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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1889)
SIic fpcmatrat THIY WIM. JiOT REDUCE, The ti pa vers of the country have not forgotten the proposition UUI down by re publican organs id atump speakers dur Itig the campaign et iSSS that while It a true that the Urlf! needed revision and re duction, yet this revision and reduction rnunt be made by lt friends, (republican,) and that when they aucceeded to power U both brnchre of congress they would pro ceed with alacrity to do so. The country Is waiting with almost bated breath to see what that party will do this fall when con gress meets. The Dkmocrat predicts that nothing wltl be done. If thejr are pledged to an reduction plainljr It I that of putting sugar en the tree list or making t least $o per cent reduction. ; But they will not eve.) do this. It ma j it that a bill will be Introduced and discussed, but If It ever reaches the president It wilt be In such form as not to justify the name of a tariff revision measure. Tbe republican moun tain may labor .but the result w!il be tariff mouse only ,11 it brings forth anything. There is now an Irreconcilable differ, ence In the republican rank between cer tain classes of manufacturer and produc ers. The woolen manufacturer are going to congress -with art- Imperative demand for fire wool or the change of high specific to low ad valorem duties. There are no poll ik-a division Involved In this. The leader In the movement are prominent and untwerlng republicans and claim lobe protectionists. Tney aj tbe were co. eiced Into union with the wool growers.bu now their necessities compel them to look out for themselves, and nothing but free wool will save the rest of them from the bankruptcy Into which several manufac turer have already fallen. On the other hand the wool grower' association have resolved to demand of congressstill higher duties on ' raw wool and such additional safeguard as will effectually prevent the manufacturer evading payment of the highest dutlct provided by the law. Doth Itle are determined, for each slJe claim It I a question of sheer self-preservation. The wool grower announce their program obe rule or ruin. It the manufacturer deny the wool grower the protection demanded, the latter will (lee the manufacturer full do of their own medicine.' Prre wool will be accompanied by free woolen and all the wool Industrie must flourish or per ish together. The Iron Industry Is lo live same per plexing condition. Tbe 2kefr England Iron manufacturer, aay they swust have free raw material or go out of business. They want free caat.frce Iron ore and free ' or low duty pig Iron and say they will fight hard for them. Nearly all who have made this declaration arc republican and protec tionist. They assert that they are suffer ing from over protection . and that their demand lor relief Is In the Interest of pro trctlon. The coal, Iron, ore and pig iron men rf the centei and west will stubbornly resist thle demand. The gi est Iron man ufacturing concern of eastern Pennsyl vania aie against free coal and low duty on pig Iron. They are probably also again free ore, but would favor a treaty arrange ment fot the free admission of the Iron ore of southern Cuba which they have been quietly buying up. The largest Interest and most active worker on all sides of this Important con troversy are republicans, who also profess to be protectionist, and many of them hare strong claim on the republican party for aid given in the election of a republi can administration and . cor. gress. The party majority In congres will be email at bet and It will be next to Impossible to se cure u lanlmity for a change in the direc tion of either higher or lower dutie on the raw material of woolen or iron man. ulacture. The democrat cannot be held responsible for anything done or left un done in the way of tariff legisla 'Jon. The republican have the numerical power but will not tiave the courage to take pjsitlve action on the raw materia'. question which U to be forced upon them. Therefore if nv tariff legislation la effected, which we doubt, it will be at the best a repetition of the 1883 juggle which cneated all side and left every one dissatisfied and irritated The democratic opportunity will inevitably follow. THE ELECTIONS. On next Tuesday election will be held in North snd South Dakota, Montana and Wash ington They all vote on the adoption or re jection of conrtitutions aa well a tbe election of state, county district and precinct officers All will come in as new states if they adopt their new constitutions of which there teems lo be little doubt. All these territories gave large republican majorities last fall, The two Dakota and Washington will do so again. IB Montana the demo-vat seem to have some hope of winning, and there seems to be some reason for it. .They will all elect a representa tive to congress. If republican succeed in electing all they will have 'a majority of 7 in the new congres. VALUABLK ASP TIMELY, . V '.," The Harrisborg Telegram is preparing a complete history of the Johnstown disaster which will be published shortly in an . elegant volume. It is proposed to make the book a valuable souvenir of the great clamity, excel lent alike in matter and illustration. The text will be from the pen of the editor, who ia thoroughly acquainted with the . subject and with the district, while the most eminent artists will furnish portraits snd views engraved from original drawings and photographs. . W ad vise those who desire a superb volume, worthy of a place in any library, to wait for the forth coming work. Experienced canvassers are de sired as local agent to solicit subscriptions nd should write t one for territory. , . Mr Corporal Tanner's dismissal from the Important oflico of Commissioner of Pen sions may or mty not be a real gain for the administration and for the country. If he shall be turned out because of hi man ifest unfitness for the place and In order to put In a man of opposite charscter.witb the Intention on Hie Fart of the administration to abandon Tanner's method and to have the office conducted soberly.regularly.hon sstly and according to the requirements of the law.theii It is obviously a good thing i to eet rid of him. If the honorable purpose here assumed Is carried out and the right ort of man Is found, appointed and sus tained after his appolntment.that will be a still better thing. If, on the contrary .Tan ner l turned out simply because of the scantlul made by his personal conduct and because he has been too candid ia hi ut terances, that will be a very different mat ter. It Is not Tanner talk, it Is the sub stanllal truth of what he has said ; It is not hi boosting, Hi the course of action of whl-.h be boast that have made