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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1888)
FIIIDAY.......DKCEMBEIV31, 1888. 8TIT3 & BJItsrs as HUTTING, rraprlctars. feed r. Ntrrritu. laesi Editer. Considerable Bittkr. Mr, John Mor gan writing from Pltlnvlew says t "A great many people are complaining of get ting their cupfull of bitter and no iwect. I think mine is one of that kind. Just in the nice dajri of harvest I broke two of my rlb, and, then to fill the bitter cup to overflow Ing, 1 broke a leg in November, and while at Mr, Leedy's mill getting saw dust, my fine mare, Alice, sickened and died, and now to overflow it all I have the bilious fever and Dr. Star has been giving noisy medicine and if Albany wants a woolen factory just come and move my house down and I think they will have a good one." The old saying that it never rains but it pours is proving true with Mr. Morgan.but the brightest weather often comes after the darkest clouds. A Delighted Audience. The rendi tion of the drama "The Confederate Spy," at the open house Saturday evening, was received by a large audience, fully four hundred being present. Nearly all of the parts were well sustained, that of Sockcry Schneldelbecker, the drafted Dutchman by Thos, Overman, particularly being filled from top to bottom. The Dutchman often brought the house down. There are many exciting scenes In the play, which were given in a pleasing manner. Sever al of the parts deserved special mention on account of the excellent manner in which they were sustained; but as only praise is appreciated in the write up of an amateur performance, we find the best plan to be to speak in general terms. The enthusi asm with which the play was received speaks for the merit of its rendition. It is to be hoped we may have more during the coming winter. Moody Will Come. Mr. Jacks, travel ling secretary of the Y. M. U. An passed through the city Wednesday and Informed Prof. Lee, who met him at the train, tha arrangements had been completed by which Rev. Moody would absolutly be in Al bany on the ad and 3d of January and hold services fcr the benefit of the college stud ents of the state. Under this arrange ment entertainment will have to be furn ished for probably one hundred students. We are glad to report this program, and consider Albany fortunate in obtaining Rev. Moody if for only two days. u Concert. Next Tuesday eveoMg a concert will be given at thejopfra House for the benefit of the Jreibyterian Church, and it promises to be a very fine thing, the best talent in the city being engaged for it. Mrs Langdon, Mrs Chamberlain, Prof. Lee, O II Irvine, Miss Lib Irvlne.Mrs Alt. house, Mrs W 11 Lee, and Messrs. Wm. Fortmiller and Rev Pritchard are the prin cipal participants. The program is being ar ranged and will be published in a day or two. Board or Trade. Even the fear of a $5 assessment did not obtain a meeting for members reporting as present Evident ly the members think there is nothing to be done in Albany, and that we had better do like Micawber, wait for something to turn up. That isn't the way Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane Falls have been doing. Taste for Art. A good, live interest in the study of art, will benefit a city, and we hope to have one cultivated in Albany. Money spent in this direction is not thrown away. Young people had much better spend their time in painting or drawing than in frittering it away in nothing. In this connection we understand that Mr. William Wright, with Dr. Guiss & Son, wiil soon organize a class in painting. Moody. Mr. Moody will not come to Albany at all, even for the college services, nor will he go to Salem. So he informed Rev. Irvine in Portland. This is to be re gretted very much. Necessarily he has to So where most needed, and hence we un trstand wilt be In Astoria. If he only touches the consciences of some of the editors there h? will do a noble work. A Boy Brakeman. Another one has been injured Last Sunday Young Hap perset,sonot Road Master Ilapperset, of Roseburg, met with a painful accident at Oakland. lie is a brakeman on the train and in some manner got caught and had one of his legs badly mashed, so badly that it was decided that it would have to come off. Their Share. On Saturday Mrs. A. W. Wright received a dispatch announcing the death of tier son Edgar, at Yaquina. This family have been sorely afflicted in the lots of two boys within the past year. This little fellow was a witness in the trial of Henry Miller at the last term of court, for the killing of his brother Elmer. Benton Leader. Another Complaint. Uuite a num ber of our best citizens are complaining that cigarette dealers sell cigarettes to small boys ranging from 9 to 13 years of age, and thus lay the foundation for a dis gusting, life destroying habit There seems to be no law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors unless parents inter fere and prevent it, but this loose way of selling to small boys will lead to