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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1889)
SB TO 0E,.3u3AT, THE DEM0CI1AT Hi lh lot Advertl.sinjr riffHoni In llir rfraf WilltitnPtfr T!Ifv ! -'t v. i SZ IN ADVANCE : on , A1 ND Of YEAR. Isausd evary Friday by STITE8 Ac Isl UTTINO Advertising rate made known VOL. XXV. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMIS Kit 1i(K IH8J). iVO 1 k 7 y 7, T WRO t-t i ii u xviun i , Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or. AORNT roH . ""."I "JPWV i -2 TUB Ad7i333 TlW3iIn. Masiinsrj Tha twist avi fastest ihrv-.h,-r In Amr-rl-c, aud a machine that tmN without a rival. To AI'VANl'K thivshrr baa NKVKK Un KKl't.ACKI. by any othrr machine nn tha Coast, but tm r.-i-Usr,i ovt-rxl tlner Hi. MAVK KA I I.KIl to fill WARKANTKU. Tim fe-NilINK Is guar anted Jo puil morn than any other, anl will out travel ail nllie r. on Ui toad. If you hoar any lu I hosst-s tPm,m t,. t;,6 irtii tha ADVAM'K 1 M KK-H KK and KNuINK are sol, I on thwir merit nllro ly. And I am willing to pm a!l I .-Uiai In uiy fltdd at any tint., ni i .n. bugged by biivimr an? tnsclitita until you ssmIum AliVANCK. ho haidte ateana tt-tliu traod, Iron pipe. iui: moweia. nutters, ajirlntrlonh bl4. kuilt(,' r,.rgiw, .Irliu, chu-cii. f rtn anil school ball, an J many Mhrr jr?'al, Albsny Branch H.u una block below Buna UY.une, JAS E.KNOX, .Coaui Md7er. -l,,,t !)! . STAR HAK Kit Y (Cnmar Bpcvhlbin aai First Sts., - DK.ll.RR IV ( sane J att. laitware, Or tea Frlt. Tsbc. gr, t'isisite.l tie- !, ileH!if sr. Vearttre. t li a ip'rt. Tsv. lor vrvtilnvl' i k-ioi n a lal variety ami gromr. .re. tlihe-t it ket prlen pesi. I for ftl1, KlriDS OF PRODUCE, AT tr:a-sy' r, t. , '' W . V ) . JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. Ilia sxorlc Ua Uudt enl uo I Cist it Roger Bros. Silverware, French Cliinr and Crys talware, Boys' Wagon 3, Doll Oai-riage.' , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Croclney anr. Toys. Ha nnt Hret and wsrri.4 tS4 Urr-wt sck In tho Wtll-inU Valley, to wbP'l baa len a a oompli-'- II:i of FARfilLY QROCER5ES. . 'a Agnt f.r Insnrs-M'. tt-t a,u t with espiUl airrtttlu 7-VW),orf, "Icl on narl F"rncls. Hir winl dnutch guspror hen.. Look Out For Low prices. FURNITURE, I am now lnrri'ur a ray factory at coat. Peopl wUhing lurni t'n can do welt to look here, far !;tirja,a 1 am going to II at cost fluiinz tbs; nent 30 day. Cjma and fgimin. mygooda b-if're fnircSping r.!ee" wber . . - Factory at th river tkI t Lyon Street. - '6. J. DILLON. WILL 1 ' " - ' Dealer In all Guns, PistolsSewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full Una of ahnet oalo, musical mrcnandte, ainninniUrn. n-hing l-iltl, to. Vmanifd rzrra. tutder and rrxket kriivra. Tha I crt kind of newlng tnacb lie needier. Oils and extra for all nracblne supplkd. Repairing of aewJng Diacb.Bea, mntical inKtiumrrita, gnrr, t-tc, i.tatty I'c.tio ALDANY; - - NEW STORE. Mitchell 80 lewis Co., -DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements and Vehicles ci r Lit Ik use C r. 2ud IS-; ALCAfJY, ,. - - v FtRTITR1- You want the bunt and mont durable eauty la donlred and admired by all. Among tha things which mar Iwat bo dona to nlance pergonal r .V, 'r i the daily P LV w Ay or "a Hair r T' l No matter what the rolor ot Uie Imlr, thla prefva. ration elves It a hi. I - PWM charm. Should tha t AlJ'U- .VJ Imlr l thin. Ury, or turnlnff cr-. Ayor's Hair Vigor will roatoro tho rolor, brliiK out iinvr frrtiwlli. .nil render tha old soft and ahiny. For seeping the scalp rhtan, cool, and Itealthr. there is tug uiiukvIi "T .m txu a x...r.... ,1... . A-!-! . Ayer'a Hair Vlitnr has euuvhiood mo 1 h II ft (, a IMHH...4 f ..... 1 -" - " 1" .1 . JIM 11 11 1. not onlr caiiitKil llm lnilr".,f t wir ..! tlaujlitor to ba Ahtinrlinf nnrl flntet IWUIIUUIIl (AIIU UlUOQIt l)nt It has given my rather stunted mus tache a rt'MH'iahlo length nml anivr moo." 1U Hi it ton, Uukland, Ohio. "My hair was coming out (without ny aaaiounre from my wife, either). I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor, umIuk ouly ona bottlu, and I now have a line a head of hair as any one could wiah for." , m l. .i i. .... i . hi A. OVUUllllOU, 1WK.HJU, 1UIIU. family for a number ot yenra, and re- I. - - 1 . 