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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1889)
S B TO" 1 Y) 1 1 t1 THE DEMOCUAT V ADVANCE : e rn Al !v3 CF YEAR. Itsued every Friday by v .. ,. BTITK3 3 XTTTHSTQ Advertising rate. made known ' K r Sox Pr Albany IRONWORKS M4niirntiirr r? 1EAM EOMES GS1ST AH3 SAW ILL MACHINERY HON FR3HTS AUD ALL KINDS Or HEAVY AKO LIGHT WOKX, IN IR3M AND BRASS LCASTINSS. ',mmUI aU-mtlnn paid dof mwhlnery o remlrtnic U Patterns lflad on Short Notice, Coaui Mever. -PROPKIKTi' jl 0K STAR. KAKERY CCnru9p Braaialbin aai First Sis., -DKAt.KR in .'saamexl rrit. tJIsv ?, DrlM Fralt. Tlset)is, acr, on. r.te Aaea wares Vegetal fig;' a, aH- la fa. varyt'ilrtii that I" kept In a aan ml variety anl jrrooary .., UlghetM n rkat prh- raid for Al ICI'IDS OF PRODUCE. THE PLACE. iV l . moans otJI no Pane. Brothers, A wriui i 't ,'oAm .ix, Ar raw Groceries; Prjdace, Baked Goods, Ucl ' Etc. Tbair (rood ara tua boat mi. I Ui Ir.pdoe rvaaonable. iu C2 IN iLiiii gmdml's ; : Golden Rule Bazaar. HI Mook U& lMMti DUrgiJ no thai It quaJt ou tb Cotvtt. dJ oonMni of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinr and Orys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll . Oarriagef , Fancy Goods, and a general . . L ' assortment of Grockiey 5 and Toys. Habojfc llront and earrta tha Unrt atook lo tha WilUftaatU Vallay, to wnk- baa been a ldod aootnple" line of ... FAMILY GROCERIES. 'a Agent for tnenr arnpanla with a ct;:til axrattiug 175.001,001 . pm-A on oarla Francala. Hljer wlrf detitclt (ceapronben.-VK, LOOK OUT. FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITURE, I am now retailifg frn5rent try factory at ccat. People wiaLiog lurni tun can do well to look kere for baifjain'a.aa 1 am going to aell at coat dmh the next 30 daye. Corns' an f mmini myglodF ,:.' piirchiipg elan, wbere. Factory at thn rir r.d of Lyon 8tret. , v , --? C. jDILLOW. - WILL, Df alert In all Guns, PistolsSewing Blacbines, Organs and Pianos, A fnll Una of ahnat ir.nalft. mnateal marcbandleo. ammunition, fishing tAtfcte, te. Warranted rawre,- bolt far and machine needier. Oilaend eitia for all Repairing of sewing machine, in us Seal ALBANY; - - NKW STORE. Mitchell v & -DEALERS IN AgricaUural Iiiipieinciits TSBSSBv" V ,.FHrrnd Vehicles otir. Lurch ALDAfiY, COME AND SEB.TJS, FURNITURE Vou waul the beat and moat durable- 1 si m st VOL. XXV. Long-standing Blood Diseases tore cured by the persevering use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Thi tnedlclne la aa Alterative, and ue a radical change In Uia yatem. Th proceaa, in aotuo chihx, mar not be quit ao rapid m in there j but, with poralateuce, th roault U certain Read these testimonial t " rot two yMr I Buffered from a ie- ara ... inj ngns two, ami had "-oMoina caused by a torpid liver nil ilVNIiAtwIa A fa.. . ) jwwllolnoa a fair trial without a euro. I tw-Kan to taka A.vr' hrsaiarilla. I waj irraally N-neHi.Hl by the tirt bottle, and after takiiiK llva iMilva I waa conw rletely cured.'1 John W. lienaon. 70 Lawrenca at., IaiwoII, Afaas. It Maj- a Innra rarbiincla M m.k 2 mr r."V 1 '' ",ml fi'iedlea had no effwt and I waa rnnilnel to my bed for eillht weeka. A fri.-nd Induced ma to Uy A-V,r BawannrUla. Lena than threa tMtila hvald theaire. In all my ax do. rienca with medicine, I never aaw niurn Wonderful Results. Another marke.1 effect of the una of thla inedlcina waa the atrengthenlng of wy aiBht."-Mra. Carrla Adama. Holly bjrinfra,lttxaa. "i1 hilt .4,ry nor for yeara, and uffeml terribly ; ami, aa my IrolliI r and aiHter were atmilarly atlllclwl. T preau me t ha malady la hered I lary. lMt winter, Dr. Tyron. (of Keruandina. la.. ) recommended mo to take Ayer'a garaaparilla. and continue It for a year, roe lira month. I tok it daily. I have Jiot had a blemixh upon tar bodr foe thn , laat three luoniha." T. !. VXor, 11 Chambera at., New York City. "1" In'l and winter I waa troubled wltn a dull, heavy pain In my aldo. I did not notU-e it much at Brat, but It gradually crew won until it Warns almost unbearable. .During the latter part of Ihia time, dlaordera of the atotn aiU and liver inereaiuxl my troublea. I beRan taking Ayer'a tiarsaparilla, and, after faithfullr continuing tha uaa of thia mediciuo foe aoiue ntoiitha, tha pain dinappeared and- 1 waa completely &ian.i'AucU4U bu:h- Ayer's Sarsapariila, rairAjtKD ar Or. J". C Ayar it Co LowaM, Mati. rriceIJ alx bottler ii. VertkliabetUa. Irving, a. "wmk .i -FLTNKItAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attantioa-First-class Hsarsa BROS., the Leading pocket knlvea. Tbe beat kind ol aewing rrecbloee supplied. Instruments, Ron, etc., neatly done - - ftmpf net I UliCUUilf tVEVV GOODS lewis uo., - bente d r. 2aI al E;law OR f"- furnturetbat is manufactured In go gfrjtj aj7jg aaTta aW y LOCAL RKCORD. Wamtb ACoaRKroDtM'r.