the en actment of stringent laws upon the subject if dealers do not desist. The Difference. On this mild win ter day with men around in their shirt sleeves it is a grand sight to see the Three Sisters rise In the southeast clothed in eternal snows. It shows us the difference hetween the WiUamette valley and the east, the mountains being emblematic of the oresent weather alone; the Atlantic coast. Tub Mill City "Yesterday afternoon the incorporators of Mill City presented to h rn.intr clerk for filing a plat of their embryo city on the Oregon Pacific. Af- ter deliberation the plat was with drawn, as it was decided to have the city itmbodv a greater scape of land. It will be returned in a few days for record. This little city Is booming, and has a bright f uture."Salem journal. Absent Minded. Judge Ho! gate some times goes to the court house on business and If aves a notice on his office door that he will be back by a certain time. The other day he came to his office and saw the .f ..irrfll U.k.iL k.i siVlyils ' an1 tw. inf in an absent minded mood,he sat down to wait for himself. Benton Leader. Found Dead, On Sunday morning last an old bachelor, who, for a number of years has been living in his little hut near Take Labish below Salem was touna deaa in the brush a few hundred yards from his house. His name was Matt W. Harrison m.1 ei vears. He had been ill for some time which caused his death. Returned. Mr. J. K. lderkln, secre tary, of the Albany Farmers' and Mer chants' Insurance Company, returned to Albany last Monday. While gone Mr. El derkln traveled 8,000 miles, examined 4 risks, placing enough for the premiums to amount to over $7000. Future plans have not yet been settled on. T11 e Y. B. The Yaciuina Bay, It Is re-r ported, will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday, Dec. a J, at 10 o'clock A. m. The Itivest!gin being make only confirm the fact that it is a wreck. Manager Hoag c,vT to CorvalSis on the mornin Want the World. Salem now wants the Agricultural College, and a paper there says it can have it legally. If there is law providing that State buildings shall all be erected In Salem it is an unjust one Everywhere else in the United States the buildings are scattered, as they should be all over the State,the Capital at ono place penitentiary at another, asylum at another etc., but our near sighted and narrow mind ed legislators have centered everything at the Capital. In reference to the Agrlcul tural College now at Corvallis, read the following from the Journal : "As the mat ter now stands no additional improvements or appropriations will be made by the State for the support or maintenance, of their Institution. From all parts of the State petitions are pouring in praying that no more money be expended upon this College and (arm, the title to which Is clouded Kinging resolutions embodying the same prayer are being passed by the several farm er" organizations ana granges mrough out 4he State. By the laws of the State of Oregon the Statebuildlngsand institutions shall all be located at the capital. As Ore gon must haye an Agricultural College within her borders an effort is being made to secure the removal of this experiment station to Salem, where It rightfully be longs. The matter of the establishment of this College here Is being agitated by the Salem grange which will be ablj seconded K m-w an m $ tK rarafuVAt H ft m A rtfl? w f J llS II J VS w iJWI I J Wl the citizens throughout tne ttate." Crook County. Messrs. IIahn& Fried are In receipt of a letter from Col. Ecleson, chief engineer of the O. P. road, stating that he with a corps of engineers will he here about the 1st of January to resume the location of the line of road, which h; left last January. Col. Eclcton also states that the road will be completed to within 15 miles of the summit of the Cascades by the 1st of January, and the company ex pects to have trains running to the Des chutes river within one year from the pres ent time. It is the Intention of the com to build the road through Crook county during the winter of 1SS9-90. ... A corres pondent write) from Camp Creek that peo ple there are happy. They are all prepar ed for winter, the ground is frozen so they cannot plow, hence they have no work to do, the grass on the grange is good, the stock on the range Is in good condition.and some calves are so fat that they have been I allied for beef by parties unknown to the owners . . . .The town fathers have vented their spleen upon the festive town cow, by passing an ordinance rr.aklr.g It a mlsde meanor for a cow to be found on the streets during the night lime. Prineville Review. "lausson-Irvine Wedding. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 19, at the resi dence of Hon. R. A. Irvine, Mr. Allen B Slausson, associate editor of the Oregonian, and Miss Mary A. Irvine, one of Linn county's life long residents and among the valley's most accomplished young ladiest were united in marriage, Rev.S.G. Irvine, D. D., performing the ceremony, In the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. After a very impressive cere mony a bountiful repast was spread and the evening was spent in extending hearty congratulations and good will to the happy couple, who have left for Portland, across the river from which, in East Portland, will be their future heme. A Little Sarcastic The following Is the Astoria s account of the wreck of the "Yaquina Bay." While not quite as vicious as that of one of its contemporaries it is inclined to be sarcastic: "The steam er 'Yaquina Bay' stranded while crossing into Yaquina on Tuesday, in tow of a tug. A tug is kept at that port to take frequent soundings, locate the constantly shifting channel, and toiv the steamers thre-ugh the narrow channel. It is said that through bad steering, the steamer in tow of the tug grounded, breaking the hawser." Dawning. An Ex. says: "It is begin- Ing to dawn on the residents of the Will amette valley that it is destined at no dis tant day to be one of the most progressive, thickly populated and prosperous section of the Pacific Northwest Within a very few years, and the infectious enthusiasm, incident to a boom, already dlls the very air. The next few months will witness uch a development In fruit and agricult- ral Interests In the valley as was not dreamed of a fe h years ago." Never Kick. Near Edgbaston, Eng and, is a pasture where a horse and goat grazed. Some rude boys amuzed them selves by throwing stones at the goat and beating it, and were having a fine time when the horse cantered up, kicked, struck and bit at the boys, and grabbing one young ruman by tne coat coiiar yanaea him clean over the neage. reopie wno buy their groceries of Conn Bros, never kick, and they nave a very nne selection 01 holiday goods, which should be seen. Best in the World. Here is a little Item from the St Paul Press which should be encouraging to prune raisers in Linn county: "One fact noticeable in the pret- operatlons of orchardists is the tendency to make prunes their chief crop, it is be lieved that Oregon prunes are the best the world produces. They are altogether be yond comparison with the European pro duct, and even uamornia aoes not ciaim to be able to grow as good prunes as Oregon. They bring much the highest price in the market" Smoked Glass.- -Albany wi'l celebrate New Years on a big scale this year. Be ginning about 12 o'clock we will have a peek-a boo game between the Sun and Moon and Earth, resulting in a total eclipse. It will be one of the finest sights of the season. Get your glass for smoking ready. Mussed Some. The goods for Albany merchants taken from the wrecked steamer were brought to Albany Tuesdayand some of them delivered to the consignees, when a despatch was received ordering the de livery of the goods stopped until further orders. Some of them were In rather of a bad condition, having been spattered with water, and boxes generally were considera bly mussed. Free Tobacco Seed. U. S. Senator Dolph has received from the department of agriculture his quota of tobacco seed for distribution, which is 300 papers. Farmers who wish to experiment with tobacco rals ing can secure a package of this seed, free of charge, by addressing Hon J W Lioipn, NS3, Washington, L U Watch Meeting. At a meeting of the Y's last Tussday it was decided to hold a a watch meetin g and social on New Years Eve., at the W C T U Hall. Such interest ing pastimes as taffy pulling will be Indulg ed in, and a nne time is anticipated. Died. On Sunday, Dec. 16th, i883, the twin daughter of Mr. Melt Young, aged about fix months. Died. At Sodaville, Or., on Saturday Dec. 13th, 1888, Ursual, daughter, of Mr. F. Healy. Consumption was the cause of her death. Crawford's masquerade has been postponed to some future day. Baeklea's Aralca aalve fbo best salvo In the world for Ccus Braises, (Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheam, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posl tlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded, rrlce Z5 conts per box. For sal t7 p-ognar mmoii. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT Fighting a It. R. Adlinqton, Or., Dec. 17. Rasmus Lar, son was bound over by Justice Ebl's court In this city to-dar In the sum of $oo for committing a depredation On the lleppne branch railroad. This Is, m etlect a con ttnuatlonof the trouble between Larson and the O. R. & N. Co. which some months ago resulted In Larson being sentenced to serve a term in the county iall here, and Is an ag gravated case on both sides. Larson and the company have been unable to come to terms for a right of way through the farmer's lane, and as the road was built on the land anyway, he has at different times torn up the tracks and stopped the trains, and this last time stopped the mall, for which offence he will be taken to Portland for trait to-night by deputy U. S. Marsha Walte. " Bold Koubcry. New Orleans, Dec. 16. The Pfcay Hue's special from Grcmada says: Passeri gar train No. 2 