1 . . I w mm .110 utTsu iiwir rriwrailoll t Lair aoft anil UvmIv. iml urMmri'M iu original color. My witti ha naed it tor long time with mmt aalUfuutory ro enlU'HenJaiuia M. Johnson, Jl. l., x nomas uui, mo. "Myhalr was beromina harsh and dry, ibnt after uxinrf halt a bottle ot Ayer'a jHair Vhror it crew black and glossy. I cannot expretu, the Joy and grntitude I loci. .iuuvi y;. ioiiy, uviavaii, ill t hah'. um:m 11: nyvi ; nun .viyur, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sola by Druggist and rcrtutuers, "i" w. a3X Kr Vi:i Jt Strk, .leilers In flno wctolie. Jewelry, ete, uJ any 00 the C-v, and eooMri of BROS., tho Leading - - OBECOFi, NEW GOODS furnture tl.wt is in.iiiuftcturad in tho.nily go mm nas Jsrmk. LtlOAL RECORD. . A vei lively idace b Albany U the & ; tSlvlclnlt y nt the rnt end of Klrt V Mi ret, In II.ickleitiiMi't 3rd addition, i A Democrat mini who vUheJ It Mas a' lonlahed at the rui n her ot houses being erected, full twenty-live being built In small rmlWi. Among the others, Messrs. Trtiitt, HuirN, 1irJ, Slirpard, L.'r, liar- nUh, Crow-ler, Skinner and Halht are having the .'.smmers lly for themselves, E V I-tii('!oit I bn'iainj a couple.DnbrulUe ,V KIl tn three, nnd l)r Wallace tour. That Is seventeen and there are eluhtor ten be sides, and many morecontemplatctl, all In the 3m ariiiitlon and east 01 the u r track One man in the neighborhood hatju.t been eV.iJ'T " f V, ::r:. new bonnes have been' erected this vcar rsst of the O l track alone. . . A Dm At)VANTA.. The following fro'n a rorrcrrwMHk'nce in tho balen, Jnurn - r Is a sensible suggestion for putting SU 1 111 1 . nn in a mnhiii.i alreailv brln-r en. - ' ' - joyed by Albany, and the point made shows us that we should appreciate th great advantaire we already enjoy from being on a trans continental line. Event uaily In all probability both Salem and AT bany will be connected with Astoria by rail. "Every individual properly owner ean afford to eantrlbute to a branch toad w from the O I through Salem to the coast. mis would attacn us lorever io r,e great We could then bur a R R ticket from the Capital city to our old homes East, as now no SVStein'even recognises US to the extent a mass meeting and as a start offer to .1 . a 1 . 1. f ti build a good steel bridge across the Wllla; mette, and donate It to the company who! 111 nulkl salj roadi Stiu. Ixwkixo ro Him Mr Dam. KssoL ls C a- s-.Mass .,, L I . .s l.M as back , the E.i.ern woman, seeking ,er husband has also been doing Eugene City, and the lightr says: "She came from Pen.i.ylranla and says that her left there lat January. He wanted to come Wet and she did not. They sold their farm for $5000 and then he skipped. leaving her about $1503. In March she learned that he was In Albany and she came out hce a short time ago. expect I ng to. find him there but be had left that place. and now she has lo. track of Mm. Several persons here have tntereted tliem. elves in her behalf and have been triingto learn the whereabouts of the man but have failed. The woman has worried over the matter so much that she has become almost demented but ttill In slts on keeping up the search." A FARwkLt R arrtcx On the nth at the residence of Mr Geo F Simpson farewell reception was tendered Rev II P Webb and w if e previous to their departure tor their new charge at Sclwood and Os, wego. There w a a targe gathei ing, and a very plesant evening was spent. Rev Webb and hi estimable wife have obtained a war.n place In the hearts of the member of the church and our cttuen generally and all regret their going. Rev Metnmln- er, hi uccesorwa present, lie Is a pletant clerical looking gentleman and will I no doubt be a popular pastor of thechurch. Coxnoi.ks with Hi. After the train wreck at this city an Attar la paper In naming the participant of the wrecking menMoned erroneously of course, Tho Froman a one of the men. Mr Froman na tost received a letter from a man named Fornian, in Texas, in which the writer suggests a re'ationshlp and with him in hi misfortune. It I thu that the newspaper spread error a well a. truth over thi. big world: Ni!s.t Tu km. A young lady in the city I tew day ago wa looVIng for a houe to I rent for her mother and twelve tlster who will be here from the East, If a suitable place can be secured In which to reside. While Tacoma might be a better place If hey art; alter husbands, Albany will do very w ell. We have a larie number of old bachelors here who should be captured be. lore Ihey get Into their second chlIuhood ANavv Thurcay the Revere Home received a new bus, from the Mel bourne Manufacturing Co of St Louis. It is quite handsome, and e!egently finished on the interior, and has the advantage of seats on the top. It seem to have been made lor pave.! streets, and it will be In order for Albany to put In tome pave ment in order to be up with the lime. A Breezv Pkick. Mr E J Goln hs just said to Mr John Bchmerr two lota on 11 . C-l . - 1. . . .11 First Street, opposite the Albany Iron Worts, known a the Deckard property. Consideration $5,000. Mr Schmeer pro poses erecting on'It a large brick livery nd feed stable. Hi Second Street stable he contemplate transforming Into store, -VTinZZ n S ?iL,n!p4 '"A h. -Si, I property two or three year aeo. Thi sale chow how firm the market i. Would Take Here, Bell, the South Carolina impostor tells the negroes that each of them must have a pair of wlugi price $5, for the "rise" on Judgment Day, and he ha taken a great many $( bill. If he were to be arrested now it 1 ald that 5OO negroes would go on hi bond. If he were to come to Albany and solicit ad to be printed on the wing to be circulated in foreign clime he would have no trou. ble in covering the wing. loo many ricKBRS. Some year our hop grower have bad a great deal ol trou ble to obtain enough picker to save their crops, and white picker have been very carce. Thi year there are too many, People have come from all part of Lane, Linn and Benton countie and aeveral grower have found it necessary to stop their picker about 3 o clock In the after noon to be able to keep up with the dry- A Kansas Case. Mr J A Waddle rep esenttng W J Van Schuyor & Co ol Port land ha been in the city, lie carried a nice looking cane, which would not be suspected of being very fierce inside; but a Democrat man Inspected it and found . I , u , 2 V5 'q diver choice brand. Mr Waddle ued as a sample case; out in Kansas 11 .erve. Up into the -ir ibbut 1 000 feet. He land a. a more evasive purpose. ; LA ,,(eiv. however, and wa. the hero of . . . Rehts! Rent have been ral.ed a to 90 per cent in Oregon City In Albany they are firm and have an upward tenden- cy ; but a yet are not by any mean high, The highest (tore rent i only $75 a month, and the highest house rent only $15. Ix New Quarters Fortmiller & Ir. vlng are moving Into their new double stare in the Maienic Block. It make ona of the finest tore in the Valley, and 1 particularly valuable for showing off good to advantage, ot wntcn int nrm ha a re markably good stock. The Like It Two gentlemen by the name of Stafford who live in California are visiting their courlns J B Jenk and Mr Callaway who live near Tangent. They are highly pleased with thi valley and it l not Improbable that they may conclude to aettle here. They could ; do much worse, . A Good Beginning. TheJColIege ha opened its fall term with the largest at tendance for a great many year, much larger than wa anticipated, and the faculty are quite encouraged at the outlook. The school deserves a large patronage. Tit OitroiiN Exhiii t. The Mliwnu kcr Evtmm' Jmrmtl cf sept. j,tu psj s Oregon and her rxhlhlt .it the epoclilon this followlna trlhu'e i "The Uliors to the Exposition should m-t mU the Ore gon exhibit, which U oiiu l the inuit In teresting features ot the big show. R.nj. ed around the sides of Its euer-tut. opnee sre $000 samples of wheat, ontn, bin Icy, rvo, grasses, fruits, etc., nil fimiUhcd by thrte counties ot the AVIIlaitetle Valley, the gsricn of the StAtc. The Valley forms the major portlop of western Oregon nnd Is t$0 miles long xv'tli an oversge width ot fifty mile. The soil l very fi i ttlo and everythlnjln the agricultural lino grows luxuriantly . The grains exhibited are all 0f this season's growth, the genial aver valley being 4 V. bushels of I wlt to th-s acre, while many mlUs have I yields 65 bushels. In addition to the grain exhibit the delegation bring types jf the game Hi ds of the State, represent in? val- 1 ley and mountain isruuse, quail, phetisiiuts ,n" Monnoiwn pheasants. ine luticr I were introduced seven ve' ago and are I . .- . . 1 now numerous all over the xtute an.l ot great beauty. That 41 bushels as a gen eral average Is good i but we are honest people here and just half as much would be a generous and saiUfnctary estimate of the average, j etbhaw, The Marshall, Michigan. lfirsmttm vyi : james it r.iucrsin, 01 I s s a s,. . . . ''"moss ro.t, t A It, Uetroit, enlisted I in the regular army lonir before the l'lorl da war, says the W V,m. He served oanomasier 01 the fourth l nited Males I Infantry band. General, then Lieutenant, I Grant belnir Retflmenlal Ouartermiler I ' "d fin' ,crveJ tl' war of tho rebel I Uon- " wars a gold medal voted by Congress." Mr Elderkln abvve referred to I is an uncle to Mr I K Elderkln.of Ine Farm ,,"nd Merchants' Insurance compny,of I f It I at llu I t tI.I..L 1 1. - - i 1 at. . I 1 " V ' V J I.IMVtH Hiia wnni 1T11IIIVC w,r j)orJ(l UMkail ,d w ftf I tj0 Kelelllon. He ha a pernal lel'cr from Gen Scott rcco.nmendim! him for bravery at Chapultaplc and carries quite a number of medals voted by congress In. s'ead of one. He Is now over 70 years old and hasal way