT Jnd A, Albany. . ' R C Hill to HelnrV.h Brodera, tot 500 too 3500 too 150 !0 S0 4 9 to to 3. blk 37. Ii a and A, Albany.. A B 1'atterson to M S Titus. E half , of E half of S E qrSec so. Tp ; 9 S R 1 E Emma O Workman to Louisa Set , tlemlre, tot 8. blk 37 and Iota 1 and 3, blk 33,11'a and A.AIbanv- Plata filed, Sweet Home Flat filed Dubruille & Ketchum'a t Add to Albany... otx $00 Whan HsXj waa sick, we gav. her Castoruv Wwn she waa a Child, she criad for Castorla, AVhen ha baeam. Miss, ah olung to Caatori,. - Wbea aha bad Children, ah gav tbam Castor la. C0SSTJM11I0X bC'UELlf CURED. To th. Editor-P!r;u9 inferm yotir rend er that I have a posit vnremmiy lor 0i above named dine... Jty Hm timely iiih-tl ountndsol hope m eases have lim-n pmnniv ntlv eiuvtt I shall be glad to send tw. Imttli-s .f niv rwrc fly mug to any of your ruruler who l ae urtiiitlon If Uiey will strd in tli 'lr prt and pot ollleo Hdrtrct". Hr-.irtliilr. T. A. SLOCUM. M.O.. ",W ;, i.rt 'l. Vw w' . This Trade Mai k on a (leva tw'AvSvtnt u ' th" be,t tnc " !f peikjnce nnd (kill can con V j trive. 3old nly by G. W. bmlth, a. - , . aMeritWInt. 1 f We detlr tosy to nureUisena, that for yaara ws hsvs b.n selllnir Dr. Ktnff- Mw olsoov.rv lor tren sumption, pr Klne-s H.w Life Pill.. Bucxl.n's Ar. nioa balr. and Klsotrle BlUar., and have never In.nd lad ramrdiu that aall or that kavsglv.o auob universal eatblsetlon. Ws do not heaitata U guar, antaa thsra avsry tlai. and ws stand ready to relunit to. purunaaa prip, ir attislsctory reaulls dn not fol low their uaa. TbM. rawdias lisvswon graat popuianiy pursiy on msrlt. JToslisy ana Ma a, drugiritl. . . Tbbt Cantankerous Old Wont Cacrlbed in tha nursery ballad, who "lived upon nothing but victual and drlnlc," anrl yet "would never be qobd,' waa undoubtedly troubled wllb cbroiilo india-Mtlou. Her victual, like those of many otbe elderly persona wboe (lipea tiva powe-.a have beconoe impnired, didn't aa-ree wirh her. 'thia was before the era of Hostettar'a Stomach Blttera. or soma ona of her numerouN friends and relatives would undoubtedly bave peranaded ber to try tbe great Hiiedtte for dyspepsia, eonsiipaiionand biliousmts. This would have been a measuraof.self protectlonon thetr part, for tho would sxm have been cured and ceased to disturb tbem with ber clamor. The moat ot-tinate caes of IndlgaHlon.witli iu attendant, heartburn flatulence. Qonataat nnesies of the storaaub and of tba nerve, ,ai complett. ly overcome by this aovt-reigii remedy Chilla and fijver and bilious ramittens rbeumatlsm and kiduey troubles are alao eltevedbylt, ... ..,,,. liOME AND AfiKOAD tflURIDAV. , ' J H Itlnahart at Kuasi t I transforming hi theut r into tvo tor. room, fientib!. ot man '' :" " ':'' ' - v Tha TmntfAorinn, of A tori I a mltftity lively paper. It i full of eultiaa. and tiok- Hfg new. , : : , ' Mr J M Kataton and family ar oow ri- In Jeiiiaif Alliady, Mr B. being at bl old plan iu th. Usuk. - ';' ' T l Wallae ye.ter.Uy sold to Mr ftr two lot in the Kikui audition. Conaideratioa 400. ' : ; . " ' Mil E 0 Searlee. wif of Mr carl.t, of ih lirix of rial row A Sarlo, ai rived frorn CliiCKO yetterday, , ... , Mr Cirone. of Indiana, inspeotor of Indian atfMiin.t and ihool for tb Co ha been th 01 ty a day or two. 12 ticket war. sold to- day at tbe AU bsny 8 Pr.lllo. forvheStat. fair, making tatal of 350 for th. feur day of tbl weak. Mr Jamaa Bhaban and family have r.tnrn ad Irom ticlo, where Mr rihahan ha had th. contract on th. new (Join block juit 00m- plvtad. 