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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1888)
TEMPEUANCK COLUMN. Edited ky Albany W, C. T, C WILli UAERISOy DO IT t The republican party ,!or years,haa main tained stoutly that, par excellence it U the friend of the nacro. It claims to have been the exclusive Instrument In breaking the hackle of the colored man and setting him free. It claims to have waged the war that carried the colored race from slavery to freedom. It claims on all occasions that It with great andjpatrle-tlc disinterestedness lifted up the negro from a state of degrad ed servitude to the plane of political equal ity with the whites. This party has, by Its conduct,lald claim to the negro vote because of the great obligation that race owes to It for doing this great, good thing for it. No mission or purpose of the republican party has been more strongly asserted than the one of establishing the perfect political equality of the negro with the while race. But has that party been faithful to the pledges which it has made to the negroes In consideration of the votes which that race gives the republican party ? The negro Is keenly alive to the fact that this pretend ed friend has not kept these pledges. Where has it elected a negro to office and thu( shown its sincerity In promoting hi politi cal equality. Neither time nor place can be pointed out But on the other hand scores of opportunities where this might have been done have been willfully neglect ed, aye, worse than neglected,opportunlties that the party has openly refused to em brace. Why this course on the part of re publicans i Simply, because all these pro fessions of Interest In the equality of the negro with the white race have been and are now Insincere. The republicans knew the negroes of the South would vote the republican ticket, and they were perfectly willing that they should hold the fflces in the South and dominate over the whites there, but they knew their people in the North was too Insincere to permit colored men to rule over the North, hence that party has uniformly refused to elect ne groes to office. But the time has now ar rived when the republican party can no longer put off a proper recognition of the services which the negro has rendered that party. Nothing short of a place In the cabinet would be a proper recognition. Will Harrison dolt? Will he place some ntelllgent negro In the cabinet ? We fr did that race frtjndke among republicans i so strong that he will not dare to do it. fje will scarcely be able to overcome this race prejudice sufficiently to enable him to do as much for the negro as President Cleve land has done. And this predicament of Harrison's Is directly traceable to the al most universal insincerity of republicans with regard to political equality .for the ne gro. The republicans would have political equality between the whites and blacks of the South,but never between the two races in the North. This accounts for the fact that so many intelligent negroes, both In the North and la the South,are leaving the republican party.and if, during the term of Harrison, there Is no change In this matter, then the negro will desert that party by the hundreds and thousands. The regular mesting'of the Union on Tues day last was one of anusnal interest, twenty five members being present A responsive Bible resdinj was conducted by Mrs. Over man, which was helpful to every one present. The executive committee reported that the payment due on the hall had been discharg ed, and a number of small bills settled, leav ing tho financial affairs of the Union in good shape exoeptiug the amount still unpaid upon tha hall. After the transaction of some other business, Mrs. Townsood, resigned her position as Tresident of the Union, she spoke of the deep regret she felt in severing her connection with the Union, to which she wss so warmly attached, she thanked the mem bers for the universal kindness and eonrtesy shown ber, and made some valuab!e sugges tions as to future work. 1 ler resignation was accepted and the following preamble and resolution passed, unanimously i We, aa momber of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union of Albany, Oregon, deeply regret that oircumstancea have made it necessary for Mrt. Townsend to resign her office as l'retidont of our Union, and take up her residonce in another city, we therefore, tier this resolution in love