voted the democratic ticket. Santa Moxu-a Mr John Morrison ha shown the Dkmocn at a letter receiv ed from Maj Daniel Jones, dated at Santa Monica, CaU In which he tell of the ar rival of Mr John Bryant, No. John had ju.t been to church.and we can easily see frsm the tone of the letter that our Mends very naturally are longing for the hallowed association of the best cltv In the Willamette Valley, and we expect to them hack here some bright day. vt line o;i the subject 01 Santa Monies, o;i the subiec: rl Santa Monies, a (despatch to the ting! today scores the management ot that Institution In a lively manner. A SckxkA prominent director of the Albany Street R R CoFrlday was lushing In quite a lively m inner to catch a street cat, and was just mounting the rear step, when a well known dog mistaking hi in tcntlons, sprang nimbly behind him, caught him by the thigh of his pant legs I and ripped about a foot of valuable cloth Irom the aforesaid trowser. The director abandoned the rule and hastened sldeway torn nomein tne 1 nird ward lor another suit ot clothe. The owner of the dog re quested u to state that he wa enjoying a trip to the mountains. Lxq Hsok ax. Thursday afternoon Mr P F Brady, the well known railroad contractor, wh) ha been waiting In the city for work to lart upon the O P sever, at months was at the farm ot R Custer near thla city after ome horses, when In going over some rail let down from a . . fc . . . . . . to the ground, breakln g two bone in hi right leg. though the distance wa pract- nail y nothing. Drs Whitney and Starr set the bones. Mr Urady wa just getting ready to eo to work on the road, and was one of the most jubil'ant men in the city over the resumption of work; but now he will have to wait a month ortwo longer Dox't. Nearly every city in Washing ton want to be the capital. Dan't, It will doom you. The live cities, a a rule, are not ambitious for the honor. In Waling. ton, where the state building are very properly spread over the territory there is not a much of nn object for the grocery men to rustle for the privilege of feeding the Insane, convicts and legislators; yet. the strife seems to be just as lively as if there wa more feeding to be done. A Personal Skxd off. While In At bany our old friend and tellow resident of Crpak coun, ,oh 8chmeer ,nvhc(1 , w . . . . a teat by hi side In a hndsome bugy, which wa attached to a handsome horse, and kindly drove u about the city, show ing u it principal points of Interest. Mr Schmeer is in the livery business, and ha M ot he Ut equipped .table, in Oregon outside of Portland. HI patronage I very large and he I doing an immence butlnes In hi line. John I a whole-souled, genial sort of fellow, and merit the tucce he 1 having. Prineville Acicj Mining Officer. The Golden Cliy Mining Company, which ha eight mine on the Santlam have elected the following director: E J Lanning, L II Montanye, Dr E R Darker, A D Barker, B II Barker, II W Glddlng and Geo P Maine. The director elected the following ollJcer: E J Lannine, President ; Dr E K Barker, Vice President; L II Montanye, Secretary, a u xtaraer, ireasurertw 11 oidiiing. Superntcndent. It I proposed to push thecompany' Interest. Good for Lf.hanon. On Saturday in thi city Mr Benjamin Cleaver, of Leoan- n old to Frnk O'tfeil, of California, lit grist mill property and water power at that city. Consideration, about $14,000. A Lebanon man Inform us the project Is to transform the mill into a paper mill, Mr O Well and brother being experienced pa per maker. Lebanon will be fortunate In securing such an Industry, v A Celbbratkd Boy. The most cele bratcd boy In Oregon is uddle Hall, a 12 I year old youth of Portland who got en- tangled in the rope of a baloon, Monday, Mju.taitwa. about to ascend, and the It I ' , i.,,, ,u. u ,. ,(j I 1"""" sswa wj vss .. the hour terwarda. - 1 Not Extinct. Grizzly bear are gen- I erally supposed to be extinct in this coun I try, but a couple Cottage Grove men whi'e lupin the Bohemia mlne,!n Lane "county, claim to have seen a big one,with two cub, They fired fifteen or sixteen time and then were driven Into a tree and the grizzly urum escaped. A Salem Rumor. A rumor wa afloat on the streets to day that AW Gilbert of Gilbert & Patterson, had been appointed postmaster for Salem. The rumor is not confirmed however. Journal. Anybody if It is not another O'Dell. New Plats. The following new plat have been filed with the county Recorder; Goln Land plat, near Sclo; South addition to 8cio, by Morrl, et al ; Abbey addition to Albany, and plat cf (Jonconda, by (J 1$ Montague. Is It. A Walla Walla apple weigh 31 ounce and measures 16 inches In circum ference, and a paper assert that it la the largest ever grown in this or any other country. I it ? We shall look for a Linn ' county apple to beat It. OUIt TAX PAYKIW. The fiillowltig Llnn county tax payrr pay on $ cxx to $Hooo s Allen & tfofli... ...,,.