him ob - noxious and undesirabte.and for the latter the administration Is by no means without responsibility. Tbe Ladle Delisted. The tilnattant eftcct and tbe perfect saf ty with which lartio mar use Jthe- liquid fruit laxatla. Wyrnp f Vtjt-, und-r all condition", make it ibdr fwv.irise remedy, It ia p!oasin(f to tb eye end to the taste. jrnt, yot ir-rtnal in aeti.igon the kid neys, liver and bowol. aUSEUAItl.F. SAIL rAMIJTIKS, Tbe people of Kcio and BrownivUle (bave jut grounds to complain of th miserable mail facilities they hve connecting them with Albany, As now arranged, a letter to go from lirownsville to Albany, a distance of 18 milrr, is sent on the narrow gunge, (we place a little n and g advisedly,) to Wootlburn, a distance of about 75 miles and thence on th (O & Ci distance of about 50 miles, making a distance of 125 miles when the actual distance' is only 1$. A letter from Brownsville to ' 1 loiter a distance of six miles is sent by th a g to Wood burn and thehce on the O & C to I lalsey being a distance of 14a mile. The peopl of Scio are just as miserable provided lor, When wespck o Scio and Ilrownsville we mean the t office east of thein that are supplied ftom these point. The only way to remedy these crying evil i to secure an order font the post office depart ment establishing a dailystar route from UsUsy to ItiowasviU and one horn Jefferson to Scio, We have just had an interview with Congres man Htrmtnn on Ibis Subject and he enter heartily into the work of souring these route and will us bit cndcavoi to induce tbe de partment to establish them. Meanwhile the citizens of Scio and Jefferson a well a of Halsey and Brownsvill should get up petitions asking that these route be granted and send them to Mr Hermann at Washington City. - The present administration never remove a democrat without catfse ' cause some republi can waals the place, Let's see : Wasn't there a man by the name of lllalne who had something lo do with llite administration once? TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Terrible A central. Chicago, Sept. ja. Five innocent live paid the penalty of the wanton carelessness of a railroad engineer t the corner of Vincenne avenue and Eighty seventh street, tht city, this evening. A suburban train on the Rock Inland leav ing th Chicago depot at 6: 18, leave every evening at this point, a Washington Heights coach to be cavight (un by a dummy, This evening the car left as usual, when a moment later the passenger were horrified to see bearing cow a upon them, at the rate of twelve true aa hour, a heavy freight train on the same road. There waa no time for flight. The engineer reversed his engine, but with almost undiminished speed it plowej into the passenger coach until the locomotive wa hid den entirely in the wreck, Kiv persons were scalded to death. 1 mm oui air. 1 Jacksonville, Or., Sept. 14. The open ing day of the Southern Oregon district fair as cool and pleasant)-" The variou depart mcnts are well tiled, and tbe display : ia moot satisfactory, A large attendance waa pttasnt. numbering among them IK Harry ijine, O W Webb, and Frank C ltaber, of Salem; John Simpson. W K Irwin and II It Miller, of Grant's Taos; L Swan, of Yrcka, and other. The exhibit in the borrticulla'al department far exceed the most sagnine expectations, Josephine county especially deserving mention. There is every indication that the fair i going to be a oece. A War Close Madrid, Sept, 24, A long conference was held to-day between the minister of war and foreign affair concerning the firing upon the Spanish gun host by the native on the Moroc co coast. As a result a cable dispatch wa sent to the Spanih minister at Tangier.instruc ting him to impress upon the Sultan that re paration must lie maue lor the insult to the Spanish Sag. The Virginia Campa! AliiNGTON, Va., Sept. 2J. At lb opening of the campaign in this state, General Mahone addressed a crowd of republican here to-day, and Senators Taylor and Scott and Colonel Itarton addressed a large crowd of democrats. Both meet in is were in progress at the same time. Oilers were made by the representatives of the democratic speaker lo the representatives of the republican fur a joint discussion, but tbe latter declined. Judge Hughes, of the United Stale district court, who is here to-day, announced his de termination to support tbe democratic ticket. He baa been a staunch republican since the close of the war, and is considered one of the ablest men in the state. Oregon Crops. Washington, Sept. 23, From the crop bulletin just made by department of agriculture relative to the crop throughout tbe country, ibe following notes from county correspondent on tbe I'aciric coast are taken, relative to the wheat cr-p: Oregon: Lane Cot aa early growth before the drouth set in. Union Prime condition; a little light in weight. Summer fallow is very high in yield 1 loj spring lallow is 90, owing to the (June drouth. Gilliam Generally an entire failure, l.inn Fall wheat yeilded better than expected, yet is po.ttl . in tome sections and less than an average crop. Ia other localities it would market 105; spring wheal is 80. Yamhill A full average. An AeeldeaY. Salem, Or., Sept. 23. It appears from in formation obtained from Gervai to-day that the murder said lo have been attempted there Sunday aftemojn was not assassination,' Thomas Winning, the young Englishman who said he was shot at twice fioin ambush, evid ently accidentally shot himself in the am., whkh is powder burned. Thare no second wound, ) 1 000 A Side. Seattle Sept. 23. Tbe Seattle hook and ladder team received word to night from Tacoma that tbe team of that place wanted lo make a race with the Seattle boys fur flood a side. Word w returned that if the challenge were sent in proper form it would be promptly and gladly accepted. ' A Cowardly Thine;. Ckrvais, Or., Sept, 22 Thomas Winning t young Englishman, 21 year of age, lately from California, who has been working for F X Mason, about one and one half mile east of Drooks, went out hunting this rooming, and while reluming home wa shot by some un known party or parties, who were hid in the brush, the charge taking effect in the right arm,making a very large and dang.rous wound After being shot he cried for help and said he was shot. Then the parties, who were r.bout 150 yards distant, tired egun, taking ellect tn the back. He was brought to this city and hi wounds are being dressed by Dr S,ott who pronounce them quite critical, No reason is assigned for the shooting. ' . ".; . Summons, In tin Circuit Court oj Uit Stait 0 Oregon for Ute County of linn : , , . Msry Crsen, rbUntifT.. t. , ;; , Psviil L Croa-.i-n, Uefndait. In the naina i f th atata f Oregon yoa are htriby rriiiird to appear and ansoer the eomplaiut linst yon in th alioye