on the Illinois Central was robbed last night one mile north of Duck illllat 10:1.. When the train stopped at that point two men boarded the engine and commanded the engineer to pull out fast, at the same time coveting him with revol vers. One mile north they compelled him to stop. The engineer and fireman were marched to the express car. One of the rob bers knocked on the door, which was open ed by the messenger. The robbers entered and took $3000, all there was in the car, irom Messenger Hill. The place of the robbery was an open low marsh, about fifty yards from the woods. Both robbers ran eastward Into the swamp. A posse Is being organized to join in the chase, and blood hounds have been secured to aid In trailing them. Was II Kilted. San Diego, Dec. 15. A fruit dealer here has received an order for ten cases of straw. berries from Butte City, Mont to be sent in time to reach tticre on Christmas. What's the matter with Southern Oregon f A Devoted Husband. William Harris, the husband of the young woman who was brought hereto the insane asylum last week, having been rendered Insane by an Idiot who told her that Mr. Harris had been accidentally killed In the Chinese shooting affray of the 2nd Inst. In Portland. Is said to have become an Invalid himself since that unfortunate occurrence. He has rtlrv-i of the small business and property interests he owned in Portland, and will move to this city to secure employment, so as to be near his wife and make her as comfortable as her affliction will admit Salem Slates, man. The people of Oregon generally would like 10 take a hand In giving the Idiot referred to not less than one thousand South Carolina lashes. We ar; c!oIng out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that wc mean what we say quote you a few of our prices Ladles' best French kid button shoes at $4-35. regular price, $, none better In town; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good French lid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, 75. regular price, $3-SO; ladles" bright Uongola, button, neat and good, $j, regu lar price $3: ladles' American kid, $a,reg. ular price, 53 ; ladies' American kid, $1 . jc regular price, $j; child's oil grain button school shoes, from $1 to $; a few pairs of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents; men's rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Brownell & Stanard. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of goods,con.isting of gold and silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breast nlns and ir. Iry generally. Also silver plated ware, locks, etc. There are no more suitable presents In the market. Selling at Cost Until after the holi days all my stock of felt hats and nncls, baby hoods, plushes, fatcv feathers, etc. Special sale, call early. Ida M. Brush. rst door ast Strahan's new britk. A Bio One Mr. Isaac V.'healdon brought to the city to day a hog, which tipped the beam at 418 pounds, and hence was worm $20, a'oout the price of a cow. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas gotolhe Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea Is Just what every one ought to ue. as it la firt. class tea and warranted to give satisfac tion. , A Novelty-A novelty in Albany is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. We cannot imagine a finer Christmas pres ent. y an means at least call and ice it Clothing. A Urge and complete 11 n gents' clothlr.g and furnishing goods at . B. McIIwain's. Io the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he win sell during the coming week for $2.50, Prof Barnwell's carnival of novehtiea Ratm day afternooo and evening will be a trett frr people interested la trained animals. By il msaos go and take your childreo . holiday Delicacies Picketed pigs' feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese iust received at th Will. amette Packing Co.'s store. All kinds of woolen dress goods ara 25 ner cms cheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stor is all fresh, consequently wecan give ycrj- 'iw prices. W F Read. Wide Indigo Prints A larire lnvnl of the above goods has been received, and wm oe soio at reduced prices. They are de sirable patterns and are a barrain. SAMUEL K. YOUKO. Auction Auction every afternoon at J. Monteitli's, at S. E. Young's old store, ooods at vour own nrlee. Moet be sold. Kilw Dried FLOORiNO.