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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, C2 IN ADVANCE ; S2 50 Al END OF YEAR. . Issued evtry Friday by BTITE3 &e NUTTING. Advertising rates I-U ation, made known on ap- v lit Jn J n K i iirVnfrfiiT VOL.. AA.lV. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1888. INTO 20 K0WIGHT'S1 s odaM thecoma T0 MA((E DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE DVIGHFS Cow-Brand SodaSaleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be snrs lUat there la a picture of s 0w on your ami you will har tk best Bod iMJev THE COW BIUKD. VDWiGHT'S? ,tALEWA.f'uS SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Ofllee on Ita.'lrond St., bettretn'ltlt and SlhJSI rcct Having lumber not extolled In quality, an.l facilities not aurpaned for lb . A. Wheeler. FURNITURE. j (ii tstl lie lut tnd rrot Mutable furnUurelbat Itmaauraciurtd in the city go to Thomas Brink. keep almost ever thing in too line of furniture that likept in a first -cUs htore JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer oi Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST, Fii.snnSu)okiojr Tobaccos. MseMoluutd and BKs-Fipoaand Unet.fSmok'jV Arties. Alao dealer CALIFORNIA AND TPwOPIOAL FRUITS THE PLACE. in'. JVyall means sill on Parker Broihers, Successors to John Fox, t-r your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, ftc, . Etc. Tbe-lr goods are the beat and tb( tr price reasonable. FitANCIS PFEIFFES PROPRIETOR OF Albany oda Works And Manufacturer of . CHGIOB CONFIuIIONESY, A'e are prep trel to roll at wSolt, sale, always frtah and pare at PortUnd vrh' to deaiora. We also keep a full line of ... flnts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO H. EWEBT, hss a splendid as:rtrnentrf grod for the Holidays, consisting of nice, to'ocfen of GOLD AHD SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. Nrv a'norlmoiit all klnis of jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. 1889, Harper's Weekly, Jos, Webber Announced to hi patrons. jlbA frieodsthat be w now located in hi new shop in the Fo Bbay & Mason Block and with able woikmt n will attend to his customer at aa reasonable prices as any other shop. Ashe has, three ath-mmirai 'i itt.'i thj-a wil le wait: i f bth a. ' - . ' Fine Ho m. We bave just brought from )te Off con, a lot of fine woik terse. ti w will gell on terms to suit tbet'me Among ib?m nrap)n promising youujHAiiFER'S magazine. driveis Irotn Oaccn, Masou Chief ' an harper's bazar. Edward Everett. Alar Sovai choic heavy rrsres." Anyone wishing to pur chase a home will do well to look tleni ovr. We will lake pleasure in eh.'W- to all tritr nuii-g purchaser. "Harper' Weekly" has a rell-ctblHhel pUcs as the leading Uluitratod DAWgpaper in Amarl', Ths fairsetig ol 1U editorial eommeats 'on current polities hu earned tor It the reje.-t and colifl Uneo of all im- partUI rea len, and the ysriety excellence of its literarr euutents, which include serial and short etories by the best and most popalar writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range oi tastes and pursuiia. Supplements aro frequeatly proyuled, and no expense is sare! to brin; tbe highest order of artistic ability t? beampon the illustration of tbs chanijeful phases of home and foreijrn history. Anew work of Action from the pen of William Dean How ells, and one Capt Chatlcs Kin?, will be amonjr the leading features of the Week'y for IBS9. T Xt A...... T XT ! for the Oregon Pacific railroad company at this city, died nt his home in the Third ward latt Thursday at the age of 43. Mr, Adulr had been troubled with a lung affec tion for several years; but was not taken down (crlouiily until Tuesday evening, from which time he gradually failed until hl death. The deceased was a man highly esteemed for bis pure life nnd Chrlmlan con Juct lie was a member pi the Con gregational church and led the choir here for some time. lie leaves ft wife and t'augbtcr. InhUdcath his family loe a loving and kind husband and father and the city a good ctllxen. Mr. Adair was a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F. In