on titled Court, n..w on hi with the Clerk of said Court, on or lefor the tails day f Ortatier, A. ., 18, the sni lieinv th Hist d y of renmar term of this C"nrt, imiii-iiuii' next after th expiration i f K week from th data of th publication of this sunimoi.r, and if )oo ao fail 'o inx er, for waut tberof,th plain tiff will apply to th Court tor th ri linf de manded in th,for a decree forever dissolving theboi dsot matrimony existing bfttm plaintiff aud defendant; aod eutroxtiug to plaintiff the cutcdy aud eoutrol of tb live minor children of plaintiff and defendant t and for a .leer 00 divesting the title out of and from defendant,and Test ing title in fee simple in tbe plaint ff, of, in and to one-third ) of ail -the real property of the defendant, to-wit : VV J of S W of Sec 1. and E i of 8 15 J of Heo t, in Tp 4, S of 1138 east, .t the Wiilarnetta meridian ; alao E I'of N E I snd K J of 8 K J of See 11, in Tp 4, 8 of R 38 E, W M. all situated and beintt in Union county, Oregon ; and for ($3000) three thousand dollar alimony, and for ($150) one hundred and fifty dollar to defray plaintiff rpe,:ses of thi suit aod for plaintiff- costa and disbursements of thi suir, and for anch further relief aa may to the Court seem proper. Thiasnmmnn i published by order of If on It P Mnie, Judjie of the above entitled Court, mailn at Chamber in tbe city of 8a em, Oregon, and be- ring date the 10th day of September, 1889. Blsckburx & Vvbioht, Attorney for Plaintiff; WANTKl', Grain &ri fsrma of All .-t. .1 t r .. ... .... . s,. eU your property write or alt on K. o. OftW on Jtruedaltln biraot, near Flist. f.O, box 84. - . ut..'i '.j . , wi.t.iiamiXM!XJauaju-JM In Cirtn't Court 0 Ortg fr Linn VV II II Shield, M OKSblelde. T P Youug anl M Young Lar husband. Mary K IorrU aid J J I'orrla, her husband, Plaintiff, , T J Shields and Julia Shield, hi wlfa, Jamon A NhleUI and Km in tt hlalda, bis wire, Virginia, K rihlld,Mlnnl fcblnJds. Nhle-'d; bhleld. Hhielda SbieidMtidSttrah M Shiolda, Defendant To atil dofsndsnts, Minnie ShUlda, ShUlds, , Shield, shield and Shield. In th name of th atate of Oregon, yon tre hsrsby required to be ami appear ead auswsr th enmplaini iild agate yon ia the above entitled suit in th above entitled Court by the first day et th next regular tvrm of th abov entitled Crt, to wit, on Monday the 2Sth day at OutoUr, 18811, and if you fail to appear end answer th Plaintiff will apply to th Conrt for th re lief prayed for in their eom plaint, via t For a dore of the Com t to partition the real Ut owned by riaintilf and Defendant a teuanta in omnmoa described a follow, te-wit 1 Lot 1 and 3 and (notional lot 1 in block 12, in sUrn addition to the oily of Albany, IJnneouoty, Oregon. Also lot I, 7, 8 and the wt half of lot a. in block 13 in th eastern addition to th city of Al bany, Linn eonnty, Oregon. Aim eom me Do ing t the 8 W eornar of blouk No 37 In ilaoklemao'a 2od addition to th eity of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, and tunning thane northerly on the wetrn boundary line of aid block, 1 1 1 feet thene easterly parallel with th northern boundary line of said block, 60 feet thane oothri para llel with aalu wtro bonndar line, HI feet thano westerly on the souther booodsrv lit of said bloek, CS feet to the plav of beginning. And if partition cannot be had without maUriol Injury to th iaUrt t-f th parti brto, that th Mid roat tt b sold a provided by law and th proceed of id ai be partition! according to the reapco tive introtcf th plaint ft, aud df adnto, and that the eoate and diborinnie b til ed a by law provided, and fot oh otbr r!if a to equity may seen iusl This ftesnmrna I published by order of Hon K P Hois. adgof eaid Court, mad l Chambers golem, Oregon, September ISth, 1SS9. J. K. WaATNenroan, Att'y fee Plaintiff'. Summons. U (Ae CtremU Cewrl eMe SlaU Ortgn fur Ik Count) f Limn t Sarah Uine. Plaintiff. Thorn Hinee, Defendant. To Tnoma Mine, the above Defeadaat I la the nam of lb fetat of Oregon 1 Ton are berby required to eppoar aad answer the eompUint of the Plaintiff above named, new on tile with th Clerk of th above en titled Conrt on or befere th nrt day of th October torm US9J oaid Circuit Court. nest foJIowjag the sorvioe ef this gamawst wn yon by pnblieatloo, to wit 1 two tatti stay T etotM-, 1. and yon ar hereby notified tht it 3 on Lit to appcr aad aawr U1 emnptaiot oa hero in raqnirwd. tho Pbuntiff will toko jadgosewt Mtiat yen. end will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for in the ouonploiat. to-wit t A diaaotntioa of the bood of mat rimony now etuttinv betwaen yon and f1 laia tif aad jadgmanl for her anata and disbars men in tht suit W bo taiad. Tbi Sammon ia oablwbed by order ef Uoo K P Jaif of id Ortsrt, mad at Chamber, S Jem, Oragoo, smb !pe- oer Win. 1SH9. T. J. SriTta, Attorney toe Plai-itiff. Summons. Im th Circuit Court tht Stat Cr- g,Jr County, f E Allen, Plaintiff, v. Suann M. Allan, Defendant. To Sosna M. Allan, th lo named D- fndant In th nam of th State of Oregon. Yon ar hersby required to appear and aasewer tl eomplaiot o( the bov PUibttff in th above eutitled Court, now on Hi with th Clerk of sntu Conrt, 00 or before Ik 14 h da mt taker, laaa. it being tbe first day of tbe rf eUr October term, lSS9of said Court, and yon ar here by noticed that, if ) 00 fail to appear and anwr id eompUint aa hereby repaired, tbe Plaintiff will apply to th Conrt for tbe reiief dmdd tbcraio, to-wit j A deeroe sgoiost von diseolving and anaallmg tb bood of matrimony now biating i-taeea plaintiff and defendant, diresting net ef the dafeadaat th title to th wt half of Bloek 44, ia th eity t-f Albany, Oregon, and vest ing th asm in tbe Plaintiff in lee, for saeh other aad farther rlif a Plaintiff ni he entitled to, aad for th eoU ami disburse ment of thi it to to td- Thi Snmmott i pnbtiahed in tbe Stati Rio uts Dixocbat by order d Hon R P. Boise. ludaw f said Conrt. which said or dar wta mad at Cbamitera ia tbe Utr of ttalent, Oregor, on the Ath day of It ftee ber, 1M0. ; Blackbobv & Weioit, Attorney a for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice. Nntioe i hcral-y given that tb ander sinned hs been by the County Conrt of Linn county, Oregon, dely appointed eaeeatoe of the Ins will nd taitaosoot of Lydiajooro, drecaaed, 1st of Linn eoonty. Oregon. All persons having claims against said tt ar hereby notified to or aaeut them to th nn dereignel at hi residenee ia Syracuse Pre ernes, Lann eoonty ,(Jregon,properiy yerinwl, wilnia i aronths from thi date. ; Thi 2nd day of September, 1889. Isaac Mbekeb, i. K. WaarHEaroBB, Eaecntor. Att'y Utr Ex. ' - Executor's Notice. Notice ia bar by eiven tbt th nnder- signed Eaecntor of tbe last will and teat) ment or Alary J CtolIo, d ctua, ha nld in the County Court for liiin eoonty, Ue gon, hi