10 and 20 aor tract ef good land, 4 mile faotn th. olty, 830 per acre. K O Bvardsley, Ileal Klat. Agaot, firoadalbtn Street near Firtt, Albany. Mr and Mr Frank Katohnm aud oo Clarauoe, of Lion county, ware vltitmg friend ou thi (Id. Of tb YYilUmolt tb lalt.r paitof th. week. Corvallia Time. Mr J Ellen Foster, who wa ia Alb or a year or two ago with bl wifa, aa lest re e Iwd a 12000 appoiutaisnt at Washington, im ultima ilk. saving a w. with soma ia tluaiioa. i f , , 1 Mr John 1111 and sister, wbe went . tO Ci.b.rvlo Hprinirt, Adding th atmntpher. a little uo dry aod high for th. format 'clang bat. gon. to Denver, whio.l it ia Dop4 Will i mora auttauia lor th ease. Mr aad Mr Kugen LalVaat aad Mr Ktrna, of Albany, ar in tb Oity tb guett vf frinnd. whila attending tha 8tat fair. Mr Dr Kill, of Albany, i spending th. waok in th. oity attending tb tttata fair and visiting mend. Kha will b joined in hnr vgit by th Doctor wh will arrive ta th oity to-morrow Jourtol, , p. Kit, , . - . ; . Ivi, 8trr and I Ouiae. weat to the Htate fair to day W. ar, requested to ask tb. publid not to m t aWk natil their return. faiAr, Ni Biker City girl bay. just bagua t- laiidiug to. tittag uroy. achooL Mr Itobert Porter i lying dang.routly ill of typhoid lvr, at at hoot ta tbe aoaa- A N Uilliert haa been appointed PcatrM- Ur at HaUm, to taooead K it I ear born, de- eaaaad. Mr f Yets cats up from Portland yesterday and wili remain in tow h has a position a clerk in th Bsotou voaaty Bank . iSutoa IsnMtr. Mr J D Irvine aad Mi Kitty Cooler, of Browevilla, ut,rof Mr O W Wright, at tbi city, arevisttittg lb latter. ,. t Mr JaaMatcba, ef rWotiam. waa in tb eity to-day. Mr Match. wu move into Uebaaoa to reuu ia a few day. Eryinlaa haa tt lo in th band tf Tbo lloimaa iweeetly baraea by aa eieetrte wire ataaJaat, aad aartoa rasaita are (eared. Mt Harper Uraour ta bavin eraotad an hi two loi at tbe corner of Fir.t aad Unl -road slraata, a neat ridooe. If V ttubell, contractor. Mr. Ueoriatt Browe left thi Boon for Portland, where she will eoaed tb wintar. work tn r with IU Logan ia tb interest of tb U r Church ef that eity , , , , . , , . At Sn Franeiaeo tbe other day the deal era damped 3,000 big ataloa iat ta bay t kp Bp lb prtoe, Whtok Wa dOa l 20iii.Iui,lMoralftnlh.i. ioraotLrulmr! l.ur. eeou a erat. They doubled it. Tbey dooLUd it aATttaaaT. L V Lootwsy, f Saattla. arrived in tb eity laat veaing oa a visit to friood. i M Ni-lso, of Corva!lia, pasted through tbe city t-day oa bia way bm front Saa Fraaei. Tb ladiae ef tbe Baptist Church hld 1 very njoybl aoeial laat eeeaing at the rvaiJcnoaof Mr Mdatgonioy. YUrday (t W May card uumbatad two lot in Fine' A. 300, and Mr Nstti Malia. A lot for t?30 Burkbart Si Malin. agauU. Th frai W of thi week ba soms good picture of th candidate for Governor and iUprvatntativ. oa both ticket, in Waabiogtoa. . A ansa wba is alv lookioa oat fr thing to Co in in av that Ik fur. Albany get nsr caw cbuoi bmu pwsid I or, the p,rnlstioa will bav to iocreaaed that another wilt have to be built. . Mr and Mr 3 If Bny 11 yeeterlay at noon fur their aw home at Ha'.sey. Mia Raney ia sitter of Mr Ut McCoy and bar 1 or in. r noma wa la Itaaebasg. rumoa. Sam Stott. th Portland lawy.f. . rob bed at Salem yaatrday of a gold wateb and ore money. Five or i ether case wr ln repot tad. Th weekly IfVat S&ore i at band. It will be an imp.-ovml un tha moothly od makaa a Kiiod rt. Bain ihe ouly 00s in tbe Northwest it 'mmiI.I a big patron ate. . Ls.t Snoday a minister at Columbia, Tetcia a u-n.on on dancing aaid .- "Show meateung man who lead yur German, and I will show Joo a yooeg fallow wbe ia not worth the powder aad Wad it would take lo kill him." Half b,a eontregaiioa got mad and tb.n aa retdlt a liv squabble i brew. i"g KCEFFOaTKU. ; F. M. French ksflp raiiroadjiim. ' iv J. F. Wallace, Physioi.