each of w hich he was in good standing; 1'enhtr atfh Koo Tetitlcton has clec lignts on its streets; but they are incandes cent, and as a result the 11. O. says: The "The dense fog of the pant few idghts rend crs the Incandescent street lamps uclcs and a pedestrian without a lantern stands a good show of bringing up against the trees which grow In the middls of the sidewalk In numerous places, or eUc falling into one of the numerous pits and holes which adorn the streets." Albany arc lights, though, penetrate the densest fogs and shoot out blocks upon blocks. Our str?el are well lighted and nothing approaches the arc light for the purpose. Teacher's Examination, The follow ing teachers were examined at the public examination lat week, all of whom ob talncd ccttlficatc : O L Sutherland, T Trulove, S I Paul, J E Whitney, S A New. bury, A L Compton, F W Power, Chas. Rowland, KF Swope.J C Hardin, J A Coldrcn, W C Rtggs, H Robe, J 8 Van Winkle, Ed Klr,1 II Van Winkle, Eva Rasselt. J A BHveu, Amelia Senders, Min nie McFarland, Nora Cornell and II II Gidney. There were one flr5t grade, thir teen second and eight third grade certifi cates granted. Moody. Moody is now in Walla Walla, holding immense meetings. It would do no harm for Albany people to corrcpond with a view to getting him. There is only one Moody in the world and Albany peo ple should be willing to pay something for he sake of having him here. Wc need a little excitement, not necessarily as much as in Walla Walla, where "wlih many it approaches frenzy, some hardly slopping long enough to eat their meaU. " People in going to the meeting almost run. Men holding the hands of women fairly drag them along." Lebanon. The new M. E. Church will 1 be dedicated on December 30th, and the services will be conducted by the I'rerid log Elder and President Vanscoy of the Willamette University The eightieth birthday of John Settle wa celebrated lat Sunday Uie i. A. K. rot have elect ed the following officer : F M Miller.Com inandcr ; George Sylvester, Sr., V C ; TA Swan, Jr., V C : I Saltmarsh.C urgeon ; J M Itudlcr.O of I ; M ilcckman.Chaplain; Z T Bryant, Q M ; T Alley, O of G. At Monrok The rumor that there is a case of small pox near Monroe is con firmed. Mr. Samuel brought tbe word I that a young man a few day since return- ! ed from Portland tor tht community and attended a dance somewhere above Mon roe. He broke out with thedUeasepn the I evening of the dance. If this is true.there , is almost sure to be other crses. Benton leader. Row at Mill Cirv. MChas Henline, constable for Ilorcb precinct, brought Scott to the city yesterday to enable him to procure bonds in the sum of $1600 to await the action of the grand jury under two charges one an assault with intent td kill Mart Smith, and the other ft charge of threatening the life of John A. Shaw. ueorge is not a bad man it he would let whisky alone, but when thoroughly satur ated he let his temper get away with him." SlatettiMn. Incorporated. The Brownsville Woolen Manufacturing Co., of North Brownsville, Linn couoty, to-day filed articles of in cor poratioa with the Secretary of State. Tbe amount of stock is (2.), 000, divided into fifty share. I P Galbraith. F F Craft and M Moyer are the incorporators.--otmaf. This means that the old troanio has been settled aid the mill will probably not be sold on the ZOih as 10 ten tied. Evidently Bl'tei. I low would you like to be the editor of a Ilarnev Valley paper. Here is what, one of them ay "Estimate of the httftl popular vote is gen erally mentioned by exchange, but given in none we sit on the tripod 150 mile from a teleeranh pole, with only 15 cent in our pocket, O in the cash drawer, and wait." A Deadly Spring. Near to the soda springs of A&hland, Or., there in spring which emit a gas so poisonous a to kill whatever may breathe it.and it is eaid that there I almost constantly a ring 01 oiras, snakes, lizards and small deer lying dead about it. A Highbinder. A subscriber want to know what a Chinese highbinder i. Well a nearly as we can get at it, he is a black mailer from "wa back," and if j'ou don' pay tribute, eooJ by to vour pulse beats HiBPm PZRI03I01LV Per l'car i. HARI'ER'3 WEEKLY. . 