--The Pot mas'wr at lUker City haa juat received a lettci with an encloed nota from a young quaker naind R II MorrU, ol Nawberg. which explulm li.cK lit auch a funny way that we give It "I'o Matcr Incloardyou will find a abort note itcrkiiig fur a luov corretponuent in your town now I am a vounu fellow ae yean Did and like iunovent fun hi well a anv ci not, livlna 1 reckon But am not overly teff for how can t ba and be quaker a 1 am m will vou nloa to hand tha enctoaed note to Rome cood looking vongludy that cornea into your omw. ' 1 will not aeal the note o vou can read It and ace that there U nothing oflenalve about It," ... . The nte to tne unknown .veiing lade It nearly a good ntlhe above. Nit H'ohocr lln I.arr. A few daye Ago we puUIUIted an Item ftvm a H'allula paper almut a Mr 8tarr leaving there, not becuaae he dldit't like lHat nice country ; but becaute he wanteJ to gtt back to hla oM Willamette Valley heme. Jlelaback and here la what the Rugcne ttfitttr aaya t Mr. V, T. Starr, a brother of Mr, J. F. Starr otthl clty.who hta been living on a farm near The Bailee, came-in from thete laat week and aava he I going to re main In the Willamette Valley. He rHlaed a nne field of grain thla year, but when bout ripe a hot wind came along and dam aged It to auch an estent that what waa left wa barely enough to pay (or harveet tnr. tie ha alarm in Linn county and will move there." A Pkcuuar Sidkwalk.J H Aldrkh, who formerly publUhtd tha Xtwt at Ya. qulna Bay, write to tl.e Ttmn an interett ng letter. We take the following from It about a peculiar lde walk t Chaa L Moe are, formerly of the old Denton MaJt, la new managing editor ( the Jriii, one of the leading paper of the Ty. What ttruck me mod forcibly upon entering the office for the flrat tine, waa the pecu liar contt ruction ol the aidewaik In front of the dor It comdtt of empty beer bot tle driven Into the ground cloae together, bottom up. Whether Charlie emptied all the bottle without aid or aeatatanc we did not Inquire, thinking it an empty houie al the beau Thb way it 1 Dumb. A queer (act In aetng I brought to light In Pendleton, a it Hluatratea the widely vailed IdVaa dif ferent ateor have of real eetate value. L Richmond, a Portland drummer, own piece of propertv on Court atreel which he will tell for $1300. It waa ae- (wd (or the county M $2,000, for the city t i500, and lorachool purpoae at S445O The latter ateament ha engendered con siderable kicking on the part of Mr Rich mond. Pendlcto 1 0. JuaT A Bans. Bui It la a curlou kind ol an arrangement, Geo F Stmpaon, E W logdon, George Hochatedler and Mr C O Barnee each own a quarter of the ame block. In order to economize room nd o forth they are building a combi nation barn at Ihe middle of the block, with drivewav completely around It. The barn will have a tower. The Idea I a good one and one that redounda to Ihe lnge.iui- ' of the panic Interested. Scvebal SALttav The following aatea no. yet recorded have juat been made : Dubrull'.e to I Hay, of Sclo, 3 kna H'a 4th A, $750 :J J Dubrultte to Sarah lltnea. tot U'a 4th A, $350 ; T L 11'allace to Dr Gul, 4 loU H'a 4II1 A, $iaoo ; T L Wal lace to Peter 8chl er, 4 lot. Elklna A, $800. Wallace & Cuaick, agent In each cae. w 11 Metzger aold to Mr Grant, a lot in Eikln A, for $315. - FotaTii Day State Fata, Attendance 5,000. " One thing t a credit to th fair thi year, at it alway ha been, and that k (h -a stock exhibit, , It ia good. The one aa one fourth mile dah waa woa by jubilee, the lavonte, in :ioK. The fivccicaia mile naan wa woa by Kitty Van in 1:10, within te (econd of the fastest time on record, - The to trot wa won by CIoMcr, a Montana horse, best liroe, 2:tb. - - A PtcvUAK DaATH. John Hayes, a Blue Creek, E. O., farmer, waa found dead under a wagon load of rail on the Blue Creek Hill last Saturday evening. He had been dead several hour when found. The brake of the wagon suddenly gave way and the wagon aurglng upon the horaee caused them to veer to one side thu over turning the wagon upon Mr Have. There were no bone broken and only a lew bruise on the face and head. Ore The Tack The following from the Pendleton E. O. rather capsize ut, though It It tha kind of item wa hope to tee made about Albany In a few year : Seven electric motor can for the street railway at Albany, passed through Pendle ton Saturday evening, and were tne oo- 1 ecu at mucn interest and curiosity . Pboud OrnciALB. The County Clerk and Recorder are amllingly happy. A new incandescent electric light hat been placed above each ef their tables in their respec tive office, and there It no reason why they should not work at night If they cheose. It I reported that they worked most all night last night, so pleasant and inviting are their office. A Gopher. A young gopher waa cap tured on First tlreet, and attracted aome attention on account of hit bigheadneaa and big teeth. It took several of our learnea men some nine iu rercai nw .v cie of the animal. A CoRvALLi Fight, L G Kline, ol thit city, wat quite badly bruited up Mon day, by being one of the principal In row with B T Taylor over aome acrapt of lumber that the latter ued. which were the Drooertv of Mr Kline. Immediately after the row Mr Taylor appeared before the recorder and paid a .tine.