- aad Sargaon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson piano eall oa G LBIaokmatn . ,. , , For !. ohp, aoond band organ.' Mrv, u L Rlaokman i agent for the Weber piaaw. Mono battn. ' Buy your tiokata through td the Eaat of W I, tir aod av far. to Portland. Tha Western CotUgn and Packard arc two of th. bast organ made. , L Blaok eaa ell them. , . . A Un hue of all kind of furniture.' tilain and nphotaterad, be stuck in thi partN of Oregon at Fortoiiller A Irving'a. v If yoa want a uleaq bad tin inoke ask for J.Joacph'a bmu insd white labor) citr For tale by meat cigar dealer and at hi Joneph's factory. . J V .rj itSi! I, Mti Hitler Maoufaetur in(J., o iwiw 0 I'ailjv Tamitle, ; AI haiiv, , .: . A line bu of buggy duater audHy Beta at Th.nnu. o Ovtrman'a, the leading harness doelrr ; .fc. A n elegant liu of iik tbl prd, ' ia a antiful dasiuus. Inst toived at Fortmilter i& Irving'. 5 can Ojlddu Star tomato 1 for 60 cant akO Mayer, aod all othsrj canned ?ood efliaap for cash , " Jst rcaiyd new tabl. lined at W, f. Bead.,: -i.,.".-;"...-. ,, -f I W Stirr, physician nd surgeon, Albany Orvgao, , .-,i.,-v. ... v.j -v Good cooking stove only $10 at Hop., ut Saltmarch'c. . . - Side taddle and ladie riding uuroicgle at Tbompon& Overman'. ' i t.. Thompson A Overman, agents for the great Dynamite buggy, whip.,.- . - . , ; t The beat watch iu : the world for the mouey. Seth Thomas make them, F M irreoali e Ha them. Dr Wrightsmau Sovereign Balm of Life, for diaiaies peouliar to woman, at Deyoe & Rotwon's and Brownell tt SUnard', - P J Baltimore, agent Call and examine 2. T. Wright' stock of lubricatin j oil. Alao'tteam good of all kind, : Keep 1 ho celebrated Powell Sight feed LeJiriontora and oil cup, eonttantly on hand. Also Trahern, Lilt and Foro pump. Iron uiptt uspsoiai!)-, ' Branch Hon one block abor-.Alh.tny IrouWorkt. Cail art K M watches, e)ki- Freuch . for or jewelry. bargain ; in MARRIED. RAINLY BALL. At th residence of Dr McCoyi in Salem, Thiirday, Sept 19th 1889, Mr J H Rulney of Albany, and Mia Emma Ball, of Salem, Rev Sicafpoae offi ciating,' , y"V '. ' TULL RICHARDSON On Thurs day evening, Sept. 19th, 1SS9, at the Rut Mouse In Albany, by George Huinphery, fitq,.- Mr W H Tail, of Clackamas county end Miss M E Richardson, ef Ltnn coun- . -; TUB HAN ABOt'T TOWN., ' Th. Man Abeut Town ha never heard what beeame of Jam. liannon, the es caped prisoner accused of trying to rob the Lebanon Bank.-' A gentleman from Leb anon say the people there make no bone expressing thetr opinion a to who as tilled Bannon, two- men In particular be ing named openly 1 but who curtlod the teveral ton of dirt all In aub from under the building,, not a trace ol whk h ha ever been found, i not even settled by rumor, fur that wa work the principal would not think of dlong. v U.,-:---"?)'. .':i-" .1 - How many rumor It take to make a fact I a problem it would take comber able flgurlntr to olve, have been enougrt brick and atone notei rtimar, in Albany to fill at, least a small , vuiume ; but the problem I not yet on paper.; And railroad rurnor. wen, Kobiosou uiinteit couldn't figure the bualnet out., . Tha Chinaman garbarge man of thi city hat a peculiar kind of a whip, ' III eat hang over the front ' of hi wagin, and when hi horse, a balky one refuse to move with the del red alacrity, Ah Swill draw hi right leg back and give the ani mal a voclferou kick with lit heel, often repeating the operation with the regular ity of a piston, and accompanying the op eration with anerv cure erwken in a con- iwnen ai CM In ex and tnniioi woru ci remarkable profanity. . People who have been to the Sute fail report a hameful!y slim ethlblt of our product, and