and approval of the consecrated woman w ho has servvd us ss 1'resideut for the past 7 year. JleMolvtd, That we docply regret the Ions of our l'resideot, that our grateful thanks are due her for the successful mansKuient of all the affairs of our Union, recognising that to her nntiring sal we owe the place we have won among the Unions of the State, as the banner Union. We hereby tender her our most earnest wishes for prosperity, happiness and usefulness in the new home to which she goes, and committing her to the eare of the Master whom she so conscientiously aerveaTwe leave her in Uia hands. A ballot wss then taken for a new Presi dent, which resulted in the choice of Mrs. St. John, who is in every way worthy to fill the chair of her predecessor. Mrs. Towhssnd baa served tbe Union, as President for al. most seven years, and who ahall say ber ad ministration has not been a soocesitfut one. We feel in tranferini( this opiiht woman to Portland that ber lonuenco may be fU eve At i ! 1 .... I in maitin-cnrteti cm, anu we resign n with that hope. F M. French keeps railrisl timi. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! s Thos. Brink hat tbrmot compVte tine tf furniture in the city, oinsUting of- Parlor Suits, Upholstered Ohairs, Bed Chairs, Bed room Sets, Walnut Center Table3, Walnut Ex tension Tables,Dining TablesTin Bed Lounges, Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs, Folding Ohairs,Pine Mirrors from 75c. to $12,FJne Wicker Wood Baskets, Fine Wicket" Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt . and Nickel Door Mats and Rugs in many Colors and Sizes, and Window Shades, Etc, Etc. and I a oi selling these at tbe very lowest tied Rock Prices- md goods' er do Bale, . THOS. BRINK. Br are I, Yon are fooling depressed, your appe tits la poor, yoa are bothered with head ache, yonr are fidgetty.nervoai, and gen erally out of aorta, and want to brace up Brace up, bat not with stimulant, spring medicines, or hitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before, What you want la an alterative that will purify your blood, atait htaithy action of uveraua moneys, restore your viuuht. and give renewed health and strength. Sncb a medicine you will And In Electric Bitters, and only 60 cents a bottle at Fo ahay A Mason Drug Stote. THE POPULAR VOTE. The following is the official popular vote "Cast TOT nihW, States. Cleveland. Harrisor, Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illl.iois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota . Mississippi . Missouri Nebraska Nevada New I lamp. New Jersey New York N. Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island 8. Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Wet Virginia Wisconsin . Total..... Fike 117,810 85,96 7.729! 37.542 74.920 M4 35" 348,272 261,013 '79.877 102,738, i83,8oo 85.032 5M8 106.168 151.855' 213.404 99.664; 261,597 80,552 5.49i 43.358) 5M93 '48,336 396405 20,524 .446,934 7.530 05.825 '58.779 334.883 16,788 5.977 55.822j 57.197 58.752 124,809 50,766! 74.5S4 2,973 26,659 40443 370473 '63,361 211,598 182,914 55.I34 3o,7o 73.734 99.9j 183,892 336,270 36,354 30,096 330,52 10842 c 788 45,728 144,344 650,337 34.709 4o54 33.293 526,223! 21,969 3.740 138,988 8 ,28c 4 5 .92 5438i 78,100; 76,553 583 61 5.701 '.26 4.234 400 403 1,802 21,695 9.8s 3.550 6.779 5.235 127 2,69 4.76 8,701 20,94 15,000 218 4-954 9425 4 '592 7.904 30,231 3,787 24.356 '.677 30,756 ',251 f 6r75 4,740 1400 1,678 500 '4.277 5-534.S67 5.436,685 248,355 Cleveland's plurality over HarrIson,c.8,i85 A Washington telegram says that the Senate Finance committee will give a hear Ing to the manufacturers of guns and cut lery before passing finally upon that clause of the tariff which relates to their interests Upon the surface of things It would appear that these people had had too much hearing already, for the Senate bill increases the duties on their products to an extent quite unparalleled In. the present tariff schedules The duty on the cheapest breech-loading guns, now 35 per cent., i increased by the senate bill to 291 per cent ; on the next grade to 182 per cent ; on 'the next to 150 per cent but on the highest grade, those used by rich people, the duty remains un changed or is slightly reduced. On cheap cutlery the bill Is equally the following table wl I show : Present Proposed duty. duty table knives .... Costing 16 cents per dozen Costing 30 cents per dozen .