4 00 ...... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUSa PEOPLE . 2 00 Postage free to all subscriber $ in the U nited Stales, Canada or Mexico. A Farmer Roiuieo. The preent sys tem and practice of assessment is consider able of 11 wholesale robbery. In Multno mah county the assessment 1 test than one- half what it should be. By fictitious In debtedness and other mean the itate U robbed of several thousand dollar in taxe which the farmer of the country ore pay incr. In Marlon county tbl year the re duction in the, iiMcssincnt w large, the total assessment, we are informed, being considerably less than In Linn county, wnercas it should be at least $-,000,000 more, and Linn county has to pay ft great er state tax on account of it The present levy of 4 'mill would have been only 3 mill but for assessment robbery like this. All of this extra tax come out of the pock et of the masse through the country. The next state legislature might do well to investigate our present system ot taxa tion and do something- to equalize matters. When men worth $100,000 pay taxes on omy S5000 to 9)io,ooo, while the noncn mae pay on at leakt two-third of their weaiin. there 1 stronir evidence that there Is something rotten in Denmark and uregon too. The Figure. In corroboration of the remark made Friday In reference to robbery in our assessment system are the exact figures in Marion and Linn county assessment. Here they are 1 Linn coun ty. $5,454,957 5 Marlon, $4,415-45- State tai for iSSo. Linn county. $ 10.18.1 -u Marlon count v, $16,337.18. The assess ment in that county, baked simply on Linn s should be nearly $7,000,000, That county alone will be seen thus to rob the State annually out of about $12,000. Linn is considerably the heaviest tax payer In the State except Multnomah county. Eith er thU county i much wealthier, which it not the case, than Marion, or else we are too honet or they are ft peck of rascal. jsow wh.c'i i the cac. Tried to Stand Him I.' Friday even ing about 6:30 Johnny Hail wa going home along Ferry Street, on hi Colti-nbla bicycle, when a man stepped In fror.t of him near the ditch, nlcd hi hand and ald. Stop, I want your money, Instead of topping, Johnny added steam to hi ma chine, and the man, rather than be run over, got out of the way, and the bicyclist ; ped rapidly past followed by ft volley of oaths. When out of the man' way Johnny turned and asked the would be slander up how much he wanted, ihese men are nat urally coward ; but once in awhile they strike a person who compile wiin their re quest rather than run any risks. The agent of bicycles say the moral in this case 1 to alwavt ride ftCoIumbia A DiTiNGtiiieo Lady Mr. Henry Stockbridge, of Biltlmor, Maryland, N In he city visiting her niece, Mr. Judge. W, Lor J, say the SJaUimj. She I on her way home from an extended lour in Japan, from whence the wrote a series of letter descriptive of the land of the Mikado, its custom and manners, for the Baltimore American. These letters, which have been widely read all over the United State and copied by many leading papers, Itave plac ed .Mr aiockbruge in the first rank o American newspa-x-r correspondent. She i the wife of one of the ablest member of the bar in Maryland and the mother of Henry Stock bridge. Jr.. Coneressman-elect from the fourth Maryland district, com- prilng Baltimore citv. - , 'Albany at her city oltctiun Monday east 75 vote. In April Kogent cast 4S vote ni tbe city election. We are tifkd that tbe increase in Fugene since tbt time woo Id bow a lareer votinz population than Al bany. Eugene Guard. I ho vote cast waa 490, probably 3 lest than in June, owing to the fact that our citi zens did not tain out. The population of Albany ha increased several hundred during tbe last year; yet the vote cut waa sbout 1 5 esa than that of tbe city election of Dee 1887. Albany' populxtioa is fully 500 more than Eugene City'. Another Railroad. A railroad I contemplated from Astoria to Yaquina Bay. By and bye there will be a "feeder" from this city to Crcsent City and from there to Tillamook and toon via Astoria to Portland. Such athirgi not impossible. - Grant's Pas Courier. ' We also understand one is to be built from Salem to the moon Anybody can build railroad on paper, and a project to build one from Astoria to Al bany after going the rounds of several ex changes would be sure to reach from Coo Bay to tbe Sandwich Islands. ObficialVote The official count of the vole for city officers show J N Hoff man' plurality for Marshal to be 40 ; W A Humphrey' plurality fo-Treasurer, 7 for Councilmen, F M French, First ward. 13 : C ti Burkhart, Second ward,38 ; L W Deyoe, Third ward, 1. For restraining the cows from running at large, bo,a follows Yc, 2i3 ; no, 158. There were 480 vote cast. Shooting Affray. Last Sunday on the lower Siuslaw W II Harrington shot and perhaps fatally wounded Frank Rot lints. At a preliminary examination before Justice Mills, held there on Monday, Geo .vi Miner acting as attorney for the state. Harrington "was bound over.nnd ent to Eu gene and delivered to Sheriff Sloan on Thursday and Is now in jail, wherche was committed without bond. -Eugene Journal, THE MAN ABOUT TOWN The Man About Town would like to see every last newspaper In Oregon dip it pen In gkul, or something elte that' bitter, nd attack the pretent cment ytem In Oregon. Thing would haye to move then, and our legislature might possibly think It had task before It. 1 ' Somebody' bovine pastured In the M. A. T yard last night ; squeezed In be tween some picket where the fence wa being repaired, nd helped herself to cab bage ttalka, myrtle leave and chryan thetnum. No wonder we want the cows to go. A respect for even the precnt ordin ance would fix thUbcatt. 1 . ;.: The M. A. T- ha just read that a wealthy lady of N, Y. ha discarded the customary kr.lfe and fork from the table and ubt tuted In the place of these necessary din ing implement fanciful dagger and mln lature aword, enriched with jewel nnd fine art work. Nevertheless a potato I a potato, and good, plain food with clean knive and fork is good enough for the M. A. T. whose jewel consist of flesh and bone. 8 The lat Hem remind us that some peo ple are getting a crazy a they were dur ing the famous tulip craze narrated by Ad d!on In hi Spectator. Chryanthnum are now on top. One sold a few day ago in New York City for $150, and a new Connecticut variety ha just been named after Mrs. Harrison, who acknowledge the compliment expressing much gratitude.. Really we do like to ee the wealthy throw their money around'carelessly j but such thing a these would make a court fool of the time of Edward I look glum. vV bear, 73 cent. New fail good at Bead'a. See tboM sew jersiea ai W. F. Head'. Nw ribbo all shade and ty!ei at Read's Alt tinea of Wya kilt suits at W. F Read , , Fine Use of bread kneading mm at G ,W 8ith'.; Another lot of II all cbeete at Browse!! & SUoard'a. A largo atock of liftieg force bump at G W Smith'.. Good at cost at M. J. MosteitbV, at the old Young store. Go to A. B, Mellwata's and ask to s those d suit for men. In a calm every man is pilot In dry S) m i aa good tv. r. Kaa u leaner. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC VETERANS. (For the Democrat.) A telegram from Springfield,!)!., under date of 22nd ult., ay General John M. Palmer had resigned from Stephenton Post, No. 30,' G. A. R., alleging the viola, tlon of the Constitution ar.d Ritual and charging that the order had been perverted to political purpose. Adjutant General Koontz of Indiana I In correspondence with democrat al! over hi state, and in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and other states, and active steps are being taken to ward the formation of a National Associa tion of Democratic Veterans. Genera' Koontz declares the Grand Army of the Republic to be an order only non-political In name. Whilst we are sincere In believ ing the I. O. O. F. and Square and Com pass to be order to which any of u can become member with pride, knowing that n the lodge room of these secret orders (political discussion are not permitted ; yet we have