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in this city. . If yon want a etean ond ft na imnla aalr J.Joseph's borne made white labor cigas for sale by most cigar dealers and at Joseph's factory. A splendid stock of librsrv and 1 1 l 1 3 1 r - a lain pa jamt received w l 1 1 1 1 3 . inomp son s, How is your appetite ? Are von nervnns or irritable ? Are you subject to billiousness? Vt Henley s Dandelion Tonus works wonders. It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds np ths whole system and puts new life and engery in yon . A fine line of holiday goods for onr crook ery department and marked very low in price . Wallace Sc ok . Farmers, if you want the best hsrness all and m vda, go to E L. Power, next to Dam orst offioo. Or. M. H. Ellis, physician and Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia country. surgeon city or Till 17A0E AflD HARD WARE OF ALL I0JJDS AT OEYOS Oak Plain. Report of Oak Plain public school for the term commencing Sept. 34th, ending Dec. 1.1th, 1888 s No enrolled first month, 33 1 second month, 33 ; third month, yj. No days at tendance first month, 649 ; secend month 734 i third month, 750. No days absence, first month, ao j second month.'afi ; third month, 30, The following li the average standing of those in attendance the last day of the term 1 James McWllllums, 85 5 Dean McWIl Hams, 91 1 Gussle Collins, 85 ; Mary Phil lips, 89 ; Estclle Pugh, 93 ; Nellie Pugh, y J ; Charlie Pugh, 89 ; David Smith, 85 Geo Smith, 93 5 Elmer Kendall, 75 ; Geo Pierce, 78 Cloud Davidson, 76 Charlie Dp vis, 85 5 Ernest Pugh, 89 j Chas Mc Cullough.yi ; Florence Walton, 83 (Lulu Ramsay, 81 ; Samuel Collins, 91 Alva Simmons, 80 : Will Ramsay, oa t Edna Smith, 83 1 Rlnnlo Davidson, 7 : Stella Davidson, 83 ; Bertha Davidson, 85 ; Ella Davidson, 80 1 Addle Davidson, 75 ; Lura Pugh, 80 5 Sarah Pierce, J ; Harvey PKh, IK 1 Maud Walton. 80 : Archie Kamsay,75 ; Leila Davis, 91 jjohn Davis. 90. The names of those that visited the school during the term are : Mr and Mrs T Davidson, Mr and Mrs McWllllams, Mr and Mrs T H Davidson. Mr and Mrs I A Smith, MrsJ Davis, Mrs 1) West, Mrs C amun, l-aura Walton, Blanche Collins, Alice Collins. Nancv Lome. Mattla and Maggie Smlth.Mlnnle Maxwcll.Etta DavU. Mrs (; F Russell.Dalsy Smith, Mrs Ailing ham, Mrs Whltton, Messrs Levi and Wm Walton, Joseph Ramsay, Geo Pugb, Chas uroadweil and Mr. Morganson. G. F. RuKSKLf r, teac chcr. Tangent The school will close Friday. The usual exercises of declamations, recitations, etc., win take place. Miss Mel- arland has taught a successful school. It was so large that an assistant was necessary. Mr. Tenks will complete his new home this week. The revival meeting conducted bv Rev D V McFarland still continues. No con ventions yet we believe. Prof. Sibbetts It quite ill from cold and vaccination. Every one Is asking about small nox In Albany. Is it so, Mr. Editor ? (Two cases but do not get alarmed, they are closely quarantined. Editors.) Our citizens will have a Christmas tree at tne church. The golden wedding of lohn Beard and wife was a fine affair. Ambrose Beard of Gll.'lam county Is hrre vlMting friends and relatives. Mr. B. Smith brother of L F Smith Is in town for a few days. The question Is : WhoshaH be our next school teacher ? Mr. McMulIln Is receiving new goods dally. Tangent people are much annoyed wlih some low degraded people known as Bo hemian Gypsies who are begging (and ru mor says stealing) from the community. It will be perfectly safe for them to leave here as soon as thev can get away. Scribe. Mabel. Dec. 16U1, i8S3. Mabel precinct Is stitl improving. Mr. Smith has built a neat dwelling house on his place this winter and msvcd Into it a few daysagx Mr. Admasdone the worn lor him. Mr. Rummcrfield has taken a claim near here just In Linn county, however. Mr. Windham recently moved onto his place in this precinct. The loggers started on the drive this morning, but It has cleared up again and the stream will soon run down again. Petrv G. Rk'trs cut the ends fiff throe nr four of his toes a week ago and U using crutches now. He was tcndlntr hook for Will Workman who Is logging for his father's mill. Chris. Polly while falling timber for Mr Workman also came near being killed by a fa'ling timber. Mauelite. IN MEMOttUM. Hall of Harmony Grange, No. 23, P. of II. Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midtt our dearly beloved brother, P.S.Veatch. There fore be It Iitolved. That we trulv svmnathize with the bereaved wife and relatives of our de parted brother. Resolved, Further, that the Hall be drap ed in mourning for thirty days and that a covy of thb preamble and resolutions be spread uron the minutes and that the Sec retary be requested to furnish a copy to the bereaved family under the seal of the Grange, also that a copy be furnished the Herald Disseminator and State Rights Democrat for publication. A. B. Morris, I. Clem, Mrs. E. B. Thompson, Committee, GOLDEN RULE BAZA A It. CashGoesa Long Ways at Julias Gralwjki' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe, and wilt sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled tea cups and saucers, 35 , y dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau- cers, 45 cts. 4 dozen h andled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. yi dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. JULIUS URADWOtlL. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents j a heavy tnree ply car net for 7 cents, and two piy carpets irom ao cents to co cents. Carries a large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window snaacs. A. B.McIlvvain Surveying Mr. E. T. T. Fisher is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at lea sonabic rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun 8V Adress Miller s btation, L.lnn county Babies. The finest line of baby carri ages in the Valley just received at Stewart & hox's. f rices are remamaDiy cneap con- siderin&r the superior quality of the carri ages. Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store Into rooms in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubrulllcs harness shop, where they invite old ana new customers to call on them. A full line of Christmas candies and nnts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE T?nRsnus HOME AND ABKOJLD Monday, Mrs. 0, B. Hslgbt letornsd Sstutdsy from r.agoar, A big holiday trade is anticipated in Al bany this week. ? 1 rof. ltork is teaching olan la moots! science at Bsltm. Aliska is 21 years of age and can's even stand alone. Mr, A. Wheelsr, propriotor'of the Spring field saw miJl was in th city Saturday. Mr. Frank Wood. Sr.. Is in Oaklaud.Csl.. the guest of bis daughtor. Mrs. Wm. Han. aeraon. Daring November fiftr-nlne cargoes of wheat were exported from lha Sound to sil parts of im world. Dr Irvioe returned this noon from Trt. land, having attended six of Moody's servi oes, ail of which were attended by packed UUHIWt Mr. Nash, of the- Oregon Paoifla. hu an swered Mr Wioant's oharoa analost him. n.l says that gautlemao was simply easting a net IU1 umj ITBB, Mr William ltslston rfctorn.,1 !.t h.h. day from near Arlington, whara h h.. I,..- several weeks ths guest of his inn Mr Loncor Kalstoo. Ia a private Utter from Mr n n ir;, who went to the Big Band country a few waoks slooe, that gentleman says hs is tun oh plessed with that region and will .!. tkere. A aubama U on foot far tha law providing for the holding of a torm of the Supreme Court somewhere in Eastern Oregon. It would oolv b lustioa ta section of the State. Mr. I. K. Focal. Ia in tha citr niavintta to leaving for New Yoik City, which hs will make bis future borne. With his brother he has just opened a wholesale jewelry bouse in that city, and wiil make this his fotars busi ness. Geo. I'yke. one of tha mamberanf Lha Pvba Opera Company io Albany seyeral months ago, ha just Lean sentenced to imprisonment for life fur killiog a man, in Nova Scotia. There was a woman ia it. Psndlstoa nays its eitv officials itoclar salaries, a follows i Marshal, QiS lUoord st, $50 : Sarvayor, S1000 Street Com mis siooer, $23 ; Clerk of waterworks, $50 1 Ko kinear of pumphoaaa engine, $75 ; Driver of ogioo team, fOO J Stoker, $10 Treasurer, one-half of one per cent of tbe money receiv- Fuitber examination of James Et Satur day evening revealed the fact that bs is af- toted with small pox A strict quarantine ra establiahad. and had been traetieallv dating tbe day, though tbe nature of the disease bad not been settled on, but as a safe guard. John Bryant. Walter East and Mr. Caseins, the only boarders, went to tbe pest uauaa sou win remain mere lor ten or twelve days. Mrs East, who baa been vaccinated three times, and KJ Davidson, have charge of Mr East. 8uoh measures have Uco taken that the disease will be controlled and there is no likelihood of iU spreading at all. We are informed that Mr East was in Portland about two weeks ago and probably took it there. TUESDAY. Only a few more leap yeir d jyr. Aoother ntwtpaoer u the Kewbera UrttpKic Even ovr at Prineville is beia vsccinated. Ao immense fog this morolng covered the city for several boars. Mr W F Crosby, the wbest mi a. returned from Portland to-day. There are three cates of small pjx nesr Monroe, Beoton coaoty. Oregon is not ktarly as well advertised aa Washington thruogd tbe east. The prioe of bread ia Spokaos Fall 1 has increased from 5 to lOoents a loaf. Roseborj b a Rail liog sod Loan Asso -.lalioo with a capital of $50,000. Scarle k Dean ex pact to finish their con- tract by Christmas, which will take the road to Breitteobush. John W Minto, of Salem. wanU to be U. 8. Marshal, and is willing to have basinees begin at any time. Mr W L Cosbaw, formerly of Browns ville, and Mrs Theresa Votrath, were nnited io marriage at Priooville on the 13ib instant. K F Ash by, recently of Uarrisbarg. has purchased an interest ia tbe Oregon Liol Co's oflioe at this city aod will make Albany bis borne. Tbe fact that twenty boys bave been sen tenced to the penitentiary durrag tbe put year is a goodargaraoni id" favor of a state reform school. Linn county is a great resort for ducks and geese ia tbe wioter, aod hooters are having rare sport op there. Silveiton AppeaU Uadn t beard of it, lbs McCoroack and St ration tract, lying rix blocks east of tbe eapitol at Salem, con sisting of 75 seres, was sold yesterday to Dr Jessup for $20,000. There will be a big fight to get the Capital of the new State of Washington, or whatever it will be calfed, when it gets its new suit oo. The fortunate places will be the ooos that get It ft. Mr A B Slsnsson, associate editor