tinal account of said eetat. Ard the Conrt ha fixed ... to Tlk (layer Of-taker, at th hoar of 1 o'clock, p. m., .of id day for hearing obotpn to (aid rlosl account annfor U a tument of tb estate. Thi th 3rd day of September, ISSt " - . SaisoBL Nixoa, J. K. WiATariaroap, . ?Ktaoir, Attorney for Executor. , Administraf rix Notice, ' Kid C is hereby git on, that th noder iune-1 Adminiatratur of th eatat of Kd wid Murray, dro-aaed, bo filed her final aceonut with the Clerk of the County Conrt for Linn einnty, State ef Oregon, and tb Couoty Court ha fixed Ike Ilk dit afweteker, IMt, ; at the hour of 10 clook, a. m. of aald day for the hearing ef objaotion to (aid aeeoant if any and to settle said tat. . Avnib Muheat. J. K. Weathebeoo. Admioittratris. Attoruay lor AdiMDiatrttrts. . TIMBER LAND NOTICE.:: United State Land OfHce, - Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice in hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Alexander -P Howe, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, ha this day filed in thin office his aworn statement No 1268,for the purchase of lot 3 and 4 and ESWJi of Sec No 30, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for atrrieultural purp ises.and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J K Mcllargue, W O Coilev, N B Stand fob. and J 1 Irvine, all of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this oCice on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T, Burnet, Register, TIMBER LAND KOTIE ! CnlSxl RtaSfS t Otflc, llrfi t'tty, trHfuii, July lath, W, ' Ntto Is tiriif eWan thtl in iwniiillaiiiw with lb iMviaii.n ai tli out nl Cona-riHi l tun Ird, 1HJM, atiiltied "An t tor U-.s i of tlmbr Ian l In th MtaSMi at Calilnrnia, Or(ii. Nua nd Washlti; kun TrrtWnr," Fells Kubhism. ol Albany, coun ty of l.tnn, H late ul Union Jlia this day Hlwl In this ortlc hi sworn statement No tor th purtihaiw t th It i at Hro No H In Tt Ma la snuth, Hir Ma ( ot. and Kill ttfnr nnxil to ahuw that th html emurM I mar valuable lor It tlmbur ar sum than Hr artrultnrl uir-, and to thMh hseun to aaiil land bttar Uia ItvirUter end Kaesiver al this m at tlrew t'llr, Oririi on Mmnlay, tht 14th dy elOvtolwr, l&n). II . a wlmwaws t II llrwtnan, W Kt, i n Twlv and W U Taflnr, all et Allaoiy, Una ennnt)', Oregon. Any suit all P'-r-son eisl -uine sdvrHil th abov tlwrtlxxl lands ar rsunwltofllthlrUtilnlhui elllu on or betur aald Uth.iiny ol Ovtitlwr, ttwe. w. t. ouaaiv, Hiritr. TIMBER Um NOTICE. Valtod (tat Land Offls, omranuty, orwon, July lth, NWO, ' Kotle 1 hmby etvn that In omrtiltanc with th prevlciona el th out ol OnsruMOt Juna Ord, ntltlwl "An set tor thaluf llmtwr land in th Suue of California, tlrwsn. bsvaila and Waahlnwun Tserltorv," Jutu IITowly, ol Allny, enuntv ol Una, Suite ol Orneua, haa this day BII In thtannio hi aom ststenmut Nn ItM, lor tli purvha ol th 11 i f " so, imp no lu son, Hane no t soot and will oRr nroul W show that til luj Miuuht mar valuahl lurll Umber rrston than lof - rleultural puntueaa, and te Mablih his Claim to eaid land kelu,- tli Hirltrnd HmmHvw ol tbl uffio at tnaoa('ltylliran, an Monday, th 14th day olOe ktber, limit, II nan. a wlinnwa r It Hbinaun, D Meita. II Urannan and W li Turin, all ol AIInuiv. Lin enanly, Oron. Any and all Pamuia elalintne dvrly th a bur 1Hrnd land or raiOMWd t Bl UMlrelaltn In till olBu un or before sold Uih day l OuMmt, 1, w.t. mraasT, KegiMer, TIMBER LAND notice. L'nIM SUlo Land OIBes, unwon t.llv. Ornn. Jul 1Mb. ItsO. Kotle It hereby (lvn that In euaiBaUue with th Brovlatoaaoltlwaat al UwirM U inn SM. 17. antiUad "An ant Inr sal al timlMr Unda la th Statu ol Csilomla. Ontffli, Nevada and WahlinrV.a Ter ritory," William 11 Taylor, ol Albany, eounty id Linn, BiatUolOrvsun, ha thi day ld In thi onV hi ani Matsmwit Na Um, Inr th mwobM at th N W ) ol Bee N4, in Tp Mo la auutn. Kane No I act aad will oTr nrwd to show that th land soufht Is nxir voluble for Im Unbar or at mm tla lar oa rhiulluml ur, and tu wtahlUli hi ttalm to aald hutd bl.-r th Iteclaler and reeelver al thi offlea at Oragwn t'Hy, Orua, oa Mundav the 14h ear ol Oo tobor, lane, II aaaieaa wnnimm 1 i B Tawalay, H Brmnan, W Kutaad U MrHao, all ol Albany, Una euonty, OrafxHt. Any and all pnKa eUlmlne al vvnaly laeaeovedmribedU tdaara requested te SI thr claim In tht offlc on or twluratbia 14tk day mt Oetuker, Is. W. T. Vi'aaav, Rag wter. ' 1 TIMBER LAND NOTICE. - foiled Mat Utnd (mp. ' u ,in, trmw, Kotle I hereby tv mat In enmpllane wttn t ie jrovllona of lh art or Canaivaa of dune. I.T,.entitpd"An aH forma al o( Mm bvrland Inlrt tua ol talllornla, Orcg-nn, Kevada, nd hin-t"n Tfrriuwy." Walter Ka, l Albany, OMiuiy of Unn, olalo of ore- gtm. ha im oay niroin lliuomoe hi awurn atatement No ll. lor tbe ourebna of tb B W I of omHIoii HmM,n InvnahlpNolo.anuth rang N eaat, and will orfnr rot le anuw that to land sought I more vaUiKUM lor na timber r tna man for mtrtouliuritl uurpn.nd to ea. Ubllab blaelalm loaaid land bolor the Ke)fl-1 if ran aeeeiver m tin tunc at um(o my, tiniin, on Monday, in 1Mb day of iK-totwr, Ioml lis tiMM m tilw 1 U MeHeat, tt bronan.JBrowley nndWHTylor, otAlbany, Unn eounty, orrgnn. Any nnd nil persona claiming ndvetoxly tbe abov deooribKl Unda ore routed U file tnelr claims In till oAo on Of before aald lilh Unv ol October, innh. W T tteasat, tUgioter. ' Shoriir j ale, in IAa Cirtmii Cswi &Vate mt Ortyon for Linn Count, Robeit II Loiter, at administrator of th etateof tfila A. Adm,Ueoe4d,pla4otltr, R II Itutherf.ird. Hannah E Ruthrfrd, and Mary ft Kutberford, Dofendanta. Hatloe) la hereby given that by virtue of aa oantion nod ordor of astlo loaned out or tb abov named Court In tbe above entitled auit, 1 will, 00 ataeeUy. tit Itllt elay mt ruber, I an. at tbe Court Houe d tbe eity of AW bany, Una eoonty, UrtKon,at tb boor of I o'clock p. nt. nn aald day, noil nl public anetloo, forcasb In band, toth hlgheat bidder, tbe leal pmparty deoeiihed In aald eaeotition and r rdt-r of a la aa follow, to witl Tbeaoulh aalfof tho ooulbwaat quarter, lb noitb half of tbe aootbweat quarter otbe nortbwsl quarter of tb oat beau quarter nnd tb oot-lb half of no noutboaat qnarter of section fd, in ownblp notith, rang I wen, of tb vYillauMtta bi.ridSan tn Unneouaty.Or gon, eseepUng at rant bounded a Wain' nlngata point ft.oo ebalna north of tbe eoothat eoror ofanid aectlnn 8(1, and rnnnln; tbenco south 6.00 ebairm, tnonne wet 10.00 ebaln.nd tbt no norlheiaterly to tbe pl-e of iMxInnlna. toattir witu tb tenemental and ppunnnnre tbeie nnto belonging or In auywie appertain' Ing, The proceed of tale of ald prom la to be apr lied a directed In aald writ : Ftrat-To tbe pnytDoat oflboont and dlabureameeta of tbl ult Used at 171 Ml, and aocrulog toot on former exeoutlon taxed et t'ii Zt.and accrolng coma on thi eieeotlon. Koond To tbe pvtuent totb plain tiff herein tbe aom ot f 3.40140, I UN gold ooin.wl'.b Interont at tbe r-to of 8 per cent per annoaa, from June 27, 180, aod the further aorr, of 10 aiiornove feee. Dated tbla 12h da of pt. lb 9. JoHn Hot ai.i.Mow, , Sheriff of Unn county, Oregon. Oitation. 