- imtt . Thsust Upon HiM-'Some men are born great, tome acquire greatnete and I tome have grealnett thrust upon them." Eddie Hall, the boy who accident !y took a balloon voygae ia one of the latter, and 1 reaping hi reward in a roruana muse um. . " ' The River. The "Modoc" ha retired from the route between Salem and Fort land and I running on the lower Col urn bla. Not a tingle boat it running touth of Portland, A larger run hat been made thla year than ever before. A Sale. September 19 Mr A Webtter Wallace & Cutick age.itt, told to Mr J M Ralston hi home property on Baker ttreet Consideration, $3200. Mr Webtter paid about $1800 for thit desirable property two year ago. Butcher Shop Sold. Mr Jamet V Pipe hat told hla meat market business to Mr William Waechter, recently of Nebraska. Mr Waechter it an experienced butcher and propose running a first class thop. Bio Paxes. The received it plate pane measure 76 a tide of the bank it appearance. Linn County Bank glass to-day. Two 122 Inch. The In assuming a platial The Chicago Timet indulget in thit ort of a tripple pun : "That aenate committee hau gone away tiad. It pulled down its Vest, got out of Plum, and aid Farewell," ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, Coxtinubr tiik Hunt. Mm Mary Damback,: h. wat recently In Albany making herself known through Oregon and the PtMoeitAr hope khe will .1ml her husband before her purse 1 exhausted She ha reached Pemlloton according to the iP 0. "Mr Mary Dumbuck ha ar rived in Pendleton from Umler county Pcnnsvlvanla.'in search ol her husband, Chrltlan(Damback, who left hit home In Penmvlvanla January ath. 18S8, He Is lair comnlexloned. ti'a (eet In Itlght, Ubald and of German tlcsent, but speak good English. When last heard from he wa English n Linn I county. Oregon, and had there purchased a farm, tie had S1000 on hi person when he Ml home. A liberal re ward will be paid for information as o hi whereabout,- ; - ' ' f FAait'osf HoT 'or otm Own. The Okuochav alter inspecting some of the Journal U able to make lite following re port, You can wear bustle or not just a you please. Strlcd,flannt blouse are In order and are quite pretty II not loo floppy- r luted collar of great width, making the head look a if It protruded from a funnel are In order. Light fluffy dpi and hut for men and women litdlat-rlinintlv. with one and two , foreplecc. are sometime teen. Pluth cloak and loudly strlpcl cloakt will be the proper thing. Large Irultauch aa peaches, grape, prunes' plum, cherrlet etc. will be worn on the (alt bonnet by those wanting to be tip with the time. The , Dally Dkmol-kat every evening It quite a popular thing among the people of Albany. Tub CoavALLi Collkuk. .The Dkmu- crat did not know until lo-dy that Ihe Corvalll f!ollege, under charge of the M E Church south, waa holding a term of achool. It U Inlortr ed that such I the case, school having opened on the nth Instance In the old Agricultural College building, with an attendance of about thirty. It ia proposed to continue the achool and make It a permanent Institution. Following It the faculty. Rev D Atkins, President ; all Mattie Spencer, teacher In prepara tory department ; Mr A U Adklns, teach er In music ; Mra ST Jeffrey, teacher In palallng. A Cavixa Nian. One' of the greatest need of the present age Is Albany, la a platform on the North aide of the South ern Pacific R R at ttiia city. Fully half the people alighting from the care here do to on that aide, on account of tne hotel buse and men being there and It being cityward. Onc evening two women fell in getting down from the cars, and auch occurrence are common. Many also have to enter the cart from that side or pat over and the task ia doubly tllflicult. The Company will confer a great favor to thetravcllngpublic generally if it will give litem inia greatly needed improvement. Who WAa It. Last evening a an old lady and gentleman boarded the north bound Eugene capresa train at the fair ground, the td gentleman wat robbed un der rather pecular circum.tancet. It wa not pottlble to learn hi name, but he wat from Linn county. There waa a great crowd at the platform at the train v. at (tailing and the old gent waa in the thick est part ol the crowd, of course. lie felt a strange hand fumbling in 14s pocket but before lie could realize what waa being done he wat robbed of hi purse and the thief had escaped. The old gentleman was the loser of $40 by the operation. -Stalr- A MoTHca'a Gaicr-Tbe mother ol Frank Bell alias Orlando Lard, arrived In the city thla morning from San Jose, Cel., and about nine o'clock, when the viewed the remains of her only ton, who had com mitted aulcide here on Saturday evening, he went wild with grief. Those who were present at thla meeting will long re member the heart-broken soIm, of a moth er who stood gazing on a beloved son who had strayed from the care of hi parent and had met the vicea of this world that in the end drove Mm to hi untimely grave. The mother I a lady of fin appearance, and that wayward son must have left an Indulgent fireside lor a girl who had aacii- ncea ner honor lor him baiem Jomrmul In theTtpe. It teema to be in the type of the Corvalll Timn, formerly the QknnkU, to pick at the Oregon Pacific. It say : - I he best sign that winter 1 ap proaching ia the reauipptio f work on theO. P. They alwaya fctarg !n together. but the weather ia the only tfttng that stay Ith it for three month at a