of the Orrffmu'an, and Miss Mary, the accomplished daughter of Hon II A Irvine, are to be united in marriage; next Wednesday evening, ine wedding is td be private. Hotel runners are not allowed to solicit on the trains, and to circumvent this the Arling ton hotel runner now wears a white suit oov - ered with advertisements and insets both trains some distance from town. He is an amusing sight, aod takes oonslderabla guying from tbe crowd. Asbiant Record. Mr W B Barr, the contractor, is in the city. He says the Salem street ear hoe is ready for tbe rails. Their present contract calls for a mile and a half; but' arrangemt nts are being made for another mile and a half up (center street. T.A Shea, of 8wet Hon... (a in tha !H with a load of onions, and all he asks is a dol- yvaeaei , Jilt- V Iir a bushel. Judge Davenport, of Kansas City has de cided that women oan wear trousors when ever they please in Missouri. Mr T B Connie, who has been in Taooma seyeral moo tha working on Cherry & Parkes new foundry, has returned to the city. A supply of young women is wanted In the Crooked river country in Crock county, for the old bach's there. We haven't any to spare. Half a dozen wealthy New York dude have, within a few months, married their parents waiting maias. The girls tiara, as a rule, been paid 90000 to 910,000 apiece after ward by tbe parents to submit to a divorce. The jute-bagging trust is said to be going to nieces, acd so one combination after an other crumbles to ashes and ia swept from our sight. In fact, the only "trust that is liable to live on forever is that of having your subscription to the county news paper onaiaea aown. At the time Tsmes East took the small pox Henry Pater, better-known as "Dutch Henry," who boarded at cast s awhile and had been with Jim considerably, also took it. Baturday Pater was pnt in tha caliboose for baing drank, and this morning wss taken down with tbe disease. He will be moved to tbe pest house and a new house built for the exposed. How they contracted the dis ease is not known, ainerens nnreuaoe ver sions being given. The strictest quarantine is being observed, and no further spreading of the disease is anticipated, and this is all there U in the city. WEDNESDAY. . Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer's. . Holiday goods at Frenoh's. Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox's. Bargains in silverware at French's. Fresh cheatnntsafe Franois Pfeiffar's. Wheat dropped to 72J cents to day. Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni- tion at Deyoe and Rob- son's, Special bargains 1. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, vr IJ.Ewert, practical watchmaker and :o r. Thompson & Overman keep the best bar nesses. Special bargains in flooring and rostio C. J.Dillon Sc Oo's. Foot Lyon Street. 7 0-ks cores rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay fc Mason, Agents. J A Archibald, agent Singer M an u factor ing Co., oppositelOdd Fellows Temple, Al bany, Low prices prevail at the ''Corner Jewel ry store." Oo to P. J. Laportes for your boot and shoe repairing. The best confsotioasry in the city at Fran els Pfeiuer's Gold and silver watchej. Big bargains io them at French . Mr A Bush will bnild a large brick in Hal em in the spring. Ths tiyer is about eleven feet above low water mark at this city. Twsedalo carries tbe boss hosting stoves and sells tbem the chespest. Fresh corn meal. 3 cents per pound at BlodgetfsMill. Try it. Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweedale'f. For holiday oandies. nuts, etc- vail at the Willamette Pankiog Co's store . Mr. A, B. Slausson. of the Portland Ore- gonian, arrived in the city this noon. ' A Sjlem psper says: "More persons are scared te death than die of smallpox." A LiOrande farmer, who owna a small farm, cleared $1,000 from bis place this year. Yon will ssve money by getting your plumbing and job work done at Tweedale's, Isn't it about time the Wt4 Share illus trated Albany under its agreement with oar business men. Tbere was a good trsde in the eitv v eater- day atternooo, and First street seemed full of people. If you want a tender chicken be sore and get one of those new stvle roasters at W C Tweedale's. A L McLaine. of Kilverton. bad f 100 on deposit in the California National Bank, which has just failed. Katie Putnam is to be in Portland, and probably wilt be secured for Albany, where sb is quite a favorite. Finest display of Christmas nresenU ia tha city, is to bs found at French's The Corner eweiry Store.1' J' rice low. 1 f on. Ierk Bilyeu. of Eugene Citv came down this noon. Mrs Bilyeu snd son had proceeded him a day or two. Mr Wallace, the egg man left on last night's train for California, wber Mr Top bam, bis partner, is lying dangerously ill. . Wm Wright, tbe artist ia makintr bia headquarters at Dr Guiss x Son's, where be may be found by those desiring bis services. Mr Van Winkle, of linn count v. a erad- naU of tbe Willamette university, aod Miss Ids Hays, of Silvertoo. are