$5000 Aiunny uuinnng Assoctailun, ,, . , Allhouse. J W Allmny Farmer'sCd . ,, Andern, T I Amis, i s. , Arnold, Merman,,,., , Hryan, EL,,,,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,., lirenner, li , Ka'llmore, -Surah J , . , , , Ilurrctt, K l ,' , liiirkhsrt, Mrs MA bond, Elisabeth J , , lllount, Mrs Clarissa Rurkhart. Caroline ... , ,, Itryant, H...... , JlUkely, James,. . Hlackburn, A l',..,. itilyeu, "Long" John 4S' OlKlO 4V5 V.t.9 5 4140 440 77V7 47J 5857 J 190 4 SS Dry ant, John,.,.. , IHIyeu, J M... Bond, WO Hone", Wary O,;,,., muck. Tf,.. .. , 4948 7S0I 606O 70U lirtndon, Thus , Rnrger, (i I' Sr iMItimotc.W V 4.if 13 liland, OH Illsnd, J W. itilyeu, J A Harrows, W V , 44t 4MJ 44S1 7100 574.5 llrstuln, (i W. Hear, Owen Cannon, Sylvester 41 lO i. nurcinii, w II... Cohen, 1. Cranor, II L Ctialck.J'.r ... Crawford, G F... Cox, Elixubeth Chamberlain, fieo Caroline, M C Coshow, O P Sr Croft, F K Cooley , Washburn Case, M 11 (non res),.... Compton, J W Cummlng. ohn Churchill, Wlllnughby.. Cunningham, Marlon... t ondra, A Clymer, Win ........... Caldwell, V II C'yru., Wm; ,,, Conser.l A (executor). . . 45 53.W 0500 77S 5'7 tns A50 JJ40 570 7330 73 S3 4SS 7 KM 5'7S C850 -4)30 775 S7 4SM 4044 Conner, A J.. Carother. Jm 4065 t'in, Ralston & Chamberlain..... Jijc Denham. WS. 4410 Dawson, S A....,...., Dry 00 ic Robinson.... Davidson Thurston Davidson, Henry IHvIs.J F ' Davidson. Wm M...... Davis. r II A 493 M7S 4 SJ 4050 6$ 37S 41 in 7i$ 7 klftj ;4 490 c.000 774 SSSO 4M Donaca, W U Dickson. I 8 Davis, J J estate of.... . Davis. Hroi Dsvls, Reuben........ Evans, Edward r'alateo! Scotland Invest Co Froman Thomas Fox, John Fry, Ol ny Jr 6310 K rcelatui, M A (non resident) 6400 From, li $440 Fisher. ET T 6w Fletcher,! W 470 Gordon, A W 577c Gelsendorfcr, John.... 0304 Goltra,V Kal.lrm 5510 tuav, Caleb.... 5$Si Gulnford. J N 7 ji S (irlmes, HE.... 4195 tirlmes, Jonn 4105 (Join., I., 0460 (join. Win 5104 Grisham, John ' 494 J Gerhard, M........ 4OJ Mill, J L . 5S I loot k, U 4635 Hill, R C tVsio Haiti bt, Mrs R A 4o Hardmaa, f W 4835 Houston, Newton.;.., 40O5 Hume. Peter $974 Holt, U H 4$o Hyde, Perry... 6430 Hay. Mr Marusrtt 5x10 llackleman.CC 5071 Hardman, Mary 4J10 Hardman, Chrl.. 663c lluriburt, Msik., 5913 Holme. E U. 40S0 HarrUon, Robett 765 Irvine, s (t 4So Irvine. R A '-SiJ JenksJ It 6710 Jones, DM 50S5 Johnson, A J .., 5175 Knljihlen, C P 6iik KlrchoU & rfcliler 5000 Krause ,V Kline 4400 Knox, Geo Saoo 4oo 565$ 55 435 5S 4903 6315 7490 75 0605 45 S'5o 7335 6716 Oooo 59 95 4370 4400 43J5 7330 775 55" 5&S 4&50 7400 5730 4136 434 599 5100 ijS Knox, E L and Geo. Klcfer, Chas Knox, Smith (non residence) Leper, John Lccdv, Daniel Lanning, E J ., A 8. Leach, Win.. Lane. Win... Ueedy, John Liggett, R II (executor) Icver,CT... Marshall, L C Morgan, W C Mady, Mr Margaret.., Mullan.J il Miller, Mart Miller, Moses. Michael, E W Montgomery, Mrs li J ........... . McKlnney.J F Malone, F M Morgan, Ja B. . , Mver. II McNeil, Jno. Maxwell, A P McCartney, Mra M J Me-ks, Samuel (non lesldcnl). , . . Maxwell, L Morris, it ., Miller, FM McCormlck, Mrs A M McCartney, Elisabeth B Monteilh.CM Necdha,n, S M N'eedham, Jonathan 7000 4355 Mickerson, it Nichols, John 6800 6010 4775 Nixon, Samuel Newman, Henr ry , 0507 fall Building, Albany 6000 Odd Fellows I Overton. Geo D. . , 7220 Ohllng, McTeetzle. . .... Olin, AC......... 5470 4600 Pfclffer, Chas Pearl, James Sr.. Porter, J C. 4670 7400 445 I'hllpott, 6635 475 6705 6735 Powell, r a (non resiaenti. Pennington, S M Pughjas W Paul, W A ... 4051 Pugh,J w Powe'l, Peter....... Phlle, Catharine 458o 4045 435 4475 Read, W k, Richardson, W W. .. Rector, Jno P (non resident). Ralston, J M.... r Rudd, H L 4S3 7040 6065 6"3S Reld,J G 63i S Reld,Wm.... Royce, Nellie O ... Be.iders, L Spink, P W.. . Settlemire, Adam Sendeis&Bternburg...,., Settlemire, H'W... . ,., .. Schlosser, Peter.. Smith, D S. Swank, Philip... Shupp.S..... ........... Schmeer, John, ...4. 45 450O 6560 7140 7410 7140 6220 - 5365 . 6650 . 6870 . 4470 Smith, li w. ............ . 5490 Shlck, jonn., ,., Stanard, AW,,.. Snyder, SS.. ........ Simons, Mr Elisabeth... Smith, P O. Smith, W P... Smith , Dr S A Shepherd, Bros.,......,.., South, Mr L J.....,..,, Sammervllle, John...,. Sorr-mervllle, N A Smith, J R-. . 5375 . 4755 . 420 405 . 5000 .4400 . 43S 5873 .470O . 7270 . 4i . 4765 773 6400 . 6000 ,. 6300 ". 526 . . 690a Smith, Davtd ,. Slate, TJ.