14 County Court e Lin eounty, Orrgmn. In the matter of th estate aod gnardias (bipof Elcctra Stitee, a minor. To tbe next of kin and ah prnn inter ated in tb eatat ef 'be abov nsraed itto mt, Uteetme . In the rs me Ik Stat of Oregon, yo ar ber by oited muA directed to appear in Ibe Cvaaty lrart of tbe but of Oregon for tb eoui 1 -l Linn t lb Conrt room there of in tbe city of Albany in said eonaty and State . day th Ilk ay r cleber. It, t 9 o'clock.' . m., 1 f std day aad there show aue, if ary there!, why a Iione nuatd not be Krat4 to T J Stile, guar dian of said minor for tli tale of th real stabs of aid nui or, d'cribcd aa follow 1 An andiyultd on third Intere.t of tb ' tret ' deteaibed a - - follow t beginning at n point 83 libit north SU tst and 30 feet anoth 1 ea.t of Hiram Smith's soBtheset corner of the tract of lard lying ear th town i f HaiiWbnr, Oregon ; theuoe aonih 1 ea.t 3 ehain and 00 link to a post thene sou 1 h 80 west 2 chains and fit link to peat t tht.c north 1 west S hiias and SO linka tea ptf thence north 89 east ! chain and C6 link to the plaoe of beginatnn, containing 1 a or in Township IA sooth rn(ie 4 west lying and being to tbe eounty of Linn and State of Oregon. Done by order of Hon DK N BUokbore, Judge of said Court. Witneoa my band aud tb sesl or said Court this 21st day ol Au gust, 1SS9. K. IS. MOMTAOOE, . . ! .. Clerk. TIMBER LANDK0T1CE7 I'nlud Stat Land Office. Oregon Citv. Orearoa. Julr J3rd. 18e. If utfa) I hertby glren thatlaaompllano with th pr uybrtons el the act ol Cnngr ol Jun S,lS7,entitld "An oc-t lortheMleoltiaiberlaninilti ttutMataaolCal. Uomla Oregon, N'voda, and Wwhlngton Territory,'1 Andrew L btker, OIBrorn.lll,ouiilol Lhiu, etal el Oren, hasthia day Hied In this oSIm b sworn statement Na IMS, tnt th purehte si th N E 1 of Saetlon NoXt, In tcwntbla Nolo, aouth rang No I Mat, and will ofler pronl te show that tbe land songht is sera vataaoi lor it umaer or turn tnanloragrlaal tural puriMwea, and teUbll!i hleiaitn lowiillaod oelor th Keguter and Receiver nf ttauioltlsatnr.iron City, Oregoo, on Saturday, thallMh day ef Oatniter, Ida. II nomee a wlteM! A4 Ilown.J K UeHar- Unn eounty, Oregon, Any and all person elalinlng a rerwiy tne aoev giMnma wno are r(HMta to Al their olalm In thiieflioe en or before said 10th day WWDntlRH. W T Bushsy, Register, ; 1 Suximons, ". ., In tht Circuit Court otht Stat of Oregon for Linn County, ' . Erl Eee, Plaintiff. . v - .. V. Maggi M Ktoe, Defendant. . ' ; i; , ; To MKg!e M Rue, the aliot named de- tmidant. . '"- -7 - y ,;..! ' 'In tbe nam of the KUte of, Oregon, you are hereby required to appear aud answer th complaint tiled in the above entitled Conrt ajtaioat yon in th abov entitled auit by tb first day of the next term of the above entitled Court, to-wit : on Monday the 28th day of October, 1889, and if you fail to so appear aud answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint, ris t For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony doW existing between the defendant and plaintiff, aud decreeing that plaintiff bare the care, custody and control of Geoige S. Raee tbetr min.rhlld and for ' such other order aa may be equitable. ' This Rummorss i published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Chamber at the City of Salem, Or. ,and dated the 12tbday of Sept. 18SS. i J. K. Weather fob r, Attorney for Plaintiff. OLD IRON. Fifty trvos of old iroji eastings, in any quantity, wanted immediately at the Albany Iron Worts. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ' United States Land'Ofllee, ' ', 'rTKn t:iiy, vrPKno, tfiity libit, fv-.H. Notloe la hnby Ktven vbitt In O'liniillane villi tlm jimvIbIiiih of tbe net of ('onisrrpa of nsniinmnii, una nils any niPd in tins niiin in worn autioinorit ho, i.i.ior tun pnrrnnae pr tlia hR I of otion No. !M, In townlilji tin, to B. ratine Ko, l K, muik will olb-r lnM.I to liow that the lima notiirlit Is mom vahmliin mr It tlinlii'ror utonatlian fornifrlcultiirnl iMirixusfn, tbe UKiMr and Heoolver of till ollloe nl Ore ton Ulty, Oregon, on ninrday, IM lUm lay ef Or.taber, INMS. P II nnm na witneaansi FX Bhrcluer. b K rob 11, M Htcwurt ami K Malta, all of Hvulllo, ftlng County, waahlnirton Torritory. uy ana an twraoita olaimln auveraoiy me amv-lnrlltl liuula are ri'nueld to 111 their clhlin In this onto oa or bolor aald day of October, W T BusKsr, Register, TIMBER LAND KOTICE. United Rtatva Land Offloe, oreu.m City, drngon, iuly 17tb, IHMO. Nntlo la hamby given that In eomiiliwuo wliu ttia provinloiu of the not of (unKra ol June, IHTh, enutled "An Act for tbe aitle ol tliube. landa In the Nilr of flllrnl, nr.. nn, NevaUn and Waahlniiton Terrltiiry," Kdward Man, or Seaum. tjounty of King, Territory of WaahlnnU.n, Im till day rlli-il In thi omit hi sworn aUlninenl Ko. I.SWI, lur the nurohaae of the UK of o Ion h, W, In lown.nlp no. 10 m, ranee No- 8 r, end will olb-r proof to nliuw that the land ooiiitiit la mowi va liable for It tlmlwror atoim tlmii fornuN eultiirnl imrnoaea, and to eatalillah III cIhIni to aald land before the Hlaur and Keoeivnr or tola onto at oreirou t'liy, Oregon, ot, talnrday the itk Day r Orlobrr, In, If name a wttnoaorti V f 1 1 1 1 ... -4 ft V BtoltliiR, at Mlewnrt. nnd V Benoe, all ol ecnl tle, aiim County, Walilnirton Twrriu.ry. Any and all iwraou cluiinlng ndvurnely the auove-UeaoribiHl Inml arn rviimUHl to nia tholr elalma in thlaolllce on or bofure aald Lab day of Uotober, Mm, W T ilvassr, Hegtatcr. ; TIMBER LANlTKOTIci Vblted Bialns Land oiTIo. ort'iinn ciiy, umgon. July awh, IKmo. Hotlo labemby glveu that In tNimpllaMO wlibllie provision of tbe no. of c.uiir. oi June i, enuiiod-An not lor lb ml ..I iim. bor land In the atalea of 1 olifornu, o.. .... Nevealn, nnd Washington Territory .' Jonn W I'syn, ol uatte, eounty nt Mug, territory bl Wa.hlngton. baathladay aied In tblaolllua bl f"Lnj;,"u",l',,tl n4. forth punhaaaol the W t ol amnion No 81, In town. nip Nu u. aoulhraiigo No. ee-.l. and will oir.r orool u, bow thai th land souKbl la mora valuable lor iMtlmlM'r or atnthan for agricultural our boom, nnd to eatabllah hla claim l.i mio land U-lora tb He7luir nnd KHivi.r 01 tbla oihon a umgon t Hv.Dmeon.oo Tui-aaay.tha l-KU day of notober, Iww. Ha nam aa witnaa 1 a A Honiirm r iM-rKitrpn, doarutr and i rwallla. all ol f aula, ningeounly, Waahtngton Tm lury. Any aod nil perooua claimli..mvrr"l, t i above dwrilml landa ai rruu. .i4 to n ie IheirrlalmalolhiaoinoeonorbeiuresiiM 1Kb by ot tatuuer,le. - ' " ' W T Bt'tacr, IteglaUir. TIMBER