commend nothing but th horte racing and stock exhibit, Itsccia tort el tough for (he but to make ap propriation Just lor horse racing. - An Albany woman with $6rxxi out at Interest pay i tae on tha full ameunt. An Albany man owning a piece of prop erty valued at about $30,000 pay taxes 011 about the lame amount as the woman Hi Income from hi property 1 lui-r or five lime a much, : This ia a mut,and It Indicate that there I an Injustice dene, not by aur law ; but ty the prevailing custom oi making assessment. Wtiv f Why dp you not go to Water- 00 f At a summer reot it it utiexcelled. Good level ground, good tiade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations. Itoard and lodging from $5,00 to $7 per w..V tn .lilt r-,,.?r,mr. ' Stw iv, lloa w m Lebanon en the Sautlam river I will be at Lebanon every ftaturdar at arrival of train to convey prtle to Waterloo. Good feed (table In connection with hotel. J. G.Gro, , TIMBFR LAND NOTICE. United Slate Land Oflice. . Oregon City, Or., July 37th 18S9. Notice is berctry given thet n compliance with Uie prevision of tbe act of Congress of Jun 3, 1078, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the state ol Caltlornu,(regon, Nevada, and Washington Tcrriiory, 1 homa Mcf Jtenon.of Sydney .tsnty of K(ap,terriwry f Washington, ba this day tiled ia this onke HI swora statement No 1310, fur tbe purchase of the 8 E U ol section No 4, in township No 13 Oalh,rnge No a et,nd will offer proof lo .Ium lit.1 tilal l.n a,tfKt ft. Mrtf. valt,ald Inr 1 M .,i IA awatlatAliath It. at ctaim In atati.l wA Isaafisrat (he Keg titer nd Receiver ut thU omce ( Ore goa Cny, Or, on Friday, the 35th day of Octo-' ber, 1989. .lie aamc a wtincsse: C hmitb, J Hcrcjg, J peters and J T Murphy,atl of Syd ney, Kitsap county, W T. Any and ail er tons claiming adversely the' above desctibed lands are rcjueded to file their claim ia this olfice on or before said 3 Jth day of October, 1 8S9. - W T ttcaxEY, kegimcr. - TIMBER I AND NOTICE. t'srUd Slain. Land Notice. orwn City.orwua: JalrAlb.liMl, Nutlo. U h.rby (iraaibas in meudlam witbtne proVMSon. u tlx act of Cocgnm a Jans a, 1 sTS.en ittkid 'AnaatwtlMa.).oltMnbr land. in u.avia Od H.mua, One-iii, Nada.a4 IA Miitrrfm Temtirf'y, Jama E Hoi4iliMna,o( oinnil. emntv of Tbarafin.' tarrUsryi' taiaday aiad to ttvsuaurS hi. .norn MaWMnt No 12, Inr th. purrbua ol tha H g iof MfSin Ko M. io liraeAhip Na kO.auutA rarur Kuvaaat, and will ecr tro to hnw tbatthahuid aauebt is hmmo it. timb.ror.UHM Uwa fur ssrisultural purtKMaa, and Ut at.blMn bl. rialn to aaid an4M UwMwUtor andHaoalrrnlUtlBStc atOpm OUT, oso. mi Twaday, taa Ztnddsy ot ustuunr, a-. llauamaaas allmawa: r)Jkuba, J Hwvsnf,W (i-milBtl and J"hn Uanwr,aii ol Seaui., Km-Hiniy, WT Any aiH ail pm daimlng ul. ravb' b. .bora dnwrtbrd lafto. ar. raqoaMrd to ttls t claifua m Uiit vBte. on wl a'o said iSttd day of Octubnr, 1I ' : w T acasav, naytatar. TIMBER UND NOTICE. VwtStataaUrMlcltTlcw. - . OmjfooOly.OrrjfnM. July r7Ji, IvrB. XoUmUharabv (Iran tiwt IB with lb. prortalonut tbnaetsf Ouejrrnas ol Juu ,lTH,.nnlled "An act tat tin rale of Unlaw ! in th. atU a Cal ifnrala, Orafoei, N..a4a , atMl Wawhiuttun IWrilory," r'rnlll Aldrtea.alCndiilae.emiatynl M.xto.d,UUio( Mlehiiran, h this day fllad la Ibis ogita hi. rum Mataiaant No 1311, for tba puirt.aaat l trKV of saeUnn Na St,lotuwnahlp No 10 mth,rane Kole(. and will oflertHao to show that tba land auufhl is atora va'oabl. lor iu tiwbar orstons than lor sgriiiil tural purpoas., aadiavatabtiab loasMl twd bntvr tin HqruilM- and Heonvar ol Una ugmat Ora aoa ay.Ur..o rrMy,th. xMb d.v n October .1H!. It. Minas aa witnaatM : T I laball .U Howe.M O Yarks and i i Hautrae. all ot Albany, Linn eounty, ttragoa. Any and all persona elalailn advannly tba above M arribnd laud, ar laqusstad to Bl. Uwlr elaim. ia thia offio as or feature said 1Mb dsv i4, IstsO. . . W T beaaav, tUvjbtter. ' TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ' Cut tnd State Land Offlee. oreirsm City , oji-Kon, July lh, 1KK9. Kntlee 4 herr-hy given that Incompliance with th wovlaton of the act of Conarnas of Junes, lCS,en trued" An art for tha cale or Uni. rwr lands In tha atm of fallfornla. Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlngtoa Territory,1' Donald HuHae, of Brownavtlie, county of Linn, atate of Oreiron, baa this day riled In this ofllon bia aworn statement Nolan, for tbo purchase ot tha KK tot amotion NoW, In township Mo 10. south, range No 8, east, and will olfar proof to show that tbe land sought Is mnr valuable for lutliuber or aton than for aRrlnultural punioaes. and to aatabllah hia claim to aaid land bafora the fbglatr and Kneelver of thi onto, at orr-gon City, orKoii, on Monday.the Hth day tr October. Iksh. lie namea aa wit- nrnuma 1 W H Taylor, W Eaat, 1 B Tow.lf .V and n nrennaa.aii of Albany, t.lnnpouniy.on'eon Any all twtraona claiming the abovi dearrlbr-d lands are reuunatfd to file their claims la thia ortice on or before said 1Kb day of October, im. W T lirasav, Register. Guardian's Sala Of eal Estate. Kotios is hereby given tkat th under igoed, guardian of the person aod estate of Ulvy joyd Uuyer, a minor, by virtu of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered cf record on the lit day of July, 1889,will sell at pub lie auction for eaab iu hand, on aalerday, the Ml day ef October, Isas, at the hoar of 1 o'clock in tb. afternoon of aid the Court Hou door, in Albany, Liun county, Oregon, all thright,tUI and iuterett of aaid minor in and to the undivid ed onn-niuth of the aouth half of tbo north east fourth ai ! the northwest fourth of the outhat fouila of seotion two, and the tout.hwaet fourth of the north a eat fourth of .section one, all in township eleven, south, rang one, west of the Willamette meridian, in Ltnn county , Oregon,eontiniog 160 acre more or less. . ; Dated ibis 29th day of August, 1889. ri -;.iV-. , A. C. UrYBR, T. J. STrraa. . -Guardian.. Attorney for Guardian. . ;, Intelligent Eeaden will notice, tint 0 l"?"4 "wnrrovnfcMt a en" all class er Elaasea, bat only each as a-eaaii 1 rraaa a Uaorelrl U ve, via 1 Vertigo, Headache. Dyspepsia, Fevers, Ccstlvensss, Bilicut Colic, Flatulence, etc. .Fee tnea they are wot warrant! Inn' faliiblo, bat aro aa aearlysa aa It tn poo. .aibla to m.ka enmatly. Crlee, licts. SOLD EVEB1T13U3K13. 1 rr!Tr FwXOST or .ri.TITH9 HATTFOOTi! H r 1 i 6 Mara! and KEEVOUS DEBIIllYi VT,Hnnu mum xx u u o u. J wl &. J f f rrir9TEie.8aMia Old id ow Yoiin. StWiMTt hB W K A k 1 1- S V is- s.y r 1 0 it.s,'g pAitThof If Oil. Abaelutelj; artvltir Hit Hit 1 KKATStfeST BceifBta la a tin v. B tUfy yaa 4f 8Uta, TerriKsHea, asd iorelhn 'aQEtria, t tn tMtei Ht Uiawt. ikHh, rail rxpttnatlkt mm(k rov!a saaiis-il tor Infants and Children. ' "CaatorU la so wall adapted toeifldran that I Cat7l cnri rr, Co-jMlr-iH, t raonmnKrad It a superior to ny prcrtDtiua I Kmir ritomaan, fttsnboM, Kruotnuoa, kacwB to ma." u, A. Aaena, U. I t-tt"ra,i &r" "-P V"" WBo.OJord0t.,iJniU7n,.T. I WlsKt tojartooa Jdiotk . . . , Taa Csmraca CoarAar, ft Murray Strnet, !. Y. Combine! tbo Juke of tbe Bine Fig of California, o laxative and nutritious, with tb medicinal virtue of plant known to be mot beneficial tothe human yatem. forming tbe ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly oa tha ;."' KIDHETS. LITER AHD BOWELS AH 0 TO Cleanse tits System Effectually, SO TSAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. ; HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one i. aing it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYkUF OF FIGS. Maaa factured only by the CALirORNIA FIG SYRUP CU, Sam FsAaciaco, Cau . LeenvtLta. Kv. NwYe,H.a. TIMI5ERLAND NOTICE. v United Stalf lAtiid Office, Oregon City, Or., July J7tb, 18.H9. Notice in hereby iriveti tltat in compli nnce with the proviHioiiHof the net of Con- nl Inn,, "t 1K7K Wlilltlod "An mU-L IOT the aale of timber Iambi in the Hatea vi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton T;rritrr," Fni Gilliert, of Kcattle, county of King, Territory of Watdiington, lias thia dav liiixl in thia office hut sworn Hla'cim-nt N'o 1223,for th imrchaae of the 8 W H of t$cc No 22. Tp No 10, aouth llartgc No 2 eaat, and will offer proof to rdiow that tho land sought is more valu able for ita timlcr or atone than for agri enlturnl tiiirooBmi. and to entablinh his claim to paid land before the RcgiHter and ltereiver d thia oflh-e at roaon Cily, Or., on Ktiturday the 12th day of OctoUr.1889. Il riairu-n aa wilni KW-M : Y. Mann, C T stjiltin' V l'rf-iuie and li Krohn. all ot rtttlle, King county, W. T. Any and all nerxona t laniimr adveraely tbe above de- Hrrilad lariil am miuHUil to filo their claims in this office on or Imfore aaid 12th day of October, W'i. w. 1. r.iKRv, iwguuer. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. , United Klattn Ijind Oflk-e, Orcsron Citv. Or.. July 17th. IHS'J, Notice is hereby given that in compli auce with the iirovinions of tlie act of Con gress of June 3, 187K, entitliil "An act for trie soje n nmurr utnun 111 111c r-tittt-n w California. Oregon, Nevadaand Warming- ton Territory." Murdwh Htewart, of Seat tle, cotintv of King. Territory of aching- long, has this day tiled in this oflice bis sworn statement No 122H,for the pur.-hase of the N E li of Sec No 2S. in Tp No 10, south Range No 2 east,and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more val uable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tlie Register and Ret-civer of this onice at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the 12tu day ol Octoher.l8. He names as witness.- : F Bense, F rdtriener. B Krohn and F Gilliert, all of Seattle. King county. W. T. Any and all jxTins claiming adversely tho arwve de- scrtlied lands are requesti-a to me tneir claims in this otfi.-e on or before said 12th dav of UvioWr, inn . ' " ... W. T. Ct sutEv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Lund Office. Oroson City. Or.. July 23. 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the not of Con ctcks of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for Uie sale of timber lands in the FUtet of California. Oregon. Neva-la and Washing ton Territory," James K McIIarguc, of Urownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has tins day tilea in mi oince nis swora statement No 12t4,for the purchase of the 8 E H of Sec No 32, Tp No 10 south, 1 Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agri cultural Durnoses. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oflice at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday tho lUth day of October.lSSU. He names as witnesses : J 1) Irvine, A P I lowe, W C Cooley and A L Baker, all of llrownsville. lann county, ur. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliove described lands arc requested to file their claims in this otHceon or before said lth dav of October, 1S8!I. W. T. r.t ESEY, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnitod Btatca tand Office. Oregon City. Oregon, July lTth.lSSS. Notion Is h.