time." If the 7 ims man will keen hit eyee open he will see a long winter of work right through to Boise City, else someone haa been fabrU eating. The O. P. haa worked under die' advantage and ihouid not be growled al when already they have dona a big thing for Uil part of the Valley. Powerful. Spokane Fair ha attree cable railway the rope of wnlch Ja pulled by water power. There I plenty ( water to pare, for the cable, which la 33.500 feet long, I pulled through the channel at the rate of nine and a half milea an hour, Thi It pretty rapid traveling for atreet car. The fastest time made In other citiea Is about l mile an hour. The Hpo kane line I said to be the ontr etrert-car ytem In the world operated by water power.. - :. . A Bio Peach. Mr C H Stewart went to the State fair Friday taking with him 1 peach measuring 11 Inchee clrcumfer ence. No report of a larger peach hat ever been made in Oregon or on the Coast to our knowledge. It was raised In Mr Stewart yard, and it the exact size 01 one raited last year, mention of which wa in the Democrat. Before Justice Field. Mr C E Wol- verton, haa returned from Portland, where he argued a case before Justice Stephen J. Field, whose name ha recently ben in the mouth of everybody in the United State. Mr wolverton considers mm a fine Justice to do business before. The Livet Salem and Albany wilt have to take an obscure seat. Dallas i the place of Western Oregon according to the Oburvtr t "We think it doubtful if there Is any other town In Oregon that I exhibiting the lgn o! life and thrift that la manifested In Dallae at present. Thit It no idle boast, but the true unvarnished business. The town I full of carpenter and mechanic, but to driven are they that It ia difficult to get anything done." . jbd Day of State Fair. Present, about 7,000. The race were exciting.and the port got left again.' The three fourth dash wat won by Kitty Van in 1 :i6. The two var old trnt waa wen bv Cane- mah In 3:433k and 2:47, another Altamont horte being In tbe front. The 3-year old trot wa won by Alta O.another Altamont hprse, time, 3:34 y and 3:31. Bet He law'T-It it aald that A Stlnlt, who held forth In Eugene for some time a few years ago and who alto made' himself a nuisance in several other counties In the valley, died suddenly in the sound count ry recently. He had made teveral attem pt! to rid thi world of hla pretence and wat no doubt tuccesslul finally, Eugene Rtghttr, ' ; J A Farewell Surprise. September 18 at the residence of Mr. Rebt. Conn, Miss Lutle Moore was giyen a pleasant surprise, enjoyed by about twenty-five young peo ple. The evening wa speat in game, jnuslc, etc. The event waa occasioned by ; MU Moore' return toon ner Luzerne, N, Y, home I ! 1 ' A Farewell Reception. On last Tuesday Mis Flora - Mason left for the East to spend tlie winter with relative. Mr O S Pollock, ol the College, last even lug, In honor of the event give a lrHtll reception at the resMehceof Mr 'r. J leant, participated In by m of Ml, Flora's former fellow atudent and the (acuity ol the Colleg. An evening re markable for l( good will at well as for the amount of pleasure had was passed by the company present. It wa a deserving tribute to a, very, w .Uhy young lady. Those present were and Mr Condlt, I'rot, Mrs rmiock, w -ee rrainer, Ml Lib Irvine, Ml" Flora and Vesta Mnson. Misses LilHe Kiirtmi and Helen Crawford, and Measr Percy Kclley, Quln cey I'ronst. Collins ICIkfns, Percy Youmr. Carlton Sox Richard Wheeler and John (t'leiidor(er, , , ' A Fai'u Tot' r same sr. The Ta- coma tournament waa the (antes', all td gather in the history o( the United State and will be noted for two of It titer be ing worlJ beaters, Astoria' time in the wet lest 3 i-io and Vancouver', B. C. In the dry test, 290-10 are the (attest on rec ord. The previous fattest rrcwd for the dry test wa 30 3-5 aeconds. The tourna ment wat an Intensely racltlng one from the start, great feeling being engendered particularly In the wet test. The Alhnnv firemen, to wlt t Marshal Hoffman, CW Watts, 81 GuUt and Waller Parker re turned last evelng. Albany can at teat . crow over the (act that it speed race re' cord 4f 27 l 5 last year wa not equalled- A Man Km led. On FalurtJiy after the overland train had left Marlon, going north, a stranger who had been on the train wa seen to be missing. , Word wa left at Turner. Atterwarda the body of a trangcr wa found beside the track. Noth ing waa found on the body to Identify the man. nor could anything be learned in reference to him. He wa thirty-five or forty year of age, had a light mustaaclie, and wore a striped pair ol pant and a dark coat. Tint euppo!t!on It that he lost 1.1 balance and icll from the train. Later Ilia name wa C. A. Anderson and lie wa going to Stmt Junction, Wash. Ur and Down Three or four month go Mr John Charles told hi property in Albany for $4500 and moved to Medford, where he bought the railroad hoteu a pay- ng property then, but a vUarlou one. The time table was changed and meal are now taken at another place and Mr Char let I In theatt on a Ult, while hla hotel I Idle, and of no value. In the meantime the gentleman who bought hla Albany property ha sold