LAND"xoSCETr" . I'mtml iu4e Land orflo. orogou Li i. urgua, July 22nd. Is9. ' Notle la tor. y glvrn mat In outnollauoe wilblh iiruvuionsof t he not of Cungreaa l Jun, lirf.enillld"Anct lortb aale al um ber .anda In tbe atalea ol Co la, Oregon, Nv4a.od Woablugioa Territory "John lan Isan.ol Vauouuver.oounly ol'.lark. torrtlory ol htng on. ba tin day nied lo tbl offloe hi. iw.irn .ti.mei.i No law, lor the tmrebaMi nltbaN Wol amotion No ti. la utwoablnNo li, aouth rang ,Ne 1 eoat. and will oftVr proof Ui 1I10 that lb land oought la man valuable foe It timber or atone loan lor ngrloultural purpusMi. and to ooiablUb bl elaint to said land before tb KeiUr nod neorlverof this Jf t . C. Oregon, on Wedttawday, tho lUb day of weuibor, Im. Ho namra aa witnew . tl W Kabon and J Mwoet, 01 Van waiver. Clark county, W T.and W U Mary and W aii.ol rnrtlabd.Uullnomab eonaty .on-goo. Any and nil peruana claiming atlverMly ma above doacrilmt landa an. riuet4 to Ola tbelr elalma in tbla aeftoe on or before aald Itata day of oototter, Imo. W T (H aaav, lUftiater. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I n I td Mat Land ov. 'w ... orrtM Wty. July Knd, tS9. Kotk; la hereby given thai n eoniptianc wnblb provMion f ibe act of Coogrvoaof June. lT. ent4lll"Aaat lor tbe aaleul uni bvr land In the talta al t'ahforhla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrttory," Ueorg W Hobewn. ol Vancouver, conaiy ul Clara, um lory ol waablngton, ba tbl day niml In Ibu) ultic bl wuro talomnt No I;i7, li the pur cliaae 01 Ibe B W I ot Mtn No SU, In township No li. sou lb rango No east, nod will off. r praol to abow that tb laod oougbl in more valuable lor Ha lltulmr or atone Iban lor agrl euJlural punoae,bd l eMablln bl claim to aid land before 10 Krglsler and Men-lvr ol tbla oMlc nt Ureson t'lty. n-on, on Wednes day. Ibe tain day ol ttetotwr, Hwo. He nam. a w.taoaaxa 1 J llanlgan and J Mwmt, of Van couver. Clarke eounty, W T.and w H Mary and alfc.ot rortlaoil.Nultnomah ?Miniy,(negon, Any aod all persona clajming auvsrwly the above tleocnbcd landa are reaetl to nie tbelr elalma I tbl oetceon or belorc aald letn day of October, last). W.T Dl r, RrglaU'r, " " llMBElt LAND NOTIceT- failed Main land OAke. nana lur. Ure.a. Jul. cotk. liiaa KotW I Ur.oj el.o that la eowpliaan. with th protl4. ol lb art ol Congress ol June ard, la!, a Uih"Aa art Inr the sal ol umlwe tso J la to ttuua ol CoJIIurnu. Orsgua, Nevada and Waahtngtoa Tsr tiur." trmi Hteggrra, ol Bps HI., eoonty t4 King, Territory ia) W ashiugtua, has tht oay l4 ia tbl al Bee his straen MalMwnl No IMa. Sue lbs Mirrh.- 1 iheN W ,! No at, hi Tp No lo oooia, Kaae Nu t east, aad lU offer prwd t sbo that ths isod swug bl " awn . neumoer or stooe loan tor atf rirultaraj purposes, aod W establish hie ebuat tmiA lead betur Um Usgtster and ksv.ivsr al tbl oBk al Onyuoiny, ttrsgim, on Tonnsv, tb 1Mb 4ay ol o. ubsr, Um, II natoMoa shsmm : J W faros, J i.vmt, u A Ibmoettaad I f Wall la, all ol asaule, ' eounty, Wsshingum rsrritury. Any and all osf suaselaoDiog admsciy tbe above-dssneibsd hisdsars reqaestad to Bis Ihstr eUlnx la tbia edle aa ef bsjur aua lata aay a uetoosr, imi. W.T. BtaaoT. Koglstar. TIMBER LAND N0TICe7 , l aitad Stats Land (. - - Orxrua t ttr. Oreja. Jul v tfivl loot NoUeti kwrsby gi.en tbsttn vwnfiututjs Kith the proviMoneol tlwoctol Cougm oljone ard. Is", snutisd "As act lurth n. ol limber landa in Ibe Btalse of laltlomio, Uregoo, Nsrsda and Washington TorrHory." Iiontsl ktah.o, at psrUstut, eouaty stnlt- mmiab. Mat M ugii, Itss Una d 0i4 in that ol Boa hi swam wstrmsiil Ha. Istn, h tb purchase at lhBBitrfHMOMInTp.NoU,outb Hatig Not east, ana lll otlrr pmal lo sbo that tbe laud sought is owr valuable fur luunbsr or stone than lue sg rleullunu porprane, and to.statiluh hi o slut tn astd land bsfurslh TUgtsUr and llsoriverol tuts oSIk at rgau City. Orrgon, r Wednasday, Ibe lth dsy of 0cm, laa. 11 ooaw a vltoeaw : J llatiigut aad i Seeet, ol Vanmaver, i;iar eounty, Waabb g loa Tsrrjtnry, and W H tlarye and W hags, td lorUaod, Multnrimsh eUMy, Onguu. an; td all persona claiming odversslr ttia alu.s dosrriiwt land ar requested toBIs Ih-lr claims In thi office on er aefur eaid 1 0th day ol October, Iww. W. T. lit aaar, Beg ilt r. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Culled Stale laud Offlco, Oregon City. Orsgim, Jnly find, 1. Notice is h- rsl.y given that tn eomplianee wltb tbe provision d lh ad ol CangRM ! Jun Srd, 17, en titled "An act lot lh aale uf limbsr land In th Bute of Cs'llnla, Oruimi, Nevada, snd Washington Tsr sllory." John Hwrot, of Vaneuavar, eonnty ol C ark. Territory ol Washington, has this day Bld la this of Ace bis strum statement Nn tSt.l, tin- th purchase of lou 1, I and ol Hoc No Tp No li south Htsg No S coat, and iil ofler pruul to show that tbe land songht I ntore valuable lor It timber atone than lor arlctiltiinl puipnec and to oetahlish hi ctaiut to aid laid btrlor th lb-gist' and Kscsirsr of this ol Oce at OreirfA) City, Orm Wsdnesdsy, tb lath day of Octuhr, Ihhi. H name aa witness i J Klanlgan and J RnbMin, el Vancuuver, Clarke county. W T. and W T Mane and W Halts, td Portland, Multnmnah eoonty. limmnJ Anyl an all mwiiii alaimlne ad- vervcly the aliovo-dMcrined lauds ar rsqiuMted to Bl tbelr el.lnw In thi etttee on or belore md lfllh day of October, lot. W.T, BrsxsT, Begtsttr, ; , Timber Land Notice, ' UnlUjd Btales Lon.iomce, Oregon City, Ursgun, July 17th, ISfW. Ifotlee ui hereby given that In citmillat with the provisions of tbe Act ol Congress n June 8, U7H, etinrisd " An Act for the .sis of timber taint in lh Htalesol Califumla, ttregon, Nevada and Waahlngtan Tsrribtry, Ibarlc K btolting, ol 8attl, County ol King, Territory id Washington, haa this day Hied In this offlc his .worn statement No 1227, for ths pur chase ol the NW I of tteclkm No ti, In Townswln No 10 tteuth. Hangs No t Kaal, and will otter pro-1 to how that th land Sought to more valuable lor it Umbsr nr oliiae than lur airrioultural purposes, and lo eetsbll.h his claim tn said bind hafnrs ths Hsiristes accsiver ot mis onoe at uragon city, ureguu, tn Sntnrday, the 14th Dsy of October. 188tf. Be names as wancstwa : T Gllhsrt, B Hans, M SUwart and M Krohn.aU ol boatlle, King County, Waabington Territory. Any and all pel sunt claiming adversely th above descrilxid uuida are requested to flie their elalma la thui tittles 011 or befur sold litb day of Ovtober, ism , . .:, .. . W X Wt!.iv, . ... 4.