-. . . ( Pocket knives .... Costing 18 cents per dozen. . . . Costing 31 cents per dozen. . . . Costing 48 cents per dozen . . . . Costing 80 cents per dozen.... Costing 100 cents per dozen.... Here again the discrimination is against the poos. Table knives costing $8 per dozen are now taxed 35 per cent The-bill raises the duty only to $ per cent. The same discrimination is made in respect of pocket knives ; the duly on four-blade knives, costing $7.20 per dozen, which is now 50 per cent, is raised only to 53 per cent. It Is to be hoped that the proposed rehearing before the committee will lye public. '55 100 303 35o 130 '50 '75 The Yaquina Bay will without doubt go to pieces, all efforts to get heroff the rocks having proved unavailing. It is not safe to attempt to run large vessels into such a sm,a!l unsafe harbor. Telegram. Yes, that kind of an attempt has been made several times at the mouth of the Co lumbia river and on more than one occasion was followed by disastrous consequences. SheifTs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State tf (re' gon,for Lium County. James Shirley. riain'iT. Clinton C Cole, ff II C,!f, It A Ctoptr snd Notice is h:rtby eivea tlat by virtue of an execution and or ler if stli iaacd out of the shove named art in the above entitle I suit, I will on f alarday the I9lb day af Jaaaarr, 1S3, at the Court flocsa door in the city of Al bany, Lion couuty, Oregoo, at the hoar of 1 o'clock, p. 111. of said day, ceil at public auc tion foi cash in band to the highest bidder tbe real propel ty described in said txecotioo snd order of sale ss follows, to-wit : Tbe southwest qsarter of the north arest quarter four, wtof tbe Willamette mciidiao, cou taioing forty acres, tnd situated in Linn couuty, Oregon. Also tbe f illoa ing premises.' Lot seyen iu Section thirty-six in Township nine, south i f range f ur, et of tbe VYil Umctte ineri lian, containing 51 85-100 acres, situated ia Lino county, Oregon, the two piecea above described coot 110104 94 85 100 acres. The proceeds aiiin from the aale of said premises to be applied : First to the psyniett of the coats aod dil,nr.nmt of suit Uied, 31 10, aad the accruing costs Second to the payment to tbe I'laioti(f, James soirlry the tun ol 101 with lotrreat thereon from meUCth day of June, A. !., 1SS8, at tbe rate of one per cent per mouth and tbe further sum of fOO Attorney fees. Third to the pa) ment to the IMtd .of, Clinton C. U.I the mm of f 1000 with interest I hereon from the 2-.h day of Jone, A. !., I8SS, at the rate t,f 8 per ccfit j-r annum. Da-td this 18.h day .f IVc- rn'icr, 1383. ShciiT of Lino Co., Oieg it . by D. S. Fumi, Deputy. 1 Jfl mm DEALER IN- COMING! COMING! Prof. Samwells celebrated carnival of novelties, whfh attracted immense crowds every day for three weeks in Portland at CorTs theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evenings Dec. 22nd, and give a matinee in the. afternoon. This show h&s the finc.t and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which Ms 21 inches high ; the great Blondin monkey : the schools of trained dog and trained goat separately and comtined perfprm such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. Particular attention is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, wno prays ier a i ; me leaping grey hounds, which, for long distance jumping. beat the world. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv ed seats, 50 cents, for sale at Diackman's, Prices for matinee, 25 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. - ANice Christmas Present -FOR YOUR GENTLEMAN FRIEND Would be a box of Julius Joseph's fine home manufactured cigars crrxe of hia fine meerschaum pipes. p8Call acd'see his fine stock of - SMOKERS ARTICLES. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS7" READ I hereby certify tint Dr. L T. Wnnru ha successfully operated on my ridgllng horee, IHAAC HAYS. For further reference in regard to rAr.' (OAs inquire of Wm. Petdraoo, Dare Pe terson, Lebanon ; John Hard man, Alfred noiverwn, Aioauy 5 earn uaines, 8cio ; Wm. Foster. Prloeviil. I nrantlna inary meaicine in Albany and country surrounding. Office and retidence corne 6th and Washington Sts. I. N. WOOfLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Choice Family CtRiO 0!Hi!R;I!Ej S Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices ? and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter aod Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS MID MAGAZINES NEAR THE P0ST0FF1CE, ALBANY,. OR. lolidai sEr CD) TTT AND Mrtists MAT E R I A S AT DR.CUISS & SOfcS. CHRISTMAS ! Don't Throw Tour Money Away buying silly little toys and gawgaws. Come around to our place of business and get something that will be of utility, both use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and it may help you to make up your mind what j 011 want, FOR LADIES. The vcrr best grade of Shears and Scis. W 1 T. . . . . . .. , p uoarui, jrocaei ivnives, curling Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Hnoonsof all klnds,Call Bells,Baby Carriages, Wring, ers, fancy sets of Flat Irons, Kitchen Grin J.tonci, new style Coffee Mills, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN. Carving Sets, Razor, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Gunn, Skates," etc. FOR BOYS. Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. FAULTLESS! 8Wtura Is faultless and so la that nobla discovery, containing only Na ture'a own ramadiea, "Tb" WW foe nunc caTcvV --i' fti sr. irruiiu c. r o WW, YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQOKby tha use or Pfundeji'8 Oreqom Blood Purifier. Quick and CompUtc Cera of all Diaeaaea of the Bldn, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checka Kheumatism and Malaria, nlievea Conatipation, Dyapepaia and Biliouaneas.aad put fresh energy into the ayatem by making; New, Ulch Ulood. Take It in time, right now, as it cannot be beat as a preventative 01 lisease. told and used everywhere. Si a bottle. 6 fat IX TAKE.IT NOW. A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. Graiai!i3 of.Oitipia.-yjSsriiipj uouege, Ipr3pr l t travt dUims of U do nieatlo an'm lis on sutia 1 principles. Residence and office two doors east o i Opera LTome, Albany. FOUND. For and made harness go to E, L. Power, Just tho dIico to cot Jmas tcinzs cheap and the latest art,! iaf hooks, tripods. thermometers, banner rods ind hat marks or c.-oxns painted to order. N 'ce oil paintings on band, just the nicest thiui yoa could Be lect for a present. Call and ate foe yourself Firtt door cast of Young's .ld stand, Notice to.. Stock-holders. NOT1CK la hereby given that tbe annual stockholders' meeilnir of tbe a r triers' and Merchants' Insurance Company of Albany. Oregon, will bo field at tne com pany'a offloa in the city of Albany, Ow gon.on VVednesday, January 2nd, 1689, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day for tbe purpose oi electing nine directors of aald company, to serve one yerr, and to transact such other business aa may regularly come before aald meeting. You are further notified that a motion will be made to amend section 1, 2, 3 and 9, of the by lawa of said company, and also to add to said by lawn additional sections 18, 19,20 and 21, a copy of which aald amend ments and additional by-laws Is on file with tbe Secretary in tbe Company's of fice. . Dated this 13th day or Deo. 1888. J, K. Eldbbkim, Secretary. on. GnVATSOFi nASTon Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the'Democrat Office. ' STEWART & SOX. Administrator's Notice, Notice ia hereby given that the under signed has buen dnly appointed by the Couo ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, administra tor of ihe estate of James Shields, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tba same duly verified to tbe undersigned at his office in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of tbia notice." Dated thia 27th day of October, 1888. ' II. Bryaht. Administrator of the estate of James Shields, deceased. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given, thit the nnl signed has been by the County Court r Linn county, Oregon, appiintad Adminiat tor of the estate of G. W. Warmoth, Sr., Ia e of Linn county, Oregon, duceased. All per sons that have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them dnly verified to the undersigned at llalsey, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from this date. This tbe 20th day of November, 1833 I. N. Wabmotii, J. K. Weathebfod, Administrator. Att'y for Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice la hereby given that the undAr. signed, tho Administrator of the estate of Samnel K. Duncan, deceased, has this dav f t .1 LH 1 T I . I r- J uiou uu uuuauuuuiu iu lui JOauly UOUrt for Linn county, Oreeon. and the aairi Court has fixe J the 7th dy of January, 1888, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m. rV said day to hear objections to the same and for the settlement of the estate. Ttils tne 20 to. flay of November, 1888, ti. M. PENKIKOrOX, T. J. SxirEB, Administrator, ; Attorney for Administrator. G. L. BLflCKfaUFJ, Successor to E. W. Lang-don, DEALKRIIN DRUGS. MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS. BRUSHES, ETC. -. For Fall and Winter -AT L E. BLAIN'S. RublDer Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea JackelsChiiicIiilla. Aslrachan Pull Lino of Duck Suitings, ALL (SHADES WOOLEN OVER SIII11TS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SII0E8. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Ltat but not least a large slock of CLOTNIHC AND FURNISHINGS mmfm RECEIVED FOR THE HOLIDAYS. NEW SMYRNA RUCS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS, NAPKINS TO MATCH, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. COLORED AND SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department. LADIES AND CENTS FANCY SUPPER?. LADIESAND CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CHILDRENS FINE SHOES AND SLIPPERS, FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. HOICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED CHINA . -TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AND SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS, LAMPS, . SALAD BOWLS FANCY PITCHERS- FANCY CUSPADORES CAKE DISHES AND A LARCE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA FOR THE HOLDAYS- Samuel E. Young.- Albany, Oregon. aT ar M mm MM ' 1C. lllll sjaia- Holiday Goods. Santa Class Headquarters. D. a JendiJ s'o:k of "Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al bums, PerfumerieSj Books Etc., Etc., cor surpassed ia tha Vallej. 0 V V- I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neoda't saj that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyea, and yoa plainly can ttee there's no flies upon roe. Via a little bit shorV both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you cm see I'm all there. I fiaule and I luugb, I joke and I cluff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where roy happi ness lie, so I'll tip and confess what you never could guess. A Rood thing to eat U alwuys a treat, which will make you aa sweet ss our sugar cured meat,makes you fuel so content with the mcney spent that you're bound to feel glad j and you oouldn'c get mad though a man just ai thin aa a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or -mean, just give W. & T. a show . to sell you right low, you ;will feel such a thrill of con tentraent until you'll . to enjoy more of that immense and you'll . Brnsa, by. buying - visions and of W & T wish you were fat For the feeling's slow your good groceiep,pro crockery sV Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. BARGAINS ! Firsi-class goods at bottom prices is wrat the public wants. TL-ese I have at my store 10 this city- Uooght at Bankrupt sales I can sell toy stock cf General Merchanise conaisting of diets goody, gcnts furnishirig goods, clothing etc, AT COST. Cashor"goodsjwill be fcidor all kinds of coantryjproduce.' fi W 8IMPS0M, Albany, Oregcs. GHAS. H. DODD & GO., IMPORTERS Or hardware, Iron, teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. FEONT, FZEST AND VINE STREETS, POSTLAND, OBESOIT. Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. " . lni. Double, or Trlpple Furrow. They are so simple and come so near absolute perfec tion, that those who have used them or seen them work can not say ttnough In their praise. We furnish them with or without seat attachment.; Beat attachments are extra. rowEia liiiFT STrzrz plows. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DtflLL. Cvtrkey o Hoe Tress Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders. Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior Grain Drills, Superior Seeders. CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . TSm latest Improved Implement for sowing summer fallow. The most complete and successful tool for this purpose In use. "Ya also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, , Platform, and other Spring Vehicles. v . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. ".avrcnoe & Cbapln'a Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pocine Fanning Mills, . IIAIBII BABB AVIRE. ETC, ETC. T SEND FOB SPECIAL CIRCULARS AND PRICK XJ5TS. IS. Tlirall Agent AhXbaxiy, Or.