-ivby given that in compliance with the provisions of tha hm. ofConttreas of Ju!iei.l7S,.-niltU-d'An not for the sale at timber landa In tbe statea of CaUfornln,Orcgan.Nevada, and Washington Terrlto-yn?rnhard Krohn.of Seattle, county of Kin (".territory of Washington, has tliladay 11 If din thisotrtoe hia aworn state No lii", for the purchasa nfthe X W of auction NoK, in township No lO.aoulU raiiK No 3 east, and will olT.-r proof to show thut the land couKbt ia mor valuablo for it timber or stone than torugrlcullural purposes, and to establish hi claim to aaid land before tha Kcgiaterand Rect'i vwr of th ia office at Oregon city, oropm, on Saturday, the nth day of October, 1H&, lie opines as witness i F Bonsa. roll bert,ii suj wart andr'Shriener. allot Seattle. King-county, WT. Any and all persona claiming: adversely the above desert bed loads are requested to file their claims In thlsotTiooon or before said 12th day of October, isms. W T Bt'kxsT, Register. :. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United states Land Offlce. Oregon City, Oregon, July lTth.'lSSa. . Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes. 1S78. entitled "'An act for the aale of Um ber laud la the statea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waaulnirton Territory," Fran a Shrlener.of Seattle. county of King, territory of Washington, bas thisday filed i: IhlsofTicehia sworn statement No Via),forthe purcnaae of the 8 W i of section No2S,ln township No 10, south range N a 3 east, and will offer proof to show that thelandsouKbtis more valuable for Its limber oratane than for agriouitural purposes, and to establish his claim toaald land before the Reg ister and Receiver of thisolTice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, tbe lilth day of October, IKSIi. He names as wit nesses : F Bense.B krohn, KGiUwrt and MStewart.all of Seattle. KlntT oeun ty,WT. Auy aiidall personsclalmlnft adverse ly the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before aaid 12th day of OUober, 1SH0. W T Bcuiiy, Register. SAW LOGS FOR SALE. Partie desiring to purchase' saw ' log will do well to call on the undersigned who has about 3,000,000 ft ot logs on the Calapooia above Brownsville. IT. F. Merrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. , For sale by Will.dc Stark, doalora In flue welche, Jewelry, eta, Ji su. urn nf f ' V, W WTbT m' 1 Gummonfj -. - ' In tltt Circuit Court of tit Slot. 0 Oregon : for LiimCmnlj. '. . . Ojncy L Hartley, Flff., ' - ; ." Ga-gVflsrtiey, Dft. ' ' ' ; To f ioorae I Karttsi, tliodofeo btnt aliove nam-d. - ' " ,.- ' . " l,i i tiatna ot the slat nf Orrpon y-a r liti-..i;y required to appear and nwer tin coniptaii.1 vt the j.lm' shore named, in tb. l "ve entitled t omt.roi. on tile thei , g' t you o or tfoie thel;rftdy of Ihn 1 xt ri!"!r term i f said Court to- t'i , 0t.,r,ti. ZHtli, AU. 18. HdWd ... ri Iu-il.y l olili. d that )f you fail t) rpesr - ar,d ar.satr raid coinpluir.t a. a hove r'rjuirid pUlutiif a ill 1 ly the CVnrt f-r the t- ' HI prayed tor in ul coioplatet t-wif. a disaoiolli u r.f Hie lid d.of aiarriKioriy tf- icif letwecn you and iisiritilF, uI lor tha , eu.twly f the 0 in r Li'd, Lime Fnliy, named in tvimpls t. I, urd fur and dis bursements of thi nit. Thia (ommoii ia tolilialxd by.ordr of the lion It V Joifl, Joftf rf sid Coort. Made at Cbarr.Lcr ou tr I2th day of Jul r, A 1, 188'J. " ; J J WBtTagv. , - . Att'yfor I'iintiff. TIMBER LASr?KOfic. United State Land Office, Oregon C'itv, Or July 30, 18S9, Notice I hereby fclven that in compli ance with the provUinoo of the ct of Con gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the ale of limber land in the State of