It at an advance of 1500. Srortn oKF.Mr. W. it. BUhop, special agent of tbe Government, with headquar ter at Washington D. (. stopped off at Albany on bla way to Southern Or egon, to tee hla old time friend and tchto! mate, W. E. McPherton, of thit city. Mr II. it In the Indian Commission, ha lately been In all part of Washington Territory and Oregon, and he aayt nowhere In hi rayel wa he more favorably impressed than whh our town of Albany, wilt return in a fear week and take a slice of Albany real estate, which by the war ia a good lilng o have In Ihe family nowdays. Waa Ha Murdbrid A. B. Wendell, brother-in-law to John I. Davis, living near Tangent, ha been a resident of Crook county for a number of year. Lat June he came down on a to Mr. Da v I'. When he left Mr. Davis' It waa for the purpoae of going 10 the Malheur country to ioook after aome stock iace which time he haa not been heard from and Mr. Da na fear he ha been murdered. Two Loan, Last Friday at the meet ing of the Building and Loan Association two loan were made, one to E Troax, of Soo, at 50 month interest In advance.and the other to S W Rosa, vf $400, at 33 month' Interest In advance. Parties de siring to enter a new series should confer with the Secretary. Fiptii Da v. Attendance about 10,000. The Oregon Derby, a mile and half dash, wa won by Pat Curran in 2:49 The free for all trot wa won by Palatine. Best time, J:ai4. A apeclal trot between Blon- die and Alto O wat won by Blondle. Best lime, j:J7'4. Palatlna' record wa the lowest ever made on an Oregon track. Lemanon. Three saloons thcie now A carpenter ha wot k ahead for three msntht and alt of them are busy. Not a vacant house in the city. The prospect of a paper mill it enlivening mal'.ere con aiderably. In Two Year. Two yeara ago Mr. O C Olsen bought of Dr R C Hill a house and lot paying $525 for It. Friday he old it to Henrlch Brodert for $1000. That ia a good sample of the way proper ty hat been Increasing in Albany. Wriabt'a Arabian liars Liniment act qaiokly and etlectoally, aad baa no superior aa a remedy tor ammaia 10 all caaea wnere a loimeet la require. dold by rosbay Mason. Dr. M. II. Ellia. phyataiaa and aurRaoa ylt-any, Oregon-.' Oalla Rtaile ia eriDDtry. , city 01 A Safe InveatnieRt. , I or which I (uarsntetd to brine von saUttsa- tary rttutrs, or la mat of bulurt a rstura of parehaa pnos. on tint sals ilan yon can Buy maa our t varuasd DrunrtM aboula of Dr. id tie' New I oovtrt lorCuutumution. It la ettsrantaad to brtue rsliat In avsry oast, hm usad lor any aftaMaa ol Thmat, Lungt or Cbatt, sank a Ooostuaptloa, In flaaunatlon ot Langs, Hrtmohltit. Asthma, wbaopsif Cooh, Croop, .to,, ate. It I pltsssat sod tfrsatftU to utu, parisotly safe, and eaa slrfsysb dtpanasd bob. Trial botusaf raaat Fostiay si itsaon'. If von are nervoutor irritable, feel languid dispirited, or if yon have tick headaahe, tal low eomplaxioo.or offensive hreath.then yooi livar it out of order and needs rousing. . Dr. Henley'e Dandelion Tomo restore the liver to healthy action and tone np the entire y tem. bold by Foahay aiaton. A aeutleman who had (offered great annoy' ance and pain from barber itch.aod who had bean treated by the oett pnyticuo, wilbou relief, tavs that two bottlta of Dutard'i Speeiflo onrtd him and left bit fao perfsotiy amooth, withont a soar. It never fall in skin dtaeaaaa. Sold by Foshay S llaaon. Baeklan'a Aralea Stlv. , ... n. k l in tha waHiI htr ftuta. e,, !. o.m- Vkmt, Btit Hhsum, ftrtr Sorts, Tttttr, Chsppsd kawts. umiDiains, ixirns, otm arupuso. ana pastttvtly auras Pitts, or no psy rsaulrsd. It Is ettar aatead to fiv ptrlaetsatislsatioit, ormontf rtlund i. Pilot 16 etnts par box. For tsl by Fotbay and Wrisht'a Comoound Syrup of Stmparilla ara-liable medicine for th renovation of tb blood Tone and build np th system, cures akin diieei. at. Sold by Fothay & Matoa. Go to Hibler k Paisley for your job print, ing. : They do any end ail kind of work iu th publishing and job printing line. Quick work and lew prioe. , ' '. sasttttiiaatttttao'dt ' 7 O.k curat rheumatism, neuralgia" and toothache. Fosbay A-Maton Agent. If vou have anv lob wtrk to da ea!l oa S W. Smithwho ia urpw.c to de it with neatness and disnat . sod a cheap a any- ont. ' Bean or Pot atok. Anyone, sian, woman ar child, who wilt pick bean for me, just east of Albany, will be paid in cither beans or potatoes, ai desired, at th reeular market price. Call on me at my at home near S P track at once. A.J. Cartheks, SEPTEMB Kit ti7 ( SM. "WHf.M UOu'UiM FAIX OL'T." One of the ntit, ntniiklriu and spirited cjnU-ftt to twlntlit tlitf public Unit 'tl.e country hut ever witnessed I iiow going 01 between ' the wool i'hcii ' uini aoo.en manufacturers, The inaiiicfiitliivtrs have arrived at Ihe conclusion that thu wool men are receiving far more tUan lliclr shfire of the, "swag" "wrested from Ihe public through the mean of our blessed tariff iaa . They therefore claim, if they can not have till free wool, they must, at least, have free carpvl wools. Tlwy , soy the tariff on wool Is much higher In proportion than on woolen 0t,d, ar.d tl t, thrte. fore, they are twit treated fulr y In the dUtribution of tne taxes wtung (rout the people In the name of protection. A beau lif ul tpeciucle I thlt,lndt td, w hen these to small 'classes, not numbering more than one In every hundred of Use popula tion of the country, shall juarr and right over the spoil rtipiutcd from the lolling million In ihetiame of piotcttlon. There is an old aw that nil a homely truth that ay,"when rogues (all otit,honest men will get their duct," and the tri.lli aeemt appio priately applicable al thi point. The truth is these two classe contributed vast sumt of money to elect ll4rrlsoti,and they now seek to make the w hole country pay It back to them by taxing them In the name of "protection.