- . Ueglater. Timber Land Notice.' ; United State Land Oo, . Orgu City, Oregon, July, 13, 1880, Nolle 1. hen bv given that In com nl lane with the provisions ol th Aot of Congress of Juti 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for tn aoi ol timber lands In th. State ef California, Oregon, tUvada and Washington territory," ( baa, H. fosrn, of Kuek Creek, County ol Linn, nUte of On-iron has this dav filed in this "loot his.wurn statement 'o. llDil, for the purchase ol the NWof Section No. 24, in lownsbip No, 10 8, Rang No. 8 K, snd will offer profit to .how that th land sought is mora valuable for its timber or aton than for atrrlouilural purposes, and so establish his Olalm to Said land bsfurs Lha luuriatar and Hims1w of this offloe, at Oregon City, Orrgou, en Tuesday, the 8tU Ray of October. 1889. Clark and J lliigan, all ol Roek Creek, Linn Cuunty, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described landa ace requested to file their claim In this office on or before said 8th day ot Octohar, lim. , i r . WXDtnatar, Hegister, A reliable U. 8. Standard S ton scale. only f37. Delivered at your nearest rail- roa siBUoti ito 01 rreiyjut on UUtty (lava trial. Larger scale at proponionately low (rices.. Warranted flte jeer. - Ar:arfcB, 4 , : Fs Cs HOFFMAN . Albany, Oregon, r-"5 LJ V.a , The LEADING LaForcst & Thompsons jpSaEOia ; . 'V i- -. ' . t;-'.- -, '.' ' ' ' K WHAT KEEPS JHEM IN THE -A0. , .. ,..''(''.;. i n . ' -. ' ' ' ' 1 rh'rlr S ocl of O ROOERI1S9 . : . )'"' and ' ' PRODUCE. im alvn Comploto- CHAS. H. DODD & CO - lMPOHTEftS OF- Hardware, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. 8olt Agents for Oregon ... y ve ' i'-?tSSj ! i y ' J&Z I DCZZ'Z) M riV OP.L PLOWS. .B-,', l.-.ot 1-t(ii fjiru. f,t1 ot, Uku.i n 10 rvar ehanSats perfection, that those h lure wwl w so Uvni vnrlt ran M m eoouab In tbslr prstos. ftuMsb Uwo lib wr allhout scat 0Uahiiittt. twat allawb ncnl on estro. DCEIRI! POWCS X.I15T e.TTZJSTSC IIXD"We. DUCREYI, SHOE PRS3S GRAIN DRILL. j - " ' fresi e lls. i'rv- C.rt'.H UHl. Hct - 9lers, ' oarae, Rprine; Toot Hsrrosr. ' ."bEZR'E'G DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS . TU Uhsa ImjeeTed tn.Ciot hi sewing sumoisr loll"-. "! JoomX ooea;lat aad accaafiil tool lar lb, porpor ia use. Wo Bte Lae at Tall lluo or Ouee!'. Carrlnttea. Pbarioaa. If niitvla tVacoott t'latlorsn sHel ssster rtprtae Vrfettelv. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. L.rr k Cbapla's Se-i:-TouUi lUnoas, Deal tlanwa, fwieaLBc reed atllla, rociSe Faimbif Milk, M 8-ViB WIPE, ETC. ETC. ' aKr ror. aprrit. riam tn tTi rmrr, 1.11 , E IHUALL, Agant. AlKany, Or. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'Bllrd Mata Land Office. tHion tliy, rea;un, July llh, 1A8B. Kallce I bt-roby given that in compliance with lit provisions 01 the act of (.'ongrcoa of June A,"Ab act lor th sale ol Um-U-r laada la lb. atalea ot California, OrKon, kevada. and Washington T-rltry,,' Hocy Hrcooan.ol Albany.rouoty ol LlneMata ol Ore gon, baa tbla lay flltxl In tbl office bl awnrn sLaunnrot No lid, for th purrhase ef tb M B (nf section No 4, lo township No 10, aouth, rango Mo I east, and will ner ironf 10 show that tba land aouabt I mora valuable for It timber 01 alone than for agrieultural purpose, and 10 esiaouin niaeiaim looatu mnu oeioro tb bVRlotor and ileerivar of tbla olBae at Ure n City, Oregon, on Monday, tbe lilh day of ttctalK-r. 11 name as sritntaoe : J U Towslev. W Kaet. O McKae and W li Tar lor. all ol Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon. Any nnd all peraonaelalmiog adversely the abov describ ed land ar reUoald to olo their claim In this offie on or before said lih day of October, life. ' i W T BrassT, Regloter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. " I'nltod IMatea Land Offlo. orKon I Hv. Oreean. Jly ith, 8K. Mollcebibc-eby given tbatin eoaiplisnce arith the pmvbil'iaaal tbe a A id I'ongreai of Jun l,lb"a,4Hled An art lor ths ssls of Umber landa tn tb Mats of Cal ifornia. Uregoa. Nevada ad Washlngbia Territory," JnhnCalilwsll.ul Vancouver eoonty ol Clarke.territory ol Washington .baathladay Bled ia this officehla sworn statement. Ko 1M , far the pnrcheaa ef th MI) si auction No. In township ho It, south ranrs So I eaat, and lli alter proot tu show that lb land sought is mar vol nan' lar itsunior ormm. tnan tor an rultoral tiuroosee, and to establish bis claim to said land bfiralh tUguaerond Kecelvor of this offie at Oregon t'ily, Oregon, on Monday . the tlst day ol Or tnbsr.lHHtf. HenaneaoawttneaM 1 J tfanigan.W B Mayre.W W froabricl and John 8wt,l ol Vancou var, Clarke county . W T. Any and all person ebumtng sdrsrsrly th altov decnbd lands ar requested to tile their elalma In Una uHtoo on or bslor aald tin day October Jeea, WTRvbubt; Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Lotted Blale Land Oflleo. on-con citr.oreiron. July 83rd. 1W9. Notice I hcroby given that In compliance with t be provision oftlin act of Congreo of June 3,IH7H.enilUed" An act for the aale ol Umber landa In the alnloaof Callfornla.omgonvada, and Waahlngloa Territory," Archibald W lru- Aluany,couniy ot t,ino,autte 01 orrgon. baathladay 01a 1 In this office, tit aworn slute menl No l.'i, for lb purehaseof IheN K) of section No Hi. In township No 10, south range No 8 cast, and will offer proof to abow that the land sought is more valuable for It Umber or aton than for agricultural purpose, and to es tablish blsolalm to said land before the Rogifiter and Beoelver otlbla omoeat Oregon city, vre. gon.onMaturday, the 18th day of October, ldKO. fienameaaawltneaaea : W H Taylor, W goat, H Itrannan and K HobtOiOD. allot Albany. Linn eounty .Oregon. Anyandall persona claiming adversely toe noove aesori eeo 1 a nua are rot uf si tu to fllelhelr claim In this otTioe on or before said Win day of oowoer, iw. 1 . , ,WI BuaaiT.Begtster. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United Bute Laud Office. Orceon Citv . Orea-on. Jul J tlrd. 1 880. Notice Is hereby given that la compliance with the prov talons ol the act of Congress ol Jane'B.en titled ''An act lor the sale of Umber lands in U states ot Call!orn!a,Oregon,Neveda,and Washington Territory Andrew Piler, of Buena Vista, eounty ol Polk, stated Oregon, ha this uay nieu ni tnie otnee nis swam state ment No 1480, lor the ptircho of thN W ofS S J, N B J ot 8 W 8 E J o( N W t and 8 W J ol N E t of sootlon No 10, In township No 10, south rang Not east, and will oftei prool totbowtnat the land sought is more vsluabsfiirlU timber or stone than fai agrinulturol purposes, and to establish bis claim totald land before theUeglsMrand Receiver cl this offloe st Oregon City, Oregon, on oa.urusy, Hwmiia-j ..wv. II names a witnesses ! W Kaat, W H Taylor, H Ureu ban aud J BTowsley, all of Albany. Llnu county, Ore gon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the abov described lands are rsquestsd to Die their claims in this office ou er before ssid lth day of October,! 