California. Oreeon. Navada and Washing ton Territory' Martin lluckabayjf I'ort- Land, counts- ot Multnomah, state ot tjre-. aon, ha thi day filed in thi, office her' worn statement No 1325, for the purchase - o iota i anu 4 snu o yt m . ? N) 3, in lp No 13 south, Kange .o I, mt unit ill nfTrr nrnnf to ahntr that the land sought is more valuable for h timber ' or (tone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish her claim to tald land be fore the Register and Receiver of thi of fice at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the iOth ttay ot October, 1S39. ?ne name a witnesses : H Vrroom, G Llndley, C J Dlckerson and J M Simon, all of Tort land, Multnomah cotinty, Or, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are reque.tctl to tile tnetr claim in thi ortice on or before said 26th day of October, i?89. W. 1. Bcrnet, Kcgister. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 31, 18R9. -Notice Is herebv given that in compli ance with tbe provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber land in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing, ton Territory," David McF'arlane, of Van couver, county of Clarke. Territory of Washington has this dav filed in this of fice hi sworn statement No 1327. for the porchate of the N E of Sec No 18, In Tp No 12 south. Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Umore valuable ! timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish I his claim to said lam before the Kcgister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Monday the 2Sth day of October, 1&59.- lie name a witnesse : U L. Alar, f Sweet, G W Robinson ard D Fitzgib bons, all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Anr and all person claiming adverse 1 . , . . . 1, , 1 . j it tuc iwyc ucactiuru laou. arc ictjucaicu to rile their claims in this office on or be fore said 25th day of October, 1SS9. W, T.' BcnxEY, Register. m -ll;wtflIK V IF trim mm: FOR SALE' BY FOSH AT A MASON IV? COLD HEAD. 7 sv&J Try the Cure USX Ely's Cream Balm -n a - wr V T-i , a a lays Tnfiammaticax. Heals tie Soroa. Beetores the Senses of Taste, ISmell -tuifl Hearing. M aaraete ia aponea meaaetca ansa n ta. -la aareenble. Pri -sAOe. at Drnaclta w by .. mil. ELY BBOTBBSWnaBt.,yew Tor. PATENTS taned, snd all other business ta th V: 8. Pata fflce attendedad to lor noderata fees. Ouroffioe is opposH tba U. S. Patent Ofllea, and we can obuin Fatent . ka time taaa those remote rora Washington. Send modle or drawing We adv ' , to patent ability tree of charge ; and wemake a charge unless wa obtain patent. . Wa refer hers, to tha Ptietsoaster, tha Sopt. of Honey Order Div. and to officials of th.U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, ad vie, terms, and aferaneea oactual cli.uta in yonrewn Stata or county, address C, A. SNOW & CO., OPPeclta Pataet Office, Washington, D , ut- ruftt uuu uvtii oil ass nYPOpnospnrrrf3 Almost as PalatabTe as Willi. So di.fcaU.d that U eaa be take a, fttgested, d astlnsiUled by tb ami taatsltlva stomas a, when th. plaint nil eaaaet b tolerated aai by tbe com bination of tba a ll evltb th rtypopboa. pbltaa ta maeb mora etUcaclona. . t EtWttUMa as a -fesh pradacer, PeHOBS fata n pldlj wWle taking It, SOOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physioiaiis to be tt e Finest and Best pre pa- ration in taa world for the relief and care of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAL OEeiUTY, VASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATiOfi, COLD3 and CtfRONIG COUCKS. Tht great remed-j for- Vonsumpiian, and Wasting in Chihlrei. . Sold by all UrufHfista . . CAr.rjAGs AT 5 i Ij 1 1 JsraCSVL: 13 Lit J v La y lJ L J