-.. Smith, JN.... Simons, Dartlcl......... Tweedale, w-0. Thompson, R N Children Cryfoit 5-05 75J 5405 4Jo 54 ' 4,17.1 7"3 4075 SUntt Wheeler, Alfred,,......, ,,. Warner, Geo P. . , . Wheeler, Jason. Wallace, J P , .... Wcatherford,J K. . Warmoth, Mrs N j Warren, Mr Ella.....,'.. White, Luther WljfUsJ II.......... Walton, Mr Matlie Wvatt, E F.. Wilkin. Bros , 5 '05 4J00 547" 7J 44o 5'l5 64 do 7110 4545 4iJ0 5460 b.SOO Oioi 455 73o8 Wilds, M II Young, Mr N A...... Young, O W , Zeyess, Ed Zimmerman, J a , .., Willamette Rel Estate Co.... "ICK-HATiM7,. 701 1 "Re rallitg" 1 tho lev,- by which Tan ner expected to raise tho huge surplus nowembeJded In the vault of the tie, ury and scatter It among his particular friends. This "re ratlnz" 1 done in this way t The paper or. file In the pension office of some one who ha already been granted a pension, are taken up and re-ex amlned, and then the department decides that such person I not drawing a large a pension as the evidence in the case show that he I entitled to. The Pensioner Is "re-rated," that I be is declared to be en titled, for example, to $jj per mcnlh in stead f $t5,the amount heretofore drawn. This pensioner not only receive hi $jj per month from the time ol "re rating hence, but if he ha been drawing a pen. lon lor 30 year thi Increase applies to backpay as ell, and one thu re-rated would receive $to per month for the ao year, which wjuld amount to the hand some off 2400. A peni loner who claim to know yt that from alt over Oregon applications tor reexamination and "re rating" are dally going forwurd tothede part men 1, and thlagiow out of the very prevalent believe that Tan.ier will allow anything asked for. The follow lug are namr of some who have been rc-fated," not te examined rt all,) recently by Tan ner : Geo W Clark, who bad for several yeors drawn a liberal pension, was terated, and pocketed the sum I f 5,623 cy Lewis Malln's case wa revlewed.and he received, a reratcd pcnlcn,V,i5 7a, Frank Rose got a pension check tor $0,- t35 73 his share of the surplus. Charles Lovely had hi oe reopened, ano, under Tanner". Instructions, was awarded $6,042 1 a In arrears upon reratlng. rhilo Blcrcr. already generously pen sioned fur disability incut red In the line ot uty, wa rcra'ed by Tnner, am! scooped $6,34 1-7 t Henry A K Inch's case was l.i many re spect Identical with that of Elcrce, and he also caught on to the tune of joj 11.72. The sit case above described, taken to gether with five other whose name we hive mlslalj make eleven, with a grand t-tal of $72,623.5,3,0! which Richard Whit- ng, of St Louis, received $13,351.59, and the Deputy Commissioner ot Pensions. Hram Smith, himself pocketed $6,035.72. Thesa a.tonishing figure recall the de claration Corporal 'fanner made on the occasion ol a banquet tendered by grateful Capt Henry Phillip at Johnson' hotel. hllHp wa Chief of the Middle Division ol the Patent Office at a salary of $2,003 and received a mating of $3,5')0.whereup- on he celebrated. Wine had circulated freely at the banquet wbc.i Tanner rose and declared that though he might be crlpplt-d in body he wa sound in hi good tight arm held out he would yet make a big ho'e In that surplus, senti ment which was vociferously cheered. Phillip' good luck waaenjoved by several ol his fellow officials who ho rerated one another. Frank A Hutu.ohlcf of the army and navy division, receded $3,000 ; W J Hllllgos. chief nf the Eastern divl.ion, 1,700; Capt Smith, of the certificate el ision, $3,000,and Capt E Engle,$i,000. ' IN DKCKST II AST E." Under Ctet eland' administration repub lican were wont to dilate upon the Inde cent haite ol democrat to get office, and they were '"hungry" to be sure, having been eating the hard tack of obscurity for wenly-five leng year, but nothing In all that democratic ruth for the (poll af vie tory will compare with the utter hearties net of two republican spoil hunttrs who live In Salem. Some week ago when th late R II Dcarborn,postmacterat that place, was cast down on a bed of sickness and every one knew that death was near at hand, these two "civil service reformers," a typified In Harrison' letter ol accept ance.were rushing over the city w'lh peti tion asking to be appointed a postmaster at that place tt a vtteaoey tktuUi ottur Ol course thi wa in contemplation of the death ol M r Dearborn. The mad ambition lor office make tools of a great many men, and not all ol them are -democrats, either. - I'15U I H.H! " Even before the lamented "Sunset Cox Is laid away beneath the sod.the Ore-oama, with It accustomed ghoullshneis.stalks to' the side ol his newly made grave and plies him with such choice terms as"obsequlous northern doughface." "Vallandlgham cop perhead," .'notorious copperhead," etc. There is not a living democrat ot promin ence or one In obscurity, for tha'. matter that the Ortqonia would not slander after death. It would not be the Orer-ewraa were It not to do so. The Ladira Uelighted. Tho pleasant effect and the perfect saf ety with which ladtea may use the liquid fruit laxative, etyrcp or 212. nnar Mi condition, make It their favorite remedy, It la pleaalng to tba ay and to the -taste gentle, yet enuouiai tu aonngonine kiq neya, liver and bowels. . . - . 