- The manufacturer feel ing that they are no making It ft enough have demanded free wool. The wool men are hot in the collar.and declare fiat II the manjfjcturer do not withdraw thltltv mana, they will openly advocate and go before congresa and demand a removal of all dutiet on woolen. Here I a pretty set of "free trader," for you. Shades of Ihe MtHMtaihtr, Statuman and Ortgt&ti.- l . .a . . . a a a . I iere tne great .yf tne oone and atnew , 7 Z V . , """"' '" "y " . .. . TV7, , '7 ' 7" 3 " ' "7"" '7?!' T "'"w'-,Jf'"or v, , illu ijr.i,.,, MV1.1C111. tri trtcse men bent on ruining the , manufacturing and industrial product o( the country ? Let the e organ apeak out.., They should no longer remain silent. Whcd rogue fall out honest mvn will get their ducttnd when Ihe beneficiaries of our robber tariff tystem begin to quarrel and fight over the poll wrung from tlie people through thi ty stem, then may Ihe hope be enter tained that there wilt be a re Won and re duction of Ihe tariff in the Interest of the tolling inasact. " . ihk hirm or extuataoakie. Fifteen yeara ago, the people of thi country, having tired of the extravagance hlch had long characterized Ihe republi can management of public aCairs, elected to congresa an overwhelming majority of democrat. It waa known a the tld'.- wave congress, and whatever c'.sc it dld.or tailed to do, It atopped the wasteful expert- diture of public money. Now, after the lapse of a decade and a hali.thcre 1 a cer. talnty that the next congrrtt will be repub lican, tlte admlnlatration . I republican throughout, and already old time tenden cies ve beginning to reappear. The last congresa made appropriation for this fi cat year, which commenced on the it of uly, and will end June 30th, iSyo. Those appropriation provided for the leg Itimate et petite of the government with-1 out increasing the national debt. By ex-1 travagant management the department of I the government can exceed Ihe monthly I pro rata of many of the appropriations and ask congret to provide for thi exceaa by the paage of deficiency bill. In the first wo month of the flrat fiscal year in w hlch control the department, bureau and office of the government, tha present ad ministration ha lacrcated the public debt ' over $7,000,000. Over $6.ouolooo of thia 1 n:ree hat occurred for the month of Augutt. A continued Increase at the tame late would render further tariff leg- latlon unnecessary .except 'jo increase the JutlM"l allow the people no opportunity of being relieved from the burden of ex cesetve taxation. The altove Increase cornea after govern- ment receipt ot ever half a million In rev enue more incn July than wa turned iito the treatury for the tame time tt year. During these tame two momntjuiy and Augutt, last year .under a democratic admtnietrtlian, the public debt waa da created nearly Si 2,000.000. Thete arc patent facta, evident to every one who takea the trouble to follow the current new of the day. They cannot be explain ed away by the moat ingenloua sophistry, aad It it folly to suppose that eventually the tame cause which produced th tidal wave In 1874 will not bring about a reac tion when another cengreit it to be chosen next year. T C Stile, one of tbe republican nominee, for supreme judge ia Washington territory ha been indicted on four count by the grand jury at Tucson, Arizona territory, for embezzling fund entrusted to him at assigned of a bank that failed in that city, ; Advice to Mother. Mra. Winslow'a Boothlnir Svroo. for ohildreti teething, ia the prescription of I ona of tha beat female nuraea and pbyal olana In tba united Mia tea. ana uaa Deen uaed for forty year with nevar-failing uooeaa by million of mother for tbelr children. During tbe prone of teething iu value la localouable. It releave fue child from pain cure dyaentery and dlar I rhoea. BriDinst In the bowel, and wind npingintn ooweia, oolio. By giving health to tha child HI reat the mother. Prioe Zoo. a botti. '.'Notblag to fioaal It.". f havebseii aallittK Simmon Llvar Regnlator for the paat alz year. My ouatocaera pronounoa It tha beat ever nsed. On of my customers whose health waa In a wretched condition from a very bad and atubboin eaa of dyapepaia, nsed tba Regulator and wa enti.ely cured. 1 ara itUzl mvaelf lor torpid liver, can d by olo a eonflnement. I find pothlrg to equal It and highly teoomme&d Ita ue. t Keapectfally, : C.P.Hibet, Drugglav, Edlnburg, Va, .