88a. . W T BtianST, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE.' " United Ststes Land Office. ; OregonOitv, Oregon, July 25th,'l88, . Notice is hereby giventhatbt oomplianoe with the nrovuiiun ol lha act of Congress of J une S,1878,en titled "An act for tb sal of timber lands in tbe states ol Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory' William W froehstel, ol Vancouver, county of Clarke, territory ot Washington, has this day filed in thi office his sworn statement No 1279, for the purchase of the S E J ol Motion No 82, In townthlp No 12,ouih rang No i east .and will offer proof lo tho w that the land sought is more valuable for it limber or stoue than for agricul tural purposes, andtoostabl'shhts claim to said land before tbt Register and Receiver ef this office at Ore gon City 1 Oiegon, on Monday, the Slat day ol October, Itm. He names as witnesses : J Flanagan, W B Mayre, J Caldwell and J Bwret, ail of Vancouver, Clarke coun ty, WT. Any anl all persons claiming adversely the above drtcribsd lands ar re nested to tile tbetr claim in tbuotfioe on or Defer said 21st day ol October, 1SS, W TBuemt, Regissar. i Groc'erv Store 18- O "t 1 i.- Iron, Steel, nd Wnahlngton for r?S! 5 TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Ktatea Land Office, . . Oregon City, Or., July 27, 1889. Notion ia hereby trivea Uot in comiili ance with tb proviaiona of the act of Con gresa of June 3, 178, entitled "An a-t for me aaleoi ttmberlaiida in tlieMates oil Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and WaMhinglon Territory," lSunjaniiit Kyle, of Kngeno, oounty of Lane, Htuto of Oregon, baa thus day liiod in thia oOice bis sworn Htatement No 1317, for the) tHirchaae of the 8W(of 80c No 2, in Tp No 12 aouth, lUnpe No 2 ant. and will offer proof to allow that the land nought ia mora valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to etttablitdi his claim to said land be fore the KeiiiHter and Receiver of this of fice at OreffonCity,Or.,on JrViday the 25th day of October, 1S9. lie iinmea as wit neies s A VV DolHchagaod JI 8 Bergman, of Needy, Ciackamaa Co., and It llowe and J J Squires, of Albany, Linn Co.,all of Oregon. Any and ail persona claiming ad versely the above dcacrtbed lands are re quested to file theirclaims in this office on or before) said 25th day of October, 1889.. , W. T. fivKKKr lteginter. : TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United StatcB Land Office, ; . Oregon City, Or,, July 27, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviaiona of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahing ton Territory," Frank I Ialiell, of Delta, county of Fulton, State of Ohio, lias this clay filed in this office his sworn statement No 1310, for the purchase of the N V of See No 82, in TpNo 10 south, Kange No 3 eaat, and will offer, proof to show that tho land anuoht ia mwM vuhiaKla tnr timber or atone than for agricultural pur- Tiosea. and to OHtithlinh hie Mniui in ..i.l land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Friday tho 25th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : R Howe, M C Yerks, J J Squires and F H Aldrich, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons cbtmlnflf atlvonutlv tl. .tviv. . - --. v owoveu wvuvi tva lands are rt' .tiested to file their claims in this office ou or before said 25th day of Oc- moor, jio-iu, . ,, ' w. T. Bitrnit, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ' United States Land Office. OreronCitv.Onumn. Jnlweuh iixa Notice Is hereby given that in oomnlianMi slid tk. provlaionsol tbe aot of ton gress ol Jun S.1878, entitled "An act forth sals of timber !ml.kiih...tuiA.i Ifornia, Ore eon. Nevada, and Wsshimnnn T.rH,.. John Oarner, ol Seattle, eounty of King, territorv 'ot uy wsa in uiwunic bis sworn statement No 1S87, for the purchase of the NWiof and will offer proof to show Uiat th land aoutrht is' mor valuable for its timber or stone thaa for agrtoul- P"' I-. " estauusn bib cisitn to said bind before the Krgrister and Receiver nt i ki. t rw gn City, Orsgon.on Tuesday , the 21nd dsv of October, 1889. Hnmeawitns; W Boeurfleld.J B Jskob n, John West and G A Bennett, all nl Seattle, Kin countv, W T. Any and all persons claiming advstaely the above duserlbrd landsar somaui ... at. .u.i. idatms In this off toe on or baler said fttnd day ot Ooto- 1 a wev -.. WTBi'WWT, Ec a iiter.. 4dmiisttator's Notice, NotlO 11 fiHlflhv Olffttn Vlt 4nn nna.. signed was by th County Court for Lion eounty, State of Oregon, oa the 6th day of September, 18S9, duly ppointed Adminis trator nf the estate f Kllfh PrsT.h.a Am ceased, lata of Lien oouoty, State of Ore con. AH rorsilna bsvino elalma afrsina. said f stata are hereby notified to present tne same to the nnoentignea at ma residence at! Tlaoton. Vambill nonnl.c Ororvnn am n ' 1 J w .."" v ,u his Attorney, within six months from this daie, duly verified a required by law. : j. K. Weathjkrfohd, Administrator Attorney for Administrator. ,v - . ; O lS? It ic!i a in in tbe fact tbat f m cflVring better Urgsits than any one else in Aibaey Bougbt at bankrapt aale I ean U First-Glass Goods t or below COST. FOP 'General tnerebndie of all kinds call on rre. rartir-lar targaitia in a am,' osboe. Cash for Goods er Country prtdite 5 Grt W. SIMPSON: ' Albany, OrejC. - . FOR THE BEST FURI1ITURE -CALL OM 1HE Albany Fiiirniture Compaiiy orrowiT tiswART a ox BED ROOMISETG, TABLES, CHAIRC, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL P A Q, BABY CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET Il.a,WiriWS fc AJAlZVOLJL. . Hopkins & ' - DKALEl'JSIN STOVES, Till WARE, SHEET IROH, C0PF2R WARE! etc., etc. ; : Acanta for wOn Time" HeaUnjr and cooking Stove. J Job work, plumUna. ete4 promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST, PLACE II THE CITT . MATTHEWS & WASHBURN, Cany a Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, WMch tbey are telltntc at remark al by low prlcea. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prlcea, PURE Paints, Oils, Stationary, w These Goods '' will be aoid at tbe loweat prices by Ulain, One Ties .j'.:", Tins . J- .- . . . ' , - . ' Iir Suits Boots . r : '. Jeaos !. ., Guff ... Caues ' YU . Ki ivCB . ' ' '" -,: . it ... tttJ'tl f . Pin .re '-. Kriihbie .. ' ('I itlliB , -.:;.' Cbui ' .; -" ' - Hhiits . , ,, OolUis :RmWm- '; ' ' , J . . MHteuti '. Trunks J, ; Valiaes .-,. 1 ' " " Kniling .' ' . Half Ho) Overalls ; Silk Han Clothing . - . - Oil Oopils - , . Siippetrs 'Kid GloeiS UoibreiU . Overcoats . '" ' Oveeghoes Uudrrbhirta - Stiajteoaets ttilk Shiru Troaseriog - -; ' ,- Pt)4 Jstfketsv' ' " ' ' " Windeor Tie . - ' " Vroolen Drawers lUbl it C-.ais -. 1 I (lubbi Boots Loetbe r Coats, lisnd k trehieft 1 " Mackibtoa h Coa Cardigan JaekeU Eogi asei Jackets -Farnibing Ooodi ' ' Tailor Made Suits v and many other taints too nuraerou to meitioo. . 3HC HI 2E2 3E2. Saltmarsh ' flrst-olsjiatoak of DRUGS,' Etc., And Pfcmpt attention 1 w v- ' w-ji f w by a j