publicly said during the heat of the recent campaign '.hat the G. A. R. was drifting Into politic, and if Ifarriton wa elected it would do it on the ground that President Cleveland had used such men as Lamar and Garland in hi Cabinet formation. Our prophecy ha been verified and now we smile a we see the disintegra tlon of the G. A. R for when the demo crats are out of it, the small balance will be no figure at all in National election. The old Roman often remarked in his campaign speeches that 2,000,000 democrat assisted in the liberation of the negro,and with that for a basis We can safely say in a very short time General Warner will have very few G. A. R. men in hi command. We hail with delight any order for tbe advance ment of man, socially, mentally or physi cally, bat we condemn any for their dcgra dalkwi by dictating to them tbe manner in which tliey are to use their franchise. Albany, Dec 3rd, 1888. Young Democracy. A Brownsville subscriber write tok what Cleveland' plurality over; Harrison I In this county. lie - says , republicans claim it at 3o,whl!e the official vote a pub lished In the Democrat snowed 38. There 1 no such thing In fact as popular plu rality for president. Votes are not cast for president bat for elector whose duty it U, if elected, to elect a president. Each state elects as many elector a it has Sen ator and Representative In Congress. If yoa want to ssve from 10 to 25 per cent I Therefore Oregon elected three. The vote In Linn county was just a published In the I)EMocRAT,wnlch I a follow : Effinger, democrat, 1642 ; Bilyeu, democrat, 1633 ; Sklpworth, democrat, 1641. Fulton.rcpub lican, 1603 ; McLean, republican, 1603 ; Kapus, republican, 1604. If our friend will figure a little he will find the following plu ralities on electors : Effinger over Fulton 39, over McLean 39, over Kapus 38. Bil yeu over Fulton 30, over McLean 30, over t. CM. f ,1. iQ All tbe latest novelties is millinery good V " c - J ' , at E at.d C Howard . Call and s4 tbtm, I McLean 38, over Kapus 37. The way In no trouble to stow good. 1 which au newspaper ana politician ngurc The bee of Pacifio and Itovsl Amanda at I out majorities and pluralities on candidates u w smith s 1 a urge one. These are among by your good of W. F Read. Sis ibave fur a dollar and a clean towel to very customer, t Tbos. Jones." Bay year tickets through to the E it W L JeUr and save fare to Portland. A enmplfte line of beating and parlor stoves at U W 8milb',-BO better in the valley. Tbe peat place to buy men's onder wear in the state is at A. B. Mel I wain's. W. F. Read esa and will sell dry goods ebesuer tbaa any boose in Albany. Cail and see for yourself. THE DEMOCRAT Is lho best Advertising aediuoi Io lho Central Willamette Valley. W . F. READ, FI0ST ST ALBANY, GHEGOfJ 1 The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Albany. fV?- BX7XT C. M. II EN DERSONACOS ' fmiys0 V C&BPJUI0 B0CT3 & SHC3 T .'i As5i41-" ' ' iniminTi iiiroi --i rn.-..m,fmma ,'T't"n';-rSrW'f-1' ". at eiving ray fU atcck ccd I can give my cofctcoiers bclferlar gaios tban ever waa offered in Albany. Oor atcct is ccmpleie ccd 1 ropefe to krrp t it tp fo ll fttst Jrr, add all Ibo new novelties as fast as tlej are in Ibe ftafket. rlall tbs best eook stoves made. See tbem. Goods sot sold for lea than cost, goods not given away. Dot frond honest goods sold at reasonable prontat w. . uiu Julias Grsdwohl is now makinir a sdscUI- ty of erockery. fancy goods sod silvee ware. of which be carries a Urge and select stock. Hi silver ware u 1S47 Roeer Bros, bis stotk of crockery is tbe beat in the market and bis line of dolls and children s play things geotr ally is complete, Hia price are tbe lowet t on the coast. Resolution of Coadolenee. Hall of McPherson Post No . G. A. R., Dcp'tof Oregon. Albany, Dec-Sth, 1SS8. Again we are called upon to mourn the lost of a member of this Post. God in His infinite wisdom ha een proper to remove from our midst, our dearly beloved Brother Fred Muller : to thv will we humbly bow. Bro. Muller wa a useful member of this Post, an honored and respected citizen, a genial compainlon, a