- Poetlaks, Or., Jan. lltb. , 3 Having a aevere baek aob laat tummar, I tried tba Oregon Kidnty Tea, I uied on eaa, which eOeotad a radical cur. 1 would rec ommend it to all who are afiietad as anna failing remtdj. JrLioAo. Bold by Foabtys Matoa, - Not one person in fifty arrive at tbe eg ot forty, who it cot troubled with kidney or urinary eomplalatt in torn form. To those tffliottd with pain iu the back, non retention of urine, ntrvou debthty,. painful or tuj?- Drttstd nianstruation, w can ofitr a rameoy that ba beau in eouitant us oyer twenty years, Oregon Kidoay Tta, Thit preparatioa haa dona mora for tuneriucr humanity thaa any other mediotn iu th market. , Sold by Foehsy Si Maeoti. ; , tit.i,At't Mvrrh toetb oap eomea oS oen .neror vry time you have "a brush'' kwitk it Death to tartar and dey. Sold by Foshay & Mon. Children Cry for Tbe Kugene Jnurtiat inyt that the democrat at Washington tcrriiory procured an indictment ty an Aiuona grand jury of T C Si lien, one of lite republican camlitlnte for upreme 'Judge m llisil territory lit tit s ptirjiote " of de-A-Aiiog hint in the election ami tny Ihnt kind ofbusinestln toliiicl not fair. Tbe Journal must think IU reatert ara all fook, ami, .y me way we guess they are If they get their In formation from Hint paper, 1'rny tell hs what proof yoit ba'veMi Jrumttf, that the tlcinotrai (if Washington seciuetl the indictment against Siiie. There li not an if-a of proof of ihe charge, ! -The iiory Wain4de of whole cloth. The gta'tt JfJl that brougld the .indict mem was composed of eleven renuliliissnt ami ' (bur democrat. f II it tlt ,Wj w.trfure lh Is very tinfafr ami stiduli! tiof be 'tounk nr.nced or entouragedby any pari y,. . . ... .'. - A limber In ml toutest iivolving nraily 2,000 acict, In now in ptrwtes at .Sentlle. Tba panic interested or the CJovrrnmnt v S S I IlawW-y, K A A'ger and.K K iUwJey.'snd it objact ia tilt tcltiation of the tract 10 Ike government for acttU-meiit, . Wing toierty claimed to le of g. eat pgikultuial Value; Thi Is to he watte a Usl cst, and )ou! t lh gov ernintat be satteoWul, will lead to' Hie contest ing of other large tract now held by Urge mil) firm and caj ifuUts, comprising 'ome of the most attentive camj.a on I'uget Sound. . . . Tbe Moot a it aaid to have mat! paper front linen in thethirtccnib century, all paper known before that being apparently made from cotton- In the IlrUub Museum are tometperi metit of liaen paper from tbe fourteen! b century. Recently Prof Church baa discovered an KpU- cbpal Register of j 273 from Aurergoe, in Mck pjer aome ttrand remaining show to bave been linen, Thi carries linen paper back further than wat tupposed. .. During ,he eIevea .h, mAinc Ju!y 3 Great Britian import 136,99580 bushel of wheat. The source of up,ly were a follow! Ro' .9S.464 tttaheta; AtUntic port, of America aa! Cannda, a9,a43.3S heb; Pa- cinCCwl, a,,4js,338 bualiel. (total from America, 49,698,476 bushels) India, 16,167, 304 bushels; Germany and Hungary, 16,658, 36 buahciaf Auttralaaia, 4,745,060 butkels; Chili, 3,049,400 busbebi tbe Platte, 787,833 busticls, other tourcet, 7,693,536 busbela, .,, aWftttttaaajaaial f Tbe Kepublicaa party, now apparently k the plenitude of it power, really stand at the dividing of tbe way. ' One lead to a policy of legalized waate aad prodigality, tbe other to a careful, judicious pruning of public ezpeaditeret and a gradual lining of public harden , If the noitier and more obtruiive element of the party get the upper band, it day of diaintegralloa hat fairly begun, for it would surely aot require much uuepeoieact among voter capable of rt fleet iua to rafute to follow Ihe lead of irresponsible blatherskite. ui:e tne ieepei tone that our car aie I cable of recognizing is one containing sixteen I vibration a tfcond. tbe thonocrrDb will record ten vibratioa or let, and can then raise the I pitch an,a we bear a reproduction from them. Similarly, vibration above the btghest rate I audible to tbe ear can be J recorded on .the I phonograph, and then reproduced by lowering I Ibe pitch until we actually hear the record of I those inaudible pulsation. The death of Congressmen Cox, of New I York, and Laird, of Nebraska, make a Dcm ocratic and a Republican vacancy in Congresa Tbe placet will both be filled at the November e lectio"! ami by successor r f the tame politka fatlb of the deceased membera. Laud's die-1 tnct it at katt 5,000 Republican and MrCox't majonty ia but diMrtct last fall wat about 1 1,- eoo, Tneae death will make no change Ibe political complexion of Conges. ' Langttton, tbe Republican c4ored candidate I for Congresa ia the Fourth Virginia district. wno wat oeat en last lau by 042 majority, an-1 nodnce that he will support the RepubUcaa I state ticket if tbe Republican National com-1 mittce and all ibe RepubUcaa members of Con-1 great will agree to give Itim the teat ia Con gresa woicn ne propose 10 contest, 1 here tt I aa unblushing franknet ia this openly avowed I proposition which commaadt tome respect. So many Virginia Republicans agree with I J Democrats of that State an the subject of WilUam Marcne's political sinfulness that he I teem much more likely to land in the toap than in the Governor' chair. Misa Afena Dickinson made, tome success at I a