to be married to y Mrs E W Lsngdon. of this city, one of the beet vocalists in Oregon, will siog at the open ing of the bazaar at tbe Congregational church at Salem to-night. Last evening F. Co. was formally insoect- ed by Inspector Cbambeiiaio. Tbe Co npany is in una condition aod pasted muster with grest credit. Making a specialty of cauiiei. nuts. etc. Francis I'feifTer can do better than anvwbers lo. Remember this ia getting yoor holiday confectionary. John Jack, tbe actor, who waa reeeotlv in Albaoy, will live io Astoria during the win ter. lie had a bigger bouse there thaa in all the Valley towns together. Mr W II Green, recently of Soott Citv. Kansas, is the gentleman to whom Mr Clark hs sold a half interest in his art gallery. us come nigmy recommended as an artut. Tbe citiaens of Albany and vicioity are in vited to call at F. M. French's. "Tbe Corner Jewelry Store" and see his stock of Christ mas presents, snd examine prices, which will be found very low. ' Martin Smith, of Mill City, is ia istl con victed befor Justice M L K.kew of assault snd battery. If U floe aod tbe costs amonat to $50. This he declined to pay and Mon day entered opoo bis commitment of tbiity- one days Journal. Col John Kelsav. of Corvallis. informed a aiem newspaper marrthat he would make an aggressive effort to succeed Dolph. It woold us naite a relief to have the CjI. in that position after tb term of the aristocratic Dolpb. The Braden-Uoderwood debate at En sens last week evidently beet ma quite tropical once m awnue. va ons occasion Mr Under- ood, aesording to a Easene nioer said Brsden wss sn infamous slanderer and liar but Mr B. kept cool For the benefit of our country readers who hsvo obtained false impressions in reference to tne amount of small pox here, we will say that lhrA ar iliulrtl.l 4 ...... " - w swov.ww.v WUIJ WU iMW, one of which is probably only ths varioloid which originated together, and that a thor ough quarantine U observed. There is co likelihood rf its spreading farther. "As you can only be a sister to me," hs said, in broken tones, "will yon let me kiss you good nigbtr She said she would. Then be folded ber in bis strong arms and. gently placing her head against his mauly breast, he kissed her passionately. "Mr Samoson." she said, softly, "this is sll so new to me, so so fliuerent from what I thought it to be, that if yon will give mo a little time to to think it over. I I may" but here the Dem ocrat man sneaked from behind the curtain. $25,000 Worth of Pried Fruit WaaUd. Ami I must have It. Having made con tracts with merchants In Eastern Oregon I Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby savinir commission and addln? the same to I the nrice of vour fruit No offer made on 73 "7 u . v.. I U1UVHUCU RIIU IttMU 111 in any other house in my line in the citv. If you be aeve in tne doctrine 01 buying in the cheap ...'.a .a .'a .. est and selling in the highest market and nave no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourselt and family. To satisfy yourseii, call and get my prices. Yours respcctiuiiy, i P.Cohen, Albany, Or. Nursery. J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agent of Vancouyer Nursery, Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Alaa-j, Oregon. A Pleasing Sense Of health andtreogth renewed and of esse and comfort follows the nseof Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to eftea- tually cleanse the system when costive or bilions. For sale in 50c. and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. WILL BROS, Dealers in all the latest improved Pianoa Organs, Sawing Maohlnes, Guns. Also a full lino of warranted Razors. Batcher and Pocket Knives. Tho beit kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines. AU repairing neatly and reasonably done. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Kotioe is hereby given that there are funds in tha Conntv Treasurers office of Linn I county, Oregon, to reduce all outstanding warrant. Interest on all warrants cesse 1 from this date. Dat?d December 6th, 1888. . H. Farwell, CSunty Treasurer. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS Z ATBDE YOE sOmOBSON t7& Haying decided to retire from business In Albany, we) will offer onr OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CONSISTING OF- Dry Goods,Fancy Boots and Shoes, Hats, Furn ishing Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Etc, AT COST WITHOUT RESERVE I For the Nest 40 Days Only. The entire stock must b8 - AND The Knife Will Be WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. This is a genuine Closing Out Sale of the well j known firm" of Seitenbach & Monteith, and pur- L"hft.SArft mill rfiP.Aivft a Qn crQOdS DOUght. BarlV Id rlTTOTlt. CI CTCk rvP f.TlA IflrCTA ww,H"v"bu V4 w 0w select from. MONTEITH n 0 V GENERAL MERCHANDISE Goods.Clothingv closed within six weeks - Put to Prices net SAvillt? Of 25 "DOr Cent CallerS Will S6CUT0 the RTc imViPOkATl StOftk to & SEITENBACH, Albany, Or. faJV il.IWvaTWs sw I