loving husband, and one who will be sadly missed by all. The Post begs to offer the follow ng resolutions of respect and condolence : Resolved, That we truly sympathize with the bereaved wife (and sen) and relatives of our departed Brother. Resolved, Further : that a cooy of this preamble and resolution be tendered to the family of the deceased, also a copy be furnished each of the daily papers, with request to puitsn the same. W. C. Cassell, , A. B. Woonix, k. M. Vunk. for president Is to take the two opposing electors receiving the highest number of votes andtake their difference as the ma jority or plurality. Taking the vote of Mr. Effinger, the democrat who received the highest vote.and Mr. Kapus,tho repub lican receiving the highest vote on their respective sides, and we find tbe difference to be 38,which is Cleveland's plurality over Harrison In Linn county. ThU I the way in which the Ortgonta found HarrrWon's majority in the state to be 6769. Would call (jcial attention to tbe following Hoes Dress Goods,Pliislies,Vclve(s,lIosiery Jersics, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots -and Shoes. AllIatk is a iLcrcuhjuBlcclion cf s'o.k. PRODUCEiTAKEH IN EXCKAfiXE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptly atleiHeJ to. W I. HEAD, Gen. Hovey whom the republicans elect ed governor of Indiana, speaking of tbe cause of the defeat of Cleveland says: UI know, positively, that if all the democratic 1 soldiers in Indiana had voted for Clevelan he would have carried the state casit And my correspondence with the grand army posts in New York leads me to be lieve that more than enough democratic soldiers in New York voted for the repub can ticket to defeat Cleveland. New York 1 is democratic; there is no doubt abouUhat, and so far as the tariff is concerned, I am ! convinced thut the democrat gained on that Ittue In Indiana." This is a remark able confession to be made by a leading re publican in Indiana, and one who is k principal benencary ol republican success in that state, This statement is a virtual confession that the grand army of the re public was used, as has been alleged, both In New York and Indianna to promote the 1 success of the republican party. sssssk, . ' in' mot dats.N Qawuuw not 10 Mcknight Bros., Tallman; Or. I Big O bas given on.ver- 1 sal satlsfacttoa In tbe cure of Gonorrhoea and i Gleet. I prescribe Hand feel safe in recommend. In it to all sufferers, K.J. ST0EB, M.D., Decatur, III. PRICE, 81.00. 'asrkl Bold by Druggists. Fesfcay t Hasan, tTkulesale Aseatf, nov;7rGOAST. P. Eat via Mouut Ssast Route. Nice I niimt and sjenarv at all time of the year. S Mnnnt Shasta. Sacramento, Ouden. Salt I T.ak. Denver. Finest ecodd-claa car mxlKsrarua diiiv. Buy your tickets of me aud sav your fare to Portland. , I am the onlv norson in Albany that cau sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any point tin the United States, Call on me for rate. W. L. Jester, , AgDt S. P. jj NT sal? k? It Unsi Catalesl Cs. Olnelnnatl,"7a'' V Ohio. w l The volume ol tho ViaMy beln lth tho first Number for Jaiinarv of each rear. When no time I mentioned subscriptions will heKin with the Num. ber current at Ihe time of receipt of ordei.' Bound volumes of "Harper' Weekly, " for three years bick, iu neat cloth binding," will be seat by mail, post-paid, or by express, free of expente (pro vided the freight does not excaed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth cases tor each volume, suits bio for binding. ill be son t by mail, postpaid, oc receipt of 81 each, Remittances should bemido by PwloOlje Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanci of loss. - Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper and Brothers, Address : IIAKPEB and BROTHERS, H w Toik, - 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. AU work guaranteed. - YASSALLO & THOMPSON. - (Successors to Heory'Sueicns.) Burned. Albany merchant have just had to pay 85 cent per hundred pound for freight from San Francisco by way of the Of R. & N. By way of tbe O. P. the same freight is brought for 26 cent. Isn't thU sort of outrageous ? Gilliam County. The weather in this section is fine. Farmer are ail through fall seeding and are all vtry busy plowing. The grass is cxc?edingly short and the prospect is not encouraging to mock men. Ail that have any pasture or feed enough to winter their stock arc gathering their herds in so that they can be fed In storm. Farmers feel hopeful for a good wheat crop next year. - R. A Defeated Man. Some people can't realize defeat when they feel it descending over them. Thus it waa that Jasper Minto became entangled in a quarrel on the eve of election day with Robert Ford, The Tao aooeared before the recorder yeRter rlav and left $ and costs. His offence was . . J . . 1 . . I U . 1 ! I I f disorderly conauci. iveianuuntr nc nau Ford arrested on uie same cnarge. oaiem Journal. " More S. P. -"Judge Shaw wa yester day informed by Squire Poujade, quaran tine officer at St. Louis, that two new cases , of smallpox had developed in the family of Amadl LaChapelle. The afflicted ones are nephews of Mr. LaChapelle and as yet have but light auaci. ine quarantine continues to be strictly enforced and the disease will be confined to one tamuy, Salem Journal. , Annual Election. The annual elec" iion 01 omcer 01 rescue 11. x l.. wo. was held ast Friday resulting as follows Presldent,TJ Overman ; Recording Secre tary .George Keeney ; Financial Secretary, 11 v Merrill 5 treasurer, n, L, powr ; foreman, k, u Parker : 1st Assistant. Ar chle Ulaekburn ; and Assistant. Quincey rropst ; 1 merman, u 11 Irvine. : A Cute Trick. A vcrv nl-.e little trick for a small children's party, which a Dem ocrat man saw practiced a few deys ago, is to place some small China dolls in small cake. The astonishment displayed when they bite into them is ereater than that displaced by an old maid on being proposed to. Ary u. Save Us, While guarding against the smallpox something should be done to pre vent the Braden-Underwoodcomblnation from exhibiting in Albany. They are now giving an eight day debate in Eugene i.ltj'. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday present do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of goods.con'.istlng of gold and silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew- l -.. 1 1 A I V - .11.... ...... I KtllVIUIIJ. &IBVF D1ITC1 I'lUtCU n.ib. clock, etc. There are no more suitable presents in the market. . ' For weak and delicate women nothiag builds up the entire system more thoroughly and effectually than Oregon Kidney Tea. It is especially adapted to disease peculiar to the sex, I pleasant to take and in every in etaac prove of great value. Oregon Kid ney ja is composea of herbs found in ure gon, is put up in ne tin boxes, and can te prepared fresh by simply steeping in bot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasant to take and neyer faili to cure kidney or nriuary trouble. A few days ago Mrs! Sadie Walter, the wife of a traveling salesman for a Chicago house was sent to ; the Insane Asylumn having become Insane, through the exees sive use of cigarettes. They ore useless things and should alwaj-s be discarded. Highland, Clackamas conuly.Or, March 0. I have suffered with a disetaj f the kid neys for 6 or 7 years and for the last two months hay been laid up with a pain in my bask. A frieud sent me a sample of tbe Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week I can do a good day's work. I bave derived more benefit from it than fromalitbe medioines I bave ever taken. J. Q. Newbill, Gen. Harrison once said in a 6 peed h in the senate: WI am modest in discussing these constitutional questions, because my practice has not been of that kind, and have not been bronghtjoften in contact with such questions. I am not u eosstilutiona lawyer." v " That learning which thou gettestby thy own observation nnd experience is far be yond that which thou gettest by precept; as the knowledge of a traveler exceeds that which is got by reading, Possesses many Important Advantages over all . other prepared Foods. rnff BABIES CRY FOR ITi MAUDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies. Regulates tho Stomaoh and Bowrsls. Bold by Druggists, 83c, 50c, 91.00. WELLS, RICHUBDSOM I CO., BaimmMT. r Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby' portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent pboto process, sent free to Mothor of any Baby born within a year. Kvery Mother wants these pictures ; send at once. Give Baby's name and ago. r - " .WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Props., Burlington, Vb l.a.9 C?b JL. tm 11 caiiy u.