1 m mm 1 Portlasd. Or.. Jan. 12th. . ilsvioir a severe bsok soh lsst summer, I tried the Urrgou Kidney lea, I used ona oar. which effected a radical cure. 1 would res otnmend it to all who are afllioted a anna failing remedy. JCUCt Ach.. Sold by Foshay'iSt Mason. - Not one person lu fifty arrive at the ag ot forty, who i not troabled with kidney or nrinary complaint in tome form. To tho afflicted with pain in tha back, non retsntioa of urine, nervuu debility, painful or cufe preised nenstmation, we can offer a remsdy that ha beeti in constant usa oyer twenty yean, Oregon Kidney Tea, This preparation has doD more tor suffering humanity tha any other rnadictne in the market. Sold by rohy 6i Mason. . ; ; WriaSt' Myrrh tcath oap ortmea off eon- euernr every time yen have "a brush" .with it. Desth to tartar and decay. Sold by Templeton, W A ...... . . , . . , . . , . , , . Tetnpleton, W II Tripp, A Turnei, Mrs Miilmlu , Turner, Tbos, , , . Taylor, Ta.ton Umphrey, Thos cstme, , , . . , Ungsr & Wassoiii.. .,,.,.,,,. , , . , Vamlerpool, Medders Woodle, Luc v A , Werts, Mrs M Eex Foshsy Mason. Pitcher's Castorla The Kumsina noble are rushing to Unkrapt ey In gieat mimljcrs, Tht credit bunk for lend ing money io ihem on mortgagt of their land estubllslicd by the government two or tluee years iigo, hns now no leas than 2000 estate which will have to lie sold by public flwtkro a' the end of this year for mm i.nyment on inleres. on loan. Thenuestion Is. who will buv this enormous amount of projierly ? If neither the bank nor the government buy it, there will b aoiiO noble land ow ners ruined by an institit lion which was established by the governtnen for tHci (er at help. Our Republican friend are likely to get into trouble over the tariff question. With the grea favored cbiss taking (or more on the one hand and the New England iron men insisting for free cual and t ig iron, (he bicycle maker de manding free steel rods, and the woolen manu facturc- clamoring for free wool on the other, ,he situation 1 becoming interesting. Willi nil Ma hone mad hi first reputation a a soldier in the reltcl army, his second a a re' f mlistor of the honest debts of Virginia and hi (bird as a political renegade. In hi pre ent poMtiw hr hit done nothing to discredit either. John I,, one of th woolen manufacture! of Philadelphia, saysi "I have come to the con elusion that lite only salvation for thi country must be found in free raw material. I7nle congress removes the tariff on wool it won't be' long before some of the largest factorie in Ibis country wilt be compiled to close their doors,' Next! TEMI'fcKANCK OU MN. Edit! Iy Alhiy W, 0. T. V Mis Hennitt Moore, one of the best plat form speakers of the national W C T U i to speak in Allmny on the 30 inst. Further pir- icuwrs win oc given in uue lime. A judge in Chicago court is reported a say. ing: "Of all tlie boy in the reform school at I'ontiac and in the various reformatories about the city, 95 per cent are the children of parent w,H umtii ,nnni;ii uitn. nr oecnrua criminals through the same cause." An inveterate tobacco smoker, of Newbargb New Votk, died last week from the effects of nicotine poisoing, a po.t mortem elimina tion revealing the fact that sj thoroughly bad bis system become impregnated with the poison, that the stomach and other organs ere unable to perform lUctr functions. 