lecture, failed at aa actress but hat now for a I ingle woraoB sham a a aagacioat capacity for I domestic economy and ditciplime. An Oregon 1 girl wrote het asking how to get a hasbaad . Anna tersely replied, "by the hair.". Tae Louisville Courier,, Journal pertinently I atka if twenty strike occur .in one week "under a "prosperous" protective administration, what would happen under an ordinary "non pro-1 tective"' government? , -i . ; ' r . In upper Sandusky, Ohio, a natural gas well was drilled, Sept, 7, which show a capacity I of 50,000,000 cubic feet daily and it conceded to be the large-t gnt well ia the World, The suit against tbe South Fork Fishing Clubii t be pushed, More than $1,500 1 bave been contributed to defray the expenses I of the suit,, which, will be made a test case. W hare the Excluths Control ot 0 N Ia 1 -1 so c ' 1 T bl K - - D Ol H W X tw o s J 3 ' 52 !KVhhi mi - 1 1 1 - Ani don't hain to efftr prln to nit tt Cot, for ft tA BEST AD. or Can oi cse in ut half pk:::s. SAMUEL E. Y0UHG, ALBANY, OREGON. Pooifff Wanted.: All kinds of poultry, alive or dresssd, irautod at tbe Willacuetta Picking Com pany' Store, Albany, Oregac. t OO OR 60 ACHES, too aorea. ol nue X tarming o r fruit lrnd, 4 milea wastof Albany, for only Jii a aore. Wii 1 aa SO acre if daairei, - Nine'.y looate.t . Ga cn Cooper Turner on Corvalli roa' I, V J . E. T7EATIEE11F0IID, ITTOKNEY AT LAW, ALB AST. sBEJII. ';lPltclicr!o,CastorIa.';;' VO J) i lt vermllaF efflctyf I da ' u-.uiu. i a much to tb prneea aud f noTHlPfd ,aklll in en rn pounding at to ;' 1 LIKE IT .-i th lneredinta UwtniiHilvaa. .1 Taka it in time. Itrbcfka " dlM-a tnttia ontwl, or if .they be advanead will prove a potentcure. It take tneptaeeof a if ' . y . detr and eoatly pr- ,,mjkm '..... amptlon. All whola4 t'fOd WHOSE; aednntary llva wilt Ood , i at titrif '1 Ittha baatpravantlva of i anarir.; and curt for Indignation. ' tnnttl potion, ilaawttveba; CtlUontaaM, VlUm aud laantal Lpral,n. Ho Iota Of time, no Interferenna with bualnaa .while talking, for ebildrffn it la moat ln iBomnt and harmleta. Mo dans-rr from .etrxwura arler taklna. Com Colla, IM rrltata. ftowal ComptaAata. FTarlh- aa4 l-'aroriah CoUla. Invalid an it dallrwta person will And. tt tha mlMnat Aperient and 'Ionic they can oaa. AlliWa taken at night Insure refreshing alanp and a natnrat evaluation of tba bowels. A iittla takaa In tba moruln harju tbe appetite, eleansea the avomaett aud weataaa tba braatb. UTaiClANH OPIXIOW. k twcaiy yeti tad bae aevtr bet ablt te fci pot a vccataUa com pound that would, s Lk Stnunoa Liver krpilxor, pmaiptly jut aad SecUvelv mora U Limr to aetioa, XJL aad aiut ttuna Uaw aid (iattead ofartak- . taint) na oifeauaa if ', aowen of tha tTtuat.1 V L. M. HitrroM, .,, Watklsctoa, Ark. aiorkt of Oennlneneaai Look for tb'r4 Tnula-Hark on front of Wrapper, and Ilia Hmil and Mlxnalura of J. ILKeiliu A CU,la jrad, ou Ut tide. Take no other. TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGE STOCK OF FAIL AND WIHTES GOODS I WILL SELL ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT COST. SALE, AHO THEY'MUST CO. Heal Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EOSCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK CF n&Y GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR LINES: " Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE- RESPECTFULLY, - ' Thi) Leitdiug Jasli ' SMOKE THE CIGARS . Manufactured by Julius Joseph -ALSO IMPORTED AUD Plug and amokiog tolacooa, Mtertobaurr, nl a nice Uneof California and McMinnville College; TWO FOUR YEAB COURSE. OF STUUY ia the Collegiate Department Font Three Year Courses of Study in the AoademioDepartment. Aa evidenoe of the growth of thia Collage . - . t C A ak.t .L.Bin- A Kaa attention ia callea w no iu. u. n v last year over eleven nunareo. been expended in aUndard books foe th li brary, an piano u - and over $3,000 added;t0 thajpermanent eu- Hnwmant. Special attention 1 given to the Aeaaemio n....,.ni whinh fit vouoz men and wo men for Collage, for teaching and forbu.i neaa. Fin room and boarding department 1- oniiaaahnildini'. expanse low. Prest- .,t li iu tha building. Fall term open Scut. 4th. Sand for catalogue. Address, FEES. T. C. Er.S'.VKSCN, MoMinoville, -Yamhill CoOf. 1 (bp loM . AdvprUslnjr iifdJum . In Ihe Central . WlllamettiVftlley. niE FA310LS Wire Buckle Suspeiuhr I I f 1 1 ' 1 f.ri II l .' m . ft f 1 tSa fit 20. V it ! only !y It fi, 21 mt nfO. HAWIJ. ood aawetl on . - abort notica, anywhere in tbarlty. Kegular prion. . Urdar loft at Browne It A euotrJ'i K promptly attended td ti bo. U. WAaavi. fKlS WILL BE A CLCSIMC CUT COME EAELYAKO CET ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING Dry Goods Store. tEALEK IN- KEY WEST CIGARS briar pipe and h. mi hand Tropical Fruits. o.jESSinos, vr. M.iorHBsoi, j- a.wii.e Jennings k Co. Manufcturriand CelfriaU kinase FlU, MILS AJSU liJiiJAtt LUiaiCiA . : w iisYa m t rTit T v Mill on Hatnilton.'elevenmilea from Lcl.n Irleesat the Mill t Clear fir 111.00 ; aecond elesr. $$ 0 rough lumb er, 6. 50 Prioesjol cedar and mpl on tpilivatifi. nticu av co's raan vaaaitos CWfir, $1.1.01 1 I 'nr rough lumlr, $10.00 - . j . J J: Ptnarta l MM