&sfjfcr ITU -KiTk-r linMBIIDilvtS Superior 1 IN . j Strength, Fastness, Beauty, I and -: Simplicity U.mniivl in ri)nr mnrtt Vfmdn than U1V Other dyes ever made, and to give mora brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and tak.3 no other. 36 colore ; 10 ccnta each. L WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Burlington, t. For Gilding or Brociing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. '. Gold, SUvor, Bronsa, Copper, Only 10 Cents. Knowledge and wisdom, far from being 1 one, have ofttimes no cormection.i Know ledge dwells in heads replete with thought of other men : wisdom in minds- attentive to their own. Renews Her . -. Mrs, Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tbe following remarkable story, the truth of which is -vouched for by tbe residents of tbe town : "I am 7S years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness for many vears : crrald sot dress myself without the United States will be V help. Tow I am free from all - pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Eleotrio Bitters for having renewed my youth.and removed completely all disease and pain," Try a bottle, only 6O0. at Foshay and Ma An Old Chestnut. The Democrat is prepared to wager its rubber tyinpan that just four months after the inaugura Hon of President Harrison every last na uonal bank In closed. Doctor Tack; "How's this on the sick list?" Algy : Ya-as,Weally, I cawn't stand ' this wild life! Thwee cigawettes andaglas j of wine lawst night, and had to get up this 1 morning before 9. I must weform." Palpitation of the Heart. Persons who sutler from occasional paT-4 BOu Drag Store. pitauou 01 luo ueurb isro ui wiu uuswsre that they are tbe victims of heart dinease, and are liable to die without warning. They should banish this alarming symp fom, and cure the disease by using D r. Flint's Remedy. Mack Drug Co., N, Y, Children Cry for; Pitchefc Cactorfa A floe line of holiday goods for our crook try department and malted very low in price ' . Wallace & T? hompsos ,If thou neglecteth thy love to thy neigh bor, In vain thou professest thy love to God; for by thy love to God, the love to thy neighbor is begotten, and by the love to thy nelghbor.thy love to God is nourish ed. ,.-. 1 1-.f ... ' We will sell oa groceries cheaper than any store in town. . JbROWKELL S DTANABD. 1LBA5I collesjate institute ALBANY, OREGON. - 18SS, 1889. First Term Opens aepiember 1Kb, 1888. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, CCWKEECIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. E Courses of rtudy arranged, to meet tl?r need of all grades of students. S fecial inducements offered to students ; from abroad. " 1 Tuition ran res from 15.50 to f 13,50. Roird in Drivate families at low rates. Rooms lor eelf-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over Btu nfa nviu from homo. Fall term onens Sentember 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the: President. LEY, ELEEET N. COSDIT. Albany,,Oreson ACADEMY OF Oar Lady cf Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sisters or fct, ueneaict. This Academy is incorporated and au thorized by the State to confer academic honors. BDAIDIXQ BCaoOL FSB TERM. Board and tuition. $40.00 Music, lnsrtumeutal, theoretical and vocal with useof pianoand organ 15.00 (3uilar , ......... 12.00 Zlthern..... - 12 00 Drawiug and painting 8.00 Fancy work and mending free to boarders, " . Tuition In seleat day school raDges from 15 to $10. j Normal Instruction of aspirants for teacher's certificates a specialty. . Graduating fm, $10. Children Cry for; vPitchcr'sCaotorla; For further p irtlculars Academy, apply at the