1 he two pillar the bquor seller expect to j( port the arch way of their future are re spectabilitr and revenue. Take tltcse away and the traffic will speedily co down. High license sup; 0 ts these two rtlUr and who ever advocates High License delays the doom of the greate t cursed tle age." -Col Geo W Bain. - A certain class of jieople, themselves gener ally the devotee of arstbelic wins drinking, ar gue in favor of inrreaseJ wine production a, one method of lessening the evils of intemper ance. They not only ignore the fact that alco holic wine stimulate the alcoholic appetite 00 the part of those who use them, but also that brandy distillation is an important adjunct of the wine making business in alt wine produc ing countries. It is just now announced from California in a leading liquor journal that, " a the demand tor brandy is on the increase, there is talk of the erection of several very large dis tiHeries, which will lenft t relieve the market of inferior wine and procure a better name for the California brand generally," Thu is the increased wine production of California attend ed with an increased demand also for brandy, and accompanied by largely increased facilities for brandy making. Both mean, in the ulti mate outcome, untold suffering and ruin in many an American home. Oregon State Fair Twnnty-nli'h sni lil exhibition at tsaleu, Oregon. COMMENCING M9MDAY, SEPT. 16. C-..bnintoi-,, onl-r th roan a?Hmnt of tho Orwson S-.ajn Board of Agriculture. mil $15003 IS CISH " fiffjM-l lf afrla'tHitrs', toic. dslry. and mohniosl Ehlldt. for work ot art an I fs .cy wora, and for trial or a-ned. RnnDing and Trotting Races day. Important improvement mado Intbe premium list. " Ft t r.!s fr fare and freight on all trinsportt'.lon lines to an from the fair. PRICES OF ADFsllSSiON -. Mcn'a day ticket ......... , Women's day ticket ., Men' aoaaon ticket . Women' season ticket.. 50o 25o a on 1 oo Seod to tho Secretary at Salem for a premium lint. J. T. APPKRS0W, Prealdent. J.T.GREUG, Secreury. THE FAMOUS Viro Backle Suspends r WARnATs-TED. Patinto Ma. 17, 'BS. Otc. 22, 8S. ForJ aala only by L. E. BLAIM, 100 OR 50 ACRES. 1U0 aoro of flue farming o r frntt lend, 4 mile wastol Albany, for only 25 an acra. WU I ae 50 acres if dnsirod, Nloe'.y lorjite t Ca cn Cooper Turner on Corvallia roa 1, EevereHouse, : ALBANY, ' ; . - V " OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER M0PR1ET0R. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with tba be-st in tbe market. Nic Bleeping apartments. Sample rooms tor comtueroial traveiers, WWt e Ceark t anil from the i 4 "v . M. 17, 'BS. -'JA'' Y n i'83. ) lAmmJ )Amt Jjcr SO, '8S WAVJ jto eouschou) should ee wrrsccT - f J al .frt K erTLRiu ess. a sraiCTLv vsorrsai rauiTtis ssmiu tstaieiMC PHIUsDELHIAi' Ptk. ONE Dollar ' Th ularll t.a Iff- l it.- .. kd y arts from dlMttac4 Ursr. Mlm an Liver negaUtor ha been tha mean of r-itorlng- mora people to bealth axut hapi-lnesa by giving them a fcaalOiw hi vr tban any otlir-r agency on earth. XH THAT YOU GET THE GKKCIXE. if Oosf TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARC? STOCK OF FALL AND WIN fER CO CDS I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. SALE, ANO TKEY'MUST CO. E.eal Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME CO KOT EORCET THAT I KAYE A COMPLETE STOCKCF JDHY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, ; W. F, KEIAD, flic Leading Jash Di'j Goods Store. SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufectured by JtLlius Joseph, -ALSO IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS r Plug and stnokUg toUocW Mefrwhaum n I hrh ann mokiM artiiloa genially. AUo always h- on band ... a nice line of California and Tropical Fruits. . McMinnville College. TWO FOUR YEAR CQUCSE OF STUUY in the Collegiate Department Four Three Year Cureof Slusly tn the Academic. Department. As vidence of the growth of thi Collsg attention i called to the tact that during tbe last year over eleven hundred doliarr have been expended ia atandard book for the li brary, an $300 piano donated to the college and over $3,000 theermanent en dowment, i : ? ; Speoial attention is given to the Acadenuo DflDartment which fits young men and wo men for College, for teaching and for busi ness. Fine rooms sod boarding department in the College buildwp.expenije low. rresi dant live in the building. Fall term open Sef.t. 4th. Send for catalogue. Address, FEES. T, G. . M-jMiunvill, -Yamhill CoOr. f-.i ,4,. p rlM viHnv - swond-cliwa mail manor. F. !ax IV -, J. ri, .-.Atr. s f -Albany ironworks! UAM ?i:iM;S CSISr AMJ SAW VILL MACHINERY m FB3NT-9 W ALL KIXD3 OF HEAVY m IIOHT WORK, IM IECH AMD BRASS .CASTINGS. 'Sfreoul atta-ifttn p-hl o nvnirtoit 'l ds nt inchln-ir . Patterns Made on Short Notice, Red CrownMiils sow, uNXixd 4 :"., '.urn?. saw i-fcot-kve. rutua mrraKiOM ofc rAti( r, sKKs ns. beststoiwo facilities! Kif Qt ?ri In Cab Wbat IKISWILLBEACLOSIKGCUT COME EARLfcAND CET ATTENTIOH TO THE FOLLOWING rSALEK IN- 0 JSNK1NOS, W. M.MOPHBBBON, J B.W1HT Jennings. & Co. Manufacturer and aeaiorsall klnaa r,f FIR, MAPLE AND CEDAR LOSES Mill on HamiltOQ,'eteveDir.lles from - Prleesat the Mill s ClearCr $11.00 ; second clesr. !f& OS rough lunber, $8.00 Prices of eodar and maple ou applies'-'' ' JRIfES AT CD'S TARI